The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 20, 1867, Image 2

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The Pally Loyal fleofglaa. \l'T:s .-'TA. OA . JUNK 20,186 T ' - GOVERNMENT. OflUial Ort/an of the Georgia Educational A hhoc iat ion. UNION REPUBLICAN STA TE fO X I EXTIOX. 11l pm - 1:1m with i lli-solution )■> ■*. Ml,- i- I by 'li<’ f \ nan ittn. tin t "inn Republican 1 ii tlmryia tin re will be a Stall Ma - t '"/i ''i nf ion hl-11l ill the City of Atlanta, on the “fourth day -i July” iM vt by the frieinl# and siiji j re rs oi tin- National Union Repitb iu-an party. The friend--and supporters of that ■v thnui-gh'iirt. the entire State, without n.-ganl to color or former ron <hi ion, an cordially solicited and ex pected to have their comities represen eil. A plat form of principles will he adopted npon which to conduct the approaching political campaign. It will :.-t he tin “white mail s Convention” n o the “colored man's Convention,” c;.I that of the friends of “universal cdira.tion, c(|iial justice, and the politi cal rights of all.” :-c\eral distinguished Statesmen • : c.i ditl'er' nt portions nf the Union i. l . ou'cnled to he present and nd i'r -> the ( invention All the friends a nnvi iicnt arc iuvitdl to attend. XY*i Mxkkiixm, Chairman, lie l‘. Ear now, Si-cretary K\ mix Committee of the i'lii": I!'puUiean Party of Georgia. * rU.A . rx, G.x., May 20, 1 HO”. , All piijitas la the State friendly tn the t.'r-vi; cull ere o-.K ,-teil to publish it . ERROR W'c were made to say in yesterday’s I-, m pe.akiltgof “Anew king ok Mv- e.vuv;,’’ Mr. Blodgett is not amem tn -f tie i.nyal Ge.aryian. We in iended to say that he is hot a member "I the Loyal League. LABORING MEN At THE NORTH. the N- rtli, where the children of In laboring man lias an uppor t unity to attend excellent public schools i.i of expense, the poor hoy lias as I an opportunity to rise to a position ■ • lonor and wealth as the rich boy. The following which we clip from a Main ■ paper will speak for itself; "J-.-.thK'lav ami Pt-aniA* Bloom os a . I via..- x fYe'uil eugj*eit* to us that in the .point nitm of RcgUtefe in Bankruptcy, royal and j-S toon "blood is on n level. James l). i. I. ii, sen 1 Sonatoi Fessenden, G'lmrlca lUtnitn, son ( i-.c-Vice PreoUtcut Hamlin, р. tui Ttciteh'-r, glaml son of Gen Knox, S. M. le, ot Ephraim Marble of Plxtictd, i, niak'-r, St lh May, sou of a Wlhtbrop 1 sier W ' ll put May and Marble against :.- others and risk i' t We happen to know , them both lU.e a book! 0 Indeed! hvi.-io: ,c th ranks, caused by 111* Ira с. nitration t tin-Hi-owna, liryauts and Ulod e. it- has rendered a diflicult tnek well nigh | u;, raid' Hut the greater flic difliculty and | . ;m a:cr the emergency, the greater coma P'-ToU.mty should be our tlctiriifthiitiou to i.ieumvvut and deft-at the. machinations put revealed. : : . :.t>; ami paramount duty U to orgnizc. 1 is no time-to split -baire or chop logic; w ei •:- 1 j.i and ael at once. The second duty t ■ y man a- to exert himself unselfishly mi p.-isisteully to admonish his country i-oio'i- f the v-iaspirncjr against them, and to Hu m ui- to the great work before them, "tti; itlon go to grass and weeds, if ueces- j ' . u a- foolish t" liKik at it despondingly s tale the freedmwi are at obscure ix-gistration | striving against you and laughing a' j '"-I- delusive security. Let the county be - .-i and far ui-1 mar and no atone left unturned 1 t sj ,0.l the proper iuformatioti. Neither 1 rtf.-, uor miiitncy Governors nor Regis-I a expect : -fitir and square contest," as j 'tier p- tended, ft t'- nar-oss, as all men know, ! - rats- <1 th t-ann-r of fraud, it is stupid to ■ ■ t ti«-f« gem rosily or iuipaatiality from its t- t’ 'orxio.-L- ‘ Warn tile conn -1 ' I*l*- aii .e-ont Be t'umpaet; be wary, ■' - '’-'e-l Ti e supreme hour has come, and V owl it t,. our State, our familiee, aud our ■ ... Cos.: .. >eli;oo blow be delivered against 1 iurtarteft of cadi timl all. ‘ 1 ' I{ ' !l ! ; *1 just waking up ,l ' ! ' -*' pcr-viis in xv.ikingf n>m 1 is hcwihh-fcd. All - T'l'icc *■ has ilisccvcred that ii" Hoi. ■ ■ arc at wmk. He has I -"t.-micd titilil noxx that then- would i not he much af n nlnni'tr ufOr nil Wt told iiiin that our jnrty would carry the State hut he thought the old game of bluff would he enough to defeat us. lb-is just heginuiug to find out that, we arc at work. Wt gave you fair w anting sumo time ago at and we now tell you that you w ill And tlo- three IVs ulhmil as busy ht-.-s Mi’s) :m you ex er saw. We welcome the t olitest. W have already ni.idt one ->l (trains Dank movement* ant! xxt will m>-it make more. “We intend to light -* "'lt -u this line if it takes all summer." REV JAMES LYNCH It is with regret that we have read in the ('hrUlbni Ricoiihr , the an nouncement that the llcv, James Lynch, It,-is resigned the Editorial control of that paper. Mr. Lynch is. a young man, hut twenty-seven years of age, ami he has gained a reputation second to no colored man of hi' race in tin- United States. On the Fourth day of July, 1865, he delivered an oration in this city, of xvhioli the Chronicle mid Sentinel said ; “It is hut shore justice t« the orator to say that his address, both as to matter anti style, was quite equal to anything wt- ever heard tvit a similar occasion. It was indeed a piece, of literary mosaic in which xx it, elo quence, and logic were most happily blended.” He soon after become editor of the Christian Recorder, the organ -f the African M. E. Church, and under itis management it has become an able religions Journal lie gives the lol lowing reason for resigning the Edi torial control of tlmtpaper: “I sav to my friends everywhere, that if I w-rv to consult tin. - h.v which I am surrounded, ami my high regard for wt brethreu. and my oxen t-mnfor! and personal intor- rts, I would not resign But m.v b . in to go 8011th to labor, live and tli'-, is Irroprc-i hi-- and tihqut uchal-io, and to that cud I must resign. Isl ruta-l'-tl tigninst it at our hist Cmi fcri nt-c, anil can resist no lcitgcr." Wt- hope that lie may conclude to come to Georgia. We can assure him that lie xvi 11 he xveli oiiiod by ti host of friends. GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE AFRICAN M E ZION CONNECTION SECOND DAY. AKTKIt.NttoN SKsSltlv Bishop Clinton presiding open t according to rule; journal of morning session read and approved, tin mo tion, Reso/red, That this Coi'fet'entu set off another Conference to be < niled tint Florida Conference i .uinni. l’eter Muitay, J. Williams, ,i. Boss, xvere reeeived into l ull connect ion. Rex Mr. Bryant of the Baptist Church xvns introduced, Rev. Dr. Watts of tln- Baptist Church, was on motion, made an honorary member of the Confer ence. The remaining portion of the session xvns occupied in laying out the Districts. Appointment nt night. Trinity Church, K. West Adjourned, Benediction by A. I'ai mer. THIRD DAY. TuK.sti.xY, June is, 1st;;. Bishop Clinton presiding. The tie 1 votional exercise- xvere eouduetetl by J. M. Butler. Journal of yesterday xx as j read and approx ed. I‘, Moris anti (4. lCitron were received into full cennetx j tion. The session xxas oceupietl in laying out the Districts until the hour of adjournment. Adjourned to B I’. M. Benediction by the Bishop. Tt isoa v, June 18. A KTKROO.N SESSION Bishop Clinton presiding; opened according to rule ; journal of pi e' - ’ , ’ , ‘ tons session was rend anti approve ( Hie Committee on JyM , , . -'bath schools presented its report 1 ', -—it was received L°n m, ’ UoU to adopt, interesting | m;l,k ' '‘V S. Derry, T. (t. (. ampl-, u „ t A ]- aIIIK , r) ., n(J E West, and if was adopted unanimously. The | following is ait abstract: “Resolved, : tliitt we will organize schools, i t- 5.,1,’ I h:Uh !lu 'l -iny schools, wherey,.,- ", v , I c:,n J| nlf dozen pupils together i too: ' tkili/(, religiously and morally;--both old a,id voung j and one-e-m each month pteach. m cause (r ■ v ■‘j v-t v «111 ext* to h preachetl, a speeial sermon suited to the occasiou ; aud our prayers shall Ilf (f"d bless the Sabbath M -hool.” Dt 1.-HVM D.XXIS. Sot OMAN Driuiy. [ Com J. M. \ The Committee Eduction p«-,--! vented Its report It was i.-M-ivci I "" an inteiestiug] discussion'l which W. it. strong, T. G. Campbell, J. M. Butler, S. Derry and others, and it was adop ted unanimously. The following is an abstract— Rejoiced, That xve hold lh<-Press to he a medium of great strength and power in any community of people; ami inasmuch as our beloved Zion was a Connectional paper, already estab lished under the edi torsi tips* "f Revs. W. II Decker. Win. H. Day and >. | T Jones, with their able and noble hand of co-editors. We do resolve to ->istain Zion's Standard and Wetkhj Ri cieir, by subscribing for it individu ally; and by recommending it for stile - ription to our people. Resoloed, That xve do recommend the election of a corresponding editor in this Conference, whose duty shall lie to bold correspondence with said paper, and in his correspondence, we shall transmit xvhatever of importauce oettnrs in this (Joiiferenct District to the columns of saitl ])aper. Resolved, That wt: do earnestly recommend the orga-ization of a lite rary Society in this Conference, similar to the one already organi/- >1 in the Alabama Conference. Retohxd, That we y. ■..•mniend also to out people for sub-: ription— The Daily Loyal (leoryian, Augusta, (4a., —,T. E. Bryant, Editor. W. S. Strong, i .1. 51. liuTi.KR, - (bill. Durham Davis. ) The proceedings of the Confet'-tice xvere susjieinled for tilt purpose of organizing a Missionary Society. [ Corn spiintit-uec Loyal Georgian.] Coi.UMiius, Ga., June 15, 1867. Dear Georgian: Having a few mo ments to spare, I embrace the oppor tunity to drop you a few items, of in terest to me. Since you last heard from me, I have visited Fort Valley, Knoxville, Butler, Talbotton, Lump kin, Florence, anil am now at Colum bus, Ga The Crops are generally good, and in some localities remarkably so. The wheat Crop has been harvested, and much of it thrashed out The yield is unusually good. It is i great bless ing. In sonic places the coni and cot ton are looking splendidly, and it a kind l’roxidt-nce xvll send u.s refresh ing shovvers for a short time, all xvill he well. Much depends upon the next two or three weeks, bee:.ns tlu ; is a critical time for the crops. lit many places there has been but litt!- vain for four or tlx« weeks ; and, now that the corn is beginning to silk and tassel, unless we have rain ii. a -hurt time it cannot possibly mature. Most id the farmers have planted very large crops of cotton, which is thought by many to be wrong; but, as most ol them had to liny provisions to entry "<>n their farming opci ;HioHs, they ■ - obliged to make - otlon to pay the-" bills. Quite a number of colored nt- n arc renting land and carrying on their own business. Some of them xvill tlo well; others xvill not. They are just as in dustrious as men can he, but they do not, understand making contracts; and, consequently, many of them bind them selves in siteli a way that they cannot possibly have much left after the crop is divided and their provisions paid for. Wliat colored men waul, is land of their own ; then they can havi en tire* control of their crops, At present, even when they make crops themselves, in nine cases out of ten, mifaii advan tages tire taken by the lantllor.k For instance, he reserves (hi* right to carry the crop to market ami sell it, and he is the only one that keeps accounts — the colored man being too ignorant to do so. Well, he must go to loxvn to sell the crop ; he puts up at a r ’ hotel, stays a couple of xcetT or five dollars a day, w' ll 11,,n to freedmon, aud “ “ ioh rhurged per cent age ' Ul k n charges a large provis s ' 10r ,u,, u‘y t-xpeiitled for . .on* during the vein , 1 am glad to be able I" say that ♦ opposition to colored schools is very rapidly dying out, anti in most place* the xvhites express great willingness to assist the colored citizens in their edu cational efforts. At Fort \ alley I orgjmued a large Educational Association. Col. Grilliii. ol that place, in the meeting, offered to give a piece of ground for a s.-hool hi use, ami about t xvo huiidrt-<i dollars xxas subscribed by the coloreti people themselves At Ivu-txviile XX-C appointed a .--hool ■•tunniittee, and Mr. Alien, . > diz.-n of 1 tj,f place, signiti and a wiilimnu-ss to give ns much ground as they wanted for school purposes. At Talbotton 1 1.-'i-id tin „t rebellion strong.-! than in ~ti. -v ; p'aec that I sit. and. T 1 -V o the colored»p!e under the;: j.vt. and they intend "> keep tln-uith -■ Th-.-v donYsevm to knoxx (ict the colored ! people are free citizens this country. I and thev trvt" use ti . tat :<■ . trol over them no'x that they-ud v.M.t •• i•* y were slave . The cior.-i pc omy know that they are fn ■ 1 -cans- tlu-y hivotlii* privilege of .onklnu . - act on the first of January We. ouUiiot organize at: As.-.-ciati> i-IL.-rc, .ith.c.ty -t the people were ait.viou* to to . I made two attempts, l*»n xxmi . 1 with by the xvliir- 'r . - I'.-- .\t--nt 1 that xve had t< C, 1'- N -:e.x h - doubted by seme, 1 o I " ’ it by a hundred xx-itmv N-; e tent with what they ; .<! o-■ - 1 - v publish'!'! a column of -' an and' - "its lies about me after i a ■« - "■ At (lylumbits l ha. -• ' .-g - ■ • •’* • Assoeiatl-c ; , one of them -t-t; Lnge, • and cxju-ct to vganize am-thcr . I leave. At Lumpkin I organ:,-i ■ t .. - A.-- j soeiation, and I think a .school o! ot: ( hundred ami fifty or two i t-ntir:-! ;> . i dren can be raised They have newr! had a regular sehoo! at th-.’ pi:-- - until very rec.‘*ntly At Florence I organized :.n A■ :?. ■ -:. This but one hundred children i;>•- r n , .;-.d' : j into the scl. ui. They have ;. ■:! j a school at this place, end the s topi • are thirsting f-..-i knoxeift , thirsty ox pant- f< ' tin- * ;••••-v . j You xvill see by this. Dear "0* j t/ian, that lam going tut - th- <h • j places to assist the poor do'vn-t .-d-U u sons and daughters of Africa in t doir efforts to educate m-t --lexat-, tic-.m selves. I only wish I had - hthty to do more than lam doing, but T :n determined, as God give - tue strength, I will labor both day ;n. 1 nig!-* that my people may become ed’: -i, and thus be prepared l-» occupy a j -sit -m in society second to none. I wish y .11. Mr. Editor, oul-1 o -ng • and see what I see. I think you xv -ui-: redouble your ■ ffort- inbehnlf -t e-i’.x cation, alt hough 1 know 1 >••*.• vo-; done, and are still doing T-- poor ohl man c.-nung nj> mi-1 catting down his last dime, at tin bin.- invoking tin- blessing of G-"l ua-.ii tee j effort that was being mad. t-- tet school for his children : :u;-i-t:':° 1 dren, is a ight that tan -cly > - r.ppr* ■ eiatedby "tic w-h" s.-vs 1;, I ic -. ] that onr dear friend.- :u th-.- N ■ : x-ii: j continue t- assist all they ■ ta ! noble work, »nd the Lord *vi’, ole ■ j .themin their -' -n it"::-- h th- ■ ; basket. As ever, your-, .fee., w. .r w. The ram Stonewall, e. tlx ; cbaaed from the Govormuent ' th-.- Japanese ( 'ommissitini is j-.v th Fm. pt-ror of Japan, i * row b- u; .-; i" *■ ■■ ■ workmen Ik i> .. I <i er. i' i-.vpc -tetl 'he xviil .■ .. and niiduleof Augusi •.‘otm-.aii'h-'- ifi it is said xvill g - - - in •n*t u.t. Ivor, having received tic -- - -ary leave of al.- t lit t- tlierefiii li • --ails, which xvf-ii on heard when le- x:-- b;ought to tb* yard, *• 1 Advices set m t--'-. - ■ y impeaohmeut by the Ur .- .; m . Alabama ..i th.-.* judicr; ;.o-i v Judge Hichnrtl Best- -!. \; • session ('ongve's will ’>■ - move in the main r. The New Y-< 'c.- u: : .i,.-d c vention has r. ached ; i' eigl-t 1 - xvithout, as yt t, having fully u'.-.tuj-,‘,1 its action in ;.i:y matter - TI- tlarx ! land (.'one-n an vt <V'ii.-:s uti--;,.., t'- i. vent-ion, which xx as debating m- ’ ry question, seems to have en to sleep. Whcthe* st"->iii!, it- infill*- . i-ljo., ii.-.i ... on public .u-e on the i • --mi a - -airs is alwmt the sum- ' perfect lai.-tuieilialitm ..d Ti ditb enecs bt txxci-n tin different m- ; s <•; ti t- Union party in Virginia. -• o. m haveberit finally at i "tnp-lisht!, ; . the exert ions i >t. p:omit - t Rep-:' in-.; and the I’nion l.eagut.- - . I'bdl.’ ’• 4 and New and, j, T‘ !■:. j ' tv, in that important iY placed on a firm fonrtd.ilion, , : position to carry the St . * ■ . In the Democratic Uonxenti*-; - 1 Pennsylvania, a resolution 8.-ankitig Gen. Sheridan xx ,:n tumultuoti'’,- i-ilcf out of order. 1 >: coin--v ! There conicUi -g! tfi of i-v , Toyounc and to old, to tn >Aud to ...i..TI, The beauty whlehonv •< xt -.-- • j-res-i---i •. - : .o. j I-t free tor alt and all a-.-v t-o • i:- t BY THE USE OF CHASTELLAR’S W*frT& *ra jj x■ 3NT IVX jEj Lt - F. i lutprt-ond V. •! liiv'i . ... o-Oi jifexiou The most \ ■ and,.; ; f*. • ; ; ... ; it : '■ : tint, that 1' *ll h hi •■ : ,l ! i. ;-,Vh ' removes Tvm . Fr*’- i-'iiupV.- -. t>cn |j, l*ntriies, {; ti'« MIL" V. ■■■■,- , *; ; .. • ic> ( I the >'* • \- A)\ . ’■ ... . ; -,v. ; ibeskin v'iiu .ini u ».. - . CTumot he dein toH bv : - . • • v!',.' Frui'l, .-! • •, '7in Man* as Uu\ ' ; > i f : ' bon! -v. . j t - M Ptu v cmlv V> :♦•*}!>. >• • - • u * ipt • « BKK<» KH, sin i f Kux i.- >f > % \ SCHOOL AXU FAMILY iSERIrLS O E READERS AND SPELLER:-- Willsiiu'x JD'hnnvij Speller. A Simp!* ant! P-. --x r. ..... ].,n- :. Spellit.g, with Reading and Dictation i’ •t - , ■ Element- of Oral and W ritten Composition. By M,i.- - Wn i Jtm-1.. f page.-, 56 (Hits. 15 cents. IVittson'v La refer Speller. A Progre.-six o. '■■■ --t ii :: rii oJiii- 1 i -eording to the Principles oi Orthoejiy and Gt. With Exercises in Synonym* for Reading, 8-pvlin-g and W iitmg: He,. System of Definitions. By Makitus V.':. n : inm, i* - , :t0 Cots. 35 cents. WiJlitOet'a IT inter. The School and F’.tmily Primer. Ini’c-io :- S'-rie.- -if School and Family Reader* By MAin-tus \( li- ... 4s pages, 107 Cutg. 25 cents. Will .ton’* L'irst Jtea-der. The First Re. - -t tb.- > -■ . a*-- Svßv M.xttiT*-' Wih.son. 12ino, pages. Cot.-. ii'illtiOit’/t Sneoiul Header. Tiu S-tok-I R- a.Li m : - ] i: ilr-erii- . By'Mc e-Tt s'. f .Tti", 15 I p.'--;-.--, “ cent -. : t Third lhauler : Intermediate ,\ Ti.rtl Rto.;.. ■ j b. ■". .-n the S-.-C-ud and Third Headers of tin- fS-b. ■; autl-Fcmi-x s. . . Bv Ixi.xi:- ;; * Wiu.son. 1 _‘mo, 218 pag< s, V Cut-. iYm«. i Will.son'* Third Header. The Third lb. !• ■ | Scries. By ALxhi rr 12mo, -“ ! page-. It. t-. '* J Eon: th Header: InUrmediuh Series A i--- -tii R.• betxv.-i *i the Thirtl and E’l.'.irth Readers of the S- 10.-o! and F: i- i'■ s- Bv M ,i;t ir Wfii.-ix 12mo, 312 page-, 65 Cut-. >.] lu. Willson'* Fourth Header. 'Die Fourtn Reader -; ilu Scl.t-.-i Fat.illy Series. By March's Willson. IJmo, :!6t) pages |m , i; ski Will.son’* Fifth Header. The Filth 11.-a-b • it:-. S-- V P.x M I iii'.- Wn.l.sij.v. 12mo, 510 |■ t... From >l,*j ial iiuwuni, Ccmmisstcut!-i V r<-t-<Tmt »i * s Bvuut u . ‘Your tjtcviiuii . trie--- Juts I.K*en received j j cad xftiHiP.’ and with prutt inUrwjt 3 like the ; Uvith tli*i Chart.-* -rA rriumry Bocks, Bdicvinf I j theai UiinisuaHy lulaptcd to ; .1 Thu ■ Lihl in • I ikg.king - “* Kt.-xders.] i.t -:s 1> f . Ajvil a. !S«7 I :.*ct Ibe i'lrk 1 xv- Vv •..'.«* ill Sv?k*» which the \ 1 l.kl got i*. t».r the *;ik< of uniJorxilly : hut my \ r« conpft. DCS bm \n Fd.l-xl. Oil.? gCHUt-IP.tD ; l> -iseiit, wi’vvjitMt ■. ■ <! hotl*-, Ltoted that he b<ul | ii- t ufk?: -i- V*ng n* lie pared to, andcon- ! rid on: and the VV'ilhmi t' ri*. FAli Fr.pcrior, j giving un - i' tbc uiifeveuco of time j I' cairttcl kit eking t now the prefe ; | in Dee N’iHg and eidcdly lu favor of t.ho latter j Ines. tt ! "rf tbis now movement. ; I i:..> vc and -* 1 \i *i I>io : Ui<-Jm s] Look ( xtaut, so fur S 1- -X.-G- *- | - sip:- . s. XViu.Aitn Saxton. I j !• "ira tliXmeri- .m Frci-atii.o. tlt-V. Lr>UH atuiott ) !• , -A' - i '" 7 ■ . .. i . . ■ ! ; ■ cajqi -in- :g; , ;" l ' r ", graded to i : • - h i , ° adsourronged . . '• ; Jv, suck us ! ?, y departmontb of ' , i-mulcts '■ “ '/•* •* • foufor more ■ t :!.,v . . .<6i' ;*• ’t!i» i:y adapted to the .i.- . - -" i ■}!■! :r ;>• : - gti**--.'. ot tlic i c >r*.-d cliiciren. Kav.'i t-oi -kis pnnustly and | iU-irtn-’v!, aiu' tin/ iUnstrations I are .xt*. ." r> rxitr.•-ah.-comprrtn.-nsion' !. : -la; ri .-> . . .full - mr-oj- .g , -Jix-ff-ttOW- N- ■ .. j ... in.- : a u.itxttw Os; su-sKiNTsanewr Eaix-Atws. ;*:•• Riit-xjt, V,. . 14.-C. is, 1-S6€'. ! si; --I-i .- t«-t i. i. c lUi-ir "i ll * the .' i'l' rs .: " "Ii- i If- ; li-li'-atiOEa ad m j ; 'Of * - . : -I!■ -. -Juiforral'Y said !c ' '■ . rii '• .. : I ot!-.,; , tlwt. | thing? • t sitl* t, ] regard them rs *hc 1 :-.-t tk-r -s tin i"it>Ui. The leaVUtitf j , -nliar fe e. uo -ts this s, »a* « hiqxpy ju ; ;i. ciNi-. - i ti.*- .aubor, utal tl,,- crt.ution -»*t i th< t" xv-lt done as ecarei iy fco admit Cf ! ::i;t ."Vela*Mt n’s stylo us com\-u J j site-a in tin- tower numbers of the Series, and . .nifthine --f his i't.ui in tb. iiigher numbere, ' A.!-' heir, -mitated by - -a. inter u ritvr? oil tol n a ierr -.rith di i-': alauvantap-t to thei; f * wori.s. lieu • Mr Witlscn has not only tjutde 1 a pecrlees c- rl-. .- of his -vu, hut has A)-„vateil j the penerai standard of such vrorks. When-! .-x -mj-'. i; •>•« its net Hen cons*. r; ,j de a f in iitaitat I h-xvi diwavs ’.;so», this t-VvE- ; ' inf. "tor, r.-i - ■I ,h*]Ui ■' I i: •-•*>» ■- OIV way -a-i,i it. * ■ ' ° R- M. Mz n:v. r- .-mseadtui E.f iteittiou. fliu-per iv I >rolht v vs, IRANKI .IN SQUAKE, YOJ4K. :'.* fit Kt; .- ;:Ki" HFi;.- «--n . I :o:y ..f the aoove work* '*y iKh-x.'i-i .. ./a:-; - a : j s' - - r -.-uj-t irf . l i ri'.v r . la. IJitY A N T hi'csi ioa rss s- firs of geo s.oi&, aui»#ss-a, oi: my£9 | From W M (Oldy, Gcp. : «i ■ .d* Krccdmon’r* SolmoU iu'Aika:i>.t | i never nn»d( B-i ter than it ,w i i,.*s; | Jjookß. The Charts »rc k«- c > ‘ From AV F. Mitcheli., Suj*cr'fiU.tiicui ot | Frcedineu’ft tfcbools (in charge of ]k<c,-;yi | vania FrcudmeD ~ A'-s-ocinUc-tiJ s\ ■ Jmnoftice aud Noitheru A3.v I Willson 4 !* Render* mu'-nijci'M-B my 1 in the EuplirL km-or. Copies will bo Ecm, postage paid, to pun ,t > : UaHPEU A: BftOTliKlDi public (i ■< School and Family t'Vif.iv fxaaG :h-. ~ xt ~ w; . end N. A. » . Ikio. TliCsje Cliai are (k-sigued, in comico*' ; n -Uc ticcojo] l ; Dviitg Alaivual •••>* i I l'Y Marcius Willson o‘2mo, ' | the Primary Object K ‘" l *' ' * j Cjilkins, (lTluiO, -1 50) in ' a'- 1 ’' ■> •" I witli 11m- requisite S .niuk* ibo ' I eppijeation of- aid* Hd pr.ic’Lcai ! tar>* InstruC' •tw <?3TH*.-m - t Elciaut j tin: Xypr -a. In tin. six Kc-.-il.-mr Chmls | <’■ *dat a iii-lau -if .tv.cuij •• ' •"* .uarte xvill he iuruislii-ii either sejjarau'y or 1 in fijlt st-tts, tit her moujxttd nr iii W »r.ii j iJm, for Y.daily V- , in neat ■ ’.Usform, attlxc | foil; - nt- pricer. When nioxmlec, -'VO'." ' ' j lean! ->f the - --i ...ah Chart. aV-c- iii q I inches. They are sent i-y nnul, is Snwers, V | the prices named ; \ ,x:.. I),. Ghc*./f Word- ,ir, 11. Ktotdir.g ; V.r-t cfs. 511 Reading • Set-end L- i: ... tart ly R "tii._- Ti.ird L;a--.i - . »ii ; V Kcadint: Vourih Le- -n? 85 ct i. VI. Reading- /ttt.- be*- ;. ... '<• ■' VII. Element.x:y So-u-.'is S5 u- VIII. Phonic Spet:i:-( 5 < IX. Writing Chart 35 ct- X. Drawing *i.-i ¥-■ t-:tivc.. .. V.. ‘ . XI. I.ili'-!* ttti'i Mv—tire' e'l- XII. Forma and 8 it-I- 35 ci~ XIII Filmier CoN;; ngMiac,: by j duplicate cot. ot Iland- Colur Cords. el 50 XiV. Chromatic Seale of Colors.. i if) XV. Animats • Econamico! We -«>.t XVI. ClasaifioatU!!: of Aniuli'.ls XVII. Birds ; .Utclr Cla?ei«e.:tion. .. fie XVIII. Rcpiih- .uand XIX. Botanical Forms Jx. XX. Cl.i-dl; 1-r ' i: XXI. Economical Used of Rlaiu ... ’ - XXII. Keouomical Uscf ~ ..utinuc<!. • 66 -'*» : Price of the entire Sett, n- ■ ..'tlV ii .' u " M-tmisd. ■ itsOti . .. '. AN i; Form. •:*V*’ CvliUii'eTrimary Oi*jcct t ,es=..- .. y. Manual of Ot-Dat Ttaching. I There iiM been nothir-g t'aolfchfcd :a ; •" educational line t-.r yc;, ■■ tn ..a; Ct, ’ auvli a means of conveyioa heo-.-.-.edgu j ' Charts and the Mauiiai that at comp-ard-., the ' u £ioe-j I'.istrHdor. Willson** Manual ir the truest, a -of the prineipki of Fr gaKitim vbat ha? yet been ii-otlc Mr. xvnt son - u , • 1 piraying Chart., the *■ -ay**j „f i tJ .. m’.., .-xaleiu of s 1.-." K. y T#, c ».,