The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 26, 1867, Image 4

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The Daily Loyal heorgiiui. | Ai'cr -•; a, ca. junk ■.><;. , >: A omiti'V paper speaks ot ;i mat, i «ii" ■ died w ilium! tin l :ii<l "! it firm." ><n it w-tanees ari- very rare. Tiif I !>t ii Cnilit- li-*tvi ■t> open -I nt Alt;;-1; in , K;i. ij >j •• *i 111 ii ij iii'ii.i I • Flanders, ' I'lioi' ..! Vin Sf >t:l:■ -.! Dill nl, declined. Till i I llli;:';;' Mil <" , nnnt.l ■ j, bring inenMUcs ini' the I'tnaii' inn' i"ii it t li" .1- ivs i/l that ''"111111 v. William AViri vvn - tit,. «• arguing a case involving mhiii personal tight, ii. tin's »ni'- 1. of which in' stated very broad legal imposition. ■'! i i• jij • 11• "ii< ask' .l liim 1.,r his authority in bring down tin' 1111 •. . 11• i tii cite 'k' . ,iinl page \\ iit>A, . .niniiitil it! p><, ilcnt Al Wii t, ii, his impressive style, t anicil n|n<n lii question- : imsw fell . ‘'Sir, i mi lint bound !•• tri'n)" Illy w |'> among Hie mills nt anti quit v In -tiiiitliic 11 v‘*i .liisiiii ■(i‘ siattt te-, :i:e! ii' in le ck 1. i'.‘f ,t*t'*. lit . ii el a jn m.-ipio 1 fit ten in In ittg Jet tel - i||n'il tin heal t "I "Vi‘r\ lilttli." to; Republican Clubs. We <-;iii tile alt' iilinil of our Jii |ntii lie. ■1 :■ mien •ii • blowing Util i ii*i, which and 1 a : «■"' i me I"!' liieiit In tnln|'! i.i ", .iii/iiiK !*’. i't' 1 1ii ran t in In t Ifj ii 'I.K I. Tin eiul. -kii"Wii ill'-' t'n'nii. I!.' linliti' m (’l'l'i, until' t' •'»•) ■ ■.mill v "I Hint" nl MiTB I.l’ !l T |.I- I lilt. :- org:,,tor tin | ,u'|„>' "n! "I mi in:; III' it'll" 'll I In- rn' It'plitiliom ||. v, ill irivc lot Irvitlc wlui-ili: 11 it i *'i m > #.l 111. K»i<l u-i .!H tIHM AIl iT, iii llltivt l vi! 7»lM|if ‘. ' mu. I.E ill Til ' oil • . lltH t. 'l*l* !i < I'l- .'li'Mt two \',t r l’i't !t|' ill", :i fA('t T('l.»i •, '. Triwurco in] .ni I ■. <-uityi* < ol live 'll,l ,tMi v<' 1,. i l ll • 'll (’ll l< i'l : !i;*ll lie »•! It'! nl til l ' • li, I 11, i l l 1 ill;,, iii litimiliy ; tll» I *hil V ill 'M(*il V T .iiitl i!*fV liol'l over uulil * lit ii ' • ,111; ‘iit t ii'il tiijij tjii.ililii and. jv I • Til! - Os «>mt * IT 'll: '! ii Cinli in* H jm.tJ'im m l; ! linin' iTi|uii --fl <d i.uiiila. oll'K iia hv onhii iry jui i! i;i nit nl .t u\ Tl. K vf'iii iu r 'iimuil t< “ 11 *II j>.« »> iibii.din i«*i i ii* »•*« < ?!}♦;• - t.i |lit » lull iii.iKr, sin h uiTu»iy;( ijkjm • • - • li;i! 1 | M't tu ; '■' •:1 jtHciid 'lut . '1 h»*y t-h.iH i<\*. : ***:• Iv*t •!< ii i lluii i- n:;»> In* iu their l-ower It. , <ll the ! lie Uieejjij- ■ ill I' ! csl,»»:• :• till prolil.lhl' M!'H< LK V (J| \ l.lfi- ;’H‘ e.v ■ C nU.MHKIf ’I in i»hly ij 11 iltli t . A re.«Ts.-:ir\ l«. • our.- iiii ‘. 111 it ■. "I ii.i't < m!k»;iI(I he i uioiitl i Imrici i ; "tl .;t t -e<l <1« t< 'l'liiimt ion ft * • Support »l|. I'rltifiplr ol t Ilf I'llidll if I 'ilit/Uji p:,ity AliTlt LE Yl. Til. e\poui "! lliis (,'hih shall *»«• .!• l:.iy I ‘ hv volmitaiy eouhih-itioiis from aiu<ni'.- (It* in -mh' i and *»!lkm^. CIVIL KIGRTS BILL !■ f-' r, r.«n:s ~ i i:, i.i •’/ f it ," /iVy/'/v, ,t ,ni A ’>■. M-> '.. *</'//' ' i - " I.’rich'' //;• Siiml, //. ■ , i Hi v •'•••- lli 'frll SUll: a", j , ih f■■/ ,/ Tlmt :tii 111 t s«»I i (*•* :t in iin- t iii-' " Plains ami m»J -nf'i din : any loi'iyn i- v.e,. twelmlintf linli ttw iu. I,l\e(l, are In ; h\ 1 Jia lar«‘»l to In- t iiiyi ,", ,t: tin* Lniifd Slafes; ami sm*li »i!i/i !is, ol'1 every race aial color, without •'•yaial U; ani j>!e\ iou-eondilitm ot'slavery <>• invol nniu) v •’,'iwiMiile. - rep! .as a ptmMmnati i< • rime )\ lirreol Ihe [Dirty >hall h;:' e he< j> duly ( iiuvH f< o. aiail ii.'.v- the riyld.iii i*U ry ,Slal» u>a] TeliiUMy in til.- l lllttai N.Via, Mia.ik ■ ami cul 'ii ,• l oidrat N, t<< siii-. he p.iflii sand wi\! evideme, 1,1 iidu ni, pur elm ■* ie*iM , .e!l hold, and eonxa v r- and ami p« | ..,i|." piOjMaty. and In led e.d *••»1; :! hemdil <d *di laws ami pr<Mt uliny pa dte WH'Ui’ity •*! pi' i'ti, ami prop<ity. a- m«*n rtljoy .1 l.v n hilt s ill/e-is. uml s]i:t' .• ■ v ;!•. jee| 1.. dhe j-uni.-hin.ait. jt.ain am';*"iieSi. and to mum tlu r, any law tat l ?*, and. name, reeidaiien, nr custom t > tie- > : Iran not withstanding. siai ; .1 »•! /*■ .V j;rtiur t a■! ■ IS: .* any person who, umh: ! eolor e : any law, • t.aje.i . onliuaut t 1 j.uiation, <u t.e'om • haH s’dije* M • Tier he suhji .It 1! ate, iidiahi'-.ed -s any ' .if m Torritory *, the «l« privation oi’any rah! -vured or p'i tei t*Nl hv thi id.or Jn difleiv'nt pUMtsinnenh p."ilia, or penalties oil u< eoitnl ni' nr'ii : f m: ii-.vaoy at any thi*e hu ll held m . <-on ; ditio •«d slavery ««: involnnlan m i vi:tule. 1 ( vt 1 it! a. a jntnirhuient -,| « r juir wiiei'. -.; 1 . 'if ji. -hail h.« 1 e 1;; on duly coil\ t.a i. < r i- v ;r;eon id his eojur »r j’u e, than Uprc ! <1 .h ! lor iii; j imisUmvui 01 whiie I*. : sans shall he deemnl yiuify «>r e. mi de 1 nniimd'. amj. 011 rum ii lion, shall >, pun ishi tilu iine 1101 »*m one !h nj>ami: dollar .or imnii-omm tu n<»! exeK-di: . e year, or lM»t!i, in the discretion oj th" c«»>ir» Sk« a. „!/;•■/ h, it f «\ T)j;,« ! Mn lidricl 4'O’jr ie rujted Siam- A\illin. their r< sp *i\ - .i.-'da • . -h »* 1i: - v * \c|u>i\, ly .d' ti|»- i*n,!ts ol lie m seen Stale-, coyui/ai, e of di i rimesam! oil* e< 'a.MitlitiMi and ayaiust the plovi iojis < 1 tin and al.- o, v oiieijm »i?]v w *tn the eir« uit c**Krn *>l lie- l idled Stales, m :J! •e,..', * ivd e.m! rrimiimi. .Heetmy w)ji>:e hninl, n »"M»m‘t enlon v in 1 li»* e«>i,i>s • ; .e dii : i: irihi»ie*| id the Stnie nr locality w3, ; ih * }!|,iv Ih any of Hie rivids seMin*d t«* li; 11 hv ' the id-' * Jjtm «.‘j* :iiis . and it any -nit or pro *e*-i|t}on, civil n:, * rimmal, lias hu n , or■ -li.ill he * oucuen a«i in ! . nt . • ••;.•»ia:il any *m-h prtv <n f*>; .o»> • 1 'ViMI -un !. 0;' .y nu>: UiU' ntHeer. c'*vii os mild:*; . .«e- other p-ssmi. e; any . *-• iinpli .*'Ui|ie:i:. !ft > T U'l'olc;-, «Iol»T 01 ‘ taunniitd and l»y vi*iiK*ni* Ultdei rolof ni ;!U I thosil V i* ,c ‘ !<o»U .*1 •»1 *• act <- lathi hi-m : fin:' ■*••! h.. - Hii; !'••! i*l •* a nd f. i'.i : -tu-in. >0 ],* any c.■; ,'p*’u w ifU r Mii act. •c, •: • let a'.hJtm! shall hav* .he ri.rlit t * ityiuv,- -:n'li na piai «•* tit. I trope; *!t ell (Uit V»Uit in •?U manner t-iv hv* the **A< t;, t<i pro* * ‘*di'Vl*- til • «*.' I'll ...:, j M itch ilo *.'.uh'.Mc hemii.d o.d and .iiirivihaio:; in vav*! ami eihniied m.. ! *- ilt’!'e‘*V e "»’ <•; .!; \. \ all*) , ip *j.{ •ourts Os ;h. . niicd Sr.,. -hall h , M Y ci <i and atari« ■ i o. rinily w iii: 1 iws o* V ! c . ’ ->'• !i law- :*r -Mitate'i n* av the '..i.-. oc . ;*•! :j O•! O. .' ' Itr .0 ljon«'C . ;; lie provi*io!is m-< *'s-; rv so :’u: iiish nuilnbr* [ remedie- ami p mi.dt oHeiicm law. • the c'.iiiiiuo:! law. as muddied and changed | hy tin eonsiitiitiem :md statute- of the Slate ■ vsiieieirt the court having iun-dii ;ion •*1 tin* } ( c, ei\j] or ni.uinal, is la id, so far its the ■ s.tio- : not hit teisistenJ with the (aiisstitution 1 ami law* of the (.’nited Slides -hail l>e j extended to and govern *nid court- in the I if of it• 1 i:;.i’: and na*ui<.iii dm ililliction nf j paiHshfie ie • :;i !iej>ail;, fotltul guilty. the di ijt. i aftor.m '. mr -ha'-, and deputy I fnard:;-; ' ; ?h. i ade.l s; ; .!.*s. tin- eoni j tili*> 1 1> i; tpji'' aid'd i.y lle'ciieiiit «ud te - j ritOf i-d c ■ of lit (‘titled S-ilfes. with | Ollimh ts MTain-? ;ii<. i.iw- <*f die l *dh*d ! ,S!.a‘<. .Hit m ym<l ■i/ , t,'> of thy I're -d- : & r :da 'i V , : iTl >" ’ dci!i’ ». t me] ; tie ' . ■ I'.iii 1a . - j*e? i.llv .o:diori/ed ami n ipiO'c.i :; ■ the ‘e a . >M.s- • (.f lie I lilted SS t , ( . , t- io-d-us. J>r ehdiu.' .«i'ail:sl aii ami ' V y ; *!• a di.. :.h.,!! vioiah ’i 4 e je i-on-of i, j ;ul, ami ean-i him •»’, diem loin- arre>ted j and ip»pi isseifd' ~i hailed die ejise may j . h*-. to.' -‘red iKU'Me • neh • r; 1 j*; id die l.’nitcd j I has eog:;i/ance of tie- o{f<ae e. And with i ; .! view to aflordiug reasonahl*- protei don ie | jail |it i's* ijis ie tiieir eonslituflona] right' j I :f equality before the lew, w ithout 'iistim t ' don ol race or■ colm. or jtrevions eondidon ■ I slavery or involuntary .servitude, except ! a pv; id)‘n r.t *'•••• eriim w la-pfd 11. jmr ] t v i»a!! have In .11 duly eouv'e ted. md to 1 1 tin j»mmp! discharge “f dm dudes of thi* ! . act, ii s* 1 jili he de: tint\ -t tie 1 iiniii • out' - ' }of tin !'tided Slides and tin* v-peiim* t »»n • ' 1 of the ! ' iTifode of die fnivd Sf ;l !.-. from ! time to tint*•. to in re . edn nrtuiiier ' < -f ' • <un ■ • mi .si<,ti'a o a- to afford a speedy mid eon -oiieir. :m,tn fo’ the ane-i am] e\aitv.nn t/i j*‘T 4 -' if,’ "liarveo \ ill!.,del: of i (hi*- aet • and -uch ( «,:fmiissi*uier; areheir h , aiijhori/"(! ami required to < xerm-e ami dis < hai-ge ail the jmavi r ai d it M* ;e> (- mfened <u» them hv this .act. ; ihev are authori/.-d I.V law to <■'' 'em, with .‘ani ,>t]i*a oflr-...-/ a •ain-t Ih* !-,w <>i tie ! 'tl!ln| State - V /c///.a ■ That i« slmll he the duty of aii m,ii - hals ami deputy mat mil-t‘> obey ami •■vent' aly warrants lin j•!'< <■**!>*s i ■ it'd iiijdei lie* jirovisions of Ibis id. when to th»*m directed; and shotild any n;at iiai <»j dciuttv hutt.-htij t<» re ee.ive V.UPTatlt of otiief‘ jS!*ficc» when tendered or 1 u-a .oil proper imui 11ilie't 111ly M - - ni't > lie me , !u* hall. «:i e <nvief 1•■ 11 thej-cot', iw lined in die rum of one tfi t, dollius. '<> dm u. eof die pl- UI l»pon Wh l “ 1 tin aeen-ed i IP *! to iiave e a 0111.1 iod die off; i*. Amlt!ie i*• v c*- to e:n •!• tie -aid voiiUni-.-iom r to » \ceufe their di’.fie faiMittillv and efl'u i* nti\ in rmi hutuijy y. idi till 1 "ii-til til ion of the 1 idled 1 Sfntes ami the m.jUiremi 11U i ayl d«<y j 1 e 1 Ic. '.i'hon/.ed and empow ';:d. V ith j iii their eoliHlies 1 c ,p( * ti\e!y ,to appoint. I ie wiitii-y, undu tie and hand . any one or i snore -.iiilalile jicrson*. from lit.a- to lime, to ; t xecuf ail Mich war,'.ml. ami efliu ,'n.ov. i ... 1,(1.y hi- iiilH'il by tlii-m ill tin- lawful j.< r l.iiiiiam '• of fie-irir peeitvi *j*; t: r*s ; and die !■• i -n apjsiiiited to CXCCUh al’ 1 Warrmn . j or.a .- • aforesaid -hall have aijlle >i i'y te* -vumuon ar.U call In llmi,' aid ' the ),c-t.tu.der- or j/*» 'omitatU' of die proper con my. <*i •nortion a- the him l or naval lona -id the l ulled Si ih . of !]»/ mdilitt. as may !»•* nee« s; to the pelfol v,. ol tie- duly w ilh w hieh ihev are ciiai., ij. a.w; !«; insure a infill til ohscrVatiee of f!,'■ f'J.iosj- of t»a < Msdiutinp which pro liihils sf.ivcrv. iu eonh»n, f ii. it|i U|f vi-tioii- of tlii- net; end sod warrant.*- hall run and b< • wale i by s„id oflha i v any wherein tie Sia.leor'lVyrilory pjlhjp wbieh (li. y an* ii-ruii'd] Sue. and. . 1 '•■*/ i: fi’t'inr ■ i-urtu;, 'l'l,at anv pi »son wie* -hali knowiugly ami wil fully ob-trm i. hinder, or prevent any olliei i . • y odi; 1 j.( I «>n ehai "ill wit ii the e\eeiition ts {TJinf pc ‘cess i.'-u<*t under Die i provision*, of dn- a*>|. o! ipty )»• rson or per 0.l lull, I- Mili; him oj them, Jioni am . iiii.: any person f«U Wii*»se appigiicnsion slieli wan uni or j*roc« s *nav have been i- aied. 01 lie'i resei’e o', alteinpl to rescue -m h p-Tsni: I t **i die i •edody of 4 in e.lliccr, olin-r person ,1 ij": ~,n* fi d.(»ye law fully a.-ine a lon said, im».u:d pm (lured, or sh.dl aid. nln t. or n.wbt i»nv person Iso art' sled.,-, afore-aid. diivctlv *U’ in'dii c<: dy. i or spall sd>oi' oj a < »i.*<. a»l any person I' rwho -e ai'.v-t 1 - -«* v;*nt a* pin'. • ■ -kali i.aye lx on issued es afoii ad*!. v.» as to j ; v« e* 1 his-!is ; a-very an tain I idht notie-eof knowledge of the t.i- * di.j: warrant ha- lifen is-ted for die nphrelc. »i**: 1 a pt r ea, hall, for < ilhet ■ aid offcm I ■ ' . A ; : :• .1 |in»- not *v,,, ding o*" thou s’,'.! dollar -. and it.e prisoujetti a- \ m -ndis. b\ in ••'.ei ;vn,i .ad . '.;<•,,, don b. ;01 e the diLr'.ct V art Ot tie I "ii«v' to, d,< district in " he M - ait! <»•’. , i-iav i 1.1 e !• •.•». 1 otUtni! ’• o.o;- h-* A' tit - propel Miitr! of * tiniina! dm 01::ar,!,'.*•• i Tcrrimnes ~f 'die I'tute.l dre 7 ' '• •• A That ih" disi 'i- ; r.tlomeys. 11m umrsiuds. their • dejnio" . ami dm Icrk.* and dm sy.i*l district . ami lev: i oriai < ei-ri* hr }r.\u\ h r their sen i;; the like fa a- may be allowed to them A*: imile, services in ode . caw and '•.mail'a- - ! In-] ;• aardintm ate before ‘ a coinnd-:«uu r h -iedi ';<> ■ niid'-d m ■< fee ' .>i ten doiiui> in full i.»r lii, -ervi. c in eat t. 1 t Mse. ie.riusn * *>t ;»!1 mmw'u *>• incident to such i •irrest and * x.neinaiioji Tit*, person e; pi , ! . i . "t] t(, 1 ■ Ul" tl,,- |U'<» 1 >- to j.t l I l .' ''"Ill.l.l-: I" I- to. ’ tl,' Oil i 1 ol’ k'i -i ...ios tl.. ' ol tlii-, :, "I T.'H 1>" ,!||t it I'l .. !’• •O, It Vs ;o; on, ii |« , on ,i,oy iuro.-l ;,,„t li’.kr iwl'.ii it' ll i oinmi—i"itor it- ;>>■ ,i, s;iiti. 't-Hli ,'"t' it "'i„ :' :• •- <i. 11 ■ 1111 r<■: 1 ; -"‘laiilo ii, |, ’ "inmi—io," f tor <:u !, ..(her,! 01"• o, not'f’ornioii i <,(»,; o, tiioi,'. snei; 'tn.jT :,t ill,- :-1 it, ■:i n-; , ■ *tt fl, ',"iy. ni-! |,ivvi,lii," hint wit It t > io.[ no,- t,j. ,j ; tonilo,, :,|„l liulil tin; till-.! ,1 :;t of < o'niliooo,l,l. tiH'l it, to: )■■ ■ ioi'inin^ -util oliu-r ilttti, -in.,v !„■ U:i,".ii'.il tit t1,.- |,;' iui-r- -'l,l, U','- to IK' niitilr ,t), in n<,ii i,.-:imty will, tl"- f,v.- ii->i:iil, tli.-no-cvl I,\- tl;.', ■ *l»< r- "i !)’<• 1 '"irf-of jn-ii,, wtibin UiV 1 n<-ir ;t> m.n l,c ,i<-„t,|i, itnl t'„:i 1 ,i| it,,: It'y of tit*- T-'ti'yl Siuh - 0,1 tin- , ,'rtin,ti>>- ■>l " ('i-:: a'\ i:ion o hii ii 1!,: ir, -t j "inr., 1. I*!', -iiUlit of Uk i States •It;,'! !>.,,• i-.-.i « i'l'lii-u ! I,con t IT, h • ,<>• !■>•" >t tliS • ' v. iiliin .‘,l’ iiniii-::: mis' o -l:;, 1 ; h. t.iw iuj to:* liii'i).' i:i in. 'ii;, ‘: is, Jltlf'Hii It Unit ,■ JTtilit hi, .■!:"!•'!■-. :iui lot -I'. ■ •!: tint, :i- i,, !I!:,\ ,i" A„ , - ' jmii I >■ ol tiio k.,,,,' " ilii •, ' >li' "Os Hi: ~,,,1 ii Isnll So j A."' <!,;’» < ’ '■ olin'r oni.'iT. • ■t il, !: : , VTsi,;",, .... :!| h. >, c.'Hlxj 1 I>,-him. to j,tom! :t, '!;■■ i i,.,',. ;,iul (of Hi' i li'iiit- i|,- tin ih-sisnjtoii. | ' 1 • V • .. 1i.;.: II ; hall "' : l"r tl:,- ITi-;0' ~t of tin-j I "ho Mat.- a- | K ! !.,.,v ,i.a: pt>!•;><to ,nu|,|.n i I’-l •••' Uh l omnl for- * iosoftln: T iiihsi States, or of the militia, as shall he necessary to j,rev, nt tl," violation ;;n<l enforce the due i xe< tition of tiii- act. Si- :' Ih. J/o/ 7 Jiirlhrr ri.ii.-t,rf. 'fliat al! ■ Mte.-tU),, - or law aiisiiijr in any cans,' 'it,del tin' provisions of >lij- act a final j a;,|M'a! may he taken to the Supi-enii' tTmrt I . f the Vnit, and State-. st’iil Vi.EKc ifd'AX S|"'.iU:t of the House of IJcnrosontaiiv," I UA FA VKTTK S FOSTFK. j i’l, sid •„! ~[ Hie Senate. pr/> laniyo '■ h. ii,. s', of the Ci.ltnl Sluiiy, April (i. fytit;. I Tlie President of the United States liavinu I letun,, T to the Senate, in wliieli it orieina J ted. tin- I,ill "tit it let! -An act »«, protict all persons in tin' United Stall- in their civil lights .mil lumisli the means ~! tlicir MU'li- | iat ion. whh no olijcc, ion ; t. ■. tin Senate |*J'. -eef d,'d, ill pm-snane, of tile full-tilt :tio!l. 1 !" o. on id.'t' the same ; and. Thai tia -aid hi!: do j,as. tw'ie thirds ol tlie Senate a'o ein" h a,as sail, ?. W Fi.n.sfcv, SciTctai'V ■,! tie Senate. /,- V" It,. „ of lujtrri: i,in fir,! > . \pt A to//. ! stilt The I iou>,' of Hejin ~ ntalives 11•, > itej ;,to reeded, in jiur ai.,nee oj Hi" (on titiition, to tceoisi'!,, tin- hill entitled 'Anaet to jiro I, et nil pet-ons in the Uniieii StaK.- in their <-ivii ritrhi.". and tun,id, tin mean-'of their vindication," rctnrnci to tin- Semite hv the i’n'-idct'i of ih" United Sa witli h';- ob jection-. and -,",:t t,y III,' Senate totiie Jhitt-, of I'en: ''Cmalivi -, a id, tin na —ay, ol the Ih, sidi n' retiirinn" tin i,il! /* ."/ That til, hill do j,a -. two ihit ■ t tl" !foils, ot JT' ;,i" -eiiliniv. . t;, eein" to ! j,aas 1 ll" saine A’t'st: I'hw.utu M, 'Fin Clerk, hv ( I i' Cos I.t oi 1,, t 'hie! < I, rk. Rncongtruction. Tim loliowiug is a correct copy ol the art to provide for die more efhc.ent to .'- crrtinein of tin rehei States : . h, teas no i-ya! State tfovernmentt, or tnleijiiate |,toteettot, Inr life or ),roj,erty now , .rials in tie' rehei Stales at Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Ifeorgm. ; Mi««i4>'ippt. Alabina, Uonisianu. Florida, ! Texto l ami Vrltaimati and shercas it 13 necessary that jieaee ami good order should tie etdore.ed in -aid Stales until loyal and republican State governmerita can In; legal ly established therefore. Hi A mar ltd I.y Iht Smalt Ho,l Han., of ttrpr.’trnh/ti.vix " tin ( r tnlttl Stairs of . A , nt,, >n Canpriss aster, hied. That J said rebel Staten slnill be divided into roil i itan districts ami made sulgect to the : military anti,only of tho United States, as I hereinafter prescribed, and for that por ! post A'irginia shall constitute the first dis trict ; North Corolina and SquUi Carolina ■ the w iiomt district ; Ueorgia Alahama and i Florida the third district , Mississippi and : Arkansas the fourth district; ami Louisiana • ami Texas the (\fth district. j Ski .2. And bt il/urliir, mailed, That it shall he the duty of the Frestdmit to as ,igt, t 1,,., pon>mau.| >•! each us said dia triots alt olfioer of the army, not below the ; rank of brigadier general, and to detail n ; sullieu nt military force to enable such ; idlieor to pei form his duties and enforce his j ap'ljoyjta- within the district to which he is ! assigned. Pkc. S. And he a Junker tntutH ,l. That ; it shall lie the duty of end, ollicer assigned I as aforesaid to protect all persons in tlicir ; rights ol person and property, tu suppress : insuiTcction. disordet ami violence, and \ to ]iunish, ~r cause to lie punished, all dia Itu bers of the pul,lie peace and criminals, and to this end lie may allow local civil ! tribunals to take jurisdiction of and to try , offenders, or, when in his judgment it may he necessary for the lii:,| of olfcmlers, he t shall have power to organize military com ■ ptissimis or tribunal, for that purpose, j nod aii inte,Terence under color of State authority with :lie exercise ol military an thorny tindet thi? tut shall be null and void. S::,:. j And > further , nut led, That jail persons put under military arrest by j virtue us tiiis act shall Iu: tried without tin UPC, -tar) delay ami no cruel or unusual punishment -ball he indicted and no | sentence <>l any military commission or ! trilnnoil hereby authorized, affecting the 1 life or liberty ~t any person, shall lie exe cuted until it is approved by the officer in ! command ot .he district, and the laws ami regulation- fur the government of the arnij -hall not be alU'cted by this act, , tcept in j >0 far as they conflict with its provisions ; I’.,,ruled. I'll:,t m, sen,, 'iieecl death under ■ tl|« provisions „f this act shall be carried . into effect without the approval of the President Sr,'. , T", 1.1 i, further 1 na-ted. That | alien tlie people of any cue of said rebel States shall liave loruied a constitution ot’ i government in conformity with tlie Consti- I tution of to itoiled States in ail respects, | frtinied by a couvetitHm of delegate# clect ! t i| by tho male ntigens us sa„i ,-tate tacit I tv-one years old ami upward, of whatever ' race, color, or previous condition, who | have been resident in said State for one year previous tn tin da.' of such election, j except such as may be JniianchK'd for j partieipiuioii ip t|ie lebellicn ur lor felony ( at ooinm ni law, and when such omistitu ' Hon shall provide that tlie cleotive franchiso shall i>. cnjovesl by all such per-on? as have the t|Hulideations herein stated lor elections ol dplegnter. and when such con stitution si, all be ratified in a majority of . the persons voting on t|t. oiiusticQ of ratifi , eatje.i. uit-- ~.,‘e p 1 aillivU r,s cicetois tor | delegates, and when nteii constitution snail na, r been rubtmtt, , to Congress lor ex j uiniuatiou at,,l a],pl"\Si, and Congress ■ Nlmll ha.. )■■ proved tlie same, aud w hen , said Stale, ,*y a vote ~f it.s Legislature j elected under said cou-titutiou shall have adopted 'lie amendment to the Umistitu ■ tion of tin- United States. prti|H,s, and |,y the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known ns article tourteen. sml when said article-!)*|l hgve ht'eam,: a part ot thy Const,tilling us ; the Jdnitod htat, ~ ;:iij slate shall he dc j dared ental-'d tv representation iu f'rn : 1 gress, uud -T ito,'.- .md I’epres'ti.t i'ivis |fh,i., ~ "butt: and tjoTif'eti; c|l i|o i; laMi.s J ll(e o;|t!i :: '.'sc, itieij l,f bur. aad theti and I there.,tint the preceding• septt,ms ,i t!ii» I bill shall b'- n ope:afire m said isratv . i'r-e>d. T'hat person tv.ltidcd item the privileg. of hcldiu-j oflicc bv said tiro , posed ar.icndmi'iit to tho 1 onstitufon ol j ,l!e Mou-S shall he eiigibie t" elec j '."’ u ;l tni't'ihcr ol the ('npvcMHeit to j irmuc ;t Coustitutiuo for guy „t soi'i rolivl ' -iiatet. tier shoil any suvh person v,,tv !(,|- ; ! members es -.till cunveution T ,• '/«*•"•' t e,. I, S‘d. That. Uilt!.' the people of said rebel States shall he by law mi|i|,t!,d to rejiresetaatimi in ; t lie A "(gross ot tfii’ I'uited ,s ato-. anv ’ ettt: ToVi'i'uair'll which may exist therein -hall he'leeip.'d pp.rLmual suit, and 11, ; all r'sp'-ct* snl'p .0 ,•• t||,' | uruommit an 1 thnr.'J ol the - Mili'it ’-:at, ,■ a' anv ttitt, t>, ah'dtsh iimdify. o,oitn,|. „r • lpt rsod,' ! the same : and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none other, w ho are entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of this act; and no person shall be eligible to any office j nder any such provisional governments : who would ho disqualified from holding ! office under the provisions of the third itr | tide of said constitutional amendment. To the Republicans of the Union. j The Nation.,' I ni',n C nitnitte, appeal.- to the lb) 1 tiliean- of 'very .>tat<' for j their as-i-tan, '; sml <■■, :.perati( n :t. thi auspietou- erisi- ~i mu emintrv We leeiii it of the highest iiuportali" that the Hejai'dit an- ,i each State-In,uhl ii,in,e,!iatel\ reorganize for the 1 •’nuininf? ' . lection- of 1"',7. ),’<■),.,,;y to tin- com ing I’r -identitii contest. Kspeeialiy sin,uhl this organiz.itiosi !„■ immediately ellccled iu those State- "hieh lain never helot',' recogni/eil a tin- only just ha.-is govern ment the equal and imdienahi' rioltt-: ol man. Not a day should be iu-t in funning and slrcngthening within tiro-, State a public sentiment in consonance with the principles which underlie the creut Political organization ■ we belom: To this end, we desire to prosecute a systemati, and thorough ..aim a-.- ••:' tin Southern State l»y the mo.-! efficient speak ci'- of I <ot Si rat W. would scond their effort- by a diitribution of docu ment-, enforcing the principle-, policy and aim- of tin Republican patty W would call, in every locality where it i- I |>ostdl>h. nn eting- for dis,:tts-:on. w here I i tho-e who are with us in principle may, learn to a.-t with unity and cm urge Then in, asm, - are required to bring out the vote of that large body of liepubliran Unionist- who now render the Southern States a I,attic tiehl of principl-. It i- tin pressing neod > ! the hour that i>old. judi cions ami aide men, thorough!' - inti,,ted with our eiecd. should there explain mtr principles, establish >ur fairhfahn ■ to them, and jrrov, that nationa! • >, o, and human freedom depend upon the ju t inaneut triumph of our eau Beyond thi-. it i- most e-seutiid that v.t should now estab!is.h in tin. State Free Thought, Fi'". St„ ~ !■ .-md , l-’n < Pres- Lv-'ty part of this Republic must tu: open to the discussion of principles and measttii-. This must he sustained, as a lardin ,1 point in our creed, at any and every hazard, Effort.- to intimidate tin humble and ignorant voter on the part of the Southern planter, be net with the spirit of lie, 'men, otd tin determine til'll which a jits* ran I sanctions 111 thru pa t. the Ib publhtm jmrty has j struggleit again-t the unjust rej,roach of being section.,! in it-aim • and Character, I though it- purjio-i s and,it- means of effec ting them wete such >0 the lather- of tin Republic approved It wic. accused »t' bt inggovemed by -eilish motives, and »! dcsiritig to nggniudizt the North at the expense of till. South It- tulvei'saricy. having the power to silenee ucl to'i iish all opposition, denied all di'fii-sioti. and overawed even freedom „f thought in (if teen States of Ho. Union. I; i-, therefore, now and imperative duty, which we ow, to out party and to ourselves, to embrace the first "pportnnity of truly leprcscntinu to those State- how eonsistcntly we hav> contended for the interests, welfart and freedom of ,||, whole Union. ! The overthrowof Slavery and ti. lie j •H'llioii. and tin enfranchisement ~f the j freedmen, rendcrine this overthrow s, I curt and final, iiave haj.pily vied, ated j jour < oiu" and organization; but it i j ncee-saty to -tamp the conviction of our luyahv and tidelitv to the right, irrespe, live ot sect ion or race, upon the recoil stmeted State- Fc: the tirst linie inmanv year-, tie enthusiastic followers of our Hag -md cmdi -sol.- of mr faith an there taking part in tin. popuhn gatherings, and it. man. of the Southern St ,tc~, w; hx\. reason „ believ that tliev form a decid'd majority They ire. ’ however, without "i>gani/att<jn. and lac, tie eo i liesion am! discipline mi cssary to sitwc.-s, Ttiivc i'ourtot the Reiutblicatu have ! never voted, -mi have no piaicthubjo j knowledge of the means v. heryljv the J jiopular vih i-: expressed. With many j "i "V*A' l ' !!,t is tix-d, , f nuderlng oaplieM ohedi.'ta, to.,hie ain'i politie'iar- who ue >m|,hp ;>l>ly hostile ',, our pi'inciph- and determined ,|' lk prostratiuu ul *>ur • .u> j <h|j iminediatc „ t ] u ., v , , im . ; peratm \VX,',i delay without im I periling all tor which " mueh ha- ! >ecn sacrificed in the past Confident m mrr strength in the North, tin West, and the j Pacific Slate.., we mu-t not tin-get that vye £!'*-•.it duty to pcrtdnu Jowuix! loyal and true men ot tin S,«itU. Rept|blu:itu.s ’ out' ippyul is to you. to j carry on and -r-tiii,l the work which a * j tl-w loyal and true men have ,0 inibly ]„. gun _We cannot a-k slo>#kets, ir, addition t>, giving tluai tom and taknta for months to this labor, to dotrttv their own neecssurv oxpeuses. We emmot joint and distribute dofuments of the character required witli out , heavy outlay. Hi have no means or i '' liatV"' upon the Mer-ffl. spirit of I d'ltt great party which holds tho claims of 1 Humanity and Freedom above all price. I Tll «' patronag, t the Government brought j into powaa by the statesmanship, the courage, aud the loyalty of that party will not aid us in thi- good work, He must, therefore, appeal dip, to H mt piMsonaily to you, R'-y,,,, arc rich. Vive -reiiemu' | v U po, U-. H'fid us whatever you fi'fft ftnord. Tlie generous imrjia-, j, t d jf'H ttul' l ' aim sanctity the humble-a'ct tort-. At a,! . vent- promptly, and <■: e- tee, that do sympathy of th, Rt pub hoan parly t- wdb it- iu p, u .„. making this great Putt! the he -1 it,...,,, a.. .Ink", 1 w 11. and wuere ; u *. * tt't'u aii I Intellb.'om e from t'e enduring ha-j- „i'„' lr ... ’ perity. 1 ( A'ldi' - lette: - ami ; outlet,ntion to i .p’ 1 ' ' ' ” f - Ha tin. Chairman and I 1 t'C.I'.UU . N wa’ k, Ni Marccs I, Waul, N S.IMI-KP A IT'IiVIANt F. l»a H im.' am Ct.vM.iv M„ - i'l,IN B ' T \nK. N H. I but v< tini'Ki kv N. A’. H 1! •* ? TAHKTVK.vrii!'.i; Conn. A. B. S.xmtiKlts. I>l i. U. W. lion MAN. Md. !••" ''ie C-mimittc.' "t ft,.. National l 111,111 Com. A, e y.,,-1 Mav 1«, lttijT. Alt die Republican journal-: are re •ptosted t', copy amt to second tiii-;qqa al. THE LOYAL GEORGIAN', A DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUJiLlSllfel) AT AU O USTA, O EO. T Ih H M s : Daily, per an 11 inn - - - §6 00 Daily, six months - - 3 00 Daily, three- months - 1 Do Weekly, per annum - 3 00 Weekly, six months 1 73 Weekly, three months - - - 1 00 THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS ONE OK IT IK VERY KKW !Outspoken Republican Papers in the South, It wa- tie te st in Hie State to advocate tho broad prineiple ol " KQUAI i UK.II IS b'til Aid. It vindicate.- the duett inc of tlie stipieniaev us tin j Xaiiumtl u\oi State I „,vciUHKufi- It tuujimlifiodly dt'iiouitoos Sk< kssiun n i it'it only uni ,m. iitnliiuial, but inhcroiitly bostilo to. amt dostruetivc of, alf. Dt'liua rati, Republican (bivoninients- It maintain- I",' ('ongress, a- the, body duly 'tjqioiuted by our lurtit of '.yuverument lor Ntttifiiial logislntiuu, 1 jto right ami duty to, at till time-, so lctriwlalt a- tu vituliiiiite the honor imef | prunes, id the Nation It will advoente tin early rig-onstruetinn of tho jSt nit oil thi plathirm laid duvrn bv the " Natjfmnl I'niott HepuMe-ar; j I’arty." THE LOYAL GEORGIAN IS M \I>K ONE OF TIIK omuvi, ORUAiVS OK.THE (iOYKUVNEXT 1\ fills STATE. It. will publish the LAWS enacteil by (’<>;igres-: am! n[f OOVKRX.MKNT ADY KK'iTsKMKNTs. THE LOA AL GEORGIAN IS ALSO ] '’/.SION ATKD THE Organ of the Educational Association of r, tte state. u"' th. tben hue, be found to contain tla most gc.ierm p ]l( j ,„ip!ete inter matt,,u respecting (lies, important interests in mtr midst . a))ll j n , m ii„ie tu tune be furnished witli ahh and interesting < in* ions f r „„, the best Ediieatois in tie State. A Funiilff Nv\vsi>ujM?i. A\ hile devoting space tu the. •.lisetissiolt the great political questions rotating to the times and section, we shall )e-t:i ■vc -ptc e tot -itch miscellaneous Educational and Religious wading as will n take the paper at tractive and profitable to all. \V t -shall scrupulously guari 1 against the inser tion ot any thing tending to demoralize the morals of Home and Society. On the other hand, we shall aim, through every appropriate no tans, to stimulate to study and g'sxt morals. Boot; (Did Job l } r inti 'ng. A\ e have just been to great expense in furnish' o uv 1 ftttee with the re quisites tor doing BOOK AND JOB WORK. AYe are now prepared to till any ni.«t every •' ~-jption of I'LAIN VND FANCY JOB FKINTINO. AYe solicit business ~t this kind, pnv, r ,V„.g | t j„ exeent om, neatness in workmanship, and at rates the no ,xt lv »~t, T .a,) Ailttr es . s ; LOYAL GEORGIAN PDBLI? HING ASSOCIATION GEO.