Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 07, 1851, Image 3

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■ - Sprrinl tlotirrs. LkP’Notirp.—Post Office, Augusta, June 2d, 1851.— On and after this date, the # W jrn Mail ■will close at 3 P. M. Northern and Charleston Mails ato.^l. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. The Office will be opened at 7A. M. and closed on the arrival of the Northern Mail, which will be ready for delivery by 4} P. M., after which the office will continue open nntil 8 P. M. On Sundays, the office will be opened from 8 to 9 A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Persons having Key Boxes and wishing Letters charged, are requested to make the following de signation: “Charge Key Box No.—.” june 3 BENJ. F. HALL. P. M. Q 3"” Visiting Cards.—Just received, a superb lot of ENAMELLED CARDS! All orders left at the Post Office, or given in per son, will receive prompt attention. may 25 A. G. WILLIS. D3"* Soda Water. —Cold SODA WATER, with a variety of Syrups, at the Drug Store of PHILIP A. MOISE, Metcalf’s Range. N. B.— Congress Water always in lee. may 24 5m y june 3 03** The undersigned have this day commenced to serve ICE CREAM. ThoVLadies and Gentlemen are invited to give us a call, mayl ts N.GIRARDY & SONS. locating Land warrants. Q 3” I HAVE effected an arrangement with a gentleman of the west for the purpose. lam also authorized to purchase the Land after it is located, mar 2 6m ANDREW H. 11. DAWSON. TU3 3 Arrangements have been made with Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Barzelia, to furnish Meals for Passengers going on either of the Trains from Au gusta on the Georgia Rail Road, where they may fee accommodated with BREAKFAST or SUPPER, june 3 3&cl MARRIED. At Aiken, S’. C , on the sth inst., by the Rev. H. Cornish, Thaddeu's A. Oakman, Esq., of Augusta, to Miss Evelina C., omj daughter of Maj. John F. of the former placd. On the 22d ult., in Nassau county, Fla., by the Rev. W. G. Williams, Capt. H. E. W. Clark, of St. Mary?, Ga., to Miss Anna M., eldest daughter of E. Harrison, Esq., of Florida. (Commercial, Augusta Market, June 6, P. M. COTTON. —The market remains unchanged ; prices the same as yesterday. Middling Fair to Fair 8 2 to 9 Jo. CHARLESTON, June 6.— Cotton. —After a week marked by great fluctuations in prices, which the past history of the Cotton trade affords but few examples, the market closed with a considerable de gree of firmness. First came the accounts by the Africa, which were soon followed by those of the JBaltic, which materially effected prices and impair ed, if they did not destroy all confidence in the ar tjc - the advices, however, receieved subsequently by the Canada, revived the drooping hopes of sen' ers > 311 d at once gave tone to the mar ket an'd materially enhanced the value of the article -At the" time we closed our re port Middling Fair was held at 9j cents. The present week o,"' cne<i Wltli a comparatively good demand from the tfade, but buyers were una ble to make much process m consequence of the limited supply offering an'd the> ' ery sti ingent terms demanded by holders, portion was furter strengthed by the arrival on .Monday pf the steamer Washington, with late European* intelligence. - the transactions from the opening of i.he week pp to the dose of business on Wednesday, were made#* gra dually strengthening prices, and resulted ip- wC aggregate to upwards of 4200 bales, establishing finally an improvement of a full 2c. over for mer prices, and bringing such qualities as we are able to quote up to the following standard of valua tion, viz: low middling to good middling 8j aflj; middling fair, 9] a 91, and fair and fully fair, 9| a 10c. The market opened yesterday with the Asia s advi ces at hand, and although they are decidedly un favorable, they have made no impression on the better qualities, wh'.h, as we said before, are very scarce, and are held fully up to the above standard, while the lower grades are neglected, and are alto gether nominal. The sales were limited to about 700 bales, making the aggregate transactions for the week of 4847 bales, against the receipt in the same of 2973 bales. The sales were as follows: 26 at 6; 100 at 6}; 96 at 180 at 71; Bat 7f; 50 at 8 4 l ; 416 at :66 at 82; 121 at 8 1; 301 at 9; 143 at 9|; 555 at U 2 at 9|; 660 at 9i; 134 at 9f; 429 at 92; 73 at and 45 bales at 10 cents. There has been an Increased demand for the qualities classed under the head of Long Cotton, and the aggregate trans tions foot up 350 a 400 bales. The lower qualities ]have been neglected, and prices are depressed, but \ye have no positive change to record The sales 'em brace extremes ranging from 19 to 49 cents, and upvrprds as in quality. Freights. —We quote the current rate for the week for Cotton to Liverpool in square bags |d. and dull. We quote to New-York Cotton 20c. per 100 lbs. Rice 62| and to Boston 25c. and 75c. per fierce for Rice. gA VANNAH, June s.— Cotton. —There was not a jbale .sold yesterday. SAV ANNAH EXPORTS—JUNE 5. Phil adelphia —Schr. C. A. Greiner—26l bales Cotton 2/94 do. Domestics, 2 casks Rice, 13 sacks Feathers, 12,000 Cane £eeds, 25 tons old Iron, and 6 pkgs. Mdze. Shipping Intelligence, ARRIVED, Geo. St. Bt. Co.’s steamer T S Metcalf with Towboats Nos. 5 and 11, with Mdze. toJB Guieu, agt., F C Arms, supt, W J Owens, L Roll, J Taylor. Jr. & Co, W H Turpen, J Bones, B Ganter. W E Broudnax, Haviand, Risley & Xo French & Butler, Barrett, Carter & Co, Bu ford, Beal & Co. H Moore, Doughty & Beale, '<GouM. Bulkley & Co, W Harper, J Millegan. Irori St. Bt. Co.’s steamer A Sibley with Boats 3 and 9 with Mdze. to W M Rowland, agonfc and others. arrivals from charleston. Barque Chas. Olden, Douglas, Wilmington, N. C. Schr. Olivet, Fox'** 11 - Baltimore. Schr. Naiad, Linden, ffeltimore. up for ch.^^eston. Ship Camden, Sherwood, at NeN ' 01 'k- Jonas Smith, Nichols, at New ' cleared for charleston. Schr Chavnpion, Osborn, at Baltimore. Schr P R. BL rton > Bingo, at Baltimore. SULt® FOR CHARLESTON. Schr. Mediator, Milled, from Fall River. SrTT ARLESTON, June 6.—Arr. schr. Planter, Reynolds New Ortea**. Cleared R. L schr Dela ware Farmer, Stokely, Philadelphia. W ent to sea, brig Athens, Plummer, Liverpool. Br. schr. Desde- SL Higgs. Harbor Island; schr, Hume. Godfrey, Baltimore. ___________ NEW YORK and Erie Rail Road Guide Book: containing a description of tho Scenery, Rivers, Towns, Villages, and most impor taut works on the Road, wtth one hundred and thirty Lo S n H g A y g a T | oN For june 7 BELL-AIR train. The Bell-air Train will commence its l gammer Trips, on MONDAV, June 9th, ine Bell-Air at 7| A. M., and Ajigitfta at G* P. M., daily. No free seats. J une 7 CONCERT HALL THEATRE, LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. SATURDAY" EVENING, JUNE T, . Second Night of MAJ. JONES* COURTSHIP, OR, ADVENTURES OF a CHRISTMAS EVE. Maj. Jones, (a Georgia Rustic in love with Mary Stalling,) Mr. W eavf.r. Mary Stalling, (a young country Belle, just from the Macon Female College,( Miss Sinclair. To conclude with (the laughable Farce of JOHN BULL IN FRANCE. (Characters by the Company.) 03“ For particulars see Small Bills. Tickets 50 cents; children half-price. 03 s * Doors open at o clock —performance to commence at 8 precisely. j une 7 FEATHERS AND COW PEAS 1 IjßS ' choice Tennesssee FEATHERS, * 200 bushels Cow PEAS, suitable for planting. Just received and for sale by 6 A. LAFITTE. NEW BOOKS. LINCOLN’S HORACE, with English Notes, for the use of Schools and Colleges, by J. L. Lin coln, Professor of the Latin Language in Brown University. Book of Oratory, a new collection of Prose, Poe try and Dialogue, by Edward C* Marshall, M. A. Appleton’s Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work and Engineering, designed for prac tical working men, and those intended for the En gineering profession; vol. 1. Soyer’s Modern Housewife, or Menagere. The Heir of Wast Wayland, a Tale by Mary Howitt. Also, another supply of Rose Douglas; Nathalie; Home Influence; Mother’s Recompense, <fcc. Just received, and for sale at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depot, june 7 Broad-st., opposite State Bank. NEW MAY BUTTER AND CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, corner of Broad and Centre streets. The undersigned, having made arrangements to receive a fresh supply week ly, by the steamers from New York, will be enabled to furnish families with the very best article, always fresh. Please give me a call, june 6 6 I. P. CALHOUN. PRIME NEW FLOUR. —Just ground from the beautiful new Wheat of Dr. McWhorter, in small sacks to suit purchasers, For sale by jurm6 WM. HAINES. fJIOJiACUO. —65 boxes TOBACCO, from Lynch* JL burg, Va. For sale by June 6 12 PHINIZY & GLAYTON. NEW MUSIC ! JUST RECEIVED, by the subscriber, the follow ing NEW MUSIC, viz: SONGS. Drinking Song, from the Opera of the Macbeth, Go where Honor, from the “ II Coloncllo, Spirit of Light, “ “ “ La Favorite, The Mountain Daisy, There’s Danger, Dear Child, in a Spark, Once I Loved Thee. Dear Mary, Roll on, Silver Moon, The Connecticut Pedlar, My Mary Dear. Lily of St. Leonards, The Day Spirits, Dora to Agnes, from Copperfield, Hearts and Homes; The Granite Hills, Lean Over Me at Starlight, Ah, would that I could Love Thee less, Willie’s Farewell; The Angelic Guardian Jenny Lind’s Home, Sweet Home, The Lost Heart, Cavantina de l’Opera Gastebelza, Variations on Chaunt, Tyrolienne, Souvenir de Vienni Valse, by Strakoseh, La Coupe Chauson a boire, by Dreyschock, Cinguienie Air Varia de Ch De Beriot, by F. Beyer. Buda Mazurka. POLKAS. Redowa Polka, (4 hands,) Hamburg, Tivola, Snowdrop, Gothic, Wild Flow er, Excelsior, Fontainbleau, A. High Old, Bell, Sun ny-side, Chicago Quadrilles, and Our Favorite Pol ka do., City Blues Quickstep, Governor's do. WALTZES. Marengo, Auld Lang Syne, Regolctto, Streamlet, Hard Dell, Brilliant Waltz, from the Opera of the Vale of Andocre. Besides, a very large assortment of Standard Pieces and Songs, for sale at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depo Broad street, june 6 oppositetthc State Bank. BLASTING POWDER. A PEW barrels for sale by HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. may 25 JETNA INSURANCE AGENCY^ DR. MILLIGAN having resigned the Agency, the undersigned hag been appointed and duly commissioned Agent of the vETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, and is prepared to take Firo and In land Navigation Risks, on as reasonable terms as any other office. Applications left at the office of Jeffers, Cothran & Co., Mclntosh street, will be promptly attended to. 11. L..JEFFERS, Agent, apr 12 6mo ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. FERRIS & PAUL are receiving woekly, by steamers from New-York, the latest patterns and styles of gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, And we have on hand, a fine assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, and Linen Drills, Drap d’Etes, Cashmeretts and Trimmings, of all kinds, which we offer to make up to order at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimerc Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Linen and Queens Cloths Frock Coats; and colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Merino and Cot ton Under-Shirts; Linen and Cotton Drawers; men's and boy's Braces; Spenders’ Money Belts; Silk, Cotton and Linen Half Hose; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Gloves, of all descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other things too numerous to mention, J. C, Ferris. | G. A. Paun. june 5 dry GOODS at and UNDER COST! THE subscribers intending to make a change in their business, offer their stock of GOODS at cost ! The stock is large and desirable, having beep re cently purchased; and persons wanting Goods, can soon discover the great deduction in the prices. Domestic LINENS, Calicoes, Sheetings and Shirtings, and other heavy Goods, at first cost. SILKS, Bareges, Lawns, Organdiee, Printed Mus lins, Ginghams, and other Goods suitable for sum mer wear, will be sold less than cost. T, J. COSGROVE & CO., june 5 6 202 Broad-street. TO BUILDERS, PROPOSALS will be received till the 10th inst., for building a range of Dwelling HOUSES for the Augusta Manufacturing Company. Apply at the Company's office on Broad street, june 5 5 JAMES HOPE, Agent. Office Trans. S. C. Railroad Comp ; y,~ Charleston. 23d May, 1851, ON AND AFTER the Ist June, the PASSEN GER TRAIN® (for Hamburg, Columbia, Camden, and all intermediate stations on the South Carolina Railroad,) will commence ami continue to run daily at the following hours: FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 8 a. m.—Arrive at Hamburg at 3 30 p. m.; at Columbia at 3 30 p. m.; at Gar den at 4 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 6 a. m.; Columbia at 6 30 a. PF; Camden at 5 30 a. m. —Arrive at Charleston at 2 p. m. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 11 30 Ham burg at 5 30 p. m. & r DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 10 a. m.—Arrive at Charles ton at 4 p. m. The Express Train will run directly through, without stopping, and no Freight or Way Passen gers will be taken by it. J. D. PETSCH, june 3 lmo Super. Trane, $• C- R. R- Co- 4 GEORGIA RAILROAD. r^~ ON AND AFTER MONDAY, June 2d, Passen ger Trains will run daily as follows, viz: Leave Augusta at 6 o’clock, A. M. “ Atlanta “ 6 “ “ “ Athqps “ 7 “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, P. M. “ “ Augusta “ 5 “ “ “ “ Athens “ 4£ “ “ On and after June Ist, the Night Train will Leave Augusta at o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “5| " “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, A. M. “ “ Augusta “ 4t| “ “ The Athens Branch Train will connect only with the Day Train. Way Passengers will be charged three cents per milq on the Day Trains, and four cents per mile on the Night Trains. Agents will furnish tickets at each station, for all Trains, without which Passengers will be charged each 20 cents. Transportation Office, G. R. R. A B. Co., ) Augusta, May 21st, 1851. ) may 23 FORSAVANNAH To leave every Tuesday morning , at 9 o'cold. THE new and splendid light draught steamer HANCOCK, ,u ; • » Capt. Murry, built expressly for the Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, unequalled by any boat on the river.—Apply to the Captain on board, or to the Agents, ap 1 D. L. ADAMS A SON. FOR SAVANNAH. Will leave every Tuesday Morning. THE SUPERIOR light draught steamer DE KALB, Captain J. M. Moody, having resumed her — ■ — ■ regular trips between Savannah and Augusta, will hereafter leave for Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. For Freight or Passage, having good accommo dations, apply to the Captain on board, or to dec 14 ly JOHN CASHIN, Agent. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. Augusta, (Ga.) May 31,1851. IN ACCORDANCE with the new organization of this institution, the Board of Trustees will pro ceed to elect, at the annual election, to be held on Saturday, the sth day of July next, the following officers, for one year from the Ist of October next: 1. A Rector and Classical Teacher, with a salary of SI4OO, and apartments in the Academy. 2. A Teacher of Mathomatics and Natural Sci ences—salary SIOOO, with apartments, or SI2OO without. 3. A First English Teacher, with a salary similar to the last mentioned. 4. A Second English Teacher—salary S6O<T, with one apartment. 5. A Steward and Clerk—a salary of $l5O, and apartments. For further particulars, apply to ROBERT WALTON, President pro tom. june 3 flO SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, i Hamburg, June 2, 1851. j ON AND AFTER this date, the Special Passen ger Train between Hamburg and Aiken, will leave Hamburg at 5 30 P. M. june 3 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. WHISKY. “ 1 AA BARRELS New Orleans WHISKY, lan -l V/VA ding This day, and will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. may 17 T. W. FLEMING A CO. FOR SALE, THAT Brick Dwelling HOUSE and LOT, on Greene street, next above Mr. Phini-lUii zy s and now occupied by Mr. French. Possession given the Ist of October. Apply to june 3 4 B. 11. WARREN. TIIOS. RICHARDS A SON have received anoth er supply of tho following Works: Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ike Marvel. Life of Randolph, by Hugh A. Garland. Lyell’s Travels in the United States. Column's European Life and Manners, june 3 SPUN SILK UNDER SHIRTS, recommended by the Medical Faculty for Rheumatism, june 6 WM. O. PRICE A CO. ORANGES AND LEMONS. 1 / \ BOXES ORANGES, in fine order, I 20 boxes LEMONS, in fair order. For sale by A. LAFITTE. june 4 3 AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAdT AN INSTALMENT of 20 percent, on subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of this Company has been called for by the Board of Directors, paya ble on or before the the 17th day of June next, at the office of Mr. Joseph Bancroft, the Secretary of the Company in Savannah. A. R. LAWTON, President, may 18 swtjAdtd SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he is Manufacturing tho best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city, apr 11 sn; E. D. MEYER. BACON! BACON! i nnn lbs - p rime bacon sides, 15,000 1 O)\J\SU lbs. prime HAMS and SHOUL DERS, for sale by JOSIAII SIBLEY. Hamburg, May 23, 1851. fl 2 may 23 DRIED APPLES, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Tennessee, about one hundred bughols fine DRIED AP PLES, which will be sold cheap. may 20 T. W. FLEMING A CO. NEW BOOKS ! THE 2d and last volume of D'LOUISE LAVAL LIERE, by Dumas. Continuation of Dickens’ Pickwick Papers, bv G. W. M. Reynolds. No. 306 Littell’s Living Age, 12£ cents. Vol. 3d of Caroline of Brunswick, by G. W. M. for June. Subscribers will please call for their copies, at GEO. A- OATES A CO’S. m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st, BOLTING CLOTHS, OF WARRENTED quality, furnished and put up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakeing Millstones, cheap, and of best quality, for sale Jan SCHIRMER A WIG AND. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE, I WILL attend at the Scale House on Mondays, 26th May and 2d June; at the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, on Tuesdays, 27th May and 3d of Juno; at j the United States Hotel, on Wednesdays, IBth May and 4th June; and at the Richmond Hotel on Thursdays, 29th May, and sth of June, from 9 o’clock, P. M- of each day, for the purpose of re ceiving returns qf taxable property or the year 1851. may 25 6f ALEX, PHILIP, R. t. r. r. c, GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE and LADIES’ NA TIONAL MAGAZINE, have boon received for June. Subscribers will piease call for their co pies, at GEO. A. OATES A CO'S, m 25 Piano, Book and Store, Broad-st ICE! ICE! THE ELLIS STREET ICE COMPANY having received their supply of ICE at both houses, now offer it for sale at the same prices as here tofore, viz: at retail, 3 cents per pound; or, by tjio f 5 worth Tickets at 24 cents, at which prices hot less than 2 pounds of Ico will be sold at a At wholesale — : To Hotels, Bar Rooms, Soda Fountains, and other large consumers, by S2O worth of Tickets, at 2 cents, for which not less, than twen ty pounds pf Jce will be delivered at a time. The supply of Ice m the House on Jackspn street, will be sold first. * Terms cash, on delivery, All orders from the country, directed to A. DE AS, Agent, Ellis street Ice Company, Augusta, will re ceive prompt attention. Packages and Blankets furnished at coustomary prices, and the Ice carefully packed, to be sent by Rail Road, if desired- The House will be opened, from sunrise until sun set, and on the Sabbath from 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock A. M. and from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, P. M. Tickets may be purchased, of the Agent, Mr. A. Peas, at the lee Rouse. ts apr 2 MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, BY THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO,, Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,000, ALL PAID IN. , Office, No. 4, Hroad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. HERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, 1 Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenhoum, | Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, J. H. Brawley, A. R Taft, j T. L. Wragg. A. M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Rolicitor. P" A. KIN LOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to etteet Insurance on fair and liceral terms. The subscriber haying I een appointed Agent for the above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 will be received by the Commit tee on the City Hall, until the 14th June, for Painting, Whitewashing, and other Repairs on the City Hall, which will be pointed out by the Com mittee. Bond and security will be required for the faithful performance of the work to be done in the best manner. may 29 A. P. ROBERTSON, Chairman. Harpers new monthly magazine for June, has been received. Also No. 367 of Little’s Living Age. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES & CO., ma 29 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY & WATCHES. APRIL 28,1851. WE have just received a small, but beatiful lot of Diamond Ear Rings, Bracelets, Brooch ! and Ring to match—Diamond Bracelets, (of which j the centre piece can be used as a Breast Pin) Dia \ mond Pins and Rings for Ladies and Gentlemen, i in great, variety. Also just at hand, a good stock | of rich and new style of Jewelry, and our usual | spring importation of Gold Watches from Switzer land, direct to us, and bearing our name, which we oiler at law prices. ap 29 CLARK, RACKETT '& CO. SOUTHERN SINGING BOOKS. THE HESPERIAN HARP, by Wm. Houser; The bacred Harp, by White A King. Tho Subscribers have now received a large lot of the Hesperian Harp, emopiled by William Houser, Esq., of Jefferson county, Ga. Also, a large lot of tho Sacred Harp, very much enlarged and improved. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY, may 21 d2wxwlm Augusta, Geo. glass~jarsT TXjTE HAVE ON HAND, and will sell, at whole- VV sale or retail, 30 dozen GLASS JARS, with Covers, at 20 fper cent less than they have ever been ’sold at in this city. Give us a call be fore buying. _ may 27 _ J. J. LATHROP A CO. TUMBLERS !! TUMBLERS !!~ 1 (VF OZEN TUMBLERS, of every variety JL 5 and color, suitable for Family, Hotel, and Bar use; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B.—Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 cents per dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards A Son’s Book Store. may 2 J. J. LATHROP & CO. FINGER BOWLS—A large lot, consisting o nearly every color, for sale at may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO’S. UT BAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale low, at may 27 * J. J. LATHROP & CO’S. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASs7~ WE OFFER FOR SALE, at our wholesale and retail Crockery store, North side of Broad street, (few doors above Messrs. Richards A Sons Book Store,) a complete assortment of fine and common Ware. We would be pleased to have those who wish to purchase to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TO THE LADfES.—We have the largest supply of Hardware Vases in the city. For sale at very low prices. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. HALL LAMPS. —Low priced Hall Lamps at May 25 J. J. LATHROP & CO. SPIRIT OR BURNING FLUID LAMPS—.A large supply, just received, for sale at from 25 cents to $2 each. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. SCHOOL TEACHING. —Theory and practice of teaching, or the motives and methods of good Shool-keeping, by David P. Page, A. M., princi pal of the State Normal School, Albany N. York. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. PIANO MANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to execute all orders extended to€p§p|jpSll him for the manufacture of PIANO?? 5? If* FORTES, in any shape, size and style, at his Piano Manufactory in this city. They will be warranted to be equal in material, tone and finish, to any Others to be procured in this country, and on as rea sonable terms. He will also REPAIR and TUNE Pianos when notified. P. BRENNER, apr 1 3mo Quality Range. gIVLER PI|ATED CASTORS. WE OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of silver plated CASTORS, with out Cruets.—- Those in want, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying, may 27 J. J. LATIIRQP A CO. TOILET SETT.—One splendid Frenclfchina Toilet SETT, for sale at may 2 J. J. LATHROP A CO'S. JUST RECEIVED^ 1 FIRKINS Prime Goshen BUTTER, for sale 1 U by HUTCHINSON & THOMAS, may 27 ’ PRIVATE SALE. pC ()( ) BUSHELS of fine COW PEAS, just ro coived by may 27 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. MODERN Housewife or Menagere, comprising nearly one thousand Receipts for the econo mical and judicious preparation of every meal of the day, with engravings by Alexis Soyer. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. MAGAZINES FOR JUN Eh JU ST received, the following Periodicals for the abovo month, viz: Godey’s Lady’s Book, and Sartain’s Union Magazino. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S., Piano, Book and Musio Depot, Broad street. N. B.—Also received, the Illustrated Brother Jonathan for 4th of July. may 17 FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER'S SUMMER RESI DENCE, on the South Sand Hills, on the.iliilL first eminence south-west of the Turknett Spring. The situation is a pleasant one—of easy access to, and in full view of, the Geo. Rail Road. The Dwel ling is large, commodious, an Jip good repair. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL C. WILSON, may 31 stuw3c3 WANTED. 1 mn BUS - PRIME NEW WHEAT, for X which the highest cash price will be paid bv B, H. W ARREN A CO. may 31 8 205 Broad Street. DAVID COPPERFIELD.—A few more copies of David Copperfield, just received bv may 31 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW SPRING GOODS, JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 230 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Next door below the United States Hotel) TS NQV RECEIA ING and opening, a full. as. A sortment of superior CLOTHS, Casimeres, Vest ipgs, Drills. Drap d’Ete, Cashmerets, and Trim mings, of all descriptions; Ml assortment of Fan | CY Articles, for gentlemen’s toilet; ladies Under I Vests; Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making I and Trimming in the best manner, may 6 MANAGER'S OFFICE. GREEN' AND PlLA<kl MONUMENT LOT TERIES. Managed, Drawn, and Prizes Paid by the well known and responsible firm of J. W. MAURY A CO. Extra Class 61, by Monongalia 63, June 7, 1851. Sales close SATURDAY, at 3. P. M. BRIL LIANT SCHEME ! 14 Drawn Ballots from 78! 40.000 DOLLARS!!! 2of SIO,OOO ; 2 of $5,000 ; 2 of $4,000 ; 2 of $3,- 000; 2 of $2,574; 5 of $2,000 ; 10 of $1,000; Ac. Ac. Tickets $10 —Halves $5 —Qrs. $2,50. Class 51, to be drawn at Savannah, June 10, 1851. Sales close TUESDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME! 15 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 15,000 DOLLARS!!! $4,000; $2,000; $1,227; 2 prizes of $1,000; Ac. Ac. Tickets $4 —Halves $2 —Quarters sl. Class 52, to be drawn at Augusta, June lltli, 1851. Sales close WEDNESDAY, at 3, P. M. THE LITTLE PET. 14 Drawn Ballots from 78 ! 4.340 DOLLARS! ! $1,000; $600; $293; besides numerous others, Tickets $1 —shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 26 quarters, $3,50. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. Orders from the city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. june 7 LUCKY OFFICE. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. For the benefit of the Independent Fire Company, Augusta, Ga. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the well known firm of D. PAINE A CO; Class 29, by Patapsco 159, June 5, 1851. Sales close Thursday at 3P. M. Capital Prize 3,973 DOLLARS! SIOOO ; SSOO ; S4OO ; S3OO ; SIBO ; Ac., Ac. Tick ets $1 —Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 26 Quarters $3,75. Class 40, by Grand Consolidated 15, Juno 9th, 1851. Sales close Saturday at 3 P. M. Splendid Schome. Capital Prize 40,000 DOLLARS! $30,000; $20,000; 10,000; $5,000; $2,500; 20 prizes of $1,250. Tickets sl2. Halves so— $3 —Eighths $1,50. J. W. ADAM, opposite the Post Office. All orders from the city or country strictly confidential, and promptly attended to. june 5 NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. COATS, w. O. PRICE & CO. HATS. Tailoring $ Furnishing' LAPS* FROCK, | ESTABLISHMENT, Un^e lla S. DeOr.say and AVn ! E l‘ CO ITS Wholes * lo ‘ a " d Relail Comfortables ! dealers in BRACES, and Sack „ w A , Money Belts, COATS, CLOTHING, : Toilet Cases, Silk, Linen 050 jrjjq a73 9tp v ft, Sf£Et>, and Gingham; 8 TKOAD-STREET^ CIoth, COATS, i Augusta, Ga., Hair, and of all descrip- INVITE Tooth, pwifnw;™ «*——»; CUSTOMERS, '’scriptfon'*' rr n « 71 o aij d GLOVES, Cl IIRTS!’} STRANGERS, STOCKS. Under Shirts ! Visiting the City, j PURSES, and ! to their AND DRAWERS , j SPRING STYLES OF i Suspenders. CRAVATS Full supply of and CrUUUb TRIMMINGS. SCARFS. I AND ifor the Tnde i GARMENTS. f Jiacte ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 BROAD StRKKT Respectfully returns his grateful f-c, acknowledgements to his friends and the public, for the very liberal share of pa tronago ho has received in his line, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub lic are invited to examine before making their pur chases. oct 24 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE 'COMPANY. Agency in Augusta. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Company, and is now prepared to take Fire, Marine and Inland Navigation Risks.— Premiums in all casos will bo reasonable. 11. L. JEFFERS, Agent., nov 3 ly Office, Mclntosh stroet. TO PLANTERS. WE would respectfully inform Planters that wo furnish SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to be attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at the lowest prices. These Mills havo given the highest satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. SCHIRMER & WIGAND, Burr Millstone Manufacturers, Augusta, Ga. jan 21 LATE PUBLICATIONS. SELECT POLITICAL QUOTATIONS—Sacred and Miscellaneous; by Webb A Watson, 2 vols. The Widow Bigby's Husband, and other Tales of Alabama, by the author of Simon Scruggs. The Yankee among the Mermaids, Ac.; by Bur ton- Nell Garyneo; or, Tho Court of Tho Stuarts, un der the Reigns of Charles 11, and James 11. The Dennings and their Beaux; with Alina Der by; by Miss Leslie. The Sea King: a Nautical Romance, by tho au thor of the Scourge of the Ocean. Dictionary of Sacred Quotations, bv tho Rov, 11, H, W eld. History of tho Sabbatarian Churches—embracing accounts of the Armenian, East Indian, and Abys sinian Episcopacies in Asia and Africa, by Mrs. Ta nar Davis, A new edition of Walker on Intermarriage. Tho Manufacture of Steele—containing tho Prac tice and Principles of W orking and making Steele, by Frederick Overman. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, by T. Babing ton MaCaulay, new and revised edition. The above works for sale by june 1 THQS. RICHARDS A SON. REPLENISH YOUR GARDENS. RECEI VED this day, a fresh supply of GARDEN SEEDS, suitable to the season, if planted at once; Bush and Running Snap Beans, Cucumbers, Celery, Parsley, Radish and Pumpkin Seeds. Also, Fresh Ruta Baga, Large White’ Flat, Large Globo, Rod Tops and Hanovor Turnip Seods, Guano. Ae„ Ac.; for sale by WM, HAINES, junel lw ~ CHARLES BERUFF, PORTRAIT A MINIATURE PAINTER Room No. 4, Masonic Hall, HAVING located in Augusta, with’the purpose of pursuing his Profession, will be pleased to receive the calls of those who may fhvor him with their patronage, Mr. Beruff will teach the principles of the Art, if a class should be formed for that purpose, jan 8 6m NEW BOOKS. THE Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden, by Patrick Neill, L. L. D., adapted to tho United States. The Turner’s Companion, containing instructions in Concentric, Elliptic, and Eccentric Turning. Tho American Miller and Millwright's Assistant, by Wm. Carter Hughes, The above ju3t received by may 30 THOS RICHARDS A SON. NEW PUBLICATIONS. HARPER A BROTHERS’ last publications just received: Part 5 London Labor, Ac., by Mayhew. The Wife's Sister; or the Forbidden Marriage, a Novel, by Mrs. Hubback, (niece of Miss Austen.) No. 13, Field Book of the Revolution, by Los sing. Dealings with the Inquisition; or Papal Rome, her Priests, and her Jesuits, with important disclos ures, by the Rev. Gracinto Achilli, D. D. The abovo for sale by may 23 THOS- RICHARPS A SON. Station Seua. BY A. LAFITTE. ► House Servant on account of foryner pur ■ chaser. y On Tuesday next, 10th inst., in front of Store at 1 1 YfOQ'FC ° CIOCk ’ WiU b ® S ° ld > MObLb, a copper colored boy, about 16 years of age, an excellent House Servant, sold on account and risk ot the former purchaser; he not having complied with the terms of sale. s Conditions—A note payable Ist December next, bearing interest from 3d June inst., with an on! dorser to be approved of by the Executors of the late Charles Cunningham, deceased, june 7 _ td BY A. LAFITTE. Bagpins; and Tobacco , on account of all concerned On Tuesday next, at 10| o’clock, will be positively sold, on accounf of all concerned, 12 pieces Kentucky BAGGING, slightly dam aged. J 40 boxes TOBACCO, various brands. And immedialy after, ,i,mT?® a ml^ ortment ot GROCERIES, dry O JODS, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c., Ac. june 7 terms Cash. BY A. LAFITTE. 11 ty days after date, will be sold, unless previ ously claimed by the owner or owners Wto2h.^i*K CI,0 ?“ MADEIRA 'VINE.’ Said ant XerZcaT “ ° M • TO “' With —— | m may lo Rich dress good*? SNOWDEN & SHEAR TTAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY, f rom New P by the Steamer Southerner. Rich Striped and Checked Fancy Silks, for Ladies’ aml Summer Dress es, of beautifulf 4 Also, rich Embroidered Grenadines, of new and elegant styles; ana Hie'public hCy reSpecttully invite the attention of * BLACK SILK WARF^C ASHMERETT H SNOWDEN & SHEAR, A\E just received, from New York, Black Silk Warp CASHMERETT, a beautiful article toi Gentlemen s Summer wear. Lupin's sup. Black DRAPE DE ETE, and a va riety ot other articles for Gentlemen's Summer ware, to which thoy respectfuly invite the attention of the public. may 2 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ~ ' NEW YORK AND CHARLES TON, Steam Packets, Leave on every Tuesday Afternoon, through in 60 hours. THE NEW STEAM SHIP IK RION, 1200 Tons, Capt. M. Berry. STEAM SHIP SOUTHERNER, 1000 Tons, Capt. John Die kin son. THESE SPLENDID Ocean Steamers will leave Adger s Wharves regularly every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, throughout the year. The MARION commences her trips, leaving Saturday, May 31st. Passengors by this line ma y expect every possible comfort and accommodation, bor * reight or Passage, having splendid State ChaOcston 0r S m c dationS ’ aPP ‘ y *° th ° A " ent > n _. henry missroon, „ ° r " East Bay & Adger's South Wharf. Cabin Passage, $25; Steerage Passage, SB. N o berth secured until paid for. The SOUTHERNER will leave Charleston for New lork, on Saturday Afternoon, 10th and 24th May. t3mos may 4. “W mr A TiTimw . j^£ A RRI E D LIFE : its Shadows and Sunshine, by The Two Wives; or, the Lost and Won bvT S Arthur. J "mans Trials; or, Tales and Sketches from the life around us, by T. S. Arthur. The above good books are for sale by ma y ;jo thos. richarHs & son. ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY all other CASTINGS made in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR, PLATES & BALLS &c. * —A LSO — bark mills, With the latest improvements, all of which will bo warranted to be of the best material and work manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROCK at the lowest rates for cash. patent cast iron water wheels!' Which W!ll be warranted to cut two thousand feet of 1 lank per day, under any head of water above four feet. Manufactured by ma y 11 df&cly A. LEYDEN. A CARD. t , J3y entiro intorost in the Globe Hotel to Mr. L. S. Morris, I return my thanks to my friends and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage extended to mo, and so licit tor him a continuance of the same. Mr. Morris has been long and favorably known to this community, and I feci confident that his great enorgy and gentlemanly bearing will make the Globe Hotel worthy of still more extended pa tronage. F, M. JENNINGS. Having purchased of Mr. F. M. Jennings his entire interest in the Globe Hotel, I solicit a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon him No effort or expense shall be spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor me with a L. S. MORRIS. * ob 7 6mdxe HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR., & CO,, would respectfully • inform the Merchants of Georgia, and ad- rM joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their line, their stock being now the largest and best selected of any ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms as Groceries, Saddlos. Drugs, Ac can bo bought in this city. Please call before going below, apr 8 CLOCKS, WATCHES fit JEWELRY WOODSTOCK & WHITLOCK, Two doors's above Lite U. S. Hotel, and opposite, the Bank of Augusta, HAVE on hand, and are constantly ro ceiving, a fine assortment ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Sil vor and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. Ac. Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold cheap for oash. d-?"" W. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprenticeship in one of the largest manulkctories of London, and from his long experience, ho feels assured of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to him. dAcly jan 17 NEGROES! NEGROES! NEGROES! JUST arrived SEVENTY-SIX young likely NE GROES, which, added to our former stock, will make one hundred and fourteen, wo have now on the market. By calling at our Depot at Ham burg, S. C., purchasers can bo suited, and those wishing to purchase are requested to examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A ROBERTSON, oct 4 fc "CHEAP WORKS, OR LIGHT READING! THE FOLLOWING cheap Litorature can bo found at GEO- A. OATES A CO.'S Piano Book and Musio Depot, viz : Pendennis, Ned Allen, or the Past Age; Mount Hope, or Phillip, King of the Wampanoag; Frank Fairleigh ; The Rangers, or The Torys Daughter Shannondale: Warwick Woodlands, by Frank For rester; The Heirs of Derwentwater; First and True Love, by Dumas; Life of Pen Owen; Horae Influenoe and Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Ce dars ; WOman’s Friendship; To seem and to be; The Maid of Canal Street, by Miss Leslie; The Commissioner, by James; The Gold Worshippers, or The Days we Live in; The Mother-in-Law; The Bankers Wife; The Dunnings and their Beaqjyafc, Rose Douglas; Nathalie; Time the Avenger; Stans fiold Hail; The Ladder of Gold; Henry Smeaton, by James; Ella Stratford; The City Merchant, orU The Mysterious Failure; The Nag’s Head; Cle ment Lorimer; NellGwynn; Sidonia, the Sorceress, Life’s Discipline; The Village Notary; Wild Sports I of the West; additional Memoirs of my Youth, by ’ Lamartine; Singleton Foutenay; Charles OMal ley; Tom Burke of our Rebels and Tories; Bertie* Dr, Valentine’s Lectures, June § | • |f