Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, January 27, 1848, Image 1

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wiS——u Mwwtigiwii 1 1 ■ ' •* --g- y- , - ■>■ -, -. ■->-. u. jo- • •rmcß: 2.* kiagnw* xi.urmgjm. m 5 ii~n. -»WI liY JAMES GARDNER, Jr..] AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY ST, 1819. VOL. XXVII— *Tt.\V SERIES—VOL. Ill—NO. If, THE CO-NSTITUTiOmiST. OFFICE IN McINTOSH-STKEET, Third door from the North-West corner c JJroad-Streot. Sale? of LAND by Administrators, Executors or Gum •bans, are required, by law, to be held on the first J tics • day in the mouth, between the hours often in (before noon and three in the afternoon, at Hie Court House ii w hich the property is situate. Notice of those sale must be given in a public Gazette SIXTY DAYS pre vioiis to the day of -ide. P des of N EGROES must he at Public Auction, on tin fir-t Tuesday of the month, between Uie usual hours ’• sale, at the place of public in the county when uic Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar dianship, may have beet, granted, first yivmu SIXIA DAY’S notice thereof, iu one of the public Gazettes o this State, and at the door of the Coutt House where such *ales are to beheld. Jxotu e for the sale of Personal Property must bo given * iu iike mariner FORTY DAYS previous to day of salt Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for FORTY DA y S. iSwiice that application w dl be made to tin? Court of Or diii.ii> for leave to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can eb given by the Court. Vote of Thanks to Gen. Taylor—Mr Ash mun's Amendment. Mr. Houston, of Delaware, introduced into the House ofltcprcsentativcs on the 3d inst. a resolution of thanks to Gen. Taylor and Ids troops fur their heroism at Buena Vista. Mr. Henley moved an amendment by adding the words “engaged as they were, in defending the rights and honor of the Nation,” when Mr. Ashmun moved to amend the amendment by adding the words “in a war unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the Prcsi dent of the United States.” Mr. Ashmun’s amendment was sustained by the following vote: # ° Yeas —Messrs. John (}. Adams, Ashmun, Barringer, Barrow, Blechcr, Butts, Brady, Buckner, Canby, Clingman, Cocke, Collamer, (longer, Cranston, Crowell, Crazier, Dickey, Dixon, Donnell, Ducr, Daniel Duncan, Gar net Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, Edwards, Alex. Evans, Nathan Evans, Fisher, Fulton, Gayle,. Guitry, Giddings, Goggin, Grinnc-11, Hale, Na than K. Hall, James G. Hampton, Haskell, Henry, J. IF. Houston, Hubbard, Hudson, Ir vin, Kellogg, T. B. KING, I). P. King, Lin coln, Mcllvainc, Marsh, Marvin, Mullin, Nes, Newell, Preston, Putnam, Reynolds, Julius Hock well, .John A. Jlocktcell, Boot, Ramsey, St. John, Svhenck, Shepperd, Sherrill, Slinger huul, Caleb B. Smith, STEPHENS, Truman Smith-, \mh ao Stcicart, Strolim, Sylvester, 't'j'iihodcaax, Taylor, Tompkins, Richard W. fliompsuii, John B. Thompson, TOOMBS, Jie-k 3 an Dyke, I ’inton, AVarrou, "Wilson —So. Ivivy-—Messrs* Beale, Bedinger, Birdsali, J'.htck. Bowdon, Brodhead, Win. G. Brown, Cl.aide-- Brown, Cathcart, Chase, Beverly L. Clark, Lev ell Cobb, Williamson R. 3Y. Cobb, Cummins, Daniel, Dickinson, Faran, Feath •rston, Fitklui, Fries, French, G rccai, Willard P. Hall, M ' To Hampton. Hannauson, Harris, Henley, Hill, George S. Houston, luge, Clias. ■ T . Ing'-vsid;, Jamei»on, Jenkins, Andrew Johu ou, Robert AY. Johnson, George* W. Jones, A K uifmaa, Keuuon, , 1 aim;, La Sere, Sldu ■> i.a.vr ue-*, Led Her, I ore, 1 umpkiii, McClel ’and, Me Dowell, McLauc, ’dm n, Mead *. Mil dr, Morrs, Morse, Murply ; 1 cuslee. Peck, Plnlps, ilNbury, llhctt, 1’ : el a.rdsou, Richey, B ickhill. Sawyer, Sims, S’... an, Robert Smith, auii*u, {Starkweather, C. E. . Luart, Strom, : i . 1 mas, James Thompson, Jacob Thompson, \v in. Thompson, Thurston; Turner, Venable, \\ iek, Williams —SI. Now for the Contrast: In 1813, when hostilities broke out between this country and Mexico, a certain act was passed by Congress by a vote of one hundred and seventy-four yeas to fourteen nays, declar ing that the war was brought on BY THE ACT OF MEXICO. Among the yeas, it was a source of gratification to us, and no doubt to the people-of Georgia, that every represen tative from this State, vote, am: to to the bill. But what a sad picture does the above vote now present to us. Two of our members, THOMAS BUTLER KING and A ROBERT TOOMBS, who voted in 1313, that P the war was brought on by the act vs Mexi co, iu ISIS, we find voting that the war was “unnecessarily and unconstitutionally begun by the President of the I aited States-," and voting with them we find the name of ALEXANDER, HAMILTON STEPHENS I another repre sentative from Georgia! Scripture teaches us, that he who is not for us is against us. Common sense teaches us, that he who is not for Ills country is against it. Two of our rep resentatives have been for and against, and another is now found in their company ! We will not place these three members, nor use the terms that their change of position provokes, but leave that for the people of this State and Union to .do. That their course on " this question may not bo forgotten by the present generation or posterity, we place them, with the company they have selected, in op posite columns, and shall keep the list iu our paper until their names become as familiar as household words. Here they are : IS4O. j ‘ ISIS. Whereas, by the act li it Resolved, That r >t the Republic of Mex- thanks be returned to Ico, war exists be- Gen. Taylor, Xc. “iu tween the U. States a war unnecessarily and that Republic, Xc. and unconstitutional ly begun by the Pres ident of the United States.” Among the Yeas, Among the Yeas, Barringer, Barringer, P Cocke, Cocke, Cro/ier, Crozicr, Gentry, Gentry, Hampton, Hampton, J- W. Houston, J. W. Houston, T. B. King, T. B. King, Marsh, Marsh, L A. Rockwell, J. A. Rockwell, ■Schenck, Scheuck, H uman Smith, Truman Smith, Stewart, Stewart, 1 hibudeaux, Thibodeaux, Roueut 'iouMas, Robert Toombs, a inton, Vinton, • relU!t ‘ d t 0 ™te.) Alex. 11. Stephens. ihe remaining Whig member from Georgia, i)r. Jones, did not vote on Adunun’s amead --d.fi.ti We prtcuiiie ho vr'tuj \ wmsOHß— g-3HP?m;rr- •: v ORPORATIUX CUT OF A CGI ST A* MAYOR, DR. Ij. D. FORD, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, Ward Ah. I.—U.F. Parish, D. ivnkpatrick, I. I’. Garv in. U irJ Mo. I. —L. A. Dugas, D. C. Hadley, Thos. Hopkins. Ward Vo. 3.—8. Conley, H. Huff, J. B. Bishop. Ward Mo. I.—James Harper, Wa*. Iv K lichen. c.b. mtt. Clerk of Council—W. Milo Olin. Collector and Treasurer—.l 3m Bill City .Marshal—Foster BloJgiv. City Constables —J.Sistruuk, L. L. Antony. Jailor—V> . D, Broom. Keeper i f Magazine—\Vm. M Bickering Keeper of Hospital—Peter ‘lc Mahon. Clerk l.owcr Market—ii. K. Bhilpot. Clerk U pper Market—Wm. Keener. Keeper of the Bridge—ll. B. Fraser. Keeper City Hall —Mrs. O. Hargroves. Keeper City Clock—C. Catlin. IS .j»t r. Streets au.l Water W rks—John Riley. Cit. Surveyor —William PliilKns. Meetings of (3 nncil 1 -> Satm.iar in each mor.tli BANK STATS OF GEORGIA. BRANCH AT AUGUSTA Capital 0150,0(HL Dr. G. M. NEWTON, President. I. Henry, Cashier. UIKECTOKS. Dr. W. 11. Thrpin, Geo. W. Wrr.r.iAMS, J. It. Bui.ki.ey, Joseph Dav is, 11. W . RISLEY, J. C. CAKMRiIAEL. ’i'ellcr—James Adam; Boole-keeper —A. Hogg's j Discount X Collecting Clerk—Jno. J. Byrd. Offering Daj , evert day. Discount Dav, every dav j regular discount dav Friday. BANK OF"AUGUSTA. Capital Jt:650,000. JIOBFRT F. I’UE, BresiJcut. Jts. W. Davies, Cashier. m recto us, Robert F. Poe, Ji-.ssj; Kent, John Bonks, it. A. Rkiiy, It. Campbell, Thus. Dvvis, Wm. Sheak, lit. :> r y .Mo.wt;: , Jas. Harper, Jas. W. Davies. STATE DIRECTOR. L. A. I)i r, vs. Teller S.C Wilson—Book Kee]»er. Geo. IM. Thew — 1 )iscount and ('oilecting t'U-i k. < «eo. W . Morgan. Regular Ollcring Dav , Monday—Regular Discount Day, Tuesday. MECHANICS’ BANK. Capital £500,000. A. SIBLEY, President. M. Hatch, Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. 31. Adams, T. S. .Metcalf, J. B. Bishop, Josiaii Sihlkv, C. J. ( 'OOK, J. B. W \ LK KR, \ Goui.u, Amouy Sibley. J. 31. Hand, 'l'ellcr —Geo. Robertson; Book-keeper—W. F. Pemberton} Discount X ('ollectingClerk—l. Purse. Offering Day,T uesday ] Discount Day,Wednesday. BANK OF BRUNSWICK. Capital $300,000. EDW . TIID.UAS, Prcsiaent. John Gkaig, C adder. DIRECTORS. Krnv. Thom as, W . F. J\ckson, A. J. .Miller, G. T. Dortic. Tuo. Barrett, Teller—John Craig, Book-keeper—Joseph mil li- an. Olienng Da}-,every day. { Discount Day,every day. GEORGIA R. R. Sc BANK’G COMP’Y Capital. $375.0C0. JOHN P. KING, President. John W. W ild, Ca>l«icr. DIRECTORS. II \ vs Bovver k. J v mes W. Da vh es, John Ci vmm.hvm, .Tvcok Piiini/.v, Eim aij E. Jones, Chvkies Dot oilkhty, Andrew .1. .Miller, Antoine Poi le vin, John Bones, Adam G. £ \mu.n, W vi. 31. D’Axtignac, Pm. vs vn r Sjtov vi.e, William D. (’onvki.s, J. Fargo, Benjamin 11. Warren, Thom vs \. Hamilton. 'l’ellcr —W illiam il. Jones} Book-keeper —31. F. Bnisclair. Gift-ring Day, every day. } Discount Day .every day. AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANK’S COMPANY. Capital £375,000. Vv 3E 31. D ANTIGNAC, President. Robert Walton. Cashier. DIRECTORS. \Vm. 31 D’Anticnac E. Hopkins, James Hope, L. Cress. H. Bow DUE. Teller—W m. 3fackie ; Book-keej»cr—G. W Summers} Discount Clerk, Xe.. Wm. P>. Savage. Gift ring Dav s daily except Sundays. Discount Days, daily except Sunday s. GEORGIA STEAM BOAT COMF Y C apital 0100,000. CHARLES GREEN, President. S. 31. Pond, Secretary &. Treasurer. DIRECTORS EUR SAVANNAH. Erm ard Padei ford, R. A. Lewis, Andrew Low. Jr Jos. S. Fay. Charles Green, E. Mot.vneux, Jr. .iuiiN IE Reid, Geo. W. Anderson, Geouue Hall, R. A. Allen. FOR AUGUSTA. Thos. S. Metcalf, James Hope, J. R. Bulklev, Agent at Augusta, John 11. Guien. General Supcrintendant, Savannah—Win. P. W ylli.-.ins; George Johnson Clerk. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. JOHN W r . W ILDE.JUDGE. Henry Robert, Clerk. A.C. Coldwell. Sheriff. 'Bids Court set> It ii Mondays in February, 3luy, j August and November. SUPERIOR COURT. W T . \V. HOLT, JUDGE. James 3leLaws, Clerk, Aaron Ross, Sheriff. 'Plus Court sits dud3londay in January and Juno. INFERIOR COURT. Justices —James Harper, V alentine Walker, Win Beall, Jesse Kent, and 1. P. Garvin. POST OFFICE. E. B.GLASCOCK. 1 . 31. j B. 11 ALL, Deputy P.3}. NORTHERN MML. Due Daily at 7 B. 31 ...Closes Daily at 8 P. M. WESTERN MAIL. Due Daily at 4 ,V. 31 Closes Daily at 5 P. 31. SAVANNAH MAIL. Due Daily at 3A. 31. | Closes Daily at BP. 31. CAKNKSVILLE MML. Due r l uesday by 7 P.M. Closes Wednesday at 8 P. 31. CALHOUN S MILLS MAIL. Due Wednesday and Saturday by 6P. 31. C loses Sunday and W ednesday at 8 P. 31. (. KEEN VI LI K MAIL, Due Sunday, Tuesday and Friday by 8 P.M. Hoses Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 P. 31. GILLISONVII.LK MAIL. Due Wednesday and Saturday bv fi P. M. Closes Wednesday and Saturday at 8 P.M AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY. WILLIAM IE MAHARREY. CAPTAIN. Gil \s. c VTI.IN, Ist EICUt.J VMKS G V KDN I. R. Ith Lt. B. Bidnon.'M Lieut. lltMiy Moore, Sec y. Vac an r,) 3J Lieut. ILIOM STEAM BOAT COMPANY. Capital £IOO,OOO, A3iOL\ riiCLEY, President. G. McLauuhlin, Secretary. LIUECIUKS, J. M. Adams, J.jsiah Sibley, 11. B. Fra/.i.r, • IS. K. Bui'i ih. Porter Fleming, one vacancy. Agent at \ugiista, Wm. 31. Rowland. Agent at on’annahj Chas. F. Mills. AUGUSTA FIRE COMPANY. F. LA3IBACK, CHIEF ENGINEER. 3 ! m. H G'. -iimuu, Ut Assistant Engineer, Jno. Howbarh, dnd Wm. I’m i.li ns. Secretary L. S. 31okris, Treasurer. SECTION I. SECTION 4. Wm. Haines, Jr. Copt. Jas. H. Garter, Captain. E. C. Service, Lieut. The*. A. Hones. Lieut. Wm. Housley. Jr. Sec y. W. D. Andrews, Sec v. SECTION 2. SECTION .3. C. A. Platt. Captain. E C.'Pin-lev .Captain. Jno. Bridges. Lieut. J. W . Gallahcr, Lieut. A. Hatch, bcc’y. J. W. Clark. Sec ? y. SF.CtIoS 3. SECTION li. Jno. Nelson,Captain. J. W. Zinn, Captain. A. Iver-en. Limit. B. Abrahams, Lieut. J. \ . Simmons, See "v, J. V: v **rs, Sec'v. Section,-, meet ior exercise on the last Saturday in every month. General Parades,for practice and inspection, in 31archund December, cverj year. Regular quarterly meetings in March, June,Sep lomber and December, lur the transaction of ou sincbs, BULLETIN No. 1. ©Til M (ill \FPE\- bi:r<; company having been welcomed in every section of the United Stales with the most unparalleled en thusiasmjand tiicir med icines having reached an enormous circula tion, will henceforward is.-ue Monthly Bulletin. y, that they may the more perfectly inform the public of the ]n*inciples of the AMERICO-GK .\EFENBCI(G SYS TEM, and ol the vast superiority < f their Aledlcines over any others ever presented to iho world. Each Bulletin will contain something of the greatest im portance to the health of the community ; and all classes of readers, the clergy, jurists, statesmen r.nd private individuals, should not fail of reading them, to say the least. One trial alone of the medicines will convince tiie most sceptical of their extraordinary efficacy. In th<* present Bulletin \vc wifi only say that 1. The Graefcnherg Jlcdicines are purely V ege table. 2. They have been tested in tens of thousands of cases with pey'oet success. 8. Oi the \ egetablc Pills alone 30,000 boxes arc sold each and every week! E The demand is constantly' increr. ing. .3. Every article purchased of the < 'ompany or anv of ts Agents vo.rranlcd } and H it Hoes not give satisfaction the money will be refunded. The Graefenburg Vegetable PiiL possess almost iiiag’u al power in preventing and curing the ordinarv disease- w hic'i atfcct humani tv . (especially 1 iiious.)— 'There are some facts con nected with their cuniposiliou and i.. e u iiieh the limits of i lie present notice fori id ns to name. Fuf iice il to say, that they are .the product of tin* mos( extensive ami philosophic research} aided bv all j the light of modern science. All otiiei patent pills ) are made from the recipes of le-s enlightened • ages} these from the combined w i.sdom ol unci- nt ! and modern science. In fact they arc A Pei feet Pill!, worthy of the age and of the country. The Graefcnherg Gom patsy i; pie pared (o show to the public the nmst unquestionable «.■' idencc that these cchdmifed pills are every day curing all dis orders of the Liver, Stomach. Rowels, ])■* spepsia. Jaundice, Erysipelas, Green Sickness, and all dis eases vo which females arc subject. Neuralgia, Rheuma’ism, Headache. Ac., ail Bilious Turn plaints. Ac. Their wonderful ellicacy arises from their power to open the pores: to clean-e and strengthen the stomach and bowels; to make the urine and monthly discharges flow healthily; and to giv e tone and vigor to the system. Biice Abets, a box. No family should be without (hem. If they do not giv e satisfaction the money will be promptly* refunded; and every agent is hereby instructed to that elfect. G-r=tefnnbcrg Healtli Fitters; ITT LNTIUELV \ EG ETA HI.Ej J—warranted (o make one quart,of incomparable Butters. 'They* are skilfully and elegantly prepared bv this Com pany from a number of the most purifying, invigo rating and healing Roots. Barks, Herbs and Vines, gathered in the wide domain of nature in both hemispheres. 'They will restore strength and vigor of body, give clearness to the most sallow com plexion, and create keen appetite. All persons who are alilictcd with occasional ill health, low spirits and loss of appetite, should procure them at once. Brice 25 cts. a package. The Graefeiiberg Fever and Ague Pills. 'This Bill i- the great conqueror of Fever ami Ague, ami Fever of ail other types and forms. The Graefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound. This i- now the standard Sarsaparilla Prepara tion of the day; far surpassing all others before the public. In addition to the princely Sai saparilla, this preparation contains Gniacum, Mandrake, Bur dock, Elder, 3 cllovv Dock, Queen’s Delight, and three other roots. It is taking the place of all other Sarsaparillas, and should be tried by all vv ho wish to use any thing of the kind. Brice ,S‘E A 0 a bottle, which will make two quuib of the greatest possible .strength. The other Medicines are The Gii.vefesef.rg F.ve Lotion, The Children's Bana< t v. Tin: Green 3loi xtvin Ointment. The Consump tives Balm, The Dysentery Syrup. It is intended that there shall be a Graefenberg Depot in every neighborhood in the United States, at which the Company s Modi* ines may be found. The Generel Agent for So. Carolina and Geor gia is George Brainani, at Charleston, S. G.. to whom applications for agencies mav be addressed. EDW ARD BA ETON, Secretarv. For sale by Wm. Haines. Broad-st. \ugusta, Ga.; IF S. Roberts. Edgefield, C. H. So. Ga.; Hyde & Jones. Macon. Ga.; James (Duncan. 31illedgcvillc; 31. G. Williams.)■). Davi-boro; D. IF i3lathewson, Hawkinsville; Wm. 11. King, Union county , Ga. J an. G (1 EOII6IA, DeKall) comity. —Whereas XJA3IES M. .McALPIN apjilies for letters ot Administration on the estate of HENRY WADE, late oi said-county', deceased: These arc there fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they* have, why let ters of Administration should not be granted the applicant. W itness the Hon. William Hairston one es the Judges ot said Court of Ordinary of said county, this Bfh Dec., 1847. Dec. 10 AEEX. JOHNSON, Gleik. (3 JSORGI Richmond County.—Where- W as WILLI A M SCIH.EV, Jr.. a l .plies to me for letters of administration on the estate of JOHN fcsGIILEY, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my ollice. within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under rov hand at ollice in Ammsta. IK-c. 2- ' LEON I*. DUG AS, Ulcik. 1 Business (Tareu. To Profassional avid Busiinoss M<mm* PROFESSIONAL AND BES!NE' : £ U \RDH not exceeding six lines, W'sl4 bo in,-, rted under tin head at (lie rate of 8’ 10 per annum. Card? exceed ing six Ihie.s, wifi be charged pm / < per line. SAMUEL BARRETT, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , WASHINGTON, GA., 3V ILL practice in the Counties of Wilkes, V, ar rert. Hancock, Taliaferro, Elbert, Oglethoipe and Lincoln. Jan. o. I v 3V 1 L L 1 A 31 15. T E R II U X 11. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, GA. Refer to —\V, E. Alexander, Rome, Ga. Aug. 15 ly JAMES GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUS TA, GEORG I V JOHN H. "SICS, Attorney ami Counsellor at Law. (WSSVTLLE. (• A. Will practi e iu the Connie s of tbe Cherokee Circuit. Collecting business will bo thankfully receiv ed and despatched promotly', 21 .ly ‘ ' 50 ~ DA N ILLS. !*R I \Ti i\ ATTORIvJEY AT LAW. ROME, GEORGIA. Will practise iii the Cherokee Circuit—Budd ing, Cass. Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Gilmer, .Murray, Walker, Dade, Clluttagoo and Floyd. Aug. 15 ly 4/G JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .MACON, GEORG 1 V. \\ ill practice in tbe couirt’es of Bibb, Jones, Baldwin, Twiggs. Houston, Crawford and Mojjue and also in the county of Burke. Any business in truded to his care will receive prompt attention. June ii ly 205 ALIEN AN HER McKEVZIE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, W A i NESBOKO’, GEORGIA. April 20 ly 178 JONES 6c SHEWMAKE, ATT () J* N1 E S A T LA3V . W AYNESBORO, (i JOSEPH B. JONES, and JOHN T. SIiFAV -31 \KE. having associated themselves in the prac tice ot Law. will promptly attend to any' business entrusted to them in the counties of Burke. .Idler sou, Emanuel, Richmond, Scriven and W a liiugton. July 8 T 2 DU REEL Ci. GREGORY, DMILONEG V, UU3IPKIN COUNTY, GA., W ill practice Law in the Cherokee < icciut. He will also ac t as Land \ rent, vv here i tie land lies in that or the adjoining counties. Ria lit i:n ( i,s. —F. 31. Cabot. Esq., A. G. Wim py. B. 31., J. A. Smith. Esq., Dabionega; Gov. C. 1 J. McDonald, Mari* ifa; !! i. Hir.tm Warner, Grecuv'ille; Col. K. E. Haralson, UuGrangf Sept. 15 ly M3DICAL CARD. O’ Du. 31E VLrf tenders his professional serv i ces in tls e various branches of Medicine, to the cit izens of Augusta and vicinity. He may be foun t either at the office, formerly occupied by Thos. X J. J. IF Flouru y. l'.-ex-.. no Mclntosh-street or at the rcLieuce of 3Ls. Wa tciman, on lEcad.sircut, Dec. 1 fimo BLACK Sc LAWSON, ATTOIt \E V S A T LA W . \3 ill practice in all the Counties ot ihe 3!iddle ('ircuit. Any business entrusted to them will meet with prompt attention. Address Edward J. Black, Jacksonboro, Ga. John F. Ea-wson. Augusta. Ga. I v Nov. 18 R. S. DILL, CO 31311 SSI t>\ 31E HCII A NT, New Orleans. Nov. 19 —3m Cuas. P. M'Cvli.v. | Glstwk Romain McC VLL \ & HO3I \l\, C O MMIS SI O N me rg e: ANT 3, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Nov. 7 ly John E. Cope. Oscar E. Sai;wmale com A SHE 33 31AKE, Factors and Commission Merchants, N. lit 1A MA Jf, GJu OR OJA. Sept. IG thsSm GLOBE HOTEL. CORMER OF FROM) f JACKSON-STS. AUGUSTA, GA. BY FRANCIS 31. JENNINGS. Oct. 21 Jv IL F. BOLTER, 1 IN 31 AN U FACT I It KK, Or. Rroad-sl.. at !■'. 11. Cook's old Clothing; Stoic ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED, Roofing, X.C., at shortest notice, and on the most rv asonable terms. 3 , ork in ihe country promptly attended to. ly.— Oct. I CLEVELAND A SI*MAR, SIIB3EON ea DENTISTS NO. 215 3ROAD-ST (Over Aldrich X. Green's Shoe Store.) nov 11 ly 3.3 TAKE NOTICE*! N O HUMBUG!!-! f¥3 HE PECTORAL ELIXIR is the safest, most speedy, and most pleasant remedy lor Coughs, ( 'aids. Asthma. J , ain in the Side, Pneumo nia, BroneUdas, Fteurisy, Croup, W hooping Con a. and. Consumption, ever offered to the public. Jt js tlye only warranted cure for tire above diseases, and may therefore be strictly relied upon. If anv one is humbugged by its use, certainly it would be the proprietor, as he lias authorized his agents everywhere to refund the money whenever il fails to act as recommended. THE PECTOR AL EPIXiRis the safest of all Cither icnicdies lor Lung Complaints, because it contains no Mercury or any other drug that would prove injurious by long use, a- i’ is composed en tirely of vegetable substances. It is the most speedy, because it has a direct and specific action upon the organs of the chest, and consequently none of its energies on other parts of tbe system. It is tbe most pleasant, because it does not pos sess a single nauseous property, either in taste or smell, hut on the contrary has a most agreeable taste and a delightful effect. Should those afflicted by- any of the disca.-cs mentioned, give it a trial, thcy r will never regret it. It may be obtained, wholesale and retail, of WM. li. BUTT, Jan. 20 Only Agent for Augusta. UNDER-SHIRTS AND DRAWERS OF MERINO, COTTON, SILK, and all other kiads. cheap, at i Uct. 17 WM. O PRICE A CO’ri. regagwßßgas'’. ■a.teggarva'icg r*sr:. Citations, Kc. g 1 EORGIAj DeKalb comity.—-W hcrc.t ’’C D. .1. MITCHEE appfie' tor letter; oi I A iministration on the estate of \\ 1 LLA M Mll'll s EL, Jai :■ of -aid count}, ucr;‘.hi“l. These ,»re therefore to cite unit admonish all and Angular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to he : : appear at my office within tin? lime' prescribed In law and sh-*\v c:a;-o if any tin ; have,a gets oi' Vdiniuistration should not bo granted iuo appli cant. Witness the Honorable L. S. Mor;rin,.ou*e ol the Judges ol the Court ol Ordinary ol said county this !1: fi Januarv . 1 :; ' dan. I I ALEX. JOHNSON. C. C. O. 0 i EOtUJIA, Lineohl I’otmty.—Whereas. A.ST VvAl. u. NOIUIAN. and EAWRE.XS SL DDL i’ll, appii. lor letters of Administration on the c.cate of WILLIS HI DDL TIL deceased: These ar . therefore (ocite and .idnioni-h all and singular, the kindred and ercdfi.ns of said dc (■(•... id, to he ami appear at my office. wUhan the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted the said applicant at the January Term next of the Court of Ordinary. HLA.iI HEXDEiLSON, Clerk C. O. pan. 12 a t I’OIKII.V, |h:Kalb C’oimtv. — Pro-, at, X $ the i i'-l I oner- I. \ . Dav is, Jim. N K.ditn n>r. L. S. Morgan, uud Lociilia Johnson, J edges of aid Con rl. W hereas, ROUT. If. SMITH.Jr Executor ol HOLT. SMITH, Hen., late ot said county, dc cea-ed, applies to tins Court for letters <*i«*mi so: v. • com the Administration ol said e-i ate. Thereto;;- i the kindred end creditors of said deceased, are j hereby cited and admonished to tile objections, it any the} have, in my office, within the time pie- I sclihed h) law, otherwise letters of Ifismissorv | "ranted me applicant at the September | Term of i hi* (’onrl, 1;; id. Witness, the lion. John N. Dellinger, one of the Judges ot said Court, January 1 L It! I". ALEX R. JOHNSON, Ci k. C. O. Jan Id / I KOlilil Socivrn Countv.— Whereas, V* l.liOilV THOM I*.SON iutib to the j Honorable the Court of Ordinarv of Hen von coun ty for letters of admini -iration on the estate and clfccts of JOHN R. THOMPSON, late ol said county, deceased: A he.-e ;.ri il (arc (.» ciL-■ and admonish all and singular the* kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my Oltice within tije time proscribed by law. to show cause, if anv tliev have, wliy said letter > should m i L*e gi anted the said ap plicant. V: itnc slhe Hon. Peter Reddick, one of tlieJus tices ol the Court ot Ordinary ol said county, this, the 7lli day of January. Ibid. Jan. II ALEXANDER KEMP. Cl k. ♦ —O -1 EOIIRiA, 'Wilkes Cotntly.—Whereas, v*l Oil i>l \ 11 I>RE N< ia j ’pi io- for l< ! lei's oi Vdrninistrali.tn on the cslatc of JEREMIAH FRAZIER, deceased, late ot said countv. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and .singular, the kindred ami creditors of said de ceased, to be ami appear at tin within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,"if any the} have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office in Washington this 20th. Nov. 181-7. G. G. NORMAN, C. C. O. .Xov. ‘2l- ; / l EOIKd A, DeKalb fount} . —V»hereus l v A 1 . 1 \f. I»K I' i'l d; TO N.lf m t'olor on Ibe es tate ot I).\\ li) Fit \NK I, I.X. deceased, applies fur letters of l>i.-mi.ssion from -aid estate : 1 hose ate therefore to cite and admonMi all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office, v, is bin the lime pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granied.® Given under ru} hand at. office, mis .‘ith August, 1817. ALEX. JOHNSON, fJerk. August? Cmo I’ lEORLIA, W ilkes County.—W hereas X H SARAH \. \ i r-OT Wfminisiralrix of Ihe Estate ot J V 311 !S <'. i\l !• ceased, ap plies to tat; lor letters of dismissionfrom said las- i tutc ; These are bond)} ,to cite and admonish all and i singular the kindred and creditor?, of paid dc- * ceased, to be and. appeal at m\ re. within the time pi e -cribed by law,to show anv Ifiev have, why said letters should not be granted. Gi\ea under my hand, at cilice in Washington this Bih, 1817. G. G. ,XOILMAN, C. C. O. July Id 1G << EOULI.A, DeKalb Corutty.—Present, their Honors F. A. Davis, L. H. Alorgan, and John V Lelienger. Judges of s.iid.t'oin t. W hereas, U I!.SOX !L HIM! FWFI.L, Adminis trator of W M. HPKPW P.I.L. late of said count}', de ceased. apjdies to this Court for letters dismissorv from the administration of said i'islate. Therefore ti. kindred amt ciPrdlorsof said de ceased an hereby cited and admonished to file their objections, if any they have, in mv office within the time prescribed by law, otherwise let ters dismissorv will be granted the applicant at the January Term, of this Court, 1813. \i itiwss. ib.> Hon. i . S. Morgan one of the J«, ticcs of said Court. May I, 1817. A LEX 41. JOHNSON, Clk. C. O. Slay G 182 (t tOIUd A, Scriveu fouiity,-—Present the §i Honorable George Pollock. Peter Reddick and JohnS. Manor. Judges of said Court. Whereas, CASSANDRA WILLI AMSON. Ad ! minisfratnv upon the Estate of CULLEN WIL LfAAISON. late of s.dd count}', deceased, applies for letters ol dismission from the administration of raid estate of therefore the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, arc hereby cited and admonish ed to file their objections if any they have in mv office in terms of the law otherwise letters dis missory will be granted the appli. ant at the Jan uary term next, of the ( \ irr*l»wf Ordinarv for said county. P>\ order oft he (Nnirl. thi - June 10th, 1817. ALEXANDEII JvE3)P. C. C. 0., S C. June 20 ' 221 (i DOi’dl St riven County.—Whereas, M MH.ES HUNTER, Guardian SAR AH W IL LIAMS. minor heir of TSI LOP! 111.1 ST WIL | LIAMS, late of said county deceased, will apply Vo the Honorable the Justices ot the Inferior Court of said county tor letters of disruinissiou from said Guardianship. ’l'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said Sarah Williams, to file their objections, if any the} have, within the time prescribed 1 *!*;, law, why said let ters should not be granted. W itness, the Honorable George Pollock, one of • the Justices uf.said Court, this loth dav of August 1817. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. Aug. 1J 4-. t /1E0!;<IIA, Widkes County.—Whereas. * S J M'OIJ 111 I’LARD. Executor in right of his wife, applies for letters dismission from the es tate ol JOHN Id. ’ ! I LN PR, late el sal* count : . de ceased ; t are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred andcreditors of said deceas ed, to lie and appear at nn*bfiice within the time i prescribe.! by law, )<; show cause if any they have, whv said letters sbould not be granted. Given under my hand at office in W ashington December 10,1347. G. G. NORMAN, Clerk. Dec 12 CtEOIKIIA, DeKalb County.—TO ALE AH WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—Whereas NOAII SLAV apjiiies to me for lei ters of Admin istration on the estate ofWILLIAM SI-AY, late »il ftcKalb. deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and -symrular the kindred arid creditors ot said to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and shew cause, il any they have.w by letters of admin istration should not be granted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable L. S. Morgan one of the Judges of the Court of Ordinary of said county, thi- the Gfh December. 1847. • Dec. 0 ALEX. JOHNSON, C. C. O. .... ( £cgal Notices. | TOLU i'iONTHS after date application i | -S- 1 wdl !u made to tlie Honorable the Inteli t Court ol i’uiuu county, when sitting’ ter Ordinary . j arp.t-es. for h.vc to M the interest el Julia Ana Tierce, Mmor, iu 200 acres land in - lid cvuutv. JAMC'j CHANCE, Guardian. j Jan. U I ’ I ** 3ION TIIS after date application w ill » be made to the Honorable Inferior C-ourt -.-i : < n. ia Count;. . when sitting as u Court otOrdi na, \ tor leave to soil the personal property belong ; n:g • < 11: e e-1 at eol Cats) J Um-ton, deceased, iai. of said cotint v. VV lELIAM F. JOHNSTON. Admh Jan. !2. | AO I R MONTIES after date application wiL -h lie made to tlie Court (>l Ordinary of Rich j m<hid county, lor leave to sell the land and negroes »■< hinging to the estate of SARAH RLACK ( S i’( >.\ E, deceased. N»V- J AKGVI.i; 111 VCKSTONE, AdmT | | AOl R MONTHS after date application \v ill A. he made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich ; mond county, for leave to soil the interest (being , one-ftiurlh.) ol .R >1 i \ MOK RIS. a minor, in a tract i ot land, l)iag in Columbia countv, containing Id./ acres, and hounded In lands of \Vm. UooreAJohu i Jones and Joseph Hi v iiolds. Esq. . v .Li»l St I, Si’ .MORRIS, Guardian. I Nov. 2 I | R JIONTIfS afterdate, application wilt S he made to (he iioieiraid** live inferior Court j ol Jeiierson county when sitting tor ordinarv pm- Jiose . lor leave to -rll Ihe Nev roes lie longing to flic estate ot Jeremiah W ilchar. late ot .letlersoa corny IV. deceased. WM G. WTLCHAR, AdmT. Sept. 21 VOTK 12.-"-All persons having demands it against the estate of JAMES GARDNER late of Richmond county, deceased, arc hereby notified to hand them in duly attested w ithin the turn; prescribed h;i law ; ami those who may he h, '. hu a to said estate, will make pin men! to e. Gardner;ExV*. Jan.lo 6c OTICE • —All persons having demands s> N gainst the estate of \ A DENTINE LL'TIJ ■ RIM»ER tie ceased, lute ol Richmond count \ . wil! hind them iu or: pcrly attested; suJ all indebted : to said estate, will make immediate payment to AGNES Lt 11l RINGER, Adm’x. Jan. 13 —cG A, OiTCE.—4 he public are cautioned against h ’ trading lor a note made liy me and endorsed V, i S. < A let ns, for the sum of Seventy-nine (7H| '' ■! i* -. payable (•• \V m T. Case or bearer, and d i e ' December loth, 1617; said note payable one month ; ter dafe. DAVID F. JOHNS. Jan. 11 co— OIK 12.—A1l jH'rsons indebted to (lie estate II of SAHA 11 KLACKSTONE, deceased, an reqin sled to make payment; and those having de mands again-1 said estate are requested to han't' tJiciu in within the time prescribed by law. ALG \ EL 111. At KSIUNE, Adiu*r. Nov. 10 —Gw ft i’K *l2.—All person* havingdchnands again t 11 the Estate of George C. Gordon, Jeweler, j latent Richmond Comity, will present them pro ()cil\ atie-ted ; an-l ail persons indebted to said Estate, will make payment to C. A. EL ATT, Executor Sept. 11. ct> \*OTICR. —All persons indebted to the estate i'x ol i lit EM AS <<R \\ ! IS. late ot W alton co. * «a.. are ; i quest Ito make immediate par ment; and all those having demands against said estate, to pro sent them iu terms of the law*. GEO. VV. GRAVES, Ex July 1 I 16 %*0 I ICE.—AII persons having demands agalfist 1 ANGI S Vi A i> I IN. late oi Richmond conn t.v, deceased, are hereby notified to present them jin perl) attested to me, within the time prescrib ed by haw. And all persons indebted to said de eea etl. are hereby requited to make immediate pay mem. ’ ALEX. MARTIN. ExT. Aug. 12 ' 46 jVOTICE. — All persons having Watches oi l x Jewelrv left at the store of the late G. C Gordon for repair, will please call at the store ot < . Riall, pay for the same and take them away prior to their being sold as the property of the es tale. C. A. PLATT, ExT, Sept 11 2w iVj’OTTCE.--"All persons indebted to JACOI* j i x A ELEN, deceased, late of Warren comity ; are requested to make payment, and all persons I having demands against tiie aid Jacob Allen, will i preseut them, in terms oi the law.to i'ODDARD \\ . SMITH, Executor. Sept. 12 66 ! l\r OTICE—AII per sons having demands against I'i HENRY C. GIRSON. deceased, late ot ■ Wilkes county are requested to hand them in legally i proven, and thus. indebted arc requested to make ! immediate pa\ ment to •Sept. 10 cti MARV A. GIBSON, Adm x | t )TICE. — V H jici sons huv ing demands against ■ 1 x the estate of L. F. E. Dl G \S. late of Richmona I count) will present them properly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate, will make pay ment to L, A. DCGAS, AdmT. Sept. 11 66 l% r OTICF. — VII persons indebted to the estate lx ot WILLIAM SELLERS, deceased, late ot Richmond county, are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased, to present them w ithin the time prescribed, and attested as the law directs. Sept.l7 RAVMOND F SELLERS. ExT. i ~ VOTICE. — All per-ona indebted to (he estate ; lx of ISAAC i’RY AN. late of Scruen county | will make immediate payment, and those having ■ demands against said estate v. ill present them prop • i erlv attested to Oct. 6 ELIJAH RORER I S, AdmT O’l IC-E. — Ml persons indebted to the estate ; IN of the late JOHN M. G\RDNER.wiU make payment to the undersigned, and those having do mands against said estate will present them at i cording to law. Dec. 21 c JAMES GARDNER, Jr., AdmT. NOTICE. \EL I*l2l* SO NS JMM2HTEI) to the un . dersigued. h\ note or otherwise, and those in whose hands i li.trc placed papers for collection, are hereby notitied that WILLIAM A- WAL TON. E>q.. of V ngtista.t Jeorgia. is my duly author i/.cil Agent and \ttorucy, W'ith full power to rep re ent me in the s tlement of my business at the South. JESSE WALTON. Alton. Illinois, Aug. 11th, 1647. Sept. 2.1 <ll ct NOTICE. 4 I.L persons indebted to the estate of EVV’EJ,E Met*OV, late of Morgan county, deceased, are requested to tome forward and make payment, and those having demands against the same are. requested to present them according to law, this 10th day of November. 1817. Nov. 12 ROBERT A. McCOV, Executor. C' t I2OKGIA, IJnrke County.—All persons ff interested are hereby notified that four months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting as a Court of Ordinarv, for leave to sell a tract of land, bo ton ging to J ()SEPHIN E O. SMEVVM AK E. a minor of said county; bounded on all sides.by lands belonging to W illiam Laseler. ANNA SIIEW3IAKE Guardian. Jau. 8