Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 22, 1848, Image 4

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patent illebiclnts. I'-TTIZENS of this beautiful and healthy .State iuia# .u.*, a aa.iva Georgian, the p.easire to • ait vrar attention to o,;c of tae greatCjC aid a MeJ.ciucs ever discovered—>ac of a simple aa » nature —ne waiua ha? prove! iuctf to be at infallible remedy far the FLV’ER AND AGJ J. cJT J ti Ily ti Cvt lata aid s,j:eiy care. Tae lima cii uio te I is truly vary short, and wit! be tloubta 1 by otaiy, bat I hava ce *ti:lcates trim the first P musicians a id of gantlema i of tuo hi jhest re* syastability of .Sava i t th. vr.tai a I resi le, it is kuivi by all that ap>. ) i vvui si o cire Hire tini;'i aa 1 effect the wa <ie i. i ia,iitem, than w iy nit a simple an t one that is harm.ess? i his Mi iiciac is not a Xjrt'iern tl oaf a £ >ut t ent Ramidy altogether. It is male in the city of Sivxu i l a—it is recommended by citizens of is i vj, i t.i'i, Georgia, S nth Carolina, h lorida, it.*. - , ari l to be cat li !, ail ray Printing is Southern, executed by-V'. E. J. Pu s'- of Sjrj.:m it; so you will at oaca see it is altogether a Rout'unier , and if it was my intention to any c mmiiity, i wo mi not choo-c ge.itletaa.i s jamas that arc we 111 known ai lin the same place waere I reside. I submit the teuimoiy o.‘ resile.its of this c.ty. among wna are the first Puystsians, and I presume yo i sr« acini lie i with many of than. The Medi cine offered to t e wand, is a safe, cer ain and ■pee ly care for Fever ai 1 A gae. which it will do in the very short suae of Pjoeloe fl js s. As Flori da is a newly sattje J co mtry, it is liable to a great deal of this tra ihlemme disease, aad it wdl lie to the advantage of ev *ry family to keep a supply oi hai l. Citizens of IrV.ri 1 1 . it is not my intention to weary y oar p aliens a with a string of nonsense or of a Ivertisements, for I can assure you that I am pretty well use I up in this p irt of the work; b it 1 wish yoa to try this Medicine aid satisfy your ■ slvcs, and yon will for the lirst time believe that a disease c said be cured ia Ttcelce Hours, aad the only way to prove it is to try it. 1 really do not know why a Sout’wm Medicine should not be as good as one that is manufactured at the Xo t'u My Medicine lias effected a perfect cure where all others have failed. 1 admit there are many other remedies, but not one that can be come so popular, a id so certain of curing this com plaint, as flmp ireijs' Remedy for Fever and Apue. Only think for a raiment. Tuseloe Hours to be a healthy mail It is strange, very strange, that truth should nee J so ranch boasting at list; but such is this world. I will not tax you with any more of this, but willingly I leave the Medicine to recom mend itself to Florida. An 1 now, to close, I pledge m j honor the Medicine dues not contain any Me cunj or any Mineral Preparation whatever; it it a Vege table only. I am re>pectful!v, your?, dec. W. HUMPHREYS. Jk.. Druggist, Corner Bay and Dray ton-streets, oavannah. SOUTH CARO •.IN A, PLANTERS of this noble State, I ask you to give the above Me lieine one and a fair trial, % id you will find it to excel all the of the Nor nt. It is now used, and with success, in you State, Certificate* can be had by ad Lessing either mr •«lf or Dr. P. M. Cohan, Charleston, or Mr. T. J. 8. Farr, Graham vile, who have the Medicine for •ale. All ordars ad lressc I to me trill meet with prompt attention. The Medela will be found at tlie stores of cither of the following gentleman, who have the genuine only W. HUMPHREYS, Jr AGENTS—I*, M. Cohen &. Co.. Char.cston. f C-1 T. J. S. Farr, Grahamvillc, S. C.; W, A. Cars well, Savannah Ga.; A. Me Lane Sc Co., Jackson ville. Ga.j Shot.veil Sc Gilbert. Macon, Ga.; Dorsey Al Knott, Gridin, Ga.; P. A. Moise, I.aGrange, Ga.; Wcister Sc Epping, Columbus, Ga.; VV. Root, .Mari etta, Ga.; J. T. Patrick. Salem, Term.; J. A. Sperry, II viston county, Ga.; Solomon Gondall, At lanta. Ga.; William Carr, Jacksonboro; Vv’. R. An derson. Dalton, Ga.; E. A. Burch. Hawkinsville, Ga.; Sara id Palmer, Darien,Ga.; 11. F. Floyd, Mi canopy, Florida. For sale wholesale and retail, in Augusta. bv WILLIAM K. KITCHEN, Agent. Sept. 2 2m THE REMEDY NEEDED. Dr. W jo.ira Po Dysentery Cordial, For Dysentery, Diarr’upx, Gripiaj Pains and Sum ner Cun yluni of Children. FH3M Banj. Gardner, editor of the Southern ; S.ueld, E ifaula, Ala. Asotabti Life swe > by the Cordia after Piytici tis s'cill ha i fade Ito benefit. Dr. Woodruff ;—ZX>a • Sir: I tike grea* plea sure in testifying to the efficiency of yo ir D/sen terey Corlial from testing it? virtues i\ my own family. Mrs. Gar.l »er was last summer most vio le itly attack’ I with that disease, and after all emi nent/nr lie d tiii I hi I be’n b ull • 1 in its efforts to remora thi ditaase or atfir l r lief, and apprehen sion begu in be felt by myself, iha: siie would not • arrive ra ic'i longer, and tr th; intense agony in which she was laboring, I had recourse to your in r iluahle Cordial, an i bes >re she had takan onr bottle of it, relief was obtain’d; ant after V ing two, was entirely curs I. I feel sura that Ii a in debted to it, for her life. Yo ica i use this a- -ru mav see proper. BS.NJ. GARDNEi. Eafaala, Aia. July 15, 1817. worms ! worms 2 1 wdhjis :! j Dr. Wa a Ira Ia v/ uS o j fi a safe al l e:fi :ie it rami ly for Worms. Try it. It is as gool as the best, an.l cheap as the chca oas*. G •iji i. Pi'ce c o., Gt . Ju'n 12, 10 k>.— Mr. Wood ruT:—P.ease f>r vir I i ovn ■ bat aly three dozen o! yoir W »rm Spec fie. We have calls for it daily. Send it without delav. Resnactfullv. JO ;I N G. 1111,1,. Jc CO. TilbP, co., G t.. Dc. 12. 1015. Or. Wool if: 1 h ive rece itly nia la trial of your W.or a Specific in a vary bn 1 cis *. with tha 1» l e.oie t edocn. 1 think in >ra of j thin evar, aid beliov • it will d o i i ( JD oases in the IJO, J. E. 11DPER, M. D. Dali Rigors M iln t-3 \n’ o i:i a fjw MLn oi-o-i w>h— THE IMPERIAL II V23R PASTE. Ka.il what Si u i W. F.ro irn oy. E I :o r of the Coin n’» is E iqn rer. say; in regard to i. - : H ivi igm iie ' ri il of the Ra or St op Pn ye for •o n’s or m >n‘hs lam satis ie 1 that it is a’l that a sti f bear !e I ra in can re j lira to put his dull razor in c <m olete order. Wne ilp irehase 1 a box of this I had no faith in its su oario- q ia it es. b it experience has convinced m o that i" i; c ititled to all the ce’ebritv it h>.s obtained; the ariic' o is a dr't rate thin r and no mistake. S VM'L W. FLOURNOY. Columhus. N or. 21 a. lull. AU the above or’o-.rations Or sa’c Wholesale an 1 R-tail by W. K. Kll’CH u\. Angts u, Gao,; R. W. R 'gers. Waynes';o -o i tK; W. W. Carr, Jack • o ihorourn; Thu. hVliite At Co., Wri riitsborouTh; C. C. Coly. Warr’ntou; J. VJ. Jones, 51 tvdeld; W. Davis, Powel ton; 11. S. Be man. Mount Zion; J. R. Simpson & Co.. Spirta; and in most of the counties through out the State of G * >rgia. Ju!y 1B N D M3R3 V/Hi VB. GREY 03. RED H AIR. A REMEDY which enhances considerably the beauty and alters the appearance of the coun tenance from that wb ch is much disliked. It is pleasing to have elßcient means to remove these defects. To effect this change of hair so much wished for. is the grand and never failing property of JULES HAUELS VEGETABLE LIUUID HAIR DYE , which the proprietor can with justice ■tate,is far beyond any thing of the kind ever vet known in this or u: y other country. Its properties are very power!id though very* innocent. This chemical result is a wonder, as it enables persons to dye instantaneously their hair without the least inconvenience. For changing red cr grav hair, whiskers, eyebrows, Are. to a brown, "black, or chesnut color. The slightest evil consequences need not be feared from its use—.t is altogether harmless. This composition is the only one sanc tioned by the science of chemistry to dye. in an in delible manner, the various gradations of colors, without danger or inconvenience and has justified the liberal patronage and unlimited confidence of the public. If block is required, ask for box mark ed N., if broHxn. box marked B, For sale, wholesale and retail, by JULES HAI EL. Perfumer and Chemist, 120 Ch' snut street. Philadelphia. And by J. E. MARSHALL. IIAV!LAND. RIS LEY & CO., WM. H. TUTT. and W. HAINES. J.-., and at most all Druggists throughout the U. S. Beware of Counterfeits.—Ask for ■ Jules Hand's Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye," if you want the gen uine article. Price 75 cts. and per box. A premium awarded at the Franklin Institute. July 1 tw BRICKS FOR SALE THE Subscriber hsa for sale and will keep hand at his Brick Yard »-n Green i £5-0,000 SRICKS, $». L BA*rORD Jex. a 97 ffajj ’.'b*.. PROSPECTUS. FOR THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AN D APPENDIX. "Y issue this Prospectus to apprise the public hah ;hc CONGREci-SluN AL GLOBE Ac AP. EN DIX ioy tjj appraaaaiig session, and to invite s ibsciuptioas. Jhe two Houses liavlagco.i racteJ ußii u» lor toe work, oa such terms as enanle us no v to make complete reports, to multiply and i i.= ue toe aurabera i i q acker =ua css.oa than here to; re, and u ithout increasing tie price to sub ?i:rii i-rs. we hope to make a good rerun for the iihci oity i 'd high ahici.il sanction thus bestowed i on the publication. We shall increase the volume at least ‘i iC-tbird heyon-i tha ordinary bu;k; and cudesve-r to add toils usefulness by cxicnding otki further it s large circulation. Till- last is not the least important point in the view of Caatresa- Faithful and durable reports o< : the debates of the bony are of value in pr.iponion i ti iii'i t-xient of their circulation among she people, jltis in tids way that Co ngress is brought into the j presence cl us remote constituents—that it obtains 1 easy access and holds communication with them : from d-y to lay, aad readers the government rcai i y represcatat.vc. Having received from ali iiarti'-s ia Congress the ; strongest marks of approbation and confidence in i the liberal luc-a.os and permanent contract voiedto continue the work, we shall not be found wanting in the impartiality and industry n< cessary to the due fulfilment of the engagement on our part. The next session will task to the utmost the best efforts of L ose connected with the undertaking. It will be disti -guisned by discissions of extraordinary in -1 terest ami resuits of abiding concern. T.is war. | its origin and conduct by officers in the cabinet and j in the field, uhi turnisli subjects of profound inquiry 1 and consideration. Ihe terras rs peace, the dis position to be made of conquests, the consequences to be drawn from ass that has been done, as aiTect ing parties in this country, and especially as bear ing on the a iproaching Presidential election, will open up novel and powerfully operating discus s ons. rendering tae councils at W ashington daring the next year as pregnant of good or evil to this continent as those of Rome were to the O.f World in the days ot her early energv. Such a in id for deliberation and action was never presented to any Congress. All that has transpired, or niav here after tr an so. re before the close < f the approaching session of Congress, in New Mexico, California, in the capital ot M.-xico. and the provinces still de pendent on it, will come under the consideration of the next Congress. Its debates will contain the history ot the war. and its action d tcrmlne i»s re su is. waetiier they bo docile Iby arms i r diplo macy. And whatever is developed concerning this vast and interesting matter on the floor of Con gress or in the Executive messages,‘will be found recorded in the Coxgukssio.x.il Close and Af fenmx. 1 tie Congressional Globe is made up of the dailv proceedings of the two Houses of Congress, and printed on superfine double royal paper, with small type, (brevier and nonpareil.) n quarto form, each number containing sixteen royal quarto panes. The speeches ot the members in tins first form, are condensed—the full report of the prepared speeches being reserved for the Appendix. All j resolutions, mot ons, and other proceedings, are j given ir. the form of the Journals, with the seas i | and nays on every important question. Every member will have an opportunity to read : hi; remarks before they are p it to press, aad alter 0 ir report, ii he shad think it incorrect. Thu Appendix is made up of the President’s an- I unni message, the reports of the principal officers of the government that accompany it. and all speeches oi the members of Congress, writien out or revised by lhera.se.vcs. It n printed in the same torra as the Co irressinnal Ghibe, and usually makes about the same number of pages during a session. During the first month or six weeks of a session, there L rarely more bu-incssdoac than will make two numbers a week—me of the Congressional Giobe and o c qf the Appendix; bat during the re mainder ot a session, there is usually autficient mat tcrlvir t >or l it* ii i n isrjot oic i evsrv week. The next session will be unusually interesting, therefore, we, calculate that the "Congressional s G.obo and Appendix together will make near 3,000 | large quarto pages, printed j a small type —brevier aud n- npareil. We furnish complete I idexes to botli at the end of a session. W e will endeavor to print a s'ifnc:c”t number of surplus copies to supply ail that may be miscar ried, or lost m the mails ; but subscribers should lie very particular to tile their papers carefully, for fear that we should not be ab.e to supply all the lost numbers. have a tew surplus copies of the Congression al Globe tor the last se-sion of Congress, which we will seli for the original subscription price —s I a cope. We have no surplus copies of the Appendix for that session. TFUKS. For one copy of the Co i gressional Globe. .52 00 For one copy of the Appe div 2 00 For six copies of either, or pa-t of bo h 0 00 i BLAIR X. RIVES. Washington. Oct. 4,1317. PRD3PEJTJ3 OV THE COLUNI3J3 T:n-I3 3. I ‘STJFAfi'TNG been for four year; the Editor of the O. ‘ T»mcs. the undersigned presumes that his j readers and the Democratic Tarty in Western Georgia, whose political organ and a gent he has endcav 'red to be. are by this time sufficiently ae qnainte 1 svitii him to know whether he is worthy ot their confidence and support as a Democratic Ll.i It i; proper to say, that when I came into t!ie Editorial management of this paper, the estab- S li-shnicnt was very much depressed in point of pros p.uuty. 1 saw at once tliat the oaper was to be built , ; up d before a hope con: Ibe i ntcrtalncd of i s , i prosperity. I:s subscription list, no: so lar ;c by ore | aa.; a; i should be. had run to weed, anti was cr j c imbered with many bad aud doubtful names.— I I'iii; required purgation and renovation. Confidence 1 j in the stability a id permanence of the paper ha 1 to ; he established. lu sh »rt the prestige ot it.; success was all to be created b\ the exertions of myself and • | partners. While we have done much towards the ; accomplishment nl the object, more remains to be j ! do >e. A id it becomes necessary forme tosav to ray p ilitical friends, that if they desire me to continue j j at my present past, they must give such tokens of : that desire and their approbation as will cna j ble me to afford to do so. The present is deem ed in auspicious time to present tills subject to my political friends. Tue Governor’s elec tion is at hand. Our candidate i; of Western Georgia, "born ot the Manor.’’ and we should j take the lead in giving him a support that will c x j hibit, what we who know him best, think of him. j Bop alar, able, and faithful to his political principle?. —George VV. Towns offers to his friends, at once, j the strongest incentives to an active and earnest I support, and a cheering guarantee of his success. 1 o the attainment ot important ends, means must j always be consulted. The press and the stump arc • the engines of political enlightenment and' the means of success in the propagation and triumph | of political principles. I believe I can unhesita tingly appeal to my course as a Democratic Editor, 1 as a proof of my fidelity and single-hearted pur | pose to achieve the true iionor and victorious sue I cess of Democratic principle*. Bv what has pass j od. I am willing to be judged lor the f iture. With ■ renewe I energy and rekindled enthusiasm in the cause. I come forward to ask of the Democratic Bar i tv. such encouragement, in the unequivocal shape j of a largely increased circulation, as will at the same time enable inc to feel that I am both useful i to my party, and true to myself and those depend : ant upon my e--*rti ins, in the editorial profession to which 1 ; n all 13 ied. j V\ ith those *.c .vs. the following prospectus some what varying from our usual terms is put forth. Persons draining subscribers will please forward the names immediately. JOHN FORSYTH, Editor, i Columbus. JulyTth, 1847. GIN MAN UFACTORY. | r|A TIE SUBSCRIBERS have entered into ,IL copartnership tor carrying on the above bu siness in this city, and have taken the shop rccent !ly occupied bv J. T. adk.ou Green-street, two | doors above the Baptist Church, where they are now prepared to manufacture to order, Their well known Cotton Gin?, which, for faithfulness of co istruciion. and dura bility <>f material, will compare favorably with the best made in this Slate. Their arrangements are such, that all work con ■ ti ’eci to them can bo relied on. and a* punctuality ' is 1 cardinal point with them, customeres will not meet with disappointments. [FT* Repairing of ati kinds done at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner. liOATWRICET A LIVES. J -VM FS T. IkLtTW nlttfli. I ■ IkMtt y. liTViS It D«c 30. [ PROSPECTUS OF A NEW JOURNAL! THE REPUBLIC. ftjTThis is tuc title ol a. Nck Paper, •svlu: i id.' sußSCiußtu proposes to puuiis.i m Uie city of Augusta. The Republic will advocate with zeal, and mein ; tain with liJetity. the great and conservative prin- j ctples of the V/hig Party. Home Industry | wui receive a cordial support, aa.l Do aideatiy s;e>- | tamed in opposition to systems calculated to foster : F.-HEIGS ia'.ercs’.s at me expense of American. j Tm: Distribution among the Sta T-es or Tin j Proceeds or the Svlf.s or the Pubi.ic | Lands, will be urged as soon as the state of the national finances will permit, as a measure of ex pediency and justice. The Sub-Treasury will be opposed, as a scheme for keeping; and disburs ing the public funds—less safe and economical . than the arreacy o! Banks. The Acquisition of ; Foreign Territory will be opposed as unne cessary for toe wants of our penp.e, dangerous to j the peace and satety ot the Union, and utterly ad verse to Southern-security, Peace with Mem- Co will be advocated us a measure to be honestly ! and honorably consummated at the earliest prac tic able period. For tne sake of brevity, we will define our course no farther in reference to National politics and affairs. The Republic will as ardently sustain W hig policy ash measures in Georgia as it will those for the Union at large. The views of the subscriber, in reference to Stale interests. Slave been so often put forth in the colam is of the Chronicle S,' Sentinel fiat it is unnecessary to re iterate them now. Suffice it to say, that e very effoit whicSi the Republic can make to add to the prosperity of the cheat commonwealth of G eorgia, and the happiness of her people, will be made as a free-will offering of one of her native sons. The interests ok Augusta wi I receive a large snare of his attention. Whatever can add to her population and wealth, and the prosperity of her people, will he sustained by The Republic with unwearied devotion. It is the fervent wish of the subscriber to «ce : the South and North linked in the bond* of per- ! penial harmony and friendship. Their differences will be to The Republic a source of constant solicitude, and its eff -rts will be warmly directed to heal their broke i affections.and point to a ' aTion ii. pathway < • e glory, marked out by our Con stitution AND THE \M>E PRECEPT* OK OUK poi itical fathers. A srreat struggle—a period full of danger, and worthy of solemn thought—peers up before us in the eventful future. When all hope of reconcilatinn | is gone and our political constellation is darkened j by clouds and storms, we shall be content to triumph ; or fall with the South. Her final destiny shall b« | our destiny, aad our faith and love Dial! be hers to the last. While TH F, tAN VANS IS GOING ON.OF TH E CIA IMS OF DISTINGUISHED WtllGS FoK THE FIKsT OFFK E WITHIN THE GIFT OF THE PEOPLE, TIIE REPUB LIC WILL SUSTAIN THOSE OF THE GREATEST Nt ates.m wofhi e ag f. HEN !l V CLA V. Age has not yet dimmed the lustie of his genius. Time does not. cannot darken the moral grandeur and beauty of his fume, for that is founded upon undv fNG DEVOTION To HIS COU NT RV, and PU BUC SER VICES, WHICH HAVE GIVEN HIM A HOME IN THE i HEARTS OF HI! CDUSTRVMKV. AND THE N ATION A | lofty character ABROAD. His genius and practi cal m is.lon have illumined our councils, and m r.ssKD the Republic, while oven sages have been fascinated by his eloquence in defence of the Constitution *nd in ifforts to preserve j the Union.l.ike a St.uiof Hope, he yet shines in the West, and patriots still look to his radiant in llucnce to RE-ILLUM INE THE CLOUDED PROSPECTS of the Republic. j This, however, will he no factious support. Thf I Republic will give ih best energies toe flee : the eleetioa of Him, av'i nn the Whigs may choose to lead them to anticipated victory. Besides its political information, the Republic will furnish the CURRENT NEWS OF the .day, and will be constant ly enriched with interesting talks, essays, his torical sic etch ks, and other literature, se lected with a strict reference to its purity and ex cellence. It will zealoas'v maintain the cause ol education. Particular care wi.l be pa.J to its COM M ERL IA L1 • EI’.UiTXI I: VT. The readers of ilie Chronicle Sr Sentinel have ha 1. in the editorial columns of that.paper for the mat twenty months, specimens of such ability for writing as the subscriber the leading editorials for that period, with few exceptions, j bavin; been written by hun-eif. He desires to j ) cultivate a cordial good reeling with his bkkrun es j ok nit. Whig and Democratic Press. The ' latter shall find iu The Republic, a frank, manly. I and honorable opposition. The Subscriber, it conclusion, asks for a gin- i Eituus confidence and liberal patronage;! and PROMISES IN return, CONSTANT AM) IN CREASED EXERTIONS TO PROMOTE THE. PUBLIC FNTEP.T INMKNT AND GOOD. AM) THE TRIUMPH OF ntK PRINCIPLES OF THE WillG PARTY. The Republic Aviii he published Tri-Weekly and \Vf kklv, and also Daily, if the patronage will authorize it, and Avail he printed on nevv and beau tiful type. As the first number will be issued at nr near the commencement of the next year, the Sub scriber respectfully asks of those who favor the enterprise, to send on their names as early as pos- j si hie. The Tri-Wi fki.v Republic will be issued on a medium sheet, the details of news to be copious. I without unnecessary prolixity. The Weekly pa per will he a I. akge sheet, {‘2H by? 8 inches.) Terais Tri-Weekly. sf; Weekly, $2. Payment in advance, or noon the rerention ol ; the first number. JAMES !M. B.MVTHE. October doth, IS 17. DR. JOLL BR AM’S LI 71111 xIND D TIC M d DICINJB. pr?x offering this valuable medicine to tlie people J. of Gc vrria. for the relief and cure of many d ; >- ea;c3 incident to a Southern climate. I do not claim for it infallibility* neither do 1 say it will cure ail diseases. Hut in Chronic Liver Affections and Dyspepsia. 1 can confidently advise and recom mend its u ;e. from my personal observation and use of the article in my own practice. This article is favorably received wherever it has been used. 1 j am allowed to refer to Mr. George Heard of Troup. .Mr. John Warren of Columbus, Mr. McKaffceof Cobb. Mr. Asbury Hull of Athens, Mr. William D. Terrell of Putnam, Rev. John E. Dawson of La grange; to which a great number of names might lie added, who bear their testimony to its value.— Dr. Henry Branham has used this medicine in his own case, and has prescribed it to many others, gives it as his opinion, that it is one of the safest and most valuable medicines that can be used in imperfect digestion, liver complaints, constipation and irregular state of the bowels. It is useful in billions complaints, to persons recovering from bil lions f\ vers.and in sick or nervous head-ache. To pregnant women, who are subject to costivencss. this medicine is well suited. In regulating the state of the stomach and bowels, and promotingdigcstiou, it is particularly useful. I could append a long list of certificates, hut for bear, prefering to rely oTi the virtues of the modi cine to sustain itself. The medicine is a gentle and certain cathartic, tonic anti sudorific. JOEL BRANHAM, Eaton ton, Gn. Price M For sale by A. G. WILLIS. March 11 HOPE FOR Taj AF FLTCTDD ! ! ! NO CURE—NO PAY. Tlx® Pectoral Flixir. A W A Rl! AN T T E D CU R E EO R Cong'is. ('>‘!ils, Asthma, Claris:/, Cain in the S’de, Pneummna, H Iwoj incr Cout h. Croup. linnehitis. Inter Complaint , Consumption, and event disease, to >c'i tie organs of the Chest are incident. rsmns invaluable remedy, (a discovery of one JL of the must scientific Physicians in the Uni ted States.) has now been in u>c about three ; years, and stands unrivalled by any other, for the cure of tlie above diseases. The PECTORAL ELIXIR is confidently recommended to the pub lic. (esp-cially o. Southern climates, where at mospheric vicisitudes are so frequent) as an in fallible cure for all the ailments specified above, and numerous testimonials might be adduced to I substantiate the fact. It acts bv opening the pores of the skin an i equalizing tlie circulation, a disarrangement of which produces ail the of the Lungs. The Pectoral Elixir is not only free from anv thing, which could prove injurious from its long continued use. but on the possesses properties that strengthen the r‘ • „«ch , and and wards off an attack upon tnose or gans. The proprietor, so confidant of its success, has authorized his agents in every case where it fails to give satisfaction, to refund the money. Each bottle accompanied with ample directions. For sale wholesale a"d retail by WM. 11. 11 TT, 8.4e Agc nt for Augusta. Prize £1 p*r bottle or iis bottler for 1 1 VC- 5 3.UKM KATES OF FKElGirr UN iiiE GEORGIA AND WESTERN AAD ATLANTIC KAIL ROAD. rv V. .*—* .- . CkT ~ ? -XT *- --V v>r ; I GEORGIA RAIL W. A A. H ROAD, i • .«• l‘*f i1 . |I i| 113 j g> - .»i£ 8 ' -7 = <S Xvu I BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND H 1 -3 V- T = - = < J-i I I s |c|j| s |J 14 k-«s |S| | cx c v 5 j: First Class —lioxes o: ilals, LonneLs and Furni- I ! I 1 turc, per so . v Isolo\ $0 8 50 S 50 10 5012U501b 5013 | Second diss —Boxes and Bales of Dry Goods," i Shoes,Saddlery, Glass, Paints, Oils, Drugs and _ I Confectionaries, per 100 bu 1 s c-j 40 50 CO i 0 uC IGO , T i d Cias. —Sugar, Coffee. Liqnar. Bagging, Rope, Butter, Che esc .Tobacco. Leather, i Ikies. Couon-Yaras. Copper, Tin, Feathers, Sticet- Iron.Hoilow-Ware.Crockcry, Castings. Hard-, ware and o'iier heavy articicsnot enumerated __ below, per ICO lbs i 37A 00 00 0b 45 c-0 GO Fourth. Class —Flour, Rice, Bacon, Pork. Beef. Fish, Lard, Tallow. Beeswax, Bales of Rags, Ginseng. Green and Dried Fruit, Mill-Gearing, ■; Bar and Pig Iron, Mill and Grind Stones, per i 100 1b5...! £5 I 35 3-5 25 30 55 4-0 ■ Cotton —Per toO ibs j 50 30 30 30 j Os 45 45 Suit- —For Liv. Sack, not exceeding 1 bushels 45 ) 30 35 40 50 (>0 <5 | Per Bushel i 12 ) 8 10 10 __ 13 Ifi 13 ] Ifdasscs —Per Hogshead I stO 4CO oCO SCO <CO SCO SSO j Plows. WhccJ-Parrows, Corn-Shcllers, Straw- 1 f Cutters ard Cultivators, each j 50 j 50 50 *0 j Oats, in sacks, per bushel, by the Car Load : C j C G G 8 j 0 11 t Corn i I 8 j S 8 8 12 H 15 | Wheat, Peas. Feans. Rye. IN'uts and Crass-; i | j Seeds, per bushel, bv the Car Load : 8 10 10 10 , II j 16 lo , Lime —ln Casks or Boxes, not exceeding • ! i _ I . bushels each j| 30 I 3<i »0 40 , 45 60 Car Load of Live Stock ' .3-5 00 ,35 CO i«>s CO u 5 (X* J.'is CO CO u 3 CO j dEUFiar other articles see list. i Qfj*Frc'g’at for Atlanta, Athens, aad all stations on the M estern *su Atiantic Rail Read, payable at those stations. For other stations it must be paid in Augusta. F. C. ARMS. Superintendent of Transportation. T ansport-ation O’rxe, Georgia Kail Road ond Banka,_ Company, ) Augusta, Ca„ July 15,1817. S July 17 SOL ill CAROLINA AND GEORGIA Railx'oa.d Packiga Express. rpIIII SOl Tii CEVROLIX VaudNSEOR. Gifs. KAIL ROAD UOj-i PA NILS having placed upon their mail trains efficient and trust wor.ht Baggage Masters and Express Agents, arc now prepared to give "Checks” for all Baggage go ing through between Charleston and Atlanta, and also to receive and forward promptly and at rea sonable rates,any Packages which mat be entrust ed to their charge. All articles to be thus forward ed at ill he deposited with any of ih<? authorized agents of the above mentioned companies, who will daily receive therefor. F. C. ARMS. Gen. Sup’t G. R. R. A B. Co, Transportation Office. G. P. R. & B. Co, £ Augusta Gi. Sept. 23. 1317. S BEL- AIK TRAIN—G LO. K. ROAUT a -j» On and after Monday, 2Gth ins*., this 7A.--U L A Train will leave Augusta atG. P. 31., and Hci-Air at 7, A. M. “ I Oa Sundays, leave Bel-Air at 9, A- ?<!., and re turn from Augusta at I, P. M. July 23 G-iE3 ORG-Ta, M bCO W ATffD Wi33TSRN AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC HAIL ROADS. i- :!-■ (tlrm -j.~ .T"»a , j . -•u..-'-• . -Wr:; v - -st-N -cy -M -• -< f-'e- -Ug.; filE Passenger Train, carrying the Great Sou:hern Mail between .New York and New Or.cans,leaves Augusta daily at 3 o’clock, P. ar riving at Atlanta at 7£ o'clock. A. 31.; leaves Atlan ta at 8 o’clock, A. 3L, and arrives at Griffin at 10 o’clock. A. 31. Returning, leaves Griffin at 1 o’- c ock. P, M., arriving at Atlanta at 3A P. 31., leaves .'vti.iiita a: 1 o'clock, P. 31., and arrives at Augusta at 3A o'clock. A. 31. I i connection with this train, a locomotive leaves Union Point for Athens, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, i and Saturdays, at 7 o’clock. A. 31. Returning, i leave Athens on ihs same days at 2 o'clock. A. 31. The Passenger I rain upon the State Road leaves j Atlanta daily, (Sundays excepted.) at 8 o’clock. A. ; M-, and arrives at Dalton at 5j o’clock. P. 31. Ilet.tr.iing, Haves Dalton at 7 A. 3l , and ar- J rives at Adautn, m time for the evening train to i Augusta. Stager run in connection with the cars, as fol lows: Daily. —The Express Mail Line, the Georgia Rail Roal Ihue, and the South Carolina Rail Road Line iro.n Griffin to New Orleans, passing through Greenville, La Grunge and West Point to Auburn, thence by Rail Road lo Montgomery. Also, from Barnesville vxa Columbus, to Auburn. From \Varrentoa to 31 aeon via Sparta and 3til led re vihe. From Madison, every Monday, Wednesday, and j Friday, via Eatonic:; to Milmlgeriile. From Athens, on Tu-s la;, s, Thursdays and fcsatur | days, after the arrival of the morning train, via I Gainesville to Cassvillc, and D:>hlonega. i From Double V.'ells. on Tuesdays. Thursdays. and Saturdays, to Washington, \\ likes county, and i Abbcvdie. S. G. From Kingston every day, (Sundays excepted.) via Rome, Double Springs, Warrentun, and Dcca ' tur to 3leraphis. Tcaa. From Stone Mountain on 3londavs. Wednesdays ; an'l Fridays, for Lawrenceville and Gainesville. From Dalton on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. for Chattanooga, Ter n. [R/ 3 1 HROLGH TICKETS, from Auguita to H' ntsvllle. Decatur, or i'uscambia. Ala., can be had at the G. R. R. Ticket Office, for siß. Office Geo. U. R. & B'k’g Co.. Aug, 17, 1847. UNIVERSITY OP LOUISVILLE. LAW DEPA R I’M ENT—SECOND SESSION, mm: i [on. E 31 Ev, ing. lute Ciiicf J usiice ol (nc a. State of Kentucky, having been appointed to the professorship vacated by the resignation of Garnett Duncan. Esq., elected to Congress, the ! Faculty of Law now consists o 11 mi. Husky Piktm , L. E. D., Professor of Con stitutional Law, Equity and Equity Pleadings, and (Commercial Law. Hon. Ephu.um M. Ewing, L. L. D.. Professor of the Science of Law. including tlie Common Law and its History, and Criminal Law. Preston S. Loughborough, L. E. I)., Profes sor of the Law of Heal Property. o[ the Practice of Law, including Pleading and Evidence, and the Laws of N'adons. The course of tuition tor the second session wilt commence, in Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Monday in November next and continue four months. Students are arranged in two class :ss according to their proficiency. Instruction will be given by recitations, by cx ; animations, and by oral lectures and expositions, of which six in every week will be given to each i class. \ .Moot Court will sit twice in each week, at • which a cause, previously given out, will be ar gued by the students, and an opinion delivered by the presiding professor. The students will also be exercised in the pre paration ol legal instruments and pleadings. The students of the Law Department of the University are. bv a provision of its charter, enti te l toa trad tlicLectureson 3ledi» a!Juiisprudence in the Medical Department without charge. A curse of such lectures will he delivered to the Law and Medical classes during the session. The libraries of the professors and also of tlqe i practioners of law in the city will be open to the students. A capital of near 53,000 having been obtained, is about to be Invested in the purchase of a Law Library, to which the students will have ac cess.. Students whoshali have attended two full courses of instruction iu this University, or one in some other school and one in this, or have practised the profession one year, and attended one course of lectures here, and have passed a satisfactory ex amination, will he entitled, upon the recommenda tion of the Law Faculty to the Degree of Bache lor of Laws, which the University is authorized to co'ffer. The fee is 523 to each professor, and the mail i culation fee 55- Good hoard and lodging can be had in Louisville and its vicinity for from 53 to $3 50 per week.— The lecture rooms arc in tlie new Court-House, and are commodious and comfortable. Comxuunicatiwiis should be addressed to Prof. I Pirtle. JAMES GUTHRIE. President University o; i-ouK v I Ue i Sept.-* 3a W / STWT ?•>* SI|SV" T, S\ ; Sr* te\ w WV* tr:* >ajr •«> ■== sea- ! j -:<? T£7 Cct *[: T N Tff °TF« I '- iHirf fe»\rf i_ 'w' **' w w- w >—’ i- fc«.* *M> . AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Having recently put our JOB OFFICE in com j pletc order, and made extensive additions to our 1 former assortment of FANCY T1 PE, we are now , prepared to execute with ncatnes and at short j notice ALT, EIKOS OF PLAIN, FANCY and ORNAMENTAL 1 act « ci cw <m ■*• e-~i - -« ~ , SUCH -V 5 Handbill?, Visiting Cards, Labels, Cotton Receipts* Cards, Blanks, Circulars, Checks, Notes, Bit! Heads, &c. Q7/*AU orders from the Country will meet with ! prompt attention. TO THE BEAUTIPIERS OF THE | COMPLEXION, Surprising Efficacy. A|TV EAU DIVINE DC VENUS and NYMPH i v i SOA P, composed of an Eastern Botanical dis covery of surprising efficacy, for rendering the Skin soft and fair, as well as imparting a delicate roseate h le to the complexion. As a creator and conservator of that most distin ! guishiug charm of female loveliness, a transparent fair skin, Juics Hand's Nymph Soap of Eau Divit e Dc Venus may be said to exert an almost magical power. Composed for the most part ot Oriental Balsamic Plants, to the utter exclusion of all mine ral admixture, it is distinguished medici tally for its extremely bland, purifying and soothing action on ; the skin: and by acting on the pores and minute se cretory vessels, expels all imp unties from the sur- | ! face, allays every tendency to iratfanimation, and j : by this method alone, effectually dissipates all red- • ' ness, tan. prinples, freckles, sunburn and other un j sighifnl cutaneous visitations, so inimical to female i i lovliness. Its use will change the most hiiious com- j plexion into one of radiant whiteness; while on the | neck, hands and arms it bestows a delicacy and fairness which its continued use will happily pro '■ lect, and every appearance of youthful charm, to the most advanced period of life. For sale, whole | sale and retail,by JULES HAUEL. Practical Chemist and Perfumer, No. 120 Cites nut-jt. And bv J. E. MARSHALL. HAVILAND, RIS LEY & CO., and W. HAINES. Jr. A premium aw arded at the Franklin Institute. April 1 fw 1 -33 DR. LB ROY’S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. THE startling drawback on nearly all Medicinal Agents has ever been that in their process of pur gation and purification, they have also Debilitated \ fie S',stem, fierce Purgative 3ledicir.es have al- ■ ways been regarded as at best but a Necessary Kril; Patients resorting to them for the relief of on. disease at the expense of another. To obviate j this. Physicians have long sought for an Agent that . . ' , '-J O O v. ouid at the same tune PURGE PURIFY AND STRENGTHEN. But their efforts were nearly fruitless, and thev j had aluio.-t despaired of success when the labors of science and research, were rewarded by a discov- j I cry which fully realized the ion do. t desires of the Medical Faculty, and which is justly regarded as ! one of the most important Triumphs that Pharmacy 1 has ever achieved. This important desideratum is named Dr. Lc Roy’s Vegetable Universal Pills. Vv h:ch P unfit the Jilood , and remove ail corn//1 and vitiated lininoi s, ami u/dienlthij arcvmul itions from the body in a manner never before rivalled, and which yet produce no weakness or lassitude what ever, but on the contrary, tone the Stomach, and invigorate the constitution during the progress of thek" operation. Dr. Le Roy's Pills, in fact, unite tho-e heretofore irreconcilable, but most desirable qualities, Evacuation and Tnvirroration. for thev are at the same time a STRENGT! lENING PLKGA TIVK, AND A PURIFYING TONIC. 'I he two paincipal ingredients in Dr. Le Roy’s Bills are WILD CHERRY & SARSAPARILLA. So prepared that each promotes the beneficial ef fect ot the oilier, the former strengthening, while the latter, through its union with various vegetable ingredients, evacuates and purities; thus thev su perinduce no torpidity nr lassitude of the the Diges tive Functions, and hence their operations arc at tended by no Re-action or .Subsequent Costiveness. Dr. Le Roy's Pills are the most active and search ing Medicine in existence. They at once attack the very root of Diseases, and their action is so 1 prompt that in an hour or two after thev are taken, the patient is aware of their good effects. Thev not only operate on I lie Blood, but also on the chyle, of which the Blood is formed, and this secures good blood trom the fountain head, moreover, they pro duce neither nausea, griping or debility, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Price -d els. i per box. S hi wholesale and retail bv HAVILAND. RIS ER V A CO.. THOM A* BARRETT A CO.. WM. HAINES. D ANTIGNACA CARRY, and AVAL K. KIT<’HEN, and at retail by Druggists through ' out the Slate. May 4 80 DYB 8c ROBERTSON. WAREHOUSE AND C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, fi ONTINI E tho above business at their old > stan 1. East Side of Mclntosh-street, woe re they are prepared to receive consignments of COT TON. GRAIN. FLOUR, BACON.Ac. At the r .Store on Broad-street, next door below the Hardware Store ot 3lr. John Bones, where they will also keep a supply of GROCERIES, and will he happy to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. I liev have procured the services of 3lr. J. R* C RO( KER, lately in the employ of Messrs. Daw- I son A. \V caver. who will devote his entire atten . tion to the Warehouse business. Liberal advances made on Produce in store when i required, MARTIN M. DYE. Sept. 9Ei t F. T> ROBERTSON LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Port Office at Aognsta, Ga.. on the Ist of Januery. ISIS. Os r* Pet.oa wishing letters iron; this list will please say arc advertised. A Adams J.rars I- Ayres William M Alien miss Emily Anthony James Andrews j nomas Arcllc ftl C Andrews mr B Barton Levingston 2 Polch«T M !* Berry miss Elizabeth Bowdry mrs Ann Bell William W Boyd njrs Elizabeth Bell II D 2 lioyden Edward Bishop miss Sophia Imutett David S Beil H 1' Brooks rev Iverson L 2 Barnes Boy la II - Bowen James Bateman mrsS M Bridges Robert D Bird mrs E Brown mrs Maihcna Bishop decree frown C 2 Barton George W Bruckner John T Battcy G W Buffington France! Divings Thos Maxy 1* orßyrd mrs Eliza J Slaughter Bennett James B Bold a Mary Bucklev Jam c A Boatwright James S Burge Wiley B i Boyer miss 31 ary Josa-Burtou mrs H A * pbiue C Cade col John or GeorgcCox mrs Henry Waggle Clark Sc Oak man Carpenter A. H- Combad Jordan 31 Chartran Wm Coo Ciller Clark Larkin L Cummins John Coleman 31 R Crisp W II Corieil A S Crawford Charles Cobb Thomas A r> Daniels James Dennis John jr Devero Matilda Dwyer mr Dawson Chariest! Dwyer J Donnes rev John E Ellis miss Clara Evans James E Ellis ton J J F Feudal! mrs Sarah M Fursman lion John Fcrrel Caroline A Fridell John Fitts E 31 Florence mrs E Fanasce John Fluciliu Cornelius I - 'air Evelina G Gardner John L Gibbs William Gibson John D GallihercolS ; Gillmon miss E Gugcr Isaac D 3 Gibbs F Y Griffin Thomas Gullage mrs 3lary or JuoGarduer B 31 Wilks Green N I* | Gaskins James 2 Gordon John E Ij , | Harris Uriah Heckle lhomas2 ‘ Harden miss J Hightower J W I Heckle Christopher Hcwson W : Hi 1 Madison M Hoping Samuel II Hillman ST Houston mrs Eucrctia I Heidi Valentin Huggins Abraham B j Hill John L Hunter mrs Nancy 2 j Henderson mrs Mary Hubbard John B ! Hitchcock mi's Charles M I ' Ingram miss E Irwin J L ! • J I Jones William 2 Johnson Elisha R j Jones John \V Jennings TJ James Richard S 3 Jernagan Wm : Johnson R Jo well G W ' Johnson Cesar care of mrJohnson J W Sc W 3 J nines Gardner K King John Kent J Ki-1 1 y miss M King GcoS King John T Knecland J W Knight W Kenady M Knight E Kelly John Keith D Kelly Jeremith Knight R W Kent miss Susan Knight J W E Law ton Wm S Eongstreet Gilbert ; Leonard James F Lindsay C II 2 i LeonardJa* Lindsay Samuel ; Lacy L Lincoln il Laventure J D Lucas E I.ongworth \V N Lovell Lewis Lockwood Geo Me .Me.A flee Daniel McCoy C M 3'civic James McGlue D 31 | .Mahorev Daniel Mnsgrovc RH | iMagratn W J filontague 31 C I Maiuurv miss Mary M<dieu m.ss Alary A E Matins Joseph Moore A Mathis J L Mousley II 31 ay son 111, Mulien'P 1 31 kjruder C B Moody dr W 31 aj i iider .31 L Monday J 1) 31 1 1« hoi S Monday II 4 31crru Solomon 31 vers Samuel N Nimnio W G "3 Neagle .1 Nichols J C INicoias miss Virginia 1 NVi in m-.s II Titos care of Ghas Netc J T Ncasou ; a B o O'Hare John O’Neal Wm O‘Nci.l mrs Odam mrc Jane I’ Baer Susan Peterson John I’rarks Wet IN ck E INgoit A Bereaul L Baschal Thcs2 Berryman Elisha j Parr Thos Brim rose B II Parsons E N Buerscat L Painter Susan Paukins David Pecp.es E 11 2 li . Ray miss Jaue Ring B R Rives II R Robinson n:r Kiisimi 31 Roheris Lizzy j Rheney miss A Roach T 2 Rhodes J A oi R B Day Rudler F J , Rice Luke Robinson S 2 Richardson F Roberson A. Llridge S I Segn A Smith D C So gee Joseph Smith C W Salmond J 1) Smith 11 Skinner miss E V Smith Pratt for Jas Jones Shamblen capt John Snowden Thomas Skinner miss Jane Stark Pinkney Shine Dennis St urges Andrew B Simpson J nines Summerville miss A Sherman W L Surrey R Shannon Geo Stockflilh John Sharii miss Arabella I ‘ T Tehorn II Tench G R Pant Thomas Thomas Edwin Tant Phebean Tel ley James T aibit David Tutt Robert H Tytoa Wm Townsend H W V Vanderhoof Edward A Var.derfore Wra care of Davis Adams W Walker Daniel Winter F Wakehand mrs Ann Williamson R A 2 j Walsh David 2 Williams C H Walker E Wilson T C II W alker .Maria Wilson miss Mary Walker Jane Willcox John White Edmund Wo'dridge Gibson 3\ eiss A 2 Worsted Oliver White Jane Wilson Martha care of W elsh Thos Wm Keener, jr 3 3 oung Amanda E Young dr D Jan. 4 E. B. GLASCOCK. P. 31. gF«flgaLTWsggK«nrriwi'iiiiw TWii MM. »-nraragEsagaßß«iaiHM—ft^jac^Wß» 3V31. VORKE.” 3SAGLS FOUNDRY, AUGUSTA. GA Immediatetv a! ore lot of old Planters’ Hotel. £ i EARING FOR FACTORIES, MILLS, h S GIN'S, Ac., and O'I’HLR CASTINGS,made to order, at the shortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. (ETTATTERNS of every descrip* ! tion made to order. (E!r All machinery, Ac. from this Establishment warranted to work well. Orders from the Coun try will receive prompt attention. From our experience in the business, we feel confident that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. S. B.—Hotchkiss Patent 33 ater Wheels, to suit different heads of water, kept constantly on handw made to order. W3I. VORKE. July 14 w—T.m 16 ’V r OTICE. — The firm heretofore existing under jll the name of MAYES Sc THOMPSON, at Camak. Ga., is This Day dissolved by mutual con sent. The out-standing business of the undersign ed, will be settled by WM. MAYES, one of tho firm, who still continues the 31ercant*ie ■bustnes* at the Old Stand. De*. 5 KAYES &. THOMPSON