Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 25, 1848, Image 3

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withhold this pittance from the step-mother of a distinguished oflicer, who had lost his life in that war. -Mr. Atkinson said, when called upon, he should be willing vote jiiou and millions to sustain the hoao* ■of the country, and he hoped the Wings would be found ready to do likewise. Boydcn —Would he come trp and vote a di rect tax for that pur x ose, or would he go for treasury notes f Atkinson —If necessary to defend the honor -.0l the country he would vote to tax every thing. Mr. Boyden.—That was just in accordance with the dcmocractic doctrine. They would vote men and money to prosecute this war, when Mexico was trembling at our leet, and yet were unwilling to vote a dollar in a case iike this, arising out of the consequences ot that war. The Chair said tkc debate was rather wan ,dering from the subject under consideration. Mr. Boydcn wished to observe every rule of the House. lie had been led astray by the •remarks of the gentleman from Virginia,, lie would vote to provide for every man, worn in and child, connected with those who had lost their lives in this war, who were in circum stances requiring such assistance from the g werument. Let justice be done, though the Heavens do fall. The gentleman from Virginia -w:ts willing to vote a tax to defend the honor rnd liberty of the country —would he vote a .direct tax upon constituents to svJyvgai McxU <CO? Atkinson.—Would rote a direct tax to car ry on the war to compel a just and honorable peace with Mexico. Mr. Boydcn—Did not intend to vote a soli tary man or dollar to carry on the war for the conquest of Mexico. But ho was willing to vote even twenty-five hundred dollars per annum to every person connected with those soldiers and officers whose lives had been sacrificed in this war. Mr. Me Lane, Md.—Did not the gentleman think the army of General Taylor at Matamoros v\ as a forlorn hope? Boyden—No. lie had never believed an army of Americans could be conquered by ten hundred thousand Mexicans. J )id not the .gentleman from Virginia know that our men are just about ta dive into the mines of Mexi co —that they will not want money—that they are doing a little better business now —that Gen. Scott hed sent out every man, womwi and child to collect and throw their mite into his bag? No doubt they would collect enough ■to pay tin* expenses of the army and of the war, and leave a glorious surplus. Atkinson—Then why ask if he would vote n tax ? Boyden—Took it for granted that no mem ber but the gentleman from Virginia took him to - bc in earnest. Atkinson—Had uo idea he was jesting on so grave a subject as Mary Brown. Boyden—lt is the doctrine of the Execu tive that we are about to get all the money two require. Atkinson—Did the geutlctnai’ j when he -declared this war unjust and unconstitutional. Boyden—Was not present when the vote was taken on that resolution, but he would now say that he believed the war unconstitu tionally and unnecessarily commenced by the President, Mr. Hock well, of Connecticut, inquired whether it was in order to di-ems the Mexi can war, while this bill was under considera tion. Mr. Tallmadgc obtained the floor, and spoke jit iome length, iy. favor of granting pensions, not only to widows .married to xevr’.gti -nary ► -hliers prior to 1701, but subsequently. ■Some farther re.narks wore nude by Messrs. .Cummins, Johnson of Tennessee, and Cobb, a'f Georgia, when Mr. ts ill. ol New York, oh- ; taiued the Hour, and offered a substitute for j the hill, a* to! ows ; Strike out all after file exacting clause and insert: “That all the benefits and provisions ,of tho sev ,-rai acts of Congress graining pro visions to the widows of olfh eu and soldiers ot the war of the Revolution, who wore mar ried to such officers or soldiers prior to the •first day ol January, 171> 4, shall be, and they hereby are, extended to all widows of tho .officers and soldiers ot the war of the Revolu tion, who arc now above the age qi seventy -pears, and were married bi lore tiiejlSth day di- March, 1818, to revolutionary officers and sol diers who served as provided for and required .bv these acts : Provided. That such pensions .shall commence on the 14th day of March, 184 7, and shall be payable half yearly.” The committee r<>si, and on motion of Mr. btepheus the .House adjourned to Monday. Bfoney Matters The New York Tribune of Thursday says: The effects of the news on the BUI market has been favorable to remitters., borne well .endorsed Souther*! Bank Sterling sold at quid good individual bills were tff’ered at IV per cent. The supply of Sterling is larger and it he demand is moderate- Probably bills can be bought at per court lower .than b Gore the last steamer. Ship owners bays generally advanced their views to 2s. for Flour to Liverpool. Several of the ships on tire berth have been filled up at Is. 9d. a 2s. Some Cotton was engaged at 3 20, which is better, and some heavy freight at 225. 6d. per tun,. There is considerable Produce offering, which must be pressed tor ward at once in order to come in under tiic advantage of the free duty. The foreign news wasycceived in A\ all street as very favorable, more so than was antici pated. The private commercial letters all speak encouragingly of the future and favora bly of the present. The ace units in the let tc.s are even more favorable than in the news papers. First class bibs were done in London .at 34 per cent, and money was becoming plcn tv, that but for the Railway calls the rate of .discount would be 3 per cent. With money so much cheaper in Loudon than in this coun try, it is conceded by moneyed men in W ail vt.cct that the drain of coin must be arrested. The downward tendency and the increased supply of Sterling Bills also favors this con clusion. Os course with all these favorable symp toms the rc-establishmeut of trade in England mu*t be very slow. .Confidence is however j WegmningfUi be rrstored, and this if one great step toward a return of trade and commerce to their old channels. The tendency of things now is decidedlv to a suspension of specie j shipments from this country, the effect of : which would be to relieve the fears of our bankers and lead to a more liberal policy of | discount. The incubus of the Government wants would still remain, it is true, but the | supposition that the specie clause will by , some means be evaded, robs that of half its effect. There were no American stocks on the mar ket in London, which was an unusual circum stance. There was quite a demand for them, and the rates were appreciating. Iho re sumption of Maryland and the Illinois and In diana arrangements had had a very favorable effect upon the feeling in relation to our secu rities. A letter from a leading house in Lon den states, however, that a Government loan i would meet with no favor there until Missis- i *ippi had shown a disposition to pay her j honest debts. Tkt honored Di:a» —Yesterday the schooner ■ Susan Spotford, arrived here, from New Orleans, having on board the remains of the follow,ng members of the Palmetto Regiment, who fell fighting the battles of their country r ! in Mexico, viz; Lieuts. Adams, of Edgefield; 1 . Williams, of Barnwell; Clarke 01 Fairfield; Ser . -remit Mattisou, of Abbeville, and Privates 1). • 11. Trezevaat and James K unedy, of Coumbia. > 1 hey are on their way to the custody of their ; relatives, to be entombed in their respective ) family burial grounds.-- Charleston Courier,‘Uih ! insL | The 1 Br.s^RAPJt. —W e arc now in connexion 1 by Telegraph, with Columbia,Camdeo/Jheraw, Fayetteville and Raleigh. The progress of ' ( the work is rapid, and but a fortnight will, ' j elapse before the •communication will be concluded to Peferslmrg, thus opening the whole chain to all the Noitherß cities, i W e'understaud that already despatches have been sent to this city from New--Orleans, to be forwarded by i'elegraph to Raleigh, there to be 1 deposited in the mail, thus g&ißing considcra j hie 011. the regular conveyance.-— lb. Ne 3 :io IvipLKn.—A valuable negro fellow, b deagiiig to the estate of— Huff, of New top county, was killed this morning 0:1 the Mae am and Vi extern Rail Road, but in what manner is not positively known. He was found lying dead on the top of tha Iviggage car, at the watering station near Forsyth, and it k, supposed that lie must have got up on the j top of the ear before reaching the bridge, about ten miles from Macon, and was killed while I the train was passing under it. — Atlanta. Mu \ cellany. 3. nglls ta , oror gi a . j TUESDAY MORNING, JAN. 25. Gen. Taylor the Whig - National Con vention The Rjpul-Ue, in a leading e lj£>»ri*l of yes terday morning, expresses surprise that the 1 Whig presses which advocate the claims of | Gen. Taylor for the Presidency, should op pose a National Convention. Jt makes the | following remark on this subject:; • J i “This Is indeed a singular position f>r Gen. | Taylor’s friends, if they believe what some of ! them profess to believe, that he is the people’s j 1 candidate, and the general choice of the Whig I j party. If the nation is for him, why fear to i risk his claims in a National Convention?” i The editor should remember that Gen. Tay lor has very distinctly declared that he will not be the candidate of any party to promote j party schemes. This National Convention of j the Whigs, which the friends of Mr. Clay so . " \ ardently desire, is designed to be a party Con vention, to promote party schemes. How could Gen. Taylor or his friends consistently allow j his name to go before it ? How could he con- j sisteutiy accept a party nomination? Ifja National Convention one in fact as well i as in name—of Whigs and of Democrats—a i Convention of .the people were to assemble to ! ! nominate a candidate, it would not he amiss for Gen. Taylor, consistently with his assumed position of being a candidate of the whole people, to permit his name to he submitted. , But iit<til the Whig party, and the Democrat- ■ ic party become disorganized, and dissolved i into their original elements, no such Cojavcn . tiou will ever assemble. The Whigs will hold their Nation d Convention. The Democrats will hold theirs —and the Taylorites will hold j | their Convention also—that is, unless they j conclude to have no Convention at all, and I j trust to the election of Gm. Taylor by ‘’spon taneous combustion.” j To. process by which this last feat is ! ro be performed we do not exactly understand. ; But some of the Whig papers sjugik. pf it as 1 very practicable and the proper mode. They ■ consider a Convention unnecessary. Louisiana Legislature- Quite an exciting scene was enacted on the | 18th inst. in New Orleans. It was the day sot apart by the constitution of that State for the meeting of the Legislature. On assem bling the \Vhigs foynd some four or live of their members absent, and without these, if they went into an election for Speaker, the | | Democrats would have the majority. So they | ! withdrew, one and all from the House, and i I # | left the Democrats in session, but without a I j quorum. No persuasions and entreaties could i I got a Whig in the House, and at o o’clock the | Democratic members jetired. On Tuesday morning the House again as sembled. and the absent Whigs having made j ° ° their t-ppearayce, they went iute an election for Speaker, when Mr. Farrar (Whig) was | ; elected, kc receiving IS, and Mr. Phillips 1 (Hem.) 4 6 votes. Mr. Alexander Cuvellter j was elected Chief Clerk, Mr. John 11. Layet, | Minute Clerk, and Mr. A. Vcrret, Door Keep- Theatre- The bill offered for fills evening, should | draw a goed house. The play of “The Hunch- j back” is to be produced, and tho cast is a i strong one —Master Walter, Mr. Bass; Sir , | ° Thomas Clifford, Mr. Shelly; Julia, Mrs,Crisp, r.yd Helen, Mrc. Ward. In addition to which Mile. Vallee executes one of her favorite dan c;s, Mr. Robinson sings several of his comic ; i songs, and Mr. Bass appears as Mu Lilywhite in the laughable farce of “Forty and Fifty.” ; The Washingtons This steamer will sail about the 20th of i February, a month later than was intended; and the Hermann on the 20th March. The French steamer Missouri, Capt. Morin, will leave New York on Saturday the oth of Feb i ruary, at 12 o’clock, noort. Chattanooga Rail Road. The Chattanooga Gazette of the 21st instant says : —The amount of private subscriptions to the Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road is now $1,800,000. The Board of Directors arc endeavoring to got the Legislature to ap propriate $500,000 more, to enable the State to obtain the subscription of $1,000,000 from the cities of Charleston and New York. Mr. Stevenson and Gov. Jones have both address ed the members of the Legislature in behalf of the Road. The Pea Patch case has been decided by the arbitrator, Mr. Sergeant, in favor of the United States. Thus ends this controversy of forty years standing. The United States once of- j sered a large sum byway of compromise to the claimants. The question now being final j ly decided, the United States will immediately i proceed to re-build upon the island, the fort : which was destroyed by fire in 1831, and i w hich, under the grant from the State of Del aware, they are required to maintain. Georgia Military Academy The Columbus Times of the 15th inst. says bshbb=b3bct3ssc--3b -'ynxssr Tzismzsrjtszuxil* mmmsamm ' —We are gratified to observe a resolution of ! the late Legislature, approved by the Governor, loaning to the Georgia Military Academy, at Greenville, a stand of small muskets and twelve swords, tor the use of the Elces of that Institution. We understand the school is doing well, and bids fair to be a very useful auxiliary in the education of the youth of Georgia. Special Notices. DEMOCRAT!- MEETING. {jyy*., meeting of the Democratic Party of Col umbia county will be belt! ut Appling, on Tuesday the loth day of March next which Trill be dwisg tha sitting of the Superior Court. A full attendance is requested. Jau. 15 JOH3X3ON’3 DA GUFRREOT YPE ROOMS. MR. C. K. JOIf.VSJ.V has the honor to in- i form liis old patrons of last year. and the pub lie generally, that ha it again A1 JI IS OLJ) STA NI). iw Messrs, (.'lari, llacl.cl Sf Coes Jewelry Store, where he is prepared to execute MINI \- TURES in a style superior to any thing be has done httrrtolVvi e. Mr. J. thankful for the very libera! patronage of ast season, asks a continuance of the same. Oct. - f —3ra it o m merna I. BY OCR PONY EXPRESS, U HOURS IN ADVANCE 1?h THE MAIL. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 19. P. M.—' otton j There was not quite so good a demand for ('otton J to-day, and the market presents a somewhat fan- I. guid ajipearance. The sales reach about 25(4(4 I bales at rather slack prices. Sugar —The sales amount toabeutCOO birds, with rather better feeling. A/olatues— A bout 800 bbls found purchaser* at 18U loA and 18 : f. and some lots of Prime at 19cper gallon, the market closing (lull. Clour —The market continues dull. 1500 bbls- Ohio sold in two lots at $5, and some two or three small lots at $5.25 per bbl. Corn —A fair business at rather better 'prices; the sales amount to about G,X)O sacks at 5Uc. fur j White, 62 and 75c. for yellow, 63:[c, for a lot of in- | ferior, and 13c. per bushel for a lot of white and | mixed in old bags. Lard still in demand with sales of about lOOOtr.s. and bbls. at from 6A to fife., and lUUU keg? at C|c. j per lb. Whisky cunt;ours dull at 19c. per gallon. Ereigkis —We notice a ship taken for France I Ic. for Cotton, and Ac. per lb. gross for Lard. — > Extracts of letters received in this cut, dated 1 LIVERPOOL, Dec. 31.—Since our circular of; 17th inst., the Hank of England has reduced its j minimum rate of interest to 5 per cent, and legiti mate business paper of the first character at from two .to four months i» readily discounted-at from a to 6 per cent. Toe great curtailment of engage ments going on for some time past, has much re duced demand for discounts, without however ma terially increasing the facilities ffrr holding pro duce,from the distrust which still prevails and the .continued suspension of speculative operations. — Confidence so greatly impaired, can only revive ; very gradually, and bankers and capitalists act cau- ; tious. From, the diminished revenue of the conn. j trv there is reason to apprehend tliat the Govern- j ment may require advances from the Bank of Eng- j land in \pril, and bankers manifest a determina- i tion to guard them elves against some return of the money pressure after the month of 31 art Is. Subsequent to the departure of the last steamer, | there was a depression of $ per cent in the. cotton market, and fair 1 'plant! and Mobile were quoted and fair ( h'leae.s lb.; but for near a week past the sninners have bought more freely anil with in- j creased c >ti'idenc“, s-» that the ab ve decline ha- ( been recovered in fair and good qualiti s, while | the low and mi Idling qualities have advanced fuliv I ■ s* I r,I per lb from the lowest point. Good cotton is relatively rUc;.pcr than inferior and middling, and scarcely aur thing selling above sd. ihe improv- | cd feeling mav he attributed partly to reduction in j the rate of interest, and sorgo increased demand for j yarns at the re> ncei rates, and partly perhaps to I an impression that, the American crop vs ill come ; forward slowly; or possibly that *>*.7 recer.t esti rn Ues have overrated its extent, the last accounts showing a falling ofTin the receipts. The spinners are gradually and slowly extending their consump tion, ami considering the present scale of prices, it i> to be hoped on a good foundation. The foreign markets, generally speaking, are not encouraging i for either goods oi yam. and the la -1 accounts from ! China ir particular are exceedingly unsatisfactory. 1 ‘ • j Business for the week ended tilth inst., amounted ; to tO, 530 bales, and for tour davs to 29th inst. whan | the. eteek v;o taken, the sales were 17,459 bales? vefterday and to-day the transactions have amount ed to about 5000 bates each, all to consumers. The cotton year just closing has been perhaps marc disastrous than even that of 1039, lowbich it has throughout borne a striking resemblance in the deficiency of file American crop, the advanced prices for a period, the greatly diminished con sumption and ultimate ruinous fall in value, arising from similar causes, and frustrating the calculations founded mainly or exclusively on short crops, if the danger of such reliance had needed further illustra tion. The quantity taken from tlie ports for con sump'ian this year proves to he 453,900 k- s than in the previous year, but as it is estimated that Jthe consumers do not hold as much by 50 to-€O,OOO bales as livey did at the. end of J J IG. deducted, still showing that the diminished consumption of the year ba? been about 400,000 bales. Cotton —Upland, per lb. 3A a fair do 4s; Or leans 3J a G.A. fair dos; Mobile 3.A a 52. fair do Alabama 3,J a kA; Sea Island 0 a 13. Flour—New Western, per bbl, 30s a 30 Gd; Philadelphia Ills 6d | a 29; Sour 23 a 255. Wheat, per 70 lbs., 7s aßs 4d. | Indian Corn, per qr. 33s a 3Gs. Indian Meal, per , bbl. 15s a 1 Gs. HAVRE, Dec. 29.- Cotton. No distinguished feature the past week : transactions suspended ! nearly by the Christmas holidays. Since the trade | ban fairly commenced the change is so slight as to require no variation in prices. Sales tram 22d to i ; 29th Dec.; 1,755 bales New Orleans, duty-paid, f GG a 77,50; 374 do Mobile, G 2,50 a 71; 1991 do Up | land, 61 * 73; 1,627 New Orleans, to arrive, ordina ry. 70 a 71 ; ia all ki*ds, 6,526 bales. Stock 1847... .391200 bales American—total 45 000 1846 2 4900 25.000 HAVRE, Dec. 30. —Little has been done in our cotton market since yesterday. Frees are droop ing and our New Orleans 'ordinaire,’ being fair, can now be obtained at 72 a 73f, say 1 a 2f. under ; the quotations. The Keying arrived from Savan nah with 1304 bales Cotton and 200 tcs. Rice. Nothing has been done in other articles. The vear closed dull in general, although there are good prospects for the next season. S\VANNaH~IMPORTS—J AN. 19 Liverpool—Br. bark Gleenor—l3ll bars, 176 bundles, 31 plates Iron, 1100 Pots, 150 Kettles, 337 1 Camp Ovens and Covers, 262 Spiders, and 4 casks Hardware,to N.R. AH. Wood; 41 casks Scotch Ale, to A. Minis, 2 casks Hoes, to M. Hopkins, 211 bars, 15 bundles bar Iron, b do. Oval do* and 125 do. Band Iron, to J A Fawns. 200 tons Salt. 44 i tons Coal; 1 paper parcel Steel Pens, 2 tin cases Cheese, ahd sundries, to A. Low &, Co. I box Plants, to W. Balters by-. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.—2<£ P. M.—Sterling bills have moved a little and at quite a decline. Soutn- —PBKaßßßßMßataegews—* nra—i ern bank hills have sold at prom., which f brought before the sailing >f Uic steamer, 10J ; a lU£ preiH. Evening. —Sales of cotton COO biles, prices J ct. lb. bet!tr since the news. The buying is chiefly for shipment Nothing more about flour; 2.7(40 bushels Mjhraukie wheat at 133 cts; 250(4 Ohio at 133cts; 2>«J kegs Leland s city Lard at 11 cents; Pork wt >rth about $6.37 and $10.35; 250 bbl* common whale Oil at cts. per gallon. APAL ACHIC LA, Jan. 15. Cotton. —The re ceipts during the past week amount to 458 bsies. and the exports to 1.802/leaving the stock on hand, including ail on shipboard aof cleared. 6,846 bales, . against 27.737 bales*, same lime last year. We left the market on -Saturday last with conii deruble inquiry for cotton, bm owing to the very full and advancing prices demanded by factors, the traniactioas of the day \v rce limited to tJ.je sale ot two or three small loti at prices about }c above our outside quotations. On -Monday, the pressing necessities of one or two parties euiiipelled them to enter the market and submit to the rigid terms demanded I>v h ti lers, and during the cay 439 bales were disposed of at about 7c. fora full grade of g-.-od uudiUiUgS. Tuesday, the «ame piutic* were again Ly the market, bet their operatioKS were limited to 213 bales, at prices <>f the preceding day. i O.i Wednesday only one small 4>t Cf 4 ) bales wa> J disposed of. VVednesday- evening s mail baring put us in pic session-ot a telegraphic r» i>*it of the i steamer Caledonia’s news, to the lAJ h ult.. from j Liverjmol, factors were dispoaedto fs ake a blight coiicefsj »n on previous prices, 1 hursday. and -uies | were effected duri*?g the day lo the ei.ient of 353 , bales at about ic. decline. Veslerday not a sin- j gle hale was sold a» i to-day the transactions have j ki>n on an equally extensive scale. The extreme rigidity of some factors has become considerably moderated during the last twenty-four hours, but their view* are vvt semen la a ove those of buy ers. Good Middlings can be bought to-day at and wc have heard of one small lot of the same grade sold on Thursday at G.Ac. The amount ot cotton on sale during the past week h«s been so light, that factors have had tilings pretty much l ieir own way, and ibis is likely to continue to be I lie case until a rise in our river puts us once more in uninterrupted communication with the interior. ’I he total sales of the week amount to 1070 hales, all of which we believe has again been ta ken on Northern account. In the present state of the market we omit quo tations. Freigilts.— To Liverpool, 17-32(1.; to Havre.—; to New York, to Boston, .; to Providence, Ac.; to Baltimore. Ac. ATLANTA, Jan 22. Colton. — the demand lias been quite animated throughout the week, and all pul on the market has been readily taken bv our buyers. The deliveries have averaged fully 200 bale? per day. We quote —ordinary, 5105£ ; middling fair.G to G.A ; fair, tig to 7. Corn has been in less request than last week, and but little delivered. e quote 35 lo per bushel. IVi i cot sells readily at 75 cents, and but little coming in. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm i'm»i m m.. ■ iwct lil) ippi vi i] Jn t rll iacm r. AHRIVAI.S KKO.M CHAKLKSiU*. Sliij> Rspubhc, Bliven, 3 era Cruz Ship BowJitch, I’ilvC, New Orleans. Brig J. Cohen. Hathou.New Orleans. Schr. Hester, Green, New (Ricans. -UtRIVIL I ROM SIVANSAH. Brig American, .McNair, New ’fork f.I K M < > K A N P A . The brig Sterling- Riddell, for Savannah, clear ed at New York 21st inst The bark Isaac Mead, and schr Senator, for Sa vannah. sailed from New York 20th inst. The Albion, for Charleston, and Jane, for Sa vannah, entered for loading at Liverpool previous to 18lh alt. The Mary and Joscphia, for Charleston, cleared at Liverpool previous to 18th ult The ship New York, for Churl ston, sailed from New \ * rk 19th inst. CHARLESTON, Jan. 21.—Arr. Fr. ship Mu- ; n itre. Forestier. Guadalupe; Hr. hark Portland ; Stalker. Greenock; brig Julia Pay-son, Prelible New \ ork; sclns. Ashland, Ttmrlow, Mill Stone j Point, (Conn.); Adelaide, Mercer, Elizabeth City. ; (N.C.); Br. bark A 1«, Watson, Camarara; hr. • brig Roger Bontenips. Canquerev, St 1) imingo, Swe. brig Sir Cb.i-. Forbes. Kruse, Rio de Janei ro; brig Susan. Si milord. Smith, New Orleans. Cid. Br. schr. Lila. Peatman, West indies; schr. ; Risk. Ellis. Bait.more. Went to sea, Br. ship Conqueror. Kerr, Liver pool; Fr. Miip Ernest, Barbel, llavr.e; line ship Catharine. Herbert. New York; Bs bark Queen ; Victoria. Patching, Hull; C hvjg Emily. Rob eson. New \ ork; brigs Delta, Burkett. Sagua la Grande; Arabian, Howes, VtraCru/; schr. J. A \V, Errickson. \\ estcott. HhUsiielpLia; shi;) Alii atire. Robinson. Havre; Br. bark Yorkshire Lass, Price, London; Nor. brig Buenoveuto, Svansen. Lanrvig, (Norway ); brig Narraguagus, 11 ink ley, a ; Northern Port. SAVANNAH, Jan. 22. An. Lark Peri,Cotter, * New Castle, Me. Cid, hark Peter Demill, Pickett., New York; j brig Philura, Thatcher, do. Went to sea, hark Vernon. Paxton, New Y ork. HEAD QUARTERS, mLU'Jxncvn.LE, Jan. 21 »t. ibis. ORPKREU— That JOHN T. SMI iH, of the t.'iiv of Jliliedgeville, be appointed an additional Aid-dc-Camp to the Comiaander-in- Chief, at the scat of Government, with the rank of Colonel, ami that he lie obeyed and respected accordingly- By order of the Comma nder-in-Chief FRED. 11. SA M’ffßih, Aid-de-Camp, Jan 25 1c FOR SALE A LIKELY' family of NEGROES, 'consisting 1 J\ of a woman and her three children “ail boys.’’ ■ tlie oddest hovs ;ue able to phiugh in the field. — j Apply at this office —G Jan. 25 BOOT MANUFACTORY. riIUE SPSS RIBERS having purchased i JL the interest of Mr. A. \ IGEEI US, in his es- | tublishmcnt on Mclntosh-street, opposite tiie Post Office, are prepared to carry on the above busi ness in all its branches. All orders left for any tiling in their line, will be promptly attended to, and ail work from the establishment warranted as to fit and workmanship. Jan 23 5 TISCIJER & KONTZ. NOTICE. rpilK SUBSCRI BEil has disposed of his in- J. terest to .Messrs. ITSCHER &• KUYTZ, and solicits for them a continuance of former pa tronage. lie has taken the store next to the cor- I tier ol Centre-street, where he will keep on hand | a good assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, I which he n ill disjatse of cheap. All persons in debted to him will please call at his store and set und those to whom he is indebted will oblige him oy (.resenting their bils. A. Y IGELIL S. Jan. 25 6 r|3AKE NOTICE. — A Note g ven by me to 1 Win. 1* Case, ol Ealonton, for Twenty Dollars, one dav after date, 1 will not pay unless compelled bylaw, the consideration for which said note was given having failed. Jan 22 3 VINCENT W- FULCHER. AUGUSTA. OCT. 15 1847. Cl LOCKS.---We have in store Marble Mantel > (.'locks, Office and \Y are house, Gothic and Round Clocks; and offer to country dealers an assortment of cheap Clocks, well made, at low pri ces. CHINA CUT CLASS—White and Gold Rand China Dinner and Tea sets ; Fancy Gilt and Orna mental China.'Pea sets; Fine Cut-Glass Goblets, W ines. Tumblers, Aic. LAMPS, LAMPS, AND GIRANDOLES. SOLAR LAMPS in great variety—some with Bo hemian Glass Shafts, and Prisms. GIRANDOLES, SILVERED AND GILT— New style PAPER SHADES for Lamps. ANDIRONS —A part of our supply of ANDI RONS. SHOVELS, and TONGS are at hand for sale low. CLARK, RACKETT <Jk CO. Oct. 16 IITANTED.—A GOOD COOK. WASHER | Vs and IRON ER. one without children. Ap j ply at this office. —ts Jan. 12 AUGl T STA THEATiI M SECOND NIGHT OF MRS, W. 11. CRISP. FIORD NIGHT Or MR? SHELLY SIXTH NIGHT OF MR. BASS Mile, H. \ ALLLL S Sixth Night TUESDAY EVE MAG. J A V 25, \ l tii be performed the admired Plav oi the BINC H « AC«/ Master M’alter, (the Hunchback) .MK. BASS, Sir Thomas Ciitlord, - - - - MU SHELLY. ! Juiia. MRS. CRISP. ’ Helen. MRS WARD. After which, -by desire.) Ul Jafeo <Je Xerxes by Mile Y ALLEE - Comic Singing, t , MR ROBJN.' ; ON. J o i oaclade ;hy express request' with the laugh able Pmee ol FORTY AM) FII IV. Mr. Lily-white. AIK. BASS. Mrs. Lily white. - - - MRS. WARD o»Admis,ion to Boxes 75 cents —Pit 56 cent?. Seats can be secured from II to 3 o’clock each j day at she Theatre. s&u. 2j 1 NETS E ASED ATTRACTION ! EXHIBITION Ol BA TTLE* L\ MEXICO, AAV WORKS OF All 7’7.V IFT AY Admittance 25 cents. riYlIfS V LEX’S EXHIBITION is almost X entirely new. to which will be added the splendid painting of the liuff/r of ikr Citu of Ah x ico and the Lord's Supper, in trax. To add a still greater attraction, the proprietor lias engaged the ) two celebrated Italian Hitfpet-s and Violin, who 1 will perform the most popular airs from La Nor ma. Sonaiubula, &ic. durirg the evening, t’rom half-past 6 until half-past 9 o’clock Those Musicians can be -engaged hr" Parties or j Serenades alter these hours, bv application at the | Exhibition Room, Broad-street, below the United Slates Hotel. Jan. 23 “THE LUCKY OFFICE.” GEORGIA STATE LOTfBRIES. FOR THE BENEFIT OF rII E AI < . FST A INOE PE N DEN T IT KE CO3I PAN V. B. PAirTvJ &. CO. IWAAfAaBXIS. ‘LOOK our FOR THB CAPITAL IN TH3 LITTLE FAVORITE.,” Sales close This Afiernoou, Georgia State (‘Suvaunabj Lotteiy, Class No. 7. i 11 Numbers—l 2 Ballots. 7.000 DOLLARS. 52.500! 51.509! gI,H- O' 5*1,000! Ac.—Wholes 52 j —Shares in proportion. Sales close Wednesday. Georgia Stale Lottery , Extra 4 lass No. 7 for 18 f8 —75 Numbers—l 3 Ballots. 8.000 DOLLARS. 52.050! $I .G 00! $1,000? At.— Whales $1 50— j Shares in proportion. Sales close Thursday- Grand Consolidated I.otters, ('lass No. 1, Extra. —GG Numbers 10 Ballots. —Magnificent Scheme —Two Prizes of 10.000 DOLLARS, JO of 55,000! 2of 52,500! i of 51,009! Lowest 3 numbers 5200! —\V holes —Shares in pro portion. Bibkou package ol Vv holes only ,y'7o —On a package of Halves 535 —On a package of Quarters 517,50. Sales close Thuriday. Georgia Statu (CciumbusJ Lottery, Clasj No. 8. for 1848. -1,500 DOLLARS, 52,000! 5L50!)! $879! «fcc. —Wholes $1 —Halves 50c• —Risk on a package of Quarters $3,90, For sale by E H. PE/,AN I , Agent. Broad-sl., opposite U. S. Hotel. [jyyOrdei-s Irnm the country will meet with i»rompl attention, it addressed as above. Jan. 25 “PRIZE OFFICE.” (; REEN E AND FU LV S KI3I ON U3l EN T LOTTERIES! J W. M YUIIV A CO , SUCCESSORS TO J. G. Gregory & Co. Managers. C.Ji In time to secure chances in Class 4, to be drawn at .Savannah. Jan. 25. ISIS.— ! 73 Numbers —If Ballots. —Splendid Scheme 10.000 DOLLARS. $1,000! v 1115' sos $1,000! Besides numerous j olhets—Ticket- $3 —-Halves $1 50—Quarters | 75c. Risk on a package of 26 Quarters is unit $10.5 . Sab's close f'hursdny. i Extra (JlassS—Bv So. Ca. Class 4, Ja«i> 27, JSIG- — ' 78 Numbers—li Ballots—Brilliant scheme. 20.000 DOLLARS. $10,000! $5,000! $4,000! $3,000! $2,324! tUT 5 prizes of $1,500! 5 ot SI,OOO-Pickets $5 — iialves $2 30 —Quarters $1 25. MOST SPLENDID SCHEME, Extra ( lass No. 9—By Alexandria.? Jan. 29, ISIS. 78 Numbers—l 3 Ballots. — Brilliant Capitals. 40.000 DOLLARS! $30,000!! $20,000! ! $10,000". $6,000! $5,000! $4,000! $3,000! 3of $ 1,750! 75* of $ 1,000! 200 of SSOO! —Pickets $15 —Halves $7 50—Quar ters $3 75—Eighths $1 87. JOHN A. MILKEN, Agent. Opposite the Masonic Hall. [J3* Orders from the country promptly attended »n. Jan. 23 GUNS AND PISTOLS. \ CHOICE lot of Double Barrel Shot GUNS, London made, together with a supply ol ! Flasks. Shot Pouches, Game Bags. Patent Wad ding, Ely’s patent Cartridges, and Gunning Appa ratus in genera!. just received and will he sold low. A Iso. Allen and Thnrbur’s Revolving PIS POLS; six barrels. Self-Cocking Pocket Pistols, English Belt Pistols, Walker's Percussion Caps. CLARK, RACKET 1 & CO. Oct. 6 ts j f A CARD DR. T. P. CLEVELAND having tevnporaril} withdrawn fro-aa thy practice of his proles- s I sion. 1 would inform the citizens of Augusta and ( ; the public g-enerallj .that 1 have formed a connec- | tion with his former co-partner,. I no. \V. Sri;.vK.in 1 the practice of DENTAL SPRREUY The business will be conducted under the firm of (’/eve i Ituid iV Spear. Office Broad-st.. over Aldrich A; Green s tHioc iStorc. JNO. A. CLEVELAND Feb. 18 1— 117 AUGUSTA SUED STORE. 1 r|UIE SUBSCRIBER has received a fresh X supply of genuine GARDEN SEEDS, which ! j are of the crop of 1847. His customers may depend upon having none i I hut fresh and genuine Seeds. Allowances made I to country dealers. White and Red CLOVER. BUT. GR ASS. TIMOTHY. LUCERNE. BIRD SEED, FLOW |ER SEED. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. ONION j SETS. &c. J. 11. SERVICE Jan 4 tuf 7 MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. A REMARKABLE mineral, pronounced hv | - » geologists to be a great rarity in nature and ; known to them by the name of Tripoli, iu»s lately 1 been discovered in this country, although but in one bed, of very narrow limits, all owned by the “Mount Eagle Manufacturing Company,’' incorporated for | the sole purpose of its manufacture. The article is excellent for burnishing and clean ing all finished metallic ana glass surfaces, such aa l gold, silver, brass. Britannia and steel ware, wia | dow glass, die. Nothing has ever vet beers discov ered equal to the pure Tripoli, and the common language of the consumer is. it if thr be>t thing ever saw. The genuine article is f<->r sale bv the exclusive agent for Aiigmca. M M. HAINES. April 23 —tl 176 Public Sales. ' AjJffINISTU ATOHS ’ SALE. Agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of ascriveu county, when sitting tor ordinary and county purposes, will he sold, before the court house door in Jacksonboro'. in said county, on t ie first I’l l SJVV in April next, between tb« legal hours ol sale, the following negroes, be longing to the cstaie ol Janies I’arkrlr, decca.-- ed. sold for the tren-elit of tiie heirs of said de ceased, viz Satn. a negro man slave. 15 rears of age ; Lucy, a woman.years of age ; Tyry, a woman 33 year* I of age, an i her child Rachel, 2 year* old, and Frank, a man 30 yt ». sos ace. Terms on the dav of sale. JAMEsj BARKER. , Jm.55 TUO.MAS PARKER, S AJm 11 A I).III > 1 Sill A TORS’ # ALE. Agreeable to an order ot ike Inferior Court of aferiven e.-nnt\, when s?ttn«g for ordinary «rJ countv pui'puses, \\ 11 be sold, befiij'e the court house J >or in J ,>cksoi.b? ro’ in said CXtinti, on the flirt IT i’.S t) \ \ in April next. !*g I ween the legal hours ot sale, tlie following ixktued ilogra bov. Vi/, . > Sam. -ianl no to belonging to the .-state of Sarah Parker, deceased ; sold for a division among tbs heirs of said deceased. J AMES PARKER. . Jan. 25 THOMAS PARKER, ) rS A DAI I > l-STRATORS’ SALK. Agreeable to an ardor of the Inferior Court ol Scriveu coantv, when sitting for ordinary and county purposes, will be sold, before the court bouse (li i r in Jacksonboro' in said county, on the first Tl F.SDA >' in April next, between the legal In ms of sale, the-following negro and land, viz Julcv. a girl, and seventy-two acres - of pine land in Sc riven coun'y. belonging to the estate ot Ben iamin Barker, deceased j sold for a division among the heirs ol said deceased. J AMES PARKER. . Jar 75 THOMAS PARKER. J A ‘ ,m r, ‘ ADAIINISTKA.’TOIIS’ SALE. i Teeable to an order ol the Inferior Court ot Screven county, w hen sitting for ordinary and county purposes, will be sold. before the court house door in Jacksonboro' in said county, on the liril 11. ESDAV in April next, between the legal hours ot safe, tke following negro girl and land,viz Ann, a negro girl, and one hundred and slaty ■ acres of land in JSe.ri ven .county. the property of the estate of Cynthia Barker, deceased j said property sold for a division among llie heirs of sau! deceased. JAMES PARKER, J. , Jan. Ad THOMAS BARKER, Adin ,s ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, at the late residence of Henry Wade, deceased, in DeKalh County, on the tenth day ol March next, all the perishable property ol said deceased, Consisting of If M - ses, Cattle, one yoke Oxen. Stock, Hogs. Household and Kitchen Furniture, and many other things two tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day today until all is sold Terms made known on day of sale. Jan n THOMPSON WADE, Admr CHILDS HOROKD. This celebrated Race Horse __ ■ will make bis first season the /I ensuing Spring, commencing C L-rfli..X the Ist March, and ending the C..X Ist July, at his -table near Columbia, at the mode rate price of S3O. for the season. M ARES will be taken care of at cents per day. but no liabili ty for accidents or escapes. CHILDE HAROLD, is six \eai sold this Spring, is a rich mahogany hav, with black legs, mane, and tajl. full Id hands high, and in point of blood, bone, figure and prr f-rmance, is not the inferior of any horse, either in ! England o- America. One dollar to the Cream in every case. PEDIGREE. CHILDE HAROLD was bred by lliat liberal gentleman and spirited sportsman Colonel Wade Hampton; out of his celebrated mare Maria West, | (the dam of Wagner, Fanny, and Margaret Wood.) and by his ren superior imported horse Soto reign; Sovereign was by 1 mileus, the best Sfal lion in England, out of King Williams’ mare Fleur ; de Lis, unquestionably the best mare in England PERFORMANCE. CHILPE HAROLD'S careeras a rarer, has 1 been a short, but a brillant one. In January ol i 13hi he ran his first race over the < 'olumbia Course • for the large sweppstake of that y ear. ($1400.) I two mile heats- \2CO entrance; eight subscribers. Four started and the race was won by Childe Harold, in two beats, iii the unprecedented tin e j over this course of 3 ‘ V.ursC A l-y far the deepest and hca' L*st course in South Carolina. Two days after this, be won an other sweepstake oft wo mile heats,five subscriber*, s]oo entrance. S3O forfeit. Every thing paid forfeit iu this ranee exc?p< the celebrated Boston liltv, who was beaten at two beats in 3 54, 3 57. )n the following month b*s wen over ts <* Charleston | Course the Jockey Club Bur-e ol $ IUOO, four mile 1 heats, beating at two heats, the crack Western Racer Jerry Lancaster, wlioh a run over fhc Or leans Course in 7 40; and the celebrated mare ! Sally Morgan, Two days after tliis.he started for j the handycap purse of sWo.three mile heats, and : won easily at two heats, beating Sally Morgan and Jerrv Lancaster, who carried B) to Id pounds un der weight, and running the last mile in this race, ;in I 30. This may he said to have closed Child* Harold's career as a race horse; he never was ; sound after it, He was trained, however, in the | following Fall, started at Columbia for the Jockey i Club Purse of SSOO, 4 mile heats, and won thb j purse, *1 though by the mismanagement of aninex ; perienced bov. Sally Morgan won a heat from him ! by half a neck. His feet were in such condition a* ; to make it necessary to turn him out for the re- I mainder of the season. He was trained again last Fall, for six weeks, and started at Augusta. 4 nilfe boats, lame in both forelegs; lost the heat, and was withdrawn from the turf to be placed in the I breeding stud. Jan. 25 r 3 PERIFOCAJj SPECTACLES. To ail who experience iriconre, 22—> nicnce in the use of the common kind of Glasses. and especially in night reading, life** Spectacles will be found a ipost valuable substitute; in no case, except where tip* optic nerve hits been pronounced diseased, have they Jailed, when pro peril fitted, to give satisfaction. No better proof of their superior merit can he given to each individual who jnay need GU»s»e» than the satisfaction he **dl experience in tile use of them. These Glasses can Tic obtained in tills place only of CLARK, R \CKF,TT A CO . Agents for the Manufacturers, Who have now on hand a good supply in gold and silver frames. Perifocal Glasses titled loan} tramp, for any vision. Spectacles in gold, silver ami steel, for sale very low. by CLARK.RACKETJ..At < 0 Dealers jn Wglebes. Jewelry. Silver Ware. A-C. Oct. b ts AUGUSTA, OCTOBER 0, 1^47. f? We have now in store the grcaicj part of onr Kail supply of G* H )!*?■<. Js^/"A, j S&micomprising WATI'IIKS. JEWEL RV,Silver and Plated Wares, Military apd Fancy Goods. Housekeeping Articles, Ac. A c to which 1 we invite attention, believing it to Re ay gopd $ i Stock a« was ever in ify/e place. And we #stc all | who think they cgn bay anything in Ibe line at . lower prices, in this place or Charleston, to test : the truth of tliat supposition* CLARK. RACKETT A CO. Oct. r, tt LIME ! LIMEM A CONSTANT supply of Kcniesa.w Lime, r\ kept on hand by the subscribers, agents for j Augusta. This Lime T pronounced by judges, who have used it, superior to the best them as ton. Ob analization, it is found to contain Magnesia ...... ....... . 3.5 A hjruinc 2.1 Silax 7.9 Peroxide of Iron 0.8 Lime 85.7 All orders directed to us will meet with prompt attention. DYE & ROBERTSON, Agents. Jan. 11 d&wtw A TEACHER of the English, Greek and , r \ Latin wishes a situation in a village try Academy, or »n a private family—of unex* ceptionable character and ability. Proposals ope® nil the 25th cl January, 1818. Atid/-,esf IS. B. t Aje j gusta, Ga, r~ Pec. 15