Daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1846-1851, June 20, 1851, Image 3

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Special Notices. Oglethorpe Infantry Attention.—Ap-vi pear at your Drill Room, for Dress Parade, on W SATURDAY, 21st .TUNE, at 7 o'clock, A. M. JL Members will come prepared with powder, ball, and capg.far.six rounds. By order Captain MILLER. juno 20 SPEAR, 0. S. We are authorize to announce the name of Brigadier General STEPHEN DRANE. as a can didate for Major General to cemmand the Second Division of Georgia Militia. june 11 CGP'Notice. —Post Office, Augusta, June 2d, 1851.— On and after this date, the Western Mail will close at 3 P. M. Northern and Charleston Mails at 5 A. M. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. The Office will be opened at 7A. M. and closed on the arrival of the Northern Mail, which will be ready Ipr delivery by 4 j P. M., after which the office will continue open until 8 P. M. On Sundays, the offieo will bo openod from 8 to 9 A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Persons having Key Boxes and wishing Letters charged, are requested to make tho following de signation: “Charge Key Box No.—.” junc 3 BENJ. F. HALL. P. M. O'-?- Visiting Cards.—Just received, a superb lot of ENAMELLED CARDS! All orders left at the Post Office, or given in per son, will receive prompt attention, may 25 " A. G. WILLIS. kF Soda Water—Cold SODA WATER, with a variety of Syrups, at tho Drug Store of PHILIP A. MOISE, Metcalf s Range. N.B.—Congress Water always in Ice. may 24 5m 03" The undersigned have this day commenced to serve ICE CREAM. Tho*’Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to give us a call. __ may 1 ts N. GIRARDY & SONS. LOCATING LAND WARRANT S. 03** I HAVE effected an arrangemont with a gentleman of the west for tho purposo. lam also authorized to purchase tho Land after it is located, mar 2 6m ANDREW H. H. DAWSON. Q'3* > iWr. E. C. Sofge having met with such lib eral encouragement, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the pnblic that he has permanently located himself in Augusta as Profossor of the Piano Forte, and Organ. Communications left at the Music <fc Book Store of Messrs. Geo. A. Oates & Co. will bo punctually attended to. jan 3 Qtommemal, Augusta Market, June 19—P. M. COTTON.—We have no ehango to notice in our market. The demand still continues good for the higher qualities. We quote extremes at 6to 9 j cts. SAA ANN AH, June 18.— Cotton. —We heard of no sales of Cotton yesterday. SAVANNAH EXPORTS, JUNE 17. Per selir. Gazelle, for Philadelphia—226 bales Cotton, 130 bales Domestics, 67 bags Dried Fruit, 4 casks Rico, 10 bbls. Castor Oil, 16,380 foot Lum ber, and 4 pkgs. Mdze. MACON. June 17.— Cotton. —There has been very little change for some days past. The sales made evince no spirit, and have boen at figures ranging from 5 to 8 cents. Shipping Jntdiignu*. UP FOR CHARLESTON. Barquo Avola, Kendrick, at Boston. CHARLESTON, June 19.—Arr. ship Camden, Sherwood, New York; sehrs. Olivet, Foxwell, more; Fidelia, Garwood, Philadelphia. Cld. barquo E. Wright, Averill, Buenos Ayres. SAVANNAH, June 18.—Arr. steam ship Ala bama, Ludlow, N. York; brig A. Dunbar, Howes, Boston; steamer Calhoun, Barden, N. York; steam packet 11. L. Cook, Moody, Augusta; steamer Jno. Randolph, Philpot, do. Cld. ship John Bryant, Dyer, Apalachicola; schr. Gazelle, Snow, do. Departed, steamer 11. L. Cook, Moody, Augusta. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. WILL be paid by the undersigned for the dis covery, and sufficient proof for the convic tion of the individuals, supposed to be youths be tween the ages of 14 and 17 years, who trespassed in his Garden on Walker street, in this city, about 12 o'clock, A. M., the 19th inst., and materially endangered one of his Magnolia Grandi Flora . Trees, and took therefrom many of the blooms, june 20-°* J.^^TTLE. SSOREWARD~ ~ LEFT MY RESIDENCE, in this city, on the morning of the 16th inst., a dark mulatto Woman named RACHEL, about tjESjt twenty years old, very likely and sprightly. As she left without any cause, and abandoned a young child, I am inclined to think she has been decoyed off by some white person, and may be concealed or harbored by them. A reward of twenty dollars will be paid for her delivery or detention in any jail so that I get her; and an additional reward of Thirty Dollars for the arrest of the person who decoyed her off, with proof to conviction, if white. jun 19 E. D. ROBERTSON. " PRIME WHITE CORN. A HO BUSHELS prime White CORN; shelled T<v/U within the last week. For sale by june 20 3 A. LAFITTE, THIRD ANNUAL FAIR OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. THE Third Annual Fair of the SOUTH CARO LINA INSTITUTE, for the promotion of Art, Mechanical Ingenuity and Industry, will be held in Charleston, S. C., opening on MONDAY, 17th November, and continuing during the week. Specimens in every branch of Mechanism, Art and Industry; also of Cotton, Rico, Sugar, Tobac co and all other Agricultural Products, is solicited, for which suitable premiums will be awarded. The following special Premiums are offered: — For the six best specimens of Steel made from Spartanburg or other Iron, the product of a South ern State, and manufactured into Edged Tools of any kind—A Gold Medal. * N. B.—A specimen of the Steel in Bars to be sent w ith the Tools. For the largest quantity of Cocoons raised on one plantation, not less than Ten Bushels—A Gold Me dal or SSO. For the largest quantity of Spun Silk tho pro duce of any one plantation, not iess than Ten Pounds —A Gold Medal or Premium of SSO. For the beet Sea Island Cotton Gin, on some new principle, superior to that now in general use; or for any real and important improvement on the present one—A Gold Modal. For the invention of a suitable machine for Pul verising Red Pepper—A Gold Modal. For the best Steam Engine—A Gold Medal. For the best model Steam Fire Engine—A Gold Medal. A large and commodious building has been se lected for the Exhibition, and every care will be paid to the reception and caro of Articles sent to the Fair. All Specimens must be in by the 13th November. Contributors to the Fair are respectfully request ed when they forward Specimens for Exhibition, to send full descriptions of the Articles, and such in formation in general as may be of use, and proper for publication. Address J. H. TAYLOR. Chairman of Committee on Correspondence, june 20 lamtd ■q7\ RALES of COTTON YARNS from the wv Broad River Factory, for sale by june 15 WILLIAMS* BROTHER. JHiscellatteotts. ’ THE FRENCH MIXTURE. IT HAS BEEN a source of much annoyance to Physicians, that no remedy had been devised for the prompt cure of Chronic diseases of the kid neys and bladder and venereal affections, (Gon orrhoea.) To a very great extent, and far in advance of the day, this has been accomplished by the in troduction of the French Mixture. It is not oniy a safe, but an invaluable medicine, recently introduced for the cure of this disease in its various forms. J For the purpose of adapting the remedy to all tho forms of the disease, and to the various peculiari ties of the constitution, it has been found necessary to use the medicine as modified in the forms of Nos. 1 and 2. The first for the acute, and No. 2 in the chronic form of the disease. It is in the latter form (Blennorrhoea) that so much difficulty has been ex perienced in curing it, and which is by far the most common. For the cure of Flour Albus and kidney com plaints a bottle of No. 2 of this medicine is a sov ereign'remedy, as a day or two’s use will prove. The sac simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Lti tle will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his medicines. Sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, at the Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market street, Phil adelphia, and Macon and Milledgeville, Ga.; and also, E. W. Willis, Augusta, Ga., and by Agents and Druggists generally, throughout the Southern oountry. d*c2w june 20 TRAVELERS 7 OUTFITS. TRAVELING CAPS, Clothes Bags, Toilet Mir rors, Water Flasks, Hair Brushes, Combs, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Comb Cleaners, “ Porte Monies,” Silk Purses, Wax Matches, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cases, Razors, Razor Strops, Fish ing Caps, and sundry other articles useful to tho Traveler. WM. O. PRICE * CO. june 19 FOR SALE. A SUPERIOR Saddle HORSE, large, gentle, aud warranted sound. rv. Apply at this office ts june 19 ~~ LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE. ” The Oldest ami most Extensive in the U. States. Richards kingsland, No. 38 Courtiandt Street, New York, Wholesale Dealer in and Manufacturer of Looking-Glasses, and Importer of Looking-Glass Plates, and Plate Glass for House and Store Windows, respectfully invites the attention of Southern Buyers and Dealers to his extensive Stock —embracing all kinds of Mahogany Toilot Boxes, Swings, Mahogany and Gilt, and Gilt Glasses, suit able for the Trade. Also, constantly on hand, a largo assortment of all kinds and sizes of Ornamen tal, Plain, Pier and Mantel Glasses, Portrait and Picture Frames, got up in the richest and most gor geous styles, from the latest Parisian and Foreign designs. Any inquiries, made by letter, relative to the pri ces ot Goods, will be cheerfully answered by return mail. N. B.—All orders promptly attended to, and Goods packed with the greatest care, june 19-3 m MAYO’S LAST BOOK. ' ROMANCE Dust, from the Historic Placer—in cluding materials left over from Kaloolab, and tho Berber, by William Starbuck Mayor. A few copies for sale by jun 18 THO’S. RICHARDS * SON. THE Harmony of Prophecy; or Scriptural Illus trations of the Apocalypse, by Rev. Alexan der Keith, D. D. For sale by jun 18 TIIQ’S. RICHARDS * SON. HOME INFLUENCE, another supply of Homo Inlluence, received by. jun 18 THO’S. RICHARDS & SON. NEW POTATOES—IO Bbls. Mercer Potatoes in fine order, for sale by jun 18 3 A. LAFITTE. THE LONDON ART UNlON.—The”January, February, March, April and May Numbers qf this splendidly illustrated work, have been received by tho Agents, GEO. A. OATES * CO., Piano, Book and Music Dealers, Broad-st. junolß I. ADY’S ROOK Foil JULY, has just been re J ceived at GEO. A. OATES * CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depot. Subscribers will please call for their copies immediately. Subscriptions received. $3 per annum. * juno 18 "1 /\/ \ BBLS. Stuarts, Crushed, Powered and X v/v/ Clarified SUGAR, just received and for sale by . WILLIAMS * BROTHER, juno 15 NEW GOODS. RECEIVED per last steamer from New-York: Plain, low priced and fine linen cambric Hand kerchiefs ; hem-stitched Riviere and Scoll'd do. do. Super French Furniture Prints, for Laid work and Borders; fine and super twistod silk Mitts. Black silk Mitts, (long.) Super Garment Dimity. Jacconet and Swiss Scolloping and Insortings. Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins. French colored bordered plain linen Towels. Do. do. do. Huekabuck do. 12-4 Bobinet Lace for Pavillions. 9-4 Pavillion Gauze. Blue and green worsted Barege. Lace and Muslin Undersleeves. Lace Capes, and a variety of. other GOODS. All of which will be sold low, by june 15 JNO. P. SETZE. DODGE’S SKY LIGHT DAGUERREAtT GALLERY. THE UNDERSIGNED having recently intro duced several very important improvements in the process of Daguerreotyping, he is now pre pared to execute pictures of peculiar brilliancy and effect. His experience as a Mnuiture Painter for the last fifteen years , gives him superior advan tages over other operators. His pictures are cele brated for their exprossion, richness of tone and- ar tistical arrangement. His Sky and Side Light en ables him to produce pictures of unsurpassed beauty. A great variety of elegant specimens may bo seen at his- r ooms, which all are invited to call and ex amine. Daguerrean Stock for sale, also Hartison’e Quick Camera, at New York cost. Full instructions giv en in the art. Gallery next door to the Post Office. ap 9 3m E. S. DODGE. PREMIUM DAGUERREAN GALLERY. MESSRS. Leigh, Tucker & Perkins, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Au gusta, that their New and splendid PICTURE GAL LERY is now open for the reception of visitors. By the aid of our great improved sky-light, wc can produce a style of DAGUERREOTYPES un equalled by any that have ever before been offered in this city. We would call attention particularly to the Spe cimens of our fine large sized Heads : Those, and numerous other Specimens of the Art, the Ladies and Gentlemen are cordially invited to call and examine at our Rooms, in Metcalf's new iront front building, opposite tho Masonic Hall. Every description Daguerreotype Materials and Instruments, for sale at reduced prices. oct 18 WANTED —An experienced SALESMAN, one acquainted with the Crockery Business pre ferred. Address Key Box 75, Augusta, Post Office. June 8 ts LALLERS1 EDT &c. W DIBERLY have received this day per steamer from New York a very choice lot of New Stylo Lace CAPES, Hamilton Lace Under SLEEVES, Extra Rich Needleworked COLLARS, Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS Thread and Lisle Edging, Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Figured and Plain. To which they invite attention. jnne 8 TABLE CUTLERY'.—We have just received a large lot of fine Ivory Handle Knives and Forks. lor sale by the dozen or in setts. Also, a good assortment of common Knives and Forks For sale, at low prices, at our wholesale and retail Crockery Store, (a few doors above the Book Store of Messrs. Richards * Son.) j une 8 J- J. LATnROP & CO. WAITERS, W AITERS.—On hand, and for sale low, a largo lot of common and fine Walters, at june 8 J. J. LATHROP * CO.’S. BRITANNIA COFFEE AND TEA POTS.—For sale, a good assortment, at very low prices june 8 J- J. LATHROP * CO. DRIED APPLEST ~ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from Tennessee, about one hundred bushels fine DRIED AP PLES, which will be sold cheap, may 20 T. W. FLEMING & CO. hotels an& tDatering places. WASHINGTON HALL, ATLANTA, GA. THE Undersigned, anxious to render the zjp above Establishment every way acceptable Hill 1 to the travelling public,has recently added to it a new DINING BOOM, and mado several other material alterations in the House, with a view to the promo tion of the comfort of those who may favor him with their patronage, and has secured, as a general Superintendent, the services of Mr. Geo. R. Fra zer, formerly of the United States, and late of the Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Ga. It is his in tention to spare noither expense nor exertion to make the Washington Hall deservedly popular. He has recently added to his Establishment five good family Rooms, Lathed and Plastered, with fire places in each. Also, a fine BATHING ES TABLISHMENT, where can be procured Warm or Cold Baths. There is a BARBER SHOP under the same roof, and a LIVERY STABLE at a convenient distance. Servants always in attendance upon the cars to conduct passengers and convey baggage to and from tho Depot. JAS. LOYD, Proprietor. Geo. R. Frazer, Superintendent. N. B.—The above house will always furnish Din ner to the passengers from the West, at 3 o'clock P. M. dAcly may 7 INDIAN SPRING. THE Undersigned ask leave to state to the vjr* public, generally, that he is yet the Pro- iuiiii prietor of the INDIAN SPRING HOTEL, at this place, and is now prepared to receive company. The virtues of the Indian Spring waters have been so long known, and so generally tested, that I pre sume it is not necessary here to say any thing in their praise. * The Proprietor of this Hotel has only to add that in addition to these first requisites of the Indian Spring as a summer residence, that he has, since the last season, largely added to the Indian Spring Hotel, by extending his Dining Room so as to make it equal to any thing of the kind southardly, and he has also added many fine rooms for families as well as for persons without families. He also assures those that are pleased to call.at this old established Hotel, that tho best of everything that the country affords, shall be provided for their accommodation, and renews his former pledge, that no Hotel shall sur pass tho Indian Spring, and no pains spared to make all comfortable; with this assurance, he in vites the calls of the coinmunitv generally, may 17 2m EDW. VARNER. Tho Chronicle & Sentinel and Republic will copy two months, and forward bills to the Proprie tor. • COTOOSA gp R i NGS THIS Popular and Fashionable Watering .v|s Place will be opened for the reception of fetal visitors on the 10th of June. Tho Proprietors would inform the public, that since the last season, they have added to their es tablishment one hundred spacious and comfortable rooms, with other improvements, and as it is their purpose to devote their united personal attention to the accommodation of their guests, they hopo to make it a delightful and pleasant resort to all, as well as those in pursuit of pleasure and health. The Water from several of the Springs has boon recently analysed by that accomplished Chemist, | Prof. A. Means, of tho Medical College of Geor gia, whose report of the same, will shortly be given to the public. ‘ - Those Springs, tho mineral properties of which are unsurpassed, are siuated in Walker county, Ga., within two miles of tho Cotoosa Platform, on the Western and Atlantic Rail-Road, one hundred and twenty miles from Atlanta, and twenty-five from Chattanooga, in a most delightful andsalubri ons Mountain climate. Tho Company's Hacks will always bo in waiting at the Depot on "the arrival o the cars, to convey visitors and their baggage to the Springs. BATTEY, HICKMAN A McDONALD. may 20 d2mxc 10 ROWLAND SPRING^ THE Subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have sffili l leased the above well known place of resort, and that they intend keeping them during the summer season in a stylo superior to any watering ftlace in the up-country. The House will be open and ready for the reception of visitors by the first of JUNE noxt. LANIER A USHER. N. B.—There will be a line of Hacks at the De pot at Cartersville, at all times, to convey Passen gers to the Springs, both from up and down trains of Rail-Road. L. A U. may 6 ♦ 3 mos MADISON SI iINGS, MADISON jCO., GA THIS delightful Watering Place has been 4jjSS purchased by Messrs. MUSGROVE A iliil WATKINS, who intend to make it the home of Comfort. The Establishment is under the management of H. MUSGROVE, who has procured the assistance of Mr. A. G. Rock, late of the Pulaski House, Sa vannah. The salubrity of the climate, and tho efficacy of the waters are well known to all who have visited this place. The House will be open for the recep tion of visitors on the Ist of May. A line of Post Coaches will run daily from Athens, 23 miles to tho Springs. apr 22 Office Trans. S. C. Railroad Covip’y, Charleston. 23d May, 1851. ON AND AFTER the Ist June, the PASSEN GER TRAINS (for Hamburg, Columbia, Camden, and all intermediate stations on the South Carolina Railroad,) will commence and continue to run daily at the following hours: FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 8 a. m.—Arrive at Hamburg at 3 30 p. m.; at Columbia at 3 30 p. in.; at Cam den at 4 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 6 a. m.; Columbia at 6 30 a. m.; Camden at 5 30 a. n:t. —Arrive at Charleston at 2 p. m. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRAIN. UP. Leave Charleston at 11 30 a. in.—Arrive at Ham burg at 5 30 p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 10 a. m.—Arrive at Charles ton at 4 p. m. Tho Express Train will run directly through, without stopping, and no Freight or Way Passen gers will bo taken by it. J. D. PETSCH, june 3 lmo Super. Trans. S. C. R. R. Co. " GEORGIA RAILROAD! • day^s^gHS^* ON AND AFTER MONDAY, June 2d, Passen ger Trains will run daily as follows, via: Leave Augusta at 6 o'clock, A. M. “ Atlanta “ 6 “ “ “ Athens “ 7 “ “ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, P. M. “ “ Augusta “ 5 “ “ “ “ Athens - “ “ “ On and after June Ist, the Night Train will Leave Augusta at 5£ o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ 5£ Arrive at Atlanta at 5 o’clock, A. M. “ “ Augusta “ 4 ; ) “ “ Tho Athens Branch Train will connect only with the Day Train. Way Passengers will be charged three cents per mile on the Day Trains, and four cents per mile on the Night Trains. Agents will furnish tickets at each station, for all Trains, without which Passengers will be charged each 20 cents. Transportation Office, G. R. R. B. Co., ) Augusta, May 21st, 1851. \ may 23 SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, ) Hamburg, June 2, 1851. J ON AND AFTER this date, the Special Passon - ger Train between Hamburg and Aiken, will leave Hamburg at 5 30 P. M. june 3 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. NEW WORKS. —Just received, at GEORGE A. OATES A CO.’S Piano, Book A Music Store, the following new Wor'ks, viz: Downing's Architecture of Country Houses. Harry Graphs ; or Scenery, Celebrities and So ciety: by N. P. Willis. Reveries of a Bachelor; or a Book of the Heart: by Ike Marvel. May You Like It: by Charles B. Taylor, M. A., author of Records of a Good Man’s Life, Ac. A Grandmother’s Recollection : by Ella Rodman. The Glenns, a Family History : by J. L. McCon nel. ' - ■* Household Words, vol. 2: by Chas. Dickens. Family Kitchen Gardener: by Buist. The Fruit Garden, a treatise on Propagating, Transplanting, Ac., of Fruit trees: by P. Barry, of the Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, New York, june 13 Jftbeellaiuotts. MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE BY THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,000, ALL PAID IN. Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM «. HERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, I Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenholm, | Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, I J. H. Brawley, A. R. Taft, | T. L. Wragg. A. M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Rolicitor. R- A- KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to reoeive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance on fair and liceral terms. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 HARPERS’ NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE lor June, has been received. Also No. 367 of Little’s Living Age. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES A CO., ma 29 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY & WATCHES. APRIL 28, 1851. WE have just received a small, but beatiful lot of Diamond Ear Rings, Bracelets, Brooch and Ring te match—Diamond Bracelets, (of which the centre piece can be used as a Breast Pin) Dia mond Pins and Rings for Ladies and Gentlemen, in great, variety. Also just at hand, a good stock of rich and new style of Jewelry, and our usual, spring importation of Gold Watches from Switzer land, direct to us, and bearing our name, which we offer at law prices. ap 29 CLARK, RACKETT A CO GLASS JARS. WE HAVE ON HAND, and will sell, at whole - sale or retail, 30 dozen GLASS JARS, with Covers, at 20 -per cent less than they have ever been ’sold at in this city. Give us a call be fore buying. may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO. TUMBLERS !! TUMBLERS T1 "I / YDOZEN TUMBLERS, of every variety JL and color, suitable for Family, Hotel, and Bar use; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B.—Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 7a' cents por dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards A Son’s Book Store. may 2 J. J. LATHROP A CO. UT~BAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale low, at may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO'S. I CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS. WE OFFER FOR SALE, at our wholesale and. retail Crockery store, North side of Broad street, (few doors above Messrs. Richards A Sons : Book Store,) a complete assortment of fine and common Ware. Wo would be pleased to have those who wish to purchase to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 25 J. J. LATHROP & CO. TO THE LADIES. —Wo have the largest supply of Hardware Vases in tho city. For sale at very low prices. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. SPIRIT OR BURNING'FLUID large supply, just reoeived, for sale at from 25 cents to $2 each. may 25 J. J. LATHROP A CO. PIANO MANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared —, to execute all orders extended him for the manufacture of PIANOfIHI? J * FORTES, in any shape, size and style, at his Piano Manufactory in this city. They will bo warranted to be equal in material, tone and finish, to any others to be procured in this country, and on as rea sonable terms. He will also REPAIR and TUNE Pianos when notified. P. BRENNER, apr 1 3mo Quality Rango. SIVLER PLATED CASTORS. WE OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of silver plated CASTORS, with cut Cruets,— Those in want, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying. may 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO. MODERN Housewife or Menagere,- comprising nearly one thousand Receipts for the econo mical and judicious preparation of every meal of the day, with engravings by Alexis Soyer. For sale by may 11 T. RICHARDS & SON. NEW SPRING GOODS, JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. £3O Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Next door below tho United States Hotel.) IS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as sortment of superior CLOTHS, Casimeres, Vest ings, Drills, Drap d’Ete, Cashmerets, and Trim mings, of all descriptions; full assortment of Fan cy Articles, for geutlemen's toilet; ladies Under Vests; Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making and Trimming in the best manner. may 6 ~ ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE! FERRIS A PAUL are receiving weekly, by steamers from New-York, the latest patterns and styles of gentlemen’s Wearing Apparel. And we have on hand, a fine assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, and Linen Drills, Drap d’Etes, Cashmerotts and Trimmings, of all kinds, which we offer to make up to order at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimore Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Linen and Queens Cloths Frock Coats; white and colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Morino and Cot ton Under-Shirts; Linen and Cotton Drawers; men’s and boy’s Braces; Spenders’ Money Belts; Silk, Cotton and Linen Half Hose ; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Gloves, of all descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other things too numerous to mention, J. C. Ferris. | G. A. Paul. june 5 AUGUSTA &. WAYNESBORO^RAILROAI)7 AN INSTALMENT of 20 percent, on subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of this Company has boon called for by the Board of Directors, paya ble on or before the the 17th day of June next,at the office of Mr. Joseph Bancroft, tho Secretary of the Company in Savannah. A. R. LAWTON, President. may 18 swtjAdtd SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city, apr 11 5m E. D. MEYER. BACON! BACON! 1 nnn LßS *P rime bacon smEs.is.ooo J- lbs. prime HAMS and SHOUL DERS, for sale by JOSIAII SIBLEY. Hamburg, May 23, 1851. fl 2 may 23 BOLTING CLOTHS! OF WARRENTED quality, furnishod and put up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakeing Millstones, cheap, and of best quality, for sale Jan 2 SCHIRMER A WIGAND. GRAHAM’S MAGAZINE and LADIES’ NA TIONAL MAGAZINE, have been received for June. Subscribers will please call for their co pies, at GEO. A. OATES A CO’S. m 25 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR. Sc CO., would respectfully • inform the Merchants of Georgia, and ad- joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their line, their stock being now the largest and best selected of any ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms as Groceries, Saddles, Drugs, Ac., can be bought in this city. Please call before going below. apr 8 HAY, HAY—A choice lot in store and for sale by JNO. A. MOORE, june 8 At Adams, Hopkins A Co. JHisallatucmu. LUCKY OFFICE. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. lor the benefit of the Independent Fire Company, Augusta, Ga. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the well known firm of D. PAINE A CO; THE LITTLE FAVORITE. Class 49, by Patapsco 175, June 24th, 1851. Sales close Tuesday at 12 M. 13 Drawn Ballots from 78. Capital Prize ‘2,600 DOLLARS. 6 prizes of $1000: $548, Ac. Ac. Tickets sl, Halves 50, Risk on a package of 26 Quarters $3, 75. Class 50, by Susquehanna 28, June 25th. 1851. Sales close Wednesday, at 3 P. M. Brilliant Scheme. Capital Prizes. 30.000 DOLLARS. $20,000; $10,000; $5,000; $3,000; $2,870; 50 prizes of SIOOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quar ters $2,50, Eighths $1,25. J. W. ADAM, opposite the Post Office. All orders from the city or country strictly confidential, and promptly attended to. june 20 MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT TERIES. Alanaged, Drawn, and Prizes Paid by the well known and responsible firm of J. W. MAURY A CO. Drawn Numbers as Class 55, drawn at Augusta, June 18, 1851: 29 25 31 36 50 10 35 53 17 11 Class 56, to be drawn at Savannah, June 20th, 1851. Sales close FRIDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME. 13 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 12,000 DOLLARS! ! $4,000; $2,388; 3 of $1,500; 5 of $1,000; Ac. Ac. Tickets $2,50 —Halves $1,25 —Quarters $52. Extra Class 63, by Monongalia 69, June 21, 1851’ Sales close SATURDAY, at 3, P. M. GRAND SCHEME ! 13 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 30,000 DOLLARS l l ! $25,000; $12,500; $6,180; $4,000; $2,280; 2 of $2,000 ; 5 prizes of SI,OOO ; Ac. Ac. Tickets $lO —Halves $5 —Quarters $2,50. Class 57, to ho drawn at Savannah, June 24, 1851. Sales close TUESDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 15 Drawn Ballots from 78 ! 16,000 DOLLARS !!! $5,000; $4,000 ; SI,BOO ; Ac., Ac. Tickets $4 — Halves $2 —Quarters sl. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. GG?” Orders from tho city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. jane 19 CHARLES RERUFF, PORTRAIT (V MINIATURE PAINTER Room No. 6, Masonic Hall, HAVING located in Augusta, with the _____ purpose of pursuing his Profession, will be pleased to receive tho calls of those who may favor him with their patronage. Mr. Beruff will teach tho principles of the Art, if a class should be formed for that purpose, jan 8 fim ~ NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM ~ SHIP LINE. fNdh'Z*. WE E K L Y. ** The new and splcn FLORIDA. . .Capt. Lyon. —and — ALABAMA Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York A Savannah Steam Navigation Company. On and after the 11th Jan., will leave Savannah and New York every SATURDAY until further notice. These ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas sage $25 —payable in advance. Agents PADELFORD, FAY A CO.„ Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street, New York. JETNA INSURANCE AGENCY. DR. MILLIGAN having resigned the Agency, th« undersigned has been appointed and duly commissioned Agent oftheiETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, and is prepared to take Fire and In land Navigation Risks, on as reasonable terms as any other office. Applications loft at the office of Jeffers, Cothran A Co., Mclntosh streot, will be promptly attended to. - H. L. JEFFERS, Agent, apr 12 6mo ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. Augusta, (Ga.) May 31, 1851. IN ACCORDANCE with tho new organization of this institution, tho Board of Trustees will pro ceed to elect, at the annual election, to be ho’ 1 on Saturday, the sth day of July next, the following officers, for one year from the Ist of October next: 1. A Rector and Classical Teacher, with a salary of SI4OO, and apartments in the Academy. 2. A Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Sci ences—salary SIOOO, with apartments, or SI2OO without. 3. A First English Teacher, with a salary similar to the last mentioned. 4. A Second English Teacher—salary S6OO, with one apartment. 5. A Steward and Clerk—a salary of $l5O, and apartments. For further particulars, apply to ROBERT WALTON, President pro tern, juno 3 flO WHISKY. 1 ( BARRELS Orleans WHISKY, lan- JL ding This day, and will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. may 17 T. W. FLEMING A CO. RING TRAVELLERS. A LARGE supply of Ring Travellers, just re ceived and for sale by juno 5 th 6 JOHN BONES. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 BROAD STREET. Respectfully returns his grateful acknowledgements to his friends and tho public, for the very liberal share of tronage ho has received in his line, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub lic are invited to examine before making their pur chases. oct 24 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND CHARLES TON, Steam Packets, Leave * on every Tuesday Afternoon, through in 60 hours. THE NEW STEAM SHIP MA RION, 1200 Tons, Capt, M. Berry. STEAM SHIP SOUTHERNER, 1000 Tons, Capt. John Djckin son. THESE SPLENDID Ocean Steamers will leave Adgor’s Wharves regularly every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, throughout the year. The MARION commences her trips, leaving Saturday, May 31st. Passengers by this line may expect every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passage, having splendid State Room accommodations, apply to the Aeent at Charleston, S. C. HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay A Adger’s South Wharf. Cabin Passage, $25; Steerage Passage, SB. N o berth secured until paid for. The SOUTHERNER will leave Charleston for Now York, on Saturday Afternoon, 10th and 24th . May. f3mos may 4. FOR SAVANNAH. To leave every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'colck. THE new and splendid light K r . draught steamer HANCOCK, Capt. Murry, built expressly for the Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, unequalled by any boat on the river.—Apply to the Captain on board, or to the Agents, ap 1 D. L. ADAMS A SON. APPLETON’S MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE! Nos. 4 and 5, received by june 12 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. dilution Baits, " w BY A. LAFITTE. In Hamburg. THIS DAY, (Friday) at 10£ o'clock, will be sold, The entire stock in trade of Mr. William Smith’ agent, in Hamburg, S. €.—consisting of a general assortment of fresh and choice Family Groceries. * Also, Bagging and Baie Rope. Terms, under SIOO cash; over SIOO sixty days, * approved endorsed notes. june 20 b y aTTapitteT A Desirable City Dot. On TUESDAY, 24th inst., in front of store, at 12 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, The lot of Land, situated on the south east cor ner of Ellis and East Boundary street, having a front of 80 feet on Ellis street, and running back through to Greene street—bounded on the north by Ellis street, on the east by East Boundary street, on the south by Greene street, and the west by vacant lot belonging to the City of Augusta. Terms—One-fifth cash, balance payable in ten equal annual instalments, with interest from dato, secured by Bond and Mortgage on the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers june 15-td CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY WOODSTOCK & WHITLOCK, Two doors's above the XT. S. Hotel , and opposite the Bank of Augusta, HAVE on hand, and are constantly re- £■© ceiving, a fine assortment ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Sil- M ver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and s Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. &c. Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold cheap for cash. «i W. G. WOODSTOCK will give his tention to REPAIRING W ATCHES and * having served a regular apprenticeship in one of the largest manufactories of London, and from his long experience, he feels assured of giving perfuet satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to him. d&ely “ jan 17 Atlanta Iron-foundry. I AM NOW PREPARED to make to order, MILL GEARING overy description, and all other CASTINGS made in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR, PLATES & BALLS, Ac., Ac. **■*. —ALSO— BARK MILLS, With the latest improvements, all of which will bo warranted to be of the best material and work manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROCK, at the lowest rates for cash. A. LEYDEN. PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, Which will be warranted to cut two thousand feet of Plank per day, under any head of water above four feet. Manufactured by may 11 dfAcly A. LEYDEN. ACAR3X H HAVING disposed of my entire interest in tko Globe Hotel to Mr. L. S. Morris, Irotum my Y thanks to my friends and the public generally, for £ the very liberal patronage extended to me, and so- f-' licit for him a continuance of the same. Mr. Morris has been long and favorably known to this community, and I feel confident that his great energy and gentlemanly bearing will mako the Globe Hotel worthy of still more extended pa tronage. ‘ F. M. JENNINGS. HAYING purchased of Mr. F. M. Jennings hi entire interest in the Globo Hotel, I solicit a continuation of the patronago bestowed uponjhim. No effort or expense shall bo spared on my part to add to the comfort of those who may favor inewith a call. L. S.*MORRIS, feb 7 fimdxc -^EL^hITrIcHOLLINGSWORTH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta (j. a > HAVE now Oil hand a largo and well selected stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vite the attention of their friends and the public generally. All Goods purchased from us will bo sent to any point in Hamburg that may be desired, free of charge, and all orders promptly attended to. W r ehave removed to our new store on Broad street, next door to Adams & Fargo's old stand, where we shall be happy at all times, to see our friends. J. M. BELCHER, oet 11 J. 11. HOLLINGSWORTH HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office Frazer’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. THE UNDERSIGNED being leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have opened an office in the City of Charleston, S. C . for a ' GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cot. ton, and all other Country Produce, purchase of Merchandize, and receiving and Forwarding Goods- The customary cash advances and facilities will be afforded customers. J. K. Hudson and John J. Cohen reside in Charleston. L. Hopkins continues his residence at Augusta, Ga. engaged in the Commission Business as heretofore, where he may be consulted in rela tion to business designed for our House in Charles ton. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. JOHN R. HUDSON, ) . JOHN J. COHEN, Charleston, nov 2 jy ARTHUR’S WORKS.—Poor Wives; or"Loftt and Won, byArthur. Home Scenes, and Homo Influence, by Arthur, Woman's Trials, Ac., by Arthur. The Ways of Providence; or He doeth all things Well, by Arthur. The Regicide's Daughter—a Tale of two by W. 11. Carpenter. Also—Scenes in our Parish, by a Country son's Daughter. ' Williams' Traveller’s Guide through States and Canada. For sale by / j»ne 12 Til OS. INDIA RUBBER DOLLHeJ[ds. THE Subscribers have just receipt an assort ment of Doll Heads, mado from India Rubber, of both large and small sizes, GEO. A. OATip & CO. june 12 Broad Street opposite tWk State Bank. 01 LET SETT.—Ono splendPi China Toilet SETT, for sale at T ™ may 2 J. J. ice! iqiaKr THE ELLIS STREET IUEUOMPANY having received their supply of ICE at both housed now offer it for sale at the same prices as here tofore, viz: at retail, 3 cents per pound: or, by the $5 worth Tickets at 2£ cents, at which prices not less than 2 pounds of Ice will be sold at a time. At wholesale— To Hotels, Bar Rooms Soda Fountains, and other large consumers, by S2O worth of Tickets, at 2 cents, for which not less than twen ty pounds of Ice will be delivered at a time. The supply of Ice in the House on Jackson street, will be sold first. Terms cash, on delivery. All orders from the country, directed to A. DBAS, Agent, Ellis street Ice Company, Augusta, will re ceive prompt attention. Packages and Blankets furnished at coustomary prices, and the Ice carefully packed, to be sent by Rail Road, if desired. The House will be opened, from sunrise until sun set, and on the Sabbath from 7 o’clock until 10 o'clock A. M. and from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, P. M. Tickets may be purchased, of the Agent, Mr. A Deas, at the lee House. ts apr 2 NEGROES WANTED. WANTED to hire twenty or twenty five Ne groes for Grading—Liberal wages will bo paid Enquire at Globe Hotel, jun 14 6* W. C. McCLALLAN. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS—Thqßook of Ora tory, by Edward C. Marshall, M. A. General Theory of Bridge Construction, contain ing demonstrations of the principles of the art, and their application to practice, by Herman Haupt Civil Engineer. Tho above for sale by june 11 T. RICHARDS & SON. FOR SALE. JJr A YOUNG WOMAN, a good Sempstress,. - House Servant, and her infant chiltf woman is 23 years old, fine looking, of goo/ and warranted sound. / w Inquire at this office, ts 7