The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 15, 1867, Image 4

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The Daily Loyal Cif*rgiaii. ai ochtaToa. 11'm; u, i«t. Volunteer* for Indian Fighting in Montana. Omxii.x, Monday, June I<>. The pillowing i)ii)Mirtnnt lelcgrain* wen* received l»v (lovenior Hunt, of Colorado, in answer to hi* dj-patch. Tlic S’<-rHarv (if War *<nd- Ihr fol lowing to Gov. Hunt: Wahiiimitiix, I). May 2tt, l*t;7. Hon. A. C. Arlunj ( rftn rtlOf of t idnroit'i ; Vour telegram was received to-day, nml has been tramwiitted to Lieut. General Sherman, who i- authorized to take the measures deemed advisable under the l ircumutanoes mentioned by you. If yon will communicate with him at St. Louis by telegraph, he w ill give the matter prompt attention. Edwin M. Sr a mos. Lieut. Go*. Sherman telegraphs to Gov. Hunt as follow - : Sr. laicts, May 29, 18(57. There is no law to pay volunteers, hut you ought to raise a regiment of .700 men, and have them ready in ease I call for t hem. I w ill lie at F’nrtKedg wick in a few days, and don’t believe yon w ill have trouble with the Indians if your people will lie arduously pru dent. W. T. Smkjima v, Lieut, Gen. A fight has occurred at the mouth of the Lapodc, on the north wide of the North I’latte,lietweeo one hundred and thirty Indians and fifty white men. The Indians enticed them and surroun ded them by tire, but they escaped by swimming the North Hatte. One white man was killed and one woun ded. (Jen, Augur's command consists of 250 Indian scouts and one regiment of cavalry. Me lias started on the road to Denver, and has advanced -forty miles already after *he Indians. The expeditionary forces have not much baggage with ihem. The Attorney General is said to be ist ill considering whether, under the reconstruction act, a military com mander can remove eixil officers. The very best thing that erudite lawyer can do is to consider, lie will find if extremely difficult, it not dangerous, to reverse Phil. Sheridan’s precedents. / V< i hoi, li>h i a 1 Governor Orr, of South Carolina, advises the acceptance of the present plan of reconstruction as the best thing for the State. Coupled with this , sensible conclusion lie ventures an Utopian recommendation to the citi- i /eiis of his immense State to form alliances with neither of the great political parties of the country, but to stand magnificently by themselves advice which is harmless, however impracticable /‘/ill. /Ves*. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL .L< .1 rt tn jiff'tirt ill’ /*, rxonli in fh< t mint Sl,lie* in fin (r I'iril Itightn, anil fnrnixh tin \fean* ../ tin it I ’imlienfioo. it, it tmtr/rit hg tin' St not, mot 11m no nj Itfpresentillirf* nj tin I'ltiittiState* of Ann rim in {'nnlir<** n**t nihieil. That all J MT-. HI - born in tlie United Slates ami not subject to any foreign |M>xvcr, excluding Imlimis not laxeil. are hereby iln lared to lie citizen- of the United States; ami such citizen-, of even race and color, without regard to any previous condition of slavery or Invol-j tinlary servitude, except as a plinishment for ' crime w licmif tlic party shall have been duly convicted, .-hall hu vet be same right, in every State ami Territory 111 t lie V idled Stales, to make and enforce contracts, to sue. ta parties, and give evidence, to inherit, pur chase. lea«e, sell, hold, awl convey real and personal pnnwrfy, and to full and equal iienctit of all law- ami proceedings for tli* security of jmtxoii, and properlv. as is en cnjnyud by v liite citizens, and siiall lie -uti jeet to like puui-limcnt, pains, and jicmiltie-. audio none other, any law, statute, ordi nance, regulation, or custom, to tin- eon tnirv notwithstanding. Si:c. i. Amt he it farther nnirlnl, That any person who, under color of any law, -liitule, ordinance, regulation, or custom, -hall subject, or cause to tie -uhjirttsl, any inhabitant of any State or Territory to the deprivation ot any right secuml or protei - led by this net. or to different puuisliment. pain-, or penalties on account of such per -on having at any titiw lien held in a con dition of slnvery or involuntary servitude, except as a mtnisliuicnt ot crime w hereof the party shall have (teen duly convicted, or by reason of his color or race, than is pre cribed for the punishment of white per sons, siiall lie deemed guilty of a mi-dc 1 men nor, and. on conviction, siiall Is l pun i-licd hy line not exceeding one thousand dollar-, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or Imtti. in the discretion of the court, i Ski. 4. Amt hr it I'nrl/ur rnnrtrd. That the district court- of the bulled States, within their lvs|H'etive districts, siiall have, delusively of tie court- of the several States, cognizance of all crime-anil .ttfeinv committcd against the provisions of this act mid also, concurrently w ith the circuit courts of the l nihil Slates, of nil cause-, civil and criminal, affecting persons who are denied or cannot enforce in the court- of judicial tribunal of the State or locality •w here they may lie any of the rights secured to the u bV tlic tir-t section ot this act; and if any slut or prosecution, civil or eriniimd, ha- he«n or siiall Is' commenced ill any State court, against any such person, for any cause w hatsoever, or against tiny officer, civil or military, or oilier |htsoii. for any arrestor] imprisonment, tre-pa—es, or wrongs done or 1 eoniiniltid by virtue or under color of au thority derived from this net or the aet es tablishing a Iturvuu for tlie relief of Freed - men and Refugees, ami all acts amendatory thereof, or for refusing to do any aet U|*m tlie ground that it would l>c inconsistent w itli this act, such defendant siiall have the rigid to remove -rnh entise for trial te the ! |>ro|ier district or circuit court in tlie manner prcscrilvd hv tin- -.Vet relating to hatiea- eorpu- ami regulating judicial proceeding- in certain ni-e-." approval -lari'll three. eighteen hundred .and -ixtv three. nlid ail .act- amendatory thereof. The jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters hereby conferred on the district ami circuit courts of tile l idled Slates, shall Is ever cised and enfona-d in conformity with tlie laws of tlie Initial States, far a- such laws are suitable to carry tlie same into effect; hut in nil canes w hen -itch law s are : not adapted to tin- object, or arc deficient in 1 the provision- acccysary to furnish suitahl- . remedies and punislt offences agnin-t law. tlie common taw. a.- modified and changed ] by the constitution and statutes of tlie Slate w herein the laiurt having jurisdiction of the cali-i'. civil or criminal, is held, so far as tie same is not Inconsistent witli tlie Constitution , and law of tin- United State-, shall j»' exiendel to and govern said courts in tlie trial and disposition of such emisc. and. if of a critiiinal niitiin'. in (lie inHicthm ot i puuisliment on tli<*party! guillv. Sr.e. 4 Ami it /.■ it- irnri,,/. Thai tlie district tittorm ,-. -ii il-. anil d< puty marduils 'if tlie i'uilisl Stabs, the turn nii— ioneis apis.iKbal by meltv.' ritorial laiurt- of tin- l tishd stat»-. w'itii powers ot arresting, ioipn "tiing. ot tailing offender- .agaiil-t tlie laws of tie- t nibs 1 States, the officer- Mini igenlv of tlic Fnaal uien's ihnaaie.. and every otlict nftiee'.' who may lie s|sa iaily em|»>»erial lay tie l’b'-t and a t of the initial Static , -hail lie. am' tie y are hereby, -isa iaip.y mithui iztal retd t"- iptireil. at tlie e\|>ciiseof the Fitiled Sla • . Vi institute proceeding- ;a aiti a all and e\ i, pel -on who shall \ iolate tlie provi-ons of is act, and cause him or tlaan tots arresUal and hnprisoncal. or baikal a-the case may Is-, for trial lsfojc -in h court of tie Fnitral Slates or territorial (fmrts a- liv tlii- act ha- cognizance a,t tin- ofleiit. And with a view to nff'ofaling rcn-uiaWe protection to all persons in their lamstitulional rights of liquidity 1 "'fore the law. without dUtine- I tion of race <>r color, or previous condition iof -iHXerv or itnobtiitti,y servitude, ex. apt asa piiiifsliliii iit for crime, whereof the pur tv shall have Isen duly eonvit teil and to tic prompt di-s'barge of the dude- of thi.- ] aet. it shall U; the duty of Vlie eircuir amrts of tlie United Stab -and tlie superior coiyl of tiieTiTriloric- of the United Stalest ft§m time til time, to im i'etw tlie nuinlK'r of eon miseioncr-, -’ ;t- to afford a speedy ami con venient nimns foi the iutc-i ami exmnina tion of perssni" < harged with- violation of tliis net; and sireheommi—ionet- are hereisiy anlltori/ed and required to verei-'e .ltd di eliarge till the |siwcr- and duties eonfenvd oil IlieiH hy this act. a- they are authorized ]hv law to exeia is with regard to other : offcncis again-t tin laws of tin I'iiibxl Slates. Sr.e. 5. ,1/n/ In it y'nrtin r ,mn titl. That !' \ -liali he the duty of all marshals nml dc]>uly marshals to uliey and execute all wan.mis and precept- i—lied under tin provisions t ! this net. Win n to them direeied ; ami should ntir mar-led or deputy mm>hid refu-e to ja lative. such warrant or other prist when tendered or to use all prosier menus diligently to execute tin -nine. he siiall. on lainvielion Ihenof. Ik* lined in the sum of one thousand dollar-, to the u-e of the per-on uppn w Itoni the ami-eil i- t llegcd to Imve enmmitbwi tin- uftem e. And the bcltct to enable the-aitl eomilli-siom r- to e.xiaaite their linties fiiitlifuily ami efficiently, in eon foiniity with the ( onstitutioii ol tlie I nibal stall's ami tin l riapiireim til- o| this act. liny are herehv antbori/ia] and eiii|"tuerral, with in their comities re |«x ti\elv. u, appoint, in writing, under their hand- any one or ltKtre sttilahle pci'sims, from tirni bl time, to execute nil mtclt warrabt-aml otliei— as may Ik' I—tied by thorn ill tlie law till jier formam eof their ti -(aelive duties ; tad the IK'lsolts so api">inted to ejiia ute any watranl ot pioeess a- aliiresnt.l -hall imve autliority to summon and call to their aid tlie bystanders or posse eomitubls of tin projaT laiiinty. or -licit portion a- the land or naval forces the Fnibs! Stale-, or of tlte militia, a- may tie neee--nry to tlie perfor manee ot tlie duly with vvhiili they itt , eliargiai, and to insure a faithful observance of the clause of the ('oii.-titittimi w hteli pro liihits slavery, ill eooloniiity with the ims ] visions of this act; am! said warrants -hall run and lie executed hy -aid ollleei's any 1 wherein the Stale or Terri lory within which ] I liev are i—Med’ Si-.e, It. And tn if t'nrt/n, ,nn,-t(it. That ] titiv i"'i>sin who -lutll knowiiigly and wil fully olwlruel, hinder, or pnivenl'any officer, or other jH t'son charged w ith the exctriilioti of any warrantor—is-m-d under the : pmrisions of this net. or any person or pet sons lawfully assivtin..; hint or litem, fvo'u arresting any person for whose apprehension -Hell warrant or planes- may have been ] i-sttial, or shall re-eiic or attempt to rescue; sin li |xrsoti fmm the ett-tndy of tin officer, other person or per-on- ot tlm-e lavvfitllv assisting us aforesaid, when o pc sunlit to llte autliority herein given amide eiaiaal, or shall aid. a tad, or a- a a attv pet -at so arrested as aforesaid, directly or ittdiei eliv. to e-<ripe from the cu-liklv ot the olliei r or ; oilier iH ison legally authorized a- nforcsiid. or siiall Inlair or laineeal any person foi vvlto-e arre-l a wininnl or piaae— -hull have been issued as aforesaid, -o t:s to pn x< lit his dis covery and al'rest after not lee of knowledge i of the fact that a warrant Ims Ixa n i—mal foi the Hp)>rehension of -ueh pet -on shall, for either of said etTema*-, be t to a fine not exeminig one lliousand dollar-, and iln priHomcnt mu exceeding -i\ month-, in- in dietiuent and <am\ietion ImTojv the di-triu lailil’t of the United Stnte- for tlieili-lriet ie wliieli -aid olfenee may have lx en eotiiniit ted. nr before the piai|x'r court of eiiniimd jlirisdietkin. if ta.minified w itiiin am one ot tlie organized Territnrio- of the United States *S|a . 7, Amt In it f-n tin r , n gtnt, Hml ! the district allorncy.-. tin marshals, then I deputies, and the clerk- ol the -aid disiriv t and territorial com b- -liali la* |mitl for then services the like fees a- may la' allowed to them for similar services in other eases; and in all eases where tlie |m«aaalings are la'forc a lamitnissioner, lie-liali la' entitled ton fee of ten doliais in full for his service- in e.u h i ease, Ineltisive of all service-incident to sucli ] arre-t and examination. The [xtsoii or pci - sons authoriz.ia) to exeetite the pttKi-s lota' 1 issued by such commissioners foi tlie arrest ; of offenders against the provisions of tliis net sluill la' eiililhal to a foe of live dollnrs for eaeti |* rsim he or tliev may arre-t and lake before -ueh comini.—inner ns aforesaid, with such other tia‘- a-mavis* deeiuta! rea sonahle hv sueli mmnii—inner for sm h otlier additional -erviei*- a- may la' maessirilv |HTfomual hy liini or llieni, -tu h :l- atteii ding at tlie examination, keeping tie i prisonei in eiistialy, and providing him w ith ftaal and lodging during hi-detention. J and until tlie liiuil determination of -nelt <a>mmi—inner, ami in general for performing 1 -ueh other duties as mav ta* required in tic | premises; -itch fee- to ta- made tip in eop fonnity with the fee- tuually ehnrgetl hv tlie officers of tlie lauirtsof ju-iiee wtihin tin proiar district or laiunty, a-near as mavis practicable, and paid out of the Tren-ttn of tlie United State- on the eeriilieate ot 'tin judge of the district within which the arrest i- made, and to ta- recoverable from the t defendant as part of the judgment in case of | conviction Skc. s. Am' it i tin/ . . ,e. That vv lienever the President of tile Initial stat ■- shall have retison to la-lie', .• that otlemv ■ have taa*n or are likely to Is- eonunittial agnin-t _ the provision- of tiii- -et within I any judical dislriel. it -Istiii ta lawful for , iiini. ill hi- di-ereiioa. to dinat tin- judge, j marshal, and district attorney of such district to attend at -ueh pine within I tlie di-trict. and for -ueh time a- lie] may designate, for tin |iur;a>-e of tlie more : .-jKaaly arre-t and trial of ja. r-.tis chargtel ; With a violation of thi- net;.ami it shidTls i the duty of .very judge or otlier officer, i when any Mich requisition shall la received i hv him. to attend at the place and for tin i time tiierin designabat Sl'.e. !• Aml in it j . trlnl. That it I -h ill he lawful for tlie President of tin j l uitrii State-, or su h person hi may cni|">wer for that j>ur|a>-( b. eni|t| o >ueii jsirt of tlie land .. r naval for 1 CCS t the i Stab- or of til" militia., a- -hail la' necessary to prevent tlie v iolation i and enfona-theihie exeetitiou of (hi-aet. -to. w. Attn tn it fnrtkrr Cnortni. That 1 U[*)n aii questions of law arising in any . ■ e.-tusc under tin provisions of this net a final ! apt-ail may tn-taken to the miju'-hc < or,it i of ’lit United .kiaftss, j satUYUKUCOUFAX. sm aker of tlie House t>l Hejm-sentmive-. j LA KAVKTTL S FOSTER, l’residi'nt of ’lie Senate, pro trmnnn. in iln >V Or of (hr t'nttrr! Stn'i - . April! J.Stfn, ] The President of the United States having . twurmal to tiieSiaiaic, m which it uriginu- I teal. Uw hill enlitkal "All net to protect all jiersnn« in the United .Stale* in their civil rights, and furnish the mam* of tiieir vindi- ] (aitjort,” with tion thereto t tie Setuffe ‘ proceeded, in jiur-nanee of the (Vrn-titutmn. j ■ •<> rei onsidir tlie Mitffe; and, li, m/rrit. That tlie slid bill do jkiss, two- ; third.- of tin Senate agreeing to pa-- tlie ; -ann. AHe-t .1. W. FiUijjJiV. j Kia retsiy ol tin' Senate In tin I lory of Ilrj,r,*mintire*. t . >. April m. lHfiC. The iinu«e of Tlepn-enhitivo having pro- • eei'diaU in pui-uiiiu e of the ('onstitutioii, to ! ri ioiisider the bill entitled "An aet hi pro tect all poison* in the United Statu- in their j civil right-, and furnish the menu- of their vindication.’' returned to she Senate hy the 1 be-idi nt of the United State-, with hi* ob jections. and sent hr the Smniti tntlie House "f Ilejiresentfitives. witli the tne—ttge inf the l*n~iden! retitrnihg the liiil: Hjxntrnl. Tbs! tin* bill do pas.-, two-thtrds of tin linti-i .f Hepri -*a'ativi> agreeing to ]ia— the -atm . A.tte-i: Kmv.vitii McPwi,ii—>.\. Clerk. hv i't.ivi'oN f.t.ov jj. Chief Clerk »*♦*• Reconstruction. Tin fottowing is a correct copy id the act "tn provide fur the more efficient gor ernnient of the robt-I States ; Whereas no legal State governments or adequate proteetion for life or property j now exist* in the rebel State* of Virginia, Xortli Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, i Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, i Texas mid Arkansas : and whereas it is necessary that peace and good order should lie enforced in said States until loyal and republican Slate governments can be legal ly established : therefore. Hr it rnnrti-l hy thr .Sen nu and I finite / Hepreerntahvtt of the L'mtfU Stain of Amenta in Congtess a.stentitled, That said rebel States shall 1m; divided into mil itary districts ami tuade subject to the military authority of Iho United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that pur pose Virginia shall constitute tbo first dis trict; North Carolina and South Carolina the second district', Georgia Alabama and Florida the third district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district; and Louis him and Texas the fifth district. Ski;. ‘-J. And he it furthei marled , That it shall be the duty of the I’resideut to as sign to the command of each of said dis ! trivt* an officer of the army, not below the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a I sufficient military force to enable such | officer to perform his duties and puforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. ’ Skc. li. And. tie it further enacbd, That ] it siiall be the duty id each officer assigned ] as n fores aid to protect sff person* in their rights of person and property, to suppress ; insurrection, disorder, ami violence, and ] I" punish, or cause to be punished, all dis tnrbois ot the public peace and criminals, ] and to this end he may allow local civil , tribunals to take jurisdiction of and to try i offenders, or, when in his judgment it may ! In; necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have power to organize military com- I missions or tribunals for lhat purpose; and all interference under color of State ‘ authority witli the exercise of military an • thorily tinder tliis act .-hall be null and j void. t >t.v i. And he il fu. her inactrd, That i all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without un necessary delay, ami no cruel or unusual j punishment shall lie inflicted : and no sentence ol any military commission or | tribunal hereby authorized, affecting tlie lile or liberty id any person, shall be exe ! cated until it is approved by tlie officer in I command of .lie Ui-t.ict, and the laws and regulations for the government of the army siiall not lie affected by tliis act. except in so far a* they conflict with its provisions : Proridtd, That un sentence t f death under ] the provisions of tliis aet shall be carried into effect without the approval of the ; Piesidcnt. Skc. 5. And he i! JutUher enacted. That ! when the ncople of any cue of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Consti tution of the United States tu all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elect ial by the male citizens of said Shatc twen ty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color, or previous condition, who ] have been resident in said State foi one . year previous to the day of such election. | except such as may be disfranchised for participation in the’rebellion or for felony j at common law , and when such constitu tion -hall provide that the elective franchise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifications herein stated for i elections of delegates, and when such coil- I stitutioii shall lie ratified by a majority of; the persons voting on the question of nffifi ] cation, who are qualified a* electors for delegates, and w hen such constitution shall , have been submitted to Congress for ex amination and approval, and Congress shall have approved the same, and w hen said State, by a vote ot its Legislature elected under said constitution shall have adopted the amendment to the Constitu tion of the l nited States, proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be de clared entitled to representation in emi gre,-.-. and Senators and Representatives • shall be admitted therefrom on their taking the oath prescribed by law, and then and ; thereafter the preceding sections of this hill -hall be inoperative in said Stale : l'r •ridid. That no person excluded from the privilege .«4 liidditig oilier Aty said pro posed amendment to tlie ( onstitutioii of ; the l nited States shal' he eligible to elec iiou as a member ot the Convention to frame a Constitution for any of said rebel States, nor -hall auy such person vole tor members of said convention. si r. i!. And Sc itfurther cHaeletf, That nntii the people ol said relief States siiall be hr law admitted to representation in the Congress ol the United .States, any civil governments which may exist therein shall lie deemed prcvisjonal only, and in j all respect- subpet <*• tlie pttramouul au thority ot the t nited State- at any tiim tvi abolish, nioilih . ooutrol, Or supersede the same; and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall be entitled to vole, and none oilier, who are entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of thi* act: and no person shall be eligible to any office nder any such provisional governments who would be disqualified from holding office under tlie provisions of the third ar tide of said constitutional amendment. To the Republican* of the Union. The National Union Committee apjieals |to the Republican* ol’ every State, for their ri-si-tance ami eo-o|>eration in this .'Uisjrieions crisis of our country. We deem it of the highest importune that the Republican* of each State should immediately reorganize for the remaining elections of !*(i7, preparatory to the com ing Presidential contest. K-pecially should thi- organization lie immediately effected in tfiosi State- which have never before recognized as the only .just bn-is of govern ment the equal and inalienable rights of ] man. Not a day should be lost in forming and strengthening within those State-; a public sentiment in con«onance with tin principles which underlie the great ' Political organization to which we belong. To this end. we de-ire t" prosecute a systematic and thorough eanva-s of tin Southern States, by the nn>*t efficient speaker* of both race-. We would second their efforts by a distribution of docu ments, enforcing the principles, policy and aims of the Republican party. We would call, in every locality where it i possfble, meetings for discussion, where tbos who are with u- in principle may 1 learn to act with unity and cm nrgy. , These measures are required to bring out I the vote of that large lxxly of Kepublii an I Unionist- who now render the Southern j States a tattle-field of principle. It is the j pressing need of the hour that bold, judi- . I cions and able men. thoroughly imbued 1 with our creed, should there explain our I principles, establish our faithfulness to ] them, and prove that national gre.itnt— I and human freedom depend upon the per ■ mancut triumph of our cause-. 1 Beyond this, it is most essential that we shmtld now establish in those- State-. Free Thought, Free Speech and a Fre e Press. Every part of this Republic must \ ta ope n to the; discussion of principles 1 and measures. This must ta -ii-tainod. a* j a cardinal point in our crctsl, at any and ' every hazard. Effort- to intimidate tlie ] humble and ignorant voter on the purl of the Southern planter, must lie met with i the spirit of freemen, nnel the determina tion which a just cause sanction*. In time p»*t. the Republican party Ims -truggleel iignin-t the unjust re-proaeh of I I wing sectional in its aim* and character, i though it- purposes and it- means of effpe j ting them were -ueh ;i* tin father- of tin Republic approved. It was accused of 1 icing governed hy selfi-h motives, and of : desiring to aggrandize the North at, the j expense of the South. Its adversaries, j I having the power to silence and to crush all opposition, denied iff! discussion, and 1 overawed even freedom of thought in fif teen States of the Union. It is, therefore, now and imperative duty, which we owe to our party a»d to ourselves, to embrace ] the tint opportunity of truly representing i to those States how consistently we have ] contended for the interests, welfari and j freedom of the whole Union. The overthrow of Slavery and the Ri i tallion, and tile enfrnm hisemcnt of the freed men, rendering this overthrow ! eure and final, have liajqiily vindicated our course and organization; but it i ! necessary t>i -tump tlie conviction of mu loyalty and fidelity to the right, irrc-pci - ! live of -'ition or race, ujain the recon i-trn< ted States. For the first tini Ln main year-, the enthusiastic follower- of our ] flag ami confe—ors of out faith are there ! t.ikine part in tin' jMipular gathering-. and in many of the Southern State-, we | liav reason to Is-lieve that they form a decided majority. They are, however, ' without organization, and lack the eo j lie-ion and discipline necessary to success. Throc lburths of the Republican- have never voted, and have no practicable knowledge of tin- means whereby the pojiular will i- e.xjiresseil. With'many ot them, the habit is fixed, of rendering ! implicit oliedieuee to able and dexterous* politicians who an implacably Wtilc to our principle' and deterininisl <>n tli» prostration of our cause. Our immediate action i- tlieielore im peratne. We cannot delay without im • periling all for which -o much iia- Ixo*ll ' sacrificeil in tie- pa-t. Confident in our strength in the North, the West, and the Pacific States, we must not forget that we have a great duty to perform toward tlic, ! loyal and true men of the South. ] Republicans! our appeal i- to you. to i i tarry on and sustain ifie work w hich a ] few loyal and true men have so nobly lx gun. WeeanTiot ask -Jieakcrs. in addition j to giving their time and talents, for liiontli j to this labor, to defray their own neccssarv 1 expense*. We cannot print and distribute documents ot the character nsptired w ith ] out a heavy outlay. We have no means or reliance except upon the generous spirit of j that great party which holds the claims of Humanity and Freedom above all price. The patronage of the Government brought | into power by the statesmanship, the j murage, and the loyalty of that parte, j w ill not aid us in thi- good work. W| must, therefore, appeal directly and ; personally to you. If you are rieli. Jgivc generously. If poor, send u- whatever you can afford. The generous purpose and the noble aim sanctify the humblest ef forts. At all events, aet promptly, -md let us feel that the sympathy of the Repub lican party i- with us in our purjiose of making thi- great hind the home of true Republican principle-, were distinction* of race and color are unknown, and w here Litany, Virtue ami Intelligence from the enduring ba-is of our greatness and pros perity. | Address ietti r- .nd contributions to j Gov. M.xnrt -1,. Ward, Chairman and ] Treasurer. Newark, N. J -Maucts L. Ward, N. J. ''ami i:i, A. l’ritviAxcK. l’.i, WlU.l.xM l I.AKLI.N. Mass, bmx R ft a hk. N. 11. Hokai i. Giikkcky. N. V. H. 11. Starkweathkk. Conn. N. B. Smitiikus. Del. 11. W. Hokkman. Aid. Executive Committee of the National ] Union Com. .V - Ynrl. May Iti. ist>7. All tin- Republican journals are re que-ted to tojix and to second this apjieal. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, DULLISH KD AT xV l: auh r r aV, ak o. THU M s: i>aily. ]K*r sun uni - - - xi; | k ; Daily, six months - - ;}|J Daily, three months - - 1 Weekly, per annum - ■ ;t (J Weekly, six months - - j 7; Weekly, three months | (in THK LOYAL (JLOIKJIAN I IS (INK OF T'llF VKL’V FKU' Outspoken Republican Papers in the South, It was the first in tin State to advocate tire broad principle <ri " Fiji ALj IMtiHTS F'OII .VI,I,;” it x iiiduaite-the d<M 1 1 ine ol die supremacy ol tie j Natkmal ox cr State Govcrmncnls ; it unqualifiedly dcnouuci" Sin Kssinx a. j tuff only lmronstitiffiiHial, but inheretitlv hostile to, and destructive of, ail| Denioeratie HepnLlh an (»o\ eminent*; it maintains lor Uongress, as (In I taidy duly ap{ndHted by our form of government lor National legislation, tie right and duty to, at all times, so legislate a- to vindicate tlte honor ;»•. prowc-s of the Nation. It will advocate the early leeimstruetion of t‘ States on the platform laid down by the "National Union Republic,.’ Darty." THE LOY AL OLOKGIAN IS YIADi: ONE tip' THK nimm, mi\\s of thi: mhfkuikm in this stvtf It will publi-h the LAW'S enacted by ( "iigres- and all GOX'KKNMKNT M »V El ,’TISK.M ENT’S. THE LOY AT. GLOKGIAN IS ALSO DESIGNATED THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State, It will, thwfore, In foil ml to (ont.iin flu niost ainl nHnjTlotc* in lor unit inti n'sjHTtiii" tlioM* im[M»rt;mt intori*sts in our tnitlsf, and w ill ironi tint* to time* br turnisho'l witli aUlt* Mint ink*resting ( from lli» Ik*M Ktliiuakus in tin State. A Fa milt/ Newspaper. idle devoting considerable -pace to the di-cii—ion of the great j..dit. question- to t he time- and section, w e shall reserve space for such miseellaueoii- Eduetttioiial and Religious reading a- w ill make the paper it tractive and profitable to all. YVe shall scrupulously guard against the inset tiuu of anything tending to demoralize the morals ol Home and Soviet v. On the other hand, w e shall aim, through every appropriate means, to stimulate to study and good moral.-. Fool: and Job Printing. Y\ e have just lteen to great expense in furnishing our Ottiee with the re quisites for doing HOOK AND JOH WORK. YY e are now pre|«in*l to fill any and every des, ription <d I’I.AIN AND fancy* ion di.’in riNG. Y\ e solicit business ot this kind, promi-ing despatch m execution, neatne-- in workman-hip, and at rates the most rea-omiblc. A tld r e s s : LOYAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION AUGUSTA, (x EG.