The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 15, 1867, Image 1

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Mk Dai hi Cogal w*r§im. VOL. I. The Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA.. JUNE 15. 1807, OFFICIAL ORGAN l . S. GOVERNMENT. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING BY THE LOYAL UKOKOIAN I*l HI.ISIIIXG ASSOCIATION J. E. BRYANT - - - Editor. Tlios. P. BEARD - - Airont. Olllcc, in rear of Globe Hotel, corner of Jackson and Ellis Streets, Au; r u>(a, Georgia. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: ."'Oil U4ILY, One Year H> IK) Six Mouths SOO Three Month- - 00 FOU WEI-KJ.Y, One Year #•> (X) Six Months ... I 75 "Three Month' 1 00 MAY AY- ! X ADVANCE. SINGLE COPY, FIVE CENTS. RATES or ADVERTISING. One Square equals ten lines of minion type. 1 Square 1 lime - 7} 1 “ 175 1 “ l “ 225 I “ I week C 00 1 u ‘ >OO 1 •• 1 month 8(H) 1 •• 2 •* 1:> 00 I “ :i “ 15 00 J “ r. “ . ... •*(> (X) 1 “ J> is oo V lihcral deduet ion will he made for quarter, • haU <»r whole columns. \d dress, “Loyal Geor-ian," Key Box 100, Augusta, Ga. All communications for publication muS In •written only on one side of the paper, and ae eompanied with the name of the writer. We will not publish the name, unless the writer wishes us U t do so, hut we must have it, as > guarantee of the truthfulness of the article. General New*. The slaves wlio were emnncqinU'd 1»v John llanilol|ih were notfk'd hy him iil><>ii land which he gave them in Ohio. The Judge of their district says there never uas one of them l>eiore him lor :jijy violation of law. They are ]>eare atde, law industrious, thrifty, and eoiirteous, and command the re spect of their nciolihors. Xkvv Oki.bans, June it.—A liloody a flair lias occurred in N’siteliitoches l>ni i-ai. The following are the particu 3ar« : C. W. Stauffer and .Toim Jones were partners, hut bud had some quar rel. Or. Jones and Judge 11. I>. Jones t hreaiened to kill StauflVr if he did not leave the place, lie was (h<‘ popular I.’adieal candidate for the convention, and they wished him out of the way, and thus politics entered into the strife. Last M onday Staufler was about to have the Jones brothers hound over lo keep the peace when the .Judge and doctor attacked him. Just at this time John Jones rode up and made his brothers stand aside, while with a ■double-barrelled shot-gun he delibe rate! i - killed Stauffer, and then rode round to his (Stauffer’s) house, called for his wife, and told her he had killed her husband. He then rode out of town, it being 5 o’clock I*. M. The sheriff, Mr. John Hughes, attempted to arrest the Jones’, and was shot, in the head and severely wounded, and an as sistant was shot in the arm. These Jones’ are nephews of the late (iov. Welles, and 1!. I>. J ones was appoint ed to the Supreme bench of the State . luring w elles’ administration. Xkvv Oi;i.r,.v.\s, Juno 10. (ieneral • friilin issued an nrd< ron Saturday discharging the entire potiocforec and appointed anew one, five of whom arc A telegram from New Orleans states that (ten. (irant has telegraphed to (fi-n. Sheridan a denial of tlie report ,-urri-jil in \evv Orleans that tin - action •*f the latter in the removal of Hoy. \V dies had incurred his disapprobation. Hen. Sheridan has shown great deci sion in his administration thus tar, and while the public mind may not have been made tip in regard to tin otlieia) character of Hov. Welles, Gen. Sheri dan has so well established himsell in .the confidence of the loyal peopb- of tile country' that all such will believe that he had good reason for the act. The approval of the commander-in chief will add to the strength of this conviction, and will lx - especially gnit i fying to Ilx country, as showing his disposition to sustain the - district com tnanders in (ite discharge of the impor tant duties entrusted to them by the reconstruction acts. Parties from Montana report that a much larger amount of gold will hi shipped from that territory this war than last. The second auditor of the Treasury thinks it will take eighteen months to settle the claims for soldiers bounties authorized hv the Thirty-ninth <’mi ofess. The Shah of Persia owns ein era Ids an inch and a iptarter long, and the diamond. "Sea of Light, which is two inches in length and one .and a iptarter in breadih. AHirSTA, (tA., SATIJKDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, l*<>7. CIIAI’TKH tiXXI.II. An .Id c-on'e, ninn tin. liittndnrti r ..J lit, Brc. - f „f .Veend.t li, it I t.nrinl i‘U tin St'llld < //«•(«• •;/' liiyinm of the Pnited S!,d, ms Annriai in < i'rrirW'i, That, as niwvjilsd tor and eonschlcif to in IliVi of'flS* : Slate of Nevada. aH that tcrniory trad of laud adjoium,; the pi esent eastern Itoun diiry of lie State oi A' and .lying tic t\v,ien the tUirlv-Mivenlli and tor v-second I’.egn . of north lcjijud' an 1 vvtv"; ot tin longitude west of wifetenglon. is lim-lVy arUicd to and a pal t of the Suite ot Ne vada. Site; And h, il faiVu-i codal, .That there is livretiv added to and made a part of tin- Slat e of Nevada all* that extent of terri tory lving within the following boundaries, to wit: v'oimtic■nving on ilm Uiiviy-seventh degree of north latitiio. at the thiny-severitli degree of longitude vv ■■ ! I rum Washington ; , anil running thence south on -aid degree of • longiotiie to ihe niiiliUe ot the river Colorado of tin Wed; iiieatc down the middji ot said river to’thc ftislern boundary of the Stale of California; nortirwesterh along .ill bouuilaiy of California t<> the tijiuv -eveaUjLilcgrcvol iiol'Ut l.diiiuly; and Ihcuci east idong aid degree ol lalhifil? to the jiiiint oi Imgining; iiocidid. tin . territory mentioned hi the -e lion -.iiail not iieeomc a part of the State of Nevada’ Until . slid State' shall, through its legislature, eon- j sent, thereto A<iApn)nrirA i ‘l, /ln , , 'That id! 1 possessory rights acquired by oitiz.ens ol tie Cniteil States to mining claims, discovered, located, and originally recorded in compli ance with the rule , and regulation* adopled hy uiiners in the l’ali lianngat and oth.r mining iLc-tii ■!- in the Territory iueoruora ted ltv the |in)vision of li,i- art into tiu' Stale of Nevada sliait rein.on as v.did ;-uii sliding miniiw claims; tißtiuotUiirg here in eoutaiuoil shall eonsiruyd ay granting' 1 a title in fee In any mineral holds held by possessory titles in tin mining States and territories. Arj'nitvT.U, May is fSt*h. CIIAl'Tl.t: I.XNi V .le la/ i,, airtniri"], 1 '/Wriy;op/i/V ( e/c-c-OofC linn /ichrem t',‘ I'nih'ilSlut, .* niull/it hi,ml ! ihr . I V, hcreie- dames A. Sn-ymsn . Alfred Pell, junior Alexander Hamilton, imho?. Olivet - K King. Ma!nrin I DelatleM W illiam K. Smitii, and James \| Diiv/es. their as>o : elates, slices-ore. an'l it-n-. per.-ons com i posing; the International Iteean frleg?aph , ('oltipan - . - , anil !m - i'lpora!i - il eompiiti;, liter lend bv' the stale ol New York, are de sirous of establishing a Him of submarine telegraphii eomniaiiiealion betu.:».J flu lii'ittxl Slates of .Vincriea and the West : India Islands and the ilahnmas: Now, , then Tore, in order to f.ieiltate the aid en ternrise lh it. (.mivlaX hath, 5,,,,, It- nml ll<m>«■ "J ft, /in si itl.r/in v idlin’ I tHl'il St,lii* ijWimli “ t Anij/ I .numlull:<K Titai the said In lernatibnn! fh'.-att Telrgraidi Company. <n eoi'ivorafed under the inns ft!' Ino Sihiti; of New York, then successors and assign.-,, -hall Imve the sole privilege fora period »f fourteen years from the approval of this act, to lay. eonstruet, land, maintain, and op crate’telegraphic or matmetic lines or cattle and over ilte water-, reefs, islands, shores, and lands, over which tie - Cidled stair-.. ' have jtirisdivtiou, iVom the. shores oi the Stale ot Kioridn. ill the -aid l nitvd state , to tin Island of t Him anil tie l>al;ant;is. either or both, mid otlivl Wed Jud’a Islands. See. Ami hr' -V firiih . ■■ ' ■’( h Thai the said Ini' 'Tuition. I Ocvart ' Telegraph j Company shall, at all lime, give tin - l nited States the free useol -aid (■:'bl" or eables. to a teh gi<ijdjii' opeialor ot i- own sel tioa. i - m enuismtl Uif.-sige.- i?' ami from ns military, naval, and diplomatic or eon-idar agents; and the aid company -n.'ll U- epall 1 its lilies, open lo the publh lor tUi li.inHUti sion for dalle publication of utaii.el and commercial repoh -and intelligence, and all , mi-s-iges. despatehes and i onmmnii iitiotn slinll In forwarded in the on lei in which the - . * shall be received : and the said company shall lint lie pi emitted to charge ami olleel W mesciges 11";».!)omittoil through any ?-! • ii> , submarine cables more ilum the rate id three dollars anil fifty e'-nts for m> -.-.esi;. t.t ten words, subfect tiower. to lie power oi < on gross to alter and determine -aid e :, es: I’rmidnl, Thai the - id Internalionnt U- tr.n ieiegniph t!'-m|iatiy shall, within the period of three yem -from the p.i-sage ol this act. : cause tiie .-.-id suhnati'Mie teiegiaphie eaoei or - talih-s to in iauldown, and dint t];e -aid en tile or cables bat! t*i in'ee, ...|,d .jm t! •<-m for the transmission of message- n itljn tig -.d-d (icriod of live year-; otherwise, this grant to he null and void Ski. A. A ml. hr Uf"r//t'r um,ltd. That ( imgn-.-e ,1,1,!! Jja'.i power, ul any time, lo alter or repetif the inregojng :<iA. Ai'fitov i;n, M y .*(, JKtft! < 11APTKK LNXV. { \rl 1u r.rfi ~ 1/o ,/>;of lh,e Coofi of Cls'iws 11, i! ~.,1.1,4 in, li,. Sr,ml, J!n"s, It, ninths ~(Uu I ’ l,il( il -1«« i„ Vnmjarr ~in,,,!,111, Tied i|;c <'mot of Claims shall have jurisilietioji to Ip'.e >uJ tie tertnine the claim es any jiayinavter. iptar let master, eonuni snry of suhsi-teuee. or other disbursing ollien of Die l dited Htotes. ? or of liis or eveelUors, for re lief pout resiKinsihility on i.ecounl ol hv eiiptttre or otherwise, while in lh" line of Ins duty'. of goventmmH i nu.pv votfeliers. re eords, *and papers in hi- eijarge. and for which stteli otlieer was and is tield respoii.i ■hie: l l, Tt»t ttu appeal may lie taken to tin - Ktiprwije Coitil.iis m other case-. Skc, and. And h, and J' ,t ft! ■ fnllri, /A lliitl whenever s.,;d eouri -hall have as* a a I-itntd the (nets of liny such |o,r lo havelieen with out fault or neglect on 'lie part oi am. s»|clt i ollieer. it sin'll make ■. denaie. -sating forth the amount thereof. u|ton whi-h tin ptvpX'r aeeotinting oflicers oi tie; !.rea.-ury -hall al jetv to such oitiierihe ainottnf si> deererd a :l pi to I],»! -•U'eineiit of liis net mints. Ael’tlOVKt). Ma. O. iwk; CIIAI'T! - :!? I XXVI. I, \.l ,h,li I‘m- /.« „/ 111. 'forn‘ j ifr- ■ ''•// i"--.(U Dintr"'' of ii oifd. ft, ;7 n,,irie<) /.</ t.h< Si .■>>*/' f'f’ ff.o/ni of ■r ( oroiri.o f n.:.l tIM- D ’ 'zf f » ;,1 »he county -f in on 1 >!-» r ; "i «»t Uohn!)Li:i. is bci ’hy cmpm.v' !• •{ »;> !»mv. and loculi i" bhih'Miy- '' *■ c l i- - kuf>wn mid ! 1 ; !'"' 1 di - !rirf durin-j tjn n*i«*ni<ui >- ’■ li,ri may d** in advi>;»!.’Sr.: Pmrit'y 'Hhu :h: i!;|]t|:|Tt.!N U hit li (".Vill i' of tlf.” i:tn«l OVi - . which said did!) f»y "' •• on <»!' Knd roadsltchi j tlccDrcd prCE },ig 1. ( dinll *m: u,s j»roi\;utl fui' jn * Illirn:• of the act of fmi'j-p* - ajrprovff* .Tide lii't. ('iclitnnn hmidptl iiii«i Iwlvc. i-nl •• Vu :u t Hoiifcrnnu nifnin jMiwrfs on the lev y court for''Hiecounty of Washington, in ' t ite I tixtrii t ol ttolumhia. At't'ttov i.u, Alny 11, INtili. (TLUTKIi i.XXIN .la Act h, in,* ‘i,,uin!r. tin Antimml Tlieohiyici'l Tiixtitvtc. Ut it , uut:le<i it,, l/n Si tint, nml If,nine, of tljn.rnttni/ni.f //,, 1 'nit,',! Stnlcr of Ann rial i (Aon Vi XX .Inn,:/ihletl, /i'hllt Aliratll I'. (lil lette, kiigrr 11. (fray, Ldmnnd Turney, Zalman Richard-. Robert.!. Rowell. William T. Johnson. Henry Beard, Charles H. Morse. Joseph C l.ewi-, John S. Ruler David Rees, D. \\ Anderson, Daniel C. Evldy, J.eonard A. Grimes, Justiee I). EtiUon, Willimu ii. William.', Isaac West coll. Ilovv Mai. dm, Jo-eph U Keltniird. Newton Grown, it.wighi .Millet, ami all persons 1 who shall or may he associated with them, and iheir suei'essor.-, nrtr Itereliy created aiiil declared a body lorporate and ]«>lilie. in; ' deed n(id in law, hy the name of "The Na | tionai Tiieologieid Institute," and ity that luitni' -hall have .n, cession and be capable in law lo sue am! lie sued, plead and Ite im plead, and. alls" es and be,answered, defend and be defended, n all 'courts <>f law and ct{Uit.v I and elsewhere; lo make and use a eommon , seal, and the-ante to alter or renew at plea sure ; and generally lo do and perform all things relailveto (lie object ot this corpora lion which is now and shall he lawful for I any individual or body politic or corporate i to do. !>Kl'. •*. A,n : 'll, it forth,', linlrtl'tl, Tllllt, tin; object and purpose of tills corporation shall be for tin education of persons for the Christian Ministry, and those associated with them as assistants, in suelt e'onrse of theological and general . tuilies as may he deemed proper for that purpose; and for tlutt purpose i-: hiTc.iiy autliori/.ed to eject or appoint such ollk'i r .e may Ire il, emed r.e --i es-.u'y or proper lor the l onlrol ot its affairs; to adopt such regulations and by laws for its govonitenl as may lie deemed nce"ss:u'y, not ine,insistent with tile laws of tin I'nlt’i'd States Tit have in 'the District of C, lumbia, and U> iitgcnd or repeal them at pleasure; to receive and hold any lands, tenements, anmities moneys, goods,chattels; or ot Inn property oi. every kind or nature, vt liieh shall ho given, gnmieii, or l)eip.u*dlieil toil, or lie otherwise uet|uired. for the j. .tr p,, .e of Tin rein rout Hu olijiet of I liis eorpora tion not exettaffhg fifty thousand dollars in real gsiate at am one linn , and the same In sell or dispose of in Mich manner as may he desired for the purpose as at. lesaid • I‘,'nrl tli'd. Tied any property so acquiri'd. for Urn proceeds I hereof, or any money received as a 'gilt. sj iM u not ite used tor any other thajj such education.J pttrnoses : Anil jii'oriilctl, ,; in,, 'r I lilt no persi’in shall he excluded from the advantages of < dueation afforded hy the insiiutteon aecotmt of theological Iteliei'. [si-;e. ;[ Ami In it j nr!her rnocttil. That this act may at any time be altered, amended, or repealed. A enitovKi). May If), 1 si',it. ('IIAPTU? LNN X. .1,- Act ~, ,1 mc‘i,l no A-’t rntiihit ' A,/; Act rt mi 11,,/ <•■ Illlt.Htc I I ilj/llllltiilll .Imurinl t , r,..',',<t.'in<n e- crtnii, i .'nxixf Hfl in'.'.' A Morel, third, einlilt;n /iiimlectl no,I 11, it ,,l hi! Ho Sennit oj,il J/,,,,*, ,f /I, ■),,■. ntii'i, tie. nnf tin l Sinter,f Amnia, in t'lnll.rirr . trrallllll'l/. Thill a !iy SlSll'l'll, .etziire. ai re-1, or iinpri-omnee i made, or any acts done or omitted to tie done during the -aid rebellion, by any officer or person, under and by , Iriiti of jay order, u iltlpn nf vei'lial. :.o in i*.d or spi-eial, is tied lie die President, or Secretary of War, or by any military officer of the Tailed Stall'- holding tb ? 0tn.01,0111.10 ilte. depaituirut, district,or place within which stu b seizure, s'eareh. ar !■ -t.jtr hwprismiilienf flats made done, or committed, or any nets were -s. done, or oniiilo.i to he doll,, tlither tty 11,• j,i i -on pr o||ii er to w hom t||e orjer was aihlressed, or for whom it wa- intended, or'ld .my- other parson aidin ; or assisting tiftn therein, -hall lie In !d. and ntv hereby lid lured, to conic within tin- purview of the act to which llii is anrenilaloi v, am! within the purview o! the fourth, fifth, and sixth scilion- of the said act of .March third, eighteen hundred and -Tty-three, for all the purposes old, fetn i. ti'iiiisjei, Rd] u al, errof. oi' ]in|iia!init pro-, i,l' and t 'ai ini Mitt n,i sij. U orfler - hall, iiv fi>,ri of this gel, (tr uti. mil m \> Licli litis onendmeni, he a ilefeiloe lo any suit oi ma lon tor any art (liiar o| opiiltei) to he lone alter die passage of thi, ~ei St.e. - y Amt to ii f..rt.hrr ~.nrt,it. That when tin said ordei is in writing, it shall lie sufficient to produce in evidence the original, vyjlii iij-init ol its autlientieifv. ora eertlfled* eop>. tL/ ~.,iii(■; or it sent by telegraph, the production of tin u leg,';on iiurptirtin;;' to emanate Iron) such mifitafy oilieet - shall hi; pi iimi facie i vidence of its authenticity ; or if l lie. original of such or telegram is lost, or on li no i lie )>ro.lue.i.d. sc.imlarv evitleoee thereof -I,.id lie .o iliji..-title ;>-ip oß.i't eases. St' • ‘ lid » t'O, ■'/• . ./. Onhd, I !>.; 1 ■l,' light oi removal ffoin t|;e state court ill to the cii'eiiit court of tin t nited H'.ates, provided in the fifth section of the ;u i, to which tilt ;-' amemlatory. may be exereisnl after the appiaranee of the ilefendant and t|l |i)ing of liis plea or other defenee in said inert, nj ,my Inm; nf spill four! sitlisii|Uent to flu i;.|n; o'lpm llii' appearanee Is imun'Oi), and In foie jitty ?s empanneljeil to try thp ns , I.u! iiotliine herein eonttlined shall lie held io nbridtre the tight ol removal after final judgment in the State court, not -hail it la- necessary in tin - Stale court to otter or give surely for the tiling ot copies in Hie r ii. .jit n.'ill - ! of the Tnili.'d States; tail, on tiie tiling ot itie. petition, verified m |iro* vided in said tiltli Section, tt,e fiuibcr pm eeeding- in tin; State court shall cease, ami pot be resumed until a certificate under the s'uj nl the ylfi ifit nourt yf tip' Tuilt'd Stales, stating lip,t 111' - |, l itipopi - i|..failed to tl|i eopii - 'in tin -aid rijcuil edipT, ;|t tip. next h‘m; is fii'odUfiVd. Sia I. And to i'f"rthr, A. Thai if the .Slate eourt shall, notwithstanding the’ |ierfoi nmnee of all tilings reiptired fn! 'lie removal of the ease to *iie eireilit court foresail!, proceed further in said nr iitosei fpiiui n. nuns.,i,J vj. jii- |,H in Hint' : ■•!, ■ben. in that (as.-. : ; i| ■ ii’cf, further proc'v ding.- - bail ti v oid and of none i fleet; and ail parti"-, judges, officers, and other Jiei'.-un-. Ilf ocefortl: iirunriiing ;iiefftind, r, or hv eoloi lln ri of, be liable in thimugtS therefor to Hie party aggrieved, to be re c overed by a'Tn,n»in a eouri of lie Slab leivitiff j.idpi - :' jurt-iliylion. or in • i it'Cltl! roar' ot ill.- lorded Stales bn tiie district in wbirti surd im'hi.T ppiivedings may have i linen hml. or wheic tiie party, otlieei. or ~i|i,.. oerstiP. so olTi mling.-hall he found; :(liit upon seeoleto of llam.-gU'-. in eitltd airt. tip; parly plathtifi .Jiajl lie entilleil to double eosl.s. HV.I .|. \‘,dt„n t'l.thir (linrhd. That tl hull !»: tin - il'tfy of ttm clerk of the Slate r.npt to furnish copies of ttie paper- amt tile in thence to the party o jiutitioning , for the removal; and upon the refusal or ne glect of (lie clerk to furnish such copies, the said party may docket (license in tile circuit . court of the I’nitcd States; mid thereupon slid circuit court shall have jurisdiction therein, and may. Upon proof of such refu sal or neglect of the clerk of the State eourt, and upon reasonable notice being given to the plaintiff, require him tofltea declaration or petition therein; and upon his default may order a nonsuit, and dismiss (lie case at the costs of the plaintiff, which dis missal shall Ite a liar to any further suit touching the matter in controversy - . Ari’novF.n, May 11,18(>ti. ('IIALTER LXXXI. . 1/, Art to intthon'te the Coinage of Fire-tent Fierce. Hr it con,‘ted by tin Senate dint //inter nf !/, jinn ntntirir of the l nited SUtUeof Aim rim ;in Cos nyrrer n rm, it lit, and. That so soon ns prac ticable aftrrthc passage of this act, there shall tie coined at the mint of the United States a live cent piece rom|K)-c<l of copper and niekle, in such proportions, not exceeding I twenty-live per centum of niekle, as shall lie ; determined hy the director of the mint, the j standard weight of which shall he seventy seven and sixteen hundredths groins, with no gtgaUr deviation than two grains to each peiec; mid the shape, mottoes and dev ices ol -aid coin shall lie determined hy tin director • of the mint, with tin: approval of the Secre tary of the Treasury ; and the law- nowin force relating to the coinage of cents, and providing for the purchase of material, and prescribing the appropriate duties of the officers of the mint and the Secretary of the Treasury, lie, and the same arc hereby, ex , tended to the coinage herein provided ioi St-.r. J. And, bcitfurther enacted. That ali laws now in force relating to theeoinsol the United Slates, and the striking and coining of the same, . hull, so far as applicable, he ex j tended to the coinage herein authorized. ! whether said laws mv penal or otherwise, for ; (lie security of the coin, regulating and guar | ding tiie process of striking and coining, for j preventing debasement or eounterleiling. or for any other purpose. And the director of | tiie mint shall prescribe suitable regulations i to insun'ii due conformity lo tin- required j weights and proportions of alloy in the said coin, and shall order trials thereof to lie made from time to time by theassayer of the mint, w hereof a report shall lie in writing to Hie director. Ski. [I. 1,,,/ In H fnithcr emti'tnl , That i said coin shall lie a legal tender in any pay j ment to the amount of one dollar. Aud it ! shall lie. lawful to pay out stielt coins in ex ehatigf for the lawful ourrency of the I'nitcd States, (except cents, or half cents, or two cent pieces, issued under former acts of Con gress.) in suitable sums, by the treasurer of the mint, and by such other deixisitaries as the Secretary oi the Treasury, may designate, and under general regulations approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. And under the like regulations (lie same may lie ex changed in suitable sums for any lawful ■urrrnryuf Hie United States, and the ex peii‘i'" lnei(leiil to such exchange, ifistyfim ; ijnn, ;,vul tj.ausm'wsinfi may he paid out of ito- profits of said coinage; raid the net pro fits of said coinage, as ascertained in the manner prescribed in the second section of the net entitled "An net relating to foreign coins and the coinage of cents at the mint of the I’nitcd Suites," approved Kchrunry twenty-tils!, eighteen Immlred anil fifty seven, shall lie trnnsterred to the treasury of ilie United Slates: Prodded, Thai from and after H|c p.'i';'s|ia'j! of Ifii- a( Issues of ; fraetiomd ' notes of tiie Untied States shall lie of a less denomination than ten cents; and , all neb issues nl llnil time outstanding shall. ? w hen paid into thetreasury onmy designaleil j depository of the United Slates, or redeemed or exchanged as now provided by law. lie re tailieil and eimeefied gl.}. (. Andie ,/■ J„lt.„, e emleti it, That, il i any person or person.- not lawfully author ized shall knowingly make, issue’ or tiiiss. or etfilsi: lo he niailn, issued, or passed, or liit in the making, Issuing, or passing of any eolu, eard, token, or dev ice whatsoever, in nientid or its compound, intended to pas or lie passed as money for the coin authorized hv Ibis net, oj' for coin of i-ijUjl! value, such person or jiersons shall lie ileetiyi! guiliy of ,i iiiisiUnieatior, iinit shall on conviction j I hereof, he punished by a line not exceeding one thousand dollars, and hy imprisonmsnt lor a term not 'exceeding five years al the : discretion of tiie eoin l, r>i.!. J. And b\. tl fitet/ii r no,it, That it hall lie lawful for the treasurer ami the several assistant treasurers of the United Slates to redeem in national currency, under -licit rules and regulations a- may lie pre I scribed hy tiie Secretary of tin Treasury, the j coin herein authorized to lie issued, when j i no si nmd in BfilitK of put Itvs ihan one him j died dollars. Al'PfiOYKi), May Hi, iHOfi. - ■ -♦ • flongreattional Districts of Georgia l.a. Ooum-ict Clmtliam, Hry an, Liberty ytelntosli. AVavne, Glynn. Camden, CJlitu I ton. Ware. Pierce, Appling, Tatnal. Util lock. Efiinglmni, Seriven, Emanuel, Mont gomery, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch. Echols. Lowndes, Berrien, Irvin, Laurens, Johnson, Ijrooks, Colijttit. and Thomas T»y< i>ty ItiUft etpHtllt— •fit. Counties Decatur, Earley. Miller,: linker, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, j Pulaski, Houston, Macon, Marion, Clnittn j hooclicc, Humter, Webster, Stewart. (Jnit ! C!;ty, CllHifißlt D'ihJiJiii‘ ; r 4’> •i* it. j is ;. am! ifouglicrty. Tweiiiv tiine conn j ties. :id. Counties Muscogee, Schley. Jay lor, 'l'ldlxiL Harri-., Tnnm, M rn '!A‘ uHn"'. t |nai.' IjC'uw ft a, Pay cl to, Cliiytmi, Carroll. CatnjilKdl, llantl -on, aud Paulding, Fit teen counties, 4th. Counties Upson, Pike, Spalding, Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe, Crawford. | Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinson. Baldwin, June., j Jaater, and Putuum. Filteencounties. Jlll. Counties Washington, Jefferson, Riehrmmd, (fluseock, Hancock, AVarren, Columbia. Lincoln. Wilkes, Talifirro, Greene, Morgan. Oglethorpe, and Elbert, i Fourteen counties. title Counties Milton, Garnuetb AVal ton Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart. Frank tin. Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Pickens. Dawson, liart, Franklin, Banks. Hall, Dawson, Lumpkin, White. Habersham, Rabun, Towns, Union, Fannin, and Gilmer. Twee ty eight counties, Vtle Counties DcKalb. Fulton, Cobb. Polk. Flovd, Bartow; Cherokee. Gordon, Chattooga, Walker, Whitfield, Murry. Catoo xe and Dade. Fourteen countu -. AM lIUIC'A >« EDUCHIONJIL SERIES. PU BLIS It ED lit' I vison. i’ll i iim*y, Blnkemail A (’o j IV amt Hit Grerii Street, NEW YORK. No'SERIES OF SOIIOOL HOOKS ever ol i leiod to tli" [Hihlic have attained so wtok* a < ir culnlioii, t»u received Ilie iipjjrovnl and endorsc- I in oil oJ many com pc tent, and reliable educators in all parts of the United States, ae til if. Amono the most promhicnt "i their ptiijicsi- I lions arc the follow in«r, vi/. THE 1 MON SEKIKS OK READERS AND SPELLERS —entirely new in omltcr and illustrations, ami received with I’roat lavor hy (lie best teaeheis in (lie country. ! ROBINSON’S SERIES OF AIUIILMETK s - jMipular with all teacher# who Lave tested them in the class room. ROBINSON’S ALGEBRAS AND HIGHER M ATHEMATICS entirely re wnlUm ; lull, complete, si■ientilie ami practical. KERB’S NEW SERIES OF GRAMMARS— unsurpassed in simplicity, chariies,-, re search, and practical utility. SPENCERIAN < <>P\ BOOKS- aimpUv, piacli »a 1 and beautiful; Newly ami im proved, SPENCERIAN CHARTS OF WRITING AND DPAWiNG -’i\ in number. In ouk\ *! IBv :KJ iii' hes. SANDERS' PRIMARY HAND GAUDS i\ in set. • MMiK.lli - ' VUIMAIi’Y .KTlllfll, UiIAtITF ' laryy, lor the school room, uuii»i*ers ( on lour cards. A B ( CARDS AND AR IT !I ME'TU’A i.T A 111 I CAROL. WILSON’S HISTORIES. PAsgl'EIJ/E’S FRENCH SERIWN BUY A NT iV STRATTON’S tit h )K-ivEEpl Mi, WOODBURY'S GKRM.VN SERIES. MANTILLA’S SPANISH READER!A COLTON’S GEOGRAPHIES.- WEBSTER’S SCHOOL DICTIONA RIES. BRAIH ltY’S SCHOOL Ml SIC iXK>KS,e" . 'J'hcy also iiainulaet Hi u tin. SPENCER! A N S'l'LEi PEN.-., tvidcli are regarded by tin be L Pensmen of tin- country rs siijtei lor toad other'. 2-• TcaeJiei' and all others in ten aU’.d arc in : vited to send for onr D« —: rijM.ivc Outalogue ami Cirettlars, ami to correspond with uh IVoelv. ; Addre - the Publishers |T/i Mai<eYourOwnsoaW |l/ UPer-Cent Saved By?\ ICE B. 'l’. BABBITS PURE COMEN TRATED PO! ASH on READY SOAP j MAKER. Warranted (hmlfly, ine strenytl) of ! common Potash, and ■mperior to any other .-a --! ponifierpr 1,-y in the market. Put up in cansof mie pound, two pounds, three nounds, six I ion ml.* - and twelve pounds, with luu direciions, ; in Kn.u'H>li and (iermnn, for making; Hard ami .'••ft Soap. On -pound will make liIUUiU (»J Soli So - ,;!.. No lime U required. Cons nine i’.-* will HiD.I lie the cheapest Pofa.*Ji in tin* inarLet. \-ik your ;*T(H er lor it. 85. T. ii ■%. r;. til i\ j lit (15, (17. (is, OP, 10, i\ and 74 Wa-hln^- | ton street, New York. ri\ PER ( KVi SAVED BY USING |\ •>U RABHSn S STAR YEAST POW DER. 1.111 ! Bisenil . or any kind <>! (Jake, may I ite made, with thi' “Ye-! Powder” in ilt'hcn ,;ii|iuii>. No shortcnbiG’ i- icquii nd when sweet. : m*l| k i..11.■.■({. Nil i.Jaml 1! st,, Nov York. NOTICE. A.- 1,1111 m.-liiw Ini' U -I. WUfTK, (.lining - iii*s absence from the city, and have i>ecn called upon («• maki some settlements on Ihc • -tate »•( >l. Ross, deceased, all person-, indebted (<• •l>i c.-late will jilease < all and see q;u, t eaniml set I|e claims \\ iMiiP’,! imaiV)* W. H MAT ME MS A-.-m Augusta, Ga., May List, ISO, Hv NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Cliurlered Ivy let ol () F Fi < I: R s M. T !!t whi, Pre.ddujit. v. .1 W. A1 vent, Ii \'i - «• I n-ident law Ass lepMaiie, id Vice Presidelil, D. L !■*. Actuary, Rev. S. L. Harris, Ftuam tal fn-pc< io-. ' Prineip:;! (»:iice, < onier RUh -uvet and IVnn «\tvimiu" \ • •'• W.isliiii" ion, D c. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., Ml. in, ELLIS STREET, FORTH! 01 JAFKSOT. Ocufi ! H( ii:- From 1 n. !. p. »•». ; and on Saturday*. <»■ to Pp. nt. ()-. p.» i; o One Dollar and npw..rd rceclvud. L;h n-i allowed in January mi.l Inly. The money Pcpo-iled will l»e j aid l-twk t(» the d< poshor, principal and luinr-i. when ealhd lor. All tin profit bc!ony to the (iep<witOl>> no others are interested. Rr.tmhe- liyw Inin t -ta l *!i>ln:d ill nearly i verv "it\ from New York lo New Orleans < il PR IN< K, Owliier. NO. 52. THE tyiUibftitl SLiiidard. A ftKiUBSOF SCHOOL liOOKti wiiiiti is ’oxtMtsivrly tiMid la every .Stole nf tin: Union, i» many instances moreiarguly Hum»n> nr nil tithcfs, may justly licar the iilhik: tilb Nothing hut tin mgsl linyuaUlictt merit l oulil give any Bunks tins proud position. Tiuclh i . and frioluts of rddoation vcni rallv. arc linin' that it is creditably maintained by the NAT TON A b 8 Eli IKS OP ' SCHOOL BOOKS, I't ni.isnED uv .1. A. HA JIN Eli ,L - CO., NEW YORK. These, fa mo 0b BooKb arc everywhere used and everywhere popular. The catalogue covers every department of School, Academic ami Col lei*’iate lijHtruetiou. The following are Ilie vol uim-s n present iu«jt the. conitifon branches; I’arker A Whlßdn’s Spcllt'rs and Reader.- , Monteith and McNally’* Geographies ; ( lark’s English GrammAis ; Beers’ System of lYninaiv-hii) ; Davies’ Complete Course of Mathemati* ; Monteith and AV r lll;ird’s History; The Silver Lute and Forest. Choir- Mu ie : •larvis’ and Health ; Peek's amt thuiot's Natural Philosophy ; Porter's Principles of Chemistry ; Darby’s Southern Botany,; Nor I herd's School Speakers; Pujol’s Frem h Class Book ; Andrews iV: SUuldard's Latin Grammar. THE ILLUSTRA TED EDi:<\ 1770 x. i /, /; rujrn.w j Jill, ri.liLlSJlKlCs OFFICIAJ- Al i; I> Ii ,M, \\ ill he. sen!, lo 'Teacher’s regularly, tor one year, on receipt of ti:n ofat* - . Add res A, S, BAENES&CO,, KDUIAJ'ION AL l’UlJLlbll i JiS. New Yor/k\ j ru \I:J Gm (|i A( l\ lI\IMIS’ AIUTHMKThhf. o- TIIE LA’IEST ANI) BEST. A lO imen if Arit/unefir. licim ti fully illustrated ; carries the beiriimci through the Hrst four Rules and the simple Tables, eomblnhur mental exercises with examples for the slate. H»mo. IPS paefe*-, IP eeirt-. Alt Efemeutari/ . I riHimrt ir. Review. - ' the subjects of the Primary in a style adapted to somewhat maturer tiiukE. ANo ciiilu-aees Kructions, Federal Money* Rednellon, and the Com pom id Rules. L.’mo. 1 M pay;es. tjO cents. i A Practical Arithmetic. IV. - - jialed expressly for Common Schools, ei\ ine sja eial promiuencu to the branches ot Mercantile ArUhmetie, amt introducing tin* new “ Metric System,” with explanation and examples. B-’mo. l>Jt> pae-o. #l. A lliffhcr Arithmetic. In j»i. pa ration. A Mental Arithmetic. ac.iilv ready. This series is meeting with a most eratilyine reception from teachers everywhere, and U t \ aetly w Ini! is needed for mental discipline, a well a- lor a practical preparation for the Imsi m ssoflilc. It is clear, tfiorouidi, ( omprehen sive, arranged, well »rraded, is,supplied with a ii’icat variety of (‘xaiiiph's, :»*t«f tcarlir the method. - ' actually used by business men. Speciim ti etudes of any ol the above work moiled, pod paid, i" teacher' and school olliceiv. on receipt ol one-halt tin- retail priN*. Favora ble terms made lor introduction. IL AJPPJLETOHi CO., i i:i .* ii.; iiroaihvay, .\. v. mi "if THE HOAD TO FORTUNE. UM‘. can put any male or leniale in tin wav of MAKING EVERY DAY in the year by the employment of the time ordinari I.' -pent in reading and recreation. A FIFTY ( I N T SAMPLE v. nt tree upon application. A (Id r<" PAULDING, BANKS ACO., S!I*J Broadway, New York. UepataDd C'apilli. i luow V*tnr lalsc lri/zcs, your your w i»c — Dc-truetivc ofeomlort. and not worth a li:^; ( omc aired, come youthful, come uirly and fail And rejoice in your luxuriant hair. R!’J*A« VT()R ( AIMI/I I. Foi hair upon bald heads, from whatever caii-c it may have fallen out, and fMix ine. a growth of hair upon the face it has no » xual. is will force the Beard lo trrow upon .oioolhe I face in from live to ciirlit weeks. - * l»,»ir np'ui Bald> ii» from two to three mouth'. A few wnt practitioners luive a«? -erte(l tied there is nothing that will force oi hii'U'U the growth «>f the hair or beard. Their assertions sin* false, a- tliousaiuls of livinu; wit nc'sis, from their own experience, can bear wit ih'ns. But, many will say, how are w< to dis tlnixuish tin genuine from the spurious y If in rlaitilv i- ditHeult, as nine-It lith><*! the ration- advertised for the hair and beard are en - tln ly worthies.*., ami you may have already thrown awav lar-v amounts ir. their purelutse. ’T*» such we would sav try the REPARATOR CAPILLA; it will cost you nothing; unlesa u hilly comes up to mir representations. Il your old we will forward it. m*slpaid, together with a receipt for the money, w hich will be returned you on application, providing entire satistau tion is not trH’en. Address. w. L. < I.AUKE tY ( o , Chemist..-. \(». West Fayette si., ajtb ly Syracuse, N. Y*