The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 11, 1867, Image 1

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®ie Dailn Coml VOL. L *» "U!«i uwwud, hi——a ■<(■ i iULY 11, im. """"jT*. iaTATr - - - . jgk*. r. p **.*» - - -v»uj. Mu H< JmWwb 7*»l aufe Btrwft. Aiwtcat* Ooor»i«. rirr ' ~"" tiJMW i ' 4NMF VtfMfTf w •■* *• f • * *u lMt>. .- -! * * * • WMAkK * * * * * 'nmt, «*w V<Mk< »*..!♦• «%r** ’TuErSTwr Kbtmtwwu : i j~»s 001 if oo; is «! *} oq‘ u off n t»i so w * -d *5 oo in ! «co 8 00l u no! vs ooj n ooj iw ooj si so s? ooj *1 jBOj ' j» 0 M II 00] If ooj 17 00 *8 00; W 60j « 00 «8 00 *S t 8 ao! li 0B IT *0 SO ouj 83 ooj « 00; W COj »7 Off 08 SO is S * 19 w{ *> 00! *5 OOj 88 Ooj 50 Off 18 CO, « Off « 60j % 31 0(W I M OO! R Off *1 COj 45 <lr IS 00; % OOj 14 Off 88 (W js is wl jo ooj * ( JH m off m oo! * mi v ooj as ooj * ooj L U 00; M ooj K ooj fig Kij * to SB Off 89*>j « 00*100 00 5 i* iff * ooj m ioj r ;*• « »e« ooj cwios Off j*i .-' ii ooj *» off «> oq m «> m mi ■-*»fo] «®h «u» off 'HOot » m- •««««««■« s» *»yw ioliw **• * $i » Ct «f av * Wills WTHO MM is itflß **IQ ® Oos nr* thserfSors, 75 Cbtete; each fOMrUo. nftsr flrrl, Si) eecl.*. , Owe denary is sscssured by teat of aanion Ifj'C. iK—it****— umerted thro* Tnw»*<n farts*- stksr Say) for * month or longer period, ' MID. ray chnrff** to--thirds of taMoratrs. 4,4 **•***««*•»• insora woe* onw-iutlf of table f A 4 —aswwws* hoc* a wont' «a*-third of table JfoU#s, It OMinacffei., Kicwi a pc.»: w ifrmkat'.niH Kisartod tj spe-Vt noHc* will h« cimrfm'i U v-or »a k aSaniii.- on taHo raww. kdina*. n lA : y+t G.mry. .c," !■ Box 108, ‘ iMMtr.tlA M», <?.-i-r™-‘9—l OMwrßl He*s. .A oouttidirabl* -uow ie!i 41 City oo test' ?tk of Juikn A|>Mg«cfeU on toss ftr* tt railwsj from C«-iifieoHl4, Ob-, ic> Decatur, Ak. SmmtX Ajnnrjjyra* kstv o been eroatx«l Xkießsßi of its* laKnoti <*t Honor At 3P»r r 3Ple IfooCts Journal cu»J M*?s«jiger 'MMa «m«k mmpliraintiKi with sopio toes {>l thi* s«Mßia’» growMi, whr«e cumber registered (it Ailawy, Cmrgu, wj. to tho 4th in*i, lyMt, of srho»i 1,118; wore blacks. ” Tto* Priw. so fur a» heara from, »»<s'Kttitled}j pm4tann A<> exocmtion •f MiksimflitE. bytlwMexicam Kotharn Mul 3%e thHrwß Jrxim&) sayi corn look’s npir'«s4'id!y, but oftttc* ha* Iwen dfun nifid by the heavy winds and rains. , It i» sOatocl that about three- hundred jMfciOPK -will leave Davidkos coigity, Tittto, tfifc w*A for Brarii. Tec difcounf n# fractional fMrrducy «niv>»«A f roti Wasiungtoci Last week Mio t’700,000. TM fitogii! artieto of California <rW*t hwi this in irught nmr the Paoam* 'wdirowd. <3et. Qnuj \ witb a party of Gun tpetmpmiet and others, is to visit Look i**(» Ifewurtafn the latter j**r of July. -'Une thtwssai saoks •>! oora waare -fcMlwed at. SawinnahE isst W from Baltiniprh, for the relief of the d.aotiiHU' of t*<o.r«vv TLe eraile aad oouffmß fiktanging in Mr». J. ft Gilbert, Albany, Ga., w*ln» $4,000 were destroyed by fire ?» She muming of the M iwtant. Agsioeitxiral C!nb« are being organ* kind V may cxirmtioft in TJiu-roke--, cfp, 7k» CertwMrille Kxprdxs calls for uu« w Barfcrn* county, £ ie reported that the Rheat imp is ifeOieg short of expoctatioiiH in North-> R|/Jootft»«iooks *tmsH*lly piCKnliing. Burgiaric~ arc UiciTniyig quite f*> *jr»vat iu Chs-ttmooga. • An efßyrt is being*tnadt to rapftii the Presbytariin <^Jh7trw<* > at Albsuy, Georgia. Mrs. Is3's~so:i Davh win •> lh« »* aoert vj'-cf in Montreal Is boti*- ot the Yourg Men’s tst'ir'rtist .Vw-otiation C-’-rrcrJicr., Daring the hiM' four '*'Wk (here save bws cig'ai. deatiis i.-y suicide in Civcrtanati. and tij’tse •e'.c-.iiv.*- ; * st'L I *- t.Vji were, nor nsK .•;•-sfi- Baffaiohas reeeiveti >'i..iO, A> 'or a Jiimigai Siiiool fltecretary Bwtwrtiltigi* at riie. Ver •Riliea Sprats, in Bbu-.-is. Doiy-rt £>ale Owen i<rtrurnd jc liPHEaiH* i AUGUSTA* GMU THURSDAY MORNING, JULY IR 1867. sin Mn r GsUrjriu, yicridk i Atlanta. On, May 21,1867. ; HXKKU.iI, Ordruh, No. 2(V Iu accurdanoe with an aft of Co»gw|h ( ! snpnlnocntary to an Act to provide a more ; efficient Government Sir- the rebtfl States, ; 'etc , da*sl lfcrcli », 1867, tlie fnllowuig ! arrangomeiits are herein made ibp the re- J gistratiou of veter*in the State* us Geor- i gia and Alaliiuaa. I. The Stotoa of Cksorsfla and Alabama, ; are divided into Rcgiscratou lA*trict», j nuinlwrcd and bounded, as hkroiiiafter j descriijcd. 11. A Board of Th'gis:ration ia h«r»iu appointed for eadi District, as &b*ve men tfonod. to cftD«ist of two -white Registers, and one colored Ilegistor. In flie State of Georgia, where only the two white li - giators sre designated ia this Order, it is dirßtod that these white Itegistem in each Dk! rici Innncdiately select, and cause to be duly qualified, a competent colored man to complete the Board‘ox Registration, and report Lis name and Rost- offiwi addrewa, without delay, to C->l. U C. Sibley, com manding Bmirict of Georguv at Macon, Georgia! Ili. Be ah Register will b* m.uireil to taka and subscribe to tlui oath prescribed by Congress, by :in act datvil July 3, 1862, Mid an additional oath to discharge 4uth* fully the duty of Register under tlxi late Acts of Congro* . It is not Itcbcvcd that any of the appointees, heretofore designa ted, will I>-. unable to take the test oath abowi mentioned. Wank forms of those. .oaths will Vo sent to the appointors at once, and on being executed and to the superintendent*: of Slate Registra tion, their Commissions as Registers will ho • wned. aud forwarded to them inane- | i 11 Wirt. |s YVtci*, } S Weeks. 1 1 ' | * ttoctiiS. ! H Mjtt tUs. 1,- , 1 * Uenths. j 5 If on the. | fi ICcmtlis. ditttely. IV. In order to secure a full rt«i»tra tion of voters, it is determined to fix the compensation of Registers according to the general rules adopted in taking the census. In the dtiee, the *omper.sation is fixed at fifteen cents for each recorded voter; in the most Sparsely settled counties and dk ■ tricts, at larty cents per .vobv. The com -1 praisatkm gradual (’J ireter, -n these limits, according to the density of the pop . ulatiou and themiUtiosof the sommunica tion. Ten cents per mile will he aihaved for of Hngist* f. tifi tii-s lines of railroaik or ateamboate, and five cents 'per mile when travel is done on railroads and steamboats. V. It is hereby made the duty of all Registers, and they will bo expected to perform it strictly, i > expliuatoail pcrsoiiH, w ho have not heretofore enjoyed the right of suffrage, what are their political rights and privileges, and the necessity .of exer cising them upon *ll proper occasions. VI. The name of each voter shall appear in the list of voters for the prwsinct-or word in \fhich ho resides; and in cases wben: voters hirw! been uuablo to register, whilst tin Boar#s of Registration went in the ' wasris or precinsts, Where raeii voters live, opportunity will be given to register at the county seats of their respective counties, at a specified time, of which due notice will be gives; but the name* of all vote's thus registered will be placed on the iisfa of voters of their reepestjve precincts. VII. Tire Boards of 16 gistmtion will give tine notice, -so that it may reach all persons entitled to register, of the date when they will Ife in mu. h election precinct; tl«- tims they will spemt iu it, and the place where the registration will be made; a»d upon the completion of tie i egisW.-ikii I for cash county, the Board of Registration will give notice that they will he present, for three successive days, at the county scat. •t such county, to register such note-re • have failed to' register, or been prevented from registering in their re*;Active pro ducts, and to hear evidence in the case of voters rejected by the Registers in die sev eral precincts, who may desire to present testimony in their own behalf. Virr. Unless otherwise instructed here after. Hoards of Registration are dtrected, j» il- b rmining whet lug applicate.. to reg ister are legally qualified, to hold that the terms “ K.weutivc and Judifltal,” in the Acte- 1 if Congress, of Mateh 23, 1867, com prise *ll pdksons whpmsoeves, who nave held office on. for the Executive or Judicial Department of the State, or 'Nat.inniii Gov srmneut—in orher words, ail officers not Legislative, which ;ast are also excluded by tin Act. Persons who apply to register, but who are considered disqualified by the Boards, will be permitted to take the required oath, which, with the objection.- , of the Board, will be held for adjudication hereafter. IX. The lists of registered voters for each of the prodnets will he exi»ori and in eomi public piaaa in that precinct, for ten cm Micntive days, at soico time subsequent to the eompletioD of tin.- registralisn for each county, and before any election in held, in order that all supposed cases of fraudulent registration may be thoroughly investi gated. Due notice will lx) given and pro vision made for the time and place for «- tmination and settlement of such cases. X. Blank boohs of oaths required to be taken by voters, and blank registration , lint,. >j> -".iso fall and derailed inskraction*' for tin nerformatce of thiir duties, will be s at onc«‘forwarded to the Boards of He git, - j appointed in tuis Order;, and it is ) cajdiucd i,;«n *f»- Boards that they pro-' etted'to cotspicte the registration v-ith ah! energy and dispatch. i XI The detailed tr.stmctions to Regis- ! will designate the member c'f each j Boar* who shall he it-- Pr-.-a. at. XII. Violence, or threats of violence, or ; .any other oppressive means to prevent any I person from regist inug ins name, or sxcr- t rising his political rights, are positively j .... 1 an it 1 • tt) ct .nn a 6 that no contract ' - agreement wrtii e.-l ; which deprirtf them of t'n ir wages ior j any longer time than that actually conrumed . in registering or voting, will be pcnn»tt ><t; to be enforced against them in thi Dis trict; and this offense, or any prev I'-.iwiy : mentioned in this paragraph,j.viii cams lk- mimerPatc arr.-l Os the offender and ’ hia trial rx forc > Mflitary Cotamisriou. j ' SJU Tto of the ri}jS» <* **VJ i duly authoriaed voter, njider the late Acte pi Congress, ta register and vote, is guar anteed by the Military Authorities of this District; and allpersoati whomsoever are warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent any man foom exm'ising f;iis right, andar any pretext whitnouvcr, othr-r that obiectidn" by tlie usual legal modi*. S3V. In case of any disturbance or yip- Icbcv- at tim plscea of registration, or any molestation of Registers 'nr of to register, the- Boards of Rcpstriuou will call upon tho local civil authorities for a. police farce, or a posse, to arrest the offend er,-; and preserve quiet, or, if necessary, upon tho nearest military authorities, who are hereby instructed to furnish the necessary aid Any civil officials who refuse, or who fail to protect Registers, or applicants to register, will be reported to the headquar ters of tho Officer Commanding in the Suite, who will arrest such delinquents, and send charges against than to theje headquarters, that they may be brought before * Military Commission. By command of Brevet M&j. Gem. Poi>e. G. K S.vndbrsow, gapt- I>BA Infantry & A.. A. A. G. MILITARY BILL HD’QTRS 3v MILITARY DI3T,, Moktock>;*t, Aliu, April & GsxSKAe 0«»kr« No. 5. 1. The follswing extnet from Die re cent Acte of Congress in relation to Ke oenstrKctio* in the Seuther* State*, is published fer the information of all cea ocraed *, tPunuc No. fi.j An Acs supplimeutary to “An act en titled an act to provide for the more efficient government of tho rebel States,’’ passed March t, 18137, and to facilitate restoration- Be if enacted, etc., That befisre the first day of September, 1807, the com manding general iu each district (defined i liy an not entitled “ An act to provide for the, more efficient government of the rebel Slates,” passed March 2, i w 07.) shall eansoa registration to be made of tho male citizens oft!» United States, twenty one years of age, and upwards, resident in each county or parish iu the Mato or Matos in eluded inhiM district, which registration shall include tmfy those persons who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act | aforesaid, and who shall have taken and ; subscribed tho following eati; or affirma tion , - p do solemnly swear, or affirm, in tho presence of Almighty God, tha t I am a cieirem of tho Btate of ; that 1 hove resided in said State lor months next preceeding this day, and now re-sid# in tho county——, or parish of in hbid State, as the case may be; that lam 21 years old; that I have not been disfranchised for participation in any rebellion or civil war against the United State*, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; that I have never taken an oath as a member us Congress ct tho United States, nr os an officer of tim Uni ted Mates, ap- as fc member, of any State Legislature, or r.s au executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Cen *titutioa of tho United States, end after, wards enraged in insurrection or rebellion | against the United States, or given aid or ] comfort to (dj« enemies thereof; that I will ! foithfully imp pert the Canetitation mid i obey tho !aw« of the United States, and ] will, to the best of my ability, encourage ’ others so to do. So help mo Godwkieri j oath or affirmation may ha administered, bv any registering offieer. * a • * * « S r.C. 4- That the commanding gemeral of ®<;h district shall appoint ae many Boards of Registration as may ho neces sary, consisting of three teyal officers or persons, to make and com piste the regis tration, superintend tho election, and make return t# hiai of the votes, lie: es vo t«r« and if the pernors elected as dole cates hv a rdurality es votes can; at said election. If. In e.vesr t* sxesmte this provision es the act referred to with a* little delay iioseible, tho oommanding officers of the Districts of Alabama, Gaorgia and Florida, will preceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regis tration, aided by snob information on the aubjeet as they hate er can obtain- It is suggested tkat the election districts ;■ each State which in 1800 sent a member to Rio most numerous branch es the State Legislaturi l -. wilt he found x convenient division for Registration. It is desirable that in *ll cases tire register* shail be civilian* where it is possible to obtain such as come within the provisions of tho Act. and are otherwije suitable persons; and that military officer* shall not b* ojmi for this purpose except in cases nf actual ne cessity. The compensation for registers - will ho Used hereafter, but the general rule will be observed of graduating the compensation by the number of recorded voters. To each iist of voters shall be appended the oath of the register or reg itt'-rs that the name have been faithfully recorded, and represent actual legal vo ters, and that the same man dees not ap pear under different names. The registers are especially instructed to nee that a.! information concerning their political rights *s given to person* entitled to vot< under the Actjof Congress; and they are ja:.- io responsible shat every such legal woter has tho opportunity. 111. Ad speedily as possibly, the names of persons chosen for regiet-ers shah be communicated to the Headquarters for ;he approval of Ike Commending General. IV. The District Commander in each of the Staret! comprised in this Military District is truth erred to appoint one or xdoto general Supervisors of Registration whose bn nn ess it *hall bf> to vfoi; the various point* where registration i* being ogtrricd ur. i t,i iaspect the operations of tiro register*; and to ats«e themselves Ui*4 c*-«r i«»s setetted to veto Upr tbs ac- cessary information concerning his politi cal righM. and the opportunity to record his name. V. A General Inspector, either aa ofiß cor of the army or a civilian, will be ap pointed At theoe Headquartere, to sen that the provisiorts es tlii* order are folly sad aawtaHy executed, VI. D.strict Commanders may, ut '.heir diacretioa, appoint the civil officers of tha United States u Registers, with additional compensation an may *e«iu reaeonable ami infficicnt. VTI. The Commxuding Officer of -so;; District will give public' notice when arfo where the Registers will commence the Registration, whioh notice wilt bo kepi, pubiio by the Registers in each District during the whole tima occupied m Heg»- tratios. VHt. Interference fiy violence, or other oppressive means, to prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pr« • hlbited, and any pierßon guilty of anefc in terference) shall b« arrested and triad by the military autlisritirs. By csramand of Brevet Major General Poyst J. T. CCIKTmTKAM, Ist Lieut, 24th U. 8. Infantry, Act. Asst. Adjt, General, Official: O. C. Knapp, Ist Lieat, T'lcl Infantry, Brevet Captain U. S. Au, Post Adjutant. 4* ♦*“ —— The Proposed Constitutional Amendment, .Resoltud by the Senate and llouie q/ JUpruentutive* of the United >< u|/.< if Anuriea w» C*ngr**s tutenn.blr.rl (two third* of both Houses concurred), That the following articles be proposed to tha Legislatures of the several Blisten us »» amendment io tho Constitution of she United Statos, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall he valid as a part of tho Constitution, name Auticlk—Section !, All persons horn or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jnridictuin thereof, are citi hzens of the United State*, and of the State wherein they reside- No State shall make or enforce any law which -tail abridge the privilege* or immunities of citizens of the United States. N-r shal; sny State deprive any person of life, liber ty or properly without duo process of law, nor deny to any person within . '.a jurisdic tion tho equal protection of iho law ' See. 2. Representatives shall :>o upror | tionod among the several State;- accord: to tho respective nnmbnrs, couaring Uk> 1 whole number of persons in ouch State : excluding Indians not taxed ; but when i ever tho right, to vole at any election for i electors of President and Vioo-Presider.l or for United States Representatives in Congrtw. executive and judicial oflicer* of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one year# of ago, and citizen? «f the United States, or its any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, tho basis of representation : therein shail oe reduced in the proportion ffitrich the number of such male oiljxens ; shall bear to the whole number of mate citizens twcuty-ouo yearn of mio ui tha Slate. Sec. 3. No person shall boa Senator <>r Representative in Congress, elector of President and Vice- President, or hold any eflioe, civil or military, under the Unitc-d States, or under any Mate, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or an officer of tho United Status or an an executive or judical offieer m my Slate, t» support the Constitution of the United State*, shall have engaged in in ; surrection or rebellion against tho same, or | given aid or comfort to the enemies there i bf: but Congress may, by a two thirdsof obi it Hs'. ie, remove such disability. Sec. f. The valdity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debt* incurred for tho paynu'/; •; of pensions and twinuties for serves in sup pressing insurrection or robcilion. shall, not boquestionad, but neither ths United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against tho Uni ted States, or claim for the lom or omanei pation of any slave > but ali such debts, obiigatisns and claims shall be held illegal and void. Soft. 5. The Congress nhah have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of thi* article, Congremon&l Districts of Georgia Irt. Counties —Chatham,Bryun, Liberty Mclntosh, Wayne, Glynn, Ciubo'c! , Chari ton, Wars, Pierce, Appling, Tataai. Bul lock, Effingham, Scriven, Knianncf, M--:,i gomerjr, Telfair, Coffee, Clinch, Ecu ■-. Lowndes,Berrien, Irvin, Laon nr, John- mi, j Brooks, Colquit, and Thomas. Twenty nine countits. M. Counties—Dc-catnr, Eurloy, Miller, Baker, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, Pulaski, Houston, Macon, Marion, Chaff, hoochce, Sumter. Webster, Szew«r(, Quit man, Clay, Calhoun, Randolph, Terre'l, Loo, and Dougherty. Twenty-three coun ties. fid. Counties—Muse->geo, Schley, Toy-' lor, Talbot, Harris, Troup. Merriwivither. Heard, Coweta, Payette, Clayton, Carroll, Campbell, Haralson, and Pr. aiding. M teen counties. 4th. Counties —Epson, Pii>- SpnhlinE,, Henry, Newton, Betts, Sfonr.vj, Cr-iwfowx Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinxm.R.-.'idwin f.w.> Jasper, unu Putnam. PUL eacountic.- sth. Counties—Washington, JcfforsOK. Burke Richmom 1, Glascock, llaricixk, \V m - ren, Colombia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Ta i'- rro Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Libert Fourteen counties. • 6th. Counties—Milton, Owinn.-tt, W v ton, Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hart, Frai - lin,Bonks, Hall, Forsyln, Pickens, Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Haberebmn, Rabrc., Towns, Union, Fomtin, and Gil mu' Tw si ty-eight counties. 7th. Counties—DeßUib, K.v; Cel f t Polk, Floyd, Bartow, Cheroirc", Goi'ri-'.n, Chattooga. Walker. Whitfield. Murry, Catoosa, out* Dade- Fourteen oountic.;!. ' THE National Standard \ SVRUfo or SCHOOL BOOKS wtu; 1? A isttuxUdy '.".sett in every State of tho Ur.'itt\ in many insiancev mure large:'? »:<y or nil others, may jaally bear tho above title. Nothing imt. the most onovul;';.; t nj-lt conic; triveany Boola this -.rouJ pce4ti,'a. Tear here, »ttd friends ot cducailim yi-urmliy, u. nworo Lr.ifit e- .: 1 '.. : y :’; -.’nl:iincit by ~.u • NATIONAL SERFS3 SCHOOL BOOKS, rrrBITSITBII iIV A. S. BARKJEfi <£ CO., ffffflW ITOH.R. TUiwhim.,ms Bfckfl cv-rywixio iiie.i xnd; (vipvlsr. Tin; lilt ilogatt eove.ra i very ih aurtmeol. of School, Acnieifo'.iu;.? Onl ■eyi.ite lirttrUcUon. Thi to''owi(«c araflie vol «r. •< repn-fentlug the. tomuiou immciUA: riitka' .V 'Vatec.’iV. h • .-.iters am; He n;:re; Si >.'.<Cit¥ s.v.u M-'-Xa .yV I .eogat: liial; Cl ir; a jßnglfoh Orar.inteM .' sy.,:,d'j es Pciiniaiviiiip , !WW UoiurfoteCourse of Math teitUtx , Sto'itriflx and History. The Silver Lute and Ferret (liib-i-MuKic-. Ji-.n-w’ I’hj; ioiuify and ii. IM: : ' . -■ -i ni ffoi ova Natorat Phlloaopliy Potter’s Principles of Chemistry; Br.-ly’-: Southern Bn.any ; Nor.SclKMil M- Pujol’s'Fr-'-neli Class ; Ainircf;', so Stoddard’s Latin Grammar. :hb illc.sti.at2d EDIT A TIONAL BULLETIN. run OTmtxsHjm’a stßuinst, Will be, to Teacher’s resjulnrly, fat one year, on receipt o' tun ckmts. Address L l BARNES & CO:. EDOCATi.ONA.iI'filßS, New York. mylS-fiiu iACKGUBOS* A. r % l h m e f i c s. TUB LA TEST ANU BEST- A iHI/timry ArUhtnMis. is au j tiiuUy Dhwtn.teil; wi-r.-s llu tocinuer j the •' rJtHle- :n;! icuplo j T-iMiv, liAun mcrtil «.-xe;.i-isc» wStli - ltiuic. I<W f .jis, Hi ■ ■ elli ■ AH' Mtmimtmry ArithtmUc. [ Hu.viuu- tin-. L -:>f. Uu l y &.n.%r} :i. ! A <;• .•»i it 1.1■ •, b'• *t'x»*i^ \-t 11.r--.' M. 'i:x, y. j K.y.Kli > i, ri-.i lh»vCon)].G.;v.nd jA J A A< wt ical J r ifhnurt Uu Pn: j j iruu kjx.riru-.tes;; • » C : *>ii aiuu vrr« • ] apisc i.l Vi-oifiUnsii. * lit the hri oi M*.rcantll •irfihiLciiu, mV', ihu J ,v,./ “M' !i .' V 1- wiUl iu A’oiiH illld f swapll I#* 1 #* lwlll ’. oiiMt L'ifj.Hd. 4-. A /I iff her ArithiHeetic . In pro pormion. 1 Mental Arithmetic. Nrvriy! ■ 1 serf Bn ding \ Uh a- uwt grot og reia-ptii.a from t'javimra wrywltero, iu>.i Six- j iielly wh l-i !;<!(;(lc:l in;- Jt: -r lei itvdpiillu, a.-. I li -.a. ! 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Fay .-tic -t., _ S >' | THE ROAD TO FORTUNE, 1 kITE can mn any m*u; ci •••mail! :im '.'".V \Y of M'AWXv- «83 KVEKY I>AY In lii; ."lilteM •?, Ite;.u:i: tlimr. ■ . i .. -.A recrevti V HK'fY (IST ? AMPLE *c;d Ti e. upon opucatiier, irt,-; • I’.UR.OTNC, lIAXK.S A CO., sUil yraadway, Hurt York. no. n. AMEBICAK SERIES. Pb’BLISS;ED ut I ylsob, Piiiauey, Bkkema-iiil^ ■,SS anti -Ift Orr.cs NEW YORK. •»——-o*. — 1 i Ng BBBES o; SCHOOL BOOKS ovof vs 1.-. v.; 'o ti;?:pubi.ctivettUaiue-d so Wide a «*•: or ?:,-cs,l\ -?<1 till? approval nod SmlvZW* ante'. : i. y c ;upeu:m suit nfoatff* ed«Wtos«l sh. >’;»rts ol it;: llclted States, as U& Amor.:?; ttiomost proinluerri of «h*4r p«LL-SV tloasarii the following, viz ; THE limOK SERIES OF REAJ>KSB Ji»i> SPELLERS—entirely so inartcr i*t it.: .'•• r::i i >n.-. and reeulv; ii with great fowr hy the test timchaw is the country, BOBJXSON 8 SERIES Oil AUITUMICTI-Is|~* very (sypniar witb. all teacher* whs. hirtw ios'.od tixi.o. in the. class room. 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Nfcc Cttfoani. C. 11. PRINCL, Cwsbiur. NOTICE. As ir.,? .cl;?’-.' .'<?: ’X. J. WHITE. :lurt(< r.l'.-i rn.-; i-.c-i jK* cky, ac-1 have been ridfied -? to ? .?;.'? eettieuteu. on the viftaM Os ■' K-;.- , ed, ui petrous indSMftd to tho ' ?■-• cad and see me, ns 1 esuftok j -elite i.'-Jius wU .out money* -W li. MATHEWS, Awyttetes f • Ite, M»y .Met. Jbf/L lye