The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 20, 1867, Image 4

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Thu Daily Loyal Georgian. ARHSTA, C.A. JUNE n UW7 O.ii Louisville de>|*«l<%’>i' a»'*n<-, ; rov- t>J’ »» the . mt u maoi" n- , S;V) 1 .'"tu-lev slavery 'til! floni I: • ii .ill ii - romance <»r sin. It »i.l, 1,1 ~.. gn.-ve tin* Democracy ; lmt :in i. .!• . *>r|>ii- w ill likely result in ifi. t, , , ,1,1111 <<l tins slave girl, to the . injnrv :,ml violation of the vested j i,sli*uti“ii:»l right, of the eonserva (•,. ,i;,ieut owner.— I‘Uiln, IW*f, j I K/. V" IxHtisiana fiie- into the ranks of the , Union. The Union Convention yes terday announced the name of their j organization to be the “Radical He-! publican Party.” They are not con- J tent with anything half Way, when the j end is freedom and the regeneration, social, [Kilitical, and commercial, of tin- State. Their platform, which is the, > ’jiilv radical,endorse* l‘i,il Sheri dan out and out declares against coli tis, at ion, and pledges one-half of the offices to colored men. These Louisi- Radicals know exactly what they are nbotit, and the vim and vigor they display insure success. There is more hj. and Mood in the New Orleans con vention than in a hundred such dead Imdics as met at Harrisburg on Tues day.—lb"?- A ■irrespoudent of t ile Moiiti/nn,rry .1/ ■// calculates that the State of Ala bama cannot be carried for the Union, granting even a solid negro vote, with out the aid -d thirty thousand what it. caiH mean whites. The animus of that last adjective shows the spirit and toolings of the pro-slavery conserva tism of the South. The poor whites of Mabaniu were in old times, as much enslaved as the blacks, and the war for freedom and the reconstruction laws arc as much for their benefit as those iff the negroes. Tlie commoner whit, people of tim Ninth filled the r; ~f the army fighting to enslave •hem. We intend, by educating and eitli 'ldciting them, to make it impossi ble d,d they should ever again com mit -nrli a terrible mistake.— lhbl. 'Pin Cretans are again receiving large reinforcements from Greece, and Hevi .'al large voluutcer camps have hin established. It is reported that Prussia and Den mark have come to an agreement about the popular vote to be taken in the northern districts of Schleswig. Tin M .\ican Minister in Washing ton has received a letter from Gen. I’in line Diaz announcing that the fall ■ I the City of Mexico was expected within ab w hours. In the opinion of U ;.. I>i :/ the city could have been taken before, but ns there was not suilieient cavalry in the Republican army, there would have been a good churn e t;a some of the leading luiperi .lymUi. v■. mmh **ny, l ii* tpunet'U'ii. ’ CIVIL RIGHTS BILL e ~/t. permit* in tin I ' il. il ,re 'ltd: <!'nil Right*, and fm nidi tin .- ~f ili'li' Vindication. , ' .... "iid Uy the Smith 'nnl Hoi'- nj • ! ) tit'if nf IP VniMStrUi* <>f , 1 tiu.fU'M 'i' - That all persons i e tin (' {States and not subject to t.'i ien power, excluding Indians nut tax'd a, hereby declared to be citizens of th" Cailnl States, and sueli citizens, of every race ami color, without regard to .my previous condition of slavery or invol nni i, v servitude, except as a punishment for 'time wliereof the party shall have lrccn duly cnvietml, sliall havetlie same right, in '•vi rv State and Territory in UieUuited states, t'* make and enforce contracts, to sue, be p.irtii-:, and give evidence, to inherit, pur • li.a.M), lean 1 , -ell, bold, and convey real and pe; annul pn.mmly, ami to full and eipial Is unfit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person, and property, as is en cti.i by white citizens, and shall be sub .ieot to like punishment, pains, and penalties, and to none other, any law, statute, ordi nance, regulation, or custom, to the culi nary notwithstanding. -‘.c 2 .P u! !"■ it further enacted, That any pci on 'Vim, uiiifcr color of any law, 1 'inn-, onliminie regulation, or custom, • hull subject, or cause to be subjected, any mliabitun: oi any Stale or Territory to the deprivation of any right secured or protcc led by thi- net.or to different punisiiment, pain-, or penalties on account of such pm " n having at any time been held in a con ■ lition of slavery nr involuntary servitude, t. v *‘epi as a lumishmeiit of erime whereof the pan e sliall have been duly convicted, or by reason nf his color or race, than is pus ■i'silted for the punishment of white per- shall lie deemed guilty of a misdu i.iennor, and, on convict ion.'shall be pmi- I .licd by line not exceeding one thousand doil ii-, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, "I-'both, in the discretion of the court. ■■ Ami he and farther eimclcil That th' d .Uriel courts of the United suites within their respective districts, niudl have’ IA lun'el.y of the courts of the :«?venii Shiti , cogniztuiee of all crimes and offemm coiumiltcd against the provisions of this act am'- also, loncurrently with the circuit courts of the l.'nitcd Slates, of nil causes, civil and criminal, dieting persons who arc denied or . ' enforce in the courts of judicial '.ntiui' and of the State or locality where they acv be tny >f the riglits secured to tlie.n by ih* tirst section of this net; and if any suit j»r>**vution, civil or criminal, has been a shall lx* commenced in any State court, ar.uiisl any such iK-rson, for nnv cainc wli "ever, or igainst any officer.' civil or nulitaiy. or other person,‘for any arrestor imp.: •nuient. uv-pa.-es. or wrongs done or ' "iinni! ral by virtue or under color of mi- Ui.'iHy derived from this net or the act cs tabii .hint: a Bureau for tlie relief oi Freed me : rid Refugee,*, and ail acts amendatory thcii»ii. "i bn refusing to do any act il|»oii in ■ -oHind that it would lie inconsistent " n tlie sc*. -U(ti defendant shall have the rig in ' remove such cause for trial to the propel district or circuit court in the "‘■.am’ j i.scrilKxl by the "Act relating to lie c 'ri'i'- and regulating judicial i” in certain cases,” approved Ai . : due. eighteen hundred and sixty '•■n. -did all acts amendatory thereof Tfie -i i, *. in civil and criminal matters hen ny ■•mitcrml on the district mid circuit < "I tin I'niicd States, shall be ~x cr, ig:<'n au.f enforced in conformity with the "1 nited State-, so far a- « m .i, . ' a:* IP dill to carry the same into ! : b'P m all wines where such laws an I .. .:j' 1 and *■ ,hc ohicci or arc deti. lent in i llii- provision* i—ary ■ furnisli -''.ied'i'* rem .-die- and pun.-h olfcnc. s t.gMtwt law. liic tommou law. a- m>«!ilic l and ciiane-xl bv '.heumrfduuon and mtuics of du- Suite wfierein the court having jnr LvlUtion of the cause, civil o* i.rin.inai is h< bl, ,-i.far a« the wiHUt >« up’ bc.-tis; ter.' wilii th” i'onstindion and' Ftws . f th< f'nired Sm»>~ shill V exlcrnlisi to nd g"vn: said ■ in lie trial and ili cscitlo:* ■ t sllcb ca . anil, if of .1 I rum re:! nature, in '.ln infliction "f jmnislimcni on tin party found, guilty. S:.<. i Ai"i • t ■■ ■ .. ' t-d Hint the district atnanci - in.o *imb. nd 'icpli’y mnr-hal- of tile I'r.iied St.r s. lac .s«a mlssiowi-is p|vi;:'Al d* hi cii*',:' P- ' IT ritorial court.- "t ijn- i lend S'.p. wi'h powers of arresting, imiirisoidng. or ' lit'? ofTemlet - era I: ' :!:• saw - ,J ", t d'cii Stafi' the ofllccr- i"»! ..v a'- : tin F: . 1 men’s Hureati. and every otbi . dlii'.i who may Ik t* 0 * killy eiu|H>wid by 'll" I’rivi dent of tin United s. •i.ali in-, am! they are hereby, -jaiiall.v .thtli. rir«.l ai I re quired, at the cxixn .-*nf ill* i. n:!- and Sla’cs. to institute pn-.'*lilt, - against ai! and a ry : perwon who shall violate thi-pr visonr. of is act. and cause him or them to Im> ams’cil and irnprisomsl. or baited ms the < use may lie. for iiia! In line such court of tin: United States or territorial courts as by tin- act has cognizance of the . offence. And w ith a view to affording reasonable protection to all persons in their constitutional rights of equality liefore the law. without distinc tion of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude ex< cpt j as a punishment for crime, whereof the put :tv shall have lieen duly convicted and to I the prompt discharge of the duties <>f tiris I act, it shall Ik- the duty of the circuit court? of the United States: and the superior courts of thcJTerritories of the United S':it'~. from time to time, to increase the number of com missioners, so as to afford a : pe<s!> and i -.r.- venient means for the arre.-t and csamiitr,- lion of tsTsolis charged with a violation nf this act; and such(onanisHioner* an* lici.-by authorized and required to exercise and di charge all the tstwers and duties e<inferred on tiicin liy this act. a? they are authorized try law to exercise with regard to other offences against the laws of the 1 nited States. Sue. 0. And he iX further-tmicJr . That it sliall be the duty of all mmvlnils and deputy marshals to olicy and execute all warrant? and precepts issued under the provisions of this act. when to them directed, iind should any marshal or deputy marshal refuse to u ceivc such warrant or other process when tendered or t" use all propel menus diligently to execute the same, lie .shall, on conviction thereof, In- lined in 'he sum of imo t housand dollars, to the U 'cof the PCMon upon whom the accused is allcgist 'o have committed the offence And the better to enable the said eommissioner- to execute their duties faithfully and efficiently, in "ii fonnity w ith the Constitution of the United States and the rc/juirements of thi. act, they are hereby authorized and empowered, with in their counties n spc-livelv, to npisnnt, iii writing, under their luimls, any one or more suitable iktsoiis, from time to time, to execute all such warrants and other process ns may he issued by them in the lawful per fommnccbf their respective duties; and the persons so ap|Kiint«d to exceiite aly warrant, or process as alori'Mid shall have authority to summon and call to tin ii iid the bystanders or pos.-c comitatus of the proper county, or sueli pillion as the land or naviil forces nl the United States, or of tlie militia, ns may he iieccs ary to tin perfor mance of the duty with which they are charged, and to insure a faithful olihci vuiicc of the clause of the Constitution which pro Mbits slavery, in conformity with the pro visions ol this act; and saiil warrants shall run and he executed by said officers any where in the State or Territory within w hich they are issued^ | Sue (’>. And In it further n--trial. That * wxy, JMurnqu.. who. ; or other person chargisl with the execution l of any warrantor priiccs issued v th« i provisions of tin- act., or any persun or j*V j .■on -: law fully assisting hint or them, item urrestiiig any (amnn ftn who a apprclieiisiun j such warrant or process may have been g-.-ueo, or shall rescue or attempt to rescue such jierson from the cintodyoi tin: officer, oilier p'lsop. or p.isue, or tho-i: law I idly assisling as afonwaid, when so anested pur suant to the authority herein given and de clared, or Hindi aid, ain't, or assist any [H t-on so arrested ns aforesaid,'directly or indicectly, to escape from Uie custody oi the oflieci or other person legally authorized a aforesaid, or shall labor oi conceal any person forwhose arrest a warrant or pna’cs? shall have been issued as aforesaid, so us to prevent liis dii eovery and arrest after notice of knowledge of the fact that a wmiunt has issueil for the apprehension of such pirsi.n, shall, for either trf said offences, Is subject to a tine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and im prisoment not exceeding six months, by in dictment and conviction bt'fore the district court of the United States for the district in which said offence may have been commit ted, or lad'ore the proper court of criniinal juristlielion, if committed within any one of the o*ganized Territories of 'he' United Stales. St,c. 7. And in it f'ir/h'r uin/Uif That tin ilistrict attorneys, the marshal . their deputies, and the clerks of the said district and territorial courts shall be paid for their services the like fees as limy tie allowed to diem for similar services'in other eases, ar.d in till cases where the proceedings are before a commissioner, he shall he entitled to a fee of ten doliarsin full for his services in each case, inclusive of all services incident to such arrest ami examination Th per:--i; sons authorized to cxmitr the process tube issueel by such commissioners for the arrest of offenders against the previsions of this art shall tie entitled to ale of five doiluis for each person be or they may arrest and take before such commissioner as afore aid. with such other fees iismuv he deemed rea wimble bv sueli eommisskmei for an li other additional services n* may be necessarily nerforined by him or them, such as atlcii iling at the examination, keeping the prisoner in custody, and providing hint wiih t 0,,,) . !n ,( lodging during his detention, and Until the final determination of sueli coitmiissumei. and in general for performing sueli other duties as may la' required in the premises; such fees to lw matte up i lt ~,m - tormilv tormilv with the fees usually charged i.y the oflnxrs of the courts of justice wtihin the planter district or county, as near as inav tic praeiieable. and paid ou't of the Treasury of the United tslnles on the certificate of the judge of the district within which the arrest is made, and to la- recoverable from the defendant as part of the judgment in ca a* of conviction Sec. S Indhi it further i "'tid, Tlrat whenevei the Presideiit of tin- United States shall liavi rtuson to believe that nffnii - lutve been or are likely to la .immilted ! against the provisions of thi- act within j any judical .listricl, it shall be lawful t -r him. in his discretion, n> direct tlie judge, ! marshal, and district attorney of such ' district to attend at such plaec within I the district, and for such time re lie may designate, for the purpose of the more speedy anvst and trial of persons charged .with a violation of this act; and i> shall b the duty of every judge or othi i officer, when any snch reiniisition shall Ik- rexvived by him. to attend at the place and for the time tin rin designated Sec, ts Anil hr it further i i."rt,d, I liat u shall la lawful for the President of the United States, nr such person i- ),. may empower tor that pur|Hi-e. to cnipn t i such jKiii of the laud or natal fcu‘- 1 ct-sos ’li United Slates, or of the militia, j as -hail he necessary to prevent tlie violation ’ and entoree !he due exeeution of this a *. .-K 10. Am' In 't ror'/-,' -ted. That I upon *.!i qwe-tions eA law ari-ing in ir.v ea>'- ■ tinder 'ln* provisions of this net a apt»- . nu.y la* li.kei* to tie Sitprente • e.r l o' lie United S’af' SCHI VLEiUOI.PAX. 'jaaker of tlie House of U* jueM ii’aii v.'-. I LA KAYETTK S PuSTF.It. I’rcsidi n: of the Senate, j iro '*. / ■ • /•■ "In Si .■■itt of the I'n’trd iSittrr. I'**'*; The President of the United State- having returned to the Senate, in which it <*rirein i teil. the bill entitled “An act to protect 'ill persons in the United State.-* in their civil rights, and furnish the mean- of tin ir vindi tation." with m>ohiection thereto, the Set. te proceeded, in pursium. c oi the Uon-ti" t. n. to reconsider the name; and. Ihn.'-td, That the said Ml! do jy :w* - thutls of the Senate agreeing t<* pa:- th«* same Allot. J. W Forney Ssi ri-tary of the Sonaf* [nth it" ' nf i >. ' April Wh, 18W The House of Representatives h .vim: pro ceolcd. in pur-aum. e of the Constitution. :■> rcconsiiler the bill entitled "An act toprf - tectall ix*rson» in the Unit's! Sinq-s in flnrir civil right , and furnish the means of their vindication,” returned to the S«niit/.- >y 'he Pr<sided of the Unite*! State-, with hi- I joctioi he H ell of Representatives, witirthe ne -ag- -f he Prcsiin iU returning the l*i!i. lit nf rut. That the hill do pa- . !w'.,-’ hi: its of thi House of Ib'preseuiatfvi - um: t> pas- the same. A"es': Khw.uioMcPiu.rsmn. *."• b. bv Clinton Ltxtvn, Chief (,! rk. Reconstruction Tbo following is a correct copy rd the act “to provide for the more efficient ..**/- i eminent of the rebel States Wlierea* no I* gal State governments or adequate protection tor life or property nowresists in the reliij States nf Virginia, North Carolina, South C'aroliua, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas ; and whereas it is necessary that peace and good order should he enforced in said States until loyal and republican State governments can be legal ly established : therefore. lie it enacted by the Sen it (c and Home of h'rpwu-.ntulitcx of the United Stain of Ancricu in Conprcm, asiembleJ, That Haiti rebel States shall be divided into mil itary districts and mode subject to the military authority of tho United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that pur pose Virginia shall constitute the first dis trict ; North Carolina and South Carolina tho second district. Georgia Alabama and Florida the third district ; Mississippi and Aikunsas the fourth district; and Louisiana and Texas tho fifth district. Sec. 2. And be itfurlhei enarted, That it shall lie the duty of the President to as sign to the command of each of said dis tricts an officer of the army, not below tho rank of brigadier goneral, and to detail a sufficient military force to euablo such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority within tho district to which ho is assigned. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That it shall bo the duty of each officer assigned a« aforesaid to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to (oppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all du tnrbers of tin* public peace and criminal*, and to this end he may allow local civil offendera, or, when in InsjtidgmcntSi’ufay be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have power to organize military com missions or tribunals for that purpose ; anj all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military au thority under tie- act Hiu'l b« null and . void. Sec 4. And (’•: ’ further e ,acted, 1 iiat ail persons pot under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without no necessary delay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall ho inflicted : and no sentence ol any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person, shall be exe cuted until it is approved by the officer in commaud of the di-trict, -and the laws aud regulations fur the government of tho army shall not bo affected by this act, except in so far as they conflict with its provisions : Provided, That no sentence of death under tho provisions nf this act shall be earriod into effect without the approval sf tho President. Sec. 5. And be it further . nicttd, That when tho people of any one of said rebel States Hhall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Consti tution of the United -States in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elect ed by the male citizens of said State twen ty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color, if previous condition, who have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day :>f such (flection, except snch as may b* disfranchised for participation in tim rebellion or for felony st common law. and when such constitu tion shall provide that the elective franchise shall he enjoyed by ail such persons as j have flic qualification* herein -toted for ‘ elections ot delegates, and when such con- ! stitutiOn shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the question of ratifi cation, who are qualified ns electors for delegates, and when such constitution shall have been submitted to Congress for ei- : amination and approval, and Congress ‘ shall have approved the same, and when said State, by a vote ol its Legislature elected under said constitution shall have adopted the amendment to tho Constitu tion ot the l nited .States, proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, aud known ns article fourteen, and when said article shall hav# become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be de clared entitled to representation iu Con gress, and Senators and Representatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking the oath proscribed by law. and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this hill shall be inoperative in said State: 1 Provided, That up person excluded from ! privilege ol holding office fiy said prn j posed amendment to tbo Constitution of 1 1 ‘b p United States shall he eligible to elec tion as a member of tlie Convention to i frame a Constitution tor any of said rebel States, nor -hall any such person vote tor members nf said convention. >eu. <i. And be it further enacted. That until the people of said rebel Status shall b<. i)\ ijuv adiiuttotl to representation ;n the Congress of tho United .Slates, any civil gfverium nts which may exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and in ail re spec t- subject !o the paramount an- J thorny of the l nited States at any time j to .tbolikli modify, oootrol. oi supeisede ' 1 the same . and in all elections t-, any office under sueli provisional government? all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none ! ether, who are entitled to vote under the provision? of the fifth section of this ac'; and no per- m shall be eligible to any office . nder any such pruvifiuiiai zoveimuents who would in* disqualiff J from holding ! office nnder the provisions of the t’ltrd ar ticle and safd constitutional amendment To the Republicans cf the Union. Tb- Nari'*: '' . ■ < i-ui! .:i>j.< •-1.- to tbu Repuidi : Ft.i'c f"i' their assistance am! •< "j'uration in thi auspicious crisis ’■■ re vintry. Wv deem it of tb- bigh*. , -‘. imp-etanc*' that the Rcjmbii- of- dt >t* -in,lull iuiUifduA' Iy re*>! .:!!! / the remaining elections of l?ii7. |*;*•?...>.it• <v : ■ the '"ru ing Pr(-:*i* :itiiii conte.-*. Ksp* ia;'.y sbouid this organi.:*t ,- iinmud: d* :.v . ffu*. f * <i in til"- State? v.-hich Ire never in-fore recognized as the only in-t basis ■.fgovern ment the equal and inalietaii*!* rights of Liar,. Not a day s:. *ukl be *ir forming and .rrcngt’.ii uiiq. withi.’* tbo: ; . States a public sentiment in < oi’." nance with tb*- pr.ncijv v u h -uidcri.- th-- . r *t Politic a; - >i,:.'.ai«n .•> iilcii w. bet.-ng. To this end, w< c :• :.r<«u*c'.tt* a systenniti' and 1 1.-*r* i.trb ■ . ••* f thi Southern Stat u- tin m.*-i * ffie:* tit gjicakers oflKitli :t l their ' lfoit- by di-trif-nt;.,! .•'*.. la'tit.-, enforcing the principles, p t ! a:*l .ims of the Republic,u party V*' wouid call, in every l-.-ility wi.ere possible, mcctuur- :'**.•' i -a.. ‘ those who are with in principle may learn to act with unity nml eiienrgy. These meastircM arc require:.! n- brim' * ut the vote of that iartm U'Kly of R,: :u qeaj Unionist who now read' roe re .ih. rn States a battle-lidd of pnneipl* It i- • prasnog need of th. hour that' .■[, *!i ; cions and able tnen. h a ■•/.Tiy imbu'd; with our creed, should there explain om ] principles, estabiiah <*nr faitbfulm-. to them, aud prove that national grcatln •- ; and human freedom'd* j>cnd ujior. Hie per inanent triumph of'our cause Beyond this, it is most. c,-.-cntial that «•«• should now ,'stablish in tlu- 8; tes Free Thought Free up ''i and a Free Press. Every paito; tius Republk lU.u.Ht l>e open to the disetre?ion of jirincij'!' and measure? Thi- :.ui.-t U: sus' inu" is a cardinal point in c-”r ereud at *nv ■ id every hazard Est. ru t* ti e humble irnd ignorant \ “.r on ti part of the Soufnvm plant, r. naw lx mi t ’■.itfi the spirit of freemen, md the 'ic'eiiuiua tion which « just cure* r-iactio"- In time past, the Republican party ha# struggled against the •"liu.-t rept itli of being ecctioual in its aim- uni character, though its purpi> i and sme .i. • ..f. ffi. ting them were such *■? :v. latli.r efriu- Republic approved, ft ..-..used of being governed by selfish motives, and >f desiring to aggr.uidizi th North at the expense of the South !ta >.<lversuies, i having the power to ailcuu md t cru.-ii all opposition, denied all iliscnssii r, md overawed even freedom of thought in fif teen State? of the Ulilu-n It is. there f now and imperative duty, which we *>w« to our party and n* ■ i.. ~ **-- ireoUu .‘I irutv ——j - . — r to those NtokN b-». ..- '-ntly - c have contended for the interex-ts, wVltmi uni freedom of tlie whole TTiion rhe overthrow of Si.ivury t; v p c l-elliou, and the et.fiauebmement nf th,: treedmen. renderinr tbl v, :*i„. cure .mil final, have happily vindicated our course uni or;.; inlz.iti e.; bet it i uoeo-.siu'y to stamp the conviction „f ot:r loyalty and fidelity to the right, irre-puc tive ni -i .'tion or r.i:-;-, upreu tfi, -, *:* i,- Structed Sir'.e- For the ii, time m nr. ey years, the cnthusiaalic ibllnwei? of ~qV flag and confe--or-■ ' .-nr faith 'ire tlietc taking part ill the popular i■ .i* and in many of tin s, u , ;l g;-.-.... , v , have le.isou to briiev, Uu. they form ,i ttoeidud majority. Tin ;,r., J *• ,r, without "rganizutioii. "and hu k th, t .. hesion and dinip'ini *. ,i . to - Three fourth? of tfi.. R.-pnbli, :.n- have l ever voted, .nd buy •'• * p knowledge of the mien- whereby the populai will ot them, the habit > fixed, .i" n udenn" implicit obedicneu to übie id. xi.r t politiciar,? Mho are impJaenb’v re ,tile t. our principle' md o ■ :tr,i'm-d ~r t|,« prostration of our cause Our notioe . ti.. VU! JHIUUGIUiU itCIIOJ: r jfu; fl >lO - We ciumot a ~. _ periliug ill foi wiii h su .*■), i. ~n sacrificed in th pa-;. <■*■:.r,;,- * strength in the North, tin V.'. . . . ,u c I’aciffe State.-, we iiniM m. . :vi that we have a groat duty'lo n.:: rm toward the loyal and true u:,n <.fth. South. Republican- ‘ .. ir .qqiea! is to , a. to carry on mul sustain the work which a tew loyal null triu men haw -o nobly ' • - gun Wi * aanot ask -in ik , .i; o.i Utio.r »<* giving their tine uni tab .i ;'*.; u ■ tfi? to th:slabor, to defray tin h --vn . -,u y expense? We cannot print and distribute document? of the cluirueter i ipdied w pi,. j out a heavy outlay. W(,. no me?.!'- ;*r i reliance except open the gem rolls pi sit es J that great party which bold*,. , ,u u . , f i Humanity nnd Fmd. in f -v* all i.-in Tlie j. 'droll.are- ot the O oernment brnuy-bt into power by tie tatesmanship. the courage, and Die loyalty of that ; w ill not aid us in th . Wo must, therefore, Vipp. -1 directly „.j peraoually * you. If y..i; ;.,‘y, ;v ,' generously. If poor, scud us whatev * you can afford Tiic genre .... pun,re., :'iinl the noble aim sanuiiy. the humlfle-t A fort?. At all events act promptly, ~nd let us feel that the -ymputby oft Ik* R.-rv' lt/'-lvi ntrii* i. ii ■ . * tocan party i- with u? in om puni,, ,f I making thi'great i m-; tlm tmnv o; true 1 Republican prineijii - v. rei .-ineti-Te *f rad- and color my tu.4; ..n : . ~a i > w i, ~ Liljerij Virtu and Intilii.--* : ~ u,V. eininriu" b.isi? »t *«i* gr* i“.,. j 1”* > '; I A‘J\U <'•* jI ; ‘ ; * j Gov M AIM - Win:*. c .. .1 Tr- rei I re; N-. » -k, \ " Mam r.« \Vu;,*. v j FAMI'EI. A PCKVI.ANCK P : WILLIV-M t.L.'.EI Tonxß. Cf. ARX, N. II j ilOR \iV. Hire i ;.j . N A U. n. . : . ( . | Nc 15. Srunitt;.-, i) f H- W If OK- MAY, Md K ' ' National U lima ( ■ in. -V- ) v .. j All the Ii |. i lieu- j'u'ii,:- j q'“ ted to copy iu . l THE, ytm GEORGIAN, a DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, 1 PUBLISHED AT AL r GXJ ft T , CiK O . TER ]SI S : Daily, pur annum - - - $(5 (hi i I»aiiy. six months - - ii IK) I Daily, three mouths * 105 Weekly, per annum -3 00 Weekly, six months I 75 Weekly, three months • M V THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS (INK OK THE VEIiY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South. It w:i> the first in the State to advocate the broad principle of “ EQl' VL KK4IITS FOR \ 1 *Lit vindicate# tlie doctrine ol the -'ipreinacy of tin National >vcr State Governments; it tnujiuilifiedly denounce.? SiießStsioN nil! inly Hni imsiitHiional, hut inherently hostile to, and destructive ot, all Dcni'.euitic liepuhlietui Government?; it muuitaiits tor <Jongre??, ns thi body duly s|■|mi!u!ell by our lorm o' goTemiuent tor National legislation, tho right and duty to, at all time-, so legislate a- to viiMlicate the honor find prowess of the Nation. It will advocate the early reconstruction ol the Stare" on tin platform laid down hy the “National Union Republican I’art)." THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS A! vDE ONE OF THE HfiiUHi ORRi.AS OF THE tsOVKRVUEVr l\ THIS STATE. I' w. pr'.iish the LAWS e reeled by Uoilgl esr and all GOVERNMENT advertisements. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ALSO DESIGNATED THE Organ of the Educational Association of t he State, I will, t heix toi t . be to contain tlu most general and complete infor rLitjoi. noiu-eting tlnse important in u.ur mitlNi, an<l wiii from time * > t'.mt he tmnisfied with able and interesting (-oininimications from tlie be v Kdu.< ators in lie State. A Fmniiif Neu:spaj>er. NVlril*.- levottng eonsidertthle ttpaee to the discussion ot the great politlunl qiu .'-tii'ii? r.'iating to the time? and section, we shall rexerv. space for •? .. !> miM'i ihiiu'i'u? Educational and Religion? reading as will tnttke the paper at fv.i tivi profitable to all. We shall K-rupulonsly gutird «gain*<t the in#et - '!"n tending to demoralize the moral? ot Home and Society. On the other hand, we shall aim, through every appropriate mean? to Giimilntu to study and good morals. Hook and Job Printing. V ** have just bec-n to great expense in furnishing our Office with the re fl'.'isri. slo; doing BOOK AND JOB WORK. <• ai*!* now prepared to till any and every de.enption of EL AIN AND EANUY JOB I’HINTING. V ’ ’ -'■!:< it ha -iue -• of thi? kind, piomi-mg I in CAtom>.:re oeaUies? ii .i kniunship, and at rati? the most reasenahie. and dres* i LOYAL SEOSBIAN PiJBWHKfI 'oSOCUTION ■VLC' L H l\?Y. GEO.