The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 28, 1867, Image 2

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The Daily l.oyal (fcurgian.' AUGUSTA. <iA., .11 LY 28, 1807. & iVr v ‘- ‘Vp > .’VV -u /n fV v ! —-s^U'A' \ OFFICIAL, (MOAN t. 8. COVKKNMKNT. ()/jirial Ocyan of the deary ia Edueatioiki! Assoeiat ion. All comiiiunbv.tioiu lor ])iil»ilc:»t ion muH I>l* written only or one side ol i!*<* pii]n r, and eomjianicd with the name of t.ljo. writer. We will not. imbli-vh llif" i, om , nni< - Hir writer wiriiesS tin to do so, hut we rul-i hove it., dm a guarantee of the truthfulness of the article. Platform Union Republican Party- Adopted ai, Atlanta July 4tl>. Whereas, we, humbly nek n< av Uniting our <U ]je rule nee on an overruling i*ro\idem;e, who shapes the deHiiniea of men and nations, thank Almighty God I*> •* having, through agencies .ml histrumentivllthln lit w isch m lected, luvM-rvcd our (iovernment when its deepest iouiidatious were being' shaken l>> the mighty (ipiieuvings of the j eet ut rebellion. And Whereas, the loyal men of(horgi i desire 1 , the earliest practicable pettleiueiit of the disturbed condition of the eountry : and wlu-iva*, we bi lievo that the establishment of justice is c.-mui t ml t o enduring i>< aee, that pal riot ism should ,»;• ; A ailed as u virtue, uml that ii i- tin- duty of tin ■ Stale to ehmi-h ail its people ; and whereas, not e who la .sent, tlu’se primijdus are ealled llu nhlieans, throughout the Union. Therefore, U *olw%4 t Ist. That we adopt the name of the ion Kopubliean party of Georgia, and de t» in allhuv »■ with the- National •übiiean part) ol the l nion, and for the me diliouul support of the Union of these aUvni, 2-d. That we pledge our hearty sup* t to the «• eonstruetioii Ru:;-un of the- Uon of the 1 Iniled State-. M’raulmU^i ld. That it. is the duty of ihe Slate to educate all her children, uml to tliat end, we it • oinmu rd the laldishim i.t of a ; eneral --\ • > . in of free schools. HtnAord, 4. That the Union liepubliciin i ’ariy is identified in its history and by its . M ioial |>vi ju t;>U.with the right's 1 liu >n ami tie dignity of labor, ami i in , ympadjy with the lolling in:ea oi' -ociety; and,Unit the working tw o <>f Goorgiu will !■ ive at its bands every encouragement ttiici vMSiiuux* tied may be necc‘.,-.iry to pro t,. : their full ri aim; and, Hint in the mail item :unv »f the jH»si«hm taken and tin- piim iph-s v. e ha Ye thin da\ : wowed, we cordially in vite the co-oper.iiion of all oilmens, without r. ;i;• !o» Ih. ir p".; i( al antecedent l . A’fwT'Jcd, 5. That the Union Kcpubii'au \‘ \\y of U»a Slat oof theory i a plcrj i: if to main the in » uml legal righto of all men, :ii"! vve w ill abide by tie-pie. cnbed tenr- of restoration, in cleeung to oiliec l.hoae men only who ran comply, in all respects, with tbe ivcpdrcmeuts <d lie 1 Act. of ('ony ress, and who prefer The ? oeiiiiiain of the United Sbviey t<> mov other that conld be; framed. [no, That we avail ourselve. if this Opportunity of c'\piv;iitg our high admira tion and esteem iorMaj. bill. John I*(»pe, ('i/mmaudiiig thi: i>i Hal. and of cord hilly endorsing hamvi.r, j;aiiiolie and statesman like mlministinti:m of the lieeotglnuMicm iai vvs, with as-iirai-et > on our port, that lie Khali, at ut! turn. -, have- lie i luotie'igmcal ttml supjKni of the Union Ucp'tMienn i*arty of (leorgiu, in bis lui'ther cid'seig to in stituted royal and ley and \i mu* nt i‘< our Violovtid UU'.te. Zb y ihdd, '» iiat tin thank of 1 iii Uonven tii'n he tendered to Mr. A. \V. Tunny, of New York, nud thitt vs e-request him to fur nish us with a <*opy of his able, cJoousnt and pat ric-tie apeeeh, for ptibtiealion. State Cleutral Coiamltioo, Siaioa 38.«ipuM?caa 3Part.y. Hon. ForJl lCll iII.OIKiKIT, of All”<■ Nitl, Chair'DKin. Colonel J. K. UnvANT, of AngusO, „1 ctin i/ Secretary, at IfiMrirt - Col. A. \V. Siom.*, I >l. I*\ 1?. IlazeltiiH', Jmnvs M. Sinitns, of S.iv;unm!i, :m<! 'i'. U. oi .Mclntosh county. Second Distrh’t- \V. if. Noble, .>!' Uninlolph cuunly; liului't .vli-Xiimlcr, l I:tn county. Third ))istr>>-t -l 5. W. Auhlnim, Oliver Sr.unilcis ami Ihimpton IJcnlon, Coliiuihus. l'\)nr!h ' 11. ?>). Turnor. Mijeon; v-U'o. W'iillacc, Mnlcui.- , , iHo. t 'ifih. 1 district -('oi. John I’owlcs, Col. J. li. Krynnt, W.White, S. W. ! loan'd, Augusta. Si ,-J/i District Mailisc.i: Dav is, of .Athens, S,th District -W in. Markham, Atlanta; Jj. AI. Shciblcy, Uoinc; K|>!n-;'.;n» Rucker. Marietta; William ;licyiu!>oth;un, lbcnc. ORGANIZE AND REGISTER. 'c again call the attention of onr .■pi to the iui|K)r!ancc of having • Mantes regime real. i>e sure to :lia.S cvei v man who will vole (ho looulilicau ticket hashis na.ntc l'cgis tetv'l. Do not fail. hi order to make it ohsohdiiy ,\r t-.i/i that all of one friends have been nuisleroti, it is neccssai'y to have some kind of a society organised. The • ( C/..111 LuJ'jU' .” is tile best organ! /atbut if v«m are unable to bat e a " Lc<i</ 't'" organized, establish a ib-; publican Club. You will find a Con- ; stitiition for tilt* organization of such j Clubs on tiie outside of our paper. In organising' Clubs, vve would ad-1 visa that a few true men come togeth er. chose temporary officers, and adopt the constitution. After that, let names j be proposed and referred to a Com- ' mil tec who shall examine to see if j they are trno men. Let the Commit-: tee r< ] ort whether they arc iriemls or j enemies. Then have a vote ol the! Club, and let a majority decide, j If a majority Vote against, the candi date, l.e is, of course, rejected; it a majority vote for, them have him sign the Constitution and enjoy all the rights of other members. Allow none but. members of Republican Clubs to attend meetings. Hav e a sentinel to keep out persons not members. When a sufficient number of persons have been elected, have permanent officers elected in accordance with the Consti- I ulion. Friends‘ the time has come for work. The enemy are organizing to defeat, ns. Let ns work as hard as they. VALEDICTORY. With pleasure, mingled with sorrow, ! announce to the readers of the “ Daily Loyal Georgian” that its pub lication will cease with this issue. I trust that my friends will pardon me for the extended account of the “ Loyal Georgian,” and my connection with it and tin* cause of Equal Rights which 1 lay before them this morning. 1 i arm* to Georgia in the Spring of 1 -Co, expecting to make this State my future homo. I came to Augnstaasan officer ol the Government, instructed In “ exercise a general jurisdiction over tiic freedmeu of the city and vi eiiiit v." I attempted to do justice to white and black. To the best of my ability, I did. In December a change was made in the Freodinari’s Bureau. My chief, Alaj. Gen. Saxton, one of the purest men, and one of the most disinterested friends of our cause Hint I have ever known, was removed. The President had turned traitor to the party that elected him, and true men everywhere were removed ; nud such men as Till son, too often, on' in their placet). 1 would m.l be governed by policy, when 1 knew eg, and I was removed. My friends will remember that De cember, ! st;r», was a dark time for the friends of equal rights in Georgia. Tim I’resident was using the whole power of his position to crush the friends o| justice ; and too many olli e ; were .■,■ ting him. Hardly a Government officer in the whole coun try would slaii.l by the friends of (hat came : and none in this State would ; indei i. they cmtld not and retain their p'M..,:.. We hail bill little hope of assistance iroin Congress. I was the only while mail in Georgia, willing to tube an open, bold stand in favor of the equal political and legal rights of all men. 1 determined, “sink or swim, live or die,” I would do my dill v to the best of my ability. Finding that there was a strong desore on lee part of our friends to hold: til ate Convention, 1 had a call issued for one to meet in this city on th< loth day of January, IHiiit. All friends of equal rights were invited to attend ; hut lew, except colored men, di:l attend. 1 drew up a Constitution for the organization of an Association dmuM labor to secure for the colored men of Georgia, the rights to whi. il they were entitled, but that w'e.v denied them. I was elected I’resilient of tlii- Association. it was decided tq be absolutely nei c- ary to have mi organ that should e> inly, boldly, and fearlessly advocate the cause, we had united to promote. The- Loyal ticoryimi," was establish ed as l iiat. organ. As the President of the Association, it was expected that ! would have control of the editorial department of the paper; but that someone should be employed to do tiie editorial work. It was not ex pected that I should receive any com pensation for m v services. It was niv intention 10 engage in the practice of my profession- the law—devoting as am h time, as possible, to the paper gratuitom ty, and laboring, as much as "ilne, to advance die cause, 1 love i -o much. it was not expected that the money, received lor subscriptions and adver tisement -. would be sufficient to pay tin exj.H.-.vS of publishing the paper; • nice! ih. d* ! ieitney, it was de cided to charge t ' member of the A ... billon mi initiation fee of one dollar. It was also decided to organ ize tuihordinate Associations in each unity i. the State, as rapidly as possi ble. Fhe deficiency was larger than w e had anticipated ; and the amount, received as initiation fees, was not as i trge : but the latter gradually increas ed from week to w eek ; and we felt confident- that it would, in time, be s‘ -ueicui to j ay the debts, and deficien cy, until the receipts of the paper Were sufficient to meet all expenses. From tiie day the Equal Rights As sociation was organized, the Rebel oj<- position to myself lias been most bitter. 1 They evidently thought that,if I could be broken down, they could break down the paper and the Association. Every lie that human ingenuity could invent, was told by wicked men and a jierjured press. The object was to break the confidence of the colored people in me. If that could lie done, they* expected, and expected rightly) that the “ Loyal Georgian” would he immediately suspended. In May, 1860, the attempt was made, as our readers very well remember, to decorate the graves of the Union dead in our City Cemetery. Gen. Tillson failed to do his duty. I exposed him; and he united with the Rebels to break me down. I stood out alone and defied the combined forces of Rebels and Northern doughfaces, depending, al most entirely, upon the supjiort and as sistance of the colored people. A few w hite friends stood by me. I will not attempt to tell to what depths of mean ness Tillson and his Hebe! crew resort ed to break me down. 1 will simply say that nothing was too mean: and they evidently did all they could. They failed. The colored jieojile of this city and vicinity, and all the leading colored men in the State, so far as 1 know, stood by me. They saw through the Rebel trick, and their confidence could not be shaken. I have reason to believe that Tillson caused his Bureau Agents, in the different counties, to circulate the lies which lie was daily telling, for the purpose of preventing them from sending money to support the “ Loyal Georgian.” lie succeeded in doing that. From that time to this, w e have received no money from the counties, w ith two or three exceptions, unless it was sent as subscriptions to the paper. A meeting of the Council of our As sociation was called. They, at my re quest, investigated the charges made against me. After a long and careful investigation, they pronounced them false. 1 then stated to the Council that, in my opinion, it, would be impos sible to continue the publication of the paper, unless we could receive some assistance from Northern friends. At their request, 1 went North. For va rious reasons, I was not as successful as 1 luul hoped and expected to he. 1 raised but $1,420. 1 returned in Oc tober to attend the annual meeting of the Equal Rights Association. The financial committee reported that the Association was in debt, on account of the paper, $3,000, and that, in their opinion, it was impossible for the Association to continue its publi cation. In that report I fully con curred. The Association was, how ever, in debt to none but friends, who w ere members of the Association, and they proposed to take charge of and continue the publication of the paper, being responsible for all debts. It was decided to accept, the proposition. The creditors organized the “ Loyal Georgian Publishing Association,” aud have published the paper until w ithin a few days. Soon after the organization of the Publishing Association, the “ Board of 1 )irectors” decided that they could not continue the publication of the im pel- unless they could receive assistance from Northern friends. At their re quest I again went North. 1 receiv ed but little assistance; in all but $1,252 It. 1 gave from my own funds, $l,lOB 84. I also secured for the paper a large amount of Govern ment printing. During my absence it was decided to publish a daily paper. Colored men had been enfranchised, and they w ant ed a daily paper. It was believed that it would be supported. In fact, it was the opinion of our friends that it w ould bt* for the interest of the Association and of the Republican party, to issue a daily. To make a long story short, we have not received that support which we had reason to expect. Our expenses were largely in excess of our receipts, but we had reason to believe that after a few weeks the receipts would be largely in excess of the ex penses. A Northern friend promised to loan us money—the failure of some parties from whom lie expected money made it impossible for him to accom modate us. AY e used every effort iu our power to raise money, but it was impossible. YVe w ere upon the point of suspending and of giving up the undertaking entirely, when a few wealthy Union men in this city- came to our rescue. They proposed to form anew company, continue the publica tion of the “ YVeekly Loyal Georgian,” bay out the “ Daily Tress ,” and es tablish anew paper, to be called the “Nationai.L’icrtm m an,” with which tin* “Daily Loyal Georgian” was to be merged. We were assured that this paper should be an outspoken ad vocate of the principles of the Repub lican party, and that the “ Weekly Loy al < Jeorgian”should continue under my editorial management. A meet ing of the stockholders of tin- “Loyal Georgian Publishing Ai s-.ieiation” was called, and it was decided to accept the proposition. The new company was formed. Both paper; will be printed by the “Georgia Printing Company.” 1 have given this brief history of the “Loyal Georyiauf because 1 considered it necessary to answer some of the Rebel falsehoods that are now in circulation in this city, by a simple statement of facts. As 1 have before said, we have been obliged to meet these falsehoods from the very day we commenced to publish the “ Loyal Georgian," but, at length, we have placed our paper on solid ground. Every attempt made to break us down, lias made us stronger. YVe are to-day much, cry much stronger than ever before. Our cause has triumphed, and our paper has triumphed. The “Loyd (reoryianf the same old “Loyal Georgian," but every way inijiroved will be continued, ami talk us it has always talked, but with more ability, I trust. It will never fail to advocate the cause of the oppressed, and, as formerly, its motto will be “Equal Rights” for ail citizens of the United States, except those who have been convicted of crime, or have par ticipated in the attempt to destroy the Government. Friends of the “ Loyal <L .ryian !” rejoice with me; many long months we have toiled; sometimes full of hope, sometimes discouraged. f never doubted. I always felt that our cause was just, ami that ive should succeed. My Northern friends w ill ream tuber that 1 told them that we should nut fail. At length, I can say to them, “success has crowned our efforts.” \Y e have established in -Georgia an out and out Radical Ilepublictin paper. The Rebels may howl; their political fools may write poetry, it makes us stronger. It Ii as been my ambition to assist the down trodden and the oppressed. The Equal Rights Association was organized for that, purpose. Its object was both political and educational. The party now advocates the political views, it was organized to advocate. The Georgia Educational Association, the name by which the Equal Rights Association is now known, is laboring to advocate the cause of education. For several months, 1 have been unable to devote much attention to the cause of educa tion. Hereafter, I shall devote more attention to that cause, than ever lie tore. Most of my time has been, hereto fore spent in securing funds to con tinue the publication of the "Loyal Geary in ib," and I have n> ; .levot- i p.s much attention to the editorial ib partinent as 1 lhall hereafter. To the friends of the “Loyal Geor gian" who have stood by it in the jmst, I wish to say that it will be as true to the cause, we love so much, in the future, as it has been in the past. The “National Republican” will be an outspoken advocate of Republican principles, ami a much bettor paper, 1 believe, than the “Daily .'Loyal Georgian" has ever been. Support the “National Republican!” Readers of the “ Daily Loyal Geor gian !” farewell. 1 trust.) f may have the pleasure of talking with you, each week, through the columns of the “ Weekly Loyal Georgian.” J. E. Bbyant. “THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN.” We furnish our readers this morn ing with the first number of the “ Na tional Republican.” This paper, as its name implies, will advocate the principles .•£ the Republican party. In other words, it will be an outspoken Republican paper. YVe shall furnish the Republican to our subscri bers itHhey desire. The “National Re publican’ is published at the office where the “Daily Press'’was published, but it is not the “ Daily Press” with a new name ; neither is it the “ Loyal Georgian” with anew name. It is a new paper, and lias none of the politi cal sins of either paper to answer for. YVe are assured that it will he an outspoken Republican paper. We have no doubt but that it will be. It it is not, we shall be die first one to denounce it. W 1 L LSO N’S •SCHOOL AND FAMILY SERIES () F Ii EAI >E RS AN 1) SP EL LE US, FFOM. MAJOR GENERAL HOWARD, Commissioner Freedman's Bureau. “ Your excellent series has been received and examined with great interest. I like the works very much, and am especially 'leased with the Charts and Primacy Books, believing them unusually adapted to aid the child in making a start.” Willltordet Primary Speller. A Simple and Progressive Course Lessons ill Spelling, with Reading and Dictation Exercises, and the Elements of Oral and Written Composition. By Maectus YVTli.sox. ltimo., 80 pages, 56 Cuts. 15 cents. Willson 's Larger Speller. A Progressive Course oi Lessons in Spc- - iniv. arranged according to the Principles of Orthoepy and Grammar, with Exercises in Synonyms for Reading, Spelling and Writing; and a new System of Definitions. By Makcius YVii.i.son. 12mo, 168 pages 36 Cuts. 35 cents. Willson's Erimer. The School and Family Primer. Introductory to Series of School and Family Readers. By Makcius Willson. 12mo, -Is jKiges, 107 Cuts. 25 cents. Willson's First Header. The First lteadea of the School and Fami’v Series. By Makcius YVn.L.suN. 12mo, St pages, I:J2 Cuts. 40 cents, Willson's Second Header. The Second Reader of the School am! Family Series. By Makcius VY illson. 12mo, 154 pages, 100 Cuts. 60 cents. A Thin! Header: Intermediate Series. A Third Reader of a Grade between the Second and Third Readers of the School and Family Series. By Makcius Willson. 12mo, 210 ]>ages, 70 Outv. 80 cents. Willson's Third Header. Tl- Third Reader of the School and Family Series, lb Makcius Willson. 12mo, 264 pages, 142 Cuts. 90 cent*. A Fourth Header: Interna diatt Series. A Fourth Reader of a Grade between the Third and Fourth Readers of the School and Family Series. By Makcius Willson. 12mo, 312 pages, 05 Cuts. $] 10. Willson's Fourth Header. The Fourth Reader of the School and Family Series. By Makcius Willson. l2mo, 360 pages, 164 Outs. $1 35. Willson's Fifth Header. The Fifth lb ::der of ihe School and Family Series. By Makcius Wii.i.son. 1 2mo, 540 pages, 208 Cuts. $] 80. [Extract- Loin Letter of Major fcsi.xton, or dering Headers.] Washington, I>. C., April x!4 t isoT. * * -* * * it was thought by some that we had better get the Parker <& Watson ISeries, which is the most used in the Schools, simply because somy had got it, for the sake of uniformity ; but my recommendation prevailed. One gentleman present, who lmd used both, stated that he had used the other as long as he eared to, and con sidered tlie Willson Scries as far superior, giving an example of the ditl’crence of time required in teaching anew pupil, the prefe rence being decidedly in lav or of the latter series. So we, starting this new movement, have decided to get the best book extant, so far as we knew them. -*•*** -x --(Signed) S. Willard Saxton. From the American Freedman (Rev. Lyman Abbott.) “The j*eculiar characteristic of this Scries lies in the fact that they aim to impart, as far as possible useful information. For this pur pose they contain a series of articles on vari ous subjects of science aud history, graded to the capacity of different pupils, and so arranged that when the live volumes have, been care fully read, the student, in addition to a know ledge of reading, will have acquired a conside rable . knowledge in many departments of study, such as will lay she foundation for more complete instruction afterward.” They are therefore peculiarly adapted to the pressing needs and quick pereeptives of the colored child ren. Each book is profusely and handsomely illustrated, and the illustrations are all intended to render tkecomprehensiou oi the reading matter more easy. The follow - ing testimonials have been selected from a large mass of u similar nature : Bureau R. F. and A. L., Office Superintendent Education, Richmond, Ya., Dec. ly, ISGG. Dear Sir—l have been familiar with the Headers from their first publication, and am free to say to you, as I have uniformly said to teachers, superintendents, and others, that, ail tilings considered, 1 regard them as the host Series before the public. The leading peculiar feature of this Series was a happy in spiration of the author, and the execution of the plan so well done :is scarcely to admit of improvement. Mr. Willson’s style of compo sition in tljc lo wer numbers of the Series, and so mi tiling* 1 his plan in the higher uuintn rs, have been imitated by some later writers of school readers with decided advantage to their works. Hence Mr. Willson has not only made a peerless Series of his own, but has elevated the general standard of such works. When ever my choice has not been constrained by circumstances, I have always used this Series both in the white and colored schools with which I have been in any way connected. Yours, truly, R. M. Manly, Superintendent Education. From W. M. Colby, General Superintendent Freedman’s Schools in Arkansas. I never made better readers than from those books. The Charts are unsurpassed by any. Harper & Brothers, Publishers, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. o- HARPER & BROTHERS will scud any of the above works by Mail, postage free, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. J. E. BRYAKT, AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AUGUSTA, GEO xny39 i Fr-nn .F. Mitciifm., Superintendent ol Freedmcn’b Schools (in charge of Pc-nnsyl vania !• reed men’s Association,) for Middle Tennessee and Northern Alabama. Willson’s Readers are unsurpassed by any in tlic English language. Copies will be sent, postage paid, to purtit .- desiring to examine them with a view to in troduction, on receipt of half price. Harper & Brothers also publish a .Series of School and Family ( harts, IVi-uty-two hi number, by Mareiua XViUsoii mill N. A. Calkins. lllc-se Charts are in connection " Hh the accompanying Manual ol Instruction by Marcias Willson (12ino, Si 60) and the Primary Object Lessons by N. A. Calkins, (ISmo, $1 50) to furnish the teacher with the requisite aids for the practical application of a true system of Elemen tary Instruction. in the six Heading Charts the type is sufficiently larsn- to be easi ly read at .i distance of .twenty feet. These Charts ml. be furnished either separately or in full sells, either mounted or in sheets, am; also, for Family Use, in neat atlas form, at the following prices. When mounted, two nre On a card of the size of each Chart, about £2 by H 0 inches. They are sent by uiai!, in sheiixs, at the prices named : -Vo- In Sltcrii. I. Elementary . Sixty Illustrated Words a5 cts. ii. Heading: First Lessons 85 ct-. ill. Reading : Second Lessons.... 85 cts. It. Heading: I'lurd Lessons 35 cts. Reading : I-Yiui-ih Lessons 35 cts. VI. Reading : Filth Lessons 3.5 els. VII. Elementary Sounds 35 cts. VIII. Phonic Spelling 35 cts. IX. Writing Chart ;>5 cts. X. Drawing nud Perspective 85 etc. XI. Lines and Measures 35 cts. XII. Forms and Solids 35 cts. XIII. Familiar Colors, accompanied by a duplicate sett of Hand- Color Cards *1 6o XIV. Chromatic Scale of Colors 120 XV. Animals: Economical Uses.. 60 cts. XVI. Classification of Animals 00 cts. XVII. Birds : their Classification 00 cts. XVIII. Reptiles and Fishes GO cts. XIX. Botanical Forms, ecc 00 cts. XX. Classification ol Plants 60 cts. XXI. Economical Usas of Plants... 60 cts. XXII. Economical Uses, continued.. 00 cts. Price of the entire Sett, in Sheets Stl 70 “ “ “ “ Mounted 13 00 “ “ “ “ Atlas Form... 20 00 Calkin’s Primary Object Lessons £1 50 iv illson’s Manual of Object Teaching.. 150 There lias been nothing published iu the educational line for years that, to onr mind, is such a means of conveying knowledge as these Charts anti the Manual that accompauii e them. [lvtca Instructor. Willson’s Manual is the truest American ex pression of the principles of Postalottzzi t hat has yet been made. Mr, Willson is legitimate ly carrying out iu this Manual and tlic accom panying Charts, the basis of his admirable system of School Readers. —-V. >7 Teacher.