Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 05, 1851, Image 4

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Cljurlrstan jMwrrtiarmrnta. SHI RTS, Fine Linen and Muslin SHIRTS, made in the latest fashions, of the best mate rials, and Danskin’s celebrated patterns. W. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Dan skin's pattern has received the unqualified commen dation of gentlemen in all parts of the U. States, ami has been pronounced perfect. The above described Shirts, together with a large and varied assortment of articles necessary for gen tlemen, can always be had at R. !Vl. WELCH’S Fashionable Furnishing Store for Gentlemen, north west corner Meeting and Market streets, Charles ton, S. C. mar 8 J. CHAFFEE, No. 179 East Bay, Charles • ton, S. C., Dealer in Foreign WINES and LIQUORS, TOBACCO and SEGARS, and Manu facturer of LEMON SYRUP. may 8 HLGIDI NG, Direct Importer of German, • French and English Fancy GOODS, HO SIERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS, &c., No. 284 King-st, near Socioty street, Charleston, S. C. Goods sold, at New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore wholesale prices. mar 7 JOHN MACK. Importer of French and English MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, Bonnot RIBBONS, Thread and Cotton EDGINGS, at wholesale only. Meeting street, between the Pavilion and Charles ton Hotels, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JAMES E. SPEAR & CO., Importers <fc Deal ers in WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE and FANCY GOODS, at whole sale and retail, No. 235 King street, opposite Ilasel, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 Hardware —vr evens & betts, Direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., Ac., No. 80 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. J oEi. Stevens. Wm. 11. Betts. mar 7 J S. REACH, wholesale BOOK-SELLER and • STATIONER, No. 5 llayno street, Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 jr\ GORGE ABBOTT, 97 East Bay, opposite VX- Boyce A Co.'s Wharf, Direct Importer of Eug -1 i-h WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL; whole sale and retail dealer in English and American PAINTS and OILS, of every description; VAR NISH, BRUSHES, French and American WIN DOW GLASS and PUTTY, Ac.; together with a complete and fresh supply of BURNING FLUID, or SPIRIT GAS, with a large and select assort ment of LAMPS, of tho latest and most approved design for the same. All of which ho offers for sale, at a small advance on manufacturer's prices, mar 7 Trout & DERANGE, 112 East Bay, Charles ton, S. C., Dealers in STONE LIME CEMENT, Plaster PARIS, N. Y. Marble LIME, PLASTER ING, LATHS and HAIR, FIRE BRICKS. —ALSO — Gypsum, or Farmers Manuring PLASTER. —•ALSO — Keep on hand, a good stock of White Pine and Poplar LUMBER, NAILS, Ac. Orders solicited and will be punctually and accu rately filled. . We recommend all articles in our stock as being 'Trf-t-be very best quality. mar 7 pALiioUN CLOTHING STORE—G. LITTLE it- CO., (Successors to Johnson A Canfield.) CLOTHING STORE, No. 199 King stroet, next door to Victoria Hotel, Charleston, S. C. Always on hand, a largo and fashionable stock of Ready-Made CLOTHING, at tho lowest possible prices. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, Ac., Ac., wholesale and retail. mar 7 DU NX .V DIIKi’EA, wholesale and retail CLO THING ESTABLISHMENT, #3 King-st., (in the Bend,) Charleston, S. C. P. S. —Please call and examine. mar 7 SHADES ! SHA I»ES '. SHADES !—The largest assortment of Transparent Window SHADES, are to be found at the Window Shade Depot, No. 177 King street. Gentlemen and Ladies visiting Charleston should not purchase before examining v this assortment. Sign of the Red Flag. Also to be found as above, PAPER HANGING and UPHOLSTERY GOODS generally. R. N. BUTLER, mar 7 No. 177 King street. C« HARLESTON STEAM SUGAR REFINE > BY.— Double Refined Loaf, Crushed and Pow dered SUGAR. —ALSO — White and Yellow Clarified SUGARS, —and — Sugar House SYRUP, in hhds. and bbls. J. T. WELSMAN, mar 7 165 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. A NTT. HUFF fc~ GANTT, Factors ifind Gen eral Commission AGENTS, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, S. C. feb 26 HARL ESTO.N FEMALE INSTITUTE, by Mrs. H. L. Moise, (late of Augusta.) ENGLISH TUITION, with Board, at S2OO per annum. French, Italian, Spanish, Music, Drawing, and Painting, at Professor's prices. Pitt street. 6 m mar 4 ISAAC MOUSE. BROKER, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGENT. Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and Negroes, bought and sold per order. One door south of the P. & M. Bank, Charleston, S. C. mar 4 G& H. CAMERON, Direct Importers and • Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASS WARE, No. 145 Meeting-st., Charles ton, S. C. Have always on hand a large and extensive as sortment of the above Goods, (selected by one of the firm at the Manufactories of England and France,) which they offer for sale at as low rates as they can be purchased in any city of the Union, mar 4 IT. CHISOLM'S PORTER, ALE and WINE STORE, by the dozen or quantity, No. 33 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. mar 4 1L OAKEsTBROKKR and AUCTIONEER] • No. 7 State street, Charleston, S. C. Slaves, Real Estate, Bank Stock, &c., bought and sold on commission. mar 9 I? C. THARIN. AUCTIONEER and GENE RAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 24 V endue Range AU Grain consigned to me, together with other Conn try Produce, will meet with prompt sale and attention, having large Store Rooms. Charleston, »S. C. —Refer to Col. Janies Gads den, and M. C. Mordecai. mar 4 JOS. LAWTON & UO., Importers of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JOHNSTON, CREWS Ac ißAWLEY,"lmport ers and Dealers in DRY T GOODS, No. 181 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JOSEPH WALKER, Charleston, S. C., Agent for John T. White; TYPE FOUNDER, of the “ Hoe 75 Printing Press Manufactory. —also — PRINTING INK of the best quality, all at New York prices—actual expenses only added. Large »tock constantly on hand. mar 7 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY—W. J. GAYER, South-east corner Meeting and Wentworth ■ sts., Charleston. S. C., lias constantly on hand, a great variety of CARRIAGES, ol every descrip tion, calculated for the Southern market. m 7 ILLIAM H. HARTLESS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANT, Brown s Wharf, (foot of Vendue Range,) Charleston, S. C. He will give his particular attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods—his long experience as Secretary and Forwarding Agent of the South Ca rolina Rail Road Company, gives him peculiar fa cilities in this line of business. mar 7 LEW is M. HATCH, No. 120 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C., Agent for the sale of OILS, WHITE LEAD, IRON SAFES, Platt, Stone A Borgardus’; STEEL MILLS, LEATHER and RUBBER BANDS, and for a great variety of ar ticles required by Manufacturers and Mechanics. mar 74, GEORGE OATES, Dealer in PIANO fortes’ MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS’ BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac., 234 and 236 King street, at the Bend, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 ri KIEEIN & PULLMAN, Wholesale Dealers in Ijr FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 60 Queen street, If Charleston, S. C. mar 7 1/T’iLENZIE, CADOW tk UO., wholesale DRY JjX GOODS, No. 82 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. j CJjarlfston IADGERTON Sc RICHARDS, DRAPERS AND J TAILORS, No. 32 Broad street, Charleston, S• C- ___ mar 7 01* ERATION O N Tlt E TEETH J. A. CLEVELAND, D. D. S., 207 King-st., Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 JH. TAYLOR. AUCTIONEER AND COM • MISSION MERCHANT, 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of the Charleston Steam Mill Goods, and of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Osnaburgs. mar 7 CHAR LES D. CARR, DRAPER AND TAI LOR, No. 30 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. Has always on hand a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CASHMERES, VESTINGS, and FAN- C\ ARTICLES, which ho offers on tho usual torms, or at 10 per cent, discount for cash. mar 7 MC. MOR DECAL AUCTIONEER and CUM . MISSION MERCHANT, Charleston, S. C. Agent, U. S. Mail Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from Charleston to Havana, on the Ist and 16th of each month. mar 7 PREMIUM CONFECTIONERY, by JOSEPH W HITE. Awarded the highest Premium by South Carolina Institute. CANDY sl6 per hundred pounds. No. 355 King street, South of Boundary street, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 CHARLESTON HOTEL—BY D. MIXER, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 CHARLESTON, S. C — SPRING OF 1851. W. G. BANCROFT, 253 King-st., Charles ton, S. C., invites tho attention of Country Mer chants to his stock of DRY GOODS. lie is pre pared to offer a very large and desirable stock of rich and elegant DRESS GOODS, together with a eompleto assortment of French, English, German, and American Fancy and Staplo Goods of overv variety. no has made extensive additions to his Whole sale Rooms, and his stock of Dress Goods will be found unusually attractive, embracing the largest stock ever offered in Charleston. The Goods and prices will be well worthy tho at tention of close buyers. mar 11 Mill a r\s bi sccit n a ki:ky, No. 131 ing street, opposite Market, Charleston, S. C. Soda, Butter, Water, Sugar and Lemon BIS CUITS, in boxes, barrels and kegs. 03 i= * Orders from the country promptly attended to. mar 7 EB. CREWS, Successor to Dick it Crews, • AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 WM. M ATTHIESSEN’S WHOLESALE CLO THING WAREHOUSE, corner of East Bay and Queon streets, Charleston, S. C. Manufacturing House, No. 36 Platt street, New York. Country Merchants purchasing Clothing, will find it to their advantage to look through the stock of their extensive Clothing House, where they will find fresh and dosirable Goods, at prices as low as they can be purchased at in New Yoi'k. m 7 JEW DAVID'S, I HEBREW PLASTER.' - ■ THE GREAT REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, Gout, Pain in the Side, Hip, Back. Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Whi te Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, aud all fix ed pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied pain canu°t exist. Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in air-tight boxes —hence they retain their full virtues in all climates. Have you Friends going to California ? By all means advise them to take along a supply of this Plaster, it may save them hundreds of dollars, if not their lives, as the exposures which they have to endure in the mines is sure to bring on disease, which might be easily cured by the use of this celebrated Piaster, for the want of which many have been obliged to quit their labors and hill into the hands of the physicians, who. by their extravagantly high charges, soon take away the hard earnings of the bravest laboring man. By sleeping in tents or on the ground, Rheumatism. Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints, Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases, are sure to trouble them, and many times entirely lay them up, when the simple application of this Plaster would give them immediate relief, and en able them to proceed with their labors without delay. It has been very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stomach, Weak Limbs, Affections of the Spine, Female Weakness, &c. No fe male, subject to pain and weakness in the back or side, should be without it. Married ladies, in delicate situa tions, find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster. The applications of the Plaster between the shoulders has been found a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs, Phthisic, and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspiration. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gentlemen: Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve years past. During this period I labored under an affliction of my Loins and Side, and tried many remedies that my o\vn medical experience suggested, but without obtaining re lief. At length I used your Plaster. 1 will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffer ing from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the side or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M. W. WALKER, M. D., Forsyth, Munroe county, Ga. To Messrs. Scovil & Mead, New Orleans, La. JEW DAVID’S, OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovil & Mead : 1 have been troubled with the Chronic Rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the Ist of July, 1849, I was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not slept a wink for six days. At this time my attending physician prescribed the Hebrew Plaster, and it acted like a charm; the pain left me, and I slept more than half of the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the Hebrew Plaster the best remedy for all sorts of pains now in use. G. W. McMINN. Hendersonville, N. C.. Aug. 16, 1850. Beware of Counterfets and base Imitations! [£/** The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us. and by our agents ap pointed througliout.the South — and no peddler is allowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cau tioned against buying of any but our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon by a worthless ar ticle. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres street, New Orleans, sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in variably be addressed. Sold wholesale and retail, by Haviland, Risley & Co., Augusta, Ga.; Barrett, Carter A Co., do.; Wm. K. Kitch en, do.; 1). B. Plumb A Co., do.; Haviland, Ilarrall & Co. Charleston, S. C-; P. M. Cohen & Co., do.; Haviland,- Kease & Co., New York; aud by one appointed agent in every town in the Southern States. 6m apr 22 GROCERIES, IRON, NAILS, & C. 1 /\/ \ liHDS. Porto Rico, Muscovado, and N. lUU 0. SUGARS, 100 packages Loaf, Crushed, Powdered, and Clarified SUGARS, 400 hags Rio, Java, and Maracaibo COFFEE, 170 hhds. choice MOLASSES, 500 pieces Gunny and Kentucky BAGGING, 500 coils prime Hemp ROPE, 2000 lbs. Three Ply TWINE, 40 tons Sweed Bar IRON, 5 tons Hoop and Band IRON, 2 tons best German and Blister STEEL, 1250 kegs NAILS and BRADS, 300 boxes SOAP and CANDLES, 500 bags SHOT, 5000 lbs. Bar LEAD, Dupont's and Kentucky Rifle POWDER, 100 boxos manufactured TOBACCO 3000 Sacks SALT, A stock of LIQUORS, 100,000 Spanish and American SEGARS. For sale by BAKER, WILCOX A CO. gHIRTS anddrawers. ~ JUST RECEIVED, of new patterns, Polka Bos soms SHIRTS; Printed Muslin and Colored Gineham do. Also a fresh supply of fashionable COLLARS. WM. 0. PRICE & CO. feb 6 ts SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. CLAYTON Ac BIGNON, are now prepared for the Spring and Summer Trade, with a com plete assortment of Ready Made CLOTHING. Also, men's and boys 1 HATS. In addition to tho above, they invite particular attention to their stock of BOYS’Ac CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Country Merchants and strangers visiting our city, are requested to call and examine our stock, at NO. 197 BROAD-STREET, war 13 Metcalfs Range, CARPETS AND RUGS. C. A. PLATT WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the public, that ho has now on hand ono of the largest and best assortments of CARPETS AND RUGS ever offered in this city, which have all been pur chased from the manufacturers, at the lowest possible price, and will be sold at prices to defy all compe tition. The stock comprises TWO HUNDRED PIECES, viz: Extra Brussels, Brussels, 3 Ply CARPETING; Imperial, Superfine, Medium, Common, and Stair CARPET. Also, and extensive and beautiful assortment of RUGS. TABLE AND FLOOR Oil, CLOTHS Os all qualities and widths, which can be cut whole to any dimensions without any seam ; together with a large assortment of FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE, of the .latest and most approved styles. CURTAINS, SHADES and CORNICES, of all descriptions. Merchants and Families are cordial ly invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured they will find the largest and best stock in the Southern country, at the lowest possible price. Carpets and Floor Cloths cut to fit without extra charge. aug 16 NEW CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENfr = AT THE STORE, recently occupied by Messrs. Hopkins, Kolb A Co., nearly opposite Lamback’s, where can be found ovory article usually kept in a CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS STORE, To which we respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Augusta and surrounding country. City and Country Merchants will find it decidedly to their interest to give us a call beforo making their pur chases, as wo aro determined to sell Goods low. Also, Wooden, Willow, and Britannia WARES, Table CUTLERY, WAITERS Ac.. Ac. oct 11 J. J. LATIIROP A CO. DR. CULLEN'SS INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. READ the names of the gentlemen testifying to the cure of Mr. Brooks. They certainly must give confidence to those that need a medicine of the kind. Call upon the Agents named below, and get a pamph let —a large pamphlet, containing more testimony, and more convincing than any other medicine in the world ! ISAAC BROOKS’, Jr. CASE ! Go and see him and you will say the half has not been told!!! We, the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., at the office of Messrs. Rowland A Walton, 373 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard of. His disease was Scrofula, and terrible must have been his twelve years’ conflict with the destroyer ! llis Pa late, the entire roof of his Mouth, Nose, Upper Lip, and lower lid of the Eye, have been destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Bone carried away. And yet we can give no description of his case. Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the whole in terior of his mouth, as well as most of his face, was a mass of deep and painful ulcers. On the 14tli of January last, he commenced taking Dr. Cullen’s Indian Vegetable Panacea, which checked the disease in a few days, and from that time the cure has progressed without intermission. New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ulcers, and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, and his general health is restored. We are assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooks’ case no Mercurials, Ointments, or Caustic applications hai e been used, —in fact, the Panacea alone, has wrought this wonderful change. Philips. White, Esq. J. W. Jones, M. D. Rev. John Chambers, W. Steeling, M. D. Rev. A. D. Gillette, T. P. S. Roby, M. D. Rev. J. R. Nicholas, Jacob Frick, M. D. Rev. Wm. Urie, S. B. Coles, M. D. Rev. E. Kincaid, J. W. Aslnnead, Esq. Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq. H. Guillon, Esq. L. A. Godey, Esq. And thousands of others equally respectable, whose names might be added if necessary. Residence, west side of Jefferson-street, third door from Schuylkill, running from Schuylkill sixth between Locust and Spruce. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE PILES. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Piles Remedy , Is a domestic preparation, which has been used with entire success for many years. Being an internal rnedi ciufe, it has decided preference over outward applica tions, which are hut paliatives and not curatives. This medicine acts upou the diseased parts, producing healthy action, and a permanent cure, which we warrant, or re fund the money. NO CURE NO PAY. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Remedy , Warranted to cure, or the money returned. This medicine is prepared from an Indian receipt, obtained from one of them in the fir West at great expense. Those who have been familiar with the Indians know that they can and do cure Venerial without the know ledge of Mercury, Balsam, or any thing of the kind. The afflicted have now an opportunity of being cured without the danger of Mercury, or the unpleasant use of Balsam. The medicine is pleasant to tlio taste, and leaves no smell on the breath. DR. CULLEN’S VEGETABLE INDIAN SPECIFIC FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. This medicine is fast taking the place of every pre paration heretofore used for diseases arising from weak ness or other causes. All that is necessary to secure this medicine a place in the Domestic practice of every family where such a medicine is needed, is a trial. It speaks for itself—is innocent in its operation, and no injury can arise from its use at any time. For sale wholesale and retail by Ramond Walton, proprietor, No. 21 north sixth street, Philadelphia; W. K. Kitchen, and PHILIP \ MOISE, Augusta; P. M. Cohen, Charleston; G. D. Penn, Edgefield C. 11., S. C.; Boatwright A Waist, Columbia. lydAc june 23 HEARD & DAVISON, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, M’INTOSH-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. ANNOUNCE to their friends and the public generally, that they continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION WSSBSk BUSINESS, at their Fire Proof Buildings, on Mc- Intosh-street, and will devote their undivided per sonal attention to all business eonfidod to them. They solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage extended to thorn for a number of years past, and hope their experience in - their line will enable them to render satisfaction. ISAAC T. HEARD, apr 2S JOHN DAVISON. M. P. STOVALL, *s® Wareliouse and Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. CONTINUES tho business, in all its RC'orts. branches, at his old stand, Fire- Proof Warehouse,) corner of Washing- NBHS ton and Reynold-stroets. He hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronago heretofore extondod to him. rf~P* Orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Ac., promptly and carefully filled, at tho lowest market pricos. (XP 3 Liberal advances made on Produce in store. aug 7 dfAetf WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned, E. D. ROBERTSON A J. R. CROCKER, (of the late firm of Dawson A Crocker,) beg leave to in- -reSSH form their friends, and the public generally, that they have entered into a Copartnership, to take placo the Ist day of September next, fbr the pur pose of carrying on tho Warehouse and Commis sion business, in all its branehos, and have taken the large, commodious, and FIRE-PROOf BRICK WAREHOUSE, lately occupied by Dawson A Crocker, on Reynolp, East qf Molntosh-st., and Lot noxt West of the Episcopal Church, where one or both can, at all times, be found, ready to at tend to customers and friends upon the usual terms, and transact all business appertaining to their lino, and respectfully solicit tho favor of thoso disposed to extend them their custom, at the same time as suring all who do so, that they will spare no efforts or exertions to promote the intorost and wishes of their patron*, to the fullest extent- Liberal Cash Advances upon Produce in Store, or in Transitu, will be made whenever de sired, and upon the most accommodating terms. All orders from their friends for Bagging, Rope, (Iroceries, Dry Hoods, ‘to, Ac,, will be attended to with promptness, and filled at the lowest market prices. They will also receive and forward Hoods, Produce, Ac., shipped and consigned beyond thG city. They beg leave to return their most sincere thanks to the friends and customers of the late concerns of E. D. Robertson and Dawson A Crocher, for tho liberal share of patronage heretofore extended tq those houses, and solicit a continuance of it ; and pledge themselves to merit it by their unremitting endoavors to please, and exertions for their custom ers' interests. E. D. ROBERTSON, July 1 J. R. CROCKER. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS AND PLAN TERS. B MARTIN A CO., Black- • stone, Mass., call the atten- ** tion of the South to their oxten- Give assortment of AGRICTLTURAL TOOLS. Plows of all sorts and sizes, suited to Southern Agri culture. ALso, Cultivators, Corn Shelters, and Hay Cutters of all sizes. Purchasers will find at their establishment, a better article at a lower price than caii be bought at any other factory in this country. Shipments trom Boston, New York and Providenoo to all the Southern ports made at tho lowest rates, as Railroad ears to those places pass close to our aetory. Orders will meet with prompt attention, j Catalogues sent post free, efi may 13 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WE are prepared with large and conve- kx-xww, nient Fire-Proof Warehouse Storos, on Mclntosh street, (which is the centre of the Cotton, Flour and Bacon trade,) for tho storage of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, and BACON; and continue to offer our services to store and sell COTTON, FLOUR, BACON, GRAIN, Ac., and buy to order supplies for Planters and Mer chants. Our 11. L. JEFFERS, well known in this mar ket, and long engaged in the business, is always at his post, either selling or buying for their friends, and watching their interest—knowing that to bo tho proper course to promote our own. Wc therofore hope, by unceasing industry and attention to the interest of our friends, to merit and receive a full share of patronago, while wo return our thanks for past favors. Those for whom wo have done business, and are not personally acquainted, and who we would be glad to visit, but believing it better for our patrons to bo always at home ready to attend to their or ders, wo therefore send you this circular, and refer you to the Merchants of Augusta, or those for whom we have done business. Planters and Mer chants of Tennessee, will refer to Messrs. John Fain A Son, W. 11. A J. S. Moffett, and Gen. Wm. Bra zelton. Our W. S. COTHRAN, may be consulted at his plantation in Cass county, or at Rome, Ga. JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. P. S.—Liberal advances will be made, when re quired, on Produce in store. J. C. A CO. sept 6 dAe BRYSON, WALKER St CO. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, JACKSON-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. THEIR WAREHOUSE, recently erec - p-oexx ted, is Fire-Proof, and covers the lot formerly occupied bv Mr. Wilson, as a Liv- ZsHB ory Stable, on the street leading from the Globe Ho tel, to the Georgia Railroad Depot. Cash advances made on Produco in store when required. Orders for Goods promptly attended to, and their individual attention given to all business entrusted to their care. The following Houses will act as our Agents, and make advances on Produce consigned to us. Messrs. C. T. Cunningham A Co., Dalton, * “ Cunningham A Linton, Romo, “ Jno. Cunningham A Co., Greensboro. GOLLOTHUN WALKER, Lately of Hamburg, S. C. HARPER C. BRYSON, Late of tho firm of Bryson, Coskory A Co. july 8 NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate of Daniel W.Liddell, late of Gwinnett county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and all persons having demands against said deceased, are requested to present them in terms of the law, to W. C. P. LIDDELL, ) . , , juno 1 N. BREEDER, J Adm rs ‘ TULLAHOMA. SALE OF TOWN LOTS, On the Nashville and Chattanooga lioilroad , in Coffee County , Middle Tennessee. THE UNDERSIGNED, Commissioners, will sell at public Auction, on TUESDAY, tho 12th day or August/iext, a numbor of TOWN LOTS in the Town of Tullahoma, on the Nashville and Chat tanooga Railroad. Those lots have been laid oft' on the lands which surround and include the Coffee county Depot, which has been located by the Board of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Directors on the 71st section. glTho Coffee Depot is most favorably suituated for the portions of Coffee and Fanklin counties lying between Duck and Elk Rivers. A turnpike com pany is formed for the construction of a McAdam ized road from McMinnivillo, via Hillsboro’ to Tal lahoma, and will prosecute the work to completion as soon as practicable. The Fayetteville, Mulber ry, and Lynchburg Turnpike terminates at this point. Most of it is now under contract and will probably be completed by the timo tho Railroad is finished. The McMinnville road will be continued to Sparta, in White county, whero tho groat West ern route passes over the Cumberland Mountain.— This line of McAdamized road, crossing the Rail road at tho Coffee Depot, will bo extended to Pu laski, to which placo a turnpike from Fayetteville is now in process,of construction. Thus the faci lities fqr transportation to this Depot through some of the most fertile counties in this State, will not bo inferior to those.of any other Depot between Nash ville and Chattanooga. The town site of Tullahoma is peculiarly favora ble, Being elevated and gently rolling, the grounds soon become firm and dry, after long continued rain. The beauty and convenience of its sites for private residences, and the comfort of its business locations, cannot bo oxcelled. Situated fifteen miles from the Cumberland Mountain, on tho elevated table lands formed by its Northern bench, it pos sesses an |atuiosphere qf great salubrity. Within and near it arc numerous free-stone, chalybeate, white and black sulphur springs, which must make it a place of great resort for invalids and others, whose leisure, inclination and means induco them to spend their summer abroad. Through the entire length of the tqwn sito, the clear cool water of Rock Creek flows ever a bed of free-stone and gravel. The proximity of Tullahoma to the great bitu minous Coal region of the Cumberland mountain, through which the Nashville A Chattanooga road passes, renders its position rare and unrivalled for building up manufiietures on the largest scale. Surrounded by a beautiful and well-timbered country, whoso healthfulness, purity o.f {Jr-, fine free-stone and mineral water, are unsurpassed in any part of the world; this place, affording as it Will, great facility of trade and intercourse with the cities of the interior and of tho Atlantic, presents tq tho enterprising mechanic, manufacturer, merchant and capitalist every inducement fpr location and investment. To Farmers and Planters, -and ali Others who desire a safe and delightful summer re treat in a pure frcc-stopo region, whero Cholera and othGr epidemic diseases oi the South and West are unknown, none more eligible can be offered.* According to the last annual report of the Presi dent and Chief Engineer of the Nashville A Chatta nooga Railroad, it is expected that tho oars will reach the Coffee Depot by the fat Jay of January next. The terms of tho sale will be a credit of one, two and three years. Bonds with approved security, payably in equal instalments, will be required, and a lien retained on the lots until the last payment is made. THOS. A. ANDERSON, BENJ. DECHERD, may 3 ctd WILLIAM MOORE. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, On the 21st day of JUNE next, will bo sold, at the residence of the late Josiah Moore, late of Burke county, deceased. The perishable property of said doceased, con sisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep and Planta tion Utensils. Also, several bales of Cotton, Ac., Ac. TERMS.—Crodit until January Ist, 1852, with good security. All purchases under five dollars, cash. Sale continued from day to dav until all is sold. JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, Adm’r. may 10 wiSlMfPb .< I far l&Tf! - !If A -Mr -gr CHERRY PECTORAL For (he Cure ©I COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION TIHIS remedy is offered to the community with the confidence we feel in an article which seldom fails to realize the happiest effect that can he desired. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of tho coun try abonds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desparate diseases of the luug3 by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medecinc of its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmo nary organs, which are incident to our climate. And not only the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder vareitios of Cold, Coughs, Hoarseness, Ac., and for children it is the pleasantest and best medicine that can he obtained. No family should be without it, and those who have used it, never will. Bead the opinions of the following gentlemen, who will be recognized in the various sections of coun try where they are located—each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest character—as the oldest and most extensive wholesale dealers in Medicine with an experience unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience see TUTS CERTIFICATE. We. the undersigned, Wholesale Druggist, having been for a long time acquainted with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, hereby certify our belief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for Pulmonary Complaints ever offered to the American people. And we would, from our knowledge of the composition, and extensive usefulness, cordially commend it to the afflicted as worthy their best confidence, and with the firm convic tion that it will do for their relief all that medicine can do Henshaw. Edwards A Co., Boston, Mass. Reese A Coulson, Baltimore, Maryland. Ladd A Ingraham, Bangor, Maine. Haviland, Harrall A Co., Charleston, S. C. Jacob S. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. 11. McAllister, Louisville, Kentucky. Francis A Walton, St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph A Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A. Peck, Burlington, Vermont. Havilaud, Risley A Co., Augusta, Geo. Issac D. James, Trenton, New Jersey. J. M. Townsend, Pittsburg. Penn. Clarke A Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gay, Burlington. lowa. M. A. Santos A Son, Norfolk, Virginia. Edward Bringhurst, Wilmington, Delaware. John Gilbert A Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Z. D. A W. H. Gilman, Washington, I). 0. J. Wright A Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall A Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana C. C. Richmond A Co., San Francisco, Cal Lewis A Ames, Tallahassee, Florida. B. R. Strong, Knoxville, Tenn Chilton A Duer, Little Rock. Ark. Stiller, Slade A Co., Lexington, Miss. N. D. Labadie, Galveston, Texas. Charles Dyer, Jr., Providence, It. I. Joseph M. Turner, Savannah, Ga, Wade, Eckstein A Co., Cincinnati. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. J. G. Coffin A Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. Dimond A Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico. Fred. Rives A Co., Bogota, New Grenada.^ S. Provost A Co., Lima. Peru. Morton A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. T. Walker A Son, St. Johns, New Brunswick. C. G. Salinas A Co., Rio Jeneiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can he adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Aver, Practical Chem ist. Lowell, Mass. Solk in Augusta by Haviland, Risley A Co., Barrett, Carter A Co., W. K. Kitchen A Co., P. A. Moise; in Edgefield, S. C. by G. L. Penn, and by all the Druggists thougliout the city and State, may 9 3mos SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA STEAMBOAT COMPANY OP GEORGIA. IN ADDITION to three Steamers Mr formerly composing their line, , have recently built the very light draught, Iron steamer DAVID L. ADAMS, of great capacity and power, (making her trips in 24 to 30 hours,) thus securing great dispatch and unequalled facili ties for the transportation of Goods, at very low rates, to the interior of Georgia, South-Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama, in connection with the Georgia, Western and Atlantic, and Tennessoe Rail-Roads All Goods will be forwarded without commissions; also, Produce from the Georgia Ilail-Road; ex penses on which will bo paid and collected at Sa vannah, from consignees, or from vessels by which shipped, when required. • The D. L. ADAMS will run in connection with the steamships Florida and Alabama, thus ensuring the transmission of Goods from New-York to Au gusta, in sto 7 days. Bills of Lading should ac company goous by Steamships. Particular attention should be observed in direct ing Bills of Lading; many now direct to “ Steam boat Agent,” “ Steamboat Company,” <fco., and as there are several Companies, this croatcs detention , anil much confusion; shippors by this Company should therefore direct Merchandize from the IN TERIOR to JNO. B, GUIEU, Agont, Augusta, and from SEAWARD, with Bills of Lading, to SAM’L. M. POND, President, Savannah. N. B.—A reduction on freight tariff has been made, to take effect from this date. ‘ DIRECTORS. Savannah— Sami. M. Pond, Andrew Low, Ed ward Padelford, George W. Anderson, Gao. Hall, Charles Green, and Joseph S. Pay. Augusta—J. R. Bulklcy, T. S. Metcalf, James Hope, R. Hopkins, Lewis Cress, and E. Sherman. ►Savannah, loth July, 1850, july 19 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. HPHE undersigned will continue the 1 WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS ip all its branches, on their SSeSI own account, at the old stand of Dye, Heard & oq,, on Melntosh-streot, where they resnectfully solicit a continuanco of the patronage of tho friends of the old concern, and a fair portion of the busi ness of tho community generally, Their Warehouse is EIRE-PROOF, and from its favorahlp position, being entirely surrounded by Fire-Proof houses, is as free from-the dangers of fire as any house in tho city. Their attention wiU be exclusively devoted to the business, and no efforts spared on their part to pro mote the interest pf their patrons. Liberal advances ipado on Cotton and other Pro duce in store , when required. AH orders for Bagging, Ropo, and Family Sup plies, promptly filled at tlio lowest market price. JAMES M. DYE, sept 1 STEPHEN D. HEARD, NOW ON HAND, A FINE supply of CIIAFIN G DISHES— -3 rizes, and just in time for Oysters and Game. 4 do. Oblong GREQUERS, 2 do. Oyster CHAFERS, 3 do Coffee FILTERS. 4 do. ALABLOSE and STEAK DISHES. 2 do. URNS, >vith Heaters. Also, Rear PUMPS, Block Tin and Read PIPE, all sizes, with an assortment of the finest Parlor GRATES ever offered in this Market. For sale one door below Mechanics’ Bank. mar 2 B. F. CHEW, GIBBS & McCORD, " 11 arehouse and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned bog loavo to say to their friends and the public in Geor gia, South-Carolina, Alabama and Ten nessee, that they still continue the above business at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Mcln tosh-street, in all its branches, and would respect fully solicit a continuation of the patronage of the\r old Mends and customers ; and as ever, they tfM faithfully perform their duty to them. Their charges will be moderate, and in conformity with other reg ular Commission Houses in this oily. Thev win make liberal CASH ADVANCES on Produce in store or transitu, when required. Orders for Merchandise will be promptly and faithfully executed. J THOMAS F. GIBBS, aug 20 ly GEORGE McCORD. GEORFIA SARSPARILLA, TREPARKD BY J. DKNMS; M. D„, AUGUSTA, G\. lAOR DISEASES of the Liver and to purify *tho Blood Dr. D. has made his preparation as pure as possible. Its bitter taste correspondiug with taste of the roots, prove its purity. Its beneficial effects in diseases of the Liver prove it "to be the most useful preparation of Sar saparilla that is made. The prevalence of diseases in the Southern climate, arising from an inactive -state of the Liver, and the ef fect of this Sarsaparilla in stimulating the Liver to in creased action, causing by its alterative and mildly pur gative effect the removal of the morbific agent from the Blood, have induced the Proprietor to use the pure Sarsaparilla and nothing else in this preparation. For other diseases Physicians using this preparation in their practice can combine, or prescribe with it such ar ticles as they might consider the most appropriate in cases under their treatment As those who use the Georgia Sarsaparilla aud find benefit from its use—recommend it to others, aud the fast increasing demand, proves that the labors of the Proprietor to make a good article have been duly appre ciated by Southern people, there is no need of publish ing certificates. Northern! preparations should not be usek in the South, unless they are made freer of sweet ened water aud other things than they have been. Price, $1 per bottle; G bottles for $5. Sold in Au gusta, by Wm. 11. Tutt, D. B. Plumb & Co., llaviland, Risley & Co., P. A. Moise. W. 11. & J. Turpin, W. K. Kitchen, Barrett, Carter & Co.; at Athens. Hill A Smith; Madison, Seymour & Service; Atlanta, lh*. T. S. Denny; Marietta, Win. Root; Mason, Payne & Nisbet; Charles ton, S. C.. P. M. Cohen, and Carey & Conturier; Colum bia, Boatwright A Miot; Hamburg, A. J. Cveightou. Orders with money w ill receive prompt attention, ap 13 t&e COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIIU, AC. IT boing exceedingly difficult to make an extem poraneous preparation of BUCHU, retaining ita full medical properties, the propriety of having a reliable preparation of it in a convenient and pala table form, at once suggests itself to the practising Physician. This article is no nostrum, hut simply a concen trated fluid extract of Diosma, Paraira and Uva Ursi, carefully prepared from the best materials, and has been successfully used by several of the most eminent Physicians of Augusta and vicinity, in Chronic diseases of the Gejiito-ariiuiry appara tus, such as Gleet, Irritable Kidneys and Bladder, Stranotjary, Ac. Ac. It has also been found a valuable addition to Balsamic mixture for Gonorrhoea. The formula by which it is prepared can bo ex amined by Physicians at their pleasure. Sold by D. B. PLUMB A CO., apr 2 Druggists, Augusta, Ga. TO THE AFFLICTEdT IF YOU are laboring under any of the diseases named below, and if you are really desirous of getting restored to bodily soundness, you have it in your power to do so now. The price is not much, and the cure is warranted. Os all the rem edies yet before the public, there is none that can show such a handsome result for the same length of time, as MARSHALL'S MAGICAL PAIN ERADI CATOIt. This is a remedy not intended to cure every dls ease that “flesh is heir to.' Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are ineura ble, but we do not hesitate to say. that, if any of the following diseases can he cured, Marshall's Eva - dicator -will certainly do it. Try it aud be con vinced. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, Spinal Affections, Palsy, Dislocations, Sprains, Bruises, Strains, (Edematour Swellings, Weak Joints, Contracted Tendons, Tumours. Nodes, Gan glions, Wens,JGoitre, Head ache, Weak Back, Gout, Scrofula, and Tooth ache. The following letter and certificate is from a per son in the city. The original can be seen at the store of the proprietors. „ AUGUSTA, January ]s,*, 1851. Messrs. W. 11. & J. Turpin. Grut/> n„ni l have much pleasure in saying that my wife, who has been afflicted with Rheumatism in the feet and knees for the past two months, has been entirely cured by the use of “Marshall's Magical Pain Eradicator.” It is in my opinion the best remedy ever offered to the afflicted public, as it v:i,'//, certain! tr run-. Ever 1 ', body should have it. Yours, respectfully, Ac. For sale by U'Antignac & Barry, D. B. Pluir.b A Co., W. 11. Tutt, W. K. Kitchen, and the Proprie tors, Augusta, Ga. For sale in Charleston, S. C., bv Nelson -Carter Cary & Courtrier, Dr. Cleveland, \\ r . A Skrine and John W. Stoy. ma ’ r 9 HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office Frazer’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. UNDERSIGN ED being loave to inform their friends and the public, that they havo opened an office in the City of Charleston, 8. C for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will bo given to the sale of Cot ton, and all other Country Produce, purchase of Merchandise, and receiving and Forwarding Goods- TUq customary cash advances and facilities will bo afforded customers. J, R, Hudson and John J. Cohen reside in Charleston. L. Hopkins continues his residence at Augusta, Ga. engaged in the Commission Business as heretofore, where he may be eon halted in rela tion to business designed for our House in Charles ton. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta JOHN ft. JOHN J. COHEN, Charleston, nov 2 1„ TO TUB CREDITORS OF THE BANK OF DARIEN. Central Bank of Georgia, ) MilledgeviUe, May 10, 1861. J THE General Assembly having passed an act approved February 22nd, 1850, in which it is enacted “that the Director of the Central Bank be and he is hereby required to enquire into the out standing claims” against the Bank of Darien, “and assertain and report on what terms they can bo compromised, compounded or settled,” and inas much as some of'those claims arc unknown to this Bank: Notice is hereby {riven to all and singular tho creditors of the Bank of Darien, to report their claims to this Institution, together with the terms on which they can bo “compromised, compound ed, or settled,” on or before the Ist of August next in order that the report required by the aot afore said may bo submittod to the next Legislature By order of the Director, may 3 5 ell A.M. NISBET. Cashier. head QUARTERS, GEORGIA ) BV ITTO Ma J 1 2 th, 1851. ’ ( Y 111 b EXCELLENCY, GEORGE W. TOWNS Governor and Commander in-Chief of the Army and Navy of taw State, and of the Military there 01. To the Colonels or Commandants of Regi ments and Battalions, comprising the 2d Division Georgia Militia, " * W hereas, a vacancy has occurred in tho 2d Di vision, Georgia Militia, by the resignation of Major General Wljliam F. Brantly. J Now, in order that said vacancy may be filled and in pursuance of an act of the General Assam" h r y 4* <r &? rOVidef0 i r , th ° e,CCtio ’‘ general officers ol this otate, agreeable to thq amended Constitu tion, assented to 27th December, 1843, 1 have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, hereby ordering yon, the said Commandants 0 r Regiments and. Battalions to cause an election • ‘ bo bold OR Saturday, tho 12th d", “r , next, at tho several places of holding election J , members of the General Assembly, in the * iS for of Columbia, Hancock, Richmond, Talial> cou « ties ren and Washington, giving due notice ' . jr *?> VV ar " tion of a Major General to fill the v? lorthealec said. .eancy afore- TUo duty will devolve upon ono , , „ , superintindents of the election h' , } or / n } ore) of tho to meet at the Court House in i at tho P rec,nts ties, and count up and consol r ” s P ectlvc forward said consolidated re' and ters of tho Commander-inY/ to thc Head Quar- Laws regulating the rolu a S re °ably to the General Assembly, lus *° l members ol tho By the Commander in-Chief. may V, J ° IIN T - SMITH, Aid-de-Camp. 1 c 8 STONE MOUNTAIN SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. JF. LEONARD respectfully informs the • public that he till keeps his LIVERY J&* 3 ? and SALE STABLE open, where will be found at all times a stock of fine HORSES, on Sale or Liv ory. Gentlemen and Ladies wishing to visit the Moun tain can at all times, and at short notice, be furnish ed with gentle riding or harness Horses. Any per son wishing to visit any of the surroundinn counties can be furnished with a conveyance, may 14