Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 21, 1848, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, J«q AUGUSTA. GEORGIA FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21. 184 S g VOL. XXVII.—NEW SERIES.—VOL. KL—NO. 11. THE CON ST ITU T1 ON ALI ST. OFFICE IN McINTOSH-STREET. Trail'd door from the North-West coraer © Broad-Street. Sales of LAND by Administrators, Executors or Guar .nans, arc required, by law, to be held on the first Tus? any in the month, between the hours often in the fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notice of those sales must be given in a public Gazette SIXTY DAY is pre vious to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must bo at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between me usual hours o *ale, at the place of pu'J.c sales in the county where the Letters Testamentary, <-r Administration, or Guar dianship, may have been granted, first giving M XT Y DAY’S notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes o ! State, and .at the door of the Court House where M r ales are to be held. Notica . the saio of Per onal Property mu-t be given in like manner FORTY DAYS previous to day of sale N«'tica to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Or dinar? for leave to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Hotice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can cb given by the Court. Vote of Thanks to Gen. Taylor—Rlr Ash mun’s Amendment. Mr. Houston, of Delaware, introduced into the House of Representatives on the 3d Inst, a resolution of thanks to (J en. Taylor and his troops for their heroism at B tena \ ista. Mr. Henley moved an amendment by adding the words “engaged as they were, in defending the rights and honor of the Nation,” when Mr. Ashman moved to amend the amendment by adding the words “in a war unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the Presi dent of the United States.” Mr. Ashmun’s amendment was sustained by the following vote : Yeas—Messrs. John Q. Adams, Ashmun. Barringer , Barrow, Bleeher, Bolts. Brady, Buckner, Canby, Clingmnn, Cocke, Collamer, Conger, Cranston, Crowell, Crozier, Dickey, Dixon, Donnell, Duer, Daniel Duncan, Gar net Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, E I wards, Alex. Evans, Nathan Evans, Fisher, Fulton, Gayle, ‘Gentry., Giddings. Goggin, Grinned, Hale, Na than E. Hall, James G- Hampton, Haskell, Henry, J. W r . Houston, Hubbard, Hudson, Ir vin, Kellogg, T. B. KING, D. P. King. Lin toln, Mcllvaine, Marsh, Marvin, Mullin, Nes, Newell, Preston, Putnam, Reynolds, Julius Rockwell, John A. Rockwell, Root, Rtim-sey, Bt. John, Sc he nek, S hep peril, Nkerriil, Slinger land, Caleb B. Smith, STEPHENS, Truman Smith, Andrew Stewart, Strohm, Sylvester, Thibodeaux, Taylor, Tompkins, Richard W. Thompson, John 14. Thompson, TOOMBS, Tuck, Van Dyke, Vinton, Warren, Wilson—Bs. Navs—Messrs. Beale, Bedingcr, liirdsall, Black, Bowdon, Brodhead, Win. G. Brown, Charles Brown, Catheart, Chase, Beverly L. Clark, Howell Cobb, Williams in R. W. Cubb, Cummins, Daniel, Dick as m, Faran. Feath erston, Ficklin, Fries, Frei ;h, Green, Willard P. llall, Moses Hampton, Hannanson, Harris, Tlenlcv, Hit!, George S. Houston. Inge, Chas. J. Ingersoll, Jameisoa, Jenkins, Andrew John son, Robert W. Johnson, George \V. Jones, Kaufman, Kcnaon, Lahm, La Sere, Sidney Lawrence. Leffier, Lord, Lumpkin, McClel land, McDowell, McL.me, Maun. Meade, Mil ler, Morris, Morse, Murphy, Peaslee, Peck, Phelps, Pilsbury, Rhett, Richardson, Richey, Rockhill. Sawyer, Sims, Smart, Robert Smith, j Stanton, Starkweather, C. E. Stuart, Strom, Thomas, James Thompson, Jacob Thompson, Win, Thompson, Thurston, Turner, Tenable, Wick, Williams — ST-. Tiow for the Contrast I In 1815, when hostilities, broke out between this country and Mexico, a certain aot was passed by Congress fey a vote of one hundred •and scventi-/our yeas to fourteen nays, declar ing that the war was brought on BY THE ACT OF MEXICO. Among the yeas, it was a source of gratification to us aad ae doubt ; to the people of Georgia, that every represen- j tatiwc from this States gave his vote, aye to j to the bill. But what a sad picture d®os the j above vote now present to us. Two of our members, THOMAS BUTLER KING and ROBERT TOOMBS, who voted in 1843, that the war was brought on by the act of Mexi co, in ISIS, we find voting that the war was “unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of the United States and voting with them we find the name of ALEXANDER HAMILTON STEPHENS! another repre sentative from Georgia! Scripture teaches us, that he who is not for u< is against us. Common sense teaches us. that he a ho is not tfer his country is against it. Two of our rep- | vesentatives have been for and against, and ,pther is now found in their company ! \Ve will not place these three members, nor use the terms that their change of position provokes, but leave that for the people of this ■State and Union to do. That their course on this question may not be forgotten by tire present generation or posterity, we place them, with the company they have selected, in op- 1 posite columns, and shall keep the list in our paper until their names become as familiar as household words. Here they are : 18 43. ) * 13 43. Whereas, by the act ; B- it Resolved, That of the Republic of Max- ] thanks be returned to ico, war exists be- Gen. Taylor, Sec, “in tween the U. States a war unnecessarily and that Republic, &c. and unconstitutional- j ly begun by the Pres ident of the United States.” Among the Yeas, Among the Yeas, Barringer, Barringer, Cocke, Cocke, Crozier, Crozier, Gentry, Gentry, Hampton, Hampton, J. W. Houston, J. W. Houston, T- B. King, T. 13. King, Marsh. Marsh, Rumsey, Rumsey, J. A. Rockwell, J. A. Rockwell, .Schenck, Scheuck, Truman Smith, Truman Smith, Stewart, Stewart, St. John, St. John, Thibodeaux, Thibodeaux, Robert Toombs, Robert Toombs, Vinton, Vinton, (not present) Alex. H. Stephens. The remaining Whig member from Georgia, j I>r. Jones, did not vQte on Ashman’s anrnnd- j inert. W* presume he va? absent. JJidiuss Carfts. To Professional and Business Man. rtLOFESS-IOISAL AND BUSINESS CARDS not exceeding »ix lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate afjj 10 per annum. Cards exceed- j ng six lines, will he charged pro rata per line. SAMUEL BARNETT, ATTOII NEY AT LAW, WASHINGTON, GA., WILL practice in the Counties of Wilke?, War ren. Hancock, Taliaferro, Elbert, Oglethorpe and Lincoln. Jan. 5. ly WIL L I A .11 11. T E 1111 UN E. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, GA. Refer to —W. E. Alexander, Rome, Ga. Aug. 15 Jy JAMES GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA j JOHN XX. RIGS, Attoraej and Counsellor at Law. CASSVILLE, GA. Will praclbe In the Counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Collecting business will ho thankfttdy received and despatched promptly. 21 ly AO DANIEL s7PRINTU 1% ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, GEORGIA. Will practise in the Cherokee Circuit—Pauld- I ing, Cass, Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Gilmer, Murray, Walker, Dude, Chattagoo and Floyd. Aug 15 ly 4G JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Will practice in the counties of Bibb, Jones, Baldwin, Twiggs, Houston, Crawford and Monroe i and also in the county of Burke. Any business in- j trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. j June 2 ly 205 ALEXANDER McKENZIE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', GEORGIA, April 2.l ly ITS JONES 8c SHEW MAKE, ATTORNIES AT LAW. WAYNESBORO. GA. JOSEPH B. JONES, and JOHN T. SHEW MAKE, having associated themselves in the prac tice of Law, will promptly attend to any business entrusted to them in the counties of Burke, JefTer son, Emanuel, Richmond, Scrivenand Washington July 8 l2 * ______________________ i DURBLL S. GXEGDRf, DAHLONEGA, LUMPKIN COUNTY. GA.. Will practice Law in the Cherokee Circuit. He will also act as Land Agent, where the land lies in that or the adjoining counties. References.—F. M. Cabot, Esq., A. G. Wim py, P. M., J. A. Smith, Esq., Dahlonega; Gov. .1. McDnald, Marietta; lion. Hiram Warner, Greenville; Col. K. L. Haralson, La Grange Sept. 15 ly MEDICAL CARD. [T/” Dr.. MEALS tenders his professi nal servi ces in the various branchesof Medicine, to the cit izens of Augusta and vicinity. fie may be found either at the office, formerly occupied by Thos. & J. J. It. Flournoy, Esqrs.. on Mclatosh-strcet, or at trie lesi encc of Mrs. Wa terman, on Broad.street Dec. 1 fmn BLACK 8c LAWSON. ATTORNEY S A T L A W. Will practice in all the Counties ot the Middle j Circuit. Any business entrusted to them will meet ! with prompt attention. Address Edward J. Black, Jacksonboro, Ga. John F. Lav son. Augusta. Ga. ly Nov. 18 R. 3. DILL, COM3IISSION 31 EECIIANT, New Orleans. Nov. 15 —3m Chas. P. M’Calla. j Gustave Romain McCALL V & RO3I ATN, COM MI 3BIC NT MARCH ANT 3, APA LAC HICO LA, FLORID A. Nov. 7 ly John L. Cope. Oscar L. Shewmake COPE & SHEWMAKE, Factors and Commission Merchants, SA VAN A AH, GEORGIA. Sept. 13 ths2ra GLOBE HOTEL. CORNER OF BROAD # JACKSON-STS. AUGUSTA, GA. BY FRANCIS 31. JENNINGS. Oct. 24 ly R. r. BOUYEH^ TIN 31 AN UF ACT UR ER, On BrouU-st.. at F. H. Cook’s old Clothing- Store a ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Roofing, &-c.,at shorted notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Work in the country promptly attended to. ly— Oct. 1 CLEVELVND & SPEAR, SUBSEOa gfmL DENTISTS NO. 215 BROAD-ST (Over Allrich A Green's Shoe Store.) nov 11 ly -35 TAKE NOTICE IT~ NO HUMBUG!!! rpnu PECTORAL ELIXIR is the safest, X in st spi-cdy, and m isi pleasant remedy lor Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Pain in the Sid-', Pneumo nia, Bronchitis. P eunsy. Croup, Whooping Cough, | and Consumption, ever o lie red to the public. It is the only warranted cure for the above diseases, and may therefore be strictly relied upon, if any : one is humbugged by its use. certainly it would be the proprietor, as lie has authorized his agents : everywhere to refund the money whenever it fails to act as recommended. THE PECTORAL LPiXIR is the safest of all j other lemejieslor Lung Complaints, because it , contains no Mercury or any other drug that would prove injurious’ by long use, as k is composed en tirely of vegetable substances. It is the most speedy, because it has a direct and specific action upon the organs of the chest, | and consequently loses none of its energies cn | other parts of the system. It is the most pleasant, because it does not pos : sess a single nauseous property, either in taste or : smell, but on tlie contrary has a most agreeable i taste and a delightful effect. Should those afflicted by any of the diseases I mciiUened, give it a trial, they will never regret it. j It may be obtained, wholesale and retail, of WM. H . TUTT, Jan. 20 Only Agent for Augusta. i UNDFR-3HIRTS AND DRAWERS OF MERINO, COTTON, SILK, and ail other kinds, cheap, at Dot n wm o rnrer a ccrs. CORPORATION CITY OF AUGUSTA* MAYOR, DR. L. D. FORD, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, I Ward No. I,—G. F. Parisk, D. Kirkpatrick, I. P. GKrrln. j Ward No. 2.—L. A. Dugas, D. B. Hadley, Thoa. Hopkins. Ward No. 3. —B. Conley, H. Huff, J. B. Bishop. Ward No. 4.—James Harper, A in. Ik. Kitchen, i C-B. Hitt. Clerk of Council- —W. Milo Olin. Collector and Treasurer —John Kill. City Marshal—Foster Blod»ct. City Constables—J. Sistrunk, L. L. Antony. Jailor— W. D. Broom. Keeper of Magazine —Wm. M. Pickering. Keeper of Hospital—Peter McMahon. Clerk Lower Market—ll. £l. Phiipot. Clerk Upper Market—Wm. Keener. Keeper of the Bridge—lL B. Fraser. Keeper City Hall—Mrs. <st, Margrovai. Keeper City Clock—C. Catlin. Super. Streets and Water Works —Jo'an Riley, j Citv Surveyor —William Phillips. Meetings of Council lit Saturday in each month BANK STATE OP GEORGIA. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA Capital $45G 5 000- Dr. G. M. NEWTON. President I. Henry, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Dr. \V. 11. Turpi t, Geo. W. Williams, J. R. Bulkley, Joseph Davis, ! H. W. 1 - v , J- c. Carmichael,. Teller--—j Adam; BooK-acepcr——.... —■ jggs, Discount X: Collecting Cienc—*Juo. J. Byrd, Offering Day, every day. Discount Day, every Jay ; regular discount day Friday. BANK OF AUGUSTA Capital $650,000. ROBERT F. POE, President. Jas. W. Davies,Cashier. DIRECTORS, Robert F. Pok, Jesse Kent, i Jo it k Bov r.s, R. A. Reid, : R. Campbell, Thus. Davis, j Wm. Shear, Henry Moore, | Jas. Hakrer, Jas. W. Davies. STATE DIRECTOR. L. A. Dugas. Teller S.C.Wilson—Book Keeper, Geo. M. Thew— Discount and Collecting Clerk, Geo. W. Morgan. Regular Offering Day, .Monday—Regular Discount Day, Tuesday. MB OH ANTC3’ B ANK. Capital $500,000, A- SIBLEY, President. M. Hatch, Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. M. Adams, T. S. Metcalf, J. B. Bishop, Josiah Sibley, C. J. Cook, J. B. Walker, i A. Gould, Amort Sibley. : J.M. Hand, Teller—Geo. Robertson ; Book-keeper—W. F. Pemberton; Discount Sc Collecting Clerk—l. Purse. Offering Day,Tuesday ] Discount Day,Wednesday. BANK OF BRUNSWICK. Capital $200,000. EDW. THOMAS, President. John Craig, C-nkier. DIRECTORS. FiDw. Thom \.s, W. E. Jackson, A.J. Miller, G. T. Doutic. 'l’ho. Barrett, Teller—John Craig, Book-keeper—Joseph Mil ligan, Offering Day,every day. | Discount Day,every day.. GBORGIA R. R. & BANK'S COMP’Y Capital. $375,050. JOHN P. KING, President. John W. Wild, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Hays Bowdre, James W. Davies, John Cunningham, Jacob Phinizy, i Elijah E. Jones, Charles Dougherty, I Andrew J. Miller, Antoine Poullain, John Bones, Adam G. Saffoj d, Wm. M. D’Antignac, Pleasant Stovall, William D. Conyers, J. C. Fargo, Benjamin K. Warren. Thomas IS*. Hamilton. Teller —William H. Jones ; Book-keeper—M, F. Boisclair. Offering Day .every day. ] Discount Day,every day. AUGUSTA INSURANCE &. BANK’S 1 COMPANY. Capital $375,000. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, President. ItonERT Walton, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Wm. M. D Antignac, L. Hopkins, James Hope, L. Cress. 11. Bowdre, Teller—Wm. Mackie ; Book-keeper—G. W. Summers; Discount Clerk, Arc., W m. B. Savage. OiTcring Days, daily except Sundays. Discount Days, daily except Sundays. GUORGIA STEAM BOAT COMP'Y Capital SIOO,OOO. CHARLES GREEN. President. S. M, Pond, Secretary &• Treasurer. DIRECTORS FOR SAVANNAH. | Edward Padelford, R. A. Lewis, i Andrew Low, Jr. Jos. S. Fay, ! Charles Green, E. Moi.yneux, Jr. i John H. Reid, Geo. W. Anderson, I George Hall, R. A. Allen. FOR AUGCfiTA.. Thos.S. .Mftcalf, James Hope, I J. R. Bclkley, Agent at Augusta, John B. Guieu. General Supcrintendant. Savannah —Wm. P. - Williams; George Johnson Clerk. COURT OF COMMON PTaEAS. JOHN W. WILDE.JUDGE. Henrv Robert, Clerk, A. C. Coldwell, Sheriff. This Court sets 4th Mondays m February, May, August and November. SUPFPTOR COURT. W. W. HOLT, JUDGE. James McLaws. Clerk, Aaron Ross. Sheriff. This Court sits 2nd 3lcn-day in January and June. INFERIOR COURT. Justices —James Harper, Valentine 4V r alker, Wm Bcoli, Jesse Kent, and I. P. Garvin. POST OFFICE. E. B.GLASCOCK. P. M. \ B. HALL, Deputy P.M. NORTHERN MAH.. Due Daily at 7 P. M Closes Daily at 3 P. M. western mail. Due Daily at 4 A. M Closes Daily at 5 P. M. savannah mail. Due Daily s»t 3A. M. | Closes Daily t<t BP. M. CARNESVIT LF. MAIL. j Dae Tuesday by 7 P.M. Closes Wednesday P.M. calhoun's mills mail. Due Wednesday and Saturday by 6P. M. Closes Sundav and Wednesday at 3 P. M. GREENVILLE MAIL. Due Sunday. Tnesdav and Fridavby S P.M. Closes Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at G P. M. GIT LISONVIT.I K MAIL. Due Wednesday and Saturday by GP. M. Closes Wednesday and Saturday at 8 P.M ! ' I AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT PIRI3 COMPANY. WILLIAM H. MAHARREY, CAPTAIN. Char. Catltn. Ist LieutJAMEs Gardner.4th Lt. ! B BiGNON,?d Liout. Henry Moore, &ec’v ant.) Lieut r a 1 v.'■ v Trarvrmr»•» - IRON STEAM BOAT COMPANY, Capital 8100,000. AMORY SIBLE Y, President. <3. McLacuhi.i.v, Secretary. tUfciXTORS, J.M.Adams, Josiah Siblf.t, H. B. Frazer, N. K. Butj.er, Porter i one vacancy. Agent at Augusta, Wm. M. Rowland at Savannah, Chas. F. Mills. AUGUSTA TIRE COMPANY, r. LAMBACK, CHIEF ENGINEER. Wm. H. Goodrich, Ist Assistant ne«r. J IIuBBAP.r, 2nd Wm. Phit.lips,Secretary L. S. Morris, Treasurer. srCTTOy 1. STCTIO.V A Wm. Haines, Jr. Capt. Jas. H. Carter. Captain. L. C. Service, Lieut. Thos. A. Bores, Lieut. Wm. Ilousley, Jr. Sec’y. W. D. Andrews, Sec'y. section 2. * section 5. C. A. Piatt, Captain. E. C. Tinsley,Captain. Jno. Bridges, Lieut. JW. Gallaher, Lieut. ] A. Hatch, -feev. . J. W. dark, Sec’y. SECTION 3. SECTION Q. Jno. Nelson, Captain. J. W. Zinn, Captain. A. l-versen, Liaat. B. Abrahams, Lieut. J. A. Simmons, Sec’y. J. Myers,Sec'y. Sections meet for exercite on the last .Saturday in every month. General Parades for practice and inspection, in March and December, every year. Regular quarterly meetings in March, Jnnc, Sep tember and December, for the transaction ct bu sings?, BULLETIN No. 1. THEGRAEPEN*.* RERG COMPANY /*y <3*£f having been welcomed /■Ur j in everv section of the rA United-States with the 'O wa V* \ most unparalleled en l | 1 J husiasm;and their med • I \v. ;/)•, I I ernes having reached V \ j /an enormous circula \ \ j j tion, will henceforward \ \ / / issue Monthly Bulletins, \ \ /V that they may the more perfectly inform the public of the principles of the AMERICO-GRAEFFNBERG SYSTEM, and of the vast stipenm-sty of their Medicines over any others ever presented to the world. F.ach Bulletin will contain something of the greatest im portance to the health of the community; and all classes of readers, the clergy, jurists, statesman and private individuals, should not fail of reading them, to say the least. One trial alone of the medicines will convince toe most sceptical of their extraordinary efficacy. In the present Bulletin wo will only say that 1. The GracfanhergMedicines are puiely Vege table. 2. Thev have been tested in tens of thousands of cates with perfect success. 3. Os the* Vegetable Fills alone 30,0C0 boxes are sold each and every week! 4. The demand is constantly increasing. 5. Every article purchased of the Company or any of its Agents j tcurrantrd ; and if it does rut give satisfaction the money will be refunded. The Vegetable Pill possess almost magical power in preventing and curing the ordln iry diseases which affect humani ty. (especially bilious.) —There are some facts con nected with their composition and use which the limits of the jirescnt notice forbid us to name. Suf fice it to say that they are the product of the most extensive and philosophic research; aided by all ! the light of modern science. All other patent pills | are made from the recipes of less enlightened ages; these from the combined wisdom of ancient . and modern science. In tact they are A Perfect Piill. worthy of the age and of the country,. The Graelenberg Company is prepared to show • to the public the most unquestionable evidence that •hesc celebrated pills are every day curing ail dis orders of the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Dvspepsia, Jaundice, Erysipelas. Green Sickness, and all dis eases to winch females arc subject. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Headache, dec , ail Biiious Com plaints, dec. Their wonderful efficacy arises from their power to open the pores; to cleanse and strengthen the stomach and bewek; to make tha urine and monthly discharges flow healthily; and , to give tone and vigor to the system. Price 25 cts. | a box. No family should be without them- If they do not give satisfaction the money wli be promptly refunded; and ever/ agent is hereby instructed to that effect. The C-ruefpnbo'p: Healtli Bitters; TT ENTIRELY VEGETA RLE JT-f\ —warranted I to make one quart of incomparable Bitters. They are skilfully and elegantly prepared by this Com i pany from a mm her of the most purifying, invigo- ! rating and healing R.oots, Barks, Herbs and Vines, gathered in the wide domain of nature (a both 1 hemispheres. They will restore strength and vigor j of body, give clearness to the most sallow com plexiou, and create keep, appetite. All persons who are afflicted \vith occasional ill health, low . spirits and *; )SS f ,f appetite, should procure them at ■•lire, price lib cts. a package The Graefenborg Fever and. Atyna Pills. This Fill is the great conqueror of Fever and Ague, and Fever of all o her types sad forms. Tb 1 ? G-raefenGerg Sarsaparilla Comtiorind. Tiiis is now the stavdiird Sarsaparilla Prepara tion of the day; far surpassing all others before the public. In addition to the princely Sarsaparilla, this preparation contains Guiacnm. Mandrake, Bur dock, Elder, Yellow Dock, tiueen s Delight, and three other roots. It is faking the place of ail other Sarsaparillas, and should be tried by all who wish to use anything of the kind. Price §1,03 a botPe. which will make two quarts of the greatest possible strength. The other Medicines are Tiif. Gr aei'enbf.rg Eyk Lotion, The Children’s P\nacka. The Green Mountain Ointment, The Consump tives Balm. The Dvsfntery Syrup. It is intended that there shall he a Graefenbcrg Depot in every neighborhood in the United S'ates, at which the Company’s Medicines mav be found. I 'l lie Generel Agent for So. Carolina and Geor , i gia is George Brainard, at Charleston, S. C., to i whom applications for agencies mav be addressed. EDWARD BARTON. Secretary. Ft sale by Wm. Haines, Broad-st. Augusta. Ga.; j R. S. Roberts. Edgefield, C 11. So. Ca.; Hyde ; Jones, M icon, Ga.; .D mean. Milledgeville; j M. C. Williamson, Davishoro; D. R. Mathewson, | Hawkinsville; Wra. R. King, Union county, Ga. Jan. G G1 EOKGIA. DcK lib county.— Whereas f JAMES M. M ALIGN applies for letters of ; Administration on the estate of HENRY WADE, I late of said county, deceased ; These are therc | fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be : and appear at my office within the time prescribed • by Uw and show cause, if any' they' have, whv let ' ters of Administration should not be granted the applicant. Witness the Hon. William Hairston one of the Judges of said Court of Ordinary of said county, this Sih Dec., 1847. i D- c.lO ALEX. JOHNSON. Clerk. | FRESH OYSTERS AND GAME OF ALL KINDS. Ton as toe very' respectfully inform* G tlemcn who love good FRESH OYSTERS, j that he has opened Rooms in the rear of ’Mr. Wal i leur’s establishment, and invites his friends to pay : him a visit. For attention to his guests and clean i liness, he will not be found waiting, and for Oys ; ters served no in style he will not be surpassed. : When you visit me ■ j Just received a supply of Vehiv'd. Dicks, Wild Pidgeons, &c. <kc., whift.li will he served up to i T'ec £5 i —■ «*--» jva- Tta . i.- . , (EUatious, &z. €'\ EORGIA, I>eKalb coonty.— Whereas IT D. J. MITt.'UEI. applies for letters of Administration on the estate of WIULAM MICH EL, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the i kindred and creditors of said deceased. £o be nod j appear at my office within tiw time prescribed by j law and show cause if any they have, why letters , cf Administration should not be grunt-eu tae appli cant. Witness the terror able L.S. Morgrn.onc of the Judges of the Court of Ordinary-of said cv'iu-ty this 11th January. Jan. 13 'ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C O. /f~N EORGIA* Lincoln County.—Wherece, ijf WM. 1 1. NORMAN, and LAWKLN6 iLDDL'T H, ajjplies for letters of Administration j on the estate of WILLIS SLDDU J H, dc-rt-ased. j These are therefore to cite and admonish aii and | singular, the kindred and creditors of said de- j ceased, to he and anpear at my cfilce. within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they I have, why retters ol administ:atinn should rot be ! granted the said applicant at the January Term next of the Court ci Ordinary. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk C. O. pan. 12 y i JLOUGIA, DeKalb Couuiy.—Fresei.t. VX their honors E. A. Davis, Jno. N. Bellinger, L. S. Morgan, and Lochli.u Johnson, Judges of said Court. Whereas, ROBT. 11. SMITH, Jr. Executor of ROBT. SMITH, Sen., late of said county’, de ceased, applies to this Court for letters dismissory, from the Administration of said estate : Therefore the kindred and creditors cf said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished to file objections if any they have, in ray office, within the time pie -1 scribed by law, otherwise letters of Dism.ssorj will be granted the taplicant at the September Term of this Court. 18-io. Witness, the Hon. John N. Pellinf'er, one of the i Judges of said Court. January li, ) '4B, ALEX K, JOiINSON, Cl'k. C. O. Jan 13 g i LOKGIA* SciiVen Count y.— \V hereaa, KHODY THOMPSON hath applied to tic Honorable the Court o' Ordinary of Scriven coun- j ty for letters of administration on the estate and j e:Tects r s JOHN R. TRuMFFOTS, iato cf said | county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deccas cd,to be and arpear at my Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause.if ary they have, why said letters should not be grunted the said ap- j p! leant. Witness the linn Pr‘cr Reddick, one of the Jus tice* of the Court of Ordinary of said county, thus, the 7th day of January. Ibi d. Jan. II" ALEXANDER HEMP. CM:. OT* EOHGIA, County'.— Whereas, \JT OBADIAH FLORENCE applies for letters of Administration on ti«e estate oi JEREMIAH j FRAZIER, deceased, late of said county. These arc therefore to cite and admomsli all j and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de- i ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the j fine prescribed by law, to show if any they | have, why said letters should not be granted Given under mv hand, at office in Washington . this 20th. Nov, 1347. G. G. NORMAN, C. C. O. Nov. 24 <~'i II OR GIA, DeKalb County.—Whereas TT LIVE BETTERTON, Executor on the es tate of DAVID FRANKLIN, deceased,applies for letters of Dismission from said estate : These aie therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, I to lie and appear at my office, within the lirno pre | scribed by'law, to show cawse. if any they have, i whv letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. thisSth August, ! 1247. ALEX. JOHNSON. Clerk, j August 7 Gmo (t EOKRIA, Wilkes County.—Whereas Jf SARAH A TALBOT, Administratrix of the Estate rs JAMES C. TALBOT.deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said Es tate ; Thcs" arc- hereby, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors, of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Washington i this 8-h, 1C47. G. G. NORMAN, C. C. O. July 13 1G ALORGIA, DeK alb County.—Present, j ■;TT their Honors E. A- Davis, L. B. Morgan, and John N. Bclienger, Judges of said Court. Whereas. WILSON E. SPHEWELU, Adminis trator of WM. SBREWELL, late of o *ld county,de ceased, applies to this Court ,nr letters dismissory j from the administration ol .aid Estate. Therefore the kr.fired and creditors of said de- j cc?*od are hcrebv cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in mv office within the lime prescribed bv lav, otherwise lef -1 ters dismissory will be granted the applicant at llie January Term, of 'hi? Court, 1843. Witness, the Hon. L. S. Morgan one of the j lines cf said Court. May R RET. ALEX’R. JOHNSON, Cl'k. C. O. ; May G 182 : E Ei)RGI A, Svrit cr County.—Fresent the \JT Honorable George Pollock. Peter Reddick I and JohnS. Maner. Judges of s . f’oiirt. Whereas, CASSANDR A WILLIAMSON. Ad j Tainistratrix i:n the Estate of CULLEN WIL j LIAMSON, Idt of said county.,-d**ce&sed. applies ; for letters of dßufisslon from the ad ministration of j said estate of therefore the kindred and creditors ; of said deceased, arc herebv cited and admonish ed to flic their objections if any they have in my office in terms of the law ; otherw,.;e letters.dls 1 raissory will be granted the applicant at the Jan | uary term next, of the Court of Ordinary for said l countv. Bv order of the Court, this June 10th. 1847. ' ALEXANDER KEMP, C. C. 0.. S. C. i June 20 £2l 4'i DOKGIA, Scrivcn Countv. —Vv he re as, j i IT MILES HUNTER, Guardian SARAH V. IL | LIAMS, minor heir of THEOPHILIST WIL - LIAMS, late of said county deceased, will apply to tlie Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court | of said county for letters of disminissiou from said ! Guardianship. These arc therefore: to cite and admonish all and j singular the kindred and creditors of said Sarah | Williams, to file ih.-ir ehjections. if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said let ters should not be grant" b Witness, the Honorable George Pollock, one of I the Justices of said Court, this 10th dav of August 1347. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk, j Aug. 13 43 (T EORGIA. Wilkes Countv.—Whereas. I JACOB HUBBARD, Executor in right of , i his wife, applies for li tteis dismission from the cs j tate of JOHN B. MILNER, late of said county, dc j craved ; These are therefore t-acite and admonish,all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, whv said letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office in Washington, December 10,1847. G. G. NORMAN, Cleric. | Dec 12 ■ EORGI V. DoKalb Countv.—TD AI L VI WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.--Whereas NOAH SLAY applies to me for letter* of Admin istration on the estate of WILLIAM SLAV, lajje of DeKalb. deceased - These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at ' j m v office within the time prescribed bv law and ihew cause, if any they have, whv letters of admin • | istration should not he granted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable L. S. Morgan one of the lodges of the Conrt of Ordinary of said county. • l this the £*h December. If 4-7. Dec 9 ALEX JOHNSON, C r o £cgal 2fotkfo. F"' ,/> UU3PjbSSt^ ■wall be made to the Honorable the laforirc Courted" Bu»sce county, when sitting Ivr Ordinegg purpose*, for leave to sell the interest of Julia A :tm i’icice, Minor, in 'iOO acre* land in said county. JAMES CHANCE, Otfenuso. Jan. 13 MONTHS after date application JL be made to tiic Honorable Inferior Court of Columbia County, when sitting as a Court ofOrdl [ nary.iVa le,»ve to sell the personal pn>{..fcrty I ing to the estate ot Carey Johnston, deowawed, lata ! ct said countv. UTLLIAM F. JOHKSHjN, Adm'r. Jen. 15. COIR MONTHS after date application wft. in be rustic to Hie Court ot Ordinary of Rick mood county, for leave to sell the land urd belonging to too estate of SARAH LLAC&- bTCNF. deevessd. Nov. 2 ARGYLL BLACKSTONE. Adndr. MONTHS afterdate application wSA i JL’ L-c made to the Court of Ordinary of SJk&- | inond county, for leave to sell the interval (being one-fourth,; of JOHN MORRIS,a minor, in a tract ot land, lying in Columbia county, containing 12# acres, an • bounded by lends of Wm. M>>a9t>,*kAui Jones and Jr»«ej)h Remold#, Eso AUGUSTUS T. MORRIS, *lrußi'«an. Nov. 2 ffj'OLK MONTHS after dfito, applicationitiH X' be made to the Honorable the InferiorCoeft of Jefferson county when sittingji*-vipdipurv pur poses, for leave to sell the belonging to the estate ol Jeremiah NViJcbar. lute of Jefferson corns ty. deceased. WM. G. AViLCHAR, Adm'r. Sept. 21 OTICE- —All jxrsors h» vine demands a. JLI gainst the estate of VALENTINE LUTH RINGER, deceased, late rs Richmond county, will hand them in properly attested; s n i all indebted to said estate, will make immediate payment to AGNES LLTHRINGEtf, Adm’iu J an. — -cG TV OTICE*—The public are cautioned again* 1 1 1 trading for a note made by me and endorsed ! Wn-. S. C. A; orris. for the ‘■urn of St renty-riue (T?l j Dollars, payable to Wm. P. Case or bearer, ana | dated December 15th, 1247; said rote payable on* i month after data. DAVID f. JOHNS. Jan. 11 c 3— iVOTICE. — Ail persons indebted to the estate AN oISAHAH LLACKttTCNE, deceased, at# roeifmsK'd t'. make payment; and fhoSe having de mands against said estate are requested to hand ilicit: iu within the time prescribed by lew. ARtil LE PLACKS i ONE, Adm'r. Nov. 10 —Gw IV^OTICE.—AII per-ens havingdemacds against 1 i ti.-c Estate of George C. Gordon, Jeweler, I late of Richmond County, will present them prr>- i perly attested ; and a!! persons Indebted to said ! Estate, will make payment to C. A. PLATT, £;:ccutor b>rt. 14 cG I\TOTICE* —All persons indebted to the estate I n of THOMAS GRAVES.Iate of Walton cn.. Ga„ arc requested to make immediate payment; and all those having demands ngainst said estate, topre sent them in terms of the law. GEO. W. GRAVES, £x July 14 1G ]VI OTICE. —All persons havlnp'dcmards against is A.NGUS MARTIN, late of Richmond em:»- j ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them preperly attested to me, within the time prescrib ed by law. And all persons indebted to said de ceased. are hereby required to trrcke immediate payment. ' ALEX. MARTIN, Ex'r. Aug. 12 43 'V OTICE.—AII persons having Watches rr In Jewelry left at the store of the late C. C. Gordon for repair, will please call at the store of C. A. Piatt, pay for the seme and take them away, prior to their being sold as the property of the es tate. C. A. PLATT, E*T. Sent. 14 2w OTICE.-••All persons indebted to JACOB In ALLEN, deceased, late of Warren county, arc requested to make payment, and all persons having demands against the said Jacob Allen, will j present them, in terms of the law. to STODDARD W. SMITH, Executor. | Sept. 12 G 8 OTICE —All persons having demands against jIN HENRY C, GIDEON, deceased, late of j Wilkes countvare requested to band them in legally proven, end those indebted are requested to rusk# immediate juvoient to Sept. 10 cG MARY A. GIBSON. Adm’ir, OTICE. —All pci sons having demands against N the estate of L. F. E. DUGAS, late of Richmond | county, will present them properly attested, and • all per ons indebted to said estate, will make pay ; r-icnt to L. A. DLGAS, Adm r. | Sept. 11 fiß V OTJf ll,—Ail persons indebted to the estate I„ v ot WILLIAM SELLERS, deceased, late of Richmond comity, are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased, to present them within the : time prescribed. and,attested adW Jaw directs. I Sept 17 RAYMOND F. SELLERS, ExT. 'V' OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the estate -n of ISAAC PRY AN, late Striven county will make immediate payment, and those having demands against saidcstate will present them prop erly attested to Oct. G ELIJAH ROBERTS. Adm’r. OTICE.—AII person* indebted to the estate IN of the late JOHN M. GARDNER, will make payment to the undersigned. and those having de | tnands acainst said estate will present them ac , cording to law. Dec. 21 c JAMES GARDNER. Jr., Adm’r. iNTOTTCr!. fe IX PERSONS JNDEETED to the un dersigned. by note or othcrw ise, and those in | whose hands I Jiave placed papers for collection, are hereby notified that WILLIAM A. WAL TON. Esq,’, of Aueusta. Georgia, is niv duly author ized Agent and Attorney, with full power to rep resent me in tiie setieunent of mv business at thv , 1 S.mb. JESSE WALTON. Alien,lllinois, Aug. 11th, JS47. NOTICE. A Lt persons indebted to the estate of EWELL 1 fi McCOY, late of Morgan countv, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those having demands against the same ts% requested in present Ahern according to law, thia 10th dav of November. 1847. Nov. 12 ROBERT A. McCOY. Executor. EOHGIA, Richmond County. —-WherT lf as WILLIAM iiCiILEV. Jr,, applie* to <*v* for letters of administration o*n tiiccstufceof JOHN i TSCHLEY. deceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish «U*»d singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed. to b«e and appear at my office, within the. tkn* prescribed bv law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Givi a under my hand at office in Atigrt**. Hec. 22 LEON P. DUG AS. Clerk. GEORGIA, Bnrlcc County-— All person# int< rested arc hereby notified that four months after date, application will be made to the 1 Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting as a Conrt of Ordinary, for W ave to sell a tract of land, . belonging to JOSEPHINE O. SMEWMAEC.a minor of said county; bounded on all aides Jby La»4# j Jxjonging to William Laseter. < ANNA SIIEVi'MAKC J»D ft