Newspaper Page Text
1 m JSSSSSSSj i-***-' r 5
IT’S Ml*.,
... . ruary next, will be (
.use, in the cil| - t
jurs of sale, the 10l- ;
, I
ntnn, about —years
se and Ten, situated
f Augusta, net*r the
and known as Mor* ■
K .. - . T t nas the property us
tisfy a fi fa. on t Si*-
i- uing from the litfe
,r i S ( ty, in favor of Tur
e- I’ Morgan.
’ > ' \ .•! Ut U, Deputy Sheriff.
I til t S Vi.i..
n V next, will be sold
. 1 ... .• in the city of Au
ra of sale, the follow- .
, , h the improvements '
rid red and forty-six
minv of Richmond,
ned hy James Toole
,inl hounded hy lands
y Jonathan Meigs,
• Augustus 15. Long- |
ind 1 lenry 11 - * nm
*rty nf Benjamin F. 1
.ving executions, one |
. Benjamin F. Ken- i
rior < ourt of Rich- }
rof the Bank of the .
neil to Andrew J.
enrich and Sanders
~ ifa-rior (.‘ourt of said 1
prarc, will he sold, j
irness, 2 Mules and j
f r , te.rly of Benjamin F. 1
ed li fa, issuing from j
• i i... , ..i mond county, in favor |
orgia vs. Benjamin
ker. _ |
id place, will be sold i
■ id. situate, lying and
, ... j. tli the improvements
, , ' - ’ty Springs, contain
. ■, teing that part of two
acres each, that lies
.lie Road, which two i
, ,v 1 to 1 )avid Harris, i
, dare, North by land
8 ant I’d Head, ami
.iile Load. Also, a
. . ! . he Spring and Well
ied on as the proper
, . if . the following execit
(|fi, r Court of Richmond
t Law rcnce, and as
,,rr . vs. Abner Read, and
.'p , i i i», i <\ dl, and assigned to
i r .< ml a fi. fa. lev led and
; 1 : <' ..e from tlie 119th Dis
•• : ( of Nicholas Delaigle
( . j Her vs. I lie same.
i ; . place, will be sold,
. ,v ry,about 30years ol
... , ~ ; . ■ •Ji a ’ > years of age; also,
ig Table, 1 ( 'lothes
. ; C, it ■■ •, 1 Brass ('lock, 2
. ;; : ... t on as the property of
), i i , , ii. fa. issuing from the
umiiy, in favor of the
i, John A. Rhodes and
of Absalom Rhodes.
~ Richard 15. Day. and
i issuing from the Su
.i,i < inty, in favor of the
~ y e of Benjamin Zach
. ... , 1 Joseph Day, against
i y James D. Ilaynie,
ies Zachry.
)FF. SherifTß. C.
s T Si! . ! 1 !•' 8 A LfcS
! P; . ; i lay in January next,
oef ■•, the C- l. D t. in Jacksonboro’,
, c ■ vi co'.-n w legal hours of sale,
1 ‘ l! :
•, >; ! 0 r r v v< i of Land, situated,
V. a*in - ty of Bcriven, run
;og. r.i th< " imisaiid acres, (more
~ lXl .i i , il>. '■ mh by lands of John
* , „ lf . s i■ ■ i tins Hunter, on i lie
West by I ■" vtesv, dec\L, 31. N.
• , 1 ; -i d Buyakin, on the
o pi! V ' * Oreen .Sowell, the
ns■ v te of .'v ’ ’ • Benjamin William
i;„ , ..f, ; , nnah River, levied
or virttc of a ; • ' fa. in favor of John
•*p tjuner ‘ • v’’ i* Jiuim ' ys and Hope Bran-
Prt p-*r? v - ' • ni said li. fa. And,
1f > fol ...\in. li. t‘ . levied on the above
: ...p. . . 15.? A. A. Smelts, a5,...-ne
~..-ne- '• ir, ' 15e Curtis Humphreys
. " SJ,. H. .. ~ . .. •orafA. A. Smelts,
~ 0 , (... . i of <Jeorgia vs. Cur
. , . , I. Black and others.
J ? ro,iertv i» ,! ’> aintiff.
A so. at 1-. «■...>► dace, the following
®for ’' , V. '*■ mdy, John, Isaac,
Gre e ;• Qu ■ ... . -my, Judith. Betta,
i{,, ! her ;w >, Fanny,Cliffy, Air
sgro slaves. Also,
fourteen Mu rses, fifty bead of
k Cattle. A e Plantation Tools
<< (» -ui? tbons I ’j- n, levied on hy \ ir
. ,nr of A. A. Bmetts
t’i Curl sJi;: ! ; j»e Brannen. And,
>er vs. Curtis Hum-
r u rsv , a nd Ho. levied on twelve
o slaves, to wit:
,y . >hn,QiM<’ 'l i • Bam. Jinny, Handy,
•. . . j, j. y, Bella ano; er infant, and Monday
end t. a.
Aj. t ! ji ' s-.rre i •a v place, on* 1 Aegro
TT ar. >y ' n- n < F i .’• v!■l on as the property
r~.' 1 ,, P i ' . t,. •, -I’v sundry li. fa’s, issued
ttsiicc*.''' mi in m rofA. 8. Jones,as
... B I.wei; ?■’ > of H. 1,. Lovett
vy " i • ' - nr Jton Oliver. Levy
n’-iu. v, iev.u . ,o ■ Constable.
- ■ ii.*- . , -ir ‘ ■ "lace, two Negroes,
■■ a: ol i ■ *' 1 ’’ 1C properly of i/w-
To U', -1 ’ ,11 fivnr at' Ann I>.
r.. gaa-.. Conner- Property
\!- at r,l esi r. rn i. lace, will he sold,
i, -« -fs it' Lara! n -m ng eight hundred
j. . j w three a"re-. »ror’ ’ less, hounded by
'ib-Cve atpi VVj‘’ : ' irna, levied on to
.* s«* > -■ •;<< A >•: tices Court, n fa
, .1 : 1 fj J-. eW. Best. Levy
.i" ii rc(*. , rne.l .<i- ' : Constable. j
' ; i> V 388, D. Sheriff,
y* rt . c t 52
" V Cp' i ->v • 5 H’S SALE.
v . j.. ... House door in Ea
tanto. he first Tuesday ■
inJvot > ii. . gal hours of sale,
;hr f. * I 1 t;
i-n.. ■ v. le <, adjoining Wiley
g ■ , r r ■ •••.. ‘ i» as tiie property of
.\i; ;-‘n . fi fa. mfa vor of Rob
nß< m ■ i— -unslerred to I*. 8.
H,df . V > t i n.
\’r t , ■ -■ • 'lie name of Baker,
. v . . r. • prc.r.v * anas Cbeeves, to
.. .. t p v i ■. ily & Seymour vs.
’• t.or > '
. .1 ; , nr jess, adjoining Ed
» , vied on as the pro
. , p., , ,i Va li fa. of Henry
. . n . . fi i ‘ Elisha Berryman,
DIN, D. Sheriff.
v. \. . '■ t • ... ’’S-SALE.
,o > 5 order oi' te Inie
.., ~ ( 01! i ' -I- at the court-house
- \ ■, i county, on the first
it, in t!m legal hours
rty to wit:
■ , , . ; ..1 1 i ■ .a! out 21 years old ;
, 1 -am is JI, Nunn, hy
% instance of the fol-
Williams vs. Fran
s. Francis M. Nunn;
; , , i s. Francis M. Nnnn,
..- ;> ■ Justices'Court, all
ii,- ■ au trnahle to the Itife
r, n r : > • 'v . ■ ■ till county.
r of said court, will
. >lace. certain other
hen furniture, such
-, &c.—togeiher with
.. lulls other small ar
;> -ty of William Ala
'■p - ■ v 'tits at the instance
r. <,u wit: one in favor of
, liam Magrnder. and
utt vs. William *Ma
ru< . ire returnalde t'>tlu*
"...r.:j , lie second Monday in ,
t - . ..... tv of Warren,
j - V ' - S BEALL. Sheriff. 1
[ COSTCO N El). 1
Administrator's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold
at the Court House in the town of AV aynesboru,
between the usual hours of sale,
Two lots with a Dwelling House and other
buildings thereon, the property of James Russell,
deceased, late of iJurke county. Sold by an order
of Court. Terms on the day of sale.
Dec. 1 H. F. RUSSELL, Ad mV.
Administrator's Sale.
Will be sold, at the house of Henry Clietr, iVc d.
in Columbia county, on Wednesday, the doth day
of December, instant,
The Parishable Frop'rtv of said deceased, con
sisting of. Corn. Fodder, Horses, one Mule, ( at
tlo. 1 fogs, and Beds and Bed Clothes, Household
and Kichen Furniture, Plantation Tools, together
with many other articles too tedious to mention,
'i'erms of sale made known on the Hay.
nov PO 52
Administrators’ Sale.
Will lie sold at the (’< nr’. House, in the County of
Early, on the first Tuesday in tehruary next,
'J'wo tracks of Lands, tielonging to tue l->iate,
of John Fulcher,dec’d., lying in said I onniy ol
Early, one know n by No. 11(5 in the 13th District,
containing 250 acres; the oilier known as No. 4a, ,
in the lltii District, containing 250 acres. 1 lie ;
above tracts of Laud sold under an order of ttie
Court of Ordinary of Richmond Comity, lor the
benefit of the heirs of said Estate. Terms on me
dav of .sale.
WM. ImlV'upi? 4 Administrators.
Nov. 23 wtd £1
Administrator's Sale.
Under an order of llie Court of Ordinary of Rich
mond county,! will expose lor sale on the first
Tuesday in February next, at the Court House
! in Thomas county.
Lot No. 109, in the 17ih District of said county,
(formerly Early) containingdaO acres; and on the
i same day, at ihe Court House, in the. I otmiy
! Early, Lot No.—.in the District of said county,
: near the waters of Padiitta creek, containing 200
acres. All belonging to trie Estate <U John C ur
mick. and sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said Estate. . .
JOHN C. B.NLAI>, Administrator.
Nov. 29 wtd ;)1
Adm i n ist ru tors’ S ale.
| Will be sold at Jefferson, Jackson comity, on the
Ist Tuesday in January next.
Seventy-seven likely Negroes, coi'si'ting of
j Men, Women. Hoys ajul (hrls. Tiie likeliest lot
of Negroes ever offered in tins market.
= TILMAN HARIHBOV ./ Ad , a>s< &c .
nov 22 wtd
John T. I’kown, Atiia.l . , „
ol John Drake, dec. 1 In Tmpitfy in Burke Supe
rSm \ rior Court , Aou. loll**
E. G. Kikki.and, J .
1 In pursuance of a decree of the said Court in the
above stated case, will tie sold on the first i ues
day in January next, at the Court House in
Waynesboro, at the usual hours of sale,
All that tract of Land, situated in Burke comity,
1 containing eight hundred and fifty-nine acres more
or less, adjoining lands of Allen Inmnan, and the
estate of 'Mat hew Jones, deceased, and James
! Grubbs and William Murphrey, and others,know n
as the Kirkland lands. Terms made known on the
I day of sale. JL S. CARSWELL. Adm. of
E. G. Kirkland, dec d.
Nov 20 wtd *3
Adm in istra tor's .Sale.
On TUESDAY, the fifteenth day of December
next, at the late residence of ( ary Johnston, de
ceased, in Columbia county, between the usual
| hours, will be sold,
Tim whole of the parishable properly belonging
to the estate of said deceased .consist ing ol House
hold and Kitchen Furniture. Farming Utensils,
Corn. Fodder. 11 irses, Cows, Hogs, Wagon, Cot
, ton Gin, &c. <tc.
Terms made known on the dav of sale.
on 22 tbtd 19
Adm I n ist rat or's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in January next, will he sold,
1 at the lo wer market house ui the city of Augusta,
within the legal hours of sale.
All that tract or parcel of Land, with the im
provements thereon. about 8 mdes from Augusta,
whereon the late Alexander Mclver resided, situ
ated on Butler's creek, ami known as a part of the
Murray Mill tract, containing 191 acres, more or
Also, a tract of Land adjoin ng the above,
containing 107 acres, more or less —belonging to
the estate of Alex. Mclver,deceased. Fold tor the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terras on the day ol sale.
no v 7 wtd 32
n y iv as/// y o ro y - sriz i: k t ,
j Three Doors South of Thomas Darts' Store.
i The Mibscrilv r tak*-> this m-rhod ofinformni? hi-friends
smd customers, and the public generally, that lie Itw*
I been induced U> lower his prices (or work of- fice nmil ol
the dullness of business, a id with tin- hopes < |
lie ire business. Jf ■ will work at the following rates ;
Tin Roofing put on at S 9 per 100 square ft. or LJoc. per
square when -’s.- --c-.'■■•■•als are furiiislied.
I.arge friitt'-rs, fonftei iy • c. J’er ft. reduced to lj r -
Large Conductor Pipes 25c. “
1 Small Gutters, 20c. “ “ ' 'h'*-
Small Conductor Pipes 20c. “ “ F-ff.
Gutter Hooks, 16b- *' “ c *
Oil Cans, all sizes, 20c. per gal. “ 'Oc.
Bathing Tubs, 00 apiece, “ •-
He will "0 to miv part of ihe eoimtrv to put up Gutters
and Roofiiur and no extra charges will be made
| conveyance and board are furnished.
nv reference or security will be given for the perform
ance of any work or contracts made by him. and the best
materials will be used that tbemarket can alb-rd.
Having one of the he-t workmen in his employ, lie
flatter? himself tliat he will please any who may give
! him a cal! both in price and quality.
; Sept. 38 R. F. BOUYER.
fHAO all who experience inconvenience in the use
. h of tlte common kind of (ilas.-es. and especi
ally in night reading, these Spectacles will be found
n most valuable substitute; in no case, except w here
the optic nerve has i>ecr>pronounced drseased. have
they failed, when properly fitted, to give satisfac
' tion. ...
No better proof of their superior merit can be,
given to each individual who may need (Hasses
than the satisfaction he w ill exjierience in (he use
of them.
These Glasses can be obtained in this place only
Agents far the Manufacturers,
who have now on hand a good supply in gold and
silver frames. I’erifocal Glasses fitted loany frame,
for any vision.
Sectaries in gold, silver and steel, fors-iie very
low by CLARK, RACKET B & CO.,
Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware,«fcc.
may 8 I■' ■
The subscriber
j. begs leave to inform t lie
P public generally, that lie
has opened aliOl S h
in ,lie ton n of LVcafur,
KiC. eqtfff At— f ” at tlte old stand, formany
years occupied hy Dr J.
& Thompson. and hopes by
V 1* strict attention to obtain
a liberal sliare of public patronage- His table will,
at all limes he supplied with tl>e best the country
affords. His Stable is under the control nf an at
tentive Hostler, with plenty ol provender. Ilis
charges w ill he as moderate as can he afforded at
any similar establishment in the up-country, belli
to regular boarders and transient persons.
Decatur, DeKalb co. ; (sa . July 29 ; I? 16,
-m jb; W.® B® «» j
"rates of freight ON I in: 1'
a VVI - 11A A' ’ \
-—|7koß(. IA K \ll-KOVI. U . \ A. R. R.
First ( :iass—Uoxedt.fl iats‘ B .nneUaa ; FamUure,p ;r fu »i #5 880 B#o l ‘' ' I
Second Class —Boxes and li lies ot Dry Goods, Shoes. . „
Saddlery, Glass, PaiiUs, Oils, Drugs, and Confection-/ 40 50 bo c,d jo
aries, per 100 lbs. 3
Third Class —Sugar, CofT-e. Liquor, Bugging, Rope. But-")
ter. Cheese, Tobacco, Leather, Hides, Cotton-\ arns, i ...
Copper. 'Pin, Bar and Sheet-Iron, Hollow-Ware, Crock- } 30 30 30 00 do
ery. Castings, Hardware, and oilier heavy articles not j
enumerated b°low, per 100 lbs. j
Fourth Class— Fionr, Rice, Bacon, Pork, Beef, Fish,]
Lard, Tallow, Beeswax, Feathers, Bales of Rags, Gin-j 05 05* 05 35 37A I
song. Green and Dried Fruit, Mlil-Gearing. Pig Iron, j
N1 ill and Grind Slones, Georgia Domestics, per lUOibs.J
Cotton —Per 100 lbs ' " - 25 2 ? p? 40 r 4 f
! Sail —Per Liverpool Sack, not exceeding 4 bushels, o' l 35 * !l « ' a ll
| Molas&’s —Per iiogshciul ;••••• 4005 00 5 00. 8008 60
j Ploughs, Wheel-Barrows, Corn-Sliellers and Straw-Cut- f sq:'sq:' 75 75
ters, each, S* * „
; Oats in casks or pack", per bushel, (> (> t • 1
Corn, Wheat, Peas, Beans, Bye, Nuts, and Grass-Seeds, / g g g 14 14
per bushel, S
fj'ime In Cask? or Boxes not exceeding 2i bushels, each, 30 30 o 0 4o 0]
Hogs and Sheep, by the Car Load, each 50 50 50
j [prßacon in casks or boxes vuil be iruiit-j.orled Iroin Oollicaioga lo Augusta at 50 cents
per 100 lbs.
SljrTor other articles ere li-t.
UJ Frei-dil for Atlanta, Kingston and Onlhcaloga, payable either at Augusta or at those ■
station- ” F. C. AiuMS, Snperinfendant of Transportation.
Transportation Office. Georgia Kail Road and Haul ing Company , i
Augusta, Ga., Sept. 2, 1840. S sept 28
! 'v*
T - ? ' * .d. . ,ar—■ -v. ;v—~-—■• —
i rgn H E I ’ assknokr Train, carrying the Great j
_H, Southern .Mail between Ne\\ York and New
Orleans, leaves Augusta daily at 8 o’clock. P. M., |
arriving at Atlanta at Hi o'clock, a. m . Hemming, i
leaves Atlanta at 4 o'clock, r. M .. and arrives at
Augusta at 4 o’clock .a. m.
In connection vviili this train, t!ie passenger car,
j hy locomotive, runs from I nion Point to Athene,
on Mondays, W ednesdays, and Fridays; and by
horse power, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur
The Passenger Train upon the State Road leaves
Atlanta daily, iSundays excepted.)at S o'clock .a.
m.; and arrives at Oothcalogu at 3.1 o < iock.r. m.
Returning leaves Oothealoga at t a. M.,and ar- j
rives at Atlanta, in lime for the evening train to j
Stages fun in connection with the cars,asfol- j
lows; .
Daily. —The Impress Mail Line, the Georgia
Rail Road Line.and the South Carolina Rail Road
Line.from Atlanta to New Orleans, passingthrongh
Newman and La Orange to < heh.nv. thence by
Rail Road to Montgomery. Also, via La Grange,
to Colnmhns; arriving nr 7 o clock. a. m.
From Warrenlon to Macon v ia Spartaand Mil
From Madison.every Monday,W ednesday.and
Friday, via 15a ton ton and l ‘linton to jlucon and via ,
Katonlon to MUltdpeviUr.
From Athens, on Tuesdays, Tlmrsdays and Sn- '
turd ays, via Gainesville tot assville,and Dahlo
From Double W’ells. on I uesdays. I hnrsdats, j
nn .) S.xvurdnye, to Washington, W ilkes county,
and Abbeville, S. C.
From Covmgb >n. on Aloud a ys. 3\ ed nesd ay s ami
Fridays, through Griffin, and Greenville to La
From Kingston every day, (Sundays excepted.)
via Rome. Double Springs, Warrenton, and De
catur to Memphis, Tenn.
F’rom Atlanta on I uesdays. i hitradays and
Saturdays, to Jonesboro and Gridin.
Office Geo. R R. & R’k’g Co., March 23, I Hid.
” , The Special Train for Aiken will here
a her not leave on Sunday afternoons.
Hamburg, S. C., August 2-S, I'slb.
aug. 31 :iy) '
cattaKaairv: z w » jwi'iwr/sr. . Jl - * jcg. m *r***'-'.*-r^c
I the western continrnt.
A Southern Family N> tespnptr of the hirers/ si ze,
published every Sal unlay in the eihj of Baltimore,
tj>/ Samuel South <k Co., I.'hied In / 11. I.
Thompson , author of "Major denies'
Court ship." *’ Chronicles of Pint
vilie," ij r. fyc.
Terms—Tu n Dollars, in advance.
R-W7T. have long regarded it as a nv>st humiliating re
flisction upon Hie South, that m> proies-edly neu
tful t'amilv journal has yet keen sustained vv thin her bor
ders. V/c hsve tested the experiment whether sin h a
paper roulii not he -uppnr’. d at tin - immediate Sninli,
and though not wholly unsuc ‘esstal, our experience has
taught us that the papers ot’ this class published ui the
laree Xortlieru <:i ies, possess advantages o\cr those of
the couiitrv , which, in a m asnre, J; ty com pc r e, tt . Rut
here the case is different. Baltimore, standing as ! does
on the Ho .tier of the Southern States, is pi near enough
to the g*ewt comm Trial, liter;. \ and political t tnporiuin,
to be in< hided in the neighborhood <>! great American
cities, and to enjoy all the advantages, as a radiating
point, whicdi are possessed hy either I’.iihidelplii t, E >sfon
or X w York. A paper issued from Baltimore has all the
facilities for obtaining the latest literary i'rell getice, as
well as Htr current literature of the day, foreign and do
mestic, that are enjoyed by the journals •.( the Northern
cities. The Western Continent is os largas cheap,
j and can bo bettor adapted to the wants and tastes of Soutii
i orn readers, than those Northern papers which now draw
so large an amount of tlicir patronage from the Southern
j public .
Entertaining these views, we have looked with confi
dence to the success of the Continent. Right month’s
experience has tended to strengthen that confidence, and
now we enter upon its publication with a firm conviction
! that all (hat is necessary to secure for it a circulation
equal io that of its Northern cotempo-aries, is >» faithful
and energetic devotion of onr best abilities to m ike it a
useful an ! enteriaining Family Journal. It is our rle
! sign to make the Western Continent emphatiealiv a
Southern family paper, that may be read with interest
and profit by every member of a Southern family.—
With this view, we shall draw for onr literary depart
ment, from the best sources.such matter as will interest
and entertain the mind, without offending tiie la>te or
corrupting the morals of onr readers.
Pains will he taken to give the latest intelligence on all
subjects of interest to Che general reader, to the exchi
[ sion of the vast amount oflocnl matter, such a- personal
gossip, police reports, theatrical arc? other criticism-,
1 which make up so large a portion ofthe staple of some of
the popular weeklies of the North. In a word, though
we shall endeavor t<* make nui paper interesting to all,
our chief aim shall be to it to tue wants and tastes
ofthe people ofthe South and South-West, upon whom,
and these of our own city who are disposed to sustain
such a journal, we mu'l mainly depend for support.
I R Iving more upon the intrinsic merits of »Hf paper,
than on anv promises we might make in a prospectus,
we will c’.e-e hy appealing to the readers of the South
and West so. a share of that patronage which they so
liberally bestow upon the overgrown weeklies of the
| North.
i Perms—The Western Continent is printed on a mam
; moth sheet oft>o hy-*4 inches, on fair type, and securely
mailed to subscribers, at Two Dollars per inntv, tv
advance. Three, copies will be sent for $5, or Seven
j copies for Sto.
All letters on the business of subscriptions to be ad
dressed, post paid to the editor.
BALTtstoRK, August, 1846. Sep**
BV A. G. StffllEß AM) B. K. CARROLL.
SHOULD sufficient encouragement be received.
the proprietors propose to is«ue TilK SOUTH
CAROLINIAN, afterthe first day of October next,
as follows:
A Send- Weekly Paper at <25 per annum, in au- ,
vance : or $6 at the end of tbe year. ,
A Meekly Paper at S 3 per annum, in ad vance ; (
or S 4 at the end of the year.
Jloth papers will contain the same reading mat
ter. nutl also, all new advertisements.
T(IE SOUTH « AROLLNIAN will be printed
or. the very best paper, with new and beautiful
juae I>
! "feN and after the llliii of November, llie Passen-
I ’\Jr ger Trains will leave at the Jollow iug hours:
h m ; h. in.
i Leave Charleston, II U v Leave Hamburg, •> Hh
Nmeath’s, lid Marsh’s, <> do
Ladsou’s T. 0., 11 4 1 Aiken, 1 30
Suuimervdie, 12 Oh YVillislon, i' 4.)
31 mile T. 0., 12 3h JW.ickvdle, Pl}
tieorge’s, 1 la l (iiahains, 0 4.>
iiranchvillc, 2 3h' Midway, 10 L>
Midway, 3 00 Brain hville, II 00
• irah a in’s, 3 3di (»eo ge’s, II 45
Uh ckvillc, 4 00j 31 mile T. O. 12 30
Wiliistou, 4 30 Smninerville. 1 00
Aiken, fi 00 1 .ailsou’s T. 0., 1 15>
Marsh’s 6 30 Smeatli’s 1 45
Arrive at Hamburg, 7 UO.Arrivent Charleston, 2 15
h. in j h. m.
Leaveßranchville, 2 3i .Leave Columbia, 6 00
Orangeburg, 3 15 Gadsden, 1 30
Lew sville, 4 1)1 I'oi t Motto, 8 15
Fort Metre, 4 3i Lewisville. 9 00
Gadsden, 5 3. O angeburg, 9 45
Arrive at Columbia, 0 30, Arrive at Brancbviile, 10 45
imv 10 34
Freight on (() l iX)X from
the ilumburg Depot to (’iiarleston. per
* bale $0 75
; Cotton consigned to this Company to order in
: < liarleston —
From anv station on the Georgia Rail Road per
100 lbs wO 45
From Marietta, per 100 lbs 50
* ■ |\ | ngst (ts i■*tidt 'w rt f*rw vi 1 p.> r 4UO it.-, .». >
“ Oothealoga, e ‘ “ 57*
•Sept. 1 d 34
SOI Tif-C ,VKt)lil> V KAM..JIOAI).
~ t «v <>n and after Monday next, sib insta nt,
the freight of Cotlon to (.'liarleston will
$1 per bale.
W. J. MAGRATII. Agent.
Hamburg, Oct. 2, 1840. 2
By a recent arrangement, 'l'ickeis will
t 4 j be -old to F A 51 1 L I L S irti veling upon
•' A r’ Road at greatlv T reduced rates.
\V. .1. 51A(4RATH, Agent.
I Hamburg. June 5, 1846.
x nr-rry v ' ar> t jtc'tr t masvBJBOWL: rj. :. it TJV*'-... ui M-a
f'JSXIIE “DAILY UNION” will be published, as here
_lF tuforc. at $lO per annum, payable in advance. Its
character hitherto has been almost exclusively politic:. I.
I \\ e purpose i u future to devote a portion of its coin inns
Ito domestic nows of general interest, and to miscellane
ous literature, which, without impairing its political m
tluouco, may render il the more acceptable to an ex
tended rlii-s of readers.
The “SEMI-WEF.KLV UNION” will be published
rverv Monday and Thursday . during the rece.-s of Con
gress, at s■> per annum. This contains all the matter
contained in the “ Daily Union." except local advertise
ments. During the se .-ions of Congress three nniiiher.-,
instead of two, will be issued, wi hunt any extra charge
to subscribers.
The “WEEKLY UNION” is issued every Saturday;
and as arrangements are in progress to enlarge it to
near double its present size, we -a ill soon be enabled to
give nearly every article m hicli nmy appear in the daily
and semi-weekly editions, at the extremely low rate «,f
$2. YVe propoy also to give, in tins edition, a complete
synoptical summary of the proceedings in both hou-es
of Congress—-thus rendering the “Weekly Union” a
most valuable channel of in form at ion to all classes of
our country. Tt it. to remunerate us for this enterprise,
an extensive subscription list is absolutely indispensa
We seijte this opportunity to add that some delay has
taken place in putting our paper to pre--. which has
prevented its eat ly delivery to our readers, and conse
quently circumscribed its circulation. We shall make
arrangements to remedy this del. cl, and to obviate this
objection. A Tier tbe present week we trust that no com
plaint will be made upon thi> subject.
In addition to the foregoing, w e h iv e re.-olved to pub
lish, during the sessions of the national legislature, a
“CouTress onal Register," to be issued weekly, and to
contain a fuel report of the daily proceedings and de
bate-of both houses. Indeed, the arrangements which
we have made with the very best eo-ps of reporters will
enable us to give even more full and extended reports
than we have produced during this ses-iott, superior as
we claim them to he to any preceding ones. The Regis
ter will he madeiip from the daily reports in the “Union.”
carefully revised bv an experienced editor.and will con
stitute a complete and authentic record of the session.
An appendix will !«• added, uniform with the Register,
and to be sent gratuitously to subscribers, comprising a
li-t of the acts passed during the session, with a synopsis
of their contents, and a reference, w hen necessary. to pre
vious legislation. 'Jhiswi I form the most complete his
tory of the sessions of Oongre-s.and will lie furnished ar
the low price ofsF.vENTY-FtvK cents for the next session.
F ’Postmasters are authorized to act as our agents;
and by sending us five yearly subscribers, with the sub- j
sr-ipfion money, for either the Doth/, Senti-Weekh/, or
U’eekty. will be entitled to one copy of the same edition
as they furnish ns subscribers for.
LTThe Congressional Register will be furnished
them on the same terms. publishing onr prospectus, with the
notes attached, until the Ist of December next, will he
entitled, during the next SPS»ion of (hmgress, to receive
a copy of the Congressional Register and Tri-Weekly
Cluhs trill he furu’shed with
5 copies of the Daily for 00
5 do Semi-Weekly ' 20 00
10 do do 35 00
5 do Weekly 8 00
10 do du J 5 00 j
20 do 1 "ongressional Register 10 00 j
The name of no person will be entered upon onr books
unless the payment of the subscription he made in ad
vance. sept 11
Infirmary for negroes,
AtJL will accommodate fen to twenty patients, j
No charge is made for hoard or nursing, the only
expense to the owner oewig th° fees for visits, me
dicines or operations, and these are regulated hy
the -Medical Society of Augusta,
PA I L F. EVE, 31. D.
Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of Ga.
net 16 1y 14
rpiIKRiHOiVETKRS.—A few LUNG ones |
B left, to be had of
jy 21 2. E. MARSHALL.
L jl Hi w mmu
MO HESS. BITTICIIS are purely a vegetable |
.H. compound, and are tillered u> Hie pub
he from a principle ol benevolence, under tlie tall
est conviction that they will tie f iinul a sntf and
sovereign remedy lor Dyspepsia. 4 hey have been
triumphantly tested not only by some ol the most
respectable la mi lies m I he Slate. w ho have I urn is li
ed ample testimony as to their decided excellence,
but also by I tit* proprietor, who, tor ten years, sui
tered all the gloom incident to that distressing dis
ease. Tliev possess tlie peculiar excellence denied ,
to mjusvother Hitlers, of not proving injurious by I
continued use. They contain not a single delete
rious ingredient, and, as seen from the direct ions
which accompany cacti bottle, may he given with
entire safely to an infant m the month
If the Colleton is taken regularly and persever
ing! y,t Which i> highly important in stubborn cast s.
the* vVill,scum alter the use of a lew hollies, tie
found to act on trie system like a charm—imparling
v igor to the stomach, bracing the nerves, cieans
; ing the liver, promoting digestion, increasing tlie
appetite.strengthening the idlest and voice, reliev
ing pains, cramps, and stitches m the breast. They
| are also unist exceljenf I'orcUolera mui bn.s, habitual
cimsi’-pali on, sea-sick ness, nausea, proceeding trom
whatever cause, in cases of general debility, it
has proved one of tlie best remedies, and is there
fore highly recommended t,aelderly people, literary
gentlemen, st udenls, ;.t.d others ol sedentary ha hits,
t aken in small doses frequently through the day,
they have checked the most v hdeut doisrloia, ami ;
likewise been administered with the happiesteffect
in cimiera infantum.
in all the foregoing comp!ain.ts\these HU’er will
lie found eliectnal 11 persisted iu. utnf Utken accord
ing to the directions v\ hich accompany each bottle
And although it has been testified by several that
they are excellent in many others, yet in none other
! than I lose above enumerated, is the proprietor will- '
i ing to vouch for t hei r efficacy’. They were prima- !
j rily and solely intended to cure Dyspepsia.
'i'he Colleton Hitters have been eight years W
i fore the public; and in consequence of tin* increas
j ing demand for this valuable meuicine, the propne
j tor has entered largely into tlie business—hollies
are procured having "Colleton Uillers’’moulded in
! them—they are also numbered, sealed and stamp
-1 etl vvuii an appropriate motto Price s i per buttle.
L. 31. CAREY,
Ceneral Agent fur this State.
Agent, Augusta.
Hii.ton Head, 8. C.. Jan. 1846.
| Os the Colleton Hitter. —"(purely u Vegetable
('oinputind " and w inch. from the confidence i have,
in the ciiaracier anti integrity of I he maker urn! pro
prietor thereof, i verily believe to tie line.) 1 en
tertain the must favoraide opinion. Several of my
personal Inends and acquaintances, long afflicted
with Dyspepsia, have assured me that li.ey have
found these Hillers belter than any other medicine
I hey ever tried, for that distressing disease. And I
take llm pic asure further to state that 1 have wit
nessed the excellency ol these Hitlers, in nausia,
• sick-headache, and bowed coiuplainl ; in tins lust
particular, 1 have seen the Colleltm repeatedly and
successfully tested among the children of my own
house-hold. i\o family ought to he without this in
valuable medicine.
Past or of St. Lukes Church, S. C.
april 20 133
For the Removal and Permanent Cure of all Diseases
arising from an impure state of tht R.nou,
or habit uj the system, viz:
scrofula or King's Evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutti
v ous Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules on .itc l ove,
Jilolchts, Riles, Chronic Sore Eyes, King Harm or
I 1 tier, Seald. Head, Enlargement unu J oin vj the
Hants and Joints, Stubborn I. leers. Syphilitic symp
toms, sciatica or Eumbago. unu Discus- s arising Ji o in
an injad> no us use of AJei cucy, Asi lies, or Dropsy F.j -
posurt or imprudence in Ufa. Also. Chrntiu Consti
tutional Disorucis tcill be removed by this Prepara
f y All lß medicine has, in many thousand instances.
cl brought health and ret a ruing vigor to tlie weak and
languid frame. lopei utnm extends itsell to tile remo
test i raniinns of i a. ■ H.inoi ui. v.-o hi. ami consist.-iii re
moving diseased action in the absorbing and secreting
The blood contains the elementsof the whole animal
1 structure —flesh and lihre,glands, muscles,tendons, tue
nails,the ban, ami even the hones themselves, arc all
sustained 1»\ the blood. Weil, then, may n he called tlie
i si ream of t ife. In proportion to the purity ol limit will
be that of I he substance i .to w inch il is comm unity chans -
i ing. Corrupt blood instead of producing beaiiby
I likely euougli to develop sores aoo ulcers. VS bon these
[ nppour, w belhei in the specific form of >.:i ofuia, in ail its
nuiitiform and disgusting shapes.or eruptions in all tneir
j disfiguring variety ,r lieu mat ism. fill ions d isordei s,g enera 1
relaxation and <iebilily .and a host ol eoraplaintsai isiug
from 1 1 isordei ed secretions theie is no deterge is be
lieved, t ha i w Hi.-ora p idly neutralize tlie. v u u.« in l lie blood
from which they spring and eUeeta radical cure, as this
1 preparation.
The following is an extract front a letter just rcccivei!
from .VI rs. lie van, who h.ui been atlliclcd for sevei a I v ears
with Scrofulous fleers, Dyspepsia, Ac., and rcceuliv
withan affection of the Throat audCllest:
ISA II.ID Slll It<*. \ a..Dec.lPtli, 18To.
Messrs A. R. 6f I). Sands —B* fore I commenced using
v «mr Sarsapanba my suite ring.- w ere at most past expres
sion, my throat was completely ulcerated, t had a dreadful
cough, and there were frequently w eeks together that 1
could notspeak above a whisper: and besides, the inlia
inalion from my throat extended into my, so that my
bearing was very much impaired. A tier taking I hr.■sarsa-
parilla a short lime my health improved and my throat is
now well, lam as free from cough and lightness of the
ebf-t as lever w as, and-, can hear quite distinctly. 51 v
thr oat has been wet I about three months, the cur*' ol who n
I liasbeen etf-rled entirely by license ofymuSarsapai ilia.
Vourfriend, LOI ISA IE BE VAN.
XE\V V OIIK, April gg. I s 4 o.
Messrs. A RffO Sands —b> nis: I'rrimg it a du’.v to
you amt the community at largo, 1 semi y ou this ( ertifi
cateof til** virtues of \ our Sarsaparilla, that others who
a>. e now suifering may have their confidence established
and u-eyour medicine w itlioul delay .
1 wastrouhied w ith a severe ulcerou my ankle, which
e x tended half » ay up to the knee, diseliarging \ ei \ oiien -
i sive matter, itcinna, burning, and depriving me often of
my re.-t at night,and very paint'uito iiear.
I '.vasrecomiiieiidetl to use your medicine by Mr. James
AtcConnel, w bo had bocn ciu ed by it, and after Using die
boilles 1 was entirely en red.
j I have ili ferred sending you this certificate one year
si nee the eu re was effected, in order to ascertain with cer
tainty whether it was a permanent cure, and it now gives
metlie greatest pleasure ru add that I have neither -pen
nor felt the slightest re-appearance of it, ayd that lam
enlirelysouiul. tour.-,
S AII All .VI IXTV l( K. 240 I) -lancey-st.
MOBILE, ALA. N0v.28, IsTo.
Messrs. Sards —l deem if an act of justice u> myself
and the community at large, to relate the follow tug facts
winch occurred in our neighborhood in tlie latter part of
•liilv last, .lane C , a young girl aged fiiurte.en year.-,
wasatibeted with an immense sore on the middle of her
back .which defied all the treatment of medical sk ill. A.-
she was a friend ofour family. I employed all the means in
! my power in endeavoring to relieve her. but in vain. At
| last some person mentioned to me \ onr Sarsaparilla, and
I immediafelv procured two hollies of.Me-srs. \
Tucker,your Agent-in this city, winch Igavotoln r. 1
called to see her the next day and she told me she had ta
ken two doses and felt very much relic ved. 1 laughed im
moderately at tli is, but she. said it w is real ly so, and, gcu a word, in two weeks from the time she com
menced using it, there was neither sign nor appearance
of wherethesore had been. 5 ours.respectfully,
J. <i. HOIJSK.VIAX.ait Dauphin-sl.
XT’ far further pur tic til arsa nd con cl uss ve evidence o
i t- superior v alue and eliiciein y , sec-pamphlets,which
inav he obtained ofagents gratis.
( l‘ re pa red and sold w holes ale and retail, by A. It. &D.
SANDS. Wholesale Druggists. V.) I'ulton-.-trret. New
York. Sold also by 11 AVILA N D. tl I SI. E V A To.. Al
ign si a;Ha v iland .H a rial & A Hen .< ,'lir. rleston; <*. R llen
i d rick son ..Sava imali; ti. I*ay nr .Mae cm: A. Ti t< h.' olum
bin: and by druggists generally throughout the United
States. Price $1 per bottle, fi bottle-for $5.
£_r The pit '.die are re spec tin llyreqjiested t oremembe r
that it is Sands’S irsaparula that has and is const mtlv
achieving such remarkable cures ol the most difficult
class of diseases in which the human frame issnbjecl,
therefore ask for Sands’ Sarsu|)arilii,atid lake no other .
jPebruarylS, ls4b. Sin JO3
SrA tT rKS OF G !iXJRG~I a*.
<4KOR(irI.\, in general use. with Forms arni
Precedents neeespary to their practical operations
—and an appendix containing the Declaration of
i independence; tlie A nicies of Confederation; llte
Constitution of the 1 uited States; the t 'oiistimtion
of the Stare of Ceorpia; Gen. Washington's Fare
well Address; and tlie .Naturalization latvvs passed
l*y Congress: h\ r Howell Cobh, containing 77‘J
pages, roval octavo —price $6,00. For sa eby
august 3 THOM A 8 RICHARDS.
g>n:i rMK K V\ bout seventy-five differ-
A entextracls of thecboicest Ln?!i«li anti French
Odours, from Lde,Lnbin&Prevost, with an end
less variety of American Perfumes, some of them I
v erv fine, and ail will besohl low
j march 'PJ J. L. 3IAKBHALL. J
i■■ i m ~.
}> VrEAT MEDIO]N !>•
JAYA Iv> AI /i l I AT 1N i ( •
valuable preparation combines all ibe
fcj. medicinal virtues ol llutse articles,
lone experience has proved u» possess i n |ll< ' -
and elileieitl alterative and deobsinu lO }>' n I H
forlhe cure of Scrofula Kum s' I. ill. H "> ‘ *
mgs C lvors; Scrofulous, ( auevrvus ami
’Pintirwrs: Mvrcnnul and Syphilitic A; < J
iih, a mutism, (lout; Sen my. A* itmlgiu or O'-
Jd'iilt until. Cancer, Uoitrv or Urotu hm <<< • D lll ‘
i\cvk ,j I.nlurgriiit tils of the lluntv, Jmitls, ' [" f
or J .'ll unu nls «»r of the Ovaries,< r. i»- ' lll
i’rts.i\c All the diseases ol llte Shin, sU< Jas
'l'cltcr. ltir.n ir , ,-jn, J tiles, Pimples, Curl’Utt c-rs *><•*
Dyspepsia and I.m r I 'umpitnnt. A» rfo«.< Discus, -,
Jiropsitul Su ill,ups, ( 'n'istiluliuiiul Disorders am!
diseases oricinanng from a depraved or Dnjtu.e
state of the Uluotl or other fluids ol the body.
Tim proprietor of litis Alterative would im>st re
speeifn!!\ assure liie ]>nl)lic that he has not offered
this preparation n> their notice without due reflec
tion, ami close and rigid study, nor until alter
twelve years' experience had m milested its great
superiority over every oilier article of the kind,
and lie now recommends it with confidence, lolly
believing that llte above combination ol medicine
will effectually eradicate from the a class
of disease some of vvibeh have heretolofe be«u con
sidered incurable.
He has prescribed it in almost every variety of
disease and with unpar ’Tied success. especistlW
in cutaneous alfectiotis, * uucerous. scrolulous and
seorbntte diseases, ami diseases originating from
' obstruction or enlargement of the glands or impuri
ty of the blood.
Cancer and Cancerous Tumors.
lie! as used this preparation in upwards of twen
ty well defined cases of cancer and cancerous lu
n'mrs, and in every case but one with perfect and
1 entire success.
( IJronchocetc or Goitre, (Swelled Keck.)
tie has prescribed it in over a hundred casos of
goitre,and it bas never failed in a single instanca
to completely remove the disease. .Not u solitary
i case o flit* Sure. All were cured.
The success he has met with in curing broncho*
ecle and cancerous atlections bas convinced him
that these dangerous and horrible diseases may be
j removed with as much certainty as Fever and
Ague. |!e does not wish t<» he understood as say
ing that they ran he cured ns sunn as Fever tutd
Ague, but wild as much cer/ainlt/; and further, that
be Isas good reason for believing Dial ibis prepara
tion vv ill not only i nrc these diseases when formed,
hut that tl destroys the virus or poisonous principle
lurking in the system, fn in which that peculiar
class of diseases, as well as that ofscrofuluemanale.
Scrofnla —Ki *g*s Lvsl.
This prepo rat ion lets been used in n nine runs eases
of Scrofula, King’s Lvi!. and scrofulous swellings,
and always vv illt the most deci ed success.
Skin Diseases.
He has presc-rihed it in a great variety of mlane
. nns afleciions. and found il successful in curing salt
rheum, or teller, biles, blotches, pimples,morphew
and jaundiced skin. <tc.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
It has been used in numerous eases of liver com
plaint and I lyspepsia, and vv till the happiest otic cl.
b Ims been used in several eases of Neuralgia,
i and in every case it was success!til.
This preparation has been prescribed in a great
i many cases of chronic riieuiimi-m, and in every
casein which il was used until the system itecanyo
affected by tlie im dicine, the disease was removed,
A number of rases of gout have been cured by
litis preparation. In one ol these cases, the man
had been afflicted with it so severely for thirteen
yea rs as to entirely disable him from business, and
' for five months immediately previous to his taking
litc Alterative he, had been confined to his tfooui;
l• 11 1 before lie bad finished the third bottle, he waa
enabled to walk about Ihe streets ami soon after re
i turned to his husinefs. from which lie -had so long
been excluded by bis affliction.-.
Dropsical 8 wet lings*
This medicine increases the powers of digestion,
excites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by
I whi eh watery or calcareous depositions, and aR
unnatural enlargements are reduced. It imparts
i tone and vitality to the whole system, removing
sick and nicrhiu headaches,giddiness, wandering
1 painsam! nervous affections.
In fact, in every case where tlie medicine has
been taken lor some lime, no matter lor vv h t pur
pose. the genera! health of the patient has always
been improved hy it.
In conclusion, the proprietor would spy that some
of the most astonishing cases of skin diseases, can
cer, hroitchocele. and scrofula, have been cured by
this medicine, that have ever been recorded; but
want of room in tin.-sheet precludes their publica
tion at litis time.
An inUresting ruse cured l,ij Jayne's Alterative.
Hi the spring of 1831. a cancerous tumor appear
ed in the right breast of Airs. Pinehe, wile of Peter
Stretch, of Salem. :N. J. It was examined by many
Physicians, and was considered by ail as cancerous,
and besides bore all liie characteristic marks of
tine. All provable means of removing it were used
without the slightest benefit. It, continued to in
crease both in size and paiufubiess, until all hope
of saving lt* r life, hut by a painful operation, was
a nandoned, w hie It. after a consul tat ion of eminent
Physicians, was performed. Jan. Ist, 1832. by Dr.
John Rhea Hatton, as-i-ted by Dr. Redman. t!>*
proprietor, and two otherrnedical pent'einen. The
\\hole and entire right brea-t was removed, and af
ter examination of the tumor, was pionoiinced by
all present a cancer of the most malignant charac
ter. In about three months, after enduring imredi
ble snlleringn. she was enabled, though broken in
spirit, to vet about again. She remained feeble,
and her general health was exceedingly bad, as in
deed il had been for several years be lore. Jn the
; spring of KIT. upwards of live years after her hi east
had been removed, a painful junior made its ap
! pen ranee on the right side, immediately over the
part formerly occupied by the nipple of the right
brea-t. prev ions •*> its removal. '1 his tumor steadi
ly increased for several months, and became so
painful as to deprived her of test. The glands un
der the right arm were enlarged; and scin hus. and
a hard, irregular, and at times painful tumour, ap
peared in the Icli breast. No operation could now
arrest I lie disease. 1 ndeed her vv hole hotly appear
ed to lie a mass of disease. I ter case was consid
ered hopeless. Site was of a very scrofulous habit,
' both her parents having died of Pulmonary con
sumption. The experiment was now made with
this Alterative. It was at first given in small
doses, three times a day. ami the doses very gradu
ally, hut steadily increased daily, as long "as she
took it. which was about six months, and the skin
over ar.d around the tumour was wet night and
morning with a strong solution of lodine ami lly
j driodate Potash. The tumour continued increase
i ll to size for about six weeks, and was at times
very painful, when the pain suddenly ceased alto
| gether. and the tumour-welled out at'the hasp, and
! became soft, and then began to diminish, and con
( tinned gradually decreasing until every vestige of
disease was removed. The tumour in her left
brea-t, and those m her right axilla were also dis
per-ed, .No canceron- or scrofulous tumours ever
appeared afterwards; and her general health, w hich
had b»en so bad for fourteen years us to make life a
bori licit, whs eilef naily and permanently restore*!.
1 he proprietor is in possession of the” diseased
breast, and those who choose may examine it. Jln
would also say that he could mention over a do?ei>
« lines equally interesting, wherein Ids Alterative*
has subdued cancer and cancerous tumours, but
has not room hereto record them,
3lrs. Sarah Young, of Quinton’s Bridge. X. .f
| bad a goitrous tumour on tlie It-ft side of her w imE
j pipe, a- large as ihc half of an orange, which wan
| cured by using this Alterative fur about four
I months.
Mi-s R S .South Fourth-street, Phila.
delphia, was also cured of an enlargement of the
' throat, which tilled the entire spaee between the
j chin and breast-bone, and extended around on
each side of her neck to behind her ears, and from
! her ears to her shoulders, and produced awful de
formity. It commenced growing when she was
; but live years old. and continued gradually to in
! crease until she was nineteen, at which time she
commenced using this Alterative, which she took
for seven months, who h entirely reduced the en
i largement; and -he has now as smooth ami pretty
a neck as can he found. The proprietor is not at
liberty togive iter name in print,but will refer per
j sou- to her.
For sale by W3I. K. MTClft'v
acp 28 Jy 2 jjujp-vgcntforGeorgia^