The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 11, 1867, Image 2

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'fhe Daily loyal Georgian.' . ' y ' v .vVl:'. 4 >B*o*o3- Oryaa of the Georgia Educational iKswristtinn. .*<l xr TffiiiHcfttlon snvtS bo wfU:w‘ only -m one itith of the / .-*pef *<:<> oc jrmsbtl Yfftit tbi, usmo of u» writer. H7* i<;:* rot t’ lhiiiik -;.i- :i«, c«iiM the writer 11 X<. u* ii do *o, but we must have R, w. a. K-..*r.v.-.a-. i: .hu tmUdalecw- of thi arutle. J2tatc Central Committee, Union Republican Party. lion. Fo.vrrjt. Blobcst-?, of .Augusta, (Jhairm a % J. Vi. Bkyant, ol"Aagu«wi, Anii-Mj Sew' >?y, f “jrw DiMrU‘ -~Qt.i 1, A- W. Stowe, 0(.<l F S. HaxeiiiiiC, Janiey M, Stinrus, v? Havamiab, .tad T. O. Campbell, of M. Vefioty. ,‘km»d Xji*tri:'.t>T -W. IL Neb:*, oi ’ countyj Hebert Alexaador, <say cimiUiy.. LwOi:t~i}. W. Atthbunt, OUcvx {vv<aia«irt aud i t imptun Benton, (-•litMXkbue. Ni T;.:r M&otds: dee, NV*f»fl;K}e>. ijti -:\.‘dg<> oQks Fifth IfdiriU —Cnl. Jonn BowF*, c,,>, j W. J Wbiic, S. ,w. .*• „‘jj fpiti- L’W>te;Uj i <m • Jia.vis;. of Ai.IV!!--:. ... fowijt. ilx. Markham, \\ ... ; «Cpi xs i»4*cl'-avS*rtbtwt-V• W : !li»m ‘ ’'.- ; .. **-' ■*!;*... •••-.: Plvilfawn* RispubUfe-w)JParty Vi' ..v..- ..*. ■.’. i.i-'V ' ... :--! -til- . ..»’ ■' > n.i. .a;■ fw * ' Or.ii I' ... vUif t ..I < 1 ,’i .. -J.'11.. 11 l 1 ‘4 I ..t i'-(1... !!i.Uk ~ .. v- n..;fi Ujfjsntf?*: u.l ' Wuxi. ' fUI! M;..v..... ill: ... LUiiviln o.ii'i ' " •>r • r«<! ..•!.•• v- ' .-vt'U.-u !i' •;■•) -VI V r !' ■! :' - V; i:iv .... :! ..... - .1 !■■ v Uic ni.;.;Uty ■ i . ' ■■ ■ - ■ . .. 1-. '.iV - .‘Jin' • nU-rc ft .. iti-i.U--.! :'.!V. lii-y,! Hu- -Hsti.i'.v-i .....1, ,■ j !I,*’ .: 1 v!!'V . i'll Vlivr.-iLB. Wobj ',!• i-i !„u.' I Lie .. '. 1 t .1 !■ 'e cux'D• Mr.'. 'u; n:.V 1 --Oi'-.r Ibftt Jiilti-MiaUi !;i , r.i »- . Vu-tm-, uno Uw.t it ;a liiv <lu;j of V.u.fMi.i i ».,i • i,r •• i!i a'.ili. ;. !; ; :OiS '.A'i. ■ 1-, Mu ■ ;.,j.:,r: ii 1 r. '.u ir.i ■■ e calied U.. ■ ; ,v .. 11 ■ -I!:,- : I .!li- t' > 'VLIU u.TOI , !i ?-Tu>o vt. itiiuj.l. tut., usuaie of tlm Vu l ::i -i i'S .... iii'l,--Mia, de i v„ n:,. ... H. i..".4iK.ii uitU No'ions! <4l ii'ii'-.s'- ‘f-'i Mi.' HIII 10. uud tor Mi* 0n .•1r... U-J.! i'll ■ . t!:u Ciinm CT Tr 31 .'l', ill’! . • . U .'"• r '' ... '3 • • ( , .1 • • !’• J-. .■. I 1“ ' I'll.'TMrf. f 1 tu '.i.ljti.t ti ill • »•-. It.v >'.i .lr ■ ••II lo HirSt. ■: nd. w:- •* >. .1. • • -J-S ■■ M-i ■:- r • --• try ifln • nciiui !•> < •* • . . .. : i-.i -<••... ■> • •:■... -I. r eul "-■• ntihi..i:i • 1 ■ . ...... • ■ w 1 .i..;,. >:/:.• ‘1 n..’ . : •■:• liir 14.1:1 if'ji difi-tfiy’JilawiMi.'. • 11 V uy ■ -it»» tfv ■:.!)*; :• »i-'. tli-v.'*.'- v>ir'fc.-- i .<;<• r• -i ... •■ U-.-'x 1 . tivcrv i'lisH-tiKi.c.eiv.otit •l! i 1y.3i.-U-’. :.. tUiV M::.y 1 - i-.u. :- 'S,ri --..... ;. •>.. tii . •." 1 n »i.X 1 ;•«)«■ «-ti i.-.kci un- v.noipl ivii.’i' 3. ii.it4 <]ayL«W.‘V.'.',.it, -••oAlit.JLy to »it*. t!i» coi-t'-Mfjw 0 ■■■’.' ciiiani':, v< 11. 1.. f.,>ir.i 1 . Mim ; -..1 i iVk 14. '.v i. i .Vniti.., '!>. V..U ! ..U-.t !!••; i.vl.-'l,ini ; *itn) 1 £ >.i : j.)sil*r»>i i.•. •- /laivXo.ii UvO.‘.:.v.> ir.vf l-.-s 1. ri;;l.' 4 :. f all i*,er. :fi..i*\i v.H ul-Mr.Oy ttiyorcurrilH'- tc.nmrf '• • •. I*. r.l.u 1 C .1 III..": 1 !;• .. 10 -n «nr.y-iy, iii all >v;ta iiHii-ntr-i-.ri- Ar'i-io.': . : '-.lmit -■ ,i.y--.u.. i-rjl* rii. oj II.;' , . H 1.4 i.l;it‘) "JiKt i'Oi'J..'i fir i'rmr.ixl. •t-r -«>if. Thnt. t 0 uvai; : ut.-f.AV ot iKis ti.'O-rlnaHv . ? i spres.i' ; ad-uira "* ; • •.. i..- .-i -'.iw . T ohi- X-t'iKu V. ,jtii.i l)ktr:.:-., av.i of i-.-r-.iially : r>i.:'... ot- -viaj. s-itriCl'C ,-k4 nvni i ‘;i:i:i. '..w'luvlifn: -f ;lte '.itcixitmicriok 41 "... tv -1 iA-.v.r-v •v-.'t tiuit;.: lie thii.u n.; fcii !vaVt H i .no..fiii-ci'. i.n.i M f if VliU’t.iX i'tMl'ii .ill >\-;y • ;. * - .. ’d! ■•. irs t» L. , • • 1 ' I '•«'>. UiC ’ (1. ytai. ...... tiv.-Litu >n..« (he ..suit'd./.X’i tUl.i-Cvr.VW-. ; tv; .‘--VI •■ is. ' ~ >•.... lit v .' -m -• 0 . -n . ■ . •• • • 1". ...:i*y til? r 1: . L and ;.r,iv' nv.; *t:>', ?;.-r yul>ac«vn. HOBSIBtE ’ " t;‘.. u> vw jiH-Vi’.u; vlj»1: ■.. . •, ■■■'•*• -i five; .(hat wo 1 C:v sc, in Bfeu-it Uct.iil). ii 1 He •irot’wil'. with t/.u •>/ .111 .1 1 it I.' •:’%{■ l-io iII.'LH:S 01 -I- (• "if - - - xu i Ut.u-k !<♦•- ?•«»' H .vi 1 • it•; ■ 1 .' Tr..,, ;i -r-HwAMis CfVWIX. • ■ v,! -•-■ , • , < i-ft'iision siuiitld: 1 - ■ it .... .t! 1 V (,;•; iH.-u t-..n ho i- !..) 'tv . , - Ih'.'ia iUatk lit. H'l'liO: :K. .v't’,, it. . Uy. : fat' -t'-itf - "‘iy o< hactoxont. cu rie.!" 'I-. ».< rri-.jin)it : v-Jij*vaii-- 11,i; 1 , .... (.uCt\lx>!i!lc'li«it<" j*| 1.. .• i.ii-u.i.1.-. us. ria;-K*.-. t-,;; >v,- can f.fii? ti tai nv '-. -y iv.ovl: . v p.o■ > - 4 v i.' • W ‘.rtu),-cited in. • 1 ihih .way. There is a Ujoon Bspob- ] x.ican Cli-.ii in this* city, arid the above -liinn il gentlemen »reth« .'.h'eerr. We .-ire also' {.-leased to mforiti car Hebei friend that four haimred white, and ftirteefi 'hundred colored voters of this city are in sympathy with this, club— enough to rule the city, and they will do it. They ore not to hr frightened, and if oar Babel iriwods think they . W. it:-i. ; ttirf* the fol.winp edi torial to* ou lrom the Tribnao (New [ Orleans) nndef date of the 2f>tl, taut. : i whyONbotti'-r••iio-.xo k;-:ri in. itv ; Tiers si: -a*! V) Ue ?*iltir- ut’.< -n" h- n , tins meeting of ttaagre&s in duly. Still, we do not b • tsar, (or the int.v.-sls. i!jC i tili-iit ‘if •! v ( r<. to ditvu up tl.c. iiuuj (i of tiiti! ini;) r.i«.;i Wn>r Into : lie bar-is of di.rtecv ■!• I ar'.ti nml 1 it ,jl :.ii v Wi. do no? v - .me to speak tor ' a wi ...' -iya Aw Mil w; m« in w 0r..;- s • Ur.iting in J.i • win: tinil were lb • In • :•.«■< ■ •:. )■•.•mii:■« ! ’ i.l.i i < In.- mi.- .;-iot '!•• • .tuai.toi 1, we would iinse ik> fi-.s <-/u• ■ » .u no l'tv-6 We...) !/it ii’haii":-. • . die vt/.r <r. n .•)■•> whica l. jncvii-ib.’e nvk-r flic Atimwy’tl o'ivur:-!i ••; •<-i i; • ii known ; hat most 1 of tin*!• who i.v-. two ( railica.i'y onlliv, Bvw.'d'i'av: rj <*t • !.•• •.c- •- o .1 • - by Mr *v. ■ i! -n». r> r.ur Htiug w!m . • ■: ■. . • tb< a bite raw. ivtii.e in rimers uie |jnl*lei tiiry wm M li. ••• ita i; ; - HfttWr-i ii n in ; ■ c.i i! ! . <:• i->l l .t mi.fe .'Joivover •• -h is ihe v if my;., white mn o ! ln : iiH.ll t" ill! li'-.'eii ’■■(■Hi ».to'.)\il, that to lour. iumi fr..m •lie aruiy noil tie dig ii/ !M •••••■• t■ it ui- Tin p.i»|>le they xesi'a •• in-vin-.y ! >tii-.ia ami iiu-y'l i:y a.-.:! -r.. or pu-jari W.'iiit; j lia< ‘ 0x,.. i.-n (lie ' l«ilil<>, tin an !« ..e;i in; :M v, .tod have Ii rn ! Hiriroie'tiiy au(ii. .i;*-rl will! tie nil... ! • tie- 1 dears of tiu-ir -• i e■• iieii'hiiiv, . -it i- or! ! (so. tier into e .i;- ' IJ■■ I; ; " : i;. - >-. < : .VI. s Hey <«. h r.ti, :;•••! !i. ■ «-•». i)r‘t .oMI.y : it i.i : 1 e . t til. •■ of ■■; I'i.'j;- 1 flu.vmeiii liHi.) .l« iiy.iil'.'l ■, . > n)r l liuycu'd | mieii’.in iej " f ie; i meni.i 1. • 1.1 (r- if-r; >< i.lo I h01e,.,,. if J'lj !,fl• • .. ■! nil O. j •Vcry little, r. .i! "i'et >Ve .. .11 ,1 ife tliv lo (toil Villi . M .nt j wljoil :t Vl:!e hire .till . (it.ieifl H. < . it! T.lel. ili I 111- 11 set I tin- -• ... .;I •, , e tjeeii yy.iiiteti ii)-: 1,.1i10i, cv I nl.-cat li. -.-i yt lii. polb And tiirMjnly thing w- want vo om i. , vion iir ri^li 1 i-fu • i«• sion. iu-.-. ov tin..'*, Ik >w<‘ Iraiuj .lot- yr. iiill !'•!• ,'K’.' /•11/tt)/] ( J v !-t i*■ * ..I of’ lift Mi * - dtii'liT l old r« lo of sh. ■:*v*• v. * \si:[ ] ) • JS> • \i t - not.- from v'iKi' (ii pAtrioJbrn ;vi Hi'crfiism in oitr j ph. Inif'noin mi; ivj»r«v-no,iitn\ • - Vi'- • ; ‘ if h..t ,'t . I i'■ i , •• •' i ■ -; V- '! rt*v i;\!i >•(. <>i ' .■*!*•*; t > mil: vw ' ■f. MgK 7*l* <t. f!: ,• VKi.'itl f.- t li')*-. j kli *i:.i ;fn\HoUth. tuev ! 1 li i ! . r. • -I i ;; ,-i.K A til' I j**'*' ill li".-,.- t. f lit/* i* • * * •■•'* |j.;!! « I on r ■re: •' » ■ I- v)••!i II . eias- .ei 111 lee hi oee ye >,; ,1 y, I; .. y !I t. iVio- Lee .. i ri-.(ti ;n i; . ■. ,"j .nuii lili.-r:y i';.- r ■ !!•■•? Vet ...:ye.. I .' it.e e . li. . Clin > , j till !S;i e. VVe t.C.e'.l M'.e ul !*et jiiy'iej ret .. .tin . . II ...( i: .i. ,| 1 ill I'll - . ' i ie o 1 -|s t• ■ li' (111 ’• 1)11- I Oil : lie I'111; ill e ll ■ ‘ e|-; . Win '1! -y ; me. livi'ore. ■ ’file:-.,. .■ i!l(h Ins Mo Sue tie i'.e'j. <.l Mel'i'l I.IV il liny I line- I le-ifiv i; ii any be.;i..difi't! ;;a-, ■| ; . t ! ■ . ;m ; ■ , : i( .. , «<V iilil ‘t is oil lii * ' 111 \V live-. ■c . I I.i. ; ill nr.; lii ti. .o T. , ii.iiin tiuu eentfi m. ii. ‘libel, r i.. niy i: sim)is veil. .i" 1 ;! be *. 1.1 i! He 1 MI , eomb, ‘.si . y i.i..; li-i.t .. Vs -M • ' pin- • Jru e. li!e, ill, ll e,|.i '• i. i. : ullj. in in ■in r. :< ii;l!i id. 'Vi• ; :-i.i! more K! -;!• to«i OL n; ;‘ i!ri . ?» wiii U*..« moi sup • -vo' V ! •.•■.!' lu ♦ rum Omr • < r T .»•: j in '• i ‘!*i.}su ih» Lu.: that tip n ,i\ to'iU 1 •i ..v. s<r! ': .« *» vt ii: *. i •!; ’h.*ir »• .<?• ?• 1 ‘ liO’i li* :!«•.' f.Ji'.’y i»s:V; i;< • • ili.-jii 1 e. ■ ■ '■ tO ib. i .hi .iiid umi.i’l !e lh h|}U .*« •..vvlnir ! lion. 'nutv':;. n.. riVK-.V'yifViii!,- MiUln-y | h-!'. A. r, .» 'pertly W!',;i v.,-h • v Tliu • • ' • ■m. > •; n i. ; r ( \ vii.fl'.yn! • , ; ojji-. -h .;}],] tx* t- >up and 't•. .’>• ~ M din• i ~l hi« t»oin !>«* t-» *s! ’ 1k ’"l i -tut Upon us, and rv Jl; ! »'* * ' ' - . • • 'III -le.'il I's Li M i! I wee;!; re- pov.-er (ii. 1'1.,:,.; -I ■;>(' el pe ■: ■ inre i - r. 1 ) —.; in Ib. vi.riil. ii . -ri-.m it w• i 111 I 1 ; lit will! dt-ii-.. w ei it. V. ! e Me'i :'itn.fort. to Ll i; in i..S le Ifto A::!loagh p sointo, Sir , i hv.n: -etelice, the ieseripti.m oivir. nboviH'i'prnc.t’e:.! dih'.'ubp sjpshew-, ik *>i iiofipst. ami eyue-'nl ro,gis(ratioi. will ipiev ai:.'ie-T ■•:• ei- t'.v throughout U>C Mmt.n • The superior wisdom of (\>tt<»re?« <«.‘i-v the: JVrsi •; t-m, in devising ißear.- by whh:l> f.ii ; r.r. : i*e ends, must b. .'Vp'.eit! "I'-.'.i t|... mi Jcnowi cdtou or the circisro--t.-nio«.s amici wliielt klti-se tvguhi'Mins tliv to to; WiMtxi out, Ii It r the Wfttire of the ivge’.urons I tit.-Ihselv./s. r'' v fth the nvii-.tary power withdrew;: ?roh»- the. S.Htth, no longer furnished the !i ■ . ■ ngnged I ii: ’ . ■••"Ay nwottsmictitig ''late and I tonm s: nl (.box rnnicrus, w ivis of tltc • t:" 'it'-; so"! wnnhi rise upon every Alb! • f-hn anti r-:Tcc-Uial!y ; fiivom i piish t nr rtiiu. Whml the mtlitr try power cantsot. i.i. Hip IV 1 to 1it,.):,;, v r 0 wi. i • :.v'vi!.-i, no ii lov:;l to j ■!■: , uwl CVuist i.:.' e-n ’ Men actively j yi’ V and i . uteMt.ig the Leu -r and ] ••<-wt r oft 0..-. ;-v -’.Hint the ! ':ir..-li:m:tiop of s For shame! l ' lie CiviUvi my.of (u>v; rnt.i< M* been . *' .t ;«rc.-idy t.-t ;»Ut'Win:: traitors • tc i"to • mi- .. ii who should, at close i • to; e war, a e been smnt.iaraHv ’■ - "••., ••:! oh her 'ey the halter or] peruitutcnt expatriation. ■ .c stout i it policy oi Cougrcss ; ■-V' opposed to i Ikitikyivtn ui ";n\ ! policy” ia effecting what wii.! forever •stand a mcmiment of -ho thigh- and right of a Congress, repeating its wis dom of the people, the r's-eatahlishmout jof States ; .'s' iT'nc.ipieH and -'inti -1 rnenU made c ..miaou to «U by theov'tir arcltiog of the General (Government,. [The above wtls “handed in'’ some live days since.. Owing !/> virevaro upon our ooluir.nß bt roaster equally '.mpo . it« puliii atiois- has been delayed. Congress hss »i;-)co r,i>.;:. ‘Wr rro : S.l’l- J' Wlii -I '.rill -S-.U jmd I.IJ to the policy pi'etpcring loyalty and hu man riglu«. Til l >s'i(!i! -* rneasns-pM -;j eo-;':! pi>‘.-si ;yj i--, yv:> thi bm'd'y imtlicc to Clfcct isinmn/'il dig l ; ly.s' i1..-- g among lamsy'of on- Kco.-k siie.r. Bourdr. . Telegraphic Ujms., euiy 6th. A hit.for m.m Conr-d Piki. the Sr.a(t! Dinar;iaunt, M.-iuritius, May Otli,-ayti: h'-wc rcy Unt ilesnei-J. tiu; fever lias g«-atiy jnc-rerit'msl; A. wr w.t.s who eat:-, ar- nv-, . lr. v . Tlierc ha . < liei-n n««Hy ! iiirty i housaiitl deaths since the 10th of Kobimary. The medic and faculty «-(.-»•}»'• t -'ul . - tinu throu tl year < ; . J - neome rath-; u» upg-ava?-*; in Businenn !s»i‘it:],tt«'iod. Uornul Plk'o is sick, lb- !-:i- in- .1 oFilcrr-' 1 . by j>hy.- ttua&ns to iei.l-.:: Mauviun-i, fe.v dcc'ltiast leaving post. iJien- ir-s art- ml-? r of ons:--i j , '.m Amerii-aii ccssi ' in dis trfn-s. Tho majorisy oi ti n member* os ( aaxioiisly hope to uu'ih early next, week. I’horna.-, I .ss- fi, sgbr-r k- ,a Kreivnetl a. j-'ori .’.ienUii: <«» the 1 -«i, instant. K.v ii-svern r.- King, of New York is dead. A public, breakfast, wris giwu to Y. n- i.! id <:t;i i ; - 'Us mi .Si .I.'imis Hah, I ii S d--.r.|::y ::!--!. Jr Was .I*. 1-I'. <1 by K :'l i-. I'-f.-t-., j . nnd geuthinuni, - -i-• Hum ot rank, iiu-ludirig the Duke -if Argyl-, Ear! Bussiill, md doii-i Bright M;-. 15- Hi/ !' - < :■->*({’<!, "lid ,- pnk. : l l-enM-! h .1 iil!- ..( '•vices of 'V (!- is.-,:; Ml tin- lolls,■ "f o-. . ... i).f, 1 b- veil.l , 1 -r, - (•(•in. I-- M-. < i.-rrisMH ri •: t\ presi ' t;i . • vi- of I'u I !lli!-..-i| io . , ,1 ~-j, , II • 1 --ij -..-ii-. of tin v. i ,!> t! it - Ik i.Y on’ Kn i im and States u.d i,.,.- land slifiit'd be )ii-?.'.-i-Hsi, L t-m; -m | ,-.i lil-nb. of fri.-i.d . -. :..ti -J." .uld li,- 1 iiini’itaincd (*ct.we, n the : e. u;t -h-s. { : i -j ,!• !!: . •-.0 \ 1 , . frankly avowing .hi.- i-rrm-» ’vii -l he cmvimittei) fi': .in- untiiveak of the re bob - ’ll 111 0. -ti.; .-I -. Y-s ::)«,(> Illttol--: the -.. d;i O .1. 1 replied hi -iiel-.lii,- :• -I, M I r a-.i-ln-ss. A it-r'iiVotn t!. (’• -. „f ]-'eri.s v, .s e.l, \. ..onjv enh- : - y, ■. (Jurrisoii i'e.' at- s.-r\ ie < it- t-nc intne.' loiiii.'inity aid I- -,i . :-. Mi Hi the .Vniericii-i 111 in. -.Arbi -was a brent, sen. a !cUt , (i.c TO.'!i. e.itich wus (jiiiiliiicd iiul reserved. (b e - -.;■<?'de !|-;; ■; .-• •» .i- year.' 'l in- l{ep»j!>Uc.;!i re-.e!a. ;,.us pa --seil ;K Ihe Slut, Ijonventioe of I, -i week pi ii*t', i.h-.- party -.utheb,-, - lU d ample jib-'fivi i of .“iiupartctl mat., hood siiih'.'tge. rise ( - »ti! v ;i:iv, Deo’ --.-rats 1 11 no mo.-a potr the. I!'"'!.,, se! Ihe boo 1 a 1-, (li io i., - ,t. . pin t of tiie itHKcrtion that the iioi -. s| oi the I'lf.-ia [inrfy .1 sociivir-g ti'ie.i: - iu-cdom \>:is ad involuntary and fiv- M.llish |.-nrj). siw. The health of i'ue l-’rein ii Prince Imporia'. imjivovi -. ami ri-KiarkubiY. SPECIAL NOTICES i. «. MTAJIT. W C. li! i: lie:-QS mim & BiCH^BBSON. ATTORNEYS >.N"U CO V2TBELL OR A A T LA W. yi vu.». OltLCii, coroc-T Ellis ul and Homunet.t slivs-v --airinim k.» : H-«. I WM. rr.n, M. WiUain;. ~. Uob aidr.i-y Pcrijiun, M. C., 1 C Hen. T. J. Siler, Buffalo, N. Y. eldgar Hi .claim. Ke, , Ni w York ( ' . H- U- ‘‘.i:. S . p.y, J.'..--" va.i, JK.. Hon. Joseph llow-j il, *■ ('.>’• Alts-:: (:. Browne, Jr., Boston, 'U-. J. S suno!, Pros'! Boc-d of UoalUi, V. w York Cltv myl3-tf |»*FBBEDMA>PBSAvi%'«i's<'.» XD Tai'ST COJIVAHY, AUGUSTA, 0f.., yn sti JACK- - SON STREET.—Koue* podccc ~-.i or for? July 15th, iS7.'-.-j; 1.,..-; , front July lev C. U. PKLNCK CiehiCT. jcgfi-U rsrl" lA’l'A "ViMai: 1, CH.Ai'IS, TOU i lr. or oßixdaurcae, frctn-Sa). t»-rj toor.B. Oka! i.-ii.i: fl;.rs,-- Cl-.'-. Children’ll Citrlugts, Sw . ;•», 1. .-!. - I ‘Vc S W SKITS, .f '3s Nc, TO Wi.liMr, : -,vV A rgc-CXOTHEa WgIKG-E S3 OF ALI KJNCHc j ?, :-mpliy r.-piired «.r token .a pari pay to. the " Unie- :-r?.. ",wid. -tic « j-,..-’’ n-hh'h £* | warnurted so ha C.r.r»V.«. Tic.: -s ! with Doty** Wvi'.oc Macjiun n . ,1 v-.,* <• J; i. ! venMd n TYtiut.'v METKOI’OYITAN WASH ! I>’ir M ACHINE COMTANV. £. C. BiO'-VN j INUt. (i.YnarJv, .(cent, Li.. XI C '' "'.‘:'.iL c,b'wt, Nv* York, ojipiKjitii liitrfj*" ts* Ib-gJ, . 1 j | SPECIAL NOTICES. KSCrZSTSI? NOTICE i 16th Scaatbrial District—Glaisccak aad Jefferson Countie*. , RBf“ The Bourd of will mutt la (fee (.-hove at -gt» time and durln.? Uus i»o --; licd upetlfied, fsrdhe -yvypoeo of KIIGI3TSES - IKG o.uidtfiKd. yotam atider tho laws of Con -1 gro?& kaewa fe> the BeconstrucUon Acte : ' July hd: at Down’s C&mr. Gxottad,OlMSWwk. I -Mjunty. July t'th arc LOtis, m C-fbsco, Gltsscoek Juiy nth. ti, K«mp>, gimmooJc catssty. Jv*y lSx'n ) .»tl'cna‘sßTWgo, JtJfew-on county. .T-jy ISth, i*t ify'rmt Prove, JeSonKia county, . Jury 15 tii usd IBth, at Pope's. Hill, Jeffer*»a ccanry J-oly I7ta et;" 1st 2, at Xcmlevll!* JeSerKm county. July is-sc. and 30th, at Bethany Cam/Ground, Jefiersoc ccorty. Wednesday. July 31, and. Thmsday ar,d ?rl .:ay, Angnst Ist and Sid, tho Board will remain <iLl.ifon,Glauscock coerr.y, to-register such votere as have %U«d, by ary csum wbatevtr" to do so, and correct any errors on the Registry List. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. August (lb. sth end 6th, remain at Louisville, J«f fersou couhty, to register auel» voters as zity Ailed to do bo, by say causa whatever TKOS. H. SKXNXJIB, JS. J. PAKNEL, WM. HALE, Board of R- vlstry, lSftU Senatorial District Augusta, J unu 34th, 1887. jeSSMit BGAKD OP REQISTEATIOK Idsthtoesth Jkcnalortiil l*lr,trlc.«. eSr-TUB BOARD WILL MEET AT THE Court House, in ABjfs.sU, TIR BSDAY, FKI ' DAT and SATURDAY, July 85th, 26th and 27th, ts Register such voters of Richmond . eoimty as have failed to do to, *t the e.-vml precincts In tho county, from any cause what ever, end to correct any errors that may exist. An,rusts, JnlySib, 1567 jyK'.d Headquarters 3d Mil’y District, (Georgia, Alal.alna uad Florida.) Cbibf Qhstkam.->teh’s Dmcc, > AttawTA, Ga., June 34,1867. { faS” H Y ORDER OF THE QUARTEKMAB te* Geuerel V. ri. A., scaled proposals will be received at tbi* office until the 20th July, 1367, for the sale of the WRECK of the V. 3. STEAMER “CONVOY,” now lying In Barr .Yn cm Harbor, Floriiu. !lae highest bid wilt be accepted, and the porehaaar will be required to rsmpve the wreck so far from tha channel as to present no ob rt'u .Kon to the usual uavigaiion of the Harbor. The C uite-d Stutee rtserves to itself the right to reject any or all rif tilo bide, if 'deemed un satisfactory. The bids tell’ he opened at 12 M. 20th July, : 67, and ahould be pluioly -endorsed, “ PrC/l-->- :ur Purchase of t. 8. Steamer Convoy,” uud addressed to K. SAXTON, Bv’t Brig. Gen’] A Q. M., C. 8. A., ' and Ch’s Q’t M. 8d Mil. Dis’t, je-30 Atlanta, Geo. Skrci-lcj-’n History. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. JNO. THOMPSON, N. York a Brooklyn Agimt, (dice No. 172 William Rt., up stairs. Heary B. Niauton, COC Nii SLLOR AT LAW, No. 170 Broadway New York. USA THE UNDEItSR Vl l) HAS RECEIVED -’ir-aplX- i I N!TED STATES COM- MihSiONKR • il.-:. Southern District of »ioor onicc a-. Augusta -JAOOB B DAVIB. May iY. 13(57 tuytLSm hi sow Thy Destiny, A.r.vp-VME 11. r. THORNTON, the •Vi Rm-ilrh A-trol iifaf. Clairvoyant an-! 'i’.-v --clKi!ii-:-lrie:!in, who t .s jibed tin. M-icnuuc of .lie O’.i World has cow located i.uv- Rolf at ( i. \ (, Mr.di.tue Thorcum I >.'*- fc.ise* wonderful powers of n. .’oud-Kight, .*.* loetiai !■ her io impar. knowledge .-.i me iT'- i‘ : .‘f -rlaii. m ti. .i:.'iugle or married of .-itherKx. While ii- ?. ua-.e oi trauc;, ‘he de- R»«s»te» Uu very f-.-.lim« of the pers-m von are 1., xs.ul t " Ui. ii .l of an ii- truri.rr., of il.u-ti«i iHiwt-r, <nown tho Psvc2ko:m>:r«me, c.i-u-«ii:cts :o prqdu... a Ui'o-Ulw picture ot the In i. .- ' -v '.- the r.i. -!i'. : ia!.. :-witt- -il, poßt:U.i\ in Bfo. b- ni■ -w ■ ?t r. Isc. •' nil n.> ; ■ ! ' •: ;ifiiinoiiULs * m as .-’ i. .. v-Uißcnd, wh. r certfticate, ni- lyr.if-, i..r nii»:.t t'ac picture i- what, ; .r p- psrt., to By uK-ii-las a email 1.-ii r.i nair. and stalli -0 place of i.frth, a.-- dli' - aitioi},,- : .i-.-’i. an.* -i .-I v,id» tit,v c. no and - - -" i .. . yourocif, yo .i,; tii; .ai-i-r:- s.ud deslr,. .cl. naa r i y return mail. A't cudn unlcaHiww Kv:«dly confidential AvlirOO', iti uondd doc, Madame r. thornton I*. O J. x 223, Hud‘i a. N. r. t-v- •ro con- (tfr:. vea—n... % r , having hser. restored to health hi a few weeks, ,f» 'i y simple !vn.-.!dv, after having sufreroA' • . - ' j-i<ri.rr ii.'is- ,vrslung adacuoa, and *.V c AcaV.: G!c-r.vliptiou, is anxhv.l9 to . r..i:;.- kui'.c. to f.l"- ' i.ow-iufiererj lie means T.- r.i: win. ... -:. .I, ho will send a copy of iLo K.U-.1- tioi , (ttao • t . niiryo,) with ihCilireu ti-jj*» (•« and LSiug tha samo, which they will ‘.’ud u SURE CURE for Consumptiou, Asthma, Uronchit'.-, Ac The only object of tlie advert.-..- ,-r iu sending the Prescription a to ; .:*!v »i: '.tie .-uilicuil. and spread infotmntlon : wli-.-li he wm.-elves t-i e ihYolua'-:.-; .1 ho l “V' * A- sufferer will ,ry tis remedy, a.i u .i. e-jut thou nothing &tid may prove a fcloss -•ar.utii wishing the Pr .rlptlon viC pleas i adurm'- RhV E:: %VAJitl A WILSON, WYiieia-.: -pv my, N 5 ; Board of Registration. CITY OF AUGUSTA. .1 HE OFFICE OF REGISTRATION f.-.r th. GRy ul Augusta, all; be opened at the City R..--A :.,p - .airs'- on MONDAY’, the Y4tfc, froi i> o’clock .A. M. toDo’cl vk p. (f.. ir. u. day . tlav. until Rather notice. BHNJ. r. KALL SAATL LRVT, vi. A. HARPER, Registjators I 3cf4 if ■ cSlybf Atu-nswe J .WILLSO|f # B , SCHOOL -AM fAMtti SERIES READER AND LEERS. FROM MAJOR OTTllil HXIWARD, , Docuuiasioiier Bureau.. v, Yoor ciceteut nt-riai Ijm boon imstilti m' - nifineii fgytut iiitewirit I like tho worku ' o rj much* Vcd. loj - uCy vU-ascW with »iw> Chart -: an-I PricMK.’y Boois, dhNM adapted to aid. pho child la pi adejig a dkon.” . ■ ■ WillMsrt’* J*rii>tanj &pdUar< r n -sivo Coiirto vt LtcF-ioiw y fepeirißg*, tritJi riMdlafi Mod t fSx»rre&o%' <mtl tho KUfiAt-.d •«'hai Mid Written Oontywhii wa Witrosotr, i cvio., pHTfea, 51 i Cats. H oectev -» WillidtibH TjOrger ffpeUeK A ProgWßf** (I oi' ixvktew^inajteiW iacf, -.f-F; .-id ApiioTduig to the PrincipUi at O: nod liwoDjaiMV with fixer '-as in ftyroayxaslo» lieocUaft -d «u>a a iu- Sys: . oi i> tliuiioii-i. By Bl*v«cw*Wifc. i Jhu>, ids 36 Cuts. 35 cents. . . , Willmt’ ’-s l*rimer. TL) School ttd Itafiy 7 .. Ir; uotluotory to N-Tit-s .-i -M'da:wlFamilylteoddr*. BjKLti- 2 WiLusos. IJukv 48 pages, 107 CuU 25 cents. Will*ou’s hrst Hauler* Tkfe Knrt !W»i*r School <%i Fan»ll)r Seri--'! By 'ten TUB Wvulmox. ) 2*lo, <4 {«?•» -4G uoctai. Willson’s Second Header. -The Beoood R»vr- --i SuMr.4 m* K<-i • / SerU •„ By Mai;- iusWuxoo*. tOOOato. 00 eerdH. .1 Third Hauler: lntemtdha« Seript. it*' r. »: rtff a b. iv,- :: ii”; b.-f- ad and Tnird lieaders el tks - u -'«umly jSarian. By ’L- k : - Win.- ’ ’H. I2mo, 216 rwtae*, fw , n;-=. Wit'nan's Third Header* The Third Ko»-.K , .is. 1 tuai Tsunyi ky S’- By Max "a ■ Wuxsu*. 1‘ifOO; *W Bt>e«tß. A I'ovrfh Header: Striu. A y -.,-i 8.-nib.-ttil g«rad* '• tt* - ■ : T >d und Fourth fteadetoot tfev • F-vtufly {kwtaa. By- 'k:aius Wuxsok. 12itu>, 312 pogss. V |i m WilUan'fi Fourth Header . The Fo«nh • . t the School »u«i F.-.iiiily Scrli:-, By Msunus Wauio*. 1/. pageo, 1W <H-. §1 35. Willson’* m/lh lleuder. The MfoKIWi -» uh-ol and Vtwniiy s ■ ';y Miitcrcs WiiXßO*. l3mo, -, y-* Cute, fi sa. (Extract from Lt' er o." Miy.n fitaxton, or' vH-rin,'-- Readers.] VV*iuirjf<i?ot>, D. C., April i*. idC7, .-»!!** It- si-si. thOßi-kt by rt.-im-i that w« had better get the Parki« -v Watson Fen-«, which is the tiu >sl u-- din the bibools, him] •:}- because soxae hail n. fur the huUo of uulfvnuUy; hut lay rec-iumendutiou ;-n. v .l un« cvntiemaji pr. x-n;, win; hud in u t-i'li, »tats and that ha Jad used tha other as long an b« eared to, tmdeou aid.tiu tat Will,.on srte ar f*.h enpdrior, giving »n exiimj.liY of U-.s, ditiertace of time required in ' :. !;icg u ntw pupil, the. pnfe rrtice being decidedly in favor of tiio latter v-srii.-s. S . v.i . star'.!-, gthte n--w uiotemmit, b «decided to . Hi; beat book axtast, to ter us we knew Uittu. i. # * m * :t .vi: s. tVauucofJoXTos. 1 Frou the AD * tu ( * - (Bet. Lvit*.» /t J'-Lu l TT.) “The pi-c.vlar ebunvMiiiistlc of Odd Series U-.-s in tbu fact that t-ey ulsr-' to ittpart, aster «. lossibleut -tul Iniormatlon. Vorthie pur 1-ose they contain a aeriea tis article* on vari -,iu6l JjJtictfM..; * - f&ce ar.d htetory, graded so tin- capacity oi tii Ter,. d\ m pifc, an dso orraaged that when the tv.: volume* have b«m ctur fuUy read, tho student, .--. addlliou to » knew 1. of rctn..l.;, wiii have i.c.;ulrtd aephelde. ran!. ku .whMy.i i. m.iDte departmimta of study, sack m v .:. .a; the four.datioa for more <on.{i!ete instrtic t. on nßerward.” Tilt j-f.r. •! .r. .oVo ;: < i-tdisrly k'a|tod to the 1.--, m-evi; »tni. .-Ue perrit-tivea oi the eolori-d cUiffrun. Socu book D iirofusaly and haiidsomely UJustrated, aud the Rluetrationa «i.1.• r..-;l I-.; ren>rthacotayri-heiißiOS ot -il-e n-adlog matter more taej. The loßaw. in? U'dtimoiiia'a havu been aaltcted from a ’.mgr mass of a iunilar di-ajuv E- F USD A. V, Oretcß m -x lid-i EotCiTioo, H:t -xv- i-rxi, Vj_. Dec. IS, 1366. Dear sir—: i.w b.-.-n tetniliar with the Reader* from their ilrrt publication, and am froeti any to you, u.- 1 have -uniformly nald to ?ewr..-rr«, superintend; a-..-, wthar*, that, .V ' Liags cu'ui-n: - - :, i reui.rd tl.cin s( -,A« Lest rids before th-f public. Tiie leodlog 7 —.liar '.j! -- r tlu* N.-ries u-ys a happy in sptrndvu of ihe author, aud the . locaticn of tha phm *o we”, done *s scarcely to admit of Improver." er,-.. Mr Wiiia.-.a’e style of compo tUion in t he low; - numbers of the Series, and Kome'.hing of t•j..i. in Uu higher sum here, 1,-.'. *■ I:;-. !. !n: . -1 !.- ccnre iatsr wilier* of r. :nxd rvat'.srs with die:,ledadTOiiageto their work.*. Itereo Mr. Witlsoa has not only made a peer : 7. . -* -. f bis vrii, but has e.i rsle4 !--id‘-.-.i;,n. . meb * When.- c-.: .-. V U-shas. r.i/i been eoartrsdnod by circumstance. I hav « always u*s<i this Sctlos both in the ■.'■Uu- and colored schools with which i have been iu any way connected. Yom-s, truly, R, hi. Manly, supcruihnmiont Eduiaticn. fk'E te’. M. G tv..! Shpcrlnteadant Frudmau’s k.-L. \ Arkansas. I aeVY-rniMi. ter rc-ad,.*; thirn from ihobc i-O'-ks. Tt ore uuurpMoed t-y any. Harper ec Ikotliers, r - • .islier^, . FRANKLIN SQUABK. KNV -mu - AKFHua dtj jiUcmi KHS % til auy o : 4r*uTS Trv :.*• ;•*»•< U' viy to Ciiiu-a an / eviilpt offlh? J. E. 131.LV V. itiENT run raE staie sr oaosoir am. Prom W. t ' i, SniicrinbYniiTat <t FrCadusat; 1 * !:u. uv ol p..atn«a vMiiaJreei. iui s , for k’.kUU* Tcon.aaea. ■* 7.. Willatta’aMfc .i.isnrpasaua Ijy day in tits Englie* CoplraW.,- - ' paid,to parfVp desiring to e . ,:li * vlsw Vr> hv uoducticn, o» > • .. tali'prise . i lifo-JCk AF. . o pniluiah. a HwaW of School (in > in (Iff ( TfUfTtOf Twantj.tww' r. , , r-v WUfom and N. AGalhi; -., Tbevi OhAri* v f jn pauj»«ct,fc»B with ttaaeeoM-'-' ; W. -.a! of tiurtrnctina by MarahiS w- i UJi-i r an) suh the Vr iMM? .* . ua Ivy Ift j\. Calkin, (lffiOi.l ■ <-. i. : ii. tiin uracbqr Ytith tkarequh. :u for the oiiv-Oipil j 1,-plientioa <j». .in of K.,, m<u>- ■ ttry lnaUxteiio*. ( iuli*g.amrt« j tha typ* ia «•". i.u-g. b« cauL |ly rt»d »t » dfc(n» »>, ,-r.ty fact. Tlwt Charts win ha fir *f - . - .if--i-’-ityasitedy w in full *att», d-f- ' )r In Giaubs. ant ' ii*o, for Faaa . - ..if siont-, ottfco (aliowiag jai«M twooraoof.* a Card of U* *R- 1.1.3a: *7 try Jtn teties. That* ' ' il- i-v at the C’.-Ymm ■»««• Sd. /j. ,th,rte 1. VIM s-- i.. -lli.-lraLai • . Won* . . 86 L-so. - II HaMDiw 86 cts. ILL ItawEu; ..: ~ ,1* eta. PC RaoSa: . S5 chi. T. *•»:«, SB eW. VL HaaiLi $ . ~a.= 35 etc. • VIL 35 cV>: VIU- Fh<«ij*h». . s*cV IX Ifrittat .1 ... ilortsv I. Drawiac- an , - 36 cfau • XL Lust a*. St <**■ t HI. Tom* no ’.fi iU lili. ToaLL: *. '•~i tjatr- -bind ' Catert ' in’. China*' -. f-- iSO XV. Juumtd i- -I >- *. -. «i cte. - XTL Cteeteftw oA ITIL Slfo*: i» - LUCi &LQ?) ... ft shk XYIII. lUptites : IIX Botanl-eSJ * t< fG-ite XX Otmir-r *C-'-tS- Xli. Jtaiww. '*.« *>«*. Xill. Heomomi ' doefs ; Prieaoftkaxatirv. - dilvtt *• « w e.l. is® '* « « • '-. v.i.U 36 «* CiYlSln’a rrtaarr -'.i-', (IN vra’»«r»*teo> . y «r. Titer* U» hev - -’Ulred ft- th* . tiis*atdua*l , ■ . .-u nt)M,ls' such *-m**u»' o,' . ' .' •euefls-fta CUaita andtb* N* - ' ■ .---inpa*j&'tN»aai. it < intfrvrSof. Willson’s H ae-st .(meriCfcn rar i-eiulsn of tb : . •■‘ta.- .itwS Bwii baa yrtbwmow r i .-pthfrraK^ i ly earryitg ck -i te- mro-hs i miyin? Cha < - ... adattraj*t« rtsloAiOf Rti. .' U ; . Y-ctAsr.