Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, May 29, 1851, Image 4

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CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, 1 hats, trunks, &c. CLAYT.ON & BIG NON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, TRUNKS, &.c., Ac, NO. 197 METCALF’S RANGE, BROAD STREET. ~ ~ ' * * iim. r • ■ ->■ ■ : A B. respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they are now offering their reraain • ing stock of WINTER CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, &c., a s greatly reduced, prices, to make room for their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. Those who are in want of any article in their line will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. QU*Remember No. 197 Metcalfs Range, Broad Street. J. J. CLAYTON, Jan3l» A. P. BIGNON. CARPETS AND RUGS. 4ft CHARLES A. PLATT WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the public, that he has now on hand one of the largest and i>est assortments of CARPETS AND RUGS Ever offered in this city, which have all been purchased from the manufacturers, at the lowest possi hie price, and will be sold at prices to DEFY ALL COMPETITION. The stock comprises TWO HUNDRED PIECES, viz: Extra Brussels, Brusseils, 3 Ply CARPETING ; Imperial, Superfine, Medium, Commons, and Stair CARP ST. Also, an extensive and beautiful assortment of RUGS. TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Ol all qualities and widths, which can be cut whole to any dimensions without any seam ; together with a large assortment of FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE, Os the latest and most approved styles. CURTAINS, SHADES, AND CORNICES, of all descriptions. Merchants and families are cordially invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as he feels assured they will find the largest and best stock in the Southern country, at the lowest possible price. Q* Carpets and Floor Cloths eut to fit without extra charge. aug. 16 NEW CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT. A T THE STORE, recently occupied by Messrs. Hopkins, Kolb & Co., nearly J\. site Lamback’s, where can be found every article usually kept in a •4pn|& CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS STORE, lIF To which we respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Augusta and surrounding country.— City and Country Merchants will find it decidedly to their interest to give us a call before making their purchases, as we are determined to sell Goods low. Also. Wooden, Willow and Britannia WARES, Tabic CUTLERY, WAITERS, &c., &c. oct 31 J J. LATHROP & CO. THE GREAT SUMMER MEDICINE! j DR. GUYSOTT’S IMPROVED EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCS AND SARSAPARILLA, FOR. the cure of all diseases or disorders gea crated by impure blood. Its great success justly entitles it to the name of the GREAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC. So far as it is known it is universally appreciated, ! and many eminent physiciaus use it daily in their j practice with the most happy effects, and certify i that it is the best extract in existence, and the | only one that STANDS THE TEST OF TIME. Every year adds to ;ts great popularity, and mul- i tiplies its astonishing cures. The victim of HEREDITARY SCROFULA, with suppurating glands, honey-combed flesh, and caries eating into his bones, finds Guysott’s Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla a balm for his afflictions.— % His horrible torments are assauged, and his mala djjhot only relieved, but PERMANENTLY CURED. It may be safely asserted, that from the results of psst experience, that Dr. Gu> sou's Extract of Yellow Dock aud Sarsaparilla/’ is, beyond all comparison, the most WONDERFUL REMEDY ON E iRTH for th* following diseases, and all others proceed ing from VITIATED BLOOD. Scrofula or King’s Evil, Rheum >.tism, Obstinate ‘ Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustule on the face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic sore Eyes, Ring- 1 worm or 'l'etter, Scaid Head, Enlargement and Pains of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers j Syphilitic Lumbago, and diseases arising from an j Injudicious use of Mercury, A cites or Dropsy, Exposure, or Imprudence in Life, Liver Com- j plaint, Ague aud Fever, Intermitting Fever, Choi- | r*ra Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Piethoia of j Blood in the Head, Piles, Pains in the Back,Sides, j Breast or Loins, and all forms of Muscular, Gian- j 4ular and Skin diseases. it is a sovereign specific for General Debility, and th j best renovalor for a Broken Constitution. It braces aud re-iuvigorates every organ, pro motes activity and regularity in every function, and produces that condition of the whole physical system, which is the best security for LONG LIFE! Let ali who wish to purge the blood from the impurities contracted from the free indulgence of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare the system to RESIST SUMMER EPIDEMICS, Resort now to “Guysott’a Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla/’ which is proving itself an anti dote for many of the most malignant diseases that flesh is heir to, and they will never be disappoint ed ; for in this remedy the public faith has never wavered—never can waver; for it is founded on experience, just as their wantof faith in other and spurious compounds is also founded iu experience. They FLY FROM MINERAL NOSTRUMS to seek hope, life and rigor from this PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY. Therefore, however brokeu down in health and spirits, however loathsome to himself and ©tners, let no one despair oi recovery, let ihe patien only understand that his hope of physical restoration lies only in “ Guysett’s Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla/’ and persuade him tor his LIFE’S SAKE * to try it, and we have no hesitation in predicting jf his speedy restoration to health. As a means of regulating all the functions cf WOMAN’S DELICATE ORGANIZATION, j? it has no equal in the materia medica, and at that 4 critical period of life, when the first stage of her decline commences, its cordial and invigorating properties will enable her to PASS THE CRISIS SAFELY. gjf* None genuine unless put up in large bottles contain ng a quart, and name of the Syrup binwn in the glass, with the written signature S. F. Ben nett on the outside wrapper. Price, SI per bottle—or 6 bottles (or So. Sold by SCOVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres street, New Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold by Havilaud,Risley v: Co , Augusta, Ota. Barrett, Carter & Co., do.; W. J£. Kitchen, do.; D. B. Plumb &Co., do.; and by one appointed Agent i n*every town in Georgia and South Carolina, ap W 4meow _______ SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. C* layton & bignon, are now pre pared for the Spring and Summer Trade, with a complete assortment of Ready Made CLOTHING. Also, men’s and boys’ HATS. In addition to the above, they invite particular attrit ion to their stock of BOYS’& CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Country Merchants and strangers visiting our aUr- are requested to call and exemine our stock, citj , are ; NQ 197 BROAD-STREET, „.arl3 Metcalf’s Range. PLANTERS, attention. OwnUND LAND PLASTER, for Manure.— A Urge supply or this article will be kept oh t‘ and >*“^ sol HAnLAND’ KI3LEY &. Co. SOME INDUSTRY. HRMhP t# * . . J BKWbI . MOl, mm EAGLE FOUNDRY. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Jtnes Street near the old Planters’ Hotel. THE undersigned haviug purchased the inter est of Mr. John Tilkey, in the EAGLE FOUNDRY, are now prepared, with their in creased Machinrey, to furni&h STEAM EN GINES, of any size or power. CASTINGS, of every description, in either Iron or Brass, for Saw, or Merchant Mills, Factories, Gin Gearing, &c., &c. Also, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, and all kinds of MACHINERY Having a great variety of PATTERNS on hand, and first rate Workmen in our employ, we are enabled to furnish all orders entrusted to us, at short notice, and at prices fully as low as work of the same quality can be laid down from the North or elsewhere. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old firm, we respectfully solicit a continuation of the s .me, and guaiantee a prompt and faithful execution of all orders sent us. feb 8 C. H. & T. L. NEESON. REMOVAL. The subscriber has removed his E-- tabiishaient to Melntosh street, 2d door below the Georgia Rail Road Bank, and next door to the Consti tutio alist office—and is con- gj stantly receiving additions to his former stock of GUNS and Equipments, which, when complete will be the best assortment in the city, and will consist of Double Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices, from #l2 to SIOO each. 3 dozen Single Barrel GUNS, for boys, &c., from #3 to 12 RIFLES, Northern make,from #JO to #2O. Do., of my own make, frbm both Iron and Cast Steel Barrels,from #l6 to #l5O. W. Richards', Cox’s, and Walker's Eng. Caps; also the G. D. French do. Dupont's and Hazard's Americau Sporting and Kentucky Rifle Powder,in canisters and by the keg or quarter keg. Colt’s and Allen’s Six Barreled Revolving Pis tols; also, the Single Sell-cocking Pistol; Rifle and Common Pistols. A fine assortment of Game Bags, Shot Belts and Powder Flasks, Wash Rods, Nipple Wrench es, Drinking Flasks and Cups. Also a fine invoice of choice Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors,Strips, &c. N. B.—Rifles made to order, aud Restocking and Repairing of all Guns, <s*c., done in the best style, aud warranted. oct2o ly E. H. ROGERS. SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. Steamboat Company of Georgi. [N ADDITION TO THREEJ*. B?* ft Steamers fc rmerly composingjßSgMElftiMgL their line, have recently built the very light draught, Iron steamer DAVID L. ADAMS, of great, capacity and power, (making her trips in 24 to 30 hours,) thus securing great dispatch and unequalled facilities for the transpor tation of Goods, at very low rates, to the interior jf Georgia, South Carolina, Tenness-e, and Ala oama, in connection the with Georgia, Western and Atlantic, and Tennessee Rail Roads. All Goods will be i warded without commis sions ; also, Producefrom the Georgia Rail Road; expenses on which will be paid and collected at Savannah, from consignees, or from vessels by whxh shipped, when required. The D. L. Adams will run in connection with he Steamships Florida and Alabama, thus ensu ring the transmission of Goods from New York to Augusta, in sto 7 days. Bills of Lading should accompany goods by Steamships. Particular attention should be observed in di recting Bills of Lading; many now direct to ‘Steamboat Agent/’ “Steamboat Company,” &c., and as there are several Companies, this creates ; detention, and much confusion; shippers by this ; Company should therefore direct Merchandize I from the INTERIOR to JNO. B. GUIEU, Agent, Augusta, and from SEAWARD, with Bills of La ding, to SAM’L. M. POND, President, Savannah. N. B.—A reduction on freight tariff has been made, to take effect from this date. DIRECTORS. Savannah. —Sami. M. /ond, And.ew Low, Ed ward Padelfora, George VV. Anderson, Geo. Hall, Charles Green, and Joseph S. Fay. Augusta. —J. B. Bulkley,T. S. Metcalf, James Hope, L. Hopkins, Lewis Cress, and E. Sherman Savannah, 15th July, 1850. july 19 a — j GROCERIES, IRON NAILS, &c, 1 AA IIHDS. Porto Rico, Muscorado, and IUU N, O. SUGARS, 100 packages Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Claiified SUGARS, 400 bags Rio, ,Jara,and Maracaibo COFFEE 170 hhds, choice MOLASSES, 500 pieces Gunny and Kentucky BAGGING, 1500 coils prime Hemp ROPE, 2000 lbs. three Ply TWINE, $ 40 tons Sweed Bar IRON, k 5 tons Hoop and Band IRON, 2 tons best German and Blister STEEL, 1250 kegs NAILS and BRADS, 300 boxes SOAP and CANDLES, 500 bags SHOT, 5000 lbs. Bar LEAD, Dupont’s and Kentucky Rifle POWDER, 100 boxes manufactured TOBACCO, 3000 sacks SAL i', A stock ot LIQUORS, 100,000 Sp nish and American SUGARS. > For sale by BAKER WILiSoR & OG, patent JiUdieiius. DR. CULLEN’S INDIAN VEGETA BLE POTTACEA ! READ the names of the gentlemen, testifying to the cure of Mr. Brooks. They certain iy must give confidence to those that need a medi .line of the kind. Cali upon the Agents named be low, and get a pamphlet — A LARGE PAMPHLET, containing more testimony, and more convincing than any other medicine in the world ! ISAAC BROOKS’, JR., CASE! Go and see him and you will say the half has not been told!!! We the undersigned having visited Mr. Jssac Brooks, Jr., at the office of Messrs. Rowand &. Walton, 373 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard 01. His disease was Scrofula, and terrible must have been his twelve years’ conflict with the destroyer! His Palate,the entire roof of his Mouth,Nose,Upper Lip, and lower lid of the Eye have been destroy ed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Bone carried away. And yet we can give no de scription oi his case. Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the whole interior of his mouth, as well a ? most of his face was a mass of deep and painful ulcers. On the 14th of January last, ne commenced ta king Dr. Culleu’slndian Vegetable Panacea,which checked the disease in a few days, and from that time the cure has progressed without intermission. New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ul cers, and though badly disfigured, his face is sound and his general health is restored. VVe are assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooks’ case no Mercurials, Ointments, or Caustic applications have been nsed, —in fact, the Panacea clone, has wrought this wonderful change. Phillip S. White, Esq. J. W. Jones,M D , Rev. John Chambers, W. Steeling, M. D., Rev. A. D. Gillette, T. P. S. Roby, M. D.. Rev. J. R. Nicholas, Jacob Frick,M. D., Rev. Wm. Urie, S. B, Coles,M. D., Rev. E. Kincaid, J. W. Ashmead, Esq., Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq., E. Guillon, Esq., L. A. Godey, Esq., And thousands ol others equally respectable,whose names might be added if necessary. Residence, west side of Jefferson street, third door from Schuylkill,runningfromSchuylkillsixth between Locust and Spruce. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE PILES. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Piles liemedy, Is a domestic preparation, which has been used with entire success for many years. Being an in ternal medicine, it has decided preteience over nitward applications, which are but paliatives and lot curatives. This medicine acts upon the dis eased parts, producing healthy action, and a per manent cure, which we warraut, or refund the m o ney. aug. 16 NO CURE NO PAY. Dr. Cullen’s Indian Vegetable Remedy. VVarrented to cure, or the money returned.- This medicine is prepared from an Indian receipt, obtained from one of them in the far West at great expense. Those who have been familiar with the Indians know that they can and do cure Venerial without the knowledge of Murcury, Balsam, or anything of the kind The afflicted have now an opportunity of being cured without the danger ot Mercury or the unpleasant use of Balsam. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and leaves no smell on the breath. Dr. Cullens Vegetable Indian Specific for Female Complaints. This medicine is fast taking the place of every preparation heretofore used for diseases arising from weaknes or other causes. All thatisueces sary to secure this medicine a place in the Do mestic practice of every family where such a medi is needed, is a trial. It speaks for itself—is innocent in its operation and no injury can arise from its use at any time. For sale wholesale and retail by Ramond Wal ton, proprietor, No. 21 north sixth street, Phila delphia; W. K. Kitchen, and PHILIP A. MOUSE, Augusta; P. M. Cohen. Charleston;G. D. Penn, Edgefield C. H.S.C.; Boatwright & Waist, Co lumbia. Iyd Ac je 23 HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Office Fraaier’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. rilH£ UNDERSIGNED beg leave to in- JL form their friends and the public, that they have opened an office in the Ciiy of Charleston, S. C., for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention wid be given to the sale of Cotton, and all ether Country Produce, purchase of Merchandize, and Receiving and Forwarding Goods. The customary cash advances and facili ties will be afforded customers. J. R. Hudson and John J. Cohen reside in Charleston. L. Hopkins continues his residence at Augusta, Ga., engaged in the Commission Bu siness as heretofore, where he may be consulted in relation to business designed for our House in Charleston. f LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. JOHN R. HUDSON, , JOHN J. COHEN, \ Charleston. nov 2 ly SGUTHER]>r MANUFACTURE MORGAN & BLYTHE. Ladies Shoe and Gaiter Boot Manufac turers. BROAD STREET.... ;A UG USTA, GA. GRATEFUL for the liberal patronage they have already received, beg leave to inform the Ladies, and the public generally, that they are now prepared to supply and make to order on short notice, and reasonable terms, all kinds of fashiona ble work in their line, and pledge themselves to adhere strictly to the minutest points in their busi ness m making work to suit the taste and comfort of their patrom, which, for durability, cannot be surpassed. M. >.V B. would also invite the attention of the Ladies to a superior article of Water-Proof But ton Boots and Gaiters, intended to supersede the general use of India Rubber Over Shoes; also the Cork Sole Gaiter Boots, as a preventive of cold and damp feet. Ladies’ White Satin and Kid Slip and Gaiter Boots, always on hand and made to order; also, Embroidered Slips, together with French Work ed and Braided Toilet Shoes, from cents to #1,50 per pair, Misses, cents, any of which can be made as ordered at four hours notice. N. B —Ladies Shoes and Gaiters neatly re paired. J. R MORGAN, dec 5 6m GEORGE BLYTHE. KT WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a respecta ble boy, as an apprentice to the above business. One from the country would be preferred. TO THE AFFLICTED. IF YOU are laboring under any of the diseases named below, and if you are really desirous of getting restored to bodily soundness, you have it in your power to do so now. The price is not much, and the cure is warranted. Os all the rem edies yet before the public, there is none that can show such a handsome result for the same length of time, as MARSHALL’S MAGICAL PAIN ERADI - This is a remedy not intended to cure every disease that “flesh is heir to.” Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are in curable, but we do not hesitate to say, that, if any es the following diseases can be cured, Marshall’e Eradicator will certainly doit. Try it and be con vinced. For Rheumatism. Lumbago, Painful Nerve , Spinal Affections, Palsy, Dislocations, Sprains, Bruises, Strains, CEdematous Swellings, Weak Joints, Contracted Tendons, Tumours, Nodes, Ganglions, Wens, Goitre,Head-ache,Weak Back, Gout, Scrofula, and Tooth-ache. The following letter and certificate is from a person in the city. The original can be seen at the store of the proprietors. AUGUSTA, Januaiy3lst, 1351. Messrs. W. H. & J. Turpin. Gentlemen: 1 have much pleasure in saying that my wife, who has been afflicted with Rheumatism in the feet and knees for the past two months, has been entirely cured by the iise of “ Marshall’s Magical Pain Eradicator.” It is in my opinion the best remedy ever offered to the afflicted public, as it will cer tainly cure. Every body should have it. Yours, respectfully, &e. For sale by D’Antignae &. Barry, D. B. Plumb tfc Go., W. H. Tutt, W, K. Kitchen, and the Pro prietors, Augusta, Ga. For sale in Charleston, S. C., by Nelson Carter, Cary & Courtrier, Dr. Cleveland, W. A. Skrine' and John W. Stoy. mar 9 ARJPER’S MAGAZINE FOR MAY. Received by T. RICHARD** A a , a I (£l)arUston SHIRTS. FINE LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, Made in the latest fashions, of the best mate rials, and DANteKIN’S celebrated pattern. W. A. DANSKIN is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Dan skin’s pattern has received the unqualified com mendation of Gentlemen in all parts of the United States, and has been pronounced perfect. The above described Shirts, together with a large and varied assortment of artisles necessary for Gentlemen, can always be had at R. M. WELCH’S Fashionable Furnishing Store lor Gen tlemen, North-west Corner Meeting and Market streets, mar 8 CHARLESTON, S. C. 0. J. CHAFEE, NO. 179 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, So. la., Dealer in Foreign WINES and LIQUORS, TOBACCO and ShGARS, and Manufacturer of LEMON SYRUP. mar 8 HTLEiDLNG, DIRECT IMPORTER OF German, French and English FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, MUSI CAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS«&c. No. 284 King-st ., near Society* st., Charleston, S. C. Goods sold at New Y"ork, Phujsn*lphia and Bal timore wholesale prices. mar 7 JOHN MACR IMPORTER OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS, BONNET RIBBONS, THREAD AND COTTON EDGINGS, at wholesale only. Meeting sh eet, between the Pavilion and Charleston Hotels, mar 7 CHARLESTON, S. C. JAMES E.SPEAR A €O., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY , STERLING SIL VER WARE AND FANCY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 235 King street, r opposite Hasel.l mar 7 CHARLESTON, S. C. ________ STEVENS ¥ BETTS, Direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, &c. t &c No. 80 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Joel Stevens. Wm. H. Betts. mar 7 ______ WHOLESALE BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, N. 5 Hayne Street, mar 7 CHARLESTON, S. C. GEORGE ABBOTT, 5)7 East Bay, opposite Boyce <fe Co.’s W hart* DIRECT IMPORTER of English WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL ; wholesale and retail dealer in English and American PAINTS and OILS of every description, V A RNI S H , BRUSHES, French and American WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY, Ac. Together with a con stant and fresh supply of BURNING FLUID or SPIRIT GAS, with a large and select-assortment of LAMPS, of the latest and most approved de sign, for the same. All of which he offers for sale, at a small advance on manufacturer’s prices, mar 7 ly fHODT & DeLANGE, 112 East Bay, Charleston, S. C., DEALERS IN STONE LIME, CEMENT, Plaster Palis, N. Y. Marble Lime, Plastering La hs and Hair, Fire Bricks. Also. Gypsum, or Farmers Manuring Plaster. Also, keep con tantly on hand, a good stock of White Pine and Poplar Lumber, Nails, &c„ Orders solicited and will be punctually and ac curately filled. We recommend all articles in our stock as be ing of the very best quality. mar 7 CALHOUN CLOT tiING STORE. G. LITTLE & CO., (Successors to Johnson § Canjield.) CLOTHING STORE, NO. 199 KING STREET, Next Door to Victoria Hotel, < HARLESToN, S. C. Always on banc, a large and Fashionable stock of Read>- Made CLOTHING, at the lowest possi ble prices. Shirts, Hosiery, Umbrellas, <s»c., &c. ; wholesale and ietail. mar 7 DUNN & MRiEL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH ING ESTABLISHMENT, 238 King street, (in the beni> ; ) Charleston, So. Oa. P. S.—Please call and examine. mar 7 SHADES! SHADES! SHADES! The largest assortment of Transparent WIN DOW SHADES are to be found at the Window Shade Depot, No, 177 King street. Gentlemen and Ladies visiting Charleston should not purchase before examining th ; s assortment. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. Also to be found as above, Paper Hanging and Upholstery goods generally. R. N. BUTLER, mar 7 No. 177 King Street, Charleston Steam Sugar Refinery. Double Refined Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar. —also.— White and Yellow Clariiied Sugars, —and. — Sugar House Syrup in hhds. and bbls. J. T. WELSMAN, 165 East-Bay, mar 7 Charleston. So. Ca. GANTT, HUFF & GANTT, FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMIS SION AGENTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, f 26 CHARLESTON, S. C. ly CHARLESTON FEM ALEIN STIT U TE, BY MRS. H. L. MOISE, (LATE OF AUGUSTA.) ENGLISH TUITION, with Board, at #2OO per annum. french, Italian, Spanish, Music, Drawing and Painting, at Professors’ prices. Pitt-street. mar 4 6m MAC MOISE, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COM MISSION AGENT. stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and sold per order. & One door South of the P. & M Bank, Charles ton, (So. Ca.) roar 4 ~G~ & H. CAMERON, Direct importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, China and Glass Ware, No. 145 Meeting-street," Charleston, S. C. Have always on hand a large and extensive as sortnaent of the above Goods, (selected by one of the hrrn at the Manufactories of England and h ranee, which they offer for sale at as low rates Union 1 b * purchased in an 7 city of the 1 mar 4 CCT. CHISOLMS, PORTER, AM AND WINE STORE, AT M o dozen or quantity. No. 33 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. mar * „„„„ Z. b7 o!kesV BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, ■No. 7 State Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Slaves, Real Estate, Bank Stock, &c„ bough a na sold on Commission, mar 9 (jUjarkaton SUttwtiswuniU. E. C. TMARIN, Auctioneer and General Commis sion Merchant, No. 24, Vendue Range. All Grain consigned to me, together with other Country Produce, wjil meet with prompt sale and attention,having large Store Rooms. Charleston, S. C.—Refer to Col. James Gadsden and M. C. Mordecai. ~JosTlavv : ton & co7, Importers of Foreign and Homes tic Dry Goods, N°- 40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. JOHNSTON, CREWS & "BRAWL EiT IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRY ROODS, No, 181 East Bay, Charleston. S C. ” JOSEPH WALKER] Charleston, S. C. AGENT FOR JOHN T. WHITE, Type Founder, of the “ Hoe” Printing Pres* Manufactory. Also, Printing Ink of the best quali ty, all at New York prices—actual expenses only added. Large stock constantly on hand. Carriage Repository, W. J. GAYER, South-East corner Meeting and Went worth-streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Has constantly on hand, a great variety of Car riages of every description, calculated for the Southern market. WILLIAM H. BARTLESS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, BROWN’S WHARF, (FOOT OF VENDUE RANGE,) CHARLESTON, S. C O’ He will give his particular attention to Re ceiving and Forwarding Goods—his long experi ence as Secretary and Forwarding Ageut of the South Carolina Rail Road Company, gives him peculiar facilities in this line of business. LEWIS M. HATCH, No. 120, Meeting-st.—Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of OILS, WHITE LEAD, IRON SAFES, Platt, Stone & Borgardus’; Steel Mills, Leather and Rubber Bands, and for a great variety of arti cles required by Manufacturers and Mechanics GEORGE OATES, DEALER IN Piano Fortes, Music, Musical In struments, Books, Stationery, kc 234 and 236 King-fit., at the Bend, Charleston, S. C. 'CHARLESTON HOTEL, 3Y D. MIXER, CHARLESTON, S. C McKENZIE, CADOW & C07,~ ~~ WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 82 East Bay, ICharleston, So. Ca. CHARLESTON, S. c7 SPRING OF 1851- W. G. BANCROFT, 253 n. NG-ST., Charleston, S, C., | INVITES the attention of Country Merchant* to his stock of DRY GOODS. He is pre pared to offer a very iaige and desirable stock of rich and elegant DRESS GOODS, Together with a complete assortment ot French, English, German and American Fancy and Staple Goods of every variety. He lias made extensive additions to his Whole sale Rooms, and his stock of Dress Goods will be found unusually attract.ve, embracing the LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN CHARLESTON. The Goods and prices will be well worthy the attention of close busters. mar 11 EDGEKTON <& RICHARD^ DRAPERS AND TAILORS, No. 32 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C. bTi THjJ TEETH. J. A. CLEVELAND, D. D. S., 207 Kino Street, Charleston, So. Ca. J. H. TAYLOR, Auctioneer and Commission Mer chant, 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of Charleston Steam Mill Goods, and of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Osnaburgs. CHARLES D, CARR, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No. 30 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C i Has always on hand a handsome assortment ol C loths, Cassimeres, V estings, and Fancy articles, which he offers on the usual terms, or at 10 per cent, discount for cash. ~ M. C. MORDLCAI, ~~~ Auctioneer and Commission Mer chant. CHARLESTON, S. C. Agent, U. S. A1 aili Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from Charleston to Havana, or the Ist and lota of each month. premiWcomectlonerl BY JOS. WHITE. Awarded the highest Premium by South Caro lina Institute. CANDY #l6 per hundred lbs. Mo, 356 King-st., South of Bouudary-st. Charleston, S. C. GRIFFIN & PULLMAN, ~~ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY DRY GOODS, NO. 60 QUEEN-ST., CHARLESTON , £. C MILLAR’S BISCUIT BARERY, No. 131 Meeting-street, opposite Market Charleston, S. C. „ . Bu , tter ' V Y at9r > Sll gaP Lemon BIS CUlife, in boxes, barrels, and kegs. U“ Ciders from the country promptly attended E. B. CREWfcS, SUCCESSOR TO DICK & CREWS. auctioneer and Commission Mer chants, CHARLESTON, S. C. WM. MATTfIIESSEiVS WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE Corner of East Bay and Queen Streets, Charleston, S. C. MANUFACTURING HOUSE, No. 36 Platt Street, NE W YORK. (COUNTRY MERCHANTS purchasing Cloth v ing, will find it to their advantage to look through the stock oi heir extensive CLOTHING HOUSE, where they will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as they can be purchased at in New York. mar 11 ■ COP A RTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED having This Day J. formed a Co-Partnership for the transaction of a GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMIS SION BUSINESS, solicit a share of patronage. Liberal cash advances will be made upon all'cou signments. All business entrusted to them will be attended to. HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. Edward E. Thomas, John 8. Hutchinson, i *‘ - For the Cure of COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION THIS remedy is offered to the community with the confidence we feel in an article which seldom fails to realize the happiest effects ; that can be desired. So wiJe is the field of ito I usefulness, and so numerous the cases ot its cure*, i that almost every section of the corntry abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been re ; stored from alarming and even desperate diseases iof the lungs by its use. When once tried, its su periority over every other medicine of its kind, is i too apparent to escape observation, and where its I virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate i what antidote to employ for the distressing and i dangerous affections ot the pulmonary organs, i which are incident to our climate. And not. only i the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the I milder varieties of Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness o. i. j and for children it is the pleasantest an J ? est i medicine that can be obtained. No f: snould I be without it, and those who havj r cd it, never j will. Read the opinion of the following gentlemen, who will be recognized .in the various sections of country where they are located—each and all as merchants of the first class and of the high est character —as the oldest and most extensive i wholesale dealers in Medicine with an experience I unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If | there is any value in the judgement of experience j see THIS CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists,hav ! ing been for a long time acquainted with Ayer ? s j Cherry Pectoral, hereby certify our belief that it j is the best and most effectual remedy for Puimon i ary Complaints ever offered to the American peo ple. And we would, from our knowledge ot its ; composition, and extensive usefulness, cordially commend it to the rfllicted as worthy their best confidence, and with the firm conviction that it will do for their relief ail that medicine can do. flenshaw, Edmands At Co., Boston, Mass. Reese At Coulson, Baltimore, Maryland. Ladd &. Jngrahm, Bangor, Maine. Haviland, Harrall At Co , Charleston, S.C. Jacob S. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. H. McAllistei, Louisville, Kentucky. Francis,& Walton, St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A. Peck, Burlington, Vermont. Haviland, Risley At Co., Augusta, Georgia, j Isaac D. James, Trenton,New Jersey. J. M. Townsend, Pittsbu'-'g, Penn. Clark & Co . Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gay, Burlington, lowa. M. A. Santos 4* Son, Norfolk, Virginia. Edward Bringhurst, Wilmington, Delaware* John Gilbert Ac Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Z. D. At VV. H. Gilman, Washington, LX C. J. Wright At Co., New Orleans, La, Watson, Wall Ac, Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana. C. C. Richmond 4* * -0., San Francisco, Cal. Lewis At Ames, Tallahassee, Florida. B. R. Strong, Knoxville. Tennessee. Chilton At Daer, Little Rock, Ark. j Stiher, Slade At Co., Lexington, Miss. N. D. Labadie, Galveston, Texas. ? Charles Dyer, Jr., Providence. R. !. Joseph M. Turner, Savannah, Genre j a Wade, Eckstein Ac Co., Cincinna**. nhir» IN FOREIGN CO IN’, RIFS J. G. Coffin At Co., Valparaiso Chiii F. M Dimond &Co VV ra Cl ' u2 Mexico. J red. Rivas Ac Co., Bogota. New Grenada. S. Provost Ac Co., Lima. Peru. Morton Ac Co.. Halifax, Nova Scotia. T. Walker 4-Son, St. Johns, New Brunswick C. G. Salmas At Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. VV ith such assurance, and from such men no* stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. | P^P ar « d by James C. Aver, Practi, cal C emist, Lowell, Muss. Soid in Augusta by Haviland, Risley Ac Co j Barrett Carter At Co., VV. K, Kitchen Ac ■ Co.. P. A. Moise; in Edgefield, S C. by G. I, ; Penn, and by all the Druggists throughout the cuy and State. 3mos niar y AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR NSILL~ STONE MANUFACTORY I riIHE Subscribers, '‘A J thankful for the ,y J ,t|>v kind patronage re- ;'-V ,>* > ceived.wouid respect-•' ' \ Inily inform th e I friends and the :^;i ; & lie, that they jr ii to execute orders torivU I ;.':’ V v A . thei? well !'./ •■<} Warranted French ‘vS'llil/ Burr MILLSTONES W .-ife of every desiied size, at the lowest price, •“fsopus ltn- Th ">- ols ° ImiitmAv.- cologne stones, ttni riivf> HINES, of various patents, • CLOTHS, of the best brand, nla rTJ, ' P for Millstones, and every otnerSarti cl® pessary in a Mill. 7 4 , .»iso, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to at* 1 tach to Gin Gears. { All orders promptly attended to. ! jan 19 c SCHIRMER & WIGAN D. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OP BUCHU. &C. IT being exceedingly difficult to make an extern poraneous preparation of BUCHU, retaining its full medicinal properties, the propriety of hav ing a reliable preparation of it in a convenient and palatable form, at once suggests itself to "ihe practising Physician. This article is no nostrum, but simply v trated fluid extract of Diosma, Parai-, VndUva Urs! carefuHy prepared irom the es t material I® v i«s?rr* 3 Gleet, Irritable Kidneys and Bladder, TtL , fe T JtAI, GUARY,&c.,&C Bal amle ,oUnd a valuable addition to Balsamic mixt» , re for Gonorrhoea. iimini} klfni 4 kj r w hichit is prepared can be ex- J , A by Ph y s »cans at. their pleasure. Sold L y D £}. PLUMB & co f Druggists, Augusta, Ga. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM of NEESON &, TILKEV was dissolved on the Ist inst., by mutual consent. All outstanding business of the concern will beset tied by T. L. Neeson, who is authorized to use* the name of the firm for that purpose. „ t „ T. L. NEESON. febß JOHN TIL KEY*. ~ NOW ON 4 FINE supply Os chafing dishes— a s,zeß ; an djust > n time for Oysters and Game 4 do, Oblong GREQUERS, f do. Oyster CHAFERS, .5 do. Coffee FILTERS. i £■ £k&S LO .? k E ‘-' l> STEAK DISHE.-S. ~ “P* UhNS.wjth Heaters. Also, Beer PUMPS, Block 'l’in and Lead PIPE GRATFS W r h anaiSO ! tDoent of the finest Par.or GRA IES ever offered in this Market. For saU one door telow Mechanics’ Bank 1 B I F. CHEW. SHIRTS AND ~ COLORS 1 . A,!oar wt. B s P^,U a » ,1 ‘ ' :