Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 10, 1851, Image 3

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these, butjjthey may be estimated at something, (and I would be disposed to place tolerable large figures to each.) and they, with the amount of transit duties remitted our merchants in the shape of bridge toll for merchandize received and produce shipped, would go far to reduce the nominal loss which the city treasury would sus tain in its tariff on drays and wagons, to and from the Rail Road at Hamburg and Augusta. Let us, then, reduce the whole, so far as we can, to figures, and see how we should stand; and when such blanks as I have are filled up by those who can and will fairly estimate them, are added in, see if it may not be to our interest to do now, what may be done hereafter when we will not be parties to represent such interests—or, at any rate, when we will not have the power to name and de mand conditions. The lower Bridge cost the City ... SIOO,OOO The nett receipts are now equivalent to an inter est on $300,000; we will therefore estimate it at that value, 300,000 We are offered for the right of passage per Rail Road, 100,000 Tue tolls will, by this means, be reduced to about SB,OOO, which is equal to - - 100.000 Our merchants receive in the shape of bridge tolls remitted by having their goods landed in Augusta, at least, - - - - - IS 000 We demand, besides this, a free and unobstruct ed passage for the upper Bridge (which set tles the quarrel between the upper and lower parts of the city, - $ We demand a cancellation, by purchase or oth erwise. of the charter of Henry Shultz and John McKinne, and a renewal of our charter by the Legislature of South Carolina, so that we may be freed from the annoyance of said parties, , $ We receive, in the settlement of these vexed questions, amounts which, by some, may be esti mated at very near, if not quite, the full value between the now named worth of the bridge and the amount of difference. We certainly cannot be very much the losers in the transac tion, and for the sake of peace, now and hereaf ter, we ought to be willing to give something. The minor details are easily settled; but it should not be settled by the City Council alone. They are the representatives of the people, it is true; but not in this matter. They only repre sent so much of the city as they own, and no more. The real estate holders are the parties to be consulted. Let them speak ; and let them, if they speak favorably, appoint, with the Council, such of their citizens as have interest in the matter, to conduct the negotiations. Let the citizens be called together and hear argom'eiit on the subject; and if the gentlemen from South Carolina feel authorized to grant the conditions heretofore named, and can give satis factory bond of their fulfillment —and, further, that the Depot of the South Carolina Rail Road shall be located below Washington street and North of Broad street. And, if our citizens are satisfied, let them say so in the same manner as they gave their voices for the Canal. In this manner, whatever may be the response, the matter will be disposed of by t hose only who have a right to settle it, as well as all other matters which are of i nterest to AUGUSTA. Cotton Bloom.—The Montgomery Ala., Atlas of the sth inst. says: We were shown on Tuesday a fine Option blossom taken from the plantation of Dr. B. IL Jones. I his compared with the growth of the plant in forward seasons, could not be considered early; but for this season it is very early, and, indeed, the earliest that we have heard of. This blossom was of the species denominated the ‘"California Cotton. Lot the Doctor take the medal. The flower had been plucked two or three days before it was shown to us. [Telegraphed for the Charleston Courier.) Baltimore, June 7. Cotton, the New-York market, on the 7tn inst. (SaturaVW') was unchanged. Twelve hun dred bales were sold. The sales of the week amount to nine thousand bales. - New-Orleans, June 5. Thirty-two hundred bates cotton were sold to day. Since the receiption ol the Asia s advices, a decline of from 1-8 to a 1-1 of a cent has taken place. The quotations lor Low' to Strict Mid dling ure from 8 to 8 1-2 cents. Another Division of jVlexico.—A lettei from Vera Cruz says that a wide-spread revolu tion is close at hand. It has some connection, perhaps, with the annexation movements in ho ’ifornia. The people and administration of Sono " a are said to be in the plot, as they ha\e receive d no shares of the American indemnity. It is conk to declare the State indepen dent of Me. organize a provisional Gnyem ment, and fm. all >'S et annexed to the b I,ltt States. M ffp^Notice.—Post Office, Avgusta, June - d . 1851.—0 n and after this date, the Western will close at 3 P. M. Northern and Charleston Mails at 5 A. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. The Office will be opened at 7A. M. an. d closed on the arrival of the Northern Mail, which will be ready for delivery by 44- P. M., after which the office will continue open until 8 P. M. On Sundays, the office will be opened from 8 to b A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Persons having Key Boxes and wishing Letters charged, are requested to make the following de signation: “Charge Key Box No.—.” june 3 BENJ. F. HALL. P. M. Visiting Cards. —Just received, a superb lot of ENAMELLED CARDS 1 All orders left at the Post Office, or given in per son, will receive prompt attention. may 25 A. G. WILLIS. Soda Water.—Cold SODA WATER, with a variety of Syrups, at the Drug Store of PHILIP A. MOISE, Metcalf s Range. N. B.—Congress Water always in Ice. rrtay 24 5m [£? ’ The undersigned have this day commenced •to serve ICECREAM. The'-Ladies and Gentlemen :are invited to give us a call. may 1 ts N. GIRARDY k SONS. LOCATING LAND WARRANTS. HAVE effected an arrangement with a <rentleman of the west for the purpose. lam also b '-orized to purchase the Land after it is located. aUtU " 0 fim ANDREW 11. H. DAWSON, mar 2 be ~L-AIR TRAIN. SZSSaSKnITL Aat M„ daily. No free seats. E. C. Sofge having met with ** c “ Üb ural encouragement, takes pleasure in informing friends and the public that he has permanently located himself in Augusta as Professor of the Piano Forte, and Organ. Communications left at the Music k Book Store of Messrs. Geo. A. oate3 k Co. will be punctually attended to. jan 3 HAY HAY—A choice lot, in store and for JNO. A. MOORE, (ffommmtal, §)i) JMapftic Cdcgrapfi. Reported for the Constitutionalist. Charleston, June 9, P. M.||| Cotton.— The market is quiet. Common quali ties are nominal; the better grades very full prices. Sales 450 bales at 61 to 91c. -j, Augusta Market, June 9, P. M. COTTON.—The market is quiet, the sales mo derate and prices unchanged. Middling Fair 81 ; Fair 9 to 91c. [Per steamer Asia.] Coleman and Stolterfoht's Report. Liverpool, May 23. — 1 t must be admitted that business has not improved, and it is probable that we may have to wait a little while longer for it; the derangement in the Cotton market acts for the mo ment prejudicially upon the manufacturing districts, whatever it may do in the end, it has had its share in the heavy decline in the value of Railroad pro perty, it holds forth the prospect of mercantile mis fortunes consequent upon the serious losses which are now occurring, and it places in the distanco a greater demand for money, and a higher rate of dis count. It certainly does appear strange that causes apparently so inadequate should produce such se rious, and it argues an exceeding great sensitiveness on the part of the public. The Manchester market is in as uncertain a po sition as our own; there is a disposition to do busi ness as soon as matters should appear settled, but the constant decline which has hitherto taken place has intimidated the buyers. There has been a good deal of business done in some descriptions of Goods, but at lowering prices; in Yarns the business was more circumscribed. Spinners reduce their pur chases to the utmost during the present unsettled state of the Cotton market, but their consumption is not reduced, though of looms there is an increas ing number standing idle. The stock of Cotton is very low, and that of Goods and of Yarns, consid ering the time of the year, is also very light. It is difficult to describe the exact position of our cotton market. So far from it having recovered any tone, it looks more demoralized than ever. The steamer’s advices showing a constantly increasing excess in the receipts, all further estimates of the extent of the crop are now given up, and it is as sumed that it will be comparatively large. The pressure to sell continues, and arises in many cases from pecuniary necessities; the regular importers have mostly withdrawn from the market. While this pressure exists no correct opinion can be formed of the future; it arises chiefly from local causes, which inspire some uneasiness. There are many monied men watching the market for investments, but speculators are disheartened by every purchase proving hitherto too dear. The trade have taken about to the extent of the weekly consumption ,and there has been some demand for export, chiefly for the better qualities. We must reduce our prices again by |d. per lb. in the qualities of American below fair, while those above maintain their value better. Brazil are heavy, and |d. per lb. lower ; they are out of proportion high to American Cot ton. Egyptains have declined to some extent.— Surats are very difficult to sell, and are irregular in price. HAVRE, May 22—Thursday evening.—Our Cotton market remains in a dull and unsettled state. Buyers are unwilling to operate: the general opin ion is that prices will go lower. New Orleans tres ordinarie is now quoted at 86, and Uplands 83 a 84, but the demand is confined to small lots for im mediate wants. The advices from New York to 10th instant, by the Pacific, came to hand yester day, In other articles nothing worthy of mention has occurred. Breadstuff's remain very low, the sea son being fine. No arrival from the United States sinco yesterday. SAVANNAH, June 7. Cotton. Operations continued nominal. Yesterday we heard of sales of but 33 bales, at Bc. SAVANNAH EXPORTS—JUNE 6. Cork —Br. barque Ganges—43l,377 feet P. P. Timber, and 8,150 Oak Staves. Boston — Brig Ottoman — sll bales Cotton, and 19 pkgv- Mdze. t—w—mwmriniii - ■ ' ■■■ ■ ■ Shipping Jiitdiigcnce. ARRIVED, Steamer Oregon, from Savannah, to J. 11. Ander son, agt, with Merchandise <fce. to Geo. Rail Road, Geo, Schley, French A Butler, G. A. Oates, W. H. Howard, N.Girardey, Barrett, Carter k Co, L. Roll, A. Lafitte, R, H. Gardner, I)- Paniels, A. Stewart, Geo. Robinson, Jeffers, Cothran k Co. B, S. £>unbar, A. Burnsides, A. J. Creighton, J. Sibley, Dr. Elliott, J. 11. Anderson. Iron Steam Boat, Co, Steamer, J. Randolph, with Boats 4 and 12 with Merchandise to W. M. Row land agt, k others. arrivals from charleston. Steamer Freeman, Rawdon, Brown, New-York. Ship Julia If o ward, JJufkley, Deal, 22d ult. for Lon don. Swe. barque Norland, Astrom, Cadiz. Svve. barque Gotha, Nernst, Gothenburg. Pruss, brig Neptune, Blank, off Falmouth, 14th ult. for Stettin, Pruss. brig Julie, Pieper, Hamburg, Dan. brig Ilaabet, Reisc, Deal, 16th ult. for Copen hagen. Nor, brig Erin, Bie, Texel, 18th ult. for Amster dam. Nor. brig Luna, Lund, Hamburg. Schr. Admiral Blake, Hendley, Providence. Sehr. Truth, Phillips, Baltimore. UP FOR CHARLESTON. Schr. C. A. Greiner, Peterson, at Philadelphia. LOADING FOR CHARLESTON. Siui n NoGffiie, Holberton, at Liverpool. Ship Alliance, Reblpson, at Liverpool. Ship John Ravenel, Tu7. ner > at Liverpool. Br. ship Margaret, Hawes, at in 24th ult,, via Quebec. Barqiu o Commerce, Henry, at Liverpool. CLEARED FOR CHARLESTON. Ship Catharine, Wilson, at New-York. Brig Orray Tail, Mo wry, at Providence. Schr. Albert M. Hale, Smith, at Boston. CHARLESTON, June 9.—Arrived, Span, brigs Minerva, Salva, Havana; Segunda Monica, Cor rill, Havana; barque Cherokee, Getty, New-Or leans. Cleared, Br. ship Aberdeen, Isbister, Liverpool. Went to sea, steamship Southerner, Dickinson, New-York; ship Harriet k Jessie, Conner, New- York: Schrs. Albion, , Boston: Edwin Farrar, Brownley, Alexandria. (D. C.:) Edwin, Smith, a Northern port; Geo. W. Corner, Shelly, do. SA\ ANNAII, June 7.—Cleared, Br. barque Ganges, Murphy, Cork and a Market; brig Otto man, Ray, Boston. Went to sea, ship Eli Whitney, Hayden, Liver pool. MARRIED, On the evening of the 3d inst., by Rev. George Lumpkin, Dr. Addison A. Bell and Miss Fran ces McWhorter, daughter of Mr. William Mc- Whorter—all of Oglethorpe county, (Ga.) MASONIC REGAILIZ JUST received, a supply of Masonic REGALIAS. For sale at No. 314 Broad-street, nearly oppo site the Brunswick Bank, by juno 10 |4 * C. k L. DWELLS. LARD, LIME AND FLOUR. pT / \ BBLS. Prime Leaf LARD; *J SO kegs choice do, do.; 200 casks fresh Thomaston LIME ; 200 bbls. fresh ground Canal FLOUR, For sale by ESTES k RICHMOND, juue 10 f3el NEW NOVELS. Received by tiios. richards k son, r w »o Douglass, or The Autobiography of a Minis ters Daughter, by S. R. W, Nathalie, a tale by Julia Ivavanagh, author of “ Woman in F.gnce, kc. The Heir of WasbW ayland; a talo by Mary Ilowitfc. The Mother-in-Law, or The Isle of Rays, by !itiottUaneotto, WANTED. —An experienced SALESMAN, one acquainted with the Crockery Business pre ferred. Address Key Box 75, Augusta, Post Office, june 8 ts LALI/ERSTEDT & WIMBERLY have received this day per steamer from New York a very choice lot of New Style Lace CAPES, Hamilton Lace Under SLEEVES, Extra Rich Needleworked COLLARS, Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS, Thread and Lisle Edging, Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Figured and Plain. To which they invite attention. jnne 8 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between GOODRICH A CRUMP, was dissolved by mutual consent on the sth inst. W. H. GOODRICH, june 8 2f GEO. H. CRUMP. TABLE CUTLERY.— We have just receiveda large lot of fine Ivory Handle Knives and Forks. For sale by the dozen or in setts. Also, a good assortment of common Knives and Forks. For sale, at low prices, at our wholesale and retail Crockery Store, (a few doors above the Book Store of Messrs. Richards A Son.) june 8 J. J. LATHROP & CO. WAITERS, WAITERS.—On hand, and for sale low, a large lot of common and fine Waiters, at june 8 J. J. LATHROP A CO.’S. Britannia coffee and tea pots For sale, a good assortment, at very low prices, june 8 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TOBACCO. —65 boxes TOBACCO, from Lynch burg, Va. For sale by june G_ 12 PHINIZY A CLAYTON. Office Trans. S. C. Railroad Comp’y, Charleston. 23d May, 1851. ON AND AFTER the Ist June, the PASSEN GER TRAINS (for Hamburg, Columbia, Camden, and all intermediate stations on the South Carolina Railroad,) will commence and continue to run daily at the following hours: FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 8 a. m.—Arrive at Hamburg at 3 30 p. m.; at Columbia at 3 30 p. m.; at Cam den at 4 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 6 a. m.; Columbia at 6 30 a. m.; Camden at 5 30 a. m. —Arrive at Charleston at 2 p. m. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 11 30 a. m.—Arrive at Ham burg at 5 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 10 a. m.—Arrive at Charles ton at 4 p. m. The Express Train will run directly through, without stopping, and no Freight or Way Passen gers will be taken by it. J. D. PETSCH, june 3 lmo Super. Trans. S. C. R. R. Co. G£ORGIA RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, June 2d, Passen ger Trains will run daily as follows, viz : Leave Augusta at 6 o’clock, A. M. “ Atlanta “ 6 “ “ “ Athens “ 7 “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o'clock, P. M. “ “ Augusta “ 5 “ “ “ “ Athens “ 4| “ “ On and after June Ist, the Night Train will Leave Augusta at o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “5£ “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, A. M. “ “ Augusta “4£ “ “ Tho Athens Branch Train will connect only with the Day Train. Way Passengers will be charged three cents per mile on the Day Trains, and four cents per mile on the Night Trains. Agents will furnish tickets at each station, for all Trains, without which Passengers will bo charged each 20 cents. Trunsportation Office, G. R. R. A B. Co., ) Augusta, May 21st, 1851. ) may 23 " FOR SAVANNAH, To leave evert/ Tuesday tnqrning , at 9 o'colck. THE new and splendid light ju draught steamer HANCOCK, Capt. Murry, built expressly for the Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, unequalled by any boat on the river.—Apply to the paptain on board, or to the Agents, up 1 ' J). L. ADAMS & SQN. FOR SAVANNAH. Will leave every Tuesday Morning. THE SUPERIOR light draught steamer DE KALB, Captain J. M. Moody, having resumed her regular trips between Savannah and Augusta, will hereafter leave for Savannah every TUESDAY MORNINp. For Freight or Passage, having good accommo dations, apply to the Captain on board, or to dec 14 ly JOHN CASIIIN, Agent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, J Hamburg, June 2, 1801. ( ON AND AFTER this date, the Special Passen - gor Train between Hamburg and Aiken, will leave Hamburg at 5 30 P. M. june 3 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. INSTALMENT of 20 percent, on subscrip tions to tho Capital stock of this Company has boon called fur by the Board of Directors, paya ble on or boforo the the 17th day of Juno next,at tho office of Mr. Joseph Bancroft, the Secretary of the Company in Savannah. A. R. LAWTON, President, may 18 swtjAdtd SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver da f£ ii “ y BACON! BaC^! L/r i\i \d \ LBS. prime BACON SIDES, 15,600 OjvJv/v/ lbs. prime HAMS and SHOUL DERS, for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY. Hamburg, May 23, 1851. fl 2 may 23 DRIED APPLES. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Tennessee, about one hundred bushels fine DRIED AP PLES, which will be sold cheap, may 20 T. W. FLEMING A CO. BOLTING CLOTHS. OF WARRENTED quality, furnished and put up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakeing Millstones, cheap, and of best quality, for sale Jan 2 SCHIRMER A WIGAND, GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE and LADIES’ NA TIONAL MAGAZINE, have been received for June. Subscribers will please call for their co pies, at GEO. A. OATES A CO’S, m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st ICE! ICE! THE ELLIS STREET ICE COMPANY having received their supply of ICE at both houses, now offer it for sale at the same prices as here tofore, viz: AT RETAIL, 3 cents per pound: or, by the $5 worth Tickets at 24 cents, at which prices not loss than 2 pounds of Ice will be sold at a time. At wholesale —To Hotels, Bar Rooms, Soda Fountains, and other large consumers, by $26 worth of Tickets, at 2 cents, for which not less than twen ty pounds of Ice will be delivered at a time. The supply of Ice in the 1 House on Jackson street, will be sold first. Tehms cash, on delivery. All orders from tho country, directed to A. DEAS, Agent, Ellis street Ice Company, will re ceive prompt attention. Packages and Blankets furnished at cousfcomary prices, and the lee carefully packed, to be sent by Rail Road, if desired. The House will be opened, from sunrise until sun set, and on the Sabbath from 7 o’clock until 10 o'clock A. M. and from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, P. M. Tickets may be purchased, of the Agent, Mr. A. JllbwUaiuottu. MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE BY THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,000, ALL PAID IN. Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. HERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, 1 Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenholm, | Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, 1 J. H. Brawley, A. R. Taft, j T. L. Wragg. A. M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Rolicitor. R. A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance on fair and lieeral terms. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for tho above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 PROPOSALS will bo received by the Commit tee on the City Hall, until the 14th June, for Painting, Whitewashing, and other Repairs on the City Hall, which will bo pointed out by the Com mittee. Bond and security will be required for the faithful performance of the work to be done in the best manner. may 29 A. P. ROBERTSON, Chairman. HARPERS’ NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE for June, has been received. Also No. 367 of Little's Living Age. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES & CO., ma 29 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY & WATCHES. APRIL 28,1851. WE have just received a small, but beatiful lot of Diamond Ear Rings, Bracelets. Brooch and Ring te match —Diamond Bracelets, (of which the centre piece can be used as a Breast Pin) Dia mond Pins and Rings for Ladies and Gentlemen, in great, variety. Also just at hand, a good stock of rich and new style of Jewelry, and our usual spring importation of Gold Watches from Switzer land, direct to us, and bearing our name, which wo offer at law prices. ap 29 CLARK, RACKETT A CO. GLASS JARS. WE HAVE ON HAND, and will sell, at whole sale or retail, 30 dozen GLASS JARS, with Covers, at 20 fper cent less than they have ever been ’sold at in this city. Give us a call be fore buying. may 27 J. J. LATHROP & CO. TUMBLERS ! ! TUMBLERS !! 1 nn DOZEN TUMBLERS, of every variety I jUU and color, suitable for Family, Hotel, and Bar use; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B.—Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 cents per dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards & Son’s Book Store. may 2 J. J. LATHROP A CO. UFBAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale low, at may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO’S. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS. WE OFFER FOR SALE, at our wholesale and retail Crockery store, North side of Broad street, (few doors above Messrs. Richards A Sons Book Store,) a complete assortment of fine and common Ware. Wc would be pleased to have those who wish to purchase to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TO THE LADIES.—Wo have the largest supply of Hardware Vases in the city. For sale at very low prices. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. PIRIT OR BURNING'FLUID LAMPS —.A largo supply, just received, for sale at from 25 cents to $2 each. may 25 J. J. LATHROP & CO. SCHOOL TEACHING.—Theory and practice of teaching, or the motives and methods of good Shool-keeping, by David P. Page, A. M., princi gal of the State Normal School, Albany N. York. ! qr salo by may U T. RICHARDS A SON. ” PIANOMANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to execute all orders extended to|Bßßsja&3 him for the manufacture of PIANOfTII M * j FORTES, in any shape, size and style, at his Piano Manufactory in this city. They will be warranted j tQ be equal ip material, tone and finish, tp any i others to be procured in this country, and on as rea- ! sonablo terms. He will also REPAIR and TUNE Pianos when notified. P. BRENNER, apr 1 3mo Quality Range. SIVLEIIPLATEDC ASTORS’ ■\Tt7E OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of YY silver plated CASTORS, with cut'Cruets.— ] Those in want, will ‘find it to their advantage to give j us‘a call before buying, may 27 l J. LATHROP & CO, JUST RECEIVED. 1 FIRKINS Prime Goshen RUTTER, for sale 1U by HUTCHINSON A THOMAS, may 2.7 “PRIVATE SALE. BUSHELS of fine COW PEAS, just re v/v/ ceived by may 27 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS, MODERN Housewife or Menagcro, comprising nearly one thousand Roceipts for tho econo- i mical and judicious preparation of every meal of the day, with engravings by Alexis Soyer. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. MAGAZINES FOR JUNK JUST received, tho following Periodicals for the above month, viz: Godey’s Lady’s Book, and bartain's Union Magazine. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S., Piano, Book and Music Depot, Rr.o.ad street. R. —Also received, the Illustrated Brother Jonathan for 4th of July. may 17 pOR SALE ; THE SUBSCRIBER'S SUMMER RESI- Jr- DENCE, on the South Sand Hills, on theiaiiL first eminence south-west of the Turknett Spring. The situation is a pleasant one —of easy access to, and in full view of, the Geo. Rail Road. The Dwel ling is large, commodious, and in good repair. For further particulars, apply to SAMUEL C. WILSON, may 31 stuw3c3 WANTRD 1 AAA BUR. PRIME NEW wheat, for which the highest cash price will be paid by B. H. WARREN A CO. - may ,31 8 205 Broad Street. - NEW SPRING GOODS, JOHN MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 230 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Next door below the United States Hotel.) IS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as sortment of superior CLOTHS, Casimeres, Vest ings, Drills. Drap d'Ete, Cashmerets, and Trim pfngs, of all descriptions; foil assortment of Fan cy Articles, for gentlemen’s ‘ toilet; ladies Under Vests; Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making and Trimming in the best manner. may 6 ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE,: FERRIS A PAUL are receiving weekly, by steamers from New-York, the latest patterns and styles of gentlemen’s Wearing Apparoi And wq have on hand, a fine assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, and Linen Rrills, Drap d’Etes, Cashmeretts and Trimmings, of ail kinds, which we offer to make up to order gt short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. ARSQ READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimere Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Rinen and Queens Cloths Frock Coats; white ana colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Merino and Cot tqn Under-Shirts; Linen and Cotton Drawers; men’s and boy’s Braces; Spendqps’ Money Belts; Bilk, Cottpn and Linen Hair Hose ; Cravats', Pocket Handkorchiefe and Gloves, of all descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other things too numerous to mention. J. C. Ferris. | G. A. Paur, f JMisttUanton*. MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT TERIES. Managed , Drawn, and Prizes Paid by the well known and responsible firm of J. W. MAURY & CO. Extra Class 61, by Monongalia 63, June 7, 1851. Sales close SATURDAY, at 3, P. M. BRIL LIANT SCHEME! 14 Drawn Ballots from 78! 40,000 DOLLARS! !! 2 of $10,000; 2 of $5,000; 2 of $4,000; 2 of $3,- 000; 2 of $2,574; 5 of $2,000 ; 10 of $1,000; &e. &c. Tickets $10 —Halves $5 —Qrs. $2,50. Class 51, to be drawn at Savannah, June 10,1851. Sales close TUESDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 15 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 15,000 DOLLARS!!! $4,000 ; $2,000 ; $1,227; 2 prizes of SI,OOO ; &c. Ac. Tickets s4—Halves s2—Quarters sl. Class 52, to be drawn at Augusta, June 11th, 1851. Sales close WEDNESDAY, at 3, P. M. THE LITTLE PET. 14 Drawn Ballots from 78 ! 4,340 DOLLARS!! $1,000; $600; $293; besides numerous others. Tickets $1 —shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 26 quarters, $3,50. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. Orders from the city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. june 7 LUCKY OFFICE^ GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. For the benefit of the Independent Fire Company, Augusta, Oa. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the well known firm of D. PAINE A CO; THE LITTLE FAVORITE. Class 41, by Patapsco 163, June lOtlx, 1851. Sales close Tuesday at 12 M. Capital Prize 5,000 DOLLARS. 3 prizes of SI,OOO ; sos SSOO ; $481; 2 prizes of $450; $250 ; S2OO ; Ac., Ac. Tickets sl—Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of Quarters $3,90. Class 42, by Susquehanna 26, June 12th. 1851. Sales close Wednesday at 3 P. M. Splendid Scheme. 16 Drawn Ballots from 78. Capital Prize 35,000 DOLLARS. $15,000 ; $7,500 ; $3,608 ; 20 prizes of $1,000; Ac- Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quarters $2.50, Eighths $1,25. J. W. ADAM, opposite the Post Office. All orders from the city or country strictly confidential, and promptly attended to. june 8 CHARLES BERUFF? PORTRAIT (V MINIATURE PAINTER Room No. 4, Masonic Hall, HAYING located in Augusta, with' the purpose of pursuing his Profession, will be pleased to receive the calls of those ®sSeßi? who may favor him with their patronage. Mr. Beruff will teach the principles of the Art, if a class should be formed for that purpose, jan 8 6m UNITED STATES MAIL LINE New yor.v and Charles- TON, Steam Packets, Leave on every Tuesday Afternoon, through in 60 hours. THE NEW STEAM SHIP MA RION, 1200 Tons, Capt, M. Berry. STEAM SHIP SOUTHERNER, 1000 Tons, Capt. John Dickin son. THESE SPLENDID Ocean Steamers will leave Adger’s Wharves regularly every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, throughout tho year. The MARION commences her trips, leaving Saturday, May 31st. Passengers by this line may expect every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passage, having splendid State Room accommodations, apply to the Agent, at Charleston, S. C. HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay A Adger’s South Wharf Cabin Passage, $25; Steerage Passage, SB. No berth secured until paid for. The SOUTHERNER will leave Charleston for New York, on Saturday Afternoon, 10th and 24th May. f3mos may 4. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE. FLORIDA. .... Capt. Lyo^, —AND— ALABAMA Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to, the New York A Savannah Steam bt gvigation Company. On and after the i Ith Jan., will leave Savannah and New York every SATURDAY until further notice. These ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas sage $25 —payable in advance. Agents PaDELFORD, FAY A CO.„ Savannah, SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street. New York. A2TNA INSURANCE AGENCY. DR, MILLIGAN having resigned the Agency, the undersigned has boon appointed and duly commissioned Agent ofthoJSTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, and is prepared to take Fire and In land Navigation Risks, on as reasonable terms as any other office. Applications left at the office of Jeffers, Cothran A Co., Mclntosh street, will be promptly attended to. H. L. JEFFERS, Agent, apr 12 omo DRY GOODS "AT - AND UNDER COST ! THE subscribers intending to make a change in their business, offer their stock of GOODS at cost ! The stock is large and desirable, having been re cently purchased; and persons wanting Goods, can soon discover the grer.t deduction in the prices. Domestic LINENS, Calicoes, Sheetings and Shirtings, and other heavy Goods, at first cost. SILKS, Bareges, Lawns,Organdies, Printed Mus lins, Ginghams, and other Goods suitable for sum mer wear, will be sold less than cost. T. J. COSGROVE A CO., june 5 6 202 Broad-street. TO BUILDERS. ~~ r ~ PROPOSALS will be received till the 10th inst., for building a range of Dwelling HOUSES for the Augusta Manufacturing Company. Apply at the Company's office on Broad street, june 5 5 JAMES HOPE, Agent. NEW MAY BUTTER. AND CHEESE? JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, corner of Broad and Centre streets. The undersigned, having made arrangements to receive a fresh supply week ly, by the steamers from New York, will bo enabled to furnish families with the very best article, always fresh- Please give me a call, june 6 6 I. P. CALHOUN. ~ FEATHERS AND COW PEAST ~ 1 L,BS * choice Tennessee FEATHERS, 1 jVJvJVJ 200 bushels Cow PEAS, suitable for planting, Just received and for sale by june T 6 A. LAFITTE. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY?* Augusta, (Ga.) May 31,1851. IN ACCORDANCE with the new of this institution, the Board of will pro ceed to elect, at the, annual election, to bo hold on Saturday, tlio -sth day of July noxt, the following officers, for ono year from the Ist of October next: 1. A Rector and Classical Teacher, with a salary of SI4OO, and apartments in the Academy, 2. A Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Sci ences—salary SIOOO, with apaitmonts, or SI2OO without^ 3. A First English Teacher, with a salary similar to the last mentioned. 4. A Second English Teacher-^salary S6OO, with one apartment. 5. A Steward and Clerk—a salary of $l5O, and apartments. For further particulars, applv to ROBERT WALTON, President pro tern. june 3 ' | lO WHISKY, 1 m BARRELS Now Orleans WHISKY, lan- A,/ THisduy, and will bo sold low, if taken ftpm the wharf, ma - Y 17 T. W. FLEMING & CO. RING TRAVELLERS? A LARGE supply of Ring Travellers, just re ceived and for sale by JOHN BONES. 2Uuiion Sales. 1 BY HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. I » Bacon, Bacon. M t Will bo sold, on Wednesday, the 11th inst, in front £ J of store, on account and risk of all concerned. I | 10 casks Sugar-cured HAMS; I 10 hhds. MOLASSES; | 5 do. SUGAR; f 25 boxes TOBACCO; I 10 bbls. WHISKEY; I 15 do. GIN, assorted brands. I Terms cash. june 10 BY HUTCHINSON &~THOMAS. Dry Goods. Will be sold, in front of store, on Wednesday, 11th. A lot of Dry Goods, Shoes, choice Blankets, &e. Terms cash. june 10 CxTOCP PIPS* BY HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. Will be sold, in front of Store, on Wednesday, the 11th inst., 10 bbls. old Rye WHISKY, 5 half barrels Otard Brandy, 2 bbls. old Peach do. 5 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, 10 kitts Mackerel, 5 kitts Scotch Herring, 5 boxes Codfish, 5 boxes Star Candles, 6 boxes Rock and Steam Candy, 10 boxes Soap. Also, ono small Two Horse Wagon.. Terms cash- june 10 BY HUTCHINSON & THOMAS? Bacon Shoulders. Will be sold, in front of our store, on Wednesday, j the 11th inst., 5 hhds. sup. Bacon Shoulders, a choice article, , warranted sound. june 10 ;||gp BY AT LAFITTE. I Positive Sale, of Flour, Nuts and Fruits. This Day, at 11 o'clock, in front of Store, to close consignments, will be sold, 45 bbls. choice Canal FLOUR, sound and sweet. 7 bags Brazil Nuts. 2 bags Madeira do. 8 boxes Oranges, in fine order. $ 19 boxes Lemons, in fine order. Terms cash. june 10 % | BY A. LAFITTE. ‘ Valuable House Servant on account of former pur chaser. On Tuesday next, 10th inst., in front of Store, at 12 o’clock, will be sold, MOSES, a copper colorod boy, about 16 years of ago, an excellent House Servant, sold on account and risk of the former purchaser; he not having complied with tho terms of sale. Conditions—A note payable Ist December next, bearing interest from 3d June inst., with an en dorser to be approved of by the Executors of thq late Charles Cunningham, deceased. jane 7 td BY A. LAFITTE? ' Bagging and Tobacco , on account of altimwer V On 1 uesday next, at 10£ o'clock, will be positively * . sold, on account of all concerned Jjj P ieces Kentucky BAGGING, slightly dam -10 buses TOBACCO, various brands. And immedialy after, «A, genoral assortment of GROCERIES DRY GOODS, CUTLERY, GUNS, &g., Ac. june 7 ierms Cash. J . BY A. LAFITTE. " ~ Thirty days after date, will be sold, unless previ ously claimed by the owner or owners P 4 qr. casks Choice MADEIRA WINE?’ Said Zr TWrnf T in Stor ° WO y° ar ™th no claim - ant. Terms cash. may VS LIFE: its Shadows and SunshinoTby Arthur I''™ 1 ''™ WiVGS; ° r ’ th ° L ° St and Won > b ST. S. Woman’s Trials; or, Tales and Sketches from the life around us, by T. S. Arthur. The above good books aro for sale bv may 30 TIIOS. RICHARDS A SON. ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY. I D to to order. ril other *l-ACTING?? of . ov . er y description, and an otnei LAbIINGS made m similar establish. mente, including GIN GEAR, PLATES & BALLS <KC., <&C. * —ALSO- BARK MILLS, With tho latest improvements, all of which will bo warranted to be of the best material and work manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROCK, at the lowest rates for cash. A T v YT)F\r wiu A p TE -uI CAST IRON WATER WHEELS? fDi C \ WI be , * ?ttrni u te d to cut two thousand feet JLvLi P er da .V, under any head of water above four fc-et. Manufactured by ma y ll dfAcly A, LEYDEN. A C ARD. m y entire interest in the -LA Globe Hotel to Mr. L. S. Morris, I return mv thanks to my friends and the public gonerallv for the very libera! patronage extended to me, and so lioit for him a continuance of the same. Mr. Morris has been long and favorably known to tins community, and I feel confident that his great energy and gentlemanly bearing will make the Globe Hotel worthy of still more extended pa- ■** trona 2 e - F, M. JENNINGS. Having purchased of Mr. F. M. Jennings his entire interest in the Globe Hotel, I solicit a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon hiriH No effort or expense shall be spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor me with a ® all - L. S. MORRIS. feb 7 6mdxc_ HAT 3, CAPS, AND STRAW~GOOD9 JAT CHARLESTON PRICES. TAYLOR, JR. ic CO*, would respecffullv v*# • inform the Merchants of Georgia, »,nd ad ML joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their line, their stoSE being Tor, the largest and best selected of any ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms as Groceries, Saddles, Drills, be bought in this city. ” •> Please call before going below. a p r g WATCH MAKER AND jEWFLLER F. A* URAHE, Rat his old stand, No. 214 Broad Strutt ESPECIALLY returns his jJSKS* acknowledgements to his friends and ©X tne public, for tho very liberal share of tronage he has received in his line, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give hsfactiop, and merit further confidence. N- B—l have received, and offer with confi donce Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fan-v TFw BLRY 9 „ch Fancy Guard and Fob I Chfin/ Breast Mantle Clocks, and man? articles too tedious to enumerate, which the mlb chases mV t 0 ° XamiAa Wbr ° makiag their pur- oot 24 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. T Agency in Augusta. HE undersigned has been appoG. tod for the above Company, and is „ " tCC * Ago 1 take Fire, Marine and Gland SavWion ftonnums in all case., *-• be ' S R,sl! ' o , JEFFERS, Agent., , TTIJ t to Planters? - " inform Planters [that wo SMALL GRIST MILLS, f Suitable to be attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different pattorns at the lowest prices. These Mills have given the highest satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. * SCHIRMERA WIG AND. f; &- Burr Millstone Manufacturers, A ugusts, Ga jan 21 BLASTING POWDER A FEW barrels fey tale by HUIH>HINSON & THOMAS.*! may 25 AKiTK's 3A(GZIM: FOR JINK.—Ktf ceived by jB