Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, April 22, 1851, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, Jr.] THE COJSyTjTjjyiONALIST. OFFICE; IN McINTOfciH-STREET, Thira aoorfrom the North-Westcornerof is road-jstrcet necutors or Gun nu'l ur required, by law, to be held on the hr si Tu we /iionih. between the Hours otten in thetore *l2' “ .»• u.. Court liouaein Caret,. SIXTY DAYS pra "NEUllOßs'imUib. at Public Auction on tu S * t Tueaoav of the month, between the usual hours o ,'ue at the place of public sales in the county where ,0e Leiusu Testamentary,or Administration, or Guar dianship, may have been granted, hrsi giving A Y BAY’S notice thereof, in oneot the publicGaxettesof this rotate, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. . Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given m line iiiamier FORTY DAYS previous to day oi naie Notice to tne Debtors and Creditors of an Estate .mist be published for FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Courtof Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR MONTHS , . otice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. _____ Business QlarOs. To and Business Men. AND BUSINESS CARDS not er.i . eding six lines,will be inserted under this heat, lit therate of slOperannum. Cardsexceed >ng s x lines, will be charged pro rata per line. COULTER & COLLIER. A T Tußl\ EY S A T L A W, Rome, Georgia, Will practi* e in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Alfred B. i’oclter. | Wm. E. Collier. Reference s.— Hon. J. L. Petigru, Charleston; Messrs. Baker *v. Hart, Wm. E. Jackson Co.. Augusta; Hon. Henry W. Collier, Tuscaloosa, Ala iy mar 27 ARTHUR HOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon County ......Ga {Jjf* Business entrusted to his Profevsional man agement in the counties of Gordon, Murray, Cass, Fioyd, Gilmer, Walker and Ch; tteoga, will meet with prompt attention. Re ers to Messrs. Howard & Gardiner, Chas. E. Grenville, W. W. Gi bs, Messrs. Gibbs & M’Cord, and I>. B. Ramsay, Augusta iy mar L WILLIAM R. McLAWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner for New York, Virginia , North and South Carolina. HAVING formed a Co Partnership with an Attorney in Washington City, will attend prompty to ail applications en*rusted to him for BOUNTY LAND WARRA NTS, under the laws of 1847, and the Dill which has just passed Con gress allowing Bounty Land to the officers and soldiers of the war of 1812, the Indian war, and the late Mexican war. (O 3 Office on Washington street, second door from Wairen’s corner. dxctf oct 5 B. Y. MARTIN,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. [O* Will practice in the counties of Columbia, Warren, JeffersOD, and Burke, and will attend to the collection of debts and claims in Abbeville and Edgefield districts, South Carolina. feb 9 Office on Broad street, first door above the In surance Bank. W. W. MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA .....GEORGIA Willpractice in the Middle Circuit. Offioein Law Range. aug JAMES GARDNER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. JOHN VV. EV * NS, ATTORNEY 4- COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Dalton, Mrray County, Ga., Will practice in Murray, Gilmer, Cass, Gordo", Walker, and the other counties of the Cherokee Circuit. All business entrusted 10 his care, will meet with prompt attention. Refer to Messrs. Scran ton, Stark &. Davis, Messrs. Hari and, Risley & Co., Messrs. Poe &. Nesbit, Macon, Messrs. Pierson &. Heidi. Savannah, ly aug JtUirical <£ar&o. DRS. J. E. & H. A. BIG-NON. Office on Broad St. opposite Bridge Bank building. (Cf" Offer their pro.essional services to the cit zens of Augusta and its vicinity. jau 14 O DR. JAS. D. MACKIE tenders re specif ally his Professional Services to the citizens of Augusta. Office on Jack-on street, between Broad and Reynold streets. 6mos jan 12 YEEDICAL CARD O’ DR. P. M. STOTESBURV offers his Professional services to the Pub.ic. Office on Broad-street, first Dwe.liug above the Franklin House, where he may be found at ail hours, when not professionally engaged. References.—Dr. M S. Thompson, Macon, Ga ; Dr J. 1 bide, Scriven county, iormerly ol I Hamburg. S C. mar 14 “ J. M. HAWSES, M. D., BOTANIC PtiYSICI 1 v & SURGEON. ST Treats diseases on purely Physiological Principles, rejecting all known poisons, whether vegetable, animal or mineral. O 3 Office, a few yards South of the Post Office and opposite toe Young Men’s Library Associa tion . Augusta, Ga. ly f. b 1 11. VAN VOOKHIS, iMT IK ~ HOiVKEOPITHIC PHYSICIAN. fl'T* Is permanently located in Augusta, and is to be found at Mr. Beer’s, corner oi Broad and Jackson streets. Reiersto G. J. and W. SCHLEY, Esqs. march 14 A CARD. EDW. GIHARDEY tenders his Prole 4onal Services to the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity. O’Office one door above Mar tin Frederick's. ly oct3o DR. J. M. HILL, ~ Greene Street, opposite the Baptist Church. mar 27 lyr “oT AlUiVrfOiN. A. M. M D SURGEON DENTIST. HAS removed to J C. Carmi chael’s lormer residence m • •r the Hardwa e Store of Carmi •hael A Bean. ts oat. 1 DEiN riSTiiV. D. C. CHASE. M. D. DENTIST. AUGUSTA, GA. Artificial teeth serted on Gold Plate, with(££F«pyik Clasps, Spiral Springs, by Atmos J ~U_LX-T pheric pressure, or ». ith an Air chamber Par tial Sets inserted in a neat and beautiful man ner, without either Clasp* or Springs. Palatine Obturators made and inserted so as to enable the pati ntto speak distinctly, and with ease. Particular attention paid to Dentition, and the » eservation of the Natural Teeih. r Office south side of Broad-street, one square above the Giobe, and a few doors below the Franklin House. ly jus 3 DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST. A CARD -11 AVING disposed ot my entire interest in AA the Globe Hotel to Mr. L. S. Morris, I re turn my thanks to my friends and tne public gen erally, lor the very liberal patronage extended to B °ocit for him a continuance of the same. Mr. Y orris has been long and favorably known to this co umunity, and I feel confident that his great» nergy and gentlemanly bearing will make the Globe Hotel worthy of still more extended patronage. F. M. JENNINGS. HAVING purchased oi Mr. F M Jennings his entire interest in the Globe Hotel, 1 so licit a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon him. No effor* or expense shail be spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor me with a Cull. L. S. M RRIS. leb7 6mdxc FARE REDUCED TO 20 DOLL ARc New Yar^J THE GREAT MAILROUTEFROM OH S. C. LEAVING the Wharf at the loot of Laurens st. daily at 3, p. m. after the arrival of tl- Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WEI DON,N. C.. PETERSBURG, RICHMOND,! WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHJLADEL PHI A and NEW YORK. The public ts respectfully informed *hat the -teamersof this line,from Charleston to Wilming ton, are iu first rate condition and are navigated b’ well known andexperiencedcommanders. audth Railroads are in fine order,thereby securing hot! safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been m operation, wid b« con Tiuued on and after the first of October, 1849. as a permanent arrangement from Charlestcn to \ev York. Passengers availing themselves there of, will have the option to continue wilhoir delay throuan the route or otherwise to sto* at any of tie intermediate points, renewin their seats on tne line to suit their convenient By this route travellers may reach New York or the third day during businesshours. Baggage wi!» beticketedon board the iSteamer to VVelaon.a. 1 - likewise on the change of cars, at the ii »ermedi ate points from thence to New York. T nrougr Tickets can alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh tt. H Company, at the office of the Company at tile f oct of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For further information inquire of march 9 E. WINSLOW. WM. HUNTER, Factor, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, NO. 94, BAY STREET, oct 8 SAVANNAH. GA. BELCHER & HOLLINGSWORTH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta Ga. BAVE now on hand a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vite the attention of their friends and the public generally. All Goods purchased from us will be sent to anv point in Hamburg that may be desired, free ol charge, and all orders promptly attended to. We have removed to our new store on Broad street, next door to Adams & Fargo's oldJtand, where we shall be happy at all times to see our friends. J. M. BELCHER, oct 11 J. H. HOLLINGSWORTH TO PLANTERS. WE would respectfully inform the Planters that we furnish SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to be attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and in different patterns at the lowest prices. These Mills have given the h ghest satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere SCHIRMER & WIGAND, Burr Millstone Manuiacturers, Augusts, G? AUGUSTA FOUNDRY.^ NEAR THE SEOKQi A RAIL ROAD DEPOT. THE PROPRIETORS of these works re spectluliy tender their thanks for the libe ral pationage which they have received. Thev ars* still prepared to furnish IRON and BRASS CASTINGS. Also, GEARING for all descrip tions ol Machinery. STEAM ENGINES Os various sizes made so order. We hare in course of co siruction, two of twelve, and one ol iwenty-five horsepower. Also. Gearing for Mills. In February last, we started an Engine of twenty live hoi se power, at Aboeville C. H. S. C. We take the liberty of it,st rung a letter received irom one of the Proprietors 01 the Mill. TALIAFERRO & TORBET. Abbeville, April 9th, 1 01. Gentlemen: The Engine still works well, and is admired by all who have st-en it. Several gen tlemen from a di tance, wno are well acquainted w th similar works, pronounce it a fine Engine, and cxpres>ed some su prise when I told them it was manuiac med in Aug sta. W*» are cuttin r from 1700 to 2000 feet a day now, but you know our hands are slow and inexperienced. They will do better after a while- I remain yours,&c., ap 15 ly CHAS. 11. ALLEN HATS, CAPS, A*o SrRA -AT GOOD 3 AT CHARLISTOK PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR. dfc CO., would respect • fully iuiorm the Merchants of Georgia, and adjoining States, that tney are now receiving ad dit onal supplies ol Goous in i eir .line, their s t ock being now the largest and best selected of any ever offered in tfds city, and are prepared to sell H A'l'S on as reasonable terms as Groceries, Sad dles. Drugs. Ai c., can be Dought in this city. Please call betore going below. PLANTER ATTENTION. GROLNi) LAND FLAS I’ER, for Manure.— A large supply oi this article will be kept on hand,ai;d sold very >ow by HAVILANU. RISLEY A Co. To encourage Planters to make large crops, the Rail Road Company promise to take I .and P as ter at th«ir owest rate of freight. 3m mar 11 CHARLES BE RUFF, PORTRAIT j\D MINI A! I R PAINTER Guom No. 4, itiasouic Hal>, Having located in Augusta, with the purpose f pursuing his Frofes sion, will be pieased o receive the of those whorn iy f .vor mm with their patronage. Mr. Bkruff will teacn the principles of the Art, it a class should be lormed for that purpose, jan 8 om FOR SALeT A WOMAN, about twenty-one years of age, a superior Sempstress and House Servant, with her iwo children, one three years, and the other two months old. —also— A W.iMAN, about thirty six, an excellent fi Id hand, with he* thiee children, one eighi years, one three years, and the other two months old. These Negro s are sou id aod healthy. Enquire at this office. doect* jan 11 d. bTFlumb & CO, YgrCAHIES between U. S. Hotel and HI B«st Office corner, keep constantly on band a full and fresh supply of eyery article in their line. % # P ’r.icular attention paid to Physicians pre serif lion. Medicines dispensed at all hours of the nil hi, and on Sundays, by calling at the resi deuc** ou Ellis-st., immediately in the rear of the Store*. oct.B NAILS, BRADS, AND SPIKES. ('IARGOOFBRI« SARAH FRANCIS J tn arrive. 3500 Kegs of all sizes. Orders received previous to arrival will be delivered without eharge, for Drayage. No orders received for less than 100 Kegs. And also 250 bales Hay. »pr? «KO. W. LEWIS. AUGUST A, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1851. GOODS! SUITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN’S AND BOY’S WEAR. RECEIVED THIS DAY BY J. F. SETZE. Brown linen drill, herring BOi> E Do., French Herring Rene do., Fancy Linen do., Linen Coatee Checks, Union do. do., 4-4 Buff and Slate Linens, Cambkt Jeanes, Cottonades, Barnsley Drills, Mohair Cord. Wooiinett, French and English Drap D’Ete, Merinoes and Cashmeres for Coats and Pants, 4-4 Irish Linens, Unbleached and Blue Merino Socks, Plain and Fancy Linen Cambric Handk’s, Silk Pocket do.,‘ Low priced and sup. Gum Elastic Suspenders, &e. mar 11 C & £ L. KBRRISON & CO.” DIRECT IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS IN CHARLESTON, SO. CA. Wj' OCJLD respec fully inform their friends T ▼ and those who purchase Dry Goods in their city, that they are prepaied, and are offering a larsre and well assorted stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Selected for, and particularly adapted to the Southern t ade Importing direct, they feel assured ol being able to sell goods as low in Charleston as they can be boHght in any othet market in t.-e U States. They wou.d call particu ar attention to Linen Goods, of every description, t e make will be sou d of best fiuish, and perfectly free from any mixture of Cotton. Also, to their stock of Dress Goods, which tv ill be found second to none in the market. Terms cash, or city acceptance. C. vV E. L. KERRISON & CO., No. 209 King. North-we t corner of feb 8 ' King and Market streets. GEORGIA SAhSAPARILLA, ’ PREPARE© BY J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA GA. FOR DISEASES of tne Liver and to purify the Blood. Dr. D. has made his preparation as pure as pos sible. Its bitter taste corresponding with the taste ol tbejroots, proves its purity. Its beneficial effects in diseases ol the Liver prove it to be the most useful prepara,ion of Saisaparilla that u made. The prevalence of diseases .in the Southern cli mate, arising from an inactive >tute of the Liver, and the effect of this Sarsaparilla in stimulating the Liver to increased action, causing by its alte rative and mildly purgative effect the removal of morbific agents from the Blood, have induced the Proprietor to use the pure Sarsaparilla and noth ing else in this preparation. For other diseases Physicians using this prepa ration in their practice can combine, or prescribe with it such articles as they may consider the most appropriate in cases under their treatment. As those who use the Georgia Sarsaparilla and find benefit from its use—recommending it to others, and the fast increasing demand, proves that the labors of the Proprietor to make a good article have beer da y apprecia'ed by S> utkern people, there is,no need of publishing certificates, North ern preparations should not be used in the South, unless they are made freer of sweetened water and other things than they have been. Price, #1 per bottle; 6 bottles for #5. Sold in Augusta, by Wm H. Tutt, D B Plumb & Co., Haviland, Risiey &. Co ,P. A. Moise, W 11. &J. Turpin, W. K. Kitchen, Barrett, Carter & Co.; at Athens, Hi 1 & Smith; Madison, Seymour & Ser vice; Atlanta, Dr. T. S. Benny; Marietta, Wm. Root; Macon, Payne & Nisbet; Charleston, S. C., P. M. Cohen, and Carey &. Couturier; Columbia, Boatwright &. Miot; Hamburg, Dr. A J. Creigh ton. Orders with the money will receive prompt at tpntion. 4 fac. »n 13 FANCY SPRING- DRY GOODS. T. BRENNAN & CO. ARE now receiving, amongst other GOODS, the following, to which they invite the at tention of the public i Chene, Brocade, and other fashionable style# of eoloreu Silks, suitable tor the season} Plain and F gured Foulard Silks and Tissues ; Alborines (Grenadines, and Barege De Laines; Glace, Exhibit on ana Parodi Lustres ; Watered, Brocade, Figured aid Plain Black Silks; Larintin. Gros De Rhine and Poult De Soie; Plain Figured Chene and Floral Bl'k and Col’d Bareges; Bro ade. Potted and Printed Swiss Muslins ; Printed Jaconets and Lawns, of every style; Chene, Plaid and Sinped French Ginghams; Black Silk and Lace Mantillas and Parodi’s; Embroidered and Dotted Swiss Man alias and Parodi’s; Emb oideted and Damask White and Colored Cra>*e Shawls; Lace Capes and Uuaersieeves; Embroidery, Ne* dl--worked t rimming, &c.; American, French anu English Calicoes, 4 t 025 cents; French, Scotch and Eugbsh Ginghams; A complete assortment ;•< Domestic ; Lish Liuens, Table Damas*. sand Diapers, Nap kins. Doylas, Bird's Eye Diaper, Towelling, Pii iow-case Linens, and a large assortment o! Goods, suitable for Gentlemen and Boy’s Spring and Sum mer wear; Fine Welsh Flanneie. —\tso— Parasols, Fans, Pic Nic Mitt# ; Plain, Hemstitched, Corded. Bordered and Em broi< ered Line Cambric Haadkerchiet#; Hosiery, (Roves, Riomms, Artificial Flowers; Shell and Buffalo Side and Tuck Corubs; Colored, Marcetine ana Tarlton Musiins ; Swiss, Jao net, Mull, Nansook, Book and Plaid Mus>ins; A iargu supply of Dress Trimmings, newest style; Lisle, Linen, hand-maue, and Wove Thread Lace, &c.,&c. «*&c mar 25 'lTTmTfowle '<& co. Forwarding. Commission Merchants and Pactois, Vanderhorsi's Wharf, Charieston .....South Carolina. \ ATE offer our services as COMMISSION ▼ ▼ MERCHANTS and FACTORS,in all the branches of the Commission Business. In all sales of pro »erty and retunrs of proceeds, we shall sustain the interests of our friends and strictly follow ordere. Consignments of property for shipment to other ports,by Railroad or Vessel, will receive prompt attention. G M. FOWLE <m, CO. Charleston t S. C., Per. 1850. 6m nov 21 , r~ JUST HEcVIVED Fisk & Raymond’s celebra ted METALIC BURIaL CASES-The j subscribers, in addition to their general line oi ' business, have been appom ed sole Agents of the | county tor the sale of the above so highly approv- I ed for preservation and utility, recommended and used, also, by the most distinguished men of our country. For further particulars see pamphlets. I The public are iuvited to call, i HENRY & SKINNER, j Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Broaa st., oppo- I site M. Frederick's old stand. ap 17 WONDER OF THE AGE. NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC WASHING- FLUID, For washing in hard or soft water. THIS is the only genuine article to be fouad in the world ; and possesses double the pow er of any thing ever discovered tor washing clothes, at a trifling expense, doing away with wash boards at once. In tact, it seems to be the lon* sought Phi osopher’s Stone, or universal sol vent ; seeming a magical preparation, it* opera tion being of the most astonishing character. A common sized wash-ng may be done with one gill of this Flu.d, in less than two hours. It softens and removes the dirt, leaving the articles of the mor brilliant whiteness. It being as harmless in its operations as pure water, and clothing will wear mueh longer than when i übbed to pieces by the common method of washing. This Fluid is a powerful agent, to be used in all cases wheie s.iap is required, particular'y for cleansing milk utensils, cleaning windows and paint, scouring floors ; in short, it is beyond a pre cedent, as its use is univers «1 in the washing world. W. H. MAAKREY A CO., Note Agents for the State of Georgia. They also keep on hand, a large and well se lected stock of RANGES, S TOVES. FOSGENE, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID, GAS LAMPS. Suction and Force PUMPS,Tin WARE, Ls ROOFING and JuBBLNG done atshort no tice, and in workmanlike manner. The latter branch ot the business is under the superinten dence of Mr. E. E SCOFIELD. fine 1 ly W. H M. & CO.* we have on hand, AND offer f?r sate a large s ock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy and Plain Casitoeres, Drap D’Etes and Linen, Siik, Satin, Linen and Marse.lieu Vesting, &c , &c comprising the most lasnionaide colors and s'yles now i i market; and wb intend keep ing constantly on hand, a good assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, Wkich we will make up o order, at short notice, and dispose of at m derate profits. Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING, compris ing the different articles for Gentlemen’s use Frock and Sack Coats, Pants, Vests, Silk and Lin en Cravats. Stocks, Shirts, Collars, Suspender-, Hosiery, Under Shirts, Cmton and Linen Draw ers, G.oves, Pocket Handkerchiefs, &c.„ 4*c. Fr.RRIS & PAUL, ap2 Former y H. D. Newkirk. HEMORRHAGE OF THE LUNGS. Macon, April. 1849. DR« LITTLE —Sir: After having repeated attacks of Homo rhage of the Lungs, for which I have used a dozen or more ot Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry without stopping it. I am happy to inform you your Anodyne Cough Dr ps have relieved me—not only of the cough and irri tation o' the Lungs, but I have no more Hemor rhage, a though several months have elapsed since; besides my breast is much sironger. Your medi cine I have found to suit my case much better than the Balsam of Cherry; in fact, very far su perior to it in every way. Yours, respectfully, (Signed) H. L. BHA W. The sac simile of the signature of Di. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his medic.nes. Sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, at the Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon and Milledgeville, Ga.; and al-o, E. W. Willis, Augusta, Ga.; and by agents and druggists generally throughout the Southern country. d&c2w ap 15 BOUNTY LANDS. BY an act of the late Congress, Bounty LANDS hare been granted to the Soldier* and Wid ows of Soldiers who served in the last War, with Great Britain, in 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790; also to Commissioned officers of the Mexican War. Haring formed an association with legal gentle men in Washington city, I will soon be prepared with the necessary terms and requirements of the Act, to proceed in behoot of all those interested therein; also to prosecut< claims of erery descrip tion against the Government. Office on Jackson, between Reynold Sc Broad-st Oct. 9 JNO. MILLEDGB. NEW SPRING GOODS. FULL SUPPLIES. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE now received their full supplies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, com prising the largest assortment they have ever of fered to the public, ami embracing a great varie ty of new and splendid articles, among which are Paris Printed Grenadines, of rich and elegant styles ; Rich l rinted Crape De Paris Bareges and Fou lard Silks, of the latest Paris styles ; Superior French Printed Jaconets and Organdies, of new and beautiful styles ; Rich Brocade Grenadines, an elegant article for Ladies' Dresses; Superior Plain Colored and Black Crape De Pa ris and Plain Black Silk Grenadines; Superior Plain Black atin Dn Chene, Satin Du Nord, rich Tafita and Black Watered Si ks; Rich Col d Dress Silks, of the latest Paris styles; Small Checked Silks, for Ladies' Spring and Sum mer wear, of beautiful styles ; Splendid White Lace Kobes and White Grena dines ; Rich Valenciennes and Thread Lacei ; Superior Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and Insert ings, some of extr quality ; Ladies’ Superior White, Black and Colored Kid Gloves; Ladies' Parasols, of rich and elegant sty les Plain White ?nd Black, and rich Embroidered Grenadine Miawis, Rich Embroidered White and Mode Col'd Crape Shaw *, o* splendid styles ; Superior Plain White, Black, Salmon, Mode and Cherry Colored (.'rape hawls ; Ladies' extra lich French, Sp nish and Bridal Fans j A very large supply of Mourning Goods, for La uies' Summer wesr; Superior French. English and American Prints, in a great variety ot ■ yies ; Superior Manchester and French Fane}' and Mourning Ginghams, of new and beautiful styies; A large supply es articles, suitable for Gentle men ami Youth’s Summer wear; With a great supply of other |trticle» suitable for family and pianta ion use, and to all of which hey respectfully invite tne attention of the public, ap 3 dt&c clocks, watcbTsa jbwelly WOODSTOt K Ac WillTLOt K, biiversmiiha, Jewelers, &c., Two doors above the U Zj Hotel, and opposite the Bank of Augusta , HAVE on hand, anu are constantly re ceiving a fine assortment of WATCHES, Ci OCKN, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and Foil Chains, Breast Pins, ate., 4*c Their stock is entirety new, and will be sold cheap for cash. O*W. G. WOODSTOCK will g ve his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regit ar apprentice ship in one of the largest manufactories of London, and from his loug experience, he feels assured of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust heir work to him. d#cly jan 17 GIBBS & HARDIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Broad-*!., Augusta, Ga., (A few doors above the Franklin Hotel,) T 3 EG leave to announce to their friendu and A3 the public generally, that they will, at all times, «eep on hand a large assortment of every article usually kept in a Grocery Store, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. OUT Orders from the country promptly attended to, and filled at the lowest market prices. W. W. GIBBS, mar 4 3mos THUS. W. HARDIN. Foil THE HIMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARI-ING FKOH AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM. AMONG the many and important discoveries of this eneration.is one whose fame wll be written, as with a sunbeam in the history of the past. BANDS’ SARSAPARILLA stands forth alone, and by its own works proclaims its power—tha* mute eloquence so irresistibly effect ing in the appeals of the suffering lor releif, nas been answered Thousands of cases ot disease have been cured by this nvaluabW medicine, such as are not furnished in the record-of ;ime. These things are not done in secret places or in some ulknown town, but are perfor * ed in our prnci pal cities and public places. They are brought* Fiefore the world io substantiate, beyond d übt. tne healing virtues of this prep < ration ; ai d the facts unf. lded, alth ugh gigantic, are as plain as the light, of day. 'The Satsaparilla is combined with the most ef fectual aids, the most sa.utarv productions, tke most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and its unprec -nen'ed succ ss in the restoration to health ot those who had long pined under the most distressing chronic maladies, lias given it an exalted character—furnishing, as it does,evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recorn ending it to the afflicted in terms tbe afflicted only can know. It has long been a m <st important desideratira in the practice of medicine, to obtain a remedy sim ilar to this—one that would act on the liver, stom ach, and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the system Although po sessed of p werfnl healing properties, it is entirely hatmless, and will not in jure the most delicate constitution. When in par fect health, no effect is produced by its use, ex cept an increase of appetite ; but when disease to seated in the frame, and carrying fast its victim along the path of life, then its mysterious influ ence is felt and seen ; it eukindles new life and vigor, and brings he pith and strength to the suffer ing and diseased SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Winchester, Ky., Oct. 29,1849. A. B. Sc D. Sands— Gentlemen: I would not have presumed to write to you, if it was not my duty to let the public know the almost miraclous effect your Sarsaparilla has had upon me. My limbs were covered with ulcerous sores, so that I could not walk during the whole spring and sum mer. In this situation I commenced the use of your Sarsaparilla, and after taking two bottles w as entirely cured. I must al o tell you of another wonderiul cure. My brother was afflicted with this scrolula in his hetd, so b d his physician told him the loss of his sight was inevitable, and perm anent blindness seemed to be his tati. Three bot tles entirely rest, red bis sight, and we cannot but recommend all similarly afflicted to use Sands' Sarsaparilla. Yours truly. BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POULAHITV ABROAD. From South America. Maracaibo, Venezuela, April 12th, 1849. Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen: 1 consider it a du ty due the public to make known the great bene fit I have received from using your valuable Sar saparilla About three yeais since 1 was attack ed with Rheumatism in my shoulders, and also in my legs, and so severe was the pain, that I wus unab.e to sleep. I tried ail of the best medicines I could hear of without receiving any benefit uu til through the advice of a friend 1 procured some of your Sarsaparilla, and after using four botties in the course of fifteen days I found myself en tirely well. I have no hes tation in sayiug your Sarsaparilla is the best medicine l ever took, and can confidently recommend it t my friends and the public. Your obedient servant. J. M. esurun. Here is another, nearer home : New York, Jan. Bth. 1850 Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen: I have great plea sure in acknowledging to >ou the great b nefit I have received from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject ot pulmonary disease* 1 made a voyage to Europe, but wh le there continued to be afiiict ed. A lew weeks alter my retu n 1 was seized with a violent hemorrhage of the lungs, and from the debility and great prostration ol strength tha; followed, with Lie pretracred difficulty o respira tion, 1 am entirely relieved by the use of your rtar apanila which 1 consider a most important and truly valuable discovery in the healing art. — i teel that I h ive not tor fourteen years enjoyed so good health as at present. Yery gratefully yours, S E. SEYMORE. Prep red and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & D SAN DM, Druggists a. d Chemists 100 1 Fulton street, comer of William, New Y rk.— I Sold also by Druggists generally thro .ghout the I United Mates and Oa adas Price #1 per bottle; 1 six bottles for #5. For sa eby Htviland, Risley & Co., Barrett, Carter 6l Co.. W. K. Kitche , Philip A. Moise, Augusta: by Hill <\ Smith. Athens; r>y H. C Sey more 6l Co., Madison; and by A. J. Cr iehton, Hamburg, M. dfxceoc mar 18 ladies' mantillas. SNOWDEN At SHEAR HAVE received trmu New York, Ladies’ Pa ri# msde Silk Mantillas, of new and splen did style*, f- r Summer wear; I,adies’ French Worked Musiin Mantillas,of the latest Pans sn les, Ladies'rich White and Black Lace Mantillas, of elegant st Jes; Ladies' Black Lace Shawls and White and Black Lace Scarfs; Ladies’ French Worked Mu liu Collars, Cuiraa setts,« ufis and Untfeisieeve# ; Ladies 7 Lace Collars Cuffs and Undersleeves of be autiful styles j To ail of which they respectfully invite- the af tention of the Ladies. dtdpe ap 4 TO OWNERS OF A*?D DEALERS IN HORSES. CARLTON’S FOUNDER OINTMENT, FOR THE CURE OF FOUND ER, SPLIT HOOF. Hooi-bou-.d JJjp, Horses, and contracted ana Feverish Feet, Wounds, Bruises in the Fiesn, Galled Bacas,- - Cracked Heels, Scratches Cuts, Kicks, &c., on hnrtmr CARLTON’S RING-BONE CURE, For the cure of ring bone, Bio** Spavin, Bone Spavin, Windgalls, and SpUm —a certain remedy. , t „ {fCr This Ring Bone uure and the Founder Ui*t ment are prepared from me recipe of a very celebrate* English Farrier, and win cure in ninety nine cases out of one hundred any of tne ahove complaints. They have been used by farmers, liverymen, stage propne tors, and others, with me most marked and deeide success. Sold only by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., Augusta, HAVILAND, HAREAL & CO., Charleston, HENDRICKSON, Bavaria ah dzoSm ft 1 VOL. XXX.—NEW SEMES.— VOL. VI.—NO. 95. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM-SHIP JUNE. FLO KID A™ —AND — f-ysi Baagjg ALABAMA... Capt. Ludlow, Belonging to the New York & Savannah Sieam Navigation Company. On and after the 11 th Jan., will leave Savannah and New York every SATURDAY until further notice These ships are of 1,300 tons register,and unsurpassed in comfort, safety and speed. Cabin Pass 'ge, #2s—payable in advance. Aoents : PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. jan 1? 194 Front street. New Yoik. NEW SPUING GO., Da! ‘ JOHN BlilDiiES, MERCHANT tailor, No. 250 Hrond S reet, Augusta, Ga. (N<xt door helow the Uni.ed States Hotel 1 JS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a in I as sortment of super CEO MIS. Ca&imeres, Vest «ngs,%ihs, Drap d’E.e, Cashmeret; and 'I rim ming*. of all descriptions ; full assortment of Fan cv Artie es, for gentlemens’ toilet; la ies Under vests; UmbreLas, v c Military W nrk, and Ma king and Trimming in the best m. nner. ma 6, HOUSLKDEP ING“ A^TICITs BRXSS ANDIRONS. SHOVELS 4-TONGS FENDERS, AND BELLOWS, Hearth and Crumb Brushes, Dish Mats, Waiters, Candlesticks, Castors, Cake Baskets, m Piated and B-ittania ’J’ea Setts t&_ Coffee Urns and Biggins, Solar Lard Lamps, Candelabra, in Gold and Silver. Dish Covers Beef Steak Disnes, Egg Boilers, * With 3 minute Glass at ached, And many »ther desit able arricl s ' For sale low nov 9 dftc CLARK. RACKETT & CO. CLARK, RACKETT & CO~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewtlry. Silver n/r* J Plated Ware and Fancy C.^s, HAVE now received th- v -w stock, comprising beside Hit ap.e arti cies. many new things i > Silver and Plated Jsifc WARE and FANCY GOODS. A so, in®^ 43 *® JEWELRY, House-keeping A R TIC* ES. of choice kinds We offer to the trade at Wholesale, Wi-tches, Jewelry, &c., with a great variety ot Waich Ma terials, Jewels. &.c , not generally to be found, and at prices a* low as elsevv! ere. oct.B S RING & SUMMER CLOTHING. LaY TON & BIGNON, are now pre / pared »or the Spring and Summei Trade, with a complete assortment of Keadv Mad® CLOTHING. Also, men's and boys’ HATS. In addition to the above, they incite particular atten ion to their stock < f HOYS’& CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Country Merchants and strangers visiting our city, are requested to call and exetuine our stock. »t NO. 197 BROAD-STREET, _ m *r 13 Metcali’s Range. AUGUSTA,~DBC. 23, ' i %/ r E HAVE received per steamer, a superb * * lot ot WATCHES, some of them ot the manufacture of T. Cooper, London, in bunting and other cases—beautiful Watches for the poc ket. and of the best quality. We have also re ceived a Model Gold Watch, in hunting ca&es, 20 kt. fine, with diamond push bolt and ruby jew els; the movement of gold 18 kt fine, with chron ometer balance : perhaps the finest Watch in America—made by Chas. Taylor & Son, London. A full assortment of ail kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY on b*nd. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by CLARK, RACKETT’ & CO. jan It ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK. rwiHE UNDERSIGNED has just received X an assortment of Gentien en’s Wigs, Ladies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which he offers for sale at his Barber Shop under the Washington Hall, Broad-str«et, Augusta, G«t., on accommodating terms. WILLI/.A! CORMICK, ° oct. IS ly Barber and Hair Dresser HUTCHINSON & THOMAS' AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT 3 DOORS ABOVE H. K. BUTLER & CO's CORKER, dec 27 AUGUS7GA, GA d. w. dill, Commission Merchant, jit NO. 113 TCHOUPITOULAS sTREET,Of NEW *OR LE.k NS. nor 17 6m 'TgF wm. e7evans &CO,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, Charleston, S. C. WM. E. EVANS. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC nor.s ly GEO. W. EvaNS. NEW SPRING GOODS. LALLERSTED & WIMBERLY h»re just received a new and splendid assortment ot Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, for Spring trade, consisting of very Superior Black aikf Colored Figured Silks, * Superior Black and Plain do do. Corored Erohroired Silk Muslins. New Sty e Tisues and Bareges. New St le French Jaconets. Super. Super Raptiste Linen Plaids. Plain and Fancy Swiss Mus in. Jacone' Mubins and <'ambries. Eariston Ginghams and P iota. Louts Napoleon and Appligne Capes. Needle Worked Collars d Cuffs. Real aris Kid Gloves. Rea Eay plain Milts. Silk an Cotton Hose. Super. Table Damask. Irisn Linen and Bird Ey« Diapers. Bleacheo and Brown Sh eting and Skirting. I'o which they invite attenu* n. mar WATCH MAKER AND JEWiLLER F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 Broad Stieet, Respectfully ret ms h i grateful acknowledge- MtfT—/ nf! merit* to bis friends and the pub ic, for the very liberal shaie of pat ronage he has received in his line, and trusts tha by personal application n* strict at ention tonsil work entrusted to bins, to conti..ue to give satis faction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence Cold and SiD er W ATCH FS,Fancy JEW EL. .ERY,such as Fancy Guard and Fob (Chains, Breast Pius Broaches, Mantle Clocks, a- d many article* too tedious to enumerate, which the I pub .c areiuvited to examine before making their purchases. sept 24, ► URTaFw MAT n HhS. I SNOWDEN St SHF AR HHVF. receive from New York, White Em broidered Lace ana Muslin Curtains, of new and eegii t styles; VV htte Embioidered Musiin Curtains, at very low prices; Rieh Colored Damasks tor Curtains; Superior White and fancy Colored Dimities; S perior 4 4 F ench Furniture Prints, aud Plain and 'l will d 4-4 Turney Red ; Gilt Cornices, < 'urtain Pins and Bands ; *1 o all of which hey respectfully invite the atten tion of the public. dt<s’C ap 4 HOME INDUSTRY. mHE UNDERSIGNED are now prepared JL to fill all orders tor BUCKET'S, as low as they can be laid down from any market. aug. 16. E. LOCfcHART & CO.