Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 19, 1848, Image 4

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patent fUeMcincj. 1 FLORIDA •TIZENS of this beautiful anti healthy Stale > allow me, a native i.}*orgi m, the p ieaaure to a yo'ir attention to oa« of the greatest anti mo t vt »i Medicines ever discovered —one of a.-irrq e ci harmless nature —me* which fn Oro’roJ Its-If be ai infallible remedy f' r the FL VER AM* TL’E, effecting a certain aaJ speedy cure. The ne mentioned is truly very short, an I will bo • ruble Iby many, but I hare ceVtitioate? from the rSt Phvsi'i tot and of gentiem .oft n> f -hr - n*- aectabiiity of Savannah, where 1 re;; V. it i mown by ai! that a poison wi l soV; circulate through and effect the whole human s} tern, the why not a simple and one chat i- halm v i Medicine is not a A >rt iern Ham ' is. ■ *> ; a » v ent Remedy altogether. It »> mafic •>> toe c".\ «■• Stoan’ia i —it is recommended by cii'/ . « or i' iVMnift, Georgia, South Carolina. I-horide, iVo.: ard to be candid, all my Printing is So a ,t.«xe* it J by Mr, E. J. Parse, of Sa> :’ii ’. ; -n you will at. once see it is altogether a S uiL'-.cmcr, and if il wa my intention to hum’)./j any c unraunity, I won id not choose gentleman's names that arc vreill known an lin the same place where 1 resi le, i submit the testimony oi residents of thri eh--, am a 1 —hom are the first Physicians, a; I 1 presume v<-a acquainted with many of them. The Meo - wiae offered to the world, is a safe, cer'aht a ; ' speedy cure for Fever ami digue, winch it wiu «io in the very short space of Ttcelre FI / s. A's! da is a newly settled country, ii U liable to a gre •: deal of this troablesom? disease, and it will ha to the advantage of every family to beep a supply on hand. Citizens of Florida: it is not mv hire- con to weary your patience with a swing of nonser.-m or of advertisements, for I can a; mre youdhat lam pretty well used up in this part of the w - but 1 •wish you to try this Medicine aid satisfy j :r --•elves, and you will f r the first fim» buiuV. tlsat a disease could ha cure I i.u 7>II guvs, ,*:.d ,;.r only way to prove it is to try it. I really do not know why a Soutbr n Medicine should not be as good as cue that is manufacture \ at the North. .My .Medicine has effected a]■ t c‘ cure where ?I! others have failed. J admit there are many other remedies, but not one that cun be come so popular, and so certain of curing this com plaint, as Humphreys’ Remedy far Fever and -I •’/«•. Only think for a moment. Ttcrfvs Hours to be a : healthy urn! It is strange. vervstr.m • •». ihat /■? should need so much boasting at la U; bat such L this world. I wid not tax you with o-- more ot this, but willingly I leave the Medicine to recom mend itself to Fmrida. And nos--, to close, / ' my honor the Medicine do?a not c .v FI. or any Mineral Preparation whatever; fi it a 1 c - table only. I am respectful!", voury&e. \V. HUMPHREYS. Jr.. Drr -f t, Corner Bay and Droyi ; i-strcctr, 3avaun -h. SOUTH CAROL IN’A. PLAN TERS of this noble Stare, 1 n b vox f givc the above Medici:’ - ore •1 a fair trial, an! you will find it to exed all the Uu .ib -of the North. It is now used, and with sacccs". in y ; , State, Certificates can he had ft' addressing either mv self or Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charleston, or M>*. J S. Farr. Grahamville, who have the MedlHme for •ale. All orders addressed to me wifi meet with prompt attention. The Mode in wid he found nr the stores of either of the following gentlemen, who have the genuine oulv. AV. HUMPHREYS. Jr. AGENTS.—P. M. Cohen A Co.. Cb . Mha F C.j T. J. S. Farr, Graham vibe, S. t ; \V. \. < ;-s --well, Savannah. Ga.; A. McLanc r, Co . Jarb - - rillc, Ga.; Shotwell & Gilbert, Mac n, Ga ; ; to, -e ft Knott. Griffin. Ga.; P. A. Aloisc, I ..-.Grange. Ga.; Weister& Upping. Columbus. Ga.; \V. Root, Mari etta, Ga.; J. T. Patrick, Salem, Tcnn.; J. 1, Sperry, Houston county. Ga.; Solomon Good all. At lanta, Ga.; William Carr. Jacksouboro; W. R. An derson, Dalton. Ida.; U. A. litirch. Ilawkinsviiie. Ga.; Samuel Palmer, Darien, Ga.; 11. F. Fioj d, -Mi oanopy, Florida. I'or sale wholesale and retail, in Augusta, hr WILLIAM K. KITCHEN, Acet.t. S?pt. 2 2m “ THE REMEDf NEEDED. Dr. WvJOdruffs Dysentery Cordial, For Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Gri; iny J’ i..s anrl Summer Complain! of Children. FRO 31 Hcn j. Gardner, editor of the Southern Shield. Enfaida, Ala. Another Lift, s.vvnn by the Cordia a\:r Physician t skill had failed t > bene't. Dr. Woodruff : — Ura,- Sir: 1 take great p’.ea • uro in testifying to the eiliciency of your D\ sen terey Cordial from testing its virtues i i m v own family. Mrs. Gardner was last summer most vio lently attacked with that disease, and aft. all emi nent medic i! skill had been ball! d in its efr rts to remove the disease or allord relief, and apprehen- ■ sious began to be felt by myself, that she would rot survive much longer, under the int -n = e agony in which she was laboring, 1 had recourse to you:- in valuable Cordial, and before she had tak 'u one bottle of it, relief was obtained; an I after f, king two, was entirely cured. 1 feel sure that Irn in debted to it, for her ltj'\ Aon cm u=e t’T- as on . may see proper. PF- NJ. GARDNEI. Eafaula, Ala. July 15, ISI7. WOR3IS ! WOR3IS !! WORMS !! ! Dr. Wooiniifs Worm Spociflc, Is a safe and efficient remedy for Worms. Trv it It is as good as the best, and cheap as the choc.;-, st. (xrijfin. Pike co., (It.. Jnh; 12, I Eb—. Mr. Woo i rulf: —Please forward immediately three dozen t;f vour AV orm Specific. We have calls for it daily, feend it without delay. Respectful I'.', 1 '.', JOHN G. HILL, do CO. Talbot, co., Ga.. Dec. 12. 1815.—Dr. WoodufF: I have recently ma le trial of your Worm Specific in a very ha 1 case, with the happiest effect. 1 think more of it than ever, and believe it will da in 99 oases in the lUO. J. U. ROPER, 3f. D. Dali Razors Mada 3'iaro in a farr r.l:n -utas with— THE IMPERIAL lUZ'JR PASTE. Read what Sam’l \\ . Ibournoy. Editor of the Columbus Enquirer, say- in regard to it: Having ma le trial of the Ka'.or Strop Pa-te for some 5 orb months, I am satisfied that it is all that a stiff bearded man can require to put his dull razor in c unplefc order. When I purchased a box of this Paste I had no : faith in its superior qualities, bat experience has convinced me that it is entitled to all the celebrity it has obtained; the article is a first rate tiling and no mistake. SAM E. W. FLOLRNOV. Columbus, Nov. 21st, 18T>. All the above preparations for sale Wholesale and Retail by V\ . K. KITCHEN. Augusta. Geo.; R. W. Rogers, Waynesborough; W. W. Carr, Jack •onbornugh; Thos. White A Co., Wrightshorough; i C. C. Cody, Warrenton; J. W. Jones, jlavfield; \\ . Davis. Powelton; 11. S. Reman, Mount Zion; J. ft. Simpson A Co., Sparta; and iu mod of the counties ■ throughout the State of Georgia. July IS NO MOR3 WHITE, GREY OR RED HAIR. A REMEDY which enhances considerably the J- A- beauty and alters the appearance of the coun tenance from that wlrch is much disliked. It is pleasing to have efficient means to remove these delects. To effect this change of hair -o much wished for. is the grand and never failing property ot Jl LES HAL EL S VEGETA RLE Lltif ID HAIR DYE. which the proprietor can with justice state, is far beyond any thing of the kind ever yet known in this or auy other country. Ls properties are very powerful though very innocent. This chemical result is a wonder, as it enables persons to dye instantaneously their hair without the least inconvenience. For changing red or grav hair, | whiskers, eyebrows, >!kc. to a brown, black, or chesnut color. The slightest evil consequences need not be feared from its use—it is altogether harmless. This composition is the only one sanc tioned by the science of chemistry to dye, in an in delible manner, the various gradations of colors, without danger or inconvenience and has justified the liberal patronage and unlimited confidence of the public. If black is required, ask for box mark ed IN., if brown, box marked R, For sale, wholesale and retail, by JULES II AI EL, Perfumer and Chemist, 120 Chesnut street. Philadelphia. And by I. E. MARSHALL. H AVIUAND. RIS LEY Si CO., W.M. 11. TUTT, and W. HALVES, J and at most all Druggists throughout the fb JL Beware of Counterfeits. —Ask for‘Mules HuueTs ! Vegetable Liquid Hair Ih e." if you idimt the gen article. Price 75 cts. and VI ner box. A premium awarded at the Franklin Institute. July 1 iw 153 IbrjGKS FOR SAfTer THE Subscriber has for sale and will keep on hand at his Prick Yard on Green street, ; 3-30,000 BRICKS- S. L. BASFORD. Jan H 1 27 PROSPECTTTS. . FOR THE CONGRESSIONAL CLOSE ANO APPENDIX. TJaTE issue this Prt'.spcatns to eppris? the public v ? of renewed prep irationsoh our parttw pub lish tho CON GRES-i< -*N AL GLOBE & APtEN DI v for the approaahiair session, a..; to invito subscriptions, inr two iion.-.c; haring contracted v. ith us lor the work, oa such terms as enable us now to make complete r w-r s, to lanidpA and i- the nutuherrin quicker sue er-ion than here- I to?, re, and with-»ut mere sing tie price to s-.b ---c;;bers. wc h >p«- to make a good return for the liimraiinr »«d hi hofitemi sanetion r-uis be towed i\ ■ ■ further 1 • 'i'.tF last .3 not the least important point in the v '.v oi t’.iugre ■. i’ :i.: . a-; I daiaWc report. debates ot t'le ho ly are of vahiq m pn.-uartipn f ' ihe extent oi - . fieir c.rcillation :•> a ong ti c - co- V. I; i-In this vvay ; C ;egress is brought iato the p ’esen .te of its remote ednstituects—t' at It oLta-ns easy iccc- vo-'d h 'l.’s eommu»fir x 4: -rm vith them from day today, an-.1 renders theg.-verrmeat retfi i y re orcscutative. 11 i... i. .. I -ora all parties in C-.>n«T33;Vthtf sti-on/e%t marks oi epprobalioa a :d c ail J •>. ce ii the liberal mga; e anu* p-•■•maneof c -olr . t rote 1 tr CO.itiaue ilie v, rk, v.9y,;i ftr- be fem? ! wantior in the impart!ail’ •* and hub <drv n* ens-nrv to rbc ifie fni--dme.it of thee g?ryem<-nt on om-f, Tiie next session wiii task to ihc utmost tha rest effer* ot ose connected with the tiniiai Utking. Si arid if res* and resui.’s of abiding coneern. T;?' war. it; origin ami conduct bv T office •- j ; ihe eahmet au ! in the field, wifi fartiwh 1 ibepi-ro •>. d er)jnsi<i-ration. ‘j ho terns of pewe, ihe d. !- : position to bs made of conquesD. ih-t cri.iscquenccs j t<- be iir.tivn hom all that has been done, a- affect f»'g p trfies iii this country, and especially as bear ing on tne approaching I’residcntial election, w iii opc i up n -vrl and powerfully operating discus ° bus. rn d- ring tue conn oils at Washington during the next year as pregnant of good or evil to {.hi continent as tho«-e of R ,me were to the Ob’ World o; the days of her early e-ner v. fvh a it 11 fc~ deliberation and action was never presented to anr < 'oitgres*. Ail that fins transpired, or mar here"- i after tra ispire bclore the close < 1 the approacliiag session of Conpress, iu No v Jloxiro. CriiCorma, i - ' ; • O'.;- i . ■ 3 ji J’.<!c i< 0,. ;r. mu 1 .‘TirTic to* i : *r tbo «- i , t*-.-■>t-j>-i o sue n-'X' v ongress. ; -.lebates w.li co dai-i to* * h.story of the wrr. ».nd ifs action determine ifsre - s:J*', wheth-r t-.ey he lee M.-d bv arms r*r diolo- ! | And whatever is developed concerning i t. *t v. ’t ur.ii jr.tereUing matter on tne tie >r ofCon i see s or in the Executive Messages, will be found i ' : V«A.;oa i.l U. 3 LOSG A &SSIQS AL (iJLOB£ and Ap- I PEM IX. • ■ print- 1 co? stTneriiae double ro- ;!nrner >• ’ *■> «; v-T I | type, ( hrerier and nonpareil ) ir quarto form, each | number coaraiiiing sixteen rural r ;:.rto 1 ares. ; j he speeches of the members in this first form. • are coadc-ii.-ed*—the inti report of the prepared speeches bring reserved fur the AppemUx’ Ad r* -iii: y.-m .*, nv;f ons, and other proceedings, nr*' ! given in the f*T: t of the Journals, with the yeas and niy- on ever- imoorfant qtte'fion. Every fnemhor will have an opnortanitv to ran I | ids rein arks before they are m;t topress. and alter j our report, if he shad think it incorrect,’ I . upend.v i mode i«p of the I -idunt’s an < n-jat iae.ir.ago, tiic reports of the minciuai oificcr? • : tho government iNI . c . nip.any it. a; d a spec.-hes M ti.e inen.hcrs cf ( .vs.. written out I same form v ■■■'.■<’ . d : nn !; os about the same number o* v- ru fieri-: • a ■ session. Daring the fir t month or six wo , f rossion. there is rarely more business doue than will make two iiuuibers a week—-c ue »»i ino (_ onsressionai j Globe and one of the Appendix; lm{ fi irl; the re i maicf'cr of ase ssion, tlu-.-c is u.-ucliy oa.fi r. it mat ! ter far two or three numbers of c.ich - N Ibe next sv-vumi ; ■'! be t'.ans'.ia'!v in.: •routin'-, j thereiow?, we, <*a!ealafe that the Congmessiona! G!o!>e nn l d 1 *; 1 ?-* fix to*s-ether will make near ■- f;■ **: ■ and noupareii. Wo furnish coiupitic LiJvxes to j both at the end of a session. surplus V , 3 to sappiv ad li* ii Ui;.\ J,;5 u»I --j rietl, or log la the mails ; but subscri !*, ;*. dmalfi be | ■' >r J darlictiLv:* to file iheir pvpavs carcfufi’/, fi i fuarf’i ;t we should not Le able to supph Air, the j lost n. imbe-;, A'b* have a few surplus copi 's r.f the C;>:.;vr?s 1 n jal C»ii<be for the l.mt «e«sion of Con.' ress. v uich \v will sell,for the original subscription price—M a ! copy. i »Ve have no surplus copies of the Append! c f r tliat scs.-.i.jii. t r. r. a: ?. ; Forme con- of tfio G’ ’—..v; 02 ' 1 or one copy of liio .Ippc dir., , p For six e yes of cither, or p i-t of h-vh N» ix< i EL,ii.fcc, ivi * E.J, Washington, Oct. i, 1317. ; PR OSPE CTI73 OR THE COL JAI iJ 3 TIME 3, MAY TNG been for four year? the Editor of the •• I ime.i, tha under-igned presume * . hat hi re aders and the Democratic i’urfv in V. i ; -u Georgia, whose political organ and agent ha has endeavored to be, are by this m siifil'-ienily ac i quainted with him to know whether he is worthy id th.eir confidence ami support ~s a Denvuwaiie • Editor. It is proper to say. that when 1 ersi into j | tha Editorial management of this na.per.liie estab lishment was very much depressed in point of pros, i parity. I saw at once that the paper was to he b.-ih j up Ue ticro , before a hope could be entertained of its ! prosperity. I s subscription list, not so lire hr one half as it -honhl ha, had run to weed, and wc- en- I cumbered, with many bad and doubtful names.— ’ Tilts required pur.ration and reaovati >n. Cut J; ! ?uc? , in the stability and perma-mnee of the paper ha-.l t > ; be establLaed. J o short the presit i - cf its su - cess • was ail to bo created by the exertions r.f ;;r, edihin 1 partners. While we have J. moi-’t to .yards !'u accoinplishmcnt of the object, more remain-, to h-» done. And it becomes necessary i. rme to say to ■ tv politioal friends, that if they tb--ire me to cor.ti ir. ■ at my present ]> > ;, they must aivc such tokens ,>f i that dv-tflrc ami their appro,bati.>n as v iii c - ■ Lie n\a to afford to do so. The present is deem ed an auspicious tone to present this subject to mv political friends. The Governor - elec tion is at hand. Our candidate is of Western Georgia, “-born of the Manor. and we should : takft the lead in giving him a support that wi.M ex hibit, what we who knew him be-t, think of him. Popular, able, and faithful to his political principles, —George W. Towns offers to his friends, at ou.ee, the strongest incentives to an active and earnest support, anil a cheering guarantee of his success. To the attainment of important ends, means must always he consulted. The press and the .-tnmnare the engines ot political enlightenment and the means of success in the propagation and triumph of political principles. 1 believe I can unhesita tingly appeal to my cour ;e as a Democratic Editor, as a proof of my fidelity and single-hearted pur pose to achieve the true honor and victorious sue cess of Democratic principles, Hy what has pass ed, I am willing to he judged lor the future. With renewed energy ami rekindled enthusiasm in the cause, t come forward to ask of the Democratic Par ty, such encouragement, in the unequivocal shape of a largely increased circulation, as will at the same time enable me to feel that I am both useful to m}- party, and true to myself and those depend ant upon my exertions, in the editorial profession to which 1 an attached. \\ ith these views, the following prospectus some- ‘ what varying from our usual terms is put forth. Persons obtaining subscribers will please forward the names immediately. JOHN FORSYTH, Editor. Columbus, July7th. 1817. GIN MANUFACTORY. rjMli; SUBSCRIBERS have entered into JL copartner-hip for carrying on the above bu siness in this city, and have taken the shop recent ly occupied by J. T. W.vdk, on Green-street, two doors above the Baptist Church, where they are now prepared to manufacture to order, Their well known Cotton Gins, which, for faithfulness of construction, and dura bility of material, will compare favorably with the best made in this State. Their arrangements are such, that ail work con fided to them ran be relied on, and a- punctuality is a cardinal point with them, customcres will hot meet with disappointments. O' Repairing of all kirds done at the shoitcit notice, and in a workmanlike manner. BOATWRIGHT & RIVES. jAXtsT.BnATVVTUCHT, £ Hr iM.x P. Ritks ) ly Dec. 31 i k • PROSPECTUS or A KB W JOTJR IT A L ? THE REPUBLIC. Sir Plus is the tills of a Xew Paper, whi :h .lie si; vscuhsdti proposes to puulEh. i. the S city of '-.jig-;.:, i'll • /£'*?-/' i* tt'* ! -rr. Jtff ■'roof *v>. Tr»- tain v-'u’-i fidelity. the great and conservative urin tip’es of the Whig Paktv. llo.me Ivpf'sfuy j i v. ;.l receive. *a cordial support, and be ardeiuU - .s. t i-’icd T:i oppeiitien to .sy tens c.dcui.-ted to footer ! roitiauv i. at the expenTe of : A « :■: aica^. i The DiiTiiiasriox .v.ioxa the States of the j PKOUBT-I 5 OF THE SSAI.E§ OF THE Pu TLIF , Las?>?', will be uv ; ;!> ,1 as soou .as the. state of the I 0. ; •ud CCS -i pi It. :;s a-•••. -I' <f ..J. ; prdicjicy :-ui jus-rice. The Sud-Tkk vscry will !• opposed, as • :'i»onxe, for kc epin ra ■ 1 oUhnrs i-'-g i te p-ibuc Rinds-—less s;de and economical :>a ■v ol '-.Oiks. I ny. Afq.O'sfiihon of F.»’ <o >- f.HßfTn'tv wi Ibe opposed as unite .••v=snry lor to * wan's oi our oeooie, ■! «ngeroug to the pe cn and . doty ot the T lion, and utterly ad- i v< r-e Son Tern security. Pku Kv»i ni 3!exi co wiii bo adrocroed is a measure to be honestly j aid InnoraUv coo-uiij.suited at the earliest prac j tic; period. y. r Etc sag-; of Lrcviß’.w-'! will define oirconroc ) far her ■ reference to vtton \t. politics au* , a fairs, Tuc IL ■<//.'«■ c will as ardently sustain V, fit rer.icv an d nr,\s:Mus iv Georgia as it ; w'U thn. e for the Uoev at i \ roe. The view? .li ~,e s- .-ci',..”, j-i reicrcnce to estate interests. h;v bi»cn «•> often put forth in the columns of the Ch, o' >{■!' ,y *>kr/.’r/ ;:;-i it is unnecessary to rc | iterate them now. F ufi'c it to say. that ever\ efiw t v d.R-di the Eepibiic can make to add to the I pro-’pc.nhy cf the <. UE AT C< ■ ’-I X. O N Wit A I.T r I OF iii: oft v. an-I r-i>» heppi-mss of h> r people. will be in ad j as a I ottering ot one of her native j so. ss. Tic itxf o c sx a ok Aucf-'ta wi:i receive , a -p.-go - le.ra of his aneution. V* uatever can add to her papal,Oion and wealth, ai.-d the prosperity oi* her people, will be sustained by run Rkfeblic with unwearied devotion. i; S 3 ;be fervent wish of the snhscr ! or to sec • Ihe S*OOXO and Am: th linked in the bonds of per- ; petual harmony and friendship. Their differences i v hi i»o to The R; rrr-i.ic a sc-nrc-e of con,cant j . “.dtcitii !■-. and its eiV.wts will be warmly directed j to heal their broker. aA.T'ha-.and poi :tto a n . ;jos i ar. p .17 ft tv a v of Os. of Y. m srkcd out ’ v our r X- ! r-.-tTm A '--n toe \use frehtts of cjs F 0» mr AI, F * T ,T : TTS. ■ ■ —a period full of . - - ! sr.rlli- . ■'* -• ’■ci'.::. th aylit—peers up beb re us in she cvc • to.il f-.iture. 'Vbcnrdi hope ofr tconcilatior. 1 ■ ..' ’.c • "pic, | f :'jk.;i-a is darkened i ■ ' ■ j vr b- tin*.*, an si our iaitb an .liove sh?.!i bo Ircrs to , W i r i l ."the r•' v tr« ’* coiat ov.or tti~ of, uvs or DISriXGli: HFi) V. HIM? FUR THK MUST OFFICE j w tj.fr-: tub or r of nr: PEon.r, Thk Sl::tfr- j 1, TO \ n.l. SOS TAIN TH :. B OF t'H" Ot KATI T | ■ • . " ' - CL AY. Ag« ■ lc;e* not cre i ,t !■, '.--n the nor--.' erandenr and hrantv of /••■»•? f 1 ■?:♦. b-r that >-f--- ~0.,! noon rye !.\1 HEVOTIO.V To !1 IS OVNTRT. »ro| »»l FI IC SFM- j vie: s. v. irrxi h : gives him a ic-he in tut nr a rtrs of ms r Vi ;.y--i ry, r-a to;: natiov j t i ftv ctiak after vT?HoAT». His reni« arid prac;i er.l svisdoii ii-ire n ’.r utkd otht cot xrm, nnd si ro-i ti;f IlHi rnr, whi!“ even sa~es have •hi t'• c birred br Ids t ’ iqoee"? TH J' r. ’’ <■’ xc r of ;TT ( 'n v S! iTITHA OIJ i S FIT RTi TOP!! PFCvi; i} i n (OV.I.!; T t ■. r O'- i: m;. n<--v.-t •■ff-cs in rm V, r, end proro-s stl'l !o. ?< to l.i? radiant.ln- ; rlncAra to nr.-ii r • ,r si: rilK ctocofd riiosrEcTs Thi b.i,•w r. v, dlbc no,factious support. Tste j to b>:td tbc i to acticipctf'd v' : y. Resides its M.-ditica’ information t‘u Ri-.rcBJ.T-- 'viil ftwnßh the fCKRFA'T .N'FAS > )i" THE DAT, an 1 will lie constant- ; jy enrich-m! wi : i interesting talks, 1.0.0-. uis : nr?, ar other liti uri c ! '•• -• it ■ ”-i -•.cubv-H.- (I| . - ;!..> eau.w r.or r at* •r. Par'ic’d.a~ rare wid be raid to its ISCCTnHU. I* Kl’ *. •' T3l f NT. ! • ■ [. .■ n ■ i -- i' ■ ■a? .' H 1 ' Firm p • s . ‘bo T.) C- !1• G 1 mm ia ; s tor th ;■ p -ri -d, w’lb < * eve options, h.’.vin-r i-een -.rritVu by hoiseT. I fed-fires to c i! iv;i*e i c0r.11.*.! "-lod f«ei!;:» v.-itli his brethren of TtfK Wind aV r* Div.to 7vn • iAnss. j o 'i S -p : tTT" m in c don. a:’ f— a nrv • r-.FS Co'. :■ FFN'-i; PF I r.JBF.U U. 1* VTiJ.-TN 'G F - aid PK<f»tis»:s ?N RFTtin v, lov ror and in . niF.o!:» i.xnti m.vs -io prohutk thi; prui.ir • F.'f . j: i ; f \ »v n t-i f -ik mi-H if : in; :m.in-- i-;,i s or thk Win ; "uci -. Thk R; :>i .u ?-■ will bo imbji-hed Tf.t-Wr.ntcr.Y imi W- iht! v.a-claAo {hi-.r, if the patrot.are wlli | i; a , I will ue primed on new and hcuti- Asti e riTisT NT'm u- r n :! ' bo at or rear the eoui’tiem-emertt of the next Vs. ar, the cm li st eimi it re3pocUu!lc asks of tho-e who favor the ; i entei-iiri/c, to scud on their names as curly as pos sible/ | The Till AVr ftfi.v Rrrrni.rc n*l!e*—!t: ’ a me.'him -beet, the det‘> : ! •of news to be cop : ons. u bhouf ■ -no -c '-I'-sp vk v. 1'! e ei*Kl Yv a- Dor will tit* a r.oyr she? r, ( A* by- A inches.) 'dr—TH-Wi Vy.,-b 'A-tkV. -A Ibu u-nt in advance.noon reecptSon of i the iirsi niuiib -r. J A.*l. -o .u. ‘IrlT. uodbt-rWib, in::. D_l. JOBIj EUAHKAIsI’S L,iVT,'JL hJ£D xl> Zj? I* i? jji. A ivl SDiCI.’I. i. |-T • r.A-ri i • thi vdcable niedi. he to t!:e people . >■ for ti relief aurrjJ u . ■ • cits h ; ■[■■; >to a Av?! --rr- cliu-.tde. I.! - rot claim - rit i fuiitl ili. \; neither do I scy it wi;! cure all h-vascs. i Ait i*i (’hn-nic i.iv<*r Ali- ctions and L>\ -pepsia, lean cuniideativ adv; e and recoin- i ■ ..1 its m i. o-u in v personal oh.- cry;-tu a at: J use ■ . le ii my own practice, i d article is -a - .f-I _ rcF-jiv*. d. till. Ttver it ha> been used. 1 i mil ad owe 1 to roic r to .'dr. Ccmyc Heard of Troup, .hr. Jolos Wirtv-i ■ i* (h-iuniiMis, ?!i-. hi--K -.dec of >5:- ; \ h -ry i lull of Athens, Mr. William D. i’crreil of Putnam, Rev. John Id Dan son of 1 a- Tramre; to which a trreat number of j.-.huv t uiK- ht be ud-.le I, wbo bear their testimony to it.> va •■*. — L»r. ilenn iirai.ham has Used this medicine in his own case, and lu-s prescribetl ft to mai y others, jjivc it as bis opinion, th t it 5- one of the safest most valuable medicines that can be used in imperfect u. esti.'-b liver complaints, constipation and irregular .--To of the bowels, [t i useful in liiilio-’ts complaints, to person.'- t*c; t' a ni>Js .torn bii iious levers.and in sick or nervous ache. 1° pregnant won»en, who are subject to costiv’cness, this medicine i.-- well suited. In rcgti;atin-ic the state of the stomach a:..1 liowcls. and proiuuling«li.TCßtiou. It Is particularly useful. 1 could append a bony list of certificates, but for bear, prefer! r to r b. on the virt-ies of the medi ■ i to sustain itself. The medicine is a gentle and certain cathartic, tonic and sudorific. JO ML BRANHAM, Eaton ton, (la. Price k:—For sale by A. («. WILL PS. March 11 HOPE FDA TH I AFFLICTED ! ! ! NO Cl HE—NO PAY. T Ive Pectoral Elixir. \ WAR.RAX T i: I) CUli 11 VO R Cotfshs. Voids, Asthma, Vlurisy, Pain in the Plde. Pneumonia. 11 hooping Cottipk, Croup. Hronchitis, J.v'rr Camphiint, Consumption, ami every disease, to which the organs of'the Chest are incident. nmiis invaluable remedy, (a discovery of one 8 of the most scientiuc Physicians in the Uni ted State*.) has now been in m-e about three years, and stands unrivalled by any other, for the enroot the above diseases. The PECTORAL ELIXIR is confidently recommended to the pub lic, (especially of .Southern climates, where at mospheric violsi(tides are *o frequent) as an in fallible cure for all the ailments -neciiied above, and numerous testimonials might he adduced to substantiate the fact. It acts hv opening the pores of the skin and equalizing the circulation, a disarrangement of-which produces all the •>f the Lungs. The Pectoral Elixir is not on 1 y free from aßythinsr, which could ;>rove injurious from its continued use. but on the ccjtrx", possesses properties that strengthen the r'c-yach and lumrs.aod wards oIF an attack upon those or [ guns. The proprietor, so confidant of its success, has authorized hi.* agents in every ease where it | fail to give satisfaction, to refund the money. Each bottle accompanied with ample direction*. For sale wholesale and retail by AVM. H. TUTT. Sole Aaent for Augusta. Price Nf 1 per bottle cr six bottleti for Dec. 9 2mjos i [ liATES OF FREIGHT UM THE GEORGIA AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC KAIL ROAD. D T\ ok iTi X-M—^: ; f- •' *» e-- v "-h'' ■ ' ■" - •'* J, — r- (-i;o*.ldl!vß ‘iL ROAD. 7 Vi-iU bOiMU. M 2 « J ! - -f-3 '' ra !*■-bj |.. BETWEEN AUGUSTA AED rl I-~ J* '"’T- 'S 5* 1 , s>-s j 3 *”* j .-H'S 11 I J'T ■s C^j|£«^i! _ /-a, 1 i Class-—i axes oi id 'ti. Ilounets and Fund- i | ~, ... , n to .age, o? r f.-ot *0 20 >0 8 $0 8 ' $0 10 ! 50 I2J 50 1G j-0 1o p-ronri ( r —Rc-xes «?*d Rales of Dry Good*, j Sir..-- s -ddferv. Glass, Paints. Oils. Drugs and I j 1 „ rn i , U- %-iiv-u-ies. j»cr li 'Mils uv 40 j 50 [ U | jO »’ 1 1 n, d i loss —Sugar, Uo : ’ee. l.iquar. licygiug, . Rope.Burter,Cheese.Tobacco. 1 mather, 11 i-lcg. Cotton-Yarns. Uoi ner. Tin, Feathers. Sheet- ! I Iron.Hu:;.c.v-War J 'roeb.e-v. f‘a>t»n; r H. Hard- i ' |j ware an ' other heavy article? not enumerated' I M _ ... , be-'W, n*r iff) lbs i 37J 30 30 <.O i -10 *- /J OJ J . t . 7"—Flour, Rice, P-acon. Pork. P-cef, i i -h. Lard. Tallow. Peeswav. Pales of Rays.!; • Imscsty. Green anti Dried Fruit. .Mill-t Jearing.. Bar ami Pi; iron. and Grind Stones, per 1 I ln> i,... ‘ .... 25 25 25 2.5 30 35 40 rv.' -_«vVi/o‘jb’:‘. 30 ! so 50 30 j 37A 45 45 Sait —Per 1 >v. Sac.:, not e-xce ding i bushels 1 > j 30 o 5 40 i .> > GO b > P r r.ush- !. ..- s 12 j 8 I 10 10 j 13 u> in X>’.t*s's- —Per Hogshead U5C014-00 j 5 00 500•! 700 300 350 Plow-, W hecl-Ilnmow?. Corn-Sheller*. Straw- 1 ! 1 j I ___ Ciusers and Cultivators, each s*> ; si» | 50 50 .*> /*> j <5 Oa's, i;j sacks, per LasheL In-the Car Load. G G ; (> : | , V, ; • 2 n 8 8 12 14 1j V* beat, i’cas. Leans. Rye. Nuts and Crass-, . . ~ Roods, per bus icl.hythc Car Load 1 8 10 1-3 I - I' 1 U —ln Call’s cr Boxes, no-: exc< eding 2A I „ bushels each T 30 30 1 30 30 40 45 50 i Car Lead of Live Stock ;i35 00 -3500[ 35 00 35 00 45 tO 55 00 ,55 00 | rUTl'cr other articles see list. j, /*; re gin t - A a its, .'• lhe::is, "id all stations n the M estern Atlantic Rail Road, payable at | those stations. For oilier stations it must be paid ir Vngnsta. I*. C. ARMS, Superintcndert of Transportation. T:ar.*\ ortaiion CjJic*, (dec- ia 77, 7 j? 'ad no.' l Thinking < omvjnn, } . Vugiu-ta. (.Ja., July 1«>, I<»■■«•/. S July 1 i SOUTIT ( ATtor.l’U AXD GEORGIA P-Mlror i Ppckary* Sspresrj. r ~ - t' vA'A? 5# f?\ . Wk rjM in souri i rre* o lcfTsTtT.uTTP)r .S. CIV RAILROAD 003IP A NHS having | placed i: .*■ m their mail train* cfllcict.t aril trust- > : worthy Bagrtv-e Master* nr I F•:pros? Agents, are j : now prepurrl to give ’fecks” fortdl Baggage go- I j irg through between Charleston am! Atlanta, and | 1 aDo to rcef.ro ami forward pro.nptlv an 1 at re a- { •■•.oabD r;*te«,r.n'. P-.-kagcs which mar be entrust-* ! < *ii to their char re. Ail article* to !■<■ thus forward- j oil will be deposited with any of ih* authorized > ;«~ent ■ f>. the above mentioned coni* >nie?. who will d.tdy re reive thewef—. F.V. ARMS. tin S'n’t Cf. n, R. f; B. Co. ■ Transportation «Mice. < i. R. E. .V B. Co,-} A irmsta (da. Sept. 23. id 17. S BE5> \lll TR Ch—M'-h R, KO.U). " ; Oil a after Monday, ‘Nth ir* 1 ., this ! \ uj; T: ain will Dare Avgusta at 6, P. M., and ! i/• • ‘ F. » Rr’- \ it* . T T.. STuI **g. turn ir. r,i at J, i\ M. July 23 i AIvlJ -/_ STIi T ?7< ACTD ATL ANT IC HAIL ROADS. ■ • ■- p#~ GTi .s.uii I f’*d.* I E r.t- enner Train, carrying the < treat ; ,a Southern >1 ail lot wore Now York and New <M-an« leaves \,l ;r *n daily at B o’clock. I*, ill., ar- I ■■' rat t> ::ta at o>, .ck, V. 11.; leave* Allan- | >■< a 1 :: o’eh ok, A. and arrives at Gritlin r.t 10 I ■ •i>ck, V. i. Returning, leaves Gridin U 1 o’- • ( o', ,<k. \ •.!., arriving at Atlanta at fi. 1 . P. 31., leaves ■ V•'■’■ ‘e ,-t ? ->k. P. Al and arrives at Augusta ' ' t! ’c:.'.ck, A. M. j m vi-;b tit's frr I”, a lorortci It-*’ Icrres '.i ij s jet for \ !so •« n Thursdays, sj'iH’ l ' s. st 7o’clock. A. 31. Returning, ieav ■ ' • s far® at o’c dr, A. ‘d. T ■ B ts-eo t .’rain up ,«;i ‘the St.Mc 'T“d leaves V• laute. fiuilv, (Sundays excepted,) nt 3 o’clock, A. ; * 1., xad an ivcv nt AFton n; S' o'clock, P. As. i; tor in-. I -arcs D dtoa at 7 A. M„ an I nr ■'in 3 nt Atlanta, in ti.no At .’,3 even!; y train to S ;es rnn in f'nrr' ien w’.hli’.c c?“». a? f«'l -10 .vs: ' } Ov.—Tl-.e Evprers 'Cil Tdne. the R :ti I l.oa 1 Id.ie, and the South </a. odna Rail fin-ad l ine ir-.ni t«; iilin to New Orleans, or'siv" throujii ■ rr -iiv da. La Cr;it:i'o and WA-.d Poi?d tt* Anhnm. ■■ hcr.ee ! v Rail Road to Moni?oiner**. Alto, front liarnesvilje via < clnml ns. t > Aid tarn. 1 • r > Warrant n io 'dec n via Sparta and 31.51- led evilie. Prom 3:ad’ -mi, every Momlav. Wednesday, and 1 Fridm , vi:. i.atontor. to HJitlfl- ■’ l'iUt ». h com A tho is, on t’ues'lavs, I’iiarsdavs and Satur di«s-. after the e.' ii* !of ihc morning train, via cL i. c sdi'e to t'acsvivle, and Daldor.eyu. I ro n Double V oii*. on Tuerdays, Thursday*!, old Saturdm s. to uililnrtcr., \\ i;kes county, and : Abbeville. S. C. i'roni ivo'tr-o: n crerv dov. klurdrc excepted ) : via Meoic, ]K*;»Mn ! rrlnys, \\ ,rrc<,wn, and i>-ca {.:;• to ’ I- rsoh' o T, on, ; • i *.o .c i**or:iT,.;n on r.Toud?--?. Wcdr.r.nlnys ■ ■ • ■ , Thursd L Sat , ■ r,,,. - . t id'i •HUS 'f[ TK.’KKTS, from A. n*ta to l■ t.lA'Voio. i)-.'C;;tvr. or d'liscirni ia. .Via., can be had at tt'r t>. K. It. t icket OT.ce, for sl.'l, ( trice vieo. R. it. A IFkyr Co., Aur. 17. 1047. . .L A W DEPA R'l’M I-, NT—-SI AA)N i> SESSTf N. f 3 lii.i Hon. Io >l. !. .vie >r, late Chief Ju-tice of the .k. State of Kentucky, bavin- been no; inted to the professor-hip vacated by the re d > notion of Ca 1 1 born, K-ip. elected to Con revs, the i' nciJtv of Law now consists o: 11 a. > it! vnv Pirtie.L. L. lb. Professor of Con stitutional Law, l.ipdiy and Lenity Pleadings, and ( 'om-nerel d i .aw. Hon. Ephraim .1. Ewing, h. T.. 1)., Professor of tiie Science of Law. includiajrthc Common Law and its History, and Criminal Law. Pit f. s ton S. I-oroirnoßGt t;H. 1.. L. I).. Pr ifer sor of the Law of ll< :tl Property, of the Practice of Law, including Pleading and Evidence, and the Laws of Nations. The course of toi;ion for the second session wiij eomniouce, in Loui vllle, Kentucky, on ilie Jirsr '.J, ndaf f i November next and continue four months. Students are arranged In two classtss according to their ppoScieucy. Instruction will be giver* by recitations.’>V ex aminations, and bv oral lectures and erpo-itions, of which six in every week will be given to each class. A M(X)t Court will <it twice in each woe!: , at which a cause, previously given out. will be ar gued by the students, and an opinion delivered by the presiding professor. The students will also be exercised in the pre paration of legal instruments and pleadings. The students of the Law Department of the Cniver-ity are. bv a provision of its charter, enti t’.ed to a. tend thel.ectnrcson MediealJurisprudcjice - in the Medical Department without charge. A curse of such lectures will be delivered to the Law and Medical classes during the session. The libraries of the professors and also of the j practioners of law in the city will be open to the students. A capital of near 57,000 having been I obtained, is about to be invested in the purchase of a Law Library, to which the students will have ac cess. Students who shall have attended two full courses of instruction in lids I niversitv. or one in some other school and one in this, or have practised the profession one year, and attended one course of lectures here, and have passed a satisfactory ex amination, will he entitled, upon the recommenda tion of the Law Faculty to the Degree of Bache lor of I.aws, which the University is authorize 1 to confer. The fee is .> 20 to each professor, and the matri culation fee £5. Good board and lodging oan be had in Louisville and its vicinity for from $3 to t f3 30 per week.— The lecture rooms arc in the new Court-House, and are commodious and comfortable. Communications should be addressed to I'rof. Pirtle. JAMES GCTJIKIE, President University of Louisville. Sept. 7 3c— ' 1 n ■ • m ■ - v i TLIiSP inn nurfrn *5 I/O (I lIIIUI I II U I’J , j 5T5 W vy- £ 5T> rr <« y. (TT _ : AUGUSTA, GUOPGTA. j Having recently put our JAB OI’FfCE in com i piete order, and made extensive additions to our ; former assortment of F \N* V TYPE, wc are now | prepared to execute with ncatnes and at short notice xr,r. kinds or PLAiir, FATCY and ORNA^ISWTAL » ». > rj mi k srrj aa w- « fim, ; tri Ik H iil Rl M rsn iKt i r~ SIC I! AS flamlMlls, 1 Cards, I/iib'Ms, < otton Receipts, S Canl'b ISiaiiks, Circulars, < hecks. Notes, Sfill ifeads, &r. [jAY\il orders from the Country will meet with prompt attention. TO TH3 BYA 'J'T IPIDJRS OF THE comply; xiozM”. Su rpr;s?ag Efficacy. | ITY FAIT Dl\ INE I)F. \ ENDS and NYMPH atl SO A I*, compo- ed of an Eastern Botanical dis | cuvery of surprising c<!icac\ . for rendering the j Skin soft and fair, as well as imparting a delicate ro> •at*- h m to the complexion. | As a creator and conservator of that most distin r 1 b.'iini charm of female !ovcliness. a transparei t lair skin. Jules I laud V Nymph Soap of Eau Divine i)c Venus may lie said to exert an almost magical . j>ower. Composed for the most part of Oriental B Is uiic Plant . to the utter exchi-ion of all mine ral admixture, if is distinguished medicinally for its : extremely bland, purif* ing and soothing action on the tdiiu; and bv ucting on the pores ami minute sr ' ere* >r> vesicls. expels all imparities from the sur -1 f-.u-f, allays everv temleiuyv to iindammation, and , bv t‘A - luetbod ah.fic, elf* cuialiv dissipates ail rod : res*, tan. priooles, freckles, sunburn and other tin ri Aaftd cutaneous vi.-utati-ms, so inimical to female i \ In..- s. Its use will change the most bilious enm pl >xi n i;Ao mo of radiant v. bitenossj while on the t;en!;. ha •■!•: and arm* it bestows a delicacy and fa-mess which ii« eoiitinued use will hajjjwlv pro t>'Ci. and every appearance of youthful charm, to the most astvuiteed perbid of life. lor sale. t» Uolc saie a.id retail, !-\ - j{ 1.1..- ii \ L EL. IN act leal Chemist and Perfumer, No. 120 Cbes nut-.d. ' Ibv T. r. Aj NAN M.T.. IIA ATT. AND. RIS LEV A CO., and W. If A I MAC Jr. A pivniium awarded at the Fra..kiln Institute. April 1 fw 153 DT?. TiTi ROY’S VECJFTAI2LI2 1 NSVCRSAL RILLS. THE startling drawback on nearly all Medicinal Agents ! ever been that in their process oi pnr ga ion and purifieati thev have al«o Vrhi d /’- • Hence Purgative Medicines have al wavs been ro-ardetl as at best but a .Vuv.vww I Patients resorting to them for the relief of «e at the expc st of .■ ■. ! • ohviat< ltd*. Pity uCans have long sought for an Agent that would at the v n-t- fin<■- PCHGE Pi KIEV AND STRENGTHEN. Rut their efforts were nearly fruitless, and (hev had ulrno t despaired of success when the labors of science and research, were rewarded by a discov . er\ hit h fully real,/* d t!ie fondest desires of the Medical Facn'.t'. . ar t which is in th - regarded as one of toe non important 'i’rinmphs that Pharmacy Las ev\r achieved. Ties important dc -ideratum is umec ! !?r. Lo Roy’s Vegetal)!o TTivcrsal \v hich 7’«/■/)’«the Jilorri. ar-d remove ad corrupt find vilin! d humors, and mthrnl'ht; nmnniilnfions from the body in a manner never before rivalled, and which yet produce no unikw-ss or utssitudf what ever, bui on the contrary, tone the bhomach, and invigorate the constitution during the progress of their operation. Dr. Lc Roy’s Pills, in fact, unite those heretofore irreconcilable, hut most desirable qualities. Kmcvnlion and Tvritrnrntion. for thev are at the same time a STRENGTHEN i N’G PCRGA- Tl\ E, AND A PURIFYING TONIC. 'I he two paincipal ingredients in Dr. Le Roy’s Pills fire WTLT> riiTRRV & SARSAPARILLA. So prepared tliaf each promotes the beneficial ef fect ot the other, the former strengthening, while the latter, through its union with various vegetable ingredients, evacuates and purifies; tints thev su perinduce no torpidity or lassitude of the the Diges •tve Functions, and hence their operations are at tended no Re-action or Subsequent Cnstivcness. Dr. Lc Roy’ Bills arc (he most active and search ing Medicine in existence. They at once attack the verv root of Diseases, ami their action is so prompt that in an hour or two after they are taken, the patient is aware of their good effects. They not only operate on the Blood, hut also on the chyle, of which the Blood is formed, and this secures good blood from the fountain head, moreover, they pro duce neither nausea, griping or debilitv, and as a I family medicine they have no rival. Price 25 cts. i per box. ! Sold wholesale and retail bv H \ VIE AND, RTS LF.A *V CO . THOM \S BARRETT A CO . AVM. HAINES. D ANTIGNAC A- BARRY, and W.M. K. KT l’( TIEN, and at retail bv Druggists through out the State. May 1 cf) DYE & ROBERTSOTI, WAREIIOT’SE AND COM3IISSION .31 ERf HANTS, CBflN I INI L tho above business at their obi J stlt » *• East Side of Mclntosh-street, where thev are prepared to receive consignments of COTTON, GRAIN. FLOUR, BAGONN & c . At their Store or* Broad-street, next door below 'he Hardware Store ot .Mr. John Bones, where they willako keep a supply of GKOf’ERIES, and will be happy to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. I hey have procured the services of Air. J. R ( KO( KLR, lately in the employ of Messrs. Daw son & Weaver. w]*o will devote his entire atten tion to the W areliouKe business). Liberal advances made on Produce in store when . required. MARTIN M. DVK. S3eE. D. ROBERTSON. i LIST OF LETTERS ■ > EMAININti in the P(Ht Office at Augusta# i JIK Oa., on too Ist of' January, 1818. [pr Pci on willing letters from this list will please say uc} arc advertised. A Adams Jones I. Avres illiam M .Vilen mi's Emily Anthonv James Andrews Thomas Arelle M C Andrews mr B Barton Levlngston 2 Bolchor M T* 1 Jerry rods Elizabeth Bowdry mrs Ann Bell, William W Boyd mrs Elizabeth Bell H D ’ I’nyden Ed ward HP hop miss Sophia Burnett David S s*,< i, 11 I* Brooks ret Iverson L “f ; 'r. rues Bovla II 2 Bowen .fame? Bateman mrs Si M Bridges Robert If Bird mrs E Brown mrs M a then a Bishop <ieoryc Brown C 2 Barton George W Bruckner John T Batu v G \N Buffington Frances Bhangs Thos Maxy P orßyrd mrs Eliza .1 Slaughter Bennett James B Bohia Aiarv Buekiev James A Boatwright James S Burge \\ iiey T | Bovcr miss Mary Josc-Burton mrs 11 A nhine C Cade col John or George Cox mrs Henry \\ aggie (“lark A Oakman Carpenter A. If. Conibad Jordan At Chart ran \\ in Coo Biliey Clark Larkin I. Cummins John Coleman .M R Crisp V\ 11 Coriell A S Crawford Charles Cobb Thomas A P Daniels James Dennis John j T Di vero Matilda Dwyer Dir Dawson Charles ? Dwyer J • Donnes rev John E Ellis miss Clara Evans James la Elliston J J F Fcndali mrs Sarah M Fursman bon John l errrl Caroline A Fridcll John l ilts E V! Florence mrs E Fauasee John I'iucllin Cornelius Fair Evelina G Gardner John L Gibbs William (<ii»on John D Galliher col S Gii'mon miss E Guger Isaac D 3 Gihhs !•’ V Griffin Thom as Gidlage mrs Alary or JnoGardner B M Wilks Green A P Gaskins James 2 Gordon John E II Harris Ciiah Heckle Thomas 2 Harden miss J Hightower J W Jleckle <-hristopher Hcwson W Hill Madison M llopins Samuel II Hillman S T Houston mrs Lucretia Hfctdf V alentin Huggins Abraham B Hill John I. Hunter mrs Nancy t Heudei- >n mrs Alary Hubbard John B I Hitchcock mrs Charles M I Ingram miss E Irwin J E J Jones William 2 Johnson Elisha R Jones John \V Jennings T J James Richard S 3 Jernagan Win Johnson R Jo well G W Johnson (V*arcare of nirJoiiuson J W A. W S J nines Gardner K King John Kent J Keliy miss M King Geo S King John T K norland J W Knight V ; Kenady M Kit fi-hl E Kelly John Keith D Kelly Jeremilh Knight R W Kent miss Susan Knight J W L Lawton Wm S Eongstreet Gilbert Leonard James F Lindsay (J H 2 Leonard Jas Lindsay Samuel Lacy 1. Lincoln II l.urenfore J T> Lucas K Longworth W A Lovell Lewi* Lockwood Geo Mr. Me A lire Daniel McCoy C M McKic James McGlue 1) M Mahoney Daniel Musgrove K II Mugratii \\ J Montague M C Maharry mi»? Mary Mullen miss Mary A K Mathis Joseph Moore A Mailiis J L Mousley H AI ay son 1! L Mullm B Magruder C D Moody dr W Magruder M L Munday J I> .Miuhel S Munday II -A Merrit Solomon Myers Samuel N Mmmo \V G 2 A eagle J Nichols J C Nicola? mitt Virginia Nerin mits R Neeson Thoa ear® of Clim Na’.eJT Neasoa N li O OTTare John O’Neal Wm O’Neid mrs Odam mrs J ano 1’ Face Susan Peterson John Pearks NV m Berk E Bigott A Bcreaul L Paschal Thos 2 Berryman Elhha Barr d ims Primrose B 11 Parsons E N Buerscat E Painter Susan Paakins L'avid Peeples E 11 2 R Ray miss Jane Ring B FI Hives R R Rohmson mr Kasimi M Roberts Lizzy Hhenev miss .V Roach T 4 Rhodes J A or R B Day Rudler F J Rice Luke Robinson S ? Richardson F Roberson A Elridge fs Sogo A Smith D C Settee Joseph Smith C W SnimondJ 1) Smith R Skinner miss E V Smith Pratt for Jas Jones Shambicn rapt Jt 1m Snowden Thomas Skinner miss Jane Siark Pinkney Shine Dennis Sturges Andrew R Simpson James Summerville mis* A Sherman \\ L Snrrev R Shannon Geo Stocktlith John Sharp miss Arabella T Fehorn II Tench G R Taut Thomas Thomas Edwii^ Tant Phcbean Teller James Talbit David Tutt Robert If Tyton Wm Townsend II W V \ anderhoof Edward A Vandcrfore care of Davis Adams W Walker Daniel Winter F Wakehand mrs Ann Williamson RA 2 W aLh David 2 \\ illiam? C H Walker E Wilson T C H \\ alker Maria Wilson miss Mary Walker Jane W illcox John W bite Edmund W oldridge Gibson Weiss A 2 Worsted Oliver White Jane Wilson Martha car* o£ W elsh Thos Wm Keener, jr V Young VmandaE Young dr I) Jan. t E. B. GLASCOCK, P. M. W W. VORKi:. EAGLS FOUNDRY, AUGUSTA. GA at free lot of'old Planters' Hotel. Si EARING FOR FACTORIES, MILLS, \ U (i I NS. Ac., and OTIIEK CAS LINGS, made to order, at the shortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. [CF PATTERNS of every descrip tion made to order. O’All machinery, Ac. from this Establishment warranted to work well. Orders from the Coun try will receive prompt attention. From our experience in the business, we feel confident that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us it li a call. V B.— Hotchkiss’ Patent Water AVheels, to suit different heads of water, kept constantly on handoc made to order. WM. YORKE, July 11 w—Cm 1G OTICJ3. —The firm heretofore existing under It the name of M VVES A THOMPSON, at Camak, Ga..is This Day dissolved by mutual con sent. The out-standing business ol the undersign ed, will be settled by WM. MAYES, one of the firm, v\ tio still continues the Mercantile business at the Old Stand. 1 Dec. 1 C 2— MAYES THOMPSON.