Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 01, 1847, Image 1

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w\ ni 17 Ja®B /£■ W 81818 Tl ■tbibib sb BY JAMES GARDNJMi, JU. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. office iv MctvmsH street, 'lkird door from the Sitrth-Wr.tl corner uj Broad-at. Sulrs of LAND by Administrator;-, Executors nr (iu-ir ilfiuis. are r ei| 111 reel, by law, to he liclxl on th*‘ first Tuesday in the iumi h between llx*- Ixoxirs o r t*:n in the f .reuooii and three in the afternoon, at the < onrl House in which the property* is situate. Notice of these sales must he given in a public Gazelle sixty ti.ivs previous to the day of sale. Sales of XhhllOKS must heat public auction, on the first Tuesday of the mouth, between the usual hours of sale at the place of public sales in ibe county where lh>- letters Testamentary, or Administration, ui liiinr tlianabip, may have been granted, tirst giving SIXTY Dv vs’notice thereof, in one of the public Gazelles of liiis S'.atr. and at the door of the Court House where such sales arc to he held. Notice for tile sale of I’-rmital Property must he given in like manner forty days previous to day of sale. Notice to in'* Debtors and Creditors of an I.state must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell I.AXD, must be published f>r rot k mo.n ms. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published ruts months, before any order absolute can be given bv the Court. = —— es : - x Charlestc m Ad vert isenici its. TO CQOMTBY MERCHANTS. fS>HK subscriber begs leave to mil the attention K ill’ < -oiintry Merchants. I’l,inters. <fe(.. to bis \«*ry extensive slock of .V J’A I* Ll* A A I) I 4 AAC I pii\ (toons, Which he oilers al Mew York j,rices, lor cash or apprised not«f. Guck of jmiESTWS are direet from the Factories, and ]>ress (iiiods just received per last arrivals Irulil Furopc. consisting in purl of the following: 3, 4.5, C> and 12-1 Brown Shining and sheeting r 3. 4. 5,6, 10 and 12-4 Bleached do. do. i’rints id" every descrip' ion Cashmeres, Ca-timer l)es E Cassc Mouse De Laities, (Tiitlly s Printed Bareges and Balzariues. a lso, r.ltirk. Brown. Blue and Green Broad (Moths Black Doe Skins and ( assimeres Silk, Satin, ( 'asbmere and \ ahntia 3 estings Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks and ( ollars, And every ariicie to i*e found in the Dry Goods J,,*.. ' E. W. BANCROFT, 253 King-street, Charleston, 8. C. - -ei pept ! VICTi )ii 1A 1 lx>TEE,«r Jilli, ciiAK i.kst’ov, s. r. JiiiiJiL CORNER OF KINO AM) PRINCESS-STS. .1. P chase, .1. It. Atwood. > This splendid, elevated and commodious Estab lishment com I tines ad vantages equal, it not superi or. in any Hotel in the city, particularly on account of its central location anil airy construction. Board, perday, bb Do. per week, *’ febe3 fy l (ir> ■ffll! Mil AT WHOLESALE An 3 RETAIL BV AUGUSTIN FREDERICK. .11.1 JWFJICTVRESt. 200 iiIIOAIJ-STItCKT.AI <a ST \,G.\. gg~E keeps constantly oil hand for sale various r B B ot her articles i n ihe Coufectionarj line, viz: ) KEM fl FANCY SLG\R ORNAMENTS (fEHMAN TOYS. BASKETS GREEN AND DiiV Fill ITS PRESEUV ES, JM( KEl.s SPANISH SEC AILS LIQI ORS. WINES, Ac. Ac. Tliose who are dealing in such articles, and wish to purchase, con outain good ariiclex. ond ut low ?> ices. Please call and examine lor yourselves before making your purchases. Sept 28 m3m 48 CONSTITUTIONALIST ■job office, e» x ™ r-i ■*" rs mam e*i n !■"! .v. mm* m W W—— t—* m “<“J “ Having recently put nurJunOfFiCK incomplete order, and made extensive additions to our former fisßorimcnt of FANCY TYPE, we are now pre pared to execute with neatness, and at short notice, ALL. KIN OS OF i PLAIN. FANCY. AND ORNAMENTAL such as HANDBILLS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS, COTTON RECEIPTS, CARDS, BLANKS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS. JfOTES. BILL HEADS, Are, *J£rA II orders from the Country will meet with pr >mpt attention. June 21, IS 15. CABINET FfRMTfRI! CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A* LWAYS IMPORTING AND MAM FAC* TERINU the he.-i and most, fashionable eltilcs of Fl RM 1L Ilf,. p would particularly call llic attention of pnr ch. -eis to ( hairs of my own manufacture, (he Workmanship ofwhich I guarantee to stand; il not, j a-atoro them; likewise all articles of my maiiu •■ture. ||\lso, on hand a Ixeantiftfl assortment of WINDOW’ SB \DBS VM) TRANSPARENCIES, .ofammeroiis patterns, and 1 propose to sell for such prices, as w ill leave no excuse P>r purchasers. gilt and metal cornices, fofM air rain a and Shades—something entirely new lift cheap. . . Tassels. Cords, itc., for Curtain 1 nmmtngs. *J'he undersigned defies all competition—will sell (he host, cheapest, and most fashionable styles of furniture, and articles in my line, that has Been nrlever will he in (he City «>f Augusta, at as low , prices as in the ( horl>ston or Sarannoft markets. If gob do not believe it. come and try at *T ( HAULMS A. PLATT’S. j pvfeii r,t - 1 | *drER. BOOKS AND FANCY STATIONARY. •kI'NTIAM & BLAKELY, Paper Manufac- | HP Hirers, are now receiving from New York I Id Il.wU.n a very large addition to their former E-]< of Books and Stationary, together with a I l-ral supply of Combs, Buttons. Puts Needles, Hoi-Thread, Razors. Scissors. 1 ImnMes I en ■ves. Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold i ens. ( ard »s. Souvenirs. Tablets. Pink Saucers. Ac. ■ vrt Jar r e assortment of Pocket Books. Kid, Biu.! morocco; Banker Cases; \V riling Desks ; ; ■ Folio', Bill Files; Bill Heads; Post Ofl.ce Ben; Ink Stands, something new; together Bi Tnpleto assortment of French and English I? Fire-Crackers, and a large variety of other usnaliv kept in Book Si ores. !■ -rGoods are.all new and .veil selected to suit I vAc.ntrv and city trade. Our prices are I >*ri in proper.ton m other g...«1s now of- , lot Be. I'onntrv au'i citv merchants are iM- Sand purchase cheap good's. Next door f* Bi. gs JJones A Co.’s Hardware Store j MISCELLANEOUS. ni JR!/ p f pvCTT Pr I S Wlv«; 5? IIAVIj just received t 4 t*?? new ami large sf.n-k of GOLD and *.V Eli VV XM’CJIES, of the !<e>i tankers. Watch Trimmings and ornaments; Jt .a - OF ALT. i'lNii"; Silver Spoons. Forks, Knives and Cups; Plated Ware; Waiters. Castors, Candlestieks, Sets, * ’ake Baskets. Ac.; Bri tannia Ware; Painted and Japanned Waiters, in sets, anew style; Table Alois and Brushes, of a tine quality; Mamie Ornaments, gilt and silvered, with drops; floe Alanlle Clocks, in wood and mar ine; a great variety of Fancy < mods. Work B »xes. Bead Bags, Bag and Purse < Masps; (Hit, silver and steel Beads; Cologne Boitles, silver, pearl, shell, ivory and velvet Card Cases; shell and fine hnlFa lo Dressing Corahs; Hair Broshes. Tooth Brushes, &.C. Six Barrel Revolving PISTO LS, 3 sizes; another lot of the fatn**d "* I,‘•con It re’’ I! AZOii, with 2 blades; a good supply also of Rodgers and other makers; Rodgers. AJeclii, < liapniao. Saund ers, ‘* Becontre,” and Emerson Strops; Shaving Creams. ‘*(Hierl liu*’ and of hers; Oh! Naples Map; choice Lather Brushes; line Pocket Cutlery, Arc. SPECTACLES. The Perifocal Sp'ctacles, sold by n«, we still , recommend, with great confidence, to our cus tomers. We have a g >od supply in gold, silver, ! and steel frames, and are prepared to itt them to old frames at short notice. Gold and silver Spectacles, with the ordinary : convex glass, for sale at very low rates, and gius»,- ! cs (i’fcil to suit the sight with accuracy. N. n.—(Nocks iiiui Watches repaired and regu lafetl with care. >\aich Glasses, Tools and Ma teria is for sale in the trade at low rales. j oi 22 19 'x 1 G a c 7. 73 'i I. ..ii.al! ! .’il.' •v, ..." a . *S /m. rgr/f j A O f x c; f. ctifav offers for sale a large assort | aY« ment of Factory and Cook S T()V ES of the latest fashions and most approved sty! -, for M ood nr Coal. opposite : i e Eagle A Phtenix iloiei, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. sept 21 1 ask " z c?a2j j FOR WOOD Oil COAL. lei 6C > - 7:£g®•: <M' I .d..-s'-" - S, Ns_ JS FOR SALE, A large assortment of Atwood's Cooking Stoves, box and factory Stowes, and Russia Iron air light Parlor Stoves. Fancy ( ylinder Stoves. EgM ’ ALSO, A general assortment of Pi ain and .Japanned ’Tin Ware. Tvvodoors above Wlqjr he Insurance and Bank* p jfeg’ mg Company, Augusta, ja 'E. E. SCOFIET.D , Get s fr3m 7 LAWS OF GEORGIA. Tim: subsc'icißi :H having purchased llie entire edit ion of Hotchkiss Codiki catiov op tiik Laws of Reohcia. now oilers the hook at the r dur-d fixe 1 price of s.>. (five dol lars.) being a rednclion of lluee dollars from the original price. This hook contains 900 pages, royal Bvn.. ate! is admitted by all that have seen it to be t lie best Codification of Laws ever published in any State; in addition to the Statute Laws of Georgia, includ ing the English .Statutes of force, flier ■ is prefixed :t collection of Stale papeis, of English, American and Stale origin; together with an appendix and i index. The following is an extract from the minutes of the Slate Legitlatiire: | “Statk Sußscfumox —By authority ol a re ; eolation approved on tiie twi'.iiiy-lhird day of De cemher, A.D. JBl3. in relation to a< odificationnf i the Statute Laws of the Stale, by William A. Hotchkiss, K-q.. a committee composed of .Messrs. WilliamT. Gould. Robert M. IMiarlton,and Carl ton B. Cole were heretofore appointed to examine the same, and said committee having reported in favor oflhe correctness and fidelity of said work. “Jt is here fore ordered. thattwo thousand copies of i lie said v\ ork he subscribed T*► r and on account of this Stale, at (lie price of five dollars and seven ty-live cents for each copy.” Any one enclosing $5 will have a copy sent to ! any address they m iy desire. Agents wanted to traverse the Stale. CHAS. E. GRENVILLE. Bookseller. Angu-ia, Ga. i 35” Editors throughout the State who x\ ill give | the above six insertions and nn eili’orial notice ul the same, will have a copy sent to them. | Dec- 18 6t 67. SEGAKS AND TOBACCO. "g I’ST received a few boxes ” dr la No -6?/frfftrf”Segars, and extra fine " JCscolcnf J'o ! bacco. Also, an assortment of Segars and ’Tobacco, Maccaboy, Scotch and French Rappee Snull, Pipes. &c., ac. For sale at E IL BEZANT’S Segar and Tobacco Store, Broad Street, opposite the I nited States ilolel. Dec 22 wfs3 70 ; JAMES’S NEW NOVEL. i BEAL CHAMP, OR THE ERROR. AT THE J)E)-or. THIS anxiously expected work, said to be one of the best of its distinguished author, is ! out, and may he had as above, at 25 cents. Also, a fresh supply of Bulwer’s Lucrena, and other new and interesting works. 'The S"Urthenter will make an important contribution to the amuse ment of the patrons of the Depot. About Monday or Tuesday Evening, wind and weather pernjitt- ; ing. they will assuredly find a large accession to thegeneral knowledge of the world on the Table i of the Dwpot. J. A. .MILLLN. Dec . 22 1 70 GUNS! GUNS!! GUNS!!! SIS T RE C E i V E D , it good assortment of ©” Double and ."ingle GEN'S and pocket PIS TOLS. which will Re sold low for cash, by the sub scriber. on Mclnlosh-street, oppoHie the Constitu tionalist office. E. 11. ROGERS. \ sept 2 :) i ((All I'll IAI7 OlL.—This article is to be had I J fresh, at J. E. MARSH ALL S. I Dec. il Cl 1 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1817: PATENT MEDICINES. "COMPOIND SYIUT OF SAUSAPA II 1 L L A . the cure of It Ijeuaiuli-iii, -' ruf’ll i. ~> j>’ ills, Ac.., to counteract the destructive effect- ol Mur cm y. amt for the rciaT ot «11 c;im‘h-cs .oi.-ing from mi impure stalt of the Blood. Prepared i cording to u iur iiiuUi winch is universally approx <1 l*y l ie Metin h! I a r uity. Put up in l:,r;r made at wh di-a ite. soi't i>v O. t 1 11 VVIT.ANn. II f5t.F i A CO. 'FKI.’SSES, TKL : SSFS. ! V t(»K H>soriiii«Mit uiriKraciusr ftliii >st every size J. or* H ll’>, >ia.i shs. ( * ", <\> l» l i I iirtl’s , i iati iiint; ■>, 'i'Uo.u Mi .', ji *1 s’. I'roa. H IVticut, ('oiumoii, and improved Corjmio!! i'R (JSSKjS. t'»r tfie roliel find cure ot ; I *r naur iv ti}> ure, Prf>iiip*.U£, Nlc. A supply coil fctailtlv ou uaud, atid tor side l»v MAVI L AM), RISUF.V A GO. N. R. —IV'rsons o- i'rti"" s ">U>eilui speeitv tor which sitip Mini wliut pnrpos wanted, and iiivt tt.e size (id nu!!*t»er of mene.s) round the Lips. TUe prices vary Injiii 75ceul« l« $ 10 oc * j FAINTS, OIUS, WINDOW GLASS. &c . HAVILAXD. RISL E V Cy (J.. DRUGGISTS. g EAI E on h iinl.:» id ai n rocci'inc r , conslant supplies _@LjS- ol *pm »*, ! ‘extra,* ‘No. 1' ami No. 2' VV tnO* Lead, ill kegs from 25 to 500 pounds, of w irrant - i (piality ; Paint oil ; Inline Us oil ; lamp oil; spirits t iirp*tut ai«, vnr nislH's. of ail kinds : ciirom yellow ; chronic green, dry amt in ml; green , in oi i ; vertlig.us, dry and in oil; emerald green; Prussian bluet ultra-murine Line; \ rmiilion : Venetian red; red lead ; rose pink ; Spanish brown, dry and in oil , v>Mo-v tit:hr ■ ; litharge; ter cF-m --enmi; umher; laiupbltt k : drop fdank; black lend ; ivory black; whiting; chalk; pnlf\ ; gold leaf; glue; t'.mti paper; pmnicn stoae , rotlcn sione; emery; p inter ,- and tanner’s brushes of all kinds; window, coach and picture glass, of all size;; paint mills mil paint 'tones; together wit li e\ •»•> ariicie usually found in drug stores, i of the best quaiily, and ul very low jiriccs, at wholesale ; and retail. IT ’urcli.users will do well to cull. Orders promptly : attended to. Del ) 1 j DJ? !) I?T ’ If I? l> \ T .? I'j!\ P « i U.i i 'til I . Id BIN’S U BLEB!? ATRD Si \.NT>KEK (’////: /-• K X T R AC T S . NN Rh iNPiil, PS. H ole. -. KtMi'sel’.' ami others, cele i.TS hcaloft 'l'uiiet and S»lt«iving Soaps, Poniatiilii (o logne water, Lavender water. Fan Ln>lral. &e.. w.lh a i yetierai a.-sorjineiU oi fine Toilet and Fancy Articles. F..r sale by Jl A VILA NU, KtSLEV X CO. Oct 11 WORMS! WORMS!! CQ3IPOI N!) Fl.ni> EXTRACT OF PINK ROOT. A PLEASANV. safe and effectu.il reinedy for the jl ti destruction and expulsion of Worms, from the .'\sicni. Sold wholesale and retail bv 11A VILAND, IHSLFY .A CO. Oct I i I DR. FIIUISTIK’S CA L \ A N 1 C R 1 N G S AM) MAGNETIC FLUID. 7 '-T- 5 I!IS mu arkahte invention, which has receivetl flic f>l almost iimvei sal app; obation of the nc'dii tl pro fession of <ireal Britain, comprises an entirely nett ap i plication of (ridvanism, i' a reimnlial aytmt. by means of v hich the ordinary iruivanit: B.i tcries, Electric and .Mag netic Machines, .Vc., ure entirely dispensed with, and the mysterious powers of Galvanism applied >vit!ioui any ot the objections which are iiise.perablo from lixe gene ral mode now in use. The strong doses, mid at irregu lar intervals, in wii iclt Galvanism i -applied In the .Ma chines, has be m pronounced, us ei a fair and impartial tri ll.lobe Ola ipKDI.V I.NJUKIOUS, and il was toieinetjy to. radical defect, that ntis n.-a-- •ppncan»>o to.- jet led, wiiich after utice tsiug tod and iiersevei auce, lias been brought to it' present slate of perfection. The Galvanic llings answer ail me purposes of lim most expensive Machines, ami m miuv o .ier respecis xxre more sake and ckktain iu uccoaiplishing the desired eff-ct. J’ne Uai.vinic IliNi.s nscxl ill connection with the Maunktic Ft cio. xx e coiixxdeiiiiy rccommiMilexl in all n SOKOC.KS IVIIICIt ARISE I’xtxt.M AN fSKKKHI.M) Olt IV HF.ATHV SI AI'E OK THE NERVOUS OR VITAL SYSTEM, uinl these complaint'arc among the most painful unxj uni versal to w inch we are subject. They arise, without x*x ce|>tion, from one simple cause—:x derangement of the Nerv’oti' system—and it was xxx these cases that other “ rcinx dies” having so often failed, a m u agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has been found in the proper and judieio ;s application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Rings have been useil » it!) entiresiic ce ' iii ali R ises of H hkuc atism, aen'e or chronic, :xp plying tothe he id, face *>r limbs ; iJour. Tic-DoLOREUX Toothache. Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous ok Sick Headache.lndigestion. Paralyses. Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits. Cramp, Palpitation k the H eart, Apvopi.exy, Stikfness k Joints, Spinal Complvivts. Kumbako, Nklhalgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head. Pains in the Chest and Side. General Debili ty, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical F.nergv, and all Nervous Disorders. In cases of continued Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the digestive organs, they have, been found equally suc cessful. Their extraordinary effects upon the system niHst be witnessed to be believed, and as a certain pre ventive for the preceding complaints they are equal ly recommended. The Lings are of different prices, being made of :■ 11 sizes, and or various ot nainental pat terns,;! ml c;ui be worn by lhe most delicate f etnnie vv ii lion t the slightest inconvenience. In fact the sensation is rather agreeable than of bar w ise. The Galvmic IJelts, Dracelots, Hands, GarJers, Necklaces, Ac. Ixi some rases x*f a very .severe character and of long staxiding, the power a-applied by the Galvanic Kings i' not suiliciexit to arresltlie progress ofdiseasc and ulli tnulely to reslirre health. The improved modification in the Galvan c Belts, P.racei.ETs. Kr., entirely rente- > dies tmsobjeetioii ; any degree of powertllat is required | can readily be uhmined, ami no complaint which the tnisfcrions agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to be permnio-utly relieved. 'l'io se articles are adapted to the waist, arms, wrists, limbs, uncles or any part of ilie body j w ith perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces i are used wxilx greater benefit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally; also in cases of ;V f.r- ' vops Di:afnf;ss; ami with almost uniform success ns a preventive for Apoplexy, Kpileptic Fits, and similar complaints. < firi-Tic's ylagnetic Fluid. Is issued in connection wiih the G vlvanic Rings,and all ilietr mouiticalions. ’Pins composition has been pro nounced by the French Chemists to lie one us the most | extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is be lieved to poss”ss a remarkable power of rendering the Nerves seiisitive to Gaim vine ac itoii, by these means causing a circulation of the niiluence at tin; seat of ills- j ease, and (bus giving rapid and permanent relief. No otherconiposiiioo in chemistry is known to produce the ' same effect or to impart a similar properly to tile nervous system bv means of iiti outward local application. The Magiiktr Fluid emu aims nothing 'upaole of tbcslight -1 est injury, its application is agree.aide, and il ls liarunless in its act bin as it is beneficial in its result. Full explana i lions mnl directicns uccoiupau)* it. The combined in vent ions are in every way perfectly harmless; they are al prices within reach of all. and fie discoverer only re quests a fair trial, as a test of their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit. FJirisitie’." Galvanic Strengthening Plas teis. ThrsiXarfieies form another valuable application of ■ the mysterious iiitbience of Galvanism. They are an , important adjunct to the genuine Galvaric Riixgs and their modifications, acting upon the same principle,but • b iving thisiixlvantage of more local apphr’aa They 1 ure confidently recommended as a valuable addition in the speedy cure of Riix-nin.itism. acute or chronic ; in all nervous complaints .and xis a positive remedy in ca.es | of Pain and Weak-ess i , rlu- (’lie-t or 15 wk. Pain ill the ■ Sole, in Aslliini ic Affections, anil in Weakness or Op pression of tin Pulmuuarv Organs. In Spinal Com- ; plaints; their etfi-cts are of the most di't-jifed character, j and they have often been n-ed with c.ompl, t- success. | 'J’liev are also of tin* greatest advantage in Fains and Weakness of file Rrea-t. and are highly recoinineiided for many of those complaints to which lemat, .- art: especially liable. As an effectual means for strengthen ing tiie sv'stem when debilitated with disease or other ; causes; ilsac-rta’n aid in Ox.aslilutional VVeakn as a : . Preventive for C 'lds and in all affections of the Chcsi ! gene.rallv the Galvanic Strengtocnmg Plaster wifi be found of great and permanentadv antage. I n a few words, ii embraces all the virtues of the host tonic preparation with the ini i-n tani addition ot the Gaivnnf iutiitenc< , ; which is net I Iter impaired or exhausted. while t lie action continues. 7’hes • aritrles will he found entirely free , ■ from those obu-ctlons w liich are a constant sfdine of com- j plaint vv ith the ordinary Plasters m rontmon use. i JJr’ The great eelebrity and success of these, articles. ; have caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled : 1 per-ons. To provide against impo-ition. Dr. ('hbistii has but one ant infixed agent in each city of the ( niuu. I The only Agenev in AuyistH.Geo., is at tiie Storeof t inviMND. niSLF-V A: < 0.. Druggist*. | All ario-b sos the kimi >«'d risewiTere are wort file-*» ; i eounterfeift 12 Sept. S 3 i PATENT MEDICINES. g Am )lx~axi )~i'■iKLu^KFri'T A J I LL assortment ot lilac Grass Orchard Grass. j. sL Herds <ii.t-s. red and white Clover Sjeed. Alsu, lan x ten si v c . —ucnueiit o l Fresh Gar. leu tjeed. always tiu hand suited lo lilt; season. \V *L ll ONES. Ocl i 1 BAILEY’S HIGHLY CONCEN THATED U»n*OIM) I 1,1 IU EXTRACT OF S \RSAF.ARiLLA. preparation of Sarsaparsilla, is m most cases, £a louiiti .*; ce prelerahlc to the syrups, ~ji account | of no* cre-tliu" acidity of ibe. bio much, which tae s te ' canine mailer coeiiuicd m tiieSyiup, i- apt to tlo, where its use has been long continued. The Fluid i i tract eiteotually obv lutes this difficulty; an.l may be used forany length of time, with increased benefit. A supply ol Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, just received and tor sal by W >l. H VI .N KS, Agent foi Augusta. JlfPrice only 75 cts* per bottle. Ut I 1 I>K U trs>, JVIEUILIiNES AINU s’Eit tr.n KRV. n?Tir subscriber has now on hand, and is continunlfy B rocciviirjt frosh supplies of genuine Drugs and Meiliciii'**. selected v ior ph\ hit i:\ns and lumilv list*. Also, an eleg tin asorun ■•i* tof Perfumer if —Cologne aid L ivuui’. r \V filers. Lucy waskuii( and shavmg isoap>, J» nr Oils, &«■.., v ull of WiUcii are otic red al n'duced pr*c**s for cash. \ isitoi» froni the country are ■ invited to call. VVLVi. HAiNiiS. I Oct I 1 DR. A ULEN’S BALAAM OP III) II CHOI \l> J, I V Mli W O ll T A>; D pr.Knusv ROOT'. A X excellent compound for oughs. Colds, difficulty /bl »/l' Uicatluhg, Oppression and tyurcucss of the Chest. Jut received and ior salebv \VM. II \INKS. Oct 11 IMPROVED BALM OF cou nntt v. r ptIHS cH“!irai«il Article, is one of the best prepnra , .fi. lidii* ior liestoniiif Huir now in use, anti Mildom l'n I mi' tojiroJiice W lii.'kiTs 1:1 u sliurt lim , were none un llio l‘ico before, lor rale hv \VM. H ONES. Oct J I P \1 N TS. OIL AND i. LASS. ■ V ▼ ties Cinoiiie veitow, Chrome Green. Venetian. Red, I.insei.,l Oil, and a large assortment of Window tiUsa fiom ti/c lu i or sale io •* for cash, liv VVM HAINES. . s±i , : > BLEACHED WIN I'KU STRAIN i:i> f, vm* oil,. LSO. a good article of unbleached Oil, for kitchen Xm. u»e. For sale by W)l. HAINES. Oct 11 bIiUBHLS. i,l VER V variety of Hair, Tooth, Hit, Scrubbing, tt A Scouring. Sweeping, Dusting ami Shoe Brushes, aivvavs kept on hand and for sale cheap. Itv Wsl. HAINES. Oct 1 I HOW AWFULLYCtLPABLE, TO NEGLECT USING THE GENUINE DU. TAVLORS BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. 375 Howkrv, N. Y. those be w ho h ive Pulmonary Consumption, AS. or any affection ol the Lungs, Liver or Chest, after reading the following letter, just merit ed fn.ni a m .st respectable inhabitant of Westchester County New \ oik. Tarrvtowm, Aug. 9, I ■'44. Dear Doctor—lt is dilfi nit to had words to express the gratitude w hich 1 feel towards you for the interest you i. -v« i.L uto •> me in i.iy distress. In the t ear i-lg 1 coiitracled a heavy coin, which finally seuletl on my lungs; in a ft*w mouths after 1 commenced coughing and raising offensive matter, which smelt very laid. Having heard that Sherman's Lozenges were good for a cough 1 tried a few boxes of them, but they had not the le .»t etf. eton me. I then called in the best physician in the place, w hoa tended me a few mont.is, hut w iriiout sn • c -ss ; I then saw an advertisement in one of the city i papers of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, ol which I pur based three hollies, at the corner ui Fulton and Nns sun streets, but 1 could not perceive t, e least beneficial cllVct from it, on the contrary 1 think it was « great in jury to me. Shortly after n-uig it I commenced rai-ing ! blood in large quantities ; 1 was taken down sick and coufincd to rite house lor three months, during which tune I lost my nppetiie uml ft 11 away very fust; 1 was , then induced to consult. Dr. Curtis of New York, (one of \ the best physicians in the city,) but he could do me no j good. I again become worse, and was confined to the house all l ist winter and spring, and I gave up ail hope of j ever getting any better, as 1 again raised blood and my ; i i,ngh Has very severe, together with a pain in my breast and under the shoulder blade. .My friends now gave up all hopco! my recovering, and thought every day was tltd last. About tins time I heard of y our BALAA MOF i.l VER WORT bein'* for consumption, but I was | like many others, and wa> fearful that it might he a regu lar humbug; I however finally consented to trv it, as 1 j thought it could make me no worse. My brother tii n purchased a bottle of it at 375 Bowery, N. V,. and I com menced taking it, and hy the time 1 had n.-od one bottle : full I could sleep all night, and in the morning 1 had an i appetite for my breakfast. I still keep on taking it and find great benefit from it—the pain in my breast is entire ly gone, and I raise no more blood. W ithin the lust two mouths I have gained in weight six pounds and much in strong h. I would therefore advise all who have any ! utfec ion of the Lungs or Liver to try the Genuine D . Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, for I truly believe it to h-lhe best remedy in existence for diseases of' the Lungs j or Liver. Should any one doubt the. ibove statement re lative to your valuable medicine, let .i.m cull on nie,aud 1 will convince them of Us viitue. Yours respectfully, I) E REVERE. Reware of counterfeits, the on I r gen tine has an engra. | ved label (over the outside wrapper of each bottle) with the signature of Dr. GUK DON J. LLF.tS attached. Toe genuine article for sale hy W.ll. HAINES. Oct 11 I*KICES KUDirCKD TO SUIT THU TIMES. MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMERY ii'' and FANCY ARTICLES. T!te stihscriher respectfully invites the attention of Physician?, Merchants and Planters, w ho may he visiting this city, to his stock of Medicines. Great care having ' been exercised in their selection, he is confident that the quality of each article is s u:h as cannot fail to afford cn j tire satisfactio n 'l'he assortment of Ferf miery, Fancy Articles,Brushes and Combs, a re the, finest varieties of French and Aincri ! fan manufacture. He recommendthe Gentlemen to confidence, in their estimable qualities, the Shaving Compounds of Piver, Guerlaiu, Roussel, Glenn and others, which relieve the operation of shaving from many of its disagreeable at tendants. 1 Also, to the Ladies a splendid assortment of highly perfumed Toilet Soups—the Roman Ealydpr anti M ilk of Rosrs,bol tide light fill preparations for tile complexion, together with a great variety ol hair Oils, hair Dyes and other Perfumery. Sands’, Carpenter’s and Pull's Sarsaparilla. Jaynes Expectorant,Carininutiv e and HairToiiic, Evans’ Sooth mct'vrup for children teething, Powell’s Balsam of An ni.-ced, an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. J bb’s Rheuiitatir Liniment, and all tile other popular Aiedi i cines of the day. Orders from the country respectfully solicited. A libera! discount made for cosh. VV'M. H AINES, Jr., No. 3d Broail-st., Augusta. Sept, as i COOK'S PILLS. CiOOK’S celebrated Southern Anti-Bilious PILLS. J Sold wholesale and retail hv H.WILAXD. RIriLEV & CO. j Oct 1 _ _ 1 i OCKdlt'AXa AAR DEN I AL WT«T»U RENTS, DEN I'IST’S FOIL, TEETH, Ac. A large assortment tor sale hv o«t» HAVIT.AXP. RISLF.Y fc CO lULIC TOOTH -AC HE MIXTURE. TO AFFORD IMMF.DI- V V A'J'F ll ELI E F 'lO TOOTIf-ACH E; and superior ro atiy similar article known. Pre pared hy an experienced Dentist, from a receipt furnished hy one of the ablest Dentists in the Uni ted Shales. Price ‘25 cents. For sale by D ANTIGNAC A: BARKV. HAVILANIL RiSLEV & CO., WM. K. KITCHEN. THOMAS BARRETT CO., .1. E. M ARSH \IJ.. WM. 11. TETT, D Thdeurt Drug Stores in Humhur'r, S. C. ts/irejrequested to refund the monev in any i ase wli*re-rois preparation fails to give san I fa* lion. sent »I COTTON FREtsSkGINSj&e, B tn,L(H’li ! S PROGRESSIVE POWER COUGH Ll 2 * L-? fS. .StAZ U'XS s» f ST3 MIS Mnchiiie is now otbred to tin- pyblic f' li the must durable, (he most con which I the most powerful, Ctml all tilings roiisjiJcreil.) cheapest tuxJ best Colton Packing J‘rt s in the World. This Press has now been in use four years—sev eral imiulre-ds of tliuxs-* ore t-x. successful operation. in one fbstt has been in use about two year.-, there has been packed, irt rr flee thousand Dates of Cotton and it works better (if possible now. limn w lien first put up. Not one dollar has been ex pcuxled oix il in repairs—nor ever will be, it well used. All those persons xx bo have tried them, have de rided to kct~p thr.m th*tr life hntr, and iheix tmixd them down lo fixrir chiltimi to (he thud and Join th generations. Nol an iiuii vi« i nix I that has seen then in use lint what pronounces them "just the thing. 1 challenge Ibe vxorlu to disprove these state ments. Now, x-ait as much be said of any other Ma-Lnn ever made? And Vet ! go still limiter; when required-, I will put up the Press on the plan tation, and if it does not answer the purpose, will iliake no x-uarge. And again—being well aware that the planters j have hut little confidence in new tt>inas, from ihe fact that nine out often are '’Yankee tncknj'm i tended to deceive, 1 have heen to Uxx; (rouble aml j expense to fir up an esighiishinm.it in M-acun, with | se «ert*l Presses, for re-ptteking Round Bales into * Square, and to show to the planters that ihe j’ress is )itsi the thing they want. 'These Presses are note, ami will he kept in daily use, and oj>en to inspec tion. Now, there!, ue, in induce the planter to make an examination, I give below a ce.niltcale, signed hy a Jew ol the many vv Im have v ery IvimHy offered me their names, since 1 started nty j'resses in Mamn. r J’n prevent bad work, npd nil sort of meddling or liiinpeniig wit ii Ihe Madiines, I have Kmi) all made under my mm ihruiwnje nUuld al oniprice. All those wishing to give ile-m a trial, will please give t Iw; r mimes u> uy A gamuts who cal 1 upon them, or send them to the Commission House, w here tlxey wish to go for the .Machine., in order that the Agent may be prepared for them, otherwise they may he delayed in getting a Machine when il is wanted. par Sale at the fallowing places : HA* OK MAN W Ha.MILTO.N, I ~ , , JioBKKT Findlay, ’j Macon,Ga. N. K Butler N Co., Augusta, Ga. Urkenwooi) Al G 0.?,. , , .1. J. JSUTTOX, I { ° l,lnlbU8 ' C ' a ‘ JSublk li. H AP.HKE, Savannah. Geo. W. Bi FLOCK, J'.ilentee, Mo. 27 Peek blip,. New ork. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, do herehy certify that we have seen S. \V. Bl I.EOt'K’S Progressive Power I'resses in use in ihe City of Macon, and believe lit m to be all tlxey are recommended, ami can say of them wh.it can be said of but few things notv-a-da tfs—these tide "no humt.nigj' We cheerful ly recommend ihem to lim notice of ihe plaoiers, ; and hope by llieir universal adoption, to see no more round hales of Golton. Signed Scott, ( ariuirt A Go. Watts «&, Moulton, Hardeman iA Hamilton. Joint 31. Field, Kea N. ( Otton, 1 > As. W. < Ginn, 1 Russell A. Kimberly, 3Vheeler Az Harrold, Joseph .V beymuur, H. A* J. Cowles, J. A. White, John Jones. Cowles, Nieoll & Co. J. T. Woollen. A. B. Hartwell, 'J ims. B. Gorman, Graves. W ood & (*o. llol>**rt Fimll xy. Chas. Campbell vV Co. Jh A ii. ii. Graves. 31acon, May, 1810. j jnne 17 Cm JSI <; r iswol i)’s IMPROVED COTTON GINS, rW3HF. suhseriher w ill continue the manufactnrp M. of these (HN Sat his old establishment, in Clinton, Jones county. Georgia. He . an oiler rm better recommendation in favor of his Gins than the fact of having supplied more than twelve hundred planters with them during the last two years—while no other factory lias proba bly sold in the State as many as one hundred du ring the same lime. No expense will be spared to sustain their high reputation, anti render ilmni still more perfect, if possible. They w ill be w arranted. as usual, to per form well, and delivered at ihe purchaser’s resi deuce. Engagements xan he made with Ins trav elling Agents, or by letter directed Jo him. SAMI EL GRISWOLD. march 27 130 COTTON OIX FACTORY. f|m] E subscriber will remove on the first October .BL to his SHOP on Green-si reel, two doors i above the Baptist Church, where Planters can he supplied with Cotton Gins, Thrashing Machines Corn Crushers, <S'C , of his make, which will he warranted to perform well. Do not mistake the place. Be sure to look ul the sign before you en ter the shop. JA.MEb 'J'. WADE. Augusta. Sept. 25. JBJA iy IMJ. JOEL KItANHAJJ’S LIVER AND UVS PEPTIC MrAncimi. ffN offering this valuable medicine to the people i JsL of Georgia, for the relief and cure of many dis eases incident to a southern climate, I nor claim for it inlaiibiltiy; neither do 1 say it will cure ail j diseases. Bui in Chronic I ivi*r A flections and Dys pepsin. 1 can confidently adx tse ax.d recommend itr use, from my personal observation and use of ilu article in my own practice. This article is favora bly received whereve.rit lias been used. Jam al lowed lo refer to Mr. George. Heard of Tronp, 3lr John W arren of Coliijrihus, 31 r. MeKaffee of < 'ohh .Mr. A'lmry Hull of Athens, 31r. W illiam J). Ter re 11 of P u main. Rev. John E. 1 )awson of 1/a grange lo which a great number of names i.iigjn be added who hear their testimony to its value. Dr. Jienr Branham has used ibis medicine in Ids own case i and ba> prescribed il to ntanv others, gives il as hi opinion. that it is one of the safest and most \aliia ble medicit.es that can he used in imperrei-t dtges lion, liver complaints, consiipatiun and irregular ; slate of the bowels, it is useful in bilious com ; plaints, to persons recovering from bilious fi-ver; am) in sick or nervous head-ache. To pregnai women, who are subject (<» cosliveness. this medi cine is well suited. Jo regulating the state of fit stomach ami bowels, and promoting digestion. i t i particularly useful. I could append a long list of i ertificates. but f-• bcLr. pri,-l<‘riiig to rely on the virtues of the med cine to sustain itself. The medicine is a gem! i and certain cathartic, tonic and sudorific. JOEL BRAN HA 31, Eatonton,Ga- I’rice 8! —Forsale by march 11 A. G. WILLIS. TOISACCO AND SEGAID OF Tin: ( nolfhST fill VNDS. (iUIN’I’RY 31 ERCIi ANI’S and gentleum J who 'is it Augusta, and who desire to enjoy good SPANISH SEGAK, <>r chew the VV JN l*i I'* put up in splendid ■'tyle, or who purchase to sel wiii find me atai! times readv* to supply their d« manxl'. ut Wholesale or Retail. iCU I would respectfully request persons w] visit the city, to supply themselves in my line— examine my Stock, before, purchasing elsen Ueu . :■ it is selected hy competent judges, ami patronise i bv old Smokers and Chew its of the favorite U ee . GGSTaV Vt-LGER, One door hel >w John P. Set/e's Dry Goods’ Stor Broad-street. sep 21? J.AKD LAMFS. A SUPPLY of rich and beautiful Solar La J~%L Lamps, front the, factory "f Cornelius A ( ' pi t rti ei\ ed and for sale low bv CLARK, KA< KLTP A CO, 1 ft, , ■") ”5 NEW SKi-. ; ' ; .i. *• *N * • l! ' \ \U i 1U >1 I :s, Cv c, j \\ rv k Vv KAA Kir# i f . . ■ ••• . ‘ r«' * . ; ,i, i ( j. . ; 1 , \\ I IN f ■■■" . Jit , v . • • . where ibry w >■»*•; , ’ ■■ ?! » .»il !>t». .'f < • : :r itn • • rS**. .in . •*. o* .. .. ... * ' • i 1 ' r - -> h ' * r . * iv! . - . f • : ■*] ’■ . A t : ;; y - ~ )»A v ' - 17 ON 45 I SSN i: s S . 9 T '' n I 'imit' l , . .. J ' - A lAi ' : •■?•'■ •! v<iv t ■ - ; , i ■ . i> •; Os i i ;i . • r i. ! , . t » . H' i’ iwA«i, i f I ; ■ .•u iiti.ii! will i»f' njren to > ' *«■ t . I ’. ■ ■' in. I l .'-. 1 ;.l Otiifi r M ||. (I? if lit- l|Ut t t - ‘: i I i. ..• i. tir a il ' ed [>rodi in un ; ’AN t”k NAC t i * \ vi vi; J * rMI O Vs ; M ■ IS= 1 0N f > ; . i Vi a , i) I 1 M 1 li r ■ • >, f''* ?? | *•>• 1 /' V i iV i > yI £ * ix >|.l . 011 $ * f Tp.ii--: t ,•;. :■ i A-- ArU "1 I- 'll! • ■<’ •* HO. >'!■■ V ,‘'l^ 1 '!■'(• r,;,. r i • -*6 i<i 4 In*! r *ir m , j ' «■■ ■ : \ » * 'l.’ 'ino !' ‘ -i-i j v - •' ! ! •!V ■?■ V'fi’i!: ‘ ’ i *•»!;■•;• \%fi| *j. «>• Vd. ’fi'ii \S iir lr A' *•;, \ fyofil U ihf,."- ; (■' ill . • t .' ■;■ <U\ I 'knMA '1 .m i ■ • i’ly i. a, "■"* *S- ■ * ««PtU‘», till. W; wish '■ its . Ckfc t■:i. -! I I ■■ < .. V h- i ' I• j ,i. i. 1 ! e<: tty. t' ill <> P*. Hu ii> . i VF*> I;t.! {-I- ptt;r Nil- f i!SV ’ ■ . vjj. iT ' f ■ mul?’ i .-n f • i; oi the;r piiirons. • t ■•hartn he tifunhifj "-h t.. 58« esi ihiishct i;i the citj . r \ ■ :>•. i m ;• n. ■ ’! rr«)vcle t«n prodflu** i■ u#r •. v-1 • .•■ ■■■ •i.iv/i.. v kMnns, i.i jr*'K n-a i *f. A ’ 1 !h. ts ■ M. *!. Jtyr J> i{i Ki.T3lis - .• i’ ' mission iV ixJr*riUif< J mt t of -h f Uirh-st., ,‘ii‘TMfO Ho. iindp l J Im- ,- =■•«;» in|<. »»: ?-ttjer K j-: to. t-> i. is., - it- a -i t ■ i I .I* r , !nr tfte *1 ■ . hi..,. .. '>••• hi all ii< varimi.' l>rarv. ‘h * »l.<; r-r- h : .• tar-d of, ’ V. i>y f. I’heir per . ■•’ I h; t. h. .hvi'ii ... . coiion • r fdlior i ■(! i:.-- i u i!?i --‘ i r,f ; A n ao I ;■ m-v *’ r;j'{« p lt»» is r- ‘ Ai; i < i*!| mx •. t ;•< ~•. y, r,i:>t_ r;i( ••- .. ■ v rri i• «m • , tl.i-r F r ■ f \ .i-sr < '.i- cufi i lit) • ! :• :J»■;, f'Hm. ‘ ill. fii \ -V l SO A - t ijC #:S4T v *we- , • «.• 'J tM i f\ f;' r/rli ’JO'fMWSIC \ . . t \ | .» »M,M 1 ' .’ . \ S % . A..S . •> /..« , ■ - ’’i • v v’lfr i»< i*. I lh.fr > ?.-vtui tit. ■ .lat r?-;n .* i! r h»- <; x;4 1 ‘ -4 \ . •;• ■> i;!.- i.i' • o»» rn.alj- .'t Hi,.- rs •V hyi' ’ '.. .. vi. .i, -,itel \Var-i - »>s.e §' T fl.lv •- i.s'l;,; J JHU r r< - S # ■ {I. . ’.I ,>!•• • • i«vi. .g«f ■ • it-;, ii * s *. '« i! '-r- ..C? o. hit* ,? :•><*:;,■, -f ner lUr ... A iur*; I • , 'i V-'i if iijj • , # of gi;orgi.\. . «• j •*:! ... ■/ **•? •• j. *r, is* iige.d, • .i.hT ?|x »U •“» * i:< «.4>-el-.j» I? I m i'« vt:! Ir-elvc i • f.i,\ Oqf i f ■ .i.k?itJ *Jk <;■ ;■, A i«»? |' .1 I i |..,;t n ,;.J I ■ fri^bn'l M: §H wiHarne?-*.-, or i: ■, in. « iihu. uJib Uwa '1 • !• I■. r •' I. IB ■ -iM , oil «. i .-I i ’.ii nl trA.v.iN'rt j< ~;.c <• uSJ pr la,i ’i iv i 'li* 1 - ! .ii > • .-■ ssii i«. , ... ' t ' v V r > Os 4 o_, ,• i;r ti ■t i i id •■■ .; ;.n ■’ i .i fr .*rf ■•I v.■ j i.. . ■ -•.- ■ '■<■} ytt fr* l i lhi’W ... 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V ( Ptt *, ■ a ■??< < < , avi • \ 1* *i ! ■ r,< ' ■ 1.. Lt * , i " s 1 • ■ Jfr ,° f ■ *» ' iu! It s rip • k >'■ ‘ r - | *i -i »’•« .Or- j .-: s '' ” n ' ‘•* ’i*> N,;. . -4- l;V . i; -’ ! ■ .V iv 'v ' ' it J v vO