The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 25, 1867, Image 4

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Tin* Daily Loyal (leOi'gian. AI'tU'STA, GA. .II NK 35. Wl " '.J• *lu»." asked u, "did M's. Given get the medicine I >r 1<! '■* - I 4ucs* s<>, replied John, “iol. 1 i'l :l|H' oil till* liool next 1 morning." A < l lflicilr\occurred ;it l.tieti.-i Yistn, (hi., a ho. days -incc, lietwoi-n Mr. 1!. \V Jaciplcs. I Hlt\ (•'ollcctoi; Second District Internal Revenue, ami ('oloic-l Jack I’.iown, occasioned Uy t |j.■ latter pin—ingtln loiiikm loilrinK so stronglv t Ini I tin- jii Her became somewhat oIV. ii.hsl repulsed hi* invitation with sonic rudeness. (HI. ISfouii, it o siii'l, thcr. ii|.oit inflicted the wounds w ith . knife, which, however, the “Cn liimbit* Kn.juiicf" rcjMirt'not serious. IvMom sok .li:i:n tio. \V< olwervr that an effort i» being ni.uh to rpstisci t'llc :ocl recognize the above named Order A notice litis lieelt i-sltcd bv < . M ore.t; W. <'.. We-ton, (he. tor .ill -ilboidinale Lodge* so :ilfeiid tin- r. •. ur \tumal Meeting <>t tin- Grand Lodge it IVentor, (In., to lie held on tin :M Wednesday in July ■ ifVxi. c c h to he represented by three i|.'li '.':itr- / thiiit'i .Vi ir /'r'l. Constitution for Republican Clubs. We call tile attention of nil I ft*] >ll It ’ 'i• ■:111 lender' to tin following ( olistitu lion, w hich will he u good one tor them to adopt n organizing Ib-publi-. eiill ( lute. : AtiTK I.K I s i w v. Tin < Into tic Known i, t lie Union Ur,, )»uWit * h|!t of , fnaiiH'of low >l,) j ■ «nnit v <o —, Staff of— ARTICLE II Tlii.- C’nii- i- for tin? j.uriHKo of atl v .it> in-r lio of tin Cnion KrjHiMkßii i ariy in il.js- amt tin- nation. It will Huvr if’ f k wittr labor, e*.ln**i»ir I In: igno rant. >; «! -fi lain tin.'(-auM* of uniu i>nl jii-ticv. MM It LK til nm« i:u". 111. ofli. . ol tliiin Club > I»; 1 1 ! be a President, two Y'< I*!’. ridciil*, a Sf' ictnrv, a TmiiHirur, ;mi«l an J.xeeulivi ( oiiimlttce ol live mt*illber>i. Tin nhovu liam.d ollluuis ribal! bo el#*< ted at tin li; t mooiinn in daimary and duly in eaeh year, and ilie;, b ill hold o\< r until tie ir rtuecf.^ori* • duly * b*< ted and ijualiti. and. AimcLE IV. I»1 1 IKS OF OFFK'KHS. 'I b- oliif ci of llw.-s ( lub shall perform th** buJicr tv<.|uired of similar ofHeei>> by ordinary pal liameutai v The K.XiM iil.ive f oininil o ball pit-pan• lui-im for the ineeihnro ol tie Club and make such h* sliall mi on a arood attendaiiee. They shall also make 'siii 'i efforts as may be in their power so inal-.e th< meetings iiiferesttiig and prolltalde. ARTICLE V. qi AUKU A fIONK OF M I Mid.ltr ’I In only ijiialilioatlofis necessary to beeome a ; tie mber ol tlii* <'luh, should be a •.'oral moral j • bar »• ler and an expris-ed dete nniiiatlon to' Hupporf tie principles ol the I ninn Kepublleau ! puny. UM’K’hK VI. UK V KNEE. I'he expeiipes ol this Chib shall be defrayed | bv volunlarv ■ ontriluitions from the Hie til bet's and othefr. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL 1, . I/o' f<t prof* nf all Permit* in the t nth it Sf ih* in flair Pit'll llit/hl* , tint/ furnish tin Veo av of thi il } 7n( lift(tinn. Hi it (nortiil tit/ tin Scmfi tii-tl If nil Si of' Ih /ii tsfuifn/i't v oj Ihr t Hih ilStuffs of . I an rim i/> •'■nlif'ss t-tstinUfitfy 'LI ml nil ner.-on born in llte 1 nibsl Stules and nul -.«ii>jei l lo .in) foieL’i poyver, excluding linliaits not hived. ;in Ucivbv deehtred to In ritiyensof fin I f.lied stales; and such citi/Clls. of eve, v nnv and color, without to any previous condition of slavery or invol imlary servitude, eveept as ;i punishment foj crime wheFCMd* ’be party "ball have been dui v c«>nvi< ted, "lull! have the same right. iii every Sfateam! d’erritorv in tin I’nited states, lomake and enloree eonlmels. lo sue. he parties, ayul give evidence, to inherit, ptir eliase, lease, >el). hold, and eoim v real and IHTsoiial puuHMly, and to full and tMpial iienefll of all laws and pixieectUvigs for the n eurit vof peivm. and propert y as is eii ii. joy (and 1 y white citizens, and simll he side je« i to !ik« pittiislimenl, pains, ami lMuialties, and to notie oM»< j any law. staiute, onli nunec. feyidataoj. or t<» tic * ou trarv noiwiihstaudiny 'i lml ’■> it Jr ft hfr < m<!, S any person who, under color «»l any law, Uaf'.tie. oidinatiee. regulation, or . u-ioni. liall mthjeet, of- .uise to he subject* ,1. any inhalufan! of any Slate or-Territory to tile deprivation of any right secured or profci*- te»i hy tins mi. of io different pum dim* nt, pain*. oi ]** »iulties on aecoitni of "tu b per • n having of aii\ time luvn held in a con dition <d' slavery or Involuntary servitude. v» w |>i is i punishment of c rime \vh«m>f ;-i poty shall hav* hen duly »on\ieied, or bv uasdfi r»t‘ Iris color or ran . than is pn - scribed for tic punishment of whin* per -.a-, shad b< defined guilty oi a misde meanor, an J. on eonviifioji. shall he pun idn and by line not * \i.e(ding on* tiioiisand dollar*. o; imprisonment not exceeding one y ear, or ln»tl». in ibv discretion of tin court. S;.;.- a ft f <’ it f•lfthcr tuneful. That In district e*M'.rls n tin* l nile«i State", •aii.iin their districts, shall have. x«dif"i'«h • ii,. (iuul.« of Cn sev»‘r.d Stab*-, ixigai/auce of all crimes m, and off mu vs omiu’ ii'd ag.iitisf tin provisions of thi *> act and o.iiriim ntlv with the circuit court" of tin l idled Stains, of all caiws. civil and riminal. affis rine jH*»si*ns who are di-nie»l .n cannot enfoiec in the court* of indicia! irihumd of ilu Slate or locality i\le,v |jp \ may be my of flu rights siiuri and lo ♦ H:* n by fh«' first secrioti c»f act; am' ii any suit ;a jin*s» utloij. 4 p Uu: criminal, Ims h«t*u '•*.*:? . ..icon ia oj in mil s:a’»- . oer», ‘gains* iiu an h j hh> oh. for mv «atm w b;*l V 4 i. or against ail' oJlb er «?X M of iniinary or othes perstni. for any arrest 'U 1 mpi i"<*uM»em ?p o»a""C- «»r yvrongs «tone or xninnitTodl v • !ri»‘C or under »a»|or of m llawiiy derived «‘n»in Dinuc* «*r flu act *- Lihlisidng I IhoeaU for tie- iviief of Fnial ne n am! Hcfug*•«*<. uni all ai t* am ndatoiy tie r * *:, or for refu-iugto do m; act ujn/n th- oouml tha* it yvould h; mc«»H"istent with ihh .o f, siu h d* tentlant "ludl have the light f<* remove *ueh cause for trial so the prop- r dislrii t or < iivuil eoert ifi the luconr pre"cr;pcU die A* i iviaritii lo li d*v and aguUiting puli* a*! pr-*< * • «th>g' in c< rtiin eas#*"."* approved 'lo*! 'r**-. • ightiHii hundrtxl and sixty 'hr •. .did a!) i« t" aiiu inlabay lln-root die jiiiisd. v m in • i\il ami criminal maiu r* berehy c<»nh rre*l *m fie lisfiut .tad circuit court> o! tl»e I nihd Slab *, "hall 1»* ix* i i *'»l and cl:f-*!'* v*( in loiiformil y x\ illl the laws of ilu I 'jibed Stitts v, -o ir ~ "»uij »\\" at* suitable •«» eairv tie '’h iufo *tl •., hi.l iu ail caac" whet*- *ie h law "an ; not • i'pt .and b the • by- J. or are O'*i *■- :*» in the provision* neeesmu v t<» furnish siiitahl- \ reuuiUe* and punish uffunui** kigniuel Liw, j flic (ommon laxv, ait nioditled and ( hanged [ by the.constitution and st»tifUtn of the State wherein the court having jurisdiction of the cause, civil or « riminal. i" held, so far as the siinu is not inconsistent with the C'.aisfif.uf ion and law* of ||k> I'nited States s|, ; dl h<* extended m and govern -aid courts in iiu 1 | trial and «»t "orb muse. and. if of a criiiiinni nuiurv. in the inffif tion of punislunent «rn the parly found guilty . Sk« 4 Anti !u if I'm fir r ' ,'trluf That ( tie di"tri< 1 attornev*. m.»»"hals. «nd deputy mardials of the ( nib'll State*, de- c*»m nii""i«*ib*r" ap|K»inbil hv lie circuit md tcr riloyiai couit' >\ flu **,. willi i p<»wcis of mi* srtnii. impri-oning. or Imi ling offender" eg tins! fh*' l:l\V* of tb<- ITlitcd Staii-". tie ollicei' ami ag« in-ot Me Kreco tt'T.'" IJupMti. and every other olh-« i yvlc may i»»* "pe< ially eiii|H»yy ered hv llie ! , r*“i dnt <:J th* I'niled States dial! »*.:i lliey are hereby. «|MM*iulh authori/ed ami :» quired, at li.. * i\pei!"e*»t lie i Tnhd Si *•" t» institute proceeding" ay-iin*! ail and * \ .y j person who "hall violate the pro visor." and i- aet. and «a'ise liitn or th«*m tola* an - «»i. and impri"*»ned. (»! Imili-d ii" the ease may | be. for (rial lief-xu* -neb e»nirf of the ITlited: ; Stato or territorial courts as b* sh - act ! Ims eogni/gituc *)f fit. offence. Ami with ; a yiexv to affording profef-ion <> ; j .ill person." ii» tiieii t 'inisfitiitional right" | >f eipmht v hcfor*a the lav*, without distinc- : |/ion of rswe or color, or previous eomlPioii * j nf -la . tv or inyohintary "ervilu*!*-. *•:*.'•( p: j l as a punishmenf for erim*, yvhereof the par ‘ iy "hall h«vt: l»een duly eonvictni. and b* | 1 the prom pi discharge of flu- diitie." *»! thi> , | act. i’ shall Is the duty of tin iin nil • --urt" ; of the I'niled State" and lie mpt ihe (■<> »•’ of the Territoiic-of the I’lnb il Stall men | time to time, to im-rea-a* the munlier■ ••! c* n- . | niissiiAiiers, -s» sis to afford a speedy and <« i. 1 py unient up an." for ibe afreet and exumin * | 1 tion of ta-rsf»ns charged w itb a violation *>f | tbi." a* t , and sttchc<miini""t«mcrs are lea »•. ; authorized and required to r xerci". and .ii i dung«* all tin and diitie- lonterred ;on them by thi" nt, tiny are authorized jhv law to exercise with regard »** oih*r i olfejiCC" against lb* law- .if ! ■ l idie l j State.". SMC. ■"). Anil hr it /•uihrr ■ nnrf/tl, Tha it I "1ml! Ih* the duty of all mar*lmU and deputy lliiirslmls to olw’V and cxeeute all warrants i and |»m*ept" i" ; ed under the ]H*ovi"ions ol this a< t. when to them dintefed ; ami should anv inarKltal or deputy marshal refuse t<» re eefve sucdi 'vnrnint <>r oiln r proee,"> yy hen tendered or to n.-e all proprr uieaii* diligenlly to e.v-eiue the .*ue , he "Imll. on conviction tliereof. ]«• tine»i in tin* sum of one thousand dolltu>. b* the ii"* *»l the prison upon whom tin* aeeu-a and i" alleged b» ! bay i Cominittod the? offenee And the better to enable flic said commissioner." to execute tln ii duties faithfully and efficiently, in <on ibrmity with the ( «nistitution ofTin* I nib ri States and the remiiivinents of this act, they arc hereby authorized and empowered, with iu their counties i'c>pecii\il . to appoint, ill writing, under their hand-, any *»ne or more suitable person- from turn to time, to execute all such warrants and other process as may be i-sueliby them in the lawful per forma lice of their respective duties; ami the persons so apjM»inted to execute any warrant or process a; aforesaid "liall have authority to summon and call to their aid the bystanders or jHisse eomitatus of the proper county, or such j»ortion as the land or 1 naval forces of the Tailed Si»t!»s. or of the 1 militia, as may he ueeessnry to the perfor . uiance of- tin* duty with w hi* h they are : elmrired, and to insure a faithful ohstu v uiee j of tin clause of the t'oiistitution yvhieh pro ( hihits slavery, in eonfurmity with the pro ! visions of this net; and said yvarmnts shall i run and be executed by said officers any i yyhen in the Stale or Territory within which ! they are issueilj i Six. (». Ami hr if fnrtlui tmir/ul. That any person who shall knowingly and \\ 11- : tuily ohstruet, hinder, or prevent any officer, lor other person charged xvith the execution | of any warrant or pn»e<?ss issued under the I pioviMoii" of this net, nr any pernm or per sons laxvt idly assi"ting him «»i itiein, from ! arresting any person for xvliose apprehension such warrant or process may lam* been I issued, or shall rescue or allenip* t*» rescue I sucli person from the custody of the offh * r. other per or j*ersons, oi those law full}’ | assisting as aforesaid, when "<> arrostiMl pur j stmnt to ?h<* authority hercht *giv<»n and dc ; dared, or "hallaid. ab t, or »i-1 any person I so iirrested as afoix*said.(lireedv or iiulieeetlv , to escape from the custody of the officer or ; other IMTMui legally authorized ?»< aforesaid, i or shall labor or eoneenl any person foi yyluoe arrest a warrant or process >ball have U*en issued a:, afonxsud. so ns to pievent his dis j cox cry ami arrest alter notice ot knoxvledge of the fact that a warrant lias hecn issued tor j the apprehension of .sueh shall, for either of -aid offences, he .Uibjoet to a fine not « reding one thousand dollars, ami im prisoment no* six immths by in dictment ami eonvh lion !n for< the district court of the l Tilted state" f.*r the district in whieli sii*l offeme may Imve het-n (Commit ted, of be'Vne the proper eourt ot criminal tr.risilietion. it cotnmitled Mithinaiiy on-* of the organized Territories ;»t the I'niled States St;< 7. A:nt hr it rirtlnr ,n -/>/*< Tlmt j thu dritjtct allorncy<. tin* marshals. y deputies, and tlie clerk" <»t tin -aid distent and territorial courts shall t-e paid f«*r Ukir s'.Tviet" the like fee** as may he allowed to them for similar sendees in other cases, and j in all ( •«"<•" where the proceedings an* In fon* ; a commidont r. he shall In entith*d to a !«*♦• of tcti (iolnus in full for hi" service* hi ea( h 4 .tM‘. inehtsix« *»t ail m rviees incident to such j arrt*t and examhmiion ibe p* rs*»n ovjkt son.s nutli(»riz«‘d to eveeute tin pna-C"" to be issmul by such e-*imniss;,)ner* for the arrest ( of offender." against flu provisions of this .n t shall he entithsi to a fee of live dollars tor each |mtmh» he oi they may arrest ard ; take Ikd'ore such e*»miuissi«»Mer a." aforesaid. ! with sin h otll*a - fees a>inay !«■ deemed rea- ! sonahle hv sin it eonimiKsioner for stu b other additional "crxiees as may In m*ee";striiv performed by him or »heni. stjeh •> am ti ding i»t the examination, keeping the prisomi iu custody, and juoviding him with t* mh 1 ami kwlging during his intention. , and until the inal detenninatnm of ueh eommiv"i«»mT. and in general fui jH iforming ateh other duties as may be required in the premis«‘s; such fees to In- made up iu eon tormitv yxith the tees usually charged by the officer* of the courts of justice wtihin the prui*>i duirhl ore<utnly. a< near as may tw pna lieatffe. and paid nut of tin* Treasury of the I'niled State" -*n fit* ceriitji.»t* tie* judge of tic «h*»riet yvithir. which the arrest ! i" inad» s . and to l»e reeov«;alde wot, t;.,- i | defpmkant a" jrirtof the judgment in •“,» (•*» ; • onvhljoti. *• A'-A hi 1/ l'i rfln i ttmnffii. I'll »l whenever t|»«* Tresident of the Tinted Stab’s j shall have rea-sm »*» lN*|ieve that offem* " have Intai »i an likely so be .UUinitfet] again"! ih» pi**\i"ior," of dii- u t vrithii. anv jn«ii* and i|i*ii’fet. i: hall iu- lax* fu! foj him. in Ids *l:s* n f ) dijort sh*‘ ju ig* marshal, and district attorney *>t -ta-h district t<> attend at vacii pfme wjthiu tip* ♦):strict, and bn "U‘le tim* V" he »W) (h™h*tmtc. for rit*' jMiij**'*e of til*’ umrr arrest an*t it Ini *.t |«-r:u*n- charged with a viMiation of Ihi" act: and it "h.»!i h« ; the duty of every; judge or other offi* < r. ! yylteu am -tu b n »|U*"iltou >h:dl I* rtreived by Mui to rittr-t*] A *h*' pfa*r and tor ;b* time tlierin de i^n*ite*l. M* b Ants in it i /rflur -inn-isl. That it \ ball In lan fnl th** Tresident of tin I I’nhcd Slab -. *•? -u- h |ht-ou .is It- * iimv empowet f..t tint* ptirp*!** *-mplov 1 -mb j*a:t A tie fnml ar ua\;t! Af- 1 e< "of the I’niled States, oi of the militia. 1 h* shall Ik* mrrssarv t*» prevent tlie violation ! and enforce the due exec ution of tlii* act. 1 Skc. 10. Anil In il fnrthrr run rial. That J upon all questions of law arising in any ! cause under the provisions of this act a limtl • appeitl may Ik- taken to the Supreme Court j of the Tutted States sent YTEH ml FAX. S|.i ak«*r ot i h»- 11 (*11s*. of Ib t LA FA YKTTK S. FOSTEK. JTesident -*t the Senate, pm tun non. / tin s<„oi, fifth* Shifts. Aprihi. istui. l it* Ibesident of the Tinted States having relumed t-» the . in xvhich i' origim*- ted. tin* bill < nfitlcd - An act to pr*>t<rt all jhtsoii." iii the Tnit' and State" in their • ivH rights, and furnisli the uienns of tin ir vindi cation,’' xvith i.oobfca tion thereto, tin Sciwii* pr*Kird((i. ii* |U!!''"Manta- of tlie Tonsrituthm. b> ;eco!i"ider tin- same, ami. If. sJrttl. That th* >ai«l hiil (i>, |t*i"s. txvo- ( third" <1 the Scnat* agr**«*iug to pa"* th** I Mtll \ : t«*"' .J \\' foUM V. 1 Seen*!ar<*t tin* Semin //' t'u l/nn.'.' »; H* pn*i lilllfict*. ( s April Wh. isdt : I n* ti nts*- *il Representative* having pr •- I i ee<-<hf*. In )»(-iI-bailee of tin to re on-id* . the bill entitled An act to pro- i tect ,»!| pi :-ons itrthe Tnib-ti State" in dieir | ci i! right.", and furnish tin nn-ans of their I y indiesttioii.*’ leiurned to the Semite hv the ITesMent >1 ill Tnited State", xvi'h hi-«.h- 1 je< ti*)H-. and-( lit by Ah Small Jo tin- Hoitv.- \ >t lb pro entativ* \yilh the iih ".iff* •>! tie- | To "id* !*! p-tundiig lie* bill IlsJ.nil, I’hai iii-- bill «I*> ; : *<.-third" I •and tie of R**j o-M’UViiiv*- agieeing to. pa"" the stun AM*-"? 1-ti'x m:d M« I'iii iiMiN -. ierk. •*y t i * vfon Lia’.vi; * lc-1 y I-rk. Reconstruction The lalloxy ing is a eonaeteopv ut the JM-t “to praride for the more efficient gn, r ermiieiM of tlie rebel States : Whereas no l- ga! State gox nr adequate protection for Jib- nr property MOW Hiist-rt Ju the rebel Stares n| Virginia. North (oiroliuri. Sc*tub (Tiroiina, Georgia, Mi«dHcippi. Akilta iih, la*oir*iana, Flondu, 'Texas and Arkansas . and wliercaK it is iiecwsary that peace and good order should he enforced in said Htatos until loyal and republican State government* can be legal ly < stahhshed llierelore. If it tmn i 'il ft if the anil lloutr of llr.p\rsv iitifUi :t * oj Ihf t' nit t<l Staffs of 1,, ill Cl OlTf H il. sxnUi if Th»t Haiti rebel States dm 11 he divided ;uto mil ttat) distrieta arid made subject t*» the military authority of tho ITiifed State?, o? hereimifter preaoribed, and for that pur pose Virginia "hall constitute tho tirst dis trict : North Carolina and South Carolina the second (lintiiet: Georgia Alabama and Florida the third district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district; and Louisiana r«od Texas the fifth district. Skc. 2. Ami In njurthi • cnncinf That i* Tali he the* duty of the Tresident to as sign to the command of each of said dis tricts an officer of the army, not below the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his nndiority within the district to which lit* is atißigncd. Ski . ,‘i. And hr <t /urth'r e/taclcfl, That !t hImII hr the duty ol e;ich officer aligned us liloresaid to protect all persons in thoir right* of person nnd properly, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punithed, all du tnrners of the public peace and criminal*, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to lake jurisdiction of and to try offender*, or, when in his judgment it may fu- necessary for tlie trial of offenders, lie shall have power to organise military com missions or tribunals for tlmt purpose; and all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military au thority under this art -hall he null and void. S™. I And be. iu inr enacted. That all persons put uiuh r military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without ua iieeesgary delay, and no cruel or unusual ]iuni*lmieut simll l>o inflicted : and no sentence ol any military commission ur tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the j lile or liberty oi any person, shall be exe ! euted until it is approved by the officer in ( command ol die district, ami the laws and regulations for the government of the army shall not he affected by this act, except iii so far as they conflict with its provisions : Penvided. That no sentence If death under the provisions of this net shall be carried into effect without the approval of the President. Sin . 5. And he ’I further tmetta, That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed n constitution of government n conformity .vith the Consti tution of tin United .States m all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elect ed l>v the male citizens of said State tweu i tj one years old ami upwaid, of whatever j race, color, or previous condition, j have boon resident in said State for one j tear previous to the dar of such election. ! except such as inn; os di*franohi*ed foi participation in the rebellion or for felon; ;nt common Uw and y. hen such cons'itu | turn shall provide that the elective franchise j shall tie enjoyed by nii such person* as j , ba'-e the ijunlificatiuns herein stated for | elections ol delegate.>. md when such con stitution shall lie ratified by a majority of the persons voting ou tlie 'juestion of ratifi cation, who are ijuitlified as eho-tor* tor delegates, ami when nut, constitution shall have been submitted to Congress !m ex amination and approval, and Congress j shall have approved too same, and when : sin i Stale. In a vote of its Legislature elected tinder suiJ eam-fituiiou shall have adopted the ainendwent to the Constitu tion ot the ( tilted State*, proposed hr the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known ss ! article lourteen. and wheu said article shall ! have becomes part of tlie Constitution of tlie I niton srat,-.. Kill] Stale siiaii lie de clared entitled to representation.!, t on gross, i.ini .Senators and Kepreseiitat ives j shall be admitted tinirefmin ou tln-tr taking :ii» oath prescribed by jaw. .tad then and 1 thereafter tho preceding auctions of this bill shall be inoperative in s.utl State /’• den. That no person excluded from tile privilege ot hording ntiieo i". said |iro poeed aniemioittnt >.> tho Consiitiitim: of j tile United States shall t>o eligiiiii so elec tion as a member oi t|je I'cnveqttou ;« frame a Constitution toy atn of said rein ! State.-, nor shall any such person vute lor members of said convention. Aid h, .' /u’.--ri m.rted That iiut’l the people of sum! r> i» I Stale# shall be by law admitted to r ‘presentation in the C’nngriv ot tlx- Utijted Mate' any ei)il yd)emoteiii. wbudi nan- eytat iheiaio shall lie dn oi. I jiroviM-mal «nlv. and ii ail *> spret* . g ' t« j araiii"g;it . ' thorn; ol tin I ailed Male* of anv time | to abolish, modify. «r atfol, ur sap.ose !e ' the same: and m all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall ho entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provisions of the liftli section of this act; and uo person shall bo eligible to any office nder any such provisional governments who would be disqualified from holding i office under the provisions ot the third nr tide of said constitutional amendment. To the Republicans of the Union. Tie- Nationd Union Committee appeals to tile Republicans f every state, for their Hs-i-4.u0 e mil co-operation iu fiiis auspieiou- eiisi- of our county;. i \V> ’deem it of tie bigliest important) | that tin Republican* of each State should < immediately rcorganiz tor the leiiiaiiong cleitioii- of lsi;7. preparatory to tin com injr Pri-iilcnfial contest. K-pedall; -Il'MlUi this ore.mizetion j siiin iliatd . effecteil it: tliosi States wllk'b ilJlVs- llcyi l licl'orc i iccogni/1 and II- tli*. mdy just bash ot govern I mi nt the i i.uui and inalii tiablt rights of | man. Not a day -bmild Is- 1 -t in forming | and fr iigtbcning v ithin those State* a public sentiiui lit iu ■•onsommee with | the priiM'iplc- wjticl: umb rlie the great j Uoliti:irgai iiuition to wtiicli we belong. I o till end. Me desire to prose)-llte I -y- tematir m l tboro'igli . anvuss of the South) rn Stales, by tlm most efficient sp.takers of both race* We would second j tl»eir effort* try a ilis: nbutiiin of docu ments, , enforcing the pnnetples, politxv and aims, t' 11. Kepu'dicnn patty. We would call, in every bxality wbeie it i possilile. meltings lor discussion, where iliom win ne with ii- in principle may burn act with unity and enenrgy. These itu n«nri" at< r> ipiired to bring out tile vote of that large bmly of Repidilican Unionists who now u nder the Southern State- a baltb.-tidd of principle. It is the pressing need of the hour that imld, jndi tiou- and able men, thoroughly imbued with our eracd. -itoilid there explain our principle* istablisti our faithfulness to them ami ploy that national greatne— and Inunan lieodom tfejiend upon the )e r manent triumph of our cause, lb ynd ; hi ■it i- uio-t e-sentiai that we should now establish in those States. Free Thought, F. •)• Speech am! a Free Pic livery part of this Republic must be open to the discussion of principles and measures. This must be sustained, as a cardinal point in our creed, at any and ••very hazard. Efforts to intimidate the hnmble and ignorant voter on the part of the Southern planter, must be met with the spirit of freemen, and the determina tion which a just cause sanctions. In time past, tin- Republican party lias .struggled against the unjust reproach of being sectional in its aim- and character, though it - purpose* and it- mean of effec ting them were such as the fathers of tin Republic approved. It was accused of beiag governed by selfish motives, and of 'ffcsirim: to aggrandize tio North at the expensi of the South. Its adversaries, having Hit-poyver to silence and to crush all opposition, denied all di-cu-siou. anti overawed even freedom of thought in fif teen State* of the Union. It is, therefore, now ami imperative duty, which we owe to our party and to ourselves, to embrace the first opportunity of truly representing to tho*e States how consistently we have contended for the inten sts, welfare and freedom of the whole Union. The overthrow' of Slavery and the Re union. and the enfranchisement of the freedmen. rendering tbi* overthrow se cure and filial, have happily vindi, ated i»iii ♦ course and organization : but it. is mce-saty to stamp the conviction of onr loy.-.ty and ’idciity to tlie right, irtisjKf tive of set tion or ran:, upon the recou str u b-d States. For tlie fir-) time in many years, the enthusiastic followers of our ting ami eonfessort of our faith are there taking part in the popular gatherings, and in many of the Southern States we have rc iam to believe that they form a decided, majority. Tio v are. however, without organization, amt lack the ro be-ion and discipline mces-ary to success. Three-fourths of the Republicans have never voted, and have no practicable knowledge ot the mean.- )vhereby the populai will is expressed With’many of them, the habit is fixed, of remlerine implicit oia,|ien,-t toalile and dexterous politician- who m, impiocaldy hostile to our principle- md determined on th« prostration of our eau-i, Cur iumi'-di.iti aeti.iu is tin •. lore im perative. We cannot ih lay vvirtemt im periling all ihr which so nitn 't ha- ta-en -aerilieed in tin |ia*t Confident in our -trength in the North, tin. We-t, ami thr I’aCitle state*, v. must not h rgei that we have u gi-eiit duty lo jH.rti.rm W.ird tlie loyal and true men o! the South. Ri pilhliculls 1 our ojIJM .sl is to you. I<a carry on and mi-tain tin work which u fo’\ n yal ami ttue men hav I- >o jmbfv i--. gun. AVeraauot ask speaker*, in addition togi>ing their time and talent* for months to thi-l-iboi. to defray their own necessary evpei)*—. We eannot print ami ilistribute doeimients of tlie character required with out a Heavy Piltkiy \\ have no means or reiiam e ex.Tp-. ’.poll the gi uemus spirit of that goal party iviiieli liohls tlte eiaijtis of llumanity mid Fi-eedom above all price. 1 he j, itronnue of the Govennnent brouglit inti (tower oy the -Ritesmanship. the etniragi-. and the loyalty of that party, will nut aid u> in this good work. We must, therefore, appeal directly and jx-r-onnllv to you. If run an lii-h. ’give generou-ly. If , r , v;u i us wbateyi.-i v;,- u call aft'un.i, iiil uwiy-K'Ua pur]io*e ,-unl th' mibii aim -anotify tie humblest toii* At iv.-nts -et pioiuptiv. and let 0- that the sympathy of the (ieimli lifiin jiai ty i-v id; o, in our purpose ol making th:- g!i at yind tin- home of truc- Htpui ban prineiph -. w-- <fistiiyetions ~f la 1 1 .tU’ltoh-i a: ’-.cknowu ami mlioi-i- IJbe.ty. y ii*:.! and T :«ti ll'geltce from the re -i.itkg ba-e. ol on, greatne * ami pro-, p.fity. Adore-, i tlu- and contributions to ■' 'lxm i* i. ■' mio. * liaimun and Tn :,.-tir> r. N -wtu * X. .1. M\m Vs I. U \nji, x. I "\vivKi. A !*fi:viiM i, Pj. ’Vll.i l ;w ( i t> i.ix. Ma - ( MIN 1!. Cl.-VKK, X it. I lull )• r, Uukkm-.v. N. V. Hlf M'uiK«-r atiis j:. Conn. j N 1 * Sv it it m;>. Lie! it. 'V lion vi i N . yt,| i- Vi■) uriv, t ommivte, of dii- National t l’»h ! Uni . V..C y..,t. Ala ;*,,, | Ml t*ie fi- publican j ,1.- art la- I •f • ■ dto -•j'.' eel to -r-ii.i Ihi app- -.1, I THI LOYAL OIORGIAK, A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, KUHLISIIEI) AT AU<i U S r r A , GK( > . TEU M S : Daily, per annum - - - hg (>o Daily, six months - - ;j on Daily, three months - 105 Weekly, per annum - -3 00 Weekly, six months | 75 Weekly, three months ■ • ■ 1 00 N THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW Outspoken Republican Papers in the South, It was the first in the State to advocate the broad principle of “ KiJI’AL RIGHTS FOl! A LI. ' -It vindicates the doctrine of the supremacy ot the National over State Governments - It tuujualilieill; denounce* Ski ksmos as not only unconstitutional, imt inherently hostile to, ami destructive of, all Democratic Republican Governments- It maintains for Congress, as the body duly appointed by our form of government lot National legislation, the right and duty to, at all times, so legislate as to vindicate the honor and prowess of the Nation—lt will advocate the early reconstruction of the .State.'- on the platform laid down by the “National Union Republican Uarly." THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS MADE ONE OF THE OtPKIU tmws OF THE UOYERWm l\ THIS STATE. It will publish the LAWS enacted by Uongres- and all U<)\ ERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN 4S ALSO DESIGNATED THE Organ of the Educational Association of the State. It will, therefore, be found to contain the most general and complete infot matii'ii ii -peetiug these important intertst- in our midst, and will from time to lime be furnished with abb ami interesting Coinnmnieations from the best Educators in the "tale. A Ftnn ihf Newspaper. Ilih devoting rojiM'lcrnblc space to the diM-tt-sion of t lie gnat p litb-i; i|tiestions rilating to the times and section, w. aim'd reserve space for such miscellaneous Educational and Religious reading its will make the paper at tractive and profitable to all. We -liall scrupulously guard against the inset lion ot anything tending to demoralize the morals of Home and Society. On the other hand, we shall aim, through every appropriate mean*, to stimulate to study and good morals. Book anti Job Printiiuj. W have just I men to great e\pcn-e in furnishing our Office vith the re guisit.s for doing ROOK AND .TOR WORK. \\ , an- now prepared to Jill anv and every ile~i ription ot I’LAIN AND F.VNt Y H*l? PRINTIN'(I. »• solicit Imsines- of t|>i- kind ]>t<>ni>sing despatch in evei ution, neatness iii win kmaii'hij.. and nt rates the nn-t rea son abli‘. tl fl i* e s *t : LOYAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION AUGUSTA, GEO.