Newspaper Page Text
ncy—h-Cdr *. a*.. a-antim- 1,:
road —rmil WhCjt. ;mv< n : -T* s all •*-
robbers, or Uii, .s, r- ■ chel I-h I, mm-.
i rum thr-n.-o h* ;.'**• c ; s ,-, ; ... >, , ,
whore ho arrived safely.' .4 with th h o:. i.> I
favourite and spirited !•• . . j ; . veu >n ■
a. • r bu/IVo, 1 savin if kill. ! oa-, }. I
aid !»-avin 4 Ins hors*- q. it * 't.-l
d tshed oth ;0 the won;!* : an | j rui .• ! fil iii * I
the bonds of some {ertur.:; 4 *- i r g.r'v o’
■O. Indians. With t 01 :
v. iii do i.j t..iS n tiTav.v-, !/” r* 'i,'.r' is », ti to
-■ 11 1 u- ; 1 t; < : ., ■ ■ < j- < ■ ■
rtuh'-nt. (if, in. W-d. trOr* co Id ho aav,) 1: is
OH y j; . ,fy o ili.l .:!I '' ,f 1‘ ■ Ur. ti.' ’ '■ f V.
f;- n sLoyou' to llm* :■ rid, t ■ <n' 1. ; . o
i New < no ~ r . 1 r 4.'s< s* ,h
• by
c. . .'i\ .*■• ic . add ; . j (.■ <,
very band. I . .
-'Mei at N<-v. Uii<not uior • ’lira tvv<lv*
n.-nd : af< r ; ir ia v<• . 'm. T.
o*l % ujHu i lia ['ptiu - - ,
I'rom n u-( ik in '</ j .lUi.ihed, tn‘ t’■ >! a “ U
/or t< u w.'w-'y ». - ,-»« .■<. «/*, / a 11 , ;<•<
U 7/e/’
I et y. ur hud and bo d a nr and o’ n.or ■ < on
s> quence to you i dun an - . odo r bni.. n h• j..;
and Ik.ivo no lu a. .viou a coni' :r. th--:<
ledums to lion. I. ii, fi. >. . i aio : l>- r. and
bro her at Is’ > er,; irl <■ •av • .]. o hi; :. i :
is o.\pre; d; if will <-f hod: for ».f c nr: • t h-,
coanaatnt ;i 1 j>: * i to ■. 01,1 n, n !■ >■ s 5 :.• • . • r* ••
ns to lu 11. .Vi hat ;*•; o;i ■to v in <•
]i; i-i.soli ofr nr hush 1, i ] Winn };uv .on a
• ■ 1 ... . ' on.
*, • • • . . jof
ii/.in to suj>j,oi t and vo ! Vonr ht'-.bairi '
ouiy. H ... me home h >f—
whose* purse have you /any'/./ claim on ! —Ycr'
•' ■ ...... In m ... ,
Sol a. ; *. eilc< ne.,- ? an !.a wh< ; ■ !
vo;: : . \ Jooic’ yo n 1 •\, .m
..s ,ii ‘ i..-. s her,: —t our hns!»aiu.i s, and vonr
husband s <-«ly. Turn ;h*.n, •■a le !;■ !v. a.
yonr 1. sb.m ■; let ins ;n cr s. ! s . . .*• v h ;
’.a . j .■ ■ ■ - h *\ ■ _
-a fur ills 'i ... he •1. th. v. or : h sij. s. '] ! i
old Irw saying, aci lik 1 •
*• - ■ : ■ V.u, r ex, ' ssiVe him true, ihc* .r iujlu
.♦-n oi \\ nidi »*j 3 I*..u s:“iie j; sbeuVe ry |
£ocj lo: uO . .ar, r i\t i.t . and, \vh
0 -■ k luo the bes piliew z worn ... *1 ....
hoi i:. . i ft.
hnd v. . ’o ir.'.hc voor hue’ - nd’s h-.i n
tion alluring and dcliyhtf.d to iiin. —I e i. he- o
hh 1 a sane ;- o \vi • irt 1 always
turn from the ills and r.nxie.ks of if . Mu 1 e
its reuese c.l s. .. sa .ter ironi tiie
*» cridi cl K-j .0 no ior h : . j; 1 ax.. , but ior Ins .
i\l rt. I'o lit 1 y ui‘. .t w ii y ■ c ui othrr hous
es, let hint find . his < n. Sli Juld
lie b • tie* ;c,< I, sjo ; 1■ :t s - :ld he he s./ent
end 'trough lui, or es ..a i ee-f;:i,n l ,.<l.c diowauces
tor lhe d* iec sui hu 111 11. cure, aad, bv ye* i
sweetnes:■*. g. utleness . n l goo., h ;uior. urge him
coa inaa .y to thin i, ii.ou.ah he may not ,v ja,
“Xh s womuii is ..t.i •>i .. comibrt :o me. 1 can- j
not but lore !. .r. ud 1 juin such gen:l< c and
Utlec ion us they d> j. 1 ve.”
1 know iwo lemaie attractions so enptiva'. 1
ing .0 men s Jet: :a<-y nu i modes y. i-e. not I he,' in c icon it ■ which marriage produces, ■'
buuislt such powerful chara : s. On ihc con rury, !•
’his very i‘.umii.<ri y shouhl he your s rouges:
excitement ui endeavoring to preserve ihem ; and |(
believe the modes v so pleasing in ihe /ride, ,
may alv.’uys, ur a great degree, he s ipported by •
L Jlt -
‘•lf possible, let your husband suppose you think
him a rood husband,and it \v ti! he a s rung s imu- >
lu;3 to his being so. As long as he thinks lie
.poss ss-.s th.--character, he w ill take stime pains
to deserve i: ; but when he lias once k'St the j
name, he hi 1 be very apt to abandon the reality •
aitoge.hi r.” 1 remember at one time being uc-f
queinted v.i'h a la y w ho was married 'o « very |
v,ordiv man. A 11 :vu o all her com.for.B and
\\:jh- s, Ik was >; t.s vha: .ho world c.ii;S a very •!
hut: and ; an ! ye‘ Its manner o his wd’e J
was coi>i an icon.'or ss, ; n I he w. scons t.ntiy
_ giving'la r.a ~f, thoi. ill never her rcesc-n, j
lo corn; la 11 oflnm. ) *ut she was a woman of e\- !
wef.. a 3.'. sc ■ never \ rui 1 him. On tin
Call la r\. lie had vverv c.ii,s lor supyosih.,’ she
iho I.ui. he s lutsh. ua ;n the world;and the
Cdiak ■!. x V S, h.l ins mil; ui Ua atriind :.n
‘ o
U;j old v. tv av beehiii; vi a »iy .rokic
ea had -a. in iiv. It da .til, liny fault \\ it ii
him, lie u.'Cb j iiS.i. tl 11 In U1 11 1' ijked pottCC.
1 kliOh hi. all. ..I .at All It dlvlil 1 Cflb aIS ll j |
vouvrii i f ill in isoagi oL r himd)
cs oliw i'luiiit -b ur ;■ on hum* r. Itr s ’ho'
fuHi.iiiia'ul;o.lioiiii y i f iv scihnrsttkr:
char.ns are no ; and in par sbeau y’o the plum
tsi face. .Men na i.iv.iy more .hough fid
and mere uiiiicuit to amas • nd pie- So ilu-n
women. Full ofcaivs axui business, what a re
lax:* ion to man is .he cheeil’u! counfcmaico and
,jfc. vvice ti the gen .amis r, ss 1 . ins home !
On me con.t .ry, a gloomy, .fssa o . d n.umier
.s an n.ido.e io idibciioa ; un I though a man j
may no'* tu :o notice id it ia ehiiiint: and re- 1
p.fs.v t ■ his fee:in ';S,: nd Ik wi'j be vi ry ap; toll
s., 'I eis.-w iiorc l.r m >.m.. s tiia'. e.iaei*-
which lu- n■’ in his .-wn house.
, Is he ion lof music ? Vfiu. n ru appropriate j*
iu tot .rs sit down v.idi eiu- rlhintss lo|!
■yo. r piano or harp : ri coded the airs that are
weal to please hmi most, an I in lu'ge him bv
playmig those ihvori;-- tun* s. Till me, grade
lady, when was your thru at :].is.,c -luplisliiiieiit ’■ i
so well Jevo ed I While !” was yoer /oft r. vuli
wha re a tin., ss. Gild in your v v ry h s: manner,
would you oik.h the ciior. s : and on tvu v oc-
v. bait pains iiid you : .ko io captivate !;
An ;; w lat ... s 1 i ycur d,(me- 1
tliiims ut tins m* -nil u‘ 1 -s c a blush nu n .mg in
your check.} n* w mat he :s your ’ ushand. has
pictising bee -me a mat ter oi in niei nee o you .’
Par icalany 3 nin what the world calls in
rihcul g ‘‘L nr :a k-o ures. Whi a yo.t both
eater v. ur room a: ngii .an sliu; ,o y. r door,
end ca vo r *.> s.:u out at d'e same amnamt ah
dispoiu'. n<i cun .on - ton. .V look < n your chamber
ac a fe real ivoin lie v xanons ol thi. world, a
si.aitc* snored o pc. ca and uiiecdon.
I cannot say i much t . c ofman and wifetj
a* 01. times opening each ode, r’s ..ers. Th r
is more, 1 think, of \ uigar faminmi y m diis h n
of delicacy or confidence. Besides, a scaled !
letter is saor-.i: an . v*.ry nkvs to nave the,
tt.-s r-cad-nz of Ids or . ... ow n 1 t’ers.
j|. it may be your iucki ss lot to be uni
e*i to un unkind rusband—a. nn.n who c. rasno;.*
F v hot her he pleases or d:s 1 i ass, whe i• r you
ft are happy or unhappy. If; I. sbe the c s , hand is
M your fut tenth- la ,y, v -ry nma.. Bu - he die ts
ft exist; C4id you mus* cm tuil\ remember that no
'J ncslec ofdu yon A h pm: can giv-, a k-git mate
*B:action to a failure of duty on un.rv. Tho.i
L s. of tbos ties which im i you as a
r v ..»■ remain equailx irong in b< vy, w iatever|J
* hecpu&t&l of your iivh. nd ; and gaiiing as f
ft, h
in may be, yoa to dy v . 'iv r, for
; ■ nr.d-.n, to bear it, ?ill ?!:♦• Almiadity, by ligiit.
. . es to cro wn y ur jen lioness and
i f 'llOl <S Wl .1 S ‘‘f'hft.
\ (iii ■ j O Bm3. Vr JIX, i ,
Fr m Ilf f;*rgla Jcvrm 7 .
j ... , . ii
l ! * *ry v ti! prcf.* r thiy s'*y it was fortunat*
. t.u- o it: a. ni t . r jer-fo!) of Mr. dan
| • ii S !*• u*-*< i 11; • • C il‘ 4 Cf 'IT! root'* i OF:.: f
- ■ -fly • th‘ y■■ ac’ was a • flagi in I
ts r ■ t. ■•. mid ?.•> *" rr< * fas in deer-: , t a?
a, a.ady aw .in in 1 * .■ fritirh oi t .»■ Ida s.-
. • . ;1 • i i• \ - . ‘ ■ „■ n ; i .’; 1 <J • 'a v l I •’.
: .» >r a. in t • t r ? : of minis* r
.nil i § • y i
. I j ...... : • :oru to
■ .. a. the insuit • *•> r1..-:r Pr* : ont, t-*,
■ rina .. n• -a . *1- in'm v inflict*.**!
ilt ' . ' • ■
■d . ’as. if.;*• r,i>\a ■• a -jt” a a>
k a a.; h :.(•*, was to • lac- .if;. V-
B. ires h ;e Pres
a t ' t '(* a* -a-, i ;,.t ail'; i I paajn' S r*
erued to . iu\ ry juai roftl
h- • ' v. ,* . j . ■ ii ■*t .• .. ; o t ■
jpiy !/ . . ■ X -ir V. ;.t of fore I’-v-vry ar I
. . - n : ■•• ip as many r iblican
jo as to dis ra c and di
-- -■ * •i. . -.- ■.. a.-c .. a . .
■ from; and l-y carry
*':m * * • <•; on a: •.• ..- ■. .n i‘e, at; an ■aaa a .
- -....-
■ •. t t .' ' , . . ' . Q .
f union. It - .■ , . , . invoke as.
-- Uldll | Liu
' . ■; ■
■■ cl h* ve none of
* readiness and . ■ er as
ses . y n - VV know of
• .* . ■*.• hearty ;n ' -.*. cause oj x ; sia ; a Jack
lection jan r the peeph c: ....
. ' 1 : • I- ■ • - , 'CT * - t. Oil
■- - ■ . . .*■■)■. -_. £ hey s
. . r ■ die n in . L nion ■
' ■. a<’ aI. . , . .-■ . . ... ,
vs(h e . n .'i a.. n rendered great be .
u -in 'c i. ; ;I'm-cf, in bent r the poin |
oppoaitica tor their main j ack.
-. i [ j •oi < ■ re s leleg tes
to . Baltu ' mventi* , and did so w: I; alj
st . .... . . . . b lieve hat almos
I every ecu: ly an ,! Mae cv.icurr din die rnca-h
sure, wher t ■ .. xourt held or whe i c
j any oilier public meeting oftheci iz nsaflbrdc i
ia convenient oprk*r;uniiv of espi their
aSell llil-'.n S a* l t ;; lag .-er V'iS p.'t 3vM w ; JJllb- ;
ilicly tor 1-e-ir ecus *'• ra en ; and nc f one voice!!
tea we kn nv of v. s rnit>vd in oppcai bn. The !
j,i i I !
It onventicn pact, i ’ was conipoa <1 of more than j
100 d -!e. ■* t". I*v c ■*■ i- coib.-c i- n. no’ having
J . O :
tie prm < I s ale i \v before us, <ji ! a pur
er congregation called talent, ar fied con- J|
- - vir'.ue, bear! villi them individually -a ]
acr amount o public « mfidenci from every
quarter of the Lui on, has s : am, if ever, assem
bled will mi s limi s. 1 ht-y u,-.,r*-*.-d ;l.a each;
a ite, whatever might be th< number of i-n dele
gates, should have jus a . number of voles al
lowed io her by the c is.i u ;-ju in die electoral!!
college; and ' k'any on ofth Candida
s!s- ald receive two-thirds of he v oM-s thus regu- ‘
jlan d, they wOu]*l 1 concur in non mat;ng himji
to their political tViends aa a s;u aide c nalaate'
for the V’ico Presidency. Mr. Van Buren re
ceived on the first ballot 20 votes more ti an rwo-ji
iof he whole. This was deoisive. Th<
- d'-lega ca: ores n from every Slate ins aptly re-jj
t-.l those candidates they would r.-s.-ce
j lively have preferred. Those from Pcnnsylva-i•
i m.a gave up Vv ilklns, and -n doing so, again pos.-p
pon« . Jim- claims, already so ica. r deterred.- —\
• 5 ' v ' bnson, her vet< .a . ....
land senator. The hun red ielegatcs from Vir
jginia, gave up her ialeivcd, orthodox favori-e, 1 !
l>;rb-iu‘, ends’ o lif-rs--ii hu-.l the first s'one to
structure of Repu can Union By mOvin ,
Ibn - Archer from \irgmki moved, tliat. all con.,
j cur ike' fi ana'.(■-■;' ~i Mar in \an Burta, an-i ■
ixcoruaiena him to their w-ci’iz«jns. The 1 -
muticn w as carried unanimously,
i hsow tht questi , \JI th .meal an pai ylj
1 respec! and act upon :hc non inat-.on, an i carry
|cn ibe good wci k i.o a us.'.c mis' y coi re.Tccd
'or wni they by ibandoning lo a,,
- inflict on t ir nbo jr .
TiMbicn aha ct;b:u TUiili their chcnacs could ;
never accoinpiisn This n nin ion, sanctions
ed 6i hj by the wi f thos erninen iv.- s.
MU-D have a- r tliur i>t; Is to >*; and ill-ad , s
f ;.s by the sacrifices that have 1 et nia ie fori,
hai.ira.l but a p'oposnion. It in a prenosai
to t!u* rood ? ,; nsc and ra ;iohr.: \oi
:tilt' Alla '/lean people, .1 hoy cur aiuly . ;iu
j right c ard i if they choose and so lias!
i every keeper ht right iok< edooi..
orau all night; and every fanner ‘o throw dowuj;
| ihc ff nets crouiu) his corn, and tvery archi c ;!
j *-o jml down with \rj ]■ n Irgud what lie li: z
’built up with Lis right; but will they do am—•
We trust not.
i Ihe clibr.'s ot the tnumviry/e w;!I of course .
.not be wanting to sow eiscowl ameng us. \V< b
s ej- at the Nortn, C lay >ji the Wu; , Cull orn ai
| the South, all have athuirers, an i may av* •
(ritmis within our catnp, umuv of whom will
ivote decidedly lor Jackson; but whose pemon .1
I p red; Ice lions throw them open to every s n : s e*r
s ‘Mges ion and local pre : ;dic.- that tne tern a < r
~1 • * y _ , *
n a\‘ wnippc-r in their,* to heg- ile ti c n trom.
jiheii'better inteixs's. V-.'o in .si *:*.;• ’■■ iq see.-
.'ir. \ on Buren *rauuced by every > ussi.alc an ,
■ pur u'ion that can persuade the people that he is!
no. precisely *.!*e man -hat w , aid have suited us
Dost. A ami- it to be so. tsh I! we reject all
j arrangement tnat mav not suit us in eve ry mi
ner part • We would act on tiie sur-j goe-i old
! -of compiomise 1 iveen ( .a. tin .
tialitics, ou t those w 1.0 advise otaei wise, I. a;.;!.
sire ns .s ■. of them doubtless are,
son’s election, are g precisely h
alia; V» el-stcr, Clay and Cuaieua wo;; | .. . .
ani l wouki s:i-cnuous:v nr u- ..; me}* v-, re ... ,s- -
tied in council. stirdv ; s a. ir.
justice to Mr. \ . 8., an !in ;■ es; *oi: v to *
i nation’s rights, and to T ... of t..- IT a .
j who ha* be et: in ar. lor
*' S mething is due hr policy t ling;
New York, with her 42 votes n a
j friends in Manic, New Hsropsliii. .. r. .
We must keep this election ou* Set: -
; e Lave had enough of their h. . .
And to do this, we go ibr JACKSON . n . V.kN
BL i. k.- \ li.t ac s_i :eA.e —.... \*a . a_, _ :
and uoiiiiug bu the tick.,*.
From ihc .Vuv.v Advert icr.
l n. 3 is the ticket we go il-r, heart and hani.'i
(which, w e say in the words of the Best -a S .'es
.n mi) —ir has been nominated by the Dc.nocracv
;o‘ the conn ry, and v. 11 be supper'ed by v.-hc
I consider the asirendency of the Parv, and ti
jtriun ph ol Democratic Repubiicrn priacipk-s or .
n;-*r • ■ , r. v Mian • gr..‘ificii*.io2. of private
;?qu>-, i I unAhk-n, or local *.rc : lion— I
i re. ur manv o‘li rv.or h m* a iri th“ demo. i
cr -. c ;.j would do honor *<• nny sf ion,'
h-.-.v vr * v 1, v.v j t‘>ud to J.-clare—v< 4 •
all as ob >t receive that , , niiesta i< n
<ft •! i • c ■•• co • ’d 'u ■ ’u 1 v.-!!;-; 1 ', Is dudrl
.w!* lii:-; ’ th*: ;■re:< n f , how -v.-r, will j
1 • 7. fi< • nr •i<i' 1:' v mul i. i;ru:iltk;’ii ; v
ii ~ ,
w;il not b■ i -gotten.
~ ... , . , i
v ; ‘o rr-. port- !■ r aeiiun ; t-:
f v ■ -n.-v ■■■.'.•■> iiij .. , ; *■■>• rv ■nn'!i' oihu’a-'k will i
like r* ‘ *r c;l ?•'», to off oil w .11 of tin- ]>«-.• |. ; ■
. - ekes scover i
in br\ be i yed with ail
I nhi -s ;,ni ;r' 1 :v.; h
ruth; i . . te com - ;
; stl-•: .< *■ i [ ;■»].(- raid we i'-nr that ’
some ot to 5■ ■. • Pjs ■: • ii po
’• f !:s ■’■ :: Oi>: of \ r if;, . , v h; . .!
.i ‘ ■ . ■ « ' ‘ • ■ ' ‘DOS
oGnAriu : X •. .-h A;. hf-r. • jn. >
scdWthte founders of i ;r j il •. t] 1 cl-i
'li-- - tics of th- ]- ■>; if, r.jiiu-d with fihat i.- ia.
‘which, *n liris vot
S's { LiG ry ■■■> i :i, V. hi ;t , • a, j*: •-i ih?
snar ■■' h ■ ick.-d and x ~ ■ politi
cians, -vrho would rnther cfauilvv |
s':;'f ..ii,/ \ : v ;tr.y than
politic; power.— . , been gained,
■ iijliiiui >SOv j; J .iC f- ; 1- 'lv
■■ : stice prompfl and in irtlly admin-{
■ ■ he kj ■■ i ,
ind :ount ry rei ■ . rous bt yon
par; II 1,1 y the ■ lAd nistrati
5 ’ his ... ■> ra ion uit tunc rd as unv»or
thy ofsu] rt n•; mbitio . f .
ician—by I fenry < 'la 1 and his Id and ie\v ad
h r ..... by tl 50 nly; win! • th - .... : f
oar poaui'--i<>n, the hote. y< <* : n,-.nry offae ;and, ! ;
, to it ib.vir v.'afm. st yprebadon, and wiil;
,yield *c it tl.cir lirnu? Papport, Li.r such
circunis aaccs, we have no bins t© do bu to
ntamtaia a a’eedy and con.j.stent coarse, to in
i re a tnunijdi at t.he appro-ac ’ mg contest, which',
will s cur -he ascendency d! iemoci i ic i rinci- |
! pics ;n our national couneiis ibr at least a quar
ter of a c- n'urv.
r io.u in? S-jiU in.i Recorder.
Rarely has it ta’l-.n o my lot toen’oy sj much I
'read j k su *e, as 1 had ; t ..... jkc r. on the first
.day of *he present, month. The young ladies of '
• this ii.s itution, uhder the auspices of Mrs. Jane
- e , were examined on tlie n hole of every!
■branch of study, to which they had athftiJed du- j
| ring iho term. An ilo say that their answers;'
Avcrc prompt ami uif iccite iny would f ii intin e- i
ly short ot a ;us. d'.-cerjotion of thou pcnbrnvuu*;
; Ces. 1* w-s r;l oyo’hei diiihrout from an v exid
bitioa of the kind, the writer has ever wun< 3S< : -
These was none of that implicit r iiaucc uuawiv h
■upon the powers oi’ro /now,.. that usuaiiy ciiarac. (
te izes female examin . us. Though he prin
.ciph s and ru!< s of Science we/e manv times 1 .
:clearly and disoncrh- stated in the author’s own-t
ianguagi , yet the frequent interrogatory from t s
yu’ress, W ;iat do you mean, or what do -you un- |i
■tiers nd by this Itniguaye? and the unowt-rs oia b
j evinced that no iiiu was done by ro.e. The
subjects of examination were Natural Phiioso '
phy. History, Ancient au< Vfodern, Astronomy,
j and 'Gcograplsy with dm an ■ of the '...10be :i, Grain- ■ :
, mar and Ariihmelic. As part of Iho fiist mou-|i
ion* d study, the :< 13 Avini . pi ■■/we re ■ x» iup . '
;by the young ladies, in > inos lucid and sat;;;due- i
1 ory manner; the properties A bodies, gravity’-,
jibe laws of motion, mechanical povvera, fh.udn, a
air, which embraced the whole progress u ide inj
i this s-udy during the term. The examination,
i upon the iundann ntal riles of cn ical and cor
! rect wri iny, a par. of grammar vOry much ueg- j;
lec■ din arc oun ry, wa 3 close ; I i
- sul was highly creditable, both to ins;rue
: css . . • . ils- Latitude and lon jitude, andl
he solution of problems on the Clio he, were to- j
■■ pics of Very high interest to the visitors, and/
dr-vm to have been vo Ii understood by the first i
Ina word, there was nothing superfi
,>- f; and whatever was attempted was done j
with spirit-, with understanding.
A c:t curns-ance occurred at the close of ti e
x - ' - wl: :h I cannot witlihol!; as it was
• ouching, and augured well of the dis- li
cqi.iie of the ins’itution. All the pupils expect.
! ‘— ioset out ibr their respective homes tliaUve. l
mlt an i ve a vat ton for two weeks. As
soon *s the -cises were proclaimed to be a. :
Tl erm, an ’ he company were about to disperse,!
every pupil simultaneously, and as If influenced
san.o ii’rcpressidlc feelings of tenderness, i
..i pr -sprei of tlie separation, marched up to her jj
proc« p ; ru3, car Either, and took km tfhei!
11 me st.. i< c onate manner.
X'. itb t .vo ui the young ladies of the school, -
: e writer is personally and intimately acquaint
■ : E ’uid they hot’, testily, that while the pupils’
! entertain tor their instructress the highest'
eon _-i e • i kost profound resp< it, they re
' at nost filial tenderness. Among
: - - writ r heard but one scritiment
, : - : J -t v - c.i- of too most unqualified appro-ii
n and delight.
1 here is s :>iiit: * .n.r ul out the manner in which
.this s ■ t on foot, that inspires one w t .
? t; ostv. is es Ibr its ullimats success. A v.i- i
ale with hej littk orphai a : co.
.Hi takes up er . 1 otie n a land of strangers.—
res vestoentei month high—the noble—
the cievated enterpuse of instructing the young;
;1 males ot I: t irn ,:n the rrincfplrs of science
r L ten ’ ire. Unosl sntatic r - ; she se- j
■■ A nth country, famed for its salubri-l
tv r y -a y t».il to her purpose. Slie
■ ■.... -i es er * j bor oi love, 3 / th on y a lew
\is nten tl tin “tree sh Übt
® ■■■ its fruit, ! stand Or fiiil by ;>.r own
! : moits.
' •~ r st " r ‘ ’-e p-.v: Mias had an -opportuni
ty of. ■ ' 'Jin to this rule; w; ,oi
■ o- ,ass a : -r i roned ; and ir d> I elieved
it the vie . owe ,rc sen* ■ I fron tl ose
•>f A STE TAT OR. -
jj ~ ' ~' —— —
One of o ■ ■ s • had for
com. •' ■ c * iup ./ rcu no-- ;t. c- * n
S-.■ >. . : S'; t. ... j !.;c‘ u ;. ;ft) a.
e, aos t . self { ...
i .is •: v .p r ; " t t-mui./svc; : . L.s wi\-
t.‘i go Pi. i i hi';: ;vA cii A >•. : <- r .
red , that
would kiss her. —"Will he,’quoth Mrs. L( kit
—‘w 1; he! Give . - L u u Aoilv. and 111
s '■ I ■ any •• ' v * ‘.:g- -- V. ;>-= ; ■*-
■ the oo husband,
V y ■■‘ ue s r- •- 1: you < ■ .f• .g. ■■■.• \;.
i . :. . .ti per.
M ' - : 1 men you have,
tbc few r erg. i s 'here wiil b.— • hau. r- the
frigh fid columns * youi crimi A c lend rs;
you will .1. v find ,i g■. Ircfi v I.c e.: • t i
to one fa-ii.T of a fi. fiy, giu.-riav-j rcade.s'
.men more *•nr-uous and more 'vise.
!!K:;av --a
«I(JI T STI> {*.CLAYIO.\, f Clark,
moil *r. fi •
■; Hourdi ?i. GAdrsiUß f'A.
I tiEOKCiE *?. *\:l -/Gui.y,
1 CffAlil JvS ii. iMYM^S
* SE A--"g.
J x I V. - IT. WA VA IR G‘.-
PIK ?- \ Id. ■■fli-frr.jKd.
; . T» ■ . : who 1 v< ir hied to us the
f the ■ hers tai wall please
■■ ■ rc th T • ■
■ 11 hind: wt . quest th< friends iat6 wkost hands
..■ ‘r, ..v u *. ’j . . ,r * . .
■ ;•' . , ' A ■ ■- C U : ■ u
f . ; ‘h ■.• rv . '.hi. : v ’ ■1 ’ 1
; • ! fully I the lati have to«! ska •
j ' ’i • ; iiUtwo ifi ill .?• . -v rar so to Greet our ;
CC rs ti tth b'.i ; msj ■: a 1 y i g’/ - y '
I cu benefi b impartett. We rc aft ■
t l corre a ■ • / 1 / r Vt.i.’ca !) uc, ur "ul, U.o papo. ,
hi h ■ p : • . , - : its •it ns w 11 pr ■
Vehicle f dial is iiit an I ’ ■ nefi u Ito •
B ■ ‘it our huxnble abilities, we cam
pre tend to the hi 1 rank vhiU t te edit rs f several pi
, rs in the Unit I Stal ?aid in Gc< rgia des< rv« y
cupy, -.vitl: >ru u h rr* ’it to u. Ives an I advent age
pie. it )\vcve :: indu try, g 1 tions,
■ -ud a stri * aUcuPon t th? sclogt. ae, cut c:c.;;u uc 1-
; r the ability required and gspccted generally of ed
't„i we ean ;s-urv cur fricti'ts, ;ml reader : genes'; ';/■
tlsat our exertiosis shall never tiro, in ordor *o render :
.the paper t-.s iute-crtin. and in true live as its uumcr ii:
supporters h ive a right to expect.
;j That t i r-ess ha- been abuse 1, and in'*dc th? m a -{
d.u::. throi.. is which ambitious men have given nc.bliegy |
: to th nr evil desii/ns, end dissesuinated fneir perni.hoas}
I doctrines, cehnoi be cerfed. Tims, imto id oi prot’n
cing that good wlurh every honest end upslght c’.tiren;
expect from an unshackled press, it G.bases corruption
land ir.iman lit/, and advocates principles ci vanuncej
with those if} on which ofer public instkutioiis ore found*
'ed. I ; Ox'advancing the c case as virtue, the love,
of country, disinterested p gii. tisra; it spreads a spirit
or hatred among the citizens, of disunion among tn
sever;./ members of this confederacy, and of the c.ttt.r-i
e;-c h ■ tiiity among the various classes of inte'iecttt-d be.
1 laps ci which this great republic is competed- Th--
core" i, instead cf promulg ting useful lessons in the art,
?. dscien e‘; »f advocating the --acred cause cfmur;: t
oi de fen din ■ the public character of the "best men of th? j
; country, from the foul aspr-rstons of liireJings, and mer-j
! • cenury writers; and of conv: viag to the people's-minds, •
j inn. ar.t pleasure, useful mformation, and ne- c scry in-!
nti n ; we nay, the press, as now condu : -i, is b -
• ; coming a curse, a most dangerous evil to fho rising-gen-i
! erath.a;, and must destroy our public in ,titution.?, if rtc'i
arre =ted in it •ma:cn r -r r. I r fact, what do wo now ! -
;,hold f cuiruption aspiring to high offices; the
!| public weal made cuboervient to local or priv .tc interest;
dygltic i adv-n+uters r.ndbankrupts in fvare, fortune and
iTirtae, placed in cilice, and ether.-: pushing
;5.-h;, ;o. .v.,ia .or higher olhj..s still; the public gc.-o’j
ji ur;il .r-tare t ney.acted, and g. • lag place to pr. v-itc ar...
tuoAiy and revenge. Can something be added to this
j catalogue as disorders in ouc government? Yes; w
iJchutd p itriotis n deride ;, devoir in to tire glory ani
j cigni'.y of tire United Stales ridiculed, ar.-i disinterest 'J.
int -3 Icughed at. Wo behold all these things, and the
press remain" pastivc, or u es iu influence to incr*.use
toe pubnc m.scry end discontent, ar.d t> pervert more j
. and more the- pub i ; morals. In proof, let us take the)
pre nr W£ stu igton, the feder 1 city, an lin other parti
!of the Union. The most seandrdou-- essays arc inserted J
lin those papers; the most pernicious principles are open.
;ly -advocated; the best mid mo.-1 virtuous men of the coun
try tiro impudently traduced, and their characters ma
liciously del.unod ? iiiical ■ xruption ispubiiclv defend
ed, and j c •••a.i. 1 revenge and chastisement .are uublush.
*iugly recommended. The pres. 3 in ike United States at
j tire present time, is nothing better than a vivid represen
I;aion of the efforts made by the political gl .Gators of the
day, to acquire the urcendency in the government, and
to subdue their enemies. Public virtue— patriotism—
moral examples to our children, art neglected ; and even
jour wives ?r,d daughters cro left to imbibe from those
dangerous papers, principles which must pervert thfii:
I minds and make them deviate fioth the path of moral
! rectitude.
Couriering the press in the light we do, a reform
'should be loudly called fur. Wa will respond to the
|call, and cheerfully ru-irt those editors vfiio are an or liie [■:: iesssiyn, in bid .■ ;: t ; back the pre?3 to
! that high rank winch, lor the good of the country, it
| vhonl.1 have always maintained: our humble abiline:
aud efforts shall unceasing,':, be devoted to the acccm
pliihmerit of that nio?t deaired cbject. We will here
1; observe, that, in speaking of the pre.-s in the manner wc
have done, we do net intend to give oursclvps up for pat-l
Items of perfection. We are me::, arid as each, liable t .
iinperf-mtic-as and pasriohs ; we are not free from the fill-'
; Inqs we reurehend in other- .* The only thing of which!
we ■ m ire bur rc tiers that we shall keep a
: human propt c ities within due bounds, and that we sh-di
try to revem car passions from doing that mi chie
j whi> h the •Ail geniue of severtd editors is producing.—
We will, t-hcre-bre, exclude from our columns what eve!
I may create ill-will revenge; whatever may produc.. ;
. stile feelings in the breast of the citizen . whateve '
: j may Ivau the young and the unwary astray irom the
1 path of virtue. "We shall exclude ;r;.: our paper,
v h ? :-vcr cusnot bo read by th? wives and daughters o
jar-country, without bh hieg Communications will
cert-inly be refused, if not written in a becoming, decent
nd proj r lan c. e We have ftougbt best to be thu
explici at the outset; for we will not th
rule have laid down for our- guide, in the manage
ment c* this r -'Ccr.
. As the r .per is large, we shall be enublefl to give f •
■■ ' ■ r . die :::• s, the earliest commer hi intelli
en e indetai’, togeth rwithaj : ; one etc
• ry • üblicad ; n day. We chall also devote a space :
to I c myiciilturcl intcre t, an interest par-motuit to all.
others in Georgia. In, shor, we ; hail try to render our
; per us .Terewng and ir.-truefive ls possible to all
; . a readers. Nop u .. upense, shall be Sf; r
,s ; , m r- Vue t..e expect ions oi our fticnJs, and t.
:uk- - the Gecraiu C ; tionaii-t worthy of the pt.-j
■ ■x ■ •- v.-hicl: h;.s '. ■.. so . • r if'y extended to it, ani;
. r v.... .a %v c pre. er- cur g- •• ;ul fhuaka.
It must . •. - IcvTt d, :hi-t the IT died States are;
in 't- ' • V ■; nd dive ■ -
- tave tended to produce this state of thing
Fite Noj Lfniacsc sts /: . let the rrt .• .
:t 'r-- - u.a :th permit i-'dffierer.ce, and to air
iut ■ th •. . .•.-.! b .n he ob" di ed tr-jm the ;»<l.
■ ; ■ t c x ,u-;vrt a; ether sections. Th
■ ■ eq y nxiiled to the benefit
w a.-.t -.te •: c- rr; .• e to comer, re°et:ts with!
:: tn ar.-. jc * ' rr • ,e e- roauhxnents upon i:s
r:and he :. r.e* .: «u . - he measure-adopt
ed for the cxd >. : ;; the X -rth. T.:e West hi?
tdao it . -.• aud is ready to join with cn.her
h Nc-rtli o: So.: ’ ; asih-.t miercr-t is t; bo a.h. ucv
I Ik.o fan:! and the i-trrnul inipreveinent sv-' eni have
produce 1 th:? dtn-l.'rablc cur.dit; a of our ft-ter .I c. ti
ns. The ; < . .tl a n taraiiy r e— ■ his si t
■f our affairs past rente dy ? Xo. It is n n past rente 'y;
twe i - ppe:J to tfi patriotism and virtue
American people, which alone enn heal the woin.d- th u
ur b pli ic has received. We m t ■
ood son c. * ■ r’.:o v. ;-? to • j-y, res'- 1 ifvli i - - - -?
f hc pro, 1■• t r - Nor ian i Serb and West, f.-r a i.; /
-- rl in oi ■ reduce a reco; f tion. ■ .
-on? O' n o Tv :: s ct tl.-. 1 ‘ 1 r vo'c
that mutual go .1 w; : ! which happiT existed
-i* Aa] vs .i be m; do i; % hi?*!•
•Jurt-M rt-puhii ■o: s verciga -,vA indepen.imt Stas l ', ho
■un ■ r—b< tot yi < tine wars—l
here..—■ i i bju ited by ft ■■
bt a ’ w bitiou ■ : j
tot attain t ... ...■■ _ ift of the
l. r ; .". : • or . ■ :. 'hat 'tod; am a ,
■ -■•' ‘ " . so:w<-un it: see. vis of ti;o
' ' which : •tually
up ;ae w. a* t Unit, ds: ir,-c { ic
tsdin t idon fa lew c t is,
' ■ 1:1 nev ? ot s tit •..r.ife'ai'r, aid th- ,•
• • • ■ '!■ tuattt • : ; their ; nulls • wi tl :
. cxi ns :. i fri d. tl • - m Q f thi high and
- '-Uticcs m 'Ur C V,;: • -y
* >a: lV! 'bi ‘ a •iliaticn, ;m t arrn- c >ll ftnVr
‘ ' • ynece . * . ■ ;. jple th iselvcs
.--ti ; a-.. :'-.loitid t'iito t];c ;ua r .oi* m h..c: X ,»
: ndo that, and tl Uui / - . , Fhe ode ra! co:
: v:.: ad hr .; spirit of cmir/r rv:'Uvu
' A c-mecssiens wore made by the nr .-their., mi Idle an 1
southern sections of f Unit .. Aid -j 7 , ■
it was iinpov.olo to •. '.opt :i o --v ; ; vrk rr dd '
*- • ■ -•- ; advanet ■ scl i great at
ev ■■■ : •- " ■■ ;■■ ■ nte .in the federal conv tion 1.-
, : ; ■- ■i h me ; f virtue
tr 11 P * ?• An lit I ml, that Ve ha v f-.
: ' ' ; ' : filers? ’Shall the X ■ib ex
y ; ■ a! legislation, to thl it
•md nriii of the South? And shall the South, by its op-
P 'j : to the federal laws, produ ~ hi] v ir, sec h
■' 1 ■■■ : - >lv thi ; ■ ipar W©
■■ rfi* tght torem mber that I « . ..
I I American whit h animate them, animate us ; th, •
r \--? in. e the sanu veneration tor too public inrnmtinn'-
1 1 ot tnc country; that wo love th? Union as much njo they
n. They ■ ht f > r ■ ;.■ nibcr th it our ; f! er mgh
: '-.o rt, ui ry a.-.- vali. tly as rs ' ; .1 that
'■ ••••■ v - F- jl id, the lives and the f< . : ,;„-
I ot the people of the South were freely staked in the
‘‘ ■ ; ' - : 7 ; he selfishness manifested by t. -. ;.
■ worth; vly ;: y appe rtl sp :to r ider u:
; j beggars and dependant on them ? Why persist, .-
a ...e lem-r t.nd rpiut ct t:;-? C institution, tn a course which
' EO palpably unjust, an ur, an 1 selfish? 1 sh
| wh y i- ; ' ■' ' - '--- 7Wo hart ie; we havt
; ; strength; we cannot tamely sabrhit to so many aggro--*-
| .’-tons and to so much injustice. Cun they wi-h ua to .- *
, • v-.e from tnc Union.’ do. Oar Northern friends and
, th-cn a »»c ba -n uoceivc .ly :> few do -igniitg polhi
cians, who have . . them astray, with the view of ob
| taming the ctli’es lor whii;h they would s.icriSc© lira
j j best interests ot their coimn-y. Our northern brethren
■ jbe/.i.i .j open nit. :r eyt: : > the machinations of p hn/ il
. - 1 -'' e ■ to king to 1 se, md every tliin
jj -- S : by the do ?ifil of our rs ; ufali ■ Tb >y will
. halfw • to rnc t tiieir friends >f th© Son ....
i urc willing to forget the h ‘ . > . t
.. injuries nnfbr u . ite /cr :ated .he Soutl -. r 1 pe
are billing o make con ans, for thi . ■ ■
Union, aud even for the prom tiun - the .? - tof
j ie northern inanufacture rs. Will are iproejty ?t
1!i S« on *bis oco.-sion, animate he peop-lo of th? Id/!i
■;;u W■st ? We hope and trust, that th ,- time is near tt
xi: nd, wnen die people of iho sever..! nous oi tb ■
country, wiil be reconciled; when the : ‘ ion will ■ -.
q-:ire aduitior. 1 strength, and when, by mut-a d conces
sions, the various and numerous interesis of the pe pie
of this vast empire, will be equally enc-v.r tged id pro.
tect-.-d, so as to give that satisfaction whi. ii v-ii h? n
: cent able to patriotism and lo gi ncroua minds, if net to :i. c
! ambitious lu:J designing.
If we diil not depend on the good sen ?c, p-.rrto'is-.i,
and generosity of our northern friends, we would rc.
commend an immediate se- -. ??ion from tlie Union, v.i
cannot approve the doctrine of nullification, r.-. recorn
mended and t-Ivccatci by the politicians of Soiifii (J
iiii.i. Mi. Cjincnn tit tdc.r uctid. ci-icn a doctrine, if
put in farce, would produce desolation and intern d w r.
without accomplishing the desired object. Xulhti-;
cannot, abrogate the latvs of Congrc-c, and t-riectu/lly
prevent their enforcement in the State . The nuL. v.
mg State cannot put at defiance the whole force of the
Union, should it he found expedient to fmphv if. <o com.
pel obedience. And the people of that nullififinj S:-v,
in placing themselves in opposition to a fc ieral lav.*, su’,.
jeet themselves to trial for treason, and lo nnni '..i.c ui.
ioiind guilty, should they l>e * then in resistiop fio -v- t , •
tions of a law, of an unoon: ‘itutional law of the iVdcr-ul
government. I i Teud oi riullihiiaiion, sere? ion from th*
Union is the only remedy, when all other.? have fail; I,
s o which it State can naturally -md lawfully resort. F.y .
i.leclaration of sccesion, die ,%e mi!i;’r,nv. j:.- if
the control oi the teden.l government, and re. -.p?amc-.a
those powers end those tlsV.ts which she had d-;•?■-' • • !
to that g veremsnt whe j she entered the ;ed<-ral coin.
pact. And m rare this .Vd*. / 1 government, after aS; t*-.
jaa? solemnly seceded from the Croon, for some great
|t cause, should employ f.-r. e in order r-» compt-I fix it S? ,t.-
II to remGn a constituent part ot the Union, it will have
d acted tyrannically, and subjected itseli to the odium al
viy • attached to despotic (. ove: ments.
j We rhrdl net extend further our remark?. We h
raid enough to make ourselves well understood: v --’e
s-htiii have coon to return to tin? interesting to] i •.
A.-. .h 3 pasi ? . '.? c late of the Unite -St ?•
appointing a Cumin; oner of I.i k;i .V ; ?.r?, smd for
other purpo?es. In the course of tlie i xte upon
bt!!, Mr. White, of T- ne-: «-. ir.a :e a hiief ex;.! -r.atiou
ot the coi’.di .ion of the I Mian oiflce, t: ht*-/•-
; ty which existed for tine appointment of this officer, lie
.1 stated that the amount whkh hud been distribute J lor
year from this olii.e was not Ices than a million of dol
. u : That the I tdic i Dep rtment isteci of a l
Lntendent, twenty agents,andthirty-s . -• cuts; Thai
; the number of I/Miun? with whom ■ e Cover, it .ut ,;
-ome business to traisact, wis 3i3,1fi0: T. ■ * the !;•
! censes v .ieh were g: ...'' I iu Ibhß, c-iy./ty-f-ight,
; and in lt3J, ninety.eight; Tixat tlie nt. n’ -r of Indian
• . est :I ty or jtherwi w t■ . .'
that the number, ac ling to the las state eat, oi
i trcufics containing £ppr; pri:.'ioiis, .'d, ;nX
i beta negotiated since. To :»:1 fixese d.kerent br .uchcs
; the person; 1 attend ,n of tl: ■ -Secretary of Wj *.v- ? now
[required- The creation, therefor oi s n officer as
iI was provided by the ■' he dee:;;? Ito L? inßapc-.i:. A!/
: :>• :ess:.ry. T..- ... - .. .-f: :e b;i; pro/ I? ■■ • .
■ : t &f the officer, with a salat?
-. . Ise . prsv ; introhxeti mos a eats] ;
J -raon? tkv Lndr.ns. A;; - the tniri -ti-n. . • --..ze- :
he dismissal of mch interpreters and mec .
• ~ry, ana the disc antis tance ~ agents.!
We begin In this d'; ‘s r cr, under ths ?bev ? he* i,
the puLvicutic-n of fine e c',/. .um .:’p hi. ; ne-n 1:i . :
!• Georgia, with regard to ths ep.:-.-:v.kin eia? ;n cf ?re- -
. ident an-I . re.xYev.-dv.'.t oi t e »., >:•• ..' -C' J
hrou?hths ntid: mos file- crest. Vfs - t ;. cou;- :v-j to
, onsth s ne ' pers pmt a . , t s State mate tod
a end, contGrn.g article.- ib r:h tlon to the «u ;;ct.
Tliis letter, which will be four. m this day’s r r; P r ’ 19 I
~ . I
uiing which sh > ild be att; j.. .j to the expn 8- H
siors “co!!imoiulf’'t;Kea:i'!iT'> n vw.l-rr.": v ef -.1 IB
in th. federal consfituti' Wo si In-tj r- t- :ul to add B
to the arguments of Mr. Madison v . ould be an arro- HE
■ ■ ■
1-1 Bj
i with *h n.or.; mem d Lb- ;r than it required B
Th« * I
>■ ;i. - ow, ;•< v.ero : t) :!)(? K ; I coveniujeut.
.' w B
h. rtoj r, • ■ f-r thru coi.;::! • and I
=■• t ;.,I wt-!fto," t! • St, : • parted 1
with power* I ■ r.•?* I
general well -,*ey a ■
or ,vt oi p -: -*, why <poc; y --tilers wlii f>• .uIJ add
i-j trio*-’ alren v .-.r--;.*-.- ’ ' V. : y tie "I re t Comtes*
■ c* -
I eh-til have ] rur to r ;m 'vy :r;d laAntmu anuvy»
i v/;: •» t!ir povt.-r Vi,■? :.!r;-.i-;y : r-ii J tip \ : I, ■ ter the
■' ■" n dciVi ?” rhe framers of t stitution
■■ ! v •’ •' • mere tyres mI :> .jnihuug, in,tru
i- to h ■ oo:>t:v,e.i in t ! . ■ imam r tiro I 'hoJinarian ■
i r and power* of the Ic^i-;I .tive br ut 1; oi the federal I
■; ■
,d " - UK ... v .t ili --vk tr. -i d v out j. i ; eu to as*
•j ct ‘ vt • :::c !: ” ;l ■ -'.:ht cu staiirr-tti mi of the for:;; ■' of both I
.bod.t . But this set of Amori-r.a p diti-nur aid lire I
•- C - ■ . ■
(-•"•-t-t'vo powers waich are pof-'-csso-Jby the .’ . a’; fur- I
.a: - an;;* those povera which h-vr born o*; I'y r ml* I
: ; 1 ... * |
ruby an oiTence igainst the overei >f the people, 1
«* v : ' or coni . '
[ ra mt -" 01 " W ” ; G
« m
■ >wc f to ,l ' : J wll - ? fi *ey are not prohioited t>do by the B
1 ■ 1 ■ ■ .-■ f ei . m
'■ 1 !lio fo n*.ation of the ijritia;. i'. ; rli:,mr -t, renders tit t
;b-.v.iy omni pot am, while rrco.a-radistiron -n, Congress is
i'* lJ '“ ' r: y authority. Ii the J t;fi; iiiiariena
. coni. iutiu- c tue anuncan people xo consider the C.vt.
• iji-ss o. v.-u U. S. as a tfrmsh I’arliatnenf, ti:c results
| cane anticipated : th 3 cons .-lidatiou of the States
j ’.vouid indubitably be c’Tooted, r.r d the onyur .'.cure of
jConrrers 'veui-i Icvi ‘othe routrdiz aion of all tire no.-..
;C:oOt the federal and ju;e gevtr u-eras in W'asiunjr
|ton - ’ty.
, •' e i -'c r ... e-r'ugi cn sn ~-t to awihcn the
■' ■ ' rnd to indue hem to give to it
: - : ■ ' •- ■ rt , u por-
- I-, t c - ' • ■"p ”- - "T , ■ •
* -J - i - . .JV*; 4 r t.
}‘ /'■ ■ ■ ttis ju: Uura of .rfed, ral
31V* -. - r - • n imi •ror ■ C ; rr * ■ ,
-j * ' several pape r-. i wh’- I: w v. - :;-h i r < •»<•. -Pi-h a*» H
ejcchan urs. 11 th M
the APPjiOACHjyG nii : ' nev'f
• ’ •" P ■; ic foi he r ;h1 . ...
| are v. cll kuov n ; therefore, a hearty sar ;;o; i c .-i
j belorii ig t a that p• ; • • i ■ expected from
' wnrh rli-ar support, w;M he the efforts* v. e shall ni: kt> to
,ia.:uic the re-slecrion of Gentr-n J.a--'.-o ■'
dency, and the election of Martin Van Enron U he
' - ‘ y- 'M’e support the latter ; .... .
1 ■ :ount o: b. nomination by the Babimorc Can-. ;nti
j Partial to reg r nOrcination:*, we vonl d In
1 ■ ■ - '■ Mr. Barbour o: Co! T..-1 ...
‘ - ■ • r ;. in».- .; f t. v.. - ,
I tiudf.-r tile £ --arj- pri.r- de, w e shall support : .ud re iu * I
j mentl :h- 3 ticket i or uu.-iher.- of Ccngrtas, pLccu • ku.
i diutcly under the edit r;*4 l; V :.
i I' bt.NT KiVEKiS.
rr*' r* t i T .
i 1 *te GOiUr.ibus L;:.r.;rcr of Jotie 9, contain? a s'.te*
j input » ee . rtitl(,! h >- the Collector, G, J. Fbyd, of d-,r.
jonccs of vessel;* from the Port of Ap.ilachi.v-h, 1 ~
;-.q-ioni arrival., race the of March, m 2 W) r rt
i*‘ cm - amll!i t P° J ’ f - ■ ’ination. From this u.u;..u.t B|
:’>vc It-ive mane the follow ni .u ah* Tact:
,Ci- ecu lor Ch-tirlc.stou, 1 -i-’howner, with IG7 bale.*. C
! ton.
lor N T . 0/Iciin /lo t (iljooncw, with 3.0C8 bale?
Cotton, in id 55,000 liuj'bcr,
j l)! J -'"' v or *‘l hrigs anJ L* schooners, v.-itl.
2 331 1 s Cotto Is. Sug; r, and 703 hid* .. * H
1 - ■■■: -15,000 lumber.
.TU ■ t • .1 smoyiit oi' C >!»on slJjipcd
; eunng this su asou, bales 12 402
Ou hand, to be shippe d Gr X. York, o -r,-*
j| ° ca I - ‘ rn in o<ir c-.; imus to a communication
jjtrocn the subject of education. We are sorry that a
j “ Stranger” is not f citizen of our county, for we would
1 cert ;i inly c II upon him, more than once, for essays upon a
i S! ’ H i ect ’ thc im l , )rfl ' n cc of which he appear; to u.«ler
, st;md perfectly well.
In Tho fcM - o, ’ in ? - rf! ‘-hb u correct view is taken of the
,d. .cu: ;e of Nullification, and of the principle upon which fr
i G# ' ,>rfCJa ar ’ t !!1 r ' ■ * thls thc exercise of an unconsti, 2
| tutional ju ial dc-ci.don hf the Supreme Court of the *
' Uiiit ;d btAtc".
j ± .cm *i \ av. cutofi Ilurai. Cabinet.
11 ' ' x Ins y tiiu* thc pr2 r t’*cnl
i. .aill c• 1 jt i.i, essential!v r»itlf*r
» o doctrine now rnaiafeiineU by t!
• v ■ I now endeavor tomakt ,;
; * ;mi by the'a rai! arguments, 'ilia
j y* - s rolled rpen to prove similarity between
ergia, an i th< doctrin< 3of lou ii
.' aroiu ’u '.; u.c - .11 t>*!uc;i tl.-e ‘Supreme Cou“t
■ ■ at ... rr mt* M ; ■
:, ,; * >ver ... Iheasof ~at Ccartcan.
not i faii ly cons ered t e tet. of the General
».•••• po i- -ir to %fa
ny - ■ - - it'ing the I 0 f \
h tai at, we contend that Georgia hssnot ■
- id in those ins ices :. .. f ny act of
any tn • oa contr cry, it the Su
- to nullity t}j gj ’ - Inal
. Gdbrg I—the court is the aggressor
j;n 1 er to arrest the operation of thesn
-.v-A. aii-l *-*uOi*.; a ii'-s done jiotliing more than
‘place i:c-rs Ir in an atiitv ;e of3elf.deifcnce, whi-h
IpMAnc t-i fie law of nature she is bound to
Georgia lhs net gone cut of her way to
unvude t e powers, constitutional or assumed, of
t e .1 ! .'i.-e uoj t; Cut wii-.-n that court inter
fr .t w.t 1. or r fhtiul juns liction, by
inn tu n-A .7 her lava, Georgia says, I shall dia!
j reg cru y vu—i ahsii maintain and execute m
laws, regarui 133 o. your interference, and nulIF