The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, April 05, 1833, Image 2

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* ■ . I t7|.\ iLWT. g r *».• c. • -v; ■ ‘ O' TERM S—Far the semi.wpoki every Tuesday a:ui Friday in- -. ’ • ' ul,B and for the weekly $3, u:l pay.. ’ CT ADVERTISEMENTS a.J h;--- ' • : f~ 1-9 cents per square : -<• ;ii-w ' ’ “ ' fiiw, and 43 3-4 con's *<-r c-i.-h a f"* arid monthly for §I,UO j r squat- ■ ' For yearly advertisements j rivrrie r • to be made. A define: fori .s mad* • t--uv-»ii-f --ruenta of public office rs. rr Postage must be paid °- " h m-tv-,..._ -- ;/• ** NfeS-dQ , • * ' i# \ ■ ; ’ -g..: ... ; IS;/ ultfthorUy ?ii»« OK TJiK rv-i'Kt) ST.’, i ."A - ’» A S*C CriVOSJt SS i' IX OF TJIK 22'J C'OMURKSS. [Public, No. 20.] .AX ACT further to provi .- :.,i tfo- « oil * »n- oi 1> -uts on Imports. D' it enacted fit/ the S rate n-.d :> ■ 1 I.ejtr, rn tatire* of the United Stair nj .‘ut ten •> ' igeref an. tembled, That wfo-u-ver, b, r on uruawrul ob structions, coKibi.r or . i • 1 4 er.-oi: •, it •ball become impracticable, it . ' ’• the Fn-. sident, to execute the revetm ■-• 1 tne <!«- , .ties on imports in the ordinary way, a .•.ul-.-ctimi dv itrict, it shall ami may be lan-!. m'. ' :! to -li roct that the custom him ■ for ?■* c! !>c est <!>- lished and kept in any secure m •? " ' - port or harbor of such district, cither ■i hm r •>:» ooard any vessel; and, in that i .'■e, it p-I. ;I1 ’ vof it." col- • 'lector to teside ;;t stu.-ii plac- . m i titer o • taut all ves- 1 • eels and Cargoes arriving withoi tl.c -- • trie mm! meg duties impo-e-l on said carg rs, by atil.m --it, j deducting inter/ t according to exi.-'i-io ■ -.vs; and in j such cases it shall l unlawful to take a• • essel or car- ! go from the custody oi the proper obi iof rite customs, tmlessdiy process from some court of t,n T.m -ed states ; and in case of any attempt otlu r.v 'ado such ves sel er carp »by n- for.---, oi . ■ , r a- - ;;-: m'd •.•/■■■ of persons too m !>.. m .. ti - fim rs of the ; customs, it- hat. >n i j: ; v c-'hi A. ,i i ..cSUfeiU t -the United Stmm ~o . y t oi-s : :.u have empower ; f,r . . .. , , ~»;i s; eh part ! of the land or ti vai forces, or it: i >■» 'ni States I as may be deemed nc mmu y for U. <■ p/- ve t- . jfig the removal of such •. .1 or car . and pr Act v the officers of the cu:-. iu- in ref u. . g the cusUm'y thereof. .Sec. 2. An dhe it further enacted. . out the jurisdic tion of the circuit r cts ol the Unin u states shell ex- - •tend to ail rases, hi law or equity, aru-., ■ unde r the r venue laws of the United;, I r liid'i oilier ate j. ■ions are not already made by law:,. ..d it any per' *n sitaii receive any injury to his person >- m; • y for or ] on account of t.ny act by him don. , v .•••■• of tie- United States, for tlio protection n an - . or live collection of duties on imports, he v : bo unified to maintain suit for damage therefor in,tie; e rcuit cou : tof Ahv United States in the district when lie party doing the injury may reside, or shall be fouie - .vnd a!! propi r ty taken or detained by any officer or her person un der authority of any revenue lav t i United States shall lie irrepleviable, and shall be d< d to be in the custody of the law, and subject only ■- the orders and decrees of the courts of the United States having juris diction theieof. And if anv pors-.m . Ml! lijpossess or trescue, any property so taken or detailed as aforesaid, or shall aid or assist therein, such per*-a shall be deem ed guihv of a misdemeanor, and shall V liable to such punishment as is.provided by the ; . v / second section of the act for the punishment cf cero m crimes against •the United States, approved the tin.. dt day oi April, Anno Domini one thousand si ven hundred and ninety, for the wilful obstruction or rcsi.-natj-e. of officers in the vscrv'co of process. Sec. 3. And hr tl further enn '• j T.e t.m case where suit or prosecution shall commenc' d in a .court of any State against any ■*} the United States, or other person, lot or on a-.c.v.nt of any act done •under the revenue laws of t!io United Slate's, or under co der thereof, or for or on account oi any right, authority, •or title, set up or claimed by such oilicer, or other ; - r son. under any such law of the 1 mteu <Vfa w, it st.all no flawful fertile defendant in srtcli su or t rosecutton, a, j any time before trial, upon ;t a. loth® (frcuit cot., i i of the United States, in and lor tlr?"district in winch the j defendant sliall have been served vvitn process, setting | forth the nature of the said suit or pro ocuuon, and veri fying the said petition by affidavit, tog titer wrlli a certi- j aicate signed by tin ailc.rni ' v after ut I'w of -oe ■ . <eourt of record of the State in • 1 • isu. 1 < . tin*’ "'cti I commenced, or of the 1 ntec■••' ■ > s- ■ trig forth that, > as counsel for the ■n r, l -■ ' • ''d th ■ i>r • cecdings against' him, and has are , ts ■ ai the matters set forth in the petition, a n that he beiievva the same to be-true ; wiiicii petit.on, uih.lavu and cerrifi- t catc, shall be presented to the s .1 circuit court, i‘ m ! session, and if cut. to the clerk tliereirf. at uis ofiicc. am! j shall be filed in said office, all.'- ’ ■ .'’use vnull he rhero- j upon entered on the docket u! >„ c..jurt, and shall be ! thereafter proceeded in a > iu*-' .-rtg nally co. imonced i in that court; and it shall be Ut - cbny <•! the clerk of said ; court, if the suit were coinmeu' cd in ill*• court below by summons, to issue a vvnvt oi certi.ira; to the State court, requiring said court to semi to the ck cuit court the record and proceedings in said cause : or if u were commenced by capias, he shall issue a win ol Inoeas corpus, cum ; .causa, a duplicate of win -h s;; 1 writ shall bo delivered j to the clerk of the State cour, or left at h s office by j the marshal of the dbtrun, or his deputy, or some per- j son duly authorized inert; >; and tnero.ip.m it shall be I the duty of said State court to.- avail further piocoed- 1 mgs in such cause, and the said suit, or prosecution, i upon delivery of such process, or leaving the same ns aforesaid, shall be deem d cud taken to ho moved to the said circuit court, and any farther proceed ings, trial or judgment therein in the State court ■hall bo wholly null and void. And -i the defendant in auv such suit be in actual custody on nicsue j process therein, it shall h • k-y - slial, by virtue of the writ of habeas corp s cum causa, to take the body of the defendant into Ins cus'o dy, to be dealt with iu the said cause according to m rules of law and the order of the circuit court, or oi any judge thereof, in vacation. And ail attachments made and all bail and other security given upon such suit, or prosecution, shall be and ■••cvkuie iu lik force and ef fect, as if the said suit, or pr. cution. had proceed.. : to final judgment and execulioi; ■ the Stale court. Ark i, upon the removal of any s isu or pf...mention, it shall be made to ap copy of the recoi.l and pr< i< I r,_> n in. \u v State court, can bo obtained, its , : i ■ ! ■•: fi rs;:i circuit court to allow and require ;n:r l pro .’cod r ic .>■>- po, and to file a deciarar - > .nusc of action, an i foe parties may thereupon i . c :s in acdo s ongtaaßy brought in said circuit co . .cui on failure of -o pro- i ceeding, judgment of the plaintiff with costs u ■ ur:. Sec. 4. And be :t *■ " e~ ■ . t'.nn in any case in which any party is, or tv *.> . . : dto •pics of the record ana pro- c.v ' .v s;n ov prose- i -hqution in any State cm. -. ■ - t ~y , •of tc.c i United States, if the ckr-. t• . . ; ; m> - >-’.v ; demand, and the pay er > alei ot V.:v • •«. re fuse or neglect ? I ch ’.. ■".; > such record at ' -l. . States in which eu .: > ; " ■■ needed, on pro a fi .r. •. ■ . • - m Stale court has ret < . ornrefoe ‘ < -over rynes thereof, on deraart.t ." • ' ; v _* ; '-d at.ovv such record to be supy - •• ■ as the circumstances of kc • tsa may re a. ,v and, thereupon, sucit ; ’ '■ ’ ; .cnicut. may be had in the sat all such processes awarded, aeifceri records and proceedin : had be*; i regm.auy ■ - said court. Sec. 5. And he it . r oted, d President of the Unite.-- • . s .snail be i.hrl.i ■'fet ed, by the aut;. r a • £ ajudg circuit or district co ;; jf -ho United States, :. the State, that, within the ;units of such* State, any law or Jaws of the I nited states, or the execution thereof, or of any process from no courts of the United States <s obstructed by the employment of military force, or :w any other unlawful n. uns, too great to b: overcome by the ordinary course o: judicial proceeding, or by the powers vested in the marshal by existing laws, it stall be lawful for him, the President o: the United States, forthwith to issue bis procianiation, declaring such fact or information, and requiring all euch military and other force forthwith to di psrse ; and if at any time after issu- > mjsuch proclam&tiqc. onv cu ■ oppo;;-non nr obstruction >-• ->v -h. _. ; • j>, fibe,*i»d htTe'byir.-2-.itiioriacd, prom{4 I ly to employ means to SBpjnosit the same, arid') : cause tlresuid or process tof - duly erecutt-d, as-*,4 ! authorized and provided in the cases therein iriMit.- - | ». v ; • ofkie tv- • nty eighth ofF* brnarr. one thou- j! ... sd • ■ i > j tiler l. f.i ♦ ru--? in ? irn n . ■ , V invasions, rid . |by the a t fi'arti.ird of Maui:, eric kmasuu-i n_..l jjh i dred t.nd .-■•■>-. eruuied "‘An net- nth.irk, r _ k.e *i;. i ploymcnt f:k Imd -and naval f rce- Uniid I States- in .- sec of ,;s iT'.-. non.’’ Stic.b. Ai.d he it farth( i ei,n . . Tiutq.; a-.y StR.- • vvl-ere the jails arc not a- owed t • 1-- used for the |n ! prinoument <.{ persons arte-:, i or. ur.uJt.i , t.dor (;e , : laws of the Lhjted Si..ft s. g --r > --s ; e not 1- ' icvv<-i t.» i e -n used, it and m y ;>c- law nil for (ty 1 marsh d. u:;-; r»: -- circ->-?i >n ' Jif dodge of the Unit) | states far tec proper district, to use ’fou r conveuint i ; w j; 1 'ko iiiiiilu of- rci hrati-,a.r . to : l ike 4 : ; I ori r t.r IV as lie may di m •-*>* ut uni neccssji y j i jHirpi.f ■, j Ukc.7. .1- i> it further enacted. That either ofb6 j c» -e ■ u;l. oru jiti • any distSct <■ rrt ol the U. red .State?, in eddition v.> the autiiorityid f ri-: iy oniric.r..-d hy law, shag nave i ’-'cr to irrant vvjts of itubeas c-nr; as a'l .s<-s <»J a A r ■.r;,r;.,-oucrain i jail or oonfi:u rn. ut. v. i»cre l.v or they s; b e rnmi-’-d ior confine i on, oi > y any :h uity of law, for any jet • done, * r otn.ti - 1 u i c done.- ;a puryaance < f s law of he Cfiiiu States, or a-y order process, or i : - efee, of ini j judge or cour: tmv- kug in arc/ u-- sfCongf;.-s .( S" • r-’ <• .-a.-- - . «l. .. An !i' f. p- r.son •r. persons t-J iii r>: 'll Wiit 0! ha ..3 C • p. 4 v--«-;iy be »k reeled, shall .■ so. -- to one,- tht . i.- .or ! k:.;i iu-gt'-c: or refuse to-tnakc rot trn. or 11 aittke ■ false rv'; rn“ tlicnxo, in a-nUti.-ii •> tie r.-nudk. s already given ;»v law, Ie or tit v .vkafi he u i ; . 11 .1 ;■ ken t -b- guilty oi j a mis. lucati -r. a».-i sit k convi tlo ; r fore any court ; | of cotupeteni juri.s-ik t on, le punislu-d by fme, not ex- i | ceedi-tg ore thousand ■ olfor.-. and by impr --.mment, nut exc«». ki: rsi . mouths oi bv «ither, accordi to the na . ■ & | tare and nggru-.a:! m ot t ie case. ; St;cuß. Aftd bt it sea hei ■ uacti re j provisions contained in the first and fifth <>• >ns ot ti. ■> act, shall be i:> force until Che end i tha in session ti Congress, an-i rso longer. a. sti: u i-x, Speaker if the If jure rs . tapr-m idoifccs, nr. j. vviiiiTik, "President of thy "c-'-fo v.vorc. j Approved, March 2 ;, i ANUKI'.Vk JAC.C" >X. i rffift-.-«a.x.y:.yaar:vo. - :rqL. 1: a.-. :VTln~t [From the Sparta Standard \f Mirch 3-* ] Rut the question is settled.— I C-tay an i fft-dtsoun ht-.v-s Cvuipromised it—a new lease is granted to the iranui i tic r ;, i uine'y ar-, It-avin . ■? . f;x-r. !'-umet.*. | the poo/ privilege of makhig anolh*. i a 1 for ti.t ir . ,at tl.c cud ■ i taut pc... 1 ;u lb. .’ Jcki n j Tints.- .viia liave bvwi cl i ji-:g ,-r .-.'dress, who ■ have “sworn by all the saints -n k v-foi; la" tn.u they longer submit; j ; - »o . ; .. id t. la! abandon.:!- at the " , : -poi wotib: Sari-smc. 1 tory—-that tin y were “ k-- ‘“'' O. vvood a-:r nr - n so; | vvater’' f-> the ;n;muiacfur,ci —-t. -i nil :h- ; <u'iy-.’ig dtid swiisn criuhave ttini ly -in. ■ ; : ■ tl;.- » -,i their an It urn Hi a. a d'-gr.'idiug to freer:*-. . Ttdku-/ nurh tons ib >at itt’-mission Jarifl men &,. ! t-!i •-—wc vaut / 1r- lit ---we dot.. ' c*. ptClay’s BfS -- will nothing slior: >f ; total abstub.'i'.f.’vutp;. t;.- -f.-.. principle, ami - >at. in Jar less umr. : ... • n s ■ it t ■ • just, and ought to :■ ■ put down—it is eonsit.atmiul, ;uk! ought to be n.-jic-a'k . k Wh<>, we V-k ; . hs*> v- g;i; . !><• ;,;k , . ? ’»Vo r.iis. j, ,ju • ii-> -g at ; -u? it to the so ber judgment of n : ■ , ■ yoar • gar cheaper v 1 u,i ; ■ your colt n goo;Is c.h- ' No, they trc sti . ;a.v, • i iiom fifty hue 1 nndred per emit. **v *,. , i ; , . blan ■ ■ No, the tax upon them bus • n f•••-.. fi to titty percent, and it is proper U state, r.iut Mr. i-’or syth voted against in reusing this tax upon coarse wool lens and blankets. Ret. we are told, be bill has taken olf all duly a largo class *i art civs. -?.t r- true, and that very if a lures loriua w.-th us, w rt strong o-je- . tions to the bid—bocau*-- lit-e tint ci articles-ma'd; »r« e of duty, are n ~t such as ate muck onsumed uy the. poor, and proves a bon us to ihe ri -n only. Wines arc. nuui free of duty—the rich drink die wines. Silks are also made free—the rich wear the silks ; and so on to the end of the chapter. But how stands it with the poor laboring r.:-m : IK must have iron, upon wiiicii he pays a tax of u ar one hundred per cent. lie must have cotton and vv iilen, goods and blankets, upon which he pays treni fifty to one ; iiimthed per cent, lie consumes sugar, Upon which he i also'pays a most enormous tax. Wc might enlarge up- u ?hc snivect, but enougu ;s.i said, to shew most epnclu dv-ly. tlv-u tin- w!.-.|t;, .-uui i o!>ject of Clay’s Bill, is, iirM to make him Fre.- meat, an 1 ; eond'y, to protect the m.rmP.iciurers jn ever,- " 1 ' •'> ! ot th'-* Union, ami the rich in every see-tioiiot ?i:e 1 • --it, ! —not Co dispense equ'i! ben-'ut .-.--. but manifestly to ■ - . orer.” , ; Wvirvhig ti! 1 ii - U:-.ivd Si s, awake from your -I’ui.-ibefE! You have twen so like -m-ep in the mar. k.--. —vt; ir r'gbt.'Mnv-. U■ m !>:•—:• reM a-w -ty for the kuhti | (ad-'-a : -tes ; and unless yoi l ryuve j “ a long pall, a soon -puli, and a pull uiltOgetlier, ’ a!i is 1 lost. ' . fi k.; ;ace. j By the ship Ajax, ( i.- ur Liv ernmk the ! E liiors of ihe Nevv-Yorx C un:n• .a Advertiser have received London papers to thc-iUtu, and Livero«. dro the 21st et Feb. both ..ic’us ve. The iiUeiligetice Iron the coaiiuent is not import int, it be inferred, fro a, the cumph xion of tiig artn-le : vliich " ;!1 be found below, under the Belgtufn head, i that there is a growing ..k-a.; ■ .tha: among the bonne' ■» j powers oi Europe ultinuiiely to interpose ?n b null cf j Holland. I’lie Loudon Albim: of February ISth, remark -—The 1 accounts from Brussels ami Antwerp which hare reach j ed town to-Jay, dcs-ct. >« the excite- uent which :;as been j produced ui those cities by the regulati-ons e t-.n’i.ichcd by liie King oi Holland for exacting duties ! oi: car goes of ships proceeding !o and from Aut ' tap; and lead to the inference that the Belgians will l ;UC mt--i --suresof a k jstile eha/uoie-i a.-, ainst Hollaed, mess km j King revokes his decree —ol watch there is not tb-- i s.iiuio-s: probability until he is compelled by loroe of ■ ,;in.s, I Lis hlai.v.s! s's-cotUfaC-1 may be reviled by those o', o ir contemporaries who prefer the favours ot the Oo vemmcri: tin - nunkr enance ci sotmd J>r;uc,pi*:-s ; nnt mai itr:ui the jus Crown, and Ft? interests ot his people, wil not be -k : ken ; and wo morathan doubt whether evtn--tha.-ViinK trv of Earl Grey will be bold miough to cooperate w..b- Franco in any measure for me lorciblc tipenmg oi i. .Scheldt, and the navigat; mu. its waters.m deiiu-. do; tlie asserted rights ot its Sovereign. It was believed that unless ri-'s negotiations' w.h ilol iand were soon lermir-atv :, L . gaud and Fran would | soon force the navigation of the Scheldt From ui Os s-. jounial ■*: J; unary Nth, w-r iv n i that ,lta.: - army had wpt: a need a u>, w ai 1< ;r= After lu iseHj master-' o I ntah, auk »: Tnrk n nu.gazmo.- of aminur : -m • and provtsjmm,' '• gtirav-f .meihar Mr ; t-t Aksmw i Tiic bad e itiu ,owev» , »i' ih : a!low ;.;m to pro-.c- I cute fits at. - I :;c par.; terroi in:.i :;a< se?zeU the Turks, >- ■ : *-k« i resistance.- —Cbjjlorm c y .. .k- ■ sop;.-. Leaving Continent d Oriental i era, how< asbflesseon lit 1 ’ : cee-iing- of th- ilriusu 1 --nn ■■■ . at. to; mug -.' t-duirs ■i of Irefoud. .vr.lTiv.Mfo IRULAXD. 1 TS'ecub'-'f ’i n ruess m-f n-> -a long preparing ■' , -fi . \le-fi-’v fi; sfo ; r as r--. . 1 ■ • -•■■■■ • j the evening of tat doth o; ecu; . .. - yrt? i duced a bii! into me House ol I*: rus so iu >rc ■:- mutual suppression oi local aismrt.a vcs > id-nger. ous associt ions : r. Ireiand.” Ims : . , with >- ;. v I ministry have a-mm a necessary : nt -h • e..-. i utrhances and .sc ■ .i-mt-.-s ot m-;- • »■ ! liilny six sectiontfiv ::ui oc.:up.i«s inref w to- Pimas of l::u L,u :. (. liFoi-iCjC Ot : I .b. -V.-;. wiiicii v.-e nia c an an : tract, p.est;.-u a - .... ' ' ■' ‘ join, r . . sechof I Grey, on i troduenon, and the speeca of t-x - ’ ot Well.ngton. It will be perce.ved that ri: ; ver is commit ted. to I the Lord Lieutenant, and ..... bill is framed witn J sOch precaution as to leave vs y ' chant ■ : I mg it. That-i: is a vfo-iaiion ot British-Coustitut'.oii |is evident; and indeed it is adtni .ti so to be by Lora I Grey; but the public safety is Lei - to be of paramount authority, tm-ur-s kfor ial arc established ut the ais. | turbed districts—: c:r p ...m minm cud’s are j summary and with it mag.- f.— : • Habt'.s C -rpus set suspended—and ail persons rt ci red ta remain within their houses between stir a and ?> ::r-,s<>, on pain of be. : ing sentenced to trrnsp • ..non. Tftls brings as back to *j the da vs of V. -Ifism N.e < k-nqu-t , when t-io ‘ curfew 1 t--.'i'd the kncllof psrtr’g d-r- pc maps the pre. ■ K nt - ' on of Ireland may render ?’.tch severe en aclrr.-c 3as necessary now, as that of England did in the >. sos the Norman. It :- p contempb.-tiou to oh;, ; > r hot;rs f r the sit. j nags in Parliament, by rosti .4 in'- •: • y t.. .is proper j' * if-vs*. '.instead of legist of. ’■*>* nignt.' la the Corn, t mo.-.b,’ on the lith. Mr. O-wfi; . •••■ *ed a petition from ;ae chanty of Ayr, -re-pm. '• nocturnal si,ting? Will- il V/;,S received with Mr. Cobb- t\ >■•:■-! that the petkion be laid on tiie j table, lie- !».- d a Mind- "of petitions to present on the : same suu-cc;, o n no ; keep them back until thev‘ jin. -i amount 13 one' * n Ired. |H* nr, hear.) All night I :i was h .d. i■ i - m ><J be avoided. (A laugh.) Ad boas: -of prev, n .'■ bats, owls, and all odious andnox- t , iuus thing-, tuok v.; vantage of the shades ol night to hide the ir ig . a*l 1 ons. (A laugh.) He betiCTwd tbat mu h of the I'vhui the country originated in the pmc- j txe ; noe; irna! sittings in that house. Why should thev a-• Ino that chamber for the discharge ot liner v.: ,n making laws, at the same hour tnat the judges went into their Courts to administer laws ' K. : ■ I ) O’Connell supported the petition. He- denied i tiie gnpj- -.-r-d inconvenience of morning sittings to corn, metci ’.l an i professional men. It such gentlemen thought their private busies** of moro importance thap ti-cir dutv to their constituents, they ought to rear . N**i;ber would he allow that the duties ot the Hou.-e ; should, be sacrifice i t ■ the convenience of Ministers. Mr. Attwood did net think that the convenience of the majority of the House should give way to the pecu liar fast.' or mclhia'ivn-d the Hon. and learned mem. v 1 for I*tib»n, ct ■ : anv to , orth'rcs other Members. , , j;.- v .v ’ , 1 ; :■ •■. urlf-r hi- b-jcn requested V- rapport the ;-. •• ,-.f ti.c.r ;>:■ bums; and he did so willingly, as fie ’h-i, v- hat r -, ,11 prayed tdr wo*id contribute *,.- : .' > :•< and convenience ot the members ; ti;tc-i.-e)v ■ s wad as t - the more efficient discharge ol i their dit y to .heir < - nsiituents. T..c -cl! -r vs tin- Exchequer said that the ques- 1 lion v. ,fs t- • trout t f>'v bet relic House. —It al -- Hior.l : ar jbe In luvour -d eariv sittings, .1 •- < a.■.■ re cf Minis; cl s would Mot be allowed to ■ r. Hear, hour.) Haring the nasi debate-, on Mi andress to the King, 1 which t-iio.i place on ; ...- Jr t, .Mr. O'Connell threaten ed, hat should IMimsters persist in thc-ir measure for gran mg additional powers to Government to coerce I rchtnd. lie w..t:10 use his influence to cause a demand j fur g0.,1 on nil the banks ol‘lreland. This threat occa i sicif J some alarm, as a fail would occasion a run watch ! could not be wi-. .-.stood, were tire bank ever so solvent-; : and': ge, ere m -s'ration ot I unii-icsa and coturner Kl credit would he th s consequence. In the course -ot the same debate, C. obbett made am-. 1 ther long speech, ar. i moved a substitute tor tue Ad. ! dress. \ espernfe attempt yeas made to put him down : hv cougliing. s: v> • ug, stamping of t!»e tee', ami other 1 disorder ■ y ,-r ’.vm’-mm. 8.. hr- braved them all out, — scorned their at tempi :• •-■ hun. iPOKTUC Ju'fih’tr' nee received 1 -at v-m -. ~ from Oporto \o the of I cbi ■/ st tt«s that J : at Jjengtß f iiecomo determined to disnr.rage Imnsidi' from the per | .-mnages who have latterly surrounded him. Several ot , ■l. whom ire h.m disgraced, «fe of Itigb ray k. Con- j : ends ivanta Martha, Sir John, and Jordan are | : ;■ito he acting in concert, and that they had lonuea ! m to draw the lofces cl M rshal Soßgnac out id -' ■ ,te and surro-.i - i them. At Ijisbon the discount on tbive-rnmcnt paper was at 2fVpor cent. Lctiers were also rcceivu-,1 contradicting the reports j i; tie French papers of the Government having refused jto give satCfiulioTi ior firing upon a h ranch brig-01-w ar at the mouth nf the Ihi-us. On the contrary, the rune nee has been made in the 6 rttzeltc, and it appeals ‘ {..hut the Duke of Cndfval actually eigned an .order for 1 the ndease of the vessel, m his bed, ah fir midnight, the French -Consul having farced Ins way into trie C hand though the Duke was known to he an invalid, and rein smg until his demands were sattsfied. A circular wac addressed, on the Itftii of January, by Vi.-count do Santa Martha, to the foreign consular agents in OpoVto, declaring that the (Miguoliie) ‘‘ batteries will thon-aiter prevent the sailing of any merchant ves sel, to whatever nation it may belong, that does not pro ,-m .. ~.>r:ci«atc from the Consular Agent of their re spfcciive nations, passed in due form-, in wliielniaust bo s’.c.teii the natne u! (j,e vessel, its master, and t ie port to which it is bound, and tiiat it has not on board any troops, persons, effects, cargo, or correspondence of the rebels.” ! Tin- S.if.hou Government lias also come to the resolu ■ oinn to asimo of the embarkation of tlio wines at Villa .Sown. FOUR D AYS LATER FROM ENGLAND. A; a late hour tins morning, the packet snip 11-oscoe, j Cap:. I-; -gers, arrived from Liverpool, whence sue sail ■mi .an tho ;}{:» of February. 13y this arriv; 1 the Edi tors ol Commercial Advertiser, have received fines nf papers to she 9-lth, with an interesting letter from | their attentive London Correspondent. I -From our Corre-wpondevt. | London, Fein 2:2d. } Friday evening, half past 7 o’clock. \ We have received the following letter front our pn ! vai.c- Correspondent at Paris, dated 20th mst. We iiave accounts b -»dav from Madrid to fine I(Uh nsf. The new itisiitutio;; established ior the purpose ot defending the nova rnim-nt arnust the conihiiiaitons ot tins Carlists, wiiich is in imital’ou ot the National •C yards oi tins cmmiry. .v-ca !>•■••- i.-. .■ exceedingly- pop ular. Every pm-i ft oi amt- w.O ;s a.tu.cin-f to the gov- j e rvnent and pa r 'cd n-lie ,-':'.;ral policy winc-b *t has I at- • 1 terly shewn a dmpo.s’uio.'i to adhere to, hftd enlisted un* drr’iis banner. Fp to the 10th, this corps efi patriotic \au . eers already .amounted to 10,'iOh men. Ou the other hand, the disarmament ot. the Royalist Volunteers was going on. The Captain-General 01 Old i Casulle, after disarming the volunteers of Leou, who • had taken part in the affair of the 1-lih and ioth ot Jan uary, had published an ordinance by which the entire bo dv was dissolved, and measures were prescribed sy which it was intended that every trace of their existence should be made to disappear. The very mustaoho* which the volunteers were in the habit oi shaving in tlieir fall growth, are condemned by this ordinance to the execution cr she razor. Almost all the Captains (ieneral of the. provinces, and other principal delegates of authority, have been changed. The list oi those who have been newly appointed, exhibits the names ol persons whose attachment 10 the King’s person, and en mity to the Apo-c died faction, are well known. Sir Stratford Canning’s communications with Lisbon were still extremely frequent, andi' was generally understood tiiat the negotiation* regarding the alfgirs .ol Portugal vtore slid .oinn on. Nothing at a!!, however, is said in the let;c s that I have seen of any treaty having yet been signed by Si; m rat ford and the Spanish MinisU r, which a Bordeaux yapor lately stated on the until nary of a pri vate letter from Madrid. One ol Sir S. Canning’s nn.-s --so tigers, corning ironi Lisbon, had lately been attacked ! .-nd lobbed ou the high read, about thirty Itcgues dis, ■ | Unit fro ii Manrid. ’[ ■ T auie are letters here from Alexandria of IGm Jam . arv. Up to that date the Paeha had not received in.or g aiio’i of the Armistice agreed to by his son, -mu lie v, i, busw in preparing a large naval expedition, the ob jgci u. i which was to rake possession of the Ci y ot Smyrna. A cmsulerablo corps of troops was to he j ; g: . J, ». t ib’P ha felt quite confident . t hi.- V,,- -So. !>.- oine mast .-ret that rich and impor: mt city, \ I without iidio’iity, provuied that it was detended by none j i hut Turks. But he seems to have entertained some ! leer that the English and French ships ot -v u which arc always on that station, might interfere, with the view 01 preventing any attack being made upon that place. It was a similar fear that prevented the Greeks in 1823 in attacking Smyrna, as they had long had a -,- • . - rThe Pacha of Egypt himself rt it I,atthat time, tbatthe protection of die lor- . eigii naval squadrons on the station, should -be requested on the grounds that all the Powers oi Europe were in j ; rested in its being considered and treated by the Gr£teiv3 ns a neutral place. The result of Monday’s proceedings in the Chamber |of F- rs, rciativ.; ■ u-, state of siege, has given rise td I a bein'-: .. #- .s that an und-.-rstandinsr exists . between M' -n-‘--r < ’:,e M mbers of »im CommnttM tosetitgr tally . ” r have taken i 1 1 «'o:Js.sq»tapce ot its I : - ,T l ''"‘ , apparent Unit too oM i' -.s no chance of mg " ’‘’■ ■ • . 1 carried i.t the Chamber of Peers. I: ts 1 .er< ore :■ - , ferred that it should be consigned tc ofi: vu-n. that die a natural dentil instead to oeing | , thrown out and thereby endangering the stability 01 ! the cabinet, o: so mutilated by amendments as u- '• derhd nugatory; But all this however does not appear • , to me quite sure, and i cannot help thinking that 'qm-s- ' tors continue to be confident of a majority u; favor ol me • 1 bill as nmdit dby the committee. I: is mentioned in some of the last private- accounts . from Holland, by the mail of this morning, that the ac- j 1 hnowiedgment of the neutrality of BF ; -m, whicn was ; 1 proposed by Lord Palmerston as a corn , aire for the re- I newai oi the emba go in ihe English '■ ■ e;- • • fused by the Dutch Government. Ta * s unavc.-: :pa- ; ; niedin general with any further explanation on ; - s to- . 1 ject, but one of the letters, from a good source, st-a es . 1 that the Dutch Government merely desired to attacu another condition to such acknowledgment, beyond the ; ; r using of the embargo-.—which is, that Belgium suouln 1 i immediately commence the payment of ene-hall ot the . 8,000,000 gtuldcrs, a signed under the treaty ar her per- ■ turn of the public debt ofh-Ah countries. It dors not appear to be expected, on this exchange, that Lord Palmerston, or M. de Talleyr-md. will assent to this new propositioo.. 'realise it deprives th= in of one of their best resources l’for ruing on the bdgnwture of the definitive treaty,— , i Still, Tr-Auving -t -*m negotiation to n Aits like tbafre.j has created, on me W. *F j tcelibg r~'l. r mare favora rlo | i 'tim city to ar ni ns.} termination 01 it. . • EN^MAND. ITUSiI EVFOftCtIMENT BILI. CtSSBO. On the 21 st February, Lord. Shatn-sbury, in fim ! •: re j of Lards, brought up the report on tlu bill, for ihe sup- j pressing of disturbances in Ireland (contained in another 1 col aim 7of this paper) and the same, with its amend- \ ments, after some desultory conversation, was agreed to. One of the amendments that had been inserted was i moved by Earl Grey for the prevention of signals by.l | bonfires, &c. Mr. Stanley introduced a bill ittto the Ilouse ot Com muuj on ihe Ifiih, on the subject ol Grand Juries, which was approved on all sides of the House —and some parts of it even by Mr. O’Conn. .1 himself. Its object is to correct an evil of no ordinary magnitude, for it wasstat ■ ed to be a fact tbat estate - were bought, and private la bourers paid, from the public parse, by the facduea im parted to the secret and irresponsible Divans -.■! the Grand Jurymen. By this bill they are no longer allowed to discuss and dispose of nearly a million annua:iy in secret cone' e. The accessary provisions ot the Bills are equally deserving of approval. They are as follows, viz; that public" works sliall be taken by fair tender, and by public contract; that liie rate-payers assessed ior tin «e works shall have a share in the preparatory public dis cussions respecting them —that special sessions, like the Et iff sh, -biiU lit-y;ul ve their presentment to the Grand Jurv. if obnoxious or objectionable j uid that me under taking oi'the-public works shall be checked by the ne cessitv of having a competent surveyor to warrant th.j.r cixiimencenient, and superintend their progress. It also provides that the county cess shall bo levied, not as here tofore on the tenant, sat on the landlord, which will have the effect to repress speculative improvements in ■ erecting public works. The resolutions that had peer, introduced b\ Ford Al tliorp, for rcfulating ihe o. the House ol Com. lirons were taken up ou'tho 2uth, and debated by many ■of the members. The first division took place tor the resolution to meet at twelve at noon, and to sit ..II three ior the reception «f petitions and the transactions of pli cate business. The resolution was adopted by a vote oi 133 to 14. Another resolution .v*s for reducing the number necessary to const l ture a qubrum trbta forty to twenty. This was likewise adopted,Tend the Peculations were to go into operation on the V\ eures day. IRELAND. Great agitation was manifested at Dublin 'on the 2UI, in consequence ot the Suppression Bill. lue i radus and the Volunteers'had isuspcnded their po uical opera tions to deliberate on their p« rsonal security. A great general meeting was to tako place the nett day. A. run had been made upc-n th; Bank cf Ireland lor go id, but iii-U to i. .tea; extent. Mr. OTI ..vki * Ti.e iol. owing dettc-r Fom ;v.*.r> >’ CtHincit, r- •iih'ft T • the coercive Hr■•nsures'propose*’ >y Earl Grey, has been riceivet 1 by one of his friends in ; Dublin : 1. Albemarle A t reef, EoiKlon, SaturAy. : I i.ropos-:; , t t»i iu\ ->-lf 10 send you U ■ pc tlicatioi’v out At n- iiiv, an address to the Irish people, on the pmsjn- , truly aw-'-.ii crisis ui i-üblic aflai rs, but i leave been- Feu ; pied will.■conferences ail day, with Distj and iftiishk Members of : Gb:mvians--mu i i dei . e much cons*la-, tion from being able to tell you, that not only are the popular Irish .Members tivm and unanimous, 'but hat there are a greater numb r v itir than 1 couid possibly ex pect of the British momi firs, determined to resist the atrocious tyranny with v. hick Earl Grey has tie un heard-of audacity to durfii to threaten 1 elan * i hit oi an.union, indeed, betwei f the countries, sfb " 10 attempt to outlaw the fbhubiiiUits me 'ircet portou ■! of the empire ! I _ , | But the extreme despotism of the proposed incastrcs ( has a tendency to disguyt every Ificnd *• hiicrty, aid iii England we shall certainly gc support -u/t of doors. In the meantime, pray c-e my, "am ■ tfi cm " ■ tin people, first, to be perk- t-tly peaceable—no out;.--Jv—no violence ; ou the contrary, prove the aby-fim :na<hnss£-f doing the business of our e c-triies. by any -nemes g‘-ro tation cf the law. Secondly, get tlu* c! rgy, it pos sible, & the iaitv, uuauimuosiy tw petj.-ma. IVt.n- •« —peti- tion—petition against tlics - measures. Let u- iiave firm respoctfui, strong petitions fn>m every part ol Ireland. “Let there bo ho despair—the constitutional t.mule for Irish liberty is not yet lost, iifither sand G with the ■■ ig of God, I repeat, man . - ... on 1 . contrary, call on the liv-nds oi nyccloin to msist that tuctr, representatives shall do their ctiiy. “ I have not time this day to-’-vrro more. Let ‘Peace, order and conatimtionul exerfioh’ be our motto. “Believe ou 1 . <v. '- “DANIEL O’CONN ELL.” FRANCE, Madame .Mara, the once celebrated Singer, died 01 the 2t)rh January at ReHel in the 8-lth year at her ag.. v do Mont be!, one’of the .iFni.s'er of Charles A., who signed the ordinance ot Jd'y, 1 tSJO, has been con dcmnei; tt> a fine of 400,0ft0 francs, or XHi,OOO, asms share of the damages caused to ‘ ‘ city of 1 aria during tiie revolution. .SPAIN Intelligence, two days later have been received from Madrid, but containing nothing of importance except the .uipoiiitiiieiit of some new qtfisci s, all i>t whom are | said-infirm ui' a more liberal cast than their predecessor*, and ub t they are warp-tly attached to t*u cause ot the Qm , 0 i her young daughter. Dun .!-am Atinu*}.irw l*ecu appointed qaptain Gener al of' the Balearic-, Is. nuiis. .Gi-n. Frcyuc (■') remai ,as Cantain Cieneri:! of Acw (’-.-'u-s, and F tcndaiits have been appointed *y the Mmiotcr of Finance, Don Euc nia Piedra, over tiie provinces nf Aragon, Grenada, Leon, Jaen, Sejiovia, Asturias, t arthagena, Zamora, and Gua dalajaca. HOLLAND. The London Morning Advertiser of the 21st says : We understand that an application to the Emperor Nicholas by the D m.-h King, to assist in extricating hun from the difficulties in which his own obstinacy has in volved him, has met with an unfavorable reception. He is advised, for his own good and that of his subjects, to settle his ditkirfeiices with France and England as speedi ly as possible. A formal cempFint against the Bar Von Zuylcn, the Dutch Minister at the Court of St. James, was sent to the House on Friday the 15th of February, by Lord Palmer ston and Prince ’I alieyrand. An Antwerp paper ol tue Ibth savs:—" >Ve received from Flushing a lettcr, dated the 14th. which, while .t confirms the details that we have published respec .ng the establishmet: of a toll on the Scheldt-, and the obliga tion imposed on the McUernich to give security, announces *be agreeable intelligence that orders were giveiron tiie J 3th, provisionally, to suspend the payment of t>dl and na longer to require security from ships c-n --' tering or leaving tho ibohetd -. 1’ :v>.s the navigation, of the river is not sulfiected to ai’.f obstacles', and ships can be dospat-ehed as before. This is doomed to derive aeditio: a! conitmtation from the circumstance that there are numerous furlougus grante-i in the Dutch and Bclgi; n armies-, which are 1 hailed as signs ot peace. , Immense damage has been don at Antwerp, and on | the S-ciuidtbv high tides, and •mpetimus western winds i :‘:at have'syvept over them. The •'} te oi Staoroeck gave vv,: v, ami twenty houses wr. -.«Hfer All tho of the garrison were employed on the dykes under j the command of General La n germ in. FROM ( H LI. We have received tiui ‘Alercuno” ot 4 ulparaiso .0 the 7th of November, Inst. It contains fine plan or the reformation ot '-ua constu. tution, reported to the convention by a committee ap pointed for that purpose. Tiie first thing that struck ns on glancing at, its provisions, is one which seems 0 have b> en expr ss’y framed to guard against the doctrme. of Nuilification, as taught in fiiouui Carolina. e translate- es follows: _ . , Tlijfc-ith article says ; “the sovereignty ' j rally ift flie people, who delegate its j « aiith.'M'itiea wiiich ate estabiishu i >y s ' _" n No. .-tub; person, - .body of p'-rsons, may assume t c . title or representation of the p-.-ople, no. amoy**-© * e -fi. ( | decrees nor pennon ih thei; name. Inc Ht.racuon of 1 ! tiiis.sruele is sediiton.” . ... , A ■ . t- dt , ersot »l «c mtj ■/’;* • eppears to pr - : yfi hr, '*»** " ' lowing rases:- jn-. civ !Uc iiiberre. I The 13th article declares, that “'i'here are seaa.ors t born, who have connoted their term as 1 resident# o. die renabiir; and ih -se wim are bishops ot me dioceses ; or the republic.” The second exception from tne e-ta i biishment of perfect freedom, is ioutci u tay .), ! .‘. 1 . r ,f e j , which says: “’i ;e religion of toe repuruc ot .uu a.. i be the Roman Gat:, die. Apostolic r»J. t ■ ' ■ -• y ex- , 1 elusion of tiie public exercise ot ewrv c . j ! The freedom of the r- --b is esrtbhsned, ana placed . under check or' r'r;c?. and courts Ine , : trade is forbidden, slavery is iteciarec not to exist, and citizenship and every residence in the country i* dented j to every foreigner who engages in the ->• Money bills are to originate with Am - j ties: a men’s of the constitution with the seniors; ;iominat:ous j W office with the pre ud- nk —The apprat'Y.ior >t the oc- 1 patios is required to persons nominated as archbishops and bishops by the president. Mr. Alison. « .-Km tv. Mr. Thos. E. Brown, ofValpa rai-m, was attacked and slabbed at in the dark in the ht .se cue evening, mid knocked down and robbed, by sortie person unknown; but not much injured. Tiie convc ikon was sitting, under the presidency* of l nn de V,ai del Kcuor Truvaznbal was vieepresi. fi-ai-.t. and •; - !a« dates, were discussing the pllm of the amended cons’nr. to*.. _ The rerri:arv «f the republic. *»« vnomr-d cy sff'amcnl, exicnds from tbr deserts of Atacama to Cape congress appro*«d the treaty* bf peace with Chili "a the 2b:h of August last, 011 winch tttese papers shokvqus official gyidoucc.—A. i . Davy Aar. I s i : FiTtSay ?soruiias. April 5, O'iJy the Sexto! s Rear f. it appeals there were 44 inter.iteats in the month of March ; 20 whites and 24 blacks; and Ja of them died ot Scarlet fever. (Li’ We publish the latest foreign intelligence, more in detail than we have been enabled to do-heretofore. (UP Under our Agricultural bead will he louhd the late proceedings of the “Georgia Agricultural society.’ Til E ENFORC ING BIEL. As fine provisions of this bill are likej to produce much controversy, we have thoujlt proper "to republish' it entire, as it pissed. REI3i. fi ' ION roN VKMIOX, OEUEGATfS LLF.OTKD. Richmond. —Val. Walker, John P. King, Charles. Car er, and Whn. T. Gould. Chatham. —James M. Wayne, Joseph W. Jacks oh, W. Daniel), and T. U. P. Charlton. Warren. — Dennis L. Ryan, Henry Lockhart, Daniel I), aids, ami William Hill. MEXICO. . The Louisiana Advertiser informs us, that by the ar rival of a vessel from Tampico at New. Orleans, news was brought of the election ot Gen. Santa Anna, as President of the Mexfean Republic, and of Lorenzo de Zavala, as Governor of the city of Mexico. HIGH WATERS. There has been a tremendous fresh in the Susquehan na. A Philadelphia paper states that the overflowing j of tiie banks of the Canal, in some places, has produ- | eed a groat dv-.ti ofi injury. 'I! ,c Mobile Rn-ier of the 26:’i 'March, says that 'the 1 Alabama had risen to a heigh ;;r.-a»cr than it has I atiTU.’ied ui many y«ars. The Mo.uq >m-ry. Jnpmal of ! the 3t)fi.i confirms inis informal ion-, by sruing thiirthat j river had or -w higher at that place than it has been I .■since tho settlement of the state. Many of the bridges j in the’Crvek Nation had been removed by the high I tvater. COIUIVs OF GEORGIA. 'lVt have been a l , some pains to prepare “fine following < calendar, and'ro fonder it as correct as the examinant/, of the laws for Twelve years pas’, would arnnit. It v.- ill be seen that v. e lirva included tlu* new circuit organized by the last legislature, and that have filtered the time of holding several btarts accorr .ug to ‘the •provisions of late lavr W PER!OR COiMTS. rIASTKRN CIBCCIT, & Cou/rtns. Wili.iam Llalt , Judge, Josupit -W. Jackson, .S’oliditor General. Bulloch. Thors.;3V before Vhe 1/ Monday in Novcm ber and the Thurk-day before ;he 4th Monday in March. Camden. Ist Monday ‘tit Aiiril, and the £hd ib No-; \ ember. :| Wayrf :. '2d If Malay in A)prfc, and Thursday after the j 2nd Monday in No vent her Glynn. Thursday aider the 2nd Monday ih April, and tho 3rd Monday in November. Mcanto>h. 3rd Mofuiay in April, and the Wednesday afrer th-.* 3nf -Monday in November. i Bryan. Ist Monday in Fu-ccnibcr, afid the Thursday j aider court in Liberty county. , J.iberty. Wednesday after the Ist Monday in Decern-, her, and the- Monday following tin- cofirt in Mclntosh. Effinahum. 2m! Monday in December and May. Chatham.' Ist Monday in January, uud the 3rd in May. .MIDDLE CIRCUIT, 3 Counties. W'u.t.tM W. Holt, Judge, fin/.k!,bs J. Juvki.ns. Attorney General. C'd-i.-qlna. 2nd Monday in March and September. Washington. 4th Monday in March and September. Montgomery. 2nd Monday in April, and Thursday after the Ist Monday in October. Tm: i.iii. ' Thuisday after ;bc. 2 ■ Alonday in April, and the 2nd Monday m October. Eirianm I; 3rd Monday u* Apni, and the Thursday af ter thy 2nd -Monday in f fetober. Scriveu. 4th Monday in April, and the 3rd Monday . in October. Burke Ist Monday in May, and the 3rd Monday in November. Jefferson. 3rd Monday in May, and the 4th Monday in October. Richmond. Ist Monday in June, and the Ist Monday in January. Northern circuit, 8 covnties. William 11. f kawford, Judge, DasielL Chandler, Solicitor General, Taliaferro. 3rd Monday in January and July. Wilkes. 3rd Monday in February and 4th in July. Madison. 2nd Monday in March and September. Elbert. 3rd Monday in March and September. Warren. Ist Monday in April, aiid the Tuesday alter the Ist Monday in October. Hancock. 2nd Momley in April and October. Oglethorpe. 3rd Monday in April and October. Lincoln-- 4th Monday in Anri! and October. WESTERN CIRCUIT, 8 Counties. Charles Dougherty, Judge, Turner IT. Thipfe, Solicitor General. Clark. 2nd Monday in February and August. Walton. 3rd do do Jackson. 4th do do Gwinnett. 2nd Monday in March and September, j Hall. 3rd do do Franklin. 2nd Monday in April and October. . | Habersham. 3rd do do ! Kibun. 4th do do • UjMLT.GEE CIRCUIT, 7 Counties. L. . Lamar, Judge, Toward Y. Hill, Solicitor General. Baldwin. 4th Monday in February and August; Morgan. Ist do March ami September. •Greene. 2nd do do Putnam. 3rd do do tt fikin&on. Ist Monday in April, and Tuesday adcr the r-;t Monday in October, j Jones-. 3r-.« Mon y n \ .u and October. 1 J**pvr.- -41 do do SOUTH ERN ClftM IT. t 3 C-ouxT^aa. Lott Warren, Judge, Stephen F. Miller, Solicitor General. Twiggs. 3rd Monday in March and September. Lowndes. Thursday belbr* the 4m Monday in May | and November. Thomas. On the Mondays ;> reafter. Dooly. 4th Monday in Mar m and September. Decatur. Monday aftertl:e4lh Monday in May and November. Early. On th< Mondays after the court in Decatur. Baker. OnT.e Mondays after the court in Eariv. i Telfair, ord Monday m April and October, f I—in. On the Thursdays after. Laurens. Ist Monday in April, and W ednesday auer ; ‘ the Ist Monday in October. Pulaski. 2nd Monday in April and October. Appling. 4th Monday in April and October. I Ware. On the Thursdays after. ♦ FLINT CIRCUIT, 10 Cot-inei, Christopher B. Strong, Judge, Wasuinoton Poe, Solicitor General. Crawford. 3rd Monday m February and August. Upson. Ith do do Pike. ist do in A/arch and September. Monroe. 2nd do do Fayette. 3rd do do Newton. tih do do But;*. Ist Totiday in April, a: .. Thursday after the li-t Monday in October. Henry. 2nd .Holiday in April and October. Houston. 4th A/onday in April and October. Bibb. 3rd Alonday in May and November. CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT, 15 Cot sties. Griosbv E, Thomas, Judge, Jamks P. H. Campbell, Solicitor General, j Stewart. 2nd A/onday in January and July. 'Randolph. /Thursday thereafter. Ucc. 3rd Afonday in January and July. Sumter. Thursday thereafter. 3/arion. 4th Afonday',n January and July, j A/uscogee. 2nd A/onday >n February and August, i a!hot. Ist .Monday in A/ihch and A’eptcnibcr. Carroll. ‘4th Mon day in April and October/- Harris. 2nd A/unday in Afarch and September. A/er: wether. 3rd do do Troup. 4ih do do Coweta. Ist A/unday in April, and Wednesday after | the Ist A/onday in Octuber. , 1>- Kalb. 2nd Monday in April and October, l/bmpbell. 3rd do do H larc. Ist Afonday in May, mid Friday after the 4th Monday in October. CHEROK f*F*CIRCUIT, 10 Counties J. W Hooper, Judge, William EzVarß, Solicitor General. ‘Cherokee. 2nd A/unday in February and August. T*brsyth. 3rd ‘do do Lumpkin Thursday after the 3rd Afonday in Febru ary and Aught. Union. 4ch Afubday in February and August. Gilmer. Thursday a fie r the 4th Monday in February and August. Murray. Ist Afonday in Xarch and .September. Floyd. Thursday alter do Cass. 2nd .Monday in March ard September. 1 Paulding. Thursday after do | Cobb. 3rd Monday in A/arch and September. I.NFF.KIOK COURTS. EASTERN CIRCUIT. Wayne. Last Monday in December and May. j Caifidcn. Ist do in January agd Juno. Glynn, 2nd du do •■, McliU-Ojli. 3rd do do Bryan. 4ih dr, T , Liberty. 2nd do do Bulloch. Ist do in February and July. Efiinghani. 2nd do do t hatham. 3rd do do MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Columbia. 3rd Monday in Jane, and the Ist Wednas. day after Christmas, or Ith .Monday in December. Washington. 4th Monday in January and July-. ■ Montgomery. Ist do in February and August. Tattnall. ’ 2nd do do * , | Emanuel. Ist do in January and July. , J .Striven. 2nd do do J Burke. Ist do do I Jeffersofi. 3rd do do ' I •Richmond. 4th do in January and June. NORTHERN CIRCUIT- Arladison. 2nd Monday in January and July. 3rd do do 'Oglethorpe. 4th do in January and June. Lincoln. Ist do in February and July. Hancock. ' ! st do in February, and 3rd in August; Warren. 2nd do in February and August, < Wilkes. Ist do ia May and 4th in September. I Taliaferro. 3rd do in May and November. j WESTERN CIRCUIT, i Frank lin. 4th A/onday in January and Julv. I Rabun. *st do in July and January. I Gwinnett. 2nd do in June airi December. I Jucksuft. 2nd do in January, and Ist in July. Clark. 4th do in October, and 2nd in May. 1 liaber'shffc. 2nd do in July and January. 1 Hall. 3rd ‘do in June and December. Waltcrr. '3rd d , ’ > in May and November. ACMULCEE CIRCUIT Wilkinson. 2nd Monday in Jnly and January Jones. 4 til do do Jasper. 3rd c<H 'do Baldwin. 4tli do in May and November. * Greene. Ist Tuesday in January and 2nd Monday in June. .Morgan. Ist Monday in June end December. Putnam. 3rd do do NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Twiggs. 4th Monday iuJaifuayy and July. Lowndes. 3rd do in January l , and Ist in June. Thomas. Ist do in January and in July. ► Dooly. 3rd do in March a'hd •September. i Decatur. 4th do in January 'and 2nd in June. T Early. 2nd do in January and July. 1 Baker. 4th do do I Telfair. Ist do in April, and 2nd in f Irwin. 4th do in January, and Ist in July. | Laurens. Ist do in June and December. i Pulaski. 3rd do in January and July. r Appling. 3rd do in June and December. * Ware. 4tli do do FLINT CIRCUIT. Bibb. 3rd Monday in August and February. * Houston. 4th do in July and January. Butts. 2nd do in January and July. I Crawford. 3rd do in May and November. ft Upson. 4th do do ft Pike. Ist do in June and December. Monroe. 2nd do do Fayette. 3rd do in June, and 2nd in January. I Newton. 4th do in June and December. L Henry. 3rd do do | CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT. j •S’tcwart. Tuesday after the Ist A/onday in January I and July. 3> Randolph; Thursday after the Ist Monday in January B and July. B Lee. 4th Mdnday in May and November. A •S'umtcr. Ist do in June and .September.- Alarion. 3rd do in May and November. Muscogee. Ist do in June and December. Talbot. Ist do in February and August- Carroll. Ist. do do Harris. 2nd do in June find DCcembp/r. S Meriwether. Ist do iu Afay and November. AP Troup. 3rd do in June and December. Coweta. 4th do do , DeKalb. 2nd do in July am! January. Campbell. 2nd do in June and December |. Kt do in February and July. m CHHKOKEK eiRCXUT. 1,. Cheroi cc. A/onday m April and October. Forsyth. -3'4 do _ do Lumpkin. R& do _ do Union. Ist do in May and November; IT f Gilmer. 2nd do do M urrav. 3rd do do Floyd. 4th do do Gass. Ist do iu June and December. Paulding. 2nd da / do Cohb. 3rd do do The Rev. Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, hsKj turned an anti-mason for the present. As soon as he re-elected to Congress, however, he will, like Sane*^ “turn bock again.” Political anti-masonry, in the New York spring tions, has gone by the board.—This piece of fanaticism could not last long. i I