Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 06, 1847, Image 3

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ready exaggerated loss, it is necessary to mention that not a single stone counting house or fire-proof magazine resisted the in tense fury of the flames. According to our correspondent, 500 miserable houses are Hi that remain of the once flourishing BaclA rest.—London Herald .♦ Liverpool Cotton Market— Friday, May 7. —Our market has been laboring under a money pressure throughout the week, which has ren dered prices very irregular, anti almost nominal: generally speaking, American cotton is down } J per pound since Friday, but in some instances, under peculiar circumstance?, \\ to Jd per pound decline has been submitted to. Prices declared by the Committee of Brokers, this week, for fair cotton are—Bowed, 6} 1; Mo bile. fijd; an l New Orleans, 6*d. Sales from the Ist to the 7th May inclusive—l7o Sea Is land, UiJ a 22; 90 Stained do. 5 a fi|; 4800 Bow ed, 5| a hi; 11,830 Orleans, 5| a 8; 4800 Mo-' bil°, 5J a /. total sales—2;,lbo bales of ail kinds. Extract of u letter from n highly respectable house, dated LIVERPOOL, May 7 . Cotton —Prices have generally declined throughout the week } as!. wbiie in some instances where sales were Kr cash, the decline has been fully sd. Money continues as tight as ever. Western Canal Flour has advanced, and is quoted at 44s per bid. The demand fur Indian Corn is large at the advance of 52a a 54s per quarter. Afraid ot the Holders! During the hiegbt of the opposition be tween the two g team boat lines, running from the Kennebec to Boston, last summer, and just as the rival boats were making ready to start, a wagon hove in sight, in which was an old lady, with an accompaniment of band boxes and bundles, evidently equipped for a' journey. The respective agents ot the lines sprang towards her. “ Take the Marshall, rnarm?—tine boat, "Try the Penobscot, new boat, built last sommt r, commanded by the favorite or everybody—Capt. ,”&c., 4 &c. The boys and loafers around, ech >ed toe claims of thtir favorite in concert.— “Hurrah for the Penobscot,” “Go to the John Marshall.” The old lady, who had prnbabiv never seen a steamboat before, and whose chief notion of the varments was con nected with their boiler-bursting propensities, was almost beside herself with terror, at the hubbub. “O, Lord}! I wish I’d never stirred a step —if I’d a known there was to be such an awful time as this, I’m sure 1 wouldn’t. The pesky tilers—l know they’ll bust—every body’s looking after me; and nobody’s attend ing to’em. There, go right away, alio! you, I’m going straight bark. 1 couldn’t rest a wink for fear of them pesky bilers.” “You need give youself no anxiety on ac count of the boilers in the Marshall,” said the agent of the M.,j“lhey tire new and sound, and couldn’t be made to burst.” “Are you sure of it?” said the old lady, evincing symptoms of a favorable disposition towards the Marshall—“you ain’t a tryin’ to practize on the credulity of a poor lone wo man, I hope?” “No fear of me—sound as a teakettle,” • was the reply. The old lady was about descending from the wagon, to embark in the Marshall, when No. *J sapped up. “Madam,” said lie, in a serious tone, “no doubt the Marshall’s boilers are good enough, but the best boilers are dangerous tilings.— We knew that a great many people had been killed bv them—especia.iy ot late—and look the boilers out of o nr boat three toeeks ayn!" “You did,” said she; “tiiat’s the boat for me, then, James (to the boy in the wagon) pass out the basket, arid the bonnet box, and llie umbrella, and parasol—and don t forget the new shoes and doughnuts, under (he seat. Tel! Sally I went in the boat without any b !**rs, and ©he need have iu tears ol me.’ liostonian. MTliA.il HO AT tOUPAAY OF tiUUP GIA. Xr This Company having been re-organized and placed in an efficient state for service, are prepared to seed forward without delay all freight tha may offer. Goods consigned to WM. P. 33 ILLIA3IS, Agent at Savannah, will be forwarded free.of Commis sions. The connection cf R. 51. Godwin with this Company has terminated. J'jILN B. GUIEU. June 6 I—v Agent at Angti-ta. sy~ Notice—The citizens ot Augusta, are respectfully informed that arrangements have been made by the proprietors of the new Ice House, tor the preservation of fresh meat, poultry milk, &c.—during the summer season. Rates of charge moderate. Apply to J- S. TUCKER, At new Ice House, Ellis Street June 5 . s—w Vhh jn^j 3 /t* S. Jackson , Teacher on the. Piano Forte, Flute and Violin, respectfully tenders his services to the citizens of August*.] References—Henry Parsons, Thus. Richards and T. S. Metcalf, Esq’rs. N. B.—For terms, &c.., inquire at 11. Parson Music store. Cm Dec. 1 latest dates from liverpool,::::::::::::mav 4. latest DATES from ha vr E. :::::::::::APRIL 23. CHARLES I ON, June 5. Cotton. — We have no new feature to notice in the cotton mar ket since our publication of the 20th ultimo.— Holders generally have withdrawn their supplies until such time as we shall receive later intelli gence from the other side; and the transactions of the week just brought to a close, like those of the preceding one, have been both limited and confined alrnosr exclusively to one house, at about the prices p.dd last week. It is impossible, under existing circumstances, to give q i gallons. The sales since our last leach near 1100 bales, against ttie receipt in ttie same time 0f2585 bales. The actual transactions areas follows, viz: 15 bales et 10; 24 at 10|, 195 at lOi: 100 at 10|; 230 at io|;37 at 105; 87 at 11, 87 at Hi; 108 at Up J 5 at 111; 15 at 1! J; and 44 bales at 11|. Some 163 bales of Nankeen Cotton were also sold at 2|c. The market for Long Cotton has been quiet since our last. There has been some in quiry for the various description, but purchasers were demanding reduced limits, to which holders •would not submit, and hence the light operations. The sales have been limited to 150 bales of the qualities ranging from stained to very inferior and middling fair at from 20 to 33c. E’rei/srhis —We quote Cotton to Liverpool, in square and round bags, 7-U> a 9-lu, with very lit tle offering, particularly ot the former. To 1 lavro cotton at lc.. and S 3 25 for Rice. Coastwise we quote as follows, viz: to New York, Cotton in square bags at J; per tierce for Rice. June 4.— Cotton. —Arrived since the 20th of May, 1,125 bales Upland (85U per Kail Road. 575 from A ugasta and landings on the river,) and 163 Sea Islands. The exports lor same period have been 588 bales Upland and 376 Sea Islands to Liverpool, 1,053 bales Upland to Boston, 2,379 do end *37 Sea Island* to New York, 80 bale* Upland to Providence, 225 do. and 143 Sea Islands • to Charleston—together 4 310 bales Upland and ; 856 Sea Islands; leaving a stock on hand and on shipboard, ret cleared, of 18,532 bales Upland j and 1,973 - w ea Islands,.against 14,176 hales Up land and 939 Sea Islands, at same time last year. 1 here has been scarcely anything' doing in Up lands, since the accounts per steamer Britannia. — Holders, being unwilling to submit to the decline demanded hy buyers, have generally withdrawn their stocks, and we look for an inactive market till the arrival of further news from the other side, now daily expected. There has been demand for Sea Hands, ! hut at prices below previous sales. The follow ing are the particulars; 1 bale at 15; 3 at 17; 16 at 20; 78 at 2!; 70 at 22; sat 22s and bale s rang ing from 20 to per pound—together with 32 bates stained at from 5 to 8 cts. per pound. Riix. —The stock of ilit-e is lighter than last season, and tlo-re would be a good demand but for the want of facilities for shipping it. '1 he sales this week have been 1 i casks at §l3, and 40J at sl4 per 100 pounds. Corn, - There i.s a fair derqgnd for Corn to sup ply Southern orders and fo™home consumption. V\ e hear of a sale of 2,300 bushels from store at 90 cents per bushel, sacks included; also oilier lots of from 50 to 2')o bushels, at same price. A lot of 1.500 bu-hels was disposed of at 874 cents per bush el, including sacks, and several smaller Juts are reported at same price. Flour. —There is a fair demand fur this article, hut the sales have generally been in small lots. — We have advanced our figures, and now quote Canal, $9 to 91; Baltimore Howard-nlreet, $9, Georgia, 874 to 84. No Philadelphia in market. 8,000 to 10 000 lbs. Georgia Flour, iu 100 pound sacks, have been sold during the week at $3,874 to $1 per sack. 45 bids. do. brought $7,50 per bbl. Groceries.*— A cargo of Cuba .Molasses arrived during the week, consisting of 161 libds. and 36 1 tiert es, sold in lo s al*23 cents per gallon. In other arid les of Groceries there has been hut little do ing. We quo e Rio Coffee at 8f to 84 cents hi r pound; Java <lo. i t 104 lo 12-4. Porto Rico and St. Croix Sugars are held at 74 to 0 cents per pound; Havana, white, 94 to iu, and New Orleans 3 to J cents p--r pound. Baron. —A lot 18,000 lbs. Georgia Bacon, hog ! round, was sold at 10 cents per pound. Sales of Western Sides have also taken place during the week at 10 cents per pound. We quote Hams, 10 to 12; Shoulders, 7 lo 8, and Sides, 9 lo 10 cents per pound. Huy. —We hear of a sale of 200 hales North River Hay at-87 4 cents per 10U pound*; No salo of E isiern this week, except in small lots. Exchange. —We quote Sterling bills nominally at 6to 64 percent, premium. Domestic remains as last quoted. The Banks sell Sight Checks on the Northern cities at 4p. r cent premium. 'They purchase sight to five days Checks at piraf p r cent prein . 30 day bills at 4 a i, and 60 do. at II a I i per cent, discount. Freights. —Nothing doing in Foreign. Coast wise.— For New York, the rates are 4c. per pound in equal quantities for square and round hales Cot ton,and $1,50 per tierce fur Rice. To Boston, last engagements 9 16c. per pound for square bales Cotton. To Baltimore and Philadelphia, 4 ct. per pound for square and round bales Cotton. To Pro vidence, 4 u sc. ICorrespondence of the Baltimore Patriot. I ISy Jlagnelit* Telegraph. NEW YORK, June 2, 3 P. M.—Stock market without change—sales of U. S. new loan at 104 a 106. ~ _ Some sales of Genesee Flour at $3,53, held at 8 6-4 to 8,75. The Cotton market is heavy—dealers holding off for tiie steam r’s new s. Nothing heard from the steamer Hibernia. SHIFTING INTELLIGENCE. arrivals from charleston. Schr. Lebanon, Brown, Boston. Schr. Champion, Chase, Bath.. Me. Steamer Proprietor, Martin, New York. MEMORANDA. The ship Stilton, for Chaarleston, Failed from New York, 2 1 inst. The bark New Englan !, Curtis, for Savannah, cleared at Boston Ist inst. The brig Clement, Ryder, for Charleston, was advertised at Boston to sail 31 insi. The schr. Dart. Somers, fur Charleston, was ad vertised at Ph.ladelphia to sail 2d insl. positively. CHARLESTON, June 5. Arr. brig Arabian, Tyler, New Orleans; schr. Merchant, Tessier, Cardenas. C d, brig Mary Jane, Leonard, Providence. Went to sea, sdirs. Maria, Johnston, Balii m >re; Stranger, Tobey, do. SAVANNAH, June 4.—Arr. ship Sterling, Burstovv, "Philadelphia. Cld. brig ( his. Joseph, L-igh, Boston; schr. Mary Farrow, Warren, New York. t Went lo sea, hark Isaac Mead, Brown, Ne * York m~m ; ..a mmmmmmmmmm .... ■ ggßggjtg JOHN J. JUNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Will practise in the counties of Bibb, Junes, Baldwin, Twiggs, Houston, Crawford and Mon roe, and also in the county of Burke. Any busi ness intrusted to his (are will receive prompt at tention. ly 2 1 5 June 2 $25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid, when yfh delivered to me in jail or otherwise, for my negro hoy FRANK, who is very tall and black, speaks winning and deceptive when be talks, and had on when be left, on ihe night of the 2d in>t., a high black hat and dark frock coat. He was brought from near Columbia, 5. where I learn he was owned by Mrs. Rabb, during the past winter, and sold tome by Wm. 31. Pope. Frank is intelligent, capable of making a fair story, and I learn from a negro he can read and write. I further learn he runaway before I got him and lay out a great while. He will pro bably make his way back lo Carolina, as 1 am told he has a free wife there. lam inclined to think said boy has some kind of pass and may slop in some town. He is smart enough to change his name or mine either. He le.t me without difficulty or cause known to me, | and 1 think premeditated a return to old quarters | when he solicited me to buy him as his manners led me lo suspect him before he left. E. H. WALKER. Monroe county, Ga. ? May 28, 1817. S 2c 204 June 1 WARM SPRINGS, Merrlweather County, Georgia, H TAKE pleasure in informing my friends and j ife. the public generally, that the above fashion- j ableiand celebrated WA TERING PLACE, will he under my entire management and control this I season. I shall open the House on the first day of j June, for the reception of visitors, and hope from my long experience in business, lo lie able lo sus tain the well known reputation of the place. 1 have thought proper to reduce the price of Board, 6. : Board, Lodging, Bath, Sic. per month, - S2O Children and Servants, “ “ half price, j Board of Horse, - “ “ - *lO JOHN C. MANGIIAM. Warm Springs, May 6,1847. June 1 ml 204 WASHINGTON AND NLW ORLEANS TELEGRAPH COMPANY. r®AIIE Subscribers to this Company are hereby -ft notified that a payment of 20 per cent, on their subscriptions will be required on the 20th day ofJune next, and another payment of 20 per cent on the first day of August next, to meet the demands of the assignee, who is rapidly progress ing in the construction of the line. The money may he paid to Edward Thomas, Esq. Augusta Geo. IS. B. FRENCH, ) W. W SEATON, [ Trustees. DAN. GOLD, ) Washington City, May 24, 1547. May 30 ts 203 LAMPS! LAMPS!! 4 FEW splendid LARD (SOLAR) LAMPS of the improved patent, to close a consign ment, will be sold at cost. Persons w ishing such articles can be supplied at a much less price than customary. J. E. MARSHALL. XrOLD BRASS and COPPER wanted, f which a. liberal price wall be paid. April 22 170 BELL AIB TRAIN—GEORGIA RAIL KOAD. A SPECIAL TRAIN will be run between Augusta and Bell Air freis •~ r “ June Isih to October 15ih.leaving Au gusta daily(Snnday’% excepted) at 6 o’clock, F. 31., and Bel-Air al7o’clock, A. 31. Season ’Picket, fur one person, §25 00 Season 'Picket for a Family of three, in cluding sen ants, 55 00 Season Ticket for a Family of four, inclu ding servants, _ 03 00 j Season Ticket for a Family of five, inclu ding servants, ,2 50 . Season Ticket for a Family of six, inclu ding servants, ~7 50 Season Ticket for a Family of seven, or mote including servants, 60 00 trip, 25 . June 0 BOARDING AT BEL-AIR. P-~\ There will be a House opened at Eel- j f : 'jj Air on the 15th inst., (for the accommo- I *kl d;ition of Boarders during the Summer, ! under the management of the subscriber. Terras of Board §2O per month (for the season) inclndiu) dinner on Sundays. W ANTED.— A good Cook and Waiting 3l.tn, for w horn liberal wages will be given. TO RENT.—The House below the Market at I present occupied by the subscriber. Apply to W. F. BEERS, Geo. K. K. Depot, Augusta June 6 2(JJ N ( TIC JE rgTAHE CO-PATN EKSHIP heretofore existing i M. under the firm of JOHN & JA.3iE§ j LYNCH, is tins Jay dissolved by mutual consent. Those having demands against the firm will please present them, and those indebted will make pay ment to either of us. JOHN LYNCH, James lynch. JAMES LYNCH will continue the bush ess. Augn-ta, Ga.,June I, 1847. 1 .June 5 PORTRAITS OP EMINENT DEMO CRATS. I PORTRAITS of the following eminent men, ' vvho-e likenesses have appeared in the Demo- j cratic Review, can be furnished, viz: Gen. Andrew Jackson, a few weeks before bis ! death. F. F. Blair, Editor of the Glub a . Hon. C. Johnson, Post-Master General. " .1. A. Uix, United States Senator, fur New j York. , j “ Daniel Dickinson, United States Senator for New York, “ John Fairfield, Ex-Governor State of Maine, i ** W, H. Haywood, Senator for North Caruil- | na. “ J. B. Bowlin, United Stales Representative for 31 issonri. “ E. A. Hannegan, United States Senator for Indiana. “ c-ilas Wright, Governor of the State of New York. « “ Edmund Burke, United States Commission er of Patents.a “ T. A. Howard of Indiana, l ulled Slates Charge d’Affairs to'Texas. “ Judge Ellis Lewis.*! Pennsylvania. “ Z idock Pratt, United States Representative of State o' New York. “ Samuel Houston, United States Senator from Texas. Any or all these beautiful engravings can bo furnished on large size paper, suitable for frames at the low rate of §lO for 10U copies, or §G lor 50 copies, either of a single plate, or assorted. That is to say, an enclosure of §ls will command 10 copies of each of ilie ab ve portraits; or, in other words, 10 persons subscribing S'.so each, and re mitting it to me, can each have i 5 portraits, ad mitted to be admirable likenesses, in a style for frames. That of the venerable Jackson alone is worth the money. PREMIUM.—Those subscribers who have not paid their subscription up to July, 16-17, who will remit the amount due. shall receive the set of por traits as' soon us they can be written tor. May 30 A. G. WILLIS Agent. NEW ICE HOUSE—ELLIS STREET. r||NHE Subscribers respectful I y inform their pat - M rons and the public generally, liv.it they will furnish Ice at the same rates as the Jackson street Company, viz: 2 cents per pound by retail. 1 4 cents per pound by 100 pounds and over. Terms Cash. All orders from the country at tended to with punctuality and despatch. W3I. HAINES, & CO. May 30 _ 200 JACKSON STREET ICEIJOtSE. r^S >11E subscriber lias on band, a large supply of .8 Ice at his old stand, and will sell it at retail, at 2 cents per pound, and lUO pounds or over 14 cts. per pound. Terms cash- Orders from the coun try attended to as formerly. J. 11. BALDWIN. « May 30 —0 203 _ NEGROES! NEGROES!! FOR SALE LOW. rS>IIE subscriber bason band a large lot of very j* likely young Virginia NEGROES, which he will sell at reduced prices to close the. Spring business. Persons wishing to purchase, will do well to call and examine the lots, as bargains can be had, and no mistake. JXO. 31. CFRETON, Jr. Hamburg, So. Ca. May 27, 1617. May 20 6—cl 272 FOR SALE, n__Jl That delightful summer residence, at f.. i | Bell Air. recently occupied by Judge Jr--JL JL Holt. Fora description of the premises and terms of sale, persons wishing to purchase are referred to Thomas Barrett. April 25 ts 173 if. fi*OG -MU -A2L EL J3TIS7 9 WOULD inform the citizens of Augusta and w>F its vicinity that he has opened a shop on Mein tosh-street, directly opposite the Constitution alist ofiice, fur trie purpose of carrying on theabove business, in all its various branches. Rifles of a superior quality made to order, and w arranfed as good as can be produced, both in point of finish and accuracy of shooting. Double and single Guns re-stocked and repaired. Also, door and trunk locks repaired, and new keys fitted at short notice. From his long experience in the business, he is enabled to say that all work entrusted to lus care shall be done as well as it can be done at the north or elsewhere. sks”AlleiVs Revolving and Self-Cocking Pistols, Powder Flasksand s>hot Pouches,Cone Wrenches, English, French and American Percussion Caps, for sale. aprtl 27 ly 171 TOBACCO AND SEGARS, i Os the Choicest Brands. CtOl NTRY MERCHANTS and gentlemen i / who visit Augusta, and who desire to enjoy a j Sjxintsh Segar, or chew the Weed, put up in splen- I diii style, or who purchase to sell, will find me at all limes ready to supply their demands, at whole sale and retail. I would respectfully request persons who visit the 1 ify to supply theinselves in my line, to exam ine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is selected by competent judges, and patronised by old smokers and chevvers of the favorite weed. GUSTAV VOLGER, One door below John P. Setz's Dry Goods Store, Broad-st. sept 23 BRICKS FOR SALE. FF3HE subscriber has for sale and will keep on ft hand at his Brick Yard on Green-street 350,000 BRICKS. S. L. BASFORD. Jan 24 ly 96 COFFEE, SUGAR AND 3IOLASSES. ft lUGS RIO COFFEE, ft- 20 hhds N. O. and Muscovado Sugars, I 30 hhds New Crop Cuba Molasses, for sale low J by [April fi] JOHN R, DOW GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT ! LOTTERIES! J. \V. MAURY & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO J. G. GUDUOiiV & te.,MA>A«£K». CLASS NO. 25. By Monongalia, Class 23. June 10, 1817. SALES CLOSE SATURDAY AT NOON. CAPITAL PRIZE. 9.000 DOLLARS. 53,U00! §1,700! $1,300! §1,135! $ 1,000! suf §1,000! Tickets §2,50 —shares in proportion. CL ASS No. 24. By South Carolina. Class No. 23, June S, 1841. SALES CLOSE THURSDAY. 12,00© DOLI/RS! §5,000! §3,000! §2,500! §1.38:! §SO of §SOO. 1 Tickets s!,'• U—shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS No. 23. By Alexandria Class 28, June 5, 1347. Sales close Monday. 76 Numbers—Jl Ballots. 35.000 DOLI/RS. §12,000! §10,000! §5,000! §3.500! §2,500! §6 us 1.501 ! go of $1,000! &c. Tickets $lO, shares in proportion. For sale ny JOHN \. MILLEN, Agent. Opposite the 3lasonic Hall. j from the country promptly attended June 6 GEORGIA LOTTERIES. I>. PAINE & CO. MANAGERS. Drawing Due Tuesday. Grand Consolidated Lottery. Class No. 23. for 1817. 33.000 DOLT/RS. I § 12,000; ■§8,000; 20 of § 1.250. Wholes onlv §10 —shares in proportion. 75 Numbers—l 3 Baibas. Drawing Due Wednesday. # FORTUNES FAVORITE. Savannah Lottery, Class No. 32. J / To he drawn Tuesday. June 8. 4.000 DOLLARS. Tickets §1 —Halves 5 >e.—Risk on package Qu’n, only §3 75. ■lilt: TRL’I.V LL’CKV ‘•'Columbus Lottery” Class. No. 33, Drawing Due Friday. 13.000 DO?iI>RS. 20 PRIZES OF §1 ,<>oo. Whol es §4 —shares in proportion. For sale by E. 11. PEZ A NT, Agent. Broad-st., I door below the Bank of Augusta. SCT" Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention if addressed as above. ijune G NEW GOODS FOR jGENT’S. WEAR. CIA.SIMEUES of fancy colors, and Black -t Drab et Ta and Ca hmaretle Super White Russia Duck for pants Linen Drillings, checked, plaid and striped Che ked Linen Coatings, Tv\eed Coalings Cotton and Linen Checked Goods, for hovs wear Si’k and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers Brown Cotton 4 Hose, Gloves, ilandkfs. feuspeniJers, Silk, Cashmere and .Marseilles 3 est- j ings, Wi.h every description of Goods, in our line to : vvliieh we invite your attention. JBOWDRE & CLAGETT. I April 17 167 MORE NEW GOODsT Wc have received by the Southerner, additional sup- NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARK: PL M N BARI 4G ES ot all colors Rich styles of Sati.i striped and fig'J Ba reges New styles of French Muslins and Jaconets H hltC CrOOtis, such US : LVf ONET MUS LI NS, Swiss Muslins, Book • Muslins and Laces of every kind; Cambric and i Swiss Edgings and Insertings, Linen Cambric ! Ilandkfs. iroin 124 cents to §lO, Ladies and .Misses j Kui Gloves of the best quality. Silk and Cotton 1 Hosiery, a great assortment and at nil prices While Damask Curtain Muslins in sets and by ! the yard, Elick, blue-black, plain and striped Silks ( Cored Silks, a splendid assortment Black Alpacas, black Bombasins and thin black ; Goods lor Ladies Dresses 33 bite and coi’d. Canton Crape Shawls and Scarfs Do. do. Barege and Twisted Silk do. k re rich 3V T ork Collars and Bonnet Ribbons 500 pieces Calico of the richest and new est styles j Parasols, Umbrellas and Sun Shades In Domestic Goods our assortment is very complete: i Bleached and brown SH iRTINGS from 3-4 to 'J-S I wide Bleached and brown Sheetings from 5-4 to 10-4 and 12-4 wide Irish Linens, Linen Sheetings and Pillow-case Linens. As complete as our Stock is now, we trike plea- j sure in inviting purchasers to call and examine our 1 assortment, as we are satisfied we can give satis- j faction in goods and prices. April 18' BO WO RE & CLAGETT. mNAL PLEASURE BOAT. übsrriber, having built a BOAT for the ) ft purpose of conveying Ladies ami Gentle i men up and down the Canal, takes this opportu nity ol informing the public generally that the boat will leave the Canal Basin EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock. Fare FIFTY CENTS.—Children and servants half price. SCT Parties of not less than twenty, desirous of goin" nny otl,«r day in the week than sqarcified above, can dost* by applying, twenty-four hours previous to the time they wish to go, to Mr. H. K. PIIILPOT, Corner of Broad and Centre-st-eeta or to HERBERT STALLINGS. Kay 2 ts 179 A CARD. »R. T. P. CLEVELAND having temporarily j withdrawn from the practice of his proses- ■ ■ sion, 1 would inform the citizens of Augusta and ( the public generally, tiiat I have formed a connec tion with his former copartner, Jno. W. Spka r. in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY. The bu- | siress w ill be conducted under the firm of Cleve- \ | lord 4" Spear. Office Broad-st., over Aldrich Sc I Green’s shoe store. JNO. A. CLEVELAND. Feb. IS ts 117 ACADEMY ON THE SAND KILLS. C3311E Board of Trustees of the Richmond Conn ty Academy have arranged with Mr. Louis M Cormick. to take charge of the Academy at Summerville. He will open the School on Mon day. the 10th inst. Mr. Cormick has had tlie advantage of a classi- ; cal education and the experience of ten years as an instructor. HENRY ROBERT, Clerk. May 6 12t— 182 PINE OIL. CONSTANT supply of Pine Oil or Cam- JIA phine, will be kept fresh. Persons using Murphy’s splendid Lumps, can always be furnish ed with the above Oil on very reasonable terms, bv I March 2 J. E. MARSHALL. FRANKLIN HOUSE. The Subscriber would announce to kis i ■ -"Uw former visitors, and llie public generally, that tins commodious establishment is ru.vv n-ady for tl.e aecomnnuiai i«m of hoarders and tran>ient persons. The rooms and passages are large and airy, finished in the b sl style, and fur nished with every facility (or convenience and comfort. The building itself i- unsurpassed by any in the §tate, and the prt>prietor p!--Jgeu Inm telV to spare no pains or expense u raakeallwho may favor him with a call perfectly at home. As a summer retreat. Athens is unequalled by any in the up-country. The subscriber offers every in ducement, both in terms and accommodation, to all who are seeking suck a place, tugive his bouse iluir pairuiiuge. ’ rv. L. MITCHELL. June 5 4c THE SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH. ALIAS 3lntliso:i Springs, Georgia. - ot .1 1 —tH. t . THIS FASHIONABLE3VA- P UffJ mim TUBING PLACE, wut be re-.lpjUL opened mi the fir?-t day of Juno. 'i'be Proprietor is now finishing a largo building vvilha Dining Room 40 by 92. Bnrlur 40 by 40 feet, and a number of Cool Rooms, &c., and a prome nade of 14 feet wide, in a two story colouade, near four hundred feet long. ' DANIEL MORRISON. Madison Springs. April 30. June 4 t2m p _ a TO SUMMER VISITORS. j ’v Having slated t<> many or my visitors : i-Q during the past summer, that 1 should close my HOUSE. I deem it but justice n> myself, to inform them and others, that circumstances have caused a change of my views. \\ iih means for accommodation somew hat enlarged, 1 feel evo-ry confidence in being able to do as well as we have done. L U GUI I i IN. Gainesville, May 1, 1847. May 5 lm- 1 GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. »T*t afi e r Mu y 2Gi h, a PA >§ LENDER <' A R M* rpA- X' ill be ntuched to the Freight Train from Union Point to Augusta, every Monday, and from AngUsia to Uiiiun 1 uint on Thursdays. Transportation Ofiice G. R. R- I>_C. / Augusta, Ga. May 22d, ISL. j _ ? Alii _ 1 GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. fPi ""*4 On and after April 21st, 1817, the -F Passenger Train will leave Augusta at . 4 o'clock, P. M. Truiispnriatioti Office G. R. R. A B. Co. Augusta, April 2Ui!i, 1847. 170 SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. .“j *"1 On and after the 20th inst., a SPE CIAL TRAIN for passengers will run 1 ii— between Hamburg and Aiken. To leave as follows, viz: To leave Hamburg, . 54 P. M. • •• ** Aiken, . . BA. M. 3V. J MAGRATII, Agent. May 12 188 LIVERY STABLES. THE undersigned respect- C i"*} Gil 1 y informs the public niri!i.6-t4. he has leased ihe old start well known as J. B. Gue Iron’s LOW ER STA BLES, on Elii.sHreet, and would be. that kfn! fora share of patronage. R. A. WATKINS. May 11 lB9 STEEL. *7\ THIS celebrated Racerand Sm'iion wi 11 make the ensuing season at the y| \ ff Hampton Course, Augusta, Ga., and will attend alternately, every ninth day, at Cher okee Ponds, S. C., at the moderate price of §3O the -eason, ca-h. with §1 to lire groom. The season will commence the Ist March and end 2(hhJune. For pedigree and performances see bills. Mares sent to Steel will be grain fed at the rate of twenty-five cents per day, and good pasturage furnished gratis, JAMES GARDEN. Feb. 5 4m 106 HAS ANY ONE A HORSE THAT IS IDLE FOR THE SUMMER? Any person having a HORSE idle, find one that will use him kindly cAz* A_ and feed him well, if application be made ai this office. ts June 1 DAGUERIIEOTYPE PICTURES. What should vve cherish more in this brief life. Than Father, Mother, Sister. Brother, 3Vife? The mem’ry of the firm and constant Friend, 33 r ho aid and counsel in distress would lend? Let Art from Nature their true semblance make— Affection claims it for our kindred’s sake! rg>H E subscriber has taken the Rooms lately .ft occupied by Mr. Johnson, and will take PICTURES in his well known style. Having re ceived instructions from him and operating with his instrument, lie hopes to please all who cal! at his rooms. PETER §TRaI P May H lm — 189 LINEN GOODS. TTOHN P- SE’I'ZE, has just received the cheap ■sest. assortment of LINEN GOODS, ever of fered in this market, to wit: 4-4, Undressed Irish Linens in whole and Jemi piec s, 9-8, Fine and heavy Pillow C'ase Linen, 6, 10, 11 and 12-4, Linen Sheeting, some very fine, 8, 9 and 10-1, Single and double Damask Table Diaper, 8-4, Barnsley Diaper, 8-4. unbleached Diaper. 8. 9, 10-4 unbleached Table Cloth, Bird’s Eve Diaper, Long Lawn, Mate and Grass Linen. 33 bite and colored Drillings, 33 hiie and brown Hollands, Bleached and unbleached Russia Sheeting, French and Irish Linen Checks. Russia mid bcotch Diepef. Crash and CrequiJa 4-1 Burlaps and O-nahurgs Linen Cambric Ilandkfs. at 124 cents and up wards. Grass Skirts Bleached and unbleached I men Socks Bleached and unbleached Towels with colored borders. Huckaback Dowlas Gents. Linen Gloves. ALSO, A general and extensive selection of FANCY and STAPLE GOOD§, worthy the attention of customers generally-. March 26 IIS ENTIRELY NEW. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. JOHN BRIDGES, FASHIONABLE DRAPER AND TAILOR, Next door below U. Stater Hotel, Broad-st. r||3llE Spring and Summer styles just receiving ft. of CLOTHS, Cas-imeres, Drop D’Ete, plain and figured; Mixed and Drab Cashmerettes, Drills, Vestings, Fancy Articles, Trimmings, «Ac. for gentlemen's wear. Under Vests for ladies. The public are respectfully invited before or dering their garments elsewhere, to examine tlie above Stock, which they will find tocomprise the very best selections that can be made in the New York market. N. B—Making and Trimming as usual, in the most fashionable manner. March 26 749 DRY GOODS. IN CHARLESTON. S. C. EW. BANCROF T, 253 King-st., would in ® vite the attention of country planters and others, who may visit the city, to I is siock ol rich Earn y and Staple. Dry Goods- It will be found one of the most extensive in the city, and is intended to embrace every article in the Dry Goods line. Par ticular attention paid to ladies’ rich Dress Goods* Shawls, Mantles, &c. Also, a full assortment «f Domestic Fabrics, both Gotten and Woolen. In rooms in the rear and over our front sales room, will be offered to merchants, a large stock of the same goods, at wholes re, at prices well worthy the attention of clore buyers. April 11 l6l PUBLIC SALES. • RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SALE. On the iir>t Tuesday in July next, will he sold, at the lower market house in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours ol tale, the following property, to wit: . A certain Steam Saw Mi I, situate and being at or near Spirit creek, near the Savannah river iu the county of Richmond. Sa*d Steam Saw Mill j snuatfc on lands adjoining lands of Thomas Dick erson, Collins ami 'l'rotti. Levied on as the pro perty of Adam S. \eu hou-e, to .<A4i-f y the follow ing executions issuing from (lie Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of John L). 'A {iitelious.« vs. Adam S. Nevvhouse, Baker <sr Hart vs. the same- ~ Also, at the same time and place, will, be sold, all that Lm or parcel of Land, situate, lying and being in Richmond county, containiogons hundred acres more or less, (and know n as the Meadow tract) adjoining land* of B. H. Warren. John Sktn ner, the estase of Martha Fury, deceased, and Others. Levied on as the properly of Augustus B. Longstreel, .to salisty a fi, f ;t . issuing from the Su perior Court of Richmond count’, iu favor of the Justices of tile Inferior Coon of Richmond county, &c. tor the us*. Ac- vs Willi,nu J. Hobby, Senr , as principal. Edward Thomas ami Augustus B. Longsireet, securities. AARON ROFF, Sheriff. J one 5 21'8 LINCOLN SHERIFF SALE. \V ill !)« sold, before the Court H 'Use door tr Lin coin county, (la., «>n the first Tuesday of July next, within tha lawful hours of sale, the fol lowing. property, v iz : Four feather beds, bedsteads, and furniture, sold as the property of Thomas Psalnions, hy virtue of n fi. tie. issued from W ilkes Inferior Court, Mer rel P. Callaway, vs. Thomas Psalmons, Wm. Pool, Nicholas G. Barksdale, and M. S. Anthony. Pro perty pointed out hy Win. Pool. WM. M. McCARLEY, Sheriff. Jon-' G RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SALE. ” On the first Tuesday in July next, w ill be sold at the low er Market House, in the city of Au gusta, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, containing three hundred and forty acres, more or less, ad joining lands of George W. Crawford Morris, the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Brown; levied on asthe property of Daniel Mahoney, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the fore closure of a mortgage, issuing from the Superior Courtui Richmond county, in favor ol Charles J Denham vs. Daniel Mattorney. . Also, atlbe same time and place, w ill be sold three hundred and ninety sacks Salt; levied on as the projterty of William 11. Gordpn, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from the Superior Court of county in favor of the Georgia Insurance and Trust Company vs. William 11. Gordon. Also, at the same time and place, will hej? Delia, a negro woman, about 2U years of age, ud , her child Jacob, about one year old; levied on us the property of John Trowbridge, to satisfy sun dry a ti. fas. issuing from the Justices Court of the 121st District of Richmond county, in f.itor Haviland. Risley & Co. vs. John Trowbridge.— Levy made and returned by a Constable. WILLIAM V. KERR, June 4 ?G r Deputy Sheriff R. C. WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE. Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in July next,be fore the Court House Hour in Warreiityn, War ren county, within the legal hours of sale, the follow in& property, to wit: . I Nearo Man hy the name of William,about 24 1 years of age. of yellow complexion’, a good har j ness maker, a good driver, &c ; levied on asthe I property of Uriah T. Lcckett.to satisfy two fi. fa.-*. Ifi issuing from the Warren Inferior Court, against said Lriah T. Lockett, one in favor of Ebentzer W. Doughty, and the other in favor of i»yc <i i Doughty, for use ofJLbenezer W. Doughty. AUGUSTUS BEALL, S’"riff June 4 207 ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. i Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, before the court house door in Elherton, Elbert county, within the usual hours, the following property, to wit : II Negroes, viz; Milly, £ woman, 17 years of age; Charles, a boy, 16 years of age; Jesse, a boy, 10; Sophia, a woman, 2d; Frankey, a girl, M; Wyatt, a boy, 10; MaiitlV. a girl, 6; Willis, a boy, 4; Polly, a woman, 40; Mary, a gi 1, 12; I Bu- Slabs; 1 Secretary and Book Case; 13 Bedsteads; 27 Chairs; 1 lot Books; I Table and Ends; 3 Sideboards; 3 Clocks; I Folding Table; 9 Dressing Tables; 3 Pichera and 3 Wash Dow Lgr 5 Mirrors; 1 Map of ihe U. Stales; 2 Washstandw; 1 large lot of Bed-clothing; 16 Feather Beds; 8 Jor dens; IS Straw Be as and Mat trasses; 2 Cupboards, 2 Book cases, frames; 2 Tavern Beils; 31 Pillows; I lot bfShoveland Tongs, Andirons and Fenders; I lot of Crockery Ware; I lot of Silver Ware; I lot of Glass Ware; 1 lot of Trunks and Boxes; 1 lot of Sugar; ! lotof Coffee; llotolRice; 1 lot of Flour; 1 bar'—l of Molasses; 1 keg of Nails; I lot of Hoes; 1 lot of Suit; 2 Watty Buckets; 1 Desk; 1 lot of Medicines; a Remnant of Dry Good-; 3 Trunks; containing Papers; ) Chest; 1 Spinning Wheel; 1 lot ariicles of Rubbish—all levied on as the property of Mary Oliver, Adm’x. of Thomas) Oliver, deceased, to satisfy a, fi- fa. is-ued from EU here Superior Court inTAvur ofJeptha V. Harris, Adtn’r, tkc. Vs. Mary Oliver, Adtn’r. of Thus. Oliver, deceased, and sundry other fi fas, vs. same, and controlled by James Oliver. Property pointed <jut by James Oliver. Nothing will be received m payment of the above levied property but Specie or Treasury Notes. HENRY R. DEADWYLER, D. Sheriff. June 3 206 BURKE SHERIFF’S SALE* Wjll be sold, before court-house door in the town of Waynesboro’, Burke county, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hour* of sale, i he following property, t<» wit: Eleven hundred ami sixty-six (JIG 6) acres, more or Jess, oak and hickory land, adjoining lands of Matthew C, M( Cullers, Henry Lewis, and others, originally granted to Henry Younge; levied on as the property of Paul Davidson, so satisfy a mort gage fi. fa. issuing froth the Superior Court of Burke county in favor of Joshua W. Saxon vs. Paul Davidson. Property pointed out in said fi. fa. June 3 JOHN T. BROWN, Sheriff. BURKE SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Waynesboro*, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of tale, the following property, viz: One hundred and seventy-nine (179) acres of Pine Land, more r le‘s, adjoining lands of Isaiah Sapp, Henry Hargroves,and others; levied on as the property of Gibson West, to satisfy a fi. fa. .is suing from a Justice’s Court of Burke county, in favor of Anthony Bunnell vs. Gibson West. Pro perty pointed out by plaintiff Levy made and re sumed to me by'A. R Skinner, constable. O. 11. PERRY. Deputy Sheriff B. C. June I lt>f COLOIIIIA SIIERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court House in, Appling, within the legal hours of sale, 150 acres of land in said county of Columbia, part of a tract of 200 acres, lying on both sides of Headstall Creek, originally granted to William Pace,and joining Benjamin Adams, William Pnil-. ips and John Mageheu—levied on as the properly of Stephen Drane to satisfy two fi. fas. from the Justices’ Court of District No. 6, in favor of Erne line Wilson vs. said Drane. Property levied on and retained torne hy a Constable. R. 11. JOSES, Sheriff June 1 101 Adminislmlrix's Sale. Will ho sold on the first ’Tuesday in August next, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the fegal hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond rounv, v\ hen sitting as a Court of Ordinary and for Ordinary purposes, A Tract of Land, known as No. 227, 21th Dis trict of Stewart county; drawn by Lou Williams, and sold as the property of the estate of the said Lott Williams, deceased. Sold for division.— , Terms cas h. JANE W ILHAMS, Adm’x. May 12 I)c horns non. j „jj— ■wiimi ikt-?wjcbma* WANTED TO HIRE, BY the month or year, two Segro boy* from fifteen to twenty years of age. Inquire of hie office. May 1