The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 20, 1867, Image 1

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'' S ' N ' VOL. 1. T!i«* Daily Loyal Georgian. 'Ai'Ct'STA, G ' JUNE JO. 1887, OFFICIAL ORGAN 1 8 GOVKRNMKNI V UBLI3HBD EVERY MORNING BY Tor I.OYAI. i.KOBOIAN *»S ULIMIIAG IXMKIATIOA. \ .! R I’.KYANT - - Editor. XIIOB. V. BEAUI) - - Agent < MHee, in rear of Globe Hotel, corner ot .J.ieK. on -,i„l Kills Streets, Angtwte, <; com; TIiUUS OS Si B-lllCIPTlOA: FOR IIAII.Y, One Year. Siv Month,- ’’ J Three Months. ■ • 11,1 YOU WErSLY, Oil,- Yi .tr > ; ;00 Pi.v Months 1 o Three Months UK) AIrtYAYS IN ADVANCE. BING J K COPY, FIVE CENTS. u in> or vi>vi;jr uxiMi t One Stinare equal.-, ten lines of minion type, t Square 1 time * J? it - ' i•-■> } :: f^h-v 1 “ :> 500 1 *• 1 month SOO l V .. 12 00 1 « 3 “ 15 00 j r> “ 20 00 1 “ 12 “ 18 00 A d».-auction will In- made for <]Utirter fc half or whole column?. Addwfss, “ Loyal Georgian,” Key Box J»*d, Augusta, <la All commiiuk-MtioiiH for publication must be written only on one .dde of the paper, ami ac companied with the name ol the writer. We will not publish the name, unless the writer wishes us to do eo, but we must have it. as i guarantee of t ii fc t ru^ News and Other Items. In Texas Iwo Judges <l< fy tin laws of Congress, and refuse to admit tlio testimony of negroes in their Courts. They may safely disobey, it the Presi dent can nullify. A IIkIIUEW (lOVKKNMKXT. TltC ; New York Times says A form of government was . -.-lith lished in 18C5 by tlie Israelites resident in the United States, for tlio. purpose of guarding the race in America This organization lias been in regular o|i,-ra tion ever since its es(:>h!iKhmen' hat so exclusively hav> its doings been . onfined to the affairs ami circles of j those, immediately inteves:-* the 1 l>iil>lie at, large, has known very little oi its existence. The biwin-s.; o: this i government has now grown so impor tant that the Executive is about to cal! tor loans, and issue bonds, in th'-nanm of the Israelitish government, bearing seven per cent, interest. This organi zation is intended to co operate 'with aipiiar ass - ovations in other parts oi the w i hi, the grand object being ■: furtherance of the favorite and tra ditieiial Jewish idea, that the whole rc.-t- >; I; r.elites wilt hi- uitimitely Uf.fhero'l together in"the land of their l,Vef.'»t-bers Then, they believe, tile ( giupio of Jerusalem will he rebuilt, -cpartiiory to the coming of the yievsinh, to vindicate the truth of the religions belief to which the Jews have* adhered tenaciously for so many centuries The whole number of Jews scattered abroad throughout the world is estimated at six. millions. Th.- Jonnufl and Messenger, of the 14 th,says; Wheat crops from till directions arc reported to fie in a most excellent con dition. A gentleman of experience ami reliability informs us that in Mus oopee and adjoining counties, the wheat has excelled all expectation*. He cites several instances of parti** who lor five hundred bushels planted will realize at least four times that amount. Wo shall soon be able to have all classes of grain at greatly re duced prices. Tor Louisiana Covvbntionists. Thu indictments presented against! the members of tin; ( Jonstituiionaf Con- , ventiori of Uoui.siaiui for making aivl assisting an unlawful assembly in hold ing their Convention, which was infet rupted by the riot in New Orleans last July, which were found by a Uraml! Jury under e charge of Judge Abell, 1 since removed by (Jen. Hheridan, fia.e i 'ecu eef asid ", xml si .'olle, pros, has vn entered .a, motion of Attorney-• (,' v rural Lr.vm in the Eirst District j (’-WHtofthai city. He ngued tha; t!i e 1 acts of the accused parties on v. hi eh the indictments wi re found, - \sted simply in beji'g present at a nrative meetitig ncld >ortheavo»'- ~j , Ml sjm 'of adt xm ing. by peaceabm i,id l,.’ s xil means, the interests sn<! pros -1 ■it v . >;' the Stale, and tint such meet ing von Obnt- and no mnt« 4 , offer-e or . mwlcme tutor against the laws of Louis-.. iai ». Tli * 1 th« «g hl and ' parties rv; ’-d all other citwens <•{ the • United States to assemble and delibe- j rate lu-aceftWy on any subject or mat te. wiiaksciov’Cr, is s*cured the Lon stitution and ki’ws of the Lulled S- •’•- ; on l of tile State »'»Jt Lour >•'“>»• j iy. i. ./ out.- AI r (ii;sr..\. ■: .- THUIISDAV MORNING, JUNE 20, 1H67. IL-APpV Vl'llElrt rt- Mll.ll ill) [):•• ■ T. (Aw,;/,/, Flo; id,. /ILV . ■- , Atlanta, On., M j Jt. isST. , Oexruat. ('r.r.rU- N- In accordance with -iu v, < 1 t - .; - supplementary ta. Art to e. v. U a : vlHcient Oovcrnniont for if . vo, i - , dated March iulv , . . ..v. arrangements are herein in.-,do Sir the re gist ration of voteis in ::jr States of G . r :;ia -in.l Ala! .a, . I Th. States ol (n irci.t Aki’ :-...:. are divided into .--i, D.-u.,t. numbered aiai f-oimdcd tier, nan. described. II A It,-aril Kogistmt: ,:i u- n- ■ appoint-.-d fur Dint;., t - - nh.v •• a. n | tinned,to Consist of two white If-.-_ -. and on, colored Ilogistcr. In ill Staia o: (ioyvgia, where only tbv twr v.hir, It, gi.'tcrs arc designated in llu» < >rti>v u. i dtructod I’ at thr.-e white Nfgiatfi: ”, t... It District immediately «icet. aedcau.t • . ,- duty xu-ilitied a. ciimpetcnt colored man i-■ compieti the Boar! of TJ.-g..-tirtv a-.d report hi? name and Post otto o ~and ’i without ie'.ay 4 C, ■ ‘ i: Si.-it.-., an uiandiug District -s 'g!.;. . M„ Georgia. 111 Each Kiv'-At. . t.- vipu cd to lake and sitt.itcriU't ■ tin it-h pc ■c : »•••! by Co:®'! by an act <!;.(. and .Tu;r i IXO2, and an Additional oath t dii.cb.irg.- ..iHh fully the duty of K. ,dstia under tin Mi- Acts of Cfuign-ss. I; i. no) avifitf t.s-.t any of the appointees, h-r. Mfore d> .-igna ted, will he uaabh. 1 ink. the test mall above mentioned. Blank forms of th-ss oaths will be e-nt to tin -ppohit■'.(•••• at oucc, and on living executed and letmned to t-lie supciiutendi'-nts ,-i State tion.tUvir Commission-'- a- it. el;-)-' v ill tse issited. and forward, dto them iiiimc diatol y IV. In order to secure a full i.-uistm tion of voters, it L- deU-rmiao-! to t!\ tb« • compensation of Registers a, ti"-.; ti- j general rules adopted, in taldn- the -cn e-. In the cities, the compeii.-aiion is fuel a fifteen cents for each . - u 1< 1 voter ii the must sparsely settled count ten laid ,ii t.ricts, at forty cents per voter. Tin- mu pensation will be grad i.ecd la-tween theta limits, according to the den-ity of tin pop ulation and the facilities of tti- comniiinii-a tion Ten cent« per mil- >vil! be aliow-.f for transportation »- l’lif-t- • - <-lYit- - of railroads or stcanibnats. uid five cents , per mile when travel is .lone i r , icoiv and steamboats V. It is hereby mad- tin.- duty ot ,11 Begister.s, and they will lv- ..-xpocted t, perform it strictly, to explein to all [e-mot,- who have not heretofore taijoye t th- liglit of sttffrngr what are theii political !tnd privileges and lie 1K,.-Sait) of. cisi isi them tti'-m all proper oeeasi - injtw, list . , - ■ i• • - j in which he r-sUlei; and m oases ! voters havi In,, a un-'-le ">’_!• :cr. whilst j the Boards of If-g.oo were at tin j wards 0” jiieei'u rt >vlt, v - ftte.l. voU r- live, i opportunity will t- give. <-r a j comity stilt - of tlitiv t. [-. eti . • o--0..t»- at i specified tiirn, of wniclt iu- not: wifi be given; ':t tin r imi <f ftll ■, tlms regiat. led will pla, e-i -nth- K is .. ; . VII. The Boards of ltegisi-utlion witi give due notice, so tli".', -t may r. i.'li -aii Jiersons entitled In regisUr, ot lh. -J:.'- j when they will be in ea b election pr cm ; the time th-v wiii sjHnd in it- <■ th j plate w'iier. the ixoist rati on Mill b- ii'-.i : 1 all -1 I’j. • : -■ 1 - for each coo My. Uu ii.---.rd '-f Hegietr.Hoa | will give not he that they will b< po-' :it, i for thru su< c- --tve dav at tim (ourig *-.1 i of sncli rountr. t > i'<:gis;i - vuch voter have failed t - regiater, or be n pr .etilt t front regi-ieiing i. ttieir res,..'a. i\ pr cinciy and t hoi " • i-i.-r.c. in tit -art- ■ r voters rejected by the Ih -ist-i sir im - , oral precinct.-, -'t may tlesir, to pos-nr twtimony in their own l>ehai'f VIII Ua!(- otherwise in: tracted it . after, Boards of Hegistradon tire directed, in det-rminie.e: wketber apphcaot-s »>• ,-g ister are legally qualitiert, to hold tiiai tie I firm.- " Exee-'tivi amt .Itidtcial," in the Acts of Congros i. us Mnrc-h 24, 1807, < "in pri-'i fi 1 -' per-.-ii-. whmn-'.cvcr "li-- hv.e liehl ofli. tmd-r the Executive or .Tmhr.t. : Department *1 thr- St.,it”, -r National Go 1 eminent in "tiiir -.v-.ji-i- nil ofEc-’-- aoi hegisl tti-, - , vfl-'o lasi ur- -1 -si ;-\e:e ~ : by the Act. T- ruu- t who apply to rogisli but who are comidered disqualified by tin- Boards will in permitted to take die required oath, which, with the obj'-ction-, of tht Board. -: 11 be held for ndjuili. -di e hereafter. IX. Tht lk-‘ -f reghtcr-d voter - ft.- : i of the 1 preciv.i will be exposcel in • public place in that precinct. for tea eon , ' seeutive days at some time Bubsequen: M the compleiic ” of the registration fin <•-•-. i county, and 'afore any -lection is held, in orih r that all supposed cases of fis.tid'd- r-i. registration may be thoroughly lnvi,ti gated. Due notice will be given oi ' pr< • vision made f-.r the time and pi,ic< < x amination »nd settlement of such c»se: X. Blank books of oaths required to hi I t-.ken by voters, and blank registration ! list?, hs also full and detailed instructions I for the perfamairee of their duties, will !.-■ ■ : ,t once, forwarded to the Boards »>f l- z'- 1 ; t ration appointed in this Order; anti - j enjoined upon these U- -rd - th : pro : need to complete the regisf ration : ;*h ■ i : ' cnerg-' and and: patch xf The detailed instructions t- B-g if will and lignat, tl* u • a:'. : ■ 1 Boovd -lio hail he its Tr-T'-nt xn vi mI»Y - .in persuu from bi* naruu, «*? I his poifLiCftl rights, hit* V : :i i prohi’iiL'i; and it »-> a- Lnclo' Miru ,M, *‘ s ■ i that int contract or | i r-. which dcprivoH th-td f th*;. w-.* •- ••- jan v longer time* tnanthaiß- I'Dolycot. - ' ricrj ■ ' ' 1 ■' : J i to I)-, enforced -hoij; in thu I' l : trio.fc: and this offense, or .»nv pr*** i-ou I mentioned in. this oht-"; -ph. wii : • j the immediat arn t tiu iTeri'i r • -i ‘ hi- trial hefort « Milii-uv # v -*jji»*.is-: ri. I XIII Th? t-.vut t.i ,!.< ri.ihf >•’* , :u it r mo lat-.; Acts >; u-i r-nd \ )te, i.- guar . : • t> Ml i arr -\ ithorities of the. : - in.,, ■ p-i-so -- wJ.otusoever arc - .i ." .im it* -pr ■ ■ interfere to iilingthii i igiit. ; t-’.. - at. ; a ti. • -.. i , «tb( r than • ■: ■ I■; i. i mode. X!\ , •• -: - ilkunri-anee -n vio .- . , --- . ii -i-i • at-ion, or any ... - i-d. . - or of appli< ants ; • - Ilegistration tviH . '• • :• > autlioritii.- for a bn , t-i arrest the offend i - pr,- —-. • ■ ,f necessary, upon i . .- -thoiit'i.'H, who are iin ins: - furnish the moessary J.o- in i v tio. ri fuse, or-who i p- ;■ .ais, or applicant.; to ; i-. ' ••[.- -■ -1 to tl),- bendquar* • i ■ '■'•!; .' i'-.,.ri.iuding :n the gtat - h delinquents, - 1,,-* - - -e-.-ii-i-T ilieixi to these j !.j . 1 th •• be brought i .... ([;; ( -■!>'.imi “im.. t f.| Hr- ,-r Maj. Gen. Pope. . Kvxni-msox. •; Th;m,;i •. A A A. A. <l. i a ‘“ liAE ' Bm MILITARY DlstT-. :••!«>. - ->mi.uv Ai.a., April g 0 ‘ Nl’li AI i .I.' -I Us No, '• ; The ioilowinjr from the te tKiit A-: - • ' nuctess in r. iaiiori to IJe ee-i»!rr,cuo.: -a liiu “outhern bt.-u, •. is piildidi'-ii fa; he iiii-'i ination if sit e.oti er,r«ed 1 C-.'r; m Vo. ii. ] ■ - Ace supplimenravy 0.1 "An act en;;! .u ..-t to -I'Ofltle for the more ,-iii- :r ■ i«. - :, if the rebel,” I-as..- •'•- .* IStiV. and to facilitate restoration. >: l: v!<-eu. etc That ba f nrc the - • ... tninbvi i ii" the e0m :!..:.. .. n- ■-,! I-. cr>*-i* .istrict {defined !■ - -\u net to provide for rnment of the rebel Mao-- i.fts-;- 1 Al.u--.ti o t 867.) shall ne . :lin-' to !•- n-aile of ttn'f male : ' ’iiiwi: t'taie:- twenty one ! a ,i ,- , a t.i * ... > aril-, it -atont iu each • ; h. "-tat.u nr Statue in • laJeil 'ii!.. ti i.;;, which registration ,V. , . n ; iiernous wile are . i far P-leoßtr;: by the net 1 id-ire- snail .'ifiVia taken and «uh, .-vii.eii tin- fnlin'.viie: eath or iltlirnm j lion . ■I , i, :. /we.a-. or afiirin. -a el A'mizurr God, that 1 . i-.ui a t.<: ■ t-ht Statt ;,f ; that j T I-.. *.-ii in sinil bato for ;m. ..,.i dm.- ti :.: day and arm rt: :r or pitrisl) of: .... : ti- tuny lie ; iii.i t t 1 have not i ...... .; on in any ' r-e ; . , •••:! v.,-. >,. a- ; he I 'riii»d ■it;.. - - or: to 'in , tii.-rf. - ’ i ii.ivt; never taken mi ... .. „f '. n. .cress of tlie, ; , ■ i; ,-i ,if tile I’ni ■ 1 U.d . .. a el l:\t- : ,1 1 any State ; . •> el, i.vee uivo or judicial I ’ oflie-i.. .Mm to snppert the Con- ! I ~ , T ... ami after v,a •■- - , gc-i in i- •iri | *i:iii'.n or rebellion 1 i.i, i , t i-tai,-: !• given aider - , i-e --I-, mu,a i1,,.i-of. that I will j r'-j ; • i i-i;..ration and | -i. •’ i irty, encourage tod o hel mi God; which I Oa'h or isliici'i'i ,i-i. m.u 'll' nil i.nirti .ed ; , try uiij rfegi.-i.-n-- officer. ,m:i : fhiti. the , -inimiuding general ■if i-i,-;i *l l .-. stiaii i.j.i t-M many , 1, vi -i - r bo necen ' sAl'f. Col .-.‘three i-m "ii I'-f.ieertt or p < :• - ■■ ' ~-uj i-te the regiii !■;>! a-ip . ->t - ! the election, and 1...,! - ■:. ii i' -• f *l.O v .-s. list of vo ij.-il . -t '; ■ .- n:ir eleoted a« d«lo p-|.i hi ;; ;in >.f eon> oast at said ! elcetion. 1 .. ; i ole ili.s provision -f-e. !i'-i rile::-"' t -id. a- little delay r.r j,,.,-. !.- ■!,. r - iditig (dficurit im Florida, ■-.■•-r.-.:<-■! iiitm, ,ii-i divide those -tin- ii-iu liieni t >i.--trier* to Itegis i-.!11. a: \t it y i:faimation on the rtih- ■ !i 1 !w.; or c;in obtain. It is so.a-gea?i-nt th .districts in each feat; I' l -0 • ni a member one branch of the State Legislator.-, v, h: ■■ found a convenient di vial -ii I-i Keg:** ration. It is derivable that io -ii i-ii-f ' registers sh.'ill be e.ivil-.u-s “t- .: ;•* possiide f n obtain such ; s e tli- [iv-i ~-l,in,- of the Act. ' and ore -mittbie persons, and that n-'..‘ar; ntfioe: - ehaii not be used for tl: a po.", -”- in of actual ne cessity f..e "'isn'ion fur register.) will be :’; -i t-ei'CU'" 4 !!'. '"it tao g,:ut-rul : rule vv ii b. - iwi.-rvcJ of giwdnating the : conipuiitiat • ' ti— ii’iuiber of recorded voters '! - -acii i: -f of voters shall be uppen led ii.;; oath of the register or ret- 1 if- Unit. u.-ne iiave lieen faithfully' , - p. vseur itetoul iegai vo ters ai..t th» seme oiaii does not up ! .” .-•■■lines, 'the registers' , o-inietcd to see tliftt alt -,r.fnri; n- noerni.-/ their political ,g .- grtfiii '- " ;' *on.i-oritJed to vote! i.-'lcr the C ciigr- w and tiler are mai.. - - u-i-.-i..,, every such legal -t»: ;*r l'-,,. ' 4 S r*D(Ji i'jGi •» V it! is ■-,!'!■ ; piseihlj, the names . :. -I ■; • u-y.ors idlii'il bo . oi uimu • H< idqMrteis for the a.c.ifuv-.! -i ' .- ■ . ..t-»■ I,.ig General. - 1 .... I'-.'- ('< i;n uiamier ti each r, : ~- -i,.;. -■ -o !-is Military ' ; . - - ap.ioiiit one or «.r.x -i Registration -....- -i.e'i t.i- .o visit the ■;sr -- ; e;,i,s « ;; ny..notion is being ari'.eu -e operations of me .no !e nro 'heinselvcs t!:ai.e.'- -* --.-i . , vi■ t- tins G. r.- cessary information concerning his politi cal rights, and the opportunity to record lain name V, A General Inspector, eitbar an «ili- 1 eer ot the army or a civilian, will b» ap pointed at those Headquarters, to see that the provisioDß of this order are fully and carefully executed. VI. District Couimandort may, at thoir j discretion, appoint tho civil olfioers of tko I’nited States as Registers, with additional compensation ns may seem reuaooable and sufficient VII The Commanding Officer of each District will give public notice when ami where tbo Registers will coutinenee th« Registration, which notice will be kept public by tho Registers in each District during the whole time occupied in Regis tration. VIII. Interference by violence, or other oppressive moans, to prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pro hibited, ami any parson guilty of such in terference shall bo arrested and tried by the military authorities. By command of Brevet Major General I Foi'e. J. F. CONYNOHAM, Ist Lieut, 21th U. S. Infantry, Act. Asst. Adjt. General Official 0. €• Knapp, Ist Lieut, Bid Infantry, Brevet Captain ; V. S. A.. Post Adjutant. 4*.*. The Proposed Constitutional I Amendment. Resolved hy th i: Senate ant / House oj Representatives of the United States of. America m Congress assembled (two thirds of both Houses concurred), That the following articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by throe-fourths of said Legislatures, shall he valid us a part of the Constitution, namely: A uricnE —Section 1 All persons born or naturalized in the United Slates, and subject to the juridicticn thereof, aro oiti tizens of the United States, and of tho State whorein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of tho United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liber ty or property without duo process of law , j nor deny to any person within its jurisdic I lion tho equal protection of the laws. See. 2, Representatives Hhall be upper j tinned among the several States according I ! to the respective numbers, counting the j whole number of persons in each State I excluding Indians not taxed ; but when 1 ever the right to vote at any election for : electors of President and Vice Presideni or for United States Representatives ii Congress, executive and judicial officers of the Legislature thereof, is denied to uuy of ' the male inhabitants of such State, being i j twenty-one years of age, and citizens of ! the United States, or in any way abridged, I except for participation ip rebellion -nr other eriine, tin; basis of representation tbc-i mi shall im reduced in the proportion - which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of mill, citizens twenty-one years of age in the State. Sec >'i. No prrson shall boa Senator or Representative iu Congress, eleutoi of President aud Vice-President, or hold any office, eivil or military, under the United States or under any State, who having previously taken an oath as member of Congress, or an officer of tho United States or iih uu executive or judical officer of any Slate, to support the Constitution of tho United States, shall have engaged in in surrection or rebellion against tbo same, or given aid nr comfort to tlio enemies l.lier»- of, lint Congress may, by a two-thirds of i each House, remove such disability See. -1. The valdily of tho public debt , of tin United States, authorized by law, ; including debts incurred for tho pnymont of p.-nsious and bounties for sorveo m sup pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be question ad, but neither tho ITnitod ! States nor any State shall assume or nay | any debt or obligation incurred in aid of 1 insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim for the loss or omunci* i patiori of any slave ; but all such debts, \ (Alligations and claims shall ho held illegal ! and void. ! Sec. .1. Th« Congress shall have power I to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article, Congressional Districts of Georgia Ist. Counties- Chatham,Bryan, Liberty yj, lidnsh, Wayne, Glynn, Camden, Chari fun. -tv,ire, Pierce, Appling, Tatnal. Bul lock, Effingham, Scriven. Emanuel, Mont gnrnery, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Echols, i Lowndes, Berrien, Irvin. Laurens, Johnson, Brooks, Colqmt. and Thomas. Twenty nine counties. ?d. Counties Decatur, Earley, Miller, But-", Mitelicit. Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, Pulaski, Houston, Macon, Morion, G'liatta ; lio-'-liec. Sumter, Webster, Stewart, Quit in;-.- Clay, Calhoun, Randolph, Terrell, ; Lee, and Dougherty. Twenty-three eoun . ties, id Counties- Muscogee, Schley, Tay lor. Talbot, Harris, Troup, Merriwcathcr, : Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton. Carrol], i Campbell, Haralson, and Paulding. Fif teen counties. 4tli. Counties Upson, Pike. Spalding, Henry, Newton. Butts, Monroe, Crawford, Bitib, Twiggs. Wilkinson, Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, and l'utnam. Fifteen counties. r,lli Counties- -Washington. Jefferson, Burke Richmond, Glascock, Hancock, War ren, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Talifcrro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert Fourteen counties Orb. Counties —Milton, Gwinnett. Wal -1 ton, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart, Frank • !in,Banks, Halt, Forsyth, Pickens, Dawson. Lumpkin, White, Habersham, Rabun, Towns, Union, Fannin, andGilmer. Twen tv-eight counties. 7th. Counties Di-K ilb, Fulton, Cobli. T'nlk. Floyd, Bartow, Cherokee, Guidon, Ch.dtooga, Walker. Whitfield, Murry. , Catoosi, and Dade. Fourteen counties T U K National Standaid A BEKIEB OF SCHOOL IJO“KS uhidi v. i .jl\ txiunsivcly unctl in uvurv tflult <t U.c ! Union, i-i iiu'ny hi.-luinv' morel '.:ixc\y Mum ;m.v I or all others, may justly Vtuai iho -il.»ovc ‘.it!*. Notliinir imi the most uii']ualil\' ‘l lmn-it < ‘>iihl give, :my Bookfl this proud position. uherH, and frlende of cducfttlon Ljcinnuliv, an* awn-e that it is creditably maintained by ihc NAT 10 NA L SK R I 9 or SCHOOL BOOKS. I’l DLIciUISD JIV I S HA RXfJS a CO., loin* TlukSc tumour Boohs arc. tivurywhiro u«od nm! ovcrywlioro popular. The oalabvju' covers fvery ‘lepartnuTit <>i rtchoo). At ;.- i L'oi ! legialo Instruction Th« lolloM’iny me tin- vol ! representJTijr tlu-cuinmon branch! ! Parker A Wctson‘« SpelkTi- and Kond«-; . ! Moim iUi ami >l<*Naßy’s i (Jluru’s English drutli uirs ; Hcers’ System *d Penmanship . Davies' Complete Course oi MiitheiiKrinu ; Montoitli and Willard’s TTistory , I The Silver Lute and Forest Choir-Music; | Jarvis* Physiology aud Health ; Peck’s ami Oanoi’a Natural Philosophy , Porter’s Principle." of Chemistry . S Darby’s Southern Botany ; NOVthcrePt-. .School speakers ; Pujol’s French Cin-oH Book ; Andrews A Stoddard’s Latin (liumniar. THE ILLUSTKATF.D El) rt y j TIONA L 11 n. LIS TIN, thy. I'lmLitiiißEß'D iirnont mkiucm. Wilt In mml to Tc.iciicr’a regubriv, In; one year, on recciiit us ten i i'nt-. Aitdrtai A, 8, BARNES & CO., EDUCATIONAL PUBLISH Elirf Nett' ILi'/i. laylzj dm i\i .U’lilk^KOS’ A r i I h m cl i c s. THE i. I TEST I.Y/' EEs t ' A Pi ftnttrif Arifhniif ii-. B-wt tihilly iHuhti at-.-.d •. ear.-it Mo, i • yiimei i the tirsi. lour Hules ;»;nl Hie. G'-nij'-le Tables, > ~inbit»iiu' nientii' eoit ues v. i.b examples fen the ''ate. u'liio. it'rt pa H) (M lltf . .1 tt HlruwuOfCj/ Arii /.■ tut tir.. Itevicv.f Uu, subject - Hu; Piiitiary In a style adapted to moltkn iial ma..uur nmuh Also e.mbn. ":s Fraction?, Fedor; 1 Money, deduction, im tl Hie (Venpound i.tih - PJmo, H 1 linger-. (50 cents. A I*ractirad ArUhtnelfc. ITc pared expressly for Common School*. e-jv- j iii/Z gpeem! promir* ne- t,o the blanches of I M t' .ipli!' AriMinudie, and iuModueini- toe \ nev/ “Metric System,” with « rplitn.f ions l and (,mpU, Mhiio Hot) piig’O? ! A Tliifher At Uhnudir. In pm- 1 paratnm. A Mental Arithwetiv. Nearly! j n-ady. This serioi if tum f iiur with a irmM | reception from teachers cvorywhcrc, iiid is «.nv- • , aetly wluii is needed for iiiciilti! discipline, its [ v/M} it -t for it practical jircpaution for the bu*L | nc*t j s of life. It is clear, thorough, coinj»rclien i bive., loiricnlly arr.Tugcd, well is.-,applied with • great variety of oMm.ple*, and tc:mhes Utc methods actually used by bu,-ir< , men. Specimen copies of any of Mir ;.hove works moiled, postjiaid, to ft nchertt ami bool oiTkck, on receipt of one-half tie.' retail price. Favora ble terms made for introduction. n, U’PIJITO* A UK fUBLI.-lIKKS US A US IIROADWAt. >. V. myO-tl ICepat utor t npsdi. Throw rway your#fal*se your Bwituhor, y-mr wig- Destructive of comfort, :ni i no» w»«rt.h a fur ; Come agdl, come, youthful,come ugly and fait ; And rejoice in your luxuriant hair. KDIMKATOII CAI'ILU, For restoring hair upon bold head-, from whatevet cause i( may have fallen out, and ! forcing o growth ol hail upon the t it lias no j exjjal. It will force the board t<» grow upon the smoothest face In from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two so thre' 1 months. A few ignorent practitioners have ub- . nerted that there is nothing that wiil four i*f } hasten the growth of the hair or Their ! assertions are false, an thousands oi living wit ; nesses, from their own experience, e inlo ai vir ' I ness. But, many u tilmv, how jre v. t,« ID tinguish the genuine from th»* spurioh.** V D : certainly i-dilfkuit. os ninc-U*id]jsof the,prepn*- ! nations advertised for the hair and heard are un- ] tirely worthless, and you may iiave alromly thrown ov/.-.y large amounts in truiii purchase. To such w would s-»y try tJie KEJ'AB ATOB LAPILLA . it will, you notliiug uiibss i1 fully conics up to our reprua it dioiTs if ycut druggist does not kcc|''l, 'tend us one dollartt and wc will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt, for the money, which will -kj returned you on application, providing entire satisfac tion is not given. Address, W L CL AK K K <v (:< >. Chemists, No. 3 Wwt Fayette st., apO-l.y Syracuse, N. Y THE kOAD TA FORTUNE. A l/F (an I'Ut <tu\ male oi urn Vic in th< way VV ')f MAKiN*i n:<) KVF.KY DAY m Mie year i».v tint employment oi ».ht tim< o'dinan ly spent, in reading aml recreation. A FIFTY ( ENT BAMTLK r- o» ■ . hum.) .ipplie.iHou. I'ACLDINC. NO. sf>, j" uVM ERICAjS' IM »LIS II K,l> li X 1 IvrsoiL Hiituiey. Blakcnmn A- t’o It <iii«l I* Grcon ;<lwl, NEW YORK. JN of SCHOOL BOOKS >■-■ «-*. fer and to the public hove attained -O v/KU* e «•!•- i ulation, or re« eived thoapprovid >nd oiulor 'c inent of many competent and reliable euw* \w nil parts <h- Vnit-id St.' t(-b tbk*. Among the mo&t prominent- of Ilnur jwVJai -1 lions arc the lolibwh.g, via j i THE UNION SERIF 2 OF RF.ADItIW AND SPELLERS— entirely nev/ in mat,Ho and illnstrations, i.'id reetdved Nvitli gr<vit tavm by tile Ik- i. teachuiv) in the country. ROBINSON'S SERIES OF ARITHMETIC; very popular with ail leathcre v»h-' have teeted them in tbncloos rrvxo. ROBINSON’S ALL EBKAS AND RU iJ*F, K. MATHKM A TlCS—entirely re v.iHUii, full, complete, scieutiitc and pracHott j KEKL’S NEW HEKIES OF - unburpacsed in simplicity, cVewacG. » . search, and practical utility. | .SrFNCEKJAN OOl’Y BOOKS- uiruptC, | iseti ■ »l and beautiful. Newlyuugrarod'-Jid uu ! proved. I BTENCKKIAN UUaKTU OF WRITING AND i DUAVY INv-i—si.v in mimt •r. io *‘i 5 > , fiU indict). , HANDKKB* PKIMaKY HAND t;.Al f h‘ .b --in set. 1 liJNIIRUS' rtUM-IKY »(?!l(«)i. UJIARTte laf;-;-, f< i, tin: ii.-:.,! i -i- mi, .in;; n--ii nti loin- cinlti ! A ltd AUBS V ;%■ 11 AtvtTllMfi ! n,ti. 'MM.'’. i CAKtll,. i wiLsoN's msTofttua PA.SQUEI.L'VS ruENCII f-nffiSW ] TittYA N'T ik STUATTONV WKUt. WBWi I WOOtllHil! Y’-v GERMAN SKUUUI, I M A NTI I LA’S SPANISH l'.KMlSiaj. j GOl. iON’tl GEOGIiACHIiM ! VYFIWTRR'H SCIIoOt. DIG! loNAIURS 1 liH.MH IIV SCHOOL MUSK’ noons, Ii- , * 7’b«:v ’! • irt.'i: itautu- 4 : He di*KNt.-EK' io N r j STEEL wiib b •.ru regardi,d by ttie t, IIV i-men of the country ; -erhirtw * h .>['< • • i‘ti a.'id all nthui'jjiLWUilCU '< i | vited to send for our D. riptive nod ! Circular:' 4 , and to corro’jxxod with »u <m.’y i AdirtTi* Fublifllieaf' SoaI 1 Per-Cent SASfti/ rTFE I>. T. BABBIT’S I't : KE CONOb-H --1.. TRATED FOTABIJ oh iiKAPY FOAl* MAKER V/air nted double tb? stK r ,71-h of - ommon Po*.ioh, and superior to any other u ; ponifie.rrti Icy in tin* market*, fbn **p Li l.u; ot one pound, two pound), three tMViii-Jy, » ir. pouruD uiid pm Ive pounce in Eng]iuh mul Herman, for making Hard an 1 S<»f» thki j>. One pound will irutke liftewn gallouH of Soft b l*i» No lime is restored. Oonet*:i: will lind Uu.-i the cueapeot Potjwu in tha ul.i If Aakyt'Ui gvv>ecr fox it. 11 Ei/LatRH I’, M, fjo, (Vi, tW, to, *'i\ 70, 72 and r ot* Washing ton si dh ;, S( w York. f-A PKK CENT SAVED BY USING H. t. • IM mil l’s STAR YFAST i‘OW- DhiK. I iglit i-i;- -e: , rm , itiix loi 1 be made with t his “Yeart Powder’’ in IJfbau miiiut) ;*. No‘■boif.ening i. ri/pilo and ivlie.o.■»«•»•<•} milk b- u.-ed. N«’ 72 ami 71 Wauulugloo sf. , New YOl k NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINBS AND TRUST COMPANV. ( hartemi by Art of OFFICERS ; \l 7 Hewitt, PrcuidcuL Kcv. ,f. \V. Alvord, Ihl Vin> Pioddefit j.cwi.s, 2d Vlce-Predduot. D. L F/.torv, Actuary. Ilev. S. L Harri , Financial Inspector. Principal OUieo, corner PJtli ulrc r and rwin* aylvania Avenue, Wwibinglon, D. (' BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, 6 A.. \f). 10, ELI,IB STKECI', CTUHEB Os JAWS9S. Oruioi; IloT.’ii'S -From I to*. \\ in ; *mkl on 1 SMm dav.*, OjAj to J p m 11 -T o-7jN of Hue Dollar and upward v nrd Jm, t- • allov/ud In .Tannavy and .»uly. ’t he money deposited will be paid bwk to Uie I tiepo ib»!*, prill-hr'’ md intarcbt, w‘». n calk'd : so, AH ihe j-roritt; iHilong to the (ki-mtor*.- no ' otiM.T.s arc interested. Frnm h'.s have been ebtat llflhwl »n ue*tty nvf iv city from New York t » N* w DrkuMw. (J. ?] I'BINy’K. <>rtb(K4-. notice/ Art . |„| v. .! VVUiTR, •' • , iii.s .net f m the «ify r and imve boon • a iud , upmi ••> m.'.ku -:ome um.;* uttiu« <>»♦ tho -■ '’*v.. t ,1. ilo- decca:iei. all person to ihc :t 1 ■ ,vil jl. - Cil-U ;lli(l mV IW i iV'.W'f I »etiie < I -.ui' wiilioiii money’ W. . 1 >i.L TL*. o k A>‘»". A'Ut a .U, C*. iijyob't, . Cl