The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, June 19, 1832, Image 3
nrr rv t ' U}' : - ill. ii ■' r 111 *■' . r ifi ■ - supreme, rt •c? • ::l 1 ’ P rot, -‘ ct rs- u agtumt the uiuisfi >a otV K c *.*«• * I M'jrr v r, G.. r ?ia ic j net .- .1! «1 *. lhc ■ Sout’iurn country, or the tj:;ion ar * i r their ni’i.k* t j and cc-inc t. r r i' eg ’■ ! —-j’-i ; docs not beat * for vol vO , . i'ft.r, !ul only dcsir.-j h-r - r a*j , M - ! a ' h. c t, ■ *•: - - jn tor. I ... : • k 1 w at b come# of I t •; ..: !; ■r ; ,■, t i i • ~., . ..... ° > lS ■ ; t' it a >nt: aK, .Is Or ' - v ‘ “’• - , " *ai '.vilMin ii i; i; ; : t ' G ' i, .. } ■ ’ • • • of t ■ • i • >’•! ;-'fi iff f’-artd- ... , .» , *. \ 0 l.on of hi act oft;.- so 1 . G ...... . - Xi rod''. ilia :ul i’, >.„■ V-.:;/. Co- at <4 ‘< 1 t’i • i jr(; ; j- j i j f t, . ; if. ( .. . .. ! . ■' 1 ■ ~, , , , , ’ t I-, _ . tlvQ t * . • ■ mb . ' . ‘ tha Gc , ; ; j; . ■ . •’ ■ ■ ; rto ax.v-s! ax.. t . - * '' ' ■' ut’t t liy fi. c. . . k *■ • ' ■ lit } . ..C -. j >\ y o *1 / cllcil■' n ' aWo 1!;h)« t; . N-v_.iT. ,t, b. t u on ; - 1 1 'V, I 1 ; . I iat in the 1 . • sos ... iutea - 'f' to ° ;: <R t. ■o; ara i.,i and ... ‘.ere in ml ol a e *“■ *r cruiia u law;, an : v say 1 s’.i 1! go yL : C-.U 'Jtuc’ay t-JCU Jt s.M! V o .v,i law ; ; c- ‘ u-l! -j$ «l" a-., . , i- /• • u iiio i> >, uay iivj ar .i.’vi i bv t: i ( y • • ,J>r Vv ir upoa ;;u bu !v, j.o \v ii si. •. ■ ii: vo. pt in ■; if (!■•;’. a- If t!i I Coa tir k- ; «.v r j .. ' 1 n iicj . t \l] t iica b-* * tra•; i*. ■ I '* •I> sa' ■»v 1 ‘ .* Indeed Georgi . t fvi at q I' i Suprem*- C’-'aMr? atr- .c :i> . t-j n >::;fV■ f Georgia to .hy t‘» .* to sa‘;:n’t wdhont as : i <].•. s.> *' ; t t »y ; .. n ~ab'.i icat on in tiiis (*a-: - com ; jVojii \vh t ! is l-< ca : 3 >.’ ■all. d ta-- i.M iifnlCovn-c an lami■■■ 1, t lies* :i little 1 1 .in Self Ic -rn;: oa t ■ ■ • ,‘rt of G-- >r -1 ‘ / rest the mu of onr Lc.ais! tin-, vvo.jU it b-- naUillc. tua to : Sin’r :ist it ! .No, u.-.kc-d sif'-f n • . id' • a .e njGous';l at;-m ".-n* v !•> c .ban :• t . ioj ;1 our fication on,their part, cud ros- a i.-r-,- i ’he part ar.i lie 1 ' Gc : in opposin’ •i . J Silt the T-triif act ive todoos noJ ittem'; to annul r obst ;; -t the opar .. .-■ipdi nos any >°*ate in tin- I. ,o i. i Jc-’-rma at ,n s ... * i - a h ria ..hc’.ioM oft .■Sr.• a; > ; t If ir v ■.! ai; pood and her courage co al t.i th cm .;, (.aid in both we have unb . r ,i • i c- n id -no-) she will v. v i, . ~.,11 .:, i x’ * , . , < % *■, rv. •« OVu -Ul L*< ’! lIX ill' *I. .> .SO i i-v. a.0.i.l . Pi I i ii’itf mt -r! -v# s vvt iloa 01 h-T -'a u; .1 wi - ' at<>seJ no : t.'a'at; :i -i her court; i.i n • ; .• eufoi i ■ St u : mi t; iet i!I ’ j w.t hh- • o ■ c ivil or >rin aI. iv . i o . d the ; • vv sen t it tor v> (V. ■•’! jov rj; u ,» * i■i n i vvi.» .•< tu i■. an:—- be cinot ■ u>’o; *i >ii.a ; “ui . t 1 • , tue 1 nit d -Mat -s tti ■ t a.-y d • bnd t—s-> tb ,{ tii • Ifni: d d: to; will be as ( hur-da is, the u - Si- ‘d-ad uit. ho i \\, 'fan vv.- hiivc shewn a mnn d a.c -f. . .a ■■ b »: w ■■ u lb; Ivv j cue -s, boh in tael and :i;t'v t,rin .pie, au<l th t however < leoruia may a ‘ r.. a; s a;. I to is mat in h r sov i i n ric 1 is. dr t ito i • has (lor - ti.> hiiur y*‘ f VV. i• h sir- a-imsts ,i° a ■■V'ii. ...’■{ at hr the c rain a <o t;>' G eery ii ,; ii however nut to :)<: uia -r ;■<*od as nor, r -V" isseii- c'-ber o ‘is {- -i; -y < r consatu :ou:.ih y m d the ' Ida rid’, lest in rt-ysri to h:r oopos; i-ii, rev. bo nets’ h-.- j r .* v - ’i'll*’ i i v ;. r n ,i* c -'lll3 .1 •». 'h •is rod- -sand sb d under itsopm-a. ■ : ou, f e srs b uptc a; ,-.1. on is J-r u ti“ s .r.t ;ta - musket ar. bayonet. m nil -*;* (and JSO ■ ft-.. ■ : t u mor dibctual v ns i '. . 1 ) noon • *. .t } qii'-s i oi her cosirs-a li in the •n 1, t;so.-sj 5»..? 0.-a-is fail, i* will tli--n h** *i»nt* euontrh to conn I os% for “ stufi it unto the day is the t vii Vcotb-r >f.” Four ou . ; v - not b . b "if’nat forbearance is yo> u crim— .‘-v de*ni jt r\r. •t:*d kj e tt rto leave the qu'-s ,a a j n p t-mso auu4,,>r wisdom of th • country, t -a f y any act ot 11-timed /.eal, to hazard •aa ■ l > 1 union Co. * t | p-ibu-s; u; these S’ :S c ■ fori ver —bdieviugas we do.yh; t u ■ eap.n.l error can o k.dcr yrr-. x;Si in a:u-r.ll t’.i:on •• y , 1 vvien iason in left, the t;» coadiat ;t. '1 his as our ■■ "it:.! m-5 f and one which we Hum; .y con ■- is a rived out by the souiiih s rest- >cs ofwsdvin .. , . • • « ii H good po’i y. doit uiuniat'. yv it vc s.iou.u iu oiirsgi\vp>i*x ist■• a g * t 1 d '**■ * ii> '* ' L * .* 1 K » M I nviiin-tnt’irK h »*n .* nr<- 1 Oil ilO{ ■: ‘ii <ili i * ** * kl -* v . uly a toruativo bf dan ei or oppi Georgia will ti.tni Ir hr jr< .s. If that day ( ua.;; r ..;st c >ai<?, Gi .irgia wii; sp-' k a !;m: .e ' :ii cannot be i isi.ndersto !. she vv; ncua r b wciUJaNtA* or be merry upon t:xe oc-* s»• t. -'-.e vvia upon.iot s ?ii two lon T yea s ;n st ia-t- '•* ' uailc-r, evclu f ing to work hors .-If up to t ie suck: vz >oint. »s: iC will *• do ird od THE WAR IN THE WEST. . .f t ' M We are lutormed by an arts da a■ n the Mw-wi Rc ■ ,Vh;ch ■ hr- a, ct M y bib til t m- ? rous; t ’ ’ c srssu.c '- ,v ed :st St Louis, of t- em - 're v fov.’-d r.; • ... ■ 4 the cdin ? ne r the foor.e of I s Isa i -iiue*. A p.e’y 3, ■, licmivpin, I.linos.' Klv r. bs i:n;r: i ■ -a .Crook, nuuuag into Fox K-vt-r, . t r imrriny la i-nn.; ?rtic8 woraea and children, whom the I . had k.l'rd, and t ! iirej' ut ’ "- L Si- -1' .man., i«• . ’ ” v , ■ t .' y ' mac a, a >at 17 jMr ; ■ fy f ■*’ 111 Iu i: ;"i5 n> pbs • " ■ i:L • .*.%_• —C T i. V to .j y bon previously 4 . ' * -v. v « J.a- r.; tArvent^nhi' two? v .. . T'*\ N p. ■ v ? ■ \ .* ipy !> ;.dk T f.i a Os llf , ,ou .X c O.e .. . ' .1 1 ’ '* v 4.. ” . . .. 4 **■**'--- ? .. tor ium to crouds r K' tr v i v j r.. . *.ic : ' : ; . ] . other pars* ‘ac : ov G «“* A V; T";? attl !wL>ib * v a?ar:yl:: *. 19 f>j ia Ci ‘--pypyp- mum »-x*- r 'T'r'ix v n\w V. 1i V1 oI.VU,' ij.i.i iv 1 £*£ sinc©i 0. Stator ° f a-ltcr- present, lb r N in our next. .Tee Senator-?_ ‘‘ ' v ?io v o( 4 d i r tl.e b:I; ero Messrs. Red. Bucsmir. ‘ ■ ■ : . Caw. Ci j D* Dal .. b Foot. : ■ - R .. . . Ko it, : ■ ; r adexter, Prwv-. Rcbhin-, Robir.-on. Re. :N. , . rp . ep • x '-'-. ", Mn.: ; '-i’msmc. 1 ip.oa, ox. . ... ~ Webs:cr, W.11un.,-28. Tuo-e voted a- Ul “*, ..ia« i;. are Mcssr?. Seaton. Bibb, Crown. D: -ker.^nn. C *2 Da die v, Ellis, Forsyth, Grundy. H-.yae, H.ib K Marcy. X2*. Mb -* ' - TATI IFF. The Ci’..Le :brn;-h;-s a; with the eketch of ! the Speech of Mr. Drayton, of South Carolina, ra the ssx'- Iw'proEcaixt.v.3 j.* tha Ls. ;-a th; 1 aisi T• - k “ Mr. Dsaytcn rcidr- the Committee a-! 1, :un hour and a h df. He s-:.;d the subject! b r. d-.e Cotsirnky. vv - or;; of yr> • t iniport mcc" •. . sorbing in-crest—not only i nn its extent an 1 cotnpb : ,bu r « its ' 1 - .. '-...5C.., , ; • landfill ■ . wt to th< tof ti tilut .. not to T : . .. v t; ’ ’ . ’ - i » V * V': -M t . V ’ , - ♦ Pl 1 . • . ' ’. , ■ . ' * y* * » !• t • * J , . ;4V • • ' V * 1 , . , 4 , * . . , r 1 f ' ■t '*l f * ~ . - , r * ; ♦ .. • • y . L’;. : ’ ;• b watutiv. s or, 1 U-1 1; - . ' .. ito t-s-r j.»■ t t Vs- sys.i: . ii t t ic.-’o v> ; a li g -i., nb.i y ot' the i.; • ll *pi , nti lives, vv 1 o - t - > act liy paid the taxes ■ ed u pot as their 1 - uU . I I rr * f • « ’ ; .V . f « ) I 1 il l . I) / fJ. ! -17;. , ) •> • til,. ■ j . 1 .; 1 . i vv t i the t-v •> ofotii -is. 1: was :m :< *ntrovcr. tible fact, tliat opj ng tirnent iled n t ;; :;.j- •ia di.ibr-.;,: ;-ci.oiis oi ti e ■ -ountry. Iftiios and inter* As •v .» • tb-is oppo; b s o 4.-; in lh« ir rt spec pin ot . . but evjl could res It fi ■-■ ti' V - 4 1 10 l i , liO 1 Opaii-S V". OU:d be ’’l.lll I’d. * ■ ■ .hi" ;; u./.ild be u; unfortunr.t- to the vi • »rs a ie vanquish b He hop* d a differ j t j in» ; - . . . - . , >iiC^ Lhe ■i - . ;!*•.* »n coui-i :K>r be prei rved in siv. Ii on. r m .ci be', by the traiisl'uj -n of th-• spirit oi . ■ .. - .; under the iniki nee of v/iv-ch n *wan iLma d„ B-;t if the doctraif-s : | vv ich had been adv i< by tie - p ising *; an * 'p on; were practically carried -u, we should ;i mt the i . of t ; Union, i i..- ; rqt t:-"- v.t- m, a-; it had Le n nsa.a ■in :1. could not • vviiaosit dostiovum me !iyauienn; oi theji • ti ]■; this c mntry, no law could been-i f rc- ■ winch tic vvnoie mvss of those upon*! w io n it op.-rut .i, re;ruri a; j .-utial, unjust andij j- i if e» Ur*; >’». riot n ovt >. iiiiioiit oi ijrocj u i*ove.i’ni.ii nt oi opinion. In making, ; ■ o . wo? not men ice— .b.s,w:hi w;-.s to sooth'.* c.uflictiay fe -liiupr., not i to .1 V tisenn iae s. ; i iiiiuress us on all; & I i h iring of ins voice, t nee ;ity of IU jrc I. ii; did not iuteiulto■ gc in: rny d*. iis at present. Upon niany|i n s ; his in : .1... to di For in op ni n ti-.- .s t I-! \ lews expr-.-s .-.i u\ sis-, iwie.-i-oa- ( vti,! -a .so.) il_- eon b iored t'aat the* burdi-n of; t-3 prct.-itiu- tank foil upon those in all the; ■ dks of Id ■ ;■ ti . . .'.l i.'i - | rotect ’’ii ; - -■ s. Me a i no? i ve tliat the cotron i hmt'-.ri i boi wh de 1 rden of 11 ation. bhe pi« - ti 0;.. \/, a-■ i iii '.iittcrent paitj; oi tie wori-l v'- ; t -o .-x- --it i:vt; ior it; price in the fllarke: so be i i . a -t- I l-y it a -juali y, the Cnautify prorln-red j v':d t ic deiivin-'l. —Vvitliout going into this sub-! jeet •th ;t ■ vils which ii >! grown •> -.1 of j t ie protc- 1 ivj system were s iiucicnrly great to, ; '-i : all the la-nos-tb ■! hod bet ni:u e 1 against; if. Its objects was to compel t!io mto buy dear,- • vvoul! otherwise buy chvsp. 'The consuin, rs i ’•v r mu; e numerous tu.-.n j>ro m-. • rs. 1-. sa tiup.! ; -a , - sit of the prolucers of j. itccted articles 1 . f-;\v resided at the South. The result is that bmsiVie;- goto one section oftli,- country, while the burdens only are Lome by an -t .er. I nder thes«-j iciicuniot in s, is it s’r'iiiye til'd a loud clamor' rai ; e ; ’ !?e was aware that it had been urged: ■ ’ tch -oi the articles was promot* • i I".’ v.- f •:■. -:i. That argument was destroyed, by Oil- .-■! : - pie tact —he Lad never heard that the', pi •-.lus.-ts had asked t!i • lessening of .‘he duty,! f-*r the purpose of increasing the price, but on the' ;kl . / » - .- r -c-c i ! y adt oc ted an increase !cl’ duty—-was fas for the purpose c flessening i! the jeice i dstiii Ci. tins Gilt.;;.- t wus its.. 1 Gii, Individuals were most c; etent to set-? tie 11 such'matters as relate Ito the uni * y ;interest, upon matt--rs •which come heme to the’! b i hiies.; and I oso.ns of inaukiu 1. M ti physi-jl oj.. - . n —-i» ;\. .; .i' t lie Cvis ti .1 3 s. 111 ; iu*..ts.. | I air L\ s iia his own opinion was adv rso to the j I■. .it.i.; .a.di s j Oi tno psuieciiv ss; - I m. As iui bo vi s■; rare that great v . Ci .. .merity was < y the ether side, lie was-i ‘aware it to opinions of and? .V ie ns a. ll Jed -rson and Madison .; a P.lonro and Jackson were all in favor Li.ta of the con-1 stitutionality and the exj N: a y of the protec-j tive sy-teir. Ho also knew that the northern;! and caster • States oil fin dly opposed it. Bat exccptin by sing . . . ... v . rjni i. Mr. • Ivando-cb] 1:0 . tb’i ta the 'Olistitutioualitvj 'th rigiaal t tof I lid wis m le. I .or S’.avi cir ‘ua stances !c* was unxiocs t-> i r.- ! press upon tile t.. mmiit-.-e the inxiessitv of re-!, lacing the revei to • nts of t : sury?' At t'ic same 1: n he w.-s not i-p- ; t<> oc tr v the pr-f-ctive system at, and Gang rein; up- *u ’lie millions v. be wt re dcpcndeiit iss on i ' iirtv. iLiCtur* s. Ino r- kuction -.*t si.o>d * b-- ■• • gradually. He v Id not’add f ito i stub f lie opinion. To vin b i i ... • a emist char, eot r.-on-.-t n.y b "-c :.! exp; 'in tin iravni-N ofb:> opposition to'j .. • \ \ 1 > f At T v . mim a c :* > :\n . .h .ns. Mr. I), w nt mto's t ;at SicTll C ?-' f ’ .»?. 1 blli OU lt> .went into a discus 1•> of f • b fine of ■.7 //.. . ' . * » 1 ' 1 j 7 *■- I i -1 :'.G 11 : 0_ . h'a d: Ulirttl. ' 1-V: : • iiti.csiuT.? **t. i" >rxo as— i. J 4 • ’V t • , 11 • smTi3.Lc on ■■ urn . /in ? i .:?.ury soi. jo.s ctim ucu j ■ # n In them v . ir ;;:c -*. - . .. . . c. ..■'i.j. } ■ re ■ 'b nur ries tbt ail wi re parents in ti land,-] '■t r ’..biorn .. - an i .-M. • .V ' - t . t the isof : i hily .eii ploa, ad ■ ... ■ N ' cancel ,in the in'll ,•i • i « me are ceep:s’ ..c in ... c s ni,.:; ed so frequently, in diaastro . s tencef. — . ■ ben is mot ..... lin .: . o hesa < ects, ilh pre i .... in b all Who desire 1 ilerest of their c a ii. .. — I - ’ : : ■ - ■-. ■ : -X- - isii’u ions—or w:.o icc.c ~ r-i o a penoa, ? adoatej. •oa ‘ 1- —' rag ; ; P;. Ing broarb your c-'kju ty a few (bay.-, since, I stonr ca>u diy a’ Hicti mon I ll.uh. Ijcnrning that an ex-urimitmn o; tb, pupils of the .".nv-isiy was .a ps-mr-ss, i visited, and sp-uf as -v hoars at the room. I w;*m s-e;i exanimate u in the i ieb r < ir.v’^m ■ rs, in (. - ry, Mr L Phil . • d - try, -. —. ; . hav -.) hi sit at ion . vmg, ih.i; 1 have - i i ■ a s< -»-p them s •.rp.’ d. ti-.oiurh long acous om: i;o v.i u< <s such trb-is. i 5 wi mil of the vacand the n::-'. : :r-<iandin~ ! brought ii-'o solmiohs. ec aunv rs; an.l / '.h of til t*l •'*: i • b V.' * ■ •'•]!*- :y , I s n:‘ in vur b * :x. 1 . »\v t?r=y H . ■ • S ; d : r ■3s■ ; : propos iuo - ■ - it would bar< I inproj r,) had i n ■ ’tc ... ■' ■ rat! ■ r than the| /-•••' • <, fihe t> t-“ - -k the w ros of w nu.-h xray bei fy re •» it I, wh : it) .. ar ;. i .;.■ Irs > ■ 1.1 *.., - i’— ,i.„ si ... :. rh -- ii *- •• r- 1 ■ ■ ■ - - ■ • - : ■ : ■ i V'‘v- ; : ora{ 1 » r - - '' ' ' 1,. . ft, v, M r. I: ■ i-an. ms iu ;v, wlk- am nt tit- head of ibis a< are w eii - ualiht I for! t.u-ii’s.alien, s * h i>v exu.-u.- vo a-’O isreaiciin -k lik-r;. >u - :- si .si seienc -. mi ! much m.m mM :rp , enc .. i' ; i . n sol . structioii. iis- ■i i ion to its ink , with its <.. • and ht 1: by i, so far . * fron. •• temj . . : - liti< ofciti p r villa 7 k and c f ring set] f-w n.e ms ibr the c< nceulment of v!*-;-, rviidci I-.S<ia 1j; .S S TOliy tO ' ilk* ol ti 1 I HOilC* | ief liat da in;- 3 , and the < ble iud faith-] id! ins’ rue ions dispi n-;ea there, are too little 1 kkovvn. lu-.■; ciici*ed inis s.asaim notice tr>>m a i 1 « xT’v*i‘ *C If O'lTiiis ? • < n.Trni' of thei: MiiEiiaai' ritiiE. ' T ■ • ««s.» r>c -•a-. • Lj oi i UK" r Four p.aric-r ufen contains judicious and j us t-il tx ra .is i.-ciii walks, and .soincumas ori .. ii. pice, s Oil Vigncui ural subjects and rloiiK j t../ e-tollomy ; and Ul :NO. 101, an t-XllMCl head- j *‘d “(. ul uiv* ol »Siij li«.ssuii^ostc.i liiG proprio- V k*i iiik id-k l.C'.i Oi liaVK.ii'g •. lit? Cl IZCid 1\ ■ Cll- ; imOiili Cdlli V , iiil. N 0 Li. v‘ - clJi V I i iOi.l J1 • >fb Li . ' . ’ / * * ‘ I iciMpiiiiy iho Utiaiuro ot ‘Siik, to- hie // r-A st y -n, - • ... .Mr;, i.i the i/u ,i/icxs to wii: tho | |C:illuro ox* tLi wliito-UviibeiTV igo-—riiosp^n-i iMicOi. . \j '-uC tiOll OI GUI o ll! / .i.ll’ 'I;, 11\, Hi- : '- • ' • >ot .1 ... ~... . f lilt Cit t,IZ6 season of :I, ye r: Chii In n an g: th r the berm 3, aisu any person j. ml them »ngj u ic knees, aim cover iiicin -,i gntiy, ana iLe! voun- niitii e vnh j -ring no and soon s/jbird abun-> Malll i.K-'.'S Ci I-- I_ (lie 111;.- >» Ok!) ; >0 UIIV ( extent jesirable, with very hltle, if any, loss ofj , ’liiiO iTuiii v-'.iicr C-*G.iiOy.Onjiiis oi li iiinni Uig. rsons and children, incaj al le of labor, may 1 oe j ik-li’ .ibly eniploycfi c-.t this land of bi s a. »sp wliich will e-.-. k v kx or seven eks a. thei ;s, i.ii ’ and iir-k ot'summer, io make a silk crop;' ■ - •-l iiGl-'xJ I*J c \ J k . U .10 -Vl ‘YS vji - • ’ * oi v> . »-i • j ouMy) tho import ucu ,‘ji j-iaiiimg poor itvm wnii the w hile berry and the grape vine. The writer has very j Ukic: t-xpe: lence m .Le ousmess oi producing ksLk; but tiOiii some exporlaicubs and much re-: Nlectioa on the a.ivanrag s of our climate ami ■■> lor ale cm Loire oi me Alu.berry', and. the lusio' ! ti'o.iblo in lev-Jiin?and mann'diur the Bilk-W onsi. 1 . . ° . p . p '| ; (re paring lit le or no ariiti-.-ial warraih to k<. pi i thorn Ilia ring, .and very little care to keep lin n, h al.liy ; believes there is no country (certainly 1 i no part oft lie L. N.) wFic-ro the-business can lie uuom- prolilably pros cuk-d : Audit is only ne icess.ry for those who have exhausted or poor; i s any lands, lo plain Mulberry Groves or 1 ledg i es. and for a few years ic keep cattle and oilier aniiiia.s tl:at iced on !ue young trees, from ! :bs roying them, and a iNund* ion is laid for ibr tunes Jl>r their chiofreu and posterity: We | may, and no doubt will, by adc/p.iag iihsmelhod ol' improving the value of our, d nd poor 1 j lands, atir.ic: the a tc-a;ion .as more skilful and en 1 people, to the 4, Ivan an jes and liberal] j gills_oi ti\. • idenec, so Iv cinx-garded bv j as—LUdceu we lue- e enough busnn.-ss, to c-ngatre ’ j our time, iiiid <lraw forth oi.r gra-h ude, and ucj i not see* miy munedii', ;,e roli.s liKcly' lo bo Cc :ii\i i From the cullur oF Mulberry trees, anul , ii.t rc.oie .ake no .iot.ij/.e .o roar .h^.xi; La. ._tci ; time is coiaing when they' '.. ill, undo:- skilful! kiianagenmui, aliuisi more Wcal.ii b.-_u lire ok-.N: Aimes, .o the j eopk oi Geer nt. M ‘ PROP^TFT GG X X•- V X . a L.J A. • Richmond County, o.hJu:ie ; 1632. -- — i j Anl .TOCRACY, in t!ie 10ih century, is defined by n d.;• i -su-'iira I-i-.-nch orator and friend of liberal prir | cipius, to be dir oo duion, the ie-igae of those who vvnild i ■ c-.-r.-u-.,e with-ut working; know everything wiwout : leuni-ng anything; carry away all the honors without' having deserved them; raid occupy all the places of guv- j ! c’-.'i aent Without Ictti? capable of filling them. It"' \ 5) T‘l" \ I r< G ATI i AjLcj 1 v» Ts - S -S'a -s» 4 4 a 1 , :■ v ;* -s A- • 5 d ? k M -A k V* 5 *> -5 LL H VtP a rx Tf'.,’ ~ 7 r .■> ,T 7 • . J . i received the draw- 1 ing of the NEW-YOKU CONSOLIDATED ¥ < |r|irn j,. so it/ S. .k. d ir. All. ft CLASS NO. 19, for 1539 Highest Prize *20,000 DOLLARS, Whole Ticket Ikd 63 aa, Quarter $1 25. BY SATURDAY'S MAIL. CANAIi LOTTERY, Clas;, Tio. 12, , x ► ; /- \ , .=■ - ki * *< f - «:« »rs *r *r « —- e-?, k 4 n ‘ii # k-» A> 4 S > k-'Gillf. 1 y* r e AT,’ -a a/ * z-' -a TVWvt t <n r -1 ( xi.ZL v oir.G-uJ OUi/LAkh 1 rl/a on nflii PC.T Y t OQ 1 erO GO .',dub iaUljuAh>s! 1 co go 10,000 DOLLARS 2 do do 5.000 DOLLARS 1 do dc 3.1? o DOLLARS 20 do do 1,000 DOLLARS >0 Jo do 500 DOLLARS Arc. die. Arc. Arc. Tickets 810, i. lives Sx, Quarters 82 50. i n„ j 1 RiZLS A iSRED ailJ AM Prompt atter. lon paid to orders at S-A N 7 ?T> A f •k : -3" Op.:-. .Y-QH. Broa:.Sireet. 'r r\ _ * iTi ~a~ ' i .St A I A ja. » | i-b-iu; i-i. t cv.' -sw E ’km IT W. i?r srlr It ‘ A. GARDELLE. * June 19 1 | -1 dMOls IP f rod bjl - - ... ' * Q ;T g>y*v . AUnusTA fIARSET, June IS. !532. j j! rOTT'JX, 6 1-2 I I'J CORN. VO u t ; .», ret .ding 75 SALT. 50 a 55 h I>AC - )X, 7a 10 ’ MOLASSES, X. Orleans Ma 33 Wi-s! indi -. 32 i 33 j! Wifi fKEY, in Hi;.! 3 -, 3d a4J in bis., 1 ) ;j RUM, Jamaica, lid a 125 X. ik Si* a 4 i i GIX, Ii ;;,s-A 115 a 12 J - Koithorn, 40 .. 4ci ; i;ram dy, ■ iveujs. 12.5 1 1 so , I ms; ;t:oc, G 5 7J j| _ V 'wh, 87 a 10) j jl b’EGAR, St. (•; .V, best q. f-ity, 10 a1; |i X.OrU n- Sa9 L.'.n. 11 a Id ;i C- 1 ILK Eh Si 16 COS’ fox BAGt.IXG, :A. 15 i 13 j! K un...skv. 21 a 25 ii A.. . .vl I LOUR. Cm- 1, 8 6 1 I 1 1 . i •*r r ; ,aa i> |i RAR IRON, Assort-J. 5 | fcTEHL, G-rmar:. lb llhfetcr’d U l| T.irAH, 712 ij KAILS, As - -rted. 7a 7 1-2 !j SO A!*, X »rth«n?, 3a J CAX DLLS. Xorslicr i, twiic CL wnia, 15 Syrrni, 3d • j! (TUX.POWDER, Dupont’s. 7 r RE.MARKS. J, The Cc-’on Market s» at j.r - sir qss-.-t, and v t ry li’-h --h'.i’-.'.eg, . !e -wt re in. -je letv.cjaute adl*- mr uii Zj’.-. I*r ;:i-- wii! cjininaud I'J cents. i ji Pavavxah, June 9a 10 1-2 ji C.. list; -r..v. June id.—COTTON, 9a 11 i > .vv-Voa:., Jrn 12 —COTTON, 93 1 iII 1-2 Liverpool, Slay 7. — Gotten Market steady; Sale; Irani o tu G I-2 i. uiid . b_ COMMERCE of THE EXITED STATES. T.: Annual S*:;tem nt oi ling .ins and Kapur’s to end ! le-i.’S the l";sa-si Si.s e .3 tianng tao year u Ji.i»*>fp > tend er, ll 31. |j Total v due of import?, 3103,191,121, including 37,- . ■ 3 ; )5.. ; > iu gold ami .-iiv.;r; of wbk nin Am -rie ui b>ft ■ | 3,962,11 >. •>. 229,01 1, in for iga. Os the , wh- 1- ai'ijimt, 313. consisted oi article • u-sst ;iir;--*-; 31-1,531,060 a-.lvu’orein duties; and 323,- ; 199,533 cpechic dut; ; •. i The valise of form - ’ ■-mod? exported during the .‘ sinie j period was 820.033.52 d; dom. 361.277,057. Tod 'I ’id e.xj) rt', 3^-1,310,5c3. Cf lie .ore.-g i goods exported,, ; i ~I . iJOj iC i %VETC Liiti: .ci lG filkl v% jGCiv. J tslti FC i 1 iTiliklc f j ;| The domet-f’c e:-.po;.s are tints divided: Fisheries, 1 ; nu-ludiag v.iistle oil, wi»ale. bone, and spi-nn candle.-, i 3i,Pt'9,472 ; —e rri julture f. ?7,20i.-i33, viz : product cf . • 2,82 - Hi; ve ;• ab] ; food 313 997, F 72, of i; which 3 5.', 23 i.I.'.S concis'Cil in 'he single article ol wheat flour; t '■ *co 54, 892,388; cotton ; j :;or?:>!- ariieles >.253,215; —i-.i.-iii.-ii’-ietuf.-s of nil kinds, i 37,l --7.3‘0-4, iimfud.isig y 1, 12 1,313 of cotton ; unimnu-: ■ rticlcs ■ enumerated, 8715,311. as al vc, - li-t of manufactures ex-j 1, ;• v-r'ea. are i iclude 1 §2,008,474 in specie. i Value ci iircx-rrs during the previous year, (ending : ; f.J'is Sopt. Ib3-j.) >.70,870,920, fort gn expo;is §l4. • •; 387.479, ilr.mcw;.- 873,849,508. Excess of impor-.s in J 31 >vcr those of 1830, §32,314 :s; xc< sos breign • ’ xports, 5, (.H0,U- 17 ; do. of doin'- i; exports, §l,Bl iiT'otel increase ot export? in 1831, sis compared with the I !*previous year §7, 1ti1,i)75. W.,- misjoin the tot;;! ini-: I ports ;.ud exports of s.. vt--;d successive years, ending! j 3'Jtii »8e; somber, the date to which the returns tr.s an-! j nualiy made up. rcroi'.T?. Kxroß-r?. I :j 1831 - - - §lo3Tni,lr34 .... $561,310,573 1 91630 - - - - 70’87t>,920 .... 73.819,506' ii 1829 . ... 7J.192.527 .... 72.358,6:1 j 1 1828 .... 88,509,824 - - 79 264.680 j 1-1627 - - - - 79,484,008 - - - .* 82.52i.527' 1 26 ..... 8i,p74,477 .... 77,595,322 ;! 1625 .... 9b.310,075 .... 93,535,388 i 1 1824 .... 80,549,007 .... 75,986,657 irarß if? >c s? '3' ?* jr !■ = -». • i JB. itiSs !'JI jit a. JliLiA A n|* 'Ten Grand Jurors, for the first week. June Term, 1832,1 v.muh.i rospeciiully the attention ol their fii-llov-- ij citizens to the following ii PRESENTMENTS : I~‘. W, 1 the abol hraent .; the Penis htiaryj || System, and view tliat Act of cur legislature »s a re- : i? tro grade movement in the arts of civiiizniion, and trust; J iifnt s ye tir’.s experience ol in a mau t* quite v ot punish-’ a nicnto a-nexca to ciiiiic tlic m.iuiiiuiiitv :-i i hicoiivt-'ii-. \ \ encgiiACQueDt uj'Oii fee ruviVL.l and !.•.{• -pti:ui of tii• ■. 1 old Criminal Laws, will insure to the people ol this Stale j n rtpcai of the complained enactinent. 2d. The tippling shops which abotusd in this citv, ire! 1 conducted hi violation of the law, which prohibits tire ‘ | .le of ur.ient spirits on the Ss bbath.—On that day hun- 1 ! 5r ds cf negroes (and no small number of wfilt* s> ar* jto oc. icuiiu visiting tno?, p dens ol nun, the I- ■:h rs -. .. - ttempt an evasion .; . w, ry having a back j tiico chrougb. wh.c-u their \i?it jrs asa* st .cmcfc —- ;rc use-- as matter of right that the law in tills regarj fae ’ 'frig uly < forced. I 3i. Tue privilege allowed nerrroos of monopulizin" ?:t ... .r--! . ar.ic-les os ii. c' ??. ■/ Riiu consumption, • Jof d . promenading the streets, vending cakes, be r, ii cite, and that or aih: whig them to live apart from their : jonn. r--, and nls-j tno practice of the owners of L.v ry b Sts-1.-iss hiring horses and carriages to persons of color. hi he Saba h—we c nnot out view with mort Scati • that after repeated PrescnUnents of former Juries on! | these subjects, that the "-rievances should be allowed ! . -till u exit—we trust however, mat these rt common-’ I dad.sis will meet with more attention, j 4th. VVe recommend the enforcement of the law pr: , j hibiting the sale of Lottery Tickets in this 8:- ve, we b> - jlievethis practide to be an evil of the most . . j kind, by it our youth and negroes are encour .-ar-d ;n a ; species ot gambling, the most dang* .a.. . bee most easy of acces;?. sth. Attenti. n should be railed to fine condition of two 9 Bnd. ••«, one. of them between the Beaver.lMm A Dron- ; j son's j I -.ce, on the road leading out from Carupbe it-?i,rer t ; -j j she other in the Jdw'-r part of the county, known ;■? Dade's,Bri Ige—To the-general con ;iu.,a of the W-,~h-j; ington Rond irom tins c=ty to Qtiuker Springs and to |j that of t!ie road lending from tills to the Sand-Hills via'! Battle-Row, and likewise the road to Saw Savannah, ;1 lending through (he Swamp—also, the one leading from 1 Hawke’s Gaily to the new Msiledgeville Road. 6th. We ils.d the books, papers. A.-, in the different % pi, > . * i, ” ’ - -' • • l » i' i' : ’• ni H ifi cv/t^rrny coiiui 1011. - |iy r i .r I - ; *■ •• etm - 9.. epmg • u .Imt n . nt oi the Jail so ias tc call for oar nprobation W -- . ivej-s b wever. n. .* the \V».II w ;■ h affords water for the •; i p::?o:i r T9 r, ;; res tli trough cieeusing, end woul.l sug- J it that the Resi rt . t;.. ;■ : the Puaap-tr (Torn which filthy v.--*- r most pr A ably finds ir -way rn c '! jrhe wail) ha ra aisereu as to enable die wu'ei run 1..-- : » me astt-iy ijf' , j Bm. W-a find from a statement submifed to u? l.v the; 1 .i re roi i r-j, Schoa!, a balance .;i 1- ; . hai.a? : , Arlij i*7 cent j 9th. From a report handed is by Geoxse v I> Wats 1 _ _ *7 m . r« • T , • /• « - • .Esq. i ■ tee of ' ; 1 s. -• ■ i tof the city poor, i 1' - mti. ‘ *l r -d to : a Lrut r xi Iro n ;’ie &*: .tc Hp*.-r .n, r-.nd . - aut P ; children now .: School Tr.v m.r z: 641 j 10th. Via tender our thanks to tm Honor the J-.J i rau t s the Attornev-Gener . for the polite an d eScient ■ -nanner in wh-.h they have conducted the business of ! the present week. A. CLXdrIXGJ Ak. - ■r;'n<z y '. Wm. 51. D’.AvtICN.’.G, A- I. IIv.NTiNC-TC,., Jon?» Piiixiizv, I?aac H. Tuttle, J mV A., . Ple«. .•. ? vtovaLl,. I J Vk Mup-ZDmr, Moses Rote, -j. | F. C* Fir..tie. A. M vchxnzie, j Mh.tcn Antcnt, Jon:- Carte?.. I.ATHAM IICIX, JO’ETH BlGllg., | Onivna Rcss. li. IL-r.-rp. Ja nv Mad my, CAUTION. ii ■~V j-Ij ? < i-T' s '"i 3 '.rt hereby enm.-nei mrim-t receiving i •*«- <- -S• er. "-onurwer/ Nates or •; >v or iham, ea for Twer:----nve D a :t=, datsl on ti e 10 in April! 1632, end ir ■•y-jbl-a twelve months aster i.i £ D-nvl E. Green bv —*- -.- *a . .... ,1. ll E dmnn 1 a .mer as s cct-n * ■•3 tire cen. therefor h'-s er. r- '. r file. MILTON A. brow:;, j BurU CiurJ.y, Jens 17, 1332 lw4t 1 TO THE rUH/Lk j Friday, the First of this month, wo a t- vi ed on examination ot' Mrs. Lcu-.h's pupils, nn-l w( re hiirhiy irrmifi'-i! witii the s: ’ f . T!i ;lis: class, had, during the rfvssio-e.. (tvlie-n co n. nienc : xi the is’ January Ins .) stit-ni i bi-.’ms ’- . tic, Enyiisli Grammar. Goog'r; p!iy, t {is’ory ;>ua Natural Philosopiiy. We war - particularly ! pleased wiiti "lie proiuptituiso, (lissij.ctii- s>, ; i,- . * perspicuity of their answers to lh: vari jus ques ■' liens propoundc',l to thorn. We arc e wivin' - • ’ li'GQD 1 1\ ClQir vV dlSt,* ViJ D:!' • I 1:1.’ * i ’ill 1* I*l .1* •! the c.'iamination was coiulacn !. tliat !; -r pn: iis will never receive v i"u;> and iiba? iFi -t .mpr. : : g of lh sev< ral brand < s of * .sue ition :o which their a'lca ion may ! e given under her • -Jirec' ion. 1 rom what we Have witm-ssed, \ve i can assure the paren s of he you:hi'J ikni.-A s, who have be* is, or a v h confi d ito he in s'rued on of Mrs. Leigh, that they w; I have no- Inng s■ j unlearn: .al l ; idgnig .i mn t s.*.s*:t *nie*-- '1 *1 la.’ 'F’l ; incut o: li,--r present |>u]hls, unit tu; v will i -.-srn ;s inne.-i shat is issetn 1 ss ,-d otis-uii -n al as a' anv oli r : male i v ’; nainary in the fi ate, or in any ■Tiicr Stud*. We Cignuot conclude tli accoun of liie ( vaniiiia: ion, (which has be: n superior to ';tny we have witnessed.) wi hon, cougratidaiing •nir follow ci-izeiis t*T the Urat gen.-railv, upon i he r -eibibi.shuse.t’ of a t'.nu-io LVniinary °t I s-arning. at tie Glu vu!n-e Corn -r, in (>gl -rp-- •*■ ti;* \, >* siie.i pioii4,si i- ;o eg.S'S--. -.4 .* *, xt ■- * • ini- which Formerly exis ed at that jla *e. ei!-! (sincerely hope that pamn's who arc desirous oi jgi\ ui rin ar ija'jglia•• san o luca - ;-“>n, wls.<- i r.iav :vnd( r tsein not only ns--n i niemi ms < >eic ! y. jo.-uasiuii9s «.*f is; ■ cou»iiinm»y of v. Inch they : .hay bemeuib'-rs, will pa*rounv- m • infug t-t-asii in-'.ry, which cannot fail to nward in Urn- most , liberal nr nuer any pain ang th< y may is* s • • ,v. It is uee ssarv to ihut iFiC Jum--T C lass t>p- Ipeart il to t esr ! a Ivan’agc iu the i.rnucls'.-s >•'. a- m.'u iOix, ■>-, meii ti; .r at:en:ion l.tsu oc* n ui j;co-ed. ww. u. ciiAvrro nn, I JOSH? 11 J. MOOR!-:, GLORGIv M. DI LI E Y, j BUR'.VldtrL POPE, I >SAMUEL BA LI Ad IX, John gerhinf. June 10 at 1 i •-A-v' bS. S Ir ,V 4as ! A -'J fi Sind a fi v/ days ago by a n- .no w- - * As nsnn. The owner, L-y moving tin prop.-rty, and paying for thb nmice, . can have the Ring again. Annlicssti n can be made «♦ THIS OFFICE. ‘ I Jure 19 ' ■ It t The first iiuru.i er ot" the i ridffrf GEORGIA GAZETTE, will be b-u - ed on Tue? lav, the 3d of July r> \t.— And all person? who h ive us th*-ir po>--»---.«io: t ; rn. ass {■) ti; -t katvr, arc. respectfully n-querta-! ut forv e d •them tu the ofiice of liie Gazette in Atliciis, bv dlrh I instant^ I > G Editors w ihm she State arc requested to give th'- above an insertion. d n 5 3t 103 I anti Stolen f-j Mesti. AMONG TUE NUMBER, i AyrX THE DWELLING an I STORE I U; oooupn ,! by (Mrs. Berry and M>. Rowliind— ! ■•)«{( ''Cifw ,!;e two S I CiZDB next. Barren’s ; Drug Store,, with the Dwelling aboi c. | the DWELLING noarthu Flan. : -i j»»aTtor’s If •: 1, occupied bv Mr. Vanz-uit— !4a s t {D'Vfea ’ ’ T--- x » ' ?f 15 » tner w.iu tae F ire Front Sa ORF., now oc. ; cupied by Fears. G. W B ut | o r A Co. ALSO—OTHIjR STOHS Possession given ‘lie I.? October next. —Array to E. F. CAMPBELL. June 19 Iv.-tO 1 j ~ SUMMER RESIDENCE, To Rcnf, for the Seofpn. I fjx\. comfortable HOUSE ou the Sand i .5a s? 'i| Jliib, b.tely put in good order, well t-meited, • . g9a ' *’-a ' tc gc d water, and: short .-i .nc ALSO Trt *> . i % ¥ 6"» r - k rr V i£ required, two bmK* aa « to : lure for tie- same period.—Enquire at No. 249, Broad. | Street. | A itrusta. 19th June, 1532. 1 ■ s FOR SAf,E tni iiivX'T, ‘ - ,-s. The two story Double TENEMENT, V»»Rusldlng. ii .vt below Mein's Wure-House JS! B_ ! iTvr.T ' bg; r ’ rtu '' 'j ; IC. > 11 og ■ it jupied by John S Lott, and J. :T. Barton, with as; a ous St >rc nt’nehc.i to r-nch, it;-- 'Ti,iicdi:ite vicinity t‘> ■ verul public Warc-Flouses. ren ! •■• rs it eligible as a stand for the country trad-. Tiicrc ii? al io, a small Dwelling in the rt sir of -nil, -is. i 'Hie whole i? oiler- .1 for > oti liberal tera./, or will ■be ranted to suitable Tenants. M VTTHEW NELSON, i Jure 19 5T w 1 AOMTCE ' ' UnJcrsignt 1 hay appointed Jon-ar If. M.-.w, Esc. .tL liis Agent, during hid absence from the State. •i Jtid, hem nlso Tn Mznt, TTfhb TWO Conimpdions Fme Proof 's iGp'ia OH !■>»- near the Lower M r’-; f—• n>t V.ilm fcS , a Co - ■ us Dwell ing, t ;gether with all m-cdful Out-Hoimo?, CarriageiHouse arid Stable s, attach - to the pr mi es. —ALSO--- ■ ATfhk A COMMODIOUS DWELLING! A * ijf i I Ik w ith C.-nriago Ifoucc- a:. I Sta ■ ; , ' 1 on R*-ynold- treet.——l 'N ?i* a* given on tiie fir - T of. ( J*-lob--r next. ASAPH WATER MAX. ! June ID, 1332 C w- 1 r ro rent; F'.oa ? the firs * of O ioler rext. JfThs: T} ‘ - DWELLING HOUSE on LI-, Us-; tre-. . at present occupied bv-Judze Pt-id. ; JiIIAPPLY TO ' J. s. ],i;EKS. June 19 2t IDF . —- -:< ilfi nts s'-rsigned pract: -c in cormection. e%- ; • ve fecir attention m - ? 9. the ■ 1 soi Baidu in, 5'- ... a Pat i , ? .. , a. d J per -A the O • 9 • ■ Circu t—Bil . . 9 ; roe, and H - o{ the- I'liru a -revs:—Tv.nggp end of ti e Sourk. ern ( rcuit—H.anca k o; me Xortham, and Wa-hing.' .'n, oi fi.e 51.c-.4C Ctrcn . Ts-.ry well s*; found at the Office heretofore occupied by Judge an recei lj >R. K. Hixes, RICH \RD» K. HIXES IVERSON L. HARRIS, j Milled Seville, June—l6s2 1 A7’A‘;x. jU> X. tW S'r.lil J.TG« 7 • ■ ' ASTXG cti.r-c-c’e-d tbemwlves in the |>l? Af’«! ■ l : TICE OF MEDICINE. Oiler their U-' n.’ed service? to the public. They may be found at their respective offices, in Me. Intosh-s’reet. j June 19 - - 2t I Georgia, *fctfir?.on County. HE REAS John Clements, applies for Letters! - ct Administration on the E c ta.*j oi Ri-.hxrd T. Spires, (isGCGrtd. Tne«e ar® therefore to ci’-o and admoni sh al! and sin g.for, *sc kindred and creditor? o sard deceased, to ne nni apoeor nt my office within the time pres cribed by law, to a.e thc-rr objections tis any they h v- to -new- cause way said Le tens should not be grant ;i. Given u..der rny hand at Oir.-e in Loui.-vide, JcfFer sen county, thi? 15th d-.v ot J--.«, D 32. 1— " E. BOTH WELL, Dep. Clerk. 1 ; 4 _ v -IT--.,. ■;* CU&v '■ >T2: 5 V-. ivy'i -g-\ t sc.-, FA MILS-: & VmYNI X IIOTEIL, C y-MLMR?,-7, C yforgifl. g fgj III) Suh.-mribors having 1« ■vd tbi.s spacious rus-J HL >le .* new Brick B.n! l;ng, beg leave tu inform V,.’ pc.-r. iy, that 1 li >ti J, v. lh an e\o xivo . r ewe of -' 1 jare now lini?hed in li;*; La ?t slvlc fur ! tin* nvc viiosi os those who will hencr the pr prietors j ttfis t u r c urany- This csrsiblisiinieiit stands on the site of the old Ci Hotel >n Br< »d-stxect, and ia poinfof •; - . a ??, w ith the ro my're4-em. improvement a ,!\mi h • : bell? m.ntht red n; d car.rspund'-ig with each I -room, &•'. A<'.) ronb-rx i’ snpeiMr to any in the South ! . rn country, it i? pit- ? stssly situated anti conliguoun to be ** a sin.l'u-it Wins? and to tin-point ot active business ■ s tb<- City. It i? -sistom iry with proprietors in giving such in I • mrsfion to the public, to extol nd render as con. i■ - ps, no- -Iv as jv-.-'-ilde tit* -r «-sl;:bl«shnient. However, 1 iir - strviccs and tiie geisen-.l acconitnodatiun k •' ■ ’,• ?!;-.’ll say n 'thin:;, l-oving thorn to speck lor them. ‘j 1 selves. 1 * ibc th. ;r trb-'id? to say. tliat no personal . v r : ■ ’ • r expense siicii be .-nesred to ren-ler their visi. •" t-rs n*i boi-.iaiers in ewry respect comfortable ; they , !■; v; suive tit d 01-Itgiii-; ( U rks and active servant;-, .v'd will p-.-ovide ! r tie" ;r t J*h* al] the variety and luxu : rv tliat this, end the neighboring City markets casailbrd, . I iki ir -a ;b!<- with go. 1 an.l capable isosslers and the • e; r vo-ab r which ecu b. juv-.-urcil. To ibis est b. ■ - Is; tis . " s.-h-d a r.f • • ,! cornier:abl DRE.fiBIN(4 ROOM vi ksi Inc’ rate BARBER. i’i;» \ oiil r their rvices to the public, and Iscpc to I nn. i s a kbcral char, of patronage. To those who have . alia aby h >nored ’ltem with their company, they grate illy 4 ywl theft favours i OKVIRI) X lIVUU. j! June ID 1 I, WMAY, DRUGGIS L. : T./y taer v, ,:h a very r r 'ii<'r.i! .assortTnent, has -nrt rp’ ct ivc<l the fi l owing artieb sos warr.ust.etipurify; which arc o tie rod itar on the most rejsenubie terms, j; xd it i )’ & |ct> vpl'.i Pah .it lla'-ley,' Do. Gro.sis, (■;-car fi?r4 t, •Groi rd Jo. pure I Ji j ; ), I’in s]ic: U, Mfigne ia Lozenges, Monerct no. Icipsor o do. called Pontrcfac (hikes. Ho-arls-mad do. Tamanu is, l'r« ton Salts, C '! '-.lrs’ ssjl): riCT Stl.r-fi 1 , 'rheniiomcters, Hydrometers., ■ t— r, li* d and Ink, ■ ! Cblotide of Lime, Chloric .Ether, Sylvester’s Soluble Ink Powder, fur' producing mi in-tssntc.ncous, durable black Ink. 1! i .Time 1;) X jl ■ —, Compound Chlorine Tooth Vs ash, •J; /• or correcting a bad breath and the Teeth I . * ~ 3 ('hlor’ne Dentifrice, C-lprcc il Dcnllfricc, Gnj -nor Naples comprnnd £ having Cakes, Tcrsism Otto of Rase Shaving Cakes, bi Erasive I’owdcr Kephaba, Bears Oil. For Sale hi, 1 4 <1 T 4 ry'' 1 Xlk7*>iyx*> 1. M KA J . ■jl tffjf __ 1 JOHN "l s * AET33Y " iv . .. 7 | lies again received From Ntnv-l.ark, a choice- a. rnrt meat of 1 ST. I T> E: 1P M I * GOO IP 1 AND ESTECTING SOON TO BEf KITE AmiTIO.VAL SUI'S'LIES, -NOW ON TIXE WAT ; j i frpr tg ’ && . ;foer Irish Sheetings, approved style, : Gentlemen s Blue, Olive and Brown Caiublet? for sur.a. ,ij rn< r wear. t •cntlcmen’a Cotton ni ?.t, do. do. do. j l-'up irior bleach cotton -Shirtings, put ;/*»«< Liner, | L tel-:pc Bead Bags, rich patterns, ' Blue, !-]•;?•:,, pink and black Gingham.-, |i J-’T'-mr black watered Belt Ribbons, wide t kind, ''-hii Lea: and dark feather Fisi t, in great v,.riety, ; Bob’.-met;, (pulling li-ices’ and inserting-, 1 Assort d Blond Gauxe SliawU, i !ii-i *k, Muo,! . -ick ;md groei-. It alian Sewing -Silks, ! (vicfii i'U'l \\ hite florcnre U-ik?, >1 Black Hollam , and Salisa Linen, for Linings, ,; Lowell mint Cottons AN, Orleans fancy brown Shirt j: _ info, Dash, French and English brown Drills, n’l pr res, Buy.ei'me double bached, colored Marseilles Vestings, b ench manufacture and durable colors, . 1 Bovs’ IV -a rl Buttons, Ac. Ac. bi May 22 07 j • • mssoiiUTioaf, • HE Copartnership existing for son - " time past in | : tiiis city, iini.b-r.rhe Erm of Bostw-ick &. B/.rr.D, is this day di?? lived by mutual cons ent. j 1 Ai! p.-r.-o-rs having demands sgiirs. s.ud Firm, will present them to Wau-.Ji Bostwick for payment, and 'hose in.ID ted, will make payment to him, he being alone ; autiiorized to settle the bus-ties? of the concern, i ' MTLLTAM BOSTV/ICK, DEMJA.MIiX BAIRD. I? Augusta, Ist. June, 1832 Ct 104 Tiie UTKlersitrued will continue bu -1 siness at the rnr.m st re as that occupied by Bostwics j: A Baird, wliere he will keep as formerly M 1 • 9 A OEM.'. AL ASSORT SIENT OF— &**:/ &<iod { and & Uo } mid soli ;im fron; their friend: and customer , a cositbsu. I "nee ot then eu tom arid patronage. WILLIAM BOz'-TMTCK. I AUGUSTA AM) SAVsiNyAJT~ IJ.aHv laCije. . - *wnn: savann.ui daily stage line min v eomph tc order - ’-d now r inning regularly—le ! ing .lugusta * very evening at half past 9 o’clock, and - r- I riving m>m,h every ev.-niug at 11 o’clock—and ifff •'."•yr.nn.-h ev- ry n’t; r-ioon at 3 o’clock, and ir. r ■ >n A- -- -. ry s ' rso-n at 5 o’clock—thus tra !. v*- 1 * ’ ••* over a d»a < >i 133 miles in less time than any ot- •'r L: r ut t:> . The filag'-s are good and cot:'. -’o a ; j ’’r.verr, mcad.y and experienced, the . s r client and ns &msord*andtfae accomrnodsastioQS ■s th- r ■■ -d • tch -- - . n :■* i.-ril to give ? tisiaction. The t; re f.:. ys j L.v DOLLARfi, consider bly less \V II.LIA.M 81LVNX ON, Proprietor. r ?’-;Jril G b 4 j! AX ORDINANCE, ! rO P2EVEN. SLAVES IT?IIQCE.VTXNCJ EETAIL SHOTS CM THE SABBATH DAY. - *c. I. Be It Ordained by the City Council of Au gusta I: ■t fi shall not be lawful for any Licensed Re q:er o: fi; intaous Liquors to permit ary slave not own. i ed or hired 'ey Lira cr -her. or lawfully under his or her car-* -t eh;rye ;to enter his cr her Retail Shop, or ie. - main in fi. :r on the lot attached thereto at any rime dur mg ’.in aanbat!’, or between nine o’clock at night arid - "-n rise • t any other time, wi.hout a special ticket of per ; ics'sijn rrom Iss? or owner or lurer. lj Sec. 2. .3d be it further Ct la. ucd, T.iat; t-v perso '■■ho m?.v violate any of the previsions of this Ordnance . in: y be i;..e-d m a «-iin not exceeding one hundred dollars,- Djtc in Council, the 4th J-gr of Juno. 1-32. SAMUEL HALE, Mavor Bv ;hc ''- Geotce M. Walker, Clerk. June 12. 1632. 103 j EZr" SHERIFF’S TITLES, lor Sale at this OJp.ce