The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 28, 1867, Image 3

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Tliu Daily Loyal Mcorsiaii. auc.ubta, ga. ,ii r.v i- . liiusni Ofti ck, Fjbkkdmkn’s 8a vj nos & Trust Cos., Augusta, Oa., July '-7, ISO*. Wo, the umlorsigneri, members of the Advisory Hoard of this Bank, hearing on the streets that the ‘‘h reed men’s Bank has failed,” take pleasure in saying that we have visited the Cashier, Mr. l’l inee, and upon examina tion of the books, ibid that the rumor ■ftt t/routiitlixr. There has been no interruption in the business of the Bank, and depositors can receive their money upon presentation oi their Bank Books, in the future, as in the pas'. Persons desiring t. deposit van find the Cashier from ! to 4 P- M., of each day in this office. (i. 11. Harris, President, 11. \. Ilarpcr, V n e-I‘resident, Wm. J. White, Bee rotary, Robert Turner, Ckesar Johnson, Edward 8. West, Simeon W. Beaird, W. 11. Mathews, R. T. Kent, William Blair, Henry Watts. rreedaten’s Affairs. A report has ! con rec: ived at the Fix, dnioiTts Bureau from Brevet Major General t'arlin, Assistant Commissioner for (lie Stale of Ten nessee, detailing the. operations of the Inm an there during tin- mouth of June, in which it is stated that tlie characters of the free.linen for industry has stood high duriug the month. Thu crop# have been abundant, and probably the largest ever raised in Tennessee. Notwith standing tiiis fact, there has been a disposition among all ('hisses of destitute people to look to (ho Bureau for support, and the ‘vssiraact Commissioner, therefore, suggests tils propri ety of discontinuing all issue., of ra" is, ex cept to the hospital ami orphan asylu With reference to tins teinpemuec cause which lias hem introduced among Urn free,tin* n, the Aesistanl Coiilinis:. inner report - that the col <m«l people generally •!:> not sign Use pledge. Oi»» reason tor this inditferenee is the col ored preacher,, are di hiking men. They do mu advocate total abstinence among their people., nor practice it themselves. We do not care to forestall what, in our opinion, will soon become known as the pur pose of Government" respecting' the colored men of til" land. That aid will be wholly withdrawn, ami ior years to t owe, we cannot bo made lo belie'.a! Thai it will be width and in amount, and tlmt, soon, wo are confident. The object of Government as is peels Ihe. monied interest of a country I*. through appro priate legal enactment, to protect labor ---the money providing power- -and, so far as practi cable, make it, when directed to worthy ends, proportionally remunerative with labor <v pendeih Kx ■ :.i in eases oi actual and pro- • incompe, "'icy to '.-■■rk, (which cas.-s ma t,(, jii-jib be, Hid .na- ... . m the merciful provisions of our poor laws,; the law,ms actual 1.,1 -or -11 ii ii. Tiiis,, th'-n, in a government, like our own, I the normal b;eis upouwhieh every man stands, and upon which he -■ nr,. Jiimerial provisions and laws may lie, and are, made to me*. 1 tnnpo rally especial needs and wants; but they are only temporary. They are framed in eon fortuity with the spirit and order of the gene ral laws. They fulfill e particular purpose then give way to the simple sturdy principles of general law The necessity of having the organic general law an embodiment simply of g. noral prin ;,»lc and ruler- is apparent- They form a general tic ot union. Local b .1-la '.ion made conformable to their nature applies to, tits, the particular necessities and w*ntc of sec tions. Much of Oh work laid upon the present Congress'is, in kind, unusual, extraordinary. It is mad. such from th illegal, unjustifiable attempt of a portion of the. eonntry to under mine and destroy the organic law. Its present legislation i-, and very properly, to "imi Jo an indissoluble comflic : the prinei;.! - flit" once endangered, and to seen" guarantee* ra am.-l further nefarious attempt to despoil the ami. The ‘-li’reedniciTs Bureau’ - —Treated an organ io dispuiu* aid, pro'.ecGon and -mnsel to . he newly enfranchised colored man i--> not de signed for permanent coni II was conceived in Hi, wants of the vast population of blacks, whose former condition in slavery, restraining from education, hub-pendcncy >if thought and will, had made in-ompet- nt., to a large decree, for the new and radically changed circumstances into which they bad been usii tred. Through this agency schools h-ne been started, school systems inaugurate.'!, and mat* rial aid furnished in buying houses, lands, el* It has been formed, and is now ipeniliug - (yciiroee- a condition such a- tic. 1 uiiarec cmnslanees of their former life ha- associated with the,u. We are flattered to beUevt that they have been practically appreciated, the favors thus bestowed; that the former slave population lias beer, so s- d with thought, sis it is not now tlie case) make it adjustable to the different department -of business and soc ial responsibility in the tauct. Whenever it- Is postil.h- io dlspcn ■ "'"lithe; especial help now rendered by t!.- (. acral Government to the , olorod people through this | Bureau, it will b-dupmr'l with. Tncisdy •rhu. , this will occur, we cannot definitely State. The iudiewtioiis arc -.tin not be far hence. Wo speak: this to incite the colored men to make the most of the advantage now pn senUd them—that when these props are removed, they will he able to stand alone, capable ttu.n adarn to direct their labor and perform nego tiations with the general world Let them be wisely industrious to get know!* dgc—be fru gal, temperate and .willful. With the facilities io ban/, now put v.'itliiu their reach, every col ored man may L. —and hence should be em powered with what of knowledge and training j is needed to attend to th- common responsi- Mount Ilood in Oregon is 12,400 feet high, the Lust having been found out after laborious exertions l>y J’ro f«ssor Whitney, at the cos', oi l .Sam. Why is a man like a schoolmaster ? Because lie keeps cool. To indicate the kind ot' weather, tin citizens of Alexandria, Ya., arc just now enjoyin'/ (.') we give the following -front the “State Journal” of oi' 24tli inst.; Hot.—To-day the vveatlier lias been extremelv sultry. As we learn by a note from one of our most reliable citizens, the torrid temperature was the cause of a inelanebolly aeeidont happening to a fat. resident of \\ raslt ingtbn. He bad come over to “do” this town alter the order of English tourists, lie allowed bimselt an hour to accomplish tile i::sk, and bail made good progress in tin win e arriv ing at the corner of King and Wash ington, lie stopped to rest. Here a loud explosion startled and alarmed tin inhabitants. On repairing to the spot | where he lately stood, they found j nothing hut the sole of a number 11 | hoot, two shirt buttons, a few bones j and a large grease spot on the pave- 1 laent. The oleagenous part, of tin j poor fellow was 1 mini calmly floating on to]) ol the muddy water of tin gutter. It was fished up afterwards under the supervision of the city Coroner, and together with the other ghastly relicts of the departed worth, was decently interred in the cemetery near the city. Harvard made George Peabody a Dr. of Laws yesterday. Nature made , him a Doctor of Beneficence years ago, —Huston Trans. Among the latest arrivals at Sara toga are two young ladies from Ila- ! v ana, known as the charms of Cuba, and wearing diamonds io the value of $250,000. OlTlt'l.t l. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATE,s, Timed nt the Serov l St'&xwn- of the me>r->ii'thn<wau*.s. ( HAP!’EIt CX'XX X. -1/* Art to nid til the (*o,lxl;uclUni of 1 * ley re oh ~ .... !to ncenve to th. <roeernnunt thi I y, of tin runic fur /unfed, MiUhtry, and »:her Titeposes. Jle ii cuu.lrd by the Se/mO unit it our, of Ih nhttiri::oftli< Lulled Hbd'uof 1 Mtrien l, iiiUtd, That any t< !> '■r.ipti company nor. organised, or vvlijcli may liere :sll"i be nrcriiv/.il under flic laws <»1 any Hlate in th'.a Lninn, nhai' h ive me riehl lo e*e,;:-,!rue!, snai iben. and ojenvee lio* l *1 t*T e. inpli through ami over any perllon ol the pubiii-dimuiin oi th' Untied Slate- , ovi r and j 1,,- . ny *" ilie Military •»• )«-- ; l roa.l of t nitci 1 Sliiles which have been or may hereaflcr he iloehiml such by acts of Con gress, and over, under, or across the naviga ble streams or waters of the. United . Males: Trorvhd, Thai sne.h line.s. of telegraph shall be so constructed and maintained a; not to obstruct the navigation ot such streams and yvatci nr Inn rforr with the ordinary travel on sneh unitary or ]iokl roal*. And any of • aid rmipiiiiicti’vlmll linvc the riglc to take aii'l it-" 1 1 1 a 'ill such public laiids 11 u ■ fu e* i ss ary. tlm i .i* , r, ami other materia!- nr ils posts: pi< V . e.'g, ' So f lit odfltl 1, IIS i,s Si■i a, tii'a. li"ii. maint< I.o in •, and o|)( ra- I ii'ii i of tel* graph, and may pre cs"'-iie'ii p'irliun *>i die unoccupied public land.- subject lo pr* cnipt-’uin Uirongh which its said lira’s iff telegrnpU may he lo- Ciifeiininv be iiwe.-?ary l\.o its stations, not cxiwdiiig forty acres for each station; hut sui'ii stations shall not be within tiftocn null's of cceli other. Si'.e. 2. And in it J’urth, >■ , yurtuf. That telegraphic conuuunicHt ion - i>ctw ecu the o c erjd (hjiartmenl:. of tic- : '.•.■enunent of the i Hill'd film.*: and th< ir o.'iieer- end arcnls shall, ill their iciism:-sion ovi r the iim s oi any of said companies, have priority over ail other business, and shall he ** u! nt rales In -he nniuiffly fixed bv the Poslnnw *( Gem rat Sec. J. And be‘it further emicUd, That the rights and priv lieges hereby gnititcd hall not he transferred liv any ('oinpany lU't.iii;; under diis net to any otlicr corporation, asm ciation. or pm"" in Trurided. /■■ ■ .nnr. font the United Stat -'may nt any lime otter lie* expiration of five years from lie- date of tin passage of this act, for ;Kitbd. mdifary, or other purposm, pmciias ;di *i"' inlegrapi' lines, property, and e'fecif, of any or all ot ■ aid c ompanies *d all iippr;o * *i ydne, lo h ascertained by live compete!:!, disinttreried pel's*ms, tvio of whom sisiii be selected by the Postmi.-!' .' General of the Uooe-1 Mmlcs, two liy tlie eotupuily interested, and one by the lour oi previnvmly M--le( led. Hr.c -i. And. !■■■ tl further ameUd. i licit before am* iclcgrapii (.oinpany slmil exercise no p of llil* powers or priv lieges conferred !>y Hi's act sui'ii aimpanv -hall flit; Ho ir written acceptance ivitli the i’cslinaiitcr-doncral ot the lestrietion.s ami olil'i ."ions required by tills ac l . Aw'iiovi-.n, July 24. IW. Cll A PTE It GCXXXI. 1 ■/. Am tout, film dm Semin and r- rjulale the Afobimviti (if Ojlners in the .\ucy, and for other Tuejemr. JJr U t nueU el by tin tienMle and, House, of n, ..redruPdiees of Hi C.dtenl titeihm of A merit* Couaer o ummbM, That i in; number allowed in each grade oi' lino officers on the active hat of file navy shall lie one admiral, (me vice admiral, ten roar admirals, twenty-live cwinnM'lore- fifty(iiptaiiifl, iiinclycommaml- Cis one- hundred ami eighty iieutemo.t pwn imuidtbk.oiib hundred and eighty lieutenants one hundred anti Jxty masters, one iiundred and sixty nnsiiras, and in otlnsr grades tin! iiuinlioriiow allowed by law r prmuled, 'I hat I),c increase in (lie grades authorized by tins ■ir * -Vdl lie made bv selection from tin: grade '*Vv'L:k*lo-.v of ollleers who law rendered Hie i „. t ctilciont and faithful service during the li-eont war. J.J..1 who possess tig; highest l»m --fcvii* mid iiiiajifiisitioiis and album lien oi. And „(.lidng in fill) aid .dtliii preclude the advance ment in rank now authorize! 11*.; aw fd b>- ;ic . nished conduct in battle, or foi (ixtraor i icin' h'-roism: .1 ml prodded j aether. I but ;.e ;,*!. luUiefourtuontb.Mc t;f." of the act approved July si.\o*onlli eighteen lumdrcd and sixty two, entitiod •‘An *ct to i n.diiisli and co*i,tliy.. th- grade of the li/iu offiwrs of the navy." shall bos, I. i"d a-: 0 prevent Ji- ."bc.v.ary **l th ' Maw* from promoting to ihc grain; ot ie:,; admiral .'.i >h • raided li.-.t those conunodores i u i,*, liavo oomnlanded Hqumlrons by <ndc. ot ii pc (secretary of the Navy, or w ho lnivo per formed oilier highly meritorious service. Sfc 2 Anelbe-Ufarther enacted, 1 Itat of the unmberof Une officers of tin navyon ilie-aa iv,, n-.t live lieutenant commanders, twenty lieutenants, fifty masters, and t.ev eni v-nve . eji-i -'iis may be ajiiwintcd from those offl<cr • i who liivc'served in tin. volunteer naval s"i --' vice for a period of not lc*.- than two y«n-. ■ ■ ~ -a, :- r 1 '• y . 11 " ■ '■ ; 'j'hstl if by reason of theseapnnmt ownts die V'lunl'. r of officers i shall exceed the number fixed by law, no | more promotions or apiKiintmnnts In that gradi siiid] hi* made until tlie mindier is io dine., below Ha number fixed l>v law for I lim, grade: eind eidid further. Tlmt the' authority given ly Ibis section slmil be e\- Imiihied will'll Hi ,u:ml)er of volunteer olli- * eers above named bail have been once up- ; pointed. ! Skc. it. And b, it further enacted, Tlmt , tin' Secret in.- of * Xnvy slitill appoint n inaird consisung i i not less than three naval j ollieers sujicrior in rink to the officers to be | ■ llm- ajipointed in Ike regular navy from the I volunteer service, Van'll board, after oxamin- | '.boil of the claims of all candidates, shall : ! select end report *i lie: Secretniy of the* j Xnvy lie most In.ritorious in character, , ability, profs -ioiin' ompeteney. and Imnor ei-ir .-,1 vice, the mn it’ei' to he appointed and ; transferred to the s u-rid grades mentioned in tin- m'.oml sects'M of this act. provided they shall fmd that milier who are suitably iniaiiiied therefor. And any ollU'er who lias j served in the volant- r naval service for tlie term of two year;; more shall have die right, in appear before die examining board and present liis claim and ho examined for an appointment in ti■■■ regular navy. And any volunteer officer' to vessels at sea o: on foreign stan ns may be appointed lo tin; regular navy, s 'gieel to tin comlitions con' ' s*d in tills si eti . after their return to th; United States. Sue, 1. And he it ' rtticr , ..acted, That tin Secretary of the Amy he, and lie hereby is, authorized to retail!. el ro appoint under . exi ting laws and vega 'ions, such volunteer officers m tlie navy as the exigencies of the sen ice may rcipiire. Sue. 5. And be it father enacted , That lieutenant commander: may he assigned to duty as navigation and watch officers on f board of vessels of war a well as first lieu-j tenants of naval stations and of ships of; war. Sue, tj. And In it fa. ■e, nartid. That tin j annual compensation o* die. admiral of the j now sled! lie ten tiioi :oul dollars a year, and lie .shall lie entided to tlie services of a { secretary, who sliail ri i tve the annual sea i pa\'of a lieutenant in t'n* navy. Si-a 7. And tft enacted, ritat j n'lvai constl '.ielols aiKlfn * ami second assist- i ant engineers in the navy Tall lie appointed by tlie President and confirmed by the Sen ate, and -hall have naval rank and pay as officers of the navy. Skc. 8. Alai In it further enacted. That all acts and parte of acts inconsistent here with are hereby repealed. Ai'cnovi.o. July 35, INStf. (TI.VI’TEK UUXXXII. .-io .I,A . lb. lime 'f (icitcnU in the I nii. and Mate* .1 mn/. He it < unied hi/ the Xc/.-s ami Ho am of lirjiiy sriavtirrr of the V nit- .‘-Vi i ten of. inn rica io (d0n0r.:,,, usrrmhkd, That tlie. gaade of ■ . iieia 1 **i tin army of Hie t nited Slates” be a. li tlie a.ime, is hereby *• ; ived; and that till- !'resident is hereby authorized, wbent ver lie shall deem it. expedient, in :ij>|Kitnt, by mid with On odvici; and conseii' of ft* * - -nol* , a general of Ihe army of die i nil ' to lie Heieeii 'l from atnimg tin olli*; i", the military -more of the Ui *.d >St *t - ni-st d.istiligui"la'il lur i"jiirage, and sd.alil.v, w I:", t ii-'. eommi a end, may be .nitlioiiki 'i, mnler tlie tii;;• * m and during th, pie; .in' of ill.' I ‘re .itlr :. to command : Ihe ■■■ of the i 11 iio* I SI ’ Sm \nd he it forth enacted , That Ihe pay propmf die general Ivii lie lour j hundred doiiarr. per lannltl; mil bin allow - ; ad ipiariei; are in VVashiii'Mnn, : tiatl is'- al. ihi i rate of three hundred dollars per month, and j hi*, c.llie*- allowances in all ret-, ■" in ihe. amt: us am allowed to tin* iieulci ■" * * .’■;■! by the second sec lion of I lie act ..iijimvwl I'el,-1 j'uary tw* ■ *-. i;hir, i ".iiieev, lmii' ,; '"i and j isixt’ bun i aii'icd "An m' reviving tin ; I an.- 1- *-! iiiait' e.iat gaiK'l'ld in’Mu 1 eiied j S(ai''t •)!'!>)>'” ;i" *1 'll" ea'i'f ,'' 'a T 'i- ! j lieVP mint geni 1 i sluhi lx Ira’i nneil* -ib('| j the < iii f (>*' Hiatt In tin* gei .:. with tlie * rank, puv, and emoluniciita ol 1 lirigadier j general in the army of tlie l nited States; land the net approved March 1- icl, eigliteen hundred ami .sixly-Jive. endtli 1 “An act to pros id*' for a ehie'i *,f stall to I lie lieutenant ! gene.iul * ■ iniiiiivndii:lhe armi- *'l tile l ei i lilt Slat -*." is hcl'i'l'V ie|iea!od ,and Ihe s;*i*t j general may elect Iroin tlie rer Jar army for sm-vice upon his -.'.i1l sueli nimi'x-r of aide, : mil I\l 1 1 dim ,\, :.s h* may ml • projier, sviio ih’ri.e i! ■ term oi a:ch ntf eis iei hall ■ nli a*, til rai,;.. pay. and 'iiioin llient: of a 1-nioiK'l of is.airs v nd it i h ■jirovidud. dial in !i* *1 oi'die In if now i elio'V *' to law 111 ihe lieutenant -ner: I, he hail h- I 1,1 I’ll. I tit wo aides and *me military M’cretars, eaeii to Jiave tlie raeh. pav, and emoluilienls of a lieutenant colwie! of <*av llhy duriit ! th: lei'll lof ..licit shift Cl vice. Ai euos ui). July :?5,1800. (' 11A PT El ICt X XXIII. . ]*( ,* / oadnnij 'ey, ,o, o lions j ‘he thin- ; :,o‘ r and Diyluvedo tfirpcnm'u ■ I' da i .minted forth< Year ~n4in'j,l,hj nh.huo ' liyp.l ro ion'll I tend H A, d for i i nth, r Tarjtorat. ! l>, it. ..nrt.rl i.’j ■ S'l./ue and *"«' of i if,on reniatir, (Ojtlo i nit. ri Sfult'H of ‘oa /'.('a, i tfonyritoneinbbd, Tlmt tile following! -;i„i .he. :me ; :.* nil s" eppr-pn ated, out of any money in the tr<-usury not Olh'.-twe* appropl'ialiii, tor tlieol.jl'iS'-liere idler, for the hseni year eieliiig' the tliirtietir of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, immoly: For snloricH oi envoys extraordii uy. min- j isters, ami commissioiieis of t,l). t nited , Slate."'- at <j j '.lit Britain, France, jtussifi. ; I'ruasin. .Spain, An-trin. Hmzii, w-piddi' *'f • .viexieu. China. Italy, (Vdl, Peril. Switzei imni, Koine. lieigidm, Hoiliind, ])*oiii:uk, Sc, a den, Turkey, New Granada Bolivia,, Ecuador, Venezuela, (Lr.teinaia. X: -ara-'uii, ; Ijoiulwild! Island', C .ia itieii, Il nelura-. Argentine Confederal ion. I’ura,guay Japan, i and Salvador, tliria; liinalcui and eight thou sand five hundred dollars. for salaries of secretaries of legation, i hirty thousand dollars. For salaries of a- i taht secretaries „f lega tion ;,t London ami Paris, three tiiousand dollar,-. For salary ot the iiiicipretar to lip- l-ga- U*m to China, five thorn-anil dollars, For salary of the ax-rebuy of leg;.; -n to Turkey, acting at; nilerpretei', thru- ilioti saini dollars. For salary of d.-c intumieter to the 1" •ition to Japan, two thousand !ivo hundred dol- ]ars. For coiilingent * xpen. i of ail the m : ions abroad, fifty thousand dollars. For contingent expeira.s of foreign inter course si xty-tivc tiiousand ilolhc s. For expenses of intercourse v n the liar- , barv iKiwers, three tliuu .",c d* . * For expenses <>f die con aiates i. tin. !ur kishliominion.’- namely: inn-rpmer, - e-r*! . ami other . :,p< n-es of'the consulate-) at <'* •(; stiintinoplc. ranyina. ( alalia, Alexandria, ,u,a )*,■ irut, two tiio'.i and five liunurcd doi i " For U*i relief and proleeiion of Am* rieim i 1 sennieii in foreign cotnilries, two huraiml tiiuusund dollars. For exp-iiHOS which may lie incur; * 1 m a.'knowicil.L'in;, the service:; of tin: masters f foreign • ' ! *: ■ ■ ■ »;ns Os Ihe Uah'd States from shipwreck, ten tiiousand dollars. For tlie purclmsd of blank hooks, st, *ion erv tmok eases, arms of the United G : sea!" pr* and ilags. and for tin* paymwii of poshij. ■, and miscellaneous cximie* •_»! tl!,, ~.:.1 ;* T ' . r.i tin United Suites, including Jos. by f Aciiim re, fifty tliouauuJ dollars. For olllcc rent for consuls general. allowed to trade, including loss by exchange ! thereon, foriy-livo thousand dollars. ; For salaries of consul- genera), com ids. ' eoim-.ereial agenh;, and lliil'teen consulav j eleiiis, ineludi::::; loss by exchange thereon, I namely: 1. (JONSV LATHS G B.N EHAL. ’ SniKDi'l.U 11. A iexnndria, Caloutla, Fiankiort-i'n-lhe-Ataiii, iJuvaini, Montreal, j Slauigliai. 11. CONSULATES, scnum i.K is. Aotipuk-o. Aiv-la Giaipelic. AigiiTS. Amoy. 1 o.mslirdam, Aeiweqi, \spinwaii, i’ankok, liaise. Leila:".', liiirul. ljucuos Ayr,;.-. lV.r- ] deaux, iircm'i). if iim!i" i, Loiri*ae. Halve- j hr;:, (.'a*!* . t’.J'ao, Claudia, tV.aton, ( bin J Liang. Ciiiion. Coaiieuoh. t'orlr. IJemantni, j Dundee. Elsinore. Erie, Foe t'li<,**. Fuiu-lial. ; Geneva. Genoa, Gibraltar, Glasgow, (lode- j rich, Gmu, mi. , Halifax, Hamburg, Havre, I Honolulu, llong-Kong, iiankow, .feri*snlem, I Ixanaginva. Kingston, Kingalon in Canada, La Hoelielie. Ixiguayra, ! aimitta. Leeds, i.-g --liom, Lcipsie, Lisbon, Liverpooi, London, j Lyons. Malaga, Malta. Manchester. Manlan zas. .Mavseilies. Mauritius, Meltioiin:*'. Lies 1 .-imi, Moscow. Munich. Xu x aid, A ipk -s ! Nassau HY*. : Indivo. NVwca -lie, Nice, V n ics, ()dt* -a. Oporto. Palermo, Panama, i’ai: Periiiimliueo, i’L'.mi, l’otae. Port Million. I’leseolt, ITiiiee lalwaud Island, Hovel. Hio de Janeiro, iioUenlmn, Fan Juan del Fur, : Ban Juan (1 ’ ufo iiici>!, haint John (Canada East), t-amtiago de Cuhn, Port .Sarnia. .Singiv- . Smyrna, Spczzia, Southampton, Saint John (XVwfotindlandj, Saint IVteu l)urg. Saint Pierre i Martinique). Saint i'lioin- : as, Stiiltgaidt, Swartow, Saint ileleua. Tam , pico, Tangier, Tonmto, Trieste, Trinidad de ! Culia, 'l'ripoii, Tunis, Tilth's island. Vnlpa raiso, Veracruz, Vienna. 'Windsor. Zurich. 11l COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. SCUKDUI.n 11. lializ' Mada.aascar, S.m Juan del Norte, Smut 1 >* iningo. IV. CONSULATES, scui'iicu: c. Aiix Cayes, iialiia, Balavia, Bay oi islands, Cape liny lien. Cape Town, Cailhageiin. Ci v lon, Coli'ja, Cy priis. Falkland I-i.iials, Fayal, Guayaquil, I,'antliala, M.iranham. Matamo rai", Mex ieo. M*mte\idiM, Omni, Pavla. Par:,, Paso del Nolle. Pirnms, Hio Grande. Saba nilla. Saint Catherine, Santa Cruz. , VV'csl indies), Santiago (Cape Verde), Stettin, 'i'aliti ii','i'ahiia. Taicahuaiv'i Turnin'/., Veil ire, Zanzibar. V. COMMElil'l \L AGENCIES. ec u i :diti, it e. Amoor Liver. Apia, Gnlmon, Sainl Pmd de Loin .do jLoandai, four iiundred and twenty live tiiousand dollars: J'rorid.d, 'I in; the eompett; atiotl of tin i omuls at .Malta, Saint Join! (Canada E:.sti,, Lish'.iu, SadiaCntz. Tampico, l.’rinee Edwau.l Island, Barcelona, Saint Catherine's, in, mai Nantes, is e-'lahli.-lied al fifteen hundred dol lars (inch annually, and die eompeii .-.lion ol the consul at iiankow is established at. tin* * thimsmid dollars annually; and no money shall lie | :ed to tii" present iiiinisliT rusideni: al Portugal out "I any fund ; wliateu i on account "I lurtliet eniee. ui V ■ ulli* *' For interpi'cl ' r. to die consulates in China and to tin court at Haiikok, in Siam, including !". o.v e'.eliaiig;e (liorooil, eight Ihousami Hire Imiidred dollar! For expenses ineunvd under instnielions from the Se.eretary of Stale, in hriiiLhi,."' homo from li'ix-igii'emnitrie p*-rsoii!i eliaiveil vritli crime, mid '".|" it, ■ : ii ■ *!■'ii< tliei'e'", twenty thous'ie ! dollar::, I'oi'sidnrie of tin ijiarahuls for lie eon j Stila; ('Oiirt.:- in Japan, ineiiidil.g that ai t'.ag rtijvki, and in Chinn, Siam, and Turkey, m- I'hi'hii e hiss lor e.xeli, e;e lh< r- - * ran 11i0u r.... i dollars. is n rent of prisons for Vm-'i sain ei.'iu a t. in .Japafi, China, Miatn, and Turkey, and for wagi'.-of lit" keepers of the . a tii *■, nine thou sa’,'l 'hitla.s. For salaries of re,mmi. .duller;; and eoitsuh; genernl t*i liayti, LitieFn., and Dominica, nineteen tiiousand doiinm; and die title oi ilie .e diplomatic fvprcsenlalivi ■ shall he liere after minister re.-idriif and consul geneml, with no inerenw of sd-no , For exponsen under tin!act of Coner- .to * art"' into effect th, I"enly ii' ln eeii .iie 1 ni tnd Slat' nil I Iter lirUannu Maj: : lor the xvippir- 'ion of die African slavc-lnek, m vcii ii"ai ihousami doiiai . *or e\pi'ii: i- under riu* net t** eii(,;:iruge niiinigi’idion, twenty ilintisaud iiodfirs. Por i tiriher (.’onijicnrafion nt tti" coiiimi-- ;oner under the treaty hi'iw i'* ii the Unitnl .Stales and her Britannic Majesty for Hie final Hi'itleinenl. of Die claims ol tiie IlU,l- S.ill's Bay -uid Puget Sound Agricultural Company, three thousand doliam in full for hie service; and personal expeu: es. For exiiciiee's under tin act, twenty Uiouramt dollars. Foi t .xpeiiHc; ot the eommi,s "*ui t,> roo mid mark llio tioi.mdary line lietwecn thfc 1*011:1 .sat*' and tii" Bril h po sg: ion tiouniliu*. ou \Va-idugt ,e t :rt'i * : ~ tin. ■ 'i:U thousand one hundred ami tun doilara.- For t.iii' pavioent of the .■' ;/oi eaaeal in .slalmont of Lie proportion contribatcd by the I nited Flaie- tox/ards die wipilalizalioo of the Suiieidl dll' ;>. to fulfil Die supulatioii-t contnineil in lim fourth article oi the conyei. lion liein'ocn die United Slat*' mnl Is«*l.giiini on Die twin,til th "I May. eighteen huudiv l and sixt.y-tlrree, tie.- sutii ot tltty-five tho i sand five luimlrcd and eighty four dolhu ■- in coin, and such further sum n may lie ne. - r,o,rv to entry out the sliptilatioH of tin coi.- vcnliori providing for jiayinentot inti real on the said sum and on llm portion of the prin eipa! retuaijjing unjiatd. j-’or repair Ll cemetery fence•( anil ;cx toll’a iiOU..e. ii'-'oegiiej to the 1, lot nl i J ales, • in the oil ••• of Me-no. fifteen iiumli'e.d dnliurs, | to he expended under ilircclioft of tho Pr; -i t dent of tie United Blairs. ■ :j. And U and further enacted ! liat : till, President he, mid 'ho in hereby, author ! ized lo apiKiint, bv and with tier advice and ! consent of the Semite, a second assistant. ~ ret ary of slate in tile Department of Slate and also an evaminer of claim: for the nine department, whose -alary shall he Hi me thou sand dollar*; pi, oouuei; and tho Jar; "I the second ns'-Limn wen lary oi ntat* sliali he liiittv fiv hundred dollar per annum; ■ and rttndi sums arc ia-reby appro) •fiaU.d. Sue. it. And, he b f-eetbir mart,a. Ihoi dll fu:s Collected by .m.V w>m*ul m; eoiiiiner eiij agent not mciitiounl in Bel.edule t> or t , or by any vice-eonstii or eommeremt agent aniiointet'l to perform their untie*;, or by ran other person in dieir behab'. shall lie account ; col for to the S' cretary of the Tnusiiiy m lie,nme mode and manner tra provalcl . for in section eighteen of Urn act approved Vimngt eig'liteen, eighteen uuniiied and hlty rix. entitled "-•Vii act to mgidate Pmdtpio : ji.atie raid (oiratiar systuu of he. tinted States” Ami when Dm'ft;' ‘o * "ilected oy mi - .-.ueir '■ onsul oreommcreial wts amount !,,'more Ilian twenty-five hundred dollars m any one vrarr, over gild above 'J»o ' xpei I of'olilceu'em ami clerk-hire, to be approved ' by the secretary of Suite, of which return .. f u ,ll 1,0 made to the .Secretary ot tin I g ' uvy the excess for tlmt yearsh. :: tlu;’.Secretary of tlie Treasury, in dm moil" provided for by.aaid act. Skc. ■). Add be it further enarud, lhat 1 the salary of any envoy extraordinary and t milliliter ‘plenipotentiary hcicafUT up|wmt.ul shall t,e the salary •••! a ii.'mi-ilor '-"a'-dei.i and nothing more, except niton he is ap pointed to *cio oi Die eouxtiics v.jmv* tee Un' HtaK me now repriisent''*; hy_ an j cnftiy tuul minister pl-mipo I tentiury. j AernovuD, July 25, lijiß. 1 MI’ORTANT TO Vllra'lHNTS, ■.■:*■• ■' ' AASAMiB 'a'a T K have t>c< ii iiiloiinf «1 tlu {ln. ' 1 *'• ' : '* ■ * 1 V V unit rin;j; tlu ir Hiippli' *> ' gui I) r. Mel an e s s delta at ->" ¥eiin\ iag e lias been to simply write on for Vcneiiax * .''sec -i : la.. loirat ,-t tne getuum: DU. MeI.ANKS \ LttMl Ft (t K. tt.-'y H< ra ■ - ,; ' ; ' : c ’“'"'A v *‘"' ll ' l ''" prei'ti rations catted Veneiliig" 1 1 " * l'Goi'< •!> • v '' ' l ' l ' l ' ' 'j'; 1 j - *'t ' " the Planter the propriety unit imperial"'' *i e ■ ■ .... o. i*. ..ra. , t lieir hii'tors or agents Hint t tray a ill not i: * * ' <• >(• *' ( l-ILl'.lilt.Vl i:i) v t-l: VII it (. K, pi* j-11." GM ittu!- •' Wo ulhO would thr :r. v;) i'.: i<'M • ' '* ■ • «i:;■ a 1 ■*«*. 1 ' I- '• ' * ' •. .* g .i \ . I‘llilxH. 'l'lio urual popuhii it \«t Ihoso i HI. . . I M * ! * “ r 11 ' ! “ r 'i \ i-J. PLAINT mnl all tho liiliotm IV. huchkiil : v.iloi* m the N-uUi an.: • G.thwv.-i, . iudueed tho voudera of many worn.- • ''f ~, h '''' I '-¥**' * 1 modieinnl virtues. Bo nut (U cived ■ r ; I %*. < uk. : i-i;• ■ v'V 5 ** B*S Sal arc the original and only ivii;!’! , i =:■ <’• >;»ipLt s ni l (lisoovored, imcl we nrijo the Blunter anil Me*-, i. *u h- -" - • in- ' !U :1 1 , . y- 1 ; 1 ' ' those tlepemlins;’ou liim, tu he eai'lttl in *d a■ ti ;.. • : ** y l ' ' l ' v '' llil,l!L- ! ‘ ** i ‘- ’ > unless you arc sure you are y,etli»e; the lv'u'g.g •' * A i. A, jHt i '< * !, j IC IA Mj\ 111 ST» • 1-fdtT.m i] 1 1 S) Pi ! rsui. BG, PA. Dll. M'JraVNE’S uwm mus, ¥0)1 tuc '. j: of IfepUiti# OT Lit'i’T (’outputlni, ; 'puiet euttlNirk tU eJiu./ic. I laolferiiig to llm publlo UK. M.'I.\NK - S ( F.I.P.IILATEI) 1.1 Volt I'll .. - ~. | l.iVUi ami nil.lots COMPI.AiS rtf, \-i .. i." > uiU . . p, ..„ previdenee of Liver Complaint, ami ILiious 1 * oi all kiiats 11 iron:;, heat It., I oil eil hlhtl* uuil peculiarly hi Uie Went and South, win r* ■ " n ok. e-, .u- i, Ihe reach ol it regular physician, reipiiruh Unit in t-he leaxt impair Ul6 constitution, ami yi-; l- .-.J* :"•! i ,i-: a i. ri.ui .- n, t i . aitiTol DIL JLeI.ANE’S LJ VEH Pit.l S, tl: r* - ra* e rat'. '■k ■ .. . , fore you, unit tlie great :- aeeess wki* Ii I ie : ; '"!v : I *-:' :s! 'kirn -. : s', e' ;, ~,, , .. ~u l tiei'.-nt lo eonviucu Uie must, iiirivditton.. It tv -I. >. i-i- i, ; he tidily ami fully tested, and .-tainl or■ fall t*' lira , ;' *■)■: - pr.**: e- ■!. Th:" ,* p, , , . lusted,'anil tlmt flic result iais l.k en in eve.y i 1 ra .:,ei ! w 10, liave >'\pL'l'h'lH'*:il ttrail- belieth i:ll eileel -1 it;. M* I.ASI. S 1.l VKlt i', • "Oi . !*'!"' s "1 :• 5,:,;, ,"... i hhir ineOidims ul'tbo day,) as univer , : -i - , ; -ra, , ,i. | t.liose symptoms ce'imeeted evil hti del.agxu . " "I u- i -rara. DISEASED L\ L;vy:;:y The IJvci i., iiiueli more frequently ti": * : ■ • u* n- c, ii|qn.. .*,>. Tj;, tmietion it i-. designed to pet form, ami .ei la- " -u *i- .* -i ~ i only (lie raeiierul lienltli of llm liudy, hut tti*. |iow* "i It.* ••)• 1 -- -. ! .... cut the vvhoh 1 u’.iu System, slums its vast sue! \it J irq 'Hi' ■ !• c:u Ira : ain . ei. lusty lli-rased i't in I'ael- not only il-nral h. e.t -ra. i prau rriitintlaeu mind and- *q ■ U, i„. ',, ,~| , ■;i H» Il('<-I i< ill I<l "t Il< 1‘ < flu,"l ' g|l. :; ! ' ( 'rail .* " i'l | I ' ■ * 'I , y.l a most iloillilful el.aiueter, t lmt it lie trail : ■' loe, 'or, , . 1-,. I any other ).rg: ii. .rad tlie "real, dominion yvhich I am ]iersu:"'. tei , ■ -- e tii"! liauiy unfortunate lieiags tiay. "."ran,. . what, trail:, ten e ll) | .or liolnl .ra i" , :*'. ;. lone huig tie, a Jlial mure. : ,„r-*. .ol O - - - ~i trv :e '■ to he eon" i‘ 1 "i est. ; e- tee eci f i" ■ , ,In’ll ol tin 111 til,lie.' - lion, 'itoppai') t 1 1. : : . , i.,u .*.' Vimlietiv.' Feelinra and Para-ioas h"i" tie,". . , . v , ward.- 1 , feel usljaiiK'd ; la-t, ihougli ln.l. ..t, e, * era '-" - - '•' t uui'i rat) ll under the bond of Consi .Mi-rmx, t-av.: tl-ei ... ,- -■ , ■, a II i’ l lit Ini riituh*uull Ok* A ranS'K.': . ,'il"r ollhe ribs, increasing on prassuie : ei. rarely to li" on the led side ; sum ' e ' oat trader u ...hraoid ' * Let , IV: tuioiilly ONtund* U> tut top <d I In ; i,v( o’,{ivo,Ho»uailinr aluiD.ilint* with : - •• g • ! . . , ... . \v jti i dull, Id g\ \ and * don m ! v moompanhd Wall a i-.inlni n. an..- • -it !• ;• ' • ;i, I tpcii done A slij'! V ID - anil dohdity ;he i '.-a d'. . t;.i'. l- ; •* *- ; : . : ~ ;it TirioUly soUßtiliui* u! tlio rikm ; hi..- apn it o ' o ' - . , "hi ai*. .•.•u'u.t [,- uniihl ho hi'iioth iallo him, y« t 1 c' ’ he distrusts evcry.reniedy. Sey. r.i o! t!i oeeum'd yvliere lew ct flii tu c\l-ti it, Vi i 1 ..0i."..i ,M. * m i . n las: Ii ycr to liave liec.u ex ten. ively dennemd. ‘ 4«S'*i .»AW »-'* - ** *:«. dd ' ;; ra: . : .>M, PPVF.H wlien laki'ii with tiilinii.e, are pi L ■ ' : ' ...rat imV'iraloi". to, or utter hikin'., '.jiui.e '« ■ "' '■ **,' all rain, ,ra y.itl; th diseime to give Uiein a trial. thii-i’i-ii)>;cs(. I'dve tw*. a tt*.'* t ■ ; ti (tray do not I'lirge I»" *"' Hire, timra-i.' '" . ra. :e :. *ie: In or. ;*i e,.-i. ,'iioiihl in v:ii i.til.v fotlow their i.-.'. '• . - ra e.."- a ,1 w! - :-ii:'".;*,g 'simply 1 1. : :uil: l.dio - pllnrali.. , lie - rale : Hhi ~1 iui...-, Uuy give ustmii-Jmig reliul in Sal- Beaii.i :*"; -Io "1 ra ra- th ran;- me * ot tl. .ama. U i >J ■ : \\ ra. \ N .. AMERICAN WORM &.?^SCIETC OR VERj&XIFi: ... No dis.':,'. to Wlliell the human tidily 1 ■ 1 ■' ; ' 1 " ' .m ;t. a*i"Tl *.t to p lnnttiropist lltai! those eonseuueut ot) 11 ~. ■ ' ■ *’ : St'ur.tcii ...... t'ioyy.-ls. Will'll Dm sllllirer is ad • '* ' ' " : • ns.';,an . Ihe proper remedy i nol applied. l' ; ' * " and , mi .ra tirelv in-.deeteit, if ;• -lilt I*'" ir";'" all' ■ ■.;!-*' li I ought !i< ; r. to tie.particularly rmiovl," .. . . ra . ,■ - el ild. .o. i,,.' vr 1 .juie - eut tlie’ 1 1 " ; .v t l ■ l ■; ! "liy :i I, V ..rill. Itui'"'r."i- Ir:.i" "I'di " .. . '. Lully. .1.: rmaited l.v Hair irritation. H"iee it to. "y” *;*■•'* :u i e..: ... ! m:ueu " J iiy proper remeiii' S, ' " ! ' ” '*" " m, judi cious in other respeets Imt y !:"li eiilin • "O * Uoukeit. And even in nl:,*". ol great viol "• *, 1! ■ ' ' ' • " could he.'xpell.Mt without lo:"t toe*', "M"' m . c.jgLt he i .dlucked, liv liroiier remedies, v vin-ieoe. _. i 1 • SviM|>t(U»s wilirh < aiiuiit >. S .... .. ra * ' irrilati and, »vy .'lie and s'JW' (nil* '''l " *'l", v. itli * Icnniuii,' or throbbing olli ra. .an a -a ■ "ralcraoi ora. -r torr.-.-l i, , • . rnavui.x sensation .it Me stmnaelt, ra o" ' ; k* ' ,'' "' ” "■ 1 •-«)••* :«! ocea-ioimt uuuijeu aud vouutmg, I '-1--r . , or* rau r, u ' l,. live; stool.-, slimy, not null'"; m.j I '■ .*-■! ■*•..*.. :-.l* raw., a.o il tc.r.i; i urine turbid' rixpiratioii oeeasioiially CiM' in' amt a ■ omp. *; *.., si* lini' s dry amieouvulsive; uneasy and ie-la,:. (I-!- p, x ra.!; .mill" of th: mAh ; long. :*i out '■ nae ' ■ w Wld ii' Vi r tiiuabovu. syiiii>loiii;-aiu .• ’ ' ’ > i,M ’ *A . : .* \ hl».,t :t; • h ..'lAi lit I)F,PKNi-Kt> UPON TO EFFKG'i 1 l t-'- 1 ||Wuniversal »ueci'«*-wliieti hai aIU ■ m ."1e.,:. ramara .1 .In- '-"epai .:-.e era, . n rueli as to wiirraiit us ill pledging euriral. "Ik- pie." ** i Ell Ira: I'li LMi ).'• ii V m every iiistiinee where it proves iiiell* etnat, I" . " "■ , ’ ‘*o*- •• . '"' " ' ‘-'a' ' •*'■- ■ I ihe eliihl or adult warrant the suppo lUoa ol a- ■ "I 'a ra- meitivim . tumid 1 e "iven in strict accordance with ' ' " 1 Wi- oicd*"' ourselves to the publ'i" tin" m "■ i- I * ! .ra ra-: i(. id Imp - Ao’P CV X TMNAiEiaj'KY IN ANY KdDl; ..•*:'* I- *■* ra of doiue Die lightest injury to the tuic.x liotlM. Give *"L I" j sweetened water every liiormag, .i"tn,*. . • ' ■ " ''. « !i ■ '■ ■' " *■• •(•. ■■ j- .*: jit in the evening. Over ten, ';*" utitt. ; ' a "*■■ *i p., . gi'.d two teaspoon tuts. . . . ... .. <k*Miin*»f< oumerioh* »"« '• ■ “ - «> " -J**!- ... B.•'»»«.*>. 'Die gr* al popmioTty *« '■ : . * . .Nl vI I' iXP Ira | induced'unpriuciphid per-ura to atten.;,: - u;-■■■. p* idfo TANARUS;• ram ini'. Lor ; articles, in eoiioeoii' ae* ot : .*i".i t. ••• •' I : * ' "uraat against, tram!. Par.rara "U* vuh p.* • ■ ra"',". is:. The Wrapper: ■ • ■ , - era.: U. vir-LANK and JfLKMING l'.U< so. M ■ ’ '" - * ••'i»«e>l on Fee - " r, . e ■vv ra ' Wurkaa follows: “ Dli M* I.AN’E'S *■ '■ ' ' >:■:'*. * i.i>. - : f.i I'LKMING LSriOS., PitUPIG ETOU," ra . , - |up to tlie ligtit. iue LIV Ell PILI.B ha., ~ , ■ - *' '"* I" t *'! tie.- 1, to reu j wax. I’ltKl'AK i.i ‘ ON .. •, Li Y FiiEMINS BRoTKiifiS; l raraAg- , Sole mtors of Dr. M 'l. i •> I v u U • iSynip*. soil) *ev ns. vv. .nip ' ' ." iss'.sii. I The Proprietors, fnrwarri )u "m: t' : p ••!, 1 - ; ' ' • ’■ ::1 •> '*■ ; . ; om- 1... X Liver I'i'L, " t:* vi;’.l V; i g -a. - " ", oA'y .• m- in ■ Governmtitit .'Tumps, j octet)