Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 19, 1851, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. €ljc Built) (Cotrstitutiomiligt. OFFICE ON McINTOSH-STRKET, third door from the north-vest corner of broad- STREKT. Sales of LAND by Administrators, Executors or Guar dians, are required, by law', to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notice of those sales must be given in a public Gazette. SIXTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. Fales of NEGROES must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the countv where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAY’S notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Propertv must be given. in like manner, FORTY DAYS previous to day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell LAND, must bo published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before anv order absolute can be given by the Court. pusinfss (Curbs. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, not ex ceeding six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO per annum. Cards exceeding six lines, will be charged pro rata per line. COULTER & COLLIER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Rome, Georgia. Will practice in the several counties of the Che rokee Circuit. Alfred R. Coulter, | Wm. E. Collier. References . — lion. J. L. Petigru, Charleston; Messrs. Baker & Hart, Wm. E. Jackson & Co., Au gusta; Hon. Henry W. Collier, Tuscaloosa, Alaba ma - ly mar 27 ARTHUR IIOOD, A TTORNEY A T LA W, Calhoun, Gordon County Ga. Business entrusted to his Professional manage ment in the counties of Gordon, Murray, Cass, Iloyd, Gilmer, Walker and Chattooga, will meet with prompt attention. Refers Howard <fc Gardiner, Chas. E. Gren ville, W. W. Gibbs, Messrs. Gibbs & McCord, and D. B. Ramsey, Augusta. ly mar 5 JOHN W EVENS, ATTORNEY £ COUNSELLOR A T LA W, Dalton, Murray County, Ga., Will practice in Murray, Gilmer, Cass, Gordon, W alkor, and the other counties of the Cherokee Circuit. All business entrusted to his care, will meet with prompt attention. Refer to Messrs. Scranton, Stark & Davis, Messrs, Haviland, Risloy <fc Co., Augusta; Messrs. Poe & Nisbet, Macon; Messrs. Pierson & Heidt, Savannah. ly aug 9 w. wTmontgomeryT ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Will practice in the Middle Circuit, Office in Law Rrange. aug 11 WILLIAM R. McLAWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner for New York, Virginia, North and South Carolina. HAYING formed a Co-Partnership with an Attor ney in Washington City, will attend promptly to all applications entrusted to him for BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS, under the laws of 1847, and the bill which has just passed Congress, allowing Bounty Land to the officers and soldiers of the war of 1812, the Indian war, and the late Mexican war. ts Office on Washington stroot, second door from Warron's corner. d&etf oct 5 B." Y. MARTIN, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, Augusta. Ga. Will practico in the countios of Columbia, War ren, Jefferson and Burke, and will attend to tho collection of debts and claims in Abbeville and Edge field districts, South Carolina. Office on Broad street, first door abovo the In surance Bank. fob 9 JAMES GARDNER, JR., A TTORNE YA TLA W. Augusta, Georgia. J. R. STURGES, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, may 27 Waynesboro, Ga. jf bhm—in ■ '■ | WMEaa*aa»sgj. • ftlebical &ar&o. DENTISTRY. D. S. CHASE, PI. D.. DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Artificial teeth inserted on sgjggg* Gold Plate, with Clasps, Spiral Springs, by Atmospheric pressuro, or with an Air chamber. Partial Sets inserted in a neat and beautiful manner, without either Clasps or Springs. Palatine Obturators made and inserted so as to enablo the patient to speak, distinctly, and with ease. Particular attention paid to Dentition, and the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Office south side of Broad-street, one square above the Globe, and a few doors below the Frank lin House. ly jan 3 ~0. MUNSON, A. M., M. D., ~ SURGEON DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GA. OFFICE over Carmichael <fc Co.'s j Hardware Store. MTf TEETH constitutionally health y, TTr Plugged, and warranted for life . References —Drs. Eve, Means, Campbell, Lo Conte, Messrs. Bones, and Hand. Fleming <fc Co. apr 29 ts J. M. HAWKES, M. D~. 03“ BOTANIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON.— Treats disease on purely Physiological Principles, rejecting all known jtoisons, whether vegetable, animal or mineral. 03“* Office, a few yards South of the Post Office and opposite the Young Men's Library Association. Augusta, Ga- ly feb 1 H< VAN VOORHIS, M. D. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 03 s * la permanently located in Augusta, and is to bo found at Mr. J&eer's, corner of Broad and Jackson streets. Refers to G., J. and W. SCHLEY, Esqs. march 14 ________ Q3"’ DR. EDW. GIRARDEY tenders his Pro fessional Services to the citizens of Augusta, audits vicinity, ff?— Office one door above Martin Fred erick's ly oct 30. _____ M.~IIILL, Greene Street, opposite the Baptist Church. mar 27 ___ __ _ lyr 03* DR. JAS. D. MACKIE tenders respectfully his Professional Services to the citizens of Augus ta. Office on Jaoltson street, between Broad and Reynold streets. 6mos jan 12 03* DR. M. J. ROLAN, Offers his professional services to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity. Office at his residence, on Broad street, above the Upper Market. 6m ap 8 DRS. jTe &H. A. BIGNON Office on Broad St. opposite Bridge Bank building 03** Offer their professional services to the cit zens of Augusta and its vicinity. jan 14 MEDICAL CARD! “ 03“ DR. P. M. STOTESBURY offers his Pro fessional services to the Public. Oflice on Broad-street, first Dwelling above the Franklin House, where he may be found at all hours, when not professionally engaged. References.—Dr. M. 8. Thompson, Macon, Ga.; Dr. J. Toole, Striven county, formerly of Ham burg, 8. C. mar 14 //m \la I 4*4 4 * A A I ! MjS 1/ Pp fig P I fig If H B H 1 jgj if gT g| B ■ / k jj" S J&f ® p ® ,r Ilk p I 1 Ir ! ' || I || R 0 If §S 11 Mm || ll wL**m m If 5 Bn m m | 1 Mm i I m m h/ N ■ If (. # VV # vW'WUJk'* '——— ' J,ni ▼ J “BE YE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY,' j TS A COMMAND that should be cheerfully obeyed by X the children of Men. For Female and Male.— Dß. LARZETTES’ JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as an effectual restorative in cases of Debili ty, Impotency, or Barrenness, and all irregularities of nature. It is all that it professes to he. viz : Nature’s Great Restorative, and remedy for those in the married state w ithout offspring. It is a certain cure for Seminal Emissions, General Debility, Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, . Nervous Affections, Leucorrhoe or Whites. As. a vigorating medicine it is unequalled. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Consumption, In digestion, loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude, Female Weakness. Debi! ity, &c. It is warranted to please the user in any of the above complaints, and is of priceless value to those without offspring. 03* Caution. —This celebrated medicine cannot be genuine unless the sac-simile signature of Judson & Co. (N. 8., the only American Agents) is on the wrapper of each bottle. CAUTION TO BE CAREFULLY READ AND RE MEMBERED. A counterfeit of this celebrated Juno Cordial lias lately been issued, having the name of Levi Judson on the wrapper. This Levi Judson is in the store of, and connected with, one Lucius S. Comstock, who is believ ed to be the instigator and real vender of the counter feit Juno Cordial. Remember that the counterfeit has the name of Levi Judson on the wrapper, and the genume has NOT his name on the wrapper. JUDSON & CO., John-street, New-York, Only Agents in America, Established in 1844. Sold only by HAVILAND, RISLEY Sc CO., Augusta, HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO.. Charleston, HENDRICKSON, Savannah. dxc6m fe 1 TO OWNERS OF AND DEALERS IN HORSES. CARLTON S FOUNDER OINTMENT, for the _ cure of Founder, Split Hoof. Hoof-bound f&IYC Horses, and contracted and Feverish Feet, Wounds, Bruises, in the Flesh, Galled Backs, Cracked Heels, Scratches. Cuts, Kicks, &c., on Horses. CARLTON’S RING-BONE CURE, FOR THE CURE of Ring-Bone, Blood Spavin, Bone Spavin, Windgalls, and Splint—a certain remedy. D3* This Ring-Bone Cure and the Founder Ointment, are prepared from the recipe of a very celebrated Eng lish Farrier, and will cure in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred, any of the above complaints. They have been used by farmers, liverymen, stage proprietors, and others, with tho most marked and decided success. Sold oulv by HAVILAND. RISLEY & CO., Augusta. HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO., Charleston, HENDRICKSON, Savannah. dxcffm fe 1 LATE PUBLICATIONS^ SELECT POLITICAL QUOTATIONS—Sacred and Miscellaneous; by Webb & Watson, 2 VOls. The Widow Bigby's Husband, and other Tales of Alabama, by the author of Simon Scruggs. xhe Yankee among the Mermaids, Ac.; by Bur ton. Nell Garynoe; or, The Court of The Stuarts, un der the Reigns of Charles 11, end James 11. The Dennings and their Beaux; with Alina Der by; by Miss Leslie. The Sea King: a Nautical Romance, by. the au thor of the Scourge of tho Ocean. Dictionary of Sacred Quotations, by the Rev. 11. 11. Weld. History of the Sabbatarian Churches—embracing accounts of the Armenian. East Indian, and Abys sinian Episcopacies in Asia and Africa, by Mrs. Ta nar Davis. A now edition of Walker on Intermarriage. The Manufacture of Steele—containing the Prac tice and Principles of Working and making Steele, by Frederick Overman. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, by T. Babing ton MaCaulay, new and revised edition. The above works for sale by june 1 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. BLACK SILK WARP CASHMERETT. SNOWDEN & SHEAR, HAVE just received, from New York, Black Silk Warp CASHMERETT, a beautiful article for Gentlemen's Summer wear. —also — Lupin’s sup. Black DRAPE DE ETE, and a va riety of other articles for Gentlemen's Summer ware, to which they respeetfuly invite the attention of tho public. may 2 _ _______ _ THE 2d and last volume of D'LOUJSE LAVAL LIERE, by Dumas. Continuation of Dickens' Pickwick Papers, by G. W. M. Reynolds. No. 366 Littell’s Living Age, 12£ c^nts. Yol. 3d of Caroline of Brunswick, by G. W. M. for June. Subscribers will please call for their copies, at GEO. A. OATES & CO'S, m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st. WTHAVE ON HAND. AND offer for sale, a large stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy and Plain Casimeres, Drap D'Etcs and Linen, Silk, Satin, Linen and Marseills Vesting, Ac. Ac. comprising the most fashionable colors and styles now in market; and w'c intend keeping con stantly on hand a good assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which we will make up to order, at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising the different articles for Gentlemen's use, Frock and Sack Coats, Pants, Vests, Silk and Linen Cravats, Stocks, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hosie ry, Under Shirts, Cotton and Linen Drawers, Gloves, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Ac. Ac. FERRIS A PAUL. ap 2 Formerly 11. D. Newkirk. D. B. PLUMB & CO. Druggists and apothecaries * between the U. S. Hotel and I’o3t Office corner, keep constantly on hand a full and fresh supply of every article in their line. Q3* Particular attention paid to Physicians pre scriptions. Medicine dispensed at all hours of tho night, and on Sundays, by calling at the residence on Ellis-st., immediately in the rear of the Store, oct 8 NEW BOOKS? THE Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden, by Patrick Neill, L. L. D., adapted to the United States. Tho Turner's Companion, containing instructions in Concentric, Elliptic, and Eecontric Turning. The American Miller and Millwright's Assistant, by Wm. Carter Hughes. Tho above just received by may 30 THOS RICHARDS A SON. NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. W. O. PRICE & CO.! HATS. DRESS ~ .. . . and Tailoring $ 1< urnishmg r t> on rr UlllbrSll&S. DeOnwy’and ESTABLISHMENT, j Cases. C B O.ATf I «•*»>• Shouldef 3 ’ Comfortables ! dealers in BRACES, and Sack Money Belts, COATS, ! CLOTHING, Toilet Cases, and k ’G?ngham 258 ROAD-STREE T,; C “ot£ SHES ’ COATS, i Augusta, Ga., Ilair, and of all descrip- INVITE Tooth, Plain A*Fancy THE ATTBSTION 0F THEIR GOODS, 0 PANTS CUSTOMERS ever V de and LUSIOJtEKS, j scription. y u T c and GLOVES, surm-us ’i STR ANGERS ’ STOCKS,’ Under Shirts 5 Visiting the City , IURSES, and ( to their AND DRAWERS, i SPRING STYLES OF Suspenders CRAVATS nrnvno Full supply of and | GUUDS TRIMMINGS. SCARFS. j GARMENTS. | or the Trade __ all orders promptly executed. SBUN recommended by the Medical Faculty for Rheumatism. june 6 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. TO PLANTERS. WE would respectfully inform Planters "that we furnish SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to he attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at the lowest prices. These Mills have given the highest satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. SCHIRMER A WIGAND, Burr Millstone Manufacturers, Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1851. H. G. FARRELL’S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. The most Extraordinary Discovery in the World is the great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast! THE miraculous cures performed by the Arabian physicians in the days of old, were then looked upon as the result of magic, hut since we have become intimate with their history, we can thus account for their surprising power over diseases. Their attainments in the knowledge of medicine, were the wonder of the age, while at the same time the science of Chemistry, which with them had its origin, was to the rest of the world “a sealed book.” And in Botany they were the most zealous of students. In the beautiful grove which skirt the deserts of Arabia, abound rare plants and odorous woods, whence are obtained those aromatic gums and fragrant balsams, of which this incomparable liniment is composed, and by whose stimulating, unctu ous, penetrating and Anodyne properties it is, when ap plied, instantaneously diffused through the whole nerv ous system, allaying the most intense pain in the in credibly short time of 10 or 15 minutes. Its action is prompt, powerful and effectual, without the least dan ger. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes con tracted cords, restores use to limbs which have been palsied for years, causing the shriveled flesh to grow out, and rich blood to circulate through its veins. It restores the Synovial Fluid or Joint Water, and this is the reason why it has been so universally successful in curing all diseases of the Joints. In chronic affections of the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great Ara bian remedy stands unparalleled; for Ague Cake or En largement of the Spleen, it is a Specific :and for Rheu matism it has performed some of the most extraordina ry cures on record; also for Cramps, Swellings, Pains, Wounds, Chilblains, Burns, White Swellings, Tumors, Ac. See. It is equally efficacious in diseases of Animals, such as Fistula, Poll Evil, Sweeney, Stiff Complaint, Distemper. Farcy, Sprains, Bruises, Wounds. Mange, Spavins, Windgalls, Splint; and for nearly all diseases, either in man or beast, which require an external ap plication, this Liniment stands at the head of all med icines. LIVER COMPLAINT, ERYSIPELAS AND RHEUMA TISM CURED. Raywick, Marion Co., Ky., May 27,1849. Mr. 11. G. Farrell —Dear Sir: Your Liniment is sell ing very well, and doing a vast deal of good among the people. It has cured a bad case of ERYSIPELAS, and another of a bad pain in the breast. A lady, who was confined to her bed for several months with Liver Complaint and Affection of the Heart, was entire ly cured by the use of your Arabian Liniment. She said tl*e doctors could do her no good. It has been ap plied to a fresh cut, and cured it in a short time. I have been afflicted with Rheumatism for a long time, and just before a wet spell it pained me so mueh that I had no peace all day; and in the night I commenced bathing and rubbing with your Liniment, and before I was done rubbing, tho pain ceased. JOHN BUCKMAN. STIFF COMPLAINT, SWEENEY, DISTEMPER, CORKS AND SORE EYES CURED. [M. Mitchell, Postmaster at Fiat. Fulton co. 111., says:] Mr. 11. G. Farrell : Your Arabian Liniment is high ly prized here. We cured one of my neighbor's horses of tho Stiff Complaint by about four or five applica tions. and I cured one of my own of the Sweeney. Our Sheriff, Joseph Dykes, cured his horse of a had Cork with it; he also tried it bn a colt that had the Distem per very bad. and cured it immediately. He says it is de cidedly the greatest horse medicine he ever used. There have been numbers cured of Sore Eyes with it. I find it a very valuable medicine both for man and beast. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. TO GUARD AGAINST IMPOSITION, READ THE FOI,LOWING CAREFULLY. The Public are particularly cautioned against a Base Counterfeit which lias lately made its appearance, and is called by the Impostor who makes it, “ W. B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment.” This is a dangerous fraud and more liable to deceive from its bearing the name of Farrell. Therefore he particular never to call for it by the name Farrell's Liniment,” for unprincipled dealers will impose this SPURIOUS Mixture upon you for the genuine, but always ask for 11. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,” and take no other , as the genuine always has the letters 11. G. before Farrell’s, his signature is also on the outside wrapper, and these words blown in the glass bottle—“H. G. FARRELL'S ARABIAN LINI MENT, PEORIA.” AGENTS WANTED in every town. Village and Ham let in the United States in which one is not established. Apply by letter to 11. G. Farrell, Peoria, 111., with good references as to Character, Resposibility, &c. Call on the Agent, who will furnish, free of charge , a Book containing much valuable information for every class of citizens. Prick —2s cents to 50 cents and one dollar per bottle. The only Genuine is manufactured by H. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale Druggist! No. 17 Main street. Peoria. 111., and for sale, wholesale and Retail at Proprietor’s prices, by june 5 3mo HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., Augusta. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING^ THE SUBSCRIBERS have entered into Co partnership for the transaction of the abovo business in all its branches, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. wm. McLaughlin, PHILIP CAVENDER. N. B.—Our Shop is on M’lntosh-st, opposite the Post Office, the second Paint Shop from Broad-st. sept. 7 ts. TRANSI’ORTATIOIL THE SUBSCRIBERS are Agents for the following Packet Lines from Charleston, S. C.: MERCHANTS LINE to New Orleans. PALMETTO LINE Baltimore. CAROLINA LINE Boston. Composed of first class vessels, and commanded by experienced and careful Captains. All proper ty consigned to us for shipment, will be promptly attended to. Unnecessary charges will, at all times bo avoid ed, and strict attention paid to orders. G. M. FOWLER & CO., Vanderhorst’s Wharf. W.IL STURGES & CO., Agents in Augusta. Charleston, S. C., February, 1851. f 8 PIANO FORTES. THE SUBSCRIBERS would res pectfully call the attention of their friends and the public, to their \J * w * assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Bacon Raven, A. 11. Gale cV Co., and Dubois A Sealniry, New York, which are warranted in every respect, to bo at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this coun try or Europe. The subscribers would also state that the instru ments new on hand are of the latest paterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very iow prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book & Musie Depot, Broad-st. may 10 ~ M. HUNTER, Factor, Commission, and Fowarding Merchant, NO. 94, BAY STREET, oct 8 SA VANN AH, GA. “home industry. THE U.\T ERSIGNED are now prepared to fill orders for BUCKETS, as low as they can be laid down from any market. aug 16 B. LOCKHART & CO. HARPER’S NEW YORK and Erie Rail Road Guide Book: containing a description of the Scenery, Rivers, Towns, Villages, and most impor tant works on tho Road, with one hundred and thirty-six Engravings, by Lossing & Barritt. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS & SON. june 7 rTc H 3) RES S GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR. HAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY, from New York, by the Steamer Southerner. Rich Striped and Checked Fancy Silks, for Ladies’ Spring and Summer Dresses, of beautifulf styles; Also, rich Embroidered Grenadines, of new and elegant styles; To which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. ‘ apr 29 PLANTERS, ATTENTION. rjROUND LAND PLASTER, for Manure.—A VJ -urge supply of this article will be kept on hand, and sold very l o w by liAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. 7 0 ®ncoiirage Planters to make large crops, the Rad Road Company promise to take Land Plaster at their lowest, rate of freight. 3 m mar 11 THOS. RICHARDS & SON have received anoth er supply of the following W orks: Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ike Marvol. Life of Randolph, by Hugh A. Garland. Lyell’s Travels in the United States. Colman’s European Life and Manners, june 3 FARE REDUCED to 20 DOLLARS. From Charleston to New LThe Great Mail Route from Charleston. LAY ING the Wharf at the foot of Laurens-st. daily at 3, p. m. after the arrival of tho South ern cars, via WILMINGTON and WELDON N C-, PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, to WASHING-’ TON BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA and NEW \ ORK. The public is respectfully informed that the steamers of tqisline, from Charleston to Wilming ton, are in first rate condition and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby securing both safety and despatch. A Through* Ticket having already been in operation, will be continued on and' after the first of October, 1849, as a permanent ar rangement from Charleston to New York. Pas sengers availing themselves thoreof, will have the option to continue without delay through tho route or stop at any of tho intermediate points, renewing their seats on the line to suit their convenience. By this route travellers may reach Rew I ork on the third day during business hours. Baggage will be ticketed on board the Steamer to Weldon, as likewise on tho change of cars, at the intermediate points from thence to New York.— Through Tickets can alone bo-had from E. WIN SLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh R. R. Company, at the office of the Company at the foot ol Laurens street, to whom please apply. For further information inquire of march 9 E. WINSLOW. HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLS. Brass andirons, shovels & TONGS FENDERS AND BELLOWS, Hearth and Crumb Brushos, Dish Mats, W alters, Candlesticks, Castors, Cake Baskets, Plated and Britannia Tea Setts, Coffee Urns and Biggins, Solar Lard Lamps, Candelbras, in Gold and Silver' Dish Covers, Beet Stake Dishes, Egg Boilers, With 3 minute Glass attached, And many other desirable articles. For sale low. nov 9 dfcg CLARK, RACKET!’ & CO. AUGUSTA, DEC. 28, 1850. WU HAVE received per steamer, a superb lot of WATCHES, some of them of tho manu facture of T. F. Cooper, London, in hunting and other casos—beautiful Watches for tho pocket, and of the host quality. We have also received a Model Gold Watch, in hunting case, 20 kt. fine, with diamond push bolt and ruby jewels; tho movement of gold 18 kt. fine, with chronometer balance; per haps the finest Watch in America—made by Chas. Taylor & Son, London. A full assortment of all kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY on hand. For sale Wholesale and Re tail, by r CLARK, RACKETT & CO. AUGUSTA FOUNDRY, KEAR THE GEORGIA RAILROAD DEPOT. THE PROPRIETORS of these works respect fully tender their thanks for the liberal pa tronage which they have received. They are still prepared to furnish IRON and Also GEARINGS for all descriptions of Machinery STEAM ENGINES Os various sizes made to order. Wo have in course of construction, two of twelve, and one of twenty-five horse power. Also, Gearing for Mills. In February last, we started an Engine of twenty five horse power, at Abbeville,C. H- S., C. We take the liberty of inserting a letter received from one of the Proprietors of the Mills. TALIAFERRO & TORBET. Abbeville, April 9th, 1851. Gentlemen: The Engine still works well, and is admired by all who have seen it. Several gentle men from a distance, who ure well acquainted with similar work, pronounce it a fine Engine, and ex press some surprise when I told them it was manu factured in Augusta. Wo are cutting from 1700 to 2000 feet a clay now, but you know our hands are slow and inexperienced. They will do better after a while. I remain yours, &e., ap 15 6mo CHAS. H. ALLEN. NEW BOOKS. LINCOLN’S HORACE, with English Notes, for the use of Schools and Colleges, hv J. L. Lin coln, Professor of the Latin Language in Brown University. Book of Oratory, a new collection of Prose, Poe try and Dialogue, by Edward C- Marshall, M. A. Appleton’s Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine IV ork and Engineering, designed for prac tical working men, and those intended for tho En gineering profession; vol. L Soyer s Modern Housewife, or Menagere. Tho Heir of Wast Wayland, a Tale by Diary Howitt. Also, another supply of Rose Douglas; Nathalie; Home Influence; Mother's Recompense, &c. Just received, and for sale at GEO. A. OATES* & CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depot, june 7 Broad-st., opposite State Bank. DODGE’S SKY LIGHT DAGUERRE AN GALLERY. THE UNDERSIGNED having recently intro duced several very important improvements in the process of Daguerreotyping. ho is now pre pared to execute pictures of peculiar brilliancy and effect. His experience as a Minature Painter for the last fifteen years, gives him superior advan tages over other operators. His pictures are cele brated for their exprossion, richness of tone and ar tistical arrangement. His Sky and Side Light en ables him to produce pictures of unsurpassed beauty. A great variety of elegant specimens may ho seen at his rooms, which all are invited to call and ex amine. Daguerrean Stock for sale, also Ilartison’s Quick Camera, at New York cost. Full instructions giv en in the art. Gallery next door to the Post Offico. ap 9 3m E. S. DODGE. PREMIUM DAGUERREAN GALLERY. MESSRS. Leigh, Tucker & Perkins, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Au gusta, that their New and splendid PICTURE GAL LERY is now open for the reception of visitors. By the aid Os our great improved sky-light, we can produce a style of DAGUERREOTYPES un equalled by any that have ever before been offered in this city. We would call attention particularly to the Spe cimens of our fine large sized Heads : These, and numerous other Specimens of the Art, the Ladies and Gentlemen are cordially invited to c all and examine at our Rooms, in Metcalfs new iront front building, opposite the Masonic Hall. Every description Daguerreotype Materials and Instruments, for sale at reduced prices, oct 18 CLARK, RACKETT & CO., WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware and Fancy Goods. HAVE now received their stock, compri sing besides the Staple articles, many new things in Silver and Plated WARE and£ki& FANCY GOODS. Also, in WATCHES ar.d JEW ELRY. House keeping ARTICLES, of choice kinds. AVe offer to the trade at AA r liolesale, AVatches, Jewelry, Jewels, &c., not generally to be found, and at prices as low as elsewhere. oct 8 DIgSOLUTION THE firm of HOWARD & GARDINER was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the L3th inst. Either party will use the name of the firm in set tlings accounts due the concern. AVM. 11. HOAVARD, JAS. T. GARDINER. Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 NOTICE. THE Undersigned will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the Old Stand of Howard & Gardiner, where he will keep constantly on hand, a well selected stock of GROCERIES, and he re spectfully invites his friends and tha public, gene rally, to call and examine his stock before buying elsewhere. W. H. HOAVARD. Augusta, April 23, 1851, apr24 VOL. XXX NEW SERIES- -VOL. VI. NO. 145. IN QUART BOTTLES. OK TUE REMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DIS EASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD. OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM. AMONG the many and important discoveries of this generation, is one whose fame will be written, as with a sunbeam, in the history of the past. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA stands forth alone, and by its own works proclaims its power—that mute eloquence so ir resistibly effecting in the appeals of the suffering for re lief, lias been answered. Thousands of cases of disease have been cured by this invaluable medicine, such as are not furnished in the record of time. These things are not done in secret places, or in some unknown town, but are performed in our principal cities and public pla ces. They are brought before the world to substantiate, beyond doubt, the healing virtues of this preparation; and the facts unfolded, although gigantic, are as plain as the light of day. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simple* of the vegetable kingdom; and its unprecedent ed success in the restoriatiou to health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chronic ma ladies, has given it an exalted character—furnishing, as it does, evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recom mending it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted only can know. It has long been a most important desidera tim in the practice of medicine, to obtain a remedy sim ilar to this—one that would act on the liver , stomach, and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their deleterious ef fects upon the vital powers of the system. Although possessed of powerful healing properties, it is entirely harmless, and will not injure the most delicate consti tution. When in perfect health, no effect is produced by its use, except an increase of appetite; but when dis ease is seated in the frame, and carrying fast its victim along the path of life, then its mysterious influences are felt and seen; it enkindles new life and vigor, and brings health and strength to the suffering and diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Winchester, Ky., Oct. 29,1849. A. B. & D. Sands —Gentlemen : I would not have pre sumed to write to you, if it was not my duty to let the public now the almost miracluous effect your Sarsaparil la has had upon me. My limbs were covered with ul cerous sores, so that I could not walk during the whole spring and summer. In this situation I commenced tho use of your Sarsaprilla, and after taking two bottles was entirely cured. I must also tell j'ou of another won derful cure. My brother was afflicted with this scrofula in his head, so bad his physician told him the loss of his sight was inevitable, and permanent blindness seemed to be his fate. Three bottles entirely restored his sight, and we cannot but recommend all similarly afflicted to use Sands’ Sarsaparilla, Yours truly, BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. From South America. Maracaibo, Y enezula, April 12th, 1849. Messrs. Sands — Gentlemen: I consider it a duty due the public to make known the great benefit I have re ceived from using your valuable Sarsaparilla. About three years since I was attacked with Rheumatism in my shoulders, and also in my legs, and so severe was the pain, that I was unable to sleep. I tried all of the best medicines I could hear of without receiving any benefit until, through the advice of a friend, I procured some of your Sarsaparilla, and after using four bottles in the course of fifteen days I found myself entirely well. I have no hesitation in saying your Sarsaparilla is the best medicine I ever took, and can confidently recom mend it to my friends and the public. Y'our obedient servant. J. M. JESURUN. Here is another, nearer home : New Y'ork, Jan, Btli, ISSO. Messrs. Sands — Gentlemen: 1 have great pleasure in acknowledging to you the great benefit I have received from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulmon ary disease* I made a voyage to Europe, but while there continued to be afflicted. A few weeks after my return, I was seized with a violent hemorrhage of the lungs, and from the debility and great prostration of strength that followed, with the protracted difficulty of respira tion, I am entirely relieved by the use of your Sarsa parilla, which I consider a most important and truly valuable discovery in the healing art. —I feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed so good health as at pre sent. Very gratefully yours, S. E. SEY’MORE. and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. R. & D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, cor ner of William, New Y r ork.—Sold also by Druggists gen erally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. For sale by Haviland, ltisley & Co., Barrett, Carter & Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A. Moise, Augusta; by Hill Sc Smith, Athens; by 11. C. Seymore & Co.. Madison; and by A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C. dfuceoc mar 18 CHEAP WORKS, OR LIGHT READING.j THE FOLLOWING cheap Literature can be found at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depot, viz : Pendcnnis, Ned Allen, or the Past Age; Mount Hope, or Phillip, King of the Wampanoag; Frank Fairleigh ; The Rangers, or The Torys Daughter ; Shannondale; Warwick Woodlands, by Frank For rester; The Heirs of Derwentwater; First and True Love, by Dumas; Life of Pen Owen; Home Influence and Mother's Recompense; Vale of Ce dars; Woman’s Friendship; To seem and to be; The Maid of Canal Street, by Miss Leslie; The Commissioner, by James; The Gold Worshippers, or The*Days we Live in; The Mothcr-in-Law; The Banker's Wife; The Dunnings and their Beaux; Rose Douglas ; Nathalie; Time the Avenger; Stans fioldHall; The Ladder of Gold; Henry Smeaton, by James; Ella Stratford; The City Merchant, or The Mysterious Failure; The Nag’s Head; Cle ment Lorimer; Nell Gwynn; Sidonia, the Sorceress; Life’s Discipline; Tho Village Notary; Wild Sports of tho West; additional Memoirs of my Youth, by Lamartine; Singleton Foutenay; Charles O’Mal ley ; Tom Burke of our Rebels and Tories; Bertie; Dr. Valentino's Lectures. june 6 - NORTH CAROLINA “ MUTUAL LIFE IN- SUBANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigii, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit tho attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for one year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag t„ Augusta, Ga. WM. E. EVANS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. WM. E. EVANS, WM. M. D'ANTIGNAC, nov 5 ly GEO. W. EVANS. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Agency in Augusta. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for tho above Company, and is now prepared to take Fire, Marine and Inland Navigation Risks.— Premiums in all cases will be reasonable. i B. L. JEFFERS, Agent., pov 3 ly \ Office, Mslntosh street. | WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS THE undersigned, E. D. ROBERTSON A J. R. CROCKER, (of the late firm | of Dawson A Crocker,) beg leave to in- IgMHfl ! form their friends, and the public generally, that they have entered into a Copartnership, t*> take ! place the Ist day of September next, for the pur pose of carrying on the Warehouse and Cominis ! sion business, in all its branches, and have taken j the huge, commodious, and FIRE-PROOF BRICK I WAREHOUSE, lately occupied by Dawson A '• Crocker, on Reynold, East of Mclntosh-st., and Lot next West of the Episcopal Church, where one or both can, at all times, be found, ready to at tend to customers and friends upon the usual terms, and transact all business appertaining to their line, and respectfully solicit the favor of those disposed to extend them their custom, at the same time as suring all who do so, that they will spare no efforts or exertions to promote the interest and wishes of their patrons, to the fullest extent. Liberal Cash Advances up>on Produeo in Store, or in Transitu, wili be made whenever de sired, and upon the most accommodating terms. All orders from their friends for Bagging, Rope, Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac. Ac., will be attended to with promptness, and filled at the lowest market prices. They will also receive and forward Goods, Produce, Ac., shipped and consigned beyond the city. They beg leave to return their most sincere thanks to the friends and customers of the late concerns of E. D. Robertson and Dawson A Crocker, for the liberal share of patronage heretofore extended to thoso houses, and solicit a continuance of it; and pledge themselves to merit it by their unremitting endeavors to please, and exertions for their custom ers’ interests. E. D. ROBERTSON, july 1 J. R. CROCKER. HEARD A DAVISON, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, m’inTOSH-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. ANNOUNCE to their friends and the ROC\N\ public generally, that they continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION iLJIISf BUSINESS, at their Firo Proof Buildings, on Me- Intosh-streot, and will devote their undivided per sonal attention to all business confided to them. They solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage extended to them'for a number of years past, and hope their experience in their line will enablo them to render satisfaction. ISAAC T. HEARD, apr 28 JOHN DAVISON. M. P. STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Merchant, * AUGUSTA, GA. CONTINUES the business, in all its kjuocNN branches, at his old stand, Fire- Proof Warehouse,) corner of Washing- jJIWWiI ton and Reynold-stroels. Ho hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. EGu" Orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Ac., promptly and carefully filled, at the lowest market prices. CUu" Liberal advances made on Produce in store . aug 7 . dfActf BRYSON, WALKER &, CO ~ Warehouse and Commission Merchants, JACKSON-STREET, AUGUSTA* GA. rjIHEIR WAREHOUSE, recently erec- JL ted, is Fire-Proof, and covers the lot formerly occupied by Mr. Wilson, as aLiv ery Stable, on the street leading from the Globe Ho tel, to the Georgia Railroad Depot. Cash advances made on Produce in store when required. Orders for Goods promptly attended to, and their individual attention given to all business entrusted to their care. The following Houses will act as our Agents, and make advances on Produce consigned to us. Messrs. C. T. Cunningham A Co., Dalton, “ Cunningham A Linton, Rome, “ Jno. Cunningham A Co., Greensboro. * GOLLOTIIUN WALKER, Lately of Hamburg, S. C. HARPER C. BRYSON, Late of the firm of Bryson, Coskery A Co. july 8 v WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WE are prepared with large and conve nient Fire-Proof Warehouse Stores, on Mclntosh street, (which is the ISSS centre of the Cotton, Flour and Bacon trade,) for the storage of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, and BACON; and continue to offer our services to store and sell COTTON, FLOUR, BACON, GRAIN, Ac., a*id buy to order supplies for Planters and Mer chants. Our 11. L. JEFFERS, well known in this mar ket, and long engaged in the business, is always at his post, either selling or buying for thoir friends, and watching their interest—knowing that to bo the proper course to promote our own. We therefore hope, by unceasing industry and attention to the interest of our friends, to merit and receive a full share of patronago, whilo we return our thanks for past favors. Those for whom we have done business, and are not personally acquainted, and who we would bo glad to visit, but believing it better for our patrons to be always at home ready to attend to their or ders, we therefore send you this circular, and refer you to the Merchants of Augusta, or those for whom we have done business. Planters and Mer chants of Tennessee, will refer to Messrs. A Son, W. 11. A J. S. Moffett, and Gen. Wm. llra- 1 Our W. S. COTHRAN, may bo consult<y*,'J-bjg plantation in Cass county, or at Rome, GC JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. { P. S.—Liberal advances will bo made, when re quired, on Produce in store. J. C. A CO. sept 6 dAc WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned will continue the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its branches, on their SflHB own account, at the old stand of Dye, Heard A Co., on Mclntosh-street, where they respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the friends of the old concern, and a, fair portion of the busi ness of the community generally. Their Warehouse is FIRE-PROOF, and from ite favorable position, being entirely surrounded by Fire-Proof houses, is as free from the dangers of fire as any house in the city. Their attention will he exclusively devoted to the business, and no efforts spared on their part to pro mote the interest of their patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other Pro duce in store, when required. All orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Sup plies, promptly filled at the lowest market price. JAMES M. DYE, sept 1 STEPHEN D. HEARD. GIBBS & McCORD, Warehouse ami Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned beg leave to say to rntn their friends ar d the public in Geor gia, South-Carolina, Alabama and Ten- PBi nessee that they still continue the above business at'their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Moln tosh-street, in all its branches, and would respect fully solicit a continuation of the patronage of their old friends and customers; and as ever, they will faithfully perform their duty to them. Their charges will be moderate, and in conformity with other reg ular Commission Houses in this city. They will make liberal CASH ADVANCES on Produce in store or transitu, when required. Orders for Merchandise will be promptly and faithfully executed. THOMAS F. GIBBS, aug 20 ly GEORGE McCORD. BOOKS! BOOKS!! SCHMITZ’S HISTORY of Greece from the ear liest times to the destruction of Corinth. The Harmony of Prophecy; or Scriptural Illus. Apocalypse, by the Rev. Alexander The Gold Worshippers; or The Days we live in, New York and Erie Rail Road Guide—descriptive The above books have been received by