Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 12, 1851, Image 3

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...... . .... B JMrs. Bloomer, the lady who edits the “Lily,” and who has created such a sensation in New York, not only by “donning the pantaloons,” but by advocating the movement as one that should be generally adopted by the gentler portion of creation, thus describes her present apparel, and suggests various improvements: “Our costumes is as yet by no means perfect ed; there is a lack of harmony in the dress we now wear, which is nothing different from the reigning fashion, except that our skirts have been robbed of about a foot of their former length, and a pair of loose trowsers. of the same material as j the dress, substituted. These latter extend from the waist to the an kle, and may be gathered in a band buckled round the' ankle, or, what we think prettier, gathered or plaited up, about two inches in depth, and left sufficiently wide for the foot to pass through, and allow of their falling over the top of the gaiter. They may be trimmed to suit the wearer. In stead of the whalebone bodice, the dress should be made with a sack front entire from the shoul der to the knee, and a tight back, with the skirt gathered in as usual; or cut the hole in the sack style—fitting the form to the waist—and then fc let it swell out, giving sufficient fulness to the skirt. Shawls must be abandoned, and a sack or S ' mantilla take its place; a nice fitting or boot gai ter, and a round hat, would make the whole unique. Our dress is thus far a mere experiment, and not what we think it should be. It takes time to revolutionize one's wardrobe, as well as one’s opinion. A Sentimental Robber.—A fellow entered the house of Mr. Fitch, in St. Louis, recently, and rifled the bureaus of their contents. He was not satisfied with his theft, but seeing a young lady asleep he stole a kiss, which aroused the sleeper, who seized the thieving rascal by the coat, rais ed an alarm, and the fellow was caught and safe ly lodged in prison, Where he will have time to reflect upon the danger of indulging in sentiment when business is to be attended to. Rufus Choate. —The New York Evening Post, noticing the appearance of this dist inguish . ed lawyer in the Methodist Church case, in the U. S. Circuit Court at New York, says: “In person, Mr. Choate is tall, thin and arrowy, with a dark coffee-colored countenance, lustrous black eyes, crisp black hair, and a peculiar ner vousness of manner, which causes one to suppose I that he must be an enormous consumer of Mocha. His speaking; however, is more deliberate than i one would infer, from his general constitution. The tone of his voice, especially in its cadences, are not unlike Mr. Emerson’s, with less softness and greater volume, but with the same occasional nasal twang which markesthe accent of the New Englanders. Yet it is deeply sympathetic and we can easily understand its power, when he ap peals directly to the feelings.” O'Brien and Meagher.—A letter from Van Dieman’s Land states that Smith O'Brien has become tutor to a gentleman’s family in the colo ny, and that Mr. Meagher is about to vary the monotony of “ convict life ” by taking unto him self a wife, in the shape of Miss Bennett, a far mer’s daughter. Serial lloticcs. We are authorize to announce the name of Brigadier General STEPHEN DRAKE, as a can didate for Major General to command tho Second Division of Georgia Militia. june 11 [CP^Notice. —Post Office, Augusta, June 2d, 1851.—0 n and after this date, tho Western Mail will close at 3 P. M. Northern and Charleston Mails at 5 A. M. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. The Office will be opened at 7A. M. and closed on the nival of the Northern Mail, which will bo ready for delivery by 4j P. M., after which the office will continue open until 8 P. M. On Sundays, the office will be opened from 8 to 9 A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Persons having Key Boxes and wishing Letters charged, are requested to make the following de signation: “Charge Key Box No. — june 3 BENJ. F. HALL. P. M. Visiting Cards.—Just received, a superb lot of ENAMELLED CARDS! All orders loft at the Post Office, or given in per son, will receive prompt attention, may 25 A. G. WILLIS. Soda Water.-— Cold SODA WATER, with a variety of Syrups, at the Drug Store of PHILIP A. MOISE, Metcalf's Range. N.B. —Congress Water always in Ice. may 24 5m The undersigned have this day commenced to serve ICE CREAM. The'rLadies and Gentlemen are invited to give us a call. may 1 ts N. GIRARDY A SONS. __ LOCATING LAND WARRANTS. I HAVE effected an arrangement with a gentleman of the west for the purpose. lam also authorized to purchase the Land after it is located, mar 2 6m ANDREW H. 11. DAWSON. BELL-AIR TRAIN. yyy The Bell-air Train will commence its f£*» Summer Trips, on MONDAY, June 9th, lcav-gffif- | ing Bell-Air at A. M., and Augusta at 61 P. M., daily- No free seats. june 7 Qs?=*Mr. E. C. Sofge having met with such lib eral encouragement, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public that he has permanently located himself in Augusta as Professor of the Piano Porte, and Organ. Communications left at the Music A Book Store of Messrs. Geo. A. Oates A Co. will bo punctually attended to. jan 3 €ommereial, Augusta Market, June 11—P. M. COTTON. —The market is firm, and steady, rang ing from 6£ to 9 cents. The arrival of the steamer America from Liverpool with dates to 31st ult., is announced with quotations the same as before re vived, with sales of 51,000 bales during the week. t T VERPOOL, May 28.—There is an apparent 1 ’n the Cotton market. Nevertheless, prices C sn^»w' downwards. During the course of the s _ , "g May 22d, holders submitted to ado s , i mr lb. The sales wore only 41,270 bales, of which ** trade took 34,730. The Niaga ra’s advices do notappr to have any particular effect upon the market, Since Friday a fair extent of business has been transacted, and although full rates were paid, the quotations of that day stand tor the most part unaltered. The transactions of Sa turday, Monday, and Way, are about 24,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters have taken 6,- 500 bales. T 1* „ _. , LIVERPOOL, MAY 28.— Cotton.— The sales rince Friday are 15,000 bags, of which 3,000 are ta ken on speculation and for export. This day s sales «re 9 000 bags. There is a small improvement m prices since Friday, but it is hardly id. per lb. The arrivals since Friday are two vessels from New Or *TiVeRPOOL, May 28.—With regard to Ameri can provisions, we may remark that since I riday there has been no material change in tho market.— At to-day’s public sales, the only article which found purchasers was 390 boxes of damaged Bacon, at 38s. to 38s. 6d. per cwt. The demand for Lard has im proved, and 50s. is the currency for prime qualities. SAVANNAH, Juno 10.— Cotton,— The trans actions yesterday, were limited to 255 bales, as fol- at 8; ISO at 8}; and 47 bales at 8* cents. SAVANNAH EXPORTS—JUNE 9. Upston— Brig Carolina—9o,ooo feet Timber. TOILET SJSTT —One splendid French China Toilet SETT, for sale at w 2 /. J. LATHROP * CO’S. Shipping Intelligence. arrivals from charleston. • Ship Julia Howard, Bulkley, London. Dan. barque Jorgcn Beech, Bodker, Copenhagon. Nor. brig Erin, Bie, Amsterdam. Schr. Northern Light, Davis, Baltimore. Schr. Louisa, Gray, Sharpe, Philadelphia. UP FOR CHARLESTON. Ketch Brothers, Lovett, at Philadelphia. SAILED FOR CHARLESTON. ;■ Br. ship Margaret, Hawes, from Liverpool. Br. barque Commerce, Henry, from Liverpool. CHARLESTON, June 11.—Arr’d. ship Chace, White, N. York; brigs Foster, Thomas, Mill Stone Point; (Conn.); Souther, Mayo, Boston; Gulnare, Ellems, Boston; schrs. Mediator, Mellard, Fall Ri ver, (Mass.); Gen. E. Prescott, Gilkey, Camden, (Me.); Henry Middleton, Stein, NeAV York; Cham pion, Osborn, Baltimore. In the Offing, a square rigged vessel, unknown. Cld. schr. 11. M. Johnson, Lunt, Philadelphia. Went to sea, Br. ship Aberdeen, Isbister, Liver pool. SAVANNAH, June 10.—Arrived,|steamor Chat ham, Postell, Augusta. Cleared, brig Carolina, Anderson, Boston. Went to sea, ship Eli Whitney, Hayden, Liver pool ; brigs Carolina, Anderson, Boston; Telegraph, Rich, New-York. CONCERT HALL THEATRE. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY. ON WHICH OCCASION Mr. C. K. MASON has volunteered his professional aid, both as actor and manager. He will appear in his celebrated character of NAPOLEON. The management has likewise the pleasure to an nounce that a young gentlemen, an Amatuer of Au gusta, will make his first appearance on any stage, in the character of Sir Charles Coldstream. THIS ( THURSDAY) EVENING, June 12, Tho performance will cominenco with the beau tiful Historical Drama of tho DEATH OF NAPOLEON. Napoleon Mr. C. K. Mason. Claudy .. .Mrs. Chapman. Tho whole to conclude with the first act of the Comedetta of USED UP. Sir Charles Coldstream, by a young gentleman of Augusta, his first appearance on any stage. For particulars see Small Bills. [UP* Tickets 50 cents; children half-price. CGF” Doors open at o’clock—performance to commence at 8 precisely. june 12 MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE, Nos. 4 and 5, received by june 12 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, on the 3d inst., two Negro Men, viz: JOHN, a && mulatto man, about 35 years old, five feet six inches high, weight about 140 pounds. He is aoout an average negro for looks and intelligence—he has some good clothes, and will probably wear a vest with red broad checks. He has a small scar on his right eye-brow near the outsido corner; just below his left hip bone there is a scar about the sizo of a dollar, where he says he has been shot—this is darker than the skin. He has several scars on tho left hip and shoulder. RALPH, a dark copper colored man, 22 years old, six foet high, weight 180 pounds. He is rather likely looking and intelligent. John has been in Jail in Augusta. They will probably try to get back to North-Carolina. The above reward will be given for the delivery to me, or in any safe Jail, of tho two negroes, or $25 for either. WILLIAM STEGALL. Albany, Juno 6, 1851. 3c june 12 TO HOLDERS BONDS. " ” Central Bank of Georgia, ( June 7th, 1851. j’ THE holders of the following 7 per cent Bonds, old emission, without coupons, are hereby no tified to present them for payment on or before tbe Ist of July next, as after that day no interest will be paid upon them —to wit: Bonds Nos. 136, 137, 141, 142, 143, 144, each for one thousand dollars, and Bonds Nos. 145, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158*'k59 t each for five hundred dollars. By orcferW the Director. A. M. NISBET, Cashier. Millcdgeville, June 7, 1851. ctd june 12 ARTHUR’S WORKS.—Poor Wives; or Lost and Won, byArthur. Home Scenes, and Home Influence, by Arthur, Woman’s Trials, Ac., by Arthur. The Ways of Providence; or He doeth all things Well, by Arthur. The Regicide’s Daughter—a Tale of two Worlds, by W. H. Carpenter. Also—Scenes in our Parish, by a Country Par son's Daughter. Williams’ Traveller’s Guide through the United States and Canada. For sale by june 12 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. INDIA RUBBER DOLL HEADS. THE Subscribers have just received an assort ment of Doll Heads, made from India Rubber, of both large and small sizes, GEO. A. OATES A CO. june 12 Broad Street opposite the State Bank. FOR SALE." A YOUNG WOMAN, a good Sempstress, and House Servant, and her infant child. The woman is 23 years old, fine looking, of good temper and warranted sound. Inquire at this office. ts June 11 BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS.—The Book of Ora tory, by Edward C. Marshall, M. A. General Theory of Bridge Construction, contain ing demonstrations of the principles of the art, and their application to practice, by Herman Haupt Civil Engineer. Tho above for sale by june 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. TO MECHANICS. APPLETON’S DICTIONARY of Mechanics, Engine-Work and Engineering, designed for Practical Working men, and those intended for the Engineering profession. For sale by june 11 THOMAS RICHARDS A SON. OATES’ EXCHANGE TABLES. TABLES of Sterling Exchange, in which are shown the value of a Sterling Bill, in Federal Money for any amount from £lto £IO,OOO, at every rate of premium, Ac. Received by june 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. HAY, HAY—A store and for sale by • . MOORE, june 8 flmo At Adams, Hopkins A Co. MASONIC REGAILIA. JUST received, a supply of Masonic REGALIAS. For sale at No. 314 Broad-street, nearly oppo site the Brunswick Bank, by june 10 f 4 C. AL. DWELLE. LARD, LIME AND FLOUR. /X / \ BBLS. Prime Leaf LARD; *J\s 50 kegs choice do. do.; 200 casks fresh Thomaston LIME ; 200 bbls. fresh ground Canal FLOUR. For sale by ESTES A RICHMOND, june 10 t3cl NEW NOVELS^ pECEIVED by THOS. RICHARDS A SON Rose XV Douglass, or Tho Autobiography of a Minis ters Daughter, by S. R. W. Nathalie, a tale by Julia Kavanagh, author of “ Woman in France,” Ac. The Heir of Wast-W ayland; a tale bv Marv Howitt. The Mother-in-Law, or The Isle of Rays, by Emma D. C. Nevill Soutkworth. june 10 HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. T TAYLOR, JR. & CO., would respectfully *1 • inform the Merchants of Georgia, and ad joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their line, their stock being now tho largest and best selected of any ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms as Groceries, Saddles, Drugs, Ac., can be bought in this city. Please call before going below. apr 8 HARPER’S MAGAZINE FOR JUNE.—Re oeived by june 7 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. fttisttUaneotta, WANTED. —An experienced SALESMAN, one acquainted with the Crockery Business pre ferred. Address Key Box 75, Augusta, Post Office. june 8 ts LALLERSTEDT & WIMBERLY have received thus day per steamer from New York a very choice lot of New Style Lace CAPES, Hamilton Lace Under SLEEVES, Extra Rich Needleworked COLLARS, Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS, Thread and Lisle Edging, Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Figured and Plain. To which they invite attention. jnne 8 notice" THE Copartnership heretofore existing between GOODRICH A CRUMP, was dissolved by mutual consent on the sth inst. W. H. GOODRICH, june 8 2f GEO. H. CRUMP. TABLE CUTLERY.—We have just" largo lot of fine Ivory Handle Knives and Forks. For sale by the dozen or in setts. Also, a good assortment of common Knives and Forks. For sale, at low prices, at our wholesale and retail Crockery Store, (a few doors above the Book Store of Messrs. Richards A Son.) june 8 J. J. LATHROP A CO. WAITERS, WAITERS On hand, and for sale low, a large lot of common and fine W QlfoVC of" june 8 ‘ J. J. LATHROP A CO.’S. Britannia coffee and tea pots For sale, a good assortment, at very low prices, june 8 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TOBACCO. — 65 boxes TOBACCO, from Lynch burg, Va. For sale by june 6 12 PHINIZY A CLAYTON. Office Trans. S. C. Railroad Comp’y, Charleston. 23d May, 1851. ON AND AFTER the Ist June, the PASSEN GER TRAINS (for Hamburg, Columbia, Camden, and all intermediate stations on the South Carolina Railroad,) will commence and continue to run daily at the following hours: FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 8 a. m.—Arrive at Hamburg at 3 30 p. m.; at Columbia at 3 30 p. m.; at Cam den at 4 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 6 a. m.; Columbia at 6 30 a. til.; Camden at 5 30 a. m. —Arrive at Charleston at 2 p. m. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRAIN. UP. Leavo Charleston at 11 30 a. mu—Arrive at Ham burg at 5 30 p. m. DOWN. Leavo Hamburg at 10 a. m.—Arrive at Charles ton at 4 p. m. The Express Train will run directly through, without stopping, and no Freight or Way Passon gers will bo taken by it. J. D. PETSCH, june '3 lmo Super. Trans. S. C. R. R. Co. GEORGIA" RAILROAD^ ON AND AFTER MONDAY, June 2d, Passen ger Trains 'will run daily as follows, viz : Leavo Augusta at 6 o’clock, A. M. “ Atlanta “ 6 “ “ “ Athens “ 7 “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, P. M. “ “ Augusta “ 5 “ “ “ “ Athens “ “ “ On and after June Ist, the Night Train will Leave Augusta at 5£ o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “5£ “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o'clock, A. M. “ “ Augusta “4£ “ “ The Athens Branch Train will connect only with the Day Train. Way Passengers will be charged three cents per mile on the Day Trains, and four cents per mile on the Night Trains. Agents will furnish tickets at each station, for all Trains, without which Passengers will be charged each 20 cents. Transportation Office, G. 11. R. B. Co., ) Augusta, May 21st, 1851. J may 23 ~ FOR SAVANNAH' To leave every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'eolck. TH E new and splendid light ** fe, draught steamer HANCOCK, Capt. Murry, built expressly for the Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, unequalled by any boat on the river.—Apply to the Obtain on board, or to the Agents, apl D. L. ADAMS A SON. FOR SAVANNAH. ~ “ •Will leave every Tuesday Morning. THE SUPERIOR light draught steamer DE KALB, Captain >* . U aTSB fe J. M. Moody, having resumed her regular trips between Savannah and Augusta, will hereafter leavo for Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. For Freight or Passage, having good accommo dations, apply to the Captain on board, or to dec 14 ly JOHN CASIIIN, Agent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, ) Hamburg, June 2, 1851. ) ON AND AFTER this date, the Special Passen ger Train between Hamburg and Aiken, will leave Hamburg at 5 30 P. M. june 3 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. AN INSTALMENT of 20 percent, on subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of this Company has been called for by the Board of Directors, paya ble on or before the the 17th day of June next,at the office of Mr. Joseph Bancroft, the Secretary of the Company in Savannah. A. R. LAWTON, President, may 18 swtjAdtd SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city, apr ll 5m E. D. ME\ V ER. BACON! BACON! 1 PC LBS. prime BACON SIDES, 15,000 1 lbs. prime HAMS and SHOUL DERS, for sale by JOSIAII SIBLEY. Hamburg, May 23, 1851. fl 2 may 23 “ DRIED APPLES^ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Tennessee, about one hundred bushols fine DRIED AP PLES, which will be sold cheap, may 20 T. W. FLEMING A CO. BOLTING CLOTHS. OF WARRENTED quality, furnished and put up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakeing Millstones, cheap, and of best quality, for sale Jau 2 SCHIRMER A WIGAND. GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE and LADIES’ NA TIONAL MAGAZINE, have boon received for June. Subscribers will please call for their co pies, at GEO. A. OATES A CO’S, m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st - ICE! ICE! THE ELLIS STREET ICE COMPANY having received their supply of ICE at both houses, now offer it for sale at the same prices as here tofore, viz: AT RETAIL, 3 cents per pound; or, by the $5 worth Tickets at 2£ cents, at which prices not less than 2 pounds of Ico will be sold at a time. At wholesale —To Hotels, Bar Rooms, Soda Fountains, and other large consumers, by S2O worth of Tickets, at 2 cents, for which not less than twen ty pounds of Ice will be delivered at a time. The supply of Ice in the House on Jackson street, will be sold first. Teems cash, on delivery. All orders from the country, directed to A. DE AS, Agent, Ellis street Ice Company, Augusta, will re ceive prompt attention. Packages and Blankets furnished at coustomary prices, and the Ice carefully packed, to be sent by Rail Road, if desired. Tho House will be opened, from sunrise until sun set, and on the Sabbath from 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock A. M. and from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, P. M. Tickets may be purchased, of the Agent, Mr. A. Dea#, at the loe House. ts apr 2 Mmdlantons. MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE BY THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,000, ALL PAID IN. Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. HERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, I Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenholm, | Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, J. 11. Brawley, A. R. Taft, | T. L. Wragg. A. M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Rolicitor. R. A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance on fair and liceral terms. The subscriber having Veen appointed Agent for the above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 PROPOSALS will be received by the Commit tee on the City Hall, until the 14th June, for Painting, Whitewashing, and other Repairs on tho City Hall, which will be pointed out by the Com mittee. Bond and security will be required for tho faithful performance of the work to bo done in tho best manner. may 29 A. P. ROBERTSON, Chairman. ARPERS’ NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE for June, has been received. Also No. 367 of Little’s Living Age. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES A CO., ma 29 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY & WATCHES. APRIL 28, 1851. WE havo just received a small, but beatiful lot of Diamond Ear Rings, Bracelets, Brooch and Ring te match—Diamond Bracelets, (of which the centre piece can bo used as a Breast Pin) Dia mond Pins and Rings for Ladies and Gentlemen, in great, variety. Also just at hand, a good stock of rich and new style of Jewelry, and our usual spring importation of Gold Watches from Switzer land, direct to us, and bearing our name, which we offer at law prices. ap 29 CLARK, RACKETT A CO. GLASS JARS. WE HAVE ON HAND, and will sell, at whole sale or retail, 30 dozen GLASS JARS, with Covers, at 20 per cent less than they havo over been ’sold at in this city. Give us a call be foro buying. may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO. _ TUMBLERS !! TUMBLERsTT -1 nn DOZEN TUMBLERS, of every variety 1 jUU and color, suitable for Family, Hotel, and Bar use; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B.—Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 cents per dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards A Son's Book Store. may 2 J. J. LATHROP A CO. Ur”BAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale low, at may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO’S. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS. WE OFFER FOR SALE, at our wholesale and retail Crockery store, North side of Broad street, (few doors above Messrs. Richards A Sons Book Storo,) a complete assortment of fine and common Ware. We would be pleased to havo those who wish to purchase to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TO THE LADIES.—We havo the largest supply of Hardware Yases in the city. For sale at very low prices. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. PIRIT OR BURNING "FLUID LAMPS —.A large supply, just received, for sale at from 25 cents to $2 each. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. SCHOOL TEACHING.—Theory and practice of teaching, or the motives and methods -of good Shool-keeping, by David P. Pago, A. princi pal of the State Normal School, Albany N. York. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS & SON. PIANO MANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to execute all orders extended to|pS|Bp||l him for the manufacture of PIANOf? H TT> FORTES, in any shape, size and style, at his Piano Manufactory in this city. They will be warranted to be equal in material, tone and finish, to any others to be procured in this country, and on as rea sonable terms. He will also REPAIR and TUNE Piano 3 when notified. P. BRENNER, apr 1 3mo Quality Range. SIVLER PLATED CASTORS. WE OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of silver plated CASTORS, with cut Cruets.— Those in want, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying, may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO. JUST RECEIVED. I / \ FIRKINS Prime Goshen BUTTER, for sale I U by HUTCHINSON A THOMAS, may 27 ’ PRIVATE SALE. ‘ BUSHELS of fine COW PEAS, just re- Uv\J ceived by may 27 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. MODERN Housewife or Menagere, comprising nearly one thousand Receipts for the econo mical and judicious preparation of every meal of the day, with engravings by Alexis Soyer. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS A SON. MAGAZINES FOR JUNE~ JUST received, the following Periodicals for the above month, viz: Godey’s Lady’s Book, and Sartain’s Union Magazine. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S., Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad street. N. B.—Also received, the Illustrated Brother Jonathan for 4th of July. may 17 NOTICE. THE business of the concern of JOHN A SAM UEL BONES A CO., in the HARDWARE and CUTLERY BUSINESS, in the city of Augus ta, expired on the 21st ult. It will be continued by the subscribers, under the firm of BONES A BROWN. JOHN BONES. JAMES BROWN. Augusta, 2d June, 1851. 2c4 june 3 NEW SPRING GOODS, JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 230 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Next door below the United States Hotel.) TS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as- A sortment of superior CLOTHS, Casimeres, Vest ings, Drills, Drap d’Ete, Cashmerets, and Trim mings, of all descriptions; full assortment of Fan cy Articles, for gentlemen’s toilet; ladies Under Vests: Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making and Trimming in the best manner. may 6 ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. FERRIS & PAUL are receiving weekly, by steamers from New-York, tho latest patterns and styles of gentlemen’s Wearing Apparel. And wo have on hand, a fine assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, and Linen Drills, Drap d’Etes, Cashmoretts and Trimmings, of all kinds, which we offer to make up to order at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimere Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Linen and Queens Cloths Frock Coats; white and colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Merino and Cot ton Under-Shirts; Linen and Cotton Drawers; men’s and boy’s Braces; Spenders’ Money Belts; Silk, Cotton and Linen Half Hose; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Gloves, of all descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other things too numerous to mention. J. C. Ferris. | G. A. Paul. june 5 BLASTING POWDER. A FEW barrels for sale by HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. may 25 HALL LAMPS.—Low priced Hall Lamps at May 25 J. J, LATHROP & CO. J!HiseeUaneotto. MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT TERIES. Managed, Drawn, and Prizes Paid by the well known and responsible firm of J. W. MAURY & CO. Drawn Numbers of Class 52, drawn at Augusta June 11, 1851: 35 22 56 18 48 14 76 16 57 60 13 71 7 63. Class 53, to be drawn at Savannah, June 13, 1851. Sales close FRIDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 13 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 8,000 DOLLARS!!! $2,000; $1,400 ; $1,053; 4of SSOO ;8 of $200; Ac. Ac. Tickets $2 —Halves $1 —Quarters 50c. Extra Class 62, by Monongalia 66, June 14, 1851. Sales close SATURDAY, at 3, P. M. RICH AND BRILLIANT SCHEME ! 12 Drawn Bal lots from 75 ! 55,000 DOLLARS!!! $35,000: $20,000; $11,330; 3 of $7,000; 4 of 5,000; 4of $3,000; 5 of $2,000; 200 of $500; besides numerous others. Tickets $15 —Halves $7,50 — Quarters $3,75 —Eighths $1,87. Class 54, to be drawn at Savannah, June 17th, 1851. Sales close TUESDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLEN DID SCHEME. 14 Drawn Ballots from 78 ! 20,000 DOLLARS!! $6,000 ; $4,000 ; $2,468; 10 prizes of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $5 —Halves $2,50 —Quarters $1,25. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. HCP" Orders from tho city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. june 11 ~lucky~6ffice7~ GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. For the benefit of tho Independent Fire Company, Augusta, Ga. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the well known firm of D. PAINE A CO; THE LITTLE UN. Class 43, by Patapsco 165, June i2th, 1851. Salos close Thursday at 12 M. 12 Drawn Ballots from 75. Capital Prize 4,500 DOLLARS. $1,250; $577; 2 prizes of $550; sos $350; 2of S2OO ; Ac., Ac. Tickets $1 —Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 25 Quarters $3,70. 18 Drawn Ballots from 75. Class 44, by Grand Consolidated N, June 14th. 1851. Sales close Saturday at 3 P. M. Splendid Schemo. 50,000 DOLLARS. $25,000 ; $15,000 ; $12,500 ; $7,500 ; $5,210 ; 2 of $4,000; 2 of $2,000, Ac., Ac. Tickets sls, Halves s7£, Quarters $3,75, Eighths $1,87. J. W. ADAM, opposite the Post Office. [£P“ All orders from the city or counti’y strictly confidential, and promptly attended to. june 11 CHARLES BERUFF, " PORTRAIT 4- MINIATURE PAINTER Room No. 4, Masonic Hall, HAVING located in Augusta, with purpose of pursuing his Prefession, will be pleased to receive the calls of those vSgSeasP who may favor him with their patronage. Mr. Beruff will teach the principles of the Art, if a class should be formed for that purpose, jan 8 6m ‘ NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM ~ SHIP LINE. FLORIDA AND ALABAMA Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York A Savannah Steam Navigation Company. On and after the 11th Jan., will leave Savannah and New York every SATURDAY until further notice. These ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas sage $25 —payable in advanco. Agents * PADELFORD, FAY A CO.„ Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street, New York. IETNA INSURANCE AGENCY. DR. MILLIGAN having resigned the Agency, the undersigned has been appointed and duly eommissioned Agent ofthojETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, and is prepared to take Fire and In land Navigation Risks, on as reasonable terms as any other office. Applications left at the office of Jeffers, Cothran A Co., Mclntosh street, will be promptly attended to. 11. L. JEFFERS, Agent, apr 12 6mo “NEW MAY BUTTERAND CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, comer of Broad and Centre streets. The undersigned, having made arrangements to receive a fresh supply week ly, by the steamers from New York, will be enabled to furnish families with the very best article, always fresh. Please give me a call, june 6 6 I. P. CALHOUN. “feathers and cow peas’ 1 / \(\t \ LBS. choice Tennesssee FEATHERS, -L 200 bushels Cow PEAS, suitable for planting. Just received and for sale by june 7 6 A. LAFITTE. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY.! Augusta, (Ga.) May 31,1851. IN ACCORDANCE with the new organization of this institution, the Board of Trustees will pro ceed to elect, at the annual election, to bo held on Saturday, tho sth day of July next, the following officers, for one year from the Ist of October next: 1. A Rector and Classical Teacher, with a salary of SI4OO, and apartments in the Academy. 2. A Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Sci ences —salary SIOOO, with apartments, or SI2OO without. 3. A First English Teacher, with a salary similar to the last mentioned. 4. A Second English Teacher—salary S6OO, with ono apartment. 5. A Steward and Clerk—a salary of $l5O, and apartments. For further particulars, apply to ROBERT WALTON, President pro tern, june 3 flO WHISKY. 1 /\/\ BARRELS New Orleans WHISKY, lan- JL UU ding This day, and will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. may 17 T. W. FLEMING A CO. RING TRAVELLERS. A LARGE supply of Ring Travellers, just re ceived and for sale by june 5 th 6 JOHN BONES’ WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 BROAD STREET. Respectfully returns his acknowledgements to his friends and ]obh the public, for the very liberal share of pa-sLM** tronage he has received in his line, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub lic are invited to examine before making their pur chases. , oct 24 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND CHARLES TON, Steam Packets, Leave on every Tuesday Afternoon, through in 60 hours. THE NEW STEAM. SHIP MA RION, 1200 Tons, Capt. M. Berry. STEAM SHIP SOUTHERNER, 1000 Tons, Capt. John Dickin son. THESE SPLENDID Ocean Steamers will leave Adgor’s Wharves regularly every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, throughout the yoar. Tho MARION commences her trips, leaving Saturday, May 31st. Passengers by this line may expect every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passago, having splendid State Room accommodations, apply to the Agent, at Charleston, S. C. HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay A Adger’s South Wharf. S Cabin Passage, $25; Steerago Passage, SB. No berth secured until paid for. The SOUTHERNER will leave Charleston for New York, on Saturday Afternoon, 10th and 24th May. tfaaoa may 4. Station Salts, BY A. LAFITTE. —THIS DAY— Sale of Whies , Liquors , Dry Goods , «§v. This Day, at 10£ o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, 4 qr. casks choice Madeira WINE, (unclaimed] 1 “ “ fine “ 1 “ “ Port “ 1 eighth cask Sherry “ 2 qr. casks, 4th proof Cognac BRANDY, 10 bbls. prime Newark CIDER, And immediately after, Dry Goods, Cutlery, Guns, Watches, Ac., Ac. Sale positive. Terms cash. jnne 12 CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY WOODSTOCK & WHITLOCK, Two doors's above the XI. S. Hotel , and opposite the Bank of Augusta, HAVE on hand, and are constantly re ceiving, a fine assortment ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Sil ver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. Ac. Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold cheap for cash. U5 3 * W. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprenticeship in one of the largest manufactories of London, and from his long experience, he feels assured of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to him. dAcly jan 17 ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY. IAM NOW PREPARED to make to order, MILL GEARING of every description, and all other CASTINGS made in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR, PLATES A BALLS, Ac., Ac. —ALSO BARK MILLS, With the latest improvements, all of which will be warranted to be ot the best material and work* manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROOK, at the lowest rates for cash. A LEYDEN PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS,' Which will be warranted to cut two thousand feet of Plank per day, under any head of water above four feet. Manufactured by may 11 dfAcly * A. LEYDEN. A CARD. H HAVING disposed of my entire interest in the Globe Hotel to Mr. L. S. Morris, I return my thanks to my friends and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage extended to me, and so licit for him a continuance of the same. Mr. Morris has been long and favorably known to this community, and I feel confident that his great energy and gentlemanly bearing will make the Globe Hotel worthy of still more extended pa tronage. F. M. JENNINGS. HAVING purchased of Mr. F. M. Jennings hi entiro interest in the Globo Hotel, I solicit' a continuation of the patronage bestowed upon him, No effort or expense shall be spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor me with a call. L. S. MORRIS. f°b X G indie £■./■ —— UNEQUALLED SUCCESS. HERE is a gentleman well known in Georgia, that would have given fifty or a hundred dol lars to accomplish what has been done at a much less cost. Dr. W. G. Little—Sir: After exhausting every remedy to be had, as well as trying Dr. Fort and other celebrated physicians without success to cure a sort of Chronic Tetter upon the head of a child of four years standing, a single bottle of your Ring worm and Tetter Ointment has cured it entirely. Respectfully, Charles D. Hammond. Macon, November, 1848. The sac simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Lit tle will be found up6n the outside wrapper of each of his medicines. Sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, at the Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market street, Phil adelphia, and Macon and Milledgevillo, Ga.; and also, E. W. Willis, Augusta, Ga., and by Agents and Druggists generally, throughout the Southern country. dAc2w june 5 BELCHER & HOLLINGSWORTH, wholesale and retail GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta Ga. HAVE now on hand a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vite the attention of their friends and the public generally. All Goods purchased from us will be sent to any point in Hamburg that may be desired, free of charge, and all orders promptly attended to. W e have removed to our new store on Broad street, next door to Adams A Fargo's old stand, where we shall be happy at all times, to see our friends. J. M. BELCHER, oct 11 J. H. HOLLINGSWORTH. COTOOSA SPRINGS. ~ THIS Popular and Fashionable Watering gfcfe Place will be opened for the reception of Mlil) visitors on the 10th of June. The Proprietors would inform the public, that since the last season, they have added to their es tablishment one hundred spacious and comfortable rooms, with other improvements, and as it is their purpose to devote their united personal attention to the accommodation of their guests, they hope to make it a delightful and pleasant resort to all, as well as those in pursuit of pleasure and health. The Water from several of the Springs has boon recently analysed by that accomplished Chemist, Prof. A. Means, of the Medical College of Geor gia, whose report of the same, will shortly be given to the public. These Springs, the mineral properties of which are unsurpassed, are siuated in Walker county, Ga., within two miles of the Cotoosa Platform, on the Western and Atlantic Rail-Road, ono hundred and twenty miles from Atlanta, and twenty-five from Chattanooga, in a most delightful ands alubri ons Mountain climate. The Company's Hacks will always be in waiting at the Depot on the arrival o the cars, to convey visitors and thpir baggage to the Springs. BATTEY, HICKMAN A McDONALD. may 20 d2mxc 10 NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. COATS , W. 6. PRICE & CO.] HATS. Tailoring Sc Furnishing CAPS* establishment, 9 Bujness ; wholesale and Retail j ° Comfortables j dealers in BRACES , COATS, CLOTHING, ; To^Tc^es!’ coats, ! Augusta, Ga., Hair and of all descrip- INVITE Tooth, PlainStLwyj™ ATTE!,T,OS »»MOM? PANTS j CUSTOMERS, V FST N AND GLOVES, ’ STRANGERS, STOCKS,’ Under Shirts Visiting the City, ) PURSES, * and to their S A!fD DRAWERS ' SPRING STYLES OF j Suspenders. CRAVATS finn-no ; Full supply of and GUUDb TRIMMINGS. SCARFS. | AND ifnr tbo i GARMENTS. f r tlie Trade __ ALL orders promptly executed. NEGROES! NEGROESf NEGROES! T US J a t£v e d SEVENTY-SIX young likely NE GROKS, which, added to our former stock, will make one hundred and fourteen, we have now on the market. By calling at cur Depot at Ham* burg, S. C., purchasers can be suited, and those wishing to purchase are requested to examine ouc stock before purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A ROBERTSON, oct 4 | c TO PLANTERS. would respectfully inform Planters [that we V V furnish SMALL GRJST MILLS, gg g Suitable to be attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at the lowest prices. These Mills have given the highost satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please eive us a call before buying elsewhere, uioase give SCHIRMER A WIG AND, Burr Millstone Manufacturers, Augusta, Ga. jan 21 <TG?UN SILK UNDER SHIRTS, recommended fe b, tho Modioal Faculty for RBoumatUm. « i