The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 15, 1867, Image 3

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flies Daily Loyal Georgian. vi ch'sta. <;a.. tu.vk is. i«n (FFlcial organ r. s. goveuxmkxt. MAN MURDERED \ c>l <>ro< 1 lil:;ii was tumid dotul vis rrtlav morning; near tin' Factory. He *nl evidently been murdered during lie jjiveeding night. W k> are informed tlmt a large oom nanyfot white men, with music, were seen lo pass near the place, armed w ith dubs, pistols and other weapons. It is believed that some of this gang com mitted the murder. We call the at tention o! our worthy .Mayor to this locality. Blood Hounds on the Track Again. WV are informed that a man living ;lt jpa\ is' Springs, Ihirke enmity, has heenmnntiug eolored men with blood hounds, and that a short time since, he heat a w oman, in a “delieate eoudition. iiearh to death. The Zion Methodist Conference. The ( emferenee of the Zion .Metho- Vtst (’lnireh is now in session in this itv at Trinity (eolored) church, we hap* to publish a full report of the prof lings. IS A FOOL ’ Where should be no attempt lit eon- Hation, with treasonable Keliels. An it! Democrat said some years since, vhen he was approached for his con eni to some cmsiliatory tm>, enietil, hat “ Co/irilkdioii <if(Mii. |i good then, it is one hundred. times aior applicable now than then. To .nf to compromise with those who in#!!y oommited treason, alid who itlfbcate the same principles now. ift-ei laing eompiend by the tribunal if Itheir choice. Ilow redieuious! tow absurd! XX’ell organized fishing dub ~ hunting clubs, gambling clubs, nil w horemasters clubs are set to de 50V tioveniincnt officers from their » iisatrncd duty. And it is paintul to know the great influence exercised by niie or the other of the above named Pities. There is but one way to wing this matter to a ( lose. All ’vho already, should be .Isfranehised for life. There should lie no rtalriss. Those who are not, utd vole against Convention, should not only be disfranchised, their property should beVonfiseated; and they thflwld be declared out-laws; not allow - 'd to be Jnrj/nici: or plaintiffs in my easeeitber rii'il nrerimiiud. Such mprder would put alt end to all our liffi. ultii s. A paper or press advocating any othci doctrine, should not only be suppressed, but should be closed up fanner; its type melted tip, and the Mfeirietor and editor should forever be forbid publishing a paper under my name. Twelve months, given him to Jeave the country, if not. to be dis pose.l of at the will of any good citi zen. The arch traitor 801 l Tombs is again bach to his old home, circulating trea soii w ith the pow er of a steam engine. Can we reconstruct so long ns such urc allowed inourmidstV Thud Stevens injustice to these Keliels, is a hun ijftd vears behind the times, on what Jioul.l be demanded, in justice. Tombs has a license to practice law without taking the oath of allegiance, lie practices before a rebel Judge, and where nine out of ten are Rebel Jury men. boiling over with treason. Adopting such a course, lmw long w ill it take us to reconstruct 1 An swer, w ho can. -V Citizkn. For the Koval Georgian. Tin: Oku amza i ion’ or tiik Florida mlsvi Al, ( oM’KKI Ni r. OF TIIK HAi'kifav M. K. Cm in ii nv Bisitor «'A’ nil A \ . Jl Tv i.i.kiiassk, Fi.a., June 10, 1867. The first session of the Florida annual Conference was commenced here on last Saturday morning, by Bishop AVavmafi. Kev. XV. Quinn WSs elected Secretary. Twenty preachers were admitted on trial in the Conference; some ot them were men far advanced in life, others were quite \tjtmthtul, and bid fair to lie of great ttfe to the missionary cause in tin imtli. Sunday morning, the Sunday school ■ld their anniversary, at which time tjbi y presented, through lb v C. H. ec.’irei’, a handsome pocket Bible to Bishop War nian as a token of respect. A !0 o'clock the new Church, here, If is dedicated. Bishop ■reached the sermon text, songs <>! Holomon, oth (Tiii] «tor 10th X erse. i There w>'a xef% lajag*- congregation I pn sent to hoar tho first colored Bishop ] that ever preached in the Capital of j Florida. The Bishop preached again | ut ■’! o'clock F. M., and ordained seveti- I teen Lae in m . - A ■ Lis U I Aftnlrhv inoming Jhsro I'dh, the | (.'ojiferenei met to finish up the lmsi | ness. The Conference agreed to hold its next Met-inn in Tallehasso. Bishop Wayman then delivered a very in structive address to the members of the Confer.tjee, tynd then announced the following: District, C. li. Fearce, I’. K. Tallehasso City C. 11. lVtll’ee. City .Mission,. ... . .J. .Maeotnmie. I won Comity,. . . .(t. Waul. Qftfciey, . 1 1. XV . Quinn. Ocloekney to be supplied, St, Johns . Mien Jones. Chatahooehee, LU Unset, Montieella, K. .Meaehen. Concord, 11. K. Brytie. Montieella Mission, to be supplied,^ Ocella, > 'lonian SleWard. Tuskey Stone,, F-. Forman, Ai idisou,. . . Af. Johnson. ’• Live Dak. . , . . . l.i vi Taylor. Lake City, . .. .David \ oung. Afount Tabor, K. Brigader. Gainesville, lie supplied. Jacksonville,. . ..Wm Bradwcll. Palatka, D. Wood. Ft titattdma,.. , . . Ist be su|]'!ied. New Smyrna,. . . to be supiilied. St. August,ine,. John Smith. Alus,|uilo River,.'. be supplied. Key West, to lie supplied. X’aldoster,. .J. W. Mat myaj,, Baiubridge,. Jobti ’’’l'liorliton". Thomas! ills', 10 lie supplied. Mart AniiaDis... Af. Steward, B. F Bethlehem, V XVfijfc. Antioch, S. Lieington. Spllllgiioid Jacob J\ jllgtou. Camjibelton,. . XVup Clemming--. Aplaeheeolg,. . .. .W. Ktvei’s. Bensecola,. . ... to be supplied. ! Simms llarboi- I,ilie supplied. ; Calhoun, . .. 1 ’ Spears. I Greenwood* t■ * he supplied. j WoodviUe, .Al FJley. | Ilonii s X'alh'v,. . .C. Baker. X alley .Mission,. L Kusk. Vernon, . , .to be nlpplied. ; * )ak I lill, (o 1 1,. - Upplied. IS. Q' i \j>‘, S*< r. tjiry BY TELEGRAPH,. i Froj ■ the ('if y »*;i jhi . ! Isom ft *liing iota. ANKOI iS >.'Qii\(/roN', IF TJUt* i'diiclinj: «»l tlic jury Un Sunatrs trwsi l profit-siny, It xvill jiinlritii) •*, cumjt’irGtl to-diiy. The f r, which is now a.- an Executive ; i*lt:m !»*•?* Ii:- ?<»ilo\viii^ We liiiTf autiionty lor th* Htaleineut, ii 4 :xt if a very recent coiisultution ui the Cabin et, it wafijjh 'jidcft Una iM?it;iry olliot i-s it* vein maul! oft! Hve i lei - , iiToAvhicfi t%e lei. unrepresented Southern Stales arc (hivhleil, have no poxver to remove civi! ollleei deriv ing their power lrom the state ( iovci n .nent .. now organized. The <jii« dion, xv* rstand# us before the Cabinet, Ilk* more inmu iliate n : ference to tile ruuovul ct ,tnc Ca-vi jt.oiumi , ! other civil Sff t of /,o»ir i J'»n»; by ! General Shcridmi, but of course will iy >p!r to the Bction of the other lui.r commacifU if. No ! rionbt the forthcoming (>piuion of the. Attorney General, in accordance with the. reasoning of which it is understood tin do idon re ferred so vvoi* arrived at, will fully justify the; ! legality and propriety of this deter uiination. ! It scarcely need be sugLc.sted that toe issuing of orders replacing tin deposed «»|ticcr»» (which may become nceessary as a conMajiienee of this 1 decision of the General,) xv mjd he no ground for application on the part, ot Gen. fthcridau to jbe relieved from tin position In hold-. Much | less vvQuid it \var|*iyit : lhe infqyen* • that the ad* I mini-tmtion . onfen'platc or ileniiTs his rerno xal for lii-errors. St nsatioual journals, upon ‘bis point, lioxx i*V' r much Ui< y may utUmi'V to be supported by imagined political iniino urrerf i on the part ot either the I'rbcmU <rr enctnics of the Central, are wholly wit/oout foun iaiion. It in almost certain ‘ hat. the awts of the l>i j trictCmnmamlerF, wh«reiit ‘bey have transcend- ed the meaning of the lj xv, will be reversed, ! and the power of provisional government be J restored, aiid tlrat funefioiiuHos of provisional j governments will hereafter onljr be removed by j t onrt martial <»r act of Congress. This is tie*, j : decision of the Cabinet— fttanton only dissenl- j iinjrhy silence. Tin* probable rchignatiou <*f| District Commander.-., under these reversals j and restraints, was dher.--- ed. Such action whs j : apprehended and deplored. Ihr point xxasj made, hovexer. that tbesu Command i I erst were on duty, n*d that however , unplea.-ant tin duty, they cannot abandon their ' I'o-tb. Internal revenm rc'-oipt.-. >s-lOpK)d. ioi*i ! customs from the Ist: to the Bth of Hie month, j nearly three millions. j A-nm Avon the prb:e tight sixty-even j rounds. The lighting w yA, • rat. ColynN i face all Jellied. I'rosu Si'ilehnnmd. Richmono. »C:nr >■» .J. J. 1 ax ii li Jiu; uiucdcr of Mary and. Pill- and C' ! " ,,|!M '' t coliinl. ’‘nrortcad body va- found nerr Ki mond. soon' month aand much c\« itcnien- Ayas ci t. fed bv Ih'b up;r.d( I’rniu Caftfurnia, Svn I il vn< is o Jui.c lv. • 'Pie Coii-t it at jl?u Ib*.- - I with •■COfToon t\x truvburu, of which was for New Yoik. Three hundred ami sixty Chinese arrived in a reeUit ve&cel. . fi'roin Hexieo. Nexv Ouleans, Juue id, I'ihc rienyuiU' has lite following • ICommereiool Aialainonvj, ol the7th, gives ihe following as extract from a letter dated the till, from, Munti ;-cy Mi rath oil-has died rif r fever, which attacked him after he was xxoundcM. At Q\i'cictaVo,“ (’a tillo, Mejia, and several others have bden f-liot, according to n letter I iiave e-ecn trom a credib) person in Sun Luis* Mont profound silence ls preserved »m to wind is to bo done with Maximilian. The chief lunetiojuiiics talk bot-U ways. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Ki <Mi‘ ■/ ty Ihi >S< iiti'c ami llnuxt oj Jhjn-1-M Hiatites <ff ; tkv United Mute* of America .'•< Coagns* assembled (two thirds of both Hollos eoneurred), 'l’liat be luliowmg mtivlei* be proposed tn tlio Legislatures ol -tho several States as an iunenihueut to the Couslitutinn ol the United States, vihieli, when ratified by tlii’i.e-iouitli.-. ol said Legislatures, shall bo valid as a part id the Constitution, namely: Akthu.ij—-Suction i. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the juridietbm thereof, are citi tizena oi the United State?-, and of tho State wherein they reside. No State shall i mate or on force any law which shall abridge the privileges in immunities ol citizens oi tho Called States; Nor shall , any State deprive any person of life, liber ]tv uv property without dim processtd law, nor deny to auv person vviLhin its .jur.sdic ■ ! tiuii tho (([Ual protection of the laws. See. ’J- Representative* sl ''afl !,c "PP 01 '- tioned iinjoug tho several States ae.curding to the resjiectivo numbers, eountiug the whole number of persons in each Stnte, ext: hiding Indians not taxed ; but when-I ever tile right to vote aL any election for electors of President and A’ioc-PreSideiit. or for United States Kepreseiitative? in Congress, executive and judicial idl'ieors of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being f v.ent.y-onc years of age, slid citizens id the United States, or in any way abridged, except lor participation in. rebellion or other crime, tho basis of representation therein shall lie reduced ill tho proportion vvliicli tho iiuiiillci' id such mail* citizens shall bear to the whole iiumbor of iinilo citizens twenty one years ol age in the [ State. t gets h No pi reen shall ho a Senator or | Representative m Congress, elector of ! President and Vice-President, or hold any i cilice, civil or military, under ilie United i States, or under any Stale, who having previously taken an oath as a member ot ' Congress, or an olliccr of the l tinted Status i or as an exceuttve or jndicnl otheer nf ariy ) State, to support Urn Constitution of Urn i United Status, shall have engaged in in- I surroctimi or rebellion against the same, nr j given aid or couitnrt to the enemies thoro- Sos; but Congress tuny, by a two-third* ol ! each House, remove such disability. gee. !. The valdity <d the public debt ; ~f tlm United Slates, authorized by law. ( includin', debts incurred for the payment Os pi nsifuit and bounties forservee ill sil]i j pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall | not be questioned, hut neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay U-ny debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against tlm 1 oi led States, or claim for the loss or einanci patiotr of any slave ; but all such debts, 1 obligation:’ and claims shall bo held illegal | ;un! void. See. 5. The Congress shall have power j to enforce, by appropriate legislation, tho i provisions of t lnu article. Military Districts in Georgia, Jii. vms ii* Disthkt ok Gkouoi v. / Macon. Ua..April I’J, 18(11 i (.KXFKAI. < MiOKlts. I Ho. o. i ! 'file Military District of (teorgiu i -1 iicruliv divided into ( s ) eight Posts, as tol jUist of Kvvanxaii To include the i counties of Chatham, Klfinghain, Jiullocb, | iji-yaii. Tat nail. Liberty. M< inlodi. Glymi. | Wiivne. Appling. 1 'it vc- AVare, < 'lmicton. Camden. Clinch. EehoF. Linvii !,!,.< Brooks, liei’i’ien. Cokptitt. Thomas, j Decatur. MiuJifclk -Miller. J taker, and K rlv. ] Ol - Arcrsr x -To inoln<Ut the. conn tie of liiclmioiiil. Columbia; Warren. Lie cock, Washington .lulinson, JcMerson. jiurke, hei iveu. .Hid KimmueP j>ost of .Vrf.WNT ' T-’i include the conn tie, of Cold,. Fulton. Campbell. Carroll, Coweta, Heard. Fayette: Claytim. Spaidd ii,o itemv Newton DeKalli, Milton ! i Jw'iiim.'tt: and Butts. i>,,st OF D.vili.onko* —To include the <onritiesof F.inuim Union. Tow n-. Italmn, (;i||,ter. Pickens, Cherokee, Dawson. Lmnp kin. White. Maber-ham. Halt. Forsyth. Banks. Fraiiklin, and Hall. Post or Komi. To include the counties of Dade, Walker. Catoosa. Wbittield. Miir iChatt'.oga. (ion lon. Floyd. Folk. I ‘ait Id jim. Ilaialson and Bartow i formerly Cass, jeeentlv ( banged liy an Act (and the Legisla - ture). Post Or Atiikn- To include the coun ties of Clark. <fsuks.on. Madison, Libert (K-lethoi’pe, Morgan. Walton W ilkes. Greene. Tniiaterro. Lincoln, Jasper, Put iiani. ami Hancock I‘osr OF CoU’MiJ! To include (lie (omitie- ot ’i'rotryi. Aleriwetiier. Harris. Tab' t. Mu-cogee, .Station. Taylor, (selllcy, SVCist'T. Stewart. Tatnail, (piitimui, Hun doijia, Clav, Calhoun, and Chattahoochee. Post of Macon -To include the conn ; lies of Bilib, Jones, Baldwin. Wilkinson. Twiggs. Lauren-. l'ula-ki. Montgomery, •T* i.’iiir. Wia-o-. Invin. Worth. Dooly, ; j‘| ,',’i ion. Mac: :a. (Taw ford, t p.-on. Alonl’oe. i I'jkc. Smiitci'. Lee. and Douglieity. i jb on.inaud of Cos!. Cauki: C. S.ui.kv. 1 * JitHN K HOSMLIi. t.l I 'eili j(j 1 hf. s lulantl . and A. \. A. u‘l. •Oflicwl: U.c Kxn-r ' i 1-t Lieut- ‘■"■id Ldintrv I,lev. Capt. U. S A I'osl Adjutant. J. lIINCKLING iV CO’S GREAT SAI. K O F WATCHES ON the popidor one-prleu plan, giving every [latnin a rinndstnne and reliable Watch lor the price ot Ten Dollars! without regard to value, and not to l» paid for unless perfectly satisfactory! 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches, if'iaO to -.’>o 500 Magic Cased Gold Wateties, *JOO I" a(HI 500 Ladies' Watches, Kuamclcd, IW> to ZOO 1000 Gold Hunl’gCliion'ter Watciies ZSO to titlO 1000 Gold Ifunting EhglMi Levers, goo to .’SO ,’iO(X) Gold Hunting DupK \ Waielies, 150 to ZOO SIXX) Gold Huutg Aineileaji Waielies, tuO 1,1 150 5000 Silver Hunting Levers, 50 to 150. 5000 Silver Hunting Duplexes, famz.Ml !(XXH> Gold Hunting Lopines, 50 In 75 ttXKXi Miscellaneous Silver Watches, 50 to 100 ZSOIX) Hunting Silver Walt lies, za to 50 : (0000 Assorted Watches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 Every person obtains a Watch by tliisarrange menl costing but jlO while il may be vvorili -750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J, liiuckiing A Co.’s Great Anieriean Wateti t ompany, New York City, v*l»h to lin medialelv dispose of ttie above magnificent stock. Cortilientes, naming articles, are placed in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to articles named on their certificates uihui pay ment of Ten Dollars, whether it lie a Watch worth #750 or one worth less. The return ot our eortilientos entitles you to the articles mimed thereon, upon payment irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than S-IU is mimed on ally eertitii ale, it will at once lie seen that, this is no lottery but a straight forward legiti mate transaction which may tie participated in by even the most fastidious ! A single Certiticate vvill be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt ol Z 5 cents; live lor Isl ; eleven for 92 ; thirty-three and an elegant pn mium for 95 ; sixty six and more valuable, pre mium lor 510 ; one. hundred and a most superb Wall’ll for 915. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a.' rare opportunity. It is a legidmuloly eondueted liusiness, duly autlio rised by the GAvernment, and open to tin most careful'scrutiny. Try U-. Address, .1. it U I. I Dig A t 0.. 1 til Hrondway, near T*. ()., k-Wthio City ol New York. KXTEI-sDOR ! EXCEIiSIOU CIIASTELLAK’S 11A JR EX TERM INA TOR ! ! For 11 amoving Superfluous Hair. MHO the Indict espuciiiliy, 1 1 1 is invulunhlc tie -1 dilatory recommends ilriull ns being an n\- iuosi indispeitsible article, to lemalc Ijciiuty, is e;i.-ily apjiHi and, (ha s not*burn or injure, the skin, lmt aels directly on the roots, it is axhminted :o remove su]>erf!nous hair from loxv loreheads, or from any l»art. of tho body, completely, total ly and radically extirpating the Mime, leaving ihe tskin soil, smooth and natural. This is the onlx article used by tho French, and i.-> tin only real effectual depilatory in existence. Trice 15 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt. <>l an order, by JiEKGKK Sill 'I TS xV Cos., Chemiot-, apG-ly Kiver »St., d'roy, N. Y There, < i»me , b glad thUnipi of joy to all, 'To younjf and to old, to;.l and to small ; 'The bca uty which once xv a..- so preeiou.- and rare, Is free lor all and all may he fair, IIV TIIK IJSIi OI ( iIASTELLAIt’S White Liquid ENAMEL, For Improxinw- and BcaHtifyiiij? the t*om plexion. Tin* most valuidde and perfect preparation in u-d* for "ivliui the kiu a beattfiful pearl-like tint, that i: only found in youth. 1 1, «j nick! y removes Tan, Freckles, .Pimples, IJlotehcs, Moth Patches, Sallow ness, Eruptions, and all impuri ties of the Sk in, kindly lieu ling the Mini!, leuv in*»- the skifrl xxh'lte ana clear as alabastiM'. Its use, cannot luvdetected by the closest scrutiny, did peine; a vegetable preparation, is perfectly by th. French, and is considered by the Pari sians as indispensable to a perfect, toilet. Up xv.trds of ‘.50,(k)0 hotilcs were Mild during the past vear, a sullieient poinranty of its ettiaey. Price only 15 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order. JSEUGER, SIII TTS A CO., Choinisl ‘.’Hj River Street, Troy, X. V apO iy STEP BY STEP, OH, The Child's First Lesson Hook nl-TIGNED tn b (nil new liugiimol’x I" """I on an im|.i’-vial plan. J’li'T, *> ■* ti j., oni ~! the. be-f first, book.; for yoimu' cbilrlrun Dial nr bavc yet fccn, and will dmilif- U-.SH.on viu ilaway in public fnvnr, and be gem rally employed in the insli iicihin id uhil [ircii.”. Jhliiiniri St"(r .Unii-in‘l. -x/,., i,i, si,j, i- eeftainly a bijou id a ihildV H-ltool bnriK. Phitn. Prut*. Till. pnii-.-ribiTH will send a .lirctitar contaiii- n j agas of tha above work, (le-igned' Id leal I,lie lii.Ui- ones to read on anew pian, to any one de-irlng if. It will give leathers aim others inlere.'b and in education an idea ol the work. Dopier of tlie work will In seill to any addn-s, tor (lie purponn Os ex imlnatiMi, on re eeilit ot to i elit-. DA VIS, I'OUTEIt A I OA I Eh. ;i ! Sansom Slreel, I’liilailelpliia. MARRIAGE <«UII)K. I»E|\4. a private instruetor for married per > sons, or timer. alFHit so lie married—boili midi aud lcmalu—iti everythingemieernhig tlic pliv-mlogy null rulatUms ol our sexual ry-xtehi. anil Hie l.rodiielinu and prevenlinu oi olTsnnng, all til. new di-eovencs in-v.a before given in the English language,liy MM. VOt NG. M J), i’lris is really a valirftblc a.ud interesting wmi i( is written in plain language for tlic eem r.i] leader, and iltilstrated witli inmierim.-. Engraving’ AH yimiig married people, or tli.iae (•.’Hitciiiplating marriage, and in*ting 1,11 lea-1 impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses sccrels tlmt every one siionld la aciiaaiuted with, -lill il D 1 l.ooi. that he locked up, and nol lie atiolit Hie aott-y. j 11 a ill la--eiU to any one on tlie receipt ol ad cels. Vddrc-s. Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. fib so.aiee street, above Fourth, Hiiiiailelpl.ia, I". I AITLICTED AND I NUOUiT NATE . No matter wind neiy fie your disease, before, i vi,*,i pj.a e yoursidl under the cart;(d any ot (tie , jiotnriou Duai k»—native or foreign—win. ad -erii c h. thus or any other paper, gel a >’oj.y o Dr. Young's book and read lteuruluily. Il " .11 la the means oi Living votl many a dollar, your heal 111, and possibly J’otfr life. Dr YOUNG can be consulted oil any ol tin ,'jse i-es deseril.ed in liis pul.lieations, at his Olifo , No. 410 Spruce street, above Fourth, l'hila’d.joliia BBisbUTT’. Aul/urrr, Golden , Flaxen \ Silken Curls, T vIII )I)U(.EE by the use m Prof. DELKLL.V j I’UhSER I.F. CIIEYEI X. One app!i-a warranted to curl the most straight nml -tutiborii linir, of cither sex, into wavy ringlet, or lieavv ma--' ’of curls. Has been n-. dliytlic i e-iiioualde- id Lari, .md London with tliemosl iiitvinv re-uits. Hoes no injury to the. hair. ‘ I'iiJe, liv mail, sealed and po." paid, «». De .eriptivc eireui. i? leailed’frn ., lIKKG KJI, 8111 'I TS A: CO., Gli' mi-rs, No. s.j Uivei Mreel. Troy, N. Y., SoleAgenl- for Hie United Utah*. tpO Uv iMi’OKTANT TO MEUCIUNTS, PLAMfTERS & FARMERS «\ ’ h have In ell inloruied tied the iioml pra. 'i' •>( Mi reliant Fa ruler, and Vliinto?, it \\ .ml.ring llie'i. , apple .'four Dr. McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, lia.sbeeulosimi»ly write on ior t'ermilii;,'. tie ' 'ut 11 ,•ul •' • i Had In-teud of till: genuim 1)1! Ml LINK'S \ EKMIKUGL, tin v ire.pi.iiti,- e.-i mm or tbu oilier of the many worthies,- ereoaralions ealled Wrmituge now lUfoie 111.; public W., lit. relorv, beg leave to urge mum the I’lanU'i lin- [nan.riel' and il ol invariably writing I lie bmn.o. Inllnndtoa.Mse u„ ir laelor ~r .'".aos if,. : th. \ vvill not r," . iv- : n.v oilier than the gc. mine DH. Me LAN!; CELEHILMhi, V El’ Ml HUG lv, "i by 1- LKM ING HH-. IIrriTSUU UG ILL We also would advi elite .-.ante pree.iulfon? in ■rmg IH. M LA.xL 8 ( elebrafed LU , I'll,|.is 'I ke •■ !—ii popiilaril v of t!;e- e Fill . as a rpeellic dr eure lor LI\EL UU't I’I.AIN’T and ail the ISiiion- Denniv.-.iueiits so plvvalcut in Um HouUi and douHiwest, lm. iudueed Hie vender.; of many wort More, no.-nxim- to itaibi for Hndr prei.jraliiiii. mediei it lue.- . lie. md ,lc, eiyed ! DIS. Tie .% Os lUW U Hebmt; and LI U K liH.BW a,a Hie <,rl".n,J and oidv rctiable reinedc lor Inver Gmuplnml that lias yes been discovered, and vv mg. tin; i’lanlei and M' r«, as lie values hi., own and the l.euitb ot t11.,..e dep, ml,’l, ■on Mill, to lie ea.vfu! ill ord. ring. Take mil: r XciWlfugc nor layer till uni,-. ; vou are are yon are • eltiug the e'vmdite M, LANK’S, pi’ifXreWbv- FLEM lK < T I Jli( yVUKI fS, ITTTSUUKG, l'A. !m. MTiANKS €L L ESI HATE I* LIV Kit IMLLS, Jf’Ul! THE uCjiF, Ml’ He idol is or LieerCoinpltt ini, HyspcptHU « ud Sick JULcuduche. In orterii ~to the public bi: Ml LA s’i .8 ( 1 Lr.ijRATKD U VElt I'iLLS as a remedy for LIVKI! ami HJ!,l< H’S’ COMIM,AtN’TS, we pre-uim ifo apology will, bu needed. The grea ju’evaiem c oi Efx* ;• (’oiiijilamt and Uiliou.s I of all kinds 1 the United Stales and peculiarly in the We i and South, where, in iho majority of eas^f, tile jnxticnt is not wit hin the reach of a re,ni:u* pl»v.;iei,,u, leijuiru \ hat - nu rancdy.idiouM bn prox itfed, (i»af would not in the lea- 1 impair !lie eonatif ulion, ami yl, bv •»!•• and **!T * Uud. 'That «uch \* lhe true char uctcr of DR. Mt LANE’S EIVER PITJzS, ihcre can 1h no rtonW The festimony wo lay be fore you, and the grua.t- riiicocs- xyllioli h -■ in\ aria lily «tt« ink'd til Ci i ure, will, wc think bo aid !icicii! to coiix iiu• !b* nidot ineredulon ti ha.- *-e*.;u aur g.hnvirc \vi» Tilibbkmnd be fairly and fully tested, and . land or tall f*y the • • ftv* c 1 produced. That' flu y have been .-o te.-lcd, and that the. resuif hiG heem in eve x respect favornfilc, xvo call thonmiiuE to wiinuM* xvlio have (’Xiu rienccd Mieir !>cmdi( ial elk* t^. DR. MrLANEhS LIVER FILLS, arc not held forth br'fcuoimucjide.d (Jike mud oi ihc pop ular medic in cl- of tin- duy.jitft univ< raul cuiv-aIE, Iml imply for LIVER COM TJ:A J.NTS, uuti thoao ttyiiLpfouiH xouin uLud with a derail-D dritute oi that onfaii.. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. The i.iv.u i- n.'b’ii nmiv. fiv.pient.iy the seat ..1 di-easc, tlam i ■ generally supnu,gut. "1 lie Aiii.--Il.>i, il i.- and, ■ i-'-it.-a to perform, and <>ti the regnlar exeeutinn n| witt.-h depends not only Hie general bc.dtb oftlie body, but Hie. puwui-H id the Stomach, Dowels, Drain, and ti.e whole Nervous Nv stem, allow* its vast and v iial importance to human health. When Hie Live, is c. rioiislv oisf s- . lit in iiud not (.illy del inges Hie vitou'uiietiuiiß of Uk body, but vxure.ii.oa a I ion erf..! iulliicnee. over tin ...aui.. I It, op.'whiuh eanridt anally be deseriiied. It lain eloee meet ion to oilier diseases, anil lujnib sis ilselt by so grout a variety of symptom ~ of a most doubt i’-il el.viracl.--i’, I hut il mi leads inure physician-, even of great eminence, than any other on Tla’ intlnmtu edmi.elion veld, ti e\i?l« lief men the idv'—and the ttrglii, and tin gr : doni'iiu, vv'hieii !am p r. u.nn lit even foes ov, r the [M-sieiis oi mankind, convinee in,; bait m .iiv unfortunate I,dug ‘hilve e.iflintiHed ael' ofil> epi aijtl erimiiiai atrocity, or be come. wind tool- t< mi tiypo-'hondriae,, lroin Hie -imp!, fact of a diseased state oCtlre Livui. 1 liave In on convinced Hint more than one half of tile which occur iu this cnim- In. re to i.e considered -as 'having t heir s, at.', in diseas'd ,-tidc of I in; Liver. ] will umiuicralo son,, ,1 them : lmUgestion, Htoppag,; ol 11,0 Menses, llunu, and slate of 111, Jib"els, lrritaM, and Vindictive Feeling- and I'a -nuis tiillin and luadciusdeeause;., ol wliieli wc ut'ler wnr.ia i, el a-bjiimd , last, tlujugli not least, mo:, Hum (hiv f.iuptiih of the diseases uuuui,. • rated under Hie. livad -if UoNsCMPTUix, l.av, U.ei; seal, in n discie e.I Liver This is trutly * SI 7* a , ’B'<X-YS S <>«’ 5 iI»ISS. ISt’H i -S 9" t;4l.—l’aii, ii, th r, .Id -ide, under tie. vih-’n <>Y the lib , 11: are -injjoii pn lire; aime.lliic- jiain is in Hi"!ert side ; the patlcui i., , v aide U, He on the led side : sotnel’mie.s the pain is fell iibdcr the shoulder blade, amt it i’i ,',| i’niitl v cvfivm! ato thu t»p of Hie• should,c, md u soiucUinea lubt.ikcu lor rheumalibin in He'arm. Tin stoniacli is nlfei ted veil h losn of apiictite and sic km -s ; the bowels in general .re co.stive, sometimes alternating with to lie' li. -ul i iriSublbd with pniii,' ifocompaiifod with .lull, l.eav.” ~ aaion in tlic line!; part, 'i I gem rally a con iderald, loss of memo ]., i ,„-compaiiied with a painful sens.,t tot. oi in.vine ill foul,die something which ought to have been (lone,, ,V alig... ary eouglris coiue.l.itnes an aH'aulaid. The patient eomplains of weari- II and de.ilUity ;be i- easily slartled ; hi- f., I are cold ~r burning, and lie eort,plains of a prick I v -ell ■atle!, t’ihtt skin ; Hi- -plrlt- if low . and alHiouglt lio'is sailstied Utal oxcrei,-c would' l,e beneticial to bint, yet iu: eait seareely siimiiiun up fortitude cuoimh to try it iu la, distrusts every e-medy. Never,,l oi the ~'„jv,- -vnftfitoms attend t lie disi'a-’e g ’ taa'tirre.d wit 1, •• ot them evotetl, yet ■ lantitia! mu ~f tln: Ifodytittc: dcutli .has, kltowu die t.iver to have been extensively deranged. ,UJ« ti tV!> I'lfl'BK. -Dlt- .M< LAM ■ 1.1 VEil J'il.l.S in c;r—a ol AG UK AN], I' EVEIt, vv it,’! v tat.en will; tjuinmi, are produ.ii;--of la.pi.y results No 1,, tier cathartic etui be used preparatory l„, or after taking tjuinim t> l ’ontd advi-. all who afe altlieted with (he disease, to give them a trial. nirrrtioHs, 'lake bn,,’,r Hire, fill-on ; .ung t,, Iwnl, every sccdjjd or third night. Il they do not purge Iv, nor Hire time s re H morning, lake, one or Iwo more ; tint:; Tight break fa.-t - into Id i'n vat follow fltt-ir an The Id'., r Fills may be used when, purging simply i. ne, e.-sai; V bilious pitf,rativ, , I lue an info, none, and in doses ot two or three, t hey dim ■’oni'hiim relief il! Nirii Head !' to -light dbratigeutcut- and the Ntoinoch. UK. .Vi’t.A Nii’N AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. No (lirfua.-'f' to xviiiulj lit- ImiiKm EOU3 i- * »«i» «u<■ ’■,< Iti r cnlilkd to tlic attention ot th* phi hintliropist t !»;*n r n*- -<• • **!«; ' fucut on tlu 'o j'iLiitiou p-fiilncui’ by WttJLMS in tlic St-oiuack and Row Wl.u.ii tin; u.'U a■ t i- ..n ml all, 1!n a..-' r iVcquciiM.v overlooked, and cqu.hmjuchl ly 1 lie prop.’i i.-niedy ir nol applied. Uut .x h !iv I*7' t i«)it i.» ,'m Ihfanf, IT tlic dim-a-m iri not cn * ji’ci y fl, it if f-.till too fi'U'|iu'ii‘.l v v u-- iEaai. in whole or in j-a.H, to hOim: oilier eaiiric. it ou ■ lit in t«' to •'(' pa ii ieii uu’ly remork<al, ,t liat nMlioiiLi.'Ji buMcw worms may oxtothi-a child, am) l,ow Miuvcr *,ni< <t!»?•}* may hxiv.- be**ll prcvion-'y, no tooner i- tlm coiislihithm invaded by t .„ v : 1 »> v of Hu* tinmen; w train of di.-i ;ue > whicli infancy-i.s exposed, than it is fearfully any, incutCd by llieir irrilotloii. ib ru eit to** freoiicntly iiuppcmi that u iUhcum* otherwise ciitdly maiiae* ,1 i»y proper n-incdics, wh- n aee*av a ted b\ that - mire, bids dclianee to treatment, juib (•ioii.iliL oIJk 1r • pe* ts hut which ciil i: *•! y faiis 111 "•n-c-jii*. tmot worms being ovcrlookxnt. Ami even in <*ii <• •' ;n*at violence, if a potent and prompt remedy be p#«sst>«eii, so tlmt tlu y t’oiihl l*< < \pellcd it lioiit of time, wliich i 7 o precious in •m b < a-CG tlm cabc lie attacked, i,\ oroper ruiiiedii s, «'ve*. bunded nd wit h success Sviii|doui*« xvbhti Fsmind *?•* .’ , eoimtenane- i> j»alu ami leaden uoloVed. >\ i 4 !i <>''e:i!i i*lri”-, or j,i> - nnu'i-rilied Hpot over oik or both check*, the cyi become flulb th* i»itoils dilute; :m aznr* Mhiii-ciiclc runs Mon<t :c lower eyelid, the nose i irritated, ;-xveik r.i.d omeliriK ' bleed '; rw* Minu of 11 1 v. ii]*pcr lip; oe< .niioiiiil Juadaelic, with hmiiiiiiim'or throbbing <b iae fa; ;:m mi i.'uai i t reihm ot sqiine, .-liiny or limed tongue , n , j v ton!, p.oti*.idar'y in ih inoniitie, appetite varLddc, sometimes voracious, with a _ mi wine -tuhation ut tim stomach, at oilier Limes entirely m»m , llcctin.u pain>m tin donacli; 011 a.fiona! nan.->* a and x • unit in e,; vioje.nt ~.•*• i.;» t hr•* m-iu u‘ the abrloineu; boweis al ♦ j •*•I, xe , -hiiti- -Ibnv, not uiilViap.D i;!ly tiuL* and with blood; body sWoJluu and hard, urine turbid : re-pir.ilhui or. a-ionallx li'b'nu’.t':* i’e.l a omj-anhd by time- di V :'nd eoiix'iil’ive: UTK a-y D’ld di turle-d with e;i indin •• of tJie tc-tli; tcinpcj variable ' hot «encaullyirritnble, <vr<. \Vliem*ver tin abo v* vmptom-an io";ultn <u i -1, DR Mi I.ANE’S VFRMIFI.GK MAY JJK DEFENDED UFON iO EE! EDI \ ( ERE. The universal siicec i* xxbiuh iia ftemUd t‘iie Hdmmi tration of thi- prepuiation haw been , u ,li ;1) warrant h* in ltludy’my: om>cix.totli*' j»nbii«. !<> RET I UN TJIE MONEY in every in.-.taiH-e Where it prov- iuctieetiu*l, }»rovuliu.; tin inploms alt<'iidi:i;;' tlic sickness of the child or adult warrant tin* supposition *•■ v. orm-* i-.u lie cun *. In all the medicine ,-liu:il<l*E 'ivun in stria accordant.' xxitii Ih*- d.i*c**ti<»i).. \Xr pledge obrsctve.-. to tin pubii 11• a DIE .M< \.>N I > VE!*'-»I fFt <*E DOJuE NOT LON l'A IN M !•;?:(_»' KY IN \NV FORM ; tlu-l it 1- an iiiubc'-nt preparation, and iM)t capable of dbiu r 1 he sliLditer t injur, the moM fender ia fa nf. Ilinelioiii^. —Give' a child, from two ten v< *r- *<ld, a 1 easpooutul in .ts nuuli Sweetened water every mohiimy, lasti!* :l it pn:’.*,- ilirou.di the day. well; Imt if not,repeat il in t!u cv»nine.. Over ten,itix ‘ a iilt b- more . mid. xvo, eivc les?, To ;i full pumon, <;ive txvo teaspoon I uk. ISexx nre <d OmihK rieiS n»d «iSi Ii bj, h s Fin la 1m Mr. ABr* lanieV. —The ureal- popularity ot DJL >E I.ANL > GJ-NTiNE FiIEFARATIUNtii has ! inilueed nnpniic4’>*.iU' *ii to attempt pahuiiqr upon the } uf*!i* counterfeit and inferior 1 Di’tich , in coiificqucuei ftwvhieJi tie nnnpncloi- i .*'■<• he* 11 lolcexi to adopt every pos.-ihlc 1 ; 11..1*1 against frafnE Fprehuser.- will pica ‘ p’.y.dt' i!iiopt()llie fo!loxviin: nuuk.>otti;eiiuine i,t. The lv\t' run I NV'rappu * mm* *•'. ■ I Ei* e ra-’inr, witli tli. siciialurc ot (*. M. L\NE and EEEMINhi RR(;-S. Tie lb** ti'n a, printx'tf on Vine Pup* r, with VVafcr Mark follow - “DR Mrl.'.M/S ( E EEHR A'l El) VEIEMfFEGE AND I.IV'ER FILLY, FLEMING HHOS . l’RUPh’i E'l < )R- " I’hir M'.oei M.okcanbc * *»i by hbldiuir the paper up to the licht The LIN ER FJLL' h .e tin. name on the lid ot the box in ml xvax. BKI. I’AUUI) ONLY BY FLEMM BEOTHEES, PITTSBORB, FA., So!,- I’i it-i,!) . xr.'l/.iiu - Liv.'; ITH-, X <T’iti’fti,»< tinl L’litg Syniji. *«i,h tn iMv.tLiitts »•:»■»"«** n mivki;. ’!’ 1',,, "x :u ,l |,,T. . |u, t|l,.i.(, It j«» 1” «'t l ’..1f«1 S(«iCS, 1,,;,, |„,v I.iv.i 7 'ill . I,til- v; ;IV.• i- H ” Ill: tits* iC(-ci|'l of i'.ifiy til I ‘ level lull, Ilf’,l!),:-.