The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 19, 1867, Image 2

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!;»<* Hally Loyal Georgian. ui Si ao \ Funk i», mi ,1. ORfiAN r. it UOVBKNMIivr.* Off! rial Gi'f/aii <>f tlx Georgia Eti v rational A statei at ion. UNION REPUBLICAN ari TE CO V f ’EJfTIO A 11l ntilMi:*H"l' witii .'1 K' Milldioi, '. ■'iiH' !<l<»jii<il tty t)u* ‘‘ Excv’il-i.rr < 'nmin iOit, : - ‘in t ninn Jo jndttirUn /'■■ •/;/ //■ fAocy/</,” there will lie a ■ ' i,'. »/• ( n,i i: 111 inn held in tile ; ■■ t Atlanta, on the “four'/i day ■ i .1. . ne\i l>y tin friends and otj>- tin National Union Rojmh li jin;! s’. TANARUS! I ■ t'.ds and sti|if«irlers of that ir.•dioul the entire State, • . ■■■ •■•...ird to ci.lor or former <•<»»- li'i in, an- eoidially solicited and < x |iee i 1 ,o have their e.unities represen t'd. A ptaitonn of |niiteiples will he adopted upon which to eon duet the ijiproad.intr nolitietil eaiupaign. It will led hi the “w’nite man m Convention” nor the ‘ color'd man's Convention,” an that of the friends of “universal ei.t;:,•ai jon, >ipiiil justice, alid Hie politi • a edit of all." ."■'o' i . distini'iiished Statesmen nil lof'-vent port ions of the Union v .’!• eoa . i.f'sl to he present and ad ; , hie t >nwilti< >ll All tlie friends ' • the movement are invited to attend. \Vu Mark iiam, Chnirinan, Hr.a-. 11.I 1 . I'-.itnow, Seiaetaiv ■ • ;l,i Kmuitive Committee of the • ion ilepuhlieail l’afty of t-ieoriria. A'l iam i<a.. May 20, 1807. * V 1 [jai'cr In Ur Slut.' friendly to tlie iIII vc call I'll ritjiietfied te publish it. PH I .L. 3HE HIP AS PRES T DENT Ti.e Utesidelit seenil determined tv> ..■ .iK die oidlrnt Ren. I’h'd. Sliet'idan he Kueeessor. tV. are ready and vi illhtjj to take tor our standard hearer. With id us, we will send the Rohel . . nip ,ip Sali. River ns ho did ' ip;!••• Sh. naftdo.ah Volley. A tfew Kiuti of Maeoury. Uto n .vi: Biudio 11 illlriiiliKisi his Iriitlul 'Oi ' I'l' iel us Augusta," it vvessng '■'l hi . 1 i did solici'suse ho ceulil not ttrlp •••!«: h.t-aiu. r ■!o\mi | -fi:om-t | jd...j-e VI. i . w.'it'h'vt „ KStiff es //.ill, n/na I-Aistcil'il: (•■Mr a iie.iici lie mortem Uric of Loyal Eengfie. )a- la', v t.iniil which orgauiralion tompelh 1 o' oi i"'ie "lie another at ootminmil | (\,h:■ t■! ui>■>lt■ > ’ 'I 'X • have tlit* pleasure of informing e Refill friend that Mr. Jilciilgutt o eof “his friend Rrwmt” ■ >• e e 'pie of Augusta, he • ' "■ in ip nitii/n h'." We at'i' . v p. i • leliev. his mind from :: sir - hy informing hint that MV. It. i h tii is not a nieinher of the ■' of (i i 'irt/in)i that j rc are one id i '.(iiH' whito ineinhers of that i.i / . State; and, if lie will re o' h; eis, and leave tin* (ionuti "• shall he u riling tu re v .• ■ ik uuf 'Jttlt W«.flMß'd it!' sllp • . hit :;al it, will do hhn 'jjjpotl DANGER AHEAD. ■ i.ei and IntoHi-jem-er. which is • . speak hy authority, in i.e i*'>Vwry that*.if * a very re .. u.i'iiii'U of the Cabinet it was n o' I the military officer* in ’.<! oi the live lfislriets into nh' -h mi ten uurepvesenU’d Southern o "'i dii id'.sl, have no power to ■ve id officers deriving their an u r i""in the State (Vovernnicnts as ' i t ;am. ed.” It is in t Runted that wiM s.ioii hiMssmsl “ replaeiiig dopo is) otfii-ers” If the. statement i« true, we are to re ti ouiile that no one ean see the Old of. •te i e of the Military Mill is to • the (fenerals in command of the : ,i Mu'i. iv Districts, authority to do ; v : . * Cope and Sheridan have done. 1 | to t resident attempts to thwart /"• , .inie will lie ;i .Tuly sesshm, .rulin' power will be placed in ".mi ' of the District Commanders. Ci * hr, a! millions who crushed the i I • !!ieu ireiii earnest ; and they have I di'terminud to -"ttle tin qn>stion to tniit theinwh es Krcrv time that the President attempts to thwart the ac- j (Sou of Congress, he succeeds in »e* Ir Ufi'v jan ir.jse : . Is ile'-rjiCUcd 1.f,. foi, el man ilt di*t raw hoed and llteii propert\ i■oult'-i alt and. It may at length appear tlml I- "< i a'i the tine -e --,-retlv in league witii tie Rad. a . to in at a tro .'ii o it* ! i■r ahi | that lie h: - |.«tl "ore ’o !\T 11. I li’ [ ettv Otliei ! Ml' ' in" ■ Springflrid Charcl A n«'ial gathering wtl '.-kem i.i t in Hptingfield Clnftelt, 'hi' e/ininu, at half past seven o'clock, for the pur jiose ot t.‘tltiii!.r leav e of the te e-tltei u. Admission fee • venty five e. for adults, and ten cents for ehiMr 'ii, the proceeds to !■(■ flevoted to ti;e erection of a s.-hoo! tmiiding. A.tlantn Convention. \Vi • aJ! the a'! e. it .'li- o; en readiis ill ail parts iyi Hi,- d',;:' ~Ha call tor a Rcpuh! ;an .(Vatv d|. : a ! .«;i*t>, on the ' diiv of .iuiv.” Kairli county i all* seifd as nfahv delegates r it ph"is:esr We trust that every < oe ty in the Si i.e will ••i*nd at has <ne delegate vilui will, v.itiiout i-'!<•»■. support the Union liet'.Mie.iu part v Friends, l.e sure and send delega;. Ofßc'?re to ba Reiiiiitateii. It will he seen by the telegram which we pithliih this uummur, !I> i' the Attorney fftjnral has stiliin t:d to the President an opinion upon cer tain points upon which a difference of Opinion has arisou between him and the District Comlliatidei -. The Attorney (ieneral e of Hi,, opinion that the Military ( onumuideis have no authority uudei law to w move civil otliei r .. We suppose tlmt the (notorious MotmVc of New Orleans and tie, other aiders and abettori of riot who:a hands ;ire red with the blood of mu < cent loyal men me to he reinstated, lmt it can make no difference with us in this city. Mr. Blodgett was appointed n> till a vacancy, and <f the Presidont sl lM ]! direct, (ieneral Pope to annul the apjiointmeiit ; an eleetian will l,e or dered to till the vaeam >, mid u ill elect an entire list of tnu RepnMii-ms like mil' present umHiv Mayoi New Vi oik Ct t v, June 8, U'OT. En mnh to this city, and while v t in the / V//'o/00/'s, a Southern gentle man aboard the cars, in commenting upon the. pohti' a! i: ncet of tilings, remarked, “that the North would voi.i; have to take the South hack That I! could not. live without the South. That it would be glad soon to eimedi ate into a r*turn, the society and trade of the-Southern Stalls'" I havi i, g tlosid eonversation with a resnh-nt of this place. Speaking upon 'lie same matters,’he remarked,“The N' ltli has found out that il mn AY- res//,/ ini/h --nut the South, and is resting back satisfied to allow the South to receive justice tor hei misdoings.’ Ihe statements contain antipodes ot thought. The oil" was uttered In ti clergyman ot no little eminence in the South, tic other hy one of tluv wealthiest and most distinguished lawyers ot New York I'ity. 1; is to he belli \od Unit they are representative oi tlw sentiment entotuun and oh the ! one Rand \>f n laiAe ShMrw’of' ‘he peo l*le in the North, aid on the otic i hand the people of the South <>t siudi opposite natures am) s, ( ' practical in theii' intluenei upon the mutual iub ro-is •o! the eoniitrv’ it is i well, if we should do no more, to array | them in' print tied they .nun provoke j the thought of which they an; so fruit fully suggestive. If there exists an actual unavoidable dependence upon j the South, there would he. we might j hopethiil the moral principle ) involved in the matter of rccoticilia tk*h Iwt ween the sections would soon! bo sacrifised or mollified hy the rulings ! of selfish interest.-,. How is this)’ Is it true that the North is- so dependan’ ’ upon what alone tin South can furnish as to he unable Dug to exist without relations ot eominereia) intercourse. and is the Smith no wav interested in having Northern indns* ries ami staples flow into its districts? How does tin matter sfatnl relatively? The oid r |,romineut Influential st;iples produced in the South and i -t in theNortl-. are i cotton, rice, and sugar! By a necessity, occasioned 'uv the war, England has dex eloped India into a cotton growing seetion, and to un j extent show ed in the billowing com i parative statements gathered from the inert refiable sources: In report submitted by «(>eeial cor rfinpondent toNevvYork “Chamber of ( o®ntner( e” Maj| w* figd the foihnviug table 8 imjiortatiolis o; ottmi it., England from India, Egypt | and Brn/.il India. Bgjvpt. Brazil. Balas. ifiles. Bales ror."v ii- .V,‘ti' 01, 110,000 4,000 UO.OOO r,2 u. *i3B, t.w.000 l. rV T-ie '"7 O'l 2t«,000 t+4.ol*) 151,000 Import of Indian cotton into Liver- I ool: ’.SOX 1,005,714 lljf. lmjti 1.517,513 11a Tie United Stales has and can con • inu • to receive its supplies oi this , stapi ll from lands trans-Atlantic. 'Hie ■ottmi might be higher priced, but a proper 'adjustinont of price with de i.ume would .oeii In- made. Besides m inritmm nt lias been giv en by the ; war i" the growing id wool. The i North throughout its vast area isadap j ted to sheep raikiug tuid wool growing. Mm:ul i 'tin ies throughout the North have recently been modelled and ; fitted to w ork trito fabrics of clothing ike., Hu- product* of the North. litmcuU of bcfQg,dependent uj»>i»tbe .South, the South will find stronger ; competition for its cotton in Northern I markets than it lias ever known. It t had the power to withhold this 1 Staple, mid for years to t'olno the North could, without much inciuivriiicnce, ' hid hei “sisters ft> go in pi nee.” As to rice, it, is but one of tin almost j nunt’ '(Tiers edibles furnished by the I homivift'l soil of oureountry It could \ no withdrawn front the larders of the | North and hardly missed. Talk of : sacrificing the moral jirini'lpli involved | hi the death "f uOUjOffO preeiou* lives for a mess of pottage!” Sugar can i»e gotten m almost ample supplies Ui mei'i the demands of the North from sts tions entirely indepen ! lent if fln j Soulli Those arguments are sufficient and , still huii pm tiully stats' the causes for the North being to-day, and as it has never he mi before, oi/Ape/o/e/.' of the Soutli. Tin S.'iifti is now wide open lor devi iopment under, thank Heaven, free aid seieti'ifie tiiii. Already under till' p ,'i is pee t of supply cotton and sugar have la'h'ii, not, only ~opK wliat, hut to almost theii stuuduids of prices I ■ for" the war. The North hat no occasion to fear bat inti (vommuiuoatioti ui trade with be South shall i gaiii lie interrupted. I: limy safely .ouicipafe supplies more , < xtenrivc than ii li:is yet known, and ' iddti st itself lor larger speenlations I in Southern staphs, with more reliable . .uMUU diu is of profit. Tlim t-Hion ol (he Southern gentle man whom 1 have cited, and wlm sjieak- *. .Ia large class in the Smth, is based upon the bigotry oi revenge, lot tip' Jl leasotior upvili a shadow of i fact. Bin l have stated fins rmti-p' 1‘ Stimony, more esp.cjally t" show ; tbe ): in fid effects upon the pifftties of , our country, of all opinimw end senti ments not founded upon solid fact and ! principle. The spirit of accession instead of being - upjii essi l a! the eitjstl of the i war as e-ven though' it had been ftlt j would have been dec out and sensiWe under the "ireumst inee* yt coniptest, i j has been ever since fierv. defiant, ! menacing. If ar ei!i tain times of trial and sub* ; jertion, it is justifiable, to maintain a ; dogged :n mpi iideiuy of nature, tlmt • I time i* not now in the mstanee of the! | BoutJ: .uni North. Tin gontest of I ideas vvtiieb has waged tor years lie- ■ tveeen these sections, and which has i culminated in the recent terrible cim | test of mins, Inis taught lessons of ! justice end duty, which w and not be ' lutleaiiied l y tile passive lapsing ot time. I il" North has exalted justice .as arbiter in the work of reconciliation. It w ill not recall her until sh.' has 1 accomplished the work. At fu st much, ’ ton much perhaps, of leniency was ; shown. The (lonstitntiortftl Amendim ms were presented. Shew.mid not, iiave 'them. Sh.. could not comprehend flic draught ot mingled justice and mercy. SI e now has the •'Reconstruction Bill,” Mum in answer t.' murne ring* against i' as they iiave come with grumbling undertones from every portion of her borders, that lull has received a "*up j ; plimenlal.” Military povver is pr icti.- iffy* In pur- : e: W ith the release ot liavts, the j muttering >.f treason arc again heard. We do let know, hut enough more has already been developed to bring a grater burden upon the South. It is not hard to divine that eon tinning to croak, and fn September to reject the terms of adjustment now eontmitt.'d by Congress; there will come the hisoni of confiscation, and wide and permanent disfranchisement. It is never pleasant to alarm, hii!*it it is for safety, it is wise so to do. The North run lire vit/mot the Son*/'. It has suffered through the follies and crimes of the Smth. And if I can at all read th<* spirit of th people litre, they will not let -g< i until the terms ot Reconstruction pro poned bv Congress liave boc'i <jiiietlv and fully accepted. Akotiikk Dei ai'llATion by (Iks. ! Sushi nax Pbobahi.k.— A privatetcle i gram from New Orleans, reeeiwsl in Washington, announvs that Slirivian has another removal on the tapis, and that Judge John W. Thomas, of tile Second LHstrict Court ii I/onisiaiia. in New Orleans, usually called the Pro bate Ocm rt, is the prospective victim. «-»*. ' Tie Mai i it.i ((-in. ) Jounial, oi the 14th,says; Tbe wheat crop is g.snl, and never jiromised a ntore abundant yield, and m some localities it is being rapidly harvested. Corn is growing very fast, and never iooked better. SPECIAL NOTICES. REGISTRY NOTICE, RICHMOND COUNTY. The Hoard ot Rvajirters for the 18th Senatoi i il UiHnU will meet m Richmond County at the fuUowinfr preciucta, ai. the time specified, end for th<* period herein ptveii, for the parj.oae "f regiatcrlny qualified voters under the late tics* of Confix s known as fh< Recotutraction A't Jan" ISUi and IDiti, Tuesday and VVet.iK:.lav Corner of Boundary Bt. and Dtlaiglc'r Avenue. June at»h and 21st, Thursrlay and Kridav— Near tbe Church on Burnt hot, Band MBs. June 2Ch and 25ih—At Bel Air June 8t ih—At I‘oor House June fifth—At KieUmond Kncton. Juno 2slh and 2VMU —At Pine I (ill. July Ist and 2d —At Mißean July 3vl and Jtli — At Tarver’s. July stU—Benin. Palmer's. THUS. 8. BKINNER. V. J. PANNEL, WM HAI.K, (col and,,) Board of Registers for the 18th Sea t Diet Angust ', (fa , June 10, 1807 lift Hands Wanted. j A NtMBKK OKUWIfi WOOD Cllf )Pi’ERB an find steady emplnyment, and good pay, dy I .ailing on JACOB K DAVIS mr'Je. !w Till! VMJKRBK.NKD UAh RECEIVE!) l.ieappfminiiiiit of CRIIEU BIATt-bJ C’uM- MiSBKi.NKK !or th> B.ntthorw Dtatri. t ..t l.eoi • via. Office pi Augusta Jacob k oavis Ms. 0, 1807. mytt-Sov >. S. BRVAUT I O a mCJfMtnsoN BRYANT & RICHARDSON, ATTOMXEYB i A^l> CO CXSJJLL VRS AT LA H\ GA. Office comer KEiparul Monvab if HtneK himkk v c u i : Hon L. M Moriin, M. C M W >n, I>. < HtJn Eerb«m. M. C., Wasliiiiviton, I» (.' Hon T. ,r. Si*er, Birffnlo, N. T. Ktljjnr Ketekum. iCnq., New Tort t i»r Ht*n. Gu ». F I’w i land. Me Hon lo*ej>h Howant, “ “ ; ( ol AIUiLsG. lirowi.c, Jr., Mris-=. •I 3. Wmltr, PWt Loi-.J oi Umltli, New YoiK ! CHy. mytS-r# Know Thy Destiny. Madame e r. thoknton, n,« grem KnaKsli A«leok>ijiu, Clairvoyant and INy r f home' 4ei.ui, who h.w vsixniabed the ■' iept'ti ; I lasses of the Old World, has now located her sedf al tlsds- '11, N. f. Madame Thornton |WV | sessea saeh wonderful powers of second spjhl, »S to enahlu hei to imparl knowl.dgeof if,., . greatest import mu to tin; -mgk: or marriwl of ' either si. Whih in a sate of trait,-e, she de lineate. the vert features pt the person you , e to marry, and hy the aid of an Instrument of i ldeas" power, known ns the Pay. honiotrope, SMrant.a-s to a life-like picture oft),. injure hti»o»nd ot wife of the applied.!, to gelhe- witii date of marriage, peaTtion in Mfe leading t.aira of ehawetisr, Ac. This is mi lutntmg, as thousands of testimotr vie eau as sert. Bhe will s.-nd, when dtwired, .. eertifi. ate, or write a guarantee, that flic picture is what if purports to he. By enetostnc ■ amal! lock of hair, »«d stutimr place ot hirth, agvx disposition sod complexion, and enehwinf fiffi cent* ami Mam pep euvch>|a;. addressed to yourself, you aill rev. ive the picture and deal red informa tion Ivy return mail. Alt eonimunications sm. redly omfid. 'i’isl Address, in eopfidediee MADAME F F THORNTON, apfi-ly p O Box Jfifl, Hudson. N. T W<» CONBI MI‘TIVES.-The advertiser, ; having been rcstorevi to health in a row weeks, j hy a very simple remedy, suer having suffered : r weral years with a severe lung affection, and > 'hat dr, nd disease C’onsumptiou, is anxious to make k'.irnn to hi-- fellow suffer*!- the means , "f eurv . To all who desire it, tie w ill send opr of the j l'roseripti.m. (free of tharge,) with the direu ! tiona for pi .‘paring imi u ny tbe same, wht do they will find SURF CURE tor Consumption, | AMiima, BrouchitE, »%t The only object of hi.' advertiser in smiling th. Prescripti',l] j- ~, ! f|u afflicted, and spread information i Which he em uve- t„ |, invalaal.le; „ K i he ! evc '.' sufferer Will try hli remedy, as it "ib cos: tin m nothing, and may prev * i Mess ing. Parties wishing tin Prc-eripUou wit! plea* \ address Rev FoWAitii A. W IU?OK "'ilTamstjv.rff —•* N T | WTLLSOK’S SCHOOL AND FAMILY SERIFS OF READERS AND SPELLERS. WiUwn'* Primary Sjmller. A Simple anti l'nigressive Course ot Lessons it. Spoiling, witii Rtailing utitl 1 )iet:ttion H.xt vcisc tmtl the Kletii.-tits ol Oral mnl Written ('<>in|K»sitioti. By its Wit.t sox. I Ohio., l 0 56 (’’its. 15 font^. William's Larger Speller. A Progressive Course ot Lessons inSp«ll iiig, tirning 'il aceorilitio to the Prineij.lcs of Oithoe|>v :iml (Srtinnmiv, with KverctfUfs in Synonyms for Re.nling, Spelling iiihl \V r tiling; ttml new System of T)efi»)itiems. By M vßoirs \\ u.i.sox. i2nto, itjs gugi s id ('tits, th ceiit*. Willson's Primer. The School and Family Priiner. Introilnetoiy to Series of School and Family Readers. By Mak.tus Wii.i.son. lihno, 48 pages, 107 Cuts. 2o cents. Willson's First Heath r. Tin First Render ot the School nnd Family S-ties. By March's Wimbox. P2»mi, K 4 pages, l tJCiits. to cuts, Witison's Set on A HratJer. Tlie See.mtl Reader ot the School and Family Series. By Makcius Wii.i.son. 12mo, 154 pages, KifH’uts. 00 e'ents A Thin! lirmh r : I iii.nntdiaU Serin. A Third Reader ol a tirade Ih'tween tin Second and Tiiird Readers of tin' School and Family Series. Bv M i :t. o s Wit.isos. 12mo, 210 pages, 70 Cuts, so cents. Willson's Thinl Header. Tie Third Readcrm theS'h<H>lmid Fannlv Series Hy Mr.lion s Wim.son 1 2nto, 204 pages, lt'i Utits. f»ocents. A Fourth Header: Interrnediuti Scrim. A F'ourth Reader ol a Brnde lKdynen flic Third ami Fourth Readers ot tin School and Family Series. By Mat. it* Wim.sox. 12mo, 312 pages, 05 Cuts. 10. Will son's Fourth Header. The Fourth Reader ot the School and Family Series. By M\n< tvs Wim-so* *i 35. WiHson's Fifth Header. The Fifth Reader of the Seliool and Family Series. Hy Miimu s Wiuhox. 12Hto, 540 pages, 208 Cuts. 80. From Mil <*«.!,• mI Howurtl. < Kru< «iin» Htircau. “Your cxfolknt snhs hax bucu ni-rivnl | nod rxoitiim'd wMh cr-at Intt-Tcst. I HKo the very iinic b. uml am iaH p!cils» and ! with Hid (Jhiirif* nud l’nifiin H-H.ks, belicvitiK ‘hern \mu?u;.lly : <!:•? *' l t * niu the- child lit | makimr a t-l u » jßxtrticf from Leiter ot Major Saxton, or ; during Kcudur#.} WAsuiNGf<»«. 1). C , April 1 x#»7. * « # * # It v**s b> M iia tiiut vt bad butter | ft ft the Park r W*t#on is th# ! mo»t ?i»udln the School* siiojdy beinUrvo fcome i»ad trot i*, t>*r tbr of uniformity ; t»ut toy recommendation l>rev®sU*d. Uue present m»o hud usv li, b’nt' dtbat be ba<i u-ed tha <»tl((*r *4 a. lie cored to k sndcon d*ler*‘d ’he Willatm Seri* * an fau superior, YiYiHir an exnnijds oi the dlflkrvfurc of time required in t«*arbi»ni h new pupil, tbe prtfe rence Mim: deei<k*<Hv in fav«>r *>f the latter •wrUs. 8«* wc, st rtim: this fun movuiof'nt. lnivrdrc ,il ‘d to «rrt tiicbust. book -xtant, so far n- wi ku' W bf .n rt. WIULABO From the Am» rican (Rev Liman Abbott.) ** Tbe peeuliar burn t» ristic of tllis iit*rH*s liet in tt»«* fact that they aim to import, ns fhr «a p->ssit>le tucfnl lnfi»n»atlof) For Tht» pnr p ise ’ n*y contain a sub's <>i ortkk? on vari »if aob.ioetH of wi<*ncf ami bistory, icru-b and to the capacity ofdiff« k riot |upiU, amt so d tint when the five volume* hove been care fully rend, the atndnit, In fddiHon to o know ledg * of reading, will bove icqaireti o rable knowledge in many department# of etndy, #uca ••ritl lay the foutulation for more complete instruction utlc rar ird.” Tb< f ore tlier'‘f*»r*. peculiarly Miiajded to the pre#?;Uir ln’edt? and quick jm r<*« ptiveo of tbe i‘t>Uirc;l children Each t>o<»k is proftmely ami liaudaomelv illustrated, and tbe illnatrations f >r* ai r intended to render the com] rehensior j of the rcfiilim: matter more Thefbllow j Injf testimonial# bav< been tclccUrd from a j larre tm*s? of a stiu lcr nature : Bubbau H F. ano A. L., <»Fr.(B BrPK»IVTSMIMT KOTX ATIOX, Ki* fiMcmiK Va. Df i 1::, ]Hfr» Ib'ar Jiir— X have N*#n fiiiniliur with the Header* tmm their flmt publication, and am frea to any to yon. a.x I h ive uniformly auld to teatbera, superintendent?, and otlnra, that, all thimr# considered. 1 regard ♦hem as the btel fcertea bcf«*rc tli*' public The leading peculiar feature of this Sc *!» s was a happy In spiration of the author, and the execution of tbt plan so well done as scarcely to admit of improvement. Mr Willson** style of coaipo •itioa in the 1 >wer dubs be re of the Bcrict, and of bis plan in the higher numbers, bars been imitated by some later writers of •( bool readers with decided advantage to their w«>rks. Hence Mr. Willson h3» not only made • peerless Series of bis own, but ha.* elevated the general standard of such works. When ever my choice has nut been constrained by clrvHmatam u?, I have a!wav t»cd this Series both l.i the white and colored school? with which I have Wen in any way connected. Tours, truly, H. M. Manly, Superintendent Education. j Harjicr Brothers, Publishers, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. H Vlll’FH .v BK< ft HI-US will .-rciid any of flu* above works l*v M ill, po&togu free, to any part of the I’ulted States, on receipt of the price J. E."iIiYA]S T T, AGENT FOR THE STATE ®F GEORGIA AUGUSTA, GEO. OTV>U From W. M. C<»lby, General buperiniendent Freedman*# 8< hools in Arkatisas. I vitvei made letter readers than from those ImbMo- The Charts ore une»irpai»»cd by any. Fr<nri W k MinattU, SuperiiitkUuUid ot FruTtuKU ri Sc hooln (in charge of Pcnnayl vanis Free«|men‘s Ansociatioii.» l«*i Middle Teunesac«' nml North* ru Ahibama. Willson's R eders roc unsnrpaHEcrf lty iuiy in the English language. Copies w ill be sent, postage paid, to parties ueririi.g to examine them with a view to in trodni tion, on receipt of half ]>riec liAUi att iV Hi7*»rneita ulfo publish a Seiieb of School and Family (harts. Twenty two in mtinVr, l>v Marcille 'Vi|!*<m and N A. ( ..tkin*. Tbvst Chiirti. *re derivued. in tonrifetinn with (te’trpe.mtponynitr Mannal ol lurtm.-Hou hv Mereiu* Will.on (I2m« *1 50) smt ttn Trimary Object I,..'«p>oie< I>v N A. Cslkins. (ifimo. Iff 50) tn fiiniisb tin tcncliy with the rv‘(|Ui*lte Okie for tho j.rtutfctU •piJication of (i true ryetern ..f Kluucn t iry IriMrnttiou. In the •» lieu,ling ( hint* Die typ.- i* wiflhb.ntly larsc to Ik- mst 1y r**d *t a dirtnuee of twenty Ivet. The*, ( tort* wifi he fm-nUhed "ithcr ociKirotely ot m full »ett», eilhcr mounted or hi •licet«. »ud »iro, stir Family Use, in n. rt olhie tonu, ut the followinif pri'-i*. When mounted, tvrones on 1 r»rd at th* size of i&eh Chart, by 30 iDilte* They are scut iy mail, tv orer-. nt the i«iis feu a. 0 : lu NArrf*. I Elementary Bixty IllUitrated Word* 35 its. II leading: First Lesson* 35 its. 11l Reading: ffecond Lisron*.... 35 cts. IV. Rendinc: Third Lessons 35 cl*. V Uridine: Fourth Lesson*.. .. ,'!5 cts. VI Reading : Fifth Lessons 35 cts. VII. Elementary Sounds 35 els. VIII. Phonic Spelling 35 Us. IX Writing Chart oo ets. I Drawing and Perspective 35 cts. XI Line* and Measures 3:5 cts. XII. Forms snd Solids .. 35 cts. XIII. Familiar Colors, accompanied by a duplicate sett of Haud- Uolor Card* || .50 j XIV. Chromatic Scale of Colors. ]on XV knitnais : KeoaaWJhat I> • ' po . XVI. Ctetwi Scat ion of Animals. ... 60 ts. XVII. Bird*: tbtlrClassification OOets XVIII Reptiles and Fiehes 60 c ts. XIX Botanical Forms, &c 60 eta. XX. UJaasiftcation of Piarits 60 cts. XXf. Economical Uses of Plants... 00 els. XXIL Economical Uses, tout loped, 60 its. Price of the entire Sett, i u Bluets.. #ll7O “ ” l * “ Mounted 18 00 ” Atlas Form... 20 00 Uolkin'e Primary Object Lessons #1 50 Willfon’t M*mtal ofObJect Tcaddug . 150 liter* has Iwen nothing published in the educational line for years that, to our mind, is anch a means of conveying knowledge rs these Charts and the Manus! that accompanies them (/uteri /asSreetor. Willson's Manual Dilic truest American ex pression of the principles of Pcstalottanfi that Iras yet been made. Mr. Willson i legitimate Iy carrying out in this Manual and the accom panying Charts, the be "is ot his admirable system of School Readers .V. T Tiwl-rr.