Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 03, 1851, Image 3

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special 'wnffliL ~NOTICB. POST OFFICE, > Augusta, June 2d, 1851. } QP* ON AND AFTER this date, the Wes tern Mail will close at 3 P. M. Northern and Charleston Mails at 5 A. M. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. The Office will be opened at 7 A. M. and * closed on the arrival of the Northern Mail, which will be ready for delivery by P. M., after which the office will continue open until 8 P. M. Ou Sundays, the office will be opened from 8 to 9 A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Persons having Key Boxes and wishing Letters charged are requested to make the following de signation : “Charge Key Box No. —■'' june 3 BENJ. F. HALL, P. M. JKrArrangements have been made with Mr. Kirkpatkick, of Barzelia, to furnish Meals for Passengers going on either of the JTr »ins from Augusta on the Georgia Kail Road, where they ► ▼ may be accommodated with BREAKFAST o SUPPER. 3&cl j»ne3 teOfA WATER, (O 3 Cold Soda Water, w ith a variety of Sy rups, at the Drug Store of % PHILIP A. MOISE. Metcalfs Range. IV. B.—Congress Water always, in Ice. may 24 5m ” fppTne undersigned have this day com menccd to serve ICE CREAM. The Laoies and Gentlemen are invited to give us a call. mayl ts N. GIRARDEY & SONS. Augusta Market) dune 2—5 F- M COTTON. — The demand to-day, hae been good, but holders still offering their stocks spa ringly, the sales have been limited at Saturday’s -prices. SAVANNAH. May 31.— Cotton. — i' here was a T)etter enquiry yesterday than for several days previous. The sales amounted to 338 bales, at the following particulars i 2CO at 13 at 8$; and 9 bales at 9 cents. Prices still re main nominal ~ PASSENGERS. By Steamer Oregon &om Savannah: —Mrs Solomons, ehild & servant, Mrs Smets, Mrs Brown, Mrs Poullain, child and servant, Mrs Atkins and servant, Mrs Seriven, Mrs Ervin and child, Mrs E Peck, Mrs Ervin, Misses Salomons, H Smets, E Smets, C Smets, F Smets. M Mitchell, E Mitchell, Heath, A Er vin, E Ervin, J Ervin, M Ervin, J Arms, Hig gin bottom, Ann Ervin, Dr W W Ervin, Dr Stotesbury, Messrs Poullain, Wiggins, Smets, Eubanks, W R Ervin, Jr, T W Green, B P Green, Atkins, Dr Stotesbury, Atkins, B S Scriven, A Heath, W P Solomons, S Solomons, Best, Bayrie, Roe, Newman, & son, J A Gay das d, Masters J Ervin, S Ervin, E Ervin MM Ervtlu, and 12 Deek. Shipping jJnUUigntu. ARRIVE 1)7" Georgia Steam Boat Company’s Steamer Thomas Metca t, with tow boats Nos. 9 & 7, with mdze. &c. to J.B Guieu, agt, John Bones, W J Ovens, Buford, Beall & Co, A W Ben mu, Ja’s Stiles, T S Metcalf, Luther Roll, J k S Bones & Co, B Gan ter, W H & J Turpin, J Meyer, Ja’s Hulbert & Co, H Moore, P A Moise, Augusta Machine Works, Barrett, Carter & Co, Haviland, Risley & Co, 5 D Linton & Co, G VV Ferry & Co, J P Setze, J Taylor, Jr, & Co, G Van Ness, T Richards 6 Son, F C Arms, Sup't, Gould, Bulkley & Co, Taliaferro & Torbet, T W Poullain & Son, Glendinnmg & Co, Clark & Ramey, J Kerr, J R & W M Dow, EC Tinsley, A Gould, N Butler & Co, J W Bosnian, C A Platt, J E McDonald, Adams., Hopkins & Co. Steamed* Oregon, from Savannah, to Jas H. AndersoJL Agent. Mdz , to Agt Georgia Rail Road, Thayer & Butt, J. Lancaster, Rus sell & Whitehead, S. C. A ilson, Barrett,Car ter, & Co., A. J- Miller, B. H. Warren, J. C. .Atkins, Hand & Fleming, Jeffres, Cothran, «& Co., Geo. Robinson, A. M. Benson, A. Burnsides, G. VV. Gum any, Walker, Bryson, & Co., B. S. Dunbar, J. H. Anderson. Iron St. Bt. Co’s, steamer J. Randolph, •with Boats Nos. 6 and 11. Mdze. to Wm Re ’viand, Agent; Col. J Miiledge, W O Price & Co.- H B Frazer, T N Poullain & Son, H S Hoadley & Co, W H Mahancy & Co. Doughty & Beall, it'mry Moore, G T Dortic, Scranton, Stark & Davii.S E C Tinsley, J Gardner. Jr., Baker, Wilcox & Co, C Gatlin & Co, A W Carmichael, Hand* Williams & Co, Seymour, Ansley & Co, W S & T H Roberts, O H Lee, W & J Nelson. A Hatch, W K Kitchen, Force, wCoßley & Co, Dunham & Blakely,T Brennan & Co,' P A Moi%e, D B Plumb & Co, W S jm. es, Robertson & Crocker, Estes & Rich ino Vi,H Brush, Williams & Brother, Baker & Hart Lamback & Cooper, J Hulbert & Co, Carmichael & Bean, WII Goodrich, Adams, Houkins h Co, B H Warren & Co, Hand & G." a Y Brothers, Gould, Bulkley & t'a and°Augu. Ha Cotton Manufacturing Co. ARRIVALS FROM CHARLESTON. Shin New York, Huh, New York. Hhip Chieora, Ho!n.,C>on..adt .for St Petersburg Br ship Sesostris, Logw.O.'yde for Glasgow. Br ship Margaret, Hawes, Uyerpool - Br barque Levant, for G1 “ S * OW ' Sp barque Indnstria, Pi 'eto, Malaga. Barque Neptune,Dwyer, Cronstadt, forSt Peter . burg. Nor brig Princess Eugene, B’j«rck, Copenhagen. ISor brig Erin, Bie, off Sangate,. for Amsterdam. T S Cutter Taney, Rudolph, at savannah. Schr Admiral Blake, Hcdtey, New York, bound to New Bedford. Schr H P Russell, Littleton, Wilmington. s Schr Medium, Donnell, at Savannah. CLEARED FOR CHARLESTON. SsiAp Caspian, Trufant, at Bath. Bri . Samuel Brown, Baker,at Baltimore. * loading for charleston. Ship Ncen'ie, Ho.berton, at Liverpool. Ship Alliance, Robinson, at Liverpool. Ship John Ravenel, Turner, at Liverpool. CHARLESTON, June 2.—Arr. steamship Os' nrev,Murden. Philadelphia; barque Pedemonte, kla’iadeil New Orleans; schr Eliza, Howland, sea vanuah; ship Mary Hale, Rollins Baltimore; schrs Fdwin Farrar, Brownley, do.; Loursine, Smith, New York; Ocean, Mitchell, Baltimore; Corelli, Horton Norfolk, Va.; Geo Engs, Dorr, I redencks bU rwl V Sn Dolacre Union, Crews, Baltimore;barks ImoLtVlXnn, NewOrle.us; Ch.s 8 <) dun, Douglas, Wilmington, N C; schrs J H Holmes, lodfe Philadelphia; Hill Carter, Rogers, do., tl ten fSldJborouih, Wilson, Baltimore; Sami R Jackson, Biachman, Cieniuegos. N Y^ik* Went to sea, steomsbip Marion, Berry, IN x Ik, .te.r/b!“ Label, Koilint, Key Went and Havana; barques Imogeno, McMunn, Kvw Orleans; Sara •nae, Yates, do. SAVANNAH. May 31 —Arr. U S CutterT a- Rudolph, Charleston; .sphr Medium, Donnell, -do. Cld. barque Texas, McNair, New Fork. Went to sea, brig Almira, Brown, Rosfon; schr Sardine Patrick, do. QCOTT’sIM's JNTKY TACTICS. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS & SON. Bg illagnetic (EieUgrapl). Reported for the Constitutionalist. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL ° WASHINGTON. COTTON ADVICES FAVORABLE. Accounts from Manufacturing Districts Good. BR EAD STUFFS IMPROVING. POLITIC ALNEWS UNIMPORTANT. New York, June 2. The steam ship Washington has arrived, bringing later advices from Europe. Liverpool, May 21.—1 n the cotton market a favoreble change took place on the 19th, and the sales reached 7000 bales. On the 20th, 5000 bales were sold. The accounts from the Manufacturing Dis tricts are favorable. Breadstuff* were improving. Sugar heavy. Coffee steady. Stocks firm. The steamship Asia arrived at Liverpool on the 17th, and the Pacific on the 19th. The U. S. ship St Lawrnece, sails for the United States about the middle of June. MISCELLANEOUS. It is proposed to apply the receipts of the Exhibition at the Chrystal Palace, to educa tional purposes. The Receipts are about sl,- 400 per day. The Legitimists are making great opposi tion to Louis Napoleon. The Belgean Ministry has resigned. The Continental news is unimportant. Charleston, June 2, p. m. Cotton —The sales to-day reach 1000 bales. The market is firm and prices qute full. Ex tremes from 6t to 9$ cents. CONtERTHALL THEATRE. First night of the Moral Drama,founded on facts that cccured in Boston and its vicinity in 1842, en titled ROSIN A MEADOWS, As originally produced by Mr. Weaver, at JBar num’s Museum, Philadelphia and New York. Second Night of the re-engage nent of MISS RICHARDSON. THIS ( TUESDAY ) EVENING, JUNE 3, Wiil be presented the Moral Drama of ROSIN A MEADOWS. Jethro Bax er Mr. Weaver. Rosina Meadows Miss Richardson To conclude with the laughable Farce of the TWO GREGOKIES. Gregory, (with a Comic Song).. ....Mr, Weaver. Fanchette, (with Songs)..... ......Miss Sinclair. QjP For particulars see small Bills. U* Tickets 50 cents, Children half price. (LT Boors open at 7£ o’clock, performance t commence at 8 precisely. june 3 Office Trans. S. C. Railroad Comp’v. Charleston, 23d May, 1851. ON and after the Ist June, the PASSENGER TRAINS (tor Hamburg, Columbia, Cam den, and all Intermedate statioms on the South Carolina Railroad,) will commence and continue to run daily at the following hours: FIRST,OR ACCOMODATION 1 RAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 8 a. m.—Arrive at Ham burg at 330 p. m.; at Columbia at 3 30 p. m,; at Camden, at 4 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hambura at 6 a. m.; Columbia at 6 30 a. m.; Camden at 5 30 a. m.—Arrive at Charleston at 2 p. m. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 11 30 a. m. —Arrive at Hamburg at 5 30 p. m. DOWN Leave Hamburg at 10 a. m.—Arrive at Charles ton at 4 p, m. The Express Train wiil run directly through, without stopping, and no Freight or Way Passen gers will be taken by it. J. D, PETSCH, june 3 Imo Super. Trans. S. C. R. R. Co. so CAROLINA it AIL ROAD, Hamburg, June 2,1851. > ON AND AFTER this date, the Special Passenger Train between Hamburg and Aiken, will leave Hamburg at 5.30 P. M. june 3 W. J. MAGKATH. Agent._ ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. Augusta, (Ga.) May 31, 185 L IN ACCORDANCE with the new organization of this institution, the Board of Trustees wiil proceed to elect, at the annual election, to be held on Saturday, the fifth day of July next, the folio .ring officers, for one year from the Ist of October next» 1. A Rector and Classical Teacher, with a sala ry ol SI4OO, aud apartments in the Academy, 2. A Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Sci ences —salary SIOOO, with apartments, or SI2OO without. 3. A First Engli?h Tear' er, with a salary sim i lar to the last mentioned.* 4. A Second English Teacher —salary S6OO, with one apartment. 5- A Steward and Clerk—-a salary of $l6O, and apartments. For further particulars, apply to ROBERT WALTON, june 3 fIQ President pro tem. NOTICE. THE Business of the concern of JOHN & SAMUEL BONES & CO., in the HARD WARE and CUTLERY BUSINESS, in the city of Augusta, expired on the 21st ult. It will be continued by the subscribers, under the firm of BONES & BROWN. JOHN BONES. Augusta,2d June, 1851. 2c4 june 3 " ~ FOR SALE. ffIKAT Brick Dwelling HOUSE and JL LOT, on Greene street, next above Mr. Phinijsy's, and now occupit d by Mr. Frenen. Possession giyeu the Ist of October. AppH to june 3 4 B. H. WARREN. ftflHOS. RICHARDS SUN have received jt another supply of the following Works : Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ike Marvel. Life of Randolph, by Hugh A Garland. Ly ell's Travels in the United States. Colman's European Life and Manners, june 3 CtPUN SILK UNDER SHfßTSßecorn mended by the Medical Faculty tor Rheu matism. WM. O. PRICE & CO. june 3 EXECUTOR’S SAVE. Agreeable to the last will of Phi'iip Newton, late of Emanuel county, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, at the Court House in Swainesboro’. Emauuel county, the following property, to wit: One hundred (100) acres of Land, including a Saw and a Grist Mill, lying in Bullock and Eman uel counties, adjoining,lands of Charles Miller and others. Also, one Negro man named JOE, about £5 years old. Terms made known on >he day of sale. GEORGE W. CLIFTON, Ex'r. june 3 ANNA NEW TON, Ex’*. illisullancous. ___ FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. ~ TRAY ED away, a small COW, with circular horns meet ing_ at their ends, for the return which the above reward will be paid by june 3 2 GIRAKDEY 4. SON. GEORGIA RAILROAD." li aT* ?TTK7iT??t" ON AND AFTER MONDAY, June 2d, Pas senger Trains will run daily as follows, viz: Leave Augusta at 6 o’clock, A. M. tl Atlanta “ 6 “ “ “ Athens “ 7 “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, P. M. “ “ Augusta li 5 “ “ “ “ Athens “ On and after June Ist, the Night Train will Leave Augusta at 5£ o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, A. M. “ l( Augusta <l The Athens Branch Trains will connect only with the Day Trains -Way Passengers will be charged three cents per n>ile on the Day Trains, and four cents per mile on the Night Trains. Agents will furnish tickets at each station, for all Trains, without which Passengers will be charged each 20 cents. Transportation Office, O. R. R. &B. Co ., ) Augusta, May 21st, 1851. $ may 23 SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Augusta, that is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city. [april] 5m E. D.MEYER. WHISKY. 1 AH BARRELS New Orleans WHISKY. landing This Day, and will be sold low, il taken from the wharf, may 17 T. W. FLEMING & CO. BACO BACON j “ jrn AAa LBS. prime BACON SIDES »)l * v"’ MJ 15.000 lbs. prime HAMS and SHOULDERS, for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY. Hamburg, May 23, 1851. fl 2 may 23 DRIED APPLES. “ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Tennessee, about one hundred bushels «ne DRIED APPLES, which will be sold cheap may2o T. VV. FLEMING & CO. aLCRINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, BY THE COMMERCIAL INSU«ANCE CO., Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,0007ALL PAID IN. Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. UERIOT. DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenholm, Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, J. H. Brawley, A. R. Taft, T. L. Wragg, A. M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Solicitor. R. A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive Pro posals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to elfect lnsuran e on fair and liberal terms. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company is prepared to take Ma rine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. g. walker, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson & Co. Augusta, May 12,1851. ly may 13 BOLTING CLOTHS, OF WARRANTED quality, furnished and put up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bake ng Millstones, cheap, and of best quality , s for sal SCHIRMER 4. WIGAND. GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE and LADIES’ NA I'ltiNAL MAGAZINE, have been re ceived for June. Subscribers will please call for their copies, at GEO. A. OATES & CO’S, m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st. BLASTING POWDER^ A FEW barrels for sale by HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. may 25 — ATB p utiL | C Vrio SELECT POETICAL QUOTATIONS—Sa cred and Miscellaneous} by Webb &c Wat son , 2 vols. The Widow Bigby’s Husband, and other Tales of Alabama} by the author of Simon Suggs. The Yankee amongst the Mermaids, &c.; b3 r Burton. Nell Garynne} or, The Court of The Stuarts, under the Reigns of Charles 11. and James JI. The Dennings and their Beaux} with Alina Derby}by Miss Leslie. The Sea Kinj*: a Nautical Romance, by the author of the Scourge of the Ocean. Dictionary of Sacreq Quotations, by the Rev H H Weld- History of the Sabbatarian Churches—embrac ing accounts of the Armenian, East Indian, and Abyssinian Episcopacies in Asia and Africa, by Mrs Tanar Davis. A new edition of Walker on Intermarriage. The Manufacture of Steele—containing the Practice and Principles of Working and making Steele, by Frederick Overman. Critici l and Miscellaneous Essays, by T Bab ington MaCaulay, new and revised edition. The above works for sale by june I THOS. RICHARDS A SON. “replenish your gardens, RECEIVED this day, a fresh supply of GARDEN SEEDS, suitable to the season, if planted at once, viz : Bush and Running Snap Beans, Cucumbers, Celery, Parsley, Radish and Pumpkin Speds. Also, Fresh Ruta Baga, Large White Flat, Large G.ohe, Red 'lops and Han over Turnip Seed?, Guano, Ac., &c., for sale by june 1 lw WM. HAINES. WANTED “ AAA BfJS. PRIME NEW WHEAT, for which the highest cagh price will be paid by B. H. WARREN & CO. may 31 8 205 Broad Street. AVID COPPER PIE L D.—A few more copies of David Copperfield, just received bv may 31 THOS..RICHARDS & SO#.' _______ 1 1414 TONS No. I Garfsberie (or Scotch) ft. vr"_J _ IRON,just received, and for sale in lots to suit puriffiaetrs bv may3f 4 ' B. H. WARREN & CO. MARRIED LIFE: ity Shadows and Sun shine, by T S Arthur. The Two Wives} or, the Lost and Won, by TS Arthur. Woman’s Trials } qv, Tales and Sketches from the life around us, by T S Arthur. The above good books arp for sale by may 30 THOS. RICHARDS’ & SQN. AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAIJJ ROAD. AN INSTALMENT of 20 per cent, on sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of this Com pany has b£eq called for by the Board of Direc tors, payable gh or before tiiq 17th day of June next, at the office of Mr. Joseph Bancroft, the Secretary of the Company in Savannah. A. K. LAWTON, President, may 17 swt7j&dtd NEWBOOKS. THE Friut, Flower, aqd Kitchen Garden, by Patrick Neill, L. L. D., adapted to the U. States. The Turner’s Companion : containing instruc tions in Concentric, Elliptic, and Eccentric Tur ning. The American Miller and Millwright’s Assis tant, by Wm. Carter Hughes. The above just received by may 30 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. SOUTHERN SINGING books”. THE HESPERI AN HARP, by Win. Houser; The Sacred Harp, by White &. King. The subscribers have now received a la> ge lot of tbs Hesperian Harp, compiled by William Houser, F.sq. of •'efferson county, Ga. Also, a large lot of the Sacred Harp, very much enlarged and improved. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY, may 21 d2wxwlm Augusta, Geo. hotels ans IDaiering Jplam. Washington hall, ATLANTA ..GA. npHE UNDERSIGNED, anxious fafeSsjl JL to render the above Establishment jjjjijs 3 every way acceptable to the travelling public, has recently added to it a new DINING ROOM, and made several other material alterations in the House, with a view to the promotion of the com iort of those who may favor him wi»h their pat ronage, and has secured, as a general Superin tendent, the services of Mr. Geo. R. Fhazer, formerly of the United States, and late of the Eagle & Phtenix Hotel, of Augusta, Ga. if. is his intention to spare neither expense cor exeriion to make the Washington Hall deservedly popular. He lias recently added so his Establishment five good family Rooms, Lathed and Plastered, with fire places in each. Also, a fine BATHING ES TABLISHMENT, where can be procured Warm or Cold Batin*. There is a BARBER SHOP under the same roof, and a LIVERY STABLE at a convenient distance. Servants always in attendance upon the cars to conduct passengers and convey baggage to and from the Depot. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor. Geo. R. Frazer, Superintendent. N. B.—The above house will always furnish Dinner to the passengers from the West, at 3 o’clock, P.M. d&cly may 7 COTOOSA SPRINGS. ’ HP HIS POPULAR and fashionable wa- iNA A tering place will be opened for the re-JfijjJ, ception of visitors on the 10th day of June. The Proprietors would inform the public, that since the lest season they have added to their es tablishment one hundred spacious and comfortable rooms with other improvements, and as it is their purpose to devote their united personal attention to the accommodation of their guests, they hope to make it a delightful and pleasant resort to all, as well those in pursuit of pleasure as health. The Water from several of the Springs has been recently analysed by that accomplished Chemist, Prof. A. Means, of the Medical College of Geor gia, whose report of the same, will shortly be given to the public. These Springs, the mineral properties of which, are unsurpassed, are situated iu Waiker couuty, Georgia, within two miles of the Cotoosa Platform, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, one hun ured and twenty miles from Atlanta, and twenty five from Chattanooga, in a most delightful and sa lubrious Mountain climate. The Company’s Hacks will always be in waiting at the Depot on the ar rival of the cars, to convey visitors a d their bag gage to the Springs. BATTEY, HICKMAN & McDONALD. may 20 dSmclO INDIAN SPRING. THE UNDERSIGNED ask leave to state to the public generally, that is yet the Proprietor of the INDIAN SPRUNG HOTEL at this place, and is now prepared to re ceive company. The virtues of the Indian Spring waters have been so long known, and so general ly tested, that I pi esmne it L not necessary here to say any thing in their praise. The Proprietor of this Hotel has only to add that in addition to these first r?quisites of the In dian Spring as a summer residence, that be has since the last season, largely added to the Indian Spring Hotel, by extending his Dining Room so as to make it equaito any thing of the kind south ardly, and he has also added many fine rooms for families as wed as for persons without families.— He also assures th jse that are pleased to call at this old established Hotel that the best of every thing that the country affords S!all be provided for their accommodation, and renews his former pie 'ge that no Hotel sh.dl surpass the Indiau Spring, an! no pains spared to make all comforta ble; with this assurance he invites the calls ol the community generally. may 17 2m EDW. VARNER (CT The Chronicle & Sentinel and Republic will copy two montbs, and forward bills to the Proprietor. ROWLAND SPRINGS, ~ THE SUBSCRIBERS beg leave to inform their fr.ends and the lie, that they have leased the above well known place of resort, and that they intend keeping them during the summer season in a style superior to any watering place in the up-country. The House will be open and ready for the reception of visi tors by the first of JUNE next. LANIER & USHER. N. B.—There will be a line of Hacks at the De pot at Cartersville, at all times, to convey Passe 1- gers to the Springs, both from up and down trains qf Railrord. L. & U. may Q 3mos TH3 MADISON SPRINGSr MADISON COTNTY, GA. THIS DELIGHTFUL watering ffpfl place has been purchased by Messrs. ISi HI ills ill MIJSGROVE & WATKINS, who intend to it the Home of Copifcri. The Establishment is under the management of H. Musgrove, who has procured the assistance of Mr A. G. Lock, late of the Pulaski House, Sa vannah. The salubrity of the climate, and the efficacy of the waters are well known to all who have vis ited this place. 'The House will be <pen for the reception of visitors on the Ist of May. A line of Post Coaches wiil run daily from Athens, 23 mile,s to the Springs. apr 22 GODI) COOK, WASHER AND JRO.MER is wanted for a small family, by the Ist ol Ju;.e. Enquire at this* offloe. may 15 ” 'LEMONS I LELONS ! BOXES LEMONS, in fine order. Just re ceived and for sale by A. LAFITTE. may 27 3 THE UNDERSIGNED expects to be Hl> sent from the city until about the 10th of June, when he will be pleased to see persons desirous of renting STORE'S and BUILDINGS. Those havi ig business with him, will please call on Mr. John W. L. Stovall may 27 6 PLEASANT STOVALL. TUMBLERS ! J TUMBLERS ’ lAAO DOZEN TUMBLERS, of every jxJlvcF variety and color, suitable for Fam ily, Hotel, and Bar use; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B. —Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 cents per dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Re-* tail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards & Son’s Book Store. may 27 J. J. LATH HOP & CO. FINGER BOWLS,—A large Jot, cons sting of nearly every colqr, for sale at may 2? J. J. L VTHKOP & CO’S. HALL LAMPS, —Low priced Hall Lamps at J. J LATHROP 4. CO. SPIRIT ORB UR NING FLUID LAMPS A large supply, just received, for sale at from 25 cents to $2 each. may 25 J. J. LATHROP & CO. SCHOOL TEACHING, —Theory,apd praes 4*3 Ucc 01 teaching, or the motives and methods of good School-keeping, by David P. Rage* A. M., principal of the State Normal School, Albany N. York. For sale by may U T- RICHARDS &,SON. PROPOSALS will be received by the Com mittee on the City Hall, until the 14th J:ine, for Painting, Whitewashing, and other Repairs on the City Hall, which will be pointed out by the Committee, Bond and security wili be required for the faithful performance of the work to be done in the best manner, may 29 A. P. ROBERTSON, Chairman. Harpers n ew monthly js ag a- ZINE for June has been received. Also No. 367 of Little’s Living Age. Subscribers will please eall for their copies at GEO. A. OATES & CO., ma 29 Piano, Book ami Music Depot, Broad-st. TO RETAILERS. FINE BUTTER.— Just received, a few hegs fine BUTTER, which will be sold low to retailers, by the keg, or at retail as low as 25c. ’ 3 JNO. J. BYRD., may 29-lt Harper’s Range. “ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK. THE UNDERSIGNED has just received an assortment of Gentleu en’s Wigs, Ladies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which he offers for sale at his Barber Shop under the Washington Hall, Broad-street, Augusta, Ga., on accommodating terms. WILLIAM CORMICK, oct. 12 ly Barber and Hair C>rtss« \ Auction -oalco. * Goodgßlacksmith. BY HUTCHINSON <fc THOMAS. Wiil be sold, at the Lower Market House, at 12 o'clock THIS MORNING, A first rate BLACKSMITH, 23 years old—has been at the trade 13 years—and as good a Smith as there is in the Southern country. Terms cash. Also, one second hand BAROUCHE, and one WAGON with Harness. june 3 BY HUTCHINSON dc THOM AsT “ —TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY— We will sell, in front of store, at 10A o’clock, 30 bbls choice Ohio FLOUR, 9 bbls Baltimore Canvassed HAMS, sound. 10 bbls SUGAR, 5 bags Rio COFFEE. —elso — Mackerel, Butter. Rice, Liquors, Champagne, Claret Wine, Ac., 4-c. —ALSO — A lot of Dry Goods. Terms cash. j*me 3 LUCKY OFFICE. GEORGIA STATETLx-TTERIES. r or the benefit of the Independent Fire Company, Augusta. Managed, Drawn, and Prizes paid by the well known firm of D. PAINE & CO. ’ brilliant opportunity. Class 36, by Grand Consolidated M, May 31, 1851 Sales close Saturday, at 3 P. M. Grand Scheme. 16 Drawn Ballots from 78. Capital Prize, 67,500 DOLLARS. 37,500; 522,000; $ll,o00; $7,500; $6,460; 2 prizes of $4,500; 2 of $3,500; 100 prizes of $2,500, Ac. Ac. Tickets s2o—Halves 10—Quarters ss— 52,50. 9 THE LITTLE PET. Class 37, by Patapsco 157, June 5, 1851. Sales close Tuesday, at 12, M. Capital Prize, 3,289 DOLLARS. $1,100; $750; $350; 10 prizes of $100; Ac. 'lick etssl—Halves 50c.—Risk on a package of 26 quarters $3,95. J. W. ADAM, Opposite the Post Office. tUy* All orders from the city or country strictly confidential and promptly’ attended to. may 30 MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, Drawn, and Prizes paid by the wel known and responsible firm of J. VV. MAURY A CO. Class 48, to be drawn at Savannah, June 3d, 1851. Sales close Tuesday, at 3 P. M. ANOTHER BEAUTY. 14 Drawn Ballots from 75. 20,000 DOLLARS. $5,000 ; $3,000 ; $2, 250 ; 10 prizes of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $5; Halves $2.50; Quarters $125. Classs 49, to be drawn at Augusta, tune 4, 1851. Sales close Wednesday at 3, P. M. Package Scheme. 12 drewn Ballots from 66. 5,000 DOLLARS. $1,510; $1,000; $800; $600; besides numerous oth ers. Tickets $2 —Halves $1 —Quarters 50c. Risk on a package of 22 quarters $5,90 Extra Class 61, by Monongalia 63, June 7,185 L Sales close Saturday, at 3P. M. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 14 drawn Ballots from 78. 40,000 DOLLARS. 2 of $ 10,000; 2 of $5,000 ; 2 of $4,000; 2 of $3,000; 2 of $2,574, 5 of S2,OO'J; 10 of $1,000; Ac. Ac. Tickets $10 —Halves ss Quar.ers $2,50. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad street, a few doors below Post Office Corner [Ly* Orders from the city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. june 1 FOR SAVANNAH. To leave every 'Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock The new and splendid light draught steamer H Capt. Murray, built expressly fqr the Augusta and Savannah trade, wjil leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning at 9o’clock. Fur freight or passage, having fiue accomm® daiions unequalled by any boat on the river.— Apply to the Captain on board, or to the Aaent, apl D. L. ADAMS A SON. FOR SAVANNAH. Will leave every Tuesday Morning, THE SUPERIOR light draught steamer DEKAi.fI, Captain^J^^ljU^, J. ft}. Moocy, haying resumed regular trips between Savannah aud Augusta, will hereafter leaye for Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. For Freight Passage, having good accomm® dafjons, apply to the Captain on board, or to dec 14 ly JOHN CASHIN, Agent. iceTice! mHEELLIS STREET ICE COMPANY A having received their supply of ICE at both houses now offering it;for sale at the same prices as heretofore, viz: at retail, 3 cents per pound; or, by the $5 worth Tickets at cents, at which prices not than 2 pounds of Ice will be sold at a tiipe. At wholesale—To Hotels, Bar Rooms, Soda Fouutains, and other large consumers, by S2O worth of Tickets, at 2 cents, for which not less than twenty pounds qf Ice will be delivered at a time. The supply of Ice in the House on Ellis street, will be sold first. Terms casr, on delivery. All orders from the country, directed to A DE AS, Agent, Ellis street Ice Company, Augusta, will receive prompt attention Packages and Blankets furnished at coustomary prices, and the fee carefully packed, to be sent by Rail Road, if desired, The'House Will be opened, from sunrise until sunset, and on the Sabbath from 7 o’clock until 10 o'clock A. M. and from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock P.M. Tickets may be purchased, of the Agent. Mr. A DEAS.atthe Ice House, ts apr 2 PIANO MANUFACTORY. rgUIE UNDERSIGNED is n™. JL pared to execute ail orders ex tended to him for the manufacture of 11 # l it PIANO FORTES, in any shape,size and style, at his Piano Manufactory in this city. They wili be warranted to be equal in material, tone and finish, to any others to be procured in this country, and on as reasonable terme. He will also REPAIR and TUNE Pianos when notified. P. BRENNER, apr I 3mo Quality Range WET NURSE WANTED* —A wet Nurse wanted for an infant three months old.— Liberal wages will be paid. None need apply un less good ri ferences can be given. Apply at this office. 2w may 17 Modern^ house wife or mena« GIRE, comprising nearly one thusand Re ceipt for the economic and judicious preparation of every msal of the day, with engravings by Alexis Soyer. Foi side by may 11 T. RICH A RDS & SON. MAGAZINES FOR JUNE. JUST RECEIVED, the following popular Pe riodicals for the above month, viz : Godev’s Lady’s Book, and Sartaiu’s Union Magazine.-r!- Subscribers will please call fqr their copies at Ggo. A; OATES & CO.S Piano Book and Music Depot, Broad street. N. B.—Also received, the Illustrated Brother Jonathan for 4th of July. may 17 J s R. STURGES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WA YNESB OR O', GEO It GIA. may 27 BLACK SILK WARP CASHMRRETT SNOWDEN Ec SHEAR HAVE just received, from New York, Black Silk Warp CASHMERETT, a beautiful article for Gentlemen’s Summer wear. —ALSO — Lupin’s sup. Black DR AP DE ETE, and a va riety of other articles for Gentlemen's Summer wear, to which they respectfully invite the atten tion of th« public. dt&c may 2 nutti-m | BY A. On account and risk of former purchasers. Will be sold, at the Lower Market House, This Day, A two Horse Wagon, with Harness, Pole and Shai-s, sold on account o! former purchaser. —A L 5 O Two second hand Carriages, One Wagon. 'Perms cash. june 3 -THIS DAY— BY A. LAFITTIf. On the first Tuesday in June, at the Lower Mar ket House, will be sold, One excellent second hand Log Cabin CAR RIAGE, suitable for travelling. —also — Several second hand BUGGIES. Terms—Cash. may 29 BY A. LAFITTE. EXECUTORS SALE. Will be sold, on the premises, on Thursday, 5 b June next, immediately before the sale of the F urniture, The well known residence of the late Charles Cunningham, on the Turkcnett Spring road, with in two miles of the city of Augusta. The lot contains 25 acres of Land, enclosed by a good and substantial fence. The House is new and commodious, having all the most approved con veniences. All the out-buildings are neat,sub stantial and in good order. 1 erms—Oue-thTd cash, balance in one and two years, with interest from date 5 the payment se cured to the satisfaction of the Executors JOHN BONES, WM. J. EVE, OWEN P. FITZSIMONN may 29 Qualified Executors. —thisTday— BY A. LAFITTJE. Hancock Steamboat Company's Stock. On the fir»t Tuesday ■' i June next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, unless privately dis posed of, 25 Shares of the Hancock Steamboat Com pany, (oar value SIOO Jle.-s the dividend of 10 per cent. declared Ist April last, and payable Ist Juno Phe purchaser to bf* entitled t » the profits since Ist April, and to his propa tion es the sur« plus then on hand of 11 per cent. The above can be treated for at private r I®. ] Perms—Cash. £8 DAY— ~ BY A. L^FITTE. VALUABLE HOUSE SERVANTS. EXECUTOR’S SALE. Wi 1 be sold, on the first Tuesd y in June next at the Lower Market, in the city of Augusta, be- - j tween the usual hours of sale, the following Negro slaves, principally valuable house ser vants, the property of the late Charles Cunning ham, deceased, Be:sey, a most excellent Sempstress and House Servant. Moses, a good House Servant. William, a good House Servant. Delia, a Washer and Jronor. Paul, a Cook ; Simon, a Field Hand- TERMS. Notes with approved security, payable on the first of December next, with interest from date JOHN BONES, WM. J EVE, OWEN P. FITZSIMONS, ma y 27 td Executors. Executor's Sale. ~~~ BY A- LAITTTE. SPLENDID HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. Will be sold, on THURSDAY, sth June, at l(tt o'clock, at the residenee of the late Charles Cunningham, deceased, at the Sand Hills, J All the Household and Kitchen FURNITURE belonging to said Estate. Sale positive. Terms cash. JOHN BONES, a WM. J. EVE, A OWEN P. FITZSIMONS, jfl m *y 57 Qualified Executors —THIS DAY- jHBB BY A. LAFITTJE. M Valuable Servants, * On the first Tuesday in JUNE, will be sold, at the N Lower Market House, unless previously dis posed of, the lollowing valuable Servants ; Julia, about 20 years old, an excellent house, servant, and her child, Mary, about 3 years old. Tobitha, about 40 years of age, a good Cook —also— Peggy, an excellent sempstress and house ser- flm vant, about 30 years of age, and her daughter, 13 years old. The above can be treated for at private sale. V 1 erms cash Pities indisputable. Purchasers to * pay for bills of sale. ma y *>2 “Tthisday. - BY A. LAFItTeR On the first Tuesday in June next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, A Negro Woman, about 28 years of age, a good Cook, Washer and Irouer. She can be treated for at private sale. Pur chaser to pay for bill of sale. Terms cash, may 20 —THIS DAY— BYA7 LAFITTE. On the first Tuesday in June next, will be sold, e the Lower Market House, A good Painter and excellent Ostler and Car- iMBT giage Driver, about 26 years of age. He can be ™ treated for at private sale Terms cash. Tities indisputable. _piay 20 BY A. LAFITTE. Thirty days, after date, will be sold, unless previ ously claimed by the owner or owners, 4 qr. casks Choice MADEIRA WINE. Said^, Wine having in store one year with no claimant. Term®—Cash. may 13 . » Y DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY AND WATCHES. APRIL 28, 1851. WE have just received a small, but beautiful lot of Diamond Ear Rings, Bracelets, Brooch and Ring to match—Diamond Bracelets, (of which the centre piece can be; used as a Breast Pin) Diamond Pins and Rings for Ladies and Gentlemen, in great variety. Also just at hand, a good stook of rich and new siyle of Jew elry, and oar usual spring importation of Gold Watches from Switzerland, direct to us, and bear ing our name, which we offer at low prices. ap 29 CLARK, RaCKETT & CO. SOUTHERN WATER CUKE INSTI TUTE, I OCATED Sit Milledgerille, Georgia. Its mag _d nitude being recently enlarged, is now ca pable of accommodating 250 persons. The pro per appointment of this Institution render it most attractive to invalids who may be forced to seek redemption from disease. T. CARLETON COYLE, M. D., way go ly Physician. SILV E R PLATED CASTORS. ~ WE OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of silver plated CASTORS, with heavy cut Cruets. Those in want, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying ma y 27 J. J. LATHROF & CO. rpOILET SETT*-— One splendid French A China Toilet SETT, for sale at m ay 27 J. J. LATHROP & CO’S. JUST RECEIVED, s 1 FIRKINS Prime Goshen BUTTER 11l sale by ' * may 27 HUTCHINSON & THOMAS PRIVATE salr: ’ BUSHELS of fine COW PEAS, iustMEl tIUU received by| may 27 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS.* baconT '0 SOME 12 to 18 thousand pounds Tennessee. M Baoou, just received,and for sale by M may W T.W, ACXi