The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, July 09, 1833, Image 3

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OBITUARY. ’DIED, at the Cottaifp, near Aueusta, on the 3d inst. of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. MARIA F. BOXES, consort of John Bones, Esq. and daughter of the late Captain Oswell Eve, in the 3dth year of her age. In recordinz this death on the catalogs" of millions, it is with consolation that the friends of the deceased were solemnly assured in this dispensation of Divine Providence, that their loss was her ♦ctemas- ain, and that her spirit has fled to that mansion whose builder ami maker is God. Mrs. Bones had, in eaily life, been taught the important truths of the holy religion, and for nianv y***tr« was seen seated at the table -of her lord and master in the Presbvterian Church. Ihe relative duties of daughter, sister, wife and Christian, she performed in the most exemplary manner. Beloved and respected by all who knew “her, happy in the society of a numerous family, and surrounded by every comfort to make life desirable, she was not unprepared when the felt destroyer came. The protracted hut fatal tendency of her disease, did not make her repine or murmur ; she endeavored day by day to yield her heart unreservedly to Him who called her to the sorrows of the earth, that she might be made meet for the hap piness of heaven. And when the honr of separation was sounded, she took an affecting farewell ofher bnsband and kindred, bowed her head in submissive meekness to the will of her Father, and Cilmly breathed out her soul. Blessed are the dead wiiich die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their work do follow them. [Communicated. HI All) A RRAHGEJIEXT. •Charleston Mail | b *. 6 V M ' I ( loses every day by 10 o'clock , a. m. Savannah Mail \ ever '-> da V fvj> f- M ( Closes ebery day hy 9 u clock , P. n. Athens Mail ) hue Monday, Wednesday £r Friday, 5 p.m. I Closes do. do. Saturday. 9 p.m. Northern Mail \ evFr ’- ! dn 'J 6 °' t c ' ock : **; M • 1 Uo*rs evertr any hy o clock, P. M. Western Mail \ l ** e rver ’-' da * *» 4 •’«*»«*. *• *• f every day by OgV o lock, p. M. Office Hours. —The office is open from 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. ; from 3 to half past 4 p. m. ; from half past 5 to half past 6r. m. and from Bto 9 T. m. On Sundays the office will be open from 9 to 10, a. m . and •from 8$ to 9, p. m. CODIEKCIAL. Latest date from Liverpool May 15. Latest date from Havre May 22. Angusta Bank Note and Exchange Table. Bank of Augusta, par. Mechanics Bank of Augusta, do. Insurance Bank do. do. State Bank do. Farmers Hank of Chattahoochee, do. Bank of Columbus, do. Merchants ami Planters Bank, GO aGS per cent, discount. Insurance Bank of Columbus, a 1 percent discount. Branches of State Bank, £ percent discount. Commercial Baak of Macon, I a 1 do. do. Hawkinsville Bank, 1 do. do. Darien Bank and Branches, 1a 2 de. do. Savannah Bank Notes, par u 4c, premium. South Carolina, do. do. American Gold Coin, none. British do. do. •Georgia Gold, 85 a 90c. a dwt. Carroll co. do. 90 a 93c. do. No. Ca. do. 80 a 85c. do. E133AN51!. Checks on New York, £ a }c. premium. Charleston, £ a jc. premium. Savannah at sight, | cent premium. STOCKS. PAID IN. WORTH. Bank of Augusta, SIOO sll6 Mechanics Bank, 100 100 Insurance Bank, 27 38 State Bank, 100 100 Ire Company, 50 CO Western Wharf, par par EXPORTS Os Cotton and Hue from Savannah for nine months , ending on the Ist July. THIS SEASON. LAST SEASON. WHERE TO. COTTON. RIPE. COTTON. RICE. To Liverpool 118,741] 195'j; 124,212] 326 Other British Ports 10,567 4,6.34! 7,155 893 Havre 23,703 | 4.013 ] 25,181 2.517 J Other French Ports 1,881( 1,744.Ji 5521 181~ Other Foreign Ports 695 2,588 2,701 3,072 West Indies 3.013.1 .. 1,7064 Total Foreign 155,587 16,1884 159,801 8,696 Ports in the United States 82,517 13,5201 ;'07,448 12,470A Total 2:18,104 “29,709 1:237,2491 21,1664 PI X i s O St I S Os Cotton and Rice from Charleston, from Ist Or taker, [1832' to 28 th June, 1833. THIS SEASON. LAST SEASON. WHERE TO. COTTON. RICE. COTTON. RICE. To Liverpool 94.290 5,521 | 98.03(3] 4,780 Other British Ports 16,146 19,872 j 15,700 18,459.1 Havre 28.107 8,477 j 28,1381 7,2311 Otiier French Ports 9,688: 3,391A i t 6,667! 2.041 OfJier Foreign Ports 9,137 47.180.1; 7,33-21 41,700 Total Foreign 157,3118 84,442 155.871 74,232 Ports in the United States 29,323 41,535 33,61.5 35,316 Total, 186,69 i| 125,977 189,486 109,548" HAVRE. MAY 19.'— t&ttims —We have received 1255 bales from New Orleans, per tile Bolivar : 471 do. from Richmond per Tally Ho: 470 do. from N. York per Rhone : and 20 .from Lisbon. 'Together 8225. The sales have amounted to 5,713 bales, rts follows; —3204 bales Louisiana, ordinary and low to handsome and good, nt9l a 119 f. 50 ; 1266 Mobile, ordinary to current, 91f. 50 a 100 ; 845 Upland, in ferior current to good current, 90f. a 1021; 273 Virginia, good or dinary 94f. 50 : 124 Pernambuco, good and handsome, 137 f. 50 a 138, The market remains in a very firm position hnd the demana has been brisk and animated for nil descriptions United S-atos. but principally for Lousisiana ami Mobile. On Wednesday evening, about 1000 bales were purchased on speculation by a holder, which operation becoming known, gave a start to the market, and 2900 bales, of all descriptions of United th.ites, have been bought since •at a rise of Ic. on all qualities. The accounts received from the United States, by the packet ship Rhone, advise all the holders to increase their pretensions. Our market Closed on Saturday even ing in a very firm attitude. We have 385,000 bales remaining in first hands. Sales at Havre. May 20. —The sales of Cotton were Very large, viz; 1364 hales Louisiana at 92 a U6f: 950 bales Georgia at 96 a 102 f: 245 Mobile, Arc. 95 a lOlf. Total sales of the dav, 2837 hales. 10 M. New York Wax at 57f58. 30 hhds. Philadelphia Bark at 17f. 75. “ HAVRE, May 22. —The sales of Cotton for the last three days [the 20th, 21st and 22d] have been large, amounting to 6800 hales, at an advance of from 2to 4 centimes. Extensive sales of Coffee, Rt. Domingo at 80 centimes. Thesales of this article in London have been at an advance, and there is an improvement in the’nor t hern markets for it. Ashes have risen. Sales of Whalebone at 261 sons. HAVRE, May 22.—Cotton continues in great demand, and has advanced since the departure of the Henri IV. 2 a 4 centimes per 4 ko., and to-day the holders are so firm in their pretensions, that buyers hesitate. The business is altogether unprecedented. Try the ship Philadelphia, at new York.] LONDON, May 21. —The markets for Colonial Produce continue in an excited state, and are likely to remain so till something is definitely adopted relative to the West India question. Sugar. —The holders of British Plantation Sugars Continue to keep their goods hack, and the advance since the plan of Govern ment was promulgated, may be stated at from 2s. to 2s. fid. per cwt. Since the sale of Foreign Sugars on Friday afternoon, when prices advanced Is. per cwt. very little has been done. Mauritius Sugars are very firm at the advance noticed on Fridav Tins alternoon, sales to the extent of nearly 7.000 bags of Mauritius will take place. Bengal and other East India Sugars are looking firm. Coffee. —The sales of Foreign Coffee last market day were ex ceedingly large before the close of the business, but they all w ent off lusher, and the market has since been firm. British Plantation is less brisk. Rice. —The market is firm in consequence of the great advance in Madras, arising from the condition of the people in the interior of the presidency. At Madras, Ric- had risen full 100 percent. The Wool Trade. —The sales of Wool at the close of last week went otf with spirit and at full prices. A portion of the sales con sisted of Australian Wools of the new clip. Tim further arrivals from our colonies are anxiously looked for, as the stocks of the manufacturers are very low. Cotton.— The sales are pretty free, ond prices firm. LONDON, Mav 21.—There was quite a novelty exhibited in Mincing-lane on Friday. The sales of colonial produce were so extensive, that it was found necessary to have some refreshment. A most sumptuous luncheon was ordered, consisting of every de scription of cold meat, fish, sal I ads, wines, &c. The exhilarating scene appeared to have an effect on the party. The bidding be came animated. Coffee rose Is. to 2s. per cwt. and Bengal and Siam Sugars Is. per cwt. WILMINGTON. July 3. —Steam Saw Mill Boards and Scant ling sl3; River, Flooring Boards 10 a 0;) , Timber, mill rates. 4 a5 ; Turpentine 2 18; Tar I 30 ; Pitch 150 ; Hosin 90 a 100 : Spi - rits Turpentine 37 ; Varnish 30 a25 : Staves, K-O. hhd. rough, 10 a 101; dressed on the wharf, 15 a 16: W. O. bhl>lo a 12: Shin gles 2 09: Cotton 9 a 9 V : Fkmrsasi; Rice 27; Corn 75 a 80; Ba con. all round, 7 ; Hams 9 a 10; Lard 10V* Salt, T. I. 42: Liver pool 50 ; do. in sacks 17 : Pork. Me*s 14 aOO : Prime 12 a 13 : Su gar. brown, 7 a 9 : Coffee 11a 14: Molasses 30 a 32; Mackerel, No. 1, s>; do. No. 2. 5 ; do. No. 3, 31; Butter 18 a 20. A small lot of Turpentine sold yesterdap for $3 18. Market dull. O irquotalions of produce brought to marker in rafts are ofsales made in the water, the purchaser paying the additional expense of landing, inspection, &c. TUSCALOOSA, ( \la.) June 39. —Bagging, Dundee 20a 2.3, Ken tucky 25 a 28- Bale Rope 9 alO : Bacon, slams 8 a 10, do. covered, 10 a 12, Sides 7V a 81, Shoulders 7V a 81: Candles, Sperm, 45 a 50, Tallow’ 10 a 15: Coffee 15 a 17; Corn 871 $1 : Cotton, choice 81 a 91. good 7] a 81, ordinary 7 a 7}: Flour, country mills s6l a7. Ohio 8 a BV, Norihem 3 V a9 ■ Iron, Swedes 6 V a 7, American 5 a6, nail rod 10 a 131, hoop 10 a 12. plough moulds 81 a 9. NEVV-YORK, June 29. — Coffee. —The demand has been quite animated, and an’ improvement of about 1 a cent has been realized. Sales have been made, in addition to those reported in our last, of about UOO bags Porto Cabello and Laguira, at 121 a 13 cents • 1500 Cuba, 12 a 13 cents, the latter price for fine green ; about 1000 bags Brazil, at 12, including a lot of strong scented, at 12} : 50 bales Mexican, 12.1, and some Porto Rico, in bbis. at 131. The little t<t. Domingo which remains in first hands is held considerably above previous rates. Accounts have been received from Havre to 22d May, stating that the arricte had all been bought up there, and pri ces had advanced. St. Domingo sold at 80 centimes. Cotton- —A very animated demand sprung up with the date iff our last report, and though we cannot state any actual advance in prices, the rates which were then with difficulty supported, have since been readily obiained. Thesales for the last three days em brace about 3000 bales of Upland, at 11} al3 cents: 1030 Alabama. 124 a 14 ; 700 Tennessee and New Orleans, 111 a 14, and 700 Flori da, 12 a 131 cents. The total salesof the week amount to upwards of 6000 bales. By the ship Fredonia, advices were received yes terday from Havre, to 22d May, inclusive. The demand there had been very active, and the sa’cs of the three days preceding amount ed to 6800 bales, at an advance of 2 a 4 centimes. This intelli gence induced some of our holders to withdraw their stocks from the market. Molasses. —Supplies are now’ quite limited, and we have very little to add to the transactions noticed in onr last. 45 hhds. Porto Rico brought 34 cts; some sweet Havana 30, and other descriptions at our rates, in small parcels. The market continues firm. Salt.— The arrivals of coarse Salt have been small of late, and higher prices are now demanded. Liverpool has been in good de mand, and considerable salesof both ground and blown have been made, within our range. • BALT IMORE, JUNE 23. Coffee.—' The market has been quiet, I but holders are firm for full prices. Several hundred bags of Rio.' have been taken at 12 a 121 cents pnr lb. as in quality; and 200 toy 300 bags La Gaayra at 12 a 121 couth. [ll oilier descriptions we hear of no transactions. Cotton. —A lot of 50 hales Upland was sold this week at 13. J al4 cts. per lb. Clour.—Howard street Flour. —The salesof fresh ground Flour, of the present month’s inspection, have been made from, store throughout Oie week at $5.75 per bhl. Other parcels, of earlier in spection, have been sold at $5.62L Tlie stock of fresh ground flour is kept low, bv the steady demand for the city and coastwise con sumption, and dealers find ready sales, in moderate lots, at $5,50 per bbl. Whiskey. —The sales of hjtds have been to a moderate extent, at 28 cents per gallon, which, rate we continue to quote to-day. Con siderable sales of Sitsodehanna bhls have been made at 30 a 31 cents per gallon, according to quality. The wagon price of bbis remains at 27 cents, exclusive of the barrel, and the store price of the same at 31 a Tj* cents. PHILADELPHIA, June 23.— Cotton.— The arrivals of cotton during the week amount to 456 bales, all from New Orleans. The demand has not been very great, though business to a fair extent has been done for the season. Holders of prime parcels are very firm at onr highest quotations. \Ve note sales prime Louisiana cotton at 14 V cts.: a parcel of prime New Orleans at 141 cts; 32 bales of S. C. inferior at 11} cts. and for a lot of stained 11} cts. was taken another parcel at 134 cts. and a small lot of prime brought 14 cts. and a large lot of Virginia at 11V a 13 cts. all on 4 mos. cr. The stock at present is small. Coffee.. —There have arrived in ail the week rising 1300 bags.— The enquiry has been good, ami sales to exceed 2900 bags have been made. The transactions hwe'been principally in Rio, La guira, Cuba and Havana : 300 bags Rio part sold early in the kmw at 12A cts.: 100 bass on Saturday at 12] cts; 500 bags Cuba at 11 aQ 12] cts.; 505 bags Laguira at 12J els. and same price refused for " more ; and a large lot of Havana at prices not transpired, with sev eral small parcels of different desc iplions, principally at our h.vh cst quotations, all on 4 mas. with the exception of the Cuba, part of w hich was sold on a longer credit. 12 V cts. was offered for a large parcel of Cuba, and refused, Since making out the above' report, we understand that sales of several lots of Cuba amounting to some hundreds of bags, have been made at 12 V a 12} rts. _ Sugar —The cargoes of snga'frhetitioned in our last week’s re port, having been landed—sales to considerable extent have taken place—we note transactions to a l#rge extent in Porto Rico at $7 a B.V. Cuba $7 75. a lot of white at wi] all 0116 mths. and a small parcel white Havana, at 10} cts, had 62 hhds. inferior dark and heavy. N. O. Sugars at 6c, 21 hints. inferior to fair 6}c. 25 do prime 7Vc, 4 mths :57d0 do 7Vc, 4 month's. The market is Arm and all descriptions of sugar are in request. MOBILE JUNE 29. — Cotton. —The business of the season hav ing closed, we have no farther quotations to give. The receipts of the week are only 145 bales. On repairing to the ware-house, we find the sleek on Mud amounts to 280 bales. As the exports of the week amount tr %843 bales, ivfitch makes the total exports A 128,.333, or accouAtjffails short ol 1 i;-e actual receipts 445 bales. But jt as there has been an unusually large quantity of Cotton repackey tilis season, it is probable that the number of ba'es lias been yf creased, sufficient, at any rule, to account for a portion of (he error. For the sake of convenience however vve, have added the dlffar ence to the amount of the receipts. rv.jTee.-VVe have no changeto notice in Coffee. 1i maintains a fair demand at former rates —12] a 13}c —Import none. Whiskey.— Demand limited at 34V a 35c. Import 40 bids. Stock light. But little doing. Sugar— Stock light. It is worth from to 8 cents. Impor: none. Molasses. —None received this week. Is very scarce—only a few hnds. in market, which is held at 30 cents. None in barreJs. 1 BXABT&E HEWS j N. \ ARRIVED: ~ 3d, steamer Edgefield, Wood, Savartnah. Mercltan. ilize, &c.—to Mackenzie & Bennock, B, F. Chew, J. K. flora & Co. Dortic & Lafitle, T. Barrett <& Co. J, &, S. Bones, Mason & RandlgE, B. VV. Force & Co. A. Rowe, Mnsgrove & Bustin', J./Sharp, J. & W. Harper, C. & R. Lambert, W. & H. B/rson, R. C. Baldwin, J. Coskery, Lamback & Ruse, G. Walker, and Stovall & Simmons. sth, steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah 33 hrs. Mer . chandize, &c.— to Agent Steam Boat Company, R. An derson, L. Roil, M. Frederick. J. Milligan, A. Wood & Co. W. W. Waddle, D. L. Roman, E. B. &J. P. Ben son, T. J. Wray, J. P. Seize, A. Cunningham & Co. J. G. M’Whorter, R. C. Baldwin, J. Moore, W. &H. Bry son, Kerrs, Graham &. Hope, B. W. Force & Co. N. Smith & Co. Rankin & Evans, R. Allen, 11. Parsons, T. Barrett <fe Co. Turpin <fc H’Amignac, Mason &. Randle, and J. Johnson. DFP./1R TF. D. 6th, steamer Augusta, Norris, Savannah. Steamer Edgefield, Wood, Charleston. FROM THIS PORT. Steamer Free Trade, Cressweil, Savannah, Steamer Tugalo, Wray, Savannah. Steamer Cheraw, Graham, Charleston. The steamer Free Tgtde, Cressweil, for this place, was to ha»e left Savanna|i on Saturday evening last. SAVANNAH, July 2.—Arr. ship Statira, Wood, N. York 1 1 days; Br. brig Brothers, Bell, Mobile 14 days; schr. Halsey, Sednck, Boston ; sloop John Chevalier, Sisson, Charles’on ] steamer Augusta, Norris, Augusta. Went to sea, Br. ship Ganges, Quirk, Liverpool; ship Belle, Bailey, New. York and Providence; briar Sea Isl and, Atwood, Boston ; schr. Excel, Helliker, Philadel phia. JULY 3.—Arr. brig New Hanover, Patterson, Phila delphia; steamer Free Trade, Cressweil, Augusta. Went to sea, ship Othello, Tucker, Wiscasseti, JULY 4.—Went to sea, brig Caduceus, Weeks, New Bedford ; schr. Ariel Carrol, Baltimore. JULY 6.— Art. brig Madison, Buckley, New-York 10 days: rev. cutter Crawford, Day, Key West and a cruize; schr. Splendid, Dean, Portland 13 ; steamer T ug tlo, Wray, Augusta. Went to sea, bark Richmond, Burroughs, Havre; Sailed, Br. bark Mary, Duff, Liverpool; schr. De Kalb, Cowart, Baltimore. CHARLESTON, July 3.—Ar. schr. Alabama,Push, Ocracock 2 days; sloop Emma Augusta, Fullgham, tin; Nassau, N. P. 9 days. Went to sea, ship Shaw, Davis, Portsmouth , schrs Alpha, Thomas, West Indies; Sarah Ann, Fox, Balti more. JULY 4.—Arr. steamer Cheraw, Graham, Augusta. Sailed, ship Temorah, Spalding, Newbury port ; brig Spartan, Hedge, Baltimore; schrs. Deluvian, Travers, do. ; Washington, Hutchings, New-York ; Atlantic, Sawyer, do.; Zenith, Poller. Baltimore. JULY 6.—x\rr. Br.brig Kate, Figgett, Barbados via Turks Island 10 days; brig Vista, Smith, New-York 10. Sailed, Br. brig Sunbury, Hind, St. Johns, N. B.; brig Aspasia, Greneker, New-Orleans ; schr. John Denni son, Cold, Key West. DGr 3 The Health Committee for the Middle Ward will examine the Lots of the persons in that Ward on THURSDAY next, trash <fcc. may be thrown into the street during the whole of the day pre ceding, and on that day until 2 o’clock. JESSE KENT, Chairman Committee. July 9 1 Camp Meetings in Augusta District. Richmond old place, 11th July, at night. — Wilkes, Independence, 16th of August, at n ight.—Co lumbia old place, 30th of August, at night. —Lincoln, Wheat’s Camp Ground, 11th September, at ni<rht. Friends will notice some small variations as to time. This has been found needful. LOVICK PIERCE, P. E. July 2 4 ICr 3 The Constitutionalist Reading Room, directly under the Office, is now open for the benefit of the Public. Mr. JasiieKi Mcl>owaSl, wilS 1 attend to any business in which the subscri ber may be interested, during his absence ♦from the State. ROBERT A. REID. June 25, 1533 w 3 2 By a Resolution of the Ci ty Council of Augusta, passed the Bth June, instant, the following persons were appointed a Commit tee of Health for the present year, viz : Fur District No. I—Messrs. P, Crump, Edward Hen derson and P. H. Mantz. “ “ No. 2—Messrs. J. Kent, J. H. Mann and F. Bradford. “ “ No. 3—Messrs. J. B. Bishop,.lona. Meigs, G. H. Paddock, and U. B. Clarke. The foregoing Committees are requested to enter on the duties assigned them by tlie foregoing Resolutions, as early as may be practicable. By order of Council. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. June 25 2 MISS EDMONSTON, lately arrived from Charleston, from which place she is the bearer of Letters . introductory to persons of die first respectability in Augusta, has the honor of informing the Ladies of this City, that she proposes giving ini structions on the HARP, PIANO FORTE and SPAN ISH GUITAR, as well as in the French, Spanish, German and Italian Languages, with Drawing. Terms will be made knoxvn at her residence, Northeastern corner of Green and MTntosh-streets. April 26 90 ie General Ordinance, to , ■ revise, amend and consolidate the several Ordinances of the City Council of Augusta, is now ready for delivery to the citizens. They can be had by ap; , plication to the Clerk of Council. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. May 7 ts 93 /•Medical College of Georgia?^ THE LECTURES in this Institution situated at Augusta, will commence on the third Monday, (the 21**) of next October, and continue for*:* months. The Prose ssors are : L. A. Dugas, M. D.—Of Anatomy and Physiology. J6's. A. Eve, M. D.—Therapeutics and Materia Medica. D. Ford, M. D.—Chemistry and Pharmacy. M. Antony, M. I).—Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo men and Children. A. Cunningham, M. D.—lnstitutes and Practice of Me dicine. Paul F. Eve, M. D.—lnstitutes and Practice of Surgery. And George M. Newton, M. D.—Prosector and De monstrator of Anatomy. In addition to the above, Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hospital, and every facility afford ed the student for practical experience. The fees are, for the six Tickets §IOQ Graduation, - s>lo Matriculation, - - - $5 Good Board, with Lodging, may be obtained at §l3 per month. For particulars see Circular issued in June. AUGUSTUS B. LONGSTREET, President of Board of Trustees, . \L. D. Ford. Secretary. Augusta, July 9, 1833 6 6 S GC? The papers of Augusta, Washington A thens Banner, Milledgeville Journal, and Federal Union, Columbus Enquirer, Savannah Georgian, Macon Tele graph, Darien Telegraph, (Ga.) ; Columbia Times, Pen dleton Messenger, Edgefield Carolinian, Greenville Mountaineer, (S. C.) ; Raleigh Star, (N. C.) Knoxville Register, (Ten.) Floridian, Tallahassee, Tuscaloosa In telligencer. Montgomery Journal, Huntsville Advocate, Mobile Register, (Alab.); Jackson State Rights Ban ner, Natchez Republican, (Miss.); and Louisiana Ad vertiser, will publish the above advertisement to the a mount of Five Dollars each, and forward their last number containing it to L. D. Ford, Treasurer of Me dical College, Augusta, Georgia. _ BSSank State of Georgia. yv r SAVANNAH, 2d July, 1833. •< i T^JOTICE —An election, will take place nt the Bank- I ing House in Savannah on Monday, the 25th ofju ly, inst. for an Agent of this Bank at Greenesborough— Salary §ISOO per annum, and the privilege of personally occupying the dwelling part of the Banking House. Bond in the sum of $30,000, with four or more sufficient se curities will be required. Applications to be addressed to the Bank,-naming*securities. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier, by I. K. Tefft, Teller, ID’ Papers in the interior who publish the notifica tions of this Bank, are requested to insert the above un til the time of the election. July 9 i \ Office •HwgMStu insurance ands * BANKING COMPANY, ( Bth July, 1833. rSHHE Board of Directors have declared a Dividend .M. of 4 percent, out of the profits of the business of the Company, for the past six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and after THURSDAY the 11th inst. By order of the Board. ROBERT WALTON, Cashifcr. July 9 3 6 THE LECTURES /nvF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE of the State of tr South-Carolina, will be commenced bn the second Monday in November next. The Board of Trustees of the Institution appointed by the Legislature, consists of the following members Hon. J, Colcock, President; Rev. Jasper Adams, D. I). Sec’y ; Hon. VV. Drayton, Hon. H. L. Pinckney, Hon. Sam. Prioleau, Hon. Elias Horry, Nath’l. Hey. ward, *R. J. Turnbull, Mitchell King, Jacob Ford, and H. A. Desaussure, Esquires. *ffon. James Hamilton in ttie place ol R. J. Turnbull, Esq. d'ic. The Professors are : Os Anatomy, John Edwards Holbrook, M. D. Os Surgery, John Wagner, M. D. Os Institutes and Practice of Medicine, Sam. Henry Dickson, M. I). Os Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, Thomas G. Prioleau, M. D. Os Materia Medica, Henry R. Frost, M. D. Os Chemistry, Edmund Ravenel, M. D. Os Physiology, James Moultrie, Jr. M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, John Bellinger, M. D. Classical Lectures will be given twice a week, during the ensuing Session, at the Alms House and Marine Hospital, bv Professors Frost and Wagner. SAM. HENRY DICKSON, M. D. Dean. The following papers are requested to publish the above advertisement once a month, until November next, and forward their nCcoinfts to Dr. Thomas G. Prioleau* Treasurer of the College. Times and Hive* Columbia; Intelligencer, Georgetown ; Journal, Camden ; Whig, Abbeville; Messenger, Pendleton; Carolinian, Edge field ; Patriot, Yorkville ; Mountaineer, Greenville, (S. C.) ; Georgian, Savannah ; Constitutionalist, Augusta ; Journal and Federal Union, Milledgeville; Banner, Ath ens; Enquirer, Columbus, (Geo.); Star, Raleigh; Peo pie’s PfeSs, Wilmington; Observer, Fayetteville; Spec; tator, Newbern, (N. C.); Enquirer and Compiler, Rich mond, (Va.) ; Advocate, Huntsville; Register, Mobile, (Ala.) ; Register, (Knoxville, (Ten.); Bulletin and Cou rier, New Orleans. Treasury department, ( April 13th, 1533. $ TH"N the late conflagration of the Treasury building, i nearly all the correspondence ofthe Secretary of the Treasury, from the establishment ofthe Department to the 31st March, 1833, was destroyed; including, as well the original letters arid communications addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, as the records of the letters and communications written by him. With a view to repair the loss, as far as may be practicable* all officers of the United States, are requested to cause copies to be prepared, and authenticated by them, of any !ettcrs'(exccpt those hereinafter alluded to) Vvhich they may at any time have written to, or received from, the Secretary of the Treasury ; and all those who have been in office, and other individuals throughout the Uni ted States, and elsewhere, arc invited to do the same. That this correspondence may be arranged into ap propriate books, it is requested that it be copied on folio foolscap paper, with a sufficient margin on all sides to admit of binding, and that no more than one letter be contained on a leaf. It is also requested, that the copies be writen in a plain and distinct or engrossing hand. Where the original letter can be spared, it would be preferred. The reasonable expense incurred in copv. ing the papers now requested, not exceeding the'rate of ten cents for every hundred words, will be defrayed by the Department. The correspondence which has been saved, r and of which, therefore, no copies are desired, are the records of the letters written by tile Secretary of the Treasury to the Presidents and Cashiers of Banks, from the Ist October, 1819, to the 20th Fehnary, 1833; all the cor. respondence relating to Revolutionary claims under the act of 15th May, 1828, and to claims of Virginia officers to half pay, under the act of sth July, 1832; and to ap plications for the benefits-of the acts of the 2d March, 1831 and 14th July* 1832, for the relief of certain insol vent debtors of the United States. Copies of some circular letters, and instructions, written bv the Sec retary. have also been preserved; and it is requested that, before a copy be made of any circular letter or instruction written by tiie Secretary of the Treasury, the date and object of the circular be first stated to the Department, and its wishes on the subject ascertained LOUIS McLANE, Secretary of the Treasury May 21 36 Administrator’s Notice. 4LL persons indebted to the Estate of Henry Gil strap, late of Burke county, deceased, either by Note or Account, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands must render them in within the time prescribed bv law. CALVIN B. CHURCHILL, Adrn’r. June 11, 1833 w6* 103 NOTICE. PERSONS having business with the subscriber, or with the late firm of Baird and Green, can find him at the Dry Goods Store of Mr. S. W. Wade, north side Broad street, No. 243. B. BAIRD. July 2 4 6 NOTICE. OAK WOOD for sale at the Wharf—apply at the Steam Boat Company’s Office to WM. ROBERTSON, jr. Agent. June 25 2 SOIHERYILLE. THE Summerville Maiket will be furnished the season with the best of MEATS, at the low. est prices, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Saturday evenings, commencing on Mon dav the 10th of June. JOHN D. CLARK. Jine 4 101 'L TO RfiftTj FROM THE FIRST OCTOBER, The DWELLING HOUSE on Ei lis-street, below Henry Mealing, former! C. Cantelou’s—the House is large an sHSggggicommodious, having lately undergone thoi ough repairs; there is attached to it all the necessar out-buildings. For further information apply at thi Office, or to W. B. SHELTON. July 9 6 ~ TO RENT, T - And possession given on the 1W of October next. A two story DWE»LLtNG HOLSI ""fa. °n the west side of the Methodist Churcl Wifwith a Garden thereto and necessary otil ■■rpr now occupied by the subscriber. ALSO, * A large two story DWELLING HOUSE with the necessary out.houses am Garden, situated on the corner of Ellis am heretofore occupied b; Mr. Weston. For particulars enquire of # JOHN FINN, Green-street. / July 9, 1833 ts 6 TO KENT. A convenient Dwelling HOUSE at the lower end of Broad-street, south aide I \ |i||i?nearly opposite Mr. Waterman’s, with a! necessary out-huildings, will be rented til first ot October, and immediate possession given. Ther is a Lot attached to the House containing 1J Acre, cu! rivaled as a garden. For terms apply at the Office o the Constitutionalist. July 4 5 " VALUABLE PLANTATION jk ' FOR S ALE. f «IHE Subscriber offers his Plantation for Sale, si Ea mated irt Columbia county, 14 miles from Angus ta, and immediately on the River. This place is cor sidered by good judges, as one of the most valuable ii the epunty. The Tract contains between 1000 am 1100 Acres. Six hundred Acres are cleared—4oo i very superior Land. At the extreme end of the Plan tation, and a mile and aliajf from the river, and on at elevated hill, a commodious DWELLING IIOUSI has lately been built: a fine Well of w/iter is in th< yard. The subscriber being determined to sell offer it at a great bargain. Any one desirous to look at tin i(?lace will always find myself or my son, ready to shov i'it to them. JOSEPH GRANT. V July 2, 1833 wtf 4 UNITED states hotel., AUGUSTA CEOH^IAi fRIHE Undersigned, grateful for the patronage tha Jh. has been extended to him since he has had th< management of the above Establishment, respectful!; informs.his friends and the public generally, that tht HOTEL is now open, and will continue so during th< summer and at all times and all seasons, pledge: himself that his exertions shall be to render the ac commodations of this Establishment inferior to none it the city. ~ The Stables are amply supplied with an abundance o good provender, and under the management of a care ful and experienced Ostler. JOHN R. ANDURSON. O’ The papers of this city, the Georgia Journal Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, Southern Ban ner, Washington News, and Western Herald, will pub lish the above once a week for one month, and forwarc their accounts for payment to J. R. A. June 21 w 4 1 100 DOLLARS REWARIL & ABSCONDED from the subscri. ffjLj her on the 25th ult, two NEGRO FEL LOWS, William and Dick; William is / a dark Mulatto about 27 years old-stut ters, when spoken to quickly—can read and write and is very artful, about 5 feet 10 inches high, am' wore a surtout coat, and new sattinet pantaloons and black cap jnti boots.. Dick is dark complected and aboui 25 years of age, walks up-right and when he wentawa) wore a grey sattinet pantaloons, black coat, hat anc boots. Both had other clothes with them. Dick is about 5 feet 10 inches high. They may have gone tc Oglethorpe County, where they had been secreted by i man named Thos. Browrt. I will give the above iewarc to any person that will lodge them in any safe jail so tha I get them, and fifty dollars for proof that they are bar boured by any person; It is believed that they have i written pass, given to them by those who enticed then away. JOHN GOGHLAN. March 12 77 The Subscribers HAVE received an additional supply of (JAR* DEN SEEDS, warranted the growth o 1832. TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC, Agents for D. C. L. February 22d 72 TO PRINTERS. "ETB ANKIN & EVANS, keep constantly on hand i Me large supply of PRINTING. PAPER, of all sizes, which will be sold as low for cash as anj article of equal quality can be laid down for in tin: place, from any of the Northern Factories —they cat; furnish at the shortest notice paper of any size, suitable for printer’s use. June 2B 8 3 NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of P. B. Taylor & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the late firm will be attend ed to by P. B. Taylor, who alone is authorized to settle the same. P. B. TAYLOR, JOSEPH WHEELER. May 11 95 THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING purchased the entire interest of Josepl Wheeler, in the late firm of P. B. Taylor, &. Co. wil continue the Earthenware business, on his own accouni at the Store 357 Broad st. and under the Masonic Hal P. B. TAYLOR. May 14 95 Notice. FOUR months after date, I will apply to the Honor abla the Inferior Court for leave to sell two oi more of the Negroes belonging to Lucy H. Jones, t Minor and Orphan* to be sold for the benefit of tht said Orphan. JAMES M‘LAWS, Guard’n. July 4, 1833 m 4 5 Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Stepher Boyd, (late of Burke county, deceased,) are re qnested to make immediate payment, and those bavins demands against said Estate, will presen' them in term: of the law. ABEL LEWIS, Adm’r. June 4, 1833 101 "RICHARDS & GANAHL, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, i rarOHRAB, the HOSTAGE,’ by the autkor oi Mj Hajji Baba. Journal of a Nobleman, being a Narrative of his residerice at Vienna during the Congress. Zoe, or the Sicilian Sayda, a Romance. Pencil Sketches or Outlines of Character &. Man. tiers, by Miss Leslie. Fanning’s Voyages round the World. Our Island, comprising Forgery, a Tale, and the Lunatic, a Tale. The Life of John Jay, with selections from his cor respondence and Miscellaneous papers, by his son, Wil liam Jay. 2 vols. 8 vo. Whewell’s Astronomy and General Physics. Life and Times of John Milton, by Joseph Ivimey. June 14 ' 104 Beers’ Loiiery Office?# Due by tbi* Day’s Mail. —Drawing of the Grand 11. Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 26.—Highest Prize .j §IO,OOO. n( j Tickets §4, Shares in proportion. )r _ By To-Morrow’s Mail, New-York Consolidated Lot jry tery, Extra Class No. 18.—Highest Prize §20.000. ,i g Tickets §4, Shares in proportion. By Friday’s Mail, Maryland State Lottery, Class No. 13.—Highest Prize §30,000. —30 Prizes of §IOOO. LOWEST PRIZE §l2. Tickets §lO, Shares in proportion. Beers’ Official Prise lAsi, E The following are the drawn numbers of the Union h, Canal Lottery, Class 13. lt - 31, 17, 7, 55, 10, 0, 9, 62, 21, 5. LOWEST PRIZE §5. m Hr Prizes sold and Cashed at ,d BEERS’ id Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241 Broad-street. >y CF Address Orders to W. P. BEERS. July 9 (j Notice. 4S heretofore notified a division of the funds reali zed from the estate of Mr. Jatnes B. Ross, late of Waynesboro, Burke County* was due and payable on 5, the -7th ult. to all such creditors as tendered their e* claims duly attested under oalh and propet Vouchers, ill All persons who do not immediately make application ill at the Counting Room of Low, Taylor A Co. Savannah, re lor payment ot their claims substantiated as above* will il. be debarred in the participation of the funds how in the of hands of the undersigned. JOHN LOW, ) assignees of O. LEGRIEL. \ James D. Ross Savannah, July 2 f July 9—3 GEORGIA , Sc riven county. THIRTY days after date, application will be made by Noah Freeman, to the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting tor Ordinary purposes, for Letters of Administration on the estate of Eliza Oliver, (a mi nor) deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin - 5g gular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, n to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed j hy law, to file their objections (if any they have) to )( j shew cause why said Letters should not be granted. ■ g Witness the Honorable Alexander Kemp, one of the Justices of said Court, this 2d dav of July, 1833. 6 ‘ SEABORN GOODALL, Cl’k. e CORA-AFLOAT. 1C ¥7<OR sa^e * n quantities to suit purchasers—Apply at rs JT the river or to JOHN B. GUIEU. ,e July 2 4 w FODDER FOR SALE IN lots to suit purchasers—Apply at the river. July 2 4 ’ COTTON SEED. BUSHELS Genuine Al\ ai' Cotton of a superior quality, just received and (br sale by A. & G. WALfcER. April 2 ts 83 , VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ; FOB SALE. ly f H |HE subscriber, contemplating a change of business, ,e JL offers for sale the MEADOW GARDEN PRO ,e PERTY, containing one hundred and twenty-one and a ;s half (121 i) Acres of Land, and also his BRICK YARD r.. and Lots adjoining thereto, which cohtaln altogether a n bout fourteen (14) Acres. AH of the above property lies within the corporate limits Os Augusta, and at no jf Vefy distant period will be of much greater value* ei. 3 . ther for farming or for building lots. There Is a com. sortable Dwelling and all other necessary out-buildings on the premises, and would be very desirable to a gen- I, tleman who wishes to be retired from the bustle of 3. town, and to engage in farming very convenient to 3. market. als®, d His Bedford Plantation, situated within four miles of Augusta, on the Washington Road, and imme diately above Mr. Coleman’s. This Tract contains a bout eight hundred and fifty (SSOI Acres, near 350 of which is open land, and mostly Under cultivation, the 1- balance generally well timbered, with Oak, Hickory, Pine, &c. A person disposed to turn his attention to s the business, may sell as much fire wood from this land t. in two years, with two teams, as would pay the pur d chase money—for the whole property. There is on i, these premises a comfortable Dwelling House, good d Barn and Stables, Negro Houses, &,c. and for healths ir very desirable situation, y ’ ALSO. d His Mill Property on Spirit Creek, 12 miles is from Augusta. This Tract contains about 3300 Acres o of Pine Land, the Mills are new, runs two saws, and a a never failing stream for one saw. There is a suffici d ent quantity of good planting land to support the mills it ALSO, r- Two Houses and Lots on Reynold-street, be a low Centre-street, very comfortable tenements, with 11 brick basement stories, one of them at present occupied by Mr. Gallaher. ALSO. Two hundred Acres of Pine Land, near the village of Summerville. ALSO, Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, known as Lot No. 13, first District Habersham county, it lies in the very heart of the Gold region, several of the richest ridge veins are found on it. The road from Glover’s, Loud’s and Blake’s Mines* to Cooper’s Town passes over this Lot, it is reputed as one of the best stands for a Public House in the coilnty. The whole, or any part of the above property will be sold, and session given immediately or at the end of the year, as may be desired by the purchaser; Persons disposed to purchase are respectfully invited to examine the premises for themselves. Titles good and terms will be liberal. GREEN B. MARSHALL • Augusta, July 2, 1833 wtlD 4 >f REDUCED PRICES I Earthen- I Pare, China , Glass AND LOOKING GLASSES. THOMAS J. BARROW & CO. Importers, 88 Water-street, New-York, are continually receiv , ing the newest patterns of EARTHEN-WARE, CHI y NA, &c. by late arrivals from Liverpool; Their stock 13 comprises every variety in the line, and is surpassed 4 by none in extent or quality. They have made Such e arrangements in England for the purchase of their Goods, as enables them to hold out the highest induce ments to merchants dealing in the line. Those who are laying in stocks of the article, will find it greatly to their interest to call, as the very lowest price will be e named which it is possible to sell at. J ’ N. B.—The best packers irt the city employed. THOMAS J. BARROW & CO. ® Importers, 88 Water-street , New-Vork. e ITT* Orders by letter carefully attended to, and goods charged at correct rates. June 21 71 NEW GOODS. J. P. SETZE '■’Snow opening a splendid assortment of seasonable ** Good*, (which will be sold low, for cash or town acceptances,) among which are Very fine French and English Ginghams, new style, Fancy Prints, small spriggs do., suitable for children A Splendid new fashion French and English Printed Muslins, French Brown Linen and Linen Drilling, Long Lawn, Linen and Cotton Checks, )r Medallions and Bordering Prints, a Gros de Tour, Gresde Swiss, Gros de Naples, and 6 Gros d’ areola silks, ' Florance silks, Blond Gauze, crape* Twisted silk, Hernanys and Black love shawls* Splendid Blond Gauze Veils* 3 n Ladies’and gentlemens’Horse-skin and Fil d’ecosse Gloves, Black and White Foundation muslins, 18 Black and white Hooks and eyes, silver Thimbles, Treble Back white marseilles Vesting, 6-4 cross bar’d muslin, some very fine, Green worsted Barage, Verona Hdkfs. Mamee chop, yellow Nankeen, and Pongee silk, jf Mull muslins, white Cravats, Furniture Dimity, some extra fine, s 12-4 Marseilles Quilts, 4-4 Irish Linen, some very fine, Furniture Fringe, u 6-4 India Book Muslin, 4-4 and 6-4 Figured and Plain Dobinett Laces, Sup. London Printed Calicoes, e Quilling Faces and Bobinett Edgings, Oil Cloth and fine Linen Tapes, ■- Cotton lloEtery. ALSO. Expected verysoon, directly from France, via New York, a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS, suitable . for Spring and Summer wear. April 4 ts 84 - - E ! PLBMC SALE?#. >rnrQ , „ BY J. MARSHAIIi. 1 tills DAY, «t 10 o’c/ocA, wiR Ac aoW 6e/bre iny store, (without reserve) to pay txpenses 2 bhds. Crockery 2 bokes Class Ware 1 9 bbls. Flour 1 do Beans 1 qr. Cask Jamaica Rum 1 keg Nails 1 keg Camphor 1 do Lampblack 1 Chest Tea 1 box Coffee Mills 1 do Clock Bells* 15 bars Steel - 1 bundle Spades, 1 do Shovels 4 Mifttrasses 1 Trunk DRY GOODS. AMO, Sundry other articles of GROCERIES, FURNITURE, Afro ». DRY GOODS. * Terms Cash. July 9. BY LATHAM HULL. TO-MORROW MORNING, the IDA inst. at half past 10 o’clock, will be suld t ROSE and Mint Cordials Repper, Spice and Ginger A lot of Stone Jars Weeding Hoes and Castings Tobacco, «Scc. &c. Ac. Sdle positive and without reserve. ALSO, Jamaica Rum, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, Northi ern do. Rice, Cheese, Soap, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads* Mdttrasses, Bnreatts, Clothe Presses, Work Stands, Wash Stands, Writing Tables, &c. Terms Cash on delivery. *■ July 9 1 Ifurke Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in August next. Will be sold, at the Ccfiirt House door, in Waynesboro* Burke county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing Property, to wit s 100 Acres Pine LAND, more ot less, adjoining Lands of J. Reese and others, levied upon as the property of William Pearce, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice’s Court, in favor of Wiley Wimberly, vs, Robert R. Atkin son, and Wm. Pearce. THOS. S. BURKE, Sh’ff. B. C. July 9 6 SHEKIXW’S SALE. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale : A Lot of Lnnd with the improvements there on in the City of Augusta, on the corner of Bay and Mclntosh-streets, bounded north by Bay-street, west by Mclntosh.street, east by Lot now, or formerly the property of Jacob Danforth, south by Ware-House Lot occupied by Heard & Wilson; levied [on as the proper ty of Alexander Mackenzie, to satisfy a fi fa, the As signees of John Logan vs. said Mackenzie. ALSO* A Lot of Latid with ihe improvemenls them on, on the south side of Broad street, bounded on the north by Broad-street, south by Ellis-street, west by Samuel Hale’s Lot, east by Lot belonging to the Es. tate of David McKinney, deceased, end ALSO, A Lot With the improvements thereon, on the south side of Ellis-street, bounded bv said Ellis-stieef, west by Lot of Mrs. Whitlock) east by Vacant Lot, ami south by Lot of Christian Marks; levied on as the pro perty of Timothy Edwards, to satisfy a fi fa, Samuel Dana vs. said Edwards principal, and Joel Callin, se curity.—Terms as usual. PETER F. BOISCLAIR, Sh’ff. r. c. July, 4, 1833 5 Coroners Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court House in Columbia county, between the usual hours of sale, the following Negroes, to wit Amelia, a girl, of seventeen years of age. Robert, a boy of sixteen, and Hiram, age not known, levied on to satisfy three fi fas from Columbia Superior Court* the Justices of the Inferior Court for the use ol Peter Knox, vs. Samuel Paul ahd others. JOHN HARRISS, Cor. C. C. J uly 2 4 Guardian’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the Court House in Lumpkin county, between the usual hours of sale— One half 4 of a Tract of Land and valuable Gold Mine, lying in the 12th District, No. 944, former ly Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, sold pursuant to ail order of the Inferior Court of Campbell county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes ; sold for the benefit of Wm. Jeter, minor of Thomas Jeter, deceased.—Terms Cash. WESLEY WHEAT, Guardian for Win. Jeter. July 2, 1833 4 RICHARDS & ftAAAlffli, i®/' ILL receive subscriptions to H. S. Tanner’s new w w and elegant Universal Atlas, to contain distinct Maps of all the principal Kingdoms and States in the known world, and separate Maps of each of the United States. Conditions in Tanner’s proposals— 1. The proposed Atlas shall be constructed from the latest and most authentic documents. It will be engrav ed in the first style of Map engraving, and in every branch of its execution, accuracy of detail shall be aimed ftt. Each sheet shall be 11 by 14 inches. 2. The Maps will be printed on first quality vellum pa per, and coloured in an elegant and appropriate manner. 3. The Atlas will consist of about fifteen numbers, 1 with an engraved title sheet. It will be delivered to subscribers at $1 f or dach number, containing at least 4 Maps, payable on delivery. To non-subscribers the price will be §1,50 a number, each of which will bo complete in itself. O’ The sixth number of this Allas published on Ist instant. We have also just received a large addition to otir mer stock of I’KINTIXG PAPER, which will be sold as low as can be bought in the South for cash or city acceptances. July 2 SM&'liyrES SEVUREU, BY THE USE OF THE HYGEIAN VEGETABLE UNIVER SAL MEDICINES OF THE BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH—LONDON, WHICH have obtained the approbation and recom mendaiiori of some Thousands of Cures, in Con sumptions, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation, internally or externally ; Dyspepsia, Fevers, Ague, Indigestion, Bil lioue or Nervous affections, ahd all diseases of the Liver; Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Tic Dou leufeu, Dropsy, St. Vitus’s Dance, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Palsy, Small Pox, Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, Strict ures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Dowels, Worms, Scurvy, Itchings of the Skin, King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disorders; in short every com plaint to which the human frame is so direfully subject, under all their varied forms and names; as the Hygeian conviction is, that Man is subject to one only Real Dis ease, that is, the Impurity of the Blood. These medicines are composed only of Vegetable mat ter, and are warranted on oath to contain not one par ticle of mercurial, mineral or chemical substances. CT Further particulars respecting their unprecedent ed success, mode of administering, &c. may be had of. RICHARDS & GANAHL, Sole Agents for the City nf Augusta. June 4 ' 101 GEORGIA, Columbia comity. In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1833. UPON the petition of Thomas J. Murray, Admin istrator de hows non with the will annexed, of John M. Doolv, stating that he holds a Bond of John Burch, for titles to a House and Lot in the town ot Washington and county of Wilkes, now in the occupan cv of Wm M. Cozart, bearing date 1/ th January, 1827, and prays an order of this Court to compel the Admin istratrix of said John Burch to make titles to the said House and Lot in terms oPthe Bond ard the law in such" case made and provided. Ordered, That the foregoing be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State for three months, and after ths»expiration of that term, unless good and sufficient cause of objection be filed, the said Administratrix do perfect titles agree able to the law. True extract from the Minutes, this 7th May, 1833. JAMES BURNSIDE, Clerk. May 10, IJJ33 lw3m 94 NEATLY DONE AT TIIISOFFICE.