The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 09, 1867, Image 1

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€l|c Utaito Copl Ifeirgktt,,, Via Wa ‘ VOL. 1. The- Daily Loyal krarKitm. Augusta. U.V.. •!UXK ! sc,;, ol'Tft UAL OUGAX V. S. GOVERNMENT. PUBLISHED EVEUY MORNINO HV Till! LOV.U. (tEOUOIXN mtLltrilll VG ASSOCIATION. .1. K. lih'YANT - - Editor. TIKIS. !'. LEA lil) - - A sent. i 'ilm c, iii n ,n < i (i lobe I Intel. < oilier of Jerk-op mid Ellis Streets. Att.s;««tts Georgia. tlit; ms ok st'iist ii n* no\ : rent daily. One Year Sli 00 Six MnnMir :i 00 Three Month!* S 00 FOB WEEKLY, One Year... SO 00 Six Mouths 1 75 Three Mouths I 00 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. SIN* LKCOPY, VIVE CENTS KATES OF Am I.RTISiVO. Oue S*111;ux: ohm!.- ten line.- of million til' l 1 S(|U:ire 1 time.. 5 7.5 1 “ :> •” I ■£> 1 “ 1 “ if ts j " 1 week i! 00 1 •• 'I “ 500 . 1 1 mouth S 00 1 “ S " Ilf 00 1 “ if " . 1.5 00 1 “ ti “ SO 00 1 " If “ IS 00 A deduetioii xvi! 1 tie made lor ijn.irLe: half or whole columns. Address. “Loyal (ieaiyrisii," Key Box' 100, Augusta, (in. A.l! eounmtnieatioiis On jnililieufion must lie written only on one side of the paper, and ae 1 compnnied with the name of the w riter, \Vy will not publish tin name, unless the writer j wishes u. to do so, tint wo. must have if, Us a, tpl.tin litre of the truthfulness of the artielc. I’ld.NTiTs’ l'li'-N’ic. -We are nt'ali lio'l lo diiiintmoc tlihf llu printoi • of litis oily- siio jitililk's most Imiulilo j .-'Oi vniits —Jinvint; no otliov lime to on-j •f.ioo in jiio nios. iitivo ileioi iiiinoil to ! .lovoto the ootniii*; Fourth of July in | ;i jovial pie uio or reunion niinnitf themselves. A olftss that labor as (liev i!i> . d.'iv anil uiyiit for flic jrralifn-:i tion of the pulflie, should ltstvr :i "■;tl iiering at least onoo a year, where (hoy can enjoy themselves to their lio.'irt’s ooiitonl. From January to January they are most assiduous in their attention to duty. Wltiir tile world around them is occupied with amusements of various kinds, they uro busy at their type. While tin’ •community is ijtiietly reposin*;- on their dowto. i-ouelies, the printer is keeping vigil at his Cut otl\ front till society and ciijoynient save such as tlnir sedentary occupation affords, it is fitting that a period should bo fixed at which they nifty come together with their families mid little folks and endeavor to get ae-; <|ttaiiif(‘d with each other. Who, then, under these eirettmitanoes, would deny to them so much satisfaction as; one day’s enjoyment can afford? Or, rather, who is not willing to adopt •i lie prayer and language of the poet: "Ileaven send Hie useful printer Every conifer! mortals need ! I’m our niyiii- were dull in winter I Lid w not Hie new- to read. rtee him ! lioxv extremely Imsy, Finxeriii" type before the case, ToiJin" till lie’s almost dizzy. To exalt the liiuiiim race!” Chron A: Sni/ind Our Atlanta friends are boasting ot a iptan y of gneiss rock near that city. The Fra says : This ijuavry is a little over a mile from, and southwest of the centre of the citv. Its extent is unknown, but: Messrs. Harris t fc Cos. own ten acres, and it runs into a hill which cover six or oi'dit acres, the hill rising to an ele vation of some fifty or sixty feet from tin’present base or tloor. Its extent southwardly over the adjoining laml no one knows. Yesterday afternoon the workmen 1»x’ one blast split oil a block tiity-seven feet long, five feet wide and four left think. The rook has a beautiful face, j much of which will work without In ing worked at all, and splits as evctify j as a plank. Tie Judiciary Committee, which has for months been examining the charges against the I‘resident, lias dwided. bv a vide oi live to four, that impeachment i- not justified by the ■oi.-i- ()f the seven Republicans, four w.-ic in favor of impeachment. Hut die iiopiiry resulted in a vote ol ecu urc, seven members ot the Committee : declaring that Andrew Johnson w guilty of acts which merit the condem nation ol the people. — ,\ >. 7 < AUGUSTA, GA„ SUNDAY MORNING, JUNK !>, 1807. UIIAITKK ANNUL An dirt * ••!.. r fi”uinbirif* of \he ffitt'f 'f A rrndn. Jh it '.'"tied hy the «S one' Ihn'sv "J lit ttn v- rc.y { t'Ut'ti Sto.t< ,x.-;’ rim in- Cut>! y/v-v' --f.ssf mhUdy That, us provided for and con.-cmted to in thg constitution* of the State of Xevnd.i all that territory and tract ,of land adjoining the present cusiern Umn ■ dary of tin- Slaie of Ncvadu. :m»l lying be s uveen the tliirly •• ! 'YF , iilli ami Univ-second degtiw <.j north latitude and v.vM of the longitude west <p ’VYadiingtou, is ht-iehy added ij and lmidr part oj' the Nia.te of Nv ; vnda. Sia . J Air' it fill il',< , ~(■!( Tllilt there i> added to and math' a |) p u( of tit* Stair '<l A'ida all ’ r.ricnl of irni ton lying wiiidii the folknvinir lK)imdai*es, ! lo wit: on the thirly-seventh d.aivr «»i' north la iit no, at the thirty-seventh degree of lon.aiimli* v.e.-t frt-m Washingion ; and running i hence '•uihon -; ii < t degree of' longitude to the middle of the liver Colorado jof tlu West ; thence down the middle of said ih'T to the eastern boundary of the Siate of f'aiifoi ilia: thence nortlr-veslerly along said boundary t t’alifornia t. the : thirty-seviaUii degree of i’-orUi Inlitucie , and 1 lienee em . -aid degrtr of latitud to ! the poied of : Vroidu! rim: He . termoty iitetiUoiuil i:i iiiistevdon shall not beet .ns-* t • *ait «•!' the Slat: of Nevada until ; vaid State .■'hall, t.hrougii its legislature, eon ent ti ereto. [n(l Tliat all posse,ssory right- :ie*|Uired by tUj/.ens of the United Slates to mining elaiim, diseoveretl, 10e.0.-d, ami originally reeorded in eompli ance with the rule- anti regulations adopted by miner.'- in Ilia i’alt Kanagai and oilier ; mining di*irie:> in the Tevriiot v in -xporo ted by flu. j>rovisi’Hi »>f tbN net into tin- Stale of Ne.vada shall remain a< valid sub . isling mining claims; Vad, nothing here in contained siiail be so eons!rued as. granting a title in fee to any mineral lands held by possessory title- in the mining States and territories. *\iTiMay j, istic (diiAITUU hXMV .1" A>'i tn cn' Ttlttjwphic (hnmntn.iea* li'Ji', /ji. t'f'CeH, Iht ( ,tiii‘'l Str/t v i'iti/1/it Jshliiil of ('oh,/ a- t ot/ui HVa/ fa it to I.sln totjt a )(d the Ji throne,,. Win re;»'-laua . S< lym-er. Alfred IMI, junic »r, .Vle\.;;nh i - !lainiloin. jtmior. <Miver Jv King MaMtrin !. iMaiield. William L. Smith, and dame- M. Diems, their ass.o dates, • uce.x .< *i v and a.-- *:»;na, person* ioiu l>osing the Inlenu ional th eaii 'i eh. )*aph (dompany. and ineorjvnfHed eompiany elia* tere«l by tlie State <>j New York, are de sirous of * Oablisliiiig a Hue of subniarine teleg)aphie < cuHmuiiieation helween the railed .-dab . k .f Anu-rie;. and the West India Islands and the Malininas- Now, therefore, in order t«* fariliate the said en teipri-e He U fotirftO hjf lit A'.' ,r't> ''hit I lots, of fi, lit, i oto fi>. v of tin {'ni'.tl Shift* of' / /.-•/ if Coni/rrsx ntxtiMif; That the' said In ; enia)ioiiai ()n;m delegraj.h I’umpany. in enrpornted HiHu r the of the State of N''‘.v Vorl. theii si!ee(,ssor* ujal assign-, -h.dl have th.: sole privilege so; a period of Ibui(e«-n years from tin: approval >)f this act, to lay. eonsiriiet, land, maintain, and op erate telegraph:-- or magnetic line-or eahles in and over the waters, ret fs, inlands >liores. and lan<L. own which tin* United Steles, havi jlii isdiel ion. Ikuu the *lioi(s the S-ate o! Florida, ie. the aid Ui:T‘d Shite , , to the ]-d;ind of (hiha mid lla Jla'iame-, eithe: ’•••)!h. end otln r VYe*t India l -l.uids S:;* . * A.’-' 1 he it J'li-'/oT t‘in tried. Thai die aid Inlri naiio.iai Ocean l i le-* !;tj)h Company ,!, ai all time* gi\e Hie l nited Si;,!. s tin*, tree u-eoi slid cable or cables, to a teje :; r.ipliie 0;.5-ratoi of its own selection, io trait-xinit any to and trom it< mi#jtary. naval, and diplomatic or consular a genii ; and the. .-,aid company siiail keep all it* ];;a open to ‘li" public for the dausmis simi bn daily publication ‘of maiket and commercial repot i.- ;md inh lliheace. and all message. I ’. de p.-niiF- and '-onmuiiic,.lions -ludl lx* forwarded in the older m wliielithey shall be received md iht -aid company shall not be neriuid.ed lo charge and : >lleel for messages tn n mid.ed through any of its j submarine cab]**.* morethnn (lieratcol diiee dollars and fifty cents f< r mess.ire- ot ten wards, subject bower, to the pov *t < i bii:- gi(.‘.-s to id lei and determine -aid rale.-; Pro -h/ai, That the -aid Inh rnationaj On-m IVlegraph Company shall, within the period ot three year- Imm tin- jias.-age of flii •>« t. c; 111*0 the >aid. submarine telegraphic cabel or cables to b« laid down, and that tlie said ea. hie or eabjossludl be in -u» <•-* fuloperation for the transmission of’messages within tie aid period of live years; otherwise, this grant to j be null and void. She. 15. And in it ft'ethu' untried. I hat Congre.v shall have power, alauy linn , to alter orre}H-al He foregoing act. Arritovi:o, May 5, fw*d ( HAiTLR LXXV. ■ *; Jofto • rh nd the Jth ~on "f tju ('one/ -it ' /;- !i , ■ '.I/ ih. s. ni.t. J/iin.i. hi lujn-.::. „)■!]» lnil.ll S'l'ltl 1 : ,J . I«" ri/’i in i ''/n/jn 'i.i.ii’iii/.li That the (snn t ul Cliiiiu- siml! Imxe juiistfiction to hvuritinl '.!< irnnlno the claim of any paymaster, «jtiw ti.Tinasti'i, conimissary of sulixistewn, or dllkt disbursing oHteci of tin; Uditod Slates, ; or of lii.s lulniiiiistiiiiDrs or executors, for re- ; lief from responsibility on account of losses hv captniL' or othciwisc. while in the line of lii:-July, of government funds, v* .Ytclioi-, re eords, ami papers in Ills charge, anil for v, hieli sueh was and is held re:-iionsi hlt: Prodded, That, an apircul may he taken : to llie Supreme Court, as n. other cum*. Sue, And. 1., a further ewtclcd. That whenever s lid eourl diall have asccrtaineil t|,e faels of any -ueli loss, lo have iieen wilh nni fault or neeleel on llie part ot any sueh Ulcer, i' -hull make a decree, setline forth the amount thereof, upon v.hieli the proper, aeeoiintii.y otfUei ol the treasury Khali al low to sin'll olliei r tlte anumul -o dee.-eed a.-; creiUl in the -■-1 * lenient of his account-., WwnoxTO, Mnv !). HShi;. i HAI'T EH LXXVi. Ah l- 1 tidnr!,"' "— ‘-hi — Pur, .{ lln /,■ ■■/ l „"l-: :f thr ,'i.nid.J '■/ Whxlninj'oi' in th. DPtri i of jt, i< , nulfd ‘ln a ii; J/nHiii .if .. ~ I , .fill- P„:hd pli'ltrof A„.e,ir.i v -liithhld, That llie |e\ V i ((lirt *d g, c*>iii;l■> ' : A he Rislriet of tloiuiu!)' l is le ri'liv .•iu|a>wfi*xl lo and locale as putilii highway- Mieh load kno'vii -md Us*-d as lmlihiiv mads m -aid district during Hi* reheilina -aid nmrt !„:,v dean ;•* 1 v'ir-.rl•!• ■: Pro,ld,d. Thai llie ihunagi - v hit It the owners ol tin laud over : which »)!‘l roads jkw-, -li.iil sustain by ’’ 'on ! of said I'iad-lieili'-' ili eian .i pule" In; hxx'.-p had 1« assess' and a- proivod for in •eeli.oii I thr, .of the a* 1 Oi CoiiL'TCs- aj>|,loved Jiliv | Hist, eiyiiteen hundred anil twelve, entitled . An a'' (■•!’.f•■■ri)*•_ ii tinin iKovei's on the levy e.iiirl for llie county of Washington, in i the District of Columbia. AlTltovr i>, May 11, 18(10. t’A Af'VFf! LXXIX. ,1 \r* h, i'/a '/'p ' 'V thr, X(tiiof,nl Throliii/irnl J„:itit"k. P< it rni rUd ill/ till Pitjin/i 111/fi //<■"'( Ilf iir/il'i v. , 'u'tiri inf 'i'i l rii/i it S/idr* of Aim I ini in t'nr* i/'*i ni'il.e'.l., That Aliram I), till lotto, Kdjiiir 11. Uiiiy. Kdnmiul Turney, Zalman Hi', hards t{<-1 >e i 1.1. I’owell. William TANARUS, Johnson. Henry Heard, Ueirles 11. Morse. Joseph (’. Lewis, John S. l’oier, David Het-s, I). W. Anderson, Daniel (', Eddy, 1 Ei'onnrd A. Grimes, .Justice I). Fulton. William K. Williams, |Wostcott. Ilow a.xl Malcolm, Joseph 11, Koniuml. Ni wUm Brown, I'. Dwiirlil Milli'r, and all persons ; who shall or may be associated with them, and their'successors, are hereby created and doelaml a body (oi porale mid pnlitie, ill I deed .md in law. by the name of “The Na tional Tlieolo.yieal Institute,” and by that name shall have - tie,cession and be capable in law !«' mu and be Micd, plciul and be im plcadcd, answer and I>o answered, defend and j i)* licit tided, in all courts of law and equity end cl.'C'A la re ; to make and use a common sea!, md lliu sautf‘o alter or renew at plea sure ; and generally to do and perform all lliing'.s relative to i lu* object of this coi jiora tion which i* now and shall he lawful for I i any individual oi body politic or corporate j lo do. Sue. ‘J. Anti hr U further t fr'eted. That i tin-object and jaupoM of ibis eoqjoralion I shall he for the education of persons for the Christian ministry, and those associated I with them as assistants, in such course of theological and general studies as may be j doomed p.rojHT for that purpose; amt for ! : that, purpose i- hereby authorized to elector ' appomt sin li ollii eras may be deemed ne- j cesMiry or,pj’ »per lor the control ot its j allaii -; to adopt, such regulations and by- j i-v lor its govi nuent as may be deemed nan suy. not ; ;;coj: ; isient with Hie laws of ■ the l cited Slab. in force in tlie District ol ('olumhia,, ami to amend or repeal them at ; picasitiv; to receive and hold any lands, i tenements, unnutie*. money*, goods, chattels, : or other properly ot every kind or nature, which shall be given, grant' and, < i bequeathed ' lo it. ■*!' he otherwise acquired, iortlie pur post*, of carrying* »ui Hieob jeet of t his corpora lion not CMcediiig Idly iliou-and di'ilais in : re and ''stale at anv one tune; and the same to sell or dispose. oT in such niaiim-r as maybe desired foi the purpose as aforesaid : Ihvri hd, T!i"i any properly s<) geijuired, for The pn.eei d> tiicreof, or any money receiv<idas a gif', shall not b ">'•<) lor any other than | -m il educational purposes ,1 ml provided , ' ftl-.0, I'liat no p<■!>«)]» iiall 1 • evelmled from i lie ad v«i til ages ol edueatiou ; (forded hv llie inslituieon aeeount of Ibc<-logical belief. .‘■’•i.c. ,U and, f>( i f . f trt/nr enoet/'.d, 1 hat t hi* act may and any t::)’•■ !»»• ai!< md, amended. ■ r ri jiealed. Aet’Kovr.D. May 10. 1 Hip;. < MAi TLI! LXNX .1.. . irf Up ttmt'ud ttn Aft, nditlcd • .1// Art //- hdint/ to l/dh, o* (ir.-j.of.s, cod re>/u((lti/iff I If! th h/ / />,*/■. •, / ;H), t,s/, tfo If, (\/ v, ,y. ” ////- j peon and Mon k third. titjhh"ndrnl mid H< and i oOPlrit tnf tin Hemde mul llmst of Hern .« ufoUrtp, of flu l ii.'trd .inn ri: o | in. t’ontilt.\s i/sfu titiiitd, Till! I any sean h. ' •j'l/jffiarre i. or iin;.ri*o!Uiin.{ made, ( .*i any el - donc. omit led to he done during ' tin: aid rebellion, by any ollieei oi |*eison, endi rand iy •. '.,1 ue of aV.y order,An irtlen or : ai».ml. vela';:!! or spe< ial, issued by the | [has iileiil >) of W ar, or by any , miJiiary oiiieer ot the t niled States holding j ; the eoimn; nd r»f' llio <e, partment, distiii-l, oi * place wifliin wliieli stu ji sni/nre. search, nr- ! rest, m Inijuisoimu Jii was mad<. done, or 1 , eoniinhteii, or any acts were o done, or ' omitted to be done, either by the person or olliei i’ !• * whom Ihe order was addressed, or j Cor whom it was intended, oi by any other j pers‘>e aiding oi a sisting him therein, shall be. held, and ar«* hereby iicelarcd. to come j : within the purview ol tie act to which this is anu iidaiory. and within the purview of , the fourth, hftli. and -i.\'h sections ot tin aid act ot March third, eighteen hundred ami .sixty-ibrce. for all the purposes of dc I fence. Jnin.-fei. appeal, error, or limitation | pr*»vided Uierein. lint no sin h ordci shall, i hy’te'ice off hi* act, or I lie. act to which this i ail amendment. b< i defence to any *«iil oi action for any m l done or omitted to be done after the passage »l this act. Sm ?. Audio if. further t/ended. That when the said order i: in writing, it shall be ullit Haul to jn'iduee in evidence the original, | with proof of it authenticity, oi a certified coj>y ot the same; or il sent by telegraph, j ihe piodnction «»l the lel< jrain purporting to i emanate from -m li military ollhrr shall be ! p. ima laej' evidence of it* authenticity ; or if fin original of such or telegram is lost or can not be produced, seondary evidence thereof -hall he admissible,- in oilier eases. U»,u •!. And to it. fnrliur ti/orfn/. That tlie right of removal front Hie State court in to the circuit court of the United Slates, provided in the lilHi section ol the eel to - which this i- amendatory, may be cmk ised after Ha appearance o( Ihc defendant and Ihe filing of hi* plea or other defence in -aid court, or any term oi said court subsequent to the term when the appearance is entered, and before a jury i* empannelled to try the *amu; hut iiothing; herein contained shall he la id to abridge (lie riglil of such removal after final judgment in the State court, nor . hall it be. necessary in the State court to ofl< r or give surety for Hie filing of copie* in the circuit court of Ihe United States; hut, on the filing of the petition, verified as pro- I vided in said fifth section, llie further pro ceedings in the State court shall cease, and not bere-mned until a < <Tlilieate under the seal of tlie circuit court of the United States, stating that the petitioner lias failed to tile copies* in Hu' said vireuil court, at the next O'l in is ]induced. See \ And, he U fnrliur i/, Thai if tlie Siate. court- -hall, notwithstanding the pcrfoimincc iff all tilings requiml lor Hie removal of the case to th" circuit court aforesaid, proceed ftirthi r in -aid cause or iMO-. eiilioi] before s lid certificate is jirotliieed, i )■■ .q ie ' Til *■:( * ill uieh -furt-lrer-)q*)*aJ du a hail lie void -nd of none effect; and all parlies, judges, otlieers. and other persons, tlieneefo; 111 proeeedine 1 hereunder, or hv color iiierc*-!'. -hall he liable in d.iniaire- Iherefor lo 'll party ayaTieved. to he re covered hy action in a court of the Slate he\ in;: |>i<.|>'-r .jurisdiction, or in a circuit lo'irt ot ihe l niled Stale- for tlie district in which -ii h Ha'her proceedintrs may have i been had, or where llie j.arty. otlu-er, or oilier peiv in. offeadui'.' diall he found; aml ujion a I* n ■- i \ old inia rrc- in either court, the pari v plaintiif shall be entitle)! to double coals. Sr,i .5 I d, 1., it f i rt!n r i in" ■',<!, That il shall lie I lie (inly of Ihe clerk of the State court to furnish eopie of the paper- and tile-'ii iin. ea-c to th*- parly so petitioniiur ! for the removal: and upon the refusal or ne ffleet of tlie clerk to furnish such copies, the said pirly mavdoeket. Iheease in the circuit court of the United States; and thereupon said circuit court shall have jurisdiction therein, and may, upon proof of such refu sal or neglect of the clerk of the State court, and upon reusounhle notice 'being 'given to the plaintiff, require him to tile a declaration or petition therein; and iqion his default may order a nonsuit, and dismiss Ihe ease at (he costs of tlie plaintiff, which dis missal shall he a bar to any further suit touching the mutter in controversy. AimitovKU, May 11, IWUi. (■HAITKKLXXXI. An .IT to mithorigr the Voinnycnf Pin-nut Pieces. He it amrted by thr Semite and House of Ih ■fireseuiatites of Un United, Stales of America iin Congress assembled, Tliat so soon as prae : licuhle after the passage e>f this act, there shall hi: coined at the mint of the United Stales a live-eent piece composed of copper and nicklc. in such proportions, not exceeding i twenty live per ecnltun of niekte, as shall he determined tty the director of the mint, the standard weight of which shall ht* sFwnty- ! seven .*uul sixteen ImiKlietUhsgniins, w ith no greater deviation than two gniins to each jH’.iee; and tlie shape, mottoes and i lev ices of said coin shall he determined hy the director of the mint, with the approval of the Secre tary of the Treasury; and the laws nowin force relating to the coinage of cents, and providing for the purchase of material, and prescribing the appropriate duties of the i nilicers ol the mint and the Secretary of tin Treasury, he, and the same are hereby, e\ j tended to the coinage herein provided ior. 8 ice. li. yl;/*Z be it further enacted, r l'liat all laws now in force relating to the coins of the l idled States, and the striking and coining of the same, shall, so far as applicable, be e\ j tended to the coinage herein authorized, ; whether said laws are penal or otherwise, for the security of tin coin, regulating and guar ding the prueess of striking and coining, for preventing debasement or counterfeiting, or for any other purpose. And the director of the niint shall pre?* ribe suitahle regulations j |to in*ire a due conformity to the required j w eights and profit>rlions of alloy in Un said j 1 coin, and shall order trials thereof to be | made from time to time by thcassiycr of the. i ; mini, whorcot a report shall he in w riting to j !In, director. Si.c 8. And hr it fuiilnr untried. That j saukcoin shall he a legsil tender in any pay ment to lli< amount of one dollar. Aud it shall lie law ful so pay out-such coins iu es, i change for the lawful currency of the tniled States, (exiept cents, or half cents, or two rent piece-;, i tied under former acts of Uon i gross,) in suitahle unis, by the treasurer of 1 llie mint, and by sueh other depositaries a tin-Secretary of Ihe Treasury, may designate, end under general regulations approved by j I lie Sectary of the Treasury. And under: she like* legidations the same may Ik e . i ‘liifiTgcd in *uitd»l( sums for any lawful; i eujTciiF.y of the United Slates, ami the e\ p< uses to such exchange, distrihu lion, and ijanMnissiou may he paid out ot I Hie prnfhs td *;dd coinage; and llie net pro lit* of 'said coinage, as ascertained in tin j manner prescribed in tin; second section of llie act entitled An act relating to foreign «oinsaud the coinage of cents at the mint of lb" United State*.” approved February twenty lirsl, eight < n hundred and /illy M-veii, shall he trail.- -< rred to the treasury of ; i tii<’ United Status; Proeiduf 'l'liat from and j after the pas: age of this act no issue* of j | fractional notes of the United State s shall j be us a iu.*s denomination than trn cents; and all such issues at Hint tiiueoutstamling shall, j w lieu paid into the I reason or any designated depository of llie United Slates, or redeemed j or •\e hanged a now provided by law, be re tained and cancelled. Si.c. 1. A/td he it further <tmr/ctt y That, if any person or persons not law fully author ized siiail knowingly make, issue., or pass, or cause, to be made, i. tied, or passed, or: aid in tlie making, issuing, or passing of am coin, c ard, token, or device whatsoever, in • mental oi’its compound, intended topa**or lie. pas.-ed as money lor Hie coin authorized ! by 111 i ac t, or i’orYoin of equal value*, such 1 person or per. on* sbalj I m* iteeiued guilty of ;i nii.-'h meanor, and shall on conviction thereof, be punished hy a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and by imprisonmsnl for a term not exceeding five year at the discretion of the court. Sue. 5. And be if fvrthtr cnnrtu/, -hall he lawful for the treasurer and the. • eMial assistant treasurers of the United States to redeem in national currency, under itch rules and regulations as may he pre scribed hy the Secretary of Ihe Treasury, the coin herein authorized to be issued, when presented in sums of not less than one hun dred dollar*. Aitkovkj), May Hh Congressional Districts of Georgia. l-t. Counties Clintlium,Bryan, Lilx-rt) Alclntusli, Wavin', Glyhii, Ciiniileii, Ctiaij ton. Ware, Picree, A))j)l)iib', Tatnal. Uni lock. Eftingliuiii, Si riven, Eniniiiii l, Mont ooinciT, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Ediols, Fanvinler. Berrien. Irvin, Laurens, Johnson, lirmili.. Cnlqiiil. amt Ttnnnas. Twenty nine counties. •Jd, Counties Decatur, Fairley. Milter, Bilker. Mitchell, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, I’lilaski, Houston, Macon, Marion, Chatta hoochee, Sumter. Webster, Stewart. <Juit man. Clay, Calhoun. Ramloljili, Terrell,, and Dougherty. Twenty-three conn ties. :!d. empties—Muscogee, Schley, Tay lor, Tallioi, Harris, Trouj), Merriwcather, Ifeiiril, Cowetn,Payette, Clayton, Carroll, CainpJiell, tlarulson, and Paulding. Fif teen counties. 4th. Counties -Upson, Pike, Spalding, Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe, Crawford, Bibik Twiggs, Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties. Mh. Counti*- Washington, Jefferson, Richmond, Glascock, Hancock, Warren, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Talilerro, Greene Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert. Fourteen ceuntie fltli. Counties- Milton, Garnnett. Wui ton, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart, Frank lin,Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens, Dan-on. Ilart, Franklin, Batiks, Hall, Dawson. Lnmpk‘ui, AVliitc, Hahersliain, Rahau. Town-. Union, Fannin, and Gilmer. Twen ty-eight counties. 7th Counties Di lCalb, Fulton. Cobh. Polk. Floyd. Bartow, Cherokee. Gordon, Chattooga'. Walker. Whitfield, Murry Catoosa, ami Dade. Fourteen counties. V li E national Staiidusd. . - -o—- ABKIUKB OF SCUOOf, HOOKS uddrii is (•xtensivvly used in cVvry Smb: »*f tin* Uni'in, in many instance.-) nn•)•»*.hugely than any or till others, niay jiß'ily bcai the above title. Nothing but themost unqualified merit could give, any hooks this proud position. TANARUS, cher.., and friends ot education generally, am avv.ifc that it is creditably maintained by Hu* j NAT ION A L 8E Ii IKS OF . | xL SCHOOL 15O0K8, n ni:o jjv A. N. HA llNjj# c(: v’d.s NSiVi VOUk. r riie>e famous Books are every when u*‘ ti .uid every where popular. The catalogue epveift evei y (le]»ar(UHiit ol S' hool, Ai a.dcmie v' ’l legiate lnstruclioii. Tlie ioiluwiug arc Mur vol mm s representing Ihe common brandies . Barker & Watson** Sp< Hei siuui Ke:uh r . M"Ul('iili and McNally’s (?oograpliie; ; ( Mark’s English Hrannnnrs ; Beers' System of r«'umau.*hh* . Davies’ (’uiupleto l.Vunvfvol Mat n* in Hi e , Monteith and Wilh-rd’s History: • The Silver Lute add Forest, (’hoir—Mu i* , •liirvis’ riiy. iology and Health ; IVekV am! Oallot’: Naittral K!;i1o . Koi lev's Principles of ( Miemisti y ; Darby's Southern Botnny , Northerd’s .School Speaker:-- , L’ujol'si French Class liooix Andrews A .Stoddard* s Latin < : ramniai. THE ILLL S'! BATED Eh rc.[ TIUNAL E ULLETJX] I Till: I’U'.USIIKIA' OJTiOI.YL MMDJI M,‘ Will be. sent to TcnehcrV* re-jiihirly, lor «uie year, on reecipl of tjcn ( i..vr - Addre: A. S,- BAMES&CO., KDUCATIONAb PUBLI.sIIKBS, JVV •tr Vorf(. my P, (iin mm iit res, THE LA'IEST AND HE.ST. I J'fniitirtj Ji i/hniriif, lb iu I iilully iUiislralcJ ; r.irric- f’lii Tn ; him r tliron«1 1 1 i i.lirsl tour Pub” did! :i<• hnple ! Table*, emnhiliing inentat •■ - • •-•i v• tilt i '•\amplts lor the Hale Itiim* M)'- pjige.-. : An IC/evmttttr/f Arifhnttiie. 1 Reviews Hte *u|.j. ■i- ol th-" Pi ii.i.iiy in .1 | ntyle adapted to so:in what 111.1 t it' :t minds, j Also eitilir;.''l - Fraelion , fcVd'-r.d Money, 1 Reduelion, aiD.I the ('uinpoitml Rni P.'iiio, | II ( page-. (H) eeiii . A Practiruf Arit/ititrlif. Ihe pared expiv -ly Im < omiiion .*>« hoots, giv ing special prominence so (lit' lieof Men tiilih Arillnnel ie. ;md inirotiaeii": the new “’Metric System,’* wit li expianai ions and examples. JMiue. '-‘oO page*, fit, A Hitjltfr Artlhntctic, In pre pa ration. A Mcntfi/ Arithmetic. Xearly ready. 'l'li is r.crjes is nice. I ing with a mo L gTatifying reception iroin teacher.--) every when . ami in ex it its n hut i* needed lor liienlil Vlj-ciplinc., a welf a, l"i- a jiractit at prep-iralion lor tie. busi ness of life. It is clear, thorough, comproinai nive, logically arranged, well graded, i. *npp!i< and with a great variety of < vumph and b aelies the iiiethorls actually n*ed by Imsine:-- men. Specimen eopie of any of Hie. above works moiled, postpaid, to teachers and school ollieers, 011 receipt of one half Lin: retail pre Favora ble tcrnir made for introduction. II.ArPLKTON&UO., ITBLISJILKS. I S:i 111 mCOAIMVAY; N. \ inytf-t f THE ROAD TO FORTUNE, \T7K ceil put :mv or female in die wav VV )»f MAKIN'H rV. i:\ i:uY DAY in the year by the employment M Hu- time ordinari ly -pent in reading and le< nation. 0 FIFTY Ul'N'l' SAMPLE miil in t upon a pj.liealh'i: \ddr. * . PAFLDI VC., P. \ NKS .V rm Broadway, New York j IL'imruHu- Uajhlli. Throw away your false lrizz*. , your *wit< if s. your wig— Dedruetive of comfort, and not worth a ih’ ; ( oine aged, come youthful, come ugh and Jail And rejoice in your luxiirhinl. hair KRi'AHATOR ( AI’IIJ.I. For restoring hair nja a bald tieuK. from i whatever cause it. may have fallen out md | forcing a growth ol hail iq»on riie lace UJiax im : exual Jt will force Ilie beard to grow upon) the smoothed l'a< e in from live to eight weeks, or hair upon bald head* in from two to three i months. A few ignonmt pra* lition r.shave a- J se.rti 'l tlial Hi i<* »' liothiu tiuit wjtl foiei n\ lia:-!'-n the growth oi the liuir or assertion o« fai. t, a • ihousiiml.i oT living wit nesses, from Ha ir own experience, can bear wit u« Bui, many will *y, Jiow arc we to dis -1j; 1 i 1 i-. 11 tin. genuine from the spurious? It c< i taiidv i diHteidl as nine Norths of the pivpa - 1 • ti<»n- advertised for Hu* hair and beard areen tiiviv " «'-i||]e:-. and you may have already thrown av. >v lai .'alien! its in their purchase. '!'« .nett u < *.vtnjid tv tiy ’.he PIyPAKAI Oil (’APILLA , iL wilt eo*t you nothing unless it j fully eoiii'*-- up io our representation*. If your ■ «buggid ''tor- not Ret pit -emi ■ •'• • * djdlars j and we will fonv.wd it, p<» :paid, together witJi , .1 receipt lot the money, whit !t will be returned • you on application, providing entire Mtisfac-; lion i* not giver. Ad'ir- . W. L. (i.N UK K 4V; CD., ( tierni 1 No • W'-b Fayette 1 , ,pP 1 \ cr-yr.i' U •*, N. Y. no. n. IITPM.I: FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS A NT) TIHUST COMPANY. 4'ltut-lci-cti l»y Act ol t , ■ oFFIGEKti ; M, T. n.'u'ilt, l i t'c.sifl('.ttl W. S. GfilffU), iDkyioc-l'rukidon*. •\. ft. Iftii-mX XI Vic Pi-M.lOit H.-x- J. W . Alvor.l, Cor. ftcfftitt-y. 1). I .all-ill'. 1 ,' r.amlK't l, lt<<-. ftccrctary l’tit«'i|ial Oflicc, No. Ni Cudat' siii'ct (Atm i t tan Ext'itatitt'i' Bank Uttiltlinir,) Nvw York _ts'v BRANCH AT AUtiPSTA, (JA , Ml. it), ELMS STRUCT, COKMIR 111. JACRSOI Office JLouhs—From Ito !, c m, ; ».ml on •Saturdays, tijxf lo tl p. m. JfejTOsits of One Dollar and upward received Interest allowed in .January and duly, * 't hemoney deposited will be pant back to tin depositor, principal and iiitcK . R when .died lor. All the profits belong to the (Uqioslton -no others are interested. Branches have been established m m every city from New York u> New Orlean; C. D. Fi:r.V< E, Ciwhie: AM ERI C A EDOCiTlflmi stilts. Ft ft Lift in; I) If Y Ivison, Phi ii noy, Blakeinan A-1 ’o D and IO ir StMK*b NEW YOJiK. ISt * > i: OF SCHOOL BOOlvK'rv»' of fered to the public have attaim dso whir a ; dilation, or received the approval and eiidor - ment. of many competent and reliable edue.itor* in all p -rt* o! Ute Unin-d Mab i«h Uilrt Among the. nio*t prominent ol limit pabb. • Hons are tin tVillowlng. \ \v. : THE UNft»N .sEHIEH OF UEADKKH and BPELIKR.S - entirely new in matter and ilbi-ltaliotis, and reeciyed with greai lavoi ROBINSON'S B.EUIEB OF ARITHMETICS very popular wjtli all teaehem who have tested them in tlie eh».*x room, ROBINSON’S ALO FBI'AS AND iHcjlFb V. ATI IEM ATK S entirely iv written ; full, complete, seii ntilie and praeLieal. KKRL’H NEW .SERIES OF ORAMJWAR:- unsurpassed in simplu ity, elearm* Hcareli, and unietieal utility. SPENCERIAN COPY BOOKS simpky p.... Ii eat and beautiful. Newly engraved jukl im proved. SI'KNt KG lAN ClI AKTft OK V, KITING AM) DRAW INC six in number, in «iw , Iby oO inches. SANDERS’ PRIMARY HAND CARDS - ix in set. j SANDERS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL CHARTS large, foi the • chool-roiun, eight uumbej on lour curds. ■ A II (J < ARDS AND AKi’l It VIE rb'AU i ARM CARD!, WILSON’S HISTORIES. PA SO l ELBE'S FRENCH SERIES, BKYANTaSTR ATTON’S BOOK k kepi n« . WOODBURY'S HERMAN SERIES. M ANTI El >AS SPANISH READEWL COLTON’S CEt RAPJIIES WEBSTE R’S S< I IDOL DfC'l tO.VARHN BRA DPR VS St lIDOEMUSJC BOOKS, et 'J’liey al*o jnanufaelure . the. SPEJNCERtAN STEEL PENS, which are regarded by the l.e-s IVuMDen ol the countrv r; uperioi toullotliei l j f l’ea< her* and all others ihtoroHtcd are in vised to end for our Descriptive Catalogue and Circulars, and to correspond with ur freely. Addre.* ihe Publisher*. &/)Mak£ y3uoOwn?oap| Wy'Peif'CENfSA^mMM] 1 T SE B. T. BA BUTT'S PURE COM KN J TRATED POTASH oh READY SOAP MAKER. Warranted double the Htrength <>l eoiimion Potash, and iipej im - I" any oilier - ponitiei* or levin ifn* market. Put »l> i'i our pouml, two jioun.ta, three ikmiihls, Si\ point is amt twelve pounds, with full directions, in and Gefttian, lot' makinn H;ml and Soft Soap. One potiiid will make iittccu naMme, of Soft. Soap. No iirtte is najuited. Oon-itim t will lind litis tile eheape t IN.tash in the m. r l . ■ Ask vottr el'o. If lot it. It. T. lI.ViCPGI S , HI (g m, to, 00, 70, 77 :UK | r ,\ VV hi ton street, New York. rtl t'Klt I'LN'T. SAVKI) liY USING It. 1. •Ml KtlllUTN ST All VKA ST I'tiW “OKI;. J.ielit iiiseitif; Os any kimTuf t.alo', iUU“ he made with lids ' Yeast fonder” in lilt.. i, inilk is used. Nos. 77ttjtd il VVazitlopton i . New York. NOTICE. Aft lam ..-e-tit.-.' for \V. J. Wilfili, da iin hi* ab,s( je-e irom tin- ity, and have been called upon In m.ilxt • on, -el It emeu Is on tlie e*late of J. Rnsdeceased, all per oik indebted to tlie estatewill pRa i* call and 6143 me, uh A cannot Nettle ' la im- uif bout money \Y. li. MATHEW \gent Augusta. Da., May |Sf»7. lx