The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, August 14, 1835, Image 3

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* he f hud no legal or con*titutional control over h’m—and for this reason also, I voted for Mr. Turner's resolution declcaring tiiat we had con fidence in the executive nnd judicial branches of l the government of Georgia, and that therefore no I legislative action was necessary I thought * > | then—l think go now—and I shout i now give a emilar vote under simd ir circumstances — no in doing go. I wa * no: guilty of doing an ad “m di rect contravention of the right, ti c di-n <y,md s jv. reignty of the state of Georgia,” m the contrary, I thought my vote on .Mr. Turner’.- tt solution was calculated to sustain and support tiie “right, the dignity and the sovereignly oi the state 01 Geor gia.” 4th charge. The fourth and last charge has not an inch of ground to stand on. T.teru is n* act of my political life, nor expression of I*°! hi es! opinion, from which su .-.u intewice ca/i be drawn, and therefore the author oi tins false hood is without even an excuse h>r it. In every opinion I have expressed, and every vote I have given, I have manifested my opposition to a iati. tudinarian construction of the feiieral constint- j li<4j. In proof of this assertion. I refer voir to my Digest or the English .Statues, panes 57 an i fib, in which I reprobate the extent to which the doctrine of constructive powers is carried by some publicans —and this article was written by ; me as long ngo as vear 1323. lonu before 1 hues any public office, or had a thought of elitering political life. And in further proof of my opin ions, I send you n copy of rny speech in con ■ uri its, on I lie deposit question. fsu then. I hit I never held the doctrines escribed to me, but have always been opposed to them—l have marked the passages in the speech which apply to this p tint. 1 have now, my dear sir, answered nil the charges you have mentioned, and endeavored to prove to vou, tiiat they uro all, as I kn > w them to be, false. For the Ist‘and 3 J charfics, the authors mav have some cx<nsc. because, ever since IHi 17, when Mr. Jefferson commenced his restrictive system, 1 have been cal'ed a federalist; though, in fact, I never have been one, in the s-ms? in which it has been implied—Ami as 1 voted against any legislative action in the case of Tassels, it lias [men supposed by some, who do,not understand the question, ilia' I was opposed to the right of jurisdiction, on the part of Georgia over the Cherokee country. But as I have said above, the report I drew up and made to the same legislature, in which I ex pressly claimed our right of juri- ti ciiort. util prove conclusively that my vote in the Tassels case has been m sunderstood. nr purposely misrepresented for party political ctleci. But the authors of the Si and 4th charges have no excuse—no circumstance to redeem tlnon from the imputation of wilful misrepresentation. With treat respect, 1 am, your oh’t. scr’vt. W.M. SCHLEY. O. Halsey, Esq., Spar'd, Ga. WBI.L.I.; VI’,■JUU3*SJUZ-C'T 1 v -,r? r^bT-TT AUGUST V, GA. Friday MoruiiUT, ASrpust 14 JS3S U* Dur river is getting very low. Steamboats at present cannot come ah ve Bugg’s Bar. U* Tlie steam packet due at Charleston on Wednesday last, had not aruved up to Tin.irs day morning fi o’clock. O* Yv T e would call tie attention of our agti cultural friends to an articla wo publish jin this morning’s city paper, under our agricultural fiend, from the American Funner and Gardner, enti tied an appeal to the Inhahitan .•>, particularly of the old states. The r'n' ject spoken of is of deep intereM to every farmer, and the recommend.i tions, if strictly, followed must prove of great, advantage. Tins state Is not embraced in the editors remarks, if is 1 rlie, bul how much old and worn out land is there now In ibis elate, til t. with proper care and attention, could be trade more valuable than iho lies', cotton binds in the country. The culture of sdk is in its infancy, but from present appearance* it w-ft not b- c rc main so. The smith in soil and churn . i.< well adapted to the growth of the mulberry, nftd with *c.ire and attention in the course of a sow Years, oar farmers will lie. 1 us col' vation yielding them a handsome profit lor their labor. In the north, already are manufactures eMrtliii rlied, and fir Ids 'n r t!ie mulberry trees planted, in'.: only by ind’- viduala but by chartered companies. V\ e would he glad to see some of onr farmers turn their at tention to this subject—for they have a decided superiority over their northern brethren in point •of climate and soil. We have reccvied the address to the P, mo Vracy of the Union, to draft which a committee was appointed by the N itional Convention front among iis members. Fs length, and iho ih sire to give it to onr renders entire, lias caused ns o deter its publication, until onr next. We give in this din’s paper the proceedings of the meeting held in Charleston on Monday last. The resolutions adopted, express, in a language that cannot he mistaken, the sentiments of every Southerner. The 7:h resolution in commending a Convention, in order to express the feelings of the South, we object to, ns mine cessary. The south does not require a conven lion to make known its sentiments—on this sub ject there is but one sentiment—under the con. stitution of the United States our rights are se cured tons —should an attempt be made to de prive us of our rights, is there a southerner tnat will not lay down lus life in defence of those rights 7 To whom is the convention to make known the truth, “ that however we may differ on other points, we are on this subject united as one man, in the fixed and unalterable determina tion to maintain our rights and defend our pro perty against all attacks—he the consequences what they may t” To our northern brethren ? Have our northern brethren attempted to deprive us of our prtjperty T Do our northern brethren encourage the few farinticS among them in their diabolical schemes ’ No. They have too much veneration and love of country to be instrumen tal in violating the constitution of their common country—they know that under that constitution we hold our rights—and they would be the last in the world to assist in unlawfully depriving us of those rights. Who are iho people of the non slave holding stales, that the smith should hold a convention, for the purpose of making an earnest appeal to them ? Are they foreigners or enemies to the brothers—bound to us by every tic that can bind the human heart to country —is there any strong. *>r tie than this 7 Did not their forefathers leave mothers, wives and home, and lay down their lives in the cause of their country —did they not march poorly clad and barely shod from tue north to the south, to assist us in driving Irom our shores the enemies of our common country 7 And have the sons of the north become so re creant, that it becomes necessary tor the south to hold a convention in order to appeal to them to secure to us our rights guaranteed hy the constitution ? We ate opposed to a southern convention, v.e hope we any never live to see one held; there is alte idy 100 much sectional distinction in our coun'ry, and every American should endeavor to put it down—we are all brethren —Americans —out o! our country, come we from the north or south, we are look ed upon, and feel proud of the name of Amcri can ! We think, no good can ever come from a southern convention —it would only be he mean? •of drawing a line, which every American should endeavour to obliterate —our Union we compare to the bundle of sticks given by the old man or. liia death bed to hi* Sons (o break ; so long as they were closely tied together they could not . be broken ; but no sooner ware they u.uied f than they could oil easily be broken. So with o'jr blessed, union—while it is bound together by friendship and brotherly love—ve can bid defi ance to the world—and it should be ilia object of every American w strengthen these chord?. ; A* to the lunatics, the cause of this puohc meeting, we tiiink it is proper for the sauth to adopt measures to counteract thair u ilialio-ve J sciiemes. But it is time eni-tg'i to aimt a southern convention, when wa see the north disposed to u.ili j'J the ri—hut no' to appeal! j Do the citizens of the north tiph »M the faiu'ics • in their mad schemes? Is there a press in the • northern stales, except those established by the | abolitionists themselves, tint a .holds them? | There is n>! one. AnJ from the evidence we j ■ have before us, the diy is n >t far distant when • j the citizens of the north will, in one body, de. | ; mulish, not only the.r presses, but the abolition | istfi themselves. Sew roiion. A sq iaro bale of new Cotton from the Silver I Bluff Plantation of 11. Hammond, Esq. Edge field District, was received at Charleston on I Wednesday evening las' by the Rail Road. A project is on foot in Charleston to establish ■ a tin of steam packets between Charleston find ; Havana. The Courier stales that the Dolohir , i 1 Cap!. Fenuoyer, is engaged, and will leave 5 i Charleston for Havana via Sr. Aqgtisiine, Can* 5 Florida and Key West, on the 10,h November | next. One hundred and ninety shares at 5500 each • of the stock for the establishment of u line of j Packets between Charleston and L ; verpoo : , have been subscribed f.r in Charleston—only 110 remain open for subscription. 'I he Intcndant of Charleston lias issued a Proclamation, offering a reward of one thousand ! dollars for the apprehension and conviction of any person bringing into that city any Incendia ry paper or publication, or of, publish ing, circulating or distributing, any paper or do -1 cumcnt tending to disturb ihe good order of that city ; or in any Corn or manner, whether it he orraliy or otherwise, calculated to interfere with their domestic institutions. j A Norfolk paper of the sdi hist, states that a I ntsi of Gamblers, was broken up in that city on i i ihe ”d inst. and nii their apparatus seized and I I burnt. The gentry themselves got wind of the I ■ I ' ‘ ~ , i ! affair m tone to cut oirt; a parson who saw a , brace of them under full sail, insists ihar the tails of coats projected out in a right line from their backs. ’File Charleston Board of Health report the deaths of 2/ persons in tiiat citv ’during the week ending 9;h inst.—tlirfib whiles and 17 j blacks and colored. NffiDckititg' Disaster. Tirs Cincinnati Gazette mentions, that the I steam boat Rob Roy, on her wav up from New ! | O leans. on the Iffh nit. about liftc’sn miles from { | New Mad rid, struck a snag, winch caused her t I oi Uvnst in such a manner as hi break one of her ; | branch pipes, am! scalded ten cr iwedve persons, j I rtf whom four had di. d and r\V6 more are not ox- j i pic ted io rcci Vi r; at the tunft time a num'Vsr of | i persons leapt d overboard, of whom three were : | drowned. Ext 'hsire bMrc in ('! ivelian 3.. O '-' | A very destructive lire rn-cii red in Oleaveh.nd, i Ohio, on liie night ol liic 30 ii n't. hy which n } considerable portion of the biisincsa par: ■>< ilu-t 1 town w.s desiroyeil. It originated in a frame j building occupied as u kitchen in the. rear of Mr i j James Kellogg’.* valuable block of brick build jogs, on Superior st. Some 16 or buildings in i all, were consumed, including the Bank ol Cleveland. Loss variously estimated irom SffiO I to fS.I.OJO. Many v-ho-p families arc left en. * ti rely destitute, not having saved oven their wearing apparel. The Fhiladi 1; liin Commercial Herald urges i a geological survey of liia -State of Pennsylvania i There is probably no region of the same extent ■ on die face of tiie globe richer in mineral wealth - than the territory s mi-raced by lids great Slate. A1 hough millions have beciiafready dug out of her bowels, no doubt ilieru are, as die Herald says, ‘localiiics at present unknown, which would be discovered by scientific search, and 1 thiii-contribute to public ns well ns individual * prosperity.’ i A traveller gives the editor of the Philadel phia Gazelle art account of the mode in which hind su es are vficcte.l in some parts of the far West, which is not calculated to attract specula tors. At a sale of public lands held for several days iii the latter part of June at Chicago, in Illi nois, persons who came from a distance, irfrwed 1 by the advertisement of the government, with ■ intent to buy, wt rc publicly addressed in stump ■ speeches hy ilm late and present governors of Illinois, and o hers, an 1 urged not to bid against i j the honest and industrious yeomanry who had i already settled on the land—that is, squatters, many of whom were not even living on tiis tracts, hut had merely piled up a few fogs for a hut and cut an acre of prairie g-ass about it, in or der thereby to set up a chum of settlement, and then fraudulently gut the benefit of the pre-emp tion laws. To this request, which would alone h .ve had little effect, was ad led the menace’ 1 circulated at the sale, that no man's life was safe i 1 ; who should hid against a squatter, —a menace j 1 w hich the ferocious appearance of the squatters j L rendered formidable and effective. , Tiie New York Journal of Commerce states i that about §400,000 in specie would he shipped , from ihat port to England and France bv the , three packet ships of ths Ist instant. Holt’s flntoi. * Tue New York Mercantile Advertiser says: : —“ We are informed that Mr. Ilo't is in a suc cessful train of arrangement with his creditors • r and in justice to tiiis individual, who fas sacri ! fined so much in a creditable enterprize, we ; would state, that ;he business of his house con -1 tniues uninterrupted. Our friends abroad, we 1 trust, wid notice tins for the benefit of many in • different sections of the country who are dis. ! 1 posed to patronize this house, but imy bs de'er. ' 1 ed by a bciiei that its business is discontinued.” | , , Oartforit ana Xeiv H ivea Raff Rond. I The New York Mercantile of the 3.1 inst. says: j , “The bo >ks for subscript! >n to the stock for this ! Roil Road were opened on Friday, in this city, : Xevv lloven, ani ilartforc, to tie kept open tiirec Jays. Tue capital authorized by tiie chart.r is §533,>100. wtiit liberty to increase the iiui .cn to §I,OiH).O9J. We understand the first iw days’ subscription in tins city art- upwards o §1,403,000 —in New Haven, §350,000, and the I first day =’ in Hanford, §loo,ooo—so that an excess of capital of about a mil bon of dollars . i i? already secured ” DAHLOHNEGA. August 6.— Healtk.~h would be impassible to imagine a healthier spot than Lumpkin County, mere has been bat o-'e or two deaths, for the fast t«n month?, within our knowledge, and we do not know ol a single case of serious sickness, at -this lime, in the country, olth./ numbering some 8 or 10,003 in habttants — liscorder. i Our Prospects There is at r ! r? timm con siderable GjIJ «b'a ned in our V.cmity, by our industr. lUS miners, far which 93 cents per dwr. is readily ha 1, w.ien in its natural state, and more, when fl ,xsd; the great advantage of Gold mining, t* m par., tiie fact of its a ready money business, t is G dd 1-- gger commences operations in tue, and ;;t night can cash his days w irk; m tlris country the field for enter, prize wibe utid inviting, and the nroipects of | gmi beyond doubt or c.- vil, to the inJustri -us 1 and persevering. i season so . r ar ban been favourable, the i crop? look fine, an-i j>sace and plenty spuear tu i reign in itie lan 1. an 1L ti »n. Democratic, Repub. ! lipan pri >c pies prevail t> m mpruceden ed ex. j tent, tor a!! of winch, together with theunhoun led i lieunh we e-ij *y, we ir.iteiullv oifrr our sincere ; tutu. '• , J •’* i aii- vise being, who has seen fit so to order all tilings aright,— lh. YORKVILLeTs. C. August ie.-Crops.— I Wt-are gr.i'tfied to learn that the growing crn:> i m this, and most other sections, promises writ to reward the iiusbaud.nan for iiis lab tr. I i j some sections of tins district, wc are told, rain ■ is a little met ed, but not much suffering. A . gentleman just from Virgin, a and North Caroli |n i, iiihunis us that ’; o prospect i> rumarkahly I fluteruig, iii that quar'er- Wheat crop? are . : gdicrSily very indifferent; but in a few Counties j i in North 'Carolina, wheat is verv fiite; am! a!- ‘ ilitiugli the price.oi flour is n >w raised and likely I I io rmuitiue at a very Ingh price, 'judging from j | present reports) yet we would advise those who ! j have to buy, not to be in 100 great a hurry to par I ' chase. We are strongly disposed to believe th t ; i a beiler day for th««e who have to buy, is close j I at hand : And white in the disc burse of a can- ) tion, us a j mrnaiisl, we would advise those who 1 I have the article Gr side, to sell it now; for we ; doubt verv much whether, in two months, it will | command the same price. While speaking of j crops we inu.-i men!ion that we have one of the I most extraordinary iruit crops that we.have wit* ! ncs-ed for many years.— Tiaigs. From the. ;Y. i . Conn er vj- Enquirer: f^ir—l believe ju-tice will require a ilnle fur ther correction fit rolaiion to Mr. Dunham. He is not a Presbyterian, nor has he officiated in the Prcshviarian C airch c>: Broome street, laic the Rev. hit. B.ddvviii’a.-, who is now to leave the city us President of Wabas \ College. Mr. Dun ham it is -hi.posed is the foreigner who ins or. ficaifed in the City, ami perhaps lor Mr. Baldwin of Green street. A iriend to President Bildwin wlio -.i the s ! <>ry in itsp-esem stale is calculated I to inj'tt e, request this further correction. L. ■ - - - ‘H r- —---—: ‘ i r—-r, M.-iiaS£2!£ilV I In Johnston. Rhode Island, Mr. OWEN ES NA N M EPGALF, ~fthis city, to Miss PE.N GLOi’E T. TRiPj’, of Johnston. a SL&, At r a sid?nc3 on ih” S.m 1 on Salnrdav th-» 3ih instant, Mrs. ELiZ.-V GLAVTON, og-’d 72 y ovi-s. It mny he truly > lid of iGr, ihat fhn was a i lon'll and tifihetio in idler, and a kind amt iudul j g’tu niistr-vss. U-r w.irili is Iwst known by those j who ham f It arid still fid U’r loss. i c PE ITEECIAL. w-i ~ wt vs -j | | '■ ‘ • . [ F ?rf| p= : p _: - ■’ ’ j■ • 511 !i j, I a oil?! g: § I : | ! I| : '■ | j ;■ | ■ j | i £ J*- ' . _ o J _. cr- • | fj ' i /■ , q 5" 5" i | • 1— it'i 1 e ‘ "jj. [ ' ~ o ! ’’ '•cc Es j •ci Cj ;y • Fa | ;■ \ !", . • ‘ LL X | ’ • ! t •(. X . ; ;•«*** F. -! cr. vc a3 ! a -1, I x' vjovjus « 2b fii Cb -a -Ivs • S'S-j-'f 1 " LIVERPOOL. July I.—Th* saUs on Thursday last w-re h 10 ) hag-', [sh3 of which w»re taken for cxnori] Fiiday, 3 ; H>:>; f- iiurday. 2330; Monday, 250 M Tuesday, 1000; and to-day, 300. There his h—n a fair steady basin -ss done in th° Market sines l ist week, and prices of American cot tons have linen fully maintair.'>d ; B-nzi!s, and olhsr kind* are dull, and p ices nominally th? same. Tb«-w»'»k’s imp rt 14A33 Ivig--. LIVERPOOL, June 2f—Tii-demand so- Am-'-i --can Gotfon has b’cn very genera! throughout the w-k, esri-ci ally for tin h-U-r qualities, which have rather advanced, all oth r kinds remain steady, r*.__ c pting Braz land Egyptian, which arc «tdl h avv of sale. Th” husin=ss of th j week comp ies 130 S-a Maud at 23d a 37d with 15 Stain-d at 141; 5.170 Bowed, 10J a I2id ; 4. 840 Mobile. Alabama, and Tcnnesse >, 9j a 12* I ; 8,150 O Fans. 12 s 14*1; 500 Pi-mm'inco, Paraffin. &r. 131 a !sfd; 320 Bahia and 51 c do. 14d a 15i l; SO Jlnr.mhnm, '3rd a 16d ; 10 Barbadoys, I'Jd; 10 l a Gnavra, 13id; 120 Egyp tian, 19d: 300, 71 a 9jd: and 20 B rural nt 7* j n’r oonnd. ma'iingtoTeth >r 18.200 baFe, of which j 50-j Am-rienn hav»'bsen taken on sp’cu'atinn, and SOO Am n-ican and 200 Sa-at f. • exnort. Tli” mar ket is steady, and p-ices remain without alteration, ! F X c»nt'p Tii.-tps the 1 iwer qualifies of American are I n shad’lower. The sales on Saturday and today j fire 5,000 bi! T s. | 29ih. —Althnugli th-* sabs of Cotton are 2,503. hags ! to day. the inark'-t has hid a heavy appearand" ; in i (h» lower qualities of Atn-'rican, th? shirks are larg--, ! nn q ~f these descriptions pnridn-es may b« made at i a fracti mI iw r. In other softs pric *s remain st.-n --1 dv The Cofons sold 10-daybre—2,oso Am’ricnn, Oi l a I2il: 323 Surat, 7ld c. 83d; 54 Maranham, 13id ; SOEzyptian, 13id—total, 2,5 f O. 3Qj j, There Ins’been a limited demand for Cot ton to-day, and ilia sales will hardly reach 10C0 bales, at steady prices. H WRE, Jun- 23 — Cottons. —There has been no j r pviva! ofdcniand since our last report; we have, j I however, no further deciin* to notice in our rates for this a'tide in the f*w sal»s which have taken place and which comprise only 200 hales, as toliows: 81 b a Fs Louisiana at MU fr. To 159 fr; li-t bales Uplands nt |4-a tv u, Had fr. 22 do Pernambuco at IS7fr; and 43 do Baton at 183 in the whole duly paid. Tb» nr riv.os on ths other hand, amounted to 6435 Iv»U s TT States descriptions. I Stock Mav 31 1333, G.i'J2 b., of which 43533 b, I S. j A it. up to 22i Jan a 13332 “ “ 1223 U “ 62234 53919 ! Sales up to 22J do 1 H‘>3 G,i I Stock 22J June Gu)7; oS2j:> r p r „ m ike Mobile Price Current of JJy3 i.j i Canon —ill ’ receipts of cotton, winch have hi»n 1 53 r, ~ ~:; •ex i.>■'•-. vvh ch im »t it to 1 jSJ, leave Ith ■ stock on h tud, ail tnclud d, 4 ri bahs T'ly-ig j vlv o h'r-n n » iruiiKjUous in ij? s?;si j worthy a! noliossi me our list, uai pnc.s are entire lv nominal. . From Benjamin Leifs .V. Orleans Current o August 4. «aMA*.-Th-’ Mississippi ». s v n U t bdaw w3t r mark,-and wlijug* th.i rams ceas ed" m lb- first of th • w -k, ih > weaih -r his turn v-rv wa -m and b ra ire oop. essivdy Fit p?i hips m con's qu”tic? of th’ summer having hithvlo beet, singularly cool. Busin-ss continu'S to grow rnor dull every day, and is fast settling gown to tbs rega iar retail irons icuon o: the city. , C \rrjvrsj s the -itn ultimo. ra*e*. Cleared in the sura ? time, 2974 bale*,• making afre J ic lion in stock of 2751 hales, sy- 1 ‘-avim- on hind, in elusive of sil on ship-board rn>i cFared on the 3Jtfc uh:ma. i stock of 12034 bai-s. Th- market coatinu es h -avy, and In; b-en marked by no chang; aincs our l:st; w? can. therefore do little more ihar repjrt the few saDs that hive fallen under our not e-', arrijun'ing altogether to abo it 1500 (.• lies. Oa qao tations fir Tennessee and North Alabama Con«n« hive b p!) aitersd, so as roa'orm as tie* • tu possible to t-t?c >■:: r ’at-s. Nsw Orleans clasiiflc.V.i >n. —La- anti M .c;.- j. 2' a22 scarce; r>"ira IT a 20; s-rondi, Id a 13; inferior, Jo a 17 sales; Mobile or 8 >a-n .\lahaia i— Prime 2) a23 2J quality I3i a I3r; 3d quality Jo 4 a 17; T-*m.ani V. Alahatn i—Chm cs lit: D me lit 13*;2i quality 17 a 17i; infsri-ir 13i a lsi, gaoi d era mi. CHARLESTON, Air. 12— Cittm. —No chair? whatsoever ;V iN? b?tteria the market for Ua'inls. Th -re h tra ba=u a favv sa!»*. from !5f t~- 1 i c»nU — bnth'j'Jp-efer a’i:pyt;.g to Ni saii» of lone Cotton. R’js. —W? have h.-arl of n itmii'-jl n< in c ! ‘in R :i. 700'J h;t ;!i a !s S')‘-’Jiie- ar> jgh. sold at $1 10. M IKlffS * '3 ~ ARRIVED ~ 11th, Steam-- G-n-rh, Lvon, Sir-.rn'i, with boat .N.j. 3. M e-Hnn-J-ze. &u—t l As -nt Ste.rnbiwt <Vntnnj; fivtd S- Baron, E. 15. 15-ill, A. Gold, W. 43 H. BrV'O '., R Barber, Rankin & ilium. G A, WBk;-, S. «. Clank.; i, R, Allen. Stovall & Simmons, G. Per on & Co. Sioiget. Flemiuin? 4s C«*. N Smith & Co. N K. Bn’i-r At Co. G. 11. Met calf. J G. D tulip Alien & Ellis. 51. Nelson & Co. and C. Labuzac. 11: h. Steam -r John Randolph, Cres well. Savmn ih, with boats—'•! -rchauiilzs, Ac—to W. 31. Rowland, Age.T, and others DEPARTED. 11th, Steamer Jo in Randolph, Cresw; !]. Savannah, v.nili boats Nos. 11 auj ij. Merchandize, and 10 he As cotton, llih, Steanr-r G orgia, Lyon, Savannah, with boat No 6—75 bales cotton. PAVANNVIL Ausisi 11.—,\ r r. sh : p Newark, Do fey. IS“iv x ork, 8 d >ys; brig New Hanover, Levy, Phiiad dphin, afi 1 8 hoars front Charleston ; sch". i-re-;.y >ns, New \ ork, 7 d ivs; steamboat Flo id a, J ines, Pic lata. CHARLESTON, August ll.—Went to s->a. line ship Saiudn, Hamilton. N-.v Yirk ; Sp. brtg Yumnri, Costa, Havana; 17.I 7 . L. brig Planter. Smart, Nsw Li'k ; sclc. S. S. Mills. Eylman Sr. Augustin’. ’ 12—Went to sea, Br, ship Nimrod At kins. Liverpool. AUGUST 13—Arr. schr. Col. Simons, I’hil'p, Sean fort I day. W cut to sea, slim Martha, Great on, Hamburgh; bugs G’n.Sitmi r, Bennett. Baltimore; Into ov -mmi, Cotiingham, Wilminztotttschr Little J ick, Davis, do; Clrbuc’oo bout D light. Corey, New York. e-TC’=rrr--v rsG£g*vtA«c- ' rryzsxxssa as ‘rr***** DCJ 3 The gentleman who re ceived nil anonymous Letter through the J> >#• Otmi«; bearing data slh August. tikes leave I” remind the writer and Ins associates, ihnt li ih •ir object be information, the most obvious and prmlent mode of obtaining it, is by personal application. August 14 i 16 lCt* Baring the absence ol iho subscriber. John A. Ba.U-VKS, Esq. is author izt.’d to act aa Ins A.tornev. EDWARD THOMAS. August 4 4 13 DCr* We are authorised to an nounce RICHARD F. HUSH, ns a'candidate for the Office «•( Sheriff of {{iciunonJ Ct»u sty, at list’ election in January next. July 3 4 [Cr’ 'Frio subscriber respect fully informs his friends and th- public, ihat he has cstaolishe l lemscll in Savannth ns FAC TGR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. flis whole individual attenuion "• ill he devoted to the interest of these who may entrust any husaieii to his care. FRANCIS SIIISLSi nsrsaiixcss. Mrsoaovr; ft ttumi. f ) r .T ft. I). Voti«i<»>K, : ; T i v Augusta. •’ Row* St, -m is, \V. it ii BftV<oN, 1 (A. 4-iatßY, E>t). Cr. !!. l.vM.vii, P.• i .SuraawsA. i * y. vv P.-Ei-uv. Eeq Micun. July 1 ii 3rr> 6 • ili ii'ankio. ff T t” E ercditors ol WiiioUjjbby Burton, decM, fl_ wlio-e name a arc uuibtrwniicn, beioir [Dire ;:i-cr: r ied liu :i it clceu of tiust iri >r» S' ii. on ;iil>v U ;riou jto VV. \\ . Sioll’ :t id (eriri'es L ;i|iizi:i, of flat.- i t). if Vl tv. iSdd, ere iuioirncfi that the jiririad- f rue trust property are new in n ;n i and ready f>r tlisuihuimn i.» iij.» credi tors or tlieir representu ives, or duly aufhoVizcd a j up'.ni applicati-n at the o-Hee of \V. W. Hell. ‘ W. W. IJOLT, CII ARLES I.ASUZAN. Niimrs f Creditors. David & Edmund tvuiidi.J itiies G. St tilings D. Smith, Anar.ity (or Guicu & Duo,as Brant an i Fox Estate John Fury ■ John cl D ivenport J din ('n-jhin John'H. Kidtintil Ooshy Dickinson Danfort!) & Savage Divk’llSOll &, Byrd UcKenzie & Bstmoch Brus <&. Scurry RicliM fl. Wilde Hugh Nesbitt Samuel Male Wm. M. Turpin Green B ,Marshall Job S. Carney Anderson Watk’ns W;u. J. Bunce Alex. Cunnniirharrt Kean &, Dnyekinck Lawrence & i'llunpsoti Estate of J > in Garvin J. 11. Brneri& Brothers H. Goss & Co. William Mieoit Chas. L unar. August 11 15 ’!T D SSBiJCd', From ike Isi October next. rfd SHE two Stores in front of the SV’areltouse, of Stoval Simmons & Co. now occupied by Mr. A Marvin, one ns a Grocery, an excellent Stand lor this business; the olh-r a Dry Good Store, Apply to t-tovali, Simmons &. Co. or to ‘ PLEASANT STOVALL. June 35 4 BC’JI. IE A a SI 0, method «f informing his friends fiL unci the public generally, that lie continues t!ie WARE-iSOUSE and Com mi s n loei. £2 u§ in ess, in Augusta, and has taken the Fire proof Ware house mi the corner of Campbell and Reynold s reels, funnel}’ occupied by Messrs. Siaiiguter and Labnzan, and recently by R. •»!alone. Esq. Advances wijhe made, if required, on Gotton in store, and orders lor Goods attended to wita partial)lar care and attention. Rates of charges those that are custom ary, <■ icept tint all country Cotton wilt be insured asninst firs j rex of charge. July 28 v. Jru 11 fiNJTa II "J. LL persons having cluiiris against the Ids. I •Am iste ot Bhjih R >gers. Into of this conn- I rvl are requested to hand the same to ti’s sub. sertber by the first of December next, duly au diefiiicated; and those imiehted to said Estate are reoue.;"ed to make payment lo G. B. MARSHALL, Adm»r. July 31, 1535 3m 12 A TT E AC2;>E It W A ISTJB l>. Teacher of Warrenton Academy hnv. ;3_ mg resigned on account of til heajrfi, the Frustees are anxious ol obtaining another to fill his place for the. ensuing tern.. Tim pro.a ( . oe ,j s „f me Sclnio! will be given. Address ; Joint Moore. Post Master, or Dr. -I. Lockhart, vVarremon, Warren County, Oe<<rg,a. June SO 3 !Vli ’■‘V &s*o©:si. \ f-pLENDID assortment of Fancy and C’N tjtaple DRY GOODS this day opening bv GEO. A. WALTER. March 30 ibi PocJi-at Book JLgss. ]jr OST. an Saturday, t;ie 2)si instant, between iitaiiinga’s Biacksmiih shop and my rest deuce, m Columbia county, u small Rc-d Uor-r. cot Pocket Book. c-WMiMigoae §SO bill ol the Augusta Bank, two §2O m Is. and font §5 bills. Twenty Dollars Reward will be paid for its re ■overt, on handing it lorn-’, or the proprietor ot ihe Globe liotei, Augusta :un i any information respecting it will be tri-.n'tfuUv received. TURNER CLANTON. March 31 181 52»L,Ti Nti € LCTES. 74T \T~E, have a complete assortment of the V genuine Anchor bran ! liOL's ING CLOTEB, y-esh and of the very first quality,m reduced prices, by N H WHITE AW -& CO, June 2 5- w3m 1 c- OITED STATES 1 FOR NORFOLK, < Va ) fc VIA BEAUFORT, N. CAROLINA. '« '^ iie ■ KU l ierior n & r.rtd copuer fartened stent fihr* packet DOLPHIN, Copt I- E ~ Jar. Pennrvcr, Will leav. is Cdianestou, S. C. tor Nortolk. ( Vh.) \i. B-'au c fort. Norm Car dus.. <>r, THURSDAY i.he 13.’! idulclucs t« the mornihg, u uj j !■> run regufttr'y, Cuariesmu *»tn 'Thursday tonnigut tiiei euftcr, at 10 o’clock tr ; the morning. t Fba Masts and Stiiis belonging to the Dfi. p ii::. tiro replaced, t.. m L t the wishes of Fis so tigers who deem liu-m necessary. srbahat ‘ cleg .if RccominodsTious tor 50 Passengers only, and consequently never crowded. Berths can ■ be engaged either at Norfolk or Charleston, by address: :g the Agon’s, post pai and cash en closed. WILLIAM PATTON. Charleston, I . ? DICKSON 5c HUNTER, Norfolk, \ A * ;S * August II v,3 15 : L'i? - Tim following papers wili insert the above cnee n vvesic for three weeks—Augusta Con stfud mal-sl, Mobile Register, New Orleans Bulletin, Richmond Enquirer, sn ! N. Ynrlt.Sfar. 100 DoS Ia ms f-le^r«rd. > ,RASAWAY irtun the sul>, . y scriher, about throe weeks | s lice, a B.ack follow named '■"k J ~3i\ PEA ER, £9 years i>id, about \ 5 feet IQ inches liich, long k town f a wag- tier, formerly. f'U''* 19 / , owT' d by the late E. P. An v; fit' drew?. Esq. of Sparta, Geor flf j s a very likely ath letic fellow, of dink rmrrplexion.—Tw-enty Dol lars Rttwnrd wii! be given lor his apprehension and confinement in Jafi, so that I can get him, and S'!!D reward will bn g veil for tin con vie ti>m *.i any responsible white person vho mav harbour him. JOHN G. WINTER. ' August 14 2 D> lO* The Standard of Union, Georgia Journal, and Montgomery Advertiser, will euch give the above two insertions,. r. r, TO RE^T. ' 'a A convenient dweliin r house on Wash • .T : iiS ington-st.. at present oceuj ied by Mr. •M. tb.i.-L v. A toched to the house is a garden and aI i out buildings necessary for the convent dice of a family. JOHN MOORE. August 14 -i Jo M‘ T3> RE.NT, A Convenient DWELLING for « small latnilv, in r. eenirai par' <>t tlieci iy. ' THOMAS I. WRAY. August 11 15 * , TO RENT, |naHsß’ The two DWELLINGS en EUi«- street, in the rear of the Sjore oi the Uadei signed. Possession given Ist October Apply to GEO. R. JESSUP. August 7 wG i-i , * err} f: TT, The STOKE No. 2 17 Broad. street, Jj£i' 'J occupied by M. Woodruff. ' \V. B. THOMAS. August 4 13 TO BE NTT. r From the first Ostoher. Th it convenient Dwelling HOUSE, situate on the south n le, lower end o’ firou i-s'teet, now in the occupancy of John V. Cowling, Esq. There is n Lot attached to the hoti«e ci.iitaimug 1} stores, cultivated as a Gar den, on which is all necessary oiit.bmlding*. Possession g’v-:->i iminediately. For fcrtiier pariiuuiars apply at this office. July 28 ' ' 11 ’ ~vT_3 Fd 54i.,.U C‘, V w-'aS FROM ilie fi-st of October next, the dwelinvi in the western r id of the Lisa .■ ! ink building. WM. GUMMING. July 24 ts 10 'i4> Maksrs. . , To Si EXT. f ; -djit FROM ili« first nl‘ October next, sc- J '■«r-';s rat Buildings nn the corner of Maciri. ijmi a.ii R ivnohl streets, for the lasi five yi ara rimte-i bv J lines Joimst >u. for the purpose of in m-tfaeturiirg »r»<l vending Carringn*. On the premises are a Uiaehsm-th’s Shop, Harness rfiiop. and every building necessary for carrying in that Business extensively. Tue sifautiori is believed to he inferior to none in the city, being convenient to Broad street and the Banks, and in the immediate vicinity of throe large Colton Warehouses. JOHN .MOORE. Executor of Hugh N esbitt, July 24 4w „H) r iTD sesirr, jj „ Fr'on the. October next. ■ k (>i.- ol tiic spacious Fire Proof Jim S’i ORES in Fox’s Range, occupied j at picseiit by My. Gregory Dillon. x A very convenient an i well finished DWEL LING, suitable for a Boarding House, with two I offices underneath, sinuued on Ellis street, in the rear of the above Rungs. For terms apply to A. PICQUET, Agent. July 14 1m 7 __, TO ” ■ A A commodious iwo story HOUBE or Jj 5... R ‘vnulii street, i aimed lately below Mi Gran’s Bud lings. Altai bed to the house, is a large garden, the fences of which will be pm in perlect repair. Porsession given on the 1-t Oc tober next. Apply to A. CULMaIING. July 3 ' 4 m STORE 275 Broad street, situated in the centre of business. Apply »n die ] premises, to N, S.vlllfi K. L-O, July 3 4 ~7~7 to hTcYi', B w if THE Ware [louse, now occupied by . .... A.k. ?-lr. Jolin Rees, on Campbell Street. For terms, apply to W. IF THOMAS. July 3 ft 4 TO EHMT, „ „ From the first October next, mThe corner Grocery .S TORE, No. 351, now oci tipied by G. Edmonson. ALSO, The STORE and DWELL] NG next above tlie Brick Siare of Mr. A. Rowe, on Broad- Sireet. Apply to R. Walton, Esq. or U. fi. CLARKE. July 14 wtO *7 i .. T To i f j'.'Tin THE subsenbor offers in rent, and _i '4 possession given <*n the Ist October lie;.!, iRe. npp; r par tof the liotis", where she re sides at present. Tins pan of the house is com. posed of four rooms, we!, finished, and very corn Ibrtabie. Attached to the premises is a kitchen, and .xfo-r necessary smal. buildings. A stable and carnage house can ba obtained at tue same nifte, if desired. The premises lie on Broad street, opp. si’e the Eagle & Pnmmx Hotel, and i very near the market. For particulars and 1 terms apply to the jiiatcntwr. y A. SERA, j July I 5 w’.O 7 ! SliAciß* FOSS f:i Tbc Subscribe r offers for sale Lands lying on Loth sides of the Washington Road, ami from three j ami a half to five Hides of the citv n! Augusta. This Tract contains about nine iuin tired acres, four hundred ot which is cleared and under cultivation, the^ balance wood land aud wrell timbered. The Washington road near | jy divides this land, and either side or ihe waoie will be sold, as may best suit the purchaser. ALSO, His Brick Van! and Lors in the upper end of the city of Augusts—a! o. h-s Mil pro perty on B' Cret-x, 12 miles irona Augusta; there is a List rate Saw Mill, running two Saws, with S3QO acres, f Pine Land, several hundred acres of this Laud is considered good for cuiii vation if cleared —a great bargain r.i !be given in either of the above. For terms (in my ab sence) apply to B. ii. Vvarren, [.sq. G. C. MARSHALL. July 7 IQI 5 WANTED TO » WOMAN who can come recotnmendeo M- as a goo-i Cook- Apply at fir's office. August 7-- tin&e&t&desgz ik>c t,'9mpazt * Ts rn sjJ Ji. JL. - —•■ I<a!v ix «• CILASS SO. 03: £2, ;’* 6e.«ira?Ti2 Ja JF;e r-i:y -r-f A,•? •I, Sasia, ©c*-Ds; * ' fr, r ; ,.'-i •t ’ «'■•■■>!■ /.rf {«; !‘-ir:t -',, ; :;-,:e ,■» fr? y < -a 11 • 3 KOMSBft LOTT lit V: :! i iisawN BALLOTS. I * rSr : . e t? :fl f r.'T ?. 1 piiz» T.’ c COO is c• Ox * j 1 <r 2,000 ;s 2.00( li 1 I.OOff is I/J-K y 1 <"a 80-3 is «,k 1 <io GOO is go: IGt) do 500 is 50,'J00 20 do 100 is 2.0 DC 20 du 75 is ] S ( V 6 20 do 00 is 1,000 ‘ 04 do SO is 1,92 C G 4 do 25 is 1,03 b : Gl do 20 is 1.263 04 da i~ is 9GC : 123 do 12 is I ,£33 ] 123 do 10 is 1,28 1 r 3 : 00S do Q is 24,060 '1 22.170 do 5 U 12 0.030 25,331 Frizes oinOuT.iinir to 8208.420 Tlc!ie3s 85, £ Lares i:s proper;: on • O' 0 ■ <* holders <.f Tm’t, is in Tc <;id sohfine i of 100 above named Littery, are requested j,, send or bring Utem m, for ext-hanga for T. chela in :!i« above s>ciiSnic. A. READ, •dnr .i-t'r. Office •j;i jo r the Globe Hitol. August 14 15 '& v* Af:V.JS 3 T Hi VT&* BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. /I CONTR ACT for the erection o. rn Eli jfm five. designed tor the ,u#»» of the Branch Mn‘, a )): !i line;a Lumpkin Co •niv, Cco gta. wilHw |vt </Ut at on Tuesday. the 22d day <«f September, next. On Monday the 21st ol September, a plan am! (lev;- ion of ii « building, with nil necessary s9ofiiK*:«tioM» ofi « ■ parts, in d<*-j«i!, will be t;,.. . bed t > those w ;o i may intend to propose (or the Cismrifcf; anduu | Tuesday the ,2 d, at 12 ..V|«, k. mori-.!i:m, seM. ! ed proposals will bo received from the ,?tipii cants. Hiler opeimur winch, n • itioopm-f ions will be iiliuu.'<;d liti.ii the a! ‘.cisio’i is made. 3he proposals must ernh'io e the u cost oi ■he IsuiM’i tuclu J;nr; jnantrials, .rid spoi d\. mg the estimates made of she cost of varkmuo a op, materials, and incidental extumres; and must contain the n.jrneL of U\> or more per. sons. ton V-rorj as securities to tin; Smul tyhich w ! be required3i’e? ’. Teh, th • Coir, oit..; m, e-s wil! tire tha contrst t to ii;e < iie-(.;"t.rim to utuleriake it 'nr the ka«t t>;.rn o'- 1 money—pf •. video, he f.'.’rS two or njr>o« ere:,;.-.; jes, v. !;■> , sittiil be approve,-I l v the Cmnmis oners ; .and ! who', toget, or with himself, , shall s'ljn n !’,.>• d, j | specjfyit e the coni ract, sitd - • : by - .. ■! , iy in iwu’e ilio fn• •mt o‘ t'.? ck. i in p.:d j ney. rxOti, p tsViiji i, fflvQ, tlffi? tht'Si; IfTill.S ?*C ! comi'liyd 'v th, vvliidn f >ur hamrs after he is n > j j tifietl that his olFor is aowpo! ; otherwise, I u | j shall forfeit his tit’o to the oon'ravt. Should j | the securities first named, he rejected, the np. I | plicant m.vy Mibstnu'e otiiers within the four ! j hours allowed tor complying wilh the t -Mils. | Tin- Imibimg must be ofßt tk, r mgb.cast out. I I side 125 f;iet in b ngth. ami33ft ct 6 iliclms in j I width, with a proje< tion fun, the cm re t f 111. • 1 | rear, £3 feet in length.and 36 f ret in width, the i whole 2 stories in height, with a cellar tl rough- i j out—the wails of v. iiieh, together with the { foundation must be lu It of stone. T ! e roof : j most be covered with Z no, a id four Piajmn. j extending nltogedier US t.itm.-r be sup | ported by Cast Iron Columns. The wim:o,v i j and door sills, hca.s and sept, iiius, be of hewn i stone. The Town of Dahlohne ra rs about? 0 miles : ( above Athens, and about 168 i.ohut ab .ve An. i i gttstii, sealml among th mnimlairts, ;,n»l n 1 ,y. • I 0 br.a c niter, and pure water, 'f'liu cost of \ transput Ciion fr m Aacusta to Dalilol.iiean aver- I ages abo-t' one d >ii and fifty cents per Itun i tired. The ntijfdrouth ,od of the town t.irnish j es excel}i iir it fur m iking Flnek, couvrutierti ■ to water —an abundant simp y of Sr one, sulta- • b ; e for the cellar walls, foundation, ar.d vvi idow ! and ; '.no r, may he obtainetl v.-;:b;n Itrs.s litatt ■ a m-.lf id the site of the build ng- ; rind good j Lime may be purchased within tw» uty sty miles, i nt twenty cents per hush'd for slacked, and thir. ; ty-five cen(s for unslaitked dure. IGNA’I [US A. FEW, Cotn'ru., ffcj/c/l . ri> ri Ijoh’f)h:vr r a. j August 14 h 2 15 j !Li" The editors of the JA dcral Union, and 1 Georqin J Mins’, Millcdgeville; the Savannah j Reptilific.m and Gcor. ian ; th j Columbus En | , quirer and Senlirud, will each pttb’ sh tlre fore. | j ttoirtg advertisement twi-eiu their respective j papers, rnrl transmit their accounts to me in ! Gontsville, flail County, Ga. I. A. F. I O'ovli W-ttl-s A GENTLE MAM of moral hr bits, who un- i j ./Tw dotstands figures, and writes.a go id Ir.nd, j j will (tear of a situation on applidotron nt this I ! A I‘ciist 14 ] G j i?rop-i!»sal* for Frcbli tij t, * © 7 , nn'iO the United States Troopc stationed at ii"_ tins Arsenal, for one tear, rommencinsr 1 the I st of Ovtober 1835, will he received by the ' subscriber until tite 2ist of September next. The fr.-sh Beef to be lurr.n-h d nnis’ be of good marketable quality, and will ire delivered nt the Arsenal by the contra"' >r, ca such days and in such quantities ns may ire prescribed by the Assistant Commissary of t> ibsistcnre R. H. PEYTON, J.i. cy A C. isufjsirferce. ; U. S. Arsenal near Aug ism, f August I Jib, 1t35. { Aug 14 !G ______— I :v 4i> 's' c j . Hera?-; of * rig-:.* r:i , ) A ecu tllt : i 1835. ‘j /, N Election having been ordered for a Sc. a J fi_ cond Toiler to inis Bank, those who do sire ti) become candidates tor the appointment, will please hand m their applications to the tm. dersigned, stabng therein, the names of li.e.r securities. The duties of the efT.-ic, rnd amount nf Bond ' j end b.'duiy, in it be osecriained at the Pa - .';. 110 BERT i*. POE, Gn-bier, j August 14 2 1G j .uri* C. 23b 1 TT \i EGS le.>ve to inform the citizens of An. i _Ll_i2 giistii. and others whom it mat interest. | that she will supply t lem from !ier own Manu i focorv. with gentlemen’s Caps of every quality 1 a-d shape; that the has ilia most modern and | f.ncifui patterns from Europe G.n-f N -w York, i and will submit to n« establisfmi. nt in America, i j fir the superiority end s'vle of her work. Her I ; terms will be found moderate and jrnen 1 | dealing agreeable and accorrmo.'. ting. .Mrs. H. ; | sohei.s u triftl, end s! e w i: | resume on patron- ' ; aga. Orders from t wn nr country anended to. | I Caps wor'h nothing, shall he ren .vnted at a small I | ctiurge. I,ndi‘ s’ Rido g Hots made to order i I Gentii-men’a Beavers bound and trimmed els - I ! ganrly. I August 14 12 IG ■ a t>% t ih rrr.iy t r>- I -u CASE FRESH VKR.MACELLI | XL 1 do do Macaroni I i'n do Pearl Bariev, for S up. N. SMITH & CO. I | Ang-st*U _ If) ! i FrC 'f ' c[ceep; px> £ciAX!«OI2, j &&& K'TS :• ALTOV j 25 do MACKEREL. yes’ received b; | N. SMITH CO. j August U IG I?33AIo. SCOTCH A'LAR. j A FEW Dozen of genuine L 'he ATE i .Nk. just received by N. SMITH <k CO. August 14 D> NEATLY DON£ AT THIS OFFICE. v j L l -.:BiC,K HV WILLIAM IE. JACSaOIIa f _ Tins DA V 4» 16 j 4 halfpipes (Ju.uiac Brandy 1 10 qr rs.sks 'Olagn \Vtn« I Bliss Kief -r.'o'u} r’iout dr 1 i B j . i- . . y ; •.jj ce 5 i'A's O’ g .r 5 ts.i -i s « Aft A c-1 d b r.-’s prime rew CbeeM ?5 t >?. F..ltn Lets flats • 'I h.'tT ■' So .(, il>- iJncim rfumti H I £> nl‘i<s Matrasses 0 j 2 Tumble fs, Ac xc -j ! An Bssottmcnt of GLASSWARE. „ ( ALSO, I Siint.'ry Arilcies of HOUSEHOLD AMD 5 , iUTCHEN FURNITURE. 3 i Aft V fi-.A, v..iin doors, n greet niMlftf 0 5 t'LFI FANCY DRY GuODS, Ac. Aa. Q t e.iits ■ ;.«o. August 14 U ■■ b.- sold, :j, 5 first Tuesday in Octobf/ 3 j : Lower Market, in the City sf q ' AvJitua, t-eiw»e;» the usual hours of sals ' i 1 C ‘.h* property, vis • - , wvtdjn.>, Yufk, Isaac, Jenny, Betty, 1 j •* ! ! "0' ""o’ her tw„ children £)<ts »mt 1 I : -- £ ’ '-■■:■■■-O- of Arclmbald Beal. dim. ; i 5; J io an order, of the Court of - r >’ "• K'v-uiond county; beinif lor th* -» ! ’’ < J ' iwirs um; creditors. 'iVrms on the day - ■ ul sa,e. THOMAS £. HEAL; Adm*r, , _ IVi/AtAa icill ttttnmd. c | n ;; j r ' si ITTOSi’S SALE, j ine vd, ttr.iter tin authority vested ih tnem, o.i-t " r «•!;.■, by private coutMct, the ;; ! ‘iuv: r or .T rty. h ing part of the Estaiaof j i boro-;? i ■ . mmg. E-«{. deceased, ri! - I A J ; i iON in Columbia coun iy, < i iha '-'l.ns ul Eucliee Crerk, about six. Inin Align si a, on ihe Appling roa4 # enmumiog nneut twenty three hundred acres of <>f wliii ii j.t;r»ui one thousand acres srs cleared, aw I the remaining thirteen hundred, of fry, ■;! tytii.; , «; 11 timbered: adjoining lands oi 1 1 1. A;nrtirin, C!,eu, end others. The pro. n.-Scs .low occupied by ( oi. imui Fitzsimoixs, ALSO, j A : r.-.ct o Land in Richmond 1 s’Cmny, ft mm • e n’'.o.t’ fitly acres,,on whish i L ‘ s n vl>!f' Qu,nv of while fret iione, : tint "Yks /toeks n —about :ve i.i «i m A on iht? old Milled^evil]^ >c‘", ii.:J Bci*r liiy liiiD *}[ ilie Georgia Rail Read. ALSO, j T'vo at id three hundred acre* | «* p-ne Land, Icing west of the village of Sum- I I.yrcrm, »;•) ili;- .‘-and FJ.lls, and.adjoining lends i i.-. i-ij'ig.-i i OX. JT'eigeu, and others. A L3O, ! oovit.i! i.ii!,r; r,rr Lo’s in the village oif 1 Si-imnervilß', near tim .Academy. ! ~.. ; ai-?o --| ine iftPßu vticant in the city of ; A":: isi;:. o i t!».» north suie oi Greet).street, | : : Py : lb" vbiy Hail, s id f-xtendingf^pm I Gic, ,i t■ > F, i>y which it is bounded i on she north. \ ALSO, i '. it o.i,ores of tin* I£;igle and Phoenix ; 'tO'S! fad three shares ol .Stock in tbs' j Va, i:i.-i> iiriuiaciui ing Company. r ,-is m? ’ 'l'-'limg- to pnrehnse are requested to j examine ti.c properly imd i.> make application is j cither of ilip undersigned. W(i .UI AM(IiVI MIN G, i ■ i'r ! ' 1 ‘ ' ' Executors. HENRY li. GUMMING. S Jit «f 7 ■: - - '—-—; II ,:l. I ■* ! 1■; a IxJ> O A j EEI'OR 1# REGIS : or hketches of « Y_. Country Town, by Marv Russell Milford. I “ K ‘° Zb” “ o,:r Village,” Ac. i 1u '« GlioV ;,1 '/’ale. By the author of j “ R chHifii.” «• 1 .( iry of Rurgimdv,” Ac. ; FOUR YEARS IN GREAT BRITAIN, IS3I- I l ; ’ * ,; ivin Colton. Un 2 Volumes) l i.b.ILV k.,.i l-l.’v'/s ; Passages of Scripture, ! p •!v"iril fir fria' reading, with applications, i y rm rim .o' o' tha “ Liisteaer,” “Christ eur j exam-ye. <V ■. &t\” JUST RECEivro r.y T. 11. PLANT. Angus - li ]5 x O F/: CRN j F / j.uAS <v HtiFE, have taken John llopti i nito ( ‘partnership.—The husines will | o'- f.'ondiio’fu to August i under the firm of Kerrs IAH V? : t*t*d m New York, under the firm of | Kerri. Hope &, Co. ANDREW KERR. JOHN KERR, i JA\)E>s flu PE, JOHN HOPE. Augusts e J 3 ! Pin 2-: nli*doW~ wl Eti-iJeousß ; A.VD b ka : f*ft\ ’iHt. MSHftineftft,' j\ * KN EELAND & C(J. continue to Irens.' | I» net \) * re-1 louse un t Commission Bust | ness, nt tite to ner stand of Sims, Williams* j Woelsey Thev feel grateful few past, an ; solieit i n c mtiuiicM-m of; I'iilic j-Mromige. The safety I o: their h oi 1:0;--' agmnst Fire, limy can recom i;s nd with i hde.tcc-; their charges are low, j r.nrj o'O'ty ri'Pi I ion ►hali be used to promote the 1 rest of those who may favor them with bus!, l esa |p y L beral advances made on produce ill s ore. July 21 4m 10 M. gs. W2ISTLAW Jk CO. . A\ !.,fr resolved lo close their connexion yb ik in business, offer their STOCK OF GOODS at reduced j rices, at übo’esafa or re. t !. liner slock consists oi such articles as a c n- u i ,y kepi in Dry Good Simcs, and will positively be sold as stated—bargains may be expected. July 21 H fit ' .3 “-F leave to iniorm the public that sh#' «d! continue the DYING and SCOUR. ING BUSINESS. at the stand lately occupied by 1 1 *’r deceased husband, in all its va'ioua b/Tieuf ?. and in nd colouta. She hopes by her dUeuticn and means to render satisfaction to her cusioitK is, to (]■ serve the public patronage. July I'd 6 Pavkini; •, at!*c. Crown Listings, C,:ar*e Book .Infilius. /T. % < Pi i C’ES received, direct from MiLAs' ■<> the msnufactnrera.and for sale cheap by GEO. A. WALKER. June 12 2bn 231 Brond mrrei. ColtonYara A: Osuabnrgs. A t.’ONSTA Ni' supply-of the above, trot _Txb ihe S :uIJ Suoal Factory—will be kept a hand, and for sale at factory prices, bv GEO. D. COMBS. July 24 Z 10 kotsceT " - A LL persons having demands against the • J r*. Estate of Mrs. Muiinah E. .Milton, deceaa. fd, date of Pa dun Ara u. Burke County,) are requested to pTsent them legallv attesied, and ' those indebted will make immediate payment to BENJ. F HARRIS. Qualified Executor. A (must 7 w4od 14 • NTuirntJ. • T~TOUR moinl.s after date, cpn.icaltr.n will be i li.' mad.- to rim Inferior Court of Scriven i County, when silTtg for Ordinary purpowe, for I leave to sell the ->f the real Estate Os i o. jL .j Yi. Ccv’il, a mmor of said County, .or the i k ' n, fi ' o! ’VV. fn.N- r. i August 7. iS35_ !i I~ ' ‘ • r. - ' '• G application will be . j r . r - Court or Scnvap itt-nt". when sdt r.g tor Ordinary Inr rd ihe iea! Estate of Ed. w ' of , aid County, for creditors of said if. ’■ « nelU mmi’dE H. MAXER. Ad mV. ° e f ,7 1P35 ' 4:TI 14 A 7. “ ’ EIY CiiKFFSF. -V rt TfijXrS NEW CHFESE. just TO. --n .■> 2 . the Family Grocery Btoro. • ?5 fvec ]5 A A-