Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, February 02, 1847, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. '«> Hi.w . - ..- *-. * ■—*- • - THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. 4 OF PICK IN' McINTOSII STREET, Third dour from the Sorth-W cst cirntr of Urooa-tl. Ealrs of LAND by Administrators, Executors nr Guar dians, arc required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the mon h between the hours o' ton m the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the ( ourt House in which the property is Gi'uite. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty r>AV» previous to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on '.lie first i'ucsday of the month, between the usual hours of sale at the place of public sales in the county where in'* Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or G uar diansinp, may have been grunted, first giving sixty Days’notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes <-f this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales .are to be held. Notice fur the sale of Personal Property must be given iu like manner forts’ days previous to day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must he published fur forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must he published i r FOUR MON I IIS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published four months, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. Llxtracl from the act of Congress of 2d March, IS 13, section 18. ‘‘And be it further enacted, Thai it si; all be the duly of the Postmaster General, in all future let tings of contracts for the transportation ol the mail, to let the same, in every case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful performance, without other reference to the mode of such transportali« n than may he necessary to provide for the due celerity, certainty and security of such transportation; nor shall any new con tractor hereafter he required to purchase out, or take at a valuation, the stock or vehicles of any previous contractor fur the same route ’. ? 3* Bidders will be careful to read the forms and instructions appendeiLto this advertisement. They are requested to state, in their proposals, the mode by which they intend to convey the mail. Where the size and weight ofdhe mails, or the speed cal led for in the schedules, shall require it, tiiecontracts will he made for coach, steamboat, or railroad conveyance, as the case may be: and, consequently, such routes will be let to bids pro posing such mode of conveyance. In all other cases the route-; will lie assigned to bids proposing the cheapest mode of transportation. PROPOSALS for carrying the mails of the United States from the Ist of July, 1817, to the 3‘Hli June 1831, inclusive, in Georgia, will he re ceived at the contract office of the Post Office De partment, in the city of Washington, until 9 a. m.. of the 10th March, 1817, (to lie decided by the Ist day of April) on the routes and in the manner and time herein specified, viz: GEORGIA. 3250 From Savannah, by Reform, Armenia, Ilalcyondale, Scarborough, Brinsonville, Mid viile, Holcomb, Duvisboroiigh, Ter. mile, Oconee. Emmett, Gordon, and LarksvilSe, to Macon, 190 miles and back, daily. Leave Savannah daily at 9 pm, arrive at Ma con next day by 8 a m. Leave Macon daily at 3 p ni, arrive at Savan nah next day by 9 a in. Proposals for the transportation of the great northern and southern mails on this route, with the necessary expedition therefor, will also be considered. 6231. From Savannah, by Darien, Bruns wick, St. Marys, ll.tzzard. Fla,, Jacksonville, Mandarin, Gaty s Ferry, and Picolata, to Piiat ka, 313 mil s and back, . ncca week. Leavv Savannah every Saturday at 4 p m, ar rive at Pilatka next Tuesday by 8 a m. Leave Pilatka every Tuesday at 9 a in, arrive at Savannah next Fiiday by 9 a in. Proposals for twice a week, also for three times & week service, will he considered. 3232. From Kef -mi to Springfield, G miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Reform every 'Tuesday and Friday at 11 am, arrive at Springfield same days by ip m. Leave Springfield every Tuesday and Friday at 2 pm, arrive at Reform same days by I p in. 3233. From Armenia to Stutesboiough, 21 miles and hack,once a week. Leave Armenia every Friday at I p in, arrive at Statesbor. ugh same ti iy by 7 p m. Leave Statesborough every Friday at G a in, arrive at Armenia same day by 12 in. 3251 From Haieyomlale, by Black Creek, Buck Creek. Jacksonborough, Mill Haven, Sar dis, and 01.1 Church, to WayncsoorouC., 59 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Haleyondaleevery Tuesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive at WaynesbortugU next Jay by 1 p m. Leave Wavneshorough every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p m, arrive at ilalcyondale next days bv I p m. 3233. From Midvillc to Swainsborcugh, 20 miles and back, once a week,* Leave Midvillc every Saturday at 2 p ra. arrive at Svvainsborongh same das by 7 p ai. Leave Swainsborough every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Midvillc same day by 12 in. 323:5. From D.tvisboiough to Louisville, 12 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Davishorough every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p in, arrive at Louisville same days by 7 p ni. Leave Louisville every Wednesday and Satur day at 10 am, arrive at Davishorough same days by 2 p m. 3237. From Tennilleto Sarulersville, 3 miles and back, throe times a week. Leave Tennilleevery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p m, arrive at Sandersvilie same days by 4 pm. Leave Sandersvilie eveiy Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 1 p ni, arrive at Tcnnille same days by 2 pm. , 3238. From Tennilie, by Irwin’s x Roads and Buck Eye, to Dublin, 3i miles and back, twice a week. Leave Tennilie every Wednesday and Satur day at 9 a in, arrive at Dublin same days by ti pm. Leave Dublin e cry Tuesday and Friday at 9 a in, arrive at Tcnnlile same days by G p m. 3239. From Milledgevillc by Devercaux’s Store, Sparta and Mayfield, to Warrcirton, 43 miles and hack daily. Leave Milledgevillc daily at S am, arrive at Warrenton same day Ivy 7 p in. Leave Warrenton daily at G am, arrive at Mil led gevilie same day by 5 p in. ’ Proposals to commence this route at Macon will be considered. 32G0. From Milledgevillc to Eatonton,22 miles and backt. hree times a week. Leave Milledgc-viiicevery Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 1 a m> arrive at Eatonton, same days by 11 am. Leave Eitonton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 m, arriv eat MiHedgevilie same days by 7 pm. 3261. From Milledgevillc, by Blountsville, Tranquilla, Hillsborough, Monticcllo, PaloAlth. Leakesville, Newton Factory and Stsrsville, to Covington, GO miles and back, twice a week; Leakesville to be supplied hv one of the weekly trips, and Newton Factory hr the other. Leave Milledgevillc every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a ra. arrive at Covington next day* by 12 m. • Leave Covington every Wednesday and Sat nrdav at T pm. arrive at Milledjcvitlc next day" by 8 p ra. Proposals to co nuience this route at Hillsboro 1 I will be considered. 3262 From Milledgc ille to Gordon, 17 miles and back, daily. Leave Mdledgevilie daily at 2 p m, arrive at Gordon same day by G p m. Leave Gordon daily at 7 am, arrive at Milicdge | vilie same day by 11 a in. 3253. From MavJiekl. by Rock Mills, Shoals of Ogecchce, Curry’s Mills and Fen s Bridge, to Davishorough, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Mayfield every Tuesday at 9 a in, ar rive at Davishorough same day by G p in. Leave Davishorough every Wednesday at; G a ra. arrive at Mavfield same day by 3 p in. 32;! 1. From Sparta, by Long s Bridgeand Viar then’s Store, to Sandeisviilc, 33 miies and back, once a week. Leave Sparta every Thursday at ll a m. arrive I at Sandersvilie same day by 9 |> m. Leave Sandersvilie t very Friday at G a ra, ar | rive at Sjiarta same day by 1 pm. i 3233. From Sjiarta to Mt. Zion, 7 miles and back, three timesa week*, Leave Sjiarta every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a in, arrive at Mount Zion same days by 12 m. ; Leave Mount Zion every Monday, Wcdnes- I day and Friday at 7 a in, arrive at Sparta same j Z days by 9 a tfi: , 3266. From Dublin, by Lauren’s Hill and Cool | Spring to Marion, 38 miles and back, once a ' ! week. Leave Dublin every Friday at 5 am, arrive at i Marion same day by 8 p in. Leave Marion every i hursdavat 3 am, arrive at Dublin same day by 8 p in. wP 3237. From Dublin, by Mount Vernon, to Col i quit, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dublin every Friday at G a ni, arrive at 1 Colquit next day by 10 a m. Leave Colquit every Saturday at 12 ni, arrive at Dublin next day by 4 p in. 3268. From Gordon, by Marion and Tarvers- I vilie to Hawkinsville, 50 miles and back, twice a ; week. i Leave Gordon every Wednesday and Saturday ■ at G a in, arrive at Hawkinsville same days by 7 ! P m - Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday and Sun i day at 5 a in, arrive at Gordon same days by G I p.m. Proposals for tii-weekly service will he consid j cred. 3269. From Hawkinsville, by Copciand, Tcm- I peranee, Jacksonville, Lumber City, Boxville, i Colquit, Peny’s Mills anu Surrency, to Darien, j 154 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Hawkinsvilleevery Sunday and Thurs day at 4 a in, arrive at Darien every Tuesday and Saturday by 3 pm. Leave Darien every Sunday and Thursday at ; G am, arrive at liavvkinsvilic every Tuesday and ! Saturday by 3 pm. Proposals for a third weekly trip from Ist No : vembei to Ist July in each year will be cunsid ) ered. I 3270. From Hawkinsville, by Mil wood, Vien j na. Cedar Cteek and Holydaysville to Albany, j 73 miles and back, once a week. ' Leave Hawkinsville every Thursday at C am, i arrive at A Ibany next day by Gji in. Leave Albany every Saturday at G a in, arrive i at ! lavvkinsville next day tiy G ]i in. 3271. From Copeland, by Adams and House I Creek, to Irwinviile, 32 miles and back, once a i week. L ave Copeland every Monday at G am, arrive ! at Irwinviile same day by sp*m. , Leave Irwinviile every Tuesday at G a in, ar i rive a! Copciand same day by 5 p m. 3272. From Perry’s ivli.is to Reldsvillc, 18 i miles and back, once a week. i Leave Pern, ’s Mills every Monday at Gain, arrive at RHdsviile same day by 12 in. I Leave Reidsvilleevery Monday at 1 pm, arrive 1 at Perry’s Mills same day by 7 p m. 3273. From Darien, by South Newport, Rirc boro’ and Old C. 11. to Savannah, 63 miles and back twice a wet k from Ist November to Ist July, and once a week the residue of the year. From Ist November to Ist July. Leave Darien every Aionday and Friday at 5 1 am, arrive Savannah same days by 10 pm. Leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday j at 3 am, arrive at Darien same days by 10 p m. From Ist July to Ist November. Leave Darien every Monthly at 5 am, arrive at Savannah same day by 10 pm. Leave Savannah every 'l'ucsday at 5 a m. ar rive at Darien same day by 10 i> m. 3271. From Darien, t>y Bethel, Waynesville, ; Langsbury and Jefiersonton, to St. -Mary’s, 77 : miles and back. oncea week. Leave Darien every Wednesday at 3 a in, ar- I rive at St Mary’s next day by 11 a m. Leave St. Marv s every ’Thursday at 2 p m. ar rive at Duien next tlay by 8 pm. Proposals for twice a week sorv icc will he con • sidered. 3273. From Darien to Frederica, 14 miles and back, once a week. Leave Darien every Friday at 12 in, arrive at | Fro.lexica same day by 5 pm. L- ave Frederica every Friday at G am, arrive | at Darien same day by 11 am. ! 3276 Frum Darien to Brunswick, IS miies and , back, twice a week. Leave Darien every Wednesday and Friday at j Ga in, arrive at Brunswick same days by 12 in. Li ave Brunswick every’ Thursday and Satur day at 8 rt m. arrive at Dare, n same days by 2 p m. 3277. From Ricehorough, by VVaithoursvillc, to I linesvide. 17 miles and tiack, once a week. Leave Riceborough every ’l'ucsday at 1 p m, arrive at H inesv ille same day by 6 pm. Leave Hincsvillc every 'Tuesday at 7 am, ar i rive at Riceborough same day by 12 in. 3278. From Waynesville, by Warcshorough and Alapha, to Troupville, 123 miles and baek, oncea week. Leave Waynesville every Wednesday at 2 p | m, arrive at 'Troupvilleevery Saturday by G p in. ■ Leave Troupville every Sunday at <! am, arrive at Waynesville every Wednesday by 12 in. 3278. From Jefiersonton, to Haddock’s, Fla., j 33 miles and back, oncea week, i Leave Jefiersonton every Thursday at 5 a ni, 1 arrive at Haddock’s same day by G p tn. Leave Haddocks every Friday at 5 am, arrive | at Jefiersonton same day by 6 p in. 3280. From Warcshorough, by Holmesville, Camp Ground and Willie's Store, to Lumber j City, 80 miles and back, cnee a week. Leave Warcshorough every Monday at 5 am, ; arrive at Lumber City next day by 8 pm. Leave Lumber City every Saturday at 5 am, arrive at Warcshorough next day by 8p m. j 3281. From Troupviile, by Piscola, Fla., and i Cherry Lake, to Madison C. H., 37 miles and ' back, once a week. I Leave Troupville every Thursday at 6a m, ar rive at Madison C. H. same day by 6 p m. Leave Madison C. FI. every W ednesday at Ga m, arrive at Troupville same day by G p rn. b2>2 From Troupville, by Sharp’s Store, Oka | nilco, Thomasville and Cairo, to Bainbridge, 82 miles and back, once a week to Thomasville, and ; twice a week the residue of the route. Leave Troupville every Thursday at 8 am, ar i rive at Thomasville same day by 7 p m. Leave Thomasville every Wednesday at 8 am, arrive at Troupville same day by 7 p m. Leave Thomasville every Monday and Friday !at 7 am, arrive at Bainbridge same days by 7 pm. ; Leave Bainbridge every Tuesday and Saturday j at 7 a m,arrive at Thomasville same days by 7 1 P in> 3283. From Troupville, by Parishe'sand Hen derson’s, to Irwinviile, 75 mil«» end back,once a » cvk. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1817. < L ave Troupville every .Sunday at 5a m. ar iv.e at liu .n» ille m xt d.-y by 6 f ni. Leave Irwinviile • • ry 1 uesday at 5a m, ar rive at Troupville next day by 6 p in. 3281. From Ma.'on, by Busbayville, Perry, Minerva, liorseheaii, Travellers Rest, Amen c us, Stark vilie, Palmyra, Albany and Newton, tn Bainbridge, 170 miles and back, three turns a i week. . . Leftvo Maeon evorv Monciny, o(*nosc!oy ftntl ; Friday at 8 a in. arrive at Bainbridge next days Iby 12 night. ... , , " Leave Bainbridge every Monday, \\ ednesday , and Friday at i a °iu, anheat Macon next days bv p m. . . . . , * Proposals G>r semi-weekly service on this route j will be considered. , „ . 1 3-285 From Macon, by Bateman s Btore. I urt Valley and Marsha.lv.lie, to Lanier C. IE, 4G miles and back, twice a week. Leave Macon every 'I uesday and Frit ay at 9 a m. arrive at Lanier C. H. next days by 12 m. Leave Lanier C. H. every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Macon next days by J 328 G. From Macon, by Warrior, E-hoeonna. Knoxville, Francisvtlle, Union, Davjstoii, «‘nl -J’albotton.to Ellcrslie, miles and back, toree j ! times a week. r _ 1 { 1 Leave M icon every J uesday, 1 hursday and , 1 Saturday at 12 in, arrive at EHersiic next days by Leave Ellcrslie every Monday, Wednesday 1 and Friday at 4 a in, arrive.at Macon next day s | to end at Bell view instead of Ellcrs ! lie will be considered. i 3287. From Macon, by Prattsville, Forsyth, 1 Barnesv ille.Griffin, Fostervillc Jonesboro, Tuck er’s Cabin, and Poolsvill, to Atlanta, 101 miles and back, daily. . Leave Macon daily at 9 am, arrived at Atlanta same day by 3 p in. Leave Atlanta daily at 8i am, arrive at Ma con same day bv 2j p m. __ Proposals for the transportation o the great , i northern and southern mail trom Atlanta to the poii.t ofdivergencc ot the New Orleans route, to | be performed with the necessary exjiedition, will also be considereil; likewise, proposals tor said i service from Macon to said point of divergence j of the New Orleans route, will aiso be considered. 32b8. From Ferry to Haynesville, 10 miles and back, three times a week. j L. ave Perry every Monday, W ednesday, and Friday at 4p m, arrive at Huy in sville same days | Iby 7 pm. ... , , Lfvive Haynesville every Monday, » ot*ne.silay and Friday at 12 m,airived same days by 3 p cu j 32f'9. From Traveller’s Rest, by Hambuig ■ Gran-rervill, Poindexter, Tazewell, Pine Hin, | and Upatoie, to Columbus, 89 miles and back, ■ j once a week. L. ave Traveller’s Rest every W ednesday at • j Ga m, arrive at Columbus next day by *’ I’ ,n - - Lcave Columbus t very Friday at G am, airivc at Traveller s Rest next tlay by (5 p tn. 3290. From Traveller s Rest, by Hamburg, ; Martin's Store, Pondtown, Friendship, Ma\s villc, L.anhahassic, liit’hlaiid, anil l.umpkin, to I Florence, 72 miles anil back, once a week.^ L-avc 'Traveller's Rest every Friday at G am, | * arrive at Florence next day by 6 pm. Leave Florence every Sunday at t) am, arrive ! at "Traveller s Rest next tlay by G p m. { 3291. From Lanier C.’ »i., Gy Tazewell, to Lumpkin, 70 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lanier C. U., every ' Thursday ul G am, arrive at Lumpkin next day by G jim. 1 Leave Lumpkin every Saturday at Ga m,arrive at Lanier C. 11 , next day by G p m. 3292. From Americus, by Danville and Dray- , ton, to Vienna,32 unlesand back, oncea week. Leave Americus every Saturday at G a in, ar rive at Vienna same day by 5 p m. Leave Vienna every 'Friday at G am, arrive at Americus same tlay by 5 p m. 3293. From Americus,- by Plains of Dura, I Lannahassie. Searsville, Pineville, Gienalta, and Hull oca, to Columbus, G 8 miles and back, oncea week. Leave Americus every Aionday atG a in, arrive , at Columbus next day by 4 p in. Leave Columbus every Wednesday at 7 am, I arrive at Americus next day by 3 p in. ; 3294. From Americas to Cuthbert, 50 miles | anil baek, oncea week. Leave Americus every Wednesday at 6 am, arrive at Cuthbert next day by 11 a in. j Leave Cuthbert every 1 hursday at 1p m, ar- | i rive at Americus next day by G p m. Proposals fur service once in two weeks wd! be | considered. 3293 From Starkville by Oceola. Chenuba, ! and Hard Money, to Lumpkin, 52 miles and back, once a week. Leave Stark* ille every Thursday at 4 am, ar rive at Lumpkin same day by 10 p in. Leave Lumpkin every W ednesday at 4 am, ! arrive at Starkville same day by 10 p in. 3296. From Palmyra, by ( i a k Lawn, Gilliam’s Concord, and Pack- t v to Fort Gaines, GO miles ! and back, < n o r. v. eel;. Leave; iui ra every Wednesday at 7 a ni, ar liveat F rt G ones next day by G p m. Lore.. • u-r Gaincs every Monday ut Gam, ar- : rive at I’a! .iyja next day by 5 p m. ’ 36:‘7. From Albany to Thomasville, GO miles i and uackjOnce a wfcek. « Leave Albany every Wednesday atG am, ar- j rive at Thomasville next day by 6 pm. Leave Thomasville every Friday at G am, ar rive at Albany next day by G a in. 3298 From Albany, by Cuthbert, to Eufaula i Ala.. 90 miles and back, once a week. Leave Albany every Monday at 4 a rn, arrive at Eufaula next day by 8 p in. Leave Eufaula every Wednesday at 4 am, ar i rive at Albany next day by-8 p ni.’ ’ j Proposals for sendee once in two weeks will be considered. 3299. From Augusta, by Belair, Bcrzclia, I Lombardy, 1 bompson, Canrak, Double Wells Craw fords vilie, Jefferson Hall, Union Point j Greensb; trough, Buckhead J/adison. Social Cir cle, Covington, Conyer s Lithonia, Slone Mum tain, and Decaturc, to Atlanta, IGB miles and i ! back, with a branch mail, daily, from Camak to 1 W’arrenton, miles. From 15ih March to 10th December in each year. Leave Augusta daily at 10 p m, arrive at Ata j lantanextday by 8 am. Leave Atlanta daily at 1 p m, arrive at Augusta next day by 3 a in. From 10th December to 15th March in each year. « Leave Augusta daily at 7 pm, arrived at Ata lanta next day by 7 a m. Leave Alalanta daily at 3 p m, arrive at Augus ta next day by 4 a m. Leave Catnark daily on arrival of mail from Augusta, say at 3 a in, arrive at Warrenton, same day by 3J a m. Leave Warrenton daily at 10J p m, arrive at Camak same day by 11 pm 3300. From Augusta, by Richmond Factory, Mcßeen, Waynesborougn, and Birdville, to Mid vilie, 55 miles and hack, daily. Leave Augusta daily at 5 a in,arrive at Mid vilie same day by 6 p m. Leave Midvillc daily at 5 am, arrive at Augus to same day by G p in. Proposals for the transportation of the great northern and southern mails on this route at a ! speed of not less than six miles an hour will be 1 considered. i 3301. From Augusta, by Darby'*.CuToreath • Eubank s, Double Branches, shen, Petersburg. Cook’s Law Office, Elberton, Eagle Grove. Howersville, ami Fait view, to Carnesville, 110 miles and back once a week. Leave Augusta every Monday at Gam, arrive at Carnesville every M ednesday by 7 |> m. Leave Carnesville every 4’hursday at Gam, ; i arriv - ul Augusta every Saturday by 7 p in. | 3302. From Lombary, by Republican and j Ready Creek to Sylvan Grove, 2l miles and back, j once a week. Leave Lombardy every Saturday at 5 a in, ar rive at Sylvan Grove same day bv i 2 in. Leave Sylvan Grove every Saturday at Ipm, artive at L .m bar by same day by 8 f» m. | 3303. From Thompson, by White Oak, Appl- ; j ing and Itaysv ille, to Wrightsboro’, 40 miles and baek, twice a week. Leave Thompson every Tuesday and Friday at Gain, arrive at Wrightsboro’same days by 7 p m. Leave Wrightsboro* every Wednesday and I Saturday at 0 am, arrive at l liompson same days by 7 ]) m. 3304. From Double Wells to Povvcilton, 7 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Double Wells every Thursday ano Friday at 7j am, arrival at Povvcilton same days i bv ( .h am Leave Powellton every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m arrive at Double Wells same day by 7 a m. 3305, From Double Wells, by Raytown, to Washington, 20 miles and back, three time a I week. Leave Double Wells every Monday, Wcdncs- ! day, and Saturday at 4 a ui, arrive ul Washing ton same days by 9 a in. Leave Washington every Monday, Wcdnes- j day, and Friday at H p rn, arrived at Double Wells same days by p in. 330(5. From Union Point to \V lute Plains, 7 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Union Point every Tuesday and Friday at 7i am, arrive at While Plains same days by i ; 9i a tn. ’ j Leave White Plains every Tuesday and Fri- | day at 5 am, arrive at Union Point sains days by j 7 a m. 3307. From Union Point, by Public Square, to Philomath, 15 miles ami back, once a week. Leave I nion Point every Wednesday at G a in, arrive at Philomath same day by 10 am. Leave Pbiliomath every Wednesday at 12 in, arrive at Union Point same day by 4 ;• rn. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con i' sidered. 3308. From Union Point, by Bairdstown and ; Salmon'- ille, to Athens, 40 miles and back, six : times a vvet-k. I Leave Union Point evorv dav except Sunday ; at 5 am, arrive at Athens same day p. 9 a in. Leave Athens every day except Sunday at 3 p in, arrive at Union “r oint same da/ by 7 p in. Proposals for service on tiiis route at a speed not exceeding five miles the hour will be consi ! Jered. 3309. From Greensboro’,‘by Park’s Bridge, to ! Glades x Roads. 13 miles and baek. once a week, j Leave Greensboro’s every Friday at 7 am, ar- j rive at Glades x Roads same day bv n am. Leave Glades x Roads every Friday at I pm, j I arrive at Greensboro same uay by 5 pm. 3310. From Greensboro’ to Penfield, 7 miles i and back, three times a week. Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday. I and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Penfield same days by 11 a in. Leave Penfield every Tuesday, Thursday, and i Saturday at G a m. arrive at Greensboro’ same ; da vs l«y 8 ft m -3311. From Madison,by Eatonton, Stanford j vilie, Clopton’s Mills, Blountsville, and Clinton, to Macon, G 3 miles and back, three limes a week, j Stanfordville to be supplied three times a week t from Clo]»ton s Mills. Leave Madison every Monday , Wednesday, j and Friday aIG a in, arrive at Macon same days 1 I by 7 p m. * Leave Macon every Tuesday, Thursday, and ! Saturday at 3 a m. arrive ut Madison same days ■ by 4 p ni, 3312. From Madison, by Shadydale. to Vlon licello, 27 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Madison every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Gam, arrive at .Monticcllo some j days by 1 pm. Leave M«uiticcl!o every Tuesday, Thursday, ; and Saturday at 9 a in, arrive at Madison same I days by 4 p in. Proposals !n extend ill’s mute trom Monticcllo, | I bv Hiiisboro to Macon, will be considered, 3313. From Madison, by Ehenebor, to New- ; ' born, 15 miles and back, once a w ,'ck. Xu- tvp Madison evvry Saturday ai 7 am, arrive at Newborn same day by I 1 a in. Leave Newborn every Saturday at 1 pm,arrive I at -Madison same day by 5 p m. 331 L Frmn Madison, by Salem and Farming i ton, to Watkinsville, 22 miles and back, twice a week. i Leave Madison every Monday and Friday at | 11 am. arrive ut Watkinsville same days by 4 p j m. Leave Walkinsvilliyvery Tuesday and Satur j day at 8 a in, inivc at Madison same days by 1 , j p in. 3313. From Social Circle, by Monroe, Good j Hope, Hi£h Shoals,and Watkinsville,to Athene, 40 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Social Circle every Monday, Wcdnes i day, and Fiiday at 7 a in. arrive at Athens same i days, by 7 p in. Leave Alliens every Tuesday, Thursday', and Saturday at 6 am, arrive at Social Circle same i days by G p in. 3316. From Covington, by Jackson, Indian Sptings, and Gulleltsville, to Forsyth, 41 miles [ | and back, twice a week. Leave Covington every Tuesday and Friday at j Tam arrive at Forsyth same days by 10 p m. Leave Forsyth every Wednesday and Satur j day at 5 am, arrive at Covington same days by 7, I ! T 111 * j 3317. From Covington, by Oak Hill, Mc { Donough, Fosterville, Fayetteville, Kidron, and I Saluda, to Newnan, 66 miles and back, tliree 1 times a week. L.eavc Covington every Monday, Wednesday, : and Friday at 8 a in, arrive at Newnan next days | by 11 am. j Leave Newnan every Tuesday, Thursday, and 1 : Saturday at 2pm, arrive at Covington next days bvsp m. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con sidered. Proposals for the extension of the service on this route from Newnan, by Willow Grove and Corinth, to Lagrange, will also be considered. 3318. From Lithonia, by Flat Rock and White i i House, to McDonough, 22 miles and back, once ! i a week. Leave Lithonia every Thursday at ! p m, arrive j at McDonough same day by 8 p m. Leave McDonough every Thursday at 5a m , | arrive at Lithonia same day by 12m. 3319. From Lithonia, by Rockbridge, to Ches- ■ : ter. 9 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lithonia every Saturday at 11 am; ar- ; i rive at Chester same day by 2 p fn. Leave Chester every Saturday at 7 am, arrive at Lithonia same day by 19 am. 3320. From Stone Mountain, by Choice’s ; Store, Sweetwater, and Yellow river, to Law- \ rcnccvillr. 19 miles and hack, three times a week, j Leave Stone Mountain every Tuesday, Thurs- ' day. and Saturday at ll am, arrive at vX He same days by i p ra. ! Leave Lawivneevide every Tuesday, Thurs day.and Saturday at 3 a :n, arrive at Stone Moun ; tain same days by 10 a ni. Proposals to extend tins route to Gainesville j "Hi be considered. 1 Proposals for a further extension of this lolite j from Gainesv.He to Clarksville will fie consider ed. 3321 From Decatur, by Panthersville, Tuck ers Cabin, Cotton River, McDonough, and Locust Grove, to Jackson ii miLs and bac«, twice a week. Leave Decatur overv "Wednesday and Satur day at 5a m. arrive ul Jackson same duvs In 7 ’ ’ I Leave Jackson every Sunday and Thursday at 5 a rn, arrived at Dec-.tture same days by 7 p m. 3322. From Decatur, by Crosskeys, Roswell, Lebanon, Social Hill, and Vickery Creek, to Cunmiing, 41 miles and back, once a week. Leave Decatur every Thursday at 3 a in ar- j rive at Cunmiing same day by 7 p m. Leave Gumming cverv Frnl.ty at 5 am, arrive ! at Decatur same dav by 7 [i in. 3323. From MeDonnough, by Sandy Ridge, j Lolton's Store, anti Mechanicsville, to Mon ticelio. 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave McDonough every Tuesday at 7 a ra. arrive at Monlieellosame tlay by 3 p m. Leave Monticcllo every Wednesday at 7 a in, arrive at McDonough same day by 3 p in. 3324. From Washington, l>3 r Danburor, Peters burg, Calliouiul s Mills, S. C., and Lebanon, to Abbeville, 43 miles and back, three times a week, ; Leave Washington every Monday, Wcdnes- I day,and Friday at 94 a in. arrive at Abbeville same days by 7 p m. Leave Abbeville every Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday at o a in, arrive at Washington same days by 1 p m. 3323. From Washington, by Aonia, to Re hobotii, 18 miles anti back, oncea week. Leave Washington every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Rehoboth same day by G p m.' Leave Rehoboth every Saturday at 7 am, ar- j rive at Wasliington same day bv 12 m. 332(5. From W ashington, by Mallorysvillc, , Goose Pond. Millstone anti \\ r bite's to Elberton, 3G miles and back, once a week. Leave Wasliington every Saturday at 9.J a m. arrive at Elberton same dnv bv 9J pm. Leave Elberton evorv Fiiday at G am, arrive at Washington same dav hv 7 p rn. 3327. From Washington, l»> Centreville, State Rights, Bowling Green, Salinonviile, Sandv Creek,and Scull Sliuals, to Salem, 43 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington every Thursday at 5a m, i arrive at Salem same dav by 7 n rn. Leave Salem every Wednesday at 5 am, arrive i at Washington same day by 7 p in. 3328. From Elberton, by Harrison vilie. Cold water, anil Montevideo,to Rogersvillc, S. C. 23 miles and hack, once a week. Leave E herton every Wednesday at i p ni arrive at Rogersvillc same day bv 8 p m. Leave Rog« rsvilie every Wednesday at 3 am, arrive at Elberton same day I y 12 m. .3329. From Lexington to Lexington Depot, 1 3 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lexington every day, except Sunday,at 7 am, arrive at Lexington Depot same day by 8 | a in. Leave Lexington Depot every day, except Sunday, af9 a ni, arrive at Lexington same dav by 10 a m. Proposals for twice daily service three days in • the week, will be considereil. 33:10. . From Athens, bv PanielsGlle, Madison Springs,Carnesville and Bancroft to Clarksville, Gi miles an ! back, twice a week. Leave Athens every Tuesday and Friday at 10 a m. arrive at Clarksville next days by 3 p 111 Leave Clarksville e ety Tuesday and Fiiday i at 8 a in, ar. ice at Athens next days bv 1 p tn. Proposals fur iri-weekly service will be consid ered. 3331. From Athens, by Baacobel, Harmony 1 Grove, Hurricane Shoals, Grove, Level, Bush- ' vilie, Mi idle River, Hollingsworth and Dawson, to Clarksville. 05 miies and hack, a week. Leave Athens every Friday at 12 m, ar rive at i Clarksville next day by 6 p m. Leave Clarksville every Thursday at 5 am. arrive at Alliens next tlay by 11 am. 3332. From Athens, by Jeffers-an and Cun- 1 ningham’s Btore, to Gainesville, 39 miles and I back, three limes a week. Leave Athens every‘Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11 a in, arrive at Gainesville same day by 9 p m. LeaveGainesviiie every Mondav, Wednesdav, i and Friday at 4 a in, arrive at Athens same days I by 2 p m. Proposals for semi-weekly service will be con sidered. 3333. From Blairsviilc. by Polk and Louds viihqto Mount Vunah, 2u miles and back, once a week. Leave Dlairsvillc every Sunday at 8 a in, ar rive at Mount Yonah same day by4 pm. Leave Mount 3 onah every Mnntlay at 7 a H7 ; arrive *at Blairsville same day by 3 p 111, 3334. From Blairsv ille, by Tacoah : Ellijtiv, Talking Rock, and Pine Log, to Cass, ille, 84 miles arul back, one a week. j Leave Blairsville every Wednesday at 4 am, ■ arrive at Cassviile next dav by 8 p ni. Leave Cassville evorv Friday at 4 a m,arrive at Blairsville next dav by S p m. 3335. From Dahlor.rga, by Amicolola, Princf’ i Edward. EliijaV, and Coosawattee, to Spring Place, 155 miles and back,once a week. Leave Dahionega every Monday at 7 am, ar- j rive at Spring Place next day bv 7 p m. Lea e Spring Place every Friday at 7 am, ar- ; at Da* lonega next day by 7 j) n». 3336. From Gainesville, by Luc-s ille, New , Bridge, ami Auraria, to Dahionega, 26 miles and : back, three timesa week. Leave Gainesville every Sunday, Wednesday, and Fridav at 5 am arrive at Dahionega same i davs by 12 m. Leave Dahionega every Tuesday, Thursday, ■ and Saturday at I pm, arrive at Gainesville same days by 8 p in. 3337. From Gainesville, by Hartford, Cross ville, Calhoun, Barrcttsville, Hijih Tower, Orange, Canton, and Millville, to Iron Works, 66 miles and back, once a week. Leave Gainesville every Wednesday atG am, arrive at Iron Works next day by G pm. Leave Iron Works every Friday at G a in, ar- 1 | rive at Ga’ncsville next dav bv Gp m. 3338. From Lawrencevillc, hv Auburn, Mul- I ; berrv, and Marcus, to Jefferson, 3G miles and back, once a week. Leave Lawrencevillc evorv Friday at 7 am, arrive at Jefferson same dav bv 7 p m. Leave Jefl'ergor every Saturday at 7 am, arrive ’ at Lawrencevillc same day bv 7j) m. 3339. From Lawrencevillc, by Cain's and Chesuut Hill, to Gainesville, 32 miles ami back, j once a week. Leave Lawrencevillc every Friday atG am, j arrive at Gainesville same dav bv 4 p m. i Leave Gainesville every Thursday atG am. I arrive at Lawrencevitle same davjw 4 p ra. If route No.— l>e extended to this ; route will not be let. 3340. From Lawrencevillc, by Suwannee, Orrsville. and Gumming, to High Tower, 33 ! miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Lawrencevillc ei’erv Wednesday and j Sundav at 6 am, arrive at High Tower same j da\ s by 2 n tn. ; Leave High Tower every Thursday and Mon ( dav at 7 am, arrive at Lawrencevillc same days ) by 3 pm. NEW SERIES—VOL. I.—NO. 103. Proposal* tor in- weekly service will bect usi* ilereil. 0.. 11. Fiom LawrcnceviKe, l*y Warsaw, to i inokiic\ vil v •_(.) miles and back, once a we*. k» Leave Lav. reneeville every Frida valj a in, ar- I me al Pinckne'v vi!le same day by j-i m . Leave PincKneyx ille every Friday at 1 p ni. r ' Ti ~‘.,' /“ iyvteß eviilo same day by Spin. Glroye, Corinth, Lagiafige, Lon" Cane, West Point, Clisseta, A in. Mount Jefferson, and Au burn, to Oiipiiaw, I.J.J miles and back, daily. Lea--e Atlanta daily at I 4 a :n, arrive at Chchaw next day by 1 I a m. La- chehaw daily r.t I p ui_ arrive at Atalan* ta no:' day h\ o p m. 3313. From Ataianta, by Utov, SimUown, L ■ up’, t il.,'a, Dark Corner, Villa Uica,and IJiek- Levd, to Carrollton, 5C miles and back, three limes a week. ° Ataianta every Tuesday, Thnr*iavand oatumay at I’d m, arrive at Carrollton next davs by a p m. . Leave CarroUton every Monday, Wednesday’ ana I rid ay ut b am, arrive at Atahmtu next days by 11 am. J Proposals for semi-weekly service on this route will be considered. , 3314. From Atlanta by High Bridge, Marietta Acvyorth, Allutoona, Cartersville, Kingston, and AdairsvilJe, to Oothcaloga, 78 iiiih’S and back six times a week ’ L(‘ave Atlanta every day except Sunday, at 9 am, arrive at Oothcaloga same day by 4p m. Leave Oothcaloga every day, except Sunday _ n L arrive at Atlanta same day by 2h p ni, * 3343. From Marietta, by Woodstock, to Can ton,2l milesand back, twice a week. Leave Marietta every Tuesday and Friday at 1- in, arrive at Canton same day by 5 n m. Leave Canton every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a in, arrive at Marietta same dav by 10 a ni. Proposals lor three-times a-wcek seniceon tills route will lie considered, 0343. F rom Canton, by Bull Ground, to nagev die. 1 t miles and back, once a wa-ek. L.-.av® Canton every Wednesday at C am, an , Hutn.'igeville same day by 1 1 a in. . Harnagpville every Wednesday at 1 p in. . at I iiiiton same day by 6 p m. 33d: From Cartersville, by Iron Works, 4 mil >n i back, iltree tunc. a w cek. Leave Cartersville every Tuesday, Thursday, a turd ay, at L p m.airive ut Iron Works same dav ]) 111. Leave Iron V.’orks every Tuesday, Thnrsdavla tun I ay, at II a m,arrive -it Carlcrsvillc sained; 12 m. I roposals for six times a week service will be c sidered. 334*. From Car’cr.svillc, 3v Huntsville and Van ’ ’ U.« edarlown ,37 and back, three times a » e« Leave Carters! ille i very Tuesday. Thum.vy a turiiay, ctl p in,arrive.-.tCcd rtow n ja.iiie da vs b\ Leav<* Cedertowa every -Holiday, Wed net.: - o > - 1 ’ ' J ,n ; l 4 ve t Curtorsv tile suine davs lij u.5t! 4 . I-rom Ring-ton to Cussviiie, 5 miles’and si \ tun s:t w cek. Leave Kingston every day except Sunday at I arrive at ( a.v*villc baim* <i;jy l»v4ip in. Leave Cassville every day except Sunday, at’ arrive at Kingston same day by am. IS.M). From OothcaJoga, by Sugar Valley, Vili Lai. ji ttc, and I ivk s Lap, to Trenton, 32 iniii ~ bark.once a week. Leave Oothealotra every Friday atC a in, arri • i- Tremon next day by 1 I a in. Leave Trenton every Saturday at 1p m, arr ~ Oothcaloga next tiny bv (3p in. , From Spring Place, by Cross Plains, Met I Springs, and Ciicsuut Fiat, to Lafayette, 5S mile ... . back,once a w eek. Laave Spring Place every Wednesday al 5 a in,. at lu.ti.iv ciu* same dav l»y pm. Leave Lafayette every Thursday at 5 a m arr. Sprint: I’lace same day by H p m. .j.5,>2. From Kome, by Uirttown,Smnnici \ lie I 1 tow n. Lalayolte. R <>< k Spring, and Snow ii ill, to vilie,(i3 miles and buck, twice a v eck. Leave Rome every Sunday and \\ ednesday at. aniveat Itossv iile next days by I ] am, Lem e Lossv ille every M umiav auu i’hursdav at arrive ;it Rome next days by 7 ,i ni. ...I. I- rom Koine, by Courtesy,to Cecbirtown,SSC - i a ai.i; oack.oncea week. I,( "vc Home every Wednesday at 1 p m, arr j Codurtown same day by S p m. Leave i e.lartown every U ednesday at sam.: ». • ; at Row v .me day by 12 in. I'vom Cave Spring, byOceoln. Ala., Cedar : T. LcC'iiii: r, nd 'i’urkey tow n, to tiadsdeu, 4t> milt i 1 bac-.i. a ■ a week. 1 : ave Spring every Monday at i p m,ii ri C Jen • ext day by 6 p in. Leave,Ualsdenevery Sundayat flam, aniveat Spring next day by 1 I am. 3355. From Van Wert, by Stiles’ oreugli, to Kin i 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Van Wert every Friday at 5 a’in, arr . Kingston same day by J 2 in. Leave Kingston everv Friday al Ipm, arrive ; Wei t same day by S p in. 33 i(i. From Van Wert, by New Babylon, to Villa • 24 miles and back,o ce a week. Leave Van VV'crt ever* Friday at o am, arr i- s'. \ ilia R ica same day by 12 in. Leave V ilia Rica every Friday at 1 p in, arrive a j Wen sain" day by 7 p in. 3357. From Newiiutt, by County Line, f’edar I!i River Tow n, Oanipbelltou. and I’tm der Spi ings, l< rietra,s2 miles anil back, (nice a we«k. Leave Netrnaii every Thursday at 1 p in,arrive : riella next day by 0p m Leave-Marietta every Wednesday at 6 am, at New nan next day by 11 am. From Newnan. by l.odi, Kotlierwood, an roltton, to Tallapoosa, 46 miles ami buck, once aw Leave Newnan every 'i’linrsiiay at I p ni, ar T ill *poo>a next «Jny by 11 a ui. i Leave Tallapoosa every Friday at m, arrive 8 nan next day by 12 m.< 3359. From Newnan, by Enon Grove,to Fran’ ; in’!- - tied back, twice a week, j LeaveN •;a i very Thursday and Saiurday a arrive at Franklin same day 7 pm. I Leave Franklin every Thursday and Saturday - in, arrive at Nownan s.uuu days 12 m, 3100. From Newnhn, by Gold Hill and Woodl j Greenville, 3‘; miles and back, once a w eek. Leave New , i every Friday at 7 a ui, arrive at ■ ville same day by 5 j m. LeaveGreem iHe every Saturday at 7 am, ei Newnan s;im« day by 5 p in. 3361. From .Newnan, by Location and Bexar, i 1 27 militant!! uik, once a week. i • , Leave New nop every Thursday at Sa ni, arrive • . j same day b> 5 p in. , ;i i Leave F.rin every Friday at 6 ant, arrive ajL.I J same day by 3 p m. 3262. From Gnliiit, by Mount Mourne, Erin, ,s I Greenville,andMooutville, to Lagrange, fit* mi ! back, three limes n week. L ’:v< Griirmci; ; y '.fuesilay, Thursday, nmi Bb. •. ut I p m, arrive at Lagrange next day* by 10 a m. Leave 1.:.g, ante every Mi nduy. Wednesday, ( day at 12 in. arrive nt Grillin next days by 9a in. Propo .<is t. commence the route at Greenville considered. Proposals to run daily between Ci UEti and La and to exte: d the daily service From Lagrange.b i,> j Cane, West Foiut, Ctisscta, \)a., Mount Jeffers | Aiibu rn, to t hehaw, 07 miles further, with a view i • trausportation of the great northern and sontl c- .is wiilalso be cousidere j. Toruu by the follow in dale: Leave Gridin daily at i p m, arrive at Cheht day by lit a in. | Leave Chebuw daily at 12 m, arrive atGrilTin i by 11 a tn. 3303. From Oriflin to Zcbulon, 12 miles an \ three limes a week. LeaveGriffinevery Tuesday,Thursday,andS. at I pm,arrive at Zebulonsame days by 4 p in. Leave Zebulon every 'Jbiesday, Thursday, am day at 7v a m,arrivearttritfru same daj s by JCI4 3364. From Griffin, by Liberty Hill, to Unica mi'es nmi bark .once a week. v Leave Griffin every Friday at IJptn, arrive 1 ville same day by 6 p in. .. ’ Leave Uiiiunvilie every Friday at 6 a ia. » < if Griffin same day by 104 am. Proposals Ifirsemi-werkly service w : ll be ron 3305. From Zebulon, by Flat Shoals and W ocu to Green ville, 24 miles and back, once a week. I ,e;ive Zebulon every F riday at4am,arrive at * "ville same day by 12 ni. Leave Greenville every Friday at 1 pm, arriv bulon someday by 9 p ni. Proposals for twice a week service on this ro; be considered. 3366. From Texas, by Rocky Mount.Luthcrsv Gold Hill,to Corinth, 31 milesand back, once a v Leave Texas every Wednesday at 7 a nt, arriv riiuhsame day byop m. Leave Corinth every Thursday at 6 a m a; Texas same day hy 4 p'm. Proposals for twice a week service will be con 3367. Front Greenville, by Farmer’*, White . Springs, King’s Gap,Hamilton,Catawba,ar|l liar Columbus. 45 mile* and hack.tb'ee Lmrs a " * ' It, (Ctnir.tu*d e* Fourth r*gf i