The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 02, 1867, Image 4

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Loyal Georgian. fiV;Trrtffi ttlfttarf* 1 « arrant the cheering | t ,i,i. growing m>ps thin year , ; , ;i, t: qi ;:.■ 1 1 ! Oli'' mise, i , . .... i |» ;-i , hut we may : , - -.11,1 cri :u. abundant it(U‘Vt«t. j H.,< ire the in good condi-t many iit<- Lave .ben . , wiri, ; *tt:i, in nil pui't.'i "t the j were last year. The greaf i , : the Suuth also promisee j ,:j, i -on*. Li t in he thankful i 1., ioii-ij earliest >1 coming ] . iiiy .;• ! •,.. :u-<j ami union ; for, i, th ■ firmest bond- between the i!il: .. i)i fo,-lions ol tlie country are ti. • iiieit -jit'hig from the relations re ■ •»,; rotiin'e'TCUnr i'hila. \ ?n -i-vis J<. paper -av-- that at a j v., dding in that city “the bride 11 m! .hi Ititeit aiid joined hands i ..... ,i<i side* of a table, m the mid.Hr of the alt at - , on which was an ; .ii-.e . ..Vi I-... 1 with a wreath of A beam ifu! pyramid of How •i -re nded O', er their heads Inna .ill* ceiling.” ■ ,i ■,* ll jii' o! a m'H' tierinaii n in I'eli? as,laid sOMTIi! day'll Lotit'. off which ifeertsioh . , onnt of coins of various J • |..|.osit c ! for the enligllt ... .•.milk-eons thief lifted i tone ami -w,|i ill the coins i lie) elroui. < •.. . i.. ..I Illinois, hasealled .. -■ j. ai ..; the Stall Lcgisla .l Upringlield .1 nnc I!. Au ... ti objects ol the session is • i v ain w providing lor the I.- I ■-1 1 ... 11 " ill the National and t|.,i.. banks and blinking associations ~| the Slatr, ■ j':.. it ami side walls of a brick '■ i Hiv 1 I .oakville, bill May “Mth, .... ine.ii t\ltfi Were eating ; s oil tin- sidewalk near by. 1 . rr • alien out insensible ;Uld I, ini! alive. One ol , b- ij.iimtly had his leg ttmpti i.. in llailroad Rridgc No. ■ i < ..ntooefiok River, at Dtis » I-d , ,i, ,ii |-'i'herville, N. 11., was :-th May. The passengers hi I mer with only a few •in!i..s’ .]eU‘nliou, i brunch of tin Massrirhu bit ni t tie passed a liill jii'o -1 he uniting under one muni i .. ue unient the elite -of Boston , K . ti'ii'v An amendment pro - ilimit .the .(iicstiofi to the . ; - i.h rejected. ' SIGHTS BILL. ... „n r,, w ,„ in th. rlift',>t ' . ... <ltt.jl’h. unit Jot /,/.'/• tin . •■;/,./. !v.,.,7. ti Stnai, unit Hr. in. nj ■ ■.• /, in,:,;/Ann n.o and .. U’i 'Hell all person ■", ' ..iied S' a'. -. imd ii. a subject In ■ i-• |ml«i. ; 11,di,.nr not v a lie.cHMceian'il to he i iliwn.- "f •ae U Still - ill l • -111 h I’i.'ell.s, ■mi! "lor without regard to •!;.> condition e-f. kirely or inuil. .... ii 1 11 01, pi i■ i punishment for ue! Hie parly hull have lieen ... . ■■.!, -ilull him-the same right,in i 1 1 rriiorv in 111.: L will'd hhitijs. • -o l i'.iilruet ■. lo sue., he e mi, a aim', to inlii lit, mu' ;v i , . ‘d ', hold, eouvey reel uud I ■■ e an'! to lull klift e*iMid. , '! ! , .ml proieeilhr's tor the .o . ■ ole and ■ property. as is en , 1 11 I lv. M il!,;, eili/elis, amt siiall 'or slitl ; I'lnti liiii. in, pains, and penalties. •• vi "I;. .my iav . statute, ovdi "istoiii to the ron • ... :■ . a hli t : .Kj. -1,1 . . hid /■ ii, " . ... 'll/, That . v, ho, aide! i 11. I of ally law, ' ■aie. ■ intiit.-oiee, tcgitkllon. or lustom, ii:i;..i. ... i.iw " lobe sulijvi'tial, any ■ ■ no' Mute to Ten tiory lo tint . . . of in- ri'tlit si'chMhl or i>rolce i liillei'enl ;mii>slwi«int. ' ... i. i oiml of such"! jut ■ a .jiv '.me 1 'evil Jivld, iii a yrm ... . m'.ohmtai y -t:n itfiile, o.aii-hmcnt ol i rime vihereo! :a .. in ,ii duty vimvivlvd, or i if r me". Ilian is pre ., die iiiom Imienl "i while per . de. i 1 guilty of a misde .h.l ui eonviedim. dial! be pim . lie.'' one thousand "t Ml ill I|o! CXI VI ding one , v l ’i and, -i i ■ lion of the court. <l, That of dn l tiileii Siiile-. pi die >a-.o'ii Is. -liatl lulle. the .'ouefs ol the several • •■••• ••! all i rimes and ottenecs ■ - It" provisions of ibis art ■'-..1 i\ witli I lie eiretiil courts . s>;;. ... ol all eallses, civil and ■ p o.a- who are denied 'la . courts of judicial or locality where they ... u n ~ieu,. dlo Ih l '.u by . .. .a ’iu- .at; and if any suit ] .. ie- i I muiinai, hits been ;• .tmeeneeil in any Slate court, ... aeh pt'tson, for anv oatise mains! nil otlU-er. civil or P. die'. !'• Ison, for any arrest or j • i.• iri a‘, tn spasses, or wrongs done or | .’• 1 • \ir:ue or under color of an- 1 .an t'-e.-i ai I . : the act v- , ■ ■ I. ui fi.r die is lief of rreed- I ,n0 .ill nets amendatory : • • - lU'ing li. ui any act ujkiii ivoitld 'k inconsistent i .. ■'i ! .aula'll siiall have Ihe ' oe t\ i ;r;a’ for trial to the I eitvuit eottrt ill the | lo ' Aet relating to 1 •r ml teguhtting jijdii ii.l . er 'at eases.” approved i ''■ 1 i ’ i'.unftved end sj,,y | nmtdati ry dr. roof. Tin' | ’ and criminal inader- ; ili- : "ill ein ei; "i I l vhM >!ah rdt be ,•> r- j n and in eonforini'i with the ■a | ■ and • m-ates. far as such . ■ to any the santv itito a- '' here •He h laws an .a .d.i.u li tiMhe u : i rt. or tee deficit mt in j di. pr>;vt-..i ns ue,"Ss,i yt" turnish suitable I • lie 1’ • "Ho em i !s o'leaies against, lav I "vatilUx! mu! ehaugul ■ by the emr-1 itU'ioo owl stat',t! ; .1 the Wnc | wherein the court lmying i'4'k*h' 1 " ■ 'hi i uitl*. civil or criminal, i.- held. ." hu He I same is no! it.em.i.! o' wiiii tie (‘onMiimii.n j and lavs of lln- l.’n)U.'tl b,la ,! . shall fe.j extefnled to and govefn -aid muds in 1L -p trial ami dipo-ilinn of i arise, and j if of a erineua! natiu,", in Hr inllii-i u "1 i pUfttsliTni'iil or 'lie part;, found guilty. till di '! 'll ts. 1" .:' a.a. " d'-p; j inarsliujs ol t m f He "oi« j niisui' i' i ",.p... '. tcr-i i ritorit: i ■-... -f and- i'A ■ i •■«»- - v.iii | powe. •of a... -"U . imp! i'ini, j "and j joftendiis ic.i.ii • . f.<- of 'he. t ! Htnti- tie ..Hi' louli'l .•l.eitiste "' f' ! im n’s liurea.i, .:• • • "via , "dra ! intiy be -peeialli ..i* i den! o! the l '.it. ' Stoii u'el i they are lii'icby. -p'-Haili " i!'"ri!t"< : a v - qttlri.'d. a! the mipenso of Hi l n'e.T: ' to inKtitUtc proe. idm.' ; v j prison who -ball vud"!-- He j' act, and cause iiiin m them to t-- a, -' ' tiiul imprisoiieft. or bailul tm the ' tia;y • he. for trial* ateli eoiut ;da < I Stale.- or territorial ■■ ui"- ■- by an- a- i ling eogni/ance ol the ofh-nri And wilh a view to affording rea-onahie tiniiei iioti to | jail persons in their ■ "it-, ill"' , ii.iu.l rrf equality hefor. tin law, vad.i.w -1 i -1 1 ■ | lion of fftei.! or cplor, or previmii .'ofiilidoii I of slavery or involuntary ... • -. . ar n punishment for crime, wlm.i •: 1 tyshail ltavi been duly con •: t-1 f• the prompt di a harye of Ihe ditties of ti i uct, il shall be the duty of Hu i.mrl ol tile United Slat, s lid Hi" -. pei ii a eoi,i' of theTerrit'>d' .ol I'm I’niii'H SP.m , ■ ■ 111 time to time, tiyieei'eaia'tin nujube: "I • r mission' i.-, so as to ul'tonl a pud and eon venient means for tin • i.•■ -1 .-.i . i r.di • lion of piTson- chaigi d* u id. . vioUei.ii t 1 this act; and aeh rs ire eeril.e ; aillliori/.eil and leqniri'd 1 1 . is t■ ' - .m ldi j ■ charge all Ihe cower- and dMie- r--d j on them by thi- ai'P a- Hu " ale authorized ; ;by law a. ■\i i-' i.-i r. i'li i ■ de . \ :i.min«t lie lav- o' tin I nito-.0l .Stale.-. j SlsC. ■*>. .Imlin ■' fn/tfn, ./..<■ .sc IP:" p .•ltall hu Ihe duty oi dl m.u-)i a- and '!' p'v" inaishals to ulm'v ami 'Mr'ii" wtc-m:- and prt ilpi • Mini mall id' P" •. : .:. : | this act, when In them dire, led and demld any marshal or deputy marshal o p . n, ... reive such warrant o; ,1 l.i r mo. .- - ~ . n ntlered oi to , all )<e»| e it •an illlitrelitly to "X eeule He ai.r :• shall, on cimvi'.liou Hu.o-.1, n. fitied i" tin sum of one Ihou ,and dollar In 'I|IM!.'C ' ! the iKTStm 11)1011 whom iln accuse.! e dli;. •.1 o, Uave eommitlod lln olhta:. A ltd the H. " m lo enable Ihe Ntid eomim-sionei - io wem.. their dm it faithfully and vlllciendv. "■ .on fonnity with the Constitution ol the lAdnm Slate- :uul th rcumiremente oi thi: am. .aa arc hereby aullauized . nT. mpiov.i ivd. nidi in then munlics i, .pi i •'.eiy. to pp..;n:. In wi'iliny. under tlicir hand:, me na oi more snilalile persoi - irom time to ’,imo. to execute all sir !’ it enaie ■ ala! "Ih'" pmei as limy lie is-U'd by I hem in lie, law nil p. • fol'niancc of their rc.sprri e ■ ditlitv ; am! ’’a person.- ,i apphinfi'l !■■ cveetili vvarr inl mpiO' " a- ulitri ail! -nail in.'e nUthotil-. in tiiiiiimn)i and ail t■. tlicit .0.l th" hyslii.idi'i or puss coin''. " ol lie proiter eoulil i ~r Mich portion di- i uei , lmvui fir 1 'miei! i'c " , i iln I mUtlir, as In:" !, ", oi s i! ■ ', 'il, perl n ■nance If the duty with 'lie. I. eharjrwl, and to in ijx- t lei;' of tiuryla .t lie C..n li'iei.. • v hit"; ti' loi.ii -!.."'• ill run am! be ''.in " • in il„v- u .\ where in the is tab " Tirtitor*. u ul.'iii ohi a. ; hey are i.-t "t and) Skc. <1 t h /'■ id. , ... t-.t. \ any perwm who shall Itn.'W'"s’ly i I " I fully ol: ! mi't. hindis .orpi n ,au »,,v • i!i■ ar. or oilier pel'.on efi.e yeii i. ii.ii Ih" ;\< a rt I [of tmy v arrant . r p ,v e -UI and mW.;■ \ I proviso I ! till. . , ■ I sons law 1 Ully aasc lin;; lull! fhua. Idoln | arresting ..a; won It.r who,- ap|ii'e'.„'o a.m j slich variant rr pr .vir-s, li-.v hair l*i a I i-atlcd, or ■ ha:! usetu* or aicsot!! to iroii j such pnr.-on from die'.io .f the oitna r. j .ilhin'j!H‘-.' , ii or ii r tt.o . isuiult, j ‘hunt lo thi .".itlii.riH iu ieiii jji'.'i a anil de {wi airi-steil ii ■ sid.die.. ,b • iih.'iH l•" i'"'api Horn til, 111-!."il '' "Ilf oilier ])i :-• 'ii .i■ i. ‘ . o' jor siiall lain I'll’ .1. ’. ' .ii. ! arrost a wai... "or ; . .. '.do., i" , ; j issued a -•■ •- I pi. ■. m . , eovvry and op .-i Hui ! ..m■ ii.. . of tin P . I dial a M".an! ha: ! , n j -VI the apprehension , a. !, ... . ■ ,|t. til lit rol -aid .Pun i he "m. ■ ■ ! ■ . in hot hna 'ii.- : .in" dob." o, In . prismnen l not is : Ar dietment ar.d e.mvi,s,.ui , Sc ■: -He I court of lln United S:,, 1 to: Hr • :r>. w hich said offence ma; lane H e tin,met led, or Ik foie lie p. ~ c 1 it .: :> ivi; i jurisdiction, :1 :,.n;i .iPod v, loin ~ • ■ .f die ormuiw.":! I ■ iria,,„ ... ; Plates She 7 .!■„/ A V : -A- 71.;.! Ihe dislrU" atl.-nuy., tie c.gflfr ds. dico dejmtic .. and Ha i1; rl- ~! He «... . .. -n, i. and territorial court- shall be paid m :!uu service.- tin fiki fi-e.- a- may be allowed ; i them lor 'initial or-.d a. ■ ( and ill all ea.-i s \vhen th, pro. mdin.;' are del op. a i'omtni.-sion"i, e 'sill Ih "''d. .1 P - ! , of ten dollar-in tub 1,.r 1i- -tail. :■ each ! case, inelu.'iu of all y: vie-- in. id<' -■ i, ;i i arrest and exambmlioii The pc: o, jua j sons authorized to execute lln process to !,„.- ! by commissioners for the of olTehdei /main-1 Ihe urovisio -of this j aet shall be entitled to a P‘o , i Ii i dollars for each person he or th y mai arrest and lake Ue.fori sin'll i emini-: em, r ... alof. -mo ! with such Othci fees a- may'.e liyitierl rea j sonahle bv such eommis'iimer sot -iicli otliftr j additional seniee- a- may A, i:c e—arily , performed by him oi them, ill, a.- aucti j ding at the .•xamea.l: "t ki-.-pi'.ig i;e prisoner iu custody, uni pnividir,,’ him i wilh food and lodging during his de1,■!,:•,.... : and until tin.- liu.d deniraination el sm , | eouimi—ioiur. and :u genera! !, 'loi-ninr i such other ihlii"s a-ma-, l»c ri'qii'.i' ,1 ie :!:,- ! premises; -mil fees 111 ill maili up 'a ,-e ! forillil \ wilh tile fee" U-u:d!\ "liaigl 1 ' .' j Hio olln its of the reiii'l.- ! ,ie. "n-a v :!;;i. :a. I proper disttiel or otmly, as*tu a a- may | pincticahle, and paid eat ,1 U-i idnasuiy.H ! the United States on the cerdticaie of’thi ■ judge of Hi, district uphill whi, h the trivsi .is made, and to N- recovciablc from tl.t* j defendant .is part of the judgpu tit in e ,-c . convict ion. I Sue. tt. Amt "• It I'tirfJtn Thai ! whenevet tin iTc-idem ol (.'iiitoi 5, : ,;, . I j shall have reason ;.i lvlicv" that olleiuvs I ; huve I H'e!. i■; aiv i.!aa; '. is eommi u ! against tin provision- o this -."i wuiiin' j any judical ili-triii. : : -hmi !«• H« for ' | him, in his ihseieliy i !■, ,11.• -t Hr judge. ! marshal. and di-trid aM. mw Op -m ir-j ! district . I 1 alli ed :. f suc’n phiee ivithir.-j j tile di.-irict. and for such tim, - !n j tuu;.i Uelginp,, io* i he pur I ','si utiuu ‘ speedy any- and trial •" pevisi n*. eke : with a v cbtlion m !hi- w p :i;;,i a j Ihe duty of every ju.ig, other'er I When any o teu-t- •• iv. • ‘by him io allend a ;iv pin tin ; , ilmg tiient "■ . ;g". ' -i ; may oiiijiom• •• to; ... =•• : i 'itch pap ol tin • m nav, ; ;..f. • j ei.'sot' tin 1. idled >; "i " t)> • .oil": Si. Ift .lie' T.. fnrtl.rr That upo j ;«u ot oi Inw alining in any i ausi ... r tl"..'t> : '»'i»iißi#of i.Si.- act a final ,ppe..l ii.ay Ts ISfiniTc flic Sniircmc Court ot tlw LaubW iTtal-.'a. »» *- . . CIJI V.AEr: COLFAX. S;.e A 'At lift [701130 01 Tfrf)#*cnt:tTlV'‘« r.A FAVK l'm S FOSTKH. I r. ail lit of the Senate, pro tewnon. i., ti. S. 'jffiti V.’Uctl Hbdrx, AjiriiO, IW’ Tin-I*. ;.‘|'lft'ftTtW> united State-' having ri til ne-1 to the Senaitr; tfr Which it origin,. tell. H*' liflf Afciet to jmotect ail ja r. . i- in Ih, l niiep, sKitcs in tlicir civil ligli!:-. :m" tT,* 1 fnnrti* Af theii vitali eatioe ■ 1 noobji .lion thereto. titcScnaUr i prjK ii Hi and. ,u ihummSux o' the Conftitutior. ! ii r. blisider tile same; rtbd. //. c Tint! the -ilia bill do pass, two tliirds i the sienafi agi'i'eing to pa-s Hie same. , S test .7 IV FotISEV. ■si-lewof • ! tie.) "ell.i!- J. I til 'll.-/. >t ot' fop ft*, itnti.'t. IL is ij„ u !i//., i.yy; ■j , ■ ifoftw .f'7#iwiilwf eeci " . iu jell eauei-.0l lie (V.iis!itii!i"'i. to rctoi: fie" ‘ die 'id enti'Ujjl An act. lo pro lee' ah fa.| Jtfih" Unihal Slate, in their j ' ivd rig Ip i. and £ttmt.vh th" means of their ' T.iii oiruiMs! to tin-Semite iiv the j i tli , ot tie I unfed Ststtos. with his ole I ject ns . .al si ui uy tlig Seintle lothc il.MiH of Kepi ’ '"ntative-. win) Hie iup..-age of Hie I‘n id". •• till i UU lull J• '1h.,1 Hi, MU ft,, pa-" IMO-li.irds of,the iiiiU.-|;oi Uepreseat five- aglv. iry lo pus- 1 same A"..- ! KmvATW'MrHnsitaox.< lerk. o' 1 vi'vx Ih OYII, UT.ii ! clerk. S.econst ructiori Tim fidluving is r. col rt-ft onpv ol tlie act “tti pn rnjf hu tin- mere efficient go i eminent of 'ln rebel Sfatm : Whereas no li gal Btafu governtnenui or adeipjhfc protectioji for lift nr property now it the iiihei States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolioß, Georgia, Mis'i-ioppi, Louisiami, I'lovula, Tev:i ' and At-Vtinme : arid whereas it i« nee ss i"' that ffcisca and good order rlmuld be enforced in .-aid St.iti'i until loyal and rejuililtcnn State .govimiUit-Pts can lie legal .iy "siaiilirtied therefore. /> ?' < mitlt-J hjf. the SeiitUc and Houtr | of lir.fn rsint.tiircx of tile f r nif.d States-of j Aim Ufa oi Coagri a auyabled. That said rebel States Him!! he divided into mil itary diHtricta and made subject to the j military authority of tho United States, an | her dnaftcr prescribed, .and for that pur pos Virginia wliall eoiuitituto the first dis trict . North Carolina and South Carulitm 'lie sHComl district; Ooorgia Alabama ami Florida tlie third district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district; and Louisiana ami Texas the fifth district. Ski . :A AnUln it Jar theo evaded, That it shall he the duty of the President to as sign to tlife command ol each of said dis m officer of the army, not below the rank <•(’ brigadiur geuural, and to detail a siifheu-nt militorv force to enable such t fli"' r to ptalorm his duties and onforeo his authority wttirirx the JkLiut to which he is assigned. | Ht.v •'! And be it furiltn enii.-Ul, That j it siiall lie tlw duly uj e.ielt officer assigned ' tr .uuiesuid.tu protect ali persons in their 1 rig, - oi person and property, to suppress | insvi 'i '-tion, disorder violence, ;uid 1 to iwinUh, or cause to he punished, all dis tin her-- of lb" public peace and criminals, an .’ to this- "ud he may allow local civil tribunal > to take jurisdiction of and to try ofieiiduis, "V, will"! in hu< judgment rt may he iu" i" ‘tuy sot *he trial of offenders, he j sliaH imv.; poivitr to organize military com j miiciiti.r in triiiunals ior that purpose; ; tui" interference under color of State nntit«rii; ivith tlie exeroiae of inilftorj ati j thnriti •)infer thi act flinll be null aud 1 void. Sri: 1. Aml la a./ .reacted. That 1 all pertains put under military arrest by vi* * of I his net "t.iii be tried without tin . liw sw; df|s.v, iwu’i no ci t’d or unusual , pni.u-diim-ni shall He iuftisted ; ami no sentence and .'iny HuUfnrv conniusuion or ' tril'tt’.ra byreby antlim..wn | i affecting the life oi liberty ol ans person, shall he ex* cut,’ll "dll it. is approved by the officer IU | command ol ihe district, aud the laws aud i ntgulatuips jbi Uic o 'evci'uiu nt of tlfc army shall not he iTcoted by this act, cxbept in so lar as they conflict W’.t!i it* provisions ; ; /’ n't Jed, f’hat no sentoneeef death under j the nt "visions of this act shall lu* carried into effect. tiiUmut. the approval of the ; I’ltanideUt. !*' t... t,c It, Jar liter rin.tid. That when tin- jteop!,; ol any cue of Said rebel I States shall, huvp foirncd a mmstftutiou ol govornmont in conformity with the Uanati ; t lit ion "f the Unit.ud States In all respects. ■ framed bv a convention id delegate* elect -1 ed by the malo eitixens oi said Mate I wen 1 ty-'iuw years old and upward, of. whatever rice, eiftof* or | revinns condition who . lutrU TieCtt resldertt in s»bV State for one j year prov' n* to tha rhtv ■of such election, 1 except such as may h, di?tranchi*ed for parfivipatiim in the icbeltiofi'or tor felotiv at cmnui"n law, md whoa such constilu i Mon shall provide • hat the elective tr.inelnse shall be enjoyed by all such person* a* have the qualifications herein stated for elections of tUdegatou, and when such oon stjtutnm Khali he ratified by a .najority of the per'vm, ■ fouVig on •}.* qncstion wf ratifi cation "iii.' . ijnalitied as .electors for dalegaies. an,; ivil-'U such ooustitntion shall bfi\e"b.on snhmitted to Congress for ex amination and npptevn], ■ l ,j,t Congrcs* ahau ! i>. approved the same and when said State a vote ol i!» Legislature ele' T'! 'inde: said cull-tun lion shall have adopted tlie ami ndment to tho Constifu tie'! ot the l fitted .State*, prnposotl by the Thiitv-iSmtio t.ongross. and juntoo as article fourteen.' anu when s.ud article siiall have become ti port, of tire Constitution of tlie tii .1 .states, -aid State siinii lie de clared entitled to repreaentation in emi gre"-. "id Senators and Representatives shal! be adniittod therefrom tin their taking tlie , nth proscribed bf lav and then and MU,, idur Jjm ..piSL-Ce-liug section* Ilf this bII si, 111! ,1, luoptraitvo it: said State; /’ •" That no nerson e.xchtded fioai tht privilege.x»f iintdaig otliee by said jirc po.-ed ijui ailmont ;.i ihe ( onstitution of Hit United St .toH ahal! he olfgiblo to elec -I,on is a n,i labor ui ;ho Conventicn to frame >i i .utuion for any of said rohel At a" ". nor "H".i: way such person vole lor month u? t atd ijiin ieufiou Up' ' ■ .vi " '.i furw. r'rfi-jet ‘oo’, That uni ; *,"• tn ...pie ." said reitei States shall he he.r nd.tettud io reprosomation in the : >" : 'ho Ui: > utos, anv gw-fernmi nt." wtd.'i. mav exist therein sh.t ; - provisional onlv. aud in ai! rospocw sohj'ct t» the puramount. au tliotity oi lln im,. 1 States at any time to tib".: Hi taoddv. <y.-!troi, or supersede the same ; and in all oloction« to any office under »ucl) provisional governments all persons siiall he entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under tho provisions c>f the fifth section of this act; aud no person shall he eligible to any office nder any such provisional government!) who would he disqualified from holding office under the provisions of the third ar ticle of said constitutional amendment. To the Republicans of the Union. The National Union Committee appeal.' to tlie Kcpublitiitis .very State, for their ..-si "tiuice ami co-operation in this auspicious c-risi- of bur country. V.> <H:em il "t the highest important'" that tin Kepttlilictitis of'itch State should imnu"ti.itclv reorwaniz, lor the remaining elections of ltjti~. prcpurktory to the com ing Presidential contest. Especially shtmld this orwani/ation I" immediately effeclcl in those State- which have never before recognized ;e tlie only just basis ol govern ment tlie equMl and inalienaldc riwhts of man. Not a day should he lost in forming and strengthening within those States a public centum nt iu consonant " with tin priiiiipleH which underlie the great Political organization to which we belong. To this cud, w-e desire to prosecute a systematic anti thorough canvass of the Southern States, by the most efficient speakers of both luces Wc would second thtii efforts by a distribution of docu ment.-. .'iifouing du principle-, policy and aims of the Republican party We would < all, in every locality where it i* possible, meetings for discussion, where those v. iio are with us in principle may learn to act with unity and enenrgy. Those measures are required to bring out th" vote of that large body of Republican Unionist., who now render the Southern States it battle-field of principle. It is the pressing need ol the hour that Iraki, judi cioit-t and able men, thoroughly intbued with our creed, should there explain our principle.-, establish our faithfulness to them and prove that national greatness and human freedom depend upon the pci manent triumph of our cause. lJeyoad this, it is mo t essential that wc should now establish in those States, Free Thought, Free Speech and a Free Press. Every part of this Republic must bo open to the discussion of principles and measures. This must he sustained, as a cardiuai point in our creed, at any and every hazard Efforts to intimidate the humble anti ignorant voter on tkc part of the Southern planter must be met with the spirit of freemen, and the determina tion w hich a just cause sanctions. In time past, the Republican party has struggled against the unjust reproach of being sectional in it- .am- and character, though il purposes and its means of effec ting them were »nch us tin. father- of the Republic approved. It was accused of being governed by selfish motives, and of desiring to aggiaitdize the North at the expense of the South Its adversaries, hairing the power to silence and to crush till opposition,, denied all discussion, and overawed even freedom of thought in fif teen .Slates of tin. Union It is, therefore, now and imperative duty, which wc owe to our party'and to ourselves, to embrace tin or-! opportunity of truly "''presenting to th«>se A*"ten how consistently we have contended for the interests, welfare and freedom of the whole Union. The overthrow of Slavery and tin Re bellion, and tlie enfranchisement of the freednten, rendering this overthrow se cure arid, final, have happily vindicated out course imt organization. but it is ueccs-ery to tamp the conviction of our loy lily ami fidelity to the right, irrespec tive of-set ti'Kg or race, upon the recon stru< ti ll Solti For till- fii-t. time in mail', years, the riitliUsiastic followers of <mj flag in Ii onfi-"•!.'of our faith .ue there taking patt in the popular gatherings, and i, many of the Southern States, ue have reason to tieliev, they form a de.'id t majority Th"v .ire, however, without ,'i:;aiiiz.:f!oii, and lack the co he- on and di cipliu. ne* e*sary to *ueees*. Thiee-ffuntils of tlie Republicans have naver voted, and have no practicable knowledge ol' Ui" means whereby the popular will "\pve.-cd. With many ot them, the li.tbii is fixed, of rendering implicit otH’dience to able ami dexterori- who tire implacaltly hostile to <>ur principles tnd determined on tli« prostration "four cause. Out immediate action is therefore iin p. rativ.. He cannot deia\ without im peri ling all tor which so much has been sacrificed in tin past. Confident in out strenolh in the North, the West, and the Pacino .State*. \vt mn-t not forget that we have a great duty to perform towanl the loyal and true men ol the South. ii'eptiblicatw! on; appeal is to you. jo j carry mu autl sitHain tlicvvqrk which a j few loyal and true men h.ivt ko nohlv hc gll" Wc cannot a-k speakers, in addition to giving tlicir time and talents for months to tlii- labor. " defray their own necessary cxpcHst We cannot print and distribute document* of the cliarat ter required with on' a heavy nutbt \\ ' have no mean* or reliance except upon the generous spirit of that giiat party which holds the claims of Humanny amt Freetlont above all price. The patronage .t fin Government brought into power by the tatesmanshin. the i courage, and ! lie 'oyaltv of that party, will not aid usm this good work. We imt-i. tin- refote, appeal directly and personally to you. If you are ricli. Vive generously, Ii poor, scud us whatever you can afford. The generous purpose anti tnc nobit aim sanctity the humblest et t.U't- At all events, act promptly, and iet ns feel that tho sympathy of the Repub lican party is with US in our ptirpost- of making tin-g!, :,! l-md the home of true Kt'PtU' t' in priu,ujilis. were distinctions of race ami "o’ioi ire unknown, ami where Lioe.'iy ' ii'tt i and Inte,nigcuce from tlie enduing !>asL* of our greatness and pros, peril). Atuii'.-s letters and contribution- to Gov. Maucus L. Wakb, Chairman and Treasurer, Kcv- tirk, N J M.UiCt s TANARUS, V, r )iii, N. J, is.'Mrm. A PriivtAKCE, I'a Willi., ". (.Tuh n, Ma •h'lntf-B. Ct.vttk. N. 11. iIOHACr. Giit'.Ki EV. N. Y. ■ t it- ti,ti:l;. , Conn. N L. S.wtTHEtis, Del. H. W Ilo' t max. Md. Executive Committee 'of titc National knwt Con: Mv- Tori, May 10, 1307. * j" the UepijWicau journals arc re qii.- te ■ to uni! t«.. second this appeal. m LOYAL GEORGIAN, A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED AT AUGrU ST A, Or KO . T Eli M S : Daily, }xir annum - - - $6 00 Daily, six months - - - •* Daily, three months - - * * '’ ,l Weekly, per annum ... ;5 00 Weekly, six months - - - 1 ?.> Weekly, three months - • - lOn THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. It was tho first ii, the State to advocate the broad principle of “ E(>l AI. RIGHT'S FOR ALL;" it vindicates the doctrine of the supremacy of tin National over State Governments ; it unqualifiedly denounces Seckssiox a* not only unconstitutional, but inherently hostile to, and destructive of, all Democratic Republican Govemmenls; it maintains loy Congress, as the body duly appointed by our form of government for Nat ional legislation, the right, and duty to, at all times, so legislate as to vindicate tlie honor and prowess of tlie Nation. It will advocate the early reconstruction of the States on the platform laid down by the “National Lit ion Republican Party.” o » - THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF THE OFFICIAL ORGANS OF THE GOVERNMENT l\ THIS STATE. It will publish the LAWS enacted by Congress and till GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGNATED THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. It w ill, therefore, be found to contain the most general and complete infer mation respecting these important interests in our midst, and will from time t<> time be liirnislied witli able and interesting Communicationa from tin best Educators in the State. o A Family Newspaper. While devoting considerable space to the discussion ot tlie great political questions r,dating to the times and section, we shall reserve space for sue! miscellaneous Educational and Religious reading as will make the paper at tractive md profitable to all. We shall scrupulously guard against the inset ti"n ot anything tending to demoralize th" litorals of Home and Society. <*' tite other hand, we shall aim, through every appropriate means, to stimuhri" to study aud good morals. Book and Job Printing. M e have just been to great ex j tense in furnishing our Office with the te 'pushes for doing HOOK AND .TOR WORK. M c are now prepared to fill any and every description of I‘LAIN LN’D FANCY' JOR PRINTING. Y\ e solicit business ol this kind, promising despatch in execution, ncatn-es in wot kmaiiship, and at rates the most reasonable. A cl and r e s s : LOYAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, AUGUSTA, CKO.