Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, May 30, 1851, Image 1

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DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST. BY JAMES GARDNER, Jk.] THE 3. OFFICII IN McINTOSH-STREE T, *Thira aoor from the North- Westcornero * £Sroaa-»trecL , 1 r'\Y>'nv AdnnnTsirdtors, executors or G«a phases ol l *Ah ■- fav l;iw t 0 be h eld on the Irrst l ues “‘ anß ’ ftl <Zntb oetween tire Hours often in ihefore ,aa ' ' n r t uee in the afternoon, at the Court House in •>t<w u " tn [f ® riy is situate. Notice ot those sales n * pahuc Gazette SIXTY DAYS k . a. Public Auction, on tit °i the month, between the usual hours o lirst iuesdav oMhe to the county where Mile, M.M Adm.marat.on,otGuar ‘■" Selee grant,.!,lit« 6 iv,» g SIXTY dianship, may n nneof the public Gazettes of S£Z£2%* ‘nt'Ar onii co'ur, Douse wbe,. .ucb **'« 0, It r ’ l f(lilT Y DAYB previous to dny ot.ale « £l% w Xbtors and Cr.ditors of »n Estate inns, be published 1 ‘ J c atior» w il, be made to the Court of Or to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR negroes m nst be published 1?OUa MONTHS before any order nbsolnt. can b. given by the Courts J3uoiu£Bs (EarDs. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS not eic. eding six lines,will be nscrted under this head at the rate of#lo per annum. Gardsexeeed ing six lines, will be charged pro rata per line. COULTER & COLLIER. attorneys at law, Rome, Georgia, Wii! practice in the several counties ot the Circuit. * Aivkvd B. Coulter. | Wm. E. Collier. References • Hon. J. L. Petigru, Charleston; Hart Wm. E. Jackson So Co., Augusta; Hon. Collier, Tuscaloosa, ART9.H® HOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nfluN Gordon County • p Business entrusted to.hie Professional man aJement in the counties of Gordon, Murray Cass P?o“d, Gilmer, Walker and Chattooga, will meet W RetVr t riVleSrs U Howard & Gardiner Chas. E Grenville. W. W.Gi bs, Messrs. Gibbs &MWd, and 1). R. Ramsay, Augusta ly mar » JOHN W. ANS, AI'TORNEY CiJUAS. LLUK A1 ijAtv, Dalton, Mrray Couiu v *. ™ Gordo- Will practice in Murray, Gilmer, x. */ i "Walker, and the other counties of the , * ur * Circuit. t All business entrusted to his care, will im with prompt attention. Refer to Messrs. Scran " >ton, Stark Ac Davis, Messrs. Havi and, Risley & «Oo , Augusta; Messrs. Poe & Nesbit, Macon, Me*ssrs.Pierson & Heidt. Savannah, ly aug w.~ W. MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .....Georgia A hr , ‘oractice in the Middle* Circuit. Offioein W 111 onn . Lawk aUg W AT'I <>K!NEir AT LAW > j-. . . f V 6W York, Virginia, North Commissioner for . , 4 Carolina , H. -wr-Kw P \ 7l Co Partnership with an AYING formed a City wi ‘ a Btt end Attorney in Vv ashing. t rusl ed to him tor of 1847, and the Dill which has jut * ftfficers and gross allowing Bounty Land to th ...j soldiers of the war of 1812,the Judi. • *i the late Mexican war. [l_U Otiice on Washington street, sec *>nd door from Wai ren’s corner.. dxctf oct 6 JAMES GARDNER7JRT ATTORNEY AT LAW,- AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. illebical Saris. oil. J AS.’D. MACKIE tenders”*® epectfuily his Professional Services to the citizens of Augusta. Office on Jackson street, between Broad and Reynold streets. 6mos jan 12 IHt. J. M. HILL, Greene Street, opposite the Baptist Church, mar 27 lyr DR. M. J. BOLAN, " OFFERS his professional services to the citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity. Office at his residence, ou Broad street,above the Upper Market. 6m ap 8 ~DRS. J. E. & H. A. BIGNON. , Office on Btoad St. opposite Bridge Bank building . QTpOffer their pro.essional services to the cit xensof Augusta and its vicinity. jau 14 MEDICAL CARTE $T* HR. P. M, STOTESBURY offers his Prose ssionai services to the Public. Office on Broad-street, first Dwelling above the Frankhn House, where he may be found at al hours, when not professionally engaged. References. —Dr. M. S. Thompson, Macon, <Ga4 Dr. J. Toole, Scriven county, formerly of H-atnbtti’g, S. C. mar 14 J M. HAWKBS, M. D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN <& SURGEON. q *7* Treats diseases on purely Physiological pfinci lies, rejecting all known poisons, whether veffetabl a 0 * 013 ! or mineral. 2-=, *e, a few yards South of the Post Office and opposite the Young Men’s Library Associa tion. Augusta, Lz feb 1 .... H. VAxN VOORHIS, |M. d. homeopathic physician. ITT Is permanently located in Augusta, and is to be found at Mr. Be ER’s, corner ot Broad and J *S&“"g’F and VV. SCHLEY, Esqs. march 14 A CARD. trrDR. EDW. GIKARDEY tenders his Profe-sional Services to the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity. U* Office one door above Mar tin Frederick’s. ly °ct 30 DEiN TISTK X . CHASE. M. D .^DENTIST. AUGUSTA, GA. AnTiPiriAL TEETH in- R sTrted on Gold se . , bv Atmos- Clasps, ?ra ‘ « S ith an Air chamber. P AI r- SSLSETYinserted in a neat and beautiful man wifhout either Clasps or Springs. Palatine ObtuTators made and inserted so « to enable the .vathnt to speak distinctly, and with ease. 1 Particular attention paid to Dentition, and the « fegervation of the Natural Teeth. office south side of Broad-street, one square above the Globe, and a few doors below the Franklin House. _ ly "oTTIUNSON, A. M. M D SURGEON DENTIST. AUGUSTA, GA. , OFFICE over Carmichael & Co.’s Hardware Store ((j¥s^«Bpk TEETH constitutionally healthy, T.I J plugged, and aa? ranted for life. References— Drs. Eve, Means, Campbell, Le Conte, Messrs. Bones, and Hand, Fleming & Co. apr 29 *1 WUHUEII OF THE AGE. NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC WASHING FLUID, For washing in hard or soft water. This is the only genuine article to be found j in the world; and possesses double the pow er of any thing ever discovered for washing ci.uthes, at a trifling expense, doing away with wash boards at once. In fact, it seems to be the long sought Phi'osopher’s Stone, or universal sol vent; seeming* a magical preparation, its opera tion being @f the most astonishing character. A common sized may be done witn one gill of this Fluid, in less than two hours. It softens J and removes the dirt, leaving the articles of the most brilliant whiteness. It being as harmless in its operations as pure water, and clothing will wear nnueh longer than when i übbed to pieces by the common method of washing. This Fluid is a powerful agent, to be used in all cases where soap is required, particularly for cleansing milk utensils, cleaning windows and paint, scouriug floors; in short, it is beyond a pre cedent, as its use is universal in the washing world. W. H. MAHARREY & CO., Sole Agents for the State of Georgia. They also keep- on hand, a large and well se- j iected stock of RANGES, STOVES, FOSGENE, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID, GASj LAMPS, Suction and Force PUMPS,Tin WARE, j O* ROOFING and JOBBING done at short no- j tice, and in workmanlike manner. The latter ; branch of the business is (under the superinten dence of Air. E. E. SCOFIELD, dec 1 ly W. K. M. & CO. BE YI2 FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY. IS A COMMAND that should b« cheerfully obeyed by the children of Men. For 1‘ emale and Male.— Dß. LARZETTE’S /UNO CORDIAL, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as an e ffeclual restorative in cases of Debility, Impotencv, or Ba weanees. and all irregularities of nature. It is ali that it professes to be, viz: Nature’s Great Restorative, and rei. ne “y *br those in tbe married state without offspri ns. It tea certain cure for Seminal Emissions, General Debi «Jeet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, Nervous A neeiioiis, Leucorrhcea or Whites. As a vigorating medic me it is unequalled. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Con sumption, Indigestion, loss of Muscular Engergy, Phy sical Lassitude, Female Weakness, Debility, &c. «18 warranted to please the user in any of the above com plaints, and is of priceless value to those without off spring, Cautiox.—This celebrated medicine cannot be genuine unless the fac-sinnle signature of Judson & Co. (N. 8., the only American agents) is on the wrap per of each bottle. CAUTION TO BE CAREFULLY READ AND RE MEMBERED. A counterfeit of this celebrated Juno Cordial has late ly been issued, having the name of Levi Judson on the wrapper. This Levi Judson is in the store of, and con nected with, one Lucius S. Comstock, who is believed to be the instigator and real vender of the counterfeit Juno Cordial. Remember that the counterfeit lias the name of Levi Judson on the wrapper, and the genuine has NOT his name on the wrapper. JUDSON Sc CO., John-street, New-York, Only Agents in America, Established in 1844. Sold only by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO, Augusta, HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO., Charleston, HENDRICKSON. Savannah. dxc6m fe 1 “'ToWNERS OF AND DEALERS x, ‘ IN HORSES. FOUNDER OINTMENT, of found- FR HOOF, Hoot-bound ana Feverish Feet, fTTS Horses, and conti. He piesn, Galled Backs,» Wounds, Bruises in u. Cuts, Kicks, &c., on horn** Cracked Heels, Scratche- CARLTON’S RING-'?f)NF R Bion* ]t<ok the cure of rl n< * Spavin, Bone fepavm, Windga. > —a certain remedy. , r This Ring-Bone dire and the Foundt ment are prepared from tne recipe of a very celeb. English Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine cases oi. of one hundred any of tne ahove complaints. They | have been used by fanners, liverymen, stage proprie tors, and others, with tne most marked and deeide success. Sold only by HAVILAND, KISLEY & CO., August?, HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO., Charleston, HENDRICKSON. Savannah dxc6m fe 1 JUfoT *BC.t- TVi CjBLEBRA- Fisk & Raymond’s • The TED METALIC BURIaL ’ luie o! subscribers, in addition to their genera. c tbe i business, have been appointed soie Agents m county for the sale of Use above, so higbly approv ed for preservation an d utility, recommended and used, also, by the most disiinguisbed men of our country. For further particulars see pamphlets. The public are iuvited to call. HENRY & SKINNER. Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Broad st, oppo site M. Frederick’s old Rtand. ap 17 f TRANSPORTATION. The subscribers are Agents for the following Packet Lines from Charleston, S c * M ERCHANTS LINE t0..........New Orleans, PA-LME T'l'O LIN E................. Baltimore, CAROLINA LINE Boston Composed of first class vessels, and commanded by experienced and careful Captains. All proper ty consigned to us for shipment, will be promptly attended to. Unnecessary charges will, at all times be avoid ed, and strict attention naiu to orders. G. *M. FOWLE & CO„ Vanderhorst’s Wharf. W. H. STURGES & CO., Agents in Augusta. Charleston, S. C., February, 1851. 18 FANCU SPRING DRY GOODS. T. BRENNAN & CO. ARE now receiving, amongst other GOODS, the following, to which they invite the at tention of the public i Chene,Brocade, and other fashionable styles of colored Silks, suitable tor the season ; Plain aud F gured Foulard Silks and Tissues ; Alborines, Grenadines, and Barege De Laiues; Glace, Exhibition and Parodi Lustres ; atered > Brocade, Figured aid Piaiu Black Silks 3 Larin tin, Gros De Ithme and Poult De Sole; Plain,figured Chene and Floral Bi’k and CoPd Bareges; Brocade Dotted and Printed Swiss Muslins; Printed Jaconets and Lawns, of every style; 2hu e, J7. a!d a , n , d Stn P ed Blench Ginghams ; Black Silk and Lacc Mantillas and Parodi’s; Embroidered and Dotted Swiss Mantillas and Parodrs; Embroidered and Damask White and Colored Crape Shawls; Lace Capes and Unaersleeves; Embroidery, Needle-worked Trimming & c • American, French and English Calicoes 4 t 025 cents; French, Scotch and English Ginghams; A complete assortment of Domestics; Ikish Linens, Table Damask sand Diapers, Nap kins, Doylas, Bird’s Eye Diaper, Towelling, Pil low-case Linens, and a iarge assortment of Goods suitable for Gentlemen and Boy’s Spring and Sum mer wear; —AiLSO Parasols, Fans, Pi© Nic Mitts ; Plain, Hemstitched, Corded, Bordered and Em broiitered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Artificial Flowers; Shell and Buffalo Side and Tuck Combs; Colored, Marceline and Tarlton Muslins ; Swiss, Jao net, Mull, Nansook, Book and Plaid Muslins; A large supply of Dress Trimmings, newest style; Lisle, Linen, hand-made, and Wove Thread Lace, &c.,&c. d&c mar 25 JUST RECEIV ED a superior Brand of Clar et Wine, Champaign do Adamantine Candles, Baltimare made. Prime Rice. Charleston Sugar House Syrup, and other arti cles for sale by W. H. S TIIRGIS & CO. m 25 Over Gibbs tSz. McCord’s, Ware House AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. FRIDA >’ MORNING, MAY 30, 1851. REH SPRING GOOIJS* JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, No* 250 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Next door below the United States Hotel,] IS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as sortment of super CLOTHS, Casimeres, Vept* ings .Drills, Drap d’Ete, Cashmeretp, and I rim tilings, of all descriptions ; full assortment of t an cy Artie es,for gentlemens' toilet; ladies Under Vests; Umbrellas, Ucc. Military Work, and Ma king and Trimming in the best manner. ma 6 WE HAVE ON HAND, A ND offer for sale, a large stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy and Plain Casinueres, Drap D'r.tes and Linen, Silk, Satin. Linen and Marseilles Vesting, &c., &c.,comprising the most fashionable colors and slyles now in market; and we intend keep inol- constantly on hand, a good assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which we will make up to order, at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING, compris ! ing the differe/it articles for Gentlemen's use.— I Frock and Sack Coats, Pants, Vests, Silk and Lin- I en Cravats. Stocks, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, ! Hosiery, Under Shirts, Cotton and Linen Draw- I ers, Gloves, Pocket Handkerchiefs, &c., #c. FERRIS 6i PAUL, ap 2 Former y H. D. Newkirk. NE PLUS ULTRA INTEREST TA BLES—SEVEN PER CENT, in which ar » shown the interest on any sum from one dollar to f one hundred dollars, consecutively for any length \ of time, from one day lo three hundred and sixty ; days by days, and from one day to two and a half !' yeais by years,months and days, by the addition of two sums only, which a.re both taken from the | same table by Geo. Oatos, author of the Six ; Per Cent Interest Tab'e, &c. To be had whole- 1 sale and retail of GEO. A. OA TES & CO., Broad-st., opposite the State Baak. may 8 BEIiCHER 8c HOLLINGSWORTH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Aug * ••*•••••.* ® a * A WE now on hand a large and well selected IX stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vite th e attention of their friends and the public genera fly. Ail GoUdf purchased from us will be sent to any point in Hamburg that may be desired free ot charge, and all orders promptly atten e We ha vc removed to our ne ' v _, store street, ne.xt door to Adams & * argo’s oldstaud, where we shall be happy at all time * t 0 tee ° Uf friends. J. M. BELCHER, oct 11 J. H. BOL LINGS Wc Ri H . HATS, CikPS, AT CHARLESTON PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR. & CO., would respec \ • folly inform the Merchants of Georgia, ana adjoining States, that tney are now receiving ad ditional supplies of Goods in their stock being now the largest and best selected of a/iy ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as reasonable terms as Groceries, Sad dles, Drugs, &c., can be nought in this city. Please call before going below. WMr'E. EVANS & CO~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, Charleston, S. C. WM. E. EVANS, WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC nov 5 ly GEO. W. EVANS. * | G. M. FOWLE & CO. Forwarding. Commission Merchants and Factors, Vanderhorsfs Wharf, Charleston South Carolinaj HTtrE offer services as COMMISSION f ? MERCHANTS and FACTORS,in ali the branches of the Commiasion Business. In ail sales of property and retuursof proceeds, 1 we shall sustain tbe interests of our friends and ■ strictly follow orders. | Consignments of property for shipment to other ports,by Railroad or Vessel, will receive prompt \ attention, G. Mi FOWLE di. CO. ‘ Charleston,S. C., Oct. *BSO. 6m nov 21 B attle bore, gr aced and other | for exercise and recreation, f< r sale Imayl] T. RICHARDS &. SON. FOUNDRY. a- PREPARED to make to or* IAM x <LL GEARING of every description, der, Mi made in similar estab- j and ail oiher v Aing GIN GEAR, PLATES and iishments, inclu BALLS, &c., &c. ii a R MILLS, A 1 -%*ttu!nts, all of which With the .latest impro> , s t material and «lhi A* be warranted to be of the ( manship. .. ui , as MILL ROCK, at I wi\\ also furnish all kinc the lowest rates for cash. LEYDEN. IRON water WHEELS, PA"I ENT OA*- I ut two thousand feet Which will be war J nd€r a ny he&dof water above of Plank per da, t °"t% d b y four feet. \ v A, LEYDEN, may 11 df&c y A CAx x <eMire interest in HAVING disposed of m 1 .. &• Morris, I re the Globe Hotel to Mr. x ' the public gen turn my thanks to mv f riends and extended to erally, for the very liberal *>f Bame * me, and solicit for him a continuance . X Y k no^ n Mr. Morris has been long and favorab tuxt hr 3 to this community, and I feel confident great« nergy and gentlemanly bearing will the Globe Hotel worthy of still more exten patronage. F. M. JENNINGS. HAVING purchased ot Mr. F. M. Jennings his entire interest in the Globe Hotel, I so licit a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon him. No effort or expense shall be spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor me with a call. L. S. MORRIS. feb7 6mdxc CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY WOODSTOCK & WHITLOCK, Silversmiths, Jewelers, &c., Two doors above the U. S. Hotel , and opposite the Bank of Augusta, HAVE ou hand, and are constantly re- 4*o ceiving a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, &c., 4*c. Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold cheap for cash. O“\V. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprentice ship in one of the largest manufactories of London, ( and from his long experience, he feels assured of. giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust heir work to him. d#cly jan 17 Dry Goods in Charleston, S. ,€ C. & E. L. KERRISON & CO. KING Sf*REET, corner of Market, invite the MERCHANTS, PLANTERS ana FAMILILfe, to their well selected stocks of fancy and Staple Dry Goods, mostlv of their owe DIRECT importations”™/ c„„ pril ing the newest styles and richest designs in all FANCY DRESS GOODS, with a fufi . meat of HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLE*? PLANTERS SUPPLIES, amonf which.Villbt found all the SOUTHERN FACTORY G( >ODS Our husines being done on the princinle of ONE PRICE ONLY, our friends ean depend on finding nil Goods to be as represented and at th*> LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Terms cash, or city acceptance. C. & E. L. KERRISON & CO., ap24 Oorner of King and Market sts, PR.tP. A. C. BARRY'S TRICOPHE ROUS, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND. INFALL fBLE for renewing, invigorating and beautih tiie HAfR, removing the scurf, dandruff, and t’B affections of the scalp, and curing eruptions on the ekio, ci«ea,*es of the glands, mus cles and inteounu'O**- ar ‘ d relieving stings, cuts, bruises, sprains, &c With this preparation -‘there is no such word as Th® J°urnals in America, medical me \of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of am* prolepsious, an a ie& who have used it for years* their dressing-rooms and nurseries, admit with oC® accord, that tor im parting vigr •, gloss, luxurian , t 0 .. e hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, hea ing wounds, curing contusious, spri'tus, stings, •> and relirving diseases of the skin, tbe giands an the m jscles,ithas no equal among’«*’• multltu e of compounds advertised in the public punts, or used in private practice. .In cheapness a> we. as efiioacy, Barry!s Tricopherous isunrivillec, « immense cash sales of the article have enab e the inventor to supply it at retail, at 25 cents per bottle, which is from 50 to 100 per cent less t an the price of any other preparation for the hair now in use. The scientific treatise on the hair and the skin, (embracing valuable directions for the cul ’ ture and preservation of Nature’s choicest orna ment,) in which each bottle is enclosed, is alone worth the money. i The affinity between the membranes which con stitute the skin, and the hair which draws its sus enance from this triple envelope is very close.— Ail diseases of the hair originate in the skin of the head. If the pores of the sca>p are clogged, or if l the bfood and other fluids do not circulate freely through the smau , essels which feed the root with i' moisture, and ijupart to the fibres, the result is | scurf, dandruff’, shedding of the hair, graveness. f dryness and harshness of the ligament)?, and entire ! baldness, as the case may be. Stimulate the skin jj to healthful action with the Tricopbeious, and the i torpid vessels, recovering their activity, will anni hilate the disease. In ail affections of the skin, and of the substrata of muscles and integuments, the process and the effect are the same. It is upon the skin, the muscular fibre, and the that the Tricopherous has its specific action, ann in all affections and injury of these organs, it is a s overeign remedy. Sold, in large bottles, price 25 cents, at the prin cipal office, 13T Bioadway, New York, and sold by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout I the United States and Canada dxcly jan 21 ; GEORGIASAKSAPARILL A, 1 PREPARED by { J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA, GA. ! OOR DISEASES of the Liver and to purify 1 5? the Blood. Dr. D. has made his preparation as pure as pos sible. Its bitter taste corresponding with tbe t a ste of thejroots, proves its purity*. Its beneficial effects in diseases oi the Liver prove it to be the niost useful preparation of Satsaparilla that is < The prevalence of diseases in the Southern cli t mate arising from an inactive itate of the Liver, tod the effect of this Sarsaparilla in stimulating Liver to increased action, causing by its alte l* 4ye and mildly purgative effect the removal of ra ‘ frifie agents from the Blood, have induced tbe mor -hslo* - to use the pure Sarsaparilla and noth Propi this preparation. ing eUv duseassts Physicians using this prepa- For o. ir p rac tice cam combine, or prescribe ration in articles as they may consider the most with it sue j,, , y U der their treatment, appropriate fa Georgia E.*r,»aparilia and As those w t ** -recommending it to find benefit 1 to.'n .. proves that others, and the . as t mere. s good article the labors of the Pr.opnetoi *utisif rn people, have been du y a/Jpre ®ta'ed by there is,no need ot pubfishing cert*. jfie Sonija, ern preparations sh ould not be used m watgr unless they are ma<ie freer of sweeten, and other things tha n tb**y have been. * Price, #1 per bottle; S potties for £5. Sold ' Augusta, by Wm. H. Tuff, D. B Plumb & Co., Haviland, Risiey & (”0., F. A. Moise, W 11. &J. Turpin, W. K. Kitchen, Barnett, Carter &c Co.; at Athens, Hi.l & Smith; Madison, Seymour & Ser vice; Atlanta, Dr. T. S. Benny; Marietta, Wm. ; Root; Macon, Payne Ac Nisbet; Charleston, S. C., P. M. Cohen, and^Carey r & Coiutuiief; Columbia, Boatwright & Miot; Ha mburg, A. j. Creighton. \ Orders with the rnone - ? will receive prompt at tention. t&c ap 13 TION. THE firm of HOWARD <fc GARDINERvras dissoivod, by mutual consent, on the 13th rust. Either party wil! use the name of the firm xi .settling all amounts due tlae concern. S WM. H. HOWARD. * jas. t. Gardiner. Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 i NOTICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED will continue the X GROCERY' BUSINESS, at the Old Stand of Howard Gardiuer, where he will keep con stantly on hand, a well selected stock of GRO j CERIES, and he respectfully invites his friends, j and the public,generally, to call aud examine his ( *t„ck before buying elsewhere. HO w A K.I>- Augusta, April 23 1851. apr 24 AND FASHIONABLE GOODS i"oats, iwiro.mcE&eo.; hats, A *) R E6il | Tailoring Sf Furnishing a^brelI ’ aSj virOCK ESTABLISHMENT, j Cam., twits av and ' AND .Clothes Bags, Busings Wholesale and Retail i Shoulder COA'fS, PBAI.ERB IN j BRACKS, Com s°£i le ‘ ; CLOTHING. St’cS; poats fan BROAD BIREET, BRUSHES, , Silk, Linen I AUGUSTA, ig^Ud ATS • INVITE 'Tiiioth, I CO A IS, iTH * ATTENTION OF THIIR p urn i s },ing : 0f lion,’,! CUSTOMERS. goods j Plain 4- Fancy j AND ;of every de -1 PANTS STRANGERS scription. VESTS Visaing the City, STOCKS* SHIRTS ’ TO TH * IR PURSES "Ser Shirts SPRING STYLES OF and -Aiid AA «ne Susfendshs. Ui GOODS Full supply of u *s2* trimmings nn 11. \ * for th© Trade. CRfoVA leAKMENTS.i ''ERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. sc. vrfs. zr_: : ——— ai .l orl OLINA MUTUAL LIFE "CP COMPANY. NORTH CA,k January, 1849. INSURAin tce, Raleigh, N. C. Incorporated 4gency in this city, Central Off 'FE RIEKS on the HA VING established an . are prepared to take Li* ' by Joshua most f avorable terms. ule,” uni- The table of Rates are those made use. Millar., and known as The Carlisle Ta r « vers ally conceded to be the most correct in Vhe advantages offered by this Company, „ siYeh as merit the attention of the public, and wit. b e pointed out and explained at any time by the e Agent. Insurances are taken on siDgie lives, for 1 year, 1 7 years, or for life. i 011 joint lives, for life. ] On slaves at § value, lor 5 1 years. The undersigned can at all times be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esqrs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here will be promptly attended to. ap 11 S. H. OLIVER, A g’t Augusta, Ga. GIBBS & HAJRDIN^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Broad-st., Augusta, Ga., {A few doors above the Franklin Hotel ,) BiEG leave to announce to their friends and the public generally, that they will, at all times, keep on hand a large assortment of eve ry article usually kept in a Grocery Store, and ho pe by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. O’ Orders from the country promptly at tent led to, and filled at the lowest market prices. W. VV. GIBBS, mar 4 3mos THOS. W. HAR£HS VOU XXX.—NEW SEIUISS.— VOL. Vl.—Xf). sfdfser IN QUART BOTTLES. Fok the removal and permanent cure of j all diseases arising from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, OR HAPJT OF THE SYSTEM. AMONG the many and important discoveries j of this i eneration, is one whose fame will be written, as with a sunbeam, in the history of j the past. SANDS’ SARSAPARILLA stands forth alone, and by its own works proclaims its p Cwer —that mute eloquence so irresistibly effect iosf m the appeals of the sufferiHg for releii, has been answered. Thousands of cases of. disease have been cured by this invaluable medicine, such as are not furnished in the records of time. I hese things are not done in secret places, or ?n some unbnown town, but are performed in our princi pal cities and public places. iThey are brought before the world to substantiate, beyond doubt, the healing virtues of this preparation ; and the facts ■ unfolded, ilth< ugh gigantic, are as plain as the j light of day. if! The Saisaparilia is combined with the mP*t pf* feetual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom j and its unprecedented success in the restoration to health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chronic maladies, has given it an exalted character —furnishing, as it does,evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recom i ending it to the afflicted in terms tbe afflicted only can know. It has iong been a most important desideratim in the practice of medicine, to obtain a remedy sim ilar to this—one that would act on the liver, stom ach, and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparat.ons, yet without any of their deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the system Although po sessed of powerful healing properties, it is entirely harmless, and will not in jure the most delicate constitution. W hen in par fect health, no effect is produced by its use, ex cept aa increase of appetite; hut when disease to seated in the frame, and carrying fast its victim along the path of life, then its mysterious influ ence is felt and seen ; it enkindles new life and vigor, and brings health and strength to the suffer ing and diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Winchester, Ky , Oct 29,1849. A, B. & D. Sands— Gentlemen: I would not have presumed to write to you, if it was not my duty to l,et the public know the airnost miracious effect your Sarsaparilla has had upon me. My limbs were covered with ulcero«s 6ores, so that I could not walk during be whole spring at-d sum mer. In this situation I commenced the use of your Sarsaparilla, and after taking two bottles was entirely cured. I must al o tell you of another j wonderful cure. My brother was afflicted with I thin scrofula in his herd, sp ba{j his physician told tfie jpss of his sight was inevitable, and perm la. ' seepieji to he higfqti. Three hot anen. -<tjy re»t< jrpg| fijs sight, enff W? papnot but ties enti. ' #]l similarly afflicted to psp Sand*’ recommem. Yours truly. Sarsaparilla. F- BUCJiNER ABROAD- ITS POULAKIi . From, ISouth America. * 1848. Maracaibo, Venezuela, April 12in, , "- Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen: 1 consider it a ty due the public to make known the great bene fit I have received from using your valuable Sar saparilla. About three yeais since 1 was attack' ed with Rheumatism in my shoulders, and alao in my legs, and so severe was the pain, that I was unable to sleep. I tried all of the best medicines I could hear of witkoi.t receiving any benefit uu til through the advice of a friend 1 procured some of your Sarsaparilla, and after using four bottles in the course of fifteen days I found myseif en tirely well. I have no hes tation in saying your Sarsaparillals the best medicine l ever took, and can confidently recommend it to my friends and the public. Your obedient servant, J. M. JESURUN. Here is another, nearer home : New York, Jan. Bth, 1850. Messrs. Sands — Gentlemen: I have great plea sure in acknowledging to you the great benefit l have received from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulmonary disease, 1 made a voyage to Europe, but while there continued to be afflict ed. A few weeks alter my return, 1 was seized with a violent hemorrhage of the lungs, and from the debility and great prostration of strength that followed, with the pretracted difficulty of respira tion, 1 am entirely relieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which 1 consider a most important and truly valuable discovery in the healing art.— J feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed so good health as at present. Yery gratefully yours, S. E» SEYMORE. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, corner of William, New York.— Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price #1 per bottle; six bottles for $ 5. For sale by Haviland, Risley & Co., Barrett, Carter & Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A. Moise, Augusta; bv Hill & Smith. Athens: by H. C. Sey more & Co‘, Madison; and by A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C, dtxceoc mar 18 WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 Broad Street, Respectfully returns his grateful acknowledge- a&KL J ments to hisfriends and the public, for the very liberal share of pat- ,! u sa> ronage he has received in his line, and trusts tha by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give satis faction, and merit further confidence. N, B—l haw* received, and offer with confi dence,Gold amiSiher WATCHES,Fancy JEW .ERY,sucijyas Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Pius Bap&ehes, Mantle Clocks, and many >o tedious to enumerate, which the rouet -ited to examine before making their rsreast . ’icu exaunue utiui® articles L se P ti24, public areiuv ~ purchases. MUTUAL INSU- UMPANY. — 'Mi iVIN X . SAVANNAH - ugusta. RANGE Cl appointed Agen Agency in * T n ? w P re -lx. u 4 Na jr.r pied so take Fire, r . Risks. Premiumsw aIto J JEF p t R s, Age nov 3 ly Office, Me Intoshj^l, the PIMW ” 1 o W diff „en« These Mills have given the kj; tbe North. 1 and can be compared with anj to e hr e Pl e«.pv. o .a«U i be.o^b. { y WIGAND, | Burr Millstone Maaufao p»m» * A » NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM-SHIP LINE. FLORIDA - —AND— ALABAMA Capt. Ludlo* , Belonging to the New York & Savannah Steam Navigation Company. On and after the 11th Jan., will leave SaVannah and New York every SATURDA\ until further notice. These ships are of 1,300 tons register,and unsurpassed in comfort, tafety and speed. Cabin Passage, $25 —payable in advance. Agents : PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Savannah, SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street. New York. HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES. Brass andirons, shovels 4. tonus FENDERS, ANI) BELLOWS, Hearth and Crumb Brushes, Dish Mats, Waiters, Candlesticks, j Castors, Cake Baskets, Prated and B’ittania Tea Setts Coffee Urns and Biggins, Solar Lard Lamps, Candels&ra, in Cola and Silver,Dish Covers, Beef Steak Dishes, Egg Boilers, W T ith 3 minute Glass attached, And many other desii able articles. For sale low nov 9 d<s'C CLARK, RACKETT & CO. CLARK, RACKETT & CO., WHOL£#ALK and retail dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver an.l Plated Ware and Fancy iJs, HAVE now received their w stock, -.*» comprising beside the -'Apie arti cles. many new things in Silver and PiatedJS/ $)& WARE and FANCY GOORB. A.so, in***"* WATCHES and JEWELRY, House keeping ARTICi ES, of choice kinds. We offer to the trade at Wholesale, Watches, Jewelry, &c., with a great variety of Watch Ms- ! terials, Jewels, &c., not generally to be found, and at prices as low as elsewhere. oct. 8 AUGUSTaTdEC. 28, 7850. ! V*7E HAVE received per steamer, a snperb i tv lot of WATCHES, some of them oi the I manufapt\ire of T. F. Cooper, Loudon, in hunting , u \ and other cases—beautiful Watches for the poc- t ; ket, and of the best quality. We havealsore ! ceived a Model Gold Watch, in hunting cates, i 20 kt. fine, with diamond push bolt and ruby jew* el»; the movement of gold 18 kt. fine, with chron ometer balance: perhaps the finest Watch ia America —made by Chas. Taylor & Son, London. • A full assortment of aii kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY Ooh»ed. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by CLARK. RACKET'!’ & CO. — AUGUSTA FOUNDRY. NEAR THE UEORQIA RAIL, ROAD DEPOT. THE PROPRIETORS of these work* re spectiully tender their thanks for the lib*' , ral pationage which they have received. They* ar» still prepared to furnish IRON and BRAS Sr CASTINGS. Also, GEARING for all deaerb / tions oi Machinery. ( -± STEAM ENGINES Os various sizes made to order. course of construction, iwo of twelve, atnwmieoi twenty-five horse power. A'so Gearing fw Mills. In February last, we aianed an Engine of twenty* five hotse power, at Ahbeviile C. H. S. C. We take the liberty of u sorting a letter received from one of the Proprietr.is oi the Mill. , TALIAFERRO & TORBET Abbkvirle, April 9th, 1.61. Gentlemen: The Engine still works well, and is admired by all who have seen it. Several gen* i tlemen from a di-tauce, who arc well acquainted/ • wth similar works, pronounce it a fin** and expressed some su> prise when I told tbem^H| I was tranuiacmed in Augusta. We are cuttinra| . from 1700 to 2000 feet a oay now, hut you knovflf . our hands are slow and inexperienced. Thev . t do better after a while. 1 > I remain yours,&c., ap u ly CHAS. H. ALLEN. BOUNTY LANDS. BV an act ofthe late Congress,Bounty LANDI have been gi anted to the Soldier® and Wid ows of Soldiers who served in the last W’ar, witl e. Great Britain, in 1812, or in any of the Indian war*! ' -* 1790; also to Commissioned officers of the*! sin,. 'kar. Mexican . J association with legal gentle Having formeu " I will soon be prepared men in Washington * •‘•quirements of the with the necessary forms auu . ** interested Act, to proceed in behool of all tfaOo~ ’ , ~ ,, «rijpi therein; also to prosecute claims of every i tion against the Government. Office on Jackson,heJtveen Reynold &> Broadest j Oct. 9 JNO. MILLEDGE D. B. PLUMB Ik CO. DRUGGISTS AND APA>THE-^2 CARIES between U. S. Hate] and\w M, Post Office corner, keep constantly on MSL. hand a full and fresh supply of every ai;fie\2 '}}* their line. * # *Pi*riicnlar attention paid to Physicians pre scrij tion. Medicines dispensed at all hours c xl the night, and on Sundays, by calling at the resi dence on Ellis-st., immediately in the rear of the 1 Store. oct.B j NAILS, BRADS, AND SPIKESr 1 CARGO OF BRIG SARAH FRANCIS \ to arrive. 3500 Kegs of all sizes. Orders received previous to arrival will be delivered without charge, for Drayage. No orders received for less than lQi# Kegs. ■ • M : And also 250 bales Hay. *. , r nprd GEO.W. L“°. \\ Q NEGROES! NEGROES! NEGROES JUST arrived SEVENTY-SIX young like j # NEGROES, wliicn, added to our forirt fg| stock, will make one hundred and fourteen, w d have now on the market. By calling at our pot at Hamburg, S. C. purchasers can be sui vd and those wishing to purchase are requested to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. JENNINGS & ROBERTSON. FARE REDUCED TO 20 DOLLARS From Charleston to New York. JBl l JSAVING the Wharf at the loot of Laurens* st daily at 3,p. m. after the arrival of tl*o Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WEI, DON,IN. C., PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, tc WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHI A and NEW' YORK. The public is respectfully informed *hat the steamersof this line,from Charleston to Wilming ton, are in first rate condition and are navigated bv well knownandexperiencedcommanders,andthe Railroads are in fine order,thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been in operation, will be con tinned on and after the first of October, 1849, as a permanent arrangement from Charleston to New York. Passengers availing themselves there of, will have the option to 'continue without delay througn the route or otherwise to stop at any of the intermediate points, renewing their seats on the line to suit their convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during businesshours. Baggage wiii be ticketed on board the Steamer to Weldon, as iikewi~e on the change of cars, at the ii termedi | ate points from thence to New \ork. ’! hrougb I Tickets can alone be had irom E. WINSLOW, i Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh ts. K- Company, at the office of the Company at the lc< i Laurens street, to whom please apply. Enr l|f of- >r information inquire of t u rtlu 9 E. WINSLOW. march J- WM. HUNTER, and Forwarding Factor, Merchant. -a qx *at sthkkt, wmm „ ” SAVANNAH* i ° ct 8 mm