Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 20, 1848, Image 1

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•nmy— BY JAMES GARDNER, Ju.] AUGUSTA, GEORGIA THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, IS IS*. VOL. XXVII.—NEW SERIES.—VOL. III.—NO. 10. THE COHSTITU TIOK A LIST. OFFICE 11ST McINTOSH STREET, Third door from the North-West corner o Broad-Street. Sale# us LA.VI) by Administrators, Executors or Guar jians, are required, by law, to UcT held on the first Tu*s day in tfie month, between the hours often in tlKifore ni>oti and tlirec in the afternoon, :U the €oUlt House in which the property is situate. Notice of those sales must he given in a public Gazette 61X1 Y L)A i pre vious to the day of su)c. 'iraics of NEGROES must he at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours o aal*. it the pfnccof phMic sales in wlierc the lietters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dianship, may have been granted, first giving HX ! 'i ffJXI’S notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes <% this State, and at the door of the Court House where u»uah sales are to bo held. Nolb* tor the sale of Personal Property mu-tbe given —in like manner FORTY H AYri previous to day of sale •Notice to the Debtors and Creditor* of an Estate must bo published for FORTY DAYS. Ketico that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must bo published for FOUR.MONTHS. .Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can eb given by the Court. Vote of Thanks to Gen. Taylor—Rlr- Ash mua’s Amendment. Mr. Houston, of Delaware, introduced into xhe House of Representatives on the 3d inst. a resolution of thanks to Gen. Taylor and his Troops for their heroism at llama Vista. Mr. Heulur moved an amendment by adding the words “engaged as they were, in defending the rights and honor of the Nation,” when Mr. Ashmun moved to amend the amendment bv adding the words, “in a war unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the Presi dent of the United States.” Mr. Ashman’s amendment was sustained by the following vote i Yeas Messrs. John Q. Adams, Ashman, Barringer, Barrow. Blccher, Bolts, Brady, Buickncr, Canny, Clingman, Cocke, Collamer, Conger, Cranston, Crowell, f 'rozicr, Dickey, Dixon, Donnell, Duer, Daniel Duncan, Gar net Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, Edwards, Alex. Evans, Nathan Evans, Fisher, Fulton, Gayle, Gentry, Giddiugs, Goggiu, Griuaell, Hale, Na than K. Hall, James G. Hampton, Haskell. Henry, J. IF. Houston , Hubbard, Hudson. Ir win, Kellogg, T. B. KING, D. P. King. Lin coln, Mcilvamo, Marsh, Marvin, Mullin, Nos. Newell, Preston, Putnam, Reynolds, Julius {Rockwell, John .4. Rockwell, Root, Ramsey, St. John, Schenck, Shopperd, Sherrill, Slinger land, Caleb B. Smith, STEPHENS, Truman Smith, Andrew Steuuixt, Strohm, Sylvester, Thibodeaux, Taylor, Tompkins, Richard W. Thompson, John B. Thompson, ’TOOMBS, Tuck, Van Dyke, Vinton, AV arren, YY ilson—So. Navs Messrs. Beale, Bedinger, Birdsall, Black, Bowdoa, Brodhead, Win. G. Brown, Charles Brown, Catheart, Chase, Beverly L. "Cljifk, Howell Gobi). Williamson R. YYk Cobh, Cummins, Daniel, Dickinson, Far an, Feath erston, Ficklia, Fries. French, Green, Willard I*. Hall, Moses Hampton, Harmsmson, Harris, Henley, Hill, George S. Houston. Inge, ( 'has. J. Ingersoll, Jameison. Jenkins, Andrew John son, Robert W. Johnson, George \V. Jones, Kaufman, Kean on, T/ihm, La Sere, Sidney Lawrence. LeiH *r, Lord, Lunipkln, McClel land, McDowell, McLanc, Mann. Meade, Mil ler, Morris, Morse, Murphy, Peaslee, Peek, Phelps, Pdsbury, ilhott, Richardson, Richey, Rockhill, Sawyer, Sims, Smart. Robert Smith, Stanton, Starkweather, C. E. Stuart, Strom, Thomas, James Thompson, Jacob 1 hompson, Win. Thompson, Thurston, Turner, Venable, Wick, Williams—Sl. No W iO? the -Joatrast ! In IS4. when hostilities broke out between this country and Mexico, a certain act was passed by Congress by a vote one hundred nnd seventy-four yeas to fouutsen nays, declar ing that the war was brought on BY THE ACT OF MEXICO. Among the yeas, it was a source of gratification to us, and no doubt to the people of Georgia, that every represen tative from this State, gave his vote, avk to to the bill. But what a sad picture does the above vote now present to us. Two of our members, THOMAS BUTLER KING and ROBERT TOOMBS, who voted in 1846, that the war was brought on hy the art of Mexi co, in IB4S, we find voting that the war was ■“unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of the United States;" and voting with them wc find the name of ALEXANDER HAMILTON STEPHENS! another repre sentative from Georgia! Scripture teaches us, that he who is not for us is against us. Common sense teaches us, that he who is not for his country is against it. Two of our rep resentatives have been for and against, and another is now found in their company I We will not place these three members, nor 111 ('idt the terms that their change of position but leave that for the people of this State and Union to do. That their course on this question may not be forgotten hy the present generation or posterity, we place them, with the company they have selected, in op posite columns, and shall keep the list in our paper until their names become as familiar as household words. Here thev are : 1846. * 1848. Whereas, by the act Be it Resolved, ’That of the Republic of Mex- thanks bo returned to ico, war exists be- Gen. Taylor, &c. “in tween the U. States a war unnecessarily .and that Republic, &c. and unconstitutional ly begun by the Pres ident of the United States.” * Among the Yeas, Among the Teas, Barringer, Barringer, Cocke, Cock#, Crozier, Crozier, Gentry, Gentry, Hampton, Hampton, J. W. Houston, J. W. Houston, T. B. King, T* B. King, Marsh, Marsh, Ramsey, Rumsey, J. A. Rockwell, J. A- Rockwell, Schenck, Schcnck, Truman Smith, Truman Smith, Stewart, Stewart, St. John, St. John, Thibodeaux, Thibodeaux, Robert Toombs, Robert Toombs, Vinton, Vinton. (not present) Ai.ex. 11. Stephens. The remaining Whig member from .Georgia, Dr. Jones, d;d not vote on Ashmuq’s amend ment* Wc presume he was absent. IL*. Till; .. TL** s ?*--is*k. if TJ - mAmGxC- gl - «■ # i rnimm* SfA -L»—■*■»-<<■« - CORPORAiTUN CITY UP ALGESIA. 1 MAYOR, DR. It. D. FORD, >-*, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, Ham No. I.—G.F. Parish, L>. Kirkpatrick, I. P. Garvin. Wat i .So. 2.—L. A. Dagus, D. B. Hadley, Thou. 1 look iii-s. Ward Ao. 3.—-It. Conley, 11. Huff, J. it. Bishop. , Ward So. k —Jaiuu* Harper, Win. K. Kitchen, C. L>. Hitt. ‘ | Clerk of Connell—W. Milo OUn. Colic-tor ami 1 reasurer—John Hill. 1 City Marshal—Foster Blodget. i | Citv Constables —.1. Sistrunk, L L. Antony. Jailor —W . D. Broom. Keeper ol Magazine —W in. mta'ickornig. Keeper of Hospital—Peter McYlahou. 1 Cierk Lo ver Market —H, R. Phiipol, * Clerk T pper Ylarket —YY in. Keener, : of the Bridge—ll. Ik Fra>er. Keeper City Hall—Mrs. (J. Hargrove*, i Keeper City Clock—C. Catlin. Super. Streets and Water Works—John Riley. • , City Surveyor —William Phillip*. Meetings of Council Ist Saturday in each month BANK STATE OF GEORGIA. r I BRANCH AT AUGUSTA Capital $ 450,000. I 1 Dr. G, M. NEWTON. President. 1 ’ I. Hknrt, Cashier. DIRECTORS. 1 Dr. W. II- Turpi i, Gko. W. Williams, J. R. Bulkley, Joseph Davis, H. W. Uisi.ct, J. C. Carmichael. , ‘ 'Teller—Janies Adam; Book-keeper—A. Boggs; Discount A Collecting.Cierk —Jno. J. Byrd. I Offering Day, every day. Discount Day, every day ; regular tTymguut Jay ! Friday. BANK OF AUGUST A, Capital §650,000. ROBERT F. POE, President. Ja s. YT. Daviks, Cashier. unite TORS, Robert F. Poe, Jesse Kent, : Jons Bones, R. A. Run, 11. Campbell, Thus. Davis, YVn. Shear, Hk.vkt Moore, Jas. Harper, Jas. W r . Davies. STATE DIRECTOR. L. A. Dire vs. Teller S.C.YVilson —Book Keeper, Geo. YI. Thcw— Discount and Collecting Clerk, Geo. W. Morgan. | j Regular Olio ring Day, Monday—Regular Discount ! Day, Tuesday. ” MECHANICS’ BANK. Capital §500,000. A. SIBLEY', President. M. Hatch, Cashier. DIRECTORS. 1 J. M. Adams. T. S. Metcalf, J. B. Bishop, Josiaii Sibley, C. J. Cook, J. B. Walker, A. Gould, Amory Sibley. J. M. H a >u, Teller —Geo. Robertson ; Book-keeper—W. F. Pemberton; Discount &. Collecting Clerk—l. Purse. Offering Dat r ,Tuesday | Discount Day,Wednesday. BANK OF BRUNSWICK. Capital §‘200,000. EDW. THOMAS, President. Jo us Craig, Cashier. DIRECTORS. ! F,dw. Thomas, W. E. Jacks©*, 1 A. J. Miller, G. T. Dortic. Tho. Barrett, Teller—John Craig, Book-keeper—Joseph Mil- I iivan. Offering Day,e very day. J Discount Day .every day. GSOHGIAR. R. & BANK'G COMP'Y Capital. $375,000. JOHN I*. KING, President. John W. YY'ild, Cashier DIRECTORS. Hays Bowdke, James YY r . Da vies, i John C c n n i > g h a it, Jac o b i* h imr y , j Elijah E. Jones, Charles Dougherty, , j Andrew J, Miller, Astoi? e I’ouli \in, i John Bonks. Adam G. Saffolu, i W.m. 31. I> Avtignac, Pleasant Stovall, i j William I). (Yi.nvkks, J. C. Fargo, Benjamin H. Wakres, Thomas N. Hamilton. ) Teller —William 11. Jones; Book-keeper—M. F. i Boisclair. \ Offering Day .every day. | Discount Day .every day. j AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANK’G COMPANY. Capital §375,000. W’.'.l. M. D ANTIGNAC, President. Robert Waltos. Cashier DIR I.CTO us. W.m. 31. D’ A v riGNAC, L. Hopkins, J ames Hope, L. Cress. 11. Rowdrk, Teller Wm. Maekie ; Book-keeper G. YV . Summers; Discount Clerk, 6cc.. YV m. B. Savage, j Offerimr Davs. daily except Sundays. Discount Days, daily except Sundays. GEORGIA STEAM BOAT COMP’Y j Capital §IOO,OOO. CHARLES GKEK.V President. S. M. Pond, Secretary & Treasurer. directors for savannah. Edward Padelkohd, R. A. Lewis, Asdrkw Ijiw, Jr, Jos. S. Fav. Chari.es Green, Vk Moi.yneitx. Jr. John H. Reid, Geo. YV. Anderson, George Hall, R. A. Allen. KOn AUGUSTA. Thos. S. Metcalf, James Hope, i J. R. Bulk ley, Agent at Augusta, John B. Guicu, General Superintendant, Savannah—YY'm. P. I Williams; George Johnson Clerk. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. JOHN YV. YVILDE. JUDGE. Henry Robert, Clerk, A.C. Cold well. Sheriff, j This Court sets 4th Mondays in February, May, i i August and November. SUPERIOR COURT. YV. W. HOLT, JUDGE. James Me Laws. Clerk. Aaron Ross. Sheriff. 'Phis Court sits 2nd Monday in January and June, j INFERIOR COURT. Justices —James Harper, Y'alcntinc YY'alker, Wm ; Beall, Jesse Kent, and !. P. Garvin. POST OFFICE? | E. B.GLASCOCK. P. 3T. J B. H ALL. Deputy P.M. i NORTHERN MAIL. Due Daily at 7 P. 31 Closes Daily at S P. M. WESTERN MAIL. Due Daily at 4 A. M... Closes Daily at 5 P. 31. savannah mail. Due Daily at 3 A.M. j Closes Daily at BP. M. C VHNF.SVILLF. MVIL. Due Tuesday by 7 P.M. Closes Wednesday at 8 P.M. CALHOUNS MILLS MAIL. ! Due Wednesday and Saturday hi' 6P. M. Closes Sunday and Wednesday at 8 P. 3f. GREENVILLE MAIL. ; Due Sunday. Tuesday and Friday by 8 P.M. Closes i Sunday, YY'ednesday and Friday at CP. M. G ILL ISON VU.LF AI A IT.. j Due YY’ednesday and Saturday by 6P. 31. Closes Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P..M AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY. WILLIAM H. MAHARREY CAPTAIN. Chas. Ca flin, Ist Lieut.Jaaies Gardner,4th Lt. B. Bigxon,2d Lieut. Hf.xrt 34ooi<e, Sec’y. VktxsT.) 34 Lieut! - I IRON STEAM BOAT COMPANY. Capital §IOO,OOO, AMORV SI 13LEY, President. G. McLAKiinux, Secretary. imi hero ks, J M. \!>AWS, JuSUH Sjui.kt. H. B. Krazkk, N. K.BtiLuk, Portku Flk.iii.no, one vacancy. Agent at Augusta. W in. .VI. Rowland. Agent at Savannah, Gitas. F. Mill*. ALG L’VTA n« i: cos:PA xv. P. LAMBACK, CHIEF ENGINEER. Wm. 11. Goodrich, lit Assistant Engineer. • Jv y. Hibharl, imi ‘‘ H j Wm. i*in i.Li t>s, Secretary L. S. dloltitis, Treasurer. sßcrioy 11 srertoj* -f-. Wrn. Haines, Jr. Capt. .las. 11. Carter. Captain. L. C. Service, Lieut. Tims. A. Rones. Lieut. Win. Housley, Jr. Sec’y. W. D. Andrews, Sec’y. SECTION 2. SECTION 5. C. A. Platt, Captain. E. C. Tinsley,Captain. Jno. Bridges, Lieut. J. W. Gallaher, Lieut. ; A. Hascli, Sec’y. J. VV. Clark, Sec'y. SECTION 3. SECTION ti. \ Jno. Nelson, Captain. J. W. Zion, Captain, j A. Iversen, Limit. B. Abrahams, Lieut. J. A. Simmons. Sec'y. J. Myers,Sec'y. Sections meet lor exercise on the last Saturday J in every month. | General Parades for practice and inspection, in Marcii and December, every year. Regularquarterly meetings in March, June,Sep : tember and December, lor the transaction of bu : biliC ££ , | mcttpt:yrvspg. r, 'j*ji .i. >. nuLwm-'* ■ftap-’■ ij> —— ' BUIiIiBTINNo7I. t i i E g r \ e fe v- I?Elie; CO3I PA >V' r TrX having been welcomed /tv I ''t\ in every section of the i A United States with li.e : /O r'JVy \* \ most unparalleled en- I j “-/*.*] • I | thusiasuijand their med i I 11 jiciiies having reached \ \ f'(i/ W. ; ffjT * Ij an enormous circula \ \ / / lion, will henceforward \ \ / J issue Monthly Bulletins. \ \ that they may the more perfectly iniorm the --A 3 ’’ public of the principles of the AMERICO-GRAEFENBF.UG SYSTEM, and of the vast superiority oi their Medicines over i anv others ever presented to the world. Each j Bulletin will contain something of the greatest im portance to the health of the community; and all j classes of readers, the clergy, jurists, statesmen ■ and private individuals, should not fail of reading I them, to say the least. One trial alone of the medicines will convince the most sceptical ol their extraordinary efficacy. In the present Bulletin we will only say that E The Graefenberg Medicine* are purely Vege table. 2. Thev have been tested in tens of thousands of cases with perfect success. 3. Os the Vegetable Fills alone 30,000 boxes are »<»hi each and evert week! 4. The demand is constantly increasing. 5. Fverv article purchased of the Company or anv of its Agents s irarranted ; and if it does not give satisfaction the money will be refunded. The Graefauburg Vegetable Pill. possess almost magical power in preventing and curing the ordinary diseases which a'Toct humani ty. (especially bilious.) —There are some facts con nected with their composition and use which the limits of the present notice forbid u< to name. Suf fice it to say, that they are the product of the most extensive and philosophic research; aided by all the light of modern science. All other patent pills are made from the recipes of less enlightened ages; these from the combined wL lom of ancient and modern science, la fact they are A Perfect PiUl. worthy of the age and of the country. The Graefenberg Company is prepared to show j to the public the most unquestionable evidence that | these celebrated pills are every Jay curing all dis i orders of the Liver, Stomach. Rowels, Dyspepsia, ; Jaundice, Erysipelas. Green Sickness, and all dis eases to which females arc subject, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Headache. Ac., all Billons Com plaints, Ac. Their wonderful efficacy arises from j their power to open the pores; to cleanse and | strengthen the stomach and bowels; to make the ' urine and me ifltlv discharges (low healthily; and }to give tone and vigor to the system. Price Jo els. | a box. No family should be without them. If tlicv do not give satisfaction the money will hr promptly refunded; and every agent is hereby instructed to that effect. The G-riefenbe-rg Health Bitters; 3"r ENTIRELY VEGETABLE TjJ—warranted ; to make one quart of incomparable Ritters. They | are skilfully and elegantly prepared hr this Com i puny from a number of th* n»t purifying, irtvigo ; rating and healing Roots, Barks, Herbs and Vines, j gathered in the wide domain of nature in both | hemispheres. They will restore strength and vigor 1 of body, give clearness to the most sallow cotn j pievion.’and create keen appetite. All persons i who are afflicted with occasional ill health, low ' spirits and loss of appetite, should procure them at i once. Price 25 cts. a package The Graefenberg Favor and Ague Pills. This Pill is the great conqueror of Fever and Ague, and Fever of all other types and forms. The Graefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound. { This is now the standard Sarsaparilla Prepara tion of the clay; far surpassing all others before the public. In addition to the princely Sarsaparilla, this preparation contains Guiacnm. .Mandrake. Bur clock, Elder, Yellow Dock, Queen's Delight, and three other roots. It is taking the place of all other Sarsaparillas. and should he tried bv all who wish to use anything of the kind. Price SI,OO a bottle, which will raak« two quarts of the greatest possible strength. The other Medicines are The Graefenreug Eve Lotion, The Chii khe.vs Panacea. The ; Green Mountain Ointment, The Con.sump -1 tives Bat.m, The Dysentery Strep. It is intended that there shall he a Graefenberg : Depot in every neighborhood in the L nited States, at which the Company’s Medicines may be found. The Generel Agent for So. Carolina and Geor j gia is George Brainard, at Charleston, S. C., to j whom applications for agencies may be addressed. ROW ARD BARTON, Secretary. For sale by Wm. Haines. Broad-st. Augusta. (3a.; I R. S. Roberts, Edgefield, C. H. So. Ca.; Hvde X, I Jones. Macon, Ga.; James Milledgeville; ; M. C. Williamson, Davisboro; D. B. Mathewson, j Hawkinsvillc; Wm. R. Kong, Union county, Ga. Jan. 6 AUGUSTA FOUNDRY, MILL WRIGHT & MACHINE SHOP. Near the Georgia Rail Road Depot THE Subscribers having purchased of THOS. HOPKINS, Esq., the above establishment, intend carrying on the business in its various branches. Thev will furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, ot every description, at short notice, and on as rea sonable terms as any similar establishment at the South. They hope by strict attention To business to merit the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment. Having a number of ENGINE LATHES, we are prepared to Cut LARGE SCREWS of any dimensions. MILL SPINDLES, Ac. always on hand and made to order. TALIAFERRO A TORBET. C. C. Tali a firro, D. R. Torbet. N. B.—PATTERNS of every description .made to order. We will keep on hand, and make to or der, FIOTC HKIS’S WHEELS, to suit the vari ous heads of water. T. A T- Nov. 6 1 v AND JTRAWEH3 OF MERINO, COTTON, SILK, and all other kinds. cheat*. at Oct. 17 WM. O. PRICE A CO'S. Business Cari)s. To Professional ana Business Men. i PROFESSION AL AND BUSINESS CARDS not exceeding six lines, will be inserted under this i head at the rate ol §lO per annum. Cards exeged- I ug six lines, will be charged pro rata per line. SAMUEL BARNETT, ATTO UX E Y A T LA W , WASHINGTON, GA , , WILL practice in the Counties of Wilkes, War ren. Hancock, Taliaferro, Elbert, Oglethorpe and Lincoln. Jan. b. ly YV ILLI A3l 14. TER II UX E . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME. GA. Refer to— -W. E. Alexander, Rome, Ga, Aug. 15 ly JAMES GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA JOHN H RICE, Attorne> and Counsellor at Law. CASSVILLE. GA. Will practise in the Counties of the Cherokee ! | Circuit. Collecting business will be thankfully j received and despatched promptly 21 ly ' 50 I) A NI i L S. ISKI1 S KI NTU IN ATTORNEY AT LAW. s ROME, GEORGIA. j Will practise in the Cherokee Circuit—Pauld ’ ing, (kiss. Cherokee. Forsyth, Lumpkin, Unifli, Gilmer, Murray, Walker, Dade, Cbattagoo and I 1 Floyd. Aug 15 ly 46 JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEU^IGIA. Will practice in the counties of Bibb. Jones, . . Baldwin, Twiggs, Houston, Crawford and .Monroe md also in the county of Burke. Any business in -1 trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. June 2 ly 2U5 ALEXANDER McKENZIE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, YVAVNESBOROk GEORGIA. April 20 ly 178 JONES & SUE WM AKE, ATI'OR NI E S A T L A W . YV A VNESBORO, GA. JOSEPH B. JONES, and JOHN T. SIIEW VIAKE. having associated themselves in the prac tice of Law, will promptly attend to anv business entrusted to them in the counties of Burke, Jeffer son. Emanuel, Richmond, Scriven and \\ ashington. July 8 l2 DURELL S. GREGORY, DA II LON EG A, LUMPKIN COUNTY, GA., YY’ilV practice Law in the Cherokee Circuit. He will also act as Land Agent, whore the land lies in thru or tbe adjoining counties. References.— F. 31. Cabot, Esq., A. G. YVim- I py, P. M., J. A. Smith, Esq.. Dahlonega; Gov. ('. J. McD maid. Marietta; Hon. Hiram Warner. Greenville; Col. K. L. Haralson, LaGrangf Sept. 15 1 v MEDICAL CARD. [Tj* Dr. MEALS tenders his profe#s.i nal servi ces in the various branches of Medicine. the cit izens of Augusta and vicinity. He may be found either at the office, formerly ! occupied by Thos. iV J. J. R. Flournoy, Esqrs., on i Mclntosh-street, or at llie resi eiice of Mrs. YVa I lennan, ou Broad.street 1 Dec. 1 fimn BLACK Sc LAWSON, ATT OR N MV S A T L A W . YY’ill practice in all the Counties ot the Middle ! ! (’ircuit. Any business entrusted to tliem will meet ■ with prompt attention. Address Edwuib J. Black, Jacksonboeo, Ga. ' John F. Lawson, Augusta, Ga. lv Nor. 18 R. S. DILL, COMMISSION JfERCIIANT, I New Ok jeans. Nov. 19 —3m Chas. P. 31’Cai.la. | Gustave Romai.n McCAT.LA & ROJFATN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, APALACHICOLA. FI,QUID A. , Nov. 7 lv John L. Cork. Oscar L. Sh eavmaki; COPE & SHEWN AKE, Factors anH Commission Merchants, SA VAX.SAH. GEORGIA. Sept. IG lh«2m GLOBE HOTEL. CORNER OF BROAD # JACKSON-STS. AUGUSTA, GA. BY FR ANCIS M. JENNINGS. Oct. 21 ly R. F. BOUYBR, TIN MAN i F YCTI UEll, On Broad-st.. <U F. //. Cook's old Clothing Store ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 1 Roofing, X'e., at shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Work in the country promptly attended to. ly — Oct. I CLEVELAND A, SPEAR, SURGEON DENTISTS NO. 215 BROAD-ST (Over Aldrich Green’s Shoe Store.) nov 11 lv 35 (( EORGIA, DeKulb counl y.—Whereas ,JT I). J. MITCHEL applies for letters of Administration on the estate of WILLAM .MICH EL, late of said county, deceased- These are i therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they have, why letters of Administration should not be granted the appli ■ cant. > j Witness the Honorable L. S. Morgan, one of the Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said county this 11th January, 1818. Jan. 13 "ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C. O. Y 1 EORGiA, Lincoln County. —YVhcreas, VIT WM. H. NORMAN, and LA WRENS SUDDUTH, applies for letters of Administration on the estate of YY If.LIS SUDDL’J’II. deceased: These are therefore incite and admonish all and i singular, 'he kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they : have, why letters of administration should not be I granted the said applicant at the January Term t next of the Court of Ordinary. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk C. 0. pan. 12 “ BOY3~TO HIRE. ~ TWO LIKELY BOYS, one 14 and the other 16 years of age. Tiie youngest is a ! | good house servant, the other intelligent, thrifty, | tto learn, ar.d obedient. Apply at this office. 1 Jan. 7 Citations, $Cc. £’ lioRGiA. Scriven Count> . —Whereas, VJS RHODE THOMPSON hath applU-d to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Serivca cum ty tor letters of administration o.i the estate arm .’tiects of JOHN R. THOMPSON, late ji countv. deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish a’’ un i j singular the kindred and creditors ot -aid iec<- v ttd, to be and appear at my Office within tic time j prescribed by law, to shew cause, ii ui v thev have, why said letters should not be. granted the said ap plicant. Witness the Hon. Peter Reddick, one of the Jus tices id' the Court of Ordinary of said county , this, the 7th day of J&miarv , 1843. j Jan. II ALEXANDER KEMP. CTk. i * 1 BORGIA, Wilkes County.—Whereas, X.3T UIJADIAH FLORENCI. applies for letters dot' Administration on the estate of JEREMIAH i FRAZIER, deceased, late of said county, j These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand, at office in Washington this 20th. Nov. 1&47, G. G. NORMAN, C. C. O. Nov. 24 —- C\ BORGIA, UeKalb County.—W heieu- B LIVE BETTER I ON, 1 .xecut tmi the es tate of DA\ ID FRANKLlN.deceased,applies for ! tellers of Dismission from said estate ; Tlwso ate therefore to cite and admonish al! and 1 singular, the kindred and creditors of said, deceased, ! to be and appear at my office, within the time pre ! scribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, ! why letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sth August 1817. ' ALEX. JOHNSON. Clerk. August 7 Ohio S tEORGIA, Wilkes County.- | vS .SARAH A. TALBOT, Administratrix of the Estate of J A MES C. T A Ll’OT. deeea-ed, ap plies to me lor letter* oi di.missio.i Irom said Es tate ; These are hereby, to cite and r iui- oi-h all and singular the kindred and creditors, of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the i time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they ; have, why' said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Was hip "•ton j this Bth, IHi?. G. G. NORMAN, C. C. O. I July 13 lb | < EORGI \T l>eKnll> C onu I vlbeTeiT. their Honors E. A. Davis, J.. S. Morgan, and ; John N. Beilengvr, Judges of said Uourr. Whereas. \\ IESON E. SPREVV ELL, Adminis trator ol WM. aii’fiEWELL, late of said county, de j ceased, applies to this Court tor letters dismissory ‘ from the administration oi said Estate. Therefore the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in my office wilhia the time prescribed by law. otherwise let ter. dismi-sorv will be granted the applicant at the January Term, of this Court. 1848. Witness, the Hon. L. S. Morgan one of the J«, iices of said Court, Mav 1.181 V. ALEX R. JOHNSON, CTk. C. O. May G 182 I g'y EOIKJIA, Scriven County. —Present the i \sl Honorable George Pollock. Peter Reddick and JobnS. Matter. Judges of said Court. Whereas, CASriANDRA WILLIAMSON. Ad I mil i-tratnx tijion the Estate of CV 1.1.1 N WIL I.IAM6ON. late of saiil county', deceased, applies for letters of dismission from the administration oi said e*ia»e of therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonish ■ ed lu file their objections if any they have in mv j office in terms of the law ; otherwise letters dL | missorv will be granted the applicant at the Jan | nary term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said I county. Bv order of the (’on rt this J une 1 Dili, 1817. A Lex AN DER KEM P, C. C. U.. S. C. June 20 22! (1 KORGI A. Scriven Comity. —Whereas. H MILES HUN TER. Guardian SARA H WIL LIAMS, minor heir of 'i’ll F.OPII I LIST WIL LIA.MS. late of said comity deceased, will apply ■' to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county lor Idlers of disminission from said ; (Inardianship. Tiiesc are therefore to cite and admonish all and i singular the kindred and creditors of said Sarah \\ illiams, to file their objections, if am thev have, within the lime prescribed by law, why said let ters should not he granted. Witness, the Honorable George Pollock, one o* : the Justices of said Court, t his !Oth dav of \n"-»ist i 1847. ALEXANDER KEMi*. Clerk. Aug. 1.3 43 • 4 ( LOR GIA, Wilkes County.— Whereas, x 35 JACOB HI. BBARD. I’.xeentor in right ut bis wife, applies for h (ter* dismission from the es tate of JOHN 15. MILNFR, late of sai*l countv, de ceased ; These are therefore to rile and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, | why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Washington, December 10,1847. G G. NORMAN, Clerk. Tier 12 CN BORGIA, DeKalb County.—To ALL B WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—Whew as NOAH SL\Y applies to me fur letter-ot \dinin ; istratinn on the e-tate of MILL! f *rl SLAV. late of DeKalb, deceased - These are therefore to cite j and admonish all and singular the kindred and ■ creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and shew cause, if any they have why Icttei *of adrnin ; istration should not be granted Lite said applicant. Witness the Honorable L. S. Morgan one of the i Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said countv. j tins the Gtli December. 1847. Dec. 9 ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C. O ( i EORGIA, DeKalb countv. —Whereas 35 JAMES M. AT ALPIN applies lor letters of j Administration on the estate of HENRY WADE, j late of said countv, deceased - 'l’hese are there | fore to cite and admonish all and singular the i kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at roy otlice within the tinu prescribed l bylaw and show cause, if any they have wfiv let ters of Administration should not be grunted the i applicant. \\ itness the Hon. William Hairston one of the Judges of said Court of Ordinary of said countv. this Bt*h Dec., 1847. Dec. 10- ALEX. JOHNSON. Clerk. (NEORBIA, Richmond County.—Where- H as WILLIAM SCHLEA . Jr., applies to me for letter* of administration on the estate of JOHN SCHLEY . deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed. to be and appear at rcv office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, whv said letters should not bo granted. Given under mv hand at office in \ngustr. Doc. 22 ’ LEON P. DUGAS. Cletk. * 2 EORGIA, Btirko County.—All persons \T interested are hereby notified that four months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a tract of land belonging in JOSEPHINE O. SMEWMAKE, a minor of said county; bounded on all sides,by lands belonging to William Easeter. ANNA SHEWMAKE, Guardian. Jan. 8 —i— mm i'hwi aar-qegMBBBWMju I. TEACHER of the English. Greek and TA. La'in wishes a situation in a v-d v- *• nr coun try Acndemy, or in a private family—of une - ceptionable character and ability. Proposal, open ' till the 25th cf January’. 1848. Address N. 8.. Au j gusta, Ga. Dec. 15 ■7~ ' Ccgal Notices. UO\ T fFS after date application * w l ll be made to the Honorable tbe Interior «_ iurl >1 Burke county, wiien srltinp tor Ordinary ourpcvys for leave to sell line interest ot Julia Aaa Bierce, Minor, m 200 a« res land in said county. JAMES CHANCE, Guardian I Jan. !3 RAO I IS MONTHS afterdate application will SI 1 it*- made to tbe Honorable Interior Court of f .liuiubia Ouiuily . w ben sitting' us a Coui t of Ordi nary, tor 'ear.- u> sell tbe personal property bo long - ir>g to the estate ot Carey Johnston, deceased, late Cl Said COUUtV. \\ ILLIAM F. JOHNSTON, Adafr I Jan. 12. : _ _ 3 AOL'U MONTHS utter date application wil. fi? be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rick ttioad county, for leave to sell the land aiul negro*** belonging to the estate of SARAH BLACK -6 TONE. deceased. ,\ov. 2 ARGYLE BLACKSTONE, Adm’r. 3IONTIIS after date application Will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich mond county, for leave to sell the inteießt-(beir g j one-founh,) of JOHN MORRIS, a minor, in a tract of land, lying- in Columbia countv, containing J2o acres, an • bounded by lands of w in. Moore, John Jones and Joseph Reynolds, Esq. ALuLSTVs T. MORRIS, Guardian. ; Nov. 2 B'Ol U MO N THS alter date, application will tv be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ot Jell’ersnf county when sitting for ordinary pui poses, foi leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate ol Jeremiah \\ ilchar. late of Jefferson coun ty, dm cased. WM. G. WILCiIAR, Adm’r. Sept, 21 '% i )Tlt ' 11.—— X1! persons having demands a . N gainst the estate of \ A DENTINE LUTM R I\G I R. decea-ed. late i f Richmond county, will band them in p» - >per!y attested ; ; n J all indebted to s.d i c.-late. w ill make immediate pavinent to AGNES LUTHKINGER, Adm’x. . 1 S iVOTK’E. —The public arc cautioned against i 1 trading for a note made by me and endorsed W in. S. C. Morns, lor the sum of Seventy-nine (79) Dollars, jmy able to Win. P. Case or bearer, ami dated December 15th, IJ17; said note payable one | month afterdate. DAVID F. JOHNS. Jan. 11 c 3— T OTIC C. —All persons indebted to the estate ■ ' i. ol SA IJ All BLACKSTONE, deceased, ace requested to make payment; and those having de ■ mauds against said estate are requested to hand them in within the time prescribed by law. ARG\ LE BLACKSTONE, AdmT. Nov. 10 —(Jw !%T OTIC TR —All per-ons Laving demands against 5 l the Estate of George C. Gordon, Jeweler, late of Richmond County, will present them pro- P'Tly attested; and a!! persons indebted to said Estate, will make payment to C. A. PLATT, Executor Sept. U efi IVOTICEi —Ail persons indebted to the estate g 1 of THOMAS GRA V ES. late ol VV'alton co.. Ga..are reqm sted to make immediate payment; ami ail those ha ving demands against said estate, topre sent them in terms of the law. GEO. W. GRAVES, Ex July 11 IG OT IC 'l2.—All persons having demands against jit ANGLS MAITI IN, late of Richmond coun i tv. deceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested to me, within the time presCrib ;od by law. And all persons indebted to said de ceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. ALEX. MARTIN, Ex’r. I Aug. 12 4J j VCJTHTk All persons having Watches or 5 N Jewelry left at the store of tbe late G. C. Gordon for repair, will please rail at the store of C. A. Platt, pay for the same and take them away, prior to their being soid as the property of the es tate. C. A. PLATT, Ex'r. ►Sept. 1 I ?w OTILTR—-All persons indebted to JACOB jl i AI.LEN, deceased, late of W arren county, are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands against the said Jacob Allen, will present them, in terms of the law, to STODDARD VV. SMITH, Executor. ; Sept. 12 (J 8 OTJCF.— All persons having demands against .1 11ENRN C. GIBSON. deceased, late ol i W ilkes county are requested to hand them in legally proven, ami those indebted arc requested to make immediate pa\ raent to Sept. 10 efi MARY A .GIBSON, AdmV. OT Ii K.— All pei sons having demands against I j i i the estate ot L. I . E. Dl GAS. late of Richmond county , will present them properly attested, and ■ 1 all persons indebted to said estate, will make pay-- ment to L. A. DLGAS, AdmT. Sept. 11 CB iV'OTICPR—AII persons indebted to the estate : x of WILLIAM SELLERS, deceased, late of Richmond county, are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having demand* against said deceased, to present them within th*s time prescribed, and attested as the law directs. ! Sept 17 RAY MOND F. SELLERS, Ex’r. t IVOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate x a ot ISAAC BRYAN, late of Scriven county will make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them prop i crlv attested to Oci.fi ELIJAH ROBERTS, AdmT. OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the estate kl of the late JOHN M. GA RDNER, will make payment to the undersigned, and those having de mands against said estate will present them ac cording to law. D* c -M r JAMES GARDNER, Jr., AdmV NOTICE. A LL Pi RSONS INDEBTED to the un- I dersigmd, by note or otherwise, and those in w hose hands 1 have placed papers for collection, are hereby notified that WILLIAM A. WAL TON. Esq., ol Augusta, Georgia, is my duly author i/.ed Agent ami Attorney, with foil power to rep resent me in the setiement of mv business at the ' ; South. JESSE WALTON. Alton. Illinois, Aug. Ilth, 1847. Sept. 23 dlc4 NOTICE. \LT- person* indebted to the estate of EWELL ! Me GOA . late of Morgan county, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those having demands against the same are requested to present them according to law, tht* IGlh dav of November. 1847. Nov. 12 ROBERT A. McCOY, Executor. j irs.tr-’-"gray .gu—umri iwr.n »PPMWMiMiWP!!WMrgWMgI» i EOIiGJA, DeKalb County.—‘Present. x their Honors L. A. Davis. Jno. N. Bellinger, L. S. Mor an. and I.ochlin Johnson, Judges of said Court. ~ W hereas. T7013T. IT. SMITH, Jr. Executor of ROBT. SMI 1 51, Sen., Into of said county, de ceased. applies to this Court for letters dismissory, from the Administration of said estate ; Therefore ,j the kindred and creditors of said decease.d, are i hereby cited and admonished to file objections if , j any they have, in my office, within the time pre ■ scribed h*. law. otherwise letters of Dismissorv wlii be granted the applicant at the September Term of this Court. 181-8. Witness, the Hon. John N. Bellinger, one of the ; Judges of said Court. January 1 J, 1348. ALEX R. JOHNSON. Cl’k. C. O Jan 13 _ r*