The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 27, 1867, Image 3

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The Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA , JULY 27,1807. City Street Railway. Tin's Railway, to connect the central business portion of the city with that charming suburban locality known as the Sand Hill s, will soon be begun. The route will be along the best populated streets lying between these termini, ft will thus afford the full est convenience to tin largest number. Since the lime of its -projection and the contract made for building, but little has been communicated to litc public concerning the road. The retiecney on the part ol the pro prietors had inspired tears that the en terprise had failed. We are glad to know to the contrary. It seems that the manufactories looked to for supplies of Rail and other material, have L-cx-tt unable to make and deliver uni'! now. It is thought that the material will he on hand by the 28th inst., when operations will at once, begin. Rain. Late yesterday afternoon we were favored with-a copious shower of rain, the first for several days past. The dust, which had become almost intolerable, was pelted back into the earth where it belonged, and the atmosphere made delightfully whole some and invigorating. Registration. OI.ASSCOeK COUNTY. Whites 210 Colored 128 .7 ISFKJiUSON COUNTY. Whites 592 ( Adored ! ,032 KICIIMO.NI> roe NT V, END T :i"l ALOIS 1 A. Whites 501 Colored 1,031 We arc informed that the Registers have completed their labors in IJurke county; that about 3,700 person.-- re gistered, three-fourths of whom are colored. The llihvatikee (Wis.) papers -iuie that in that city during the month, the aacro'je of tempcaatm-e reached as high as 95°. W e doubt if rhe Thernmuitte) would indicate, as high an average in this cite during the same Mine. Victor Hugo. “A lew weeks siik-e, at the theatre in i’aris, attended by the Emperor and Prince Engenc, an incident oc curred of seemingly t- ivial, but really of significant account. The occasion was the debut of a play written by Victor Iliujo. With the rising of the curtain, and before an actor had appeared, the vast assem blage commenced waving oi handker chiefs sutd sending up shouts for the exiled patriot. This was repeated several times during the play, and at the close was prolonged amid the a ■ di; euthii-i --■asiu. It will be remembered that tins chieftain and patriot was cx;'<-d irom his native country, because of his free democratic political views. Ihe im perial government, dreading his revolu tionary influence, baDishc ! ''in. Rut his sentiments have immci'’ated the Empire, and lino gei.c.vl p-recailancc is sure to result. ,\f r . Cv;- s W. Field has been aw nd ed on.;, of the eight- grand prizes, at the WorU’s Fair, for his services hi fhc matter of ocean telosraphy. No person could be more deserving of this tribute of honor. The matter of linking the two continents by a sub marine insulated line, was scoffmgly talked of by most people as simply ■- chimera of the brain, an impractica bility. Mr. Field, like the object of his thoughts, was i" " i-it-it Irom all socie ty iu the conceptions he cheriruro and the plans projected for making the ex periment. Against incredulity, ridicule and re sistance, he persisted in his work, in his first attempt- he failed. r I he oppo sition which followed on account of this, only stimulated him to ntort ‘•logged continuance of effort, f-uece-s n> viied him at length. The ocean is now spanned by a “ lightning talking wire,” making our European and Asiatic friends reachable witum an hour. Considered in the boldness that con ceived the undertaking —the cm required to effect it, and the Vnefiti of incalculable practical value it is ren tiering the commercial andfcOeial world % —there is no achievement of modern date to compare with that wrought hy Mr. Field. lie is fully deserving one of the master prizes awarded at tiiis fair. Tint Banan a.-- A San Francisco pa per announces the late importation to that market of the banana plant from Central America, with a view to its cultivation in California. This is very a valuable experiment, and has every chance of success. The climate of the California valley*, such as I .os Ange los, Santa Clara, and Solano, is well adapted to the banana, and its produc tion as a staple would eonh r an im mense benefit on the country, it is said by the best authorities that the banana will furnish more food t , (ho acre than any other crop capable of growth in a tropical climate it is a very wholesome and nutritious food, too, when in good condition. It is quoted as a curious fact that all the fighting nations of ancient limes have died out. They seem to have been consumed by their fierce internal passions. On flic other hand, the Chinese, a peaceful people, now number .about four hundred millions a number satiicient, if warlike, to sweep resistlessly over all France. The loss to our country during (he last year from -strikes and fruithss sea relies for employment must have amounted to many millions of dollars. Wore labor organized on the basis of eo-ope)'ation, all this would be saved ; and added to the National wealth. Husbands who habitually leave their ! wives alone, to attend clubs, have club I on the brain, and ought to have it on : the skull. BY TELEGRAPH. S’l'oui \V Washington, July ~5. The Tcnuesscc deputation applied to the President foi protection at the polls, Who again n*(erred them to Gen. Tlioma*. The partial returns of forty-nine comities of Alabama, ? how resist ratio!! to be UK,(HX) whiti - and 40,000 blacks. The estimated black ma jority in the State is 25 or 2D,000. The Vice <'<»m. ul at Havana has not](led the Siute, Department that a cargo of Coolies limy Ik t .pecied short ly at New Orleans, in viola tion of ilie act of Oongrebs of the 19th Februa ry, 1 Sfand tin emigrant act ol .July 4tli, 1504. 'flic (’onsnl haw reason to su:-poet that, an ex tensive seheme is on loot for the introduction of Conlie. labor in the South contrary to law. Instruct ion.'-- are in course of preparation ftt the Attorney CicnemPs olliee for 11h* action of District Atl urm y~, should grounds appear of a violation of i host- laws. The Boston (Supremei Court decided that Na -1 ion til Bunk share- are subject to city and Stale t.i \» Tin* War Department has ordered morning and evening: guns at all military posts having neeessiiry onliiaiiee-. fi'roiak ,\«v* York. New Yoiiiv, July 25. An amendment, .iisfranehisine all who vol untarily went into the rebellion, was adopted l»v tlu* New York Constitutional Convent ion. ' Half of ID* Table Rock, at Niagara, has been blown off. Two hundred pound** of pow der moved the whole rock, but tin* projecting part breaking oil’ the rest settled bad.. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, i'lwnii at Hie Utamtl -V- ... tj the Thirty-hi hilt (tongm*. UILU’TER < < XiX. An Act tj> guicl In net TW‘x -n 1 -iifvi It, it enacted by tlu Hrturi. ‘-fit /A- ■-« of Ili’jri'Htuhl'Acec of the I'll iUil l tilt I {I An" rial in Con/fTiM ushcmhled. Thu! in all ense-H where tin; (state of* f'aktornia has lu-retol'-re made selections of any porEon <-( (he public domain in par! taiti.-fj.ction of any ; aid made to said State by any act of Congress, and lias disposed of tlx; same to purchasers in good faith under her lawn, (he land; '-<> selected - nai: lie. and hereby are, continued Jo raid Set*;-; ]‘i'"i:hl‘tl, Til;.' no reieetio i mane Uv ;;i«l itiiti' cont-raiy to existing law. shall be confirmed by this act for lands to I whie-h any advo-ci; preemption, homestead, • or other rleist- has, et lie- flute of 'he j- ■■ ■ ;sc of tills act.'been aeqt.'im! by any settler un , del-the laws of the United States, or ki any ; lands which have '.ecu reserved im naval, j military, or Indie:; purposes hy the United , Slates, or l/i any mineral land, or '■> any lar.d | held or claimed uniici any valid Mexican or: Spanish grant, < r ;o an,v larnl which, at the time of die on--..!vc of this act. was included j within the Emits of any - ity. lown, or vil lace or wi'.hiii the raiunty of San Francisco: j Ami pnceUleil Jih ace. I an: the Sial-'-ol t ..f ifomift bail it'd receive under tin- act a greater tjuanlitv of land for school or im proveiU'-n:. pmj’io ■ than she is entitled to by law, Sec J. A" l bd ii J a rift er etiaeUal, ! Iml where the .--elcetioia named in section one of this set hare bet u made upon land which tic-u siuvcvcd by trdWUv die Lniled State- it dial! lie the duty of the proper! authorities o£ the State, where the same has | not already been done, to notify the n glsier i of the. United States land office for the dm- < trict in which ill- land is located ot Hiieh sc-lee!Um, which Itoiii-O -bail be regarded us . die dice -<f -iierbmi - b-cdon, miu the tout - missioner of Urn gemoil land qJHce shall, | immediately after the passage of tUi act instruct the several and registers to forward to the - r:>! land ‘.nice, after investigation 1 decision, all such -elections, winch, ts | foe.iid to lie hi accordance with section one ; „f tj;;- net. die oointioswoner f-nau ceitiiy over to "ne S , > in ti.o l|»i|4t - Aiin’ i-I it faither rVI-it", 1 !>■•* m v i- die - I- .-tiiins b-mc-.l i;i sect.ou cm of ;...- , mad ■ from land t.< n- -ved by authority cm :’:‘- railed tisaUSv, hut which selections have been surveyed by authority ot and unde! , . of- lid Bt;,.te amt tic. land sold to ; j,- good faith tinder the laws ot i !>,; ... v , -,-h ■:;! -el to:..- shall, from lh« dat« I J tie- ov-Ave af this act, when marked oil 1 and dii din th£ eb bb - M m force and effect a.- the pro-mmitmt) rigntx ol - a;«;t;!cr upon un-urvye/l punhc tuUdj and • if. upon ■in - [0 ,ho , ::';x l;ic of th(- J vv 7 o surveys ' bu. i | found not to tgr« b i sti - changed us ;.<; include those teggl übdiy. ~ms ; vi.ich nearest conform to the xl-miica} Ltul ; iVeluded b: the State -survey and selection. T : .,on the filing with the register of me pr0,,,-r ~,-r United State- lent! ofliee of the t-owns u; 1 t in u any su> U xc'ecti-tn or ttitsur feKtdis located, the holder of die State title flut'd be allowed the same imie to present and prove up Ids purchase and clipm under this act ask allied pre-eutpton, under cx i istiiig laws; -ml if found in accordance with j seetiiin one ~t this act. the lend embraced llu rein shall lie certified over to the Stale by 1 the commissioner of Iho general land #lUee. : Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That | in ail eases u hr:e township surveys have I been, or shall hereafter lie, made under ! authority of the United States, and the . plats lhernd approved, it shall be the duty jof the commissioner of the general land 1 ofhee to certify over to the State of Califor n'a, as swainp and overllowod, all the lands iis ; resented a- such, tti»n such approved i plats, within one year from the passage of : litis "et. or wi: .in one year from the return and approval > , -tu-h township plats. The commissioner si: G 1 direct the. United States : : urveyor-genor: ' for the Stale of California ! 1,1 examine tlu- -■ aivgalion titans and surveys “I the swamp ad overliowcd lands made by Ad Slate ; and where tie shall find them to eontorm to the ystem of surveys adopted by the I'nited, lie shall construct and j approve township plats accordingly, and for- ; : ward to the gem ; I laud olfieo for approval: ] \ i'en. ;;!<•!, That - segregating large bodies i Ot land, notorh - ami obviously swamp .'.ml m ertUiwed, : shall not lie necessary t,i | subdivide the sane-, but to run the exterior I i lines of such body of laud, In ease such ; 1 State surveys an- found not to tie in accord- j i alter- with the sy. am of United Stales sur vey.-. and in such other townships as no stir- ' vt-y has been math by the United States, the i cotmsis ioncr vital direct the surveyor-gene j ral to make segregation surveys, upon appl't- i j eatt- u to said stirv-y tir-goneral by the gov - 1 lemur of xml Slate. «itiiin one year of sueh I i application, of all tlu swamp and ovortiowed : land in sueh towti'Yips, and to rejiort the i I same to the general laud ofilce, representing j | and describing wh s laml was swamp and j j overflowed under 1 1 grant, according to the j ! host evidence he cat -•libtin. If the.authori ! I tie of said State shell elahn as swamp ami ; } overflowed any laud not represented as such j j upon the map or in tl, ret urns of the survey \ ; ora, the i huracter of -it land at the date ot 1 I the grant, Septetnlioi HveltfV--eight, eighteen i tnuuired and fifty, at.-, tin; right to tin* • Jill IF, I ; Inill be (lelt'iTuiiK'd B • alimony; to bn Inkcn • 1 i-uiore tin* sin-vryF-r-'L \a ' «> luili Jiviik' ; : liiF . Rim subject to t-i= ipprovnl of Ihu emu ; I missiojMT of thogenn J land 'I t .SiA' 5. And be it the. 'J, Tb-.t | | it shall It tho duty of ’lit* c a.. • si of ; | ilit* t iTritl land f-Blff instruct, ilt#? olliccTs 1 uk Ihf local land ofib ' and the surveyor | uvu-Tai. immediately ain nlk;passage of this j ! act, ;<) toiA\ard lUts of i M'kctions mm If 1»v i i the tStinc n terred to in suction ono of this . I act, and lists and map of all swamp and j o\F)do\VFd lauds « la'mud hv said Stall*, or sur\ < veil n tirovidod in this act. for final dis position and and( t.(*nntnnt u n. which final din !>•' sit ion sliall b<* made l the coimiiis'-ionor of tliu uFncral land offio without, delay. Sec. (!. Ami be U fie !i<r enacted. That an act i ntitkd “An nc • provide; for tlio survey oi tlr* public linn in California, tlu* - .ml 1 ' :<2 pre-emption l uhts therein, and j i,-oila r pni ’Kisc '.” approved MaroU third, ono thousand H'.rkt Innuli 1 and fifty-three, ,-!:;i!l 1m* ronsirned us yidu-r tin; Stato of tlidifornia the ••‘‘•.lit, to sf’u for m lion I pur jiomfs oik. r lands in lieu u* li rixUii nth and lliii ty-sixth sections a: ".civ sc!tied upon prior to survey, loscrvrd for public uses, covered by ‘'.rants made u h r Spauish and Mcxicim audiordy, or by ot iu*r private claims, or where siicii .- ( Ftion■; would he so Fovered if Undine: of tin; public, -unev; wore <\- i. ndcd over such kinds, whs 5 shall be deter mined whenever township imm hail have { been evl ended over sueh hi " ' s al in (*ase of I Spanish or .M \itsn .ur.-ml,. a lieu the final ! -mm v of sueh meats shall ! ><■ he< n made. | Ti.v- i,. .ty s' •‘/•nei-ai Iwr th. '■ «d r rdi i inns,i dish iumish die t s- uthoriticK ! v\ it!i lists of alj su< !t soetioi* -o mvered, as } a. bans of selection, eu« h : : .-lions to be j made f ruin surveyed* lands, ssd within the I same land district a- the sned'ti l for which ! the selection is made. F y.<' 7. Atm ■■ < •’/ fnrlhei • ■ >vf> Th.d j when- persons in yood faith, and for a va’u | lde eousiih-tation. have ;*ureti:ised lands of ! MexieaT) yrantees or a-Nsves. which grinds | Mb:-< quently been *d, or when* i the jamls so pnr<;*has«.;d have ln-en excluded | f mi the final survey of any M xi(xm grant, i and ha-A u-ed, improved, and e-mtinned in ■ Ihe aeUial [K)K* es i ion <d tho Winn a aecord j ing to the lines (»•! their origin:d purchase., i and where no valid ad verse ight or title (exeipt of the [fnited States) sueh i jmrehiM-fis may purehus; Uip • uue. after ! havln;*; siicli lands surveyed muler existing j Jaws, at the iiiiniimim ]>rice cfetalilislied by j Jaw. upon 5. ' making' proof of the facts as ! required in U. section, under reaidations to J be provided h; the Fominhsioner 5 tliegen- \ 'i s1 land ofll((*. jo*lit entries bee admis-a bh* liy cot* f !!iinou.- proprietoi’Hj to am li an ; (■<ijmit a- will enable them to Jidj'.ra tlieir ‘ ! respiTdv*- )■ ■•iiF'larie*-. Vn-tidcd. Tiiai the! i ire,visions of lie eetion shall no* ifappli-! F.-ible'. . t!ie ciiv and eoimty of s.e Fran | i < j -f*r>; I'fovht.d, Tlmi the right to jUiffha e = | !r*rein ‘. ‘Vcn si.all not « xternl to liiula eon ■ tai.ting mi u • -j gold, silver, copper or '-in nabar; J‘< id, and. Thd wlientfver it ... ill be; ; made to ’ppe m I>y petition from tli** oeeu- Pid -of -ueh lai:<l that injury to permanent | improvements would result from running : the lines of the public survey: throuidi ; ueh | !> fTiiauFiit . Uie oonnii' doner | ■ of the general land ofliee may recognize I j existing lines of subdivisions. ; Sr.-;;, s. And be it farther ijatet. •/, That | lin all cur;. vh‘ it* a claim to land by virtue • j of *’ right or bile derived from the? Spanish ' ; ct Mexican authorities lms been finally eon- : iii i ?. a,id • sstrvev ph't thereoi sliaii j not have -.teen requested wiihin len months i : from : hc,p>a;-*age of: ibis cot. as provided by I -•*< ;x and w.;ve:» o,- th«3 act of July ! ! lirsi, • ddrf'ii hundred e.ud Ixty-iou;. “To! * j ;i: 8e!,:-’aient -f titles to lads in * the Slate of (’alif >! ei, ’ and in all - wheiL a like* claim .-hall here:Tier be inalJy ! • ..d;-:n' and. and a sun;;y an 1 plat dt-.Toof i -h;dl not be requested. ;-i j> T • dej by said 1 M-cdoim within ten inoiunj n.c - die passage ; of this 1.e1.0r any linu] coni'j; ii l»t*re I ! i!<, ijj; ’<•. it !.*-• tie duty of the •■• : i -v.or-:I of the i u 'e.d states forFalb 1 ; tornia, a on ;v -r.-ed.-aldc after the ex pi- | j uitiou <>i ten irom the passage of! 1 Hiib act, or such dual .*•• *ntinnation hcrcjdtw 1 made, to (amse the line.; oi i.ho public -or- j , vey« to be «;>;tended over such land, aim he 1 ■- Ii | and a"*' ording t<; the ime- ol t!ic public sur- i ! veys. tha quantity of land confirmed in sm-li , ! pjetj dr’erce. and a' nearly as can be done in * '.. r oot • ".it!; iu:h dWTCc; and all the, | land not included in u-' \i grant. :ts so set off 1 dial: ;-uhjeef. lo the gem ;.d land law:- of • Hie i oUeti Shttc-s; Peanded., Tluit nothing | in nd l* : -hull ; c eonsirued, so as in any j maiuu r iuterb*:'!;’ll tin: iedit of bona j tide pro.enqilitu ••! linianls gt-e. U. And •>. *'. fanner ft. at ted, Turn ; fro;o tin ' ■ ' of lie* diN'irict courle of t>.-' I'nited Stales for ‘he district of Californi i ; ipprovi. . or coiT' eiine ihe surveys of pri- j ; vale l:u:d ciaims under Sp ::ti :li or" Mexican j I grains, rendered- after the first day of July. : i cue disai:*«tltd eight l-'indiCii and sixty-fivt . i *,n apjieal shall be allowed for the period of ; one a. : r art ; ,f the entry of such decrees to •in.* circuit court of the Unio-d States for (Abifoniia. as provided by -eetion three of , He- ard of Julv tirst. one thousand eight bun tired and expedite the settle ! uieat ui i«t;ev*iJi bifid ill He State of Cali ; f'cn'L and tiic* d‘" i :ion of the: circuit court , be Vi icnled, lanreccr. That from divici <• f Uie diiatriet coin;-, a- afon.-said. juade ; f* *f Jvdy one, eighteen hundred and - • of this net, an .Appeal may he taken to the Ini ted State-; circuit court for the State of Califor nia within one year from the approval of this act. Approved, July 2J. 18G6. STEEL COMB BRUSH !C OT TO XaIN B 9 GuileUV FiKeut. i1 If AYE the plcuAurc.of informing the LMan | tors throughout the South, that I have made arrangements with .the Mystic Hiver Hardware Manilla.•luring Company, tor making my Steel Brush SJotton Crins, | Under my own personal supervision, and those | wishing to buy are assured that they will be ; found superior in workmanship and tiuish to | any before made by me. The superiority of the Steel Brush Gin over all otiu is. has long been concealed, ami the in creased value of the lint over the other (dus; make them a necessity to the Planters. That all may he supplied, orders should be I sent at an. early date. The Cos ui pan v are also readv to supply all ! kinds of GIN MATEUI.VL and ‘MACHINERY ! used on Plantations. Applications lor Circulars and reference will ; receive prompt attention. BENJAMIN D. GUI.LETT, j Formerly of Amite, St. Helena Parish, l.a. i Address ' JOS. H. ADAMS A: COMBS, Pearl street. New York, | Sole Agents Mystic River Hardware Man. Cos. ! jojs Shepard & Cochran, Importers and Jobbers of , 0jE3.00 .Hurray St.. Yew tori*. W*- oiler for sale at the lowv -t prices. White Granite or tone China, AM) Common Ware iu Original Crates, Or Kc>.Paeked to Suit Customers. Also, IMR SVU Cll IN A, While, Gold Haud or l>e< i.mied. A ’rent Variety of Glass Ware, Lamps, Looking-Glasses, Silver-Plated Ware, In fai t, everything appertaining to thi. hn.-i --ness. We solicit orders mid invite the ntlmilion of buyers, assuring all that they can do as well- - we think belter than I hey can do ulsewlieiv. THOMAS S. SHEPARD, WILLIAM J. COCHRAN. Jt-27 I NEW YOliK lIOTEI,, N I', W YORK (IT Y ■ Tl HP. (jo j».u tner.-'hi)* hereUd’ore v \i-ding mi- i j tier the linn of < ranslon a- Hildreth, is dis I Milvol by mutual consenl Jlu Cn-m- : will j he . anied on Cy Mr. D M. HjUlnJh, v\ in* is j • authorized t(> si-gn tjie uanncl the firm in li- i j (.uidAlimi. HIRAM CKANsTON D. M. HILDKKTII. I New York, January 11, 1807'. \ I I: D. M. HILDKE'I’II, formerly prnprio ! it I. tor of the St. Charhs Hotel, N* w Orleans, ! having purehu ed the interest in the above Ho- ; t t* t irom his hd.v partner, Hirnui < -rauslrm, ! | takes this opportunity to assure hi- friends, 1 | and the public general’y, that lie will span- no i pains or expens** to maintain tin- heretofore *■. - | tahlirtheci iT*piitftUon oU.lmr well known Hotel, j as one ol tin* la st in the country. j»**iT General Ihsunuicc Agency. IT NIM!11WHITElts’ Agency New J York, Capital and A. .--el ■...... T-J, ; Home lusuram e Comnanv ol New Haven, Conn , Capital and As- ! . 1.571, 01 G | j TJie Putnam Fire In Cos., H.irtfonl, 1 Conn., Capital and A-- • C 17 ,175 i j Southern Mutual In*. <•«,., Atheie, j Ga., Capital and Asset a 000,000 , Ruf’aula Home In. (Jo., Eufuiila, Al.u. ' ( apilal and A; sets *.'51.555 • ' Exeeisior Fhe luh. Cos., New York, Capital and AssOh 50(5,500 . Southern Mutual Life Ins. Cos., Cos i lumbio, S. (’aj)ilal and Ass'*ls.. ;515,00'.) i i Wi- arc now prepared to issue Fi; , Marine, j j Inland and Lift: Poliei*-, in the obove first •' lass j I Coropan'n s. Ofliee on Ala ha mu bt reef, mar X > o»toflh:e ) in j Lynch Building. PAT ILLO A HANCOCK, A gen is. Atlanta, Ga., June 5, ISIiT. j«e27 STEIN WAV A S' NS’ Grand, Square and Upright PS A NO- F(> IITES U:iV" tala’ll thirty live ]■; vniinm, a; tla: p "i, final fairs field in‘tliis l -imnlry witltla :t: 1 ■ t tan yours ; and ass" a fir-1 VArri M‘;dal al tin; (treat latt;rnational K:tl.ibiti"ii in I.nndoii, in istta, in comjictit'nm witii W.* Piuitos from :.U parts of tin: world. fi'.vrv Piano is construe!; <1 xvitli their •'Patent, \ffraife Arnmgoment” aj'idied diix etiy io U;e lul! Iron front, bteinway .V, <iil‘e! :et ei.d M.liui lion Uj tlieir newly invented " l juirh t Pianc-., '-it 11 their --Patent Kcsonator" ami dotiide iron Kranie, patented June 5, ISW, tvfifidi, I >y liit-ir voluiii. and ex’iuisit;; ‘juaiity ot tone, lnive elicited the un( t uulilied admiral ion oil inn cal jirofesaloti and all who have, licaiel llicin. Sp imvav iV Hobs’ Pianos are. us' il '.yitie u.'.d emim-nt Pianists ol' Europe and Am. rica. a lei prefer tlmin for Ultir own pulilit; and ]'.i( e wile,lever acimasifili'. l'iies'- iie.lruuient. are jjn- only American Pianos cxforlcd to !■'•:( rote'in large Rttml«;r.-‘, arid aetinWiy n—i I-.-, tile .real. Pianists in European Unites ii. lfiiooi . Kvi-rv Piano warranted for live, tears. Old Pianos taken in exoliange. Waria-ooins, iirat floor ofpteinvvay Haii. .No.-. 71 and 73 East Fourteenth street, New Vorl jetiS STEVSIMS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 and 27 Broadway, Now Yorli. OPPOSITE BOW LINO GKEES, ON THE EUROrEAfc FLAN. r [ HE STEVENS IIOUSK ■- well imd widely known to tlie traveling; pulilie. The location ,-pceially auitaldo to increliante midbueine-s a, n : It is in cloae proximity to the business anil AVnstera‘travel—and adjacent to all tin: „ri, Knilroad and Stfau.i'“.at nepots. ! * Ti-.e STEVENS HOUSE Ims ae< ‘..tu ' niodation fur over 3<)o cues'.- ii, i well i'ui - nished, and pos.-esai s every modern iniprod, - I ment for Hi'-eor.ifort and entcrfaiiimeu:. of o ■ 1 inmates. Till) rooms are spacious end well : vntilated —provided with aa- and water—the ; attendance. is prompt and rerpeetiai-—atui j oy of the season, at moderate rates. ; ' Tin: rooms huviniw I,een refumislled and re modeled, aw ~re enaided to offer e:»ti.. (anilities ' for the comfort and pleasure oi our war si -. | OEO. K. CHASE .v CO., I j,jj7 Proprietors. IMPORTANT TO MBHPHUNTS, PLANNERS & FARMERS lit E have 1.1-1 n inforim-ti llu.t tl.«- cem.l i ... in, ol Merefiauls, 1 irmers and Haute™, m \> orderin'.? tlieir eupplii sos our Dr, McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge^ l Has been to siniplv wrile on for Vt-nnilutv Tfic < onseqm-:.: ois t hat in-lead of the genuine. ■ Hi;. Mr I.ANE’M \ EKMIEL t.E, lliev I|‘ -m !y eel one or the oilier oft lie many worlfihe., ; preparations called Venniliure now In i,.: • the [ ul’iic. We, tlierclbre, i‘.-y leave u> uige uput (he Planter liie propriety iuul iniportani “i writingilif name ill lull, and lo sdvi.-e j (|„.| r faetors or atrents I fiat thev will not r, ■■■ it e any oilier I.mi. Hie genuine 1)11. McLAKK' i ! i'El.Elill ATEI) V HUM I ELK. ii, prepared !■-. 1 1.1 MINE HI ’>l 111. US, IT! TSUI 11C, PA. i We also would advise tin- same precaution.- in ordering l)li. Mc‘LANK‘B Celebrated LIVEII i PU.I.S. Till gn-at pope lari;y id tin s. Pills, as a -pei ilie or eon: for I.JVKII CUAI - I’hUNT ami all the iiiiious 1 induced the verniers of maiiv worth:. - lo • tnim-i to claim for tlieir preparations ►luiii.e. i medicinal virtues. lie n.'d deceived! (IMS. MeLAAI-rK tVlelmUed Lltl-if!; 1'11.1.S are the oriifiual al e ,ally re.ihdd remedy Ji : l.iver Complaint that has yet h, . idi red and we urge the Planter and Men haul, a lie values his own and the lieuilhu, i those dependim? on him, to be careful iu "ixlmfi. matuer Vermiluge nor l.iver l'iils, unless you are sure you are getting Un e-nuine ,vIeI.AXE’S, prepared by FLEMJ XC* i UiOTJ IEIiS, iTTTSBUiIO, 1 A. 15U, U\m PIIJX I'OK THE CUKE UP iieptutis or Li rrr l 'out pin iu; itj/spcjhHu and Sick Uaulaci,,. In ollerine. to the public DU. M’ UM Ci i 1 PKATED IJ\Ell I’IU.S as a ,-emeuv • 1.1 VINK and Kll.lOt S COMIT.AUNTS, \. .me no apology will lie needed. Tho <••[. i pre valence of l.iver «' plain* and IlHimi Di olal! kinds I hroiiehout (he United AY .' and pe> uliarly in I lie West and South, wlu-i., iu lie majnrili ol'ea.. Un- j.ali. :it is not wit hr! the i-.-ai-li of a regular pliysii ian, n nuiivs tnal eoine n sm ,|y should he prov iiled, iluu w-ouid' no in the leasl impair the eonstiturio!:. ind jel be : ale and elh -trial, Thai such i.. the Inn-ei aeier of Dli. AIeLAN i'.’.S ElVl'-l. 1 11..LH, ih r. van Ik no doulii. 'I lie leslimoni we lay h - fore you, and tlie f?rear success which has i ivarialdy attended tlieir use, will, vvi'lliiuk Im st,-- lieieiil 1“ ‘ -mvinre the mo-I inereiliilous. H lias b.-. u oar sincere wish that those ITUs shout!’ he fairly and fully tested, and stand or fell by the elfeels produced. That Kiev have been tested, and that the result lias in m.-.v resjwet lavorahie, we call thousands in . who hav. experienced tin-ir bem-lieini elfeets. |)K. MUEANE’H LIVEH I‘i El,:-, are not held forth or recommended (like most of the uo-‘- alar im-diiines ofliie. day,) as univ ■ real cun- alls, b.ii simjdy lor IJVEU CO.MPLAINTd and those svuiptoins eonneeted with a deianocd : Safe of that ‘.r.iaa. DISEASES OF THE LIVER, The l.iver is niueli more fre’iiH-ntly tli it of dis ~,-c tliau i m rally suppos-vd. The fund ion il is designed lo pertonn, and on (lie - /uhu-exeealion.d which depend.-:- not onh I eueiiil heallh ofthc body, bill Pa' I“>W. I- "I tin: Sl.mmrli, JSowels, brain, and the whole Serums tost can, show - its vast and vital iui] human beailh. Win a (he Elver hi ao- Ii diseased it. iii fuel not only derails. - ||„. yiial limetluiia of the l.odv, but eu-iciac* Y now, rl'ul iullueuee. over (he mind and ils operations, vvliicii eatmol < a.-ily he deeribed. it A ; ~elo„ a. vuuueeiion to oilier diseas'.-, and mauiiests ip’ll by so greal a variety of symptom I of a most doubtful character, Hull il misleads mme physicians, even of rival, I'-niimaiee Ihaii lam oilier oruan. The inlimaie eoniie, tion whirl’ .- i-\ - l.etwe n III:: l.iveraml Die llrai’u and II he rival dominion which lam persu i-ad it n-n - over t in- pas-lons o! mankind, convince ! uie liiat many unfortunate buinss Imv. eomniilteil at-u ol'dei:)> and criudnal atroeiir or be- - w hat tools term drill’-, from 111- -miplo luct of adi-a ■ -delate of! he'Em r f 1 have lonr been eon vim ’-.I that more than on ■ hall ol the complaint, which occur in this eouu : (l \- ~,,. iu he considered as having 11. e- seal.- In a diseased stale „f (he l.iver. 1 w ill enuinor-ii* I .mil’ o| Ihi iii : Indi-o stion, toupi a ot tin M-n.-cs, DeningcU slate of the Bowel-- Irritablu land , indietivi- Eeelina-ami Pa- ion. ...mi: ami made. |uab: eausi-, of which w« alley. , ward- f’-e! ashamed ; lasi, tliour'h not |. ast, :.„,r ■ ilian Hire, -fourths of the diseases uauim :. ,U ~i under 111.- head of (ova .-.lrfli- . have their at m a dis. a-ml Liver. Thi- i- uufly » li. i” iiiiul ( utalogm'. 1 Ol' * l.l* •-:i*.--l'aiu in Ihe rtghl ,-ide, under ft-, i edim of llm ribs, inereasliigon pressm ID' iniin i iu the 1.-i'i -id. ; the patient is i i-aivlv able, lo lie 'll 111 bII side ; son:, lime Ihe paid is lei- under llm should r 1.1a.1e, and U liviiiiintly extend- io tlieto). of Die si hie! and.- -oun.liims mistaken (or i-iieiiiiiaUsiii in ! Hie anu. * Tin slomncli is alfeeled with•— ol a;,|M in, and si i,iir;-; the bowel- in Y,,, Yj jam, ~live, sometimes alien,:,Una will: lax ; the bead i- I r,milled will, pain, aceomiiunicd 1 willi dull, heavy sensaaion in Inc: ba,perl. 7 h-re i- v >--raliv a eon -ideralilt- loss ol uiemo ;,S mupani’-d with :> pabilul ' n.-:dio„ I l-avii’a I’-fKimlom otnel.lii,io wliieh on-In. Lo have I t,V’, u don.-. A hllgbt. dry couch i. -'.ni.-liim-.- an ail.-ndaiii. 'l’iie pat lent , ..uipl.diio of wear,- ' debility ; in- i- easily startled ; his |.-ei an- cold or linruimr, and lie complains of u prickly Hcnsatiin of the -kin ; bis spirit., are low ; and although lie is sati-licd that exorcise I would' be beneficial lo him. yet In- <”U s-ar. elj suinmim up IV.rtitiul. enough totrvit. intact i II- dMru»is every remedy. Several ol lin above attend the disease ; but eases have’ ! and whir-. I'.-w of I hem <-.,i-ied, y.-l , ■ momdiou ol'lii- l« dy all. r death inn shov/u tlu, ' l Pei- to have I’C'in cxten-sively dcrnh-cn, ki I’U-, % kilt.- DK ’-- l-ANI'-S I.iVEK I'll.-1 .-s is, . ~|' AdUE AND I PEVEII, when taken will: Quinine, are prodm-llve of Impp, n -ull-. No betterealhartiecan be ns. and preparaloiw 10, or allerlakina yuii,' ■■. Wi w iraU ad i e all who at- ufllicl, and with the I disease 1” give them a trial. 9»ir«-<-ti«ns:- lake iwo or liii’’ f, -n e -- 1 'P * - - eoml or ll.ird night tl i they do not pul'." I «'i, or l.liree I n> ■- niori'ine, p,l. -on, or f re, hut a slight break la I should invariably follow their u. ■ lin Eiv- , Pills may be used wliere pur-ini’-simply r, ary. A : mili-Piilion- pure-live. :!- an :’ll, rior none, and in doses o; fwo or three i11,..- -jye astoui ihing relief ill snek lb adi- f": ah-o iu slight deriaigemcalc of uie tstomach. DK. M’LANE’W AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC OR VEBMIFU E. No disc:.:-.- to vhich the human body i- I-- bell- r t ofilleil p, tli. atlenti.m of the pi.i --j Uirithn.pist Ilian tho e eons’ iiient on Ihe ....Union produe. -I by WORMS in the Slomceh and dowel-. When 1 lie sulii-rer is an adult, -In iwailly overlooked, and coiisciucully in,- pi-oper r’-im-d -. is not applied, led w: - Ihe ~-: ■~: an iula ui, if the (lis.-asc- i- not on iir.-lv neaheled, il is still too to-fn n 1 ii, in wh'ileor in | ul, p. n, oil-sill here. I” he partieulaily reniorh’ il, ti-i: ■ it!i”ii.'l, U.i* few worm- may exist iu a child, and how-so.-v. i i|iii’-eent they may have been cm-ly, no, oom ri. Uie eonslitntion in, ad, «by i any any of ihe numerous train oi di--asi> : > wliiei. iniam.-.v i- > . posed, Ilian il U leari'ally au- : I,rented by tlieir irritation. lienee. It too ir cnenlly happens thai a disi use otherwise easily manapidie, proper naie.-di' , when :• 1 ' y llial ‘’’Use, bid- and. liaiiee to Ireatim at, judi , a,';- hi ofiii r iv.-peels but v. liieli enl irel v ..d- in eom-''im-m :■ of woi-iiis P- in- ove: looked And men in ,-■- ol preat. violenei ,ila pm m and pr-. npl n lue-l;, p0,,.-,- ■ ,-,i,|| :;a ll; , ' - e,mid lii: expelled without lor. of time, w I," lis so preeioUs iu -m l, - , |),e miif.’jt l/a jid tucked, t> v r.-medi. -, e, en-liimd'd sd w iP, -. ■-. toKipl’iiii " nbieb «-minot *»<• flislakeu. '1 --.undeeaii ;,-is pa!,- .o.dleade;. , and Will finor a eireain--rilied -pot over one or both cheeks the eyes 1,,-,-ouie’dull, 111- pupil - dilate . azur. -mi circle rows alone .n I- wee ■y, lid, tin- nose iY irrilated, .-w-’-lis am! sometimes i.; ,- Him; ol Urn upper lip; m easional lu.idaelm, with Iminmin-.: or of th”', an unu n.d -eendion ol -aline, slimy or Inm-d tongue; !Im aiit very i'oul, parlieiiluily oi the monim "pp. lit- variable, -mm linn - von.-nmwith r. - ,-rttaw in” ■-- tion at the - I.i.iu,r:,'li, ai oil,; ’ due -eu li,: ly pom:, ,|. *1 hip j.a in- in lln- - ! umuib ; I 0.-e; - nmai li.ois’-a am! voiniiin;'; ; . de:d : hrouj-iiou: ihe abilonn n ; liowel; irrepulur, ui linn • 0.-tiv ; sfoOlb slimy, not nnlr-.| Imp- I will, blood; body .wollcu and bald; i urine turbid; r,-pin'tion oeea-emaiiy (lifa ai umi ,ureoi,ipai.i..d_ by hi eoi: S U; eoupii somY j 1 inw dry Miui t'onvulH'ivc; litß «mhl *.H • *< l •• : 1 • -‘i *> " *Li grinding of tlie teeth ; icuipti variiiDiu >• lit 1 \ irrUu'JF, *Y.u. W:t in v« v iin*.i)i)u\F - .11)1*1 .in- .m -Ms. • -i-M, DU. McLANYKItMIFHGE MAY hi. DEI'ENDI.D LT’ON id l-l'l E‘ ': - ■•*'- 'the universal suee.-.-s v.aioh lias a.Ueinue p- . ,hi,i:o-l rai n.n ol I In- preparation lam been such a-to-variant, us iu ph r..;: op on,-’*’ l p.p pubb, ... UN itl E MONEY iu everv iiisi wle-rc it prov -im !1. eiu.-.1. ;■’ : m • ympion . •-ilendinp tin- si. of He. . hild or adult warrant the supposition ol v.uiis--1.-li.p’he can . in ait eases (ho mcdie-ir.o oil,mid be given in -Uie: aeeor.luuee w.tlt th. 1 a-. \S. 1.1. lip. oui.- i.. to tile puhbe liiat I- ..A.-E ,-s \ EU.MH-TK.E DOES NOT (joy. T.MN'.Mr.UCUItV IN AM tOKM; ami , i mu.-- ,n: p,eparalion, and not canal,lo : a.- 11l - lip'll! e.-i injury loth, Is !' ad, : Mill. liliecelieas.- Dive a child, I; . ,* , asponniP! m ... muew swell, lied water every morning, iaslmp; .! e i , I loupl tin: day, well; hut if not, reper.! it in tin: evening. Over leu, e'ive alilfle m-. 1 ~s, tw o. ;.o eI, . lo a did ,rown person, .. i v<■ two lvas^o«>nlults. tv. ware ol' * uuiib rb ils and »*' f>.ir|«n , 7«s fe n, t.<- . yi... S.!in«-'s. Tli greal popularity cd DK li INK’S DENI INK KMEIUKATIoNfe Yidue. and imprineipled per. -ms (~. aU’-.mpt pamirnp p - pul.lj, feit and iiifiaio, urtii le-, iucoi, e.|!li:lii-i of wliieh tin- ) l<e . ■ 10l- so -- I- -n |.„e , to edopl every po.-. iblo ‘•■U'ird u'-niiist fraiiJ. PurchubcrK will i>h :, " r i»ay :.-tu-atjou to tl: • Billowing marks Dfgenuim - mss: ID. Tin- Exl-n.’d Wrapper :. -- I will, tin: Omialun: < Ml ' x;k and Ei.EMINO tiiid- '-’d. I' • • „>• i" ~••• ■! ■ms im ('a, p -,y . ' Mark as fol!"*"s.; “UK M-..EANE HCi .E , l.i> V PDA! if > (If. AND r:\EP fjL;.: , i'EEMINK KUOS., I'Kol'lDEi OKSP lii- ••Vt.ier Mark . .... an , holding ihe pun, r up to the light. 1 lie EIVEK I'lEi.-f h, - - t he naun: -p 1e i tho ltd ol the box lu red ’ wax. i’UliJ* AKJa D ON L Y ii Y FLEBNS BEOTHEES, PHTSBBEB, PL. ’Soli-rroßnFtm-s ol Dr. s Liv* - Pills, \ au<l Lung* Syrup. SOIJ> «v SM7IU:i2N ji’jiKKl iVIaSCKf-R i The Vro.ifiiTors forward |xt ttia J. u d'U to any j,:ii-i os i uitw! ICrir .-, cue bo- Livt-i-J'ills, or om; vial -u U.i. lccvij.- t'orly cih.;* iu Government stamps. OCI2O