Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 21, 1847, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. OFFICE IV McINTOSH STREET, Third door from the Sorth-Wnt corner of Droad-st. Sales of LAND by Administrators, Executors or IJiiur dians, are required, by law, 10 be held on the first Tuesday mi the month, between the hours o' tea in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the t ourt House in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must bo jrivrn in a public Gazette sixty pays previous to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on the first I’uesday of the month, between the usual hours ol sale at 'he place of public sales in the county where lac Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dianship, may have been irranti d, first giving sixty days’ notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to he held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must he given in like manner forty pays previous to day of sal". Notice to the Debtors and Creditors cf an L.statc must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must he publi tied for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published roCK months, before any order absolute can be given by the Com t. Extract from the net of Congress of 3d diarchy 1845, section 1 8. “ And be if further enacted, I hat it shall bo the -duty of the Postmaster General, in all luture let lings of contracts for the transportation of the mail,to let tlie same, in every case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faith ml | performance, without other reference to the mode ; a»f such transportation than may he necessary to provide for the duecelerity, certainty atid security A»f such transportation; nor shall any new con tractor hereafter he required t,» purchase out, or take at a valuation, the stock or vehicles of any previous contractor for the same route . jTV Bidders will be careful to read the forms and instructions appended to this advertisement. They are requested to slate, in their proposals, t!ie mode hv which they intend to convey the mail. 1 Where the size and weight ot the mails, or the , «peed called for in the schedules, shall re quire it, | the contracts will be made for coach, steamboat, or railroad conveyance, as the case may be: and, ■consequently, such routes will be let to bids pro- i posing such mode of convey nice. In all other cases the routes will be assigned to bids proposing the cheapest mode of transportation. PROPOSALS for carrying the mails of the Touted States from the Ist of July, 1847, to the i 30lh June 1851, inclusive, in Georgia, will be re- ! reived at tiie contract office of the Post Office De partment, in ttie city of Washington, until 9 a. J m.. of the 10th March, 1817,(to he decided by the Ist day of April) on the routes and in the manner ; and lime herein specified, viz: G f jO RGIA. 3250. From Savannah, by Reform, Armenia, Ilalcyondale, Scarborough, Brinsonvilie, Aiid ville, Holcomb, Davisborough', Tenniile,Oconee, Lmmett, Gordon, and Larksvdle, to Aiacon, 190 j miles and hack, daily. Leave Savannah daily at 9 p m, arrive at Ma con next day by 8 a in. Leave Macon daily at 3 p m, arrive at Savan nah next day by '2 a in. Proposals tor the transportation of the great northern and southern mads on this route, with the necessary expedition therefor, will also be considered. 3*251. From Savannah, by Darien, Bruns wick, St. Marys, Haz/.ard, Fla., Jacksonville, Mandarin, Gaiy s Ferry, and Picolata, to Pilat -ka, 345 miles and back, once a week. Leavf Savannah every Saturday at 1 p m, ar- | five at Pilatka next Tm sday by 8 a m. Leave Pilatka every Tuesday at 9 am, arrive j at Savannah next Fiiday by 9 a in. Proposals for twice a week, also for throe times ; «. week service, wdl bo considered. 32.52. From Reform to Springfield, G miles and hark, twice a week. Leave Reform every Tuesday anti Friday at II a ni, arrive at Springfield same days by 1 p m. Leave Springfield every Tuesday and Friday tvt 2 pm, arrive at Reform sainedays by 4 p m. j 3*253. From Armenia to Slatesborough, 21 | miles and back,once a week. Leave Armenia every Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Slatesborough same day by 7 p in. Leave Slatesborough every Friday at G am, j arrive at Artnenia same day by 12 ni, 3251 From Halcyondale, by BUck Creek, Buck Creek, Jacksonhorough, Mill Haven, Bar dis, and Uhl Church, to Way nesborougfi, 59 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Halcyondale every 'Tuesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive at Wayuesborough next day by 1 P *“• T T Leave Wayneshorough every NN ednesday and Saturday at *2 p m, airi\t®at ilalcyondale next days by 1 p m. 3255. From Midville to Swainsborough, 20 j niilesand back, once a week. Leave Midville every Saturday at 2 p m, arrive j At Swainsborough same day by 7 pm. Leave Swainsborough every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Midville same day by 12 m. 3256. From Davisborough to Louisville, 12 miles and baek, twice a week. Leave Davisborough every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p m, arrive at Louisville same days j by 7 p n». Leave Louisville every Wednesday and Satur day at 10 am, arrive at Davisborough same days by 2 p m. 3257. From Tenniile to Sandersville, 3 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Tenniile every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 3 p in, arrive at Sandorsvdie same days by 4 p m. Leave Sandersville every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Tenniile same days by 2 p m. 3258. From Tenniile, by Irwin's x Roads and Buck Eye, to Dublin, 31 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Tenniile every Wednesday and Satur day at 9 am, arrive at Dublin same days by 6 pm. Leave Dublin every Tuesday and Friday at 9 am, arrive at Tenniile sane days by 6p m. 3259. From Milleclgeville, by D.-vereauxE j Store, Sparta and Mayfield, to Warrenton, 45 miles and back daily. Leave Milledgcville tbTly at 8 a ni, arrive at Warrenton same day by 7 p m. Leave Warrenton daily atG a in, arrive at Alil ledgeville same day by 5 p in. Proposals to commence this route at Aiacon will be considered. 32G0. From MiliedgeviHc to Eatonton,22 miles ! and backt. hree times a week. Leave Milledgevfilci very Tuesday, Thursday, [ and Saturday alia in, arrive at Eatonton same i days by 11 a in. Leave Eatonton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 m, arrive at Milledgeville same days by 7 p m. 3261. From Millodgcviilo, by Blountsville, j Tranquilla, Hillsborough, Monticello, PaJo Aith, : Lcakesvilie, Newton Factory and atr-rsvilie, to Covington, GO miles and back, twice a week; . Lcakesvilie to be supplied by one of the weekly trios, and Newton Factory by the other. L‘avc Milledgeville every Tuesday and Friday j at 5 am, arrive at Covington next days by 12 m. Leave Covington every Wednesday and Sat urday at 1 prn, arrive at Milledgeville next da;. s by B pm. 1 Proposes to commence inis route at Hillsboro’ ’ will be considered. 3-72 From Milledgeville to Gordon, 17 miles j and back, daily. Leave MihedgeviMe daily at 2 p m, arrive at Gordon same day by G p in. Lcuve Gordon ih; iiy at 7a m, arrive at Milledge ville same day by 11 a rn. 3273. From Mayfield, by Rock Mills, Sherds of Ogei chee, Curry s Mills and Fen s Bridge, to Da visborougli, 33 miles and hack, once a week. Leave .Mayfield every Tuesday at 9 am, ar rive at Davisborough same day by G p nr. Leave l)av>sl»orougli every Wednesday at G a m, arrive ;t AI ay field same day by 3 p in. . From Sparta, by Long’s 15ridge and Wa r tben’s Btore, to (SaudersviiJe, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Spart* every Thursday at ll a in. arrive at Sandersville same day by 9 p m. Leave Sandersville every Fiiday at G a in, ar rive at Sparta same day by 4 pm. 3245. Thom Sparta to Alt. Zion, 7 miles and back, time limes a week. Leave Sparta » very Monday, Wednesday and i Friday at 10 am, arrive at Aiount Zion same days by 12 m. Leave Mount Zion every Monday, Wcdnes ; day and Fiiday at V am, arrive at Sparta same day? by 9 a m. » 3266. From Dublin, by Lauren’s Tlill and Cool Spring to Aiarion, 38 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dublin every Friday at 5 am, arrive at 1 Marion same day by 8 p in. Leave Aiarion every ! hursday at 5 am, arrive at Dublin same day by 8 p in. 3267. From Dublin, by Mount Vernon, to Col i quit, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dublin every Friday at G am, arrive at I Colquit next day by 10 am. Imave Colquil every Saturday at 12 in, arrive at Dublin next day by 4 p in. 3268. From Gordon, by Marion and Tarvers- ; vide to li ivv kinsviifi , 30 aides and back, twice a ■ j week. ; Leave Gordon every Wednesday and Saturday at lia ui, arrive at ilawkiiisvfiie same Jays by i j p Ml. Leave Hawkinsviile every Thursday and Sun j day at 5 am, arrive at Gordon same days by G | i P-‘"- , , . . . Pronosals for tri■ weekly service will be consid- ( | ered. 32G9. From Hawkinsviile, by Copeland, Tem j perance, Jacksonville, Lumber Cily, Box vilie, • Colquit, Perry’s Mills and Sum-ncy, to Darien, i 154 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Hawkinsviileevery Sunday and Thurs- j day at 4 am, arrive at Darien every Tuesday and I Saturday In 3 p in. i Leave Darien every Sunday and Thursday at \ 6 a in, arrive at Hawkinsviile every Tuesday and ! Saturday by 5 p in. j Proposals for a lliird weekly trip from Ist No vemhci to Ist July in each year will be consid* j ered. 3270. From Hawkinsviile, by M i!wood, A T ien- j rn, Cedar Cieck and Holydaysville to Albany, 1 75 miles and back, once a vveCfc. Leave Hawkinsviile every Thursday at 6 a in, j arrive at Albany next day by Gp m. Leave Albany every Saturday at G a m. arrive ! at 1 lawkinsviile next day by G p m. I 3271. From Coptdand, by Adams and House , Creek, to Irwinvfile, 32 miles and back, once a week. Li ave Cope,! - n ! every Monday at G a in, arrive at Irvvinvillc same day by 5p in. Leave 1 rvvinvillc eve;y Tuesday at G am, ar- , rive at Copeland same day by 5 p in. 3272. From Perry's Mills to Reidsville, 18 , ! miles and back, once a week. Leave ih rry ’• M ills every Monday at Gam. arrive at Reidsville same day by 12 rn. } Leave Reidsviileevery Monday at I pm, arrive j at Perry’s Mills same day by 7 p in. 3273. From Darien, by South Newport, Rrce ■ boro’ and Old C. H.to Savannah, 63 miles and ' hack twice a week from 1.-t November to Ist July, and once a week t!ie residue of the year. From Ist November to Ist July. L ave Darien every Monday and Friday at 5 am, arrive at Savannah same days by JO pm. j Leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday 1 j at 5 am. arrive at Darien same days by 10 p m. From Ist July to Ist November, j Li ave Darien every .Monday at 5a m, arrive ; at Savannahsame day by 10 pm. Leave Savannah every Tuesday at 5 am, ar- j ' rive at Dar en same day by 10 p in. | 3274. From Darien, bv Bethel, Waynesville, Langsbury and Jeffersonton, to St. Alary’s, 77 j ! miles and !>a■ •k . once a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday at 5 a in, ar rive at St Alarms next day by 11 a rn. Leave St. Mary's every Thursday at 2 p m, ar rive at Darien next day by 8 pm. Proposals fur twice a week service will be con- | sidereil. 3275. From Darien to Frederica, 14 miles and | back, once a week. Leave Dari* n every Friday at 12 in, arrive at j Frederica same day by 5 p in. Leave Frederica every Friday at Gam, arrive 1 at Darien same day by II a m. 327(5. From Darien to Brunswick, 18 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday and Friday at ; Ga in, arrive at Brunswick same nays by 12 in. | Leave Brunswick every Thursday and Satur- I day at 8 a m. arrive at Darien same days by 2 p in. i 3277. From Riceborough. l>y Walthoursvilie, j to 1 Jincsviile, 17 miles and back, once a week. j Leave Riceborough every Tuesday at 1p m, j arrive at Hinesville same day by 6 pm. Leave Hinesville every 'i uesday at 7 am, ar- ■ rive at Riceborough same day by 12 m. 3278. From Waynesville, by Warcsborough . and Alapha, to Troupville, 125 miles and back, j once a week. Leave Waynesville every Wednesday at 2 p ; in, arrive at 'i n upvilleevery Saturday by 6 p m. ! Lea' o Troupville every Sunday at 0 a in, arrive j at Waynesville every W ednesday by 12 ni. 327*'. From Jeffersonton, to Haddock s, Fla., , 35 miles and back, once a week. Leave JctVersonton every ’Thursday at 5 am, i arrive at Haddock's same day by 6 p ni. Leave Haddock’s every Friday at 5 am, arrive i at Jeffersonton same day by G p in. 32(80. From Warcsborough, by Holmesville, , Camp Ground and Willie's Store, to Lumber j Cily, 80 mil* s and back, » nee a week. Leave Warcsborough every Monday at 5 am, arrive at Lumber City next day by 8 pm. Leave Lumber City every Saturday tit 5 a tn, 1 arrive at VV arcsborough next d.*y by 8 p m. 3281. From Treupviile, by Piscola, Fla., and | Cherry Lake, to Madison C. 11., 37 miles and ; back, once a wet k. Leave Troupville every Thursday at G am, ar- | rive at Aiadison C. i 1. same day by G p m. Leave Aiadison C. H. every W ednesday at Ga : m, arrive at Troupville same day by G pm. 3282 From'Troupville, by Sharp's Store, Oka pilco, Thomasville and Cairo, to Cambridge, 82 . miles ami back, onceji week to Thomasville, and , twice a week the nsiduc of the route. Leave 'Troupville every Thursday at 8 am, ar- j rive at Thomasville same day by 7 p in. Leave Thomasvilie every Wednesday at 3 a no, 1 : arrive at Troupville same day by 7 p m. Leave Thomas'die every Monday and Friday at 7 am, an ive at Bainbridge same days by 7 p in. ; Leave Bainbridgeevery Tuesday and Saturday \ j at 7a m, arrive at Thomasville same days by 7 ! p m. 3283. From Troupville, by Parishe s and lien- j derson’s. to Irwinville, 75 miles and back, once a I week. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1847. Leave Troupville every Sunday at 5 a in, ar- j rive at Irwinville next day by 6 p m. Leave Irwinville every Tuesday at 5 am, ar- { rive at Troupville next day by G p m. 3*284. From Macon, by Busbayvilie, Perry, , Minerva, Horse head, Travellers Rest, Amcri- j cus, Stark vilie. Paiinvra, Albany and Newton, ■ to Bainbridge, 170 miles and back, three times a i Wt t'k,. | Leave Macon everv Monday, Wednesday and I Fridav at. 8 a ui. arrive at Bainbridge next days by 12 night " Leave Bainbridge every Monday, AN ednesday, and Friday ot \ am, arrive at Macon next days by4ipm. . Proposals f.<r semi-weekly service cn tais route : will be considered. „ ! 3285, From Macon, by Bateman s Store, T ort Valley and MarshaUvdle, to Lanier C. 11., 4G | miles and back, twice a week. I Leave Macon event 1 uesday and i rulay at 9 I a m. arrive at Lanier C. H. next days by 12 m. , Leave Lanier C. H. every Wednesday and i Saturday at I p m, arrive at Aiacon next day.Mw ; 5 t> m. . .. , 3286. From Macon, by Warrior, Lhoconna, Knoxville, Francisville. Union, Duviston, and Talbottun, to Eilerslio, 76 miles and back, three ; times a week. _ . , I Leave Aiacon every r t uesday, i bursday and 1 Saturday at 12 m, arrive at Lllerslie next days by i Leave Ellerslie every Monday, Wednesday ami Friday at 4 am, arrive.at Macon next days Ibvll am. . . . „ i Proposals to end at Bellview instead ot Lllcrs | lie win be considered. I 3287. From Haeon, by Prattsville, Forsytn, : Barnesvilie,Griffin, FostcrvilleJ.mesboro, Tuek- S er s Cabin, and Foolsvlil, to Atlanta, 101 miles i and back, daily. j Leave AI aeon daily at 9a m, arrived at Atlanta ! same day bv 3 p m. j j Leave Atlanta daily at 84 a in, arrive at Ma- j ! con same day by 2,j p in. Proposals for the transportation ot the great j northern and southern mail Torn Atlanta to the j 1 jjoint ofhiivergence ot the New Orleans route, to be performed with the necessary expedition, will | ! also be considered; likewise, proposals tor said , j service from Aiacon t*> said point ot enverm nee j I of the New Orleans route, will also be cons,dered. I 3288. From Perry to Haynesville, 10 miles | and back, three times a week. | i Leave Perrv every Monday, AV T ednesday. and j | Friday at -1 p ni, arrive at Haynesville same days , jby7 pm. T , , I ' Leave Haynesville every Monday, AN ednesday j ! and Fridav at 12 ni, arrived same tlays by o p m. : 3289. From 'Traveller’s Rest, Uy Hamburg, ■ : Granoervili, Poindexter, 'lazi-well, Pine iaiii, j ‘ and Upatoie, to Columbus, 80 miles and oack, 1 once a week. , Lt ave ’Travel!; r’s Rest every A* ednesday at ■ Gam, arrive at Columbus next dny ny G p m. Leave Columbus every Friday at b am, arrive j at Traveller’s Rest next day by G p m. 3290. From Traveller s Rest, by Hamburg, | Martin’s Store, Pomltown, Friendship, Alays ville, Lanliahassie, Richland, and Lumpkin, to Morence, 72 miles and back, once a week. Leave Traveller’s Rest every Friday album, s arrive at Florence ne'xt day by G pm. _ j Leave Florence iverv SumlaV at 6 am, arrive j ; at Traveller's Rest next day by 6 p in. i 3291. From Lanier (4. H-, by Tazewell, to Lumpkin, 70 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lanier C. H., every 'Thursday at b am, : arrive at Lumpkin next day by G p rn. Leave Lumpkin ova ry Saturday at Ga m. arrive ! at LanierC. 11 .next day by 6p m. | 3292. From Americus, by Danville and Dray ton, to Vienna, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Americus every Saturday at 6 am, ar | rive at Vienna same day by op nu Leave Vienna every Friday at u am, arrive at Americus same day By 5 p m. ! 3293. Frotn Americas, by Plains of Dura, j Lannahassie, Seavsviile, Pineville, Gimialta, and ! 1 Ia!l«)ca,to Columbus, GS miles and back, once a week. Leave Americus every Monday atG am, arrive ; at Columbus next day by 4 p m. i Leave Columbus every NV ednesday at 7a m, arrive at Americus n*’Xl day by 5 |> m. 3294. From Americus to Oullibert, 50 miles ! and back, once a week. ! Leave Americas every Wednesday atG a in, arrive at Cuthbert next day by 11 a m. Leave Cuthbert every 1 bursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Americus next day by 6 p in. Proposals for service once in two weeks will be | considered. | 3295 From Starkville by Ocoola. Chenubu, and Hard Money, to Lumpkin, 52 miles and : back, once a week. Leave Starkville every Thursday at 1 a in, ar rive at Lumpkin same day bv 10 p in. i Leave Lumpkin every Wednesday at 4a m, 1 arrive at Starkville same day by 10 p m. 3290. From Palmyra, by Oak Lawn, Gilliam’s Ci»m*ord ; and Pachi ta, to Fort Gaines, GO miles ! and back, once a week. Leave Palmyra every Wednesday at 7 am, ar | live at Fort Gaines next day by 6 p in. LeaveEort Gaines every Monday at G am, ar rive at Palmyra next day by 5 p m. 1 3297. From Albany to'Thomasville, GO miles | and back,once a week. Leave Albany every Wednesday at 6 am, ar j rive at Thomasville next day by G p in. ; Leave I homasville every Friday at G am, ar- I rive at Albany next day by (1 a m. I 3298 From Albany, by Cuthbert, to Eufaula ; Ala..9omiles and back, once a week. I Leave Albany every J/onday at 4 a in, arrive at I Eufaula next day by 8 p m. j Leave Eutaula every Wednesday at 4a m, ar i rive at Albany next day bv 8 p ni. 1 Proposals lor service once in two weeks will be ( | considered. j 3299. From Augusta, bv Brlair, Berzelia, i : Lombardy, 'Thompson, Camak, Double Wells’ i • Crawfordsville, Jefferson Hall, Union Point , Grei nsborough, Buckhead A/adison, Social Oir- I cle, Covington, Couver’s Lithonia, Stone A7oun j tain, and Dccature, to Atlanta, 168 miles and , back, with branch mail, daily, from Camak to i ’ NV arrenton, 3| miles. From 15th March to 10th Dcccmlier in each ! ; year. Leave Augusta daily at 10 p m, arrive at Ata- ' j hint i next day by 8 a in. i Leave Atlanta daily at 4p in, arrive at Augusta ! 1 next day by 3 a in. I From 10th December to 15th March in each j ; year. Leave Augusta daily at 7 p m, arrived at Ata- j I lanta next day by 7 a m. Leave Ataiant i daily al3 pm, arrive at Augus- j j ta next day by 4 a m. Leave Camark daily on arrival of mail from 1 Augusta, say at 3 a in, arrive at Warrenton, j ; same day by 3j a in. j Leave Warrenton daily at 10i pm, arrive at j Camak same day bv 11 pm 3300. From Augusta, by Richmond Factory, ! Me Been, Wayuesborough, and BirdvilD, to I Midville, 55 miles and hack, daily. Leave Augusta daily at 5 am, arrive at Mid villo same day by (I p m. Leave VlidviJlc daily at 5 am, anhc at Augus -1 to same day by 6 p ni. Proposals for the transportation of the great northern and southern mails on this route at a j spe«l of not loss than six miles an hour will be * considered. j 3301. From Augusta, by Darby j } Eubank’s, Double Branches, Lincolnton, Go- j I shen, P<-trrsbur*r. Cook's Law Ofilre, Eiberton, 1 Eagle Grove, Buvversville, and Fairvievv, to ! Carnesviile, 110 miles and back once a we* k. Leave Augusta every Mondav at (5 am, arrive | at Carnesville every VV ednesd; v by 7 p ui. i Leave Curm-vU do every Th.ursday at Gam, i arriv ■ at Augusta »very baturuay by 7 p m. 33b2. From Lombary, by [’publican and Ready Creek to Sylvan Grove. 21 miles and lack, ! once a we* k. i eavi? Lombardy every Saturday nt 5 a in, ar rive at S\ an Grove same day by J 2 in. Leave 8;. Iv n Grove every Saturday at Ip in, arrive at L mbarby same day by 8 p m. 3303. From * iionq>son, by \V bite < lak, A|*pl- | ing ami i«avsvilie, to VVrightsboro’, 40miles and back, t\s ice a week. Leave Thompson every Tuesday and Friday ! at G a in, arrive at VVrightsboro’ same days by 7 p in. Leave Wrightsboro* every Wednesday and Saturday at G am, arrive at Thompson same days by 7 p m. 3394. From Double W* !!s to Povvclltou, 7 miles and back, twice a Week. Leave Double Wells every Thursday ? id Friday . t ~. m,arrived at Powclltou same d. . s by 9‘ am Leave Powellton every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a in • rive at Double Wells same day by 7 a m. 3305. From Double WeMs, by Raytown, to Wa ' ; -n 2’J nil back, three lime a ! week. Leave 1 V- vere Monday, Wednes day, and Sail am, arrive at Washing ton same days oy 9 a in. Leave Washington every Monday, Wednes day, ami Friday at 14 p m, arrived at Double j Wells same days by 6f p m. 330(5. From Union Point to While Plains, 7 j miles and back, twice a week. Leave Union Point every’Tuesday and Friday jat 74 am, arrive at VV hite Plains same days by j | 9£ a* in. | Leave White Plains every Tuesday and Fri- • ; day at 5 am, arrive at Union Point sainedays by ; ; 7 a m. . . j 33v»7. From Union Point, by Public Square, i I to Pliilomnth, 15 miles ami back once a week. Leave Union Point every Wednesday at Gam, ! arrive at Philomath same day bv 10 a m. Leave Pliiliomnth every Wednesday at 12 m, i arrive at Union Point same duv by 4 p m. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con- J j sidered. ' 3308. From Union Point, bv Bairdstown and | Salmon’ iile, to Athens, 40 miles and back, six ; times a week. Leave Union Point every dav except Sunday lat 5 am, arrive at Athens same day b. 9a m. Leave Athens every day except Sunday at 3 p m, arrive at Union * oint same da. bv / p m. Proposals for service on this route at a speed j not exceeding five miles the hour will be const- ; der<d. 3309. From Greensboro’, !by Park’s Bridge, to < Glades x Roads, 13 miles and hack, onee a week. Leave Greensboro’s ever'.’ Friday at 7 am, ar- ; i rive at Glades xRo yls same day bv 11 am. Lea r e Gladts x Roads every Friday at I pm, I arrive at Greensboro’ same day by 5 pm. 3310. From Greensboro’ to Penficld, 7 miles > ■ and back, three times a week. Leave U4teensboro’ every i uesday, Thursday, \ 1 and Saturday at 9 am, anive at Penlield j da vs by Ham. Leave Penficld every Tuesday, Thursday, and j Saturday at G a m. arrive at Greensboro’ same ' days by 8 a m. i. 5311. From Madison, by Eatonton, Slanford vi!le f Clopton’s Mills, Blountsville, and Clinton, to Mac n,65 miles and hack, three times a week, Stanford vilie to he supplied three times a week j I from Cloptfm's Nlilis. Leave Madison every Monday, NV ednesday, 1 and Friday at G a in, arrive at AI aeon same days by 7 p m. Leave Macon every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 3 a in. arrive at Madison same days by 4 p m. 3312. From Madison, by Shadydale, to Mon ticello, 27 niilesand hack, three times a week. Leave Aiadison every Monday, Wednesday, . and Friday at Gam, arrive at Alonliceilo some ; days by 1 pm. Leave Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday, j and Saturday at 9 a in, arrive at Madison same days by 4 p m. Proposals in extend th's loute fom Monticello, by Hillsboro to Macon, will be considered. 3313. From Madison, by Ebeneber, to New born, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Madison evvry Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Newborn same day by 11 a rn. Leave Newborn every Saturday at 1 pm, arrive at Madison same day by 5 p in. 3314. Madison, by Salem and Farming ton, to \V alkinsviile, 22 miles and back, twice a ( week. Leave Madison every Monday and Friday at '• 11 am, arrive at VValkinsviile same days by 1 p ; m. Leave NV alkinsviile every Tuesday and S.*tur <lay at 8 a in, anive at Madison same days by 1 p m. 3315. From Social Circle, by Monroe, Good Hope, High Shoals,and Watkinsville,to Athens, 40 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Social Circle every 71/onday, Wcdnes- j day, and Fiiday at 7 am. arrive at Athens same ' days by 7 n m. Leave Athens every Tuesday, Thurs ’ y, and Satunlay at 6 a in, arrive at Social Circle same days by 6 p ni. 33i(5. From Covington, by* Jackson, Indian Springs, and GullettsviHe, to Forsyth, 11 miles i and back, twice a week. Leave Covington every Tuesday and Friday at 9 am arrive *t Forsyth same days by 10 p rn. Leave For*c.(h every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 am, anive at Covington same days by 7, p iii -3317. From Covington, by Oak Hid, Me- , Donough, Fostervillc, Fayetteville. Kidron, and j Saluda, to Newman, Go miles and back, three j times a week. | Leave Covington every Monday, Wednesday, : and Friday at 8 a in, arrive at Newnan next days by J 1 a m. Leave Newnan every Tuesday, Thursday, and j | Saturday at 2pin, arrive at Covington next days ■ by 5 p m. Proposals for semi weekly service will be c. n ; sidered. Proposals for t lie extension of the service on this route from Newnan, by Willow Grove and \ j Cori.hb. to La grange, will also be considered. 1 3318. From Lithonia, by Flat Rock and White House, to oicDouou :h, 2*2 ..lies and back, once a we* Leave I.* h -r.i.; • *.*,•:• vTi .sday at I p m,arrive at McDoi. i ■ - ’ hy Spin. Lra'e MeD -a . every Thursday at 5a m arrive at Lithonia sane day by 12m. 3319. From Lithonia, by Rockbridge, to Ches ter. 9 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lithonia every Saturday at !1 a ra, ar- | rive at Cluster same day by 2 p m. j Leave Chester every Saturday at 7a m, arrive at Lithonia same day by 10 a ra. 3320. From Stone Mountain, by Choices I Store, Sweetwater, and Yellow river, to Lavv j renceville. 19 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Stone Mountain every Tuesday, Thuns j dav, and Saturday at 11 a in, arrive at Lawrcnce ( vilie same days by 4 p rn. Leave Lavvenceville every Tuesday, Thnrs- I day.and S.stu ■ yat 5 a in, arrive at Stone Moun ■ tain '.tine day* by R> a m. P. :*po ; >!s •*> extend this route to Gainesville will b «nsidertd. j Proposals tor a I’urtlier extension of tl.is route 1 from Gainesv.He to Clarksville w ill he coneider j ed. 332® From Decatur, bv Panthersville, Tuck | ers Cabin, Cotton River, McDonough, ami Locust Gmvc, to Jackson, 44 miles and l ac**, ; twice a week. Leave Decatur every Wednesday and Salur diy at 3 a in, arrive at Jackson same days by 7 * p m. j Leave Jackson every Sunday and Thursday at 5 a m. arrived at Dccature same days by 7 pm. 3322. From Decatur, by Crosskeys, Roswell, Leoanon, Social Hill, and Vickery Creek, to Camming, 4i miles and back, once a week. Leave Decatur * very Thursday at 5 a m ar ri' cat Gumming same dav by 7 p in. Leave Cumming every Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Decatur same ’nv by 7 p m. 332.7 From McOunnough, hy Sandy Riffpe, : Lofton’s Store, and Mechanicsville, to Mon ticello, 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave McDonough ever. Tuesday at r a m. arrive at Montieollusaine day by 5 p m. Leave Monticello every Wednesday at 7 a 8, | arrive at McDonough same dav by 5 p in. 3324. From Washington, by Danhurg, Peters i uro, Calhotind s Mills, S. C and Lebanon, to ! A I cviilc,-i3 mil s and back, ti ree times a week. 1 Leave W ashington every Monday, Wedncs- * day, °. nd Friday at 94 a m. arrive at Abbeville same days by 7 p m. i Leave Abbeville every Monday, Wednesday, | and Friday at o am, arrive at Washington same j days by I p m. | 3325. t'rorn Washington, by Aonia, to Re j hoboth, 18 miles and back, once a week, i Lt-ave Washington every Saturday at 1p m, arrive at Rehoboth same day by Gp m. | Leave Rehoboth every Saturday at 7 a in, ar rive at W ashington same, day by 12 m. 3326. From W ashington, bv iVlallorysviile, | | Goose Pond, Millstone and White’s to Eiberton, , 36 miles and hack, once a week. Leave Washington every Saturday at 9i am, i arrive at Eiberton same dr* * bv 9 J pm. Leave Eiberton even 4 >ia v at Ga m, arrive at : Washington seme day by 7 p in. 1 3327. From Washington, bvCcntreville,Stale | i Rivals, Bowling Green, Salmonvilje, Sandy ! ! Cm I*, and Scull Shoals, to Salem, 43 miles and i back, once a week. Leave Washington every Thursday at 6a m, arrive at Salem same dav by 7 p in. Leave Salem every Wedm sday at 5 am, arrive at VV r as!iington same day bv 7 pm. ! 3328 Uiom Ellicrton, by Harmon vilie Col ?- wit ‘ r, and Montevideo, to Rogcrsville, S. C, 23 miles and back, once a week. * | Leave Llia rton every Wednesday at 1p m arrive at Rogcrsville same day bv 8 p in. I Leave Rogcrsville every Wednesday at Sam, ; arrive at Eiberton same day hy 12 in. 3329. From Lexington to Lexington Depot, I 3 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lexington every day, except Sunday, at 7 am, arnve at Lexington Depot same day by 6 , I a m. ’ Leave Lexington Depot every dav, except Sunday, at 9 a ni, arrive at Lexington same day by 10 am. Proposals for twice <h.i!y service three Jays in J the week, will bo considered. j 3330. I’rom Athens, bv Danielsville, Madison ; Springs,Carnrsvfile and Bancroft to Clar ksville, Gi miles and back, twice a week. Leave Athens every Tuesday and Friday at 19 am, arrive at Clarks', ille next days by 3p m. Leave Clarksville e’ cry Tuesday and Fiiday |at S am, an ive at Athens next days bv 1p m. i Projiosals for tri -weekly service vHll be consid i ered. 3.331. From Athens, by Bascobel, Harmony ! Grove, Hurricane Shoals, Grove, Level, Bush v i!le, Middle River, HollingsvVorth and Dawson, to Clarksville, G 5 miles and back, once a week. Leave Athens every Friday at I*2 m, arrive at Clarksville next day by G p m. Leave Clarksville every 'Thursday at 5 a in, arrive at Athens next day by 11 am. j 3352. From Athens, by Jefferson and Cun ningba n s Store, t*> Gainesville, 39 miles and , bark, three limes a week. Leave Athens every 1 uesday, Thursday, and Saturday at il am, arrEeat Gainesville same i day by 9 p m. Lea ’eGainesville every Mondav, Wednesdav, | and Friday at 4 am, arrive at Athens same-da} s by 2 p m. Proposals for semi-week I}' service w ill be con - sidered. 3333. From P*!airs’il!e, by Polk and Louds viile, to Mount Vonuh. 2d miles and back, once a week. Leave Blairsvfile every Sunday at 8 am, ar rive at Mount Yonah same day by 4 p m. Leave Mount Yon ah every Monday at 7 am, I arrive at Blairsv file same day by 3 p in. , 333 4. From Blairsv iile, by 'i'aeoab. Ellijav, I Talking Rock, and Pine Log, to Cassvilie, 84 | miles and hack, one a week. I Leave Blairsville every Wednesday at 4 am, arrive at Cassvilie, next dav by 8 p m. j Leave Cassvilie everv Friday at 4 a m.arrive at Blairsville next dav by 8p m. 3335. From Dahlonega, by Amicolola, Prince i Edward, Ellijav, and Ooosawattee, to Spring Place. U 5 miles and hack, once a week. Lo; Dahlonega every Monday at 7a m, ar rive at Spring Place nett day bv 7 p m. e Spring Place every Friday at 7 a nr», ar ri'*' al Da lonega next day by 7 p m. 3336. From Gainesville, by Lucksvillr. New , Br !ge, and Auraria, to Dahlonega, 26 miles and bad*, three t fines a week. Lea o Gaines’i 1 ’ every Sunday, Wednesday, and Fridav album arrive at Dahlonega same days by 12 m. Leave Dahlonega every Tuesday, Thurs»lav, and Baturday at I p m, arrive at Gainesville same days hy *S p in. j 3337. From Gainesville, by Hartford, Cross i vilie, Calhoun, BarrettsviJle, High Tower, | Orange, Canton, ami Millville, to Iron Works, 6(5 miles and back, once a week. Leave Gainesville every WednesJay at G a ni, j arrive at lion Works next day bv 6 pm. Leave Iron Works every Friday at G am, ar -1 live at Ga’nesviJH xt dav bv Gp m. j 3338. From Lawrenceville, bv Auburn, Mul ! berry, and Marcus, to Jefferson, 3G miles and back, once a week. ‘ Leave Lawrenceville every Friday at 7 am, l arrive at Jefferson same dav bv 7 p m. Leave Jefferson everv Saturday at 7 am, arrive at I .avviencev file same dav bv 7 p m. 3339. From Lawrenceville. bv Cain’s and Chesunt Hill, to Gainesville, 32 miles and baek, on< < a week. | Leave Lawrenceville every Friday atG am. arrive at Gainesville same dav bv 4 p in. Leave Gainesville everv Thursday atG am. j arrive at Lawrenceville same day bv 4 p ra. If route No.— be extended to Gainesville, this route will not be let. 3340. From Lawrenceville, by Suwannee, i Orrsville, and Gumming, to High Tower, 33 miles and back, twice a week. } Leave Lawrenceville everv Wednesday and Sunday at ti a ra, arrive at High Tower same days by 2 p m. Leave High Tower everv Thursday and Mon | dav at 7 am, arrive at Lawrenceville same days j by 3 p in. NEW SERIES—VOL. I.—NO. 9?. I Proposals iur in-w, ckly sermu »ill be Conti j dprt'il. From Lawrenceville, by Warsaw, to m I nc'.' !':C U) mile* and buck, once a wei k. j I.ea c Lawicnceville every Friday atstm ar* - nvc -,d Pmcknev vi!!e same day bv J-J , u . j Leave Pim-lcnewilfe every Friday at Ip m i aT oo?., a f*. AU ic.u evihc same day by 8 p ru. P E rmn At. mu, by New nan, \Vii]o* sjroye, oniil.i, Long Cane Wm* R„n. C»«<» Al« ; ;VJeum ! lot. * iaw ? 13b milps and back, daily . bi ive AtJantadaiJy at D a in, arnv« at Chehaw next day by 11 a in. ' • Leave Chehaw daily at! pm, arrive at Atlan ta next dav bv 3 p tn. 1 3343. From Atalanta, by Utov, Sandtown | Oampoedlun, Dark Corner, Villa Rica,and ory Level, to Carrollton, 5C miles and back thru# tunes a week. * r Leave Atalanta everv Tuesday, Thursday and ; dt “ r ‘ laV at Id m,arrive at Carrollton nexidayi 1 by 5 p in. J j Leave Carrollton every Monday, Wednesday | HJ! U , ; a0 a a ’’ au,ve at Atalanta next day» ! x J. r T Silh -T set /“- Week l> son ice-on tins routs 1 %vt!l be considered. I 33M From Atlanta by High Bri.I eO , R!arirtll i Ae wonh Allatoona. CartersviUe, Kiotralon, and Ac.nrsvi,;to Uotlicuioga, TS miles and back sir ' times a week ' Leave Atlanta every day except Sunday, at 9 a in, arrive at Oolbcaloga same day by 4 p m. | Leave Ootlleuloga every day, except SundaVi at ooV n, , a, iVe at Atlanta same day by *2j p u { ' v >3;> Erom Marietta, bv Woodstock, to Can ton, ** I miles and hack, twice a week Leave TvJarietta every 'l'uesday and Friday at I- in, arrive at Canton same dav by 0 p m. Leave Canton every Tuesday and Friday at S am, arrive at Alar etla same dav by 10 a m Proposals lor three-times aweek service on this ; route will be considered. From Canton, by Ball Ground, to H*r- I nagevule, t/ mil« s an>; back, once a week. 1 »i«ave G.uton every We liiesday a : 6a m, arrive at -Lana"* vi lie same day by J 1 a m. Leave llarn l tgev,!li- every Wednesday at I d m.snlva ut ( Htitou same* day b\ € ai. “ * . Fro: " by Iron Works, 4 miles and back, three times a week. Le.*, t CartersviUe every Tuesday,Thursday, and 8« pin * a:l Vm ’ a,me ul lro “ VVuf ks same days by Leave Iron Work? every Tuesday, Thursday.and Sa turray, at 11 a in,arrive at CartersviUe same day* by Proposals for six times a week service w Hi be cob siciered. 311? - From CartersviUe, by Huntsville and Van Wort , < -town,o. n:.:ts and back, three tiiues a week. L- avs -.art rsvnle every Tuesday, Thursday, ami Sa turday, at i p m.arm eat< Vd Mown salue days by II btrt Lc vo Cedertowu every Monday, Wednesday, and F at * a arrive at Caitersv ille same days by (ip uu . 33 ,‘ ) - From ‘yaigaton to Cussv ilie, 5 miles' and back, six times a week. *• Leave Kingston every day except Sunday m 3 pm; i arrive at Cassvillc same drty bv 4j p m. * i Lftvn rassvilie every day except Sunday, at 7a m. aruve at Kingston same day by 8y a in. * ! I vlJo'’ 011 ' hy rtu * ar Valley, Villanow. Lal. v tie, and E.ck s Gap, to Trenton, 52 milts aud back.once a. wet k. Leave Ootbca!o?a every Friday at 6 am, arrive at I I reiuon mxr day by i1 a in. • n ] :; ave T,, ‘ ltolJ , every SutU rday all pm, arrive at Ootlica oga next dayb v Cp in. •Iml. From Sptiiig Place, by Cross Plains, Medicinal fepriugs, and Chesnut Flat to Lafayette, 3B in,lea .ud back.once a week, j Laave Spring Place f very Wednesday at 5a m, arrivn j al I Ailnyf itf‘ name dav bv b pn? 1 c Leave Lafayette eieiy Tl.ursd'Jy at 5 am, arrive at j bpiu g I iaee »itiua day by pin. From Home. I,\ Uirltown, Summerville, Island ! to 'V J -,L Myette. Kock Spring, and Suow Jilll, to Rou i iOiles aud back, twice a week. { Leave Rome every Sunday and \\ ednesday at 5a in anneal Kutsville next days by JI am. : Leave Roasville every Monday und Thursday at 1p m, . arrive ut Rome next days by 7 p ni. r d.lu.k 1 rom Rome, by Courtesy,to Cedartbwn.2o milo* | and back,oucea week. Leave R. me every Wednesday at 1 p tn, arrive al Cedartow n same daj by ti p ni. LeaveCedartown'every Wednesday at 5 a m. arriva i al Rome same day by 12 in. 1 From Cave .Spring, by Oceola, Ala., Cedar Bluff, . eesluirg-, and Turkeytown, to Gadsden, lb mile* and I back, on re a week. Leave Cave Spring every Monday at i p m. arrive at ; Oadsden uext dav by 0 p ni. j Leave Gadsden every Sunday at 6 a in, arrive ut Cave I Spring next day by 1 I <i in. j 33:>5. From Van Wert, by Slilesborough.to Kinrstoh, | 20 miles and back, bnee a week. ' Leave Van Wert every Friday al 5 am, arrive at Kingston same day by J2rn. I.cave Kingston every Friday at I p m, arrive at Van Wert same day by 8 p m. i 3356. From Van Wort, by New Babylon, to Villa Rica. 24 miles and back.o ce a week. Leave Van Wert eierv Friday at 6 s m, arrive at i Villa Rica same day by J 2 in. ! Leave Villa Rica every Friday at 1 p th, nrritn at Van W ert saiiir da_\ by 7 p ni. j 335 T. From Nawnaii, by County Line, Cedar P.ranch, | River I’own, Campbellton, and Powder Springs, to M»- i rietta,s2 miles and back, once a weak. | Leave Ncwnau every Thursday ut 1 p m,arrive at Ma : rietta next day by bp m L-ave Marietta every V\ ednesday at 6 am, arrive at 1 New nan next day by 11 u in. 335a. From New nan. by Lodi, R other wood, and Car rol it on, 1 :t*iapoos:i, 40 uiiit-a ami back, once a w eek. Leave Newnan every 'Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Tallapoosa next day by J1 a in. Leave Tallapoosa evtsiy Friday at 12 m, arrive at New nan next day by 12 in. 3353. From Newnan, by Enon Grove, to Franklin.2l miles and back, twieeaweek. Leave \t w mm every Thursday and Saturday at 1 p in, arrive at Franklin same day 7 pm. Leave Franklin every Thursday and Saturday at 6 • m, arrive at New nan same days 12 tn. 1 3.tCu. From Newnan, by Gold Hill and Woodbury, to Greenville, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newnan every Friday at 7 a in, arrive at Green ville same day by 5 p iu. Leave Greens ilie every Saturday at 7 a ni, arrive,nt Newnan same day by 5 p in. .3501. From Newnan, by Location and Bexar, to Frin, 27 nnlesand back, once a week. Le; 1 e Newnan every Thursday at 8 a in, arrive at Erin same day by 5 p in. Leave Erin every Friday at G a in, arrive at Newnan same day bv 3 p m. 3362. From Gnff.n, by ?lount Mourne, KHn, Texa*, Greenville, and .Uounlville, to Lagrange, si* miles and bai k, three times a week. Leave Gridin every 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday j at I p tn. arri* eat Lagrange next da> sby 10 a m. Leave Lagrange every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri ( day ut 12 ui, arrive it Gridin next days by 9a in. I Proposals to commence the route at Greenville will bn 1 considered. : Proposals to run doily between Griffin and Lagrnngn, (aul to extend the daily sei vice from Lagrange.by Long ; Cane, West Poiut, (Jnsseta, Ala., Mount Jelfersoii, and Autiurn, t©Chehaw, 67 miles luriber, witb a view to the j transportation of the great northern and souti eru mail* will also be considered. To run by the following *che« ! dule: ' Leave Griffin daily at A pm, arrive at Chehaw next j day by 11 a m. Leave Chehaw daily at 12 m, arrive at Griffin next day j by 11 a in. 33i3. Fiona Griffin to Zehulou, 12 miles and back, three times a w eek. LeaveGriffia every Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday at i p m,arrive at Zehulou same day i by 4 p m. ‘ LeuveZebulon every 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day- at 7 a in, arrjv at Griffin same dav s by 10J a in. 3334. From Gridin, by Liberty Hill, to Lnionville, 14 miles and buck,mice a week. l eave Gri"' every Friday at l£ pm, arrive at Uuiou vitie same day by 6 p in. I Leave Uuionvule every Friday at 6a m, arrive at Griffin same day by IDA a ni. Proposids for semi-weekly service will be considered, 3365. From /.elution, by Flat Shoals and W ood-hou«6, to Gre-r. ville, 24 miles and back, once a week. Leave Z union every F nday all am, arrive at Green * j ville same day by 12 m. Leave Greenville every Friday at 1 pm, arrive at Z«- i hulon sameday by 9 p ni. Proposals for twice a week service on this route w ill j be considered. 1 3366. From Texas, by Rocky Mount, Luthe.rsviUe, and • Gold Hill, to Coi i■«tli, 3i miles and back, once a week. Leave Texas every Wednesday at 7 am, arrive at Co* j rimhsame day by 5p in. Leave Corinth every Thursday at 6 am, arrive at 1 I'exas same day by i p m. i Proposalsfor tw ice a week service will be considered,, 1 3337. From Greenville, by Farmer's, Whit# Sulphur • Sprin<r«, King’s Gap,Hamilton.Cata'vba, aud Ihrruoß,va 1 Columbus, 45 miles and bock,three rtnies a week. ■j ( Continued trn Fourth ru^e,^