Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, May 25, 1847, Image 3

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p;i Bay, Si is recovery being at the time deem ed impossible. At Tampa, he recovered suf ficiently to be removed to the residence of his farni’.y. in Georgia. although Ins lilewas sti * considered in danger. Before lie was able to leave his room, he was ordered to report fur duty; Walker at once forwarded his resigna tion, which was not accepted, and at the unanimous request of the officers of his regi iTienf, he consented to withdraw his resigna tion. Such were the services and sacrifices of this young officer before he w*s twenty one. (Jen. 'Taylor complimented him per sonally, in his reports of the battle, and re commended his promotion. But the army wn< unpopular. W est Point aristocracy, the Republic ungrateful; and it was not until several years after, that Walker was pro moted to a first Lieutenancy, and then «u!v fc )x weeks before he would have been entitled to it in the regular course of promotion, at d attained a Captaincy by due course of pro motion during the las* year. Ar the taking ot Vera Cruz, Capt. Walker commanded an advance detachment covering the operations of the Engineers engaged in pushing for ward the works towards the cifv. From the brilliant proofs of courage which his former services have given, his country has the as surance that on any occasion that m tv occur, even where all are brave, W alker will not fail to be conspicuous among the bravest ot the brave. Yours, respectfully. JOHN 15. MILLER. The Lowell Courier says that the fi si salmon of the season was ea tight in the Mer rimack River, on Monday, at 12 o'clock, by Mr. Jones. TrF.Br.ltn —A large island of ice was seen drilling past the South side ol Nantucket on Saturday last. » ■^rv-CTHra.TTrwax.''.-'.. '-a-- S:«ris:ip;!i i’b. It has oyer been a prime article of our medicaj creed, to renimm nd no advertised medicines, fur we are opposed to them conscientiously and pro fessionally, hut we feel hoiind to deviate from this rule, and recommend to the suffering, the arti ! • I the head of this notice. 'The great medical virtues of Sarsaparilla, are well known and appreciated by physicians, but the uncertainty ot' tiie strength ot the different preparations of the root, some being almost inert, has can-ed the medicine itself to fall ia o disrepute, 'idle Messrs. Sands, it would seem, hive succeeded in obtaining a powerful ami uni form preparation ofit. We have seen an ahnn <l mee of tesiitm h ids to its efficacy from the high est authority, and we recommend it with pleasure. Southern IV hig. For further particulars and conclusive evidence of itssnpoiior value and efficacy, sco pamphlets, which may he obtained of agents, gratis. Prepared and sol i, \vholcsale a:.d retail, h}’ A. P. & D. SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, 10(1 Tulte.u, corner of William street, Nvw-\urk.— Sold also bv, HAVILANI), libSLEV CO., A ugusla. And hy Druggists generally throughout the I"nited States, Price $1 per tiottle, or six bottles for V-i May 25 Wistm’s Balsom of Wild Cherry. 'The follow ing letter from Rev. II EN R\ WOOD, of Concord, N. JL, editor of the Congregational Journal, a religious newspaper of a high character, ►■peaks volumes in favor of the good qualities ot \V istar’s Balsam: Concord, V. 11. Mircli 2. 181(1. Mr. S. W, Towle— D ar Sir: Two \eus ago the past » fitter, a sudden an 1 violent attack upon <ny lungs by exposure to Bold, roc fined me to my room and bed for several weeks; ami when 1 re covered I was so much oppressed by difficulty in breathing.that 1 was incapihle of rapid walking and violent exercise, and often was unable to sleep or rest upon a bed by j* ; ght, The suffering was frequently extreme, and judging from the im lfica cy of /be remedies used. I stipp.sed the disease in enrahie. Being persuaded to try a bottle of \\ is tar’s Balsam of Wild (berry, without the least con fidence'in'T; efficacy or that of any other prescrip ti >n. no one can fully umh* r stand my sUrpri.se and joy, when 1 found the difficulty'almost entirely re moved before (hu bottle was used up. Having a mortal aversion to njedi/-ja : .e, and seldom using it in any forth, nothing bin sympathy with my fel low stiff'rers induces we toiuake this pul tic state ment, and recommend the article toi otliers similar* ly ulTlicted. With respect, poors truly, IIE.NKV WOOD. None At-ti 1 c.s> fig tied I. I<T, IIS on the wrapper. For sale in Augusta, wholesale and retail, by II\VILAXD, RISLEV & CO., and also by THOMAS BARRETT & CO., and Dealers in Medicines generally in Georgia. May 23 'd 192 Denvocmtic Meeting in B-jr’cs County. The Democrats of Burke comity are requested to meet at Wayneshoio, on the first Tuesday in June, to appoint Delegates to attend the Conven lion, to be held at Milledgeville, on the. fourth Monday in June. May 22 Democratic .Meeting in Columbia, county* A meeting of the Democratic p; rty of Columbia comity will he held at Appling, on ill— first Tues day in .bine, for the purpose of appointing Dele gates to the Conve-niioM to be held in MilJt-.Ji;. v «IJe, City Taxes. COLLECTOR & TREASURER'S NOTICE. The Citizens of Angn.-ta, and all concerned, are hereby notified that I am prepared to re ceive their City and Canal Taxes for the present year, and hope that all who are ready to pay, will not wait for me to call on them, hut w ill forthwith honor me with a visit at my office, which will be kept open for the. purpose from 2 to f> o’clock, P. M. daily, for the next two e< ks. The forenoons, I expect to employ in making rails, as 1 am bound to do, unless my fellow-citizer.s make it unnecessary by first calling on me. JOHN HILL, c. & t. g. a. may 19. 12- 193 I——— iuijr*«nr»'Mg*rwT< -PU—M COMMERCIAL. latest DATES from Liverpool,::::::::::;:may 1. latest DATES from HAvßE,::::::; ::april 23. NEW ORLEANS, May 19. Cotton.— Arriv-d since the 14th inst.. 3776 bales. Cleared in the same, time 13,862 hales— making a reduction in stork of 10,086 hales, and leaving on hand inclu sive of all on shipboard not cleared on the ISth inst. a stock of 194.585 bales. On Friday, the 14ih inst., when we made up our last report, the Cotton market had been brought almo«t to a complete stand by the recep tion of a telegraphic summary of the Caledonia’s accounts, w hich appeared to he very favorable for Cotton, and consequently induced most holders to withdraw their stocks until in possession of their private advices. These came to hand on Satur day, and proved to be Jess encouraging than the printed accounts had ted parlies to expect. I here account*, together with the pnpot ib.lity of nego- tiating exchange to any important extent, have en tirely checked the operations of sjieculators, and ns few or no buyers in order have appeared, the ’ market since our last has been completely at a ' stand, the entire sales of the three days, at least > so Jar as made public, not amounting to 300 bales. • Under these circumstances we are again constrain ed t » omit quotations, as no transactions have ta ken place of sufficient importance to establish a market, thong h we miy be permitted to remark j that purchases could readily lie made at the prices • i paid on Thursday and Friday, ami probably a fr.ic , lion less, if buyers would come forward. | Freights. —To Liverpool. Colton, per !!>., Id .; to Havre, t a lie.; to New York, i a 3c ; to Boston, I K c., 3c. [('jrretpo.iiLnce of the Jluilimure Patriot .] 15 y .Magnetic Telegraph. NEW \ OYK, May 21—2 T. M —The Stock m trket«fo-d;»y was active and leading securities j v\e lll oil.it a >light advance. N a much doing in il >nr. Some sales from the u ii- rs of Genesee at $8,25 a $ i,37, an i fiom 1 -lores f«r immediate delivery, taken hy parties un der oh igations to close contrac sat $8,50. Sales r on the spot of Sonthei n bran Is at .$9 a $9,25. Cot - ► iderablc sales are making lor Iniure delivery at 1 | si Sales of Corn .deal at $1,75. Rye (lour s6.* : | lit a $6,25. Provisions remain without change in prices or . ; aeiixity. Groceries quiet. The (’niton market is inactive. Buyers asking | a conce-sion. Sales very moderate at ac. decline • sine ■ tin* steamer. BHit’Pl\U I\TELLIGEX(:E. ARRIVALS FROM CHARLESTON. Steamship So tithe riser. Berry, New York. me .no it a nu\. Tim brig Arabia it, Tyler, for Charleston, clear ed at New Orleans, J'.hh inst. I The schr. Henrietta, Gayle, for Charleston, , was up at Baltimore 21 st inst. 1 CHARLESTON. May 2f—Arr. brig Magic ; li t. Leslie, St. Juan de los Rem>'ffi is. (’nba; schr*. R Habersham. Penniston, Havana; Constitution, .Milton, Phtludelphi i. 1 Chi, Br. look We ling Jon. Menkin, T.iv erp o’; 1 : sdrs (len. (Lies. Dost a Northern port. W ens to sea .-hip Amelia, Agr , , Boston; harks B'- vidf re. Cook. Venice; t'omu, Mayo. Boston,; 1) i; Entity, G dl :ey. New \ui k; schr. Lebanon, Brown. Boston, t MORH Mb\V GOODS. IL- hare nn ia dby the Southerner, additional sitp • j Jill-sot KfiW AND BUM i’ll l b GOODS. I . AMONG WHICH ARK; BA REG ES ol ail colors ’ .si. Rich styles (T Satin striped and fig\J Ba reges Ncv\ styles of Frentdi IMnslins and Jaconets H hi/i ( rood S, .tffrh us : J VONET Ml SLINS, Swiss .Muslins. Book Muslins ami Eaces <d every kind; Canihric Mild Swiss Edgings and Insertings. l-ineii Cambric Ilatidkfs. from 124 cents to $tH. I.adiesand .Misses e Kid Gloves of the best quality'. Silk and Cotton i, Hosiery, a great assortment and at all prices While LWuask Curtain Muslins in sets and by the ya rd, • j Black, hlije-hlack. plain and striped Silks j Colored Silks, a splendid assortment i Black Aipaeas. black Bomhasius and thin black Goods for Ladies Dresses White and coiM. Canton (’rape Shawls and Scarfs Do. do. Barege and Twisted Silk do. French Work Collars and Bonnet Ribbons si»o pieces Calico of the richest ami newest styles • Parasols. I nihreila* and Sun Shades - hi Dut/irshr (ruods onr aamirhueiit ts very complete : Bleached and brown SHIRTINC-rS from 3-4 to 9-8 V. jde. Bleached ami lamvn Sljselings from 5-4 to 10-4 and 12-1 wide , Irish Linens, Linen Sheetings and i’iliowrcase I Linens, j As eoaiplefc ns our Stock is now. w T e take plea snre i i uniting purchasers to call and examine our f assor ment. as we are satisfied we can give salis laeij m in goods and prices. Ann' IS BOWDRE .V ( LAGETT, GLENN SPRINGS, 1 # 7 y , Spartanburg District, South Carolina, reniHS delightful Watering IMace has xji)der~ , gone thorough repairs, and will he ready to I receive company by the first of May. ' . 'Hi,, heneticia! results of the water can he testifi |» pd to by hundreds, who have experienced its in s flnenee upon vaewnis diseases, 'i’lie accommoda tions sh all he suited to the wants of all visitors | who may visit the place, upott the following terms, viz: Man per day, £1.25 j ** '■ week. 7,U0 j Over one and lesv than four Weeks, p( r week. 6,00 1 Four weeks and over, ** “ 5,(>0 I Children and Servants half price. . ; Horse per day, 62| i “ per Week, , 1 j .EC. ZfMM&SM \N. 1 For I lie benefit oft hose who are fond of music. ! - ! have purchased a fine Piano Forte, and have en gaged a fine hand of music for the season. Vlso, Mr. It. T Cates has repaired his Billiard i Table, and fitted nna new Fen Bin Alley, wLicit j will he in good order for the use of those fond of : that kind of exercise, Ac, (.ambling not allowed ; on the premises. J. C. Z. 1 I April 16 6—c2m 165 Hi GJSRS, j CP.. J SSSL S r IS m 3 . I , j Oi LD inform the citizens of Augusta and j w v its viciijity that he has opened a shop on ; McJntoslxslreet, directly opposite the Cons tint I ion , 1 alist office, for the purpose of carryingou theahove business, in all ils various branches. Rifles of a superior quality maie to older, nnd I warranted as good as can Ire produced, both in point - | of finish and accuracy of shouting. Double and single < .nns re-stocked ajjd repaired. Also, door ami trunk locks repaired, and new key- fitted at short notice. From ius long experience in the business, he is en-abled to say that all work entrusted D> his care } shall be done as well as il can be done at I fie north or elsewhere. £cjc Alien's Revolving and Self»Coeting t Powder Flasksand o|»ot Pouches,Cone W renches, I English, French and American Percussion Caps, for sale. aprii 27 1 y 174 GEOIKDA—-Scriven (‘ountv. TO ALL W HOM IT MAY CONCERN. r ; JII ER EAS, J(>sj A i I I,EE, applies for Let j w w ters of Administration on the estate of ' THOMAS McGEK, late of said comity, tleceased i’hese are therefore to cite and ttdmoni-h,aH and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsnid deceased to fie and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed hy law and show cause, if any they have,. 1 why letters of administration should nut fie granted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable Peter Reddick, one of the J n Igcs of the Court of Ordinary of said county, this 12th day of Mav. 1847. .May * ‘ ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. MOUNT EAGLI3 TRIPOLI. 1 A REMARK MILE mineral, pronounced by ill geologists to hi a great rarity in nature, and i known in them by the name of Tripoli, has lately been discovered in this country, although hut in one bed. of very narrow limits, all owned by the “.Mount Eagle Manufacturing Company” incorpo rated for the sole purpose of its manufacture. The ariH-le is excellent for burnishing and clean - ing all finished metallic and glass surfaces, such as gold, silver, brass. Britannia and steel ware, window’glass, &c. Nothing lias ever vet been i discovered equal to file pure Tripoli, and the com mnn language of the consumer is, it is the best thing I ever saw. The genuine article is foi ;a!c by the. eit la;i' t- agent/■-■«* Augns’a. W’M. HAINES. April .0 • -ts 1.6 xotjci:. A NY person or persons owninghd ofLnnd, No. JtriL E6 in the Ctf< District >4 I w:;t county, Ga . granted to .Limes Pyron, of Henry county, ran nmet with ready sale f<-r the s-arae, either lor the. whole or for half the Lot, a- the same includes a waterfall altogether necessary for our intended Factory. Payment promptly made either in cash or negroes. m S. L. EYE RETT E, Superintending Agent of the New .»rk Manufac turing Company, Albany, Baker m.. (ia. Jrc'l'be Federal Union will phase copy, and, for- W:trd bill to F F. May 23 3 1-8 COURT OF COMMON PI F.AS, To Jurors, H'i.lnsss;s, Turtles atrJ. uii con cerned. CXN application of the Ifir, it Ins been dVtcr ® y mined to adj turn over the May Term of thi.-Court iiOn tlie Ith to flie full Monday of the preseiit un.nth,-1n consequence vt interfering eu g igerm-ais of Compel in the Sup-’tpr ( uart ul Burke lamuty. ii) - order of Judge W-mrin: ' HENRY ROBERT, t'Vrlu (t(«M|.V pL.HANAI’. The Astrotions hy RODERT (J IxlJffc rtuiiinn in liu'ts county., rrnilis A !,MA.NN(.’, » pre-sly fin* Georgiy. v\ i pufJphed in July next, ami will corrtain, the tl Al niuiiac intelligence, the new addiltowsy v z: The Name and Location of each Post Office in ( Jeorgia. Tables of Popnlution. show ing the White and Black population of each eoimty in the State. Names of Clerks and .Sheriffs of each county. Names ol County I'owtis, ami Distances from 5! i I ledge x i lie. The Electoral Returns of each county, for [’res ident in iBM; and also of tiie same lor Governor,., in 18{j. The Electoral Vote ofcach State for President, in 1811. Tiie hitter tables will prove particularly valuable du/fog tiie Presidential campaign ol 1 Sirs. 'l’iigeth-T with a variety of other matters of equal mierest and importance. The Almanac will be read’s for deli very in Sep- Panbcr; orders for the same should tie made by ihe first of June, as tiie Ediiioii will be limited to ihe amotini of orders received by that day. The price to Country Merchants mid others will be > 3 per gross. Address ( HAS. K. GiMENVIEEE, Bookseller and Publisher, ?>lay 21 c 3 Augusta,(>», IKGI £: !t li ya >T V Pii !‘l( T i R INS. | What shonhl we cherish more in ibis brief life, Than Father, Mother. Sister, Jlrvther. \N iff? The tnetn’ry of the firm and constant Friend , Who aid and counsel in distress would lend! Let Art from .Nature theirtrne semblance make AU ciTom claims ii for our kindred's sake! rgHIE subscriber has taken the Room- lately occupied by .Mr. JotiNsoN. and will lake PJCTI RES m his well kuurn style. Having re ceived instructions from him and opt rating with his instrument, lie hopes to please ail who call at , his rooms. PETER STitA UP. May 14 lm— 189 LI A IKY STABLES. THE undersigned respect fully informs ihe public that x' ■gi lilGi)« lm has leased the old stand. well known as J. B. Guedron’s 1,0 4 ER S I'A BEES. on El!i ireet, and would be thankful for a share of patronage. R. A. \\ ATKINS. 51 iy It lB9 TO SI MMi:k visitors. •3 Having stated to many of my visitors 1 ■■' ■'g’• ij durimr the past summer, that 1 should dose my IDH SK, I deem it but Justice to nivseif, to inform them and others, tint circumstances have caused a change of my view s. \\ ith means i for accommodation soru-w hat enlarged. 1 feel evi ry confidence in being able to do as well as we have done. J. J. (JRli'i'iN, Gainesville, May I, 1817. May 5 lm— t 18* S2O REWARD. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber at yA 4 Mib* Bra mb, Barnwell District, South Carolina. o # u the lltli inst., a negro n;au —named ,JI NE, a carpenter. Jqne is a ■ black iii'iti, stout fellow, about 5 l M et, Id or if inches high, with full, heavy eyes, and inclined to he red, and stammers; between 25 and 30 years of age. The above reward will tie paid for hij delivery to the jailor of Augusta, where lie is w ell known, orslO for his security in any other d til so that 1 get him -18 AAC TAYLOR, eja y 13 189 TX V ES, rAX ES, TAXES ! ! 0.511(5.'! and alter the first day of June next, (lie it. I AX DIGEST —for the year 1847, for the tiie comity of Richmond, will be closed. Allpc/ sons, who may he found thereafter as defaulters, • will be dyitbje taxed, in accordance with the laws c-f this Si ate. from rlie fiisi day o' May to the first day of June next, I w ill he found at the City Hall, from 9 until 11 o'clock, A. M. Saturdays and Sundays excepted. ' BSiiAM THOMPSCEN, R. T. R. April 23 175 NEW GOODS FOR G ENT’S. WEAR. C4ASIM ERE-S of fancy colors, amj Black -A 1 trail et Ta and Ca-hmarette Super (\’!iite Rn-sia Duck for pants I iie-ii Drillings, checked, plaid and slt.'ped Checked Linen Coatings. Tweed Coalings i Cotton ami Linen Checked Goods, for boys wear Silk and Cotton Undershirts at-.d Drawers Brown Cotton 4 Hose, (.loves, Hamlkfs. I Suspenders, Silk, Cashmere and Marseilles A est ings, With, every description of Goods, in our line to which we invite your attention. BUWUKE & CLAGETT. April 17 167 GEORGIA, Richmond county. AHTWriIEREAS, Littleherry B- Beale, exertjlor w w on llie estate of Nathaniel Beale, late of I sairl coouty, deceased, applies to me fur letters dis missory. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ! and singular tHe kindred and creditors of said de | ceased, ta be and appear at my office within tiie i time prescribed hy taw, to shew came, if any they , have, why said letters should not be granted. Given underlay hand , at office in Augusta, 18ih ! January, 1847, LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. Feb 2 103 GEORGIA, Richmond County. il E R E A S, WILLIAM FI LcilEß and w w JOHN C. FU L<'H Fit. administrators on ' the estate of JOHN FI LCHER.sett.. tleceased, ■ Dy their petition laid before the Court of Ordinary 1 *>n the J6tli day of November, 1846, stating that they had fully administered on said esta e, and praying that citation for dismission may issue; or dered by the court that the clerk issue citation: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dc ; ceased, to be and appear at my office within the i time prescribed Hy law ,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters Hiould not be granted, (iiven under my hand, at office in Augusta, nov 29 6m LEON P. DUGAB, Clerk. COFFEE, SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 1? RIO COFFEE, ol 20 hhds N. O. and Muscovado Sugars, 3U hhds .New Crop Cuba .Molasses, for sale low by (April Gj JOHN R. DO Jl \C<)\ ! I> AC ON •* JUST RE( LIVED— -5 '0 choice Hams, for family use. 20,000 lbs prime Sides and Shoulders, and for sale low by [April6j JOHN K. DOW. PHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Superior Court ! of Lincoln county, when sitting for ordinary pur , poses, fur leave to sell all the r"ai estate of Jacob 1 Ammons, late of said i>>t:r;tv. de< ?ateJ. JACOB AMMONS. i April 29 177 ■ CI'V - f'v t:' VI I "if Q i * ~*-c: V* K A* - i u n a .5 c Ml /a0 ‘ <i • ’ 2 “M ferlfi (*ln Oil G i A loitehm:^. i). r.u’vr■ .* ( >. v v.vvgfrs. # -■-- - ... _ . # s \i,i:; clone. noo.v. Drawing Due Th s livening. Gravid Con,-! >1 united. Class Xu. 22. J > Ballots i:j euch I’ii h i-,* oi 25 Tickets. 30,000 IM>LI/KS. -.lu,' AM S6.'HH); x 1.();.!(i- b) of * I..Vh»; Vr h des uni v €‘ 10—>!i ires in i fupustkM!*. SALKS Cl ONE THIS EVENING. I/raUiiig Dae To -Afurrow. Savannah Lottery, (.'lass IVo. ~8. -a,oo© immuLaiin. Tickets §! —Halve- s'*c.—Package CiuTs, $6. Drawing Due Friday. “Columbus Loiter}'’ 113.000'' ImVLl’K^, $4,600; $3,006,- $2,560. <2 Nmuhen—l2 Drawn Balh- , *s. W lodes only —shares fir prof-ortiob. For sale by t. rr. pe/ant. .a Brond-st., 1 door ho low tin* Bank of Augusta. ” s■„?*( oders from the country will meet with i proiuut sill* lit ion if addressed as above. i.’fav -'a greenc a»> pulaski n-i\VM i:\t sen ■f' , ”. r T, c< ? wn A '*■?' -S« rt, cSmM iAA rIL a£»9 m J. .XI\IJ *k \ \(J ■»)., SUCX’HIS I’M j. 14. iV A'**., m PACKAGE Si n: ME. • UL\SS M. 'l’ti ho draivn at Savannah, 31a y 29, IHIT. Sales ('lose Saturday, d M!a r 3 >*. 4k e j n Ws* 'K *iP xP a* >’<Vtsi lim Ik Wholes only si Halves. 56c.—Risk on packages of 2.5 einarters, only §3 76. KXTU \ CLASS No. 21 . ISy \levarn.lriii Clsiss 24. .'fay 22, 1847. ANOTHER GRAND SIIKMK. 7.5 Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballots. Mhmm uom/ks. SIyV.OOU!SIyV.OOU! *6.066! §j.()o(»! sJ.U'mi! Ac. Tickets §1(1, shares in proportion. CL ASS No. 20. By South Carolina. Class No, lIQ, May 20, 1817. SALKS CLOSE Till USD AY. f>f> Nunthers—l2 Ballots. 9MMP BOSLL’II^. $•3,111! *2 of $1,0.)n! 'l’ickets $7,00— j !iac-s in j»roj>ortiou t For sale t»y JOHN \. MILf.F.N. \?rnt. Opposite the Alasonic Jlall, t)V*OnJeTs from the country promptly ttiemleil to, ■ n • 33 SPRING BONNETS, &C. MRS. K. PRITCIIAUD. I'trxt tlnnr ahovr the Augusta Insurant e and I'auu in r Coinjxtn >/, ami i/nnirijiaft // opposite l\ I.amhai'k s i 'un/rctioni n/, i open, on Alomlay next, a fashionable w a assortment of Spring & Summer Bonnets, a.mom; which auk NT \POI.ITAN, .MON I’KUKV COTTAGE, FRKNCii LU’K, A.V] \ZONB, KICK I'KA lIL, Rl( 17 COIU. KG. LKGHOUN. DKV'ON and STRAW. Misses’ IK )N N KTS,a«rood supply. Sh<* will also open a fine assortment ol Fashionable RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TABS, CAPS, I’.vrcs A\l> COLL VilS, which site will sell lovv for cash. DO" JION N 1 I TS repaired or made to order at the shortest notice. Im [April 16 T ;;>v SPUING GOODS. T r 3! f). FRICK <fc (’i)., Drapers and Tai- VV Jors, have now instore, and are weekly receiving from the KreiTch and English markets, CLOTHS, CASSI.RKRKS and ~ VES I’lNt.S, and Trimnting- for Tailors uses, to which they would call the attention of those visiting this mar ket, ns they can sell them by pine or pattern, as low as they can he purchased in New,\ ork: Cash mar**tts. < 'roton Coatings. Summer (’amhlets. Eng lish anil Ameri-an I weeds, white and colored Linen Drills, “Drap D'Kle,’ hl’k-and coFil tig'd. ?tl;iii"guir Delaines, and all tin* newest patterns and styles of VESTINGS of Silk, Ca.-hmere, while and col'd. Marseilles, Valencias. Ac.. Ac., with a full and general assortment of the newest patterns and styles of UEAD\ rtJADE CLOTH ING, and well made Shirtsaml Drawers, flats and Caps, Imhrcllas, steel frameandall kinds; Hosie ry. Gloves. S itspeinters, < rivals. Scarfs, Handker chiefs. Stocks, Collars, Bosoms, Shoulder Braces, Killing Belts, Money Belts, Razors and Razor Strops. Dressing ('ases. ('Jollies Brushes, flair Brushes. Mat Brushes, Nail and Tooth do.. Night I Caps, Money I’urses, Pocket Books, Tablets, Watch Guards. Body Guards, 'Tailors Shears, Points,'Tailors Inch Measures, Crayons, and every article useful for dress. A fine assortment of ITICKOIIV SHIRTS. We will make In order all ki.tpjs of FASHION- A RLE ( LOTH ING at -Ijorl notice, and as cheap as can he had in (he Southern market. 2dS BROAD-S'T., opposite Slate Ban]*. Man h 18 ill SHOWER BATHS. SHOW Eti BATHS from the N. E. Manufacturing Company, Massachusetts. : 'This article is put up in neat st\le. ranging at I prices from slatoSo ). They can he see?) hy call i log at C. A. FLA'T'i’ S, May II Cabinet Ware-Room, Broad-st. NEW ICE HOUSE—ELLIS STItEE'IN I B subscribers having completed their ICE Ml Hi HSUon a new and well adapted plan for i preserving lee during all seasons of Ihe year., re ! spcetfnlly inform the citizens of Aggtiista and its vicinity, that they have received anil w ill keep for sale, a large supply of this ne*veseary article. liatrs. —3 cents per pound; 34 cents per pound to those purchasing $lO worth of tickets, which I will entitle them to as small a quantity as 2 pounds | at a lime; 24 cents per pound lu those purchasing j 500 Bis and over, delivered. lee put up in the best manner for country cus tomers. 'Terras of sale, cash on delivery. The fee House will he opened from sunrise un til dark, and on the Sabbath Irom S nil 10 o’clock a.m. VV.M. HAINES &, CO. April 14 164 \ CARD. P". T. P. CLK VEL VN D having temporarily withdrawn from the, practice of his profes sion, I would inform the citizens of Augusta and the public generally, tic,it 1 have formed a connec tion with his former copartner, Jxo. W. Spf.ar, in the practice ol DEN TAL SI siness will he conducted under the firm of LV/re fanil i\- Spear. Otilce Broad-st., over Aldrich &. Green’s shoe store. JNO. A. CLEVELAND. FVbMS . ts- ] l 7 IODIDE OF SARSAPARILLA is a new preparation of' A. B. <ir P. A SANDS, and is confessedly the best Spring and Fall Purifier of the Blood. The attention of 1 Physician* is particularly directed ro * -ie g.r-mra | tern For-ale by J. L. 7<jARSirALL. j April 32 ' 176 ! FOR SALE—LIKELY VOINGNF (i RO Es. 4CO'i ah<u:t 16 yen rs of age. and GIRL n’"out . Jj. Apply on M m Lay and 'Tuesday, nl the Wa*»on Vard in Hamburg, 'They will he sold l„vv? JOHN Hi BITTING. May 23 *2 U7__ lAOUU MONTHS after date, application _F will he made to ttie iloßorahle the Inferior Court of Richmond county, w hen -itiing for Ordi nary purposes, lor leave to^'-eil the land helong ii.g t ■ the crate of Alexander Mr-Iver. dec a-ed, ! I'ig a lot containing 40 acres, No. 615, 14th Dis trict sec-lion ol the rcmritv ot ( herokee. \V. EWING JOHNS TON, Adm'r. Way S 3 _ >•'} GEORGIA R V 5 i. ROAD. After May 26th. a PA SS ENciER OA R sp.A. will he attached to the freight 1 ruin —from I uion Point to Augusta, every Mmidan, arid from Augusta to Luton Point on Thursdays. 'Transportation Office G. R. R and B. \ Augusta, Ga. Mav 33d, LG?. S Slay 23 7 GEORGIA RAIL DO AD. On and after April 31st. ISl7*, th * Pas>eugcr 'Train will leave Augusta at —i.LAo-a. < o’clock, B. Ji. 'Transportation Otilce (4. K . 11. A’ I». Co. Augusta. April 20th, 1847. 170 .SOI I’ll CAROTIN V E VIL ROAR. 7F~’| On and after the 20th in-l-, a SI’E <7IAL TKAINfor |iass-e tigers v% ill run helween llamlmrg and Aiken. To leave as follows, viz: 'To leave Hamburg, . 51 P. 51. “ “ Aiken, HA. M. W. i. MAG RATH, Agent. .ATay 13 188 ( ()ME At L AS! . REAL lII'ENA VISTA 11 ATS. »; Direct from New Orleans, and select- J. sg &-':.>ed expressly for us by a distinguished ( oh of tiie Army; these are the kind of II AT.S - w hieh were worn by Gen,. ‘lVxyhur. in the great but-. [ tie. Only a few receive f. and for sale hv DOW DRE & CLAtJETT. ! V.ny 21 IHS BANK OF AEG I'ST A. ) I Till Ma y. I s i7. (i f'* 3 IIE Board of Direct ■ .rs oft Ids Bank, have ili is day dee fa red n dividend of three dollars and fifty cents per .share, payable on demand. j May 18 J AS. W. I-A v HIS. Casli’r. hsw m\mm summer /' A A A y 3 1/ U v .u o « AVILLI.VH iI . CRANE. 7! pT received by the last steamer and other id U. recent arrival s from N \v Vork, the larg est and most desirable stock of SPRING AND si MMER DRV GOODS, he lias ever offered in this city, eon-isting ol a very great variety of the newest and (post fashionable Goons, which i were selected from the latest importations. He w mild respectfully invite the public, and the ladies in particular, to call ;in l examine Ids assortment, w lii- )k they w ill find very rich and beautiful.— 'There are Rich Charm lion Gro De Alg p r Silks Rich Plaid and stripe Poult De Luicdo Rich ChameSion Grenedine Silks Black Gro De Rhine and Armour Silks 14 rich black lustre Silk- for Scarfs and Dresses Rich colored and Orahre stripe Barege, plain black and Satlin stripe d ? » Elegant Potiipedore aud French Mdslins (•rganda and Embroidered Muslins Jaconet, Swiss. liidi;i Mnil, and Nainsook do Plain black Lawns an ! Mourning MnHins Black \lpacea and. Bomhasin Em!u-o\l and Tatnbor’d Swiss Robes, wldte black and colored Barege shawls Embroil Muslins - and Barege Searfs l’renc!i worked! ollarsand ( apes Fancv Silk Halulkercliiel’s nod L’r.vvatu llair. Gras,-, and < orded Skirts Irish Linens and Sheetings 8-1 and BM Damask Table Diaper 8-4 and 10-4 Donetsk Table (Moths Scotch and Russia Draper and Crash I Tnrkev ted Cambric (for w i;tdow curtaiiifi) Su iss 'J’ambor’il < ’orlain M uslips 10-4 12-4 white Marseille- (3oihs French Embossed piano covers and table cloths, garment and Furniture Demit y Lim-n (’aniline llapdkerchicfs, from 35c. to $6 1 nibrellas, Parasols, and Sun Shades Gloves, Mitts, and silk and colored Ho-ery 1 Carved shell ’l’uckCotnhs i 5-1.6-4 and 13-4 Bleached .sheeting Furniture Calico. Bedtick A large assortmt nt of bleached and unbleached ! .Shirting and .Sheeting Also, a large assortment ol low priced Muslins and (’alico With a very great variety of other Articles. People from the country who x isit the city ' ill do well to call and examine my assortment oefore purchasing, as 1 am determined to sell Goods on the lowest terms fir cash or to punctual custom : ers. J2-c2 May 1) I.INEN GOODS. SOIIN P. SETZE. has just received tim cheap est assortment of LI N EN GOODS, ever of fered in this market, to wit: 4-4, Undressed Irish Linens in whole and demi i pier. s. 9-8. Fine and heavy Pillow Case Linen, 6. 10, 11 and 12-4, Linen Sheeting, some very ! fin'*, 8. 9 ami 10-1, Single and double Damask Table Diaper, 8-4, Barnsley Diaper. 8- L uiddeaciied Diaper, B,‘J, B'-4 unbleached Table Cloth, 1 Bird’s Eye Diaper, Long Law n. Slate and Grass Linen, White and colored Drillings, White and brow n Hollands, Bleached and unbleached Russia Sheeting, French and Irish Linen Checks. Russia and Scotch Diaper. Crash and Crequila 4-4 Burlaps and Osnahirrgs lane-n Cambric Hamlkfs. at 137 cecits ;utd up wards, j Grass S^HrD Bleached and unbleached f.inexi Nocks Bleached ami w.thlt ached 'i’owcls witit colored borders. Huckaback Dowlas Geuls. Lineji Gloves. A4.SS3, A general-and extensive selection of FANCV j and STAPLE (FOODS, worliiy the attention of customers gcie rally. .March 26 118 UEUIIGIA, Richmond countv. John I). Rainy, Admiui-trator w w on the estate of Mary Craig, deceased, applies to me for liters dismissory. Tliese are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sa-id deceas ed, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if arty 'hey have, why said letters should not he granted. (Fiven under njy hand at office in Augusta, this : ISI Inlay of .May, 1317. LEON P- DI'.GAN, Clerk. 1 May 19 193 BRICKS FOR SALE. nSUIF subscriber has for sale and will keep on -H. hand at his Brick Yard on Green-street. 350.000 BRICKS. S. L. BAN FORD 1 Jan 24 ly 96 ORANGES AM) LE3IQXS. SB I'N EiV ED ici < - oi*-ignment from New York, 10 boxes ORANMiES, 10 " Lemons, which will he sold low JOHN R. DOW. i April 6 157 MON TUN after date, application will he made to the Honorable the inferior Court ; of Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses. fur leave to sell the whole of ilu real estate | of James Parker Sen , deceased, late of said conn tv. JAMFA PARKER Jr.. ) , , . THO.MAS PAR * A,!m r? - i April 3 - 154 “ WANTED r f6 HIRE, i "B"SA the mouth or year, Negro hoL m j tnii • u to twenty ye.;;-, of age. Inquire at thu office. w 31y 1 I 5 i>EIC SALKS. PUBLIC SALT. 1 ,© undersigned being about to r* mow from thiA part <>f tlu- country, wi\| on Friday mxt at the OM Ar-cnal. offer for sale at public''auction, the* 1 i lowing articles, viz: One r. horse wagon, one 1 horse warin' one •» horse wagon, new. one 2 horse w.vgutV, 'one [ li"r.-.-e wagon. new. one Snlkey ami harness, l Sett F'lur'. iii ;ij Fool- uni* Lot Fanning L'lemhl'*, < ’ovv, toasts, Hogs, < or rt, Pen *, f£ay, Slmcks 'I ..ps and various other articles. Terri'S made know n at *ale All persons having demands against me, are rc <j nested to present them on or before Saturday next. -May 2.' U 31. C. HAM H A Vi.. A 'mini strut six's Salk. | \\ i.i he s’ !J on the first Tpt-sdav in \ugusl next, to llm 1 i; itest bidder, as the ( oijrt llou-e door in thciowiiot I.mnpkin', Stewart rounty, within* Ibe leva! 'rs of salt*, agreeable to an order of the hi) f si?ii hie the Inferior Court of Richmond, . tom v, when sit line as a Court of Ordinary ana for Ordinary purposes* V Tran of Lamt. known as No. 227. 2<fh Dis trict of Stewart county; drawn by l.utt Williams j ami -old as tile property of ihe estate of the *h'. t Roll W tiliauis, deceased. . Sold for division IVrins cash. JA N K V\ILIJA3JS, Adiu’x, 3lav 12 /.V bon is non . FOK SALE. f- a That delightful summer residence, at 1 : 3 m Air, rc, ently occupied by Judge’ J Jolt, for a description of the premise* and terms of sa!*:. persons wishing to purchase ar* referred to Thomas Barrett. April 25 if 173 ENTIRELY new. f SUIUNG VM) M 3IMEH STYLES; .tOUX BRIDGES, FASHION ABLE I>l* A PER AND TA{L(jlv’, i t door btloir 11.I 1 . Shifts Hotel, firvod st. ra'Dlh Spring and Summer slides just receiving *_ ol ( l OrilS. « as-imeres. Hrap DT’te' i plain and fivur d; Mixed ami Drnb Casdimerettes, I >nils, \ estings, I aiiey A nicies. Trimming*, Ac; : f>r gentlemen's wear. I’nder Vests for Indies. I he public are rospet tfolly invited In-tore cr j during their aarm-M-ts elsewhere, to examine the above; Stock. vv fib !i Imy i.ill find to com prise thn v ery best selections that can be made in the New j York market. I N. I! -—.Making and Trimming as u-nal, in tbo j most fashionable manner. I 3larch2G J 43 ]♦. V GOn|)hv J.V L'ltA /iLESTO y, S, C. F \Nc BOR r; 253 King st., would in l, Jc vite the alieiiiion of country planters and ol be rs, who may \ i- 1 1 the city, u. is stuck ol rich T,» ll r y and Staple Dry Hoods. It will be found one. ct the most extensive m the dfi/. and is intended |»« ; embrace every article in the Dry Hoods line. I’nr- I I (' 11 1 : i r til I'til i<'ii pa ivl to Indies’ rich Dress floods 4 i tSbawls, 31atitles, &c. ,\l-o, a full assortment of Domestic Fabrics, but It Cotton pud Wopletl. lu rooms in the rear ami over our front sales room, will be otlered to merchants, a large stock of ilia same goods, at wholes U, nt prices well worthy the attention of close buyers. April II ' DH iTiiißtr.ib sri’iTArid-s. ; NKITIIKR 'III i: FKK.XCII JlEMtK'l'ti. NOK WoL LA.STO.V3 li.NGLISII PKUISCOIMC. u lipexperience inconveniencein the tisrt ® of the common kind of Classes, and especi allv in rending, ,1 liese -Spectacles will be found a ue>' 1 valuable snbstit ule; i ll iioi iise. except w lieS** j Ihe op ti e nerve has been pronounced diseased h’.tve i they when properly fitted, tu gi v e satisfac tion. No le-per proof of 'heir superior merit can be : given to cacti individual who may need Glasses •ban the satisfaction be vv ill experience in the use of them. rhe.se (Hasses can be obtained in this place only of CLARK. RACKETT A CO.. Agents for the ManiifactfifeVs. v* in have now cm hand a good supply in gold and | silver frames. Perifocal Glasses Tit It'd toanyfratite. ; for any visum. -Spectacles in gold, silver and steel, forsalevcry low by CLARK. HACK KTT A; CIO.. Dealers in M atclies.Jewelry, Silver Ware, &c. may 8 137 CANAL FLEAM HE BOAT. 1 S'* 1 subscriber, 1 1 a\ tug bi’iilt a BOAT for tbo j purpose o( conveying Ladies and i,entle j men ftp and down the Canal, takes- this oppofttt nity ■ d informing the public generally that the boat will leave the ('anal Basin TV FRY SATI RD A V 3ff>RM\H. nt 0 o'clock. Fare FIFTY Ci' - NT'S.—Cbiklrety astd servants l«ilf j*rß-e. jFT" 1 'arool not less ihou Mt'rtri >/, desirous of going any other day in’the week than speei •,t above, rau doso by applying, twenty-four h <rj previous to the time tli-y wish to go, to Mr. 11. K. i’HJ Li’O i’ s Corner •>! Broad ami Centre-st•'eets w. tb lILUBF.RT sTaLLIMJIJ, 31 ay 2 ts ]7f> A V AI }T | alter and ahacyid the third section of ll.^ I M second ttrli’t ie of the Constitution of this S rate. \N itkitT.as the Third Section of the Second Arti cle of t lie Constßunon of this State reads ip ijte following wot Is. ui wit :—No person sltall be el igible to the office <u H jvernor who sbaß not have be-n a x itizr nos the Foiled S,laics twelve years, am; an inhabitant of this Sta'e ,-jx years, and who has not attnined to the age of thirty years., and who does not possess - five hundred sere-, of land in his own right within this Slate, and other property to the amount of four thou sand dollars, and whose estate shahnot on a rea sonable estimation, he competent W the dis charge of his just debts over and above that sum —and whereas said properly <r,uaUfrcatioii is in consistent with the g-niiis ofdurinstitutions, and t lie popular spirit of tiiisage— SKCTIO.X f. He if enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of rite State of Georgia in General Assembly met and if is hereby enacted by the aat hardy of ihe same. That so soon as thin Act shall have passed, resable to ihe require ments of the Constitution, the following shall be adopted in lien of the Section above, recited, (to vv it: j—No person shall be eljgjble to the office of Gevernor wlio shall not have been a citizen of the I oiled rotates twelve yettrs and an inhabitant of this State s-ix years, and who hath n<H attained the age of thirty-years. —Approved December With, 1845. April 13 b \ LAMPS!! A i E\V splendid LARD (SOLAR) LAMPS - of the improved patent, to close a consign ment, v, ill be sold at cost. Persons w ishing such articles can he supplied at a much less price than costumary. J. K. MARSHALL- ' fcCrOLD BR ASS and COPPER wanted, f«B "hi h a liberal price will be paid. April 22 yfo FOR THE TOILET. \ N invoice of Darrel's SHA\T.V7 CREAM, -Cm. and other Soaps, with a great variety of 1 .ssences *jid Rxtracts, Brushes aw.! (bipibs. Fan Lnstracl, and Hair Dye* Powder Boxes and Ppflis Yt ith a great variety of other abides of and Domestic manufacture. • I; '» I-* J. F MARSHALL WPERFI MER\ . —Ahoot-MVi-iitv-flvediffer j il. ent extracts or t heehojeest English and Fretn h I Ovlours, from Ede, Luh-p Prevoet, with an end less \;i rity of American l*£rfumes,someof them verv line, and all will Resold low. march 23 J, E. 31 VRSHA T T.. ffc O ITC E.— Ail persons indebted to tbe estate e » of FRANCES GALPHIN- late of Burk© county, deceased, are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having demands against said estate \vjll please present them within the time prescribed by law. ISAIAH CARTER, Ad'r. May 15 l9* ’"Sk’OTICE.—AII persons indebted tu the estate of B. B. H ns-ev. deceased. late of Richmond county, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, anc- all persons having tlemands against said deceased will render rltetn :n agreeahlv to law. J. Wfi.HTMAX, Adm’r. 3lay !5 V'A DM N