Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, April 14, 1847, Image 2

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THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. JAMES GARDNER, JR. T s; K 31 s. Pitily, p*-r annum, $3 00 'I n-*> ft-kly, per 000 If paid in advance, Weekly, per annum o 00 If paid m advance, d 50 TO CLUBS. We call particular attention to the following terms of our paper: To riuh?, reraitiins $lO in advance, FIVE CO PI KS are ociit. Thin Kill put our weekly pa per in ihe reach of new suhecnberf: at TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. fry VM new subscriptions must be paid in advance. vO“|*.t«ia?e must He paid on ail Uuramunicatu ns nod f,et*ers of business. gi—=. — 3ff.i ■ [From the Baltimore American, \olh insl. J Keren Day* I.atcr from Enropr. The packet ship Wyoming, at Phila delphia, Ininas Liverpool flutes to the 13ib M rob, inclusive. We are indebted to the IT. S. Gazette and Norib Ameiican for the annexed summary of intelligenc' l : We learn by a private letter fr 0 m Liv. erj xdTthat on the 13 b n't., Flour whs selling at 40 u, 42 shillings—the latter being an extreme price for the best. Indian Corn was a shade lower. The price fir yellow was 70>liilling per quar ter. and lor white fH shillings pet quarter. From Crown, Shipley & Co’s Circular we learn that Cotton has declined \ of a since the sailing of the steamer. 'Fhe Queen had ordered a general fast to be observed on the 2 1 b nlf., on ac count of the distress in Ireland and Scot land. A motion had been introduced into the Fe.-lisb House of Commons, bv Mr. lOwart, for leave to bring in a bill f»r the total abolition of the punishmetr of death. It was sustained by Hr. Bow ring. Mr. Aglionbv. and .Mr. Broiberton, and op. posed bv Sir G. Grey, and Sir 11. luglis. 'Fhe motion was negatived by a majority ol 40 votes. 'Fhe continental papers announce that the Hanoverian States have sanctioned the treaty of commerce and navigation proposed between them and the United States of America. Lexers from Abona of the 27ib nit. mention the interruption of the navigation by the recent frost. 'Fhe river would be soon open again. There was still a large bijsii e s transacting, and prices were bet ter. Some extensive purchases fir France ia 1 given the speculators confidence. Orders also continued to he received for shipments to England and B dgiurn. Dublin, March 10. This is perhaps one of ihe finest sea sons ever known f»r the early sowing of the oaf crop. A day lost in expediting the hopes of an abundant futuie becomes h national calamity. Dr inage works are beginning to lie extended, as the Dublin works draw’ near to a close. On the main drainage works in the country of Cmk, tbe’e were em ployed for the week ending Feb. 27, 1925 men and 201 horses. J (re Cmk Slob, which a(T *rde 1 con i lerable empolyment, ia mspended for the present. Hevlth of Mr O Connell. — Mr. O’Conuell, accompanied by bis sons .film a d Daniel, arrived at the Marine Hotel. II isfings, on Saturday. Mr. O'Connell i. evident 1» snfTering under great debility, and Ire bears about him imd ’/liable proofs of having hern seriously ill. Edinburgh,March 9 —The late-t account# from Ro.-s-t.hire shew that food rioting still prevails to a dangerousex'ent. A new method of preventing the -hlpment of grain,is to -freak .tip >n the grana r ies and mix the different kinds of corn, a plain which has twice been resorted to in the above country. D ngwall lias hirherfobeen tiiechief scene of disturbance in that quarter, and according ly, 100 men of the 27tli, under the command rif Lieut. Cel- Goodman, have arrived there from Invergordon, carrying wilii them thir teen pr sonera,of whom eight were females. Dr. Chalmers had addres-ed* letter to the Edinburg, newspapers, in which he earnest ly soliri’s public attention to the extent and intensify of destir n t ion. The Liverpool Mail of the 13th, speaks thus concerning doing* in the House of Coin ir o is. We do not wonder at the sensation pro duced in the !lou-e of Commons, yesterday week, bv Mr, La bon cheer's truly appalling announcement that,liy#»turns brought down the 20th of last month, the number of persons then employed on the public works in Ire land amounted to 668,000. They have n>w swelled to 708,228, —a multitude exceeding by 200,000 the complement of that army of which in 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia.— £even hundred thousand persons, represent ing on a moderate estimate a population of three million snubs with nothing but Stale bounty standing between them and starva tion? Th*dl«*nspu n on Mr. Vernon Smith’s motion for increa-cd powers to the Land and Kmigr&tion Board, ended a declaration from Lord John Russel that i.‘ was not tire inten tion of Government, in the present cri.-i , to offer any artifical stimuhis to emigration, which might have the effect of inundating the eolanies wi*h labor beyond the»T natural powers of beneficial absorption. In the House on Monday evening, on the question »>f the House resolving in*o committee on theL»nded Froierfy (Ireland) hill, Mr, Roebuck propo-ed, as an amend ment, that any plans of relief for the distress of the Irish poor by means of loans to the owners of property in Ireland, wou'd he un just and impolitic, unless accompanied bv a frVstemof taxation which would subject such properly to the burdens already imposed upon •II property throughout Great Britain. ’The amendment was, after an animated d scu-- sion, lost by a majority of 05. the numbers hei ig g 6 for, and 121 against it. The bill then parsed through committee. Tne Premier has consented to a dissolu tion taking place early in June, to be follow ed immediately by a general elec ion, and that again by another abort session before Christman, WAKEFIELD, March l2lh.— 7 Vt« Corn Trade —Wpbavp a small arrival of grain ut our market this mprnins, ai d very fifth* business passing. Wheat i< from Is. to 2a per quarter dearer. Bar ev firm at our last, week’s qu la thing, No material alteralbn in otner articles. LONDON, March 12. Money Market. —At the commencement of business this morning the English market exhibiteJ some appearance ot firmness, hut the result ofthe day s transactions ,Wa> ootavnr it'le. Consuls open* «l at hbj " s t,,r , money, ami d. - ** to HI) lor the account; !r>>m won h, > owing to ttie alleged tenor ol |>ri' a:»‘ < xpresses float Fiatice. and also an increase*! firmness our Corn marU<t, induced by a continuance ot the recent purchases on French account, they re eded to the extent of | percent, the Inst quota tions being hhj to J ter money, and to | fur April. Scrip opene 1 at 1 dis, went ar low as | dis, and closed fto |. New three ami a quarter per cents were done at 90 (with dividend;) and India bou Is and Exchequer bills both left uIT par to -Is. premium. LIVERPOOL. March 1 3th.- Cotton. —A greater depression has prevailed this week titan for some lime past; the altered state df tiie niortev maiket has increased the gloom previously no- ■ lived‘in the manufacturing districts, ai d spin- | | ner-continue to buy very sparingly; speculators | andextiorters have all confined their operations : In small parcels. Under the influence of tlnse i unfavorable cireu instances, hold, r.- have pr ssed • suppl es upon the market, and a decline has been | submitted to of jd ]ht lb. upon most descriptions j of American. Whilst other km Is have participate I to a great extent in this tedu tion. Speculators j ha-c taken 2000 American, and export-rs 1)00 • Am-T ’an and 220 durat. SalcJ of the week, ; 17,000 hales i [From lh“ N. Y. Jour. Commerce, 10’A inst. p. m ] Arrival of the Docket Ship Washington j living, at ISoatoii. ONE WEEK LATEK FHO-t* EI'UOPE* The packer .-hip Washington Irving, Cap! | Caldwell, arrived at Boston at 7 o’clock this ■ i morning from Liverpool, whence she sailed ’ 1 on the evening of the 21st nit. Our L verpool date* are of she 20!. The Sarah Sands arrived at Liverpool on i the 18■h, i Tne < ‘(institution. Caps. Britton, arrived on the 20 h. with damage to spars, Sir. 'Fhe Sarah Sillds w ill return April 1 -f. Ad kinds of cotton had declined Id. per L. hut at this reduction purchases in Upland which are placed at U| 1. per lit., cannot he I > made to anv extent. 'Une total sales of the j week, including 2,600 fur exportation, have j ot Iv been Hi. 450 bales. 'Uiie London corn trade was very firm on Wednesday, March 17ih, for whea', English i and foreign, of which Ihe supplies have been j only small-, and much below the great de- ; maud which exists for immediate u-e, by the ! mailers, and for exportation to France, al though higher prices have not been freely ! (laid. The business has been at ftllv the | prices of Mondav. and sales ha«'e been gen erally refused unless at higher ra*es. Indian corn, of which the arrivals have ; been larger since she change of wind, is to j be obtained at lower rate-, there being nu- j rnerons buyers :>.f hand for this gram, where i the prices show’any tendency tod-dine. 'Fhe reports of the rx’ensive arrivals of : flour ami Indian corn at the port of L’verpool, bad not produced any influence in the L< n don market, where the sunplies were far be low the present demand for every article for the home and foreign trade. On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17th and 1 Slit, several parcels of American flour were purchased at Liverpool tor shipment to France and coastwise. 'Flie demand was finely met hy holders, and Ihe prices of Tne.-day were without change. At maiket on the morning of the 19th there was a very fair a'tendance of buyers, and a tolerably good bu-iness was transacted in wheal and flour at the full prices <it Tuesday. We-terti Cana! Flour realized 40 .-hillings per bbt , and th p ex'etit ot sales since Tues day i- estimated at 30.000 lib's. Indian Corn was one shilling to two ehil lincs per quarter lower. More business was doing at the decline. On Tue.-day, March Ifi It, in confirmation I of more increased arrivals, we have to note j for that day’.- market, a libe al supply of most i kmds of grain and produce coastwise, and from abroad, especially of Indian corn and flour, of which the importations are abun dant, and the export to Ireland considerab e. Transactions in every description of wheat were upon a I mhed scale. m [From the N. O. Delta, 9th inst.J A Wailor Avhorr. OR, THE DIFFICULTY OF STEERING A Do.NKFT. Some oft he sailors, w ho had been I) ought from the vessels of Vera Cruz f o r ?he purpose of assisting in plac ng the marine batteries in position, were detained ashore 1 by one of the heavy Northers that pie. j vailed din ing the siege of that cilv. Some of th*“iri having hern despatched from the entrenchments to the Corrtmissarv De partment .for provisoes, took a near dj. rrction, passing over a range of sand hills, i instead of the usual route. On »he way j ! one of theni captured a donkey and monn t - 1 ; ed hint, without saddle or bridle, or, in j Ins own words, widjouf tigging or «i»ars j steering him wi'h a cudgel bv striking | him on the side of the bead. The wind ■ ft nd sand a lin'e too severe on the | top of the bill for iho comfiort of the animal, and the donkey made his wav to the leew a'd, despite the exertions of the sailor to prevent him. who was compelled to get as far back on the animal as he could to prevent him fom slip ing over bis bead as be descended tin 3 bill. As soon ns the j donkey bad got to the leeward of the bill 1 be obstinately refu-ed to go any fnrber; i tie sai'or kicked him in the side a nr] beat ; him with the club but to no avail. At length her- as"d hi-exertions, andnnietly sat on it e lonke\haunches, aopa’erj’ly wiling wait tiie pleasure i,f his dnnk ev-hit>. One of the sailors wbn appealed to be. amusedJF bis shipmate’s diffieijlf ies. sung out to him, in a hoarse, bti-kv voice —•‘Are yon at anchor. Jac k?” ‘-.No. sir, lavbig to for a fair wind.” says Jack, a,id a* ike same ti'ne moving himself fart Iter hack on tbean'mal. “Well, wha» are veil doing so far aft? wbv don’t you sit further forward?” again inquired his friend. “Because the rulesofthe service allows the c ommander to sit on the quarter deck of h:s ow n craft. A Ivon! this time the w ind shifted a little and blew the sand f.J >l«e face of the -tub bom donkey, and be attempted to turn round, beat! to leeward, Ltit standingon the side of the liill, the sand gave way i under bis feet, and down came the Jack ! as# and the Jack sailor, one over toe other, ! heels over head, to the bottom? As they | were rolling dow n.oue of ike sailors; sung ; om—“LtiflTa little. Jack.” l‘ p d_d.” -avs be * don't vmi see breaker* aht'atl;*’ atul laving ott the ground, kicking awry, hard as he cqyH» called lustily for 1 a line, as “his craft had shipped as sea and ail hands xxere ovorboard.” Tiie donkey seemed so understand mat •ers. took ad vani of ei*cum-fances, and made (*!T with all the jurcipitancv he ! could, leaving the sailor to pursue Ids journey on f>*ot. f\l. A KSuuU Incident. It appears that during the last week the vault oftlie New-Yo.k Bank of Coin i me ice, from sonie defect in tlie louk. could nor he opened. The cnrt-fiismn and con sternation anion" the Bank officers were altnosf indescrihable. A correspondent of a Philadelphia paper thus describes the scene; “Soon the customers poured iii, but no c-'i.i or brnks, or notes were to l»e had, ari l how to do the business none knew. AT r some cogitation the follow ino expedient was resor ed to. All the check otlered were certifind, and all notes to In paid wete cancelled hv stampino the hank notices. The small payments in mnnrx were used to uaHt small checks, and all | ’lie specie borrowed from the neighbors i and so the bank did its business for a whole day. A-many locksmiths as could stand at the door woiked all dav to open the refractory lock, and succeeded by I tea i ino o(F the front of the \ atilt. iinn fi n it n ■BMBMBMWMBBI ini —— —n— ■ 1 mm— : AUGUSTA. GE(L ! WEDNESDAY hOKMNG. APRIL 14. 1847. &CT*The Con-titutio iah>t * etter Sheet Prices i Current, will he ready for delivery Tills burn ing, in 9 uVfx k. *j 3 AX e WwUid cull ;it euiion ti< the statement of till* Georgia Kail Hoad and B inking Compa ny, which will be found on the fust page of ltd I duvs’pajer. inrThe Company ot Volunteers for the United States service, which ('apt. John I> | Campbell lias been recruiting at the lleiidt z | voiis in this city, is now complete. It num ■ bers eighfv-six rank and file. We millers tand that Capt. C. has received ; orders from Col. Bi'liols who will command the Regiment of which it will form a part, to proceed forthwith via Charleston to New Or leans, and that he will leave in the Caro to morrow morning, xvuh his companv. Another Company has been raised in the Counties of and Jefferson, have | elected I heir officers and sent on their appli cation to be taken into the service. S. A. II Jones has been chosen Cap'ain, W. F Leon, 1-t L'etif ; Rmlesil, i>J Lieut.; and Grafton, brev. 2J L out. • led Bed! This long looked for luxury, we are happy to inform our readers, has at length arrived at Savannah, in the brig Perseverance, and advices were received by last evening’s mail that if was in the course of re—hiement to this place. This Ice is for the new company on Ellis-streef, ami it will be seen hy an ad vertisement in this day’s paper, that they will he rea iv to supply customers in a day or two. The Perseverance lias had a long passage, but we learn there has been but lit tle wa-te. We hope the proprietors ot tie new Ice House, will be able to tff'rd the article at such a price as to pul it within the reach of every one. IT From one ot (ien. Scott’s official des patches, published in the Union of the lUiti ins«., we make the following extract, from which it appears that he is determined that nothing shall decoy him from the “grand ■ movement” of planting the American stand ard on the walls of the Mexican Capitol. 'Hie despatch is dated, Vera Cruz, March *J9. The remaining details of the siege; lie able co-operation of the United State.-- .-quad ron. successively under the command ot Commodores Conner and IVrry, the admira ble conduct of ihe whole army—regular and volunteers —I should be happy to dwell upon a> tbev deserve; hut the -learner, Brin* reton, with Commodore Conner on b»artl, i under way, and 1 have commenced organiz ing an advance inn* the inteaior. ’l’m.- max be delayed a few d tvs, waiting the arrival ot additional means of transportation. In the me ntime, a j uni operation, hy land and w iter, vvi I be made upon A'varado. No la’er.-.l expedition, however, sliall interfere with the < rind movement towards tiiecapi tal The liev. S BOVHOMME will preach in the sle:h»dist Church in this city, This Evening, at i before eight o’clock. The stihj *ct w ill t>e tlie delivery of Israel from Egvpt, hy the hand of .Moses The public generally, and the Israelites especially are invited to attend. April 14 SAND’S SARSAPARILLA. In tlu* wise ecouoim of nature t mre lias born dstributid through the minorul and vegetable kinkdonts a variety of me.urinal substances iul, ;>te<l to the relief of vat ious diseases; but it is believed that in no product of the earth are so j in ;iiy powerful sanative properti. s combined as in Sarsaparil'a. Yet. to render these latent pro perties praettcally useful, they n quire dt*v rlope nient, combination, concentration. In Sands’ Sarsaparilla, it is believed all these objects have ' been effected to thetullcst i xteut. It is now ad- j ministered in general practice as a sure and no - i form remedy in cases ot scrotula, leprosy luuor, swelling of the joints, ritcu n ilism, erysipelas, kind’s evil xv.th every . omplamt symptomatic ot impure blood. For further particulars and conclusive evi dence of Us superior value and vfficaey. see pam phlets, which may be obtained of agents, gratis. Prepared an 1 so.d, wholesale ar.d retail, hy A. B & D. SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, 100 Fulton, corner of William street, New-York.— Sold also by, HAVILAND, lIIS LEY & CO., Augusta. And hy Druggists generally throughout the United States. Price SI per bottle, or six bottles so. $5. *3 April 13 D!L TTa. ('LEVEL \ NI), has returned J to this citv, and may be consulted at the office ot Cleveland Spear, over the store of Messrs. Al drich Grata, Feb. 23 I!' -"J 1 J ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ 1 .. AUGUSTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT, APRIL 14, 1847. ARTICLES Per. Wholesale, j BAGGING—Gunny H « 2) Kentucky 15 « 04 BALE ROPE—.Manilla ft lo aHi I Kentucky . ... 7 a 8 BACON—Hams i 8u 94 Sides ». .. . Hu U Shoulders 74 a 8 BETTER—Go.-heu, prune ft 29 u 23 Country 12 a 13 ;i CANDLES—Spermaceti! 94 a 95 Georgia made ••• 13iu 13 | Northern do .... 13 al6 I CHEESE—Northern. 9 a 10 COFFEE—Cuba none. Rio 81a 10 J iva 124 a 13 L igu lyra ... 9a II f Shirting*, brow n, 3-4 yd. 5 a 64 ■5 ( ** “ 7-8 7fa 8 j c ! “ “yd. wile 174a it* 'P j Sheeting*, hroxvu 5-t I'i a 15 ~ i " hleache,., 3 4 i 8 a2O £ j Checks ill a 16 ? j Bed Tick *2 a 18 j Ozn iburgs, B>>z .... jt* al4 [bun (assorted) ft 1 7 al9 llSil—.Mackeiel, No. i hhl. 3a 14 1) *. No'. 2 .1 a 10 I Do. No. 3 7 o 74 FLOI R—New Orleans none. Canal 8 5 <a9 U 0 G orgia 3 3 )</6 5 - | GR A^ —'• orn.. bus. 7(1 u 73 ( Oats.. ! 37 a 40 GUNPOWDER keg.; 6 a 11AV Ea-terii lOU.j North River 1 IRON—Pig 10.*.l Swedes, assorted i<>m. 4J'i 5 \ Hoop 100.* 7 a Sheet j ft 8 a 10 j Nail Rods .. 6 « 7 | LEAD—Pig and Bar !OU. 6 a Sheet [ ... 64a 8 j W idle Lead .... i ... 74a 9 j * sgg-rja.tmm »~2e:.TC»naa.~s. ra t . jxsmcry •.•-■zrer*,-r^_ of Cotton to Foreign an;l Coastwise Ports, commencing Ist September, 1810. N:i vaminli. ft.. aricMtoii. dlobilr. IV. Orlraiio. i New Voik. Oilier Purl.. 'loin I. wn it her exported. j - 1 7. 184 C). 1817. 184tL 18-47. 1n # iT. 1817.|184(L 1847. 184(5. 1847. 181(5. [B-17. 184(5. Liverpool 79332 29923 86527 507 3 55801 jx>sooß 196931 336756 35842 40633 989/ 253G8 j Hull f I lb'** 48; 139 3<4 (ilasiroxv and (ireenock II 7323 3147- 373 <• 1802 : 4813 8297’ 7928; 14401 | 6i7 1531' Cork and a .Market 4176 1725 5214 19422 179 3C. Total to Great Britain K 7155 33070 9414/ 5124 H fito7* 6 114705 2b*121 370718 37t»26' 4’fi7l 9897 25368 499349 639794 Havre . 3627 413i3 *3933 3r 10/ 3lJtt 3 j63U 773. o 23250 Bordeaux i I j 119; 922 50 Mirseilles !j { IfifiS 1 3»fi 1 1714 2971 i 2669 3062! 3164 1 Nantes *. I 5.9 59 * * _ 1 780| _ 215 i : 4t»|| 798 j! Total t«* trance i 8999 96-: 20Ul ‘ 21437 / 86624 62520 82463 26766 D i -70 425! 342 »607 6 182504 Amsterdam j mH,. * ZJi~5 j J937J 526, 7>*6 Rotterdam ... ;! I ! 595 1905 1 ] 417, 490 Antwerp j 2993 1161 C 36 1832 5 ! 3 { 6337 30s8 Humbug ll 1377 2193 3724' 5497; 3785 Bremni 1 I !l i jj 3dl 1 502 227 U 790 Barcelona - >1 j i I' 6333 e j 1 Havana, ter j ( 6329 11340 1 7948; 82 Genoa, Trieste, Ac Oil 3334 i 4664 2330 1952 i 20211 203821 7630 6P.2 2857 386 ; Ghent. Am- jl | j j _ 2680* 1000| Oilier Ports |i ! 130!' 1128 j 231 2391 78691 177 1316 _ 1' i 'l’ofal to oth«r foreign Ports 911 B'u;, 7s*7 123 9 16)},' 474'7 51482 21366 16327 2817 346 96j48 93056 New York | u ',-4. Ts-ST., 36.>i3, Td 3d 3 *B6O 47U2&| ; 9378 iU ,^1 Boston 1733 *i 1506' t,3296i 16074 163 77 250919 4946 >: 78826. j 7713 8619*1 Providence 32d7 h i 3 93; 2363 8016 726 - ! 41i(7i 5032 48999 Philadelphia |( 2/3o 4111 1.936 6619 IHI7 1373 j 5968 8799 j 410 Baltimore 19t3 lu3i 430 t 1401 2370 45751 4492 392 s j 181’ 1662 ! Ollier Ports 15436 13574 59 j 6937 78461 3l'*7 32151 Iltls 3893 ! Total Coastwise 80481 7 j 27•, 120<87 «27»»2 53490 72507 93 *'•] 14625?• 38371 3983511 3*t7l3tf 393T66 Grand Total t..3:j ku.o, . 5U32 '.48152 239884 1 3.*62 653933 ; 88<5-1 90871 r/.xiii- 63931. 1146435 131i020 J r. m m^^v^iimtvassxarnrrvaß^-i-^wv.vnvy^ra vT" uuo. i Lr,VLL..\U As *Pt,.VtC h.nng purchased u licence to administer Dr. Martin's Lelhron, fur the alleviation of pain in surgical ope rations, arc the only persons now authorized to «* use it in Richmond county, Georgia. They are also authorized to act in the sale of licence for places unsold. D. G TEMPLE, April 13 dtf Agent for Dr. Morton. [From the F.o ton Daily 'Times.] \YISV AK’S HALS \ ll k The following certificate has been handed us for publication, and as the case is one of a very remarkable character, we comply w ith pleasure. Certainly well attested cases of cures of eve e diseases by the use of a | articular medicine, should he made known to the public for the bene fit of others similarly afflicted ; No. 4S Uniou-st., Rostov, April IS, 1810. Mu. Skl'H W. Fowi.k.—Sir; A sense ofgrati tude to you, an 1 of duty to the public, prompts me l unake the following statement, which, if of | any service to you, is entirely at y< >ur disposal. I may have the effect *o induce some other suffer ers to make a trial ofgour invaluable medicine, which I can truly s iv, has literally snatched me from thegra'e to which I was fast hastening.— Last July 1 wa< attacked by a sudden cold, tv ich resulted in a very severe cough, wit > violent pains in the side and chest. Prom that time 1 be gan to tv isle awav, notwithstanding 1 was under the treatment of skilful phtsicians. They pre scribed for me in vain. 1 became so much re duced that my friends frankly fold me that 1 must die, and that I was liable to do so at any hour At tins crisis I heard of WISFAII’s BALSAM OF WILDChERRY, byway of a neighbor, whose life had been saved by it, and immediately sent for a bottle. The effect pro duced was indent wonderful. My physician, one of the most respectable in Boston, who had previously told me that a cure was hopeless, came in, and I informed linn what I had taken, and told him the soo 1 effects 1 bad experienced He ex (mined the Balsam, and told me to con tinue the use of it; since which time 1 have con tinued to improve daily; and the same physician who had given me up entirely, told me a few days since, that 1 might ye' ii e many years, i feel that 1 am now nearly recovered, and gaining strength evt ry cay, MARY ROWE. W e can cheerfully testify to the trutli of the * above state mi ut, Mrs. fiswe having been an in mate of our family fur sue e months past. , ’ WILLIAM DENNETT. MARTHA DENNETT. For rale in Aususta. wholesale and retail, by II WILAND, RISLEV &, CO , and also by THOMAS BARRETT & TO., and Dealers in . Medicines generally in Georgia. April 13 +3— If 2 . NEA r OLIT AN B ON NE T H . P ATTISON, NOE A CO., Patentees and Manufict nror<, 23 Delaney Street, New York. Feh. 23 3in— 121 OCT Jackson , Teacher on tlie Piano Forte, Flute and Violin, respectfully tenders his services to the citizens of Augusta. References—Henry Parsons, Thus. Richards and T, S. Metcalf, Esq'rs. N. B.—For terms, &c.. inquire at 11. Parson’s Music store. 6m Dec. I W. \v ILSON, portrait painter. Studio—Unitarian Church, corner of Greene and Jackson streets. April 9 . ICO D E3IOCR ATIC REVIEW. This splendid and popular Monthly Periodical is now published at S 3 per annum—every number containing a likeness of some prominent man. March 14 A- G WILLIS, Agent ARTICLES. j Per Wholesale LIME ! j»bl. i->0 u 23J MOLASSES—Cuba : 'd. 28 a 91 N Orleans .... 4d a49 N MLS—Cut, 4.1 to 20d ...j 34 a 34 OlLS—Sperm, VV. strained 1 19.> <i Pal I .strained J.... ... 123 a Sum iter do.' Ida a Linseed bbl. 8.4a Tanners 33 a Lird Jdd a POT VTOES bbl. 2-0 a 300 POiM’ER doz. 223 a 230 PEPPEit—tiiack : ft 10 a 12 PIMENTO. 144a R.MSlNS—da.aga, bunch Ih»x. 223 a 230 Muscatel 2 a RlCE—Ordinary mo. 423 a 130 ; Fair 473 u 3 Good and Prime. 323 a 33 • f French Brandies g ;t |. 1:0 a 2 Leger Freres 273 a 3 2; Holland (»in 123 a 130 \utericao Gin a D Jmi iica Ruin 13 1 a 2 -5 N. E. Rum.lids. an 1 brls 37 a 34 d- Whiskey, Phil. & B tic 33 a 33 Do. New Orleans 9.) a 93 Peach Brandy..... \ 73 a b*d SUGAR—Cuba .Mu-e0vad0..... ft 8 a 10 J’. ;L A St. (’mix. --. i. ,.. 9 a II I lax ana, xvhite i 10 a II New Orleans i 8 a 9 L-as. 13 a 11 Lump II a 12 SALT—Liverpool sack 140 «130 Loose bus.| 37 >i 43 S ) \ P—American, yellow ft 3 a 6 -!l >T— Vi 1 sizes 162 a 173 j ■S EG V R •>—Spanish...., »J.i> a3d Amcriciti 18 u 10 r VLf/V.V- \it 'rican ■ 84 a 9 L’JBaUCO— r'*orgi i ft j 4 a C t v-udi-li ;. ...} 13 a 15 TWlNE—Bagging !...! 2* a »7 Seine j .■ - 1 3d a DO . COMMERCIAL. LATEST oates FROM lIvERPOoMARC H :> .ATEST dates PROM it a v ii K::l-'EB. 28. Market, April 11. REM \RK 'THie (tilling off in receipts al the di(T-rent ports the la«t week lias been heavy, and tie* deficiency in (tales up To the latest dales re ceived is 146.362; and in pounds, 181,279 bales. Should the filling off continue in thesauri'* ratio as it lias xv.thin the past six weeks, (of w hich there i- every prospect,) tiie present crop xviil show a deficiency, at lie* end of the season, as compared with last vear, of over 400. 1 0 < bales. EXCESS OV RECEIPTS OVER LAST SEASON. AT 1 Clt-i. lesion, 111 336 bales, avg 360 lbs. 40,198,160 lbs. Savannah, 81425 “ “ 415 ** 33, 01,375 Total, 11)4,7 "1 bales 73,889,535 lbs. DECREASE AT X. O leans, «:t« 979 b de s , av’g 4.70 lbs. 107.990 770 lbs. .Mobile, 8s 035 “ ‘ 4e9 “ 43,1 884 > “ F.orid i, U,3.ti “ *• 4 5 •* 3,797.265 “ Virginia, 1.12* “ “ 360 “ 403.200 “ \. Carolina, 593 “ “ 300 “ 215,280 “ 339.143 155 465,140 192,781 73,85. i 535 Total, 1 1 62 b des. £1,575 605 lbs. < O ITON.-Our last circular left the market with a fair demand, an 1 hollers stiffening in their i.-king prices; on Thursday there was less enqui ry. and on that day. Friday and Saturday, pur chasers show ed but I ittle dis posit iou to ope rate, aud ladders, in order n> effect sales of such parcels as they had positive orders to sell, were compelled to submit to a reduction of all of tofu rent, particu larly on tlie lower qu ilities. On .Monday, howev er, the market opeue 1 with abetter feeling, tlie deman 1 became acuve.au i lias so continued up m ijie time of closing our euquiri-s last evening, prices gradually stiff iting until the fc decline no ticed above has been fully recovered, and prices yesterday were the same as those paid last Wed nesday. The receipts during the week have been very light, which lias given continued confidence m holders, and tiie greater part of our pre-eut stock, particularly the fine qualities, are held for higher prices. The sales ibis week reach only 1882 bales, which were dispo-ed of as follow; 3 at 9. 2at 9i. 2at 9«, 7at 91. 23 atJ.5 at 9 13-16, 3 at 9L 60at 10, 9at 10|, 18 at 10 3-16. 92 at HR. 8 at 10 5 16. 264 at K I. 31 at 0 7-16, 276 at 10*. 151 at H* 9-16, 1 17 at U 4. 9 at 10 11-16 266 al K I. 69 at 10 13-16. 109 at 10J,2.’2 at 11, 7at II, 1 . and 104 hales al lU'Ucnts. We. continue to quote inferior, —a —j Middling fair, lOfall Ordinary, Iv» allff 1 Fair, 1 *alU ; Middling, 10«aIO* | Good fair, —a j Since the above was in type, we have re- j reived advices from Liverpool to ihe 21st u!t., in which market -otton had declined about id since the sailing of the last steamer. What effect these adv ices wid have, if any, on our market, remains to he seen. RECEIPTS OF COTTON. F r um ihe Isl Stjit., 1816,f0 latest dales received 1846-7. 1845-6. Savannah, April 9. 2 2.2i7 )3».822 CliarleMott. April 10, 293 623 182.267 Mobile. April 7. 29 '.lll 378.169 New Orleans. Ap tl 7, 60 : >, 19 839,998 Texas. 51 h-ch '•>. 5.693 00 Florida. 51ar. li 3 *, 93.833 1'5.826 Virgiriia. 51in h 1, 8.180 10.564 North Carolina, March 27, 4.909 5.307 Total, 1,510.637 1,632 537 STOCK OF COTTON Remaining on hand at (he latest dates received. Savannah, April 9, 39.583 25,005 Charleston. April 10, 5 ‘.902 5 ,833 Mobile. April 7, __ 141,580 137,286 N**w Orleans, April?, 2,2.5 1 2J2,5bt Texas. March 12, 8)0 to Florida, 51.rch 30, 38.5*1 39.175 Augusta A: 11 iinhmg, Ap’l 1, 35.7* 0 4 1.934 Macon. April I. 9,610 17,342 Virginia, March 1, 6(*o 45 North Carolina. March 27, 800 2.000 New York. April 6 79.323 58.200 Philadelphia, April 3. 4,174 8,397 Total, 013,984 575,364 \ EXCHANGE. ! Augusta Insurance ami BaukingCoiupany,.. y.ir Bank ol Augusta, •• Branch Stale of Georgia, Augusta, “ Bank of Brunswick, *• i Georgia Rail Road,. “ .Mechanics’Bank, . ** Bank ol Si. Mary’s, •• Bank ol Milledgeville, ... “ ! Bank ol the Slate of Georgia, at SavannaU,... *• Branches of ditto, “ Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Savannah,. “ Brunch of ditto, al .Macon, “ Planters’ Bank, Savannah, “ Central Bank of Georgia *• Central U. R. At B’k’g. Co., Savannah, “ Charleston Banks “ Bank ol Camden........... . “ Bank ol tieorgetown,. “ Commercial .Columbia,. ** Merchants’, at Clieraw, ** Bank *1 llauiniirg,.. ... “ \laltama .Notes, 2 O din. Meictiaiits’ Bank of Macon, 5 (S 9 “ Coiniuercial Bank, al .Macon, failed NO SALE OR UNCERTAIN. Bank of Darien and Branches. Ba k of Columbus. | Chattahoochee Bail Road and Ranking Company j| Monroe Kail Boad and Banking Company. ! Planters ami Mechanics’ Bank,Columbus. *V -*si**ru Bank ol (ie »rgia, al Rome. ! i.xchange Bank, Brunswick. ij tns. Bank of Columbus.at -I aeon .. no circulation, PUiciii* bauk o 1 Col n in inis, CHECKS. On New York . par. Plulidelpliia,... Boston, Charleston and Savannah, Lexington , Iv eni in k v, Nashville, Tennessee ©POCKS. leorgia. 8 per rents 100a 101 jl ieorjia, 6 per cents 97 a 98 T'M ■■■■■!■ I JBlil HI |■■ - fi. ■■ 1 (iltU' tUlK',—Our merchants have been Kept busy this week in filling orders of planters Hint »oUntry in-reliant*, nrnl as tliey are well prepared now fur :• good bu driers, and have heavy stock* on the way and daily arriving, they will be aide to offer inducements that will secure to Augusta the trade foimerly enjoyed by her with the inte rinr. W e nre plea.-ed to sec the daily increase of trade with Tennessee and Alabama, and can assure our friends in both Slates, that they w ill find ready sale and good prices for their products in this mar ket, and can purchase their supplies on as favora ble terms as in either Charleston or Savannah. FLOTR.—The price of Country Flour exhibits a w ide range in this market, as it w ill in every other until our country friends take more pains with t! eir packages. There is but little difference iu the quality of that received, and while sales are made of some bar els at $5 a si, other lots put up in neat merchantable packages readily bring •■*;(» a (»» per bbl. Sales have been reported to ns ibis week of about 150 bbls. at 5 a 51 per bbl. principally at the latter p ice, and a lot of 20 bids., in handsome ord-T, at s(<i per bbl. B VCON.—The market has been again well supplied during the week, and the article meets with ready sale at prices ranging from 8 to 81c* the h<>g round, at which prices about 30.0 H) Ibe. Georgia and Tennessee have been sold since our last. COFFEE.—Stock on the increase—sales this week of about 200 bags Rio, in lots,at 81 a 9 cents per lb. CORN*—The business this week has heen con fined to small lots of 4t05 >0 bushels, which brought readily 70 a 75c for sacks—sacks included. MOLASSES—Fair.supply of Cuba. Sales from the wharf of a lot of 20 it lids at 28 a 29c —and an other small lot from store, at 23c—barrels are worth 30 cents. SUGAR—There is now a fair stock of Sugar on hand, particularly New Orleans, and prices have a downward tendency. THE RIVER—Is still in boatahle order, but there is very little down freight offering. We have nochange to notice in rates. BANK STOCKS, Ac. jOrigiiialJ iTesenl ( Hi v id’s. 1 cost. I value. ) per ann Mechanics’ Bank, 100 1105 a 8 per ct. Aug. Ins. &Bk Co. 100 80 a 8 per ct. Bk. of Brunswick, 100 ,100 alOf 8 per ct. Bk. of Augusta, 100 j 90 a 00 jfi per ct. Bk. Stale Georgia, 1(K) j 82 a 00 ifi per ct. <t. R. R. Al Bk. ( 0., 1(H) j 771a 73 |4 per ct. Irtm Steam Boat Co. 100 J73a00 13 per ct. FORT GAINES April 10.—There has been but little Cotton brought to this market tor tin* last two or three weeks, and we presume most of >t has come in. A crop lot, we learn was sold yesterday at 10 ce Is. NEW < i RLE A NS, April 7, P M.- Cotton— - i he sales of Cotton to-day amount to some 1200 bah s at full prior s. Sugar and Molasses. —Of Sugar about 200 hhds, f »und pu-chas rs at yesterday’s rates. In Molasses we could learn of no sales of moment. Flour— The Flour market is quiet, sales to day about 5.000 I Ins, at £5 73 for Ohio and Illinois brands, and 9( 0 bids. M Louis at j*s 60 per bid. Prorisions---'Sn sales of const quence is Pork. In Bacon about 150 casks of sides, and shoulders were soul at “{a SJ for ormer ar dsl per lb for latter. In Lard 500 bids, sold atHjc. per lb. Corn—Some 5000 saeks sold at from 80 a 85c, per bushel. The m trk«t is rather flat. Ex' ft a n ge- —No a I tc r a f io n. Freights— -No engagements to-day. APALAC iICOI.A, APRIL (I— Cotton -r- Tbe r. Ct ipts during the past wre 1 ' amount to 1- 36u bales, and the exports to 5,703. leaving the stock on ban I, including all <>n shipboard not cleared 31.17‘J bales, against 20,618 bales, same * I ° lime last year. The transactions of the week preceding the i one under re iew, were on a very United scale, i tiie high pretensions of holders, and the near ap proach .if the steamer’s accounts, producing a ■ | disinclination to operate—tho week closing w:ith 1 1 sales of only 800 bale*, one «mall lot having