The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, March 19, 1833, Image 3

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«d than it has been by the Republican citizens of Hills borough, and its vicinity, in Jasper county, in their ro cent rr.anifestation of abhorrence at the conduct of Mr. i Forsyth, in his support of the Bloody Bill—his opposi tion to the peace-making and reduction bill, and his un. natural alliance with Webster, Van liuren & Co. His apostacy to the views of his constituents, has very de servedly incurred their most indignant displeasure and reprobation ;and whilst we are no advocates or justiners e manner in which they manifested their proud spl its and sore feelings at the strange course which Mr. Forsyth has so madly pursued, yet we admire and ap. ' plaad the motive which actuated them. Let an insulted * people frown wilh indignation upon an insulting public servant, and they thereby teach him his dependence on 1 their suffrage. But we have not yet told our readers of the facts. They may be comprehended in this short sentence. On the arrival of the mail at Hillsboro’, on the Bth inst. it was ascertained that Mr. Forsyth had supported the * Collection alias bloody Bill —and opposed the reconciliafo ry and peace-making effort made by the patriots of the ‘ country. This mortifying intelligence, induced the cit izens to shew their indignation; whereupon, a gallows i was erected, with an effigy of Forsyth attached, and he was wioeLexecuted. The effigy was suspended for an hour, with the bloody bill in one hand and Jackson’s ( Proclamation in his mouth, and many other significant terms; after which, it was consumed by fire, &c. We received a communication from a repectable source, embodying the above statement, and to publish the particulars, at the request of many of the citizens who witnessed the exhibition. INDIAN lIO.VrtL.ITI EM. We copy the following intelligence from the Vandalia, \lllinois, Whig, of February 13th. “We have in our possession a copy of a letter to the governor, from a gentleman who recently left Chicago, which states that the writer has been informed that a combination of 6 Indian tribes has been formed, and that they intend commencing hostilities ag unst the whites, in the spring. As an evidence of their hostilities the writer states, that “An old Pottowatamie, about the the last of Dec. had stated, that in 100 days from that time the whites would have to move across the Wabash, end must not stop there.”—lt is further slated in the • letter, that a parly of Ottowas had killed 7 hogs near Hickory creek belonging to the whites; that the Win. nebagoes had smoked the pipe of peace with the Potto, watamies, the last of December, and promised to return to them again with the tomahawk and wampum, and, •ays the writer, “when I left there about a week ago, the return of the Winnebagoes was expected daily : and they say, that two more nations will join them in the league; being, in the whole, 6 tribes, viz: Chippawas, Ottowas, Menomonee?, Winnebagoes, Sac and Fox, and O oo It is further sta'ed, that the Winnebagoes have endeavoured, for some time past, to induce the neigh bonring tribes to j-.ii them in a war against the whites in the spring. Tlie above information has been obtained from ;ne friendly Potowatamies, of whose veracity the public can judge.” CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. - The following arc the officers elected on the Ist Mon day in this month, in four of the counties lately organ ized in the Cherokee Territory. As soon as we obtain the names of the officers elected in the other counties, they shall be published. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Sheriff, Major John P. Brooks ; Clerk Superior Court, R. F. Daniel, Esq. ; Clerk Inferior Court, Wm. Grish srn, Esq. ; Coroner, Luke Langston, Esq. LUMPKIN COUNTY. Jesse F. Riley, Clerk Superior Court; William Quit lian, Clerk Inferior Court; Samuel Jones, Sheriff; Thomas Moure,'Fax Collector; JamcsMartin, Receiver of Tax Returns; John Hanson, County Surveyor; Isaac K Foster, Coroner. CASS COUNTY. Benjamin F. Adair, Sheriff; Chester Hanks, Cl£rk ■Superior Court; Leathern Rankin, Clerk Inferior Court; William Dameron, 'Fax Collector; Elijah R. Forsyth, Receiver of Tax Returns; Nealy Goodwin, County Surveyor; John Pack, Coroner. GILMER COUNTY. Levi Hufsteller, Sheriff; Thomas Burnett, Clerk Su. ! perior Court; Henry K. Quilhan, clerk Inferior Court. Miscellaneous Items. A writer in the Telegraph, signing himself “a friend of State Rights,” says, the acceptance of Mr. Clay’s bill, is nothing more than a surrender Os the untenable position of Nullification, and a demoliti n of an ill judged out work, which did but cover the approach of the enemy, end embarrass the defence of tire citadel of State Rights. Cold Weather. —The Kingston, U. C. Herald, of the 4th ins . says, that within the last three days the snow had fallen to the depth of two feet. On the 25th ult. the thermometer stood at twenty degrees below zero. Francis Thomassin, of South Carolina, has been ap pointed by the President, by and with the consent of the Senate, to he consul of the United States at Burracoa, in ( the Island of Cuba. The venerable James Madison was 83 years eld on the 3th inst. He was born on the sth March, 1750. A Portland paper of the 2d inst. says, “our harbor yes terday was frozen over almost to the Islands.” Expedition. —The Messrs. Saltmarsh, mail contrac tors, conveyed the Inaugural address of President Jack son to Fayetteville, in the unprecedented short time of twenty nine hours from the time it was delivered at Washing ton city, a distance of 347 miles. The New-York Journal of Commerce of the 4th inst. says’that 1250 shares U. S. Bank Stock sold that day at lOSaIOO. The advance was caused by the report of the Committee of Ways and Means in Congress. The steamer Superior burst he* boiler, in the ATissis «:ppi| rear Vicksburg, 500 miles above New-Orleans, by which accident five persons were killed, and eight 'sc aided. Tlie State of Indiana has established a State Bank, with a capital of one million six hundred thousand dol. iars. One half of the stock is subscribed for by the state, for which she issues her script, bearing an interest of five per cent, redeemable in twenty years. It is said that the scrip has already been conditionally sold. Four branches only are to be established. The Raleigh, [N. C.] Register, states that in a rencon ter which took place between James Hazard and James Connor, at Trenton, in Jones County’, a few days ago, the former received a mortal wound from the knife of the latter, which'caused his death on the next day. Connor is held to bail for his appearance at court. A fire occurred on the 10th ult. at Hancock Barracks near Houlton, Maine, which consumed the entire block occupied by the officers and their families; a loss to the United States of about 5000 dollars. In the pure heart of a girl loving for the first time, love is far more ecstatic than in man, in as much as it is un. fevered by desire—love then and there makes the only state of human existence which is at once capable of calmness and transport. Some men are brave in battle who are weak in coun sel. which daily experience sets before our eyes; oth ers deliberate wisely, but are weak in the performing y part; and even no man is the same to-day which he was yesterday, or may be to-morrow.—“On this account,” Bays Polybius, “a good man is sometimes liable to blame ; and a bad man though not often, may possibly de serve to be commended.” “I always sing to please myself,” said a gentleman who was humming a tune in company. “Then you’re not at all difficult to please,” said a lady who sat next him. The annual commencement of the South Carolina Me dical College tank place at Charleston, on the Bth inst. The premium of the silvcrcup was adjudged to Dr. L. Reeve Sams, of Beaufort, S. C. Thirty one gentlemen graduated as Doctors of Medicine. Among them we ob serve the names of the following from Geor_ia —J. M. Cuvier, *f Savannah; C. E.F. Campbell, of Madison* and E. S. Aldrich, of St. Mary's. In the St. Louis Times of Feb. 16, is a letter from Gov. Davenport, dated Standing Rock, Jan. 26th, sta ling most distinctly, that the rumors of Indian hostilities, which hav* been put afloat, are without any foundation. The Steam boat United States, which was recently converted into a floating saw mill, was burnt on the 2J inst. while lying in Y\ ye river, on the Eastern shore of Maryland. Those on board had barely time to make their escape through the windows into the water, it be. ing night and they ia bed. Their Buffering* from the cold were very great. The engine of the boat drove four mills, running twelve saws, and was owned by P. Boyer &. Co. of Baltimore. The loss is estimated at be tween 25 and 30,000 dollars. There w’as no insurance. The New-York Journal of Commerce gives a curious recapitulation concerning the Government express be tween Philadelphia and New-York. Out of ten trips, it was useful only once. . The average cost of each trip is estimated at §SO0 —total for the ten trips §5,000. All this expense in order that the good citizens of Gotham might know, a few hours in advance, what business is transacted at Washington. Drawing of the Gold Lottery to the 16 th March, inclusive. BURKE. Fortunate Drawers. Capts. Dist. No. Diet. Seo. James Boyt, sen. Bryant’s 476 17 2 William Yam, nrph. 72d 879 11 1 John Duke, 70tk 591 21 3 Grcenberry Roberts, do. 393 1 2 Rebecca and Thos. Sorsbee, Bryant’s 536 1 3 Mary A. Reddick, wad. Paris’s 1233 15 2 Drury Elliott, Bell’s 18 16 4 Base W arnock’s orphs. 71st 521 3 4 John Elliotte, Bell’s 358 13 IN Aaron Brinson, jun. Peterson’s 261 20 3 John Pemal, Bash’s 139 4 1 Isaac Hatton, Peterson’s 312 21 2 Thos. Rollins, 71st 1006 3 4 Robert W. Daniel, Polhill’s 582 2 2 James Grubbs, 74th 780 2 I Drusilla Harrell, Peterson’s 1283 2 3 W r m. W. Manred, 73d 289 5 1 COLUMBIA. Asa Paschal, Murphey’s 821 19 3 John S. Dunn, Hutchinson’s 957 2 4 Janies S. Lunsden, Culbreth’s 1107 14 i Darling Von, do. 305 4 1 James Lyons, Cliett’s 74 15 2 Charles T. Bealle, sen. Grubb’s 550 15 2 Wm. A. L. Collins, Hutchinson’s 882 4 3 Elias Welborn, Tankersley’s 588 4 ,3 Thomas W. Jones, Harris’s 573 3 2 John Collins, Bell’s 1122 3 1 Gordeons Ricketson, Clietl’s 423 2 2 Jeremiah Cartledge, Hutchinson’s 1166 11 1 Basil Neal, Tankersley’s 235 19 3 Wm. Newman, Culbreth’s 750 17 2 Michael Dougherty, Walker’s 116 21 2 Thomas H. Dozier, Dozier’s 843 20 3 JEFFERSON. Jonathan Fountain, Hannah’s 879 21 3 Elijah Holloman, Alexander’s 329 1 3 Samuel Hudden, Hannah’s 679 19 3 Alexander Worrel, do. ,766 5 1 John H. Brown, Gunn’s 284 21 3 Thos. Connell, Young’s 234 18 3 Edw. Walden, Lamp’s 1199 29 3 Hannah Hickey, wid. Carswell’s 834 14 1 RICHMOND. James Smith, 123 d CBB 15 2 Gregory Dillon, 120th 31 21 3 Barney McKinney, 600th 356 21 2 Mary R. Campbell, wid. 398th 351 2 2 Ann Green, wid. 600th 1259 18 3 John J. McGuire, 609th 391 3 3 John B. Poulnot, 1221 1246 14 1 Daniel Parker, 120th 651 15 2 Oliver Danforth, 122 d 515 1 2 John Ward, 124th 694 19 2 Ralph Ketchum, GOOth 1227 20 3 John Gillespie. 120th 204 4 1 Lucy M. Jones, orph. 393 th 1265 14 3 Robt. D. Jones, 122 J 769 3 2 John Boggs, (clergyman,) 123 J 411 4 1 Jacob Danforth, 120th 1185 2 4 P. Stuart, 398th 84 1 4 Philip Gahagan, 398th 1160 3 1 Henry Cosnard. 120th 191 18 2 Joshua Pharoah, 121st 547 19 2 Jane Ann Rube, wid. 123 d 427 2 3 Claiborn A. Watkins, Dr. 120th 1007 2 3 McCarty’s 3 orphs. 123 d 119 21 2 Nancy Bolin, wid. GOOth 769 19 2 John Gifimarin, 120th 417 19 3 James Godby, 122 d 1000 12 1 James L. Coleman, 119 1276 2 3 WARREN. Aaron Aldrige, Pate’s 145 4 3 Sampson "Wilder, Parham’s 648 1 2 Thos. J. Allen, Johnson’s 782 12 1 Coleman Langham, Grier’s 92 21 2 Wm. Bayles, Down’s 1222 3 2 Wm. Porter, Grier’s 560 1 2 Robt. Ellis, Parham’s 893 18 3 Allen Motes, Down’s 531 2 4 Henry Hi!!, Parham’s 134 3 3 Benjamin Brinkley, Camp’s 731 2 4 Adam Ivey, Lynn’s 221 2 John Pate, Pate’s 109,20 3 Hampton Parish, Lynn’s 288 13 IN Irwin Hattawav, Down’s 31 14 1 1 Eli H. Brinkley, Camp’s 388 2 2 Elisha Perryman, jun. Perryman’s 686 15 2 i Kinchen McKiney’s orphs., Pate’s 302 2 2 John R. Nelson, Lynn’s 488 3 2 Jeremiah May, Down’s 116 2 Varnol Mahaffey, Stewart’s 323 17 3 'Case, of Tobias Watkins. —The Chief Justice announc ed yesterday, th t the Court being divided on the appli " cation fora Habeas Corpus in the case ex parte Watkins, f this motion was, therefore, refused. The point or t points upon which the difference of opinion occurred, were not intimated from the Bench, so that we do not know what further is to be done in the case. We learn, however, that it is probable that some further steps will be taken in the case by the Counsel of Dr. Watkins. [Nat. Ini. the 2d inst. Contents of the s'2d number of the American Farmer. —Editorial; close of the fourteenth volume ;, answer to Queries on making oil from the seeds of sunflowers: O bituary notice of the death of Richard K. Mede, Esq. of Frederick county, Virginia—the Fireside Reflections ol a Buckingham (Virginia) Farmer on the improvement of agriculture—on tlie cultivation of corn—culture of man gold wurzel as a field crop—on the smut in wheat, and the cause of it—dialogue between a city officer and a practical horticulturalist on planting and pruning trees — on the culture of hops; botanical description; history; proper soil; to plant; dressing; the poling; the tying; gathering; drying; bagging—great hog—raising seed Onions —hints to farmers on gardening—prices current of country produce in the New Y'ork and Baltimore mar kets—advertisements. COiIMEIuiAL, g LATEST DATE FROM LIVERPOOL.. JANUARY 16 LATEST DATE FROM HAVRE JANUARY 15 AUGUSTA MA KKEi, MARCH 10. COTTON. —We have had a fair demand for the past week at steady prices. Very good to prime are in most demand, the common qualities are duller, we quote ordinary SJ to 9c.; fair to good even crops 9$ a 10c-> prime 10i a lie. CHARLESTON, March 14.— Cotton. —The sales, since our last review, have been to a limited extent on ly. Purchasers shew little disposition to pay the prices demanded by factors, and we understand that in some instances a sligft reduction on the quotations of last week has been submitted to. The market is quite dull, and the stock is gradually accumulating. We observe no prospect of improvement in price or demand, as long as the scarcity of shipping continues. Rice. —On Tuesday there was rather more enquiry for this article than for several clays past, and about 1000 tierces were disposed of, but at prices something below what was demanded last week. The market is in quite an unsettled state ; and we see no reason to expect a re vival in business. The stock on hand still continues large.— Courier. N. 4 I ANN AH, March 16.— Cotton. —The demand for Uplands, since our last report, has been rather lim ited, and the sales will reach not over 2500 bales, at all prices from 9i to 11J cents—chief sales at 9J a 10 + cents ; and in common and fair lots, about an J of a ct. below the currency of last week. The scarcity of ship ping still operates against sales ; we quote 94 a In Sea Islands, the demand fair at our quotations : we quote 16J a 19, and upwards for choice brands. Flour —ls dull and plenty at our quotations. Corn —ls retailing at 53 a 62 cents. Freights —To Liverpool, 4d per lb. BALTIMORE, March B.— Cotton. —The market is dull, and the sales confined to small lots for immediate use. We note sales of 50 bales Upland, at a 12+c, on time, and 20 bales Louisiana at 12ic. Cofee. —The duty of one cent per lb. came off on the 4th inst. There were in the Custom House stores pre vious to that day, awaiting the berefit of the reduction, about 24,000 bags, or 3,500,000 lbs. of all descriptions. A part of this stock had been already sold to the trade •nd speculators, and the whole ia now coming out of •tore a* rapidly as it can be disposed of by the custom house officers.—From 6 to 800 bags Rio have been sold daring the present week at 13$ to 15Jc. duty free. This description is held to-day at 13 a 13$c. as in quality, the principal holders asking the latter price for good par cels. Sales of about 400 bags St. Domingo, dutyfree, at 12c. for tolerably fair quality; sales of lots of new prime at 12c. and of old white at the same price. NEW-YORK , March 9.— Cotton. —The market was very quiet in the beginning of the week ; in the last day or two. however, a good deal has been done at about the rates current last week. The sales since our last re port reach about 3000 bales—consisting of 2100 bales UplandsatlOa Ilscents; 500 New-Orleans, 11 a 13 cents, and 400 Florida and Alabama at 10$ a 12 cents. Import from Ist to Bth March, 4230 bales. Coffee. —This article being now duty free, the parcels under custom house lock are coming into the market, in which there has been a good deal of animation, nothing, however, has been done for export, the transaction hav ing been confined to the trade. MOD a 1500 bags Cuba have been sold at 12 a 12$ ; 600 a 7 0 bags St. Domin go at 11$ a Ilf ; 500 a 600 bags Java at 12$ a 14 ; SOO a 300 bags Rio, old crop, at 12$; some new crop at 13; 150 a 200 bggs Triage at 9$ a 10$; 50 hhds. Cuba at 12$ cents, and 50 hhds. prime Porto Rico, at a price not transpired. PHILADELPHIA, March 11.— Cotton.— Sales cf 70 bales prime Georgia Uplands, at 11 sto 12 cts. 4 mos ; 175 bales fair do. at 11 to 11} cts. 4 mos ; 70 bales N. O. 12$ cts. 4 mos. The sales during the week rather exceeded the imports. Coffee. —Tbit article is now free of duty, and there is a very fair demand from the trade. Sales have been made of 350 bags St. Domingo, at 13f cts. 4 months; 200 bags do. at 12 cts. 4 rhos; 175 bags Rio, 13 cts. 4 mos ; 675 bags Laguira, at 13 cts. 6 mos. Sugar. —ln New-Orleans sugars there has been noth ing doing; sales of inferior to fair have been made at §6 50 to 6 80, but not to any extent; 150 boxes Havana, white, at §3 50. 6 months; Porto Rico in bbls. at §7 25. Molasses. —There has been nothing doing in molasses during the week, not a single sale has come to our know ledge. bhariwb news. ARRIVED. 16th, Steamer Gov. Taylor, Mills, Savannah. Mer chandize, (Src.—to C. F. Mills and others. 17th, Steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah. Merchan dize, &c.—to Steam boat Company, Sibley & Morrison, Adams, Parmelee & Co. D. Morrison, G. H. Metcalf, A. Gould, Webster, Parmelee & Co, N. Carter, Rees &■ Anderson, M. Nelson. B. F. M’Donald, and R. Anderson. DEPARTED, 17th, Steamer Augusta, Brooks, Charleston—soo bales Cotton for Savannah and Charleston. Steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah, with boats—looo bales Cotton. Steamer Edgefield, Wood, Savannah. FROM THIS PORT. Steam packet John Stoney, Green, Savannah. The steam packet Win. Seabrook, Dubois, was to have left Charleston at 12 o’clock on Saturday last for this place. The steamer Savannah, Lyon, for this place, was to have left Savannah on Saturday evening last. SAVANNAH, March 16.—Arr. brig Georgia, Sher wood, New-York 7 days; sloop John Chevalier, Sisson, Charleston; steam packet John Stoney, Green, Augusta; steamer, Augusta, Norris, do. CHARLESTON. March 15.—Arr. ship Lafayette, Wright, New-York 6 days; schr Star, Heald, do. 7. MARCH 16.—Sailed, Br. ship Roger Stewart, Kerr, Greenock; Dan. schr. Laurine Marthilde, Wolds, Co penhagen; schr. Seaford, Candler, Baltimore. iiiin'iwißiirirw ammmmmaaßtm DC/ 3 The Constitutionalist Reading Room, directly under the Office, is now open for the benefit of the Public. Charleston* Web. Sf/t, 1833. YETARIOUS reports having readied us of an impres- W sion gaining ground throughout the Country, that in consequence of our present unhappy political rela tions, there will not be this Spring such stocks of Goods as are usually kept in this Market : We, the under signed, Merchants, have concluded to adopt this me thod of counteracting an opinion so injurious to our friends and ourselves, and to assure those, who have usual!} made their purchases in Charleston, that we in tend to pursue our business in this place, unless pre vented by causes not now anticipated : And having at : this time, and expecting, a fall supply of such articles, as haVe usually been kept by us, we are, and will be prepared, to meet the demands of our customers, as fully and satisfactorily as heretofore, and respectfully invite them to visit this city, with confidence in our a bility and disposition to promote their interests. Parish, Wiley & Co. W. S. Boag A. Co. C. & G. 11. Kelsey. N. H. WildmanA Jo. Weed & Benedict. J. & J. Tait. Walton, Murrell & Co. H. B. Gleason &.C > Miller, Ripley &, Co. Stoddard, Davis & Co. James J. M'Carter. Evland A Hayden. E. & C. Robbins. Geo. B. Granniss & Co. Coleman, Wright & Co. Mills &, Beach. E & J. B. Delano. Shelton & Caldwell. Hyde Sl Cleveland. Wm. M. Tjlkstsn & Co. S. Babcock & Co. A. M. Hatch & Co. Baker, Gregory A Co. Wm. H. Gilliland & Co. E. Abraham. Flemming, Ross A Co. D. G. Haviland & Co. Chamberlin A Cobb. February 12 12t 63 "brigade orders,r 22d February, 1833. ) r|5 THE first Brigade of the 2d Division of the Geor- JL gia Militia, will be Reviewed as follows, viz : The 76th Battalion of Richmond county, at their usu al parade ground (Spring Hill,) on Wednesday the 3rd of April next. The 75th Battalion at Augusta, on Thursday the 4th of April. The Regiment in Colum bia county, at Appling, on Friday the sth of April, and the Warren Regiment at Warrenton on Saturday the 6th of April next; the ofijeers and non-commission, ed officers will be assembled for Drill as directed, by orders transmitted to the Colonels. After the Review, an Inspection of tke troops and arms will be made by the Inspector, wheii the Captains and officers commanding Companies will be prepared to make their returns to the Inspector in conformity to law. Should there be any Districts without a Captain or Subaltern officers, the Colonels will take immediate measures consistent with a faithful discharge of duty, to Brevet officers for them agreeably to law, and in the distribution of these orders, they will instruct their offi cers to proceed with promptitude in carrying them spee dily into effect, that the Inspection maybe complete. AARON W. GRIER, Brig. Gen’l. Ist Brigade, 2 d Division, Ga. Ma. February 26 73 Notice. ON the first Monday in July next, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Scriven county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for an order to divide and distribute among the heirs ofLu cy Thomas, of said county, deceased, all the real and personal estate of said deceased. AIL concerns will take due notice of the application that will be made. GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator de bonis Non. March 15, 1833 ~ 78 ' tax Notice. 'St'afT'E will attend at the foils wing times and places, ff to collect the Taxes and receive the returns of Taxable property for the year (1833,) eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz : At the office of J. W. Meredith, Esq. on Monday tHe 18th of March, and the Ist and 15th of April next.— At the Globe Hotel, on Tuesday 19th of March and 2d and 16th of April, At the Planters’ Hotel, on Wed nesday the 20th of March, and 3d and 17th of April:— And at the office of A. I. Huntington, Esq. on Thurs. day the 21st of March, and 4th and 18th of April next. Hours of attendance, from 10 o’clock A. M. to 1 o’- clock, F. M. JAMES PRIMROSE, t. c. M. F. BOISCLAIR, r. t. r. March 12 x 6t 77 ' THtTBTIS*C RISER, " MAYING purchased of Mr. B. Baird, his entire stock of DRY GOODS solicits a continu ance of the patronage heretofore bestowed on the es tablishment, where will be found a general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE ® S 7T ® M 8» And on the most reasonable terms, wholesale and re tail, at the Store No. 243 Broad-street. S. W. WADE. February S ts - 66 PRIZES 2iL To he disposed of in a fete days at BEERS’* 2 prizes of $20,000; 3 of 10,00$; 1 of 8,760; iof 5,000; 3 of 3,000; *1 of [ 3,000, and 130 of 1,000. The Drawing ®f the Grand Consolidated Lottery, Glasa No. 10, will be due THIS DAY. CAPITALS B]o,ooo. §3,000, §2,000, §1,686, 10 of§l,ooo. Tickets §4; Halves §2; Quarters §l. By WEDNESDAY’S mail, New-York Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 4. CAPITALS $20,000. 810,000, §8,760, 10 prizes of 81,000. Tickets §5; Halves §2 50; Quarters §1 25. By SATURDAYS mail, [23d inst.] Maryland State No. 5. CAPITALS $20,000. 810,000, §5,000, §3,000, 100 of 81,000. Tickets only §10; Halves §5; Quarters 82 50. TO BE HAD at bee RS’ OFFICE. Beers’ Official Prize List. The following are the drawn numbers of the Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 5. 18, 12, 40, 15, 56, 50, 34, 63, 0, 62. LOWEST PRIZE, 85. O" Prizes sold and cashed at OCJERS* Fortunate LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241 Broad-street. O’Address orders to W. P. BEERS. March 19 76 STEAM-BOAT OFFICE* } Savannah, March 1 6th, 1833. $ Xotice. A N Election for the office of Treasurer of the Steam Boat Company of Georgia, at Augusta, to supply the place of R. F. Poe, Esq. resigned, will take place at the office in Savannah (on Monday,2sth instant at 9 o’clock, A. M. Bond for 812,000, with two ormore approved securities will be required. Applicants will hand in their applications to the President pf the Steam Boat Company of Georgia, naming their securities, on or before that day. WM. E. LONG, Secretary and Treasurer S. B. C. March 19 It 79 MILITARY ENCAMPMENT. WITH a view to the promotion of Military Sci ence, and the encouragement of Volunteer Corps, a system of annual encampments is proposed. Arrangement’s are in progress for an extensive En. campment in this neighborhood, to commence on the 2d Monday in May next, in which all the Volunteer Corps of Infantry in the Stats, are respectfully invited to join ue. . , The time proposed for. the continuance of the en campment, is one week. A beautiful location has been selected, commanding an extensive view of the town and surrounding country. An arrangement has been made for the construction of i comfortable Tents and MarqUcs, for the accommodation of all the companies that may come. A contract has been made with indi viduals who will act as sutlers, and furnish the men with good hoard, on the ground, at 75 cts. each per day. On the last day an Encampment medal will be shot for. The first of the proposed series of encarppments took place near Macon last Spring, and was attended with much benefit to the companies present. L. D. BUCKNER, j T. F. GREEN, Committee E. E. PARK, of J. G. POLHILL, Arrangements JOHN MILLER, Milledgeville, March 19, 1833. 79 GEORGIA, Jefferson County. MS *rHEREAS Nathaniel Samples and John Sam. w w pies, Administrators of Jamas Samples, de ceased, apply for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to file their objections (if any they have) to shew cause why said Letters Dismissory should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office, in Jefferson county this 16th day of March, 1833. Cm—79 D. E. BOTHWELL, CPk. Notice. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jefferson county, when sitting (or Ordinary purposes, for leave to ell the real estate of Alexander Turner, deceased. MARGARET TURNER, Adm’x. March 19, 1833 Imim 79 Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, in the Town of Louisville, Jefferson county, within the usu. al hours of sale.: 436 Acres of Land, adjoining Lands of Wil liams and dthers, on Duhart’s Creek, and one House and Lot situated at Jefierson Bath ; belonging to the estate of John Marsh, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. , - , .. JONATHAN ROBERSON, ASA HOLT, Administrators. March 19, 1833 79 ; Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tepsday in July next, in the 1 town of Waynesborough, Burke county, within the usual hours of sale : One Tract of Land, containing 225 Acres, adjoining Lands of Marsh and others, belonging to the : estate of John Marsh, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JONATHAN ROBERSON, ASA HOLT, ~ Administrators. March 19, 1833 79_ Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court-House, of Early county, within the usual hours of sale : . Lot of Land Np. 228, lying in the 28th Dis trict, and containing 250 Acres, belonging to the estate of John Marsh, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JONATHAN ROBERSON, ASA HOLT, , Administrators, March 19, 1533 79 *1 Wiluable Gold Jfline FOR SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary for the county of Jefferson, will be sold at the Court-House in Clarksville, Ha’iorsham county, on the first Tues day in June next— LOT No. 48, in the fourth District of Ha bersham county, containing 202$ Acres, which was drawn to and granted to James Cotton, to be sold as the property of Gen. Homer V. Milton, deceased, for the benefit of the distributees of the said estate. This Lot by reputation, contains one of the most valuable Gold Mines in Habersham county.—Terms of sale Cash. ELIZA MILTON, Adm’x. Louisville, March 6, 1833 O’ The Milledgeville Recorder and Columbus En quirer, will publish the above till the day of sale, and forward their accounts to the undersigned for payment. E- M. Adm’x. td 77 NOTICE— -ALL persons to the es- JNI tate of JAMES E. DANIEL, late of Richmond County, deceased, are required to make immediate pay. ment, and all those who have demands against said es tate, are requested to present them immediately, as the administrators wish to close the estate, for the purpose of making a division among the heirs. WILLIAM TEMPLETON, } Adminis. BRYANT DANIELS, ( trators. March 1 wGt W AW. —THE undersigned have entered into JUi Copartnership in the practice of LAW, under the firm of A. &B. V. Iverson. They will attend to any business committed to their charge generally in the Chattahoochee Circuit. A. IVERSON, B, V. IVERSON. Columbus. March 8; 1833 8t 78 - - - WOOD. , JIB CORDS Oak ahd Hickory WOOD, will be Landed to-morrow, apply on the river bank. . -March 19 2t 79 FODDER. ” QA AAA POUNDS of firat quality FOD &A NF’. " "" "" *DER for sale, apply on the Wharf. - March 19 2t 79 - SiVOWDEN & SHEAR, V HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SCPFLT Os .ViEir* G/.VG/LLMS, SUPERIOR CRAPE CAMBISTS, OW priced 4-4 LINENS, Mj4 Ladies’ fine unbleached Cotton Hoae, White Gro de Naps. t Low priced and Fancy Prints, new patterns, priced Cloths, S. S. will receive further supplies by the firet ar rivals from New-York. - March 12 - 4t 77 B. B, KIRTLAND, , Has just received from N. York, a choice assortment of SEASONABLE ROODS, IN HIS LINK, Vi* ! gtUPERFINE English and French Black and Blue’ BROADCLOTHS and CASSIMERES, do. Russell Brown Poland Green, (very fash ionable colours.) do. Olive Brown and steel Mixt. A beautiful assortment of Fancy Cassimeres A Tpitla|«, 1 Velvets, Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, Trimmings.' Sic. Sic. which he respectfully invites the public to call I and examine, at the Store No. 25 % Under the United States Hotel, Augusta. March 12 3t 7? LINENS, Ac. A CASES 4-4 Irish LINENS, in half pitcee 1 do Suspenders 1 do containing Prints in frames. ALSO, t , 20 Baskets Champagne and 6,000 Segars, 100 in a Box. Just received and for sale by . > , E. VV. SPOFFORD, Aufl'r* * February 2G 73 , T —. , BLANKETS, Ac. BALES DUFFIL BLANKETS 2 , do 4$ and 5 Point do 1 Case Satinetts ; Just received and for sale by a . v / E. VV. SPOFFORD, AucPV. | Teb 26 -- 73 . -*rf_ NEW AUCTION STORE. Undersigned has received from the Hon. the . City Council, an. Auctioneer’s JLleensc, and has taken the Store in Montgomery’s Buildings re cently occupied by Messrs. M. P. Earle" & Co. where he 'respectfully offers ins services to the public. ENOCH VV. SPOFFORD. 13* Liberal advances made on Goods Consigned. REFERENCES. ; J. K. Kildurn, | C. Squire Ai S. Rogers, Sidle.’ & Morrison, | M. P. Earlx Sl Co. February 18 . 71 ~ iNOBR W. bFOfFORD, Has just received, direct from New-York, on ( consign ment (at his Auction Office, next door below Messrs. Beers, Booth A St. John’s Office, Montgomery's build, ings) the following Oood$ 9 which are now offared for sale, S CASES Blue, Brown, Olive and Mixt Clotllt 2 cases Sattinets, assorted 13 cases Bleached Sheetings 6 bales Brown do. 7 cases Bleached Shirtings J 10 bales Brown do. 6 cases Calicoes, assorted I case white Cotton Hose 1 do Random half do.’ 2 do Ladies Corded Robes 2 do Ready made Clothing c 4 do French and German Good* 1 tierce Hard-ware ' . „ 3 cases Cutlery, on cards and in dozen. 1 case Children’s Caps bales Twilled Jeans 4 bales 7-8 Brown Shirting ALSO, A variety of Staple and Fancy GOODS February 19 71 Combs. A. KNOWLTON, Has just received direct from the Manu factory, * large and splendid assortment of COMBS, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING, VB t TORTOISE SHELL carved, Tuck Combs, erabra cing sixteen different patterns. Do de plain Tuck Combs, Do do quill Top jlo Do do puff neck, long, side and Dressing Combs Brazillian carved and plain and. quill top Tuck Combs Do puff side, neck and long, do Dressing, pocket and.fine Ivory do. ’otc. For sale at a small advance, from cost, by the dozen or single, at 248, Broad-straet. November 23 48 .tight j The Subscribers HAVE received an additional supply of GAR" »EX SEEDS, warranted the growth of 1832. TURPIN &. D’ANTIGNAC, Agents for D. C. L. February 22d 72 es t Chambers, 28th Feb* 1833- Between Patrick B. Connelly i and Robert Collins, Com. > , n n. plainants, and Ann Green S B f / 0T Discovery Re. and Elihu Lipscomb. De- ) lte f and hJunetlon fendants. $ IT being shewn that the Defendants in this Bill re side in the State of Alabama, so that persona! ser vice of a copy cannot be effected on them, Ordered, That they appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for the county of Jefferson, and State of Georgia, on the 3d Monday of May next, and plead, answer or de mur to said Bill, and that a copy of this order be pub lished once a week for two months, before the day for appearance in one of the Gazettes in Augusta', GeoK gia, and in Erie, Greene County, Alabama. . c <. wm. W; tiOLT, Judge Superior Qpurt, M. C. Geo. March 12, 1833 w2m 77 ITT* The Greene County Gazette! Erie, Alabama, will publish the above weekly, two months, and forward the account to this office. Copartnership Formetl. ,1. I FOOD, HAVING taken Thomas Dowell into Copartner, ship with him, they will continue the JSROE BUSINESS, at the Sto r re of the late E- Wood, I near the Market, under the firm of A. 4V OOD &, CO. A MAS A WOOD, THOMAS DdVVELL. A. WOOD & CO. RESPECTFULLY inform the customers of the late E. Wood, and the public generally, that they have purchased a large amount of the choiceat-articles at the late sale of Shoes, sold as part of the Estate of the late E. Wood, and solicit the continuancetof their patronage. TT Country orders promptly and faithfully attended to. Savannah, Feb. 20, 1833 *,* The Augusta Constitutionalist and Milledgeville . Journal, will give the above 4 weekly insertions, and send their bills for payment to this office.— Georgian, j February 26 4 73 f ' INDISTINCT PRINT PBBiaesAtEs. " -A bpoppohb. This day at 11 o’clock, itiil $. “’* 9 pipes Holland Gin 1 half pipe Pure Brand* r^- 3 hbds. Rum - - 40 boxep Soap 30 “ Cigars - ■ 3 “ Hats i.i , 10 barrels Potatoes * * -£* 4 fc Cider . - v v ’ Bale Rops r • 1 Empty Stand Cask*. , v < «.> Together with Sundry article* of : . , G R O C E R I E %"* Afrd Furniture, dec. deb. And at NIGHT, at 7 o’clock, ‘ X large and fresh assortment of DRt; , . ’ consisting 6r .CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Silk and Cotton Hose, Cambricks, Ginghams, Brown ShestaagS ,-x, » n «i Shirtings, and Linen in i pieces. Suspenders, Apron Checks, Random half Hbsep Silk and. Cotton Hdkfs. Vestings, Bombazcts, Domestic Plaids and Stripes, Bails, Corded Robes, Bed Ticking, Canton Crapes, Ribbons, Pins, Needles, BedSpropds v Table CovanL Silk and Cotton Shawls, Combs, &c. 3tc, * r ALSO, ” ** CX O TMH.VG‘ f And a large assortment of . ■ Fancy Hardware, and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, w(f , . Jewelrjr, t deb. . TofaetKer with a large aetortment of Taney Artietei? ' n ~ BY LATHAM At the house of Thomas McGran, oh ReywHd Street, at 11 o'clock on THURSDAY kk v momiitg. v-7 The sale will commence with his , Household and Kitchen FartitHnap * •- »7 U 4 ( CONSISTING OF , ~„ , Dining, Tea, and Card Tables, Side-Wards, Drtwisf* Chairs, Looking Glasses, Bedsteads, Beds, Afarttftsee*. and Bedding, the whole comprising a complete a statu ment of genteel furniture. Also, ~f 6 House Servants, Rose, about 17 ytpgtff age, a*tugf termed to all kinds of House work; Peggy , about 50 y*off of age, a good Cook; Mary, a Seamstress, Flatten •and Inner; Fran key, a good Conk, Washer, and Ironey Tilla, a good Nurse, and her daughter G years oldi Rg»* pey, House Sertant and Carriage Driver. ■ * ‘ also, ' +ij* ONE NORTHERN HORSE, • v f* A fast trotter, and gentle in Harness,—alsOj A neat Second Hand Carriage* WITH NfiW HARNESS, —ALSO, » 7 doz. Ocean Madeira A&ine. .> •**■■■.**■ .. 1., THE U. H. HHTELj THE above Establishment continues open, under Ml* care of Mr. JOHN R. ANUERBOI who will use every exertion to render comtbrt%\>la*J|l persons who may honor him by calling. . . & The STABLES aru under the care of an enced and careful Hostler. „ .. . Augusta, March 8. , y_ £4^.,,^ 13” The Courier, Chronicle, North Apierican Georgia Journal Southern. Banner, Charleston and Savannah Georgian, will publish the above Week for four weeks. ... , 100 DOLLARS REWARD. * m ABSCONDED from IhkjpMbC her on the 25th ult, two SEG(JkChXOdt a&tf LOWS, Wili ~m and Dic*k', r Wi)lwinf it f a dark Mulatto about 27 years old=-stat tert, when spokeq to quickly—can fskd , and write and is very artful, about 5 feet 10 inches sigh, and wore a surtout coat, and new sattinet pantaloon* anti black cap and boots. Dick is dark complected and abaht 25 years of age, walks up-right and when he went aWtfjf wore a grey sattinet pantaloons, black cp?(t, hdt -SnlJ boots. Both had other clothes with them.' DUdfty about 5 feet 10, inches high. They may hive Oglethorpe County, where they had been secreted 1 bf * man named Thos. Brown. ( I will give the above reWan to any person |hat will lodge then) in apy safe jail so I get them, and fifty dollars for proof that they are hif boured by any person. It is believed that they haw'* written pass, given to them by those wdio enticed them away. JOHN COGHLAN*' -.March 12 17 . for sale, THIRTY-TWQ Shares in the Merchants and Plißfc .tors’ Bank.—Enquire at this Office. • „ ,l - March 8 76 JOSEPH B. LOADER, ATTORNEY At LAW, formerly jnfi , pno of the late.firm of Thomas.a Gcndbc, haada* himself at the Cppital of liumpjtin tpounty. • ‘-’.f He pledges himsejf that business confided to his eltr* shall be promptly attended tOi t) ,, He will practice in the different counties composing the Cherokee circuit, also Hall and Habersham. , > '" r ‘‘ He,will attend tp levying executions sent from diffapi ent counties, to recording deeds’, and he will, iffeqtcirsdl attend personally the Sheriffs’ sale,of the counties' tdQ jacent to Lumpkin, and represent his clieirtp at the fde. As are rio regular chprges established for •Ufeti business, he deems it just he should state What WtM befiis charges., i , i ),* For attending to recording a deed, he will thtrD thrjee.dollars, exclusive of clerk’s feb.., For having a tract of land levied on, he wilj charge five dollars, unless it becomes nppessary for him toaaetb information as to its value, previous to granting it ( . p| that event he will take out the plat and grant, and ehats# ten dollars, exclusive of grant fpes. . . For attending Sheriffs’ sale in different cquptleji than Lumpkin, and representing plaintiffs, he will charge fivi dollars. ’ r . . t % \ i• * His other charges shall be such as are usual with At torneys. ! All business heretofore confided to Thomas 4k Gon* dcr, will be attended to by James Thomas, Esq., of Sparta. . , The editors of the Southern Recorder will pleas* give the above six insertions. March 12__ 12t 77 E. OSRORJL-,,*. . SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY informs, the citizp.ra of Asgtt*l*f : and its vicinity, that be has .Returned t® this city? and taken private rooms at the United States Hotel, east end, where an early call from those who may need kid' professional services ■will receive prompt and ooraasi*- ted attention dB Feb. 8 f The Thorough hred Race lien* , UEERa THE property of William R. Johnson, Esq. a baatfi* tiful BAY, by Sir ARCHY, Barn by GALLAI TIN, and the winner .of several Races, will stand than ensuing season at my Plantation, near Augusta. Pedigree, and particulars in time. * ■ P. FIXZSIMONS. Fcbruaiy 15 ts ~70 ,v notice; . v fJIHE Subscriber having sold his stock of. DRY Jl GOODS t 0 S. W. Wade, whq, thf business, solicits for him a continuance tff tka'- custom and friendship of his former friends and eaala triers. P ~. B. BAIRD. 4 February 8 ■—ts - 68 WATCHES, JEWELRY AW®' AMONG which are fine fashionable EAR-RJNiSS and BREAST PlffS, See. Jpst received W JOHN GUIMARIN, Watch Maker, No. '-iM