The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 25, 1867, Image 3

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The Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA, JULY 20, IBG7. ' BY TELEGRAPH. I'ovt'isii \i >m. [by the cable.] Berlin, July S3—l’. M. Count Bismarck’s official organ denies that there is uuv truth in currently reported stories of Avar. St. Petrrsbcbo, July 38 —P. H. By an imperial ukase, Poland is now ul.sorl.ud into Russia as ouc of tiiu provinces of the Rus sian empire. From Wasliiiigton. Washington, July 23. It is stated that the President is considering the propriety ol calling the District Command ers together, to establish uniform rules ot ac tion for the Reconstruction Acts. The Judiciary Committee adjourned to-day until October. From Suvaimah. Savannah, July 23—P. M. The cotton crops are somcn lmt" damaged by tile J.ite heavy rains, shedding and the boll worms. Prospects are, still fair, however, fora. two-thirds crop. The rice crop is aho reported badly damaged. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF TilF UNITED STATUS, Ptttsvd at the Second Srmiouof the Thirty-h inth (. hmgress. CHAPTER CCXIII. An Act to regulate the IltyisL ,-!mj of -Is. lie it enacted by the. Sen de and Ji-ora >f lit an ■■mi atici.s of tin t•e> t Stall .of.■}/,,■ eh a in Congress assem/rled, That the net :q>- proved on the tenth day of February, in the yew ono thousand eight hundred and sixty six. entitled. - An net toregt Inti lit • legist br ing of vessels,” shall not lie deemed or con strued to affect or limit the operation of the act approved on the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, entitled 'b\u act nu thori/.i-’g the Secretary of Hie Treasury to issue registers to vessels m ret lain eases," bin the same shall Is: in full force and effect, anything in the act fiiv.t aforesaid to the con trary not. will isianding. Arl’iiovnii, July 28, ! still. CHAPTER ivlV. _ d/i Ae-i to authorize, the Construction of • Hail rood through certain Land of tin United . itaiex in Kant,us. il enacted by the Sena V am! House of Heart '«*>,■ tatici a of the Un ib.dttlah .< of Ata. . i-a, in Con stress tinn'uMed, That the Leavenworth Cite Jts droad Company lie, and are liereiiy, uuUiorizi xl to construct a horse railway, with one or two tracks, through the military reser vation from Fort Leavenworth to the city of Leaven wort: b Kansas, and take for tile ac commodation ol t,ll: |;>iu b "f the busi ness thereof, a strip of land over said reset vationnot exta effing twenty feet in width: l’riridii!, That the location of said railroad through said m srvalion shall be on and along the west side 'of the wagon road lead in-'from the said Cl'ty to the said fort, and that the said compan v shall erect their own bridges and crossings, and not, lie permitted to use thesis o i the wagon road: And jaori ded air;. That wherever mud strip of land shall ecu.-- to be mod for the puqxj. cs of ■said railroad company or (he accommodation of the busiiiess there'll, the same shall revert to the United States; that this privilege shall be allowed as long as tic SecretaryM War shall, i,t Ida discretion, determine, and no longer. Approved, July 23, 186 b. CHAPTER CCXV. Aa Act to amend the . 1 eta opproiud -d.i. eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and July si.ctten, eighteen hundred amt nrly-two, t»- tnbUshlng a Metropolitan Colic,: in the Die trust of Columbia, to increase the. Efficiency thereof, and for other I'aryores, lie it'enacted hy the Senate and House, of lie.presentuticcs of the United Mute* of , 1 merieu Congress assembled, Tluit the chief executive olliccr of the police sliali hereartor he styled major; the present sergeants shall be relied I, ’cutenants: the roundsmen called wrgeante, an il the patrolmen called privates; and that, ;n , Addition to the officers and employes the ,-,,ai ’nissioners of Uic metropolitan police, in Ihr | Rstrict of Columbia, are now authorized by laiv to appoint, the said commissioners lie authorized to appoint one captain, who shall be the i.-ispector of tin force, command it in sickness or absence of (lie major, and per form such other duties as the stud commis sioners may direct; one dork in the offL e of the major, who shall have charge of the records of the sanitary company, and per form such other duties a- the major, by di ruction or with the approval of the commis sioners. mac prescribe; twenty sergeants, and fiftv patrolmen or privates. aiKMinv jiuiiOinu- n * '* jui.i iv’- Si i '2. A al In it farther enacted, That the provisions of the sixth section of the act of July sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty two, authorizing die selection of justices of the peace by the itourd of police, lo officiate at the respective slalion-hutrr . be construed to provide for the hearing of all cases of offence against stab:. >rv. corporation,oi com mon law. .if which tin- aid hoard is charged bylaw with the eNei mimi; and ail fines im ls.scd by anv justice within either fit the jurisdictions of the metr.-pciitan da trid shall be, by lh- justices iuijiosmg UW bp nic paid into'the hatids of tlie treasurer of the hoard of police, on the first Thursday after tin- same shall have been collected, w ho BhnJl duly receipt therefor, in ditphca'i. to the credit of the city or county within winch the offence was committed; and such ~'Ht-i shall, in each wise, return the original receipt In the treasurer of the same juri diction ; and the treasurer of the police board shall pay over such sums monthly to the proper otlleern ~f said cities or county, upon proper receipts, except as liei'cinafK i' pro aided. St- • 3 AMI be. it. further rnaK.d. Thai from and aftei the cxpiraJion of licenses already granted it .shall be imiawbd for any person or persons keeping an ordinary, res taurant. saloon, or other place where spiritu ous liquors arc sold 'vithin tin- District of Columbia, to give, toil. or dispose of any intoxicating drinks without a license ap proved bv the b end of police: and hereafter HO such license shall be considered legal by a)l v of the authorities having junsdictmu Within said district, until the same shall have bec-a a;.proved bv the board of police and so ~ ,-iitjeJ by the secretary thereof under the ' '.V And hr it farther enacted, Tliat the Itoaril fri police shall provid- sm-cihe ml, . toe uniform clothing of the pom e torn*, which shall be procured by each of the mm -I«is thereof respectively, strictly in con formity with Midi rules, at bis own expense and risk, and be sliali lie removed from such force for not complying with such rates. , Sec. 5. And be il farther enacted. That from and after the passage property clerk of the nvtro]>ontnn P n ; lce districtV.ltallkc vested with v.\i I, y pe-rers now conferred by law upon notaries ptmne in the District of Columbia. He mav admin ister oath;? and certify depositions whic.i ma y be necessary to establish the ownership ‘>i board of police, ft her than such as may be so returned as the proceeds of crime; and upon satisfactory evidence of such owner ship he shall deliver the same to said oAvner. itis heirs and legal representatives, and to him or them only, except it be, proven im practicable for such owner, heirs, or repre sentatives to appear, Avium the same may be delivered and receipted for fiptm such proof of ownership and the tiling in the office of sifd property clerk, of adutv executed power of attorney from said owner or his heirs or legal representatives. And anv property or money returned to the nreperty clerk as the proceeds of eriinc, and which shall not be called for a.--evidence by anv proccedim-- in the courts of the District within one year from the ilite of such return, nine, unless specially eiaimed by flic owner within that time, be thereat ter treated a- other unclaimed, abandoned, or lost property or money, provided in I he act of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. S::c. ti. And hr it further e,anted, That where animals or articles of property, other than money, are returned to tint property clerk as the proceeds of crime, when shown by sufficient e\ id.ence to lie necessary for the current use of the owners and not "for sale, (except pci isivi■ ,l property that, may be de li vend to the on- 1 r on ample security being taken by the committing magistrate'for id's appearance at the criminal court to prosecute the ease,l the board of police shall have power, in i's discretion, to authorize the property clerk to place tho same in the cus tody of such oAviKTs. upon sufficient bonds being given lit said owner or owners in the sum of tAvico the value tlsreot, conditioned or the production of the same at any time within one year, when required for use court as the evidence in any proceeding thereon, in accordance with the provisions required by the net of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty two. And in eases of large quantities of nods held for sale by the own it.-, (hut may come into the possession of this property clerk its the proceeds of crime, the -aine may be delivered to the said owner, ins heirs or representatives, as provided in. section live of this net, upon ample security to prosecute, except those of an estimated value of fifty dollars, which shall he retained by the property dork until the discharge or conviction of die act u-cd. ret ( uiivd by .-. id act. Sec ; And be it farther- mart,d, Thai hereafter no person shall a.-snine or in-aetise the occupation oT ih o etive within tie. limits of the District of Columbia, who shall not first receive a p-eitie appointment for that purpose, unless pursuing Ihc detection of criminals as a private business outside of. such avdiioiity, and not olhcrtti-e specifically authorized by law. Any person .-o practising shall enter into bonds to the board of police with surety in l lie sum of not less than ten thousand dollars, to he approved by the board of police, for a faithful and correct return to said hoard, in such manner and at such times as the hoard ol police shall direct, ol all lmsiiies tiati .-,acted by such private detective*; and in eaeli and every ease of a forfeiture of such bond or bonds for failure to make such re turns to mid board as required, or for failure of persons accused by such bondc.l private detectives to appear to answer charges in court, it. shall ho the duty of the attorney of Uie United States for the said District lo immediately prosecute the sureties thereon to the full extent of a recovery of the forfeit ure.- And it shall be the duly of any person prosecuting the busbies of a private detect ive, who may arrest a person for crime, to bring the pci-son arrested with all evidence of the alleged crime, including property or money which may become evidence, immedi ately "lo the office of the superintendent of police, or the nearest metropolitan police station, where the case shall undergo tin ex am', -alien before the inagistra!.- assigned lhereto; and all laws* or parts of laws that govern the metropolitan police in the matters of ~orson. property, <u money, .ball here after he applicable to said detectives, for to persons practising ns detectives, whatever other nninc they may assume,) who shall make like returns and disjaisitions thereof, as required by luav and tiie rules of the botu'd of police governing the metropolitan police force. Sec. H, And be it further ran led. That upon the execution of a private detective's bond, it shall he the duty of such private detective- to report to the secretary of the Board of Police, who shall file such bond and record the name, age, description, nation alitv, and residence of said private detective; and it shall lie unlawful for such detectives, or any member of the metropolitan police force, or forany and all ot her persons, to compromise a felony or any other unlawful act, or to par ticipate in, assent to, aid, or assist, any person suspected of crime to escape a full judicial examination by failing to give known facts or reasonable causes of suspicion, or with holding any information relative to the charge or suspicion from the police magistrate or .justice, or in any manner to receive any money, property, favor or other compensation, from, or on account of, any person arrested or subject lo arrest, for any "crime or supposed crime, or to permit any such person lo go at Jorge without due effort to secure an investi gation of such supposed crime; and for any violationof the foregoing provisions ot this section, or either of them, the said police, or private detective, or other person guilty thereof, --hall be deemed as having cotnpro mised a felony, and be 1 hereafter prohibited from acting aa an officer of tin-metropolitan police force or as a private detective, and shall la: prosecuted to tie: extent of tile la,AV for aiding criminals to escape the ends of justice. Ari’itoVKO, July 23. ldtiG. Senatorial Districts of Georgia. First; Chatham, Bryan and ISftimgham. Second: Liberty. JV en’u :-.nd .Mclntosh. Third: Wavne. Fierce and Appling. Fourth: Glynn, famdcii and Charlton. Fifth: Coffee, Ware am! Clinch. Sixth: fichols, Lowndes and Ber ten. Seventh: Brook-:. Thomm and Colquitt. Ei-hth : Decatur, Mitchell and > tiler. Minlh; Early, Calhoun am! Baker. Tenth : Dougherty. Lee mid Worth. , filth: Clay, Randolph and Tern ii. Twelfth : Stewart. Wi biter and Quitman. Tliirti •i3h : Sump;-i- Sell ley and Macon. K •irteeiith: Dm.-iy. Wilcox and Ruhiski. Fifteenth . Montgomery, Telfair and Irwin. Sixteenth: Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel. Seventeenth : Bulloch, Striven and Burk". Eighteenth : Richmond, (Hancock and Jef ferson, Ninteenth : Taliaferro, Warren and Green". Twentieth : Baldwin. Hancock and Wash- ington: Twenty-First : Twiggs, Wilkinson ami Jones. v-H"(:nnd ; Bibb, Monroe and Pike. Twenty-Third: Houston, Crawford and Tarter. Twenty’-Fourth: Marion, and Muscogee. SS9 Twenf v-Fifth ■ Harris, Upson and I atliot. Twenty Sixth : Spalding, Butts and Fay ette. , Twnty-Seventh: Xcwton, Walton and Clark. Twenty-Eighth : Jasjier, Putnam and Mm % '■ ■ Tl T'-cnty-N’inth : Wilkes, Lincoln and Co lumbia. Thirtieth ; Ogi ihorp. Madison and Elbert. Tiiirt- -First: liar!. Franklin and Hal m sham. Thirtx second . White, Lumpkin and Dawson. Thirty-Third ; Ilall, Banks and Jackson. Thirty-Fourth: Gwinett, Dclvalh and Henry. Thirty-Fifth : Clayton, Fulton undjCobb. Thirty-Sixth: McrriAvcther, Coweta and Campbell. Thirty-Seventh : Troup, Herd and Can-oil. Thirty Eighth: Haralson, Polk and Paul- Thirty. Ninth : Cherokee, Milton and For- SA ill. Fort.iiMi; Union, Towns and Ralmn. Forty First:: Fannin. Gilmer ami Fickens. Forty ' vond: BartOAv, Floyd and Chat tooga. Forty-Third : Murray, Whitfield and Gor don Forty-Fourth : Walker, Dade, am 1 Catoosa. Mil itary District s in Georgia. lit-: f>';hi Dis titn vok Gkoiuiia, f Macon, tin., April tit, [ Gknkrai. Oudkhs, / No. 5. i I. I'll" Military District of Georgia is hereby divided into (8) eight I’osts, as fol lows : Dost "f Savannah To include the count ies f Chatham, Effingham, Bulloch, Bryan, T.unall, Liberty, Mclntosh, Glynn, Wayne, Appling, Fierce, Ware, Coffee, ('liarleton. Camden. Clinch, Echols, I own des. Brooks, Berrien, Colqubu if mas, Decatur, Mitchell, Miller. ! , . ,and Early. i’osr oi \i:in :t\ To iticlndc . e .un tie.. of liicia find. Columbia, War: a, Glas cock. Wn-hinglon, Jolinsot', .1. iierson, Burke, Sen n, and Km.-imiel. Postok'i .-. To include the coim-1 tier ot Col Fulton. Campbell, Carroll, j t fovela. lb ii, Fayette, ('laiton, Spauld in;-;, Henry Newton, DcKalb, Milton, - ('winnett, a ■ ! Butts. Post ot : un.o.Ni;.; a To include the i counties of nnin; Union, Towns, Rabun, | (' i! tm-r, I :-, Cherokee, ii i a son. Lump kill. White 1 label sham. Hart. Forsyth. Hanks, Fran- in. and Hall. I Post ok la. -it To include Ihe counties of Dade, W r. Catoosa, W bitliehl, Mur rv, Chatt.xi>fa ndou, I loyil, Polk, I’auld in;:;, Haral.-nu Mid Barton', (formerly Cass, recently cham-'-d by an Act.of the Lcgisla tu rej. Poi-i 1 or At xs Id include the conn ties of Clark, Jackson, Madison, Elbert, I Oglethorpe, Morgan, Walton, Wilkes, Grcne, Talia ro. Uimoln, Jasper, I’ul naiu, and Ham u k. Post ok . Aims -To include the e.iimties of Tmup, Merlwether, Harris, Talbot, Mu. if- : . Marion, Taylor, Schley, Webster, Slows; i, Talnall, tjuitman, Ran doljih. Clay, Calhoun, atv I Chattahoochee. P'isT nr M \ on To include the, conn ties of Bilih, June.-., Baldwin, Wilkinson, Twiggs, Puiaski, Montgomery, "i'elfair, Wilcox. Irwin, Worth, Dooly, I iouaton, Macon, t raw lord, 1 pson, Monroe, Pike, Sumter, L-.. and Dougherty. Bv command i Col. Cali-,ti C. Sibley, U. s'. A. (Signed) JOHN E. HOSMER, Ist Lit at. Kith U. H. Infantry, and A A. A. Gen’l. < Mfn-ial I>.C. K' API-. Ist Incut 3D Infantiv. Bn v. Ctipt. U. ••-. A. Post, Adjutant. SfihClA!/ NOTICES. <U i-ecle.v'K SEis.loi-y,. THE AMERICA S CONFLICT. JXO. THOMPSON Y.-. 1, ,A llrookly.) Agant, Office No. 173 William t., up stairs. ji-2o JHeiti-y ££. bill/»tou, COl - N.BKLi.OII AT LAW, No. 170Broailwny New York, jo-" Tin-; UNDEKStI) Ni-.D HAS KKCKIVEI) the appointment, of 1 MTBD STATIv-: COM MISSIONER to. 1,1a: coni,hern Dlelri. t of (ieor gia- A in'iwtft. JACOB 3:. DAVIS. May r», 1807. inyß-8m : INVALIDS’ WHEEL CHAINS, KO3J ju or out-door u.-u, from *2O. luvalid to order. I’iitcni Cuntui g■; Ilor.w. , -Lliito »38. | Children’s Carriages, Swings, Hobby Horses, Ac. , S. W. SMITH, j<;2.Y No.. 8p William street, N. Y. CLOTHES WUiM.KKSoK ALL KINDS promptly rcpuiretl or taiv iiiupartpay for the “ Universal,” Avltli the 1 -top gear,” which is \v;.i rantf'd to he dura' / applied with Doty’s Washing Me - c " " (Jni a f mid" Wringer. METltt ' ■ - >2ll ING MACHINE COMPAN f. '»WN- I\'l, (~ in -vI A'-ciit, No. "■: ( ii:, I. ‘reel, Noav Yoik, opposite Mcr at,’ Hotel. .*!' -f> Dinner Party. I HE COLORED CHT/KN.S of Rielnnond 'oui'.iv. Nivilcd to j- i;»!<•’- oi i i > i j\ : i : r, to i/C served lip on 3/ 1 TURBAif, ii'/thEWSHf., ,\T lUJ'i’LKU’S Uh'KKK, On •• i'ViUii:; 1, J!'- I, six i. iio from Augusta. TNii-ct ior >. - ! Icimuj ea« i; 00 L:td a-., *• 50 “ ii'iillcnmn and Ladv.... 1-5 <!.;?.iron .' 25 Ti"! " ? G.-tii ’ , <»l>tri.iii(xl at . • National Ho tel,” in this city. The j'C -i»lc will itc oijijilicd vitli luxuries of tv« i", !-. I»i<l —Mn- tables l.xjinghiijiplind altcniato ly v ; tb Emil. Provisions, rtc. IN rv om '.’no knows l!io boi’utics of a Coun try Etbic. ami <i:ir>y- a. country holiday, will find tin. i: c\['C<‘tatiojis fully icalizc.d lit this time. < ome om ! Come all! Conic altogether ! DANIEL M. HBBTON, i Pommittc/. IHAI.MI HEHTON. ' , h'-mmitu... A-Jgu-ia, July ISUt, WS7. ' jyl-f-td ii Protracted Meeting W ILL coinmcni.T on WEDNESDAY before flit- ! •-1. Monday in August, at JhnsJiy Arbor, (AVrif-aii Clmreii) Mourfw county, Ha. All de nominations, white and colored, are invited, jyl ! v JAMES E : SE, Pastor. £500,000. \\ ODD.—Larp-' inlieritanve : i England to all (a- . ndaiit- or relatives of CLEMENT WOOD, avlio came from EngUml. Apply, liy litter, postp.uid, to‘die CHEVALIER Df: ROSAS, Advocate, 51 Upper Bedford Place, jylS-tw. Loudon. STEEL COMB BETJSH OOTTO IST <ii K y , I H AVE the pleasure of informing l!u ters throughout tiu South, that, i h ive i sm ;\ngt me ills with the Mystic Kiv. ;• •! . Manufacturing Company, lor imd.: Steel Srush Oottok ; Under my own-personal uuj ervision. "' wishing u» buy arc str.vd Ilise vie found superior in v, t»i*kiiMm..!iip n-d i any before nutde by v,\ . The superiority i.t'tlic is all others, hi: lona l>. - creased value oft he b. i * make them a noeer 'fhat sill may bt .- . sent at an early duU The Companv :i:\ kinds of (JIN MNI ii s used on riantatioi.-. Applications for ( A ,-, h.i: - * . receive prom]>! altemion. iJKNrJ AM IN i>. (i U LI. . . Formerly of Amite, S(. liei mi i ni. . 1 Address JOfcb il. ADAM Se; C- , ‘.*BB Pearl sSn .t, >5 •.» \ -, I . Sole Agents Mystic Kivu-JJa. a ,m j>-as Shepard t . Importaii ttu.i CROC. e:i 'Wurnij We oiler for sale sii I is. m» While (inuiiti 1 or ; : AND Comuiou Ware iu Grig,- • Ur lie Packed to Suit ( Ustf" FRENCH CHINA, Idle, tiiold Hand or « A (treat Variety Glass Ware, Lamps, Lookim;-. w Silver-Plated Ware, In tart, everything appertain)!!!-- to aai ness. order:,ami invite Itu site m..i of liuye.ra, asHuring all tliat. they can d-> «i il He think better tlinn the; can do els. ,tli -n THOMAS S. SIIHP.MtI), WILLIAM J. ('Of IIRAN. je27 NEW YOLK .HOTEL, NEW YORK CITY. .1- HE ( m -partnership heretofnr'-exititini; .;i --der the linn of Cmnston A Hildreth, i- . solved by mutual - ili lie carried on by Mi. !>. M. Uildret i, v, i authorized to sign the name of the firm ii !i <|uidat ion. 11l HAM OKA NtfT« !>. M f!! LDKI'/rn New V 11<, January 11, IS*Vr \ f IL D. M. HILDUETIi, formeily po j ri ill tor of the ISt. (Jharllfot.i !, N- w(M l i ~ having purchased the interest in the abo,. ,- tel from his late partiu r, Hiram ' imp ton, ' , , takes this opportunity 1t arMir- bis U i. and the public generally, that b will n . pains or expense to maintain tie-, hcieini'- t;.b!i.-hed lepiitalio: ul'tlii:-. wi ll kiiu Aii . as "in. of the best in the ' uunfry. j . Onural hssiu'iHL'i . . i H f NI)EH WRJ TICKS’ A gen y . "j York, UapitaJ and 1 . Home II; oi ; ( ort; y '■ Haven, ( N>nn.. < :« it <i The J’utnaiu Et- !\ i Conn., ( ’• pit it :if i 5 . * Souther Mufr.-.! .■ . (Jn.. ( Nil•!<.i J aiic \ Eiilatiia Home ! Capital : - I A 1. -el.-i.-r Fi. ... Capital an.. Soutlict ll S' util:. ’ lumlda, S. C., C c-i -j ... • We are now j-r* , . red L - . Inland and Lib J’oiUi--.-, ii liw; ».»■■ i Companies. OHice on Alabama street, in a*- F- ’ < ■ ; Lynch Building EATILIa >.. D Cv, v Atlanta, (la., June I(. . STEJaWAV G-ranct, Squ SHANO^., Have, ink, il thirl; -:.v. f ipal Kail - : tictd i:i tli ten yeans; and al; oat: Hrefit lMtenial,ifJU:d !:-. > I'hd. .'i eoiupet i : ■ port-, of ihc world. Every Piano 1 e ! r 1 Arrangeiii! a ” .c » >i: full Iron Front. «lei:iway tz Sons Olt-i-ei ' their newl’v invent".! “ t , . their “Patent. It.-i-omt.-.--' Frame, pal.i nt.ud J tine 5, l'- 1 Volume and’ oXYj’nlsile' * •• » olieiti:tl the unqiialifieit it'lmi: cal prafi.-SRion unit all wbo I ■ ' ■ Stehnvuv & Son; ’ Pianos nr ■ * eminent lhauiet.-. of Europ. o ' .'i i ; , vii > pref. r them for their own . 1 ■ ival use tr believer aceessihle. Tin.-" if -id are the'oiily American Pian. s evp .: • F rope In large nuniheiK, and e..f-- u- :l l.y the great Phuiialn in Kuro|a.-:in < on .o.ui. ■ Every Piano warranted tin live )i ! Piano -,‘tak. u in exi-hang.-. Warerooim-, lirst doin' of Eteiti-.i i!..: No:. 71 and 7i> Kart Fourteenth "Ip if, v York. j,.2K sJTU‘i r a£3?JS HOC 3:2, 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, New York OITOSITE IJOWLIMJ CltEiA, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. I lIE STEVENS HOUSE i> v.- '1 a;ul iel known to the traveling putdic Tin: lm-ati-.m is especially suitable to merchants ami business t men ; it is in close proximity to the l> i-ines-i I part of the city—ls op the highway of So 1 : and Western travel—and tidjaretil to fit ft: prineipil Railroad and St.-aml-oat Iftpv t The STEVENS HOUSE bna liberal mobation f'.r ov<:r uiX) gtjia! ; :t -. .: ; nisiied, anil possesses every rued rn in pro- - mint tor the eordfurl and ei.ten.eiinu-id . ,t mniater. The rooms me spin-v/Un 11 ' ' . ventilated—provided with pas unit w -Up attendance is prompt and re:.p f: ’-a Hi table i„ gencrou- 'j r" vid.yd wit!, mry !h a . tv of the season, at modi ran-1 u - "The rooms having been I'.fun.i ■'a-d : ■ n iQf/deled, v\c are cnahieu '.>> oiiirc.tri : iiilii. for the comfort and pleasure of our gu OEU. K. UliA.f i. G >. j«37 IToj :-i -it}, * ' r : •'* •' 1 ", Uur 1 ,l,Sl! - . 1 ! ‘ at ' ■ >” lh<J il u ; J »;»!•- i1: tu. : iim.ny we lav b- . . "inii-J tin use, will, wo think ho snf , , "ini ere wish tliat these Pills should : . • produced. That they have been so '■ I hivoi-able, we call thousands to witness • <1 forth or rt-i-owmcnided (tike most ol Urn im, . i. I hut ;-i:nply for LIVER COM PLAINTS aid ite ol that organ. * u sj F THE LIVER, • al of disease than is generally supposed. The ~ ’ i e tlie. regular exeeutu,not whkffi depends not only o ■ . . ' f i.wers ol the Stomach, Bowels, Brain, uud tho whole , >, |y .p I- ■■!>': o’ ■ the vital In net ions of the body, but, exercises u , ei cm. ■ 'l"' l ' '"'lF' wlne . iamnot easily b, described, it 1 « . , .. ■' .1': ■' I lie, its,df by so gi-cutn variety of symptom-: ; . amo ! ..a - ” i -id- mo;'" physicians, even of grout rntinumv, iha,*, „• v,,!|ic . Os ■>' »'■ ■" ■ - lf o tut 'V. I'll the IJviTiiinl the iir, ,;e i„j i-.i- gi - at * •"•*> • 1 '• • •• ; -.' 1 " f.v.-r the passions „t mankind, I,u, • , r..v, I- ,1 ■ ’ ■ "Os ! n-i -ol J and,ill atmeil.. ~ i, c . , ... " . fi , .- • :i ,!i : . ofth. j' J ..... , ' . . ••• me laid o t! e . ..mplaints wliieh oe. sir iu fi. n- I ti'V, lire "i 1 ■ • ..o toilll' >' ‘ ‘ w io (, . --.1, .. :•! . .... ■ ' f’. ' l- . ll.n :• ■ I. ■drr. . ..... me ' f r ,.,, |“ ■ . ■ 1 it i . j' ,- .') •• -o tho ’ i ... ~eS tl. . etiieii.e i'KliMU'l' l HUES No»- tJON . .10.0 l id j.r. puration, and not tuouhlc . .Hi. ' ! " old, a teaspoonful in as much , '-.through the day, well; l.ut if not, repeat Idider I wo, give less. To a full grow n person, \ .1 Anieh-HiqirpertiugtalHi Hr, Me. A . MdI.ANE’S GENUINE PUEPAUATIONS 'ms •"dig upon tlu- putdic eouuti-rfeit and inferior , r etors hao- I cm forccil to adopt everv possible •: . • ■ pjyattentiim to the following marks of goo uiiie iii.f. steel Engraving, with the signature ot (J ■ 1". Diri-elions are printed on Fine Paper v.-itii Water ' EI-EBRATEI' VEKMIFEHE AND LIVER PiLt a ~l v • •„> ' . 'this ■.Vale,-.VP,, 1; ean be seen by holding the paper ~ ’ ■ !.. i the name stamped on tho lid of the bu.x ii red Vvu:<. .* .•> ON LY 15Y 1 Y 5 ’ . Y -TTSBOBB, - ' , '. ' --- ?S, ; .x ." . ’ »« i.( m * x:n ■- v•*