The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 20, 1867, Image 1

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' : ' ' " : I '' :- '* ’''' i- ' 1 .iji VOL. I. The. llaily l.nyni ttoorsfmn. ■ AUGUSTA, GA. t J! jVy ‘;f, 180*. .1 ' ; •■v \ NT Till).' ft. BEARD - Aircnt. ,* oi'iilolv i 1 1.1 ■l, <rnor <.l lit on . sdtvi •, i WKMH: «*•«<■ s '*’ *1 i «•>"*•> '3'f,arv‘- * ■ " * ~ WB.BKI-V, Our Vcsir, - Hontln.. ... - * V - ST».-<••• .l?.*isSl»“ - - ■ •OO K vri:«i OR' ;U» ‘JKTII.NIW; V. t - •: : ■; m . -■ £3y'B -5 f '5 j;> M. , | -•-- ' ■’ J • • ; i;;. j ~ “ ci MollUi - ■ oo a /"■ &->-Vli c" &j 1} Months. i MV-. . sifter Inn, .VJ Will Oi!< >•,!:.!, r.i l,_y tt-ii Hut--of minion j IYpO VdvmTj -* meids u'vv;; y other day) for a. murbh or I*r pnsioil, | will Vn.r charged two-Ultra>, of tabh* nuns. A a 1• . nt„ MV ire.. w* . \ {j :,,lf oi Ia Ml! | Advert 1-4 i«»e»>l- : jOHrr. a week op.>lAio*d ('I table. I M:?rr'j;i and Funeral N«»!iet -- I . I duniarky., -» cuntr pur hm . ,V‘- hi'. M|., r -..'i. I ;"i Dll ? 51.» ii’ . ■ A'ili fit*, l ’\ddr.r-s u Loyal K corymb," Key fha l»V.», j Itema- Ai, the mime'.! o.lccti*»n >i! the Wos- I “i’- i.-.r,-..jii; l.'.OMJ.'Mty, Jkl'l HI ■ Now Y,u" uii I,ln- le. e instniii, lluti. | Win. < Irt'.ni,,■ I New Vii?, w:i~. olct'l. | ~,,J I'rosiik’iit.. It is Tt-jH.irti.i! iu Nov.’ York that mlrie-es from Kiiti»|>o int.licriU that lili:i!>e,i::l culftbltiH.:,, >-i nut yet re stnrvi! ill Lni'-.lun mu I Peris, A mulatto imin was found i loan I last j iSiin.lay liiiir.iine no,-u’ the railway, two 51 > iU-H f!..ui | laws,.M I, I Oi. (.‘ails,! Ull- I Auovvd, lout evidently from a, Mukion j utta.'l: liysijiiio painful ouniplaiut. Two uioji an,l two wotTmi wore ar iesl.o'l 'in Staton Islaiul on Moiiflay ; after! n, while fi.e icji.-tl ii* print in.-'j • ••••uuterlVa co. it, ney. Alar, Mia,mat, I «,-t prim.-'"i-.', iiuUeiial was in:,!. >S, ~ro!,ai y .Mol 'ulio. has <),:i:i,k ,1 to j mvit-o proposals tor tlio ttoti a mol am of \ a orauite ,1j..0k ::i,.1 <<>!'ce at New j Vtirk, li'" reception of foreign I •icann ,a : ■! il». l.aa.liii'.r oi all passim- ! Missis-sp'ii 5..,,! 75,000 men 1., the i rebel mu:IV, a.T.,) lie-,re than her V'ilila; j vote, ami !,.■! .01.10 o r i lmju, \V< learn t-liat ii. n ipiitu pro!nl»!« j licit StxjiK Moiiulaiii "’el make an :„i : v.-nhvmoils oTor for (he lorat.i m of) Mew. > C. ivvrshv in th" pl:„.v. Nhv has t!m Materia! <-! •■, at imn-l .vhci •• 1 with h en , i lie il : l-hih'e e;s, smiil a 'icantifui sit-u. Wli.i, v.. think ; Atlanta die place f,„ i : location, yet: if it "1 leu’ll-! not conic h, we Wui.l,l • av, no can'U o! ciiuipfa-int <>l its heii," placet in th l suburbs of our city I in- i! A tlant.'i .Kr;, ° ol th" t /tli >o a. Till ofbeial report OJ the special, j ipec. , 1 e! a 1 ol tie Ni ■. (>rh aii.s ; Sul, 'l’n-asurv, places the Mi’lah it'on . at a little less tit m $ >,OOO, with-1 vccnrfty v hi, : u ill proliably rot Topper i it: favor of cut. r ha. to otr-wMi pub Th. 'ohs, ; ecau:-' .Vnows i-liat ii r'e book sellers don’l • ail tin >n, hi r-’•:<•!'. never will. The I ojire of < «alv-: ton have In ea remove.!, I v ~>•’• r"■ fi"t), Siii'i ,Jan an..’ • •• 1,-" -. • ...i! ! now «i* - churgai.,:; t! i v on ties. A Jj.,nj-iv‘ ml hesiiaTiii -e.y - ti-at in- j ol iiiiii-'. .; an,l wife * -cinar one,; they ji"o tin; tor Mr.- is J aito ! • is 0. j itea.,ier, Mi l you >. > • enjoy the ; ecstaticblisof courl iipy'. ' .a Mid nt! then you had belter a. little (oil- : an-t rv. .B!n;,:iid leiivo of ;.h . w iii be "Muted 1 1 olnc- rs of t ile be . bs’i army .lii r hi" ! i' surnrae.’to vi-il th,- J’an- : E-vhibition. A careful caleedator finds that, oil I an average, one peon in every !.?•>.» blind of .me eve. Tile dcfee.t is more common in iw fiiau high latitudes. AUGUSTA, G.Y., SATURDAY MORNING, JUDY 20, l*<>7. llnAmpiAvnais, hit Mh.itamv Diktuict. C/o/iyUf; FI, :i,l,i. and AKAima, Atlanta. Cit., May 31. 1807. liIiNCKAI. On.,EIC. Ne. 30. In accordance with an act of Unnyrcss, suppltiauntaiy tear. Act to provide a more I cilieient. iioviTiieieai aw the rebel State 1 . i < tc., dated Maivii 3, ISO 7. the leilownig j i.rraupemelit.s an herein made for tin re I pistration of voters in the States of Ucor ' pi l , and Alahama. !.. The .States of Georgia and Al;.h;nna, 'are divided into Kepistratiou Districts, i numhet'od and I.M,\mdeit, as hereinafter j described. 11. A Hoard of Uegistrntiou is beveiu appointed for each District, as above men tioned, to consist of two white Uoyistei's, an I one eo' red li, 1 inter. l:i tin, State oi' (h'.T'-ia, win:;’, only (he two Whito He :■.o ar, .k :, ::iatcd in this Order, it is dir,-, ted laid these white !hmisters in each I.)is: riel imn,. >i itely select, and ( '.use to he lilll led . .■ ■mj.etuit colored man to eompreie th, Uotird of lfodstratkm, and a-.l Post oilier address, w i:,. ,-t re!. ~t • C»l. C C Sibley, com ; District of Ge-.rgia. at Mncon, t leu trim 111. i .en 1. rni ter will be repair, .1 to iai<e and "-reV-cii! - rot' oath preseriijcd !.v C- - I 1 11 1 ■,.! ,kited .Inly 3, 1.803, .■lid a : ad htio ell oath to die' .large leith folly tie- dut 1 ; of Uegist-’r under late, Ae's.if p.-.m It i not believed that anv of tie appoiiiteiiS, lit ret,.'fore designa ted. will be tueifile to take the. test, oath a'.xiv, I.;, ntioiied. ftfoilv tonus oi til, 1 eat’ns .ill he sent to the appoint,:, ss at one, ahd on beic"executed and returned t„ the soperiuleudeiith of State Keghtrn, :In is 11. ,ma,iii- ,s U, itistel’a will be. i-sued, ami forwarded to them imme diately. IV. (e erdi: to secure a. full .-f voter-, it i l -, defei'iuille.l t.o fix the . . mi,l i,a, ,if lt, "ist..|'s aer.ol'di,,.. 1 to the e;. pi ral rules adopted in taking the census. In th, ciil.s', the, compensation is fixed ni lifUm cents for eacl, recorded voter; in liei eios.t sparsely oi’tiled counties and ,hs tri.'t s :il. fortv lents per voter. Tin: com p, u- J| will be "niduslid between these ii.,,,' . .av a-.ling to tlie and, r, ity oi the pop i t the la, if iti, of lie Coni muni, " (>..ti TANARUS, n. cents per mile, will lie allowed for transportation of li,misters off the lint ’ ,>, . .a ' , ,-s steamboats, anil live cents per mil, .via.a travel is, done oil railroads and steam bonis. V. It is hereby made the duty of all Registers, mid tin • will be expected to pel form : 1 -i rietlv, to explain to ;dJ persons, ,v!io ha;, not in reiofu’e enjoy,.l the right ,?• suiTin se, vvl l ;: es, their political rights end prileges, and the necessity of exer cising them upon all proper o( 'carious. V’t. Tile name of each voter ahull appear in tins li., of voters for the precinct or wal'd in which tie resides; und in cam * where, : v, tens have been unable to register, whilst I * in* board-, of I'egi-' w ire ill the i wards or precincts, where such voter", live, .i .]•; i..,s will 1,.- .i; • lo o ter at th, I -s.ts ol' their n. |.-> etiv, < cnl ■ . j j,. a ji. .-ha and time, •.1 which ,lu, notice, vill | given; f,at tin. null.- lof all vot. m tbit, r, g.s.c., rt ,1 will 1,.: placed on the lists of voters ..I their respective precincts. VII. 'I , i;,,:ir>|. of Ih '-'istration will give duo notice, so that it may reach all persons entitled to register, of the date whet) they will he. in , neli election precinct; the time.'they will spend in it, and Ihe p!ie>- yv.liro' 'a- 1 regih ration ’-ill 1.-e mad, - mil upon tin.- euiii|ecli"!> of tie-r. tistralion j'.,,- each en;,id the board of lfegisi rat ion give notice that tin y wiii he present, for three, .isle o' e days, at the Cn.nty s ; at of county, to legi,ter -itch voters .is in . ■ failed to r,mister, or been prevented from regist-aing in their respective pre cincts, and t.o hear evidence in the , rse oi vet, i‘ r. ii-cte ! i'.y tile it,."sis:. rs n the .v --e: and precinct,, a'ho ,na,v ilesire to ],resent teat it,limy ie their own hehali. I'M, Ifniess otha’wi'c instructed her, after. ISoard ; of If.-gi-lndion are directed, in ,|, termining wiletln-.r applicant to reg i-t- . a;,-, legally oaalitied, Lo hold tfiat tile! tena.-. “ Kxe.ealiv>; and Judicial.” in the v-, <■: C aer i', -. , f March !B(i7, can pci-e all piers,whomsoever, who have hi i ! oeicu under tie' Executive, or .Judicial Depart on til of the St,ate, oi National Gov- : eriie.ii.nt in other words, ail officers not I l live, which hot. -ire also excluded | by tlu Ail. I.’..isoil:) who apply to i gi'-t-.r, j who consider..,l ilis,jUahhesl iiy the i boar,’:-., will he p, rinihed to tain; tile: repaired, tvlnoh, the objections ; •I de boar !, w iii Ira held lor adjudication I ie o after. iX. T 1 e list-, oi're sist, red voters foi e i tin precinct'! will !„. (reposed in some : pi,, ge j; ~ e, that pr, -i net, for ten eori ......give , i-ey;-, at s.iae tim.; auliwpietil to. t!:e .'d oi the registration for each j ivair.t l id *■ -f..rv any election is; held, in on lei ( tint II supposed ca:;e: of fraudulent j rei'i g.ra.tion may Ijc titoroughly invest.!-' | ].in. aa.i, c wiii he given and pro-! vision lie,do for the tin," and place for ex- j amis o i>i: ands ttienicnt of such cow X, bead: hooks of oaths veouiseo to a. ~ ;,v -:,d i.iank registration , - full mid detailed insti-a -1,,- the pcrmimniiceof their elutic:., w ill i... . ... sirdi 1 t.o .Ho ods of ltegi: trr doj: upuroijib and in tills Order; and it i: hi,. , ... •-.* 1 i ’■ :;rd- that they' pro to ("-mpiefe the reg. haiku: v.o;, :.!! energy all si ‘ h-oas'oe vp t ... .a • :i -to ctiom. to Kegin p !-• v :: ,i,,h the i.iemb-. r of ,a eh O.iat-d who shad be its I'rmidcttt. XII. V 1.,:,-!; • ..■■ gi ~f violence, or! pj ' m uu toptv, jH-r.-.on from regi-rei ing his uame, excr r;,,ing In, political i ;sJs. .U’e j.-o-i‘;v.;:v prohibited: and is. bdi ti, ,t!y unced .eat no eoiitr-g t, a.i- agreiei; ut with l.d 1 r er- . whief: deprives then: of t-heir wr. ; -- for i any longer time than that actually < e‘;sun<e.:l mV -ieg or voting, will l- perrdtb and : .- : vs ■ I . -ain ! tlie-in in i!ih Di , ;.! and this oiVeuSc, or any previously ! muiti..m:d hi thi, p,:;!•;.graph, wHI cause i tu. iamu '-iar : nm-:t of oflcld.-r end hi. trial before a Military ComraUstou. XIII. The exercise of the right of every ■ duly authorised , Jer. under the late Acts Congress, to r- sister and vote, is guar sitr. id by the Mi! tart Authorities of this ; Dhtri.'t; and nil ernons whomsoever are w.inn ,i against ary attempt to interfere to prevent any man 1 >nt exercising; this right, 1 unde; any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by the u nil legal mode. ; XiV. In case of :ny disturbance or vio ien,, at the place u l ' registration, ~r any in, 'vstution of ID ,r of appHcauta . in register, the Hoards of Registration will | e:d! upon the loe-f civil authorities lor a . polio.: force, or a p.-s-e, to am st t he otl’eml : ,r and preserve ipii.-t, or, if nee,;,: ary, upon the nearest mill tar. authorities, who are ! hereby instructed h litruish the m'-v-sary ! aid Any civil olli’c ••!., who refuse, or who fail to protect H. v 'em, or applicant- to , ivgistcr, vs ill be rep. ted to tilt- he: 'hptnr- j | ter-, of tlu Oftiesa Commanding m the State, who will at’ -t, such dele -a- " . ami s, nd charge- a iiinst them . . . j hoa.l'iU-irlers, that ,:,e\ may bo bloi!..l:„ j in fore :i Military (.' by command of J- 'vet M-y. Gsn. Lh po. G K. S.tN'lU-'.U.SOK, Cajd. oftd Inf :ry o \. A. A. G. | MILIT AJ V BILL. HD'IiTKS 3» MI'..IT Aliy HIST.. Montuumkky, Ai,.sApril . Gknf-kat. Ukdbrh Nu, I. The following eoract. li'iim thii re-j f cent Acts of (fongre.- a relation to Re j construction in tlie mlhern titutes-. in j I puliltsfied for the iufor;ual-iun of all can- j icorned ; | X". 0. | • An Act supplimentar) to “An act en titled an act to prev'lo for the trniru etiicieiitgoveriinicnt .! tho rebel Suites," i passod March 3, * .w»r7 ~ml to Ihcilitalo j restoration. I lie it enacted, etc.. That !>e r ,,ro the i first day of September lf<>7, the com manding general in caul district (d< fried Uy an act cntilled u An as!, to provide lur tin) more cfliciunt govortanelil of tlie rebel States,” passed March I -< ,) ahull causca regisl ratiiMi to ho i-iado of tils' nude citizens of the, United Klaics, twenty one j yearn „f age, and upwards, resident in , ueh | county or parish in the Sti'i.e or St-ilos iu I eluded in his district, winch registration l shill include only Ihuae pirsomawho are i ipmlificd to vote lor iiel,g:i., aby the act; | aforesaid, and who shall have taken nod subscribed the following until oi uilirmn tion ■ **l, , do solemnly swear, or affirm, in the presence of Almighty God, that. I .-lie a citizen ol the Hi.atc of ; Unit I have resided in said uta lor months next proceeding ft,is day, and I now reside in the county , or parish, of | - ,in ssid State, as the riuso may lie; i that l run ‘rw! yuan'! old ; ilia-, I Ikiyu nut i been disfrnnohiM-il for participation any j rebellion or civil war again: ■ ; the United .States, or given aid or c ’loi’t. In :!,o enemies thereof; that I have never taken an oath as a member off amgress of tin: United States, or an an dikes i of the IJni ted Stales, sir as a member <■' any Slate Legislature, or ns an executive nr judicial officer of any State, to support tie: Con | ftitiitioii of the United States, and altor -1 wards engaged in iristirrcctinn or rebellion against the United Staten, or iiveu aidin’ comfort t ) the encmi.-s tlier,-ol toat I will liiithfullv support the Const inn ion and obey the laws of the United Cates, and will, to the host of my ability encourage Others so to do- So help 100 (!. 1 : wlech mih or affirmation may be aeoiimstored , by any registering officer. I Site. 1. That the* command!:,,' general ; nf each district shall appoint a- many ' boards of Registration as may I neoun : , ar,, coiiMeU! : of thre' loyal diners or - persons, to muko and complete ’in- icgii. : trillion, superintend the eleiCun, and j make return to him of the votes, i l of vo ! tefs and of tlio persons elected a-; dole-I gal. -by a plurality of votes cu at .aid 1 elecliun. If. In order to exeento this provision! i of the act referred to with as lit,!.- delay j !as poi sible, the connnauding oflic ol the i I tistriels of Ahihama, Georgia and . 'lendn. i i will proceed immediately to divie tin -,‘ j Si.-ilvs into convenient Districts to J{<-gi • : tration, aided by such information -.n !ho j ! snhj.-ct as tln-y ii ive or call ohl.aui His j ; suggested that the election iliiitr -‘- 'u j ! each State which in iri',') -.-uta : ruber, to the most uuo),-urn.} branch of tin- -ii.iite Legiriatore, will he found a con; nient • ilivitaou lo,' Registratiou. 11 in and, rablo flint, in nil cases tlio registers :• I! he : civilians when: it i.-i piesioic to obtain • uch as come with ni the provisions of t!i< Ad-. . and are otherwis, snitahio persons: and that military officers shall not be os, I lor : i tliis purpose except iii eases of actual nc : wntv Tho miinpeusatiuM for re;- ’er j will bo fixed hereafter, tint tho genual • I rule will bo ~:,Berv< -d of grad oatiii;' the : corajmnxation 1. y the namber of recorded , e.-csv To each i Ist of voters aboil be: appended tlio yatii of tiie register or i rs that thi uarni have been fait 1 1 - recorded, ami represent actual legal vo - ters, and that, the same man does not ap i -ar under different; names. The n-.-r ■■rv are e",wia!ly instrueted to see that all niformation ■•-..ncerniag their political rights is given to persons entitled tc vote ■ in! r the Aetjof Congress; and they are uiade re-ponsil’le every "UOh h; voter has the opportunity. 111. An speedily poeeihly, tho ii.imeii of persons ehoscu for reg'stars shall ’ e j oonimunkcat-.-d to tho Jleaihpiorters for the ! approval of tho Oomiun.wHng Geiierat. i.V. The District sjornmaudew is, cacti of the Staten ■ ' 1 in this Milita; ,; District ’ nothorbvd to appoint one,;: more general huperviror-i of Registration j wtjo.-'t: hiiHjnc ' t ; kali f»o to vip.t t.-i i various poim-s wle-r : registr-.tion isbeiitg ; carried on; to inspi:e,t the operations (and the registers : oud to assure thciiiHolvc.i ] that every man entitled to vote htta tho nc- j I ce*Bsary infonnvtion concerning his politi j cal rights, and (lie opportunity to record : his name. V. A General Inspector, cither mi olli j cor of the army or a civilian, will he np i poiutad at these Headquarters, to sec that : tlio provisions of; his order are fully and I carefully execute,.. ' VI. District Commanders -lay. at llu-ir I discretion, appoint the civil officers of the , United States as Uogitd,-, -\ with additional ! as may seem reasonable und j Hiifiicient. VII. The Ctuunmiiditig Officer of each • District will give public notice when an ! 1 where the Registers will commence the i Registration, which notice v.dl ho kept j public by tho Registers iu each District, i during tho whole time occupied in Regis- I tratioti. | VIII. I nterfcreDcc by violence, or other ; opprcoalvo meaus, to prevent th • Regis ! trillion of any voter, is positively prn : liil.itod, anil any person guilty of such iu j tcrfcrencc shall ho arrested and tried by j the ihiiil.ary atiUioritiOß. | l!y command of Drevel Majo; General I I’OlTi. J. P. C< INV.NUH.VM, ! , Ist Lieut, SJ-’tlh. U. S. lufautry, ! ■ Act. Asst Adjt General. Official 0- (J. Kn.U’v, let Lieut, 8!!d infantry, ltrevel. Captain Ik S. A.. Dost iVdjutanf. : The Proposed ConatUutional Amendment. j Kmulviil i>jf ill , Si lull, cl"/ Huh " <>j IS jin smU'iliviK of ih l Ihrilr./. Sian: ,/ I ,'L«,./iru iu Conyfirr ufsemhhd (Iwo thirds of both Houses i:oueuir,:d), Tiial tho following articles bo propoeei) to the Legislature,) of tin) several Slates as an amcnduient to the CouHtilutiou of the Unite,! States, which, when ratified b.y thivc-fourtha of said Legh'latuie shall lie valid as a ]iurt of tint Constitution, namely; : Artk:u:: -Section t-• All persona horn j or imturalized in tlio United Staten, nnl | subject to the jnridicliori thereof, are rib j : lizons of the United States, and of Lite State wherein they reside. No State abaft j make or enforce any law whieli kail, abridge tlio privileges or inimiiiiil.i,: . citizens cl th« United States. Nor shall ! any State deprive any pi-rutin of life, liber j ty or property without due process of law, j nor deny to any person within its jurisdic tion the equal protection of th,- laws. Sec. 2. Representative'll shall lie nppnr boned among the several States aeeording to the respective numbers, counting tlie j whole number ol persons in each Stale, i excluding Indians not taxed ; I,til, when- j ever tho right to vote at any election fur i electors of President and Vie. President I ' or for United States Representatives in ! (JoieMess, executive and judicial officer:-! of , i the Legislature thereof, is denied to any oi : ' file male inhabitants of such State, being ! twenty-one years of age, and citizens of j the United States, or in any way abridged, j except fur participation in rebellion or i other crime, tile l■ of representation therein a,hall lie redne, and ill the prejmrtiuii I which tile number of such male citizens 1 shall bear to tlio v/l oh: number of male : citizen) twenty-onu yount ol ago m tlio j ' State, | Sec 3. No pi re,ni shall he a Senator or j ! Representative in Cue; elector ol : j Presilient and Vice-Pivi'i,font,, oV held anv 1 j offiee, civil ,r military urnler tile United: • States, or nnilvr any .-vase, who having: j mvvbrasly taken an oath ana inqiiilier of'; ( ongres!’, or ail officer of the Uni tod States i ~r n:, an i-xr-cutt vo or judical officer ~i any j Slat,-, to support the CoiicuUiltion of the , > IJniteii Statee, shall have engaged in in j surreetieu or relii-lliou te;a:ii:,t tlio -e or given aid or comfort to the anemic? tju-n j ! tint Congn.-sa may, by a two > lords of each 1 Inure-, remove ftuoii tlisitbtlity [ Sec. 1. The valditv of the ptihlfc debt | j of the Unite,! Stales, authorized by law, j including deb hi incurred for the payment ' of pensions and houldu-.-, for eVl”.c.n m Vop • I : pressing insiirrcetion or relii-lliou, "kali . ■ not bo quOHtiimed, but iicifln-r t-h,; United i ; Stab :; nor any Slate si I! a euiuo or pay j j any debt or obligation incurred nr aid n! j m,(urrcot'oii or rebellion againat tho Lni- i led States, or claim for the lusu or emanc l ! j pation of any slave; l,ul. all Midi >fc-bli«, ! eliligations and claims shall iiu livid il'cgnl 1 and void. Sec ii The Cocigi'e:) shall have power ; to enforce, by appropriate legislation, tlio j pruvismiiH of this article, Oougrossioiifil Diotriots of Georgia,. t UoUidiv : -C ;i ;:lhai:i, (!' gnu, Liheily Me.lnlosh, Wayne, Glynn, Caindcn, Chari . toil, Ware, Pi-ice, ApplimTa.tnal Hltl ; |,,ei., Kk ng.uaiI’, 1 ’, Sen veil, Rnenmel, Mont lloiuel V. TANARUS, lai. 1 , Culfee, Uliocii, U, tnd. k Lowtnlc Hcn-icu, Irvii , Lauren Jidje on, ; Dnoo), . Gol'iuii. and Thom , . I'- "’M v nine counties. ;!,!. Counties- Poedtir, Barky Mill,;’’, . tinker, Mite: all. Worth, Do oi . V, Pulaski, IlonHb.ii, Macon, M.irioo, Cliiitb- j hoocliee, Sumter, WelsSti-l*. Stew-irt ,j 1 " | man, Clay, Cidhonu, Ka,i.J,d}ih, Te.rroll, j Lee, and Domdi ry. Twcuty-l!' •••« couu- ; ties. Coontlo. Mitvcogcc, Sctiley T v lor, Talbot, Ha it: . Tvoup, y'-eriweat.!, U aid, Cuwet:,-. F.-iyet:,.’, G'o , Gu'Toll Campficll, Haralsoti, anil l'anhling. teen counties. till. Couni ie •Uj 1 * -’,. Pike Sp.driin" !I Ncwlon, lintt-, Year-,, 1 . Crawford Hil i, Twig a 1 ; Wflkiu; ■■. 1t... : v : son it, I Pul’.uu:,. Kifi-- u.e untie , ( ui ie ■ YVi - 1 • Ji fit ’on : Kieftmo il Glam tfl nco, -,.T', ColitiuL'ia, Lhicoln, Wifi:.. -, Tali!, -,-. . 'dr.. .. . Mortfan, U.vJetliorj, and Eli K-.iirt-eounti.-s tifii. C -'.lut:.a- Milton, Uv. iun.-tt W"! tun, Clark, Juck '<m, M:uli-".:,, P'.rf, li : nit», Hall. Fot th. Piel n !' m I ::■ ,• ki)l. Vfl'ife ; J u l i--! e,: .. li' ci, f()v,-[ ,i a Mil, '.-’an :: . Do di,-:. f ty-eioiit counties. 7th. Couiities- Delvaft,, Fil’d. -.h, f- 1 Polk. Flovd, Hartvw, ( in.: >!<, . < ■ ! Ghattoo;;:)' VVaikof, WhiUmbl. Murry, j Cuttioba, an J Dudv Fourteen counties: j ' "the National Standard \ SKIURS Ol*’ rciHHii. 1;< <»K>’| wiiic!’ ; uxl.u.usivt ly id tt! u : *SIf i t>l Mu..' j l JultMi, in iii.uiy iiisl...n< *• - m<u <• !•> >ic!\ (■!> •' iuy or ;tll «.»(Ih'u-i, iir’v justly Imdip flu, hK’Yo i .liu, Noiliinj; lull. I,lf i * *»«| ;t!i J, ntuni- uoftui i v.'ivo ;i 1 J V 'iioolvo t l !>s jtrmiti NOsit'D’D, ;>«'•:<. !' .Hul IVtt’vnl' t>l utiin '.o'D,'.v i,'y, '.ut; '.'vuru J liijvl, it i: p.iv:iUl..dMv n».".Hil,.f!M«'il l»\ NATI UN A \j 8 E U.l ES SCHOOL LOOKS, im uy I ai . >N. ./; .i It o' CO., %i ;w -COfiJM-it. j TANARUS! I l.imon IJoul.U- :n-u \ VV\".V|i IV LA tl POO I tiYorywivi v: i»<.*|_m.iJ:y»\ TANARUS!"«, c;»i:i>' >u;uu • >v •» > «• v* -.1 y (liy|ij!i‘i"D oi. ol’ i '<•*«-''>l, A< i*!v i 11 if:»n«! < • j It puiiu } : l,i ucl-ion. Tlie ioiloviu ■ u*u I lie v-A .mil'..ri n |m': i'.iil.iup; i,hu t'orninmi !>!•:'iieAu ;> ■ ; vTi!h •>",) Mt Nully's (A o r:ij.i,io,3 : Chul-.’s Mil.;!i ill Ci- 'DtMfti' ; 1 i Utvit U (ahiu let" t oil" .•i‘ '1 •'lu’t.'u ! j-i i u |illl :11>(*VV i1 Id Hi S' , ! T’. ■ Stu.- r I ill.'’, und iL'Dri 1 , Ohoi'’-- M.lic-h: . ! I .l:t”v!-h n,) jc!:oy;im! Ilt-Ui; i l.'i’i !\ -S D.llii (' i :''U' •• N .11!IJ JMillc,- 1 jiliy ; j IVs icr’.i rnnuiplus ■ " ( ’D«'ini. ,pv ' Hurby 'iT .Southern liokuiy ; Noriin'id’; Sultool .S|v.t:iKi.*r ; rujol’ Id t null ( Milstri J>t >t >!v ; Amlrc<V klvrMgi-iIN Lmv. Gim. iuir. Ti'r; juajstk.vtej.) Kl UU I VTYIAu 1 C CUL/ETiN, THU. ri'uli •IM'::.' OPTIC) Ms • i MPM, Will lit l . . . ni. lo Tihul.h, i i•. , uul..u !> , lot O'UJ yo:ir r on u n ipl, ol i (•; - t Iv 'To j AtKlru . l Sr Bmmwj,, i t :>t i \ ,'b> •, •i. rn;i : tna; A <•«.* l oH,\ ' nivt ' it,., .Ii ?!, h }it ( I i.v. s. THE I. I VKST l ffi.t m:sT- | .1 Eriin/ir// Irithiiiilir, U,.',, I i lifllUy i'.ltc 'i r ri!.,'.t! ; « i IT'iu:', i.1.0 lb AlllDf 11 in u > ;'l i Me.- loi-r Knit 1.1 u in;;'o ' Till •leu., <s>litl)iMiitf: 111 udI:* I < t r-l < wltll j (••xainplfp. lor tin, ■ i •(., . Iliimi. 108 |»;», i 10 CG11!.;,. ; An CJi’itn'uUiVij ,iriUitnilic* li. V icv. • !! -i; --ft I ol' I Ip.: I*l -u -f. In . I.y!i uI i.j! 1.0 odd vvi'D!. i:»:.f nr< r - iiti.2 . Also t HI! il'pi i•! I' I'D-I'l io'.l:--, i < ’t;t|t r;\l Mui'Oy, Hof'im-lion, .nnl Mu-.{Joinpouiml Knit . '-lino, . M-f |iHt;-OOuoill;. : if t*»'ad r/• .? td intii'(ic, )'■>■■ • jiiirct!. '. a j>i’t )y lot ( V-it, i Kuuoo! , • v ii.. ' .•'!i:11 j>»oitli,|i ltuu i.o 111,-. i, - ol j I ■' Mi-i 1 :ifilll.; Ariiltmuliu, und ir.l, o,■■ 1 1. , Ht A'. u*. iSysl.uui," with gyplmm il.iojc' j Mini r,:v;.U Dpi «•.•'- I Amo. A\ ii.uo.v L ' . f ffif/firr A ritiuni-i i-t ,? i j .( Jh-ntfd J rit!< nut ir. ...ty J Tlii-. ;la UH el'm,: ,g .l.ieile; ' j pu.t't \,iitnl (l ( At! |,( ;u 'it !'■ * • '•! M » , u’u! i v'. j ly wJuiL i.) ID'' Iv-t! lor *.»»«.»»!:;! th.-'i i ji!u , , :v- ! ; well Jur ft, jliunl jo * HDr.-aioii for i!.. ‘up i•• : nuf-'i u( li lu. jl i,p|..-:o, l.rtoit »if;rl>, roiii;,?- ’ . Ui.-', |o;.;i';;ii(y DlT'flifAuo, >'ull U'Dltluil, is Sli ’ lift' ! u ri'-.y o'. I,'. I!;j lius, ;».iu ! (.< • iu.s ! Uiu mi i.liod • n'tify ii.- 'd by lnirimT • m-.-u. ',ot il JI U'.iop. ol .ill Vol llit; :i!>o v’i - .n, - i Gioi !< <l jdi:-,! ji ii t H Id* i« :tt*l ..o,| j I too lo' ;• , i o;i n'l ; I <;i OID'. llH.lf flu r-triil jH’JCt. i'’ i' '■ *r;i --j b|,; i,< nnn ritiuh: ii r iu' <uT ll< 1 i-ju. I’UBI.ISHKii -; •I fSt .VMS BKO.IIDWJ V. A. V. j e.vtl U i Tfii ow .T'v.iy vriv J;:].-:,. 1 vir,■/,< . . y nr .«.'vih Uo. | ~ .. j I )t i: ii< liv*: til ( ‘'liiloi’l, a?pl o A'orlii .i u • 'l t miu, i noun- VOGI Ili l'i, '■ "• n.V ! V .'to'j' ■ j i Au-I i.. u'it" m your InsuruoM, : For rc'lor'iiiA, hrilr upoi.i I Atl lit.uulu, .(rout . ■ Wllfl! <I illS'..' il GUV u .1 »*!•!, :H 1 ; ; I*.> »*«*i)I: D. oJ h.'iir D;>'•!: o)u fV'GO if i-. -• v > j ('. v oiil. H '■',!'* losco l,!u. If.. .ft■ >.■ row ll{*o*.i ! I!m siiioutlf: I. J.tcs ii! from !’i\u ’.‘.i .Jit >vs ■■ '.!•;•, , or b.iir Mj.'bf* f.uld hfo*ri - in hs m two 1.0 l.iirc-t I n»*•nMi-s. V low ifoionmi ;••• * r '• " -•< :"■•(! UHu - !•'■* ■' s will n *•. • 1 j J.,s««k.i» tfi.*.' urov.'f’i oi ill* *>r ho;mI. i’nyf • • .o.s«irli'jn > :m.. ;• lijtGl . rid* ol liviii'i nil-, Dvrifu), }ro«i: l.bui- 'IV •■ •!>!/* A wit - ' i-"'... Knfc, lii.'ii: y \ ill •••>*, K** •. : ; v-u. r- di ! {!». •>. »i L'i" .• • ‘-oi.'t I!*" ..'in i '■ • •' h <",:i laiiilv isoifiJcDit, ;■ ! nh:'S' if.:iiUt!sof lit' m. . ruAi.oiv. nisi! ! t ? !i o liair and ;h\; oh . v* ni ■ you my g.vw ;.|ih \> »i .t ,v"ty In*. r (omim jiu ihvlr p ir: l "*- 1 To micm >•••■ \.'imiD V ;:y (i:- ! A .I'A KATUN ; IJA HIKI..A ; bv: * ui-yiu ../thin.: in’ fuJlytoou- ip* loom i'.;,u.s. .’ion-', ji yju;i .in.'_,i . flfo'ftt.l ! ..*••* ', V A ».r* tffil ’ O j:' Ir» * \v• v. ill orwnn! u, J. fo.o.iln • .vill* I.i |'(;».t i, l. i'll luoUCV, X'.'l *,. Will 1 rt.l'i!'|.';ll \oil t.'*i .!. '*!’• jiovt-ii’-- •. .1.0 • f:v. • A-V,. . \V. I, CKA:N< !•*. > I (Ac -iNi., No WY.-t -c. r n-My hyr:."N. y. I THE ROAD T 9 FORTUNE. VV hi' VIA KING riv LV :-'dV ft'Vi. '!; V< ,-r t.v tin , ’ni ', ,1. • - , 1 , ■ V, ri.k:: , ■ •'( a hUTY , I',": -O' 8 \MPI.I-:... .ie • -pi.: Ui ' Addle'-*. t’.YL’I.DING, Ift NKH ,t CU, Otta Bnautway, New York, j NO. 7!». AM IkU (..CAN [Milium, ft URL UUt El> BY ii vison. I’MunryJsldkoiimntUA t<r and 19 Wrccn M*r©e«, NEW YORK. I JSo .rilin'': OS .-U.lmtlL til KIRS ever i :, !- () so I.liu i-uhlju h;?\s. if.tnir s! i ;o wide i» vii^ ; * ii|;i.|,iun > oi tuvf ivt tl ihc •{*;»»•*• vrt 1 and (Mitlon •• , m'.ni.o! Du'ity < • mu. t-i.•.;»'! .'i ■ ! • tA?.R.r'i'H*m i iu .UI purls ol 1,1 tc l r mk"f .'Tuh s, iwiiib. : ' ■ ilu i' >• I. -ii'o' ii:\vui. "f tUd.r \m l.l.* >• I lion , Ihc loll'OVUi'A viz. ; : TIH-; UNIUN hi-HUBS OK KKADK.Ht* AND oI’INuIAsKS -i utiriJv new m *nu!.i,cr and i'iii.-.i' !li*mi >, and iv , ! wHI; ::;nsil. favor by I,in l !.i;n; in i'.n i.-cnutry. NOI’IA rON ;s p lIUJ mO l* VKI VUM diITK; l - •. * ry jiffpiihii' wkli 'ii A.’i 9K.U*.! (iiw*. ;<■ S' '1 m 11 il i.: ( s isr up t;o:;| xse,\-..; u.,, ■ till, - AND JttWlflKK VI .vrttßM.vTtfH -enliiU,), n writtw; full, • lc, • < ivDUfm *n i {'l'.icliraL Ki'ilvL’iS NKW M'.-jilMiA Ml: (1 i< .lMfcL’i KH tin'.nr]/.'-set! in im |ill*sty, dWEWfca, i* ■oc.'it'di, mil p; at.Li.i ;'l Ulilil.y , i’K\’( i»i a >:i *rv i,« »• • nurn, K* *,i icut '"i u'til'bi. N- w!y : iu;r.’.v*!<!»ohJ m-i provwl. bi'KVbKKI.’.N ( ll AKT sMI WKITINtt A NI) l)l.‘ WViMii- rv in o«iui;.'C-r. la ciat*. M by .‘>o iiM. ii t -. ••A NDKI o’ riHMAKY 1 ,KD (JAKD. in t 01, :i!i. •• I IUM : ’ M »<>!, MHAK l !•' hop", for Pin Pool room, i.fw:!)A Hillubf i'i on four t m!.. A i; C H hlu: \MH \ IHTI ilf Jf.TK'A LTA HKK «:.\..ui», VV!!.::mN S lUflTOlil 1.-Fib i; ',s I'M PA l»i< Y A NT c ;;j'l KATTuN K U* >OK KKK.I’TN* • VV* 'Ol»1 il UY ', <i Is I y. \ N .SK \i I Eri, M • NTIKHA’S NI’A. V|;- !> NI \DEiWS. UOLTON'S ('!'!(.)(; 1; A1; 11: uS \Y l AT-''!' i V. KCIhX>I ! liO 1 ! A tMAHUF.v jri.Ai.H NV i:.(.;.H00L MiBWKtN.M* Tlm: v • 1 o man up , no ie ..WOJsii' ! A!■ :uL|, J‘PMwill'.-:, I'D.: ousn-'U'.l b> Mp: N iit’ii **! I,!ic'■■'-iintj'y i.-i >ii'isai'/i'loaU 'uUii ij’ Tcin I"" • cnl : 1 11 oI f»* is, i• lf»*iL’tltod ftb ’ib vil.t ti t* . -ritl ior oili* 0 '.rib'ivt. Catalogt:u*. i.P •. o , tiol 1.0 core. -,./•!» I with ni’ fTocly. .'.tlviuvs ii,.: i' lithf !. ... . RfftMAKEYOfeOWNSdAPa l T it t. I'.Aitnn i : v : { : ■ r 1 • * i" h. : h.uiy M \Msk. V*. 11 ii,!- . dull Ac tho »Vin..:hi • 1 :;• i j *.;. t‘uiL-!i, ant, u.-« t b . my ol.i. •:• i ■ j . .or iiu. l • Ur:. I. !’lii b(j> h. • ; i **'’«• l.v. * * O'lnd. leu p o*i i.« I«. !is • ...u f till J -.N, ’/! < 1111. J , Yvil.ll ! 111! C r. ! U.fU . ui Km'liriji smi (h niMiph r * Har»l auJ " I V N ’ : .li .■••'• . ■if Hob .'••• tt, ‘-in luin: (ah (aii- Im**t-* v. iil ' id! Mori : 5 1 1 ! ;l»r i.i-h’ -i. *. • , i- .. *%. *\ r-ifAHisßiu r, *'h :*-i, (*'■•, 1-7, CsS. r.\ 7N, 77 ,'M 7* Waalunp: l.**n -..ut.!., New Yoir: "’*• < v * h'vi •• ■, v v.\t it’.: i'.-'iNf; sc;. -r + } HsHt! !f a ’t ■" V. -j •\ i; Yls Aii i IN - W !M U. 1.i:: •;i H of ;'■ iv hiiul of O'or, m; y lu. 11, ..d0 i 1 1 “ Y'.:i ■! i'owdor” is; fillrvo . 1111 . , N. • i, i < , * aired wiicn noik ii ! N<.! . I'Nvii 71 kl , New York. « NATIONAL .*■ mmkm savings AND TRUST UOMSh’VNY. <t 'S’*!<•'"•*! hy oi r*,*. oFFICis K-.N . M. T If' vMM,, rr.Tid'Pil- I. \V. .'A . urd, J-i Vu - Cos itJuD? lri'wi.s<:p. | t :.’d Via t » .Mb i>. !. fv-P.p, !li try. lit v, s, u. H.t.rri-'-, Fhianaui lii- ucclo*. Hrim l M’lut, *"u D..1 IMt 1.. f !vt' ! id IT r*» •}|V. ■ WcI.UC VV.-diilt ;!on. [) t!. il KAN Cl I AT AITIT'T A, fl.’i., jl). It!, kins SThlilT, (OllMti; 0? JiC*m (, I. sh re ■ ... I, j. ,U. J I L : I 1 - • . . ! V ). i„• - Mitt. ■■ .1 11- ■•■ * -r.itj. ■IT. : , ic:„:.v .- :|. it vd ! i,- Uw.h 1., M.r cl, y. .u.r, primhal e.,1 hu.evrii-, when nil;: ! far. ’i : •„ !,,;: !he ftv("Orßor'i-■ no other* uj '.. Jittorc-hucl. jb’t’.m !u„- It. !« i-m • -ia! li-’,; fi? rt.p.rly v* ry •• isv f u: > Yui'k i•v. a Orica)/;;. « 11 I.NJN* K. imUb.". NOTICE” /\iS i. :«m til ■ to- YV .* WjFTTE, dbrmr hi- •'iu.: b-: ; . ■•, .md havij I.MiC’.l c.dl'll . *-b tu :n K i’u”, • " '.!* i;)*.'ti».:s ull tln3 t-I ■’ .*:; o{ :A. iit'hut. ;-'a.!, -dl {. -•.our. N- t?j»: ’ ■ I.- will f»T. . f 'il - <! -trig m*, »i» i cannot ’ L-. wiMi id, movi.y* VY. 11. MATHEW*. Ayunl.. A iA: 1 ,’..0- , May Tlt l, i\c