The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, September 24, 1840, Image 1

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I gl)c #eorgta Constitutionalist 0f ctl _ * AUOI'STA, GEORGIA, TIIHRBBAV, ftEPfEiUUKK J 4, IS4«. * “ . I r— ~— iilTi»riil r ’— VO 1,. XTIII.—SEIV «!i:iILH-\t>. II == 3=== VK|NE KI.EtTION „ . York Evening P-st, of tho 17. h mst. * .. ,„ ino aenonnls contained in received this morniri e , the re ■’’“■''Sred- nor justify ,he extravagant j.i -*l* hick the whirs yeslerHav indulged. "'V,) toStfni sm s the liny Slate Demoerat. are chosen in Cumberland ! "' r * f anv efface has been effected in the :v - " f ’ I f)j„nel,as the run between Fessen r’,’| ,n .i, i, r-.- e, and the scattering votes are j u is > “ bf I'uniherland and York Cnttnlie. 'trempMo.ard show rbe following '"*u7h town, give Fairfield 3881; Kent, .one I »ns in 1838 i ave .1928 for Fair ■ filler Kelt In York. 23 town, gave and Kent 4198-in 1838 the san.e „ nil I for Fairfield to 4223 lor Kent, ''.in- i- the state of the vole in Uitculn 1313 »«*3 Fairfield. Kent. Fairfield. Kent. •-ii3 638 245 533 1211 360 I4”> 232 l(i-t 09 104 55 91* 192 102 171 i 32 237 32 200 *7 M. f the * lii-S, therefore, thus far, is 70 ‘ . o.eintv. nnd 189 in rtnnlierlntul. The K . . «n<l Filirli 'ld in the Cumberland Dis ' .ally equal, but Smith the candidate , ri:|, n Kites behind Fnirli Id in tlio ; * 1.1111,1,1. ..SVe are nidi gurpriseit,” «iwa ~-lli:.t the difference is not greater.” r |i„iig|ii,nent of Smith, is qw.irm Aim- j ~l're-id nt Ilf the l.ndi -a AiiuUlion | irlj iii Husloit hist May, m the Chapel 18 j,.0 «ir»*rt. ft - caiithom whi* pnws. including: tho N:» ' . ij, eno( » rs H rr’ ultf’inpliug Co (unload pub- i »«in r*g:*rd tu tho rvsullof the elections in b> ( |. ? „vinjj thnt lhi-« result was nut etTv.-t- j , ft ; rrt M»aiu? influence ofthe ab»lniuni*l>*. fl P .it, thnt Slndo was rc-ek'i-.trd by « inn ;i#llr,|- 4000 votes? How cotnc* it tint ' , tlieVcnßurm rnndulalu, wm* .)<• iba<••«! by j. ,i) romlulHlu ? How rumra it, that Smith, i s l)-.n uvumli.lal wiih (Irfoafd by un inti vr, v.ociatc of Slildo ? Tho Cultlin , r, one of the best nml lumling democrat- j in un orlh le touching llic , M t I, H lions wn*: “ The stale of i>r- j thf m»»I thoroughly abolition in if* nJ ,»o,rr in the I'nion. Indreil It is llie it bus guiif llir whole fl-rure in passing j t re *.luliuii' oil that suhjcil, nnd instruct- i nimlorfiin Fonffjr«R« Slid requesting its rv- I Wap-i to M anor the Rre-hruntl* of’ disunion t r .-.iti’iii iii wiwiitrv; t)»c only one \vlm.«e re i Ka, ju fli« person of Mr. SUde,) lins -tuod I ► urwl huno lied forth in- ( »:«►«!«« il»« tiic-« us the »uutb'*rn mem- 1 v,* (irim'lputlv |n gratify the Abulltmnists : i Mil,midflair allies in the nmllrpiu Sin fun, | j •u L’l.iy v*iu thru-t aside ut flani-burg, t nUm. Hrary IlnrriiMm, who “ul the ngeofi 1 mifllwlilion society,” was adopted «« die I i> dfiljtf nie-hald parly. Now mark tho re- / th**laic«'le< lion. The Vermont abolitiouisis 1 f m:•er»\»H»ved heaven nnd ohiil» to not ons : t ir <he HurriMin li< kt I —ami n innjorily of I - ru i)i'iii*ni»J in that salute have erowned their i i • antin* ,«niiHn*rn whins, who have all alone: t Ntu deny, linn (he hand of iibolUionism t (L i lliiii.. him b»ncer deceive the people i, r-i’ Iflhcre is a singlesonlheru whiff wlio : a i-M ii lliisf salijeef, let him limk at .the . i • potted for that Open mid aVowed enemy s ■ tii ridit*,William Slade,in iiiwroi.jressiun. j > » Hi* miHorily has faroiit run llinl ol nny if o ,] -r. li ammuiM to over 'kVMI, heinc mure | •' r ini of llie Hnm-on majority in ih* Slate, i I y ward him far advoentinsf n e«urrsenfm»a- 1 * • rpg.fhHt inn' f necessarily revolt,if per- ■ I i, - .tiinc llm knif' loth" tWoaH oft he free j i- Ibithe snnthern w hii’s w ishlu !l l» B'nhmen, by i-sjoicinff ill their victori-*** /i s i k riqumsHalily n“»t oi\.lliem; ‘we wash J i li- ,i.' Wecnn only fell tiieni, ihet ifthev i iu {-ri «us dial in Vermont —if tl» y euu \ lull.*return to (’uaiirCHS of swell noturioiiK 11 i r-«-Slack* Hiiil compsny—the other \\ i 1 I !, 'Kirili,vilio have hern hitherlo more wn- 4 hi du trlion inovf nienls, will soon tnkc the j 1 f l ns did the Vermont I | r fpord’-- snnnl, that Mr. Shide hn* hither- i 1 pahlin Wnsbiil(rlon« will swell into a re- ; li inf fluor nftlic* iieul Hon*rre*s, Thenorlh- f K ! '‘in? the success of Mr. Slade—and how | a ;n«m pnpnlarifv anv otliernortliern mem- ! < K ill? wliijjs, will hereafter all follow in his , 1 1 *n.l if ixiiitliern wlii j.swill take such men I vih, wdnnita with them, in furhlini? down ! fc’rn rlemoerflcy, who have hitherto main- j f'i willmiint tin nlsno«:inll ilircom I i of fhr* Constitution, let them now avow it, j n '‘t toriil themselves of the responsiltilif v ! >wil,whfnthpday oftheirtrihnlalionrnmcn. 1 •'■l ! ‘»w tlio wind, they will reap llir whirl- * 1 itrwurrl. Already the uliolirionists in. hb's t.jke co'ira*!'* from their siicoosh in J 1 an.l siiwiho result whs known here, the Mos tii.* M milhain comity Ahulition Soei-1 raid Vice President of tlio State j BS(.f|‘(*tv, has hoen pat on the whiff ticket icmwl Elwtors, in this State. The whiff* | tnicaf, noald never have dared to make i Dlitiiiorc in || )( . ( HCO 0 f (j, c goath, had they ! thf result ot Mr. Slade's extraordinary sac- j fennoiit nnd more ihon nil, had they lie- ! B*6«l, dun the son thorn whiffs whom they j ■si-?lutirl),'li-vc nre semi-abolitionists will J W*” n,, t. oppose tliem.” atthe north have, nn oh! pnidffC J ■thmornu. in the great struffffle which pin- j Jeik rs4ia in the Presidential chair, and i Saining Mr. Madison, througli all the I wnr,—when sham patriots threw j Hh*wor<h nnd related to face the fof'. It i*> i ••'is «t such a party, that they should now j • thi-ir fMudidnte, the only general ofUccr I !•!■* 'nppart from Mr. .Mndisou,and re- in the midst of the war—and •wiliiini-ts should attempt to punish the •tarthe load of such a general.” ■j tUTIC RRP! HI.IcaN MF.I TlNti. to a pnhiic call, u large and respect ®f il.h llpiiiorraljr party of Richmond gy-t-Tened at the Court House fur the pur rf!Nin b r ’^ ( * report of the iJeiegates to ' P r,fl g s Convention. ■NnofGtry F.VHfish.Esq. Mr. John IT. •vail,.,| (;|lairj anJ William K. Me- SciHMary. one of the Dele gates, '*poti to give a statement of the pro tb* Indian Springs, enchained the ai- K’ * rnfel ”*g fur upward* of nn hour, in ~w* eloquence which buoyed up the spirits pre»eni, nnd strengthened the confi they had always entertained of the H ought of the people.” of Sam I. M. Thompson; limu committee of five from each c,l >, and a like number from each Dis - 5»;» by the Chair, to CllJ 0,1 Monday next, and nominate « fVjns 10 re prc»enl this county in the a PP°inied the following gemlc ommittee . H; V *• Ward No. 2. wm f. Bones, G. W. I,amar, K. P.McGran, •° , lon - J - Haiford, T.B.SmHh. Ward No. i. Ward No. 4. I j T. Riclianl«, Thus. Tobin, ( Dr. Kenilon, N.K. Butler, t j -8* Foul lain, G. Si inaiolH, | J. Davis, j*. Carre, _ | F. Walton. C. Catnpfi.ld. Dotlo’s District. lien. Walker’s District. Win. Savage, George Seblev, I Fregniaa Walker, Green R. Ke.l, I mile- Beall, I]. H. Graves, I hoe. \V iltlti, |l. Johnson, W . Allen. Charles Burch., McDa.le'sDistrict. Tunter's District. i G. A. Titrfcneit, IB; nie, ' B. F. Harris, J. Bleulrs, ' D. F. Dickerson, !M. IviTl-->tt 1 Flovd Crockett, Ilugli lugl tt, ! A. Fob Iter. Win. James. On in-uian ofS. M. Thoinpxm, Re*nlve-i, Thnt the ('hair appoint five from each ■ w »nl 111 the Cay, to he style.l t |„ ('em ml Vigilant Cominiileo of llirhin m I eounty, ami ihu sajj Committee have power tonppoiiii Suh-Conmiinoes. W hereupon llie follow ing grnllemen were op- I pointed. Ward No 1. W v ao x\o. 2. H f Parish, A C'lmiiiirog, I. P.darvtn, 1) Bottom, I James (Jodhy, W F. Pemberton, , w Henry, S. B. tiroves, II R.iMiilpot. (j, y\ Thoinp-or. N\ari> No 3. Ward No. 4. F M. .humMigs, .1. R. Davis, I* J. |) Ramey, \ John lindens. Tims. J Jennings, K s Hdl, W.R Huff, John Markre. C. Ulome. On motion o( 0- F Parish, * RtMjltrd, llinl the thinks of (his meeting be tendered to (ien. Olasrock for his able uddros-: 1 and al.-o to tlie Chairman and Secretary The meeting then adjourned. JOHN 11 M A NN, Chairman. AVm. R. Mcl.awp, Secretary. j s THE WESTERN INSI’R \ NrE AND TRUST 1 COM I AN V. ' It must )»e well known to mi render*, that we li wi'reihe first to raise a voice of aondemnalion n- ‘ gainst the charter of the U es.Wn Insurance and J ■ ('omjHimj of Columbus, on account of the | rxiraonJirmry powers granted to that curporatiou, , » and of the imlimilod privtlges it could exercise v without roulrul. Wo \\«*r*- also the first to point i °IW *ke manner in which the charter was hurried ! ( i through both brunches of the legislature. The i > opinion w« then expressed, i* still culm.lined by 11 n* ; and wo repeal that such n charter should have : * ( j never been granted by the Legislature. But our v surprise cannot he dese r ihod, when. In yesterday’s ( hromclo and Sentinel, wo read n commntiieniipri 11 of Mr- A. 11. Stephens, of Taliaferro County, and a |j representative in the lust legislature. In regard to jj (lie d iff-re tiers between that gentleman and Mi'j r L F’ooprr, we have nothing to iio; hut as during the 11 lust session of the Legislature a hill was introduced to repeal the charter, which h;ll we warmly np- -i), proved, we feel hound to notice the proceedings b upon it in both brandies of the Legislature. In u bis communication .Mr. Stephens says, in alluding * ‘ to that corporation, that "Major Cooper is at the htad of on onuerlnl as one of ft,r principal stock | holders, with thr MOST l/NKCU’AL, UXRKSTfItOTF.D, ll and iniquitous ihurUred institution* of tin* State jj —the Western Insurance and Trust Ci.mpnni,. An ,u incorporation , by the provisions of it* charter , an- v* thorizrul and empowered to take usurious interest, and to receive on money lent, mare than the lawful rates lt> which govern other banks, companies, and individu- i w ah; and which I emphatu ally denounced as nothin a N niiavino shop." These are the expressions of Mr : lR Stephens in regard to tics institution, the most on- in ynitous chartered institution of thin State. How if, did Mr. Stephens vole for the repeal of this iniyni- Pj tons charter ! | in the House of Representatives, December 11. ! |« IB3J, the House look up the report on the bill to re- 'y peal the 27th In the 3Uth Miction* im lustve, of an J l ' art entitled un act to incorporate the Savannah In- t Nurnnce ami Trust Company, nnd the Oglethorpe , Insurance and Trust Company of the City nf )b* Ct con, and ;il»o the \V eat Kli lilMtraneennd I’rust (’em puny of the City of Coluiubus, HSHenlcil to Decern ( jj her the 2’kl, IsDfi. The sections to bo repealed embrace the charter of this Inst (!omt<any. On the d question, “Shall this bill now pi s the yeas and ; Ml ihyi< vurv required to be re corded ; and ar«* yeas 1 r I Id, na\ s 18. Those who voted in the uHlrmative, J „ nre .Messrs. j h* A tnl ?nsou, Arnett, Arnold, Bailey, Barcluy, Her- , ry, lielhea, Bmd, Burkov, Bryan oi VVayu-*, Bry- '* nnl of Walton, Bry-ou, Cilliotin, Camp o( Cmnp- , !V hell, (Jump nf Franklin, Cannon, Cyrlfon, Car-on, | w Clnindler, (?ha a l'tin, ('lark, (’lcvduod, Cohb ol (*«r- 11 roll, Cobh of Doulv, Coker, Colli r, of Baker, Col- j Her of DeKalh, Coin*, Darden nt Butts peinuurk. I Dixon of Talbot. Dixon of Walker, Ellb, Erwin, *• Fntriall, Flournoy, Pourd, Client, Chiscoek, Cfa- n lihiii,Crceiic ofFoivvth, Crerr,(Juerry, Nall, Ham- ° illoiu liniieta k, Hand, Haralson, Hardage, 11ni ris, r II udon, Hilliard, H'nDon, Hnuler of Cliorokoe, [» Hunter of Craw I nnl, Ingram, Je«f • r, Jolm-on oi .Voplinsr, Jones,of Cilnn r, Ivenan, Knox, Ltirv, Led- Itcller,Liddell,LvndbMalone, Mi.voNol(oiNh,MavoH I of Cobb, .McArthur, McDoHgalif, MeDowclU Me i ColdricU, McKinnon, McMillan, Meailow-, MilDii, ( Mi liter. Murpliv, N*al of Franklin, N* lof linn, y 1 \cvvvom. Bahru r, Barker, BhillipP, Billmau, I rail, ! Brescollyßevdl, Reynolds, Riley, Rives, Roberta, I I Kotrinvoii olTavottc', Roliiiisou of Jasper, Rohtiison, - fl lof Lauren-, J, S.infird, Scr.irms Shropshire, .* 1 sikoa, .Smith of Walker, St.ilh'iin, .Stall of Stewart, j < ' Stroud of Walton, Simmer, 'Banner, Taylor, War', Q i Watson, Whatley, While, Wiiigliam, WiUoii, uud j Wyatt. 1 Tlmsr who viilfd in llie negntiv* are Mnasr-. i linlhml, llecrhcr, B.’rrienof llurkn. Hurt, Ulniinl. « I Cm.iiilull, ('navel., ('liH)Mwll, Ctillii r ol I’olnvki, . Ciiiit.Crnwloril Ihiril-i of Troup, Dnrdnn of W ur ' ren, Dhiilcl id' Grernv, Dun, livnns, '.urlrell, <>re<-n ‘of Mnvan, llumriniiii, Jnnkiue, J""''a *‘.o*..'rl. 1 I Lir.vreiloo, Bitimr, Living. lon, Miinii, Moore, "ol- j, i, IVi nl,’., IVrrv, Rees.-, Hi‘ lmrr|.oti, S oil, fre- |, 1 word, Hiicnrnr, Stnpliniß, Slone, sirond ol ' link, j , Tloiiiion Wulhicn,VV«lk.-r,\V«r<l t VVeiliiiiji., W hit field of Pnlnaki, Wilcher, V\ inglieid,nnd Woolloy. - So the hill |iavard iinder tlio title thereof, lietwith- ; I stumliiiß the vote of Mr. .Stephans iigninat the re- , ! peal of the dinner of AiitinUjuiton* inniinlnm. i The hill wns lost in the Scnute. For the repeal j 31, ngninst it 33. ' ( Those Senators who voted for tli« repeal were i Messrs. I | Bslea, Heek, Uostwiek, Brndfnid, Codirnn, Cone, ■ i Cooper, Drone, Unnnnpin, Frisr, (irdiniii, llolmes. Johnson, Lewis, Is.eeless, Mono., Moves, Morris ! Move Fovne. I'liillins, Rmilerson, llol.crlatni ol i An,’,line, knlhcrfhrd, S.oirlioiomib, Sloane, smith ( ol’c'.wein, Smith of Twiggs, smnlord, Mutters, nnd Wilson. I Those who voted against the repeal were Messrs . ! Alexander, Anderson, Aubrey, I’.illupa, Ihvma, , Bruiihnm, Drown of C’-oidsn, Bryan ol, I. on of Stewart, Chnaiuin, ( ratio, Cieed , I o I, r. Gordon of Chatham, Gor-lon »t 1II^I £L“' Warren Henlev. Jones., Miller, Morpon, . | \r.,l, folk, folder of Morgan, Sintth "D^vTii".’ 1 Suri&or.Tamin, I'r.ieey, ViiK-crtl, tt nrlh n, tt hit akcr Williutiis, and \\ illimn-mii. . h j It is due to Major Cooper to Mate, that ho had "i nothing to do with ohlainiug the charter from the 1 ‘ : legislature, and that it was .nly one or two years, n 1 after, that he became connected will, the institution. H I e 1 vr tt r .do not exchange with the Essex (Mnss.i i Register. The following nrlide, from Hist pnper, 1 w* ropy from the Macon Telegraph. The keg.s --h ; ter we know to he one of .he oldest federal paper, in the United States, and published at Salem. [From the Ettez (A/nvO Register.l ' Mir F.i.ito*—fermit to say » word in yonr ® ‘* R * . AhotilionisU who are undeeid-d in ,e e . j whlchwdl promole i mem renism ore two eternal antagonist., y . XitY. and will not he at p* ; ace Rather lei us attempt to mingle light and shade. ! heat and cold, mcluicns ntul health, right nnd wrong j than to hope that the cause of the slave can tri j umph while the present administration reigns. Abolitionists, yon have nothing to expect fron the party now power, but inflexible and ulicompru | mising hostility. Rut what have you to expect from II llarri«o\, if lie in placed in the executive chair i ' ou will have the right of petition restored; free «)is cushion P»ain penuittod on the flt.or of rot.g es> i |” p cojtshtiition udm.nihlered according to his true i intern and meaning; the pubi c money to he ttndet i the control of Coturrese; rhe free use of the pf>f» of fice granted y»m; the currency to be placed in n j wun « healthy condition; the Flori a war end , eo; domewtic Inifiirtry protected; economy will ! the place ofwaßteful extravagance of die peo ple s money. These things, and many more o| like character, you mar expect: and these il.inii* noifl he Mot e. *«r ilm came .if ihe sl .v. can never he consmom ded. V.»ie then for I! trriroo—for if you vote .'or Janies (i. I'irury. ymi ktv*w you .-mo not rlwt him, nnd vour vo r will g<*>i Han-- scu. nod o. favor of Vhu and thereby y.»n will hind (he hi ive mill stronger m his wrciclnd condition Win o Putnam hml tracked the wo'f (>» his d,<n. he pieparalam •< r liih and wi.h ihe torch, and r. pc. and rdln he dc-cci.dcd ~0.l m,-i ih» monster face to face, and s, o ti ohiaincd a vie *”rV AI c» jtioniM • ! you have tracked the monster tdavery 'o lii.« den. and thorc you si.jiai wuh your we tpoii* «»f eternal truth mui justice nil g n on; hut sow caninH reach l»ira, because Van Bmreu uiwl hit. sc die/** are guarding ihe tuutilli of Do' den—ih« y are slavery’s body guard, and when you march up with the torch of free discussion, ihc\ Id-wv it out; when you pr scni the truth of the-Bible as your'ixi book, you are told it is uucmiMiin innl. and yort have im right !<• interfere What then must ho dtoie? Vou must ga f»r Harrison, arid clour away this body guard of slavery, nml then mun li up uth your weapons of rig itcoosnesH.ntid show tin* iu iii s'er’s di fruit, aid corruption. Then vv ill phMic opinion spin mil ;i rope, unddrng him not ami slay him, and bury him hc\ od the hope <>| rt'siiri'cclion. a'wiid no a ist. Tin: hook Case. T ha following remarks are taken from the P*?ii*h eolu ( Ja/.*H.‘, a paper not very friendly to the pres ent ndmiiiislration. “Notiiing has come to bur knowledge which morc stron *i\ marks tin* rabidity of p,n t\ spirit, than tin; us<‘ winch (li ■ wings mv now makim; of tip- Howe case. Mr. Hone,a Lienlcniui! in the ;\.nvv,and (lieu recently a first Lit nttumiil ol the siiip, was iii d h\ a court martial usscmhl don hoard the frigate Mac.i doiiian, then lying in lb.* iiarbour of' B»'iHacuh«, on charges and spccilicatiop* which allege.l tip; whip piug, hy order of tin* accused, of certain persons ou board, (colored men) w jiiioul aitlliorrfv of the com mand.r ot the ship. T'his being nguni-l the letter ol the r ‘ffnlntioiis of the .Navx.wus made a ground of nccii.siition Limit 11. by hi* command i. Fapt. Levy, and tho men who had been illegally punished were called before the coin I !<• lesiifv Mr. Hone objectcd to tin*competency of these wit nesses on the ground of color. Hi* objection was ov.irmh il by the com t, and all i wards bv tin- Presi dent, when tho probeedings ol the court, w ere rc viewed by him. “h is now iir-rml (with powerful effect w e dmihl mu) that in this d 'eision, .Mr. Van Burro h >*■ sh >vn his want of‘*soulliern principles,” his desire so raise. ! tin’ negro to a level w ith the while mall, and hi* con- 1 tempt of southern right* uud southern institutions. . It is not disputed that in 80-imior New Vork,where negroes are competent woiics-t* in all cm "s, this ■ kind oltt'-fimony Hgainst Mr. Moon niiglit havebcen ! received; but it is urged, and her in coiiD-ls tin- j fali icy ol the objection, that inasmuch ns tin* tiial j took place in the w aters of a southern Tendon j whose policy, like that of the ijlurehohling State-, excludes negro testimony in cases in winch while J men are concerned, tin reliuo it should have been 1 I'xclnded in fli • case of Lieut. Hooc. “There might lie some plaio jhility in this if the trial had taken place under ih<* laws of Florida, but Ibis was no more the lin t than it would have hern,if llie lii vale had, nt the lime, been sailing in llm mid lie ol the Atlantic ocean. 'Llie laws which did go- | fern naval conns martial,are the law* of the I ailed ''fates; and it is scarcely necessary to ivmin I the in- j clligcnl r-'ader (hat, a* universality and uniformilv ■ ire tmlispeiisable attrilnites oftlie law. a rule which j vonhl, on the sume stall* of facts, ict u man at • V'w \ ink nnd Mciin.ii i> - • • 11 • “Thai the law winch makes the negro n« eompe enl a witness as the w hil»* man, is unwise and im- j inpolitic, we will not stop to prov e. or even to n*s,*rl; f,however, the law is to be altered, then* i-- bnl uu*‘ , lower know ii to tlio constitution, b\ w hich it can be | illered.uiidthiil power i* not the Brcsidcnf. Tohim ( s giv cm tin* power to e.recntc fli• * laws; hut if i - to he • mped that the day is far distant when flint olhccr Ail I feel himself at lilait.x to say "this law is impoli ic and therefore I will not execute if.” N"l even | ’ififoir, with a Roman Sctml-’ at hi* h(*el-” had - hired to hobl *>neli lan run". *- The stoniest il- pot- ) iml lit* bloodic-t tyrants that ever ;''oifgcd Hi 'milt, have done it under the name oftlie law. ••Ini ; id so most other mailers, we di-approve ; Mr. Van Ilmen's admiuisirnti'Ui. mal ' V'. *■ 111 %’ we j lisnppi ovi neurlv nii ofthoso lict* ol it w hich relate j lo f'lf<«*!• In; Iml in the iniifi t «pok» , ri ofalmve, It** i •le:n!\ right, am! nn mliglil-'iicd public opinion will j UHlaiii him. “\s (hr Mr. Ilo*io Itimvlf, we know him H» be a :alliint mid noble a fellow a* ever trod Ibe <l-icks ol t ship. al the south and reared wil It sotilhcrn ■*«ding*, hi* was naturally indignant at having tic ! issprti"iH of iiegroe-, thong It made under the st>- j Icniltilv of uu oath, w eiglml apaiiist his cltaruelet it« a genii. *1111111 and hi* honor as mi officer. But • ivlntlevcr tnav have been his I.* lings on tho subject it is a stidicicrit jiistiliealiou for the BrCHidcitl, that ‘lliii* the law i* writltMi.” i “ll i* u fact not unworthy of remark, tiiut liter l ' have, within ihe, last ten years, been more naval j courts martial in this harbor than in all oilier ports J Zl!.orlwu lia» fV. r h 0.;., ...ack t.a I-- tli.-.r cu...|-f- ; ioncy. A Iclti'i to fo-tinH-tor of (Ilia • (aayakie knllimwc Ainciifiml frtMn on ngonl «l Ilia *’ o -' 1 j Office ))i-|iuilllllMlt, .late,l Colllllihua, Olli-I, Ill,li, 11)40, stal-'S llml ll"' imliviilniil win. ml-hpil 111,. C. S. Mini, -a -I.if Sju in 2ti' l.i,< »ii--."i» L *’ of till! Mull 111 Mart'll last, I"'" l-i'-'a arresl-'-l, nml ~ix ili.hhoijil (liillara nf ill' money • <••-•■ (.'lltil'lna Un terii-'k, tho ilrivrr of the mail Htiign, lum out to he the robb./. MASS MKF/riNG AT fOUOHKEF.SIE. The great Dainwrulie g.ithariiig al fnii-rhkeep eie,took plm'e on ihe Milli in*t. ami went off with spi'rit. A I'orrespoinleiil of the Now l urk foatanya: —-'Tlmh ni-Ttiug w*ia iiniiieiiae, thirty tliouaainl jiuo pin at least liu'niß upon Ilia ground; ilelagulions pour ed in iVnm si'.vaiili'en enniilias, and nnihiii" could ex ceed llie of every limn nf die ires Id;. Tliare were five eli'aitiblinla, crowded with demo er ,1- from New York, Hire.' from Albany, two from Troy,ami one Iron. Hudson,Catakill. Kinston, and main oilier plaice along the river. 'I he in", ting will have a grand eff el. The arc .roue cd and tlio deinnniliolinn with which they resolved, upon separating, unit ‘New A'ork it uat be redeemed,' whr an earnest o* their auccess nt the coaling .dec lion,” IXTIn the Chronicle and Sentinel the other day the following statement appeared ; “ Troup Cwinty Weeliim.—W'o have jti-l heard that at- r, .'entefet lion for a Justice 111 the Im- l'lOl Court, in old Republican Troop, th- emilost was ■ a test i.iic-ihm, and the llarn oii .•-.inh.liit-' re r e.dveil M)l)0 votes and lire I/irolo.-n2ffd. Here l- a .lie* i oeti oflimmloeooali ahitioll. Fliey have again and iiguin Inniited os with the great - hailge in Troop, mill lliii result shows a ehailge, hut ll n« change (r.mi Uoeofoeoism however. The billowing is an extract of a letlerto the edi tors, .hit'-I Millcdgcvilh',Sept. 17,1349, “ I see in Tuesday's Chronicle and -- ntiti I, i stnteiiirnt in relation to un election held recently n Troop County, which should he spe dily correelod The eleeiion oUn.lod to was tor Clerk of the In (eriorConn,in which 607 votes were polled, tin Harrison candidate receiving 489, bU o(i|lnnont I Ml I am credibly inlonoed hy an old gentleman Iron Meriwether County, who was present at the elec lion, Unit this ejection was hy no means a lost ol iff relative strength of parties; many votes Hanoi heen east on hilh Sides entirely Morn personal re jy> Os the 2fi ,Blutes of llie Union, 1 i have deni ocratic governors, namely, Massachusetts, Main- New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Sont Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Ohio, ill I.ois, Missouri, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Twelv ; states have whig governors, namely. Vermont,' m, Rhode Island, New York, Now Jorac; Delaware, Virginia, North Carulmu, Kciitoeliy, It dianu, Lonisian.i, The CoUon Crop in South Alubamn. A gs-M ' man who has travelled over the, greater portipm ' j South Alabamteays, that not more than halt n ir. ! crop of euttmi will he inode this vein- Th n- c.iterp.llar and eu, or bore worn, have done inept f ahlo inisehiet.—A. O. fir. of MW*, m | i. »-! [f’On THE SOUTHERNER ] fl I M'W- Editor*.— lt dues seem, I,y ihoactiona < .7 , ,l "’ iea.ling Fedomlists, that they snpp„ s ,. ,| IC A,„ e s . j riean people to he the most credulous nn the sac of the Parlh. Nothing is to too nlisiiril or riiltenloii ie for them in speeniate upon, hi llie hope ol oi.ikin; , political e.ipiial lo help along vvhiggen; and u a ; '" sl "* ’ ' r ''ng is proven ialae and dies, anollic I. hitiiiling is started, in the uiin hoy of deludin'- tin 3 people. All this goes to prove, thnt, under exile ,7 ! amnt alone, tb*'v hope M triumph, and fasten npm ;k I" s if -'hiinieleoii principles, and their Janos tiiee. - , candidate, lint will iKey never lean, vvisdon -I hv experience! have they forgollen the ninimei ii '' vvha h Je.ll'. rsim, the great Apostle of Demoeruth I, •■'i-ei'ty. was denoinii't'.l hy these Slone pseud. ,1 whies, rightly milled in those days, as their prinei , i-les p.o.c tire; lire now, blue light Federalists, o the old John Adams Knit Alexander I bouillon selmo; * '""i "i"’ Mill love KnghinJ heller, with her standing ■■ ' army, her ehnreh nml slain nniti'.l, her Alin oil; r Maul., ami her law sos priiimgetiiloiv, than thee iff J ; Kaptihlii'im Ani.-rieii I Have the forgotten thev re. a | 1"’"'“ "'i'--' 1 - D--"l--.l lire land, that if Jefferson win y elocied, the Millies would nil he hnriied. Ihe ehnreh p ( es ol God ili-inantled, and infideiii; nllow.'d to riot '• on the mins, if morality and religion! Have tire; 1 | lH fffolt n thnt Mr. JelliiWon, and those w|,e snppin I p' ed Ins ■, were has,!., and liilsely as f j barely,.'barged with heiiig mill r a Fren.di influence, i | and Che people culled uponlo hurl li,nn power, ihoae n noginios from Aineriean feeling-; while hut iwn . i ears inter, the very same parly that made these , ; -dial g s were seekiii}-mi ullinnee with hiiighni.l, ami , viditig tin- war inexpedient an*l immoral, r „. i'-ieiaa over the ruins of onr di'iiioli-hed (‘apilol ! . ; And where are llmao men now / T|,»y „ re sosi - j laming Win. 11. Harrison for fresident, nml eulogi : /ing the administrations of Mr. Jefferson, and Mr. ■ .Madison, and at some of their Niceliags. giv lag : j dicers for Gen. J-ieksiib, -Consislem i is a word j | they are prollnnally ignorant of, uad il ilioy avurdi.l I know its meaiiiiig, they liuva expunged it and pal" . dapla-itv in its place. Do they not neknowleilge i I Daniel Webster, as thair fit and well helmed eliani- I l-e-a-tMlig approaching oiislaught iiuainsl the ad , to'ais'ra'ion / 1 ho not the aid of the “log cabin ; and hard cider” Slatulaid Hearer I And has he not j said “we have made Win, 11. Harrison the hearernf j 'onr standard F* Vas, the Rearer of onr Federal j standard! tt'lnitdoes ' bin, Wilson tell the people , nf .♦»a.w.^mrhusi'll in his clocfl.uiocriiiff spneohrs I Ui'ii. Harrison mas I.js • •aniiiaijoii (,» (In; iM issnchnsrUa tl.*li»t»ai ( *s to (Ins Uairisbuiff CouVi-ii | ii"ti, nml that he m iltoroHm; lutijiiiaiiciillv ih» ALts ! •! tor tho Brosidfitcy." And arc tin* jtiMiple ol tin* .‘iouth wilJiitff so ca.-t litrir sullra- Ibr tlio stuudurd hoarur til'tlu; ffr.uit hii;l, priosl of Fodoralism, L»,mi- I V.’-'Lst t, Hi • - tr*mly and mir i amvoriiiff ujtpu-i-.r ofthc lain \far, a* his nloven re : cordfd toffs on the Journals ofCuiiffrusa provt*; the man vrlm, in lU3(», in llm Stuiufo ofllio >Stii(u*. when in uuiii’ipalioii of didiyultics v\ ifli Fiuik:i', ii J projiosltlrin was mail jto put u(ruris in t lit* hands «>f Ainlievv Jauksqn, lo d< ll it I our .soil, and protect our < | Fla#, uxi'iaiim;d“l would not Yoto lor tlio hill if the [ ! oiicin\ tvorf balK'i itiff down (ho walls ol lha t.’apitol!” 1 -Ire Ho-people ol flto .South pivparcd lo volo lor “litupbiUL’ully tin; .M assm hnseus rittidiilaie lor tin; Bresitloti'ry 7” Wh< ti was tin; uin<‘, that Duuiol I hfbsle*,.old Hit! ffreal body of bis rasim'ii irituids, J Hfl.orrt opposed to tlio Tamil’! TJtc fitiio nevarwus. j And is nay in:.ti .-,0 blinded hy pryjii.lica as to sup j post* ihal Haiti- I V. obsicr would tt»u his cllbrls to I j cl 'fato a man to oflico thufvwi.: oppo*od lo a Turriff > . !‘ L«;si -• »ft« ffrass sl ln fr"l i !in (In' Bfr.'ri *ol Norfolk, uud thecati»*o mu> f>- iAm> w j ' io that, (ill-' .’jirrill',) then I may bo induct'd lo übau- I don ii.'’ Arc dio pooplc fil lin'. koiiili ready to volo i lor Hindi a eaiiditl.ite I A. < ihov w illiuff Input tbr ! I ii<*liii of tin* whip of slat**, in llm hand s of amdi a pi -1 lull VVhuf ptimupb*, lank, diosl;-* hold in I*olll - with tin* Son lb ? Dons ho i.c in “Sluto j 1 RiffhfH?” If In* dims, no dons Bana l Woh -tcr, uud - 1 m i Dani ’l Webutor, in his coiilrovorsy with Robt. • I \. lia\ia , tleme* 100 riffhl ofth. .‘'fair . .vud him , not Eon. Ilurrisoii .--aid dial Jjlr. Wcbsifr's spoi'cli on ilfif ocroi ion win* a fair exposition ot bis "con- I >tit ;' i'Uiul ci *(*d ?” J* In* with dio soinh ou die l‘nilV.’ Erl bis declaration uusw .11*, iCHpcrdiiff Norfolk. Ih In* with fbo smi:li < 1 d.-; bank umi - j ijou? ll.* Min > lie |o*li.'\M»il 1 'a.ouaiiliiiiotial; Iml, it' it i* found ii'M’'*.»xarv tonmdmf fhclisc.a! o«’ti< Mol (mv, mm *nt, h« would tut liasiuit ' to sanction if* | iwoliurU’r: (thnt i« ihu tubsl.moo of hi-; Inna miff 0.; How nous this accord wiili dtt* Southern dm fi i n* of i ahlrict <*on*triu*tiori of tin; < »i»Miiuitioii ; it is the 1 v.*rv miiipoda of if. it i“ tli" Intiluliiiarian prluriplu 1 : that lor over dis|in*:i»i*d»i»il die fnloral If.elion, in tdl thoir windiiitu, und iuriiiiiffs,aui'., liaimiu„ ol i.ames. | It is tho work in ff of that Panic Aristoorutic’ I’oeßng j wliu h has over soiifflil foronlraliM.* and «ou ■•didafo 1 i)owi*r. imd 'r.du; <lj:n«v pubo of cxpoili’ra y, fi« I da* expouso ol violafmff the in a., 4* o ur due liouor ! nil (‘oiistitution. Is ho with th-' B"mf. .... ij,j hiili jjeet of nlmliliim ! Tho lung 1-h.eU ent.ilogun of | eviilenee that prove, him fiivm'xhly inelineil tn tin views «(the AhnlUhinists is strong eoongli in eno- I vince unv mipii'jn.liceil inin.l, tlii.l he is rotten In ihe j (inv, Owen Ilf North Comliim pi'.ipniinile.l ihisqnesiiiiii to him: “Are von now, or hove yon | over been, n member ufunnholilino Hoei. ty I” Gen. j ||„rrison replies! “I onr-w.r deei.ln.ilV no; so for i from luting a oi-smher ofsneh • locifly, I diil not j know,hot ns yon know it, viz: hy comnion hone, I llml there was or ever hid ffteou aoci-ly of llinl description in onv oftlie Norlh-we-lern stoles until ■ ' three weeks ngo.” Vork the .|iiastiori, and see how I he equivocates. Gov. Owens asks if ho “over” was !; „ mouther of such a eociety. Geo. Hnnismi did not • j know there wos any ol that description io tint “North - ’ Western Slates.” Why does he not deny, that he - I over holoiiged to an oholilion soeii ly ol U.ehioond ! • he cannot, lie does not deny il, while the following 1 is un record : 0, -- Io thf- punun. , , ,1 “Fellow-eilixena -liemg .'..Ha I suddenly home gto site y sick fondly, I have hot a o 1 answer o lew of ihe e*»lmniiio« which arc in circle Ulionooneerinoß me. , 1, ! ■1 am ftcens.-l of hciiiL- friendly tn slnvery. I'rnin ,' my earliest you h I- 1 . 1 been the ardent I,rend of hnnmi. h-.ertv A he ■ I „ge „r eighteen I „ iyetnherol .it. Ah-I. ion Soeie'v., R.o ohjee n V i which v. os l.i o oiel mra I« ihe eoiidltion of slaves, and ■ pro.*nre their freedom i.y every legal n.eaos. My , i .enernhle In. ml,Judge G..;eh, ol ( le.inont c-nmy, d ! was also o member of tins Sanely, II I alvei, me o eenififlnte thol I won mu. 'ho min. which I then same under I have faiihmlly per a ' f ' ,r,,,ed ' “WH/MA.M HF.NUV HARRISON” I" I) r . Boiler, Editor of 110. Philanthropist, an Ah.„ a I til ion paper, published il Cbodonoii, soys m hi, pnpf»rof lu*t Jmio: ti- . -In two interviews wehnd with G.o. 'ral lomsoii enhiee.t, about litnr months lie was al .. ; i "to assure OS, had himscK I" long d b II I "umlitioo soeh lv ol Riehnioiid, V irgimo. 11. 111 (|j ( | hesilnteohoot the nliraso; he did not use an; d. ! 'Abolition society l seemed the onlv nan, 11. .uliifli hf kiinw or oared to know. ncguliP, ’ know Flat lie has lieen in the ol using the leu. I I ‘Aholilioo’ a-s the distinctive title of the society a 1111 | U Wemigiit goon and show your his letters h c-lflvans of Maine, and Uyons of Riehn.ond, comm lie Hiding cinti, other most essentially. We might aliov ‘tt vnu his course in the Senate of Ohio, n gnnho; e- a,.very we-l of the Mississippi, and the absolute He eessilv of aholi -hing it- But Ins own language 1 sutlieient tneodentn I.lm, is there is liny mon-nfig r "■ 1., tno honest Riipnhlli en then believe ih •0, i Imfounded assertions.,l Federal Whig,... th : Fedora I Whig Papers, when they say they Get li. ) Harrison is .q.pos.ol lo the ahohtiooists: Ins mv I words is llie beet proof WC cun have, and that giv Vl ' ! llmlff direct to ill they soy on that score, o ; is;;"- *• “ -yssnosSr "l' T „i'SWti"SElKiLie i , le- The lasi Mountaineer contains ■ oolne of ll i oft meeting of the Democratic parly at Greenville, a av ! Monday, the 7th inst., the proceedings of which m be of ffrrnf intrrrM, and will no doubt bavo n grpa »a- pftuot on lli« political m«»vpmenta of ihe up oonntry Wo minlnul the paper cnniainin K an nncimnt of th< i meeting, or if would have npnonred ere thin- t | vory able* Addroav r< . u ,i by Judge Earle, \mis ndop of i ,r »* o" Bio deeluration of the meeting, and upeot bo io wore made by Mcisrs Choice, Berry, Caldwell | (of Newberry.) and Walker. We have onlv roon L ' l -’ 10-d iy far llie letter of Mr. M’Duflie, wiiieb i« r <> u* murk il>lo for flip same vitnir. mu iff j nuketl triiiii, that have made alibis observation's or un I ’l‘ e i ,r “ s, ‘nf p-d i.*;il fomoxt, tliriil through tin i whole Liimn. 'l’he fpinids and enrmira of Mr j \ tin Rurert have rqnn ly felt the ptuver wirli v\liir| i>« I lie has laid bare the fniH merifsof (Ii n runtrn\ ersy c. and pointed out ihe duly of Sonlberu nml Stair m I "'fiblN men I hey have f*»)i too, thru his position , I as a calm and independent eppcfator, gave to hits ‘ j opinion!*, derided and stern. n« he now b*h if his 1,1 doiy to express them, a mighty slrrngtb, ivliich io «v»ul«f not otherwise b- loriff even lo his gn at mind j,. and venerated clmrar.rr | 0 i (’IIKRKY Ilir.L.Ofith Aug. 1840. Dt*uflom* , n I have received yonr verv polite ** I Bivitalioii to attend n moiling of rhe Deniornilie ol party of tippruvillo Disfrn ion the firsi Monday in f>l 1 s <M»temhi r next, hut ahull be prcvrn’ed hv otiboir : J’f'gKffOinents Ir 111 bring preaenl tin that orrasinn. In Hie cxtiii rd nary turn vvhirii tin- gitneral politic# 1 "f the poiintry Ini* taken sinr(* the iioiiuniition nf 10 (•oneral Harrison. ih r ea(eniag »o oblilewvie nkl fhr a- ‘’"niuiiiiiional landmarks, uhn h the people of tlio is have biiberio regarded :»s ihoir «u4y Hcnui* tV against ITderal i nr-roiurhim rns. the inotn per '■ saii-ive motives wi'l be fonml so a Imrmonioiia »*••- 'f. operuii.oi lirlw pro the two parlies ihai rervpi*by da j \ d“il (los «Siaie, 1 r ilie pnruose *»L prcscrvuuf ihosc l_ R«“ii eohMiliilkinr.l pnnci(.ha winch are romnion ''hem ht*;h. W nen (i-’oerol Harroon’s noiriinn -18 ( w,l> anruuiicpcd, I did not doer* it tnihin i*, I Im* M iipi* i f | 0.-hibiliiy, ilia! ho could ohlnin rhe i..* Vt, D‘ of a ►ingle S'»ir.liprn Siale Rut buHi has 0 . hpon (he iuflin nre of flu* poliiic i«ns anil irin t in*- , pled uxoninns ..I a poaiiri-m of pub,mans ha ting one ri-muion ol jt , i, run n.> mmirim dial 1 if I- ninob io he apprehended dial nil (hose dor ■- tr n* s v>ldcli run I,lob* the fteeuntv of the SomWrri I ' Slait a util |>i» .sipnfi.Trf at tlio ► brine iTi;nvore pp.K.ti, ,| rouihinati' n Though (hey relu-e so a v"w nM V prinripiP »*r moaaure. yei we ran i!.isiim*(- I 'V pert'Pivc, ilirnitgli flip n:b*ni of studied ronreal •• ‘•‘♦•'l', the principles by which Cnu ml IlarrjMin’s ( . : Admii.isiraison would bo and rhe 1. „d- I ing meiiKureH by ulij. Ii u would bp Ami I n ay roididpnily any, llml i„,i a [' so iiarv p M'"p «*r mcasurp, hvretuliire od oils lo j i die S .in hoi n S|a I pr, that would niM he smremlei vd i* hv their <*» opcr.itiou oi dip t lprim-n. «ts (ten. liar j ns,>u. ll there to* any, hrii be i-( ,k..1. li, fl j, r „. 1 i (ppiive'• tirdV? tb'iiend Hairison lias nlwavs Im en i*n cxiromi*t -in this Mil.p*4.r r aml Air. V\ » his , a i'riinp Aliidsinr app iren', hue a vowed bin deiermi 1 i nation to revive n, rogar.liras of the t’rm--oromiHP, (J io wtr.cb ho Im* always hoen viulently opptuud i l« it a ayetPiu of hilcrnal] iaipru vuinen'y by ihe 1 I*edera) <otvernuipiii ! 0 t »*• n' has u'Mip q die no far in favor of dif# pya ! tom a?* (b npr'd arri ixi. Imving proposed to divert : to M llie I’irid pledged lo (be j*ay/arut of ihe public . 1 debt, and inViirui; I) v*»f» d i-r every npproprialion I while in Congress Is it rhe p'm.;*nc,ii wiilidraw * al of die |>r»re«ulM>f the publi.; Im iN from die Fed- t I eriil 'l’rpuMiry, ro f»p givt n loibp Sn -tt », i h•!.< urea- I . [ ling (he npcessiiy .'or nn increased Tnritl'of duties 1 t «»n imjsjrfi, n: I practically asaumiag ib j debts? (Jen. Hiu.iKun Iran publi* I y embused Mr r j Clay's Land RII is il 11; a great punrolidaliuii here- j • | sy. dial the Feilcr.l (N.iisiiiuiicn whs ri ailcd hy . die people of the I *iiled • k 'lnir*, n:; a coiaioon niu -> r nnd m»t !>y the So vert ijjn .S'.alpaof the Con fed era ’ j ‘‘V 7' tJonr-ral Harrison has endorsed .Mr. W;*h- ! . j «l»*r’a s ci dies cu/i'a.'.ting ibis heresy, f will iu«t ; M> ‘ s il a Nation; I Rank ■ ioTan.-e i differ wnl'i 1 bo:l» parties in relation io this mca*nre, ihough I j dendfdly prefer the ludupnndeui Trer.aury syvlein I j lo a Natiounl Rank, under ihe existing eiremTTNtnn- ■ i of fl» • roimi.v If. us I believe, die old Rank i oi the I idled Simon wm* pmutilurely fbundoned, j whiil roriM.iiiin ■ • verfl;»ijJuy would if aryiu* in the , I people of lie Unfed Suir.s, who put Mown r.Vil * ; nisiituiioii, to inm numriliulely min d am) re “la hhsh armiher I l'»» *•;» they have mmi.* tin* idigbleai . trial of llie Sub Trnnruny fyafem, rmoily ram- I j btihlied by their Representatives? Aroweto have ; an overinNtitig round •»! eliunges and exprriiueni*, j no rely to servo the ends of political pnriieH, de- f Htroymg public eiMitkleuee. nod perpetuating public, j i distress t As lo Cei.eral Harrison’s most unsfates . 1 not tnsny absiird opinion, ilia' ho believes siiry, I eimsider if snlhrn*nt «»I its< If in ronduimi 1 Ids pretension# to the Bresideney. In the handsof , such a man, Ihe CouNfiiulmn would t*e anieronune j of wax. Every tiling would resolve itself info the i 1 lyraoi H pleu—ueeessiiy. 1 urn, geirlhuuen r yonr ! i oh'l. serve CEO. .M’DITTIE. j 'J'. Walker, E*q and others, ( 'oniniiuie. — [Prom the Savannah 7• h <.• rardi J MR. SBALDINO’* UKBI.V TO THE HON. T B KINO. In die month of May last, Air Spa Ming received, , under the frank of .Mr. T. IL K>nt. r v a »p eeh o| .Mr Alford’s and die TreaMiry Report Mr S. ft It ii Id.* duly to replv to Mr King. It is needless so sa\ : ' more limn I • refer io the lelter. Tfve reader can do rr see, from aiiiliorifies w hich are indisputable, * lie « linn.a o Cen. Ilurrirtori t»» ilii> di-iinetion of a brio—lm* imm also see die strange position which ' some II nisiMi men now oeenpy. 'Fliey rerfainly j eiiimot bo envied. “Cunsislciiey is a |eWi*l t ” but 1 it iloch not belong to ibeni. 7o the I'.dilar of the Duly Tdcpinph Dk\u Sir - I rom the long peril.*! that Im* frins- : pireil KitM*e I wruta mv n«*lc; so 'ir. King—from fin* ! confirmation under flu* hand 4»f < ’ol. Ruy*l, of nil I , -aid in my i < le, in relation b> Tippra anop—fn in ; flip heavier elnirgr h of ingratinnh* and ealinunv, 1 r-.'.iuli... 1 . m.D'i».l,<;.l I.y 11... U n11..0, f.J, ' M.-f, I could lift VC* mil/ i o n. hill. n.V now slab* note* if " *‘ttd nut , JJ"!*,, ,ll euinsiaiieeH wld<*h. lam ndormed leave ink,mi place, within n few days pa*', in Savannah A ( it is, 1 must request you b» publish tins paper; and I must request iliose that read il t" kiok lu H* dote: ami to remember, llml if win* wnllun Stale RightsCunvenlionus nuhledal hi ledge- ■ v ill**: and before any "f <»nr ilaleg ition was known i to have declared l«.r Hun. F nritun, exee,pl Col. , Alfonl. ... ~. . I Yours, wilh fro nil-lop. I THOMAS bi’AUDING. i 1 j Soprln 1.4, nn1, Sept. 7 ih. 1810. I 1 Mr Snnliiine l“i« O' eekoowlr.liio lie rei'e'ijii on- j 1 I .lor Hie frnnk of the Hon. T. It. KiMR, ol He ' " I 1 Hiiry it.-ports, uml tlio epcceli ol Lol. A.lord ol ' j ''Tl're Spnliline Is very sensil.le of llie ntlpnlion of I t! fir Kina mi.ler exi«,in«'iniisleiiees, nnd o»l> I , | r.-areis, llml miKHifl llto really Rood spoeelies lion- j 1 oralile to iliemselv.-s, I •<> ')"' Slole. delivered ; during llm presentscssion, hv lieGeorpm Melega- | ■ linn, lie slooil.l loive s.'levied 1 "I Affords, % i Bulieviim, n« lie does, lieit Mr Kina ninsl know I - (lint Mr. Simliling’s seolioienls almgellier slitter from Col Alford's, well as in regard to Mr. Van , f . Boren, as to that hubcmdc and umhi.ious old man, 11 | Gen Harrison. , .. i Mr. Spalding had a seal m lln* N« w lurk ( »n --ventiini, when in di-iuissinn of 'be i|' milFic-.ili«m« •*! „ III'- Kleelors 10 its General, lie laol not ,1 unlv liven im il. dIO lake a seal ill toe ( mivenlion, v hm'llir Sovrvtnrv was desired lo ffirol ll inm every „ day wi Ii tliree Helms, io lie disinl.ul. d lo any ,1 Soiitlierli friends. ~ , ... ,1 I Ire liek.-ts iidiniileil lodge John tt ikle. and Mr v Thomas, "f Augiisii,. Judge Uieliardsmi. ao.l < 01. Siead.oao ..! ( urohnii. as long u« limy remained m 'J Mh-iov Mr Spal.linK, llnliappllv. ns Ire now , llmiks. Miepested lo los lnen-1, < .8. V oiin ß of ,-ara r. , 10*1, lire Georgia qiiulillvailon for valors to lire as seiohlv. Col Voimg, vvilii lin* liberality Iml ho I,.lies lo his vharnvlnr. adopt, dn, and will, llie /.eal I and iil.ililv whreh Indonga lo los oharui-UT, sop i" '"'mV' Soaldiiip had been promts. .1 lire support of R Mr 8p:,!,10.|r was ill ill.'ll Inn shul.ily aeqiininlril ivilff Mr Van Bureu, ,1 and ne.tlier asked vspe.-nd Ina aid, for Ire was tiled will, ihe Moiiil. nod hnl hi le known la m S„i,thern men The Clioioi, and Federal |>ar- IV lies had been driven lolhn wall in this eomeinien, ,n ihvir Julians had, ami all. iiee'i v.msiiiuqobftffy ,v disoiisM'd. and Col p, mi. Geo. 1.001, am i|,v venerable Gov. Tompkins, Iso supported ai I .lie measure, had liucn ihe most acme in llieir lo '’'Thevheiievrd il wasan available opportunity tn vet in, a livpoerilieul ennl, rehgioua and political i against ll.oiu—and drey did so After slaying two ,w i weeks 111 Albany. Mr Spalding went lo New Mirk, ng where he received n letter from Gen. Root, siaiing it-1 llmlGen Talmaflgv had gone over to die oppose is lion, and With Ids aid drey were beaten, hm llml io drey hod affixed a qnalibeaiion, winch would ren he der line right of'vblv inigiUory. . od I The blacks were lo work upon llie roads, and ~1.1 were lo muster in the mililia, and lire white men vn would permit neilher. The next winter Ihe win vc i ter of twenty one, Mr Van Uur. n w ent to tt „sli od i l.reion for lire first tone; lie became quaiiiled will „,ll >l® Crawford,and allocked to him, und in his sick ness, and in Ins sorrow, and in Ins perscculioi : among ,'oriliern men- I b "lie ns was foam ; Among lire faithless,, laithlul onlv ho . he But at tt asldngton, Air. Van Bnren heenme belle acquainted with ike South and will. Souther; a"* I men, and hoe acquired the high distinction of al I “Nnnliern man with Somhvrn feelings.” Such y. feelings ns a tt aahingion and a Henry, a Jefferson be | nnaßlWadi«on. a Ramlo^hnnd u Moettn,nLownde»i A | nnd a Crawford, have curried to their graves with p- | them. cs I And who can wonder then? that he nnd his, M, i who hn?e jN»en rooted for un hundred years or more m ! in the South, should be attached to such n man. ®; ) r - Si* ‘4to oM r und ka.s read 100 much, not tr ul know someihiitc ( >f Gen. Harrison. I(ut had lie >n been ot all deft iem in knowledge, he learned iv enough from Judge Berrien, when he returned from r. his first mission to the Senate, to shew that if Gen. It Harrison is a soldier, he is no officer. y j Al Ti-ppecnnoe, Gen. Harrison reached (he Wn e | bash in the afternoon, he encamped on the hanks n J of the river, which gove him water, and covered ls j °| ,e his flanks. The Brophel’s village was in * j vi ut and under his field cannon, which in fifteen fi mimi(es eoiiM have destroyed their Hfockado cle d : fence. Tho Prophet sent out his agents to entreat i (.*en. Harrison t 4» withdraw farther from the town, I that they were labouring to bring nho.iK peace, hm e ilveir young men nright attack him in (he night, he r ,ore rtjoy eunld do so, and thnt they would guide n him to :i place where ho could get wood and water " ! He determined lo do so in spite of tho renton >• Htrunco of Col. Davies and live other ofiioer*. He * wed himself l«» ho guided’in the dork to a woutl d, ml ridge, between two creeks. In the night (he * Indians killed wiili arrows his sentinels, nnd were n .x**a;ilMi\vkii(ff hi* men around llieir li;*;* bciure the i- alarm was given. I licgul’.Hiit ('o'. Davis wlio cxpeclfttl to be attack **il v had; picqttefial his horses urnniHl bin utnn v uud ul ■ ' lit lit'-ti gloHOt «if li",hl In* mounted his men, und at- R t uupr *d to elccr rhe (Vcjiil of (ho camp by a charge, u ila! hurst s wen? precipitated into a morass, ('ul. Dn - ; vfs,v.;m (iMimluiwkcd wiflt many roore ofi«.- bvuve it , wit lie their Jiorse*|\V( re ilotmilr ring in c Ihe mire, still this charirc preserved the rest of (lie s troops, nml (Jon. Hacrison afrer having sacrificed, - ■ mote (Man im lumdrorl men was Iclc to dictate terips * ■ 4ir pence anhat village, froiir which, hr; tin ned uvruy i j. llii' c\ *uij»g hefore. .f 11«I_*.t Berrien was the friend and class impo i 1 Col. D.ivi.--, and much offltw r«*lu(inn, Mr. .S. hud ■ fn»:ti, vflhose imligostof foe!mg.* (limltiul upon his i heck ns In* (old this tab* of G»*u, I lui crodcli . it. Ami thi‘4 is the hero of Tippeeauoo! i t*cn. Ibtnisojt is fbe son 4»fn vciterulde man; ntai \\ i' may suppose is an. educated oua. He must u( h' ist, have tear! (Ja stir’s colniuiMtniries, and miirSit ■ have iH'tnemheiTi! Ills precept,“Divide yonr cnemirs : to- •■r4i:p.ier them,” hut Gcii. Harri.*oi) did not wail i for Bro( , (o' V sfraMgee fu divide Ills hirers. Me liim s If, 4livid il his fro()pg (not (hen tootininerons i;t rhe v/link ) into twodivisioiis,sending (but. Winchasler, wiihtw. Ivc litiiulret! men, tw» ttiy odd miles, ihrougli , an impravlfcaltl** wih(t*iuess, in iwlvance, so Ik* stir- j I rot tin k '(Land destroyed by Proctor .\ud bis allied 1 luaiiaurt. And ibis is tlio olVicor, we are culled ou to j admire, nml support! j will, perhaps say, “Remember, he con- i cptcrcd* Pntclor on tho 'riiame.s, inCnniulu.” Vcs, j j wo remember this too well; wo remember be order- 1 0 I Col. John ’on, with his mourned riflemen to charge a line of British Infantry, drawn up in runk and file —m it without sv. orris and without Inucc.s, to charge Infantry armv»*d in fine. S iinf's of Mailhrongh and Napoleon! i Wlial<a\ von to this order ol’ tin* Western soldier ? j i Son oi Flatten! Was it, li,*oaus«' at W atcrloo your sled < dad cuirassit-iscould not pierce , “Bieton’.s/rumdetio oMuthutrv Fuat yon died Upon a nark in the solitudes of he sea* j Bui you may say, charge of swordless men *uc,cecdc(f. ft did so, because the British Rubbers' 'Oitdil protertion in the linericui* rnxilis from LV- , ctimsuh, mid hi.s Indians, For every hdurtned'man \ knows, tiuit if Fetrnmseh, had not fallen hy tin* baud ol Col. Joliii.-’on, ueitlvr Proctor or bis fugi- 1 rives, would have escaped a live from* ihu- iWd'd.—Bur ■ wlnil eliaiiei* had Broctnr ofvictory I ll'Col. Johnson, uml hist entire command liar! sunk ' | iJTnfru* the British hayottef, t Jeir. Ilmrristm him still , six thousand men to oppose to his seven hundred, j 1 with then two thousand disaffected Indian*; and i Berry was t iding victor in the lukos, minister'ing to ' lesovcry wmif. t 'Lit cimuiili cf Gent. Ifnrri-on’s military fame.— 1 What arc Ins civil exploit* * i Ho Inm bee it minister to Central AmeriVn, and •here, s stf Tippen i.jor, be allowed himselflo be? in trigued with, ami acted upon hy scoundrels iiM>ro ; i low, and more wortldosH llimi tin* huiiait Brophet. j j Ife So eiiiiinglvd hmwilf with the parries of Hint ' 4’otinlry, (hat his own life wus endangered, and the i nitcjl States degraded. the people of Amttriea have grown sick oi hcsihg tioim upon immmorcc, and would no longer be duped i ( l»y tin* “child umAcbamitiou” of the Tarifl*. A man! ! was seleefi-rf, who was Dke John Uuiixry Adauw r lo t I In; iln• nmt of*a junto, und tin* satieiitos of a juntOw i [ But. I have done wiili Gen. Harrison. 7th March, MMO, I hope the spirit of this nose m Ilf not In* niisconceivedj'ur 1 not too old, am! fpo infirm, ( not lo desire peace, with till tin; world, hut after the j ! most careful relb'etion iqtoti Plw (Nuislitiilion of the I (tiled Slates, I can i;*> where limlia word <»rhy con- I slruerioii, a righr grve.r to a mpreKcritutire to frar.s- 1 | lot in (lie l.'gislarixe Hall into an arena for elec- | tionecring purp4»ses, mid as one of the people, feeling 1 indignant at this usurpation and disgriulatioit.— j 1 Vow must not be Biirprmcd, that il* 1 believe upon rclfeeiion, that my noCo woubf remove* fi-onr one . in iml nnv prepiiliee that Col- Alford’s speech has produced, I should iri'vi* it frcel'y lo tin* j«C4iple. Aim! I nmuitusir, respcctfiilly, Vour very olt’t. set’/. THOS. SB \LDf.\G. SapeU) film nf, Georgia t Minj i), IR4O. ! * Tito words of tin* Duke oTWvI Ping Cor?. f Prim fhr Richmond Enquirer f APPEALS TO THE KOL’TII. More Startling ftertlopemenfs. A menu (It*.* 4fuctimen(« which w*»ro Mjbminrd io tho ChfirloKefiv lie Conv«»nii»n, was tho foifmving i “ ,c t ♦»* 1 > •‘•rdhiur Lrttur from Gen. ,M. Dal- I 1 gate of the county of Grange. • • ft re the Convertlion, «»nd made some slning nml, , ttnci l remnrks-and n rcMilmion waft finally adopted lo incorporate it with the proceedings of the Convention- We recommend il to the I untie to rend ibis bob! and powerful npponT lo the South. It cunoH from the highest authority. There in no rili/en in the Keyslone State, wh., is more dieiiri- I gnisheil f r hi* tnlenfa nnd principles than Mr. Hnl |.lS n „r for his srrviceH in the State and Nafinnnf council*. If nny Simthrori can lay down thin let ter without deep ernoli4»n—if any citizen of North Carolina, eßpeciully.enn rend il vvilhnnt deep re ! .. r et he is lot mode of “tin* ponctsable stuff, | which .Should belonff to o s o«lit.;m man. “PIIILADKI.PIIfA, V'Jlh Aug , IH 10. “l)"ar Sir:—Your iiiir.uliiati.ry li'llanT tire i'fili 1 inst will, lire i.ilro.liiclury »no ,r.mi Mr. J B Smith. | roirelir.l ".<■ auntc .1.,y« narean.l I hnva impnl.e.iMy ; ~ fired f.,r n inonrent of leisure lo ra|dy lu It. “Tlreur.reeci ingsufihe Dam-icriilio Stulc Con van „„„ ,u ( liiirlotleavilla, on ilia 9th of Sspirinh<-r, wdl axt-raffa n strons iiillurirec upon lire ptiidic 1 „„|„kiii of Virginia, mid nmy ha fell throughout Ilia i wlrelc Soulli. indeed, they must hr recurded. ul ,1,.' nraseiil lime, wifli preiil inlercst in all pans of llie eiiuurry. Tho t mliires. ilia ureas,ree«, and lire , MP.iiiiuenis “f yonr CniiimiiimreaMh. when foreil, y i nl „i diaiinrriy enunciated, are habitually ami justly j rennecied everywhare. ..-I*|| N rllieru nnd ( entrnl Demorraev fin.l il inipossihlc lo imagine llml, in a annleal, sueli a, lire : Dire HOW waging, ll;ey are in gar of being da serreu hy Virginia. They liaveHmsgled vignroi a- Iv for m-iny vears, In re|ires« nod suhdire, mil ire Federal doe,riiies of ’9B alone, Inn. will, lliem. die new fanaticism, whose aim, however disguised, ' Ire noaniiiplislicd willioul suhvermig lire ‘ f'onniliilinual riglils and domestic losiiiomios of ' ! the slave).oldieg 8l„les. Hold Ihm (aomieism ~1-■ ■ liial itself lo lire relies of !• edenillsm, ll wres kept ' ' powerless Virginia mum lin.a imporaeplihly un , I ficraoiie nn iirexplienlile revolulioi, of char,icier. ,1 ' ,1,0 ...iriseol IO end,race, In eomhinal,.,., two prir, r'ples, which, singly, she Ims uniformly denounced f 11 ' ‘"'l i *ii erfi■ cll v wall known liera, that lire nomi *■ I nill „,n of Gao. Harrison, at Ilurrishurg, was enloit '• „,i |, v .he dieinlorial violence and infilled proimsos H l of All dilionisls. They do not perhaps wnstiluin ' ff,e whole of lire Opposition; but they are ns ru ; line enhal, lln master sp. is, nnd Ilia Presidanlml !’ raudidale is tioloriuusly llreir nominee. They ex I I puhliely and privnlely, in Ihoir sireeess.— 1 They are, in all direelious, eager, imlcfalignhle and r mu.rolling directors of his canvass. 'I hey regard 1 him as llieir eunningiy selected representative, in j w hose elevation they foresee, if noi tho immediate I of tliair destnielive purpose, eerlainlv ~ ! i,s rapid advancement. They deem tho bailie .heirs and anticipate reaping lire only auhstanlml ’ • harvest which a victory ran yield. , I “ Although il might bo unjust to say, that cvrrx . ' Wing is on Abolitionlel, hy direction or indirection. 1 ii is. obviously, nut unjust lo suy, dial every tt log ’ is willing ni incur ilia risk ami responsibility 0,1 ,11 eountana; eiug and eneournging them. The mas „ of Northern and Canlrol VV logs are (nr from hostile .. !to their principle# nnd project*--mid rite few ol , ihem wire diaoUitni row, would hasien re send re ,hl llieir adhesion, were Harrison elected, or would k i cease to liave the .lightest influence. Ah on nil i similar occasions, tire practical effect would he, tn 1 place lire policy, the power, ami lire patronage ol flic successful combination in tire hands of He mosi zealous and least .crup" raetion Lverj er Whig would feel, I hat Abolition hud ehalhed __ .u-i ui iriiimuk— that Abfihlnm nnd furntMiet ’ n the offu iont purlizan«—thfti Abolition liotl filled tht A»m.-ni£W sjuifVlwH—RTO. M. h ballot-boxes—nnd that Abolition wa it fair treatment Thar , .ud G is Harrison lo he the IV, , <.| , e' :h without a proclamaliot. i,i an A'l,: <ti lo’ 1' - . o7|,i* m "•* “"Willing IO In li, - mat many c; tho fw'ffu'nWhige cordially lia„, Aholi, ion-nlrhqtfgl re I cannot l.elp suspecting that some of them v . like to see raging its tlirealeneri storms, in ihedalu-' In sivo hope of attaining, mnid tire general confusion 10 some perstinal distinction—door it i \\ m ,* l0 :J d party spirit is too strong Dr ibejr pairior fir ‘ in (hey do not know tho fiend with unoin t n. made a compact; or, they me fool-!, r .(v . ; f j 4 at *° l hnir botbm a serpent ' bv i- Northern Wants) whose fangs have been f peciHilv t* preparetl to strike deep into their own system.— ( i Surely (hey cannot vainly imagine, (hat by a»soc> u tiling nml campningning wi(h Abolition, they may n o.ierk ct more effectually than hy ttpeniy enconnt ** i « r,n S ll na enemy. If limy thmii to curb,guide it j (tooth or lame it, in the hour nnd amid (ho spoil* of i* victory, their ignorance of it* real nanre, of its de it I hrions fmaticiHiM, in n* childish ns Iroueherous. - j “Ii should be ret ollrcied,thnt tho Northern nnd [* f (’entrnl Den omits have maintained the fight. I against Abolition for years, nclunred solely hv a - | Ifgh a-ffli honorable sense ofConsliiiuionnl nhliga j I tion nnd artiichuiont to their Southern brethren.— - j Its nsrenderiey could do them no harm, ft* virus j :is not poison on their palate. Mo wev«r unpatriotic • I and ungenerous it certainly would be, fhei / might • i j" ei lit ntu (heir local politics nnd tfanquilize their ' locaVfetfls, by disclaiming nil concern in the quen • | it**ti, by permitting, like a neutral, ihe invader t«» l miNH unmolested lltronglt llieir territory; and by • leaving lo domestic servitude its own defence. h u course, I freely ndmil, would be a derelic - | lion of public duty But. then, my dear sir. if Sou. “ 1 t'hern DermuTals allow themselves (4* he cozened n ' nnd cajoled into welcoming and com fort ing this very l* I foe. whose progress to their regions wc have ste.uj , i ily impeded; if. at Ihe crisis ofift pcroicuMts career, • j we discover, that *4) far from seizing (fin occasion t 4» unite in extinguishing it, the slaveholding Slates j shut.don our long-tried friendship and ru operation, I t 4» achieve a measure which lifts Aholition from M the dust, und seats 11 4ut die right hand of power, • 1 what arc we In do? Whitt rati wc be expected io | d 4»? For my own purl—a very bumble one I am : |, < , ndy lor unremitting and uncompromising war ; against a principle, whose mere enunciation in this 1 country sounds in my ears like a tocsin to rebel lion nnd treason to the ('iMi.-Uimiim. Rut I do not j think that our knowledge 4>f human imitire war rants us in anticipating, under llio circmiiKi.inees I have suppiftMul, a like resolution ijiheirom rally am? permanently evinced f.-» fact, fdo not think ilutf, the election o/'Gcu. Harrison, ii nchieved with.(lie • aid of a single leading hlavolioldmg (Nuniiioiiwtmlih I ouhi fail to. dissolve (ho existing league against I Abolition, leaving il to range in-11.0 Eastern and 1 Middle Slates unresisted, if not constunitv reeruir [ htg. | “Entertaining iltp»o impression*, yon may well ; imagine my graiiftcniitoi, on-itro’civlng yonr iishu rauce (hat noble old Virginia,tliotjgh tlc.m ived and mi.siuad for >1 season, had sp *“ddv ruhiod, and In*- Pig coriTinreil of "Ik* unify betuem the Whig un i Abolition part its," would sustain tlie good cause, j hy a, majority of at least five thousand. Mv m,(of million justifies n confident exiici-miion of tho saint* enjightoned patrK*(is..i, fro»n New Jersey, Mary -1 laud, Delaware, iwid even North Fartjhna nor huvtt I yet scon or heard, in any one slnv hoidiue Slide, a nibstnnriul miisn to apprchenrl u thllcia 01 O'suit. Jr Peun*,flvani'i. the General Eleene*t 1 I'dics place on tho Lkh October, and the l .loctnr d ou thedUihof iltc same ntraiih I shall be sitrpn/- ; etl if we do not give (/• ,M. Van Huron a mi j mty cxroeumg |warily liiousntid. Os Maine, New j Hionpshlre, jVlussoohorH iiM, New Vork and »(eio, 4>ur Iriend* semi tm accounts whiidi relieve froui every approhensiou. I mii, dour sir, respectfully ami truly, Vour most obedient s** rv; o1 •, G. MU ALLA : 1 John Vv 11 mh, Esq. lEroi.a the Richmond P.mptirer.] | GH.VRI.t >TTKr4WLLE LONV L.N F|()N. Pirgini*jinn mid iniHuuuhlv nn to r nun Mnuatnaie. We bless tin* day which l.nmght the < 'barlolteß vtlh* Oonvcnlioti together. We bl. s* fi,,. ( | llV| w |tiuf. collected rat nniny Delegates at lliut celi-lirnted amt 1 hcnttuiul village, favtjrml with the finest hccuria w bieh Nuriuru ciMikl pt»ur nround it. Itonorinl b\ m ! vieiiiiH'v so ri’.v fninK of Jefibrnon, and jmc 1 i the first Lilcrarv Institution ol the State. We hh I llu* day whiidi brought together so ninrli true V i.- timents. ■\V.Vr,l,res‘'tftV • day, wTiiidl I’ulM jfissipated J every possible doubt, that V itginia instill true to In 1 own great principle-', .as tinslntkiui and iiinoowi! f | oh the ha**** »*t Moofieello imumtain itsolf— and I which sltowctl moreover, that llu? gcnitiß uud elo quence is not yet go lie, which hns east so much Ins n-fMi’fMm. IKH n.mi4i|H,nn4j.n*iiii;houlv awaits tiicpn>p croenisiort too.Ncift* and bring fiirflt in all its beauty. We,shall never cento to hail the day with sinccii* satisfaction which brought us into contact und ae ipininhiut;c with so tnanv men of whom we have heard so often—nnd whose persons were more unknown to us than their reputations. But we ftnro not conic to-day to niter into the details which the pnldic cm iositv demands;, and wo must icier to llm sluortsketch which wo copy from onr worthy friend Leake’s paper, and to the journal nl its proceedings. We have part, d in cordial hrotherhou<l with all I onr filh>.v-(k legates, and w i h the most niidonhti il I iMMivietion of tin* sncccss of our muisc in November ' next. Not n momentary doubt tht” across our mi.a --| gillfltiou. A ('oiimiill' C was (Uinsfitiited of dcle ■ gales, out' lo elicit LlooloPtl Di-lricl, It waHi'OJtipu- J sed ofgontlcuwrr of she gi?oafo.«Cdiscretion and liigft -1 est 4* ha meter—Dr. Butler, .of Smifhlield, and of Ha j Pst Electoral District at lle w* head. They took »*v- I cry pains foiiseortam rfa? probtdde vote in each conn - I tv in ouch Di-tries, without tiirciic! th ? result—'Flu \ appealed for tin* most accurate information to 1., Delegates of every county—and ill* y usgurc.f e that their ctdeirlarioit was ma.fn upon t!ic hu.-i. of liberal allowance to dm Whig.*, nr.*f 4if a mor 1 I he dance , nmry imijoiilv t” Mr. Van Bureu of 5,91!!.—F..i- nu, I own parts, we I", re nciiliiilnuiuu oflln-ir aiUruliiluuis l,v lliti iaiormulloiiwc Intel previously reci'iv.'il fnmi mmiciniusconiKu's; anil I*" I"” 1 ’ ••uuic m tliu.-iui cliisioii, that if onr friumT.-: ilu Iff'.ir duty, wi- slmli carry lire wliulc Suite liy iff icusl i.IHMI. tt <;)' niu, llinl uur cniisc is giiiuii)2 in nil ilir. "linns, ns li-ki pimrs irr iqi.,ll llm |imqJ.' r are! Iff- Imiiibues ot llm vVitics (irssijmlc iuliillliuair. I liaro nus uni a3' "al(i,~vrill 1 i.lrem we rulirerni'il,all.! ivc uiknl In at Icnst 11 liumiioij iff lliem on the ro-nli io Virginia— w|„i ,||,| ,101 s'-ein 10 luive up 11 dufiuilivc ion—ami Ilicrc wus not one iff lliem who ffi I not count upon 11 slrono nml triiiiupliitm majiinti. tt u llicrcforc, uiin.iiiuce re our llepiiblinui hn-ilircn o»- cry wliere, liial Virginia is safe, pcrloctly safe, fur Marlin Van Bureu. ' Thu Coiiveiitt.lll lias reiiuuroil (Ire ninsl ONseulia j service to rhe liepiihlirati i-iitisi'. Il litis cUslrihut'-u --iibinit 70,000 of the host painplilcls of llie tiny, am( I several tlioiisaiui of tire Klccloral I iekoD. illias amei’il upon 1111 A.hires* lo lire I’eople, wliieh pie seiffs ill lilt- -iriiueesl ami uio-1 cl...|».'iil ni.iiiiic 1. Uie emu priireiplos of uur parly, ami lira superior qimii fieiiti.ilißofGiir.mmli.lalo. It has u“ii'".l upon an I claim,-me an.l aeueral plan iffComilv Ur t p,.„-/..,1i0,., i for liriiieiii" all our V uteri, to ll"! Bull, lor useJu.liim i fruii.liileiit voles, forming pemocruti.- As “arnff"."". i ami rousing lire I’euple. It,le.i os lueal.m . 1 laic Ihe popular vole upon tire'st eieiiieuls, miff; , uii.l.'rslaml lire .leviees, tri. ks m„I humbugs m i llm tt’lli-s in even se.-1101l iff llie ISOff". It has 1 11- i I iff.led un lo siipplv (’.irr ’! ( .mimltteos ... many of lire crei.lies. win" ; weiv niff sup nlie.l with thorn. We shall publish these Reports ' 1 ire s„nu as possible; ami limn u» man can -av, llml r | ,ve in vain, la fad, we have chalked out 11 plan of General ()rgutii7.ulioii—and instructed our ’ I hrellin'n how to arm to tire te lh. Tire numlicr of i lire Delegates, ns recorded on Friduv inoriiiii.', was j j re dam (iOll—hut they were luff all Hint put dim o. 1 Home too had gone iff!' without being recorded— -1 Some who Were present did not carry out the reqm -1 -iiion iff the Ciuiunitteefor lireir iiuiues.- Tbowholu nuuila-rwus iii nil proßftluiiry more. than.. Off. 80111" : j ostiiiiated il as high ns li'Jff- Some i-.mulies were s i preveiiled from sendiiig ftelegaies lu tia-irgreat das , ! latjcciiintl noun* nppoitilcd alternates, who dal tint 1 net for ilium. Several ofilie Fa I ru c.iuuuei; wet;; : I cut uiriiv sickness; some IIV die riniiorsiff aninsHr -1 ! reclimiarv inovetia iff; and simie hy the rams iff In .luy lllld Saturday preecdiire. Unl ive have never s. a Uioofiiiff more spirited and deeidcd, mm and dimiilie.l— re discreet ... tff'ir |.mcccd,ugs. ‘ and sen reel v more ehujueul m their Bpe„kers Aoff " we are ,mw saiislie.l, if we enlerta.ired any doubt be p a,, , dial the Orators of tho Repiildieau party out v Ihair eomp.'lilorsas null'll m llieir apeuking tideiit, as thev do in lire justice <ff llieir eaitse. We 11 ll no never seen a more aiigtisl ami imposing < 011- 1 veiiiion ill \ irgiiliu—one, w hich iissemlilc.l in finer N | spirit, mill adjourned in greater harmony mid mom '■ i himvaiil hopes. None has doin', more semVe to iff, P 1 Stale, ll seals iieireeforlli tire fate of Wbiggery 111 I | thuOld Dominion, *; L'on*i»teuii/. —The coUbMidielory if tiers oftlie ’ VVlii" President candidate, written by bun on llm sulijeet of aiiolitio", to his Nor a.o .-'oittl. -ru <• ivia'aU fi 1- nrivatc eireulnlion; each onlcolaleff to II ogr-'e in feelit,'-: with the in,livid,mis to wli.ontl.oy " have la p;, addressed, rail to mind the following 11 lines: si uj| p Avirn* in on** war.- out, ■y And leaves a body still la . . ul \Vlii , t l *4*r the Rutik4* that miik« * tufltraric >d Wire going South or coining back " , e *■ •