Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 02, 1847, Image 3

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75 per band for Ohio, (the highest rate general ly asked,) and ST for St. Louis fancy brands.— Wheat went up 15 cents per bushel —IOOOO bushels goo 1 sold at £1 10, and I‘2 000 choice at Si 50 per bushel---Lead lias improved-—I3OO pigs brought S'- 80, and 3100 do. soft, So 871 P cr iOO pounds. No change in provisions. Sales of 1000 barrels Whisky at 01 to *2ll cents perga’- lon." r i.'roc*i»!» .Vri'ivetl- Yesterdav, the barque John Udlin. Copeland, from Vera Cruz, brought up three companies of the Alabama Regiment, under the command of Capl. Thomas—viz: Cap Us. Jones, Thomasand Baldwin s companies —numbering 152 rank and file.—-The schr. H irry F. Lutterlock.'Scail, from Vera Cruz, brought up companies 11, J and K of the Georgia Regiment, commanded by Capts. Wilson. Sergeant and B: ice. The schr. < >zci nola, Allen, brought up a company of Alabama volunteers under the command ofCupt. Shelby— .V. ij Dtlia } '2“ith ult. Troop** A i rfved. The sf. ameaiioul Gen. Fiue. Capt. Russ, from Cincinnati, wiiicii arrived yesterday morning. : brought down Cant. J P. Smith. Lieuts. J. A. | Niarklev, VI. Al. Henderson, and lr>o privates of ! thelfilh Regiment U. S. Infantry.—i ». The brigs Henrico, Pavne, and Lincoln. j S nith, from Vert Cruz, arr ved here last night, j having on hoard Co! VV. 11. Ketelium, in coin- . jmnd of two companies of Alabama volunteers, j companies C arid H. numbering 1(H) men, rank j and file, and Col. Reed, in command of company | A. Georgia volunteers, 52 men, rank a.d file.— Jb. " | Javne’s Expectorant. PROOF! PROOF! PROOF!-Rev J. 1.. Turner, Protestant Methodist .Minister, says, in ; a letter to Lr. Jay no, dated Albion, Erie county, j Penns' Ivania, < )ct. oth, 1 Bla. Mrs. Turin r lias been afllicled with Dvspkpsia and Sick Uimd m hk for about five years, which continued to grow more severe. It is my opinaoi that one ( more turn of it would have closed her inert I rateer. She took f <ir bottles of your Vermifuge, and one box of Sanative Pills, and by the bles- j sung of Go 1 accompanying the means, she is cu - «-d of her affliction. We had tried all the physi cians,far and near,to no effect,until we used your medicine. We gave the Vermifuge to our chil dren for worms, and it had a good effect. I have i ,ken pains to send to Erie for your medicines for sometime, and they have effected so many cures’ that we want you to appoint an agent here. Yours, J. L. T LTIMER. SCR O F UL A AND SC ROFULOUS SWELLINGS —Scrofula -fe all its ra'tltiplied forms, whether in that ot King's Evil, Enlarge ment of the Glands or Cones. Goitre. Wide Swelling, Chronic Übeam itism, C irteor Diseases of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary ('orsuttfp f ion, emanate from one and the same cafcsr. Vvhfeh is a poisonous principle inherent in the human system. Therefore, unless principle can be des tiO': e<l, no radical cure can he edccied; hut it the ]>rinciplcn;K>n which the disease depends js re moved, a cure, 'mist of follow, no matter under what form the disease should manifest It self. This,therefore,is'the reason why JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE is bo universally successful in removing so facy malignant diseases. If dcs tnujs the •'> n or principle from which those diseases h?. v e their origin, by entering into the circulation and with Tie him d ; v conveyed to the minutest frbre,removing every particle of disease from the system. Prepared m Tj by J?r. D. Jayne, P.iiladclphia, ■ and sol I on ageecv by \V . K ITCHES-Augusta. June 2 cl Mb'> Batik State Georgia'. Branch : t Au gusta, JltlV 31st 1847.—The Barn! of Di rectors will, on Friday next, elect a Rook-keeper, duties to commence on the 3d of July next, w ben the term for which the present incumbent war eVrted will eVpire. Candid may ’ttvr • fee atfornt of salary and the bond required on application at die Hank. By order of the Board. I- HENRY, Cashier. June 1 901 democratic .Hooting in 31 organ. The Democratic party of the County of Morgan are refueled toTeet ir Madison, on the first Mon day in Jnne/fer the purpose of appointing delegates to ihe Gubernatorial Convention in Alilledgev i' l e. Ms J '£J = ‘ It. S. Jact r ‘ s ~, Teacher on the Piano Forte. Flute and Violin, respectfully tenders his services to the citizens of August -..j References — Henry Parsers, Thus. Richards and T. S. Metcalf, Eftpr. \. B.—For terms &c., th.piije at 11. Parson Music store. tun J)*c. I ii— —■<! i 1 Him i in--ii-i - —i -if- ii i ■ ~ T'-r-iTirm^ CO M ERCI A I/. i.atkst DATES FROM LIvKK.rodL,in:::::MAV 4. I..ITKBT dates PROM ft a v RK,::::::::::: aPR 11. 23. JlaiUct, Jaar J. EXCESS OK RK.-Eirrs OVER EAST SLASOV. *T Charleston, 112.fi 7 bales, av'jr IMS) ll>s. 40,562,720 ths. Savannah, 59,897 “ “ -11a “ 2 I.poT. -lo •• Total, IVg.iit hairs 65,42U,iJ.0 lbs. DECREASE AT N. Orleans, 327 130 bales, nv’g 45b lbs . 147..“6 8,500 lbs. .Mobile, 1*6,3(47 “ " 489 “ 47,123 453 “ Florida, 10,764 “ “ 415 4,467,4160 “ Virginia, 1,279 “ 360 “ 457,200 “ N. Carolina, 2,535 ‘ “ 360 “ 812.6-0 “ j 433.575 ‘201,40=823 172.574 65,420,1*75 j Total, 266,301 bales. 136,007,846 lbs- j ' i COTTON. —'Fbe cotton market has remained during the week in the sane state as noticed in our 'lust. The quantity offering is limited, and the on ly sales making are a few straggling lots, in small parcels, which warehousemen have received or ders to sell, and have farced off at prices ranging from Oi to 11 cents —principally at 10 a 104 cents. The only cottons offered, however, have been or dinary to middling fair. Buyers still show not the vlightest disposition to operate, while holders keep their samples from the board, and have no idea ot selling at the prices offered. This state oi things will nr. doubt continue until the next Steamer's nd vices come to hand, when, if they are more fa vorable, some sales may be made—but should they prove the reverse, we look for a quiet market f.r a month or two to come, as the hulk of the cot ton on band is held by those who have the means of holding. The receipts of the past month, as will be seen by reference to table, in Augusta and Hamburg,is only 3,292 bales, again-t 5.940 du ring the month of .May last year. We again omit quotations, as in the present state of the market it is impossible to give them with anything like ac curacy. RECEIPTS OF COTTON, From (he Ist Sept.. IS16,(o latent dates re* i red . 4846-7. 1845-6. Savannah, May 28, 227,006 167.109 < harlestou, May 29, 322,01 d 2'9,84 1 , Mobile, Vtay26, 315.767 412,134 Nmv Orleans, May 26, 681,359 1 ,(>09,289 i Texas, April 16, 6.929 00 Florida, .W:.V 22, 121.0 5 131.769 Virginia, >Uv 1, 10.100 J 1,370 North Carolina, May 15, 5.715 8.250 Total, 1,700.399 1,959,762 STOCK OF COTTON Remaining on hand alike latest dales received. Savannah, May 24, 23,922 20,550 Charleston, May 29, 54.133 45.694 Mobile, day 26. 99.258 85,752 New Orleans, May 26, 189.832 2( 8,03! Texas, April 16, 599 60 Florida, May 22, 31,893 24.164 Augusta *V. ilamhurgyJune 1,25.117 31.127 Macon. May !. 7.877 13,1'-0 Virginia. May 1. 925 600 North Carolina, M y 15, 7 K) 2.900 New York. Mav 26. 85, U 2 100.000 Philadelphia, May 22, 4.950 10.353 Total, 527,618 515,871 GROCERIE'.—We have bad a fair business during the past week, but the months of May and | June are generally our dullest months. Our mer chants never had better stocks on baud at thissea i sin of the year than they have at present, and are j determined if moderate profits will cause custotneis to stop here, to slop I hem. . i CORN—This article is in request at rents | per bushel, sack included, and meets with ready j sale as fast as it arrives. Some holders, we un derstand are asking more, and should the advices i from other markets continue fivorahlfe they will 1,. . i obtain it. Fl,OCß.—Country is not only in demand, but is getting scarce. Sales have been reported to us this week of sever il small lots nt 861 p-T bhi. Put j up in good merchantable order, holders are asking 1 fij a 7. BACON —Is improving—sales have been rc ; ported to us this week of a lot of 10,000 lbs at Bje. | the hog round, another small lot tit 84, and a small lot of clean sides at 9?c. per b!s. S VET.—We understand a sale of 2900 bushels loose has been made this week at 49 cents per bushel. Retailing from stores at 45c. Sack Salt at 8 1.59 a 1,62 per sack. COFFEE—Good slock on band, principaFy : Rio. Sales this week of about 160 bags at B|c. — , We quote 84 a 9 cents per lb. al wholesale and M I a 10 by retail. MOLASSES.—Fair stock of Cuba and New i Orleans, but not much demand at the, present mo -1 inent. Cuba is held at 28 a 30c. from store, and New Orleans at 40 a 43, according to qauiity and quantity. SFGVRS—Stuck of all (Jescripli ins good. No large sales to report this week. We quote Musco -1 vado Sa '0; Porto Rico and St Croix 9 a 94; New Orleans 3 a 9 ENd ’II\NGE. —Our banks are now selling Sight Checks on N »rt!i'*rn cities at 4 per cent, preni. Th n y purchase sight, a five ■days Sigh « hecks on New York at 4 pretft. —hat there is very little offering—6o day bills, ? a Ic. FREIGHTS. — We have ho change to notice in ; the rates to Savannah or Charleston—nor is there touch Cotton offering to either place The River is Mill in beatable ccndPion. STOCK OF COTTON i r .i Augusta and Hand-urn on the Ist inSinnt. I BJT. 1 8 iC. In V ugu-fo 20,356 26.412 Hamburg 4,761 8.015 Total Stock.. . 25. J 17 34,427 SJHrMK .V V OF COTTON From Aui'nsta ard Hamburg, to Savannah and Charleston, \c. J 810-7, 1815-0. From Ist to 31st May, - -——<^ To Savannah, 2.584 6.329 Cc.arleslon, by rail-road,.. . 2,827 6292 5 411 12,621 Slop'd from Sep. I id May I, 171,668 8 ,887 177,079 94.508 T F.Cr.IFT OF COTTON At \t " >/sla ,C Hamhurtr .from Sept 1.’46, toh*tin*f. Stock on hand Ist inst 25,117 3),3‘27 Shipped from Ist Sept ]Bi6 to 1 .si inst 177,079 91,503 , 202,196 128,935 Dad net stock on hand Ist Scut. 1316, . 9,906 *,919 Total Receipts 192.290 123.016 Deduct Receipts to May 1,... 188,998 J 17.076 j Receip's of May ~.. 3,292 59R) 15 AN iv STO C K , At . jOriginaf! Present j Divid’s. I cost, j value, i per ami Mechanics’ Hank, j JOO 11(>5 a 18 per ct. Vug. Ins. A - l>k. <o. ]OO. x |BO a |8 per ct. Ilk. ot Brunswick, i J'9.o |IUO si 101 8 per ct. Bk. of Viegus’ta, j PM |9oa 00 [<’ per ct. Hk. State <F ‘>rgiri., |<H) j 82 a O') 16 per ct. G» R. R. & Bk. Co..T 100 78 aOO it per ct. Iron Steam Boat Co i 100 !78a 00 1.8 per et CHARLESTON. June I.— Cotton. —The. Fp -1 ii• <! market yesterday continued feeble, although , the sales reached 259 bales. They were made in I small parcels, principally by one house, at prices I ranging fern 10 cts. a HE Hir e —The market remains without any new Tea tares; holders preserve an umieviattng firmness, and buyers can only operate at very f u ji rates. The sales yt -teniay footed about 300 bbls. at prices ranging from s-H to sj?. NEW OR MEANS, May 26, 2p. r; —( often — ! No movement yet. Sugar —Sales 200 hhd?., including one lot of 100 Fair at 7c. Mohisses~ Retail sales at 29 a 30 r. . . Flour. —2oo bbfe. Ohio on the 1.,-vee sohl at $6 j 75, and 20 J choice Illinois anti 200 choice St. Lou- : J is at 87 25. | t'orn —Quiet, sales 520 sacks, mixed, in cotton | , sacks, at 65» cts.. 225 dp. du. at 68, 200 do at 7 I. I i and 9(H) white at 75. V\'tiilc and nlixerl held at 70 1 a 75. and yellow at 80. Bacon —10 casks .Missouri Sides, clear, su’d at | 9 cts., an advance. Ford —Nothing transpired. 1 Vhish’i —Retail sales at 21 a 21’r. j Freights —Boo bales Cotton shipped to Liverpool I at id.' MBWPCTT TTT « W*—.’ «-! !■ J ' K Mii «..-t! ML WgHWiMHBi SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. A '< i’. i V \ L PKOM CIIA !5 LKSTOM. j Schr. Borneo, Hathorne, Philadelphia 5 days. CHARLESTON, June I.—Cld, ship Columbia, j Robinson, New York; sclir. Zephyr, Wood, West indies: steamer Bolivar. .McLaughlin, N. Orleans. SAVANNAH. May 3E—Arr. brig Magnolia, Leslie, Charleston. Chi. ship Countess of London,(Br.) Boyd, T iv erpool; ting Magnolia, f.eslie, Vera Cruz; sloop Wanderer. (Br.) McKinney, Nassau, (N. P.); schr Susan Ludwig, Priest, Thomaston, (Me.) Went to sea, ship Oregon,(Br.) Herrotl, Quebec. LI V LR V STABLES. t\ —THE undersigned respect- ‘ fully informs the public that \ «oU«i4. b e jja.s leased itie old stan-1 «—*» well known as J. B. Guedron’s LOV\ F.R STA BLES. on Eliis-trcet, and would be thankful for a share of patronage. R. A. WATKINS. May 11 Jb9 * *^W;»wng»--y-^ey I LI S V OF L ET T K ]l S I REMAINING in the Post Office at Augusta, *• <4a.. on the Ist day of June, 1847. tO" Persons wisiting letterst rom this 1 ist, wi 11 please say they are advertiser. A . Alexander Jane Avery Mat Admits C Anthony W Ay re LA F Aziel i’ Anderson A C B Parham HW Brown F Barnes V M Brown \V II ■ Bans J Broom VV 1) i Beid)ook I* Broom J F I Belt ( i Brooks .1 L Beal M rare Gordon Broun !. Beal 31 Bryan J J Beil JI (r Buncil J / Boatwright V Butler .1 j Black born 34 Butler it S B yan VV Butler M Broadnax T V Bush i> -8 Brewer E Busli S <' Caffin H Christian J \ ("altanis .! I' * oriell A Calvin JP Cupel in 31 ('amp B W < oil ins M Campbell S < ook R S | Cameron J A 6 alia N ("art v E (’oiinor 31 | ( :imp ii 5 raw 6M’d S ! (JamphellJ Curry I. Christian Ann Ciaigimles \\ II Chav ais VV B D j Dalhv E Dennis I, | J>ix VV C Duffee S 1 Daniel R Dutiee 1 i );tri>v J VI Douglass Dr Dari)*- J Houks S VV Dent F Dutfee M A Dart T A Duvall (J K I Egbert P 31 r ! arrer E hitts E F .ir E Fouler 3! Flint J I ’riddle .1 Foslei A S C Franklin R A I) ii Gardner 3f II (ilover W Ganlcan W tureen G V Gamble Li L Gould 31 G.a v l' I Graves J P Gibbs E G'c n Ml ! Chiss sA f.ee Goss J VV Gardlier B | Haly.U Hitt .I 3f li irmon 31 Hick« 1 ! Hard VV J Hut B ! Hatfield G Hums V HiiV S 41 ope ( t | Hansen R Houston 1 Havne J I’sdder 31 ila iiii .1 Hold ford M B Ham W Holt C Hardm -.n L Holland A S Hanson J H-kision E H. u; it kit J J or tun J^ 1 ieckle • V ilortoit b lint 31 A E Johnson P Jones Dr E E care of 3 Johnson .1 I? Heard Johnson J F Jackson H K Kunzie A E Knight </ Kennedy Keith 19 K light A VV Krci.t r h L I Lawton G M Belaud (i ; Larks VV Lace E I l. immons .11 <ce J j i Lei»iiuril VV H Louies 31 E 1 Leon H Luue VV 31 | McCormick W .Maddox J j MHDade J Marten N McKinney J Alarum ii P ; VJcKinzieD Alalkry M VI c Fee I v D A .Maxwell J H 31cMnrphev -M I) Mauham G Mtllorv HR - Meals Dr Mailin'A W Miller J W Madden 31 Mitchell J t) Mahout v 1* 31 emlheim E Mailiesou E .ViiilerJ 31 ay R H Mcleat ( J I Markey F h ' Miller VV | Monas mis BaraN A. jMoore V Vi,tnan i'liomas L carc3loody Jas 3T < f ."tone. S'. .McUollom 3iolleii miss Mary A E Mo'rroe B VV Morrison miss Kale Moore Jim G Mur-ow Brvani VV 2 ' 3iongin John D Munson Ai fieri 31 nilia James Jr 3ionoonviliemrs Mary N I Nesbitt Ceasar cars of Neel miss Alary E I mr Wilson Nickies E D G O’Conner Alary Orrne VA m !’ j Ogden Sarah Oitioouey Joicph C i Osbourne truss Hen rut t a ? " ... Pittman James Fn;.,.et Anthur Pearson iviaj Park J I is esrj 2 ; ParmeleeJß j’ayne Charles F i Philips mis- JSaraT: Pearce George ] Ptxson Edmund , Parker rurs >J A 2 Pearc-U miss Alary I’ Perryman Elisha Proctor mis Jane Penm nier Edw.,rd Prior i r \Vm H O Pourifoy rev mr H i p p j’ Kiilgedcn Ann f i Ray Wir. J , 14i ii y T M * ' Reid .11-avy servant Robson Sion Reti mrs Barbia A Roltinson Antia F Ready 31 Rowel Mary j; j ( . ( . RF. Uolrersoii Ol’ Ripley Francis Row lan A Rhodes Win i Rooney Hugh S Skinner William jr Seagler W A Shec Patrick ' °mith John B 2 Shelton Joseph 8 meed A Sharpe John Bleeii James N 2 Sili.ert miss Sara*' .V Starr. John Singleton j Steagall A J Si mi non* mrs Catharine Stephens 31 H 2 }{ Stewart miss Catharine Skinner miss Cornelia F Strung A C I Sheffial Isaac Sr a nley miss .7 me 1 Skinner Seaborn. Speed mi.-s Elizabeth Sanderlin Robert Sanford (4 V\ Scliely Robert Scott 0 care of J II 3lax- Semple M S ueli T Thompson Isham 3 Turrentine Genrgiana 2 'l’liomas gen Joseph Tu iliey James Thomas Floyd or Joseph 'l’ornlinson Ji 31 Timmanns Henry Tyler David j Thomas Win 37 Turner John 31 Temple 31 S W | Walker John II Wyley Leonid ts 2 Vv'stidJos Williams Lewis j W are Thomas 2 W ise mrs Eliza ' Walker Jacob Williams Nebi.n i Washington miss Sarah Williams miss Sarah. 1 Webster.) Palmer VV ills VV S I White Daniel Wilkinson Tims .7 Weeks mrs Mary 31 Wilkinson George j Wilson Hiram N 3 VV ilkins Levi ; Wood'- Wilson Wyley GVV 1 Wright miss Alarlha V Young T G. ' oung mss Ann Young mrs A E Youngiurt> Rebecca 7. ZMffert Andrew June 2 V. B. GLASCOCK. P. 3T. —--»-ii KAmwim pnwrii'wii ■ i ■— —P—■ i— ■ r'Tmr Ik i.ll *2O REWARD. RANAWAY from tile Subscriircr at j 4 Mile Bratn h, Barnwell District, South Carolina, on ibe 11th inst., a negro man --<•— —• named JI NE, a rarpeu'er. June is a black man, stout fellow, about 5 feet, 10 or JI inches high, with full, heavy eyes, and inclined to be red. and stammers; between 25 and 30 years of age. The above reward w ill be paid for bis delivery to the jailor of Augusta, where he is well known, or §lO for his security in ahy other jail so that 1 get him. ISAAC TAYLOR. May 13 189 % JSh LL PI'IItSONS indebted to the estate of | r-fA DOCTRINE BENCH, deceased, late of Richmond county, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said deceased, will render them in agreeable to law. J WILLIAM R. AIrLAWS. ExT. I Jan 19 9l AS I) I*l I.A SKI MO\ I 3115 NT X, O TTHEIJIS! J. \V. M MJUY vt CO., SUCCESSORS TO .f. (.KfiCOUV lV CO., TU.M«IiKN. EXTRA CLASS No. 23. By Alexandria Cla** 93,June 3, 1847. {Sales close Monday. 78 Numbers —IS Ballots. 135.000 IMMLf/RS. i §l-2 000! .8 0.0!>0! 93000! s 3 f>on! $2,500! $G of 1.30 : 2 l of *1.000! At, Ticket* -SlO, shares in proportion. CI»ASS NO. 23. Bv Monongalia, (Bass 23. June 3, 18!7, | SALES CLOSE. S ATI, II DAY AT NOON. C.UMTAI, IMtIZi:. i 7,000 EMMLhARS. Tickets .32.5-)—pharos in proportion. CLASS .\n. 22. | By Sotuii Carolina. Class No. 22, June 3, 1817. SALKS CLOSE THURSDAY, 78 Numbers—l 3 Ballots. *20,01>0 SMNLL’BSX Tickets $5,00 —shares in proportion. For sale t*y JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent. * Vposite the Masonic Hall. hTTOrders from the country promptly attended | to. June 2 ' n *2 V z * M /f) o' , **' v>7*. tt ** O'i «*» ? -- »*.- \ V s "a 11 oai§ r spi I u fsi ■iz.mi] (;EGIIG] A LOTTEItI Ert. 1). PAIN?: & CO. 21 VV.CJHILi. Drawing Dae Friday. sales close Tin rsday. FORTUXES FAV(MUTE. “Columks Lottery” 10.000 ESO LIT HS 9 sM.OOi ! §2.500? 5 of Sl,Out)! &r. Ac. ‘8 .Nil•uners—l3 Drawn Ballots. Who’e* $3; Halves sU; Quarters 75 c;s. Risk on packages «jttaTiers only § 11. Drawing Due Monday. Cd’-i. Ccnaoi.iimtbS, Extra Ci.assNo.22. 2 I’RIZES or : 13,000 GftOEITRS. 20 f» 14 jZIBS OF K I, ( >00. 78 Numbers—-13 Ballots. V holes .83 —shares in moperuon. Drawing Due Tuesday. Grand Consolidated Lottery'. Ct ass No. 23. for 1817. : 32,IH)Lli’R8. *12.000; .'h <v 20 of *1 230 Whole only 8 io —shares in proportion. For sale by F.. H. BEZANT. Agent, Bmad-sf., 1 floor below the Bank of Augusta, j jfcJ"On|ers from the country' will meet, wish j prompt attention ifaddressed as above. f.lttne 2 NEW SPRING GOODS. I WW73I O. PRICK it CO., Drapers and Tai v w Inrs, have now in store, and are weekly i receiving from the Frem-li ;md English markets, CLOTIIS, CAS>LMURES and VESTINGS, and Trimmings Jor Tailors uses, if) which they v fiiihi c ill the attend :i ui those \ isiting tiiis mar ket, sts they can seii them hy / face or pattern, as low as they can he purchased in New.Vork: Cash inaretts, ( r»>t<>ll (‘oating-. Summer ('amhlets, I ,ng lish attd American I weeds, white and colored Linen Drills, * Drap D'Ete." bl'k. and coIM lig'd. 1 Marmguir Delaines, and all the newest patterns 1 anil styles of VES 11NGS of Silk, (‘ash me re, white and coi’d. Marseilles, \ alencias, <A:c..iCc.. vvith a foil and general assortment of the newest patterns ami styles of READY .MADE CLOTH ING, and well made Shirtsami Drawers, fiats and t aps. Umbrellas, steel frame ami till kinds; Hosie ry, Cloves, Suspenders, ( ravats, Scarfs, Handker chiefs. Stocks, Collars, Bosoms. Shottiiier Braces, Rifling Bells, Money Belts. Razors and Razor Strops, Dressing Cases, Clothes Brushes, Unit Brushes, Hat Brushes, Nail anil Tooth do.. Night Caps. Money Purses, Pocket Books, Tablets, i Watch Guards, Body Guards, Tailors Shears, Points, Bailors Inch Measures, C ray ons, and every article useful fur dress. A fine assorttn nt of HICKORY SHIRTS. We will make.to order all kitulso) FASHION i A BLK CLO 1 HI NG at -Inut notice, and as cheap as rail he hat! to the Southern market. 2oS BROAD-is !'., opposite State Rank. AT arch 8 ]4l NEW GOODB FOUiGEST>S. WEAR* CIASIMERES of fancy colors, at.d Black V Drab et i’a and ( u-limarel te Super V\ liiie Russia Duck for pants Linen Drillings, checked, plaid and striped ( necked Linen Coatings, Tweed Coatings ( otton and Linen ( hecket] (i.;uds, for hiiys wear Silk and Cotton I ndershirts and Drawers Broun Colton i Hose, (iloves, Hatulkfs. Suspenders, Silk, Cashmere and .Marseilles Vest ings, With every description of Goods, in our line to which we invite your attention. BOWDRE & CLAGETT, April 17 167 MORE NEW GOODS. We hart received by the Southerner, additional *rp- NEW AND Bhli TIFFh GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE: Plain bareges of aii colors Rich styles of Satin stripe-, 1 , aud PgV Ba reges : 2 evv styles of h rertch 3lus!ins ant] Jaconets 11 kite Goods, such as ; JV ( ONE I Ml SUNS, Swiss Muslins, Boo’; I M u.-lins and Laces of every kind; Cambric and j Swiss Edgings and Jnsc.r»;ng«, Linen Cambric | llandkfs. from cents to s;u, T tidies and blisses j Kid Gloves of the best Silk atul Cotton j Hosiery, a great assortment and at ail prices 1 \A bite Damask Curtain .Mullins in sets and hy the yard. Black, blue-black. pl a | n -- c ? striped Silks | t nlored Silks, a splendid assortment ■ Black Aipactts, black Kombasitis atid thin black Goods for Lathes Dresses \A lute am! coEd. Canton Crape Shawls a.nd Scarfs Df>. do. Barege and Twisted Silk do. I rencli AA orlr.Gol'ars and Ht>nnet Ribbons aOO piece-A alien of the richest and newest styles Parasols, L mhrellas and Sun Shades hi Domestic Goods our assortment is very complete: Bleached and brown SHIRTINGS from 3-4 to ( J-S wide Pleached ami brown Sheetings from 5-4 to 10-4 and J 2-4 wide Irish Linens, Linen Sheetings and Pillow case Linens. As complete as our Stock is nov»\ we take plea sure in inviting purchasers to caH aiidexamine our assortment, as We are satisfied vv e can give aatis factinn in goods ahd prices. April 13 BOWDRE & CLAGETT. BRICKS for sale. THE subscriber has for sale and will keep on hind at his Brick Yard on Green-street* 350,000 BRICKS. S. J,. BASFORD < Jan 21 ly 26 COFFEE, SUGAR AND MOLASSES. H BAGS Rio COFFEE, ! * 20 iihdst N. 0. and Mtisco* , ado Sugars, 30 hhds New (I nip Cuoa 31 o'n a-, for low I by (April 6j JOHN R. DOW .■ f *■* 1 m. IN t. ‘~ r JO UN J. JONES, AT7i) IS NE V A T LAV/ , .Macon, ga. Will practise L. i»*e counties of Bibb. Junes Baldwin, Twiggs. Houston, Craw ford and 31 jii roe, ami al.-o in the county c r Burke. Any bu-i --ue.-fi intnisled to his care will ri-ieive prompt at tenlion. iy 2 3 June 2 §2>» REWARD. The above reward will be paid, when delivered to me in jail or otherwise, for my negro bov FRANK, who is very tail nod black, speaks whining ;ui 1 deceptive u hen lie tilks, a-ui had i n when he left, on the night of the 2d in-r., a (ugh black bat and dark frock com. He was brought from near Columbia, S.C.. where t learn he was owned by 31 r-. Rahb, during the past w int.-r, hih! sold tome hy r \v m. 31. Pope. Frank is intelligent, capable ol making h fair story, and I learn from a negro he can read | ahd w rite. ) further learn he ranavvay before 1 i git him and lay out a great wiiile. He will pro bably make his w«y hark to Carolina, as 1 am told he lias a free w ife there. lam inclined to think said boy has some hind of pas* and may stop in some town. He is smait chough to change his name or mine either, lie le;t me without diflL-ulty or cause known to me, and 1 think premeJWited' a return to old Oparters when he solicited me to buy him as his uiabners led me to suspect him before he left L. ii. AVAI.KER. Monroe cnnntv, Ga ) 31 ay 28. 1847. < 2c 204 June 1 WAIDI SPUING, jlfertiweather f oniit*, G'-orsia. STAKE pleasure in informing my friends and the public genyally. that the above fashion able an J celebrated AA V 1 ERINtf PLACE, will he under rny entire management and control thi season. 1 .-hall open the House on the first day of June, for the reception of visitors, and icq - from : my long experience in business, to he aide to sits- j lain the well known reputation of the place. 1 I have thought proper to reduce the price of Board, <fcc. : Board, Lodging. Bath, Ac. per month, - “20 ( hihiren jind iSe.rvants, ** ** haifjirice. Board ol Hors *, - “ $lO JOHN C. 3IANGHA3I. AV’arrn Springs, May 6, iM7. Joru ! ml 2( 1 NEW ICE HOUSE—EIi LIS STREET. rgGIE s.j bscrihers respectfully inform their p it- i rons and the public generally, that they w ill i furnish I e al the same rates ihe Jack.suM diet t Company, v iv: 2 cents per pound hy retail. is cents per pound by 100 pounds and over. Terms ( ash. All orders from the country a*- temled to With cunt litalitv and despatch. VV3I. HaLMD, - r - CO. May 30 JACKSON STREET ICEiiOl SE. rg 311 K subscriber has on hand, a large supply of S Ice at his old stand, and w ill -ell it at retail, i at 2 cents pcr pound. and IUO pounds or over 1« cts. per pound. Terms cash. Orders from the conn- j try attemled to as formerly. J. 11. BALDWIN, i .May 30 —6 203 1 WASHINGTON AND NEW ORLEANS . TELEGRAPH COMBAN V. EH 311E Subscribe rst<» this Company are hereby J 3 notified that a payment of 20 per cent, on 1 their siil.'-t iipitoLs will he inquired on (he 20th 1 diiv ofJiiiie next, and another paymeiit of 2(J per cent on the first day of Vugnsi next to meet the ‘ demands of the assignee, who is rapidly progress- i ingin tine construction of tlie line, 'Lite money may he paid to lie. ward Thorn as, , Esq. Ah*a Gen. B B. FRENCH, ) W. AV SEATON. t Trustee?'. DAN. GOLD, ) A.Vachingjon Citv, 3lay 2i, ISf7. j I May 30 ts B<>3 j NEGROES! N EG ROES!! FOR siu; !,<)IV. .subscriber has on hand ala re" let of ren- ' | lit hkeiy young Virginia NEGROES, which , j he willseliat reduced prices to close the Spring : 1 business. Persons wishing to jiurchase will do well to call and examine me lots, trs bargains can be hud, and no mistake. JNO. }!. CCRETON, Jr. ITninbttrg, So. Ca. cl aV 2 r . 18 i'’. May 22 ' 6—cl 2 2 GEORGIA RAIL LOAD. After May 26ib.a I’ASSENt.ER CAR will be attached to the Freight Train 2—.- —ei„j- from Lnion Point to Angtista.. every Monday, and from Augusta to Union Point on 'J'hursdnys. Transportation Office G. R. R. am? R ('. } Augusta, Ga. May 228,1847. j P : 23 iO7 GEORGIA R Ul ROAD. iTV * !te N On ami after April 21st, 1847. the Passenger Train will leave Augusta at T.-JL. i o’clock, B. 3J. . j | ’1 rans-porlation Oflice (i. R. R. &: B. Co. Augusta, April 20ilt, 1847. 170 SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. - "l (hi and after the 20th inst., a SBF.- CIA L TRAIN fur pas-engecs Will r’*,n j —•« between and Aiken. To leave as follows, y;/g 'J o leave iiambiirg, . f'l L. 77, *• ** Aiken. 8 A. M. AA'. J 3i AG RATH, Agent. May 12 183 LINEN GOODS. "B’CHN I*. SETZE. has just receivetl the rheap esl assortmejit of Ul S 17N GOODS, ever ol ; sered in this market, i wir : i 4-1, Undressed Irish Linens ;n whole and demi pica . s, y-8, Fine and heaVy Pillow Case Linen, 6. JU, 11 and 12-4, Linen Sheeting, some v:~y fine, 8. yand ’O-4, Single ef.d double Pathask Table 1 Diaper, , . t 8-4. Barnsley Diaper, H- I. unhleaciu.* iJiaper. 8. 9, 10-4 unbleaclied I’aT.e Cloth, Bird's Eye Diaper, Long Lawn, Slate and Grass Liner, . j White and colored Drillsngr, | White and brown Hollands, . Bleached and unbleached Russia Sheeting, French end Irish Li net) Checks. Russia nud Scotch Diaper, j Crash and Creqnila 4 t Burlaps and Usnaburgs , j I.iuen Cambric llandkfs. &l I2i cents and up | wards, i (?rass Skirt* Jiieacht d and unbleached Linen Socks I Bleached and unbleached Towels xvitli colored ; horderg. Huckaback Dowlas Gents. Linen Gloves. AISO, A general and extensive selection of FANCY and STAPLE GOODS, worthy the attention of customers generally. .March flk 118 X. STEEL. TITS celebrated Racer and Stallion make the ensuing season at the ' a / 1. Eamplnn Course, Augusta, (Rv.j ami w ill attend alternately, every ninth day, atChrr i okee P >nds, S. C., at the moderate price of th - season, cash, with .8] to the grooib., The season w ill commence li.e Ist J.Tarch and end Ist 20th June. *■ For pedigree and performances see hills, glares sent to SteM will he grain IcJ at the rate of twenty-five cents per day, and good pasturage f miished gratis. JAMES GARDEN, j I Feb. 5 1m 1(»6 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. To Jurors , Witnesses, Parlies and all con cerned. ON application of the Bar, it has be®n deter mined to adjourn over tjie May Term of this Court from the 4th to the sth Monday of the ; present month, in consequence, nf interfering en j gagements of Counsel in the Superior Court of ■ Burke county. Byorder of Judge AVn.DR HENKY KMBFUT. Clerk. I 31ay 21 195 P|' I>l } i 1 C i ! I.'O I I [>,Ui V i I j;-. ii* ujck sm:uiFF’s salt. Will hi* si-1.1 bef,ire the Court House door, in the f,»wn of Wawroshoro-’. on the first Tuesday in July noNt. 1 ••! 'Ami'll the usual hours of safe, tin? ‘ f dlow iog property, viz : One hundred and eevenU *n : ne (179) acres of Pine Lind, more r le.-s. adjoining lands of Isaiah s ap:>. llejtry Hargroves. and others; levied mi as the property of Gibs o» West, to sati-fy a li ft. is- Mitug l">m a Justice’.-, Court of Burke county, in lavOr of Aiil: :ty Litueilvs. »Lbsoi. W est. Pro perty dnled out hy plaintiff i.evy made and re* Mimed lotv.efiy A. U skinner, constable. U. 11. PERRY, He; u y fcdieiitl B. G. ’done 1 mt V f •. .... I-'F’S SAJLIi* Will be sold, ■ i . t first Tuesday in July next. n» the Court Home in Applir’y. vviihin liie. legal hours of sale, ];">;> a<ves of fend in said county of Golumhift, part ala trai tot 2 0 acres, lying on both sides of Headstall Creek, originally granted to William Par e,a ml join njr Benjamin \d tins, William Pnil ips and John 31 gehee—levied on as the* pmperty of Stephen Dratfe to satisi y two (i. fas. from tin* Justices" ( otii't of District -No. (>. in favor of Knie iine Wilson vs. said Drain*. Property levied on and returned tome by a < on-table. R. 11. JONES, Sh-riff. June 1 0* Adtninistrah Ic's Sale. Will be sold on the first Tin sday in August next, lu the highest bidder, at the Court House door ut the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the legal la urs o’ it agreeable to an order of tit* honor Me the i it -lor Court of Rh hmond < oi.nv, w hen ;■i1 1111 ;r as a Chart of Ordinary and for Urdinary purposes, A Tiact of 1.-ind. known r ■ Xo. 227. 24th Dis trict of Stewart county; drawn by l 01l Williams, and sold as the properly of the estate of the said , Lott Williams, deceased. Sold for division.— Trims c.ud . JANE WILLIAMS, Adm’i. 31 a y 12 I>e bouts tibn. PORTRAITS OF U MI.NT NT DEMO CRATS. SJjORTR A ITS of the following' eminent men, Ja. whose, likenesses have appeared in tiie Demo cratic Review, cat. he furnished, \ ix: (Jen. Andrew Jackson, u few weeks before his ileal h. F. P. Biair, Editor of the G!ol«°, Hon. C. Johnson. Post-Master Gencr;’. • ” .1. A. UiX, I.'tilted Slates Senator, for NeiV York. “ Daniel Dickinson, lathed States Senator fog New York, ,e John .Mo-del 1 Fr-Governor State of Maine. “ W. H. Haywood, Senator for -North Caroli na. “ J- i>. Emv’in, I’nited States Representative for Mis.-onri. “ E. A. Hauncgan, United States Senator for Indiana. “ Silas Wright, Governor of ;lie S tale of New A ork. “ Edmund Burke, United States Commission er of Patents. “ r i'. A. Howard of Indiana, United States Cl targe d’Affairs lo Tex ;s “ Judge Kills Lew is. ot Pennsylvania. *’ ifadot k Pratt. United Stales Representative of State o! .New York. “ Sami': *1 Houston, United Sates Senator j f i an Texas. Any or ail these beautiful engravings can he furnished on large size p iper, sinlahie for frames at the Jew rate, of $lO for 0 i copies, or $d for oO copies, either of a single plate, or ist m-d. That is to say. an nu insure. of sls will command 10 copies of cueh of il.it-ah ve portraits; or, in other words, iOp *i>oitssubscribing $ 1,5 l) each, and re mitting it to lire. < < ii each have o portraits, nd ; muted to he adtnit-able !> enesscs. in a style for frames. Thai ofine venerable Jackson alone is north the money. '’HEMi!, .M ---7’hose subscribers who have not paid their subsetiption tip to July, 1847, who will remit the « mount due, shal- receive the set of por traits as soon as they can be written for. Mat 30 ' A. C. WILMS Agent. ’ HAS AAV ONE V HORSE THAT IS IDLE FUR THE SIMMKH ? <\ Any person having a HORSE idle, W.' ’ Swill find one that will use him kindly „■.. Y. and fed him Well, if application he rnad? at this office. ts Juito 1 FOR SALE, ,» \ That delightful summer residence, al I.; . U Me 11 Air. recent ;; o copied hy Judge -‘f.wP.la. Holt. For ade scrip;ion of the premises and terms of sale, persons wishing to purchase ar* referred to Thc.Vtis Farrett. April 25 ts 173 ENTIRELY NEW; SPRING AM) S! TINIER STYLES. JOlfX BRIDGES, I ASH IONA RUE DRAPER AND TAILOR, .» ( door hiiow I . Stales Hotel. Broad-si. Springan 1 Snmuier styles just receiving S of CLOTHS, ( asdmeres, Drop D'Ete, plain "add figured; Mixed and Drah('ashmerettea. Drills, Vestings, Fancy Articles, Trimmings. Ac. f<r, gentlemen's wear. Under Vests for ladies. ’I he p die are respectfully invited before or veriitg their garments elsewhere, to examine the above Stock, which they will find tpcomprise the very best selections that can be made in the New* York market. N. H—. Making and Trimming as usha!, in the most fashionable manner. March IIS DRY GOODS. IX CTIAULESTOX. .S’. C. ■p W. BANCROFT, 253 Eingrsl., would in- Jbl'j* vote the attention us cotunry planters and others, w ho may visit the city, to I ts stock ol rich Fa m y and Staple Dry Goods- It w ill he linind one of the ‘t ost ertensict uilhe city, and is intended lo embrace every article in the Dry (foods line. Par ticular attention paid to ladies’ rich Dress Goods 1 Shawls, Mantles, tVe. A Uo, a full assortment of Domestic, Fabrics, both Gotten and Woolen. In rooms in the rear and over our front sales room, w til be offered to merchants, a large stock of lac same goods, at u holts U, at prices well w orthy the attention of close buyers. April 11 lf. I CANAL PLEASURE BOAT. TEA HE subscriber, having built Si BOAT for the sSL purpose of conveying Ladles and Gentle men np and down the Garuyl, takes this opportu nity ol informing the public generally that the boat will leave, the Gahftl Basin EV ERY SATURDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock, f are 111 TV CENTS.—Children and ,servants hall price. CO~ Parties of not less than twenty , desirous of going any other day in the week than specified above, can do so by applying, twenty-four hours previous to the time they wish to go, to Mr. H. K. 1M 11 LPUT, Corner of Broad and Centre-st-eet* or to HERBERT STALLINGS* May 3 ts 179 DAGUER RKOI YPJE PICTURES. Wliat should we cherish more in this hriefiife, I lian Father , Mother, Sister, Brother, VVikk? 'l'he mem'ry of-the firm anil constant Friend, Who aid and counsel in distress would lend* l et Art from Nature their true semblance make— Aff-ciion cJaimsit for our kindred’s sake! subscriber has taken the Rooms lafp’y -B occupied by Air. Johnsov. and will take PICTI lUNS tn his well known style. Having re ceived instructions from him and operating with hi? instrument, he hopes to pfea.-c all v\ bo call at ins room>. PETER STRAI Pi 3lay If !in A CARD. T. P. CLEVELAND having temporarily JftjP n’ithdrawii from *the practice of Ids profes sion, 1 would inform the citizens of Augusta and the public generally, that I have formed a connec tion with his former copartner. Jt»£i W. Sfkar. in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY. The bu siness will he conducted under the firm of C7»nc. ; land A- Office Broad-sl., over Aldrich A; Green’s shoe store. JNO. A (’LEVEL VNtV Feb. 13 ts- U7