The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 27, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 1. The Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA. GA.. JULY 27, 1807. J. E. BRYANT - - - Editor. THUS. T. BEARD - - Agent. Ollk-e, in rear of Globe Hotel, corner of Jackson and Ellis Street*, Augusta, Georgia. TEinis: Oh.' Year, SB Six Uoiillis, 55 Three Month*, .... a WEEKLY, One Tear. ..... SB **<*• Six tloiiths, . - * - 1 7.T Tin-.'. llentlH. . . . S «(> SS.Vl'i’S «»«■' AB>VSUS'I'iSSA4w : 1 S3 00 $5 00 80 50 SS 00 13 06 17 00 20 00 23 50 25 00 3 5 00 8 00 11 00 13 00 22 00 3S 00 88 30 27 00 41 00 J •' SO 11 00 14 00 17 00 28 00 36 50 43 00 48 00! 53 50 4 8 00 14 00 17 00, 30 00 33 00 43 00 50 (X) 57 00. 63 50 5 0 50 16 50 20 (XI 23 00 38 (X) 50 00 58 (X) 66 00 73 .VI 6 H 00 18 00 23 00 26 00 43 00 56 00 65 (X) 74 (X) S3 00 7 12 50 20 00 25 00 20 00 48 00 62 50 72 in i'll ;«(',) 3 14 00 82 00 28 (10 33 (XI 53 00 60 00 80 00 91 00 100 00 0 15 50 24 00, 30 00 35 Oil 58 00 75 00 87 00 98 IXII6B 00 10 17 00 28 00 32 (X' 37 00 61 50 80 00 92 00 104 00 115 (X) ' i Col 22 50 32 50 40 00 45 00 75 00 97 50 112 rXI 127 50 1 40 00 1 Col. 35 00 50 00 60 (X) 70 00 116 (XIISO 00 172 50 192 50 210 IX) One square, lirst insertion, 75 cents ; each , insertion after first, 50 cents. One Square i> measured by leu lines of minion ; type. Advertisements inserted three times a week (every other day) for a month or longer period, j will lie. charged l\vu-thirds of table r .!■ Advertisements twice a week one half of table rates. Advert isements once a week one- third of table rates. Marriage and Funeral Noth is, %1. Obituaries, :J0 cents per line. Advertisements inserted as special notices j will be charged 155 per cent, advance on table i rates. Addrt -s, “Loyal Georgian,” Key Box 10.*, Augusta, Ga. Items- A Costly Xewsvai’kb Wkatpki:. .—Tite (ireeuville (S. C.) Htiteriirisc comes to us with :t §IOOO Coiifederrito lioiiil wnipperi around it. ( Texas') Tt'leyntph. Major General Howard, 11 trough the Frepchncn’s Bureau, reports the crops of Tcrmcssce this year to be the best and largest ever raised in that State. Imprisonment for debt lias been abolished in France, (he bill having passed the Senate and become a law last night. Thus gradually are Ameri can ideas becoming the law of all Europe. Doubtless the conservatives of the kingdom of Charlemagne con sider thi.. innovation on the manners and customs of the times of that re nowed monarch a dangerous and radi cal movement, and predict trouble ■ ahead as the consequence of this con cession to humanity and reason. Boys, Head Tins'- -Hold on to your longue when you are just ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly, or use anv improper word. Hold on to your hand when you are about to strike, steal, or do any im proper act. Hold on to your foot when you arc on Hie point of kicking, or running away from study, or pursuing the path of error, shame or crime. I [old on to your temper when you arc angry, excited, or imposed upon, or others are angry about you. Hold on to your heart when evil passions seek your company and invite you to join in their games, mirth and revelry. Hold on to your virtue it is above all price to you, in all times and places. Hold on to your good character, for it. is, and ever wiU’be, your best wealth. Hold on to your good name at all times; for it is much more valuable to you than gold, high places, or fashion able attire. Hold on to the truth, for it will serve you well, and do you good throughout eternity. Gold mining in Virginia is rapidly increasing. By the Ist of November, seventeen mines will have been opened in Spotsylvania, Culpeper, Orange and Louisa counties. —As cm button. Letters received from Atlanta and other places in proximity to the min ing districts of our State, inform ns that operations are more active in the gold and iron miners of the State now than for some time past. Co.ii.mhn* ix.i in Time. —Tho Me chanics Institute of New York have announced a grand World'' Fast to be held in that city in 1876. It will open on the ttli of duly, in honor of the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence. — Elevator , S<in frretn- EdCO. AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING,- JULY 27, 1867. lleauquakteks, 3d Mii.itahv Distuict. Geoiyin, Florbla and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga.. May 31, 1867. ‘ Ukneuai. Okdeks, No. 20. In accordance with an act of Congress, j supplementary to an Act to provide a more ; ctlicicnt Government for the rebel States, j etc., dated March 3, 1867, the, following arrangements are herein made for the l'e j gist rat ion of voters in the. States of Geor gia and Alabama. I. The States of Georgia and Alabama, \ are divided into Registration Districts, j numbered and bounded, as hereinafter .j described. 11. A Board of Registration ti lie: in appointed for each District, as above men tioned, to consist of two white Registers, ! and one colored Register. In the State ' ; of Georgia, where only the two white He- j : goiters are designated in tin's Order, it is j directed that these white Registers in each District immediately select, and cause to lie duly qualified, a competent colored man to 1 complete the Board of Registration, and report his name and Rost, cilice address, j without delay, to Col. C. 0. Sibley , com- 1 mantling District of Georgia, at Macon, i Georgia. 111. Each Register will be required to f take and subscribe to the oath prescribed I tiv Congress, by an net dated July 3, 1863, ! and an additional oath to discharge faith fully the duty of Register under the lute Acts of Congress. It is not believed that any of the appointees, heretofore designa- i ted, will be unable to take the test oath I above mentioned. Blank forms of these j oaths will l«! sent to the appointees:! at I once, and on being executed and returned . to the superintendents of State Registra tion, their Commissions a.-. will I be issued, and forwarded to them imme J Squim >. | 1 Week. I 2 Weeks. 3 Weeks. 1 Month. 2 Months. i 3 Mouths, i 4 Months. 5 Month. . 6 Months. diately. IV. In order to secure a full registra tion of voters, it is determined to l!\ the j compensation of Registers according to the general rules adopted in taking the census. In the cities, tho compensation is fixed at fifteen cents for each recorded voter; in the most sparsely settled counties and di- , ti icts, at fort y rents per voter. The com pel! ation will be graduated between these j limits, according to the density of the pop ulation and the facilities of the commimiea lion. Ten •cents per mile will lie allowed for transport ation of Registers oil the lines of railroads or steamboats, and five cent' j per mile when travel is done on railroads : and si earning ts. V. It is hereby made the duty of all j Registers, an(l they will be expected to perform it strictly, to explain to nil persons, who have not heretofore enjoyed tin- right of sullrage, wiiut are their political rights and privileges, and the necessity ot exer cising them upon all proper occasions VI. The n: Hue of each xoter shall appear 1 in the list of voters for the prescind or ward . in which lie. resides; and in cases where voters have been unable DO iGgiHt IT, whilst the Boards of Registration wen in the wards or precincts, where inch voters live, i opportunity will be given to register at the | county seats of their respective, counties, at a specified time, of which due notice will he given; blit tin: name . of ~1l voters thus registered will he placed outlie lists of voters of their respective precincts. VII. The, Boards of Registration will ! give due, no!ice, mi that it may reach all per-ons entitled to ivgiG.T, ol the dale ; when they will be in each election precinct; I the time they will spend in it. and the ! place where, the registration will he made; ; -and upon tho completion of the registration ! for each county, the Board of Registration ; j will give notice that they will Ito present, i for three successive days, at the county seal i of such county, to register such voters a have failed to register, or been prevented from registering in their respective pre cincts, and to hear evidence ill tin < a -■ ot . voters rejected by the Registers in the sev eral precincts, who may desire to present testimony in their own behalf. VIII. L'nies) otherwise instructed here , after. Boards ol' Registration are directed, i in determining whether applicants to reg ! ister are legally qualified, to hold that the ! terms “Executive, and Judicial,” in the; Act -of Congress, of March 23, 1807, coin prise all persons whomsoever, who have held office under the Executive or Judicial ; Department of the Stab or National Gov ernment —in other words, all officers not begislative, which last, are also excluded : by the Act. Persons who apply to register, ; hut. who are considered disqualified by the Boards, will be permitted to take tlie i required oath, which, with the objections of the Board, will be held for adjudication hereafter. IX. The lists of registered voters for each of the precincts will be exposed in some public place in that precinct, for ten con secutive days, at some time subsequent to the completion of the registration for each county, and before any election is held, in order that all supposed eases of fraudulent. registration may be, thoroughly investi- j gated. Dae notice will be given and pro- ' vision made for the time- and place for ex amination and settlement of such cases. X. Blank books of oaths required to be taken by voters, and blank registration ! lists, its also lull and detailed instructions for tin performance of their duties, will be at once forwarded to the Boards of Regis tration appointed in thi* Order; and it is I enjoined upon these Boards that they pro ceed to complete the registration with all energy and dispatch. XI j The detailed instructions to Regis ters will designate the member of each 1 Board who shall be its President. XII. Violence, or threats of violence, or 1 any other oppressive means to prevent any i person from registering his name, or < xer ■ cising his political rights, are positively prohibited; and it is distinctly announced that no contract or agreement with labor ers. which deprives them of their wages be an v longer time than that actually consumed ; m registering or voting, will he permitted to bu enforced against them in this Dis trict; and this. oifer~e, or any previously mentioned in this paragraph, will cause tin ■ immediate arrest of tile offender and j his trial before a Military Commission. ! XIII. The exercise of the right of every duly authorized voter, under the lute Act. of Congress, to register and vote, is guar anteed by the Military Authorities of this District; and all persona whomsoever are ' warned against a.iy attempt to interfere to prevent any mail from exercising this right, under any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by the usual legal mode. XIV. lu ease of any disturbance or vio lence at tin' places of registration, or tiny molestation of Be: titers or of applicants to register, tho 17 . .1- of Registration will call upon the loci eivil authorities for a police force, or a ; to arrest the offend ers and preserve qi t, or, if necessary, upon the nearest military authorities, who are hereby instructed to furnish the necessary aid. Any civil off tills who refuse, or who fail to protect Re -torn, or applicants to register, will be reported to the hcadquar , ters of the Otiic: Commanding in the State, who will rest such delinquents, and send charges against them to these i headquarter:., tha: ;iiey may be brought ! before a Military I mini Jon. By command of bevel Muj. Gen. Pop. G. K. Sanouukon, Capt. 33d b (entry & A. A. A. G. MILITARY BILL. HD'QTRS 3d MILITARY DIST., MontgoMEiiy, Ala., April 8. General Orders No. f>. I. The following extract from the re cent Acts of Congress in relation to He- j construction in tlo- Southern States, is published for the infinmnlion of all con cerned : [Public No. 6.] An Act supplimenlary to. “An act on- ! titled an act to provide lor the more | efficient, governmo.iit, of the rebel Slates,’’ ( passed March 2, 1867, and to facilitate j restoration. Be it enacted, etc , That buffiro the i first duv of September, 1867, the com- : l.landing general in each district (defined by an act entitled “An act to provide for the more, efficient gm eminent of the rebel : States.” passed March *l, 18117.) shall ! cause a registration to he made of the mule i citizen* of tho United Stales, twenty one r ears of age. amt Upwards, resident, in each county or j. ii'i.-h ni the Lit,,., nr Slates m j eluded in Ins district, which registration : shall include only those persona who arc 1 j q null lied to vote for delegates by the act, j aforesaid, and who sh.-ti 1 ave taken and i subscribed the following oath or aflirina i lion . ■•I, , do solemnly swear or iiffiini, i in tin presence of Alimglity L >d. hat 1 am a Citizen of the 'tale of- that 1 have resided in said State lor mouths next, preceedi :; this day, and now reside in the county . or parish ot , in stid Slate, asdic case may he; ! that lam 21 years old : Glut 1 have not been disfranchised lor participation in uny reliellinn or civil war a. aiust the United States, or given aid nr eondort to the enemies thereof ; that 1 Live never taken an oath as a member ol Congress ol the , United States, or as an oificer of the Uni ted .States, nr as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial ; ! officer of any State, to support the (lou- i stitiitiori of the United S des, and alter wanhi engaged in insurrei lion or rebellion j against the United States, or given aider comfort to the enemies, then of; that I will : faithfully support the Constitution and j obey the laws of the United States, and ! will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do. So help me God ;” which oath or affirmation may ho administered , by any registering officer. Sf.c. 4. That the commanding general of each district shall appoint as many Boards of Registration a -may be neces sary, consisting of three i yal officers or persons, to make and complete the legis - I (ration, superintend the election, and ' make return to him of the v 1 list of vo ters and of the persona elected as dele gates hy a plurality of votes cast at said election. 11. fn order to execute tins provision of the act referred to with ; s little delay a» po'sihle. the commanding officers of the Districts of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, will proceed immediately to divide those States into convenient Districts to Regis tration, aided by snob information on the subject as tb -y have or can obtain, it is suggested that the election districts, in each State which in 18*50 sent a member to the most mime) our brunch of the State Legislature, will he found a convenient, division lor Registration. It is desirable; that in all eases the registers shall he - civilians where it i» possible to obtain such as come within the provisions of the Act. and arc otherwise suitable persons; and that military officers shall not fie used for 1 this purpose except iu cases of actual ne cessity. The compensation for registers will he fixed hereafter. But the general rule will l>e observed ol graduating the compensation by the number of recorded voters. To each list of voters shall he appended the oath of the register or reg isters that the name have been faithfully recorded, and represent actual legal vo ters. and tliar the same man does not ap pear under different names. The registers are especially instructed to see that all information concerning then- political rights is given to persons entitled to vote under the Actjof Congress; and they are made responsible that every such legal voter has the opportunity. 111. As speedily as possibly, the names of persons chosen for registers shall lie communicated to the Headquarters for the approval of the Commanding General. IV. The District Comma? . 1 i each of the States comprised n. tin.. Lltiary District is authorized to appoint one or more general Supervisors of Reg.stratum whose Inismess it shall he to visit the various poinis where registration is being carried on; to inspect the operations of the registers ; and to assure themselves that every man entitled to vote has the ne i eessary information concerning his politi cal rights, and the opportunity to record his name. V. A General Inspector, either an offi cer of tho army or a civilian, will he ap pointed at these Headquarters, to sec that the provisions of, his order me fully and carefully execute,.. VI. District Commanders may, at their discretion, appoint the civil officers of the United States as Registers, with additional compensation as may seem reasonable and sufficient. VII. The Commanding Officer of each District will give public notice when and where the Registers will commence tho Registration,: which notice will he kepi public bv the Registers in each District, during tho whole time occupied in Regis tration. VIII. Inti Terence by violence, or other oppressive means, to prevent the Regis tration of any voter, is positively pro* hibiteii, and any person guilty of such in terference ah'dl lie arrested and tried by the military authorities. By command of Brevet Major General For 10. J. F. CONYNUHAM. Ist Lieut, tilth t . S. Infantry, Act. Asst. Adjt. General. Official : 0. C. Knapp. Ist Lieut, .‘13(1 Infantry, Brevet Captain U. S. A , Post, Adjutant. The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Resolved lift Ike Senate. ant/ Hnusi of Jiepri .a ntutircs nf the VniUd Stales nj ; America in Congress assembled (two I thirds of Doth Houses concurred), That the following articles be proposed to tho Legislature* of llio several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the ; United States, which, when ratified by j time-fourths of said Legislatures, shall In valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: j Ainn-Li: Section f. All persons born | or naturalized in the United Slates, and j subject to tile jnridicl ion thereof, are oils- j tizens of the United States, and of the j State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall j abridge tho. privilege!* or immunities of j citizens of the United States. Nor shall j any State deprive any person <>•' life, liber ty or properly without due process of law, , nor i to any person within its jarienlic tion the equal protection of tin* laws. See. 2. Representatives sl-.nll be appor tioned ur.ioug the sevenfl Stales according' j to the respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, j excluding Indians not taxed ; but when ever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice-President or for (Tinted States Representative:) in ! ( bmgivr u executive and judicial officers ol the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitavCs of such State, R mjr ! twenty-one years of age, and citizens ol the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of fucli male citizens shall 1 xv.r to th« whole number of male I citizens twenty duo years of age in the State. See 11. No p- nam shall boa Senator or i Representative in Congress, elector ol ' I’reeidi-nt and Vice-President, or hold any j office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any Slate, who haying; previously taken an oath its a member ol Congress, or an officer of the United States or as an executive or judical officer of any State, to support the Constitution ol the ! United States, flmll have engaged in in surrection or rebellion against the same, or j given aid or comfurt to the c , nt'iiii< , :i there of; but Congress may, by a two thirds ol each House, remove such disability. Sec. I. The valifity of the public debt j of the United States, authorized by law. including debts incurred for tho payment ; of pensions and bounties forservee to sup pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall ; not bo questioned, but neither tho United Stntes nor any State sh ill assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of I insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim for the loss or emanci pation of any slave ; but 'ill such debts, obligations and claims shall fie field illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the j provisions of this article. Congressional Districts of Georgia. Ist. Counties- -Chatham, Bryan, Liberty Mclntosh, Wayne, Glynn, Camden, ('l l ir! ton, Ware, Bierce, Appling, Tutnul. Bul lock, Effingham, Scrivop, Kinanucl, Alont jgomory, Telfair. Coffee, Clinch, KelmL. Lowndes, Berrien, Irvin, Laurens, Johnson, Brooks, Colqitiit, an J I liomas. 1 weiity nino counties. 3d. Counties- Decatur, Earley. Miller, Baker, Mitclu-ll; Worth, Dooly. Wilcox, Pulaski, Houston, Macon, Marion, Chatta hoochee, Sumter. Webster, Stewart. Quit man, Clay. Calhoun, Randolph, Terrell, Lee, and Dougherty. Twenty-three <:<>un- ' ties. 3d. Counties-—Muscogee, Schley, Tay lor, Talbot, Harris, Troup. Morriweatber, Hoard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll, Campbell, Haralson, and Paulding. Fif teen counties. 4th. Counties- Upson, Pike, Spalding, Hem v, Newton, Butts. M< niroe, Crawford, Bible Twiggs. Wilkinson, Baldwin. Jones, Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties. oth. Counties —Washington, Jefferson, Burke Richmond, Glascock, 1 laitcock, V, ur re.n, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Falilerro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, and Elbert. Fourteen counties. Oth. Counties- Milton, Gwinnett, Wal ton. Clark, Jackson, Madison, Hurt, Frank lin,Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Piekeia , Do'-v on, Lumpkin, White, 'Habersham, Rabun, : low ns. Union, Fannin, and G ilmer. 1 vtien t\-eight counties. 7th. Counties —DolCaib, Fulton. Cobb, Folk, Floyd, Bartow, Cherokee, Gordon, Chattooga; Walker, Whitfield. Murry, Catoosa, and Dade. Fourteen counties. THE National Standard —.-o ASEIUEH OK SCHOOL BOOKB Avhicli i extensively used in every State <>t tins Union, in many instances more larg'd \ Miananv or all others, may justly bear Ihu above title. ! Nothluy; but the'most unqualified merit nmld ! ”ive any Books this proud position. Tench- u-. ; and friends ot education ti'enerally, are. aware that it is ereditaldy maintained by the. N A TION A I. SE H ‘ !■ 8 OF SCHOOL BOOKS, lvnmsn i-1) hy A. S. n>A RNJSti a) CO., WAV VORBd. 'rhea' famous Rooks are everywhere u-c cod popular. T!ie <"vcus t vcr_) <le]);irliiient of Scliool, Academic and ( -ol- inslruct ion. Tlie following arc tb ■ voi- ! I ujnes rojiresentina' ilie common branebes: I’arKci-tV \Vu.lson's Spellers and Reader , MonleUJi and McNally's (ico.OHpliies ; (lark’s Fhig'Usli (. ram mars ; Reels' System of IViimansbip ; Davies’ Complete. Couffit' of Mailiemati*'.-' . Moiitcifli and Willard's ITistorv ; The Silver l.ute and Forest (.’boir Music rlarvis’ riiysiolojry and Health ; Ree K’s ami (lauot’s Natural Rbilosopliy ; Roller's Principles of Chemistry ; Darby’;' Southern Botany ; Xortlierd's School Speakers; Pujol's French (’bus l.ook ; Andrew • iV Stoddard’s Uatii: (ir.unmar. THE ILLUSTRAT!'!) EMU I TION A L B VILE TJX, Tin: m Ul iSIIHU'-: OFFICIAL MCOJI ■!, Will be sent to Teacher's regularly, for one : year, on reec.ipt of tf;n cunts. Address L S, BARNES & CO,, EIH'C ATIONAI, ! a ta.l: 111 Nii'iv ’ 'or//. niylJ-Oui s* A r i t h me tic s„ THE LATEST AND IS EH T A iumctf . I I’ii/mn’f h . H -ats lilnlly ills ir.;! *,i ; carries the. h* ;. inner t iiro’UTh the 1 1 i t loin Rules and the simple Tables, combining men la! • is'-, with examples for the slate. lOmo. It'S p;u;c ( •it) cents. An Efcnniitari/ Artthmrtic. Rt view., the subjects of the Primary in :• style adapted lo somewlial niaturer minds. 1 Also embraces Fractions, Federal Money, Reduction, and lld < ompound lopes. i:Jmo, M ! jiaep-.'. K 0 cents. A Pisictienl A retlnui'fic. I ’tv pared expre.viy foiCoinmou ,‘N-ituols, uiv in:-' special prominence to the. branches of j Mercantile Arithmetic arid introducin'.; the new “ Metric System,” with explanations and examples, l.inio. TMi payc.-. sl. A Higher Avithnutie. Ittprc jiai-atioi). A. Mould!. Arithmetic. Nearly ready. Tills -cries is meeting’ with a most :;r I'ilyiriy; : ivc! pliou from teachers:everywhere, and is ex actly what is needed for menial a- ■ ijdine, as well as for a. practical preparation for the bnsi ness of life. Ii is clear, t.horoiu;'h, »omjnv)ien nive, logically tt,iii::'dl, well urad; *I, i • snjipdied , with a !;rcat variety of cxfimplcs, uul teaebc the mctlidds actually used by Imsinc s men. R.pceimen eojiies of any of the above work.--, moiled, }»oßtj»aid, to teach •! • and school oiHecrs, ou.rcct i;>( of f*nc-half the. ret ail pile*. Favora ble terms made for Introduction. st> wmmm & m., piT.ustint.s. SHE A 113 KKOAinVx « , >. V. ificpsmitor Throw'av. ay your false frizzes, youi witehcv., your wig— Destrticiive of comfort, and not worth a f'tc; Conic aged, come yoiiLltful, < ome mdy and fail And rejoice in your luxuriant hair. c:s:3»Ait For restoring hair upon bald le ad . from wliaUver cause it may have fallen osii, and forcing a ;rrosvt b of hair upon the face i: has no exiial. it. will son «- tin be-ard to nrrow upon the smoothest lace in from live to eight weeks, or hair upon bald beads in from two to three months. A few igiiorynt practitioners have a sorted that there is nothing that will force of hasten the growth of the hair or heard. Their a sertion- arc false, as thousands of living wit nesses, from their own experience, can bear wit ness. Rut, many will say, how are we to dis tinguish t!c m-nninc, from the spurious? it c rtainly is ditlimiH, a ; nine-tenths ol tin- prepu rations advertised lor i be hair and beard are en - tirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts iu their purchase. To such we would say try the RERAUATOK (JARUd-A • it will cost you nothing mi less it fully eoinea up to our rej/resentatUms. II your ■ ■ i and v. e will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on application, providing entire alls,fac tion is not given. Address W. (‘LA RK K Chemists, No. R West Fayettt *t M upd-!y Syracuse, N. Y. THE EGAS TO FORTUNE. \T7K can tint nitv iM.-fi- w liana'a in (!.;■ vi-.v YV ot MAKING S2O KVKUY DAY in tlic yvar i,.v ttiv ci lployim-nt of tlu- tiim- oreinisri !v ; inL in I' .uUdV and recreation A I tJ'TY ( [ NT ■ XMPI.K ,-- nr free ujion applipailon. Address, PAI LDING, BANKS & < 0., 500 Broadway, New York. NO. 85. AM Idßl CAJS EIUCITIONH SERIES. t* U Jil.l-H It El) BY Ivisoii.Rliiiiuey, Blakeman&f o 17 and-Ms Green Street, NF.W VO UK. Nt) SEBiES 04 SCHOOL BOOKS OTtH sered t-o the public* have attained so wid« a eii'* • illation, or received the .ijiprovai and endor-c ni-nt of many rompoßmt, and reliable edneuloi-.x in all parts of the United Stales, ag thin. Among the mo-t promineui ; pnbliea . tious are the following, viz; | THE S'N’ION SUIiIKS Ol R. FA DEL* AND SRFI.LERS entirely new in mattei ar.d ill:;: trationH, and received with great lavo.' by the best teacher - in the country. ROBINSON’S M R IKS OF \ RITHMETK S - popni r with all tea-hem who have tested them . » the ( lass ro.uw, IJIORINSON’S .M.Oi’RRAS \NO HICiJIKK AIATHKM \TH\: -enliP Ivrc-written; full t eomplete, ticienUtie and practical KKRLS NEW SERIFS OF (iKAMMAßS— unsurpassed in .siinpliedty, clearne?:. re •■eareli, and practical utility. SRENCEIiIAN U)RY BOOKS—simple, pn.eii eal and heautlful. Newly engraved and im proved. SRFNOFRIAN CHAKTSOF WRITING AND DRAWING -iv in number. In fiize, 21 by <lO inches. SANDERS’ PRIMARY HAND CARDS— six in set. SA NDKRS’ PRIM Alt.Y S< HOOK CHARTS on four cards, A 1) 0 (.'A RDS AND Alt i’i’llM KTiOALT A RLE CAIiDL. WII.SON’S HISTORIES. RASt^UELBE’S FRENf’li SERIES. DRY A NT A STRATTON’S IWIOIC-KEEPI N<:. \V()ODIU ItY’iS (i ERMA N SERIES. A1 ANT i LEVS SPANISH READERS. ( of .TON’ ; GFOORARIUES. \V!uIiST V. It’S SCHOOL !>ICT!ONARIES BRADE RY’S SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, etc. They a 1.,0 manufaet uru the SPENCER IAN STFi'.L PENS, which are regarded by the beat R'-nsmen of the country ip siiju rior toall others. i) v Tenclu t - ami all ollu r-. interested are in - ti to -end for our Degeriptivc Catalogue and Chvulurri, and to eorre. pond with A.ddresr the Rulilbheiv:. W T SE B. T BABBIT’S PI UR CONCEN I , r | : RATED POTASH ok READY SOAP .MAKER. Warranted double the strength of common Poladi, and superior to any other >.\- ponilier or ley in tlm market. Put iip In ean.-j of oti" pound, two pound-, three pound*, iv pound, and twelve pound \ with full in !•'i"ii di and (lermrtM, l" r nuUng Hard ano Soil Soap. One pound will makeUfteciigallons ii o Soap. No lime i- r. :juired. (,'on-nun- r will fun! tlii: the el;cape. I Potash in the marki l. A-h voiir erocer for n U. ’£\ fiUISEO', (H, M. (17, 1,-.*, vo, Ti ami 74 Wu.hing ton -Ireel, New York. "A PER Cl N’T. S.A\ I D BY USING It. 'IN »>V; STAR. YEAST ROW DER. 1 .edit. I Si- nit or any I ind of Cake, in a be nuni; wilii l’ii - Ye:;-t Powder” iu lifted! minute v No shortening is n-gmirial ivlienswar t milk is u td. No-. VJ and 74 si., New York. NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. <*£&«)3*tU'r<'<s by of O F F 1 ( E It S : M. T. Hewitt, Pre-mlcnt. IR v. J. W. Alvord, 1-! Vice-President. Lewis ClepliaiiN 2d Vice-President. I). L. Eaton, Aetmiry. Rev. S. I . Harris, Financial Inspector. Principal Ollicc, corner 1 Oth street and Pc.u:«- aylvania Avenue, Washington, I). C. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., iv, KLIJB STIiEET, COIl.Mli OF JACKSON. O. . :cHot ics - From 1 to 4, p. m. j and on Sui unlayfuT to P p. in. J)i >i- tiKliic Dollar.’.nd upward i*eceivcc!. Interest allowed in January and July. ftii' money uejiiHitcd will lie jiaid back to the ih po-itor, jTincipi'.l ami interest, when called for. Alltheproli:- belong to the depositors —no others are interested. Bram in have been established in nearly e\ -rv <• *v from New York to New Orleans. C IT. PRINCE, Cashier. NOTICE. Y\ S fam acting for YV. J. WHITE, during his uuee from the city, and have Ijccu called up: * :o make home .settlements on the estate of J . <i("'.used, ;il persons indebted to the estate will please call and see me, os I cannot , settle IT as without money* W. H. MATHEWS, Agent. • Augusta, Ga., May blst, 1867. lw